Prediction of progeny variance based on parental genetic similarity estimates in hard red spring wheat by Rebecca Lee Burkhamer A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agronomy Montana State University © Copyright by Rebecca Lee Burkhamer (1996) Abstract: The ability to predict progeny variance prior to making a cross between two varieties would enhance the efficiency of any breeding program. The probability of recovering superior progeny from a cross is greater if both parents are superior in agronomic performance, rather than one parent being inferior for one or more agronomic traits. However, genetic diversity between parents of a cross is necessary to derive transgressive segregants. Genetic diversity between parents has been associated with F1 heterosis. However, hexaploid wheat varieties are usually released as inbred lines. A study was conducted to determine if genetic diversity among parents is useful in predicting variance among progeny lines. Ten hard red spring wheat cultivars currently grown in the Northern Great Plains were assayed for genetic similarity using molecular markers and coefficient of parentage estimates. One hundred and twenty-one of the 211 primers examined (57%) were polymorphic. Genetic similarity, estimated using the Dice coefficient, ranged from 0.390 to 0.837. Coefficient of parentage estimates ranged from 0.096 to 0.673. Twelve crosses were made among the 10 cultivars, and 50 progeny lines from each cross were evaluated for nine agronomic traits in three environments over two growing seasons. -Progeny performance was compared with both parental similarity estimators to determine the association between parental genetic similarity and variance among progeny lines. Ninety percent of the correlations computed between the genetic similarity estimators and progeny variance estimates were negative, suggesting the greater the genetic divergence of the parents, then the greater the variance observed in the progeny. Twenty percent of the correlations were significant. Eighty-three percent of the correlations computed between total genetic variance and both genetic similarity estimators were significantly negative, indicating that genetic variance summed over all traits may be more useful when trying to estimate progeny variance based on parental genetic similarities. PREDICTION OF PROGENY VARIANCE BASED ON PARENTAL GENETIC SIMILARITY ESTIMATES IN HARD RED SPRING WHEAT by Rebecca Lee Burkhamer A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment o f the requirements for the degree of Master o f Science in Agronomy MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana December 1996 A/yur e / m i a APPROVAL o f a thesis submitted by Rebecca Lee Burkhamer This thesis has been read by each member o f the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College o f Graduate Studies. Dr. Luther Talbert Signature Date Approved for the Department o f Plant, Soil, and Environmental Sciences nli2-hc. Dr. Jeff Jacobsen Signature Date Approved for the College o f Graduate Studies Dr Robert Brown Signature Date STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment o f the requirements for a master’s degree at Montana State University-B ozeman, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules o f the Library. • I f I have indicated my intention to copyright this thesis by including a copyright notice page, copying is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with the “fair use” as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Requests for permission for extended quotations from or reproduction o f this thesis in whole or in parts may be granted only by the copyright holder. Signature Date 13~! /< 2 -/% ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my thanks and sincere appreciation to the following: To my major advisor Dr. Luther Talbert and the other members o f my committee; Dr. Jack Martin and Dr. Phil Bruckner, for their advice, patience and encouragement throughout my graduate studies at Montana State University. To my lab companions, especially Laura Smith and Nancy Blake, for their friendship, technical assistance, and professional discussions. Without them the lab would not function. To Susan Banning, for her assistance and support in every aspect o f tackling such an enormous field trial. To every undergraduate who helped me in data collection, especially Aaron Beard, Amber Hemphill, Ty Jones, Gail Sharp, David Sogge, and Jack Van Dort. W ithout them I ’d still be in the field or in the fieldhouse, buried under bags o f grain. To Luis Camargo, for suggesting and inspiring me to continue my education. To my family, for their encouragement and support in taking my education this far. V TABLE OF CONTENTS > Page A CK N O W LED G M EN TS............................................../ ............. ................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ........... ' ........................................................................... vii ................ LIST OF F IG U R E S ................................................................................................ xi A B S T R A C T .................. ...................................................................................................... xii / 1. IN TR O D U C TIO N ........................................................................ I 2. LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................... 4 3. MATERIALS AND M E T H O D S ........................... . Molecular M arker E v alu atio n .................................................................. Plant M a te ria l................................................................................ DNA E x tra c tio n ........................... PCR Reaction C o n d itio n s........................................................... PCR P rim e rs.................................................................................. P C R Product A nalysis............................... Genetic Similarity Determination . .............................................. Genetic Similarity Analysis ....................... Field Trial E v alu atio n ................................................................................ Plant M a te ria l........................... Field Location and C onditions.................................................... Experimental D e sig n .................................................................... Morphological E v alu atio n ...................................................... r . Statistical Analysis .........................................., ........................... . Parental Genetic Similarity and Agronomic Trait Correlation A n a ly sis...................................................................................................... 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 17 18 18 18 19 20 21 22 Vl Page 4. 5. R E S U L T S ............................................. ............................................................. Molecular M arker E v alu atio n ...................................................... Genetic Similarity Evaluation .................................................... Comparisons Between Polymorphic Scoring Methods Dice versus Jaccard’s similarity C oefficient.............................. Coefficient o f Parentage versus the Dice Coefficient . ' ......... Field Trial E v alu atio n ................................................................................ Agronomic Trait Evaluation .................... Correlations Among Measurements o f Progeny Variance . . . Correlations Between Parental Genetic Similarity and Variance o f Agronomic T r a its ............................. Correlations Between Parental Genetic Similarity, and Total Genetic Variance ........................ . . ■...................................................... 43 ■ D IS C U S S IO N .................................................... : . . . . . . .................................... 45 23 23 23 23 24 24 30 30 34 38 LITERATURE C IT E D ................................................................. 50 APPENDICES ........................................................................................................... 57 APPENDIX A .................... 58 Agronomic Trait Data for 1995, 1996 Dryland, 1996 Irrigated Field Trials, and for the Three Environments Combined ................................... 58 APPENDIX B ................................................................‘............................................67 Analysis o f Variance Tables for the Three Environments Combined . . . . . . . 67 Vll LIST OF TABLES Table L - ‘ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Page Chromosomal locations o f sequenced-tagged sites polymerase chain reaction primers and microsatellites used to assay the . genetic similarity o f ten hard red spring wheat cultivars. currently under production in M ontana and North Dakota., The primer sets in bold are polym orphic.............................................. 25 A comparison o f molecular marker genetic similarity estimates between 12 crosses among 10 HRSW cultivars using polymorphic-scoring method I (505 entries) and method 2 (226 entries). The Dice coefficient was the genetic similarity coefficient used .................................................................. 27 < A comparison o f molecular marker genetic similarity estimates between 12 crosses among 10 HRSW cultivars using polymorphic-scoring method I (505 entries) and method 2 (226 entries). Jaccard's coefficient was the genetic similarity coefficient u s e d ...................................................... 28 ■ Comparisons between coefficient o f parentage (COP) and the Dice coefficient genetic simlarity estimates between 12 crosses among 10 hard red spring wheat cultivars .............................................. 29 Average agronomic performance o f 10 hard red spring wheat cultivars o f nine agronomic tratis in the 1995', 1996 dryland, and 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments c o m b in e d .................................................................................................. 31 Average agronomic performance o f progeny from 12 crosses among 10 hard red spring wheat, cultivars o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined ....... 32 V lll Table 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 • 12. . 13. Page Correlations between parental mean ranges and the number of transgressive segregants o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined .................................. 36 Correlations between progeny mean ranges and the number of transgressive segregants o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field" trials and for the three environments combined ......................................................................... 36 Correlations between progeny mean ranges and genetic variance o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined ......... 37 Correlations between the number o f transgressive segregants and genetic variance o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined .............................................. 37 Correlations between genetic similarity estimators, coefficient o f parentage (COP) and molecular marker data (GS), and progeny mean ranges o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments c o m b in e d .................................................................................................. 40 Correlations between genetic similarity estimators, coeffient o f parentage (COP) and molecular marker data (GS), and the number o f transgressive segregates o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined .............................................. 41 Correlations between genetic similarity estimators, coefficient o f parentage (COP) and molecular marker data (GS), and genetic variance o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined .................................................................................................. 42 IX Table 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. _ Page Correlations between genetic similarity estimators, coefficient o f parentage (COP) and molecular marker data (OS), and total genetic variance o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments c o m b in e d .................................................................................................... 44 Mean values o f parental cultivars and progeny lines o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995 field trial. Progeny variation for each . cross is assessed by examining the number o f transgressive segregants and the genetic variance for each trait ................................ 59 Mean values o f parental cultivars and progeny lines o f nine agronomic traits in the 1996 dryland field trial. Progeny variation for each cross is assessed by examining the number o f transgressive segregants and the genetic variance for each trait ................................ 61 . Mean values o f parental cultivars and progeny lines o f nine agronomic traits in the 1996 irrigated field trial. Progeny variation for each cross is assessed by examining the number o f transgressive segregants and the genetic variance for each trait . . . .......................... 63 Mean values o f parental cultivars and progeny lines o f nine agronomic traits for the three environments combined. Progeny variation for each cross is assessed by examining the number of transgressive segregants and the genetic variance for each t r a i t ......... 65 Analysis o f variance o f nine agronomic traits for the Amidon x Newana cross for the three environments combined ............................ 68 Analysis o f variance o f nine agronomic traits for the Fortuna x Hi-Line cross for the three environments com bined....................... 69 Analysis o f variance o f nine agronomic traits for the Fortuna x Lew cross for the three environments co m b in ed ......................... .. . . : 70 Analysis o f variance o f nine agronomic traits for the Glenman x Amidon cross for the three environments combined . . . . ' . ................ 71 I I X Table Z 23. 24. . 25. 26. 27. - 28. 29. . 30. J Analysis o f variance o f nine agronomic traits for the Glenman x Lew cross for the three environments c o m b in e d ........... ...................... 72 Analysis o f variance o f nine agronomic traits for the Glenman x Marberg cross for the three environments combined . .t ....................... 73 Analysis o f variance o f nine agronomic traits for the Grandin x Pondera cross for the three environments combined ........................... 74 Analysis o f variance o f nine agronomic traits for the Hi-Line x Newana cross for the three environments combined ........................... 75 Analysis o f variance o f nine agronomic traits for the Hi-Line x Pondera cross for the three environments combined ........................... 76 Analysis o f variance o f nine agronomic traits for the Lew x Amidon cross for the three environments combined ........................... 77 Analysis o f variance o f nine agronomic traits for the Len x Glenman cross for the three environments combined .'......................... 78 Analysis o f variance o f nine agronomic traits for the Len x Newana cross for the three environments combined ........................... 79 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure I• 2. Page Schematic drawing o f a gel photograph containing 10 HRSW cultivars generated from PCR products amplified with primer A and digested with enzyme A ........................... .................................... 16 An example o f a scoring data matrix. A matrix comprised of all scorable polymorphisms would include three entries. A data matrix containing one “polymorphic pattern” per primer would include only the shaded e n tr y ........... .......................................... 16 Xll - ABSTRACT The ability to predict progeny variance prior to making a cross between two varieties would enhance the efficiency o f any breeding program. The probability o f recovering superior progeny from a cross is greater if both parents are superior .in agronomic performance, rather than one parent being inferior for one or more agronomic traits. However, genetic diversity between parents o f a cross is necessary to derive transgressive segregants. Genetic,diversity between parents has been associated with F1 heterosis. However, hexaploid wheat varieties are usually released as inbred lines. A study was conducted to determine if genetic diversity among parents is useful in predicting variance among progeny lines. Ten hard red spring wheat cultivars currently grown in the Northern Great Plains were assayed for genetic similarity using molecular markers and coefficient o f parentage estimates. One hundred and twenty-one o f the 211 primers examined (57%) were polymorphic. Genetic similarity, estimated using the Dice coefficient, ranged from 0.390 to 0.837. Coefficient o f parentage estimates ranged from 0.096 to 0.673. Twelve crosses were made among.the 10 cultivars, and 50 progeny lines from each cross were evaluated for nine, agronomic traits in three environments over two growing seasons. -Progeny performance was compared with both parental similarity estimators to determine the association between parental genetic similarity and variance among progeny lines. Ninety percent o f the correlations computed between the genetic similarity estimators and progeny variance estimates were negative, suggesting the greater the genetic divergence o f the parents, then the greater the variance observed in the progeny. Twenty percent o f the correlations were significant. Eighty-three percent o f the correlations computed between total genetic variance and both genetic similarity estimators ■ were significantly negative, indicating that genetic variance summed over all traits may be more useful when trying to estimate progeny variance based on parental genetic similarities. ■I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION / W heat (Tfiticum aestivum L. Em Thell.) is the most important crop worldwide (Briggle and Curtis, 1987; Poehlman, 1987d). Wheat has a variety o f uses ranging from leavened bread, unleavened bread, pasta and pastries, which make it the most abundantly consumed grain by humans. These uses combined with its ease o f storage and excellent nutritive value have made wheat a staple food for more that one-third o f the world’s population (Poehlman, 1987d; Johnson, 1986). Wheat and wheat products are M ontana’s leading export, accounting fo r'86% o f the State’s agricultural exports. In 1995, wheat and wheat products accounted for over 5 billion dollars in exports (Montana Agricultural Statistics 1996). W heat is grown on ' 6.6 million acres in the state, and spring wheat comprised 63% o f the seeded acres devoted to wheat in M ontana in 1996 (Montana Agricultural Statistics, 1996). Montana ranks second in the nation in terms o f bushels o f spring wheat produced, which accounts for nearly 25% of the nations total (Montana Agricultural Statistics 1996). M odern plant breeding has accelerated the improvement o f yield and quality traits in crop plants. There are four main objectives o f a plant breeder. First they must recognize traits, that are important for adaptation, yield, and quality o f the crop, and second, design techniques to evaluate the genetic potential o f these important traits. Third, they must find sources o f genes for the desired traits and utilize them in a breeding 2 program, and fourth; they need to devise a means for combining the genetic potential of these traits into an improved variety or cultivar (Poehlman, 1987a). This fourth strategy is the challenge plant breeders face as they are continually evaluating populations o f breeding material to identify individual plants or breeding lines with superior performance (Poehlman, 1987a). Breeders o f cross-pollinated species focus on populations and hybrids, while breeders o f self-pollinated crops focus on homozygosity and individual plants (Poehlman,. 1987c). Breeders of self-fertilized species use hybridizations to create new, segregating populations (Poehlman, 1987c), which are subsequently self-pollinated to form new inbreds. The heterozygosity o f the plants is reduced by one-half with each consecutive self-fertilization event. Varieties are generally inbred lines, therefore the focus is on combining favorable alleles into a single pureline or cultivar (Bailey and Comstock, 1976). Breeders usually restrict the use o f landraces and wild relatives when making crosses to circumstances when they are not able to find the genetic diversity they need within improved cultivars (Porceddu et al., 1988). Wide hybridizations with non-elite germplasm may lead to an overall negative result in yield or quality characteristics. The desired trait is often accompanied by undesirable, linked genes, a phenomenon referred to as linkage drag (deVicente and Tanksley, 1993) Therefore, wheat breeders may be hesitant o f these wide crosses. Due to the constraint o f adhering to quality standards set by the industry (Slaughter et al., 1992), wheat breeders typically make crosses within a germplasm collection that consists o f high yielding or disease resistant lines 3 (Autrique et al., 1996). Breeders prefer to make crosses among elite germplasm because theoretical (Bailey and Comstock, 1976) and empirical (Busch et al., 1974) evidence suggests there is a greater probability o f recovering superior progeny if the starting material being crossed is also superior. Ifth e germplasm pool is narrow, then elite lines may be superior due to the same genes. However, genetic diversity between parents is necessary in plant breeding to derive transgressive segregates. Genetic variances in progeny lines is dependent on the amount o f diversity present between the parents, and the mean o f the progeny population is usually associated with the parental means (Moser et al., 1994). The first step in a breeding program is to select parental lines to be crossed. M ost breeding programs have limited resources, therefore the breeder must make a compromise between the number o f recombinants desired and the number that can be evaluated efficiently. The ability to choose lines to cross that increase the chances of obtaining useful and beneficial recombinants to evaluate would enhance the efficiency o f any breeding program. Many studies have been conducted to determine the genetic relationship among lines within an existing germplasm pool. Breeders would like to use this information to choose parental combinations with the greatest breeding potential. A study was conducted to determine the usefulness o f knowledge about diversity o f spring wheat parental lines as it relates to progeny variance. 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Plant breeding is the art and science o f the genetic improvement o f plants (Fehr, 1987). It has been around since humans began visually selecting desirable plants and saving seed instead o f randomly taking what nature provided (Poehlman, 1987a; Fehr, 1987; Duvick, 1996). These early selections, no matter how primitive, were chosen for a variety o f reasons, and have contributed to today’s cultivated crops (Poehlman, 1987a). Prior to 1910 genetic recombinations arose by chance mutations and natural outcrossings, as little attention was paid to planned hybridizations (Gizlice et al., 1994). Once plant breeders assumed control o f planned genetic recombinations, traditional plant breeding was conducted much the same as it is today, where crosses were made among chosen lines to improve a desired trait, the progeny were tested and evaluated before making selections. The successful plant breeders combined their skills o f art and experience to develop new varieties (Duvick, 1996). Plant breeders have been extremely successful in their endeavors. In the 50 year period between 1931-1980, corn yields increased 325%, wheat yields increased 146%, and rice yields increased 111% (Poehlman, 1987a). A difference between plant breeding in the early 1900's and today is the development o f molecular biology, which has come to the forefront o f research in the last 5 two decades. It compliments traditional plant breeding by providing a solid scientific basis that can explain the genetic and biochemical basis for changes plant breeders have made over the years (Duvick, 1996). Molecular biology gives plant breeders the ability to make quantitative changes in some traits by design rather than by chance (Duvick, 1996). Molecular biology has provided plant breeders with DNA markers, which assist in locating important chromosomal regions affecting a given trait. Molecular markers allow researchers to examine genetic variation o f crop plants at the DNA level without environmental influences (Miller and Tanksley, 1990). Molecular markers help plant . breeders track and manipulate genes, prove ownership o f genetic stocks, trace genetic relationships throughout evolution, and assess the level o f genetic diversity in agricultural crop plants. Breeders have proposed many methods to quantify genetic relations among lines within a species. The three most common estimates are based on coefficient o f parentage (COP), the multivariate analysis o f quantitative trait variation, and the analysis of molecular markers (Moser and Lee, 1994). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP), first proposed by Botstein et al. (1980), have been the most commonly used molecular markers. Genetic diversity measures based on RFLP’s has been examined in many crops, including maize (Zea mays L.) (Lee et al., 1989; Melchinger et al., 1990), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) (Miller and Tanksley, 1990), soybean {Glycine max L.) (Keim et al., 1992), barley {Hordeum vulgare L.) (Zhang et al., 1993), rice {Oryza sativa) (Zhang et al., 1992), .6 durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) (Autrique et al., 1996), oats (Avem sativa L.) (M oser and Lee, 1994), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) (Kidwell et al., 1994), and wild oats (Avena sterilis L.) (Beer et al., 1993). Other genetic markers used to study genetic diversity include randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), microsatellites, and sequenced-tagged-site (STS) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (Williams et al., 1990), microsatellites (Weber and May, 1989; Litt and Luty, 1989), and STS-PCR (Olson et al., 1989) are genetic markers that exploit PCR technology. PCR-based techniques are advantageous over RFLPs due to increased safety, reduced cost and time o f the procedure (Tragoonrung et al., 1992; Martin et al., 1995) as well as the relatively small amount of lower quality DNA acceptable for use in a PCR reaction (Erpelding et al., 1996). The STS-PCR technique is a combination o f RFLP and PCR technology (Martin et al., 1995). An STS is a short, unique sequence amplified during a PCR reaction which identifies a known location on a chromosome (Olson et al., 1989). ,The ends o f RFLP clones are sequenced and PCR primers are designed to amplify the contained region. STS technology was first proposed by Olson et al. (1989) for use in the human genome mapping project, and has recently been extended to crop plants including wheat (Talbert et al., 1994), barley (Tragoonrung et al., 1992), and rice (Inoue et al., 1994; Williams et al., 1991). In wheat, STS-PCR technology has been advantageous in identifying molecular polymorphisms due to the low level detected by RFLPs (Kam-Morgan et al., 1989; Chao et al., 1989) and RAPD’s. Talbert et al. (1994) reported 9 o f 16 STS-PCR amplified products were polymorphic when digested with restriction enzymes. Similarly, . 7 Chen et al. (1994) detected polymorphisms among wheat cultivars currently under production in Montana and North Dakota. In wheat, the RFLP location predicts the STS location 69% o f the time, while sometimes amplification o f non-homologous sequences occurs (Erpelding et al., 1996). It is not surprising that the STS-PCR.primers amplify other regions o f the genome than where the RFLP mapped. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms used to create the STS-PCR primers used in this study were, on the average, 1-2 kb, and the primers created from these RFLPs were typically 20 bases long. Assessing genetic similarity is a relative measurement between species, therefore, amplification o f non-homologous sequences should not be a problem. A second method to quantify genetic relations among lines within a species is the use o f coefficient o f parentage (COP) information. The coefficient o f parentage between two individuals is the probability that two alleles chosen at random from each individual are identical by descent (Kempthorne, 1969). This technique o f measuring genetic diversity was used prior to the discovery o f molecular markers, and is still used when pedigree information is available (Cox et al., 1985; Gizlice et al., 1996; Knauft and Gorbert, 1989; Martin et al., 1991). Coefficient o f parentage estimates have also been recently used in combination with molecular markers to compare genetic diversity estimates (Autrique et al., 1996; Martin et al., 1995). The maintenance o f genetic diversity in' domesticated crops is essential in decreasing vulnerability to pests and abiotic stresses (Martin et al., 1991). The Southern I. corn leafblight outbreak in 1970 was due primarily to 90% o f the U.S. corn hybrids containing the Texas male-sterile cytoplasm which was susceptible to an attack by 8 Bipolaris mayBis(N iski) Shoemaker, Race T (Smith, 1988). This outbreak caused a heightened interest in the U.S. to measure and increase germplasm diversity (Smith, 1988). Although researchers realize the importance o f maintaining genetic diversity, surveys conducted in the mid-1980's among corn breeders concluded there was little immediate interest for increasing genetic diversity in hybrid maize production (Duvick, 1984; Goodman, 1985)., Rodgers et al. (1983) reported a narrow germplasm base for oat cultivars released from 1941-1951 due to the majority o f them being derived almost entirely from three cultivars. However, Souza and Sorrells (1989) reported the oat gene pool is expanding over time. Similarly, Dilday (1990) reported rice as having a narrow germplasm, with two current rice cultivars sharing as much as 90% o f the same genes. Genetic diversity is essential to assure continued genetic improvement o f agricultural crops (Martin et al., 1991), but in the process o f selecting for desirable traits and quality measures plant breeders tend to decrease the level o f diversity. Often due to specific maturity groups, as with soybeans (Gizlice et al., 1994), or strict quality standards, as with malting barley (Martin et al., 1991) or wheat (Chen et al., 1994), hybridizations may be restricted to utilizing parents that possess the same characteristics. Thus, the same genetic background may be present in many cultivars, resulting in a narrow germplasm base. Gizlice et al. (1994) found 17 ancestors contributed 94% o f the genes in southern soybean cultivars, and nearly half o f those were from two lines. The result is two-thirds o f the genetic base o f southern soybean cultivars are defined by five ancestors. In northern soybean varieties, 10 ancestors accounted for 80% o f the genes. Martin et al. (1991) found five ancestors contributed 62% o f the germplasm base in 9 recent two-rowed barley cultivars and 44% in the recent six-rowed barley cultivars. Similarly, Cox (1991) reported the hard red spring wheat germplasm pool is based largely on one cultivar introduced from Canada in 1912. Chen et al. (1994) determined the average genetic similarity among hard red spring wheat cultivars from the North American Great Plains was 0.88, versus 0.78 for a broader based germplasm collection. In addition to decreasing vulnerability to epidemics and assuring genetic improvement, evaluation o f genetic diversity in progenitor species o f a crop allows the utilization o f a huge gene pool o f useful new genes, including pest resistance genes (Lubbers et al., 1991). Disease resistance genes are often easy to identify in wild germplasm through disease screening methods, however there may be other important genes in wild species that are not so easy to identify, yet useful. Yield, for example, is a trait all plant breeders are interested in, yet it is not a character easily measured in wild germplasm. Even though a wild species may not display the character o f interest, it is probable it contains alleles that can improve the character (deVicente and Tanksley, 1993). Therefore knowledge about genetic information o f wild species may benefit improvement o f crop plants. It is equally important to possess information about the genetic variance within a narrow pool o f elite breeding material. Knowledge o f readily available genes might allow direct accumulation o f favorable alleles into breeding lines. Directly assembling favorable alleles may speed up the selection process by decreasing the amount o f material which needs to be screened in the field (Plaschke et al., 1995). Additionally, knowledge about genetic diversity can facilitate more intelligent 10 selection o f parents to be crossed for superior gene combinations involved in cultivar development (Dilday, 1990; Patterson et al, 1991; Talbert, 1993; and Martin et al., 1995). Estimating the genetic variation o f progeny lines ahead o f time without having to make the crosses and evaluate the progeny would help to accelerate progress in a breeding program (Moser and-Lee, 1994). Estimating progeny variance and performance has been an area o f research that has received a lot o f attention in the last decade. Heterosis in the F 1 progeny has been . advocated as a measure o f genetic diversity between the parents. Smith et al. (1990) found a positive correlation between genetic distance estimates, based on RFLP and COP, and grain yield heterosis in maize. Melchinger et al. (1990) found a positive correlation between RFLP and grain yield heterosis in maize, but stated it was too small to be o f any predictive value. Kidwell et al. (1994) found a positive correlation between genetic dissimilarities based on RFLP’s and yield in tetraploid alfalfa, but no significant association between diversity and yield in diploid alfalfa. Cowen and Frey (1987a,b) were unable to predict yield heterosis in oats based on COP and three other diversity measurements. Cox and Murphy (1990) were unable to predict heterosis in winter wheat using COP as a measure o f genetic diversity. M oser and Lee (1994) found limited significant positive correlations between genetic distance based on RFLP’s and six agronomic traits measured in oats, and Souza and Sorrells (1991) stated COP estimates were the best predictors o f variance among F4 families in oats. M artin et al. (1995) found diversity measurements based on COP and STS-PCR primers were not useful in predicting F1 performance in wheat. Results have been inconsistent among crops and 11 within crops in attempting to use diversity measurements to predict hybrid performance. Wheat cultivars are almost always released as inbreds and rarely as hybrids. It would perhaps be more advantageous to predict progeny variance and performance on later generations than F1 heterosis in wheat. The objective o f this study was to evaluate the genetic similarity among hard red spring wheat (HRSW) cultivars using molecular markers, and measure the morphological characteristics o f lines produced from twelve crosses among the ten cultivars. By combining coefficient o f parentage information with molecular marker data obtained from using STS-PCR primers, we will determine whether greater parental diversity in spring wheat leads to greater phenotypic and genetic variance in progeny lines grown in a field setting. 12 CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS Molecular Marker Evaluation Plant material Ten hard red spring wheat cultivars, currently grown in the Northern Great Plains, were planted in the greenhouse. The cultivars Amidon, Fortuna, Glenman, Grandin, HiLine, Len, Lew, Marberg, Newana, and Pondera were evaluated based on their genetic similarities using sequence-tagged-site PCR primers. DNA Extraction Young leaves from each cultivar were harvested, and total genomic DNA was extracted using the procedure o f Dellaporta et al. (1983). Fifteen milliliters (ml) of extraction buffer (100 mM Tris pH 8.0, 50 mM EDTA pH 8.0, 100 mM NaCl, 1% SDS, and IOmM 2-mercapto ethanol) was added to approximately one gram o f leaf tissue, which was ground using a mortar and pestle. The ground tissue was transferred to an Oakridge tube and incubated in a 65°C waterbath for 10 minutes. Five ml o f SM potassium acetate was added to the tubes followed by a 20 minute incubation on ice. The tubes were spun at 25,000 X g for 20 minutes, and the remaining supernatant was poured through miracloth into a clean Oakridge tube containing 10 ml o f cold isopropanol and 13 I ml 5 M ammonium acetate. These tubes were gently mixed and incubated at -20°C for 20 minutes. To pellet the DNA3 the tubes were spun at 20,000 X g for 15 minutes. After discarding the supernatant, the pellet was air-dried and resuspended in 0.7 ml TE Buffer ( I OmM Tris-Cl, Im M EDTA pH 8.0). The resuspended DNA was separated from remaining polysaccharides during a final wash, using 75 pi 3 M sodium acetate, pH 7:0 and 0.5 mis cold isopropanol. A thirty second spin in a microfuge (15,000 rpms) pelleted the DNA, which was air-dried and resuspended in 0.1 to 0.3 ml o f TE buffer. DNAs were quantified on a 0.7% agarose gel by comparing sample intensities to 2 pi aliquots o f . known DNA standards. DNA concentrations were adjusted to approximately 100 ng/pl for use in PCR reactions. P C R reaction conditions PCR amplifications were performed in 100 pi reactions that consisted o f 10X reaction buffer (Promega, Madison, WI) (50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl, 0.1% Triton x100), 50 pM o f each o f the four dNTP’s, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 400 nM o f each o f the left and right primers, 0.8 units of Taq polymerase, and 100 ng o f genomic DNA. Reactions were contained in 0.5 ml microfuge tubes and overlayed with approximately 100 pi o f mineral oil. PCR was performed in a model 50 Coy Tempcycler (Coy Laboratory Products Inc., Grasslake, MI) using the following conditions; an initial denaturation at 94°C for 4 minutes, followed by 30 cycles o f 94°C for I minute, 45°C or 5O0C for I minute, and 72°C for 1.2 minutes, and a final extension at 72°C for 7 minutes followed by a hold at 4°C . 14 PCR primers A total o f 2 1 1 primers were used to evaluate the genetic similarity among the 10 HRSW cultivars. Six o f the primers evaluated were microsatellites (Roder et al., 1995),' and the other 205 were STS-PCR primers developed at Montana State University (Tragoonrung et al,. 1992; Talbert et al., 1994). PCR product analysis The PCR products were digested with 1.9 units o f ZMeI, HhaI, Hinfi and Rsdi (New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA) and incubated at 37°C for one hour. The products were separated on a 0.7% polyacrylamide gel with a 0.5% Tris-borate EDTA running buffer (22 mM Tris-HCl, 22 mM boric acid, and 0.5 mM EDTA). The gels were stained with ethidium bromide and the DNA was visualized with UV light and photographed. Genetic similarity determination To examine the genetic similarity between 10 HRSW cultivars based on molecular markers, gel photographs were scored visually for polymorphic primerenzyme combinations. A polymorphism was defined as the absence o f a band in one or more cultivars. A data matrix o f the polymorphic primers was created by scoring bands as present or absent. A score o f I indicated the presence o f a band, while a score o f 0 represented the absence o f a band. Two polymorphic primer data matrices were constructed to compare methods o f 15 scoring DNA polymorphisms. The first data matrix contained 505 primer-enzyme combination polymorphisms from the 21 1 primers evaluated. This data matrix was comprised o f all scoreable polymorphisms observed in the gel photos. The second data matrix contained 226 primer-enzyme combination polymorphisms from the 211 primers evaluated. This matrix contained “polymorphic patterns”, which were only represented once per primer in the data matrix. For example, PCR products resulting from amplification with primer A and digested with enzyme A are visualized on a gel, and reveal a presence o f a band in cultivars A, C, and J. An additional polymorphic band from primer A digested with the same enzyme reveals a presence o f a band in cultivars B, D, E, F, G, H, and I, and an absence o f a band in cultivars A, C, and J (Figure I). In the first data matrix, the three entries for this primer-enzyme combination would be included (Figure 2). However, in the second data matrix we considered the three polymorphisms scored to contribute the same information, thus perhaps unfairly weighting the association between cultivars A, C, and J. Therefore, we entered the “polymorphicpattern” into the data matrix once (Figure 2). This same procedure holds true for scoring “like” polymorphisms with different enzymes o f the same primer. The same “polymorphic pattern” was only entered once per primer. Pearson correlations were computed to determine the relationship between the two polymorphism scoring methods. Genetic similarity estimates based on coefficient o f parentage were determined using pedigree information. A data matrix o f COP values was constructed where values o f 0 indicate the-cultivars are completely unrelated and have no alleles in common, and a Figure I. Schematic drawing of a gel photograph containing 10 HRSW cultivars generated from PCR products amplified with primer A and digested with enzyme A. Cultivar A B C D E F G H I J Figure 2. An example o f a scoring data matrix. A matrix comprised o f all scorable polymorphisms would include three entries. A data matrix containing one "polymorphic pattern" per primer would include only the shaded entry. Cultivar Primer Polymorhic Enzyme Band #_____ A 1 2 3 B D 0 I I 0 I I 0 0 E 0 I I F V A A I I I V U I 0 5* 0 0 o o 17 value o f I indicates two cultivars have all alleles in common (Martin et al., 1.991). Coefficient o f parentage estimates assume that (i) a cultivar received half o f its genes from each parent, (ii) parents used in the cross were homozygous and homogenous, (iii) ancestors for which no pedigree information was available were unrelated, and (iv) the COP value between a cultivar and a selection from that cultivar is 0.75 (Martin et al., 1991). Genetic similarity analysis Genetic similarity estimates based on molecular marker data were calculated using two different similarity coefficients. The Dice coefficient according to Nei and Li (1979) defines genetic similarity (GS) as G S y = ^ N ti, M + N j) where Ny is the number o f bands in common between lines i and j. N i is the total number o f bands in i, and Nj is the total number o f bands in j. Gsij reflects the proportion of bands in common between two inbred lines. Jaccard's coefficient formula (Jaccard, 1901) defines genetic similarity (GS*) as GS** = ___ Ny____ (Ny + N i +Nj) where N i is the number of bands present in line i and absent in line j, Nj is the number o f bands present in line j and absent in line i, and N ij is the number o f bands in lines i and j. The genetic similarity coefficients o f Dice and Jaccard were computed using the appropriate procedures o f the computer package NTSYS-pc (Rohlf, 1993). Genetic 18 similarities were computed from each o f the two data matrices described in the previous section. Pearson correlations were computed to determine the relationship between the Dice and Jaccard genetic similarity coefficients. Field Trial Evaluation Plant material Twelve crosses were made among the 10 elite hard red spring wheat cultivars. The crosses were chosen based on coefficient o f parentage, preliminary genetic distance (I-G S) estimates, and information from previous field trials. Crosses included four hollow x hollow-stemmed varieties, four solid x hollow-stemmed varieties, and four solid x solid-stemmed varieties. M ore than 50 F3-derived F5 lines per cross were increased in 1994. Field location and conditions Field trials were conducted at the Arthur H. Post Field Research Farm near Bozeman, MT in 1995 and 1996. The soil type is an Amsterdam silt loam. The elevation is 1,439 m (4,772 f t) .. In the 1995 field trial the average temperature during the growing season was 12.6°C (54.8°F), with 35.92 cm (14.17 in.) o f precipitation during the growing season. There were 72.6 kg/ha (160 Ib/A) o f stored available N and 27.2 kg/ha (60 Ib/A) was 19 added in the form o f urea. In the 1996 field trial the average temperature during the growing season was 14.6°C (58.2°F), with 17.0 cm (6.7 in.) o f precipitation during the growing season. There were 79.4 kg/ha (175 Ib/A) o f stored available N and 22.6 kg/ha (50 Ib/A) was added in the form o f urea. Experimental Design In 1995, fifty randomly chosen F3-derived F5 lines per cross were planted in a randomized block split plot design. The twelve crosses were the whole plots. The 50 random lines per cross plus the two appropriate parents were the sub-plots, for a total o f 624 sub-plots. Each sub-plot was a single row, 3 m in length with 30 cm between the rows. In 1995, there were three replications in an unirrigated field. One replication from 1995 was chosen to supply the seed for the 1996 field trial. The 1996 field experiment contained the F6 generation o f the same 624 lines evaluated in 1995 and was also a randomized block split plot design. However instead o f three unirrigated ' replications, there were two replications in an unirrigated field and tw o replications in an irrigated field. In 1995, plantings were delayed due to a wet spring and the experiment was planted on May 19. It was harvested September 13-15. In 1996, the dryland replications were planted on May 2 and harvested August 20-21. The irrigated replications were planted on May I and harvested August 29-30. 20 These plots received approximately 8.9 centimeters (3.5 inches) o f additional moisture on June 24-25, and approximately 8.9 centimeters (3.5 inches) o f moisture on July 9-10. Morphological Evaluation Each sub-plot was evaluated for nine morphological characteristics in both growing seasons. Heading Date - recorded as the number o f days from January I when 50% o f the heads in a row were completely emerged from the flag leaf sheath. It was reported as the heading date in Julian days - planting date in Julian days. Tillers/ft. - a 3 0 cm ruler was placed on the soil surface and the number o f tiller's within this area were counted. Stem Solidness - two stems per row, cut at random, were rated for stem solidness A cross section was cut through the center o f two intemodes, starting at the bottom internode and a rating o f 1-5 was given. A rating o f I indicates complete hollowness and a rating o f 5 indicates complete solidness (McNeal, 1956). The ratings were summed to give a single score, with a maximum possible score o f 20. ' Plant Height - the average plant height o f the row was measured in centimeters from the soil surface to the top o f the spike,’excluding awns, o f 3-5 main tillers. Physiological Maturity - recorded as the number o f days from January I when a complete loss o f green color from the glumes was observed in 75% o f the row (Hanft and Wych, 1982). It was reported as the physiological maturity date in Julian days - planting date in Julian days. 21 Grain Fill - calculated by subtracting the heading date expressed in Julian days from physiological maturity expressed in Julian days. Yield- grain from individual lines (rows) was weighed in grams and yield was expressed as M g ha"1. Test Weight- test weight was measured on a Seedburo test weight scale and expressed as kg m"3. Protein - the percent protein was measured on whole grain samples using, an Infratec (Tecator, Hdganas, Sweden) whole kernel analyzer in the cereal quality laboratory at M ontana State University, Bozeman. Statistical Analysis An analysis o f variance, mean trait values and variance components were computed for the nine traits measured for 12 crosses in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials, and for the three environments combined using the Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS) package version 6.11 (SAS Institute, 1988). Variation among progeny lines was examined by looking at genetic variance, the range between progeny means (maximum - minimum) and the number o f transgressive segregants for each cross and each trait. Mean values for the nine agronomic traits o f the 50 progeny lines plus the two appropriate parents were ranked from low to high for each cross and each environment. Additionally, the three environments were combined and the means were ranked for each trait. The number o f transgressive segregants for each cross and trait was determined from the ranked order o f means. Transgressive segregants 22 are defined as progeny that are more extreme and fall beyond the range o f the parents for traits inherited in a quantitative manner (Poehlman, 1987b; deVicente and Tanksley, 1993). We determined the number o f transgressive segregants for each cross and trait to be those individuals that were one least significant difference (LSD) above the high parent mean and/or below the low parent mean. Pearson correlations were computed between progeny mean range and the number o f transgressive segregants; progeny mean range and genetic variance; and the number o f transgressive segregants and genetic variance, using NPCOR in MSUSTAT version 5.2 (Lund, 1993). In addition, parental mean range (low-high) and the number of transgressive segregants were correlated. P a ren tal G enetic Sim ilarity and A gronom ic T rait C orrelation'A nalysis Genetic similarity estimators based on coefficient o f parentage and molecular , marker data (GS), were correlated with progeny mean ranges, number o f transgressive segregants, and genetic variances for nine agronomic traits using the NPCOR procedure in MSUSTAT version 5.2 (Lund, 1993). Correlations between parental genetic similarity estimators and total genetic variance were examined. Total genetic variance for each cross was computed by first standardizing the data for each trait to a mean o f zero and a standard deviation o f one. Genetic variance components for each trait-cross combination were computed as before. These genetic variance components were then summed over the nine traits within a cross to give a measure o f overall genetic variance. 23 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS Molecular Marker Evaluation Genetic similarity evaluation The level o f genetic similarity between 10 HRSW cultivars was determined using restriction digested products from 205 STS-PCR primers and six microsatellites. One hundred and twenty-one primers o f the 2 1 1 primers examined (57%) were polymorphic. The number o f primers represented on each chromosome group ranges from 14 to 3 1, with 72 primers remaining unmapped (Table I). Comparisons between polymorphic-scoring methods Genetic similarities between 10 HRSW cultivars based on molecular markers were determined using two polymorphism-scoring methods, and tw o genetic similarity coefficients. .We examined the genetic similarity for 12 o f the 45 possible combinations between the 10 cultivars. Polymorphic-scoring method one considers all scorable polymorphisms observed in gel photographs, while polymorphisrm-scoring method two examines unique “polymorphic patterns” once per primer. When using the Dice coefficient to determine genetic similarity between two cultivars, the coefficients for polymorphism-scoring method one and tw o ranged from. 24 0.4084 to 0.8531, and 0.3902 to 0.8370, respectively (Table 2). The correlation between polymorphism-scoring methods one and two for the Dice coefficient is 0.973 (P < 0.01). When using Jaccard's genetic similarity coefficient, the genetic similarities for polymorphism-scoring methods one and two, ranged from 0.2566 to 0.7439, and 0.2424 to 0.7196, respectively (Table 3). The correlation between polymorphism-scoring methods one and two for Jaccard's coefficient is 0.978 (P < 0.01). Due to the highly . significant correlation between the two polymorphic scoring methods, only genetic similarities computed by method two were used in subsequent analyses. Dice versus Jaccard’s similarity coefficient The correlation between Dice and Jaccard's genetic similarity coefficients was 0.995 (P < 0.01) for both polymorphism-scoring method one and two (data not shown). This is in agreement with the findings o f Thorman et al. (1994). Therefore, due to the highly significant correlation between genetic similarity coefficients only the Dice coefficient was used in subsequent analyses. Coefficient of parentage versus the Dice coefficient Genetic similarity estimates based on COP range from 0.096 to 0.673 (Table 4). The correlation between COP estimates and the Dice coefficient is 0.577 (P < 0.05) (Table 4), and the correlation between COP estimates and Jaccard's coefficient is 0.589 . (P < 0.05) (data not shown). Table I. Chromosomal locations o f sequence-tagged sites polymerase chain reaction primers and microsatellites used to assay the genetic similarity of ten hard red spring wheat cultivars currently under production in Montana and North Dakota. The primer sets in bold are polymorphic. Chromosome Group Number of Primer Sets I 14 2 31 Primer Set D 14, ES, E l l a , E19, G2, M 148, A B C 152, A B C 160, A B G 059. A B G 452, C D Q 464, C D 0 5 4 5 , M S T 101(K V 1,2), M S T 102(K V 1,9) OS, D18, D 22, E 16, F2a, F l I, F15, F36, F 41, G 5, G 49, HS, H 9, M 149, ABA005(PST327), A B C 156, A B C 160, A B C 252, A B C 306, A B C 311, ABC45I, A B C 454, ABG058, ABG317, ABG356, ABG602, BCD175, C D O 370, M S T 126(S T 7,8), M S T 510(T B 33,34), W G 541 F34, G13, G 36, G 53, G59, HS, H15, A B C 156, ABC 156.2, A B C 160, ABC 166, ABG070, A B G 377, ABG396, A BG 459, BCD269, C D 0 4 7 4 , WG110(KV25,26), W G l78 3 19 4 28 5 16 6 23 D l, D12, D17, E 14, F19, F37, C S, G43, G48, Hl I, A B G 065, ABG072, A B G 378, ABG458, ABG466, ABG471, ABG602, B C D 402, C D G 213, M S T 109(K V 14,T B 14), M S T 212(N A R 7L 1), W G 232, W G 669 7 28 A B G 366, ABG396, A B G 460, A B G 603, A B G 701, C D G 213, M S T 107(K V 12,13), M S T l08(K V 12,24), B 5, C2, D21, E6, E9, F8, G10, A B A 0 03(T B 19,20), A B C 252, ABC303, ABC451, A B C 455, ABC468, ABG020, ABG054, A B G 366, A B G 394, ABG466, ABG472, A B G 484 A B G 498, ABG602, B A R G 10, B TA 2, C D 0 4 7 5 , WG181, WG464, W G 9 4 0 AB9, D 16, G 12, G 14, G44, HS, 126, A B A 0 0 1 (M 1 7 ,1 9 ), A B C 717, ABG466. B C D 828, CD0673, M S T 103(K V 9,10), P S T 319, P S T 337, W G 541 A l , A5, D 2, D7, D 9. D15, F 48a. G 12, C 39, HS, A B C 152. A B C 156, A B C 253. A B C 255, A B C 465, A B G 320, M S T 126(S T 7,8), M S T 211(N A R 1), WG686, WG996 Table I continued Chromosome Group Number o f Primer Sets unmapped 72 Primer Set ABA004(TB21,22), ABC254, ABC320, A B C 322, A B G 002, ABC003, ABGO14, A B G 316, A B G 318, ABG319, ABG358, ABG398, ABG468, A B G 495, A B G 499, ABG601, A B G 616, A B G 619, A B G 704, B C D 304, BCD327, BTAl, CDO036, CDO063, CDG395, CDO506, CD0541, CDG588, CDG662, CDG749, MST104(KV3,4), MSTI05(KV5,6), MST106(KV7,8), MST110(KV16,17), MST111(KV22,23), MST112(KV29,30), M S T 1 2 1 (S 1 ,S 2 ), M S T 122(S 2,S 3), M S T 123(S 2,S 4), M S T 124(S T 1,2), M S T 125(S T 4,6), M S T 127(S T 9,10), M S T 1 2 8 (S T 1 2 ,1 3 ), M S T 129(S T 14,16), MST202(DHN1L2R), MST501(TB1,2), MST503(TB4,5), M S T 5 0 6 (T B 1 0 ,1 1 ), MST508(TB15,16), M S T 509(T B 17,18), M S T 511(T B 35,36), MST512(TB36,37), M S T 5 1 3 (T B 3 8 ,3 9 ), MST516(TB67,68), M S T 5 1 7 (T B 6 9 ,7 0 ), M W G 060, PST073(KV27,28), PST316, PST321, W G 2 4 1 , W G 564, W G 622, W G 719, W G 983, W G 1026, W T A l, W M S -2 , W M S -1 8 , W M S -2 4 , W M S -3 0 , W M S -44, W M S -4 6 27 Table 2. A comparison o f molecular marker genetic similarity estimates between 12 crosses among 10 HRSW cultivars using polymorphic-scoring method I (505 entries) and method 2 (226 entries). The Dice coefficient was the genetic similarity coefficient used. Cross Parentl Amidon Fortuna Fortuna G rlen m an G rlen m an G le n m a n Grandin Hi-Line HB-Line Lew Len Len Grenetic Similarity Coefficients Parent2 Newana Hi-Line Lew Amidon Lew Marberg Pondera Newana Pondera Amidon Glenman Newana M ethod I (5 05entries) M ethod 2 (226 entries) 0.5133 0.4206 0.8531 0.4234 0.6547 0.4594 0.4272 0.6195 0.4875 0.4084 0.4458 0.5331 0.5116 0.4141 0.8370 0.4246 0.6000 ■0.4574 0.4433 0.5279 0.4681 0.3902. 0.4695 ' 0.5314 * correlation between method I and 2 = 0.973 (P < 0.01) I 28 T able 3. A comparison o f molecular marker genetic similarity estimates between 12 crosses among 10 HRSW cultivars using polymorphic-scoring method I (505 entries) and method 2 (226 entries). Jaccardls coefficient was the genetic similarity coefficient used. Cross Genetic Similarity Coefficients Parentl . Parent2 M ethod I (505entries) M ethod 2 (226 entries) Amidon Fortuna Fortuna Glenman Glehman Glenman Grandin H -L ine H -L ine Lew Len Len Newana H -L ine Lew Amidoh Lew Marberg Pondera Newana Pondera Amidon Glenman Newana 0.3453 0.2663 0.7439 0.2685 0.4867 0.2982 0.2716 0.4488 0.3223 .0.2566 0.2869 0.3634 0.3438 0.2611 0.7196 0.2695 ' 0.4286 0.2966 0.2848 0.3586 0.3056 0.2424 . 0.3067 0.3618 * correlation between method I and 2 = 0.978 (P < 0.01) y 29 _ Table 4. Comparisons between coefficient o f parentage (COP) and the Dice coefficient genetic similarity estimates between 12 crosses among 10 hard red spring wheat cultivars.* Cross Parent I Amidon Fortuna Fortuna Glenman Glenman Glenman Grandin H -L ine H-Lirie Lew Len Len Genetic Similarity Parent 2 Newana H -L ine Lew Amidon Lew . Marberg Pondera Newana Pondera Amidon Glenman Newana COP 0.198 0.108 0.673 0.264 0.399 0.338 0.147 0.636 0.344 0.506 0.096 , 0.225 Molecular M arker 0.512 0.414 0.837 0.425 0.600 0.457 0.443 0.528 0.468 0.390 0.470 0.531 * correlation between COP and the Dice coefficient = 0.577 (P < 0.05) 30 Field Trial Evaluation Agronomic trait evaluation Nine agronomic traits were measured on 50 progeny lines and the two parents o f 12 crosses in the 1995, 1996 dryland and 1996 irrigated field trials. The average agronomic performance o f the 10 parental HRSW cultivars in each environment and over the combined environments are listed in Table 5. In the 1996 irrigated field trial every cultivar headed later, tillered more, matured later, and yielded more than in the 1995 and 1996 dryland field trials. The average agronomic performance o f the 50 progeny lines for each cross, for each environment and over .the combined environments are listed in Table 6. In the 1996 irrigated field trial each cross headed later, matured later, and yielded more than in the 1995 and 1996 dryland field trials. 31 T able 5. Average agronomic performance o f 10 hard red spring wheat cultivars o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three combined environments. Plant G rain Test G rain H eading H eight Stem Phys. Grain Y ield W eight Protein D ate Tillers/ft. (cm) Solidness M aturity Fill (M g/haj (kg/m3) (%) Cultivar E n v .' Amidon 1995 1996-Dry ■1996-Irr. Comb. 57.67 64.00 66.00 61.86 40.33 44.50 49.83 44.24 93.00 83.50 95.17 90.91 15.78 16.67 13.67 15.43 106.56 103.00 112.33 107:19 48.89 39.00 46.33 45.33 5.16 3.93 5.58 4.93 734.45 780.56 748.93 751.76 15.97 15.05 15.00 15.40 Fortuna 1995 1996-Dry 1996-Irr. Comb. 56.33 63.50 65.75 61.07 29.83 48.75 49.50 40.86 94.50 85.00 95.00 91.93 17.33 18.25 13.00 16.36 102.17 98.50 110.75 103.57 45.83 35.00 45.00 42.50 . 3.14 3.10 4.91 163 754.08 787.90 779.50 771.00 16.47 15.00 15.18 '15.68 G lenm an 1995 1996-Dry 1996-Irr. Comb,. 58.17 64.88 66.38 62.43 39.50 43.38 54.88 45.00 84.33 71.75 80.82 14.17 15.00 14.00 14.36 106.92 98.75 111.00 ■ 105.75 48.75 33.88 44.63 43.32 ' 5.47 3.74 6:43 5.25 . 766.56 778.71 766.22 769.93 14.37 13.81 ’ 13.00 13.82 -1995 1996-Dry 1996-Irr. Comb. 58.00 63.50 64.50 61.43. 28.33 35.50 55.50 38.14 81.00 77.00 86.00 81.29 6.00. 7.50 7.50 ' 6.86 108.33 97.50 113.50 106.71 50.33 34.00 49.00 45.29 3.21 3.57 6.11 4.14 764.78 791.76 772.54 16.17 15.30 15.35 15.69 1995 55.44 62.83 1996-Dry 1996-Irr. . 64.17 60.05 Comb. 33.22 43.83 45.50 5.56 9.33 7.50 7.19 105.11 99.33 110.83 105.10 49.67 3 9 .7 6 75.00 74.33 76.00 75.10 4.89 3.22 5.90 4.70 . 778.72 15.83 778.14 • 15.60 776.17 15.07 777.83 15.55 Len 1995 1996-Dry 1996-Irr. Comb. 57.50 64.75 66.25 62.07 41.00 48.50 50.00 45.71 84.67 74.00 84.50 81.57 8.00 9.25 8.50 . 8.50 107.33 100.25 113.75 107.14 Lew 1995 1996-Dry 1996-Irr. Comb. 59.44 65.50 67.67 63.52 ■47.33 46.67 52.33 48.57 98.56 84.00 97.83 94.19 15.11 17.17 15.33 15.76 106.00 100.00 110.00 105.43 46.56 34.50 42.33 .41.91 M arberg 1995 1996-Dry 1996-Irr. Comb. 53.33 62.00 63.00 58.57 43.00 47.00 75.00 69.50 81.00 75.14 6.67 9.50 8.00 7.86 105.67 97.00 111.50 104.86 1995 1996-Dry 1996-Irr. Comb. 59.11 65.50 35.22 50.50 58.33 46.19 76.8 9 29.17 41.75 46.00 37.57 G randin H i-Line N ew ana Pondera 1995 1996-Dry 1996-Irr. Comb. 68.50 63.62 55.33 63.5 0 65.25 60.50 69.50 51.71 . 84.63 3 6 .5 0 46.67 45.05 49.83 4.77 35.50 ^ 3.53 47.50 6.51 45.07 4.91 764.97 756.95 779.50 751.13 761.73 15.28 15.10 14.85 15.11 4.72 3.36 5.57 4-57. 782.83 790.40 784.65 785.52 15.24 14.35 . 14.18 14.69 52.33 35.00 48.50 46.29 4.64 3.51 6.75 4.92 765.12 788.13 770.42 773.21 15.27 14.75 14.35 14.86 69.83 80.33 75.86 6.00 ■ . 109.33 ' 50.22 8.00 104.33 38.83 7.33 110.50 42.00 6.95 108.24 44.62 4.80 3.65 5.23 4.60 15.19 14.90 746.36 ■.13.88 760.83 14.73 76.00 73.00 80.25 76.36 6.50 10.00 8.25 8.00 4.54 3.35 6.52 4.76 107.17 97.25 111.75 105.64 51.83 33.75 46.50 45.14 761.98. 773.60 ' 772.09 788.35 774.28 777.36 15.45 15.08 14.18 14.98 Table 6. Average agronomic performance o f progeny from 12 crosses among 10 hard red spring wheat cultivars o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined. Plant Height Heading C ross A m id o n x N ew a n a F o rtu n a x H i-L in e F o rtu n a x L ew G len m an x A m id o n G len m an x L ew . G lem n an x M a rb e rg E n v ir. D ate T illers/ft. (cm ) 1995 • 1 9 9 6 -D ry 1996-Irr. C om b. 5 9 .6 8 65.35 67.42 63.51 27.89 44.89 , 4 8 .1 3 85.44 80.79 87.45 '84.69 1995 I 9 9 6 -D ry 1996-Irr. C om b. 55.32 62.42 64.35 59.93 34.57 43.54 53.70 42.60 86.64 76.57 90.64 1995 1 9 9 6 -D ry 1996-Irr. C om b. 57.96 64.87 66.47 62.37 40.97 45.87 99.53 84.96 1995 . 1 9 9 6 -D ry 1996-Irr. C om b. 57.84 64.40 6 5 .9 8 62.04 3 8 .5 3 5 3 .8 8 9 6 .4 8 46.06 94.50 36.11 42.54 55.06 43.36 1995 1 9 9 6 -D ry ' 1996-Irr. Comb.- 67.74 63.47 40.55 48.40 48.32 45.01 1995 1 9 9 6 -D ry 1996-Irr. C om b. 56.94 64.15 66.09 61.61 37.41 43.14 53.30 43.59 59.40 6 5 .3 2 8 4 .9 1 91.97 Stem Phys. Solidness M a tu rity 8 .2 9 9.04 8.54 8 .5 8 . 109.70 104.46 • .110.56 ■ 108.42 Grain Grain Yield Test Weight Grain Protein Fill (M g/ha) (kg/m 3) (% ) 50.13 39.11 43.14 44.87 3.70 3.76 4.74 4.02 727.70 761.84 • 745.44 742.52 15.94 15.10 14.94 15.41 11.39 13.09 10.18 11.53 103.05' 97.63 109.22 . 103.27 47.73 ~ 35.21 44.87 43.34 • 3.73 2.93 5.28 3.95 763.27 782.19 778.33 772.98 16.52 15.90 15.53 16.06 15.30 16.50 14.09 15.30 105.34 100.14 47.38 35.27 45.41 43.36 3.78 3.37 5.33 4.11 771.47 795.54 783.55 781.80 15.56 14.84 14.41 15.02 4.36 3.55 6.24 4.67 749.09 • 782.52 ' 759.70 761.67 15.76 14.82 14.64 15.17 770.38 785.29 767.72 773.88 14.94 14.33 14.01 14.50 7 6 5 .9 9 ' 14.81 14.75 13.83 14.51 1 1 1 .8 8 105.72 94.78 89.42 16.05 16.37 13.45 15.40 1 0 6 .1 8 48.07 35.86 46.54 44.14 88.93 78.01 91.34 86.50 15.53 17.85 15.33 16.14 106.55 100.25 111.23 106.09 47.15 34.93 43.49 42.61 4.59 3.67 5.56 4.60 80.49 69.57 84.12 78.41 . 10.37 12.40 • 10.87 11.09 105.87 . 99.37 111.29 48.93 35.22 45.20 43.95 4.87 3.43 6.35 8 0 .2 5 105.91 100.26 112.52 1 0 5 .5 6 * 4 .8 8 ' 780.44 759.20 768.18 ' ' Table 6 continued Plant Height Heading C ross Steni Phys. Grain Grain Yield Test Grain Weight . Protein Fill (M g/ha) (kg/m 3) (% ) 4.18 3.33 5.75 4.39 769.74 780.28 768.73 772.46 16.09 15.83 15.51 15.85 E n v ir. D a te T illers/ft. (cm ) 1995 1 9 9 6 -D ry 1996-Irr. . C om b. 55.52 63.00 64.36 60.18 3 3 .6 9 8 9 .9 9 41.35 48.72 40.17 84.04 . 93.59 89.32 7.11 8.04 7.66 7.53 105.26 98.40 112.81 105.46 1995 1 9 9 6 -D ry 1996-Irr. C om b. 57.79 64.47 66.59 62.21 34.24 45.27 41.76 76.71 66.86 78.63 74.45 6.24 7.59 7.67 7.03 ■ 107.06 100.24 111.15 106.28 49.27 • 35.77 - 44.56 . 44.07 4.41 3.40 5.41 4.04 758.66 775.58 752.19 761.65 15.51 15.33 ■ 14.42 15.15 1995 1 9 9 6 -D ry 1996-Irr. C om b. 55.75 62.38 64.17 60.05 35.58 41.60 47.70 40.76 . 83.45 75.40 83.43 81.14 6.39 8.36 7.77 7.35 104.70 48.95 36.35 47.15 44.83 4.43 3.30 5.55 4.42 769.22 778.30 762.77 769.97 15.67 15.63 15.07 15.48 1995 1 9 9 6 -D ry 1996-Irr. C om b. 5 8 .9 6 3 6 .9 5 64.72 66.67 62.81 42.72 51.56 42.77 95.73 84.25 95.88 92.49 15.58 16.47 . 15.16 15.7,1 106.36 ■ 100.80 111.82 106.33 47.43 36.08 45.15 43.52 4.12 3.51 5.44 4.32 ' 752.47 791.04 763.92 766.76 15.74 14:74 14.79 15.18 L e n x G lenm an 1995 1 9 9 6 -D ry 1 9 9 6 -Irr C om b. 59.42 64.64 66.73 63.00 34.70 43.24 50.10 41.54 89.04 79.78 92.84 87.48 11.57 11.84 10.29 • 11.28 107.71 99.14 112.44 106.60 48.37 34.50 45.71 43.61 4.15 3:50 5:41 4.32 747.21 776.30 750.89 756.57 14.82 14.44 14.37 14.59 L e n x N ew a n a 1995 . 57.45' 64.52 66.92 62.17 34.06 46.67 50.58' 42.38 106.01 103.55 114.14 107.63 48.59 39.03 47.22 45.46 3.71 3.42 .- 5.35 4.10 759.51 783.47 .760.59 766.66 16.00 15.72 15.40 15.75 G fa n d in x P o n d era H i-L in e x N e w a n a H i-L in e x P o n d e ra L e w x A m idon 1 9 9 6 -D ry 1996-Irr. C om b. 4 9 .5 2 . 91.21 • 80.95 93.37 88.90 Solidness M a tu rity 49.74 35.40 ■■ 48.45 45.27 9 8 .7 3 111.32 104.89 . 7.6 6 . . 8.33 8.52 8.10 ' 34 Correlations among measurements of progeny variance Variation among the progeny lines for nine agronomic traits was examined by looking at progeny mean range, the number o f transgressive segregants and genetic variance for each cross. Pairwise correlations among these three measures o f genetic variability estimates were made to determine if there is an association between the measurements. In addition, parental mean range and the number o f transgressive segregants were correlated. Correlations between parental mean range and the number o f transgressive segregants were generally negative (Table I). The closer the mean o f the parents are the greater chance o f detecting transgressive segregants. Significant correlations were detected for every trait in at least one of the environments. Twenty o f the 36 possible correlations were significantly negative. Correlations between progeny mean range and the number o f transgressive segregants were in general, positive (Table 8). There was a greater chance o f detecting transgressive segregants when the progeny mean values spanned a greater range. Fourteen.of 36 possible correlations were significantly positive. Correlations between progeny mean ranges and genetic variance were positive for every trait in each environment, and generally highly significant (P < 0.01) (Table 9). The greater genetic variance observed in the progeny results in a greater spread o f the progeny means for a given trait. Thirty-three o f the possible 36 correlations were significantly positive. This overwhelming number o f highly significant positive correlations indicates progeny mean range is a good indicator o f progeny variance. 35 Correlations between the number o f transgressive segregants and genetic variance r were generally positive for eight o f the nine agronomic traits measured over all three environments (Table 10). The greater genetic variance observed in the progeny results in a greater chance o f detecting transgressive segregants. Overall, 13 o f the 36 possible correlations were significantly positive between the number o f transgressive segregants and genetic variance. Stem solidness was the only trait with negative correlations between genetic variance and the number o f transgressive segregants observed. There were four hollow by hollow-stemmed crosses and four solid by solid-stemmed crosses in this study. These eight crosses had a lower genetic variance than the four hollow by solid-stemmed crosses, in every environment and when the environments were combined (Appendix A, Tables 15-18). However, there were not many transgressive segregants observed for stem solidness in any cross, in any environment or when the environments were combined. Ifth e cross was between hollow by hollow-stemmed varieties, then all the progeny tended to be hollow and there wasn’t a great range in means. The same is true for solid by solid-stemmed crosses. However, in the hollow by solid-stemmed varieties the wide range in the parental means was too great to allow the progeny to fall beyond the range o f the parents. If the parent, was solid and received an average rating o f ■ four or five, it is difficult for progeny to get any “solider” and fall beyond this parental mean. Thus, the higher genetic variances, and few transgressive segregants observed for these four crosses helped contribute to the negative correlation. 36 Table 7. Correlations between parental mean ranges and the number of transgressive segregants of nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined. P lant H eading Envir. 1995 . D ate H eight Tillers/ft. (cm) Stem Phys. Grain Solidness M aturity Fill G rain Test Grain Yield W eight Protein (M g/ha) (kg/m3) (%) -0.637** -0.316 -0.377 -0.511* -0.367 -0.450 1 9 9 6 -D ry -0.447 0.282 -0.473 -0.257 -0.458 -0.578** -0.582** -0.365 1996 - L r. -0.697*** -0.423 -0.522* -0.607** -0.078 ■ -0.612** -0.527* Combined -0.850*** -0.692*** -0.331 -0.480 - 0 . 628 ** -0.597** -0.623** -0.545* -0.351 -0.521* -0.456 -0.831*** -0.622** -0.576** -0.690*** * Significant at the 10% level (P < 0.10) ** Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) . *** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) \__ x T able 8. Correlations between progeny mean ranges and the number o f transgressive segregants .of nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined. P lant H eading D ate 1995 0.636** Tillers/ft. 0.367 (cm) Stem P h y s .' Solidness M aturity 0.897** -,0.319 0.291 Test . Y ield W eight Fill (M g/ha) Grain Protein. (%) 0.852*** 0.495* 0.600** 0.274 0.343 0.614** 0.018 0.671** 0.449 0.336 ' 0.298 0.595** 0.347 0.040 1996 - D ry 0.530* 0.459 0.637** 0.094 1996 - Irr. 0.349 0.204 0:427 Combined 0.576** 0.134 0.666** 0.067 0.193 -0.126 G rain Grain I Envir. Height 0.154 0.418 ■ 0.653** 0.515* • * Significant at the 10% level (P < 0,10) ** Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) *** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) 37 Table 9. Correlations between progeny mean ranges and genetic variance of nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined. ■• Plant H eading Envir. 1995 D ate H eight Tillers/ft. 0.901*** 0.288 (cm) Stem 0.933*** 0.873*** 1996 - Irr. 0.823*** 0.695*** 0.880*** 0.766*** Combined 0.885*** 0.506* O P S 0.012 0.913*** Fill G rain Y ield W eight Protein (M g/ha) (kg/m3) (%) 0.797*** 0,918*** 0.907*** 0.912*** 0.902*** 0.826***, 0.327 0.841*** 0.7,85*** 0.831*** 0.958*** 0.930*** 0.858*** 0.895*** O I 0.724*** 0.649** O 0.745*** Grain Test I 1996 - D ry 0.934*** Phys. Solidness M aturity G rain 0:729*** 0.922*** 0:874*** r * Significant at the 10% level (P < 0.10) ** Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) *** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) T able 10. Correlations between the number o f transgressive segregants and genetic variance o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996. irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined. P lant H eading Envir. 1995 ' Height D ate Tillers/ft.. (cm) 0.727*** Stem Phys. Solidness M aturity 0.707*** 0.555* 1996 - D ry 0.790*** 0.592** 0.408 -0.075 1 9 9 6 '-Irr. 0.327 0.381 0.229 -0.073 Combined 0.528* 0.442 0.497* -0.272 0.347 -0.395 0.339 Grain Fill G rain Test Grain Y ield W eight Protein (M g/ha) (kg/m3) (%) 0.803*** 0.517* 0.397 0.444 0.098 0.307 . 0.228 0.665** 0.600** 0.320 0.343 0.479 0.008 0.450 0.476 -0.141 0.588** 0.653** * Significant at the 10% level (P < 0.10) ** Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) *** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) 38 Correlations Between Parental Genetic Similarity and Variance of Agronomic Traits Coefficient o f parentage and molecular marker data were the two measurements ■ used to estimate genetic similarity between the 10 parental hard red spring wheat cultivars. The three types o f progeny variation discussed in the previous section were correlated with the two genetic similarity estimators. Correlations between genetic similarity estimates and the measures o f variability were generally negative • . (Table 11-13). That is, the more genetically similar the parents o f a cross were the less variation was observed in the progeny. Correlations between progeny mean range and genetic similarity estimators, COP and GS, were generally negative for the nine agronomic traits measured over all three environments (Table 11). Non-significant positive correlations between progeny mean range and both COP and GS, were observed for tillers/ft. in the 1995 field trial and grain fill in the 1996 dryland field trial. Also in the 1996 dryland field trial, non-significant positive correlations between progeny mean range and COP were observed for physiological maturity, and non-significant positive correlations between progeny mean range and GS were observed for tillers/ft. Progeny mean range for heading date had highly significant correlations (P < 0.01) with GS in each environment and when the three environments were combined, and non-significant negative correlations were observed between progeny mean range and COP estimates. Overall, six o f the 36 possible correlations were significantly negative for progeny mean range and COP estimates, while 11 o f the 36 possible correlations were significantly negative for GS estimates. 39 Correlations between the number o f transgressive segregants and genetic similarity estimators, COP and OS, were generally negative for the nine agronomic traits measured over all three environments (Table 12). Heading date, tillers/ft., and grain protein were the only traits exhibiting significant correlations with either genetic similarity estimator. Seven o f the 36 possible correlations were significantly negative between the number o f transgressive segregants and COP estimates, while two of the 36 possible correlations were significantly negative for GS estimates. Correlations between genetic variance and genetic similarity estimators, COP and OS, were generally negative for the nine agronomic traits measured over all three environments (Table 13). Non-significant positive correlations between genetic variance and COP estimates were observed for physiological maturity, grain fill, and grain yield in the 1996 dryland field trial, and for test weight in the 1996 irrigated field trial. Nine of the 36 possible correlations were significantly negative between genetic variance and COP estimates, while eight o f the 36 possible correlations were significantly negative for GS estimates. 40 Table 11. Correlations between genetic similarity estimators, coefficient of parentage (COP) and molecular marker data (CS), and progeny mean ranges of nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined. P lant H eading Envir. D ate H eight Tillers/ft. Stem Phys. (cm) ' Solidness M aturity Grain G rain Test G rain ' Yield W eight Protein (kg/m3) . (%) Fill ' (M g/ha) 1995. COP GS -0.408 0.359 -0.700*** 0:357 -0.424 -0.376 -0.514* -0.420 -0.368 -0.174 -0.443 1 9 9 6 -D ry COP GS -0.209 -0.206 -0.723*** 0.259 -0.315 -0.278 -0.486 -0.484 0.104 -0.197 0.050 COP GS -0.380 -0.314 -0.723*** -0.253 -0.432 -0.349 -0.415 -0.356 -0.161 -0.017 -0.738*** -0.393 C om bined . COP GS -0.434 -0.331 -0.768*** -0.096 -0.445 -0.345 -0.439 -0.454 -0.434 -0.489 - 0 .5 2 6 * 0.308 -0.592** -0.249 -0.509* -0.367 -0.524* -0.042 -0.148 -0.339 -0.480 -0.573** -0.666** -0.431 -0.400 -0.077 -0.423 -0.556* -0.650** -0.221 -0.478 -0.458 -0.689*** - 0.298 1996-Irr. -0.376 -0.673** -0.530* -0.379 * Significant at the 10% level (P < 0.10) ** Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) *** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) 41 Table 12. Correlations between genetic similarity estimators, coefficient o f parentage (COP) and molecular marker data (GS), and the number o f transgressive segregants o f nine agronomic traits, in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined. P lant H eading Envir. H eight G rain Stem ' Phys. Test G rain Grain Y ield W eight Protein Fill (M g/ha) (kg/m3) (%) -0.386 -0.332 -0.279 -0.138 -0:340 -0.051 -0.255 -0.156 -0.624** -0.456 0.397 -0.329 0.158 0.001 0.121 -0.038 -0.062 0.278 -0.344 -0.070 -0.580** -0.288 -0.278 0.149 -0.071 -0.156 -0.093 -0.217 -0.165 0.056 -0.084 -0.380 •,0.238 -0.425 -0.073 -0.430 -0.234 0.180 0:158 . -0.335 - 0.2 6 4 -0.394 0.025 -0.008 -0.229 -0.475 -0.211 -0.607** -0.484 D ate Tillers/ft. (cm) COP CS -0.526* -0.464 . -0.471 -0.134 -0.287 -0.315 0.103 -0.073 1 9 9 6 -D ry COP GS -0.529* -0.395 -0.360 -0.204 -0.436 -0.264 1996-Irr. COP GS -0.445 -0.517* - 0.3 6 9 -0.049 -0.707*** -0.510* -0.648** -0.146 Solidness M aturity 1995 C om bined COP . ■ GS ’ - 0.286 * Significant at the 10% level (P < 0.10) ** Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) *** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) 42 Table 13. Correlations between genetic similarity estimators, coefficient o f parentage (COP) and molecular marker data (GS), and genetic variance o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined. Plant H eading Height D ate Tillers/ft. (cm) Stem Phys. Solidness M aturity -0.208 -0.465 -0.210 -0.264 -0.276 -0.291 -0.545* -0.343 -0.381 -0.354 -0.419 -0.339 -0.232 -0.401 -0.182 -0.261 -0.285 -0.250 - 0.3 9 7 -0.416 0.113 -0.490 0.205 0.134 -0.354 . -0.052 COP GS -0.336 -0.530* -0.532* -0.299 -0.434 -0.315 -0.559* -0.375 -.0.156 -0.161 -0.648** -0.480 C om bined COP GS -0.380 -0.541* -0.358 -0.288 -0.377 -0.297 -0.522* -0.373 -0.266 -0.554* Envir. Grain Fill G rain Yield (MgZha) Test W eight (kg/m3) Grain Protein (%) 1995 COP GS -0.689*** -0.144 -0.331' -0.508* -0.572** -0.474 1 9 9 6 -D ry COP GS -0.268 -0.327 -0.472 . -0.396 -0.227 -0.396 0.172 -0.252 -0.590** -0.532* -0.514* -0.456 . -0.062 -0.414 -0.546* ' -0.511* 1996-Irr. -0.407 -0.544* . * Significant at the 10% level (P < 0.10) ** Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) *** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) / 43 Correlations Between Parental Genetic Similarity and Total Genetic Variance Total genetic variance o f all nine agronomic traits for each cross was computed and correlated with the two genetic similarity estimators (Table 14). Correlations between total genetic variance and COP were significantly negative in the 1995 field trial (P < 0.05), 1996 irrigated field trial (P < 0.10), and when the three environments were combined (P < 0.05). Significant negative correlations between total genetic variance and GS were observed in the 1995 field trial, the 1996 dryland field trial, the 1996 irrigated field trial, and when the three environments were combined (P < 0 .0 5 ). 44 Table 14. Correlations between genetic similarity estimators, coefficient o f parentage (COP) and molecular marker data (GS), and total genetic variance o f nine agronomic traits in the 1995, 1996 dryland, 1996 irrigated field trials and for the three environments combined. Environment Genetic Similarity Estimator Total Genetic Variance COP GS -0.613** -0.586** COP GS -0.368 -0.624** COP GS -0.555* -0.623** ■ COP GS -0.603** -0.605** 1995 1996-Dry 1996-lrr. Combined * Significant at the 10% level (P < 0.10) ** Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) 45 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION PCR-based molecular markers are an attractive choice to assess genetic diversity among hard red spring wheat cultivars. Knowledge o f genetic similarity among potential parental lines would be useful in choosing lines that perform equally agronomically, yet have different genetic make-ups. The ability to make crosses that are likely to produce transgressive segregants would greatly enhance the efficiency o f a breeding program. Genetic similarity based on COP and STS-PCR primers (GS) were significantly correlated (r = 0.58). Martin et 'al. (1995) found COP and genetic similarity based on 27 STS-PCR primers in hard red spring wheat to be highly correlated (r = 0.68). Autrique et al. (1996) found a low correlation (r = 0.23) between COP and genetic distance based on RFLPs in durum wheat. Keim et al. (1992) found a moderate correlation (r = 0.54) between genetic distance based on RFLPs and pedigree information for 18 ancestral and 20 adapted soybean lines. M oser and Lee (1994) found genetic distance based on RFLPs significantly correlated with COP (r = 0.63) in oats. Hahn et al. (1995) found moderate correlations between the similarity measurements o f RFLPs, RAPDs and COP in maize inbreds, while Smith et al. (1990) found genetic similarity based on RFLPs to be highly correlated (r = 0.81) with COP estimates among 37 inbred maize lines. Thorman et al. (1994) found a high correlation (r = 0.97) between genetic similarity estimates based on 46 RAPDs and genomic RFLPs in crucifer species. The moderate correlation observed between molecular marker similarity estimates and COP in this study could be explained in several ways. Although 211 primers were used to assess the level o f similarity among the 10 HRSW cultivars, and since wheat is a allopolyploid containing three genomes, perhaps the number o f primers mapped to each chromosome was not sufficient. For example chromosome groups one and five have 14 and 16 primers mapped, respectively (Table I). This equates to an average o f 4.6 and 5.3 primers per genome for each chromosome, respectively, which may not provide adequate genome coverage. Seventy-two primers remain unmapped. Future determination o f their map location, may further saturate the existing chromosomes and provide better coverage. The moderate correlation between molecular marker similarity estimates and COP could also be attributed to poor COP estimates. Coefficient o f parentage becomes more precise the closer the lines are related (Smith et al., 1990). This is due to the assumption that ancestors that have no pedigree information are assumed to be unrelated (Martin et al., 1991). Smith et al. (1990) noted that as the distance between maize inbred lines approached 0.65-0.70, the measure o f relatedness was based on very imprecise pedigree information. In the present experiment, there are several estimates o f similarity based on COP that fall below 0.20 (distance measure o f 0.80 or above) (Table 4). These numbers may be based on unreliable pedigree information, thus contributing to a lower correlation between genetic similarity estimates based on molecular markers. Correlations among the three progeny variation measurements were generally 47 positive (Tables 8-10), indicating variation observed with one method implies similar levels o f variation using another method. Highly significant negative correlations were observed between progeny mean range for heading date and GS for all three environments and when the three environments were combined (Table 11), however only non-significant to slightly significant negative correlations were observed between heading date genetic variances and GS (Table 13). Grain protein follows the same trend o f having significant correlations between GS and progeny mean range (Table 11), and yet has only non­ significant to slightly significant correlations between GS and genetic variance (Table 13). Progeny mean range utilizes the extreme progeny lines in computing the variance estimate for each trait, while the genetic variance estimates are computed over all 50 progeny lines. This may account for the greater significant correlations between genetic similarity estimators and progeny mean range. The majority o f correlations between genetic similarity estimators and progeny variation are negative, and significant correlations ranged from slightly significant (P < 0.10),to highly significant (P < 0.01) (Tables 11-13). Overall, 22 o f the 108 possible correlations were significantly negative for progeny variation estimates and COP estimates. Twenty-one of the 108 possible correlations were significantly negative for progeny variation estimates and GS estimates, indicating the two similarity measurements are similar in their predictive value (Tables 11-13). Although the number o f significant correlations are few (20%), the negative sign suggests the greater the genetic divergence in the parents, then the greater variance observed in the progeny. This 48 study examined the degree OfF5 and F6 progeny variance based on the genetic relatedness o f the parents. Souza and Sorrells (1991) state the prediction o f progeny performance in the F4 generation is more difficult to determine than in the F1 due to the nature o f the parameters being measured. In the F1 generation, the means are predicted, while in the F4 generation, the parameter being predicted is variance. There is a greater error associated with the prediction o f variance compared to the prediction o f means. Therefore, due to the greater error associated with variances and the fact that 90% o f the correlations computed between genetic similarity estimators and progeny variance are negative is encouraging. Correlations between total genetic variance and both genetic similarity estimators were significant in every environment but one (Table 14). Combining genetic variances o f a cross may be more useful when trying to estimate progeny variance based on parental genetic similarities. Recent empirical studies indicate that accurately predicting progeny variance based on molecular marker-based distance estimates does not seem likely (Moser and Lee, 1994; Souza and Sorrells, 1991). In both o f these studies, and the present one, progeny genetic variance for individual traits were correlated separately with genome wide similarity measurements, when perhaps prediction o f total genetic variance is more feasible. Molecular markers assay the whole genome, however an arbitrarily selected set o f markers that covers the whole genome may not accurately predict heterosis or progeny performance if the loci controlling important traits are not marked by the molecular markers (Charcosset et al., 1991). The markers used to assess genetic similarity among the 10 HRSW cultivars in this study, may or may not be marking the 49 loci that control these nine agronomic traits among the 12 crosses. It is likely these traits are controlled by many genes and are probably inter-related among each other, therefore combining the variance estimates may include more o f the loci controlling these traits and provide a better estimate. In fact it seems the more traits included in the total variance estimate the better the correlation would be, due to an increased chance of having marked those loci by molecular markers. Coefficient o f parentage and GS appear to be better estimators o f progeny variance when total genetic variance is examined rather than individual traits one at a time. 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Grain Solidness M aturity Fill G rain Y ield (M g/ha) T e s t, Grain W eight Protein (kg/m?) (%) 57.7 59.1 59.7 40.3 35.2 27.9 93.0 7.6.9 85.4 15.8 6.0 8.3 106.6 109.3 109.7 48.9 50.2 50.1 5.2 4.8 3.7 734.4 762.0 727.7 16.0 15.2 15.9 24 2.28 10 23.9 8 94.31 0 6.5 18 6.04 13 4.19 33 0.66 .8 216.81 17 0.81 56.3 55.4 55.3 . 2 9 .8 33.2 34.6 94.5 75.0 86.6 17.3 5.6 11.4 . 102.2 105.1 103.1 45.8 49.7 ■ 47.7 3.1 4.9 3.7 754.1 ' 778.7 763.3 16.5 15.8 16.5 3 13.41 1 3 8 .3 4 0 2.42 I 0.49 . 0 140.79 31 1.19 ' 45.8 46.6 47.4 3.1 4.7 3 .8 754.1 782.8 771.5 16.5 15.2 15.6 30 6.07 FORTUNA LEW PROGENY P lant H eight (cm) 56.3 59.4 ' 58.0 2 9 .8 47.3 41.0 10 o' . 11.65 3 4.75 94.5 98.6 99.5 17.3 15.1 15.3 .1 0 2 ,2 106.0 105.3 Trans. Seg. V ariance ' "0 • 0.62 9 .8 3 I 4.31 0' 0.77 0 0.63 0 0.36 I 0.19 0 20.62 0 0.10 GLENMAN AMDON PROGENY 58.2 57.7 57.8 39.5 40.3 36.1 84.3 93.0 92.0 14.2 15.8 16.1 106.9 106.6 105.9 48.8 48.9 48.1 5.5 5.2. 4.4 766.6 734.4 749.1 14.4 16.0 15.8 Trans. Seg. V ariance 17 2.33 0 -0.16 11 58.57 I 2 2 .6 5 2 .0 9 3 1.10 2 0.18 0 13 102.20 . 0.62 GLENM AN LEW PROGENY 58.2 59.4 59.4 39.5 47.3 40.6 8 8 .9 14.2 15.1 15.5 106.9 106.0 106.6 4 8 .8 986 46.6 47.2 5.5' 4.7 4.6 766.6 782.8 77,0.4 . 14.4 15.2 14.9 Trans. Seg. V ariance 8 2.25 0 -4.76 5 62.49 4 0.25 ■3 3.27 0 0.99 8 0.11 3 192.90 17 0.73 58.2 53.3 84.3 75.0 80.5 14.2 6.7 10.4 106.9 105.7 105.9 48.8 52.3 48.9 5.5 4.6 4.9 766.6 7 6 5 .1 5 6 .9 39.5 43.0 37.4 766.0 14.4 15.3 ■ 14.8 4 3.08 2 13.34 I 16.92 4.99 3 1.38 3 2.22 3 0.34 2 115.87 11 0.51 GLENM AN M ARBERG PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance ' 0 84.3 o • 60 Table 15 continued P lant Height (cm) H eading D ate Tillers/ft. GRANDIN PONDERA PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance HI-LINE NEW ANA PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance HI-LINE PONDERA PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance LEW AMLDON PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance . ■ 58.0 55.3 55.5 33.7 76.0 90.0 6.0 6.5 7.1 11 3.78 0 . 3.78 33 94.01 55.4 • 59.1 57.8 33.2 35.2 105.3 3.2 . 4.5' 4.2 0 -0.02 26 3.23 12 3.1 3 4 .2 75.0 76.9 76.7 5.6 6.0 6.2 105.1 109.3 107.1 10 5.15 0 -0.35 26 177.02 I 0.05 ■55.4 55.3 ' 55.8 33.2 29.2 35.6 75.0 76.0 83.4 . 8 1 .0 Test Grain W eight Protein (kg/im ) (%) 764.8 772.1 '769.7 16.2 15.5 16.1 3.00 0.43 4 123.58 21 0.43 49.7 50.2 49.3 4.9 4.8 4.4 778.7 758.7 15.8 15.2 15.5 5 4.46 7 3.06 2 0.1 6 100.57 10 0.43 5.6 6.5 6.4 105.1 107.2 104.7 49.7 51.8 48.9 4.9 4.5 4.4 778.7 772.1 769.2 15.8 15.5 15.7 9 0.93 1 0 7 .2 . 7 6 2 .0 36 I 29 668 1 2 .6 7 188.02 8 0.61 9 3.71 8 4.58 3 0.2 3 112.98 59.4 57.7 59.0 47.3 40.3 36.9 9 8 .6 15.1 15.6 46.6 48.9 47.4. 4.7 5.2 4,1 1 5 .2 1 5 .8 106.0 106.6 106.4 7 8 2 .8 93.0 95.7 734.4 752.5 16.0 15.7 9 0 25.86 Tl 20.66 4 1.83 13 2.3 I 1.12 11 0.29 3 365.65 15 0.33 84.7 84.3 89.0 8.0 14.2 11.6 107.3 106.9 107.7 49.8 48.8 48.4 4.8 5.5 4.2 7 5 6 .9 766.6 747.2 15.3 14.4 .14.8 23 116.47 0 4.06 6 3.21 I 2.4 15 0.57 10 215.11 11 0.54 8.0 6.0 7.7 107.3 109.3 106.0 49.8 50.2 48.6 4.8 4.8 3.7 756.9 ' 762.0 759.5 15.3 15.2 16.0 7' 15 2.39 15 3.91 0.21 3 90.35 33 0.43 2 .2 8 5 8 .2 59.4 41.0 39.5 34.7 Trans. Seg. V ariance 13 2.03 5 13.26 57.5 59.1 57.4 41.0 35.2 34.1 17 3.66 0 6.77 Trans. Seg. V ariance . 108.3 Grain Yield (MgZha) 50.3 51.8 49.7 2 8 .3 2 9 .2 LEN • GLENM AN PROGENY LEN NEW ANA PROGENY Stem Phys. Grain Solidness M aturity Fill 57.5 84.7 , 76.9 91.2 32 126.38 1 .9 5 '2 2 , ' 61 Table 16. Mean values of parental cultivars and progeny lines of nine agronomic traits in the 1996 dryland field trial. Progeny variation for each cross is assessed by examining the number of transgressive segregants and the genetic variance for each trait. H eading D ate Tillers/ft. AM IDON NEW ANA PROGENY Plant Height (cm) Stem Phys. Grain Solidness M aturity Fill 64.0 65.5 65.4 44.5 . 8 3 .5 50.5 69.8 44.9 ' 80.8 16.7 8.0 9.0 ■ 10 1.65 0 10.32 9 85.91 63.5 62.4 48.8 43.8 43.5 27 2.39 .63.5 65.5 64.9 Trans. Seg. V ariance G rain Y ield , (M g/ha) 103.0 104.3 104.5 3 8 .8 3.9 3.7- 39.1 3 .8 0 3.54 2 1.4 12 1.95 0 0.05 85.0 74.3 76.6 18.3 9.3 13.1 98.5 3.1 3.2 97.6 35.0 36.5 35.2 0 5.34 4 81.54 0 7.48 10 3.33 4 8 .8 46.7 45.9 85.0 84.0 85.0 18.3 17.2 • 16.5 O 0.07 0 10.33 2 4 GLENMAN AM IDON PROGENY 64.9 64.0 64.4 43.4 44:5 42.5 7 1 .8 Trans. Seg. V ariance 2 • 0.52 . GLENM AN LEW PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance ' 39.0 . Test Grain W eight Protein (kg/im ) (%) 15.1 14.9 15.1 780 6 773.6 761.8 2 1 6 .2 3 35 0.64 2 .9 787.9 778.1 782.2 15.0 15.6 15.9 4 1.02 I 0.56 6 26 1 3 9 .9 6 0.86 98.5 100.0 100.1 35.0 34.5 35.3 3.1 3.4 3.4 787.9 790.4 795.5 15.0 14.4 14.8 0 0.55 6 1.31 2 1.21 3 ■ 0.35 2 15.78 ■ 3 0.21 15.0 16.7 16.4 9 8 .8 83.5 80.3 103.0 100.3 33.9 39.0 35.9 3.7 3.9 . 3.6 778.7 780.6 782.5 13.8 15.1 14.8 0 9.26 I 45.01 0 2.97 I 2.49 0 1.85 0 0.02 6 144.86 12 0.35 64.9 65.5 65.3 43.4 46.7 48.4 71.8 84.0 78.0 15.0 17.2 17.9 98.8 100.0 100.3 33.9 34.5 .34.9 3.7 3.4 3.7 778.7 790.4 785.3 13.8 14.4 14.3 Trans. Seg. V ariance 7 0.98 0 -6.33 4 54.49 0 0 5 1.43 I 0.63 2 0.05 11 188.01 8 0.22 GLENM AN ' M ARBERG PROGENY 64.9 62.0 65.3 43.4 47.0 48.4 7 1 .8 15.0 9.5 17.9 9 8 .8 3.7 3.5 3.4 1 3 .8 97.0 100.3 33.9 35.0 34.9 7 7 8 .7 69.5 78.0 7 8 8 .1 14.8 14.7 Trans. Seg. V ariance I 0.71 9 .9 2 5 11.61 I 4.13 19 1.84 5 0.94 2 0.04 9 84.5 FORTUNA HI-LINE PROGENY 6 2 .8 Trans. Seg. V ariance FORTUNA LEW PROGENY ' 0 9 9 .3 16 785.3 ' 8 0.33 62 Table 16 continued H eading D ate Tillers/ft. GRANDIN PONDERA PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance HI-LINE NEW ANA PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance HI-LINE PONDERA PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance LEW AM IDON PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance LEN GLENM AN PROGENY Trans. Seg. Variance. LEN NEW ANA PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance Plant Height (cm) Stem Phys. Grain Solidness M aturity Fill 63.5 63.5 63.0 35.5 41.8 41.4 77.0 73.0 84.0 7.5 10.0 17 1.60 I 13.18 29 6 0 .9 8 6 2 .8 65.5 64.5 43.8 50.5 45.3 8 2.14 G rain Yield (M g/ha) Test Grain W eight Protein (kg/nu) (%) 8 .0 97.5 97.3 98.4 34.0. 33.8 35.4 3.6 3.3 3.3 791.8 788.4 780.3 15.3 15.1 15.8 0 -0.08 4 0.74 6 1.46 3 0.09 7 70.73 33 0.28 ■ 99.3 104.3 100.2 36.5 38.8 35.8 3.2 3.7 3.4 7 7 8 .1 66.9 9.3 8.0 7.6 773.6 ■ 775.6 15.6 14.9 15.3 0 7.46 9 120.44 I 0.52 10 2 .6 8 13 2.21 I. 0.12 ' 10 185.14 5 0.23 62.8 63.5 62.4 43.8 41.8 41.6 74.3 73.0 75.4 9.3 10.0 8.4 9 9 .3 36.5 3 3 .8 36.4 3.2 3.3. 3.3 7 7 8 .1 97.3 98.7 788.4 778.3 15.6 15.1 15.6 12 2.08 2 19.44 18 ' 135.2 I 0.03 11 2 .9 1 8 2.34 5 0.07 5 73.39 30 0:62 65.5 64.0 64.7 46.7 44.5 42.7 84.0 83.5 84.3 17.2 16.7 16.5 ' 100.0 103.0 100.8 34.5 39.0 36.1 3.4 3.9 3.5 790.4 780.6 791.0 14.4 15.1 14.7 6 : 0.74 0 15.34 11 11.71 3 • 2.35 0 3.47 0 2 .6 1 0 0.03 2 117.27 • 5 0.32 64.8 64.9 64.6 48.5 43.4 43.2 74.0 71.8 79.8 9.3 15.0 11.8 100.3 98.8 3.5 3.7 3.5 779.5 778.7 776.3 1 3 .8 9 9 .1 35.5 33.9 34.5 5 0.6 2 18.05 22 91.29 1 .8 2 2 1.95 I 1.66 2 0.04 8 183.21 3 0.28 64.8 65.5 64.5 48.5 50.5 46.7 74.0 35.5 38.8 39.0 3 .5 3.7 3.4 779.5 773.6 783.5 15.1 14.9 15.7 12 0.93 0 15.01 0 1.43 6 0.06 9 8 .0 6 74.3 6 9 .8 0 ' 6 9 .8 9.3 8.0 81.0 8 .3 100.3 104.3 103.6 26 82.37 I 0.44 3 1.90 11 15.1 14.4 30 . 0 .2 8 63 Table 17. Mean values of parental cultivars and progeny lines of nine agronomic traits in the 1996 irrigated field trial. Progeny variation for each cross is assessed by examining the number of transgressive segregants and the genetic variance for each trait. H eading D ate 'rillers/ft. AM IDON NEW ANA PROGENY 66.0 68.5 67.4 49.8 58.3 48.1 9 2.02 0 -5.28 65.8 64.2 64.4 P lant H eight (cm) G rain Yield (M g/ha) Test Grain W eight Protein (kg/ms) (%) 87.5 13.7 7.3 8:5 112.3 110.5 110.6 46.3 42.0 43.1 5.6 5.2 4.7 748.9 746.4 745.4 15.0 13.9 14.9 3 89.06 0 4.74 8 1.8 6 3.15 0 -0.03 11 275.66 15 0.64 49.5 45.5 53.7 95.0 76.0 90.6 13.0 7.5 10.2 110.8 110.8 109.2 45.0 46.7 44.9 4.9 5.9 5.3 779.5 776.2 778.3 15.2 15.1 ' 15.5 9 2.79 2 10.63 3 104.49 2 3.77 3 2.37 0 0.65 6 0.62 15 109.13 25 1.27 6 5 .8 49.5 52.3 53.9 95.0 97.8 96.5 13.0 15.3 14.1 110.8 110.0 111.9 45.0 42.3 45.4 4.9 5.6 5.3 7 7 9 .5 . 67.7 66.5 784.6 783.5 15.2 14.2 14.4 Trans. Seg. V ariance 3 0.14 0 -9.4 0 -0.23 ' 0 . 0.08 0 2.91 -0.01 2 0.07 0 16.95 0.10 GLENMAN AM IDON PROGENY 66.4 66.0 66.0 55.1 84.6 95.2 94.8 14.0 13.7 <13.5 111.0 4 9 .8 112.3 112.5 44.6 46.3 46.5 6.4 5.6 . 6.2 766.2 748.9 759.7 13.0 15.0 14.6 Trans. Seg. V ariance 9 0.79 0 -6.02 I 39.31 0 2.15 2 0.93 2 0.77 0.05 5 157.35 9 0.56 GLENMAN LEW PROGENY 66.4 67.7 67.7 54.9 . 52.3 48.3 14.0 15.3 15.3 111.0 97.8 91.3 110.0 111.2 44.6 42.3 43.5 6.4 5.6 5.6 766.2 784.6 767.7 13.0 14.2 14.0 Trans. Seg. V ariance 7 1.51 0 1.91 •5 73.51 3 1.71 7 1.54 I 11 1.2 0.08 9 242.95 13 0.48 GLENM AN M ARBERG PROGENY 66.4 63.0 66.1 54.9 69.5 . 53.3 84.6 81.0 84.1 14.0 8.0 10.9 111.0 111.5 111.3 44.6 48.5 45.2 .6.4 6.7 6.4 766.2 770.4 759.2 13.0 14.4 1 3 .8 Trans. Seg. V ariance 5 1.32 13 16.52 0 0.88 7 3.56 I 3.5 0 0.32 8 91.31 5 0.55 Trans. Seg. V ariance FORTUNA HI-LINE PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance FORTUNA LEW PROGENY 54.9 0 -10.97 95.2 Stem Phys. Grain Solidness M aturity Fill 8 0 .3 . I 8 4 .6 I 11 \ 64 Table 17 continued P lant H eight (cm) H eading D ate Tillers/ft. GRANDIN PONDERA PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance HI-LINE NEW ANA PROGENY Trans. Seg. Variance. HI-LINE PONDERA PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance LEW AM IDON PROGENY 64.5 65.3 . 64.4 46.0 48.7 16 1.89 0 41.96 64.2 68.5 66.6 45.5 58.3 49.5 ' 2 2.32 0 8.21 64.2 65.3 64.2 45.5 46.0 47.7 17 2.73 86.0 80.3 G rain Yield (M g/ha) 83 6 7.5 8.3 7.7 113.5 111.8 112.8 49.0 46.5 48.5 29 76.57 I 2 0.65 1 .3 6 3 1.39 10.00 ' 0.35 '7.5 7.3 7.7 110.8 110.5 111.2 46.7 42.0 44.6 5,9 6 88.64 2 0.16 3 1 .9 9 0 .0.97 76.0 80.3 83.4 7.5 0 13.69 19 159.62 67.7 66.0 66.7 52.3 49.8 51.6 11 5 5 .5 76.0 . 80.3 78.6 ■ . 4 118.23 17 0.54 5.4 776.2 746.4 ■ 752.2 15.1 13.9 14.4 12 0.47 9 420.54 0.83 5.9 6.5 15.1 14.2 15.1 5 .2 "I 5 .5 776.2 774.3 762,8 0 0.22 5 2.18 8 2.02 10 0.33 20 144.99 16 0.83 97.8 95.2 95.9 15.3 13.7 15.2 110.0 112.3 111.8 42.3 46.3 45.2 5.6 5.6 5.4 7 8 4 .6 748.9 7 6 3 .9 14.2 15.0 14.8 2 1.58 0 3.11 0 3.04 6 0.2 2. 246.48 12 .0.32 ' 47.5 44.6 45.7 6.5 6.4 5.4 751.1 766.2 1 4 .9 7 5 0 .9 13 14.4 0 1.58 8 0.35 7 242.81 4 0.36 15 21.58 LEN GLENMAN PROGENY .66.3 66.4 66.7 50.0 54.9 50.1 84.5 84.6 Trans. Seg. V ariance 9 1.26 47.9 LEN NEW ANA PROGENY ' 66.3 8 .3 7 .8 . . 8 .5 113.8 111.0 9 2 .8 14.0 10.3 11 94.5 0 2.49 84.5 8.5 7.3 8.5 50.0 58.3 50.6 93.4 3 . 5 2.23 ■ 27.37 8 0 .4 9 6 6 .9 ■15.4 14.2 15.5 46.5 47.2 0 5.88 6 8 .5 774.3 768.7 7 6 5 .0 " 4 6 .7 ■ 1.67 I ' 6.1 . 6.5 5.7 Test Grain W eight Protein (kg/ms) (%) 110.8 111.8 111.3 Trans. Seg. V ariance Trans. Seg. V ariance Stem Phys. Grain Solidness M aturity Fill 8 0 .3 33 2 -0.09 112.4 I , 2.49 113.8 47.5 110.5 , 42.0 114.1 47.2 I 0.71 0 1.44 6.5 5 .2 5.4 8 0.30 \ 751.1 . 14.9 746.4 . 13.9. 760.6. 15.4 21 123.44 30 0.38 65 Table 18. Mean values of parental cultivars and progeny lines of nine agronomic traits for the three environments combined. Progeny variation for each cross is assessed by examining the number of transgressive segregants and the genetic variance for each trait. P lant H eight (cm) H eading D ate Tillers/ft. AMTOON NEW ANA PROGENY 61.9 63.6 63.5 44.2 ' 46.2 38.5 16 1.87 Stem Phys. Grain Solidness M aturity Fill 90.9 75.9 84.7 15.4 7.0 I 3.46 61.1 60.0 59.9 40.9 39.8 42.6 24 3.61 G rain Y ield (M g/ha) (k g /m 3 ) (%) Test G rain W eight Protein 8 .6 107.2 108.2 108.4 45.3 44.6 44.9 4.9 4.6 4.0 751.8 760.8 742.5 15.4 14.7 15.4 19 89.24 • 0 4.92 3 0.82 I 0 .3 6 6 0.1 23 208.69 14 0.62 9 1 .9 16.4 7.2 11.5 1 0 3 .6 75.1 84.9 105.1 103.3 42.5 45.0 43.3 3.6 4.7 3.9 771.0 ' 777.8 773.0 15.7 15.5 16.1 2 12.4 5 100.74 0 8.01 5 , 2.92 0 0.51 I 0.27 7 . 99.08 32 1.03 . 61.1 63.5 62.4 40.9 48.6 46.1 91.9 94.2 94.5 16.4 15.8 15.3 103.6 105.4 105.7 42.5 41.9 43.4 3.6 4.6 . 4.1 771.0 785.5 781.8 15.7 14.7 15 Trans. Seg. V ariance O 0.22 0 6.67 7 2 .8 8 4 0.29 I 0.26 I 0.08 2 0.08 0 12.98 0 0.08 GLENM AN AMTOON PROGENY 62.4 61.9 62.0 45.0 44.2 43.4 90.9 89.4 14.4 15.4 15.4 105.8 107.2 106.2 43.3 45.3 44.1 5.3 4.9 4.7 769.9 751.8 761.7 13.8 15.4 15.2 13 ' 1.20 0 4.38 13 47.67 4 1.70 3 ■ 0.76 0 OTO 7 0.05 5 108.52 9 0.49 GLENM AN LEW PROGENY 62.4 63.5 63.5 45.0 48.6 45.0 8 0 .8 14.4 94.2 86.5 1 5 .8 16.1 105.8 105.3 106.1 43.3 41.9 42.6 5.3 4.6 4.6 769.9 785.5 773.9 13.8 14.7 14.5 Trans. Seg. V ariance 14 0 1 .6 3 - 2 .8 8 7 61.44 12 0.42 3 1.73 0 0.38 11 0.03 16 175.02 8 0.43 GLENM AN M ARBERG 62.4 58.6 45.0 51.7 80.8 75.1 ■ 14.4 7.9 105.8 104.9 43.3 46.3 5.3 4.9 769.9 773.2 13.8 14.9 PROGENY 61.6 43.6 78.4 11.1 105.6 43.9 4.9 768.2 14.5 0 -3.34 ■ 7 13.43 I 3.59 11 1.49 0 1.02 13 0.16 9 6 8 .8 8 5" 0.41 Trans. Seg. V ariance FORTUNA HI-LINE PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance FORTUNA LEW PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance Trans. Seg. V ariance . • '5 1.59 8 0 .8 • ' Table IS ^continued H eading Date. Tillers/ft. P lant H eight (cm) GRANDIN . PONDERA PROGENY 61.4 60.5 60.2 38.1 37.6 40.2 81.3 76.4 89.3 6.9 8.0 7.5' Trans. Seg. V ariance 23 2.40 8 16.17 ■ 36 78.67 0 0.05 3 1.18 2 1.08 7.2 7.0 • 7.0 . 105.1 108.2 HI-LINE NEW ANA PROGENY - 60.0 63.6 Trans. Seg. V ariance 3 9 .8 75.1 ' 7 5 .9 6 2 .2 46.2 41.8 0 2.40 0 1.50 60.0 60.5 60.1 74.4 Grain Y ield (M g/ha) Stem Phys. Grain Solidness M aturity Fill 106.7 ; 105.6 105.5 45.3 45.1 45.3 772.5 777.4 772.5 15.7 15 15.8 2.00 ' 0.20 7 91.21 16 0.35 1 0 6 .3 45.0 44.6 44.1 4.7 4.6 4.4 777.8 760.8 761.6 15.5 14.7 15.1 ‘ 3 1.50 0 . 0.09 9 0.13 5 145.99 3 0.29 45.0 45.1 44.8 4.7 4.8 4.4 777.8 777.4 770.0 15.5 15.0 15.5 2 1.21 0 0.61 .1 6 0.16 10 67.08 21 0.75 105.4 107.2 106.3 41.9 45.3 43.5 4.6 4.9 4.3 785.5 751.8 766.8 14.7 15.4 15.2 0 2.02 I 1.16 14 0.12 8 233.31 15 0.30 .45.1 43.3 43.6 . 4.9 5.3 4.3 . 761.7 769.9 756.6 15.1 13.8 14.6 13 134.80 9 0.35 . 4.1 48 4.4 Test G rain . W eight Protein (kg/ms) (%) . 13 113.93 o.ii 39.8 37.6 . 40.8 75.1 76.4 81.1 7.2 8.0 7.3 19 3.28 5 8.78 27 159.7 0 0.06 63.5 61.9 62.8 48.6 44.2 42.8 90.9 92.5 Trans. Seg. V ariance 21 1.50 0 11.45 14 15.96 LEN GLENM AN PROGENY 62.1 62.4 63.0 45.7 45.0 41.5 81.6 80.8 87.5 8.5 1 14.4 11.3 , 107.1 105.8 106.6 16 1.15 5' 10.09 24 97.92 9 2.93 7 1.76 3 0.95 15 ■ 0.24 62.1 4 5 .7 63 6 81.6 75.9 62.2 46.2 42.4 . 8 8 .9 8.5 7.0 8.1 107.1 108.2 107.6 45.1 44.6 45.5 4.9 4.6 4.1 761.7 ' 760.8 766.7 15.1 14.7 15.7 14 : 2.06 12 5.62 36 ' 97.52 5 0.83 0 0.59 2 0.70 19 0.10 . 13 97.50 ' 0.28 HI-LINE PONDERA PROGENY Trans. 'Seg. V ariance LEW AM lDON PROGENY Trans. Seg.. V ariance LEN NEW ANA PROGENY Trans. Seg. V ariance ' 942 2 . 15.8 . 15.4 15.7 9 1.91 ' 105.1 . 105.6 1049' . 28 67 APPENDIX B ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE TABLES FOR THE THREE ENVIRONMENTS COMBINED 68 Table 19. Analysis of variance of nine agronomic traits for the Amiflon x Newana cross for the three environments combined. Source Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines Error Source Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 4 51 102 204 df 2 4 51 102 204 Heading Date MS F-value 2135.3 5.1 13.6 0.75 0.44 4852.3** 11.6** 30.9** 1.7** Stem Sohdness MS F-value 19.0 15.5 41.1 3.4 3.1 6 .2 * * 5.0** 13.3** 1.1 Tillers/ft. MS F-value 14736.5 191.8** 212.2 . ' 2.8* 127.5 1.7** • 103.7 . 1.4* 76.8 Yield ( M g /h a ) Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines Error 1147.9 48.0 13.3 7.4 1.6 635.9 26.4 22.2 GrainFill . MS F-value 3918.5 24.6 10.7 8.1 1.8 8 .3 * * 4.6** T est F -v a lu e MS 2 4 51 102 204 34.4 2.7 1.6 0.84 90.3** 7.0** 4.2** 2.2** 36171.9 10904.9 1617.2 1 6 9 .5 128.1. , F -v alu e 282.3** 85.1** 12.6** 1.3* 2222.5** 14.0** 6 .1** 4 .6 ** G ra in W e ig h t ( k g /m 3 ) . MS 57.7** 10.7** 28.6** 1.2 2 3 8 .6 711.9** 29.7** df 0 .3 8 1283.8 Phys. Maturity MS F-value G ra in S o u rce Plant Height (cm) MS F-value . P r o te in ( % ) MS F -v alu e 38.3 1.1 4.5 0.26 0.05 738.1** 2L0** 86.3** 4.9** * Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) ** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) 69 Table 20. Analysis of variance of nine agronomic traits for the Fortuna x Hi-Line ' cross for the three environments combined. H e a d in g D a te T ille rs/ft. P la n t H e ig h t (c m ) S o u rce ' df MS F -v a lu e MS ' F -v alu e MS F -y alu e Environ. . Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror 2 4 51 102 204 2997.1 9.3 26.0 1.6 0.58 5162.3** 16.0** 44.9** 2.8** 11406.7 531.6 152.0 67.1 69.3 164.6** 7.7**2.2** 0.97 5458.1 613.7 750.6 47.3 20.2 270.8** 30.5** 37.2** 2.4** S te m S o h d n e s s S o u rce Environ. Rep. (E n v .)' Lines Env. x Lines E rror dT 2 4 51 102 204 P h y s . M a tu r ity MS F -v a lu e MS F -v alu e 238.2 4.2 65.4 6.4 5.5 43.7**. 0.76 12.0** 1.2 • 3496.7 47.4 22.8 2.8 1.2 2955.2** 40.1** .19.3** 2.4** G r a in Y ie ld ( M g /h a ) S o u rce Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 ■ 4 .51 102 204 G ra in F ih MS F -v alu e 5072.3 34.2 7.9 3.7 ' 1.4 T est 3614.8** 24.4** 5.6** 2.6** G ra in W e ig h t (k g /m 3 ) P r o te in ( % ) MS F -v alu e MS F -v alu e MS F -value 149.3 2.9 2.4 0.48 .0.22 679.8** 13.0** 10.9** 2.2** 13185.6 943.4 808.1 144.3 64.5 204.4** 14.6** 12.5** 2.2** 33.7 . 0.64 7.2 0.27 0.07 486.9** 9.2** 104.7** 3.9** ** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) 70 Table 21. Analysis of variance of nine agronomic traits for the Fortuna x Lew cross for the three environments combined. Source Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror S o u rce Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror Source Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 4 51 102 204 df 2 4 51 102 204 df 2 4 51 102 204 Heading Date MS F-value 2738.0 15.5 . 2.4 0.52 0.30 9134.9** 51.7** 8.0** 1.7** Stem Sohdness MS F-value 149.1 . 2 8 .2 4.9 61.5** 11.6** 2.0** 1.2 Tillers/ft. MS F-value 5533.8 901.6 141.4 91.3 97.3 56.9** 9.3** 1.5* 0.94 Phys. Maturity MS F-value 3611.2 77.8 3 .8 3029.5** 65.3** 3.2** 1.8** 2.4 2.1 1.2 Grain Yield (MgZha) MS F-value Test Weight (kg/m3) MS F-value 2 .9 113.8 5.5 0.81 0.25 0.19 598.7** 29.0** 4.3** 1.3 17809.6 1848.7 199.1 95.5 93.4 190.6** 19.8** 2.1** LO Plant Height (cm) MS F-value 6979.6 258.2 31.4 11.6 9.6 730.5** 27.0** 3.3** 1.2 G rainFih MS F-value 4876.5 28.4 3.0 2.3 1.3 3712.1** 21.6** 2.3** 1.7** Grain Protein (%) MS F-value 42.9 3.7 0.74 0.15 0.04 * Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) ** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) 978.2** 83.3** 16.9** 3.4** 71 Table 22. Analysis of variance of nine agronomic traits for, the Glemnan x Amidon cross for the three environments combined. Source Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines Error Source Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines Error Source Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines Error df 2 4 51 102 204 df 2 4 51 102 204 df 2 4 51 102 204 Heading Date MS F-value 2486.8 44.2 8.9 0.77 0.41 6115.0** 108.6** 21.8** 1.9** 64.9** 8.3** 4.2** 1.5** Grain Yield (Mg/ha) MS F-value 203.0 . 2.0 0.82 0.44 0.39 11325.9 103.0 102.0 74.4 127.9** 1.2 1.2 0.84 88.6. Stem Sohdness MS F-value 280.2 35.8 17.9 6.4 4.3 Tillers/ft. MS F-value 526.7** 5.2** 2.1** 1.2 Phys. Maturity. MS F-value 3911.5 95.7 9.4 4.3 1.8 2123.2** 52.0** 5.1** 2.3** Test Weight (kg/m3) MS F-value 34871.8 6748.4 929.0 197.9 149.4 233.4** 45.2** Plant Height (cm) MS F-value 6287.2 395.6 353.3 17.6 14.5 434.0** 27.3**’ 24.4** 1.2 G rainFih MS F-value 5084.2 14.1 5.1 4.4 1.9 2727.5** 7.6** 2.8** 2.4** Grain Protein (%) MS F-value 6.2** 48,2 0.61 3.6 1.3* 0.12 0.03 * Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) ** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) 1507.1** 19.1** 112.7** 3.7** 72 Table 23. Analysis of variance of nine agronomic traits for the Glenman x Lew cross for the three environments combined. Source Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines Error df 2 4 51 102 204 Heading Date MS F-value 2417.2 8.6 11.8 0.77 0.76 3175.5** 11.4** 15.5** 1.0 S te m S o H d n ess S o u rce Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 4 51 102 204 fillers/ft. MS F-value 2519.2 231.6 . 102.5 118.9 122.7 P h y s . M a tu rity . 365.6** 2.9* 30.0** 1.2 G ra in F iH F -v alu e MS F -v alu e MS F w a lu e 215.5 41.7 6.4 3.0 2.8 77.4** 15.0** 2.3** LI 3154.0 18.4 14.4 ■ 2.6 1.6 2022.1** 11.8** 9.3** 1.7** 4717.1 9.1 6.2 3.2 2.0 2359.9** 4.6** 3.1** 1.6** Y ie ld (M g Z ha) Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror 5415.8 43.5 444.1 17.8 14.8 MS G ra in S o u rce 20.5** 1.9 0.84 0.97 Plant Height (cm) MS F-value G ra in T est W e ig h t (k g /m 3 ) P r o te in (% ) df MS F -v alu e MS F -v alu e MS F -v alu e 2 4 51 102 204 96.3 1.0 0.76 0.38 0.30 316.1** 3.4** 2.5** 1.3 9433.6 5200.2 1351.2 164.9 112.1 84.1** 46.4** 12.1** . 1.5** . 30.4 1.2 3.2 0.22 0.03 961.3** ' 36.5** 100.8** 7.0** * Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) ** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) 73 T a b l e 2 4 . A n a ly s is o f v a r ia n c e o f n in e a g r o n o m ic tr a i t s f o r t h e G l e n m a n x M a r b e r g c r o s s f o r t h e t h r e e e n v ir o n m e n ts c o m b in e d . H e a d in g D a t e S o u rce Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 4 51 102 204 Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 4 51 102 204 MS F -v alu e MS F -value 3082.8 11.7 13.2 1.2 0.60 5128.5** 19.4** 22.0** 2.0** 7953.3 231.5 . 89.8 103.9 818 94.9** 2.8* 1.1 1.24 6012.1 106.8 107.3 15.7 11.5 520.7** 9.3** ■ 9.3** 1.4* G r a in F ill F -v alu e MS F -v alu e MS F -v alu e 126.9 25.7 31.2 4.0 4.0 32.0** 6.5** 7.9** 1.0 3741.4 18.2 12.9 2.9 1.4 2602.0** 12.7** 9.0** 2.0** 6056.3 14.6 12.2 4.4 1.7 3612.9** 8.7** 7.3** 2.6** G ra in Y ie ld (M gZ ha) Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror P h y s . M a tu r ity MS ■ S o u rce P la n t H e ig h t (c m ) F -v a lu e S te m S o lid n e s s S o u rce T ille rs/ft. MS G ra in T est W e ig h t (k g /m S ) P r o te in (% ) df MS F -v a lu e MS F -v alu e MS F -value 2 4 51 102 204 . 222.6 4.1 1.5 0.45 0.30 731.3** 13.5** 5.1** 1.5** 12290.5 2249.1 ' 639.5 . 161.9 102.5 119.9** 22.0** 6.2** 1.6** 33J 2.5 3.0 0.21 0.06 565.8** 41.6** 50.9** 3.5** * Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) ** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) 74 Table 25. Analysis of variance of nine agronomic traits for the Grandin x Pondera cross for the three environments combined. H e a d in g D a te S o u rce Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 4 51 102 204 MS F -v a lu e MS 3003.0 23.2 17.5 1.2 0.80 - 3777.0** 29.1** 22.1** 1.6** 7235.6 94.3 173.7 6 6 .8 ' 62.1 S te m S o h d n e s s S o u rce Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2. 4 ■ 51 102 204 T ille rs/ft. MS 30.1 8.5 2.5 • 2.1 1.9 F -v alu e ' 116.6** 1.5 2.8** 1.1 P h y s . M a tu r ity P la n t H e ig h t (c m ) MS F -v alu e 2394.0 250.9 578.3 17.3 15.7 152.0** 15.9** 36.7** 1.1 G ra in F ih F -v a lu e MS F -v alu e MS F -v alu e 15.9** 4.5** 1.3 1.1 5425.5 200.9 11.4 3.4 1.4 3880.6** 143.7** 8.2** 2.4** 7240.5 188.1 11.4 4.3 1.8 4105.5** 106.7** 6.5** 2.4** G ra in Y ie ld (M gZ ha) . T est G ra in W e ig h t (k g /m 3 ) P r o te in (% ) S o u rce . df MS F -v a lu e MS F -v alu e MS F -v alu e Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror 2 4 51 102 204 159.6 2.6 1.8 0.48 0.24 662.3** 10.9** 7.6** 2.0** 4676.6 1418.3 750.0 133.8 108.6 43.1** 13.1** 6.9** 1.2 11.2 0.25 2.7 0.20 0.04 281.2** 6.3** 67.2** 5.1** ** Significant at the 1 % level (P < 0.01) 75 Table 26. Analysis of variance of nine agronomic traits for the Hi-Linex Newana cross for the three environments combined. H e a d in g D a te S o u rce df Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror 2 4 51 . 102 ' 204 ■ Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror ■ MS F -v alu e MS F -value 2804.5 5.5 20.1 2.8 0.48 5859.8** 11.5** 42.0** 5.9** 8733.2 436.2 105.2 104.3 95.3 ' 91.7** 4.6** 1.1 1.1 3963.0 278.9 849.3 86.6 31.2 127.2** 9.0** 27.3** 2.8** P h y s . M a tu r ity MS F -v a lu e MS F -v alu e MS 2 4 51 102 204 91.5 10.3 2.0 1.4 1.1 80.1** 9.0** 1.8** 1.2 3130.0 2.9 17.1 6.4 2.4 1282.1** 1.2 7.0** 2.6** 5651.1 9.9 ' 9.1 7.5 2.9 Y ie ld (M gZ ha) Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines Error G r a in F iU df G ra in S o u rce P la n t H e ig h t (c m ) F -v a lu e ; S te m S o U d n e ss S o u rce T iU ers/ft. MS df 2 4 51 102 204 MS 107.4 3.4 ' 1.4 0.49 0.40 T est ■ F -v alu e 1961.3** 3.5** 3.2** 2.6** G ra in W e ig h t (k g /m 3 ) P r o te in (% ) F -v a lu e MS F -v alu e MS F -value 266.9** 8.5** 3.5** 1.2 15514.8 1573.3 1227.9 229.5 90.5 171.4** 17.4** 13.6** 2.5** 39.4 2.0 2.2 0.18 0.08 513.2** 26.5** 28.9** 2.3** ** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) 76 Table 27. Analysis of variance of nine agronomic traits for the Hi-Line x Pondera cross for the three environments combined. H e a d in g D a te S o u rce Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 4 51 102 204 MS 2613.8 1.9 24.7. 2.6 0.46 F - v a lu e . 5652.9** 4.1** 53.5** 5.5** S te m S o h d n e ss Source Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 4 51 102 204 MS 145.5 14.7 3.0 2.7 1.7 F-value 85.6** ■ 8.7** 1.8** 1.6** T illers/ft. MS 4789.5 276.9 129.5 70.1 . 61.7 Y ie ld (M gZha) Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 4 51 102 204 F-value MS F-value 77.6** 4.5** 2.1** 1.1 2388.6 192.2 1117.9 33.6 20.8 114.8** 9.23** 53.7** 1.6** P h y s. M atu rity G r a in F ih MS F-value MS F-value 4146.7 27.6 13.6 5.4 1.3 3298.9** 22.0** 10.8** 4.3** 5419.7 23.8 11.5 7.4 1.4 3870.4** 17.0** 8.2** 5.3** G rain Source P la n t H e ig h t (c m ) T e st G rain W e ig h t (k g /m 3 ) P r o te in (% ) MS F-value MS F-value MS F-value 135.0 1.9 . 1.5 0.36 0.32 417.4** 5.8** 4.5** LI 6186.8 4251.8 629.4 153.2 67.3 92.0** 63.2** 9.4** 2.3** 13.1 1.3 5.5 0.44 0.40 32.7** 3.3** 13.7** 1.1 ** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) \ 77 Table 28. Analysis of variance of nine agronomic traits for the Lew x Anaidon cross for the three environments combined. H e a d in g D a te S o u rce Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 4 51 102 204 MS 2113.5 .1 6 .4 10.8 0.79 0.39 Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror MS 5363.1** 41.6** ■ 27.5** 2.0** S te m S o h d n e ss S o u rce T ille rs/ft. . F -v a lu e 6424.2 329.6 ■163.2 85.6 77.3 P h y s . M a tu r ity MS F -value 4896.4 351.6 122.9 • 14.8 10.0 [ 491.2** 35.3** 12.3** 1.5** G r a in F ill MS F -v a lu e MS F -v alu e MS F -value 2 451 102 204 47.4 13.1 16.9 3.7 3.9 12.3** 3.4** 4.4** 0.97 3129.7 20.1 • 17.9 3.9 1.8 1705.9** 11.0**, 9.8** 2.1** 4193.2 13.2 12.4 4.4 1.9 2203.7** 7.0** 6.5** 2.3** Y ie ld ( M g /h a ) Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines Error 83.1** 4.3** 2.1** LI P la n t H e ig h t (c m ) df G ra in S o u rce F -v alu e df 2 4 51 102 204 T est G ra in W e ig h t (k g /m 3 ) P r o te in (% ) M S. F -v a lu e MS F -v alu e MS F -value 99.6 2.1 1.2 0.43 0.31 318.9** 6.8** 4.0** 1.4* 46179.3 9999.6 1730.6 206.7 126.5 365.2** 79.1** 13.7** 1.6**. 42.0 0.95 2.1 0.12 0.04 955.3** 21.7** 48.1** 2.7** . * Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) ** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) 78 Table 29. Analysis of variance of nine agronomic traits for the Len x Glenman cross for the three environments combined. H e a d in g D a te S o u rce Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 4 51 102 204 Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror MS F -v alu e MS F -value 1887.3 13.1 8.8 1.0 0.56 3342.9** 23.2** 15.6** 1.8** 7264.5 80.5 169.8 105.4 76.1 95.4** 1.1 2.2** 1.4* 4792.2 169.8 707.2 42.4 32.3 ' 148.4 5.3** . 21.9** 1.3* df MS 2 4 51 102 204 68.5 10.9 23.9 5.1 4.6 ‘ ' P h y s. M a tu r ity MS F -v alu e MS F -value 14.8** 2.3 5.2** 1.1 4771.2 83.5 15.7 3.9 2.0 2347.4** 41.1** 7.7** 1.9** 6317.3 38.2 10.5 4.3 2.0 3116.6** 18.8** 5.2** 2.1** Y ie ld ( M g /h a ) Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 4 51 102 204 MS G ra in F ih F -v alu e G ra in S o u rce P la n t H e ig h t (c m ) F -v alu e S te m S o h d n e s s S o u rce T iile rs/ft. MS F -v alu e 100.6 . 266.1** 7.1 18.7** 2.3 . 6.2** 0.62 1.6** 0.38 T est G ra in W e ig h t (k g /m 3 ) MS 28312.3 8092.0 1231.4 297.1 132.0 P r o te in (% ) F -v alu e MS F -v alu e 214.5** ' 61.3** 9.3** 2.3** 8.1 2.0 2.6 0.27 0.07 119.1** 28.7** 37.5** 3.9** * Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) ** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0.01) 79 Table 30. Analysis of variance of nine agronomic traits for the Len x Newana cross for the three environments combined. H e a d in g D a te S o u rce Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror df 2 4 51 102 204 F -v a lu e MS F -v alu e 3195.7 16.8 15.5 1.4 0.48 6618.5** 34.8** 32.1** 2.9**' 9998.9 292.6 126.9 84.1 64.9 154.0** 4.5** 2.0** 1.3 S te m S o lid n e s s S o u rce Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror T ille rs/ft. MS df MS 2 4 51 102 204 29.4 2.1 7.9 2.2 2.0 ■ P h y s . M a tu r ity Environ. Rep. (Env.) Lines Env. x Lines E rror 2 4 51 102 204 F -v alu e 4695.5 32.3 722.8 . 29.2 20.6 227.5** 1.6 35.0** 1.4* G r a in F ill - MS F -v alu e MS F -value 14.7** ' LI 4.0** 1.1 3246.4 ■25.5 8.0 4.3 1.2 2777.9** 21.8** 6.9** 3.7** 3128.2 6.2 10.6 6.2 1.6 1896.0** 3.8** ■6.4** 3.8** Y ie ld ( M g /h a ) df MS F -v alu e G r a in S o u rce P la n t H e ig h t (c m ) T est G ra in W e ig h t ( k g /m 3 ) P r o te in (% ) MS F -v alu e MS F -v alu e MS F -value 119.3 1.8 ■ 1.1 0.37 0.16 767.6** 11.9** 7.2** 2.4** 20279.9 5247.8 776.0 121.8 126.8 160.0** 41.4** 6.1** 0.96 12.3 0.95 2.4 0.26 0.05 264.9** 20.6** 50.8** 5.6** * Significant at the 5% level (P < 0.05) ** Significant at the 1% level (P < 0:01) MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 1762 10310234 7