Elk habitat use and the impact of the construction and energization of a 500-KV ac powerline on the North Boulder Winter Range, Montana by Jodie Ellen Canfield A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Fish and Wildlife Management Montana State University © Copyright by Jodie Ellen Canfield (1984) Abstract: Elk habitat use, activity patterns, and winter distribution, before and after energization of a 500-kV AC powerline which crosses critical winter range in southwestern Montana, was studied during the mild winters of 1983 and 1984. Methods included 24 hour continuous radio-monitoring, track and pellet group counts, and direct ground and aerial observations. Habitat use by the elk herd, which apparently was at or above carrying capacity, was influenced by weather parameters, distribution of available forage (as influenced by snow conditions and cattle grazing), and population density. The powerline crosses a bunchgrass range at about the level where timber begins, and elk typically crossed the powerline corridor twice a day while traveling between bedding and feeding areas. Powerlihe construction in the spring of 1983 displaced radioed elk prior to spring migration. ' Four of 11 elk with functional radios did not return to the study area to winter in 1984 after the powerline was energized. The physical presence of the powerline did not alter elk distribution or activity patterns, however, noise generated from corona discharge off the conductors during precipitation caused elk to hesitate and show excitability before crossing a "noisy corridor" , and may alter basic elk daily activity patterns during storms. It is not expected that elk will further acclimate to precipitation noise levels because the rate of animal exposure is low on the relatively arid North Boulder range, and the corridor itself is not an attractive forage source. The level of impact from corona noise may change with more severe winter conditions if elk are forced by deep snow to congregate on lower elevations entirely below the powerline corridor. The number of hunters declined from historical figures in the area after powerline access roads were built. Hunter distribution also changed, however, total harvest remained the same. Placement of future extra high voltage (EHV) lines should consider not only the effect of the physical presence of the corridor and towers on wildlife, but also the potential impacts of electro-magnetic fields and corona discharge. It is recommended that future EHV lines are not placed across concentrated big game use areas. ELK HABITAT USE AND THE IMPACT OF THE CONSTRUCTION' AND ENERGIZATION OF A 500-KV AC POWERLINE ON THE NORTH BOULDER WINTER RANGE,.MONTANA by Jodie Ellen Canfield A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Fish and Wildlife Management MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana November 1984 MAIN LIB. AiJ l 2 <!>%_ c^p- ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Jodie E . Canfield This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content , English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Date J £ K a l r per son, Graduate CommTtTee Approved for the Major Department 3d MnWm W Date Head, Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies / L ^iQ ' f V Date G r a duate Dean ill STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In the presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment requirements University, able to of a master's degree at Montana of State I agree that the Library shall make it avail­ borrowers under rules quotations of the Library. Brief from this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgement of source is m a d e . Permission duction of this professor, Libraries use of or extensive quotation from thesis in his/her when, the purposes. for in be granted absence, by the opinion of material Any may copying in this thesis by the repro­ my major Director either, is or the proposed for or use of the material scholarly in thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without written permission. Signature Date (J-OdXib \\!(TlHJmbiAJ 7)0j M f W of this my V ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish following study: to express my sincere appreciation to the people for their valuable contributions to this Dr. H . D . Picton,, Montana State University, major advisor, who invested time and energy in all phases of the study; Dr. R. J. Mackie;,. and Dr. R . E . Moore, MS U, for review of the manuscript; Mr. D . Burkhal ter, MSU computingi . services,, for conducting . •- the ‘ ' computerized analyses and for assistance with TELDAY; Tina Crump, Deerlodge National statistical Mike Paterni and Forest, tremendous contributions to the fieldwork; . for Mike their Frisina, MDFWP area manager, for conducting the trapping operations and providing background information; others of the Bonneville Power providing constructive criticism, and weather and noise data; Mr. Jack Lee Administration and for technical publications, The Gallatin Flying Service for their expertise in aviation and locating elk; the many ; volunteers from the Deerlodge National Forest and I State University who made the 24 hour monitoring and pellet group counts a success; assistance, encouragement, and patience; Montana sessions Ron Spoon for field my family for their support throughout my academic endeavors; and my dog Mac for his constant companionship in the field. vi i TABLE. OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL PAGE...... STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE....................... VITA............ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.... . . t . . . ... ........ ............... . . TABLE OF CONTENTS....... ii I ii iv v vi LIST OF TABLES..... ......... '........................ viii LISiT OF FIGURES....................................... x ABSTRACT...... xvii INTRODUCTION. .......................................... I STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION................................ 6 Location and Access................................. Physiography........................................ Geology and Soils........... Cl Ima t ..................................... Vegetation...... ............................. ...... Land Use .... ......................................... History of the Herd................................ The Transmission Li n e.............................. 6 8 8 9 11 14 15 15 METHODS................ Radio telemetry..................... Direct Observations........... Pellet and Vegetation Transects................... Track Transects................. Climatic Measurements.............................. Snow Depths...................................... Temperature...................................... Hunter Surveys.......... Historical Information............................. RESULTS 17 17 20 20 22 22 22 23 24 24 25 vi i TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued Page Population Dynamics................................. Trapping and Telemetry.... ................ General Elk Distribution................. High Use Areas................................... Influence of Snow Cover......................... Foo d Habits . .............. Winter Movements.................................... Seasonal Movements.......... Spring............................................ Fall.............................................. Habitat Selection in Relation to Availability..... Habitat Selection in Relation to Activity......... Slope.......... Topography.................................. .... ■ Aspect........................... Vegetation T ype.................................. Snow Depth ..... ......... Distance to the Power line....................... Individual Home Ranges and Movements.... ......... Daily Home Range.............. Cumulative Seasonal Home Ranges................ Movement s ..... ......... ......................... Fidelity to Home Range.......................... Power line Effects................................... Clearing and Line Construction................. Elk Distribution Near the Li n e ........... Power line Crossings.... ............. Elk Observations Near the Line................. Acoustical Effects........................... Elk Distribution and Audible Noise............. Powerline Access Roads and Hunting............. 25 25 '28 28 28 33 34 35 35 37 38 41 41 41 43 43 48 48 51 51 52 53 54 63 63 63 6.9 71 72 73 75 DISCUSSION............................................. 79 LITERATURE CITED....... 96 APPENDICES............ I..................... ......... Appendix A - Weather Data.......................... Appendix B - Computer Coding Format for Elk Observations and Radio Locations............... Appendix C - Elk Distribution During 24 Hour Monitoring and Aerial Flights....... Appendix D - Individual Elk Home Ranges During 24 Hour Monitoring Sessions..................... 104 105 108 Ill 119 viii LIST OF TABLES Page Table I. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6 . Table 7. Table 8 . Table 9. Table 10. Climatic data summary from Butte and Boulder weather stations.......... . 10 Averages and ranges of snow depths by month at Elk Park and Uncle Sam's Gulch, Montana, 1941-1974 and 19681973 base respectively. . . .................. 10 Major plant species or genera represented on the study area ..... ..................... 13 Summary of elk capture data and fate of the radiocollars put out in January 1983......................... . 27 Elk distribution in relation to forage distribution within each pasture, 1983 and 1984, N. Boulder winter range , Montana.............. ....... 33 Number of radioed elk on winter, transitional, and summer range at various dates in May 1983, N. Boulder River, Montana............................. 37 Average standard diameter size for 14 elk during each 24 hour session, 19831984, N. Boulder winter range, M t ......... 52 Summary of home range size and movements for individual elk acumulated throughout the winter, 1983-1984, N . Boulder River, Montana..................... 53 Contribution of significant factors (P<.05) to the pellet group regression, 1983 & 1984 pellet group transects....... 65 Contribution of significant factors (,P<.05) to the total R squared in the total plant utilization regression, 1983 and 1984. ..... ...... ............... . 65 ix LIST OF TABLES— Continued Pag e Table 11. Table 12. Table 13. Table 14. Table 15. Table 16. Table 17. Table 18. Table 19. Table 20. Table 21. The average number of track crossings on 100 m line transects (n=l2 ) under, and parallel north and south of the powerline, N . Boulder winter range, 1983-1984................................... 70 Comparison of track crossings under and near the powerline the day following a storm vs. one or two days later, N. Boulder winter range, 1984................ 71 Percent of the time noise levels exceeded 55 dB(A) at the edge of the corridor in 1984, based on BPA noise statistical plots, averaged for all frequencies...... 73 Percent of elk relocations in 1984 during precipitation (P) and non­ precipitation (NP), within various distances from the powerline at dawn, dusk, and dark, N . Boulder winter range..... ......................... 75 Examples of comments offered by hunters about BPA roads and the powerline in 1982 and 1983, N. Boulder River, M t ...... 77 Percent of hunters interviewed hunting a given area in 1982 and 1983, N. Boulder River , Mt..... ...... ....................... 78 Bull harvest statistics from district 318, Montana..... ....... .................. 79 Harvest data from either sex permits, district 318, Montana................. .... 79 Mean snow depth in cm between January and March at each snow stake in.1983 and 1984. Elevation at snow stakes ranged from 19 05-1965 m ....... ............ 106 Means, standard deviations, and ranges of temperatures (Centigrade) based on Butte weather data (USDC-N0AA )............ 106 Coding format for elk observations..... . 109 X LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure I Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Map of the N. Boulder range showing location of the powerline, antenna stations, and open winter roads.... .. 7 Map of the western two thirds of the study area and Lowland Creek showing distribution of major vegetation types.................. ...... 12 Calf/cow ratios and total number of elk during MDFWP winter trend flights on the N. Boulder winter range, M t ............. 26 Distribution of elk groups based on MDFWP aerial trend counts, 1973-1984, N. Boulder winter range, M t .... ........ 29 Relative densities of pellet groups per square km on the western end of the N. Boulder winter range in 1975, 1982, 1983, and 1 984. High=6 , medium=4, low=2 (Cole 197 5)............. 30 Relative densities of pellet groups per square km on the eastern end of the N. Boulder winter range in 1975, 1982, 19 83, 1984 . High = 6,, medi um=4 , Io w= 2 (Cole 1975)... ................ .... 31 Distribution of elk on the N . Boulder winter range between January and March of 19 83 and 1984 based on total visual observations and radiolocations......... 32 Mean elevation of marked and unmarked elk locations for daytime and evening through early morning periods during each climatic division or period of similar weather based on Butte temperature and precipitation data..... . 36 xi LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Page Figure 9. Radioed elk distribution relative to the powerline on October 2 4, 19 83 (one day before hunting season began) and November 3 0, 1983 (3 days after season ended), N. Boulder winter > range , Mt *.......................... :..... 39 Figure 10. Centroids and ranges of discriminant scores of elk radiolocations (for 1983 and I 984 combined) and random habitat points on the N . Boulder winter range 6 determined by discriminant analysis. The canonical coefficients describe the relative importance of each measured parameter in distinguishing between the two groups. Habitat parameters and associated relative values explained 59 % of the variation between locations and random habitat points .... ............................. . 40 Figure 11. Average slope (%) at elk locations in each of four time divisions in 1983 and 1984 compared to the average available slope on the N. Boulder winter range, M T .......................... 42 Figure 12. Frequency distribution of winter elk use of topographic features in each of four time divisions in 1983 and 1984 compared to availability of topographic classes on the N. Boulder winter range, M T ....... ......... 44 Figure 13. Frequency distribution of winter elk use of aspect for each of four time divisions in 1983 and 1984. Stars indicate frequencies that differ significantly (using chi-square) from available aspects on the N. Boulder winter range, M T ..................... 45 Figure 14. Frequency distribution of winter elk use of major vegetation types in each of four time divisions in 1983 and } 1 984 relative to their availability on the N . Boulder range.... .............. 46 xii LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Page Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. Frequency distribution of distance to timber at elk locations in each of four time divisions in 1983 and 1984, N. Boulder winter range. The 0-100 m class includes elk located within timber................ ................... Average elevation (m) at elk locations in each of four time divisions in 1983 and 1984 relative to the average elev­ ation of the powerline and the average elevation available on the N. Boulder winter range, M T ........ ................. 47 1 49 Typical 24 hour home range and habitat use pattern of a radioed elk relative to the powerline, on the N . Boulder range. Relocations are numbered sequentially from 1-13 beginning with 1300 hours, every 2 hours, for a 24 hour period. .............................. 50 Seasonal polygons and standard dia­ meters for elk #3 and #5 in 1983 and 1984 relative to the powerline, N. Boulder winter range , M T ................ 56 Seasonal polygons and standard dia­ meters for elk #6 and #7 in 1983 and 1984 relative to the powerline, N. Boulder winter range,M T ................. 57 Seasonal polygons and standard dia­ meters for elk #8 and #9 in 1983 and 1984 relative to the powerline, N. Boulder winter range, M T ................ 58 Seasonal polygons and standard dia­ meters for elk #11 and #12 in 1983 and 1984 relative to the powerline, N . Boulder winter range, M T .......... 59 Seasonal polygons and,standard dia­ meters for elk #13 in 1983 and 1984 relative to the powerline, N . Boulder winter range, M T ......................... 60 xiii LIST OF FIGURES--Continued Pag e Figure 23. Figure 24. Figure 25. Figure 26. Figure 27. Figure 28. Figure 29. Seasonal polygons and standard dia­ meters for elk #14 and #15 in 1983 and 1984 relative to the pdwerline, N. Boulder winter range, M T .............. 61 Distribution of groups of unmarked elk on the N. Boulder range based on direct observations in 1983 and 1984 between January and March. The center of distribution is the geographic activity center (GAC) stated as UTM coordinates........................... 62 Relocations of four radioed elk before and during powerline construc­ tion on the eastern edge of the N. Boulder winter range, M T ............. 64 Average number of pellet groups counted and total percent of grazed bunchgrass plants in 1983 and 1984 and the percent of plants grazed by cattle in 1983 on 50 m transects under and adjacent to the powerline ( total N=90)............. 68 Radioed elk distribution over .the entire winter period in relation to distance from the powerline (km) in 1983 and 1984 during precipitation and during fair weather, N. Boulder winter range, M t ................. ...... 74 Winter climate index values (Pic ton 1984c) based on Boulder MT. data, 1968 to I 984........... ................. 107 Radioed elk distribution during 24 hour monitoring sessions in February 1983. Under the date is given (top to bottom) mean elevation at elk locations (m ) , mean temperature (C) over the period, and mean weekly snow depth (cm) on the N . Boulder winter range, M T .................... 112 xiv LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Page Figure 30. Figure 31. Figure 32. Figure 33. Figure 34. Radioed elk distribution during 24 hour monitoring sessions in March 1983. Under the date is given (top to bottom) mean elevation at elk locations (m), mean temperature over the period (C) , and mean weekly snow depth (cm) on the N.Boulder winter range, MT ........ ............ . 113 Radioed elk distribution during 24 hour monitoring sessions in April 1983. Under the date is given (top to bottom), mean elevation at elk locations (m), mean temperature over the period (C) , and mean weekly snow depth (cm) on the N. Boulder winter range, M T ................ .............. 114 Radioed elk distribution during 24 hour monitoring sessions in January 1984. Under the date is given (top to bottom), mean elevation at elk locations (m), mean temperature over the period (C) , and mean weekly snow depth (cm) on the N. Boulder winter range, MT..................... ....... . 115 Radioed elk distribution during 24 hour monitoring sessions in February 1984. Under the date is given (top to bottom), mean elevation at elk locations (m ) , mean temperature over the period (C), and mean weekly snow depth (cm) on the N. Boulder winter range , M T ..................... .......... 116 Radioed elk distribution during 24 hour monitoring sessions in March 1984. Under the date is given (top to bottom), mean elevation at elk locations (m ) , mean temperature over the period (C), and mean weekly snow depth (cm) on the N. Boulder winter range , M T ........................... . 117 XV LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Page Figtire 35. Figure 36. Figure 37. Figure 38. Figure 39. Figure 40. Figure 41. Figure 42. Figure 43. Radioed elk summer aerial relocations from June to September 1983. Under plot is given mean temperature (C) during flight and mean elevation (m) at elk locations.......................... 118 Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk #3 on the N. Boulder winter range , M T .......... . . ......... . 120 Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk #5 on the N. Boulder winter range , M T . ............ ........ . 121 Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk #6 on the N. Boulder winter range , M T ........................ . . 122 Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk #7 on the N. Boulder winter range, M T .......................... 123 Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in.1983 and 1984 for radioed elk #8 on the N. Boulder winter range , MT........... . ............ 124 Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk # 9 on the N. Boulder winter range , M T ........... ............... 125 Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk #11 on the N. Boulder winter range , MT........................... 126 Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk #12 on the N. Boulder winter range , M T . . . . ....................... 127 xvi LIST OF FIGURES--Continued Page Figure 44. Figure 45. Figure 46. Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1 984 radioed elk #13 on the N. Boulder winter range, M T ...................... .128 Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk #14 on the N. Boulder winter range, MT ....... ................... 129 Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and I 984 for radioed elk #15 on the N. Boulder winter range, MT 130 xvi i ABSTRACT Elk habitat use, activity patterns, and winter distribution, before and after energization of a 500-kV AC powerline which crosses critical winter range in south­ western Montana, was studied during the mild winters of 1983 and 1984. Methods included 24 hour continuous radiomonitoring, track and pellet group counts, and direct ground and aerial observations. Habitat use by the elk herd, which apparently was at or above carrying capacity , was influenced by weather parameters, distribution of available forage (as influenced by snow conditions and cattle grazing)., and population density. The powerline crosses a bunchgrass range at about the level where timber begins, and elk typically crossed the powerline corridor twice a day while traveling between bedding and feeding areas. Powerlihe construction in the spring of 1983 displaced radioed elk prior to spring migration. ' Four of 11 elk with functional radios did not return to the study area to winter in 1984 after the powerline was energized. The physical presence of the powerline did not alter elk distribution or activity patterns, however, noise generated from corona discharge off the conductors during precipitation caused elk to hesitate and show excitablity before crossing a "noisy corridor" , and may alter basic elk daily activity patterns during storms. It is not expected that elk will further acclimate to precipitation noise levels because the rate of animal exposure is low on the relatively arid North Boulder range, and the corridor itself is not an attractive forage source. The level of impact from corona noise may change with more severe winter conditions if elk are forced by deep snow to congregate on lower elevations entirely below the powerline corridor. The number of hunters declined from historical figures in the area after powerline access roads were built. Hunter distribution also changed, however, total harvest remained the same. Placement of future extra high voltage (EHV) lines should consider not only the effect of the physical presence of the corridor and towers on wildlife, but also the potential impacts of electro-magnetic fields and corona discharge. It is recommended that future EHV lines are not placed across concentrated big game use areas. I INTRODUCTION Rocky hunting Mountain elk opportunities (Cervus elaphus nelson!) and the source of recreational wealth and economic benefit (Boyd 1978). As a species, in the they create are a elk provide the most days of hunter recreation state of Montana (Aderhold Montana 1984). also Rich deposits in Eastern generate benefits and provide energy for the needs of coal economic a growing human population. The "Cols trip Project" was designed to use these coal resources in electrical order energy to meet anticipated in the Pacific Northwest. phase of the project was to build transmission line the line line. west to a 500-kV for final AC electrical built the M o n t a n a a n d from there Power Administration (BPA) continued the integrate Colstrip BPA power transmission grid (Cols trip EIS 1979). the The The Montana Power Company from Cols trip to Townsend, Bonneville demands into the The BPA portion of line in Montana skirts the Elkhorn Mountains between Townsend and Boulder, continues up the North Boulder River drainage, and crosses the eastern Continental Divide west of Basin. foothills of the 2 The River, foothills, constitute hunting rising up from the Boulder the only major elk wintering district 318 (Egan 1967). hemionus) North area in Mule deer (Odqcoileus and moose (Alces alces shirasi) also winter in the area. The Colstrip EIS (1979) states that the impacts of the extra high voltage (EVH) transmission line on deer and elk range would be long-term, high, and direct in terms of cover removal, construction, activities of forage disturbances increased due to road and tower stress on animals and access roads, due human and potential fragmentation habitat. Other phenomena associated with EHV lines electrical fields, magnetic fields, which foul weather audible noise results production. significant in to the in Sheppard and corona discharge and suggested that it voltage was transmission beyond the scope line" of ozone there biological interactions with electric "high However, (1983) include are fields environment. this study to investigate these aspects as they relate to elk in a field situation. Responses of and of big game to EHV powerlines and the associated corridors were evaluated by Goodwin Griffith current study (1977). is Relative to unique in that these it (1975) studies, provided use the the 3 opportunity to gather energization of the line , habitat disruption, and Elk limited west, The winter by south, at and during the years of altitudes N. after greatest above 1500 m . Boulder drainage snow accumulations to the is north, east. in turn, to the elk population (Chrest and Herbert 1980, and and by human settlement to quality of winter Chrest and Childress 1976). the before the amount habitat both in the excessive and limiting range data range is, Therefore, any reduction in or changes in patterns of elk use associated with transmission line, will directly affect the future populations. There is potential for impacts of the power line, to be masked or compounded by climatic conditions, of forage and recognized and man's activities. It is that future changes in land management on this winter range, or cover , availability in terras of timber harvest, cattle grazing, recreational uses, may potentiate or ameliorate power line effects. Because elk are large mobile, animals, expected they will respond to change it can be in their environment by adjusting behavior in regard to distribution, movement, and use of specific habitats (Mackie pers . comm. 1984). The general objective of this ongoing study is- to evaluate factors influencing elk habitat use and movements 4 on the North Boulder River winter range energization are of the power line. to (I) patterns before and after The specific evaluate elk habitat selection on variables, winter forage transmission line, range in relation availability, animal objectives and movement to climatic activity, the and human activities and (2) determine if elk avoid or show distinct behavioral responses to any activity and or phenomena associated with construction operation of the power line. The original proposal recommended 3 years of baseline data collection impacts of Delays and an additional 3 years to powerline construction energization. By that time, the transmission line towers and access roads had been completed. Clearing of the corridor completed and the lines strung in spring 1983. the in funding precluded fieldwork until the winter of 1982-1983. was and study The second line was energized in October 1983, field season energization period. (1983-1984) represents and summer thus the the . post­ My field, studies were conducted from late December 1982 to June of 1983 and from mid- December 1983 to late March of 1984. continue through the spring 1985. The overall study will 5 This study was funded by the Bonneville Administration (U.S. Department of Energy), United Forest States Department of Fish, Service. Mike and Frisina, Power by the Montana Wildlife, and Parks (MDFWP), provided assistance in capturing and marking el k . 6 STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION Location and Access The study area is in the North Boulder River drainage of southwest Montana, approximately 26 km (16 mi) north of Butte. The area includes approximately 52 km the Deerlodge private east, National holdings. Little Boulder River forest and a Boundaries Cottonwood small 9 mi ), of portion are Basin Creek Creek on the on the south, 9' (20 west, and the 2100 m on the of the North (7,000 ft) contour line on the north. Vehicular grave I roads: Interstate Boulder west is provided by three principal the Red Rock Creek road extending north off 15 near the eastern study area River road following the boundary; valley floor from to headwaters along the Continental Divide; Saratoga the access road running north from the river western addition, mining margin of the study area there is a variety of jeep trails, roads, I). along In logging and and newly built BPA powerline access roads which penetrate every drainage in the area, closed 1-15 and the bottom (Figure the but which are to motorized vehicles between December I and May Figure I. Map of the N. Boulder range showing location of the powerline, antenna stations, and open winter roads. 8 15. The USFS in road closures were Implemented in 1973 by recognition of the area as critical the winter elk range. Physiography The region area can be generally classified as east of the Continental described the mountains which from Divide. a Ruppel area as the northern part of are low and rounded. 1644 m (5 480 ft) foothills (1963) the Boulder Elevations to 2220 m (7400 ft). The range general exposure is southerly , but many small deep gulches dissect the range in a north/south direction, a diversity of aspects. thus giving the area The predominant landform series of ridges running north/south. is a Flat rolling areas and steep sided knolls are superimposed. Geology and Soils The area extensive is part outcropping of the Boulder Ba thoIith, of igneous granitic material an that was formed by several small molten magma intrusions during the Cretaceous Period (Alt and Hyndman 1972). Tertiary, and the inter-mountain valleys filled with sediments, Pleistocene area during was the During the and were later eroded and moved by the glaciers to create the foothills. additionally influenced Tertiary (Ruppel by 1963). gravels The study volcanic Thus the activity parent 9 materials from which the area soils were derived include g rani tic s , glacial deposits, volcanics, alluvial deposits, and noncalcareous frost churning, the sedimentary rocks. glacial deposition, Stream erosion, and mass wasting are primary processes inferred to be responsible for geomorphology Soils loams are of the area (Ruppert generally 1980) . well-drained, shallow, and sandy loams of the taxonomic order rocky Inceptisol . Severe late summer moisture stresses occur in most of soils on the winter range. the In contrast, the the summer range to the north has poorly drained soils and remains lush and green on for most of the summer. landtype s , found in soils, More detailed information and geology of the study area Ruppert (1980), Montagne et al. (1982), are and Ruppel (1963), respectively. Clima t e . The limited lists area has a montane continental climate precipitation and extreme temperatures. the average precipitation and with Table I temperatures for Boulder, and Butte, Montana— the nearest weather recording stations to the study area (USDC-NOAA 1983). 10 Table I. Climatic data summary from Butte and Boulder weather stations. Elevation(m) Mean annual precip . at station (1941-1970 base) Butte (1658) Boulder (1471) Table 30.67 cm 2 7.60 cm Mean Jan . temp . 17.2° C 18.6° C -9.17° C -Si78U C 2 is. derived from Montana snow course (F a m e s and Shafer 197 5) study Mean July temp . area, and for for Elk Park, 9 km south of the Uncle Sam Gulch, boundary of the study area. records on the eastern The elevation at both sites is 1950 m (6500 ft). Table 2. Averages and ranges of snow depths by month at Elk Park and Uncle Sam's Gulch, Montana, 19411974 and I 968-1 973 base respectively . Date Average snow depth(cm) Elk Park U.S. Gulch January I February I March I April I May I «■ • The North southwesterly ■■ 39.5 46.0 40.3 23.0 —--20-75 23.-8 0 18-73 00-75 33 — 81 58-76 43-113 55-88 00-83 normally receives 50.9 73. I 74.3 7 0. 6 46.0 T Boulder River valley chinook winds consistantly winter and spring. Range (cm) throughout the These winds keep south and west slopes on the winter range relatively free of snow. Based on a 11 climate Index for the period November to March, which used Boulder data winter for precipitation of 1982-83 rated a + 6 , rated and temperatures, and the winter of the 1983-84 a +9 on a scale ranging from -10 to +10 (Figure 28, Appendix A ) . Vegetation As determined by a LMS (light metering system), which computes areas from aerial photographs, 54 % of the study area is timbered, 41 % is open and parks, of contrasting shades the remaining 5 % represents riparian vegetation 2). of the North Boulder River floodplain (Figure •Z Table 3 lists the scientific and common names of the major plant following species-or genera found on the the study classification of Hitchcock and area Cronquist (1973). Douglas fir is the predominant overstory in stands at lower elevations. of creeping juniper, association and east southern is The usual understory consists pinegrass, and kinnickinick. exposures. Ponderosa pine is present exposure with sandy soil. southerly exposures. Old currently active cutting units, (7,000 f t) . This found primarily in drainages and on north Lodgepole Pine forms thick "doghair" dry timber on one At higher elevations, stands on all but the clearcuts, as well are present above 2100 as m 12 5 km N. Boulder R. flood plain timbered areas open areas I N Figure 2. Map of the western two thirds of the study area and Lowland Creek showing distribution of major vegetation types. 13 Table 3. Genus Major plant species or genera represented on the study area. Species TREES: Pseudot sug a menziesii Pinus contorta Pinus ponderosa Populus tremuloides Common name ' Douglas fir Lodgepole pine Ponderosa pine Quaking aspen SHRUBS: Juniperus horizontalis Juniperus scopulorum Artemesia tridentata Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Artemesia frigida Purshia tridentata Artostaphylos uva-ursi Douglasia montana Amelanchier alnifolia Rosa woods!! Potentilla fruticosa Prunus virginiana Berberis repens Salix Creeping juniper Rocky Mn. juniper Big sagebrush Green rabbi thrush Fringed sagewort Bitterbrush Kinnickinick Mountain douglasia Serviceberry Wood’s rose Cinquefoil Chokecherry Oregon grape Wi Ilow FOR B S : Lomatium cous Lupinus As tragalus Phlox Arenaria A n tennaria Taraxacum Selaginella Mountain lomatium Lupine Milkvetch Phlox Sandwort Pussytoes Dandelion Clubmos s GRAMINOIDS: Agropyron spicatum Fe stuc a idahoen sis Fe stuca scabrella Bromus Koeleria cristata Danthonia Poa sandbergii Ca rex filifolia Ca rex geyerii Calamagros tis rubescens Bluebunch wheatgrass Idaho fescue Rough fescue Bromegra ss Junegra s s Oatgrass Sandberg’s bluegrass Threadleaf sedge Elksedge Pinegrass 14 Grasslands 1950 extend from the valley bottom m (6500 ft) on southerly aspects. association is bluebunch The wheatgrass and to about predominant Idaho fescue. Rough fescue occurs on much of the area and appears to be heavily is found used by both cattle and el k . Big sagebrush in dense stands on a few local sites area, typically on southerly exposures. often abundant Aspen swales curtailed Elk browsing and some has bark severely stripping communities is occur in all the drainages Willows are the dominant other shrubs and sedges vegetation, are found. of the valley floor. North Boulder River valley produce a dense, tall stand which are a Beaver has resulted in extensive willow development However, in but parts grasses in Bluegrasses are the usual understory. of activity bottoms. reproduction, area. variety Bunchgrasses are under individual sagebrush plants. creek Riparian the study stands are found throughout the study area and evident. in the on other areas of the harvested annually for hay to of feed wintering livestock. Land Use Historically, source the Boulder Batholith has of many valuable deposits of copper, been the silver, and 15 gold. The remnants of mining dredging and exploratory adits, activities, including are currently visible on the study area. Current lands multiple use activities on include recreational timber uses. harvest, National cattle Forest grazing, There are three campgrounds and trailheads on the N. Boulder road. and two Hunting, fishing, and snowmobiling attract many people to the area year round. History of the Herd Reports of elk using the N . Boulder winter range date back to the 1940's. were Between 1939 and 1968, planted in the vicinity of the study district 318) from Yellows tone Park. the over 500 elk area (hunting Tag returns through years revealed that most of the transplanted elk were harvested in hunting district 318 (Egan 1967). The Transmission Line The areas powerline essentially divides northern timbered from winter southern grasslands across most range of the elk (Figure 2). Between Pole Mountain and Torpy Gulch (Figure I), the line follows an abandoned telephone line corridor; Torpy Gulch and Thunderbolt Creek, ridgetops and across steep between it was placed on open gulleys. This placement 16 resulted In vegetative roads. minimal disturbance forest was clearing. The major for tower bases and access Approximately 1% of the study area was disturbed by powerline construction. The AC right-of-way transmission width for a double circuit line is 42.6 m. Towers are of a configuration design, 53.6 m tall and 17.2 m wide. 5 00-kV stack 17 METHODS Radlotelemetry Individual general radlocolI ared distribution movements, seasonal From data this following: periods, lin e , of elk elk on movements $ base, habitat were to winter range, and daily home inferences were selection used made in relation study winter ranges. about to the activity elk distribution in relation to the transmission elk response to powerline energization and to human disturbances (hunting, construction activities), and elk distribution and movement patterns in relation to climatic factors. Radiocollars consisted of inserted into molded PVC plastic pipe. AVM transmitters A unique symbol or color combination identified each collar. Fifteen cow January 1983. helicopter. cow was Kasworm collared and ear tagged M-99 was the immobilizing drug. and wear, palpation, collected. were in Elk were captured using a dart gun from immobilized, replacement uterine elk Fecal (MDFWP) and age was estimated a While the from tooth pregnancy status was determined by fecal and blood samples samples were later analyzed for food habit information. by were Wayne 18 Aerial spring relocations were made bimonthly in winter and and (weather once a month for the remainder permitting) mounted of the year from a Piper Supercub with a belly three element Yagi antenna and an AVM model receiver. LAl2 The general distribution of all elk observed on the winter range was also recorded during each flight. Three permanent ground triangulation stations established in locations such that bearings from were any two stations to heavy elk use areas on the winter range formed an angle station as close to 90® as possible (Figure employed ' a Telonics TAG-5 precision I). direction­ finding array with dual three element antennas. rose provided calibrated of direction from each Each A compass antenna. It from true north using a compass and the declination. These calibrations were then was angle checked using stationary transmitters (beacons) at known locations and compass bearing s from the stations. Stationary beacons were also used to test the accuracy of the system. Stations month the were manned (2 people per station) by , student volunteers from MSU and personnel Deerlodge National Forest. person every I signal yielded the most accurate information (as Pac (1978) also suggested). radioed interpreting a from Placement of at least (per station) experienced in characteristics all twice An attempt was made to locate animals (simultaneously from 2 hours over a 24 hour period. all Compass stations) bearing s 19 from each station were compiled, triangulated locations on were photo-orthoquad and the elk maps. locations Questionable disregarded (evaluations were made from observer comments). Each elk location was described and converted computer format given in Table, 21, using the into the Appendix B. computer program using the Data were plotted and analyzed SPSS calculator, frequency TELDAY (MDFWP). software package included mea n s , distributions. Statistical and a analyses, programmable standard deviations, ranges, Student's t-tests, linear regression, and two-way analysis of variance. The availability of habitat components was determined through systematic random point descriptions of the area from a photo-orthoquad map. A total of 334 were described using the following variables: the main road, distance to the powerline, timbered cover, vegetation Analysis type (Table (SPSS) differences locations elevation, was between and random study points distance to distance to topography, slope, aspect, and 21, used Appendix to habitat habitat weights and fashion in order to maximize B). Discriminate determine statistical components at elk points. This 24 hour procedure combines the variables measured in a linear the differences between the two groups being compared (Klecka 1975) . In this case, it 20 gives an measured indication variable of elk habitat relative to its winter range. selection for any on the availability . Direct Observations Visual possible observations were made on a daily basis from topographic high points (often the stations) and from on foot in the field. only visible at dawn and dusk, when antenna Because elk were observations were made at / these times using 7 X 35 binoculars and a 32 scope. Due habitats used to and bias of these observations feeding activity periods, X spotting toward open these data were only to compare the distribution of unmarked of elk between years. groups Observations were recorded in the computer format given in Table 21, Appendix B , and plotted relative to the powerline using the program TELDAY. Pellet and Vegetation Transects General distribution of elk on the winter range during the period 1 982 -T 984 was also examined using, pellet group counting routes which sampled the entire study area. These routes were marked on aerial photograph overlays and walked each year in late spring. The observer the change in relative density of pellet groups to the method information described was collected in by Cole recorded according (19 75) . 1975 for this area. Similar 21 Ten used permanently to powerline measure ma rked pellet transects elk distribution in right-of-way . Each we re relation to transec t consis ted the of 9 lines, each .50 m in length, layed out under the centerline and at parallel distances of 15, 50, 100, and 200 m north and south from the outer conductor of the powerline. the spring within of 1983, one the total number of pellet m on either side of the line was each line of each transect. groups counted This procedure was In on repeated in 1984, including only "fresh" pellet groups. Concurrent with pellet counts, vegetation utilization was measured on 7 of the bluebunch wheatgra ss, to 10 transects. The nearest Idaho fescue, or rough fescue plant each I m mark on a 50 m tape was recorded as grazed or ungrazed, and Slope, aspect, vegetative cover were recorded for each line of transect. 1984, and its height was measured. each This procedure was followed in spring 1983 and and in fall 1983 after cattle were removed from the study area allotments. Cattle utilization on bunchgra sse s was calculated using the percent of plants grazed and USFS height/weight using curves. Transect multiple regression (SPSS). data were The number of groups (representing elk use) and total plant were entered analyses; the as slope, powerline, dependent aspect, and analyzed variables in pellet utilization two separate vegetative type, distance from direction from the powerline were 22 entered as independent variables. cattle In the 1984 regression, utilization (as measured in the fall of 1983) entered as an additional independent multiple regression gives an variable. indication was Stepwise of which independent variable or set of variables best explains the variation in the dependent variable. Track Transects During the winter, elk use of the powerline right-ofway was examined using each consisting transects, powerline of track count of transects. a 100 m line under and a parallel line 100 m both north and the corridor, were examined after every After the powerline was energized in 1983, measured Four more avoidance of frequently the to investigate powerline during snow the south storm. transects were possible precipitation elk noise levels. Climatic Measurements Snow Depths In January 1983, one drainage aspect, and on ten snow stakes were stratified in the study cover type. area by elevation, In March 1983, an slope, additional 23 eight stakes were placed at higher elevations. In both 1983 and 1984, snow depths were monitored once a week from first snowfall depths at conditions to snowmelt for use elk locations over time . and in estimating monitoring snow general snow Wind speeds and directions were also estimated at each stake. Tempera ture In January 1983, a transect consisting of six min/max thermometers, placed north timbered every 50 m in elevation up slope, was read once a week to temperature extremes and the presence of a steep document inversions. It was removed in 1984 because there was no indication of any inversions in this area and because the Bonneville Administration station established a weather and noise monitoring on the study area in May 1983. record daily Power I continued to temperature extremes and the occurrence of precipitation from one location on the study area in 1984. The audible BPA noise Monitoring data for Station the provided days monitored for 24 hour periods in 1984. graphical field which elk and were BPA also provided monthly summaries of audible noise for the 1984 season. emmission in weather from publications. Technical EHV information on powerlines was audible obtained from noise BPA 24 Boulder determine and Butte weather station data were used long-term climatic trends and to to gather additional weather data relevant to the study period. Hunter Surveys For two weekends during the general big game hunting season both years, on the study que stionaire number not hunter checking stations were operated area. Hunters were asked to answer concerning how they hunted the area and and location of animals seen or killed. specifically requested, some offered a the Although their opinion about the new BPA transmission line and access roads. Historical Information Ten years of baseline data concerning hunting pressure and success, elk population trends, productivity, and distribution available information from was of the elk herd on the study MDFWP reports. collected from Other the area was historical files of MDFWP biologist Mike Frisina. Historical the information concerning cattle grazing study area allotments and previous elk/cattle allocation conflicts (Deerlodge National Frisina. was gathered from USFS Forest) and from the files on forage records of Mike 25 RESULTS Population Dynamics The North Boulder winter range is used exclusively by cows, calves, and yearling bulls. almost The size of the wintering population has increased an average 7 % 3). per year between 1964-1984 (Figure productivity (calves per 100 cows) has fluctuated a high of 70 in 1974 to a low of 29 in 1982. the winters of 1983 and 19 84 were 37 and 45 of Herd between Ratios for respectively. Of the 15 cow elk palpated for pregnancy in January 1983, 11 were pregnant, number including one of two of calves per 100 cows was yearlings. negatively with the number of cows (from trend counts) range (r= -.65), positively The correlated on winter but the absolute number of calves correlated with the total number of was cows (r=.79), and the total number of elk counted during winter trend counts (r=.91). 1 Trapping and Telemetry Table the 4 summarizes the data on capture and fate radiocollars radiolocations put out in 1983. A total and 713 visual observations were of of 1301 compiled Calves/100 Cows a 400 no data trend count calves/100 cows Figure 3. Calf/cow ratios and total number of elk during MDFWP winter trend flights on the N. Boulder winter range, Mt. 27 Table Elk ID 4. Summary of elk capture data and fate of the radiocollars put out in January 1983. Age Trap location I 8-10 lower Alta Gulch 2 2 w . of Finn Gulch 3 4— 6 upper Alta Gulch 4 2 n . of Berkin Flat 5 3 I ower Boyle Gulch 6 2 I ower Finn Gulch 7 4— 6 W . of Finn Gulch 8 5-7 W . of Alta Gulch 9 5-6 W . of Alta Gulch 10 6 11 Ad. 12 I Berkin Flat 13 I w . of Torpy Gulch 14 3-4 lower Finn Gulch 15 6— 8 upper Alta Gulch Torpy. Gulch w . of Torpy Gulch Fate of collar elk legally shot in 1983; put out again in 3/84. transmitter malfunction in February 1983; collar never recovered. transmitter on original e Ik and functioning in June 1984. transmitter malfunction in June 1983;collar never r e c over ed. transmitter on original elk and functioning in June 1984. transmitter on original elk and functioning in 6/84. transmitter on original elk and functioning in 6/84. transmitter on original elk and functioning in 6/84 . transmitter on original elk and functioning in 6/84. signal traced to ridge on summer range; collar buried under snow and not on an elk. transmitter on original elk and functioning in 6/84. transmitter on original elk and functioning in 6/34. transmitter on original elk and functioning in 6/84 . transmitter on original elk and functioning in 6/84. transmitter on original elk and functioning in 6/84. 28 over 2 years fieldwork. The average ground telemetry I system error, determined from stationary radios at known locations, reported was less than .2 km. by Biggins Hammond (1980), This error is less than and Pitcher (1978) and Lonner and and possibly due to shorter triangulation distances and improved accuracy of the TAG-5 system over a standard were null-peak system. also used triangulated to test The stationary for possible transmitters distortion locations by the powerline. No of influence was detected. General Elk Distribution High Use Areas Winter group aerial surveys (Figure 4), density (Figures 5 and 6), relative pellet and total winter elk radiolocations (Figure 7) show general elk distribution on the N. Boulder winter range. common moderately timber patches. steep Lower Heavy use areas bunchgrass parks have with use areas are those in nearby with dense timber having little or no under story. Influence of Snow Cover The correlation between the distribution of available forage in an average snow year (Frisina et the percent a l . 1976) of marked and unmarked elk relocations and (for Figure 4 Distribution of elk groups based on MDFWP aerial trend counts, 1973-1984, N. Boulder winter range, Mt. Relative densities of pellet groups per square km on the western end of the N. Boulder winter range in 1975, 1982, 1983, and 1984. High=S, medium=4, low=2 (Cole 1975) . 32 ♦V 1983 I- - 1- - 1_ _ I_ _ I 5 km Figure 7. I Distribution of elk on the N. Boulder winter range between January and March of 1983 and 1984 based on total visual observations and radiolocations. 33 both years combined) in a given pasture was I and r= .7 8 respectively) (r=.91 (Table 5). ■ Elk distribution in .relation to forage distribution within each pasture , 1983 and 1984, N . Boulder winter range, Montana • Table 5. Pasture high % Available forage N =7.89 s q .km Pole Mn. Carlson Red Rock Torpy North Terry Lowland Elk Boyle Berkin 3 NA 8 4 NA 7 NA 28 16 28 % Unmarked elk ^ 1983 1984 N=410 N = 303 I 9 13 8 O O 5 21 11 21 . % Marke d elk 2 1983 1984 N = 775 N = 526 4 16 7 11 O 2 2 27 13 9 2 3 3 4 I I 25 17 15 28 2 3 I 3 8 7 18 15 17 26 i The percentage of all unmarked elk observed in. a given 2 pasture The percentage of 24 hour relocations for radioed elk within a given pasture NA: Information not available Foo d Habits The importance of bunchgrass parks to wintering was emphasized by winter food habit analysis. elk The average diet (as determined from 15 fecal samples taken capture d animals graminoids, in January 1983) consisted of which bluebunch wheatgrass, and Idaho fescue predominated. 15% elk and 18% of the average variety of species. diet. of from 67 % rough fescue, Forbs and browse made These included a up wide 34 Winter Movements General field and aerial observations indicated climatic factors area. Snowfall lower elevations, influenced elk movements^on that the study accumulated resulted in elk using whereas unseasonable resulted in elk use of higher elevations. elevation at elk indicator of elk response to climatic locations warm periods Changes in mean was therefore used on field precipitation conditions records data and Butte as conditions. field seasons were broken into similar periods of based that weather in order to separate "normal" and winter During period, mean elevations at elk locations were against mean daily temperatures and The temperatures from severe or mild conditions. mean an each regressed weekly snow depths (averaging snows ta ke s from all aspects at 1920 m ) . In 1983, mean elevation at elk locations was significantly correlated with mean temperature (r =.84) but I 1 not significantly correlated with mean snow depth (r=-.54). The opposite relation occurred with correlations. correlated temperature That with snow (r=.39) . is, elevation depths Elk was (r=-.85) in the 1984 significantly but not with the winter of 1984 used higher elevations (Figure 8) and more area relative to the winter of 1983. The maximum areas used by radioed elk in 35 1983 and Although (Table 19, the 1984 snow were 99 km ^ and depths 1983 the predominant winds were from general and kept southerly aspects in 1984, and not as efficient at snowfree. respectively. in contrast, were km^ were greater in Appendix A), southwest 147 snowfree. In winds from the northwest predominated Temperatures keeping southerly slopes in both winters were similar and mild (Table 20, Appendix A). Figures 29 to 34 (Appendix C) show distribution of radioed elk in relation to mean temperature and snow depth throughout both winters as determined from 24 hour monitoring sessions. Seasonal Movements Spring Elk remained on winter range through April, utilizing new green growth at lower elevations on the winter range . The usual crepuscular activity periods were abandoned this day. time and elk were seen feeding at all times Migration mid-July. responded A by of at the began in early May and was completed by spring storm occurred May moving down in elevation range back on to winter range (Table 6). 9-12, from and elk transition 36 1980 X =1949 X =1930 m Mean Etevation in Meters 19501 0 9 0 0 -1 6 0 0 hours 19201 h=18te7m 1890 hours 1860 18301 17701 1983 1984 Climate Divisions over Time Figure 8. Mean elevation of marked and unmarked elk locations for daytime and evening through early morning periods during each climatic division or period of similar weather based on Butte temperature and precipitation data. 37 Table 6. Number of radioed elk on winter, transitional, and summer range at various dates in May 1983, North Boulder River, Montana. No . of radioed elk o n : 4/26 5/3 5/5 5/13 2 2 I I I 12 0 4 4 I 0 3 0 Winter range 13 8 4 9 6 6 0 Unknown location 0 3 2 4 2 I Summer range 0 Transition 0 Calving. winter the range N. (Figure 5/1 9 6/14 apparently occurred on the upper fringes of and in the Lowland Creek drainage south of Boulder 35, 5/15 River. Aerial relocations on July 19 Appendix C ) showed that radioed elk migrated to two distinct summer ranges— one a few kilometers north I and up in elevation from the winter range, and the other in the Bi son Creek drainage ( "Elk Park") approximately 9 km south of the N . Boulder River. Fall Radioed elk remained on summer range between June and October. from April The mean elevation of elk locations through September (Figure 35, July, then declined Appendix C ) . in increased August Few elk were observed during summer and fall aerial flights due to their use dense timbered cover. and of During the hunting season, October ,38 25 to November 27, elk moved up in elevation, days after the big game season ended, the air to be migrating toward or on (Figure 9). and three elk were seen the winter from range AlI radioed elk were on winter range by mid- December, 19 83. Habitat Selection in Relation to Availability Habitat locations parameters (discriminate canonical portance winter of its the analysis r=.59) (Figure coefficient represents the associated variable between the two groups. whether elk did not differ significantly from random descriptions Each measured at radioed in relative point 10). im­ distinguishing The sign of a coefficient denotes variable is making a negative or positive contribution to the discriminant function. Elk locations selection for demonstrated a open cover types close small to degree timber, of lower topographic points, steeper slopes, and southeast aspects. The analysis elevation main also showed elk to prefer areas (and consequently nearer the powerline and road) than the 2100 m (7000 ft) contour line was defined as the upper limit of winter range. elk were majority I of occasionally of the range seen at used by this upper elk between lower the which Although limit, the November and 39 *c :o°i #0' #F WG N w® I 5 km letters: before big game season 01: Figure 9. after season Radioed elk distribution relative to the powerline on October 24, 1983 (one day before hunting season began) and November 30, 1983 (3 days after season ended) , N. Boulder winter range, Mt. 40 centroid 24 hour elk locations Random habitat points -3 -2 - 1 0 1 2 3 distance to Boulder R. Road near far Ipw elevation high near far distance to the oowerllne near far distance to timber ridgetop topography creek bottom open canopy closed canopy cover type slope steep gentle aspect N NE E SE S SW W NW Figure 10. standardized canonical coefficient -1.13 -.5 3 .32 .32 -.58 .23 -.08 Centroids and ranges of discriminant scores of elk radiolocations (for 1983 and 1984 combined) and random habitat points on the N. Boulder winter range, determined by discriminant analysis. The canonical coefficients describe the relative importance of each measured parameter in distinguishing between the two groups. Habitat parameters and associated relative values ex­ plained 59% of the variation between locations and random habitat points. .07 41 March In both years was below 2040 m (6800 ft). That is, the 2100 m contour line is an artificial boundary and not a good indicator of available elevations. Habitat Selection in Relation to Activity Habitat during 24 through parameters at all locations of radioed hour sessions were average d for the elk February1 April and January through March sessions in 1983 and 1984, respectively (total N=1301 relocations). Slope Use years That of slopes during all time periods and was in proportion to the average is, slope in both available. elk used shallow slopes as well as steep slopes (F igure l l ) . Topography In upper both slopes. proportion 1983 and 1984, m i d-sIopes , daytime beds on and to the availability of broad flat selected the drainages on the study area , slopes. creek beds these ridgetops, occurred features. sma 11 and selected agains t I ower Use of topography at dusk occurred in proportion to availability with the exception of a selection rldgetops Elk be tween rIdges foun d in in 1984. Night locations in selection against upper and mid-slopes. 1983 against revealed In both 1983 and 42 20 20 -I Average Slope (%) H- key: 198311 random habitat p o in ts * 19840 Dusk Figure 11. Dawn Average slope (%) at elk locations in each of four time divisions in 1983 and 1984 compared to the average available slope on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 43 1984, At elk selected for drainage bottoms dawn, during the night.' elk in 1983 selected against ridgetops and broad flat ridges and drainage bottoms, for but in 1984, used topography in proportion to its availability (Figure 12). Aspect Southerly aspects predominate on the study area, showed a predominance of all elk locations in divisions. the and all time Figure 13 indicates at which aspects and times frequency at elk locations differed from available aspects. Vegetation Type Daytime beds were generally in timber. showed selection for edge, in sagebrush, 1984 and bunchgrass parks in selected for bunchgrass parks. showed for and riparian types 1983 . Dawn By dusk, elk By locations selection for bunchgrass parks in both riparian areas in 1984. were above 2040 m, dark, was very rare (Figure 14). again years Elk use of clearcuts, elk and which. Of the six vegetation types defined, four of the types were typically used by an individual elk per day in both 1983 and 1984. Elk edge and locations demonstrated an affinity nearness to security cover. determined The for habitat, as from random point description, provides a high degree of security in the form of timbered cover and (Figure 15). timber edge key: 42. □ Day MO Dusk 1984 H S 1983 availability 1 2 3 4 5 « topography Figure 12. Frequency distribution of winter elk use of topographic features in each of four time divisions in 1983 and 1984 compared to availability of topographic classes on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. ASPECT 19 83 % Frequency of elk locations 1984 Dawn sig n ifica n tly d iffe re n t fro m available Figure 13. Frequency distribution of winter elk use of aspect for each of four time divisions in 1983 and 1984. Stars indicate frequencies that differ significantly (using chi-square) from available aspects on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. % Frequency Figure 14. Frequency distribution of winter elk use of major vegetation types in each of four time divisions in 1983 and 1984 relative to their availability on the N. Boulder range. 47 Day Dusk key: # # 1983 I— 11984 % Frequency of elk locations ^availability ma* — —* ■100 1 0 0 -2 0 0 2 0 0 -3 0 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -2 0 0 2 0 0 -3 0 0 Distance to timber (m) 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -2 0 0 2 0 0 -3 0 0 3 0 0 -4 0 0 0 -1 0 0 Figure 15. 1 0 0 -2 0 0 2 0 0 -3 0 0 3 0 0 -4 0 0 Frequency distribution of distance to timber at elk locations in each of four time divisions in 1983 and 1984, N. Boulder winter range. The 0-100 m class includes elk located within timber. 48 Snow depth The from weekly years and average snow depth at elk locations (estimated snow stake measurements) was 17 cm in both 11 cm in both years at dawn and 16 cm and 13 cm at dusk in 1983 at daytime locations, dark locations, and I 984, respectively. Distance to the Powerline Elk use of elevation, relative elevation of the powerline, dark time divisions, habitat use on the N . Daytime beds average, across at dawn, to the average daylight, dusk, and shows the general daily pattern Boulder winter range (Figure throughout the winter north of the powerline. the powerline and occurred, of 16). on the Elk began moving south towards feeding areas at dusk, and fed downhill once they reached south facing bunchgrass slopes. Figure 16 indicates that elk were more nocturnal in and 1984 sunset. that night. often crossed the powerline to Information from 24 hour monitoring indicated Typically, at midnight or 2 a .m. , elk began moving having often spent time in the N . River bottom and adjacent sagebrush flats. after after elk may be actively moving for a good portion of the back up slope, were feed feeding uphill and had moved back into dawn. illustrates A this Boulder By dawn, timber typical home range of an individual pattern of movement (Figure elk soon elk 17). <0 O 1980 'm o O £ 1950 E 1924 ava. elev. available C O % > 1890 1 O avg. elev. of powerllne c CO ® 1 8 fifi 1830 CO CO 3 0) 0) CO CO CO 0> 0» CO CO CO 0) 0) CO CO CD * CO 0) 180fi Dusk Figure 16. Dark Dawn Average elevation (m) at elk locations in each of four time divisions in 1983 and 1984 relative to the average elevation of the powerline and the average elevation available on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. standard diameter Figure 17. Typical 24 hour home range and habitat use pattern of a radioed elk relative to the powerline on the N. Boulder range. Relocations are numbered sequentially from 1-13 beginning at 1300 hours, every two hours, for a 24 hour period. ■ti. 51 Individual Elk Home Ranges and Movements Daily Home Range Plots of each 24 hour home range for the 11 elk with functional radios during both field seasons are found in Appendix D (Figures 36-46). Polygon sessions home (maximum range sizes for individual km^) 2 varied sessions (0.16 -16.33 km ) . the number period use Standard because with area are elk and of a 24 hour The average 24 hour 2 km . an individual elk thought to be was a 2.3 less of home range size (Lonner and variable Hammond 1980) the standard diameter is the diameter of a circle the geographic activity center at its center and least 68 % of an animals relocations within (Harrison 1958, 24 for hour This is partly a function and Tester 1967). diameters comparison among and timing of relocations within (Heezen polygon widely 24 hour session, standard and Hayne 1949). season (Table 7). was quite circle When averaged for each daily home range size, diameters, that at similar as expressed by throughout the 52 Table 7. Average standard diameter for 14 elk during each 24 hour session, 1983-1984, N. Boulder winter range , Mt. Average standard diameter (km) Date Standard devia t i on I 983 2/12-13 2/18-19 3/18-19 3/26-27 4/1 6-17 4/23-24 I 983 Mean 1.6 2.3 2.3 1.9 2.3 2.8 2. 2 .98 .67 .82 .68 .73 I. 9 1984 1/14-15 1/21-22 2/11-12 2/18-19 3/10-11 3/18-19 1984 Mean 2.1 1.6 2.3 2.3 1.9 2.4 2. I 1 .3 1.0 .83 . .69 .64 1.8 Cumul a tive Seasonal Home Ranges Cumulative winter polygon home range sizes for individual to elk varied from 12.5 km^ to 35 km^ and 14 km^ o 44.3 km in 1983 and 1984, respectively. Cumulative standard diameters varied from 2.6 to 7.6 km in 1983 2.8 to 6.1 km in 1984. year differences (Table 8). and When averaged for all elk, between in home range size were insignificant 53 Table 8. Elk SD1 ID 83 km Summary of home range sizes for individual elk accumulated throughout the w i n t e r , 1983-1984, N . Boulder R i v e r , Mt. SD 84 km Max. area 1983 kin ■ 2 Ma x . area 1984 kin Mean # of fixes 83 84 I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2.6 4.2 4.5 3.2 2.8 3.6 4.0 3.2 4.5 4.8 4.1 7.6 3.7 3.6 dea d 2 .9 dea d 2.8 3.8 3.7. 3.2 3 .7 dea d 3 .9 4.9 6.1 3.6 3.6 15.4 26.1 26.2 17 .4 13.0 34.0 35.5 18.7 23.0 20.7 22.6 30.5 17.6 12.5 dea d 14.0 dea d 14.0 33.0 23.2 17.8 29.9 dea d 14.8 44.3 16.5 17.5 33.4 85 52 47 52 63 74 64 64 55 54 74 30 67 62 X 4.0 3.8 22.4 23.5 56 dea d 64 dead 62 47 64 81 50 dead 42 52 21 61 75 56 Standard diameter average d over 6 sessions. Maximum Area of polygon average d over 6 sessions. Home ranges were not calculated from flight locations since only 5 winter, flights were accomplished in 1983 3 in 1984. and Youmans (1979) found that even weekly sampling of deer populations from the air underestimated home range size and extent of movements. Movements Monitoring during 24 hour sessions indicated radioed elk moved between each successive relocation. rate of movement between sessions and years was that The similar, 54 rate of movement between sessions and years was averaging km/hour .44 and km/hour and 10 k m / day in 8 km/day in 1984. 1983, Elk using moved an average distance of 10.4 km/day, average similar, and Lowland .37 Creek compared to movement of 9.2 km/day for elk on the N. an Boulder range. The minimum (straight line) distance that would have to travel to maintain the typical using four elk pattern of vegetation types was calculated to be 2.2 km for an elk bedding below the powerline, bedding an above the powerline, 4.7 km for an elk and 2.3 km for an elk utilizing the Lowland Creek area. Maximum indicated as 65 elk movements calculated with TELDAY that it was not unusual for elk to move as. km per day, especially during mild periods far of we a ther . Fidelity to Home Range Geographic compare used to years. A differences in years for significant shifts in either an t-test between east/west radioed centers (GAC) were fidelity to winter home range between two-sample GACs activity. was used to test direction elk, for or a north/south direction. I demonstrated a significant shift Of in 11 the east/west direction, 4 demonstrated a north/south shift, 2 shifted i in both directions (P<.001) , and 4 did not 55 significantly 1984. Of shift activity centers between the 6 elk shifting in latitude, direction 1983 and 5 moved in away from the powerline an average distance 1.12 km, and I moved in a direction toward the a of powerline 1.2 km (Figures 18-23). It was utilized previously in mentioned that 1984 than in 1983. more This range additional use occurred on the west end of the study area, was range and south of the N . Boulder River in the Lowland Creek drainage. 1983, the soon after elk were collared, elk #6 moved south to Lowland Creek drainage and remained there the winter. As spring migration began, moved south. support more All throughout .5 additional elk That is, the Lowland Creek area appeared to a small number of wintering elk in 1983, used primarily as transitional range. the In 1984, Lowl and drainage had less snow cover elk , of including the radioed Creek in 1984 but was however, and supported 4 radioed animals (ID's 6,7,9,12). animals that wintered in //12 times Creek. crossed in 1984, Lowland also used this drainage while migrating summer range in "Elk Park" in the spring of 1983. and In the river onto the study but spent most of the winter Geographic to Elk #9 area several in Lowland activity centers of unmarked elk not differ significantly between years (Figure 24). did 56 ELK#3 1983 5 km I ------- r (GAC) \ ELK*5 Figure 18. Seasonal polygons and standard diameters for elk #3 and //5 in 1983 and 1984 relative to the powerline, N. Boulder winter range, MT. ELK*6 1983— 1984- 5 km -1983 Figure 19. Seasonal polygons and standard diameters for elk #6 and //7 in 1983 and 1984 relative to the powerline, N. Boulder winter range,MT. 58 ELK#8 .1983 1984- 1 km / -1983 Figure 20. Seasonal polygons and standard diameters for elk //8 and #9 In 1983 and 1984 relative to the powerline, N. Boulder winter range, MT. 59 ELK*11 -1983 5 km -1983 -1984 Figure 21. Seasonal polygons and standard diameters for elk /Zll and /Z12 in 1983 and 1984 relative to the powerline, N. Boulder winter range, MT. 60 ELK* 13 t— S-Km Figure 22. Seasonal polygons and standard diameters for elk #13 In 1983 and 1984 relative to the powerline, N. Boulder winter range, MT. 61 ELK* 14 ELK# 15 4+ + 1984 +Xt- Flgure 23. -1983 Seasonal polygons and standard diameters for elk //14 and //15 in 1983 and 1984 relative to the powerline, N. Boulder winter range, MT. 62 + -H+ ++ 1983 G AC: 3924 51242 G A C : 13925 51241 Figure 24. Distribution of groups of unmarked elk on the N. Boulder range based on direct observations in 1983 and 1984 between January and March. The center of distribution is the geographic activity center(GAC) stated as UTM coordinates. 63 Powerline Effects r Clearing and line Construction In late April 1983, entry onto (Pole Mountain) Four BPA contractors the eastern most portion of were the allowed study to .begin stringing conductors on area towers. radioed elk previously utilizing this area moved out of the area soon after, construction began (Figure 25). t-test showed the shift south to be significant It is not migrating known if they eventually north, but came it is doubtful since A (P<.001). back before construction expanded after May 15 when road closures were no longer in effect. known Timber bedding clearing was clearing for the corridor disrupted area. still However, timber adjacent available and utilized by one to the elk for bedding in 1984. Elk Distribution Near the Line Results of the multiple regression analysis of pellet group to and plant utilization transects under and the powerline corridor (total N=90) are Tables 9 and 10. I parallel presented in 64 Construction area Pole Mn. before construction i t i > i i 5km Figure 25. Relocations of four radioed elk before and during powerline construction on the eastern edge of the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 65 Table 9. Contribution of significant factors (P <.05) to the pellet group regression, 1983 & 1984pellet group transects. Contribution to Variable XXX -.18 + . 21 -.21 -. 19 + .05 + .16 -.04 — .01 + .01 + .02 +.0001 I Total R 2 70(r=. 84) 1983 Total R 2 4 I (r=.64) 1984 + .004 - Contribution of significant factors (P<.05) to the total in the total plant utilization regression, 1983 and 1984. Va riable Contribution to R": 1983 1984 XXX Total R 2 7 7 (r= .88 ) I 983 Total R 2 35(r = .60) I 984 + .18 + .21 + .29 + .16 + .10 + .16 -.05 -.001 + .02 -.03 -.001 + Cattle use No . of pellet groups Aspec t Slo pe Cover Distance to powerline Direction f r om powerline O ■P- Table 10. 1984 O NS Cattle use Total percent plants grazed Cover Type Aspect Slope Distance from powerline Di re c tion from powerline 1983 not signif. 66 In 1983, the number the factors that best explained variation in of pellet groups on a transect percent of plants grazed, cover type, and included the aspect. The number of pellet groups counted increased as the number of plants grazed increased, northerly and in timbered cover types and easterly aspects. The number of on pellet groups also increased with distance from the powerline and north of the powerline (relative to south). Total utilization of bunchgrass in 1983 (cattle elk use) groups, was best aspect, on steeper, Al though explained by the number slope, and cover type. of south slopes with sagebrush and grass cover. distance or direction from the powerline did not energization), the same of and relatively closer relations pellet explained less), powerline; (before more plants were grazed on transects south powerline The number pellet Feeding occurred contribute a great deal to the regression in 1983 of plus that groups in to explained 1983 the line. variation held in 1984 in (but with the exception of direction from the the number of pellet groups increased south of the line in 1984. Total explained bunchgrass utilization by cattle utilization. in 1984 That is, was most of best the I vegetation under and adjacent to the powerline was removed by cattle. cattle The number of animal unit months (AUMs) I grazed bn the winter range increased from 625 of in 67 1983 to 1090 utilization grazing. in 1984. related Factors explaining total more to cattle grazing than to elk Total utilization showed a relative increase northerly and easterly aspects, cn closer to the power line, on open cover types, and shallower slopes. Pellet group counts were lower on transects grazed by cattle. by cattle within included m on either side mostly (percent That is, the percent of plants grazed negatively influenced the 20 0 of heavily gentle plants of occurrence the slopes. grazed) on power line. Cattle the of Boyle pastures, both having steep south slopes and elk This utilization and Berkin both heavily used by wintering elk, average d 41% and 5 3%, respectively. Average plant biomass Pasture and 32% in Berkin Pasture. taken removed by cattle was 21% in Boyle The "Elk Pasture" was out of the pasture rotation system and reserved for winter elk use in 1975. Elk have traditionally shown heavy use of this pasture for feeding. Analysis groups to of be variance showed the significantly different number of (P < .001) pellet between transects at intervals of 15, 50, 100, and 200 m north and south data of the power line in 1983, but not in 1984. The were biased due to heavy elk use around a salt block (present for many years) on a transect 50 m north of power line (Figure 26). the 68 + pellet groups/50m % plants g ra z e d /5 0 m (utlllzatl 18 84 total utilization 19 83 aummar cattle utilization \ Z A 1983 total utilization 1 9 83 pallet count 19 84 pallet count NORTH Figure 26. (meters from powerline) TRANSECT SOUTH Average number of pellet groups counted and total percent of grazed bunchgrass plants in 1983 and 1984 and the percent of plants grazed by cattle in 1983 on 50 m transects under and adjacent to the powerline (total N=90). 69 Powerline Crossings Track transects, twelve 100 m lines, times between January and April 1983. were read Lack of sufficient amounts of new snow prevented more frequent readings. 1984, 5 transects were read 13 times between late In December 1983 and March 1984. There were several major trails on the west half of the winter range which elk used in travelling from bedding areas the north of the powerline to feeding corridor. these trails there was occurred areas south Because 2 sets of transects (2 and 4), intersected and the other 2 sets much variability in the data. of did not, Transect "I" in an open meadow that elk used consistently 1983, but not in 1984. in While measuring cattle utilization in the fall of 1983, it was noticed that cattle had grazed that area very heavily. Because of these sources of i variability and small sample sizes, it was felt statistical comparisons between years and among were not meaningful. The comparison that transects The data are presented in Table 11. of track counts immediately after a, storm relative to I or 2 days following, in 1984, may have significant biological implications. Data transect sets where elk frequently crossed are from the 2 presented. 70 Table 11. The average number of track crossings on 100 m line ‘transects (n=l2) under, and parallel north and south of t'he power line, N . Boulder winter range, 1983-1984. Year/trans ec t Average no. tracks■crossing transect: 100 m south Center 100 m north I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 1983 1984 1983 1984 1983 1984" 1983 1984 1983 Mean 1984 Mean On 8.4 .8 3.5 5.2 2.0 I .4 4.0 11.5 10.6 0 0 3.3 0 .6 3.2 7.7 8.8 .5 .5 5.3 0 .15 3.0 9.0 4.5 4.7 3.8 3.4 3.5 3.2 4 different occasions, transects were run immediately after a storm and again the following day or 2 days later (if track no new crossings storm. One snow fell during that time). No were counted on the day immediately following a to 2 days after a storm, elk crossings were usually numerous, especially if crossings just missing the transects are taken into account (Table 12). 71 Table 12. Comparison of track crossings under and near the powerline the day following a storm vs. one or two days later, Ni Boulder winter range, 1984. Numbe r of tracks crossing 100 m 100 m Center n or th south Transec t number Date of run Date of storm 4 2/18 2/1 7 0 0 0 4 2/20 2/17 40 32 41 2 2/22 .2/2 1 0 0 0 2 2/24 2/21 30 43 36 4 2/22 2/21 0 0 0 4 2/23 2/21 48 64 87 4 3/5 3/4 0 0 0 4 3/6 2 3/5 3/4 0 0 0 (tracks cross just west of transec t) 3/4 0 0 0 2 3/6 4 3/11 0 3/4 0 ■ 4 cross (tracks east of transec t) 3/10 0 0 0 4 3/12 3/10 10 14 2 Elk Observations Near the Line I had the opportunity on several occasions to observe elk cross under the line in 1984. walked slowly "sub-groups" weather moving and calmly across the of 2 and -3 animals. In fair weather, corridor in small On March 2nd in elk were seen crossing the powerline at dusk downhill into the "Elk Pasture". The elk fair and following morning, it was snowing hard shortly before dawn. Because 72 of poor visibility, observed I approximately climbed the ridge 140 elk spread out about 250 m south of the power line. dawn, on foot and and feeding One half hour after the lead cows began walking uphill, and the rest of the group followed single file. Noise from the power line, a crackling and hissing sound, was quite loud from my post 300 m away. elk in About 20 m from the outer conductor, the lead stopped and hesitated and the rest of the elk on them in a large tight circle. for about 5 minutes, closed, They stood in place then some exhibited a westward pacing movement parallel to the line. Snowfall let up slightly at this time, and the lead elk began crossing the corridor and moving quickly into a timber patch north of the line. The rest of the group followed single file. Acous tical Effects Ambient noise levels on the study area range 25 and 45 dB (A ) . weather that and noise station data on the study area indicate audible 55 dB (A) at the edge of the corridor (Table At the centerline an Statistical plots produced from the B PA during foul weather (precipitation), exceeds between average decreasing (B B ST 1982). during precipitation, noise 13). the noise level at powerline elevation of 1890 m is 60 dB(A ), to 49 dB (A) at 120 m and to 40 dB (A) at 500 m 73 Table Percent of the time noise levels exceeded 55 dB(A) at the edge of the corridor in 1984, based on BPA noise statistical plots, averaged for all frequencies. 13. Month Nov. De c . Jan. Feb. Mar . % of time noise exceeded 55 dB(A) and % standard deviation (in parentheses) 83 83 84 84 84 8.5 10.0 7.2 7.6 17.2 (4.1) (7.8) (5.2) (5.6) (13.9) Elk Distribution and Audible Noise Elk 24 hour relocations were analyzed for differences in distribution relative to the powerline, between years, and considering precipitation, this locations using analysis during and not analysis of variance. revealed that elk during Results were of distributed significantly closer to the powerline in 1983 than in 1984 (P<.001). Relocations during precipitation were significantly closer to the powerline in 1983 relative relocations However, during in 1984 to (E<.001) . no significant differences occurred between 1984 precipitation ,A precipitation also closer and non-precipitation relocations. look at elk distribution around the powerline revealed that during precipitation in 1984, the highest the percentage of elk were found within 100 m of powerline and the lowest percentage 101-200 m away (Figure 27). showed TELDAY plots of relocations during precipitation indication of this "clumping" effect south of the percent of elk relocetlone 1 9 8 3 preclpltetlon 1 9 8 3 no precipitation »Z!J35%8J984 no precipitation ,984 precipitation distance from powerline centerline Figure 27. In kilometers Radioed elk distribution over the entire winter period in relation to distance from the powerline (km) in 1983 and 1984 during precipitation and during fair weather, N. Boulder winter range, Mt. 75 powerline during morning hours. of potential crossing Daytime the beds Dusk plots showed 2 cases " turnaround" effects, powerline at dusk and 4 cases during light of elk snowfall. were generally greater than 300 m from the powerline regardless of weather conditions. Throwing using out daytime locations and locations of Lowland Creek (>2 km from the study area), found that elk were elk it was distributed significantly nearer the powerline at dawn and dark during fair weather relative to foul weather in 1984 (P <.05) . This relationship did not hold at dusk (Table 14). Table 14. Percent of elk relocations in 1984 during precipitation (P) and non-precipitation (NP), within various distances from the powerline at dawn, dusk, and dark, N . Boulder winter range . % Relocations within X m o f Dawn Dusk P NP P NP n=3 7 n=l 05 n=61 n=l 5 X m 100 m 200 m 300 m >300 13 23 36 64 3 5 22 78 7 7 7 93 2 4 13 87 powerline Dark P NP n=2 8 n=5 4 8 8 8 92 11 I6 16 84 Powerline Access Roads and Hunting Powerline acces.s spurs from the N . Boulder River Road were constructed in 1982. Jeep trails and unimproved dirt, roads already existed, and these were and gravelled from the N. widened, Boulder River Road improved, to the 76 powerline. New roads, 15 km in total length, were built under the line to access every tower. Data collected during hunter check stations that in 1982, Butte, 84 Montana, % of the hunters interviewed resided in 30 % reported seeing elk, killed an animal. % revealed but .only 3 % In 1983, 74 % of those interviewed were from Butte, 29 saw elk, and 2 % killed an animal. both years, 88 % of those interviewed indicated that they hunted from roads at least part of the time. % In 1982, of the Interviewed hunters specified they did not on BPA roads and had various negative comments about powerline and the new roads. In 1983, 7 % In made 18 hunt the this specification or offered negative comments (Table 15). Table 15. 1982 (1) (2) (3) 1983 (1) (2) Examples of comments offered by hunters about BPA roads and the powerline in 1982 and 1983, N. Boulder River, Montana. "BPA roads concentrate people and push the elk up in elevation. Would be mass slaughter if it snowed hard during the season." "B PA left a big mess behind." "The construction of this powerline lowered the quality of hunting in this area.” "The density of road hunters has increased because of B PA access roads. People are driving off the roads as well, even if there are road closures." "The noise from the powerline is bad for elk." 77 The overall distribution of hunting pressure changed between 1982 and 1983 (Table 16) probably in response greater use roads. It of the new BPA access roads or improved decreased in the Thunderbolt Creek along the Continental Divide, west to Boyle Gulch, and and increased in Alta Gulch in the Little Cottonwood Creek area, % Hunting in 1982 (N = 109) % Hunting in 1983 (N = 14 0) Thunderbolt Cr. Saratoga Mine 63 27 Little Cotton­ wood Cr, Rock Cr. 10 28 8 11 Berkin Flat ! Alta Gulch to Boyle Gulch 14 ' 51 > Red Ro ck Cr. Pole Mn. 5 17 18 10 Lockhart Meadow Cont. Divide According .number 1973 ! and Percent of hunters interviewed hunting a given area in 1982 and 1983, N . Boulder River, MT. Area used f old in the Red Rock Creek area (see Figure I for a map). Table 16. 5 ?: area to to MDFWP hunter survey data, the of hunters hunting district 318 between was (s= 17 0). increased 702 (s=140), Because in recent and between 1974 and the accuracy years, of the these numbers average 1957 1983, surveys may not and 1244 has be 78 entirely comparable (Frisina pers. comm.)* The historic hunter success rates on district 318 w e r e , on the average , 25 % lower than regional success rates between 1973, and 50 % lower between 1974 and 1983. hunters in 1982 respectively, than and I 983 were 13.5% 1957 and The number of and the 1974-1983 average. 23% lower, District 318 had a bull only season until 1 979 (Table 17). From 1979 to the present, either sex permits have been issued (Table 18). The composition of the bull harvest has averaged 40% mature bulls (2+) and 60 % yearlings. hunters in 1983 and 1984, Despite the drop in the number of elk harvested remained quite steady. ; ■ Table 17. Year No. hunters 1980 1981 1982 1983 , Table 18. Year 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Bull harvest statistics from Montana. 1119 1184 1076 958 district 318, Total harvest* %Suc ce ss-318 104 107 104 112 9 9 10 12 Regional 16 16 16 16 Harvest data from either sex permits, district 318, Montana. No. permits issued No. animals killed 25 25 75 25 75 200 (Frisina pers. c o mm.) 10 9 36 6 25 79 DISCUSSION The extent and condition of winter range is believed to be important in regulating the size and productivity of elk populations (Boyd 1 970, Knight 197 0). Climate and land use in turn influence how much range is available and the condition The has of available elk winter elk population on increased the N. range. Boulder winter range for the past 20 years, with a concurrent downward trend in calf recruitment (Figure 3), indicating that the winter population may be at or above the carrying capacity of the range. climate and population cow at Pi c ton 1984 c) . may Changes in calf survival with both population density is expected carrying capacity (Sauer and for Boyce 1983, Fluctuations in cal f/ cow ratios over also be related to the method of a classification. time A large calf cohort results in a high proportion of yearling elk year the following year. would yearling tjhe A classification count in underestimate production since non-breeding cows cannot be distinguished from adult cows field (Frisina pers. comm.). that Because of in the ■ segregation of mature bulls from cow/calf groups during i ■ the winter and a permit system of harvesting anterless elk I I 80 in this district, it is doubtful at this time that harvest plays a big role in the regulation of the winter population. Cattle area, grazing is an important land use on the study Although temporally, the cattle use and elk use they share a common forage potential for indirect competition 1966). Track transects pellet group counts (Tables 9 and 10, observations, grazed (Table 11, heavily an segregated base; therefore, exists transect 1984) , (Stevens I, 1984), and field verified that elk avoided areas that cattle the previous summer. forage allocation within the N. in are average production Equal ' elk/cattle Boulder winter range zone year with average snow accumulations was calculated to be 860 AUMs cattle and 415 head of elk (Frisina et years, an al. 1976). Over the past nine average of 880 AUMs of cattle were grazed each year on the winter range, which roughly corresponds to the above calculation. theoretical stocking Elk carrying rates. This have capacity may increased under be related current to cattle mild greater then in which ' the normal, or because elk populations at carrying capacity also increase at the expense of the soil/plant capital bring was before the negative feedback mechanisms their recent winters may forage supply beyond range operate herd and the range to a steady state. to 81 It is expected that the winter elk population in 1985 will exceed winter 6 00 animals. A severely snow-restricted range may not support this many elk under current cattle stocking rates. Comparisons show that the general distribution of elk on winter range has not changed over time (Figures 4, 6, and 7). elk et 5, Although cover on winter range is important to for security and shelter during severe weather aI . 1982), it ,(Peek appears that cover on the study area is adequate (Figure 13), and that overall winter distribution is keyed to available forage (Table 5). High correlations of elk use with the distribution of available forage also documented by Franklin et Larson (1971). aI . (1975) and Irwin and Peek (1983) were Clary and found that forage conditions were the primary factor influencing the size of elk and home ranges in Idaho. type (which availability) Beall (1974), The Importance of snow influences forage depth distribution and on elk distribution has been documented Knight (1970), and Desimone and by Thompson (1983). Although group counts underestimated area elk distribution and radiotelemetry was radioed et and Collins and Urness 1979), elk from similar, elk use on the eastern half of (also discussed by Leopold 1984, determined consistently used ■7 P the al. pellet telemetry the 1984, study Collins because only I of 15 east end (Pole 82 Mountain). including Seven five additional elk elk were collared in that use the Pole Mountain 1984 area. Informationf will be gathered on this segment of the during the remainder of the observations but study. Aerial and herd visual were also used to document elk distribution, these are limited to early morning and when elk feed in open habitats. late Therefore, evening these methods underestimated elk use of bedding sites. Changes subtle, and are 6). the began Road, increased distribution over time, although apparent from pellet group counts (Figures 5 in harvest access elk Decreases occurred Creek in in elk use between . 1983 vicinity of a timber in the summer of 1983, and sale in route. which and near Red where winter vehicular traffic has because 1984 the road was improved as Rock probably a powerline Increases in the use of higher elevation areas between 1975 and 1984 are likely attributable to elk population (1974) growth and mild winter conditions. Beall found that elk did not use logged sites the winter following elevations timber removal, in mild winters. and that elk used higher Coop (1973) commented that elk avoid roads with vehicular activity. Geist disturbance puts seemed (1982) suggested by h umans. that elk are Winter range on the sensitive N. elk in close proximity to human activities, to prefer, to remain as high in elevation to Boulder and elk (toward 83 remote summer range) as possible in relation conditions and day to day weather. that to There is also evidence elk have ‘a relatively low upper critical temperature and that use of high elevations is related to of heat 1951). during mild winter periods In 1983, correlated 1984, with (Beall intolerance 1974, patterns elevations at elk locations were highly variations in temperature, whereas with in changes the N . in snow depths. Boulder drainage are was winds from were quite especially less overall snow in 1984 snow This was Although compared to 1983, patterns variable. elk It responsive is possible that to snow conditions which response to snow depth, Mclean (1972) found that elk temperature, found that movements are by a combination of these factors or any one factor. elk In one winter during his moved up in in and available food, speculated that within seasonal areas , influenced are deviate the Lochsa drainage of Idaho moved up in elevation and by the northwest predominated and snow from the average conditions. of highly influenced case in 1983 according to local residents. there in Normal southwest winds that usually occur all winter. the Murie elk movements up and down in elevation were correlated in forage elevation with extremes study, he increasing temperatures despite a concurrent increase in snow depths. 84 Spring the first available succulent forage at lower in April . et migration seemed to be delayed by elk use of elevations This was also observed by Mclean (1 972 ), Dalke^ al. (1965) , and Beall (1974). Subsequent altitudinal; movements seemed to be correlated with rising temperatures, and vegetation development, late although elk did respond to' spring.snow storms by moving back onto winter range.' Brazda (1953) reported that snow cover did not influence elk migration to summer range in the Gallatin drainage ofi Montana, by. that migration was highly influenced calving activities. Dalke et a l . (1965) found that elk; followed (1972) but developing vegetation to summer stated that spring migration was closely temperature critical range. indicating temperature energetically that when elk reach of the thermoneutral McIean: tied the zone, to. upper; it is, beneficial for them to seek cooler areas at: higher elevations. In the fall, movements back to winter: range commenced as soon as the big game season ended, as Coop (1973) also observed. Elk habitat did ; not show strong selection for parameters measured compared any of the to measurements a t. random points throughout the winter range in 1983 and 1984 (Figure 10). Both winters being mild, elk were not restricted from using portions of the winter range because of deep snow. Conversations with local resource managers revealed that in heavy snow ranchers and years, elk 85 congregate in the N.. and Boulder River willow and hay bottoms at lower elevations within the canyon. The- pattern general southerly exposure and regular that timbered creates a complex of bunchgrass cover patches on this winter range drainage parks provides energetically favorable situation for elk in the It seems logical to conclude that therefore winter and range with inherently beneficial utilize Similar to variables the my entire range results, when Jeffrey elk in Idaho elk select characteristics , (1963) on winter range in Utah and could that an winter. conditions only 30 % of the variation in elk use, and permit. measured account 26 for and Irwin and Peek (1983) concluded selected southwest facing winter home ranges with adequate supplies of food and cover rather than selecting for components within the winter range. Use of habitat features during divisions corresponded to elk activities. different time During the da y , security cover was likely important since elk chose higher elevation timbered areas for bedding and rumination. At dusk, feeding activities predominated, and elk chose areas with available forage but still close to timbered Although telemetry did not no visual observations were possible to findings, stay confirm night monitoring indicated that bedded down, Boulder River road, cover . but rather crossed the elk N. and actively sought out feeding areas I 86 in the valley bottom Bailey use Rost and (1979) suggested that animals avoid roads if areas near Vogel which lack security cover. roads at night but not in they daylight, and (1983) found that deer were more nocturnaIly active in the presence of disturbance. apparently areas used In the N . Boulder, darkness as a means of securing having rich food resources, elk use but which have a of high potential for disturbance and a lack of security cover in daylight. Slk the and study occurred than mule deer utilized common feeding areas area, feeding periods later in the morning and earlier in the evening elk although' mule feeding activity peaks. deer on When feeding periods overlapped, elk appeared to be dominant over mule deer and often behaved aggressively toward partitioning may be important to mule deer. Temporal elk and deer in areas where they compete for the same forage base. Home I range standard diameters were fairly consistent among radioed elk throughout the winter. As expected, the home range hour period is much smaller than the home range size an size for an. individual determined over individual winter season. a from locations accumulated throughout An elk's temporal response to 24 for the varying weather conditions represents the fourth dimension or time dimension of home range (Baker 1978). The intensity of 87 relocations should therefore be keyed to the specific time frame that the researcher is interested in. Continuous telemetric monitoring showed that elk (for both winters)on the study area travelled an average of km/day. daily elk There were only small differences in movements between elk that used Lowland that used the N . range, elk Boulder range. 9 average Creek On the N . and Boulder usually travelled between bedding sites north of the power line to feeding sites south of the power line, even individual though it would be more efficient for an elk to bed and feed south of the power line, or to use the Lowland winters, elk not use higher elevation areas north of the Creek probably do power line range. as In more extensively as my severe data indicate, because movements would be restricted by deep snow. Continuous Long Tom showed Creek that elk monitoring on this study area and on area nearby (Lonner al. visual time Hammond were active at an average rate km/hour and .46 km/hour, et and respectively. 1980) of .44 Because Craighead (1973) verified daytime telemetry locations with observations and found that 40 % of an elk's daily buget was spent bedded down, movements it may be that are an artifact of triangulation error. errors from a variety of sources (Denton 1973, during the successive locations of a bedded animal Pac these Small 1978) could be 88 interpreted as small movements. On the other1 hand, movements may be real. It is individual not known whether between year shifts in elk geographic activity centers was related to energization of the powerline, or population pressures and mild weather. migrated Creek, back It Is possible that elk ,to the N. Boulder range in late through fall Lowland were inhibited by an energized powerline, and then returned to documented Lowland Creek to winter. Youmans that some mule deer on winter range (I 979) exhibited exploratory movements before settling on a core home range where they possible winter. It is that elk shifted to Lowland Creek because individuals used spent the rest of the also those were familiar with that drainage (which they as a migration corridor) and that range was able support more wintering animals in 1984 compared to to 1983. The three statistically significant between year shifts in GAC away from the powerline on the "study were also shifts up In elevation. Interpreted as a response to area proper" These shifts could mild winter conditions. Elk literature considers that an individual returning the same winter range, regardless of the within the range that the animal uses, winter range. Elk to specific, arjea shows fidelity to shifts within seasonal between years on the N. be home ranges Boulder range are not in conflict with the existing literature. 89 It is not surprising that elk were displaced from the Pole Mountain powerline construction area in the spring of 1983. Stahlecker ceased in the vicinity of a 230-kV construction Colorado. (1975) reported that animal activity site in Ward (1 9 7 3) and Be all (1974) found that during the initial stages of active logging, elk moved out of the area, but eventually resumed normal activities. spring the Because is an energetically critical time for cow elk effects of even short term displacement at this could be significant, suggestion I support Thompson's and time (1977) that powerline construction activities through heavy seasonal use areas during critical periods should be prohibited. The physical presence of a 5 00-kV p owe rline bisecting major use change areas on elk winter range overall travelling sometimes weather elk distribution or prevent seen (no noticably elk from Elk were feeding under the conductors during fair precipitation) where the available forage. corridor included As expected for a species! operating under an energy conservation strategy, general distribution was best explained by traditional use of slopes, aspects, cover types, and the influence of cattle grazing, Track that not between bedding and feeding areas. undisturbed, elk did all in relation to snow accumulations. counts and patterns of elk behavioral observations activity are disrupted indicated by an 90 energized ' powerline weather". noise, during corona or Most noticably this was a function of (measured as dB( A )) , hissing precipitation noise electric field audible a random broadband crackling, with a 120 Hz h u m , discharge. "foul Corona which is a discharge result occurs intensity on the surface of when a of the conductor exceeds the breakdown strength of air; thus this phenomena is intensified at higher altitudes. Water beads on the conductors are the most significant cause of reference to emphasized effects wildlife impact, Lee and corona. Griffith (1978) that there is the potential for audible to combine synergistically with the construction, maintenance activities, noise effects electric In of fields, and/or magnetic fields. Lee and Griffith (1978)- defined "noise" unwanted sound, an environmental pollutant. hazards of noise in the masking of communication, to wildlife behavioral Skovlin 1982). . an The potential environment include reducing the ability of animals locate potential danger, resulting as changes physiological (Lee and effects, Griffith and 1978, Behavioral effects theoretically would be expected anytime corona noise increases 1-3 dB beyond acclimation background noise level (Pic ton Mountcas tie 1974) . observations Distribution of elk pers. and the comm. , behavioral relative to an energized powerline might be explained by a model in which elk hesitate before crossing 91 a "noisy" corridor, elk next to interferes This is giving an apparent concentration the powerline as with the flow of elk acoustical (Pic ton corridor pers. comm.). not to say that elk do not ultimately cross powerline during foul weather, corridor results in stress. to the of but that crossing a the noisy Ames (1978) considered sound be a potential "stressor" since it increased heart and respiratory rates in domestic sheep. Alarm reactions, excitement, and stress cost vital energy (Geist 1978). ' Track transects examined on consecutive days in indicated that elk did not cross the powerline the evening of a storm, nor did they cross the morning, of regardless interpretations weather are possible. 1984 corridor following conditions. Either elk do not Two always feed actively during foul weather (and consequently do not cross the powerline toward feeding areas) during because activity cold weather results in a thermoregulatory penalty (Gates and Hudson 1979), corridor which is affected by noise levels. activity or elk avoid the area around the significant precipitation Whatever the cause, storms disrupted normal patterns over two feeding periods. That is, I following a storm, the basic elk did not seem to move south to feed following morning. activity This would be a reversal of pattern which involves elk across the corridor into timber at dawn. have been moving the north Elk in 1984 may more likely to cross the corridor after dark 92 (Figure 16) also as a response to disturbance from power­ line noise. Driscoll power line (1975) suggested that audible noise rights-of-way less desirable to animals inclement weather. (Rangifer in Norway are disturbed power line increased use speculated this audible noise (1982) stated bursts of in when newly Lee and Reiner (1933) Oregon when it was the line response and/or that corona energized. result field cattle were noise when Goodwin (1975) , energized of They transient effects. typically an EHV a and was de-energized. was the electric of Rogers startled power line on the other hand, by _ was reported track patterns of elk crossing a 500-kV corridor in during precipitation did not indicate avoidance or deviation crossing of by that cattle decreased use in the vicinity 1100-kV Idaho reindeer power lines because of their unf amiliarity and the "hum" that power lines produce. reported during Klein (1971) mentioned that tarandus) constructed that makeo 63 from the norm. the corridor dB(A ) probable intermittent especially evidence animals sounds if during a precipitation noise without that the He also observed two cow of of acclimate of to benefits to using level It continuous 100 dB(A ) or less (forage) exceed the costs (stress). function inhibition. elk a (Ames noisy is and 1978), corridor Acclimation is also a background noise levels, and the . rate of 93 animal exposure differences to precipitation noise levels. The between the current study and Goodwin's study should be emphasized. Animals had been accustomed to the energized power line on the the Idaho study area for a year and one half before the study was initiated., The line was cleared through differences dense in timber and Goodwin found animal use of the right-of-way and forest clearings were directly proportional to the that other amount of understory available as food. The Idaho area receives a great deal of precipitation as snow (38-152 cm/year), so wild animals there would be exposed to precipitation noise levels (30 more continuously than elk on the relatively cm/year precipitation) N . contrast to Goodwin's study, energized during the study, about the level where Boulder range. Also dry in the N . Boulder powerline was crosses a bunchgrass range at timber begins, and therefore involved little timber removal and no concurrent increases in and the forage base. The higher altitudes (1644-2220 more open habitat on the N . Boulder mean more corona discharge and less noise attenuation (BBST 1982) to the Idaho study m) area elevations (780-1700 compared m) and timbered habitat. Approximately 13 % of the winter range is impacted by an "acoustical corridor" with a length of 14.4 km and a width of 500 m (the point at which the noise attenuates to the upper limit of ambient levels is 250 m on either side 94 of the corridor). on an In 1984, precipitation effects occurred average of -10.5 % of the 121 days in period (Table 13). precipitation (Pic ton winter A normal winter was calculated to have effects 1984 b). the on 22.5 % of the . Although 121 day period it is expected that elk acclimate to precipitation noise levels, there is can little basis for assuming more acclimation by N . Boulder elk than is currently present. I suggest that future EHV powerline corridors are not placed on winter game ranges in a manner major that use areas. large that separates Corridors could be placed across areas ungulates already avoid, such as large clearcuts (Thompson 1977). Hunting success rates in hunting district 318 been consistently lower than the regional averages. may indicate that this district has high security for elk on fall transition range. by the presence pf have This habitat Security is influenced access roads and the amount quality hiding cover (Lonne r and Ca da 1982). of good It is also possible that the area, which is hunted, almost exclusively by locals, has always had a high percentage of hunters (the 1982 and 1 983 data indicate this trend), road and studies in Montana have shown that road hunters add little to the harvest (Basile 1973, Coop 1973). Griffith (1977) and Goodwin (1975) reported heavy use of transmission line I access roads, so the predominance of road hunters in 1983 95 and I 984 may also be the result of powerline access roads. the powerline "quality" hunt of this and improved access decreased who the traditionally This may explain the decrease number of hunters and negative comments in 1983 to 1982 (Table 15)* Improved improved indicated that the presence hunting for some people area. and Comments offered by some hunters interviewed in 1982 and 1983, of new in the compared access and the 15 km of new access probably changed the kinds of vehicles travelling.through the (four wheel drive not required), which vehicles can increased the rate move through the area and the improved access roads are clustered on winter the greatest impact to elk would be in an Since range , autumn snow when elk are forced to come down in at thereby encounter animals, and shifted hunter distribution. heavy area with elevation during the hunting season. Closure of the powerline access roads during, the hunting season might lower hunter density and increase the effective length of the season by holding elk in the area longer and spreading and Cada 1982, and Marcum However, road and out the harvest (Lonner Lemkuhl 1980). closures might.also exclude some people (famiIy groups and older area. people) from seeking hunting opportunites in this REFERENCES CITED 97 REFERENCES CITED Aderhold, M. 1984. Montana's million dollar black bears. Montana Outdoors. 15(2):6-10,35-36. Alt, D . D ., and D. W . Hyndman. 1972. Roadside geology of the. northern rockles. Mountain Press Pub. Co., Missoula, MT. 2 80 p p . Ames, D . R . 1978. Physiological responses to auditory stimuli. JLn Fletcher, J . L., and R. G . Busnel , eds. Effects of noise on wildlife. Academic Press, New York.:23-45. Baker, R . R . 1978. The evolutionary ecology of animal migration. Holmes and Meier Publishers, Inc., New. York . 1012 p p . Basils, J . V. 1973. 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Aspect and cover type at stake 1983 depth and st. dev. cm cm Flat, open Flat, timber West, open South, open North , open North, timber East, open East, timber 32 16 14 12 35 14 28 16 Table 20 . Month/year 11.6 6.4 . 5.0 5.4 11.4 7. 9 12.0 3.4 7.2 4.7 8.0 7.9 9.5 4.7 8.7 6.7 22 7 12 10 25 5 24 9 Means, standard deviations, and ranges of temperatures (Centigrade) based on Butte weather data (USDC-N0A A ). Mean temp . Max. Min. Standard dev. Min. Max. -9.7 — 8.6 -5.4 1.06 2.67 5.72 4.4 6.3 4.3 Ja n . 1984 -8.9 Feb. 1984 •-10. 9 Ma r . 1984 — 4.8 3.78 3.27 4.72 10.4 5.0 3.5 Jan. 1983 Feb . 1983 Ma r . 1983 1984 depth and st. d e v . cm cm i Ra ng e Min. M ax. 6.3 4.2 4.5 —2 4 —+1 -2 3 — 1-2 -5-+15 8.5. 3.4 2.8 — I 6— H I -22-+4 -16-+.5 -11-+9 -7-+1I -19-+..3 -32-+3 -2-+9 -2-+11 severe Figure 28. Winter climate index values (Picton 1984c) based on Boulder MT. data, 1968 to 1984. 1 9 6 8 -6 9 1 9 6 9-70 1970-71 1971-72 1 9 7 2 -7 3 1 9 7 3-74 197 4 -7 5 1 9 7 5-76 1976-77 1 9 7 7 -7 8 1 9 7 8 -7 9 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1 9 8 2 - 83 1 9 8 3 - 84 Winter Climate Index Value 108 APPENDIX B i i COMPUTER CODING FORMAT FOR ELK OBSERVATIONS AND RADIO LOCATIONS I 09 Table 21. Column(s) Coddng format for elk observations. Item 1-4 5 6-11 12-15 16 17 observation # observer date t ime day/night observetion type 18-19 animal Id. 20-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31 group size # females # males //calves # un kn o wn observer Io c . 38-41 42-46 47 UTM x coord. UTM y coord. activity 48 dis turbance? 49 proximity to Boulder R . R d . 50 human ac tivity in vicinity 51 distance from powerline r-o-w Explanation consecutive integers e.g. 01/13/83 mill tary I = dawn, 2= day, 3 = du sk, 4= da rk 2=air radio fix; no visual S=Visual observations 5=air radio fix; visual 6=aerial survey 8=24 hour monitoring 00=unmarked elk 1—I 5=elk Id. based on frequency. l=on foot, 2=from vehicle, 3= fr om sta. I, 4= fr om sta.2 5= fr om sta. 3, 6 = fr om air 7 = from 2 of 3 stations 8=3 station triangulation 4 digit latitude 5 digit longitude 0=bedded,1=feeding, 2=running 3 =waIking,6=vigilant,watchful 8= unknown (no visual) l=disturbed by observer 2 =no t disturbed straight line distance: 1=0-.5 km, 2=.5-1, 3=1-1.5, 4 = 1.5-2, 5 = >2 l=roads,2=cattle,3=buildings, 4=ranching activity,5=hunting 6 = sn owmo biling, 7 = chainsaw straight line distance: I=0-100m,2=100-200,3=200-300, 4=300-400, 5=400-500, 6=.5-1 km,7=1-1.5, 8=1.5-2, / I HO Table 22 (continued) win d speed 56 wind direction 57 cloud cover 58 precipita tion 62 type of snow 63 ground condition 64-67 elevation 68-69 70 si ope topography 71 a spe c t veg eta tion 74 CO 55 I ambient temp. CM 52-54 distance to hiding cover col .52:0=below 0 F . ,l= above 0 col.53-5 4 : degrees F . 0 = n o wind, I=O-Smph, 2=5-10, 3 = 10-20, 4=>20 mph 0=no wind ,l=north,2=northeast 3 = ea s t, 4 = southeast, 5= so u th , 6= sw, 7= w, 8= nw 0=<10%, 1=10-50%, 2=50-90% 3 = overcast, 4 = fog 0=none,l=mis t or light snow, 2=rain, 3=intermittant snow 4= in termit. snow or rain , 5=thunderstorm, 6=hail or sleet 0= n o snow, 1= powder ,3 = crust 4=we t , 5 = ice 4= trace of snow, 5= alI snow 6 = green up, 7 = pa tc hy snow estimated to the nearest 40 ft contour line on a map estimated from maps (%) 1 = ridgetop, 2= uppe r slope, 3=mid-slope, 4= Iowe r slope, 5=ungulating flat,6=river or creek bottom, or gulch same codes as wind direction 10= timber 13=aspen stand 20=open bunchgrass park 21=grass/timber edge 22=clearcut 23=clearcut/forest edge 30= sagebrush stand 40 = riparian vegetation 1=0-100 m , 2 = 100-200,3=200-3 00( 4=300-400 m , 5=400-500, 6 = >500 m Ill APPENDIX C ELK DISTRIBUTION DURING 24 HOUR MONITORING AND AERIAL FLIGHTS 112 + + 2 /1 2 - 1 3 1983 1864 -2 .3 14 # I » I I » I 5 km v*''/.I* 11 2 / 1 9 - 2 0 1983 1882 - 1.1 14 ++ >%■ Figure 29. Radioed elk distribution during 24 hour monitoring sessions in February 1983. Under the date Is given (top to bottom) mean elevation at elk locations (m), mean temperature over the period (C), and mean weekly snow depth (cm) on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 113 3 /1 8 - 1 9 1983 s+ t 1891 -4 .4 + +* 19 ♦ I » 1 I » I 5 km ++* + Vtt * + +\ +V ++ + ; \ 4 '?.*. •' *V+-> * Figure 30. ++v+ < ++ 3 /2 6 - 2 7 1983 1908 1.1 23 Radioed elk distribution during 24 hour monitoring sessions in March 1983. Under the date is given (top to bottom) mean elevation at elk locations (m), mean temp­ erature over the period (C) , and mean weekly snow depth (cm) on the N.Boulder winter range, MT. 114 4 /1 6 -1 7 1983 1894 6.5 29 4* ♦ f+ 5 km 4 /2 3 -2 4 1983 1871 5 12 Figure 31. Radioed elk distribution during 24 hour monitoring sessions in April 1983. Under the date is given ( top to bottom), mean elevation at elk locations (m), mean temp­ erature over the period (C) , and mean weekly snow depth (cm) on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 115 ++ 4% * . 1 /1 4 - 1 5 1984 *> 1902 ;^ -1 4 .6 11 +++ I i____» •___ i I 5 km v f +% /+ + - -k... t, » 1 /2 1 - 2 2 1984 1915 -3 12 Figure 32. Radioed elk distribution during 24 hour monitoring sessions in January 1984. Under the date is given (top to bottom), mean elevation at elk locations (m) , mean temp­ erature over the period (C) , and mean weekly snow depth (cm) on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 116 ♦>-- 2 /1 1 -1 2 1984 1954 -.5 8 * I____i i____I I____I 5 km A "it ' ** ++ 2 /1 8 -1 9 1984 1894 -4 .4 12 Figure 33. Radioed elk distribution during 24 hour monitoring sessions in February 1984. Under the date is given (top to bottom) , mean elevation at elk locations (m) , mean temp­ erature over the period (C) , and mean weekly snow depth (cm) on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 117 i I I » » » 5 km 3 /1 7 -1 8 1984 1884 -3 17 Figure 34. Radioed elk distribution during 24 hour monitoring sessions In March 1984. Under the date is given (top to bottom), mean elevation at elk locations (m), mean temp­ erature over the period (C), and mean weekly snow depth (cm) on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 118 2070 2181 5km % '• L "tC VO 6 /1 4 /8 3 7 /1 9 83 1V* / 28 .3 19 2146 '.C ZF 2105 »F 5 km *9 «0 8 /3 1 /8 3 Figure 35. '0 9 /2 4 /8 3 Radioed elk summer aerial relocations from June to September 1983. Under plot is given mean temperature (C) during flight and mean elevation (m) at elk locations. 119 APPENDIX D INDIVIDUAL ELK HOME RANGES DURING INDIVIDUAL 24 HOUR MONITORING SESSIONS I 120 1983 1984 JAN 21-22 FEB 11-12 JAN 14-16 MAR 10-11 ELK+3 Figure 36. Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk //3 on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 121 1983 MAR 26-27 MAR 16-16 APRIL 23-24 — APRIL 16-17 16-20 1984 FEB 11-12 MAR 10-11 MAR 17-16 JAN 14-16 JAN 21-22 ELK+5 Figure 37. Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk //5 on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 122 A P R I L2 3 2 4 A P R IL1 6 1 7 - M A R 2 6 2 7 F E B1 9 2 0 ' E L K *6 Figure 38. Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk #6 on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 123 1983 APRIL 1 6 - 1 7 MAR 18-1® APRIL 1 6 - 2 4 MAR 2 6 - 1 7 MAR 1 7 - 1 8 MAR 10 -11 JAN 1 4 -1 5 Figure 39. Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session In 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk //7 on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 124 1983 ELK+8 Figure 40. Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk #8 on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 125 1983 -APRIL 16-17 FEB 16-20 FEB 12-13 APRIL 23-24 1984 MAR 17-18 JAN 14-15 MAR 10-11 FEB 11-12 E L K +9 Figure 41. Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session In 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk #9 on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 126 ELK*11 Figure 42. Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk #11 on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 127 1983 /" F E B 1 2 1 3 F E B IB 2 0 M A R IB 1 9 A P R I L2 3 2 4 M A R 1 7 1 8 . M A R 1 0 1 1 J A N 1 4 1 8 F E B 1 1 1 2 Figure 43. Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk #12 on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 128 1983 F E B IB 2 0 A P R IIt 2 3 2 4 J A N 1 4 1 6 E L K *I 3 Figure 44. Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk //13 on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 129 1983 1984 ELK+14 Figure 45. Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session In 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk //14 on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. 130 FEB IB-20 MAR 16-18 FEB 12-13 MAR 26-27 JAN 21-22 JAN 14-16 FEB 11- MAR 10-11 MAR 17-18 ELK* 15 Figure 46. Polygons and standard diameters for each 24 hour session in 1983 and 1984 for radioed elk //15 on the N. Boulder winter range, MT. MOHTMU STHE UWVERSin USURIES . 3 1762 10298491 9