ANNEX A QAA Institutional Audit 2009 – UCL Action Plan PART A – Recommendations from the QAA Institutional Audit Report Recommendations from the QAA IA Report (1) In the light of previous progress on harmonisation, and in order to consolidate further the equivalence of the student learning experience, UCL should maintain its momentum towards achieving the institutional coherence on regulatory and academic processes identified by its own committees. Detail from the IA Report (1a)The Report identified the need for UCL to harmonise the upgrading process for MPhil to PhD. [paras 99 & 105] (1b)The Report identified the need for UCL to achieve the full engagement of students and staff with the Research Student Log.[para 105] Action Responsibility and Timescale • Published guidelines have been in place from April 2009. Faculty Graduate Tutors to be consulted in 2010 regarding the success of their implementation. Head of Graduate School (Professor David Bogle) April 2010 • GEESC to consider whether the process should be further formalised and monitored by Faculty Graduate Tutors at its second meeting of the 2009-10 session. GEESC (Professor David Bogle) March 2010 • Uptake of the Log is being monitored and will be reviewed in December 2009 when the third cohort of entry since the Log was made mandatory is in place. GEESC (Professor David Bogle) December 2009 1 June 2010 updates (shown in bold) A GEESC working group on upgrade had already been formed in 2008/9 to consider these matters and had produced a set of guidelines, approved by GEESC at its meeting on 25 February 2009. The Chair asked Faculty Graduate Tutors how the new procedures for upgrade had been working in their Faculties. The view was generally positive Uptake figures were reported at the February meeting of GEESC: “From the launch of the new log in September 2007 to the end of December 2009, a total of 5582 registrations have taken place on the online Research Student Log (including 3662 research students July 2011 update Respondent shown in Red Prof David Bogle COMPLETED. New procedures for upgrade in place. Reviewed at Faculty level and all working well. Prof David Bogle COMPLETED Uptake is now at 97% ANNEX A and 1882 supervisors), that is, student uptake of 89%. (1c)The Report identified that students were aware of certain variations in the way different departments dealt with certain operational aspects of their assessment experience including the potentially variable quality and timeliness of the feedback they received. [para 36] • UCLBE established a working group to consider the issue of feedback to students (both formative and summative) and submitted a report to the October 2009 meeting of AC. The Working Group will revise its report in light of the discussion at the discussion at the October 2009 meeting of AC, with a view to submitting final proposals to the March 2010 meeting of AC. 2 UCLBE Working Group (Professor Vince Emery) March 2010 IN PROGRESS: UCLBE set up a working group and recommendations for service standard minimums for the UCL community were submitted to AC in October 2009. AC raised a number of issues and the recommendations were revised by the working group. Revised proposals were approved by AC ats its meeting in March 2010. The agreed service standards for feedback to students will be implemented in the 2010/11 academic session Ms Sandra Hinton -EdCom Secretary Since AC’s March 2010 approval of UCL-wide service standards the UCLU has raised a number of concerns about how well these had been communicated to students and staff. UCLU conducted its own feedback survey and promotional activity. The report was discussed by JSSC and Education Committee (EdCom) and its recommendations included the more effective dissemination of the service standards, including their incorporation into the Academic Manual and a request to EdCom that each department be asked provide a map of its assessments and to develop a ANNEX A (2) Where an institutional position has been reached on the harmonisation and simplification of regulatory and academic processes, UCL should seek to achieve full and timely departmental engagement and alignment. (2a)The Report noted that the adherence to institutional policy on peer observation of teaching by departments was not universal and identified the need for UCL to continue to work to improve the takeup and reporting mechanisms. [paras 72 & 80] • QMEC to discuss the implementation of UCL’s policy on PoT at its first meeting of session 2009-10. 3 QMEC (Professor Mike Ewing) November 2009 QMEC received a paper from Dr Jane Hughes of CALT containing suggestions for a review of UCL’s PoT processes. QMEC noted the continuing issues regarding lack of compliance with UCL’s current PoT scheme but observed that as none of the alternative approaches outlined in the document appeared to guarantee increased engagement and some of them appeared to demand a significant increase in staff time commitment and resources, it would be more appropriate if UCL retained and continued to encourage engagement with departmental action plan detailing how feedback to student could be improved. EdCom will oversee the implementation of all the UCLU’s recommendations Ms Sandra Hinton -QMEC Secretary ONGOING QMEC continues to discuss ways to increase the uptake of PoT in those faculties where this is still an issue. To this end, in July 2011 the QMEC Chair resolved to convene a small, time-limited working group to (i) identify with faculties the perceived obstacles to full implementation of PoT and (ii) review and update the existing published material on PoT. ANNEX A its existing scheme. The mechanism has been established and will be piloted in July 2010 with staff in the Division of Population Health. QMEC will received a report at its autumn meeting • FBS is piloting an electronic mechanism for the recording of PoT. A report on the success of this pilot is to be considered by QMEC at its second meeting in session 2009-10. (2b)The Report identified the need for UCL to ensure the training of research supervisors before they undertake supervision. [para 104] (2c)The Report noted UCL’s admission of residual deficiencies in the student record system (Portico) regarding Research Student records. [para 104] • Faculties to maintain lists of approved Supervisors. Where this is not being done, the Head of the Graduate School will contact Faculty Graduate Tutors to request lists by no later than 1 September 2009. • The Research Student View has been built into PORTICO and released on 6 April 2009. This was announced by the Head of the Graduate School by email to all staff and students on 24 4 QMEC (Professor Mike Ewing, Dr Anita Berlin) March 2010 Ms Sandra Hinton QMEC Secretary Staff and structural changes in the Division meant that his pilot did not happen. Head of Graduate School (Professor David Bogle) September 2009 Completed. All faculties now hold lists of approved supervisors. Prof David Bogle COMPLETED Head of Graduate School (Professor David Bogle) April 2009 Completed.The Research Student View was built in to PORTICO and released and announced to all staff and students in April 2009. Prof David Bogle COMPLETED ANNEX A April 2009. PART B – Issues Arising from the UCL Union’s Student Written Submission Issues arising from the SWS Issues also noted in the IA Report Action Responsibility and Timescale (3) UCL should give serious consideration to the issue of feedback on academic assessment as this is one of the key areas of student concern across the institution. [SWS p.40] (3a)The IA Report identified that students were aware of certain variations in the way different departments dealt with certain operational aspects of their assessment experience including the potentially variable quality and timeliness of the feedback they received. [para 36] (see recommendation (1) above) • See action identified in respect of (1c) above. See responsibility identified in respect of (1c) above. (4) UCL should ensure it better informs students of actions taken in response to student feedback. [SWS p.40] (4a)The IA Report identified that UCL had in place effective means to inform itself of the views of students and that, not only did it have an overview of alignment with its requirements, but could also demonstrate the value it placed on the views of students and the actions it sought to take in the light of such views. However, the feedback to students on such actions was not always fully effective. [para 45] • Improved guidance and briefing for all DSSCC and new DTC and FTC secretaries regarding (i) the reporting of results of matters arising from previous meetings and (ii) more accurate minute-taking, particularly in the reporting of actions taken in response to feedback. Academic Services (Mr Gary Hawes, Ms Sandra Hinton) 5 June 2010 updates (shown in bold) IN PROGRESS Please refer to item (1c) above July 2011 updates Briefing sessions for secretaries of DSSCCs were held on 11 December 2009. Further briefing sessions for secretaries of DTCs and FTCs were held on 22 April and 23 April respectively. Although the April 2010 sessions for DTC and FTC secretaries were aimed primarily at new secretaries, they also doubled at refresher sessions for secretaries who Sandra Hinton – Academic Support ONGOING Briefing sessions for new secretaries of DTCs, FTCs and DSSCCs continue to be held annually (most recently in April 2011) and are designed to focus in particular on more accurate minute-taking, particularly in the reporting of actions taken in response to feedback. ONGOING Please refer to item (1c) above ANNEX A had attended the sessions that had been offered previously during 2008-09. • JSSC to consider, at its first meeting in the 200910 session, issues of timeliness of reporting back on action taken in response to student feedback and to inform student representatives of where key committee minutes were to be found. (5) There is a strong call for additional space (while acknowledging that in a central London university this is not necessarily a reasonable request). [SWS p.40] • Issue to be referred to Director of EFD for response. JSSC (Dr Ruth Siddall) November 2009 EFD (Mr Andrew Grainger) 6 JSSC discussed this at its November (Item 9) and February (Item 13B) ) meetings and agreed to put this information on the revised "Stude nt Representation" page. The February meeting also noted that there is some funding available to help develop this webpage. This is still on-going and will be reported to JSSC next year. A comprehensive utilisation study of the Bloomsbury Campus has recently been completed and results will be communicated shortly. This is being followed by a strategic master Dr Ruth Siddall & Mr Rob Traynor JSSC Secretary ONGOING This is currently in progress and a basic page will be there before the end of August 2011. There is an ongoing overhaul and redesign of the Dean of Students Website during the next academic year (2011/12). See: uk/dean-ofstudents/represen tation Mr Andrew Grainger ONGOING The UCL Estate Strategy is subject to an ongoing comprehensive review. Following completion of a thorough utilisation study in 2010, a ANNEX A planning exercise to establish a long term framework for improvement and development of the estate in future years. 7 masterplan process for the Bloomsbury Campus was commissioned and in July 2011, UCL Council gave approval to the Bloomsbury Masterplan, a long term and flexible framework for the improvement and development of theBloomsbury estate for the next ten years and beyond. The plan sets out a series of cohesive and complimentary strategies to guide change and improvement infuture. A substantial investment programme results, which in the first 3 years to 2013/14 is likely to amount to over £200 million. Specific ambitions of the masterplan include making more efficient and effective use of UCL's estate, improve both teaching and learning facilities and the student experience. ANNEX A (6) UCL should provide better and more focused information for International and part-time students. [SWS p.40] (7) UCL should consider the role of students within the institution and the restrictions it places on students as the core members of the institution (limited access to space, limited representation on committees, and limited contact time with staff). [SWS p.40] • Issue to be referred to Educational Liaison, Registry, for response. Educational Liaison (Mr Nigel Percival) • The StARs initiative to be reviewed towards end of the first term of session 2009-10 and revised as necessary. UCL Union (Mr Josh Blacker) December 2009 • UCL Union representatives to report on the outcome of the above review to the second meeting of JSSC in session 2009-10. 8 UCL Union, JSSC (Mr Josh Blacker, Dr Ruth Siddall) February 2010 June 2010 update not received Mr David Ashton/Mr Mark Pickerill As a result of reorganisation within the former Registry; the fact that there have been vacancies in this area and currently there are temporary arrangements in place, there have been delays in progressing this. Role of students the review of the StARs system has been conducted by the StARs Steering Group, which consists of UCL Union officers, Faculty Tutors and the Dean of Students (Academic). It has identified a number of strengths and weaknesses in the system and outlined a series of strategic aims and objectives designed to, inter alia: (i) raise the profile of StARs in UCL; (ii) clarify the StARs' roles and the expectations of all stakeholders; (iii) improve Dr Ruth Siddall & Mr Rob Traynor JSSC Secretary ONGOING The StAR-SG continued to review student representation and report to JSSC in 2010-11. JSSC approved changes to the StARs-SG membership, communications strategy and the StARs appointment schedule. In order to improve communication with the faculties, the StARs-SG is setting up a network of Faculty Contacts to liaise between UCLU and the academic ANNEX A communication between the departments and UCL Union and (iv) promote StARs at faculty level. The StARs Steering Group meets regularly and reports its progress to JSSC. departments. DSSCC minutes showed evidence that StARS were becoming more recognised and embedded in UCL practice. Some further work is required with academic departments to highlight the importance of these roles. Mr Rob Traynor JSSC Secretary AC continues to receive the Student Data Overview Report from the JSSC. Officers are , at AC’s request, currently reviewing its format so that it is more focused, easier to digest and offers AC a clearer steer regarding how any concerns it raises might be more effectively addressed. Ms Sandra Hinton – QMEC Secretary The reports of both faculties (the Faculty of Life Sciences and the Faculty of the Built Environment have been (8) UCL should consider the inconsistencies that exist between departments which have led to radically conflicting student experiences. [SWS p.40] • PIASG noted this as a matter of concern which affects various areas of UCL’s operation and is a cross-cutting theme where AC is best placed to maintain an overview. Academic Committee (Professor Michael Worton) AC maintains an overview of issues affecting the quality and consistency of the student experience eg through the annual receipt of the Student Data Overview Report from the JSSC. (9) UCL should review the departments (sic) and identify where and why student satisfaction is low (ie. IS and MAPS). [SWS p.40] (See also • SWS to be circulated to all Deans of Faculty for discussion at FTCs. QMEC (Professor Mike Ewing) January 2010 • Responses from Deans of Faculty to be considered by QMEC at its second meeting of 9 QMEC (Professor Mike Ewing) March 2010 Full reports for all but two faculties were received and considered at QMEC’s meeting of 9 March 2010. The UCL Union Education and Welfare Officer ANNEX A recommendations (1) and (2) above from the Institutional Audit Report.) session 2009-10. noted that he was satisfied that appropriate action was now being taken to address the issues raised by the SWS. The two faculties from whom reports were not received are being chased. subsequently received by the QMEC Secretary. PART C – Issues Arising from the Preparation for the Institutional Audit/the Drafting of the Institutional Briefing Paper Issues arising from the preparations for the IA/drafting of the IBP (10) Support for, and coordination of, QME processes and activities Detail of issues Action Responsibility and timescale June 2010 updates (shown in bold) July 2011 updates (10a) Appropriate locus of responsibility for ensuring the implementation of UCL’s quality monitoring and review processes. • PIASG noted that, in accordance with UCL’s academic-led QME strategy, faculties have responsibility for ensuring the effective implementation of QME processes within the pyramidal and devolved structure. Within faculties, the Faculty Tutor plays a key role in this area. Dean of Students (Academic) (Professor Mike Ewing) Ongoing Ongoing, most recent meeting 1 June. Progress is hampered by the uncertainties associated with the wider review of UCL’s committee structure. • Regular meetings to take place between the Dean of Students (Academic) and Faculty Tutors to exchange information and share good practice. QMEC/Academic Services (Professor Mike Ewing/Mr Jason Clarke) Ongoing QMEC has begun considering nomenclature. Ms Sandra Hinton, QMEC Secretary and Mr Jason Clarke, AC Secretary Following Completion of the Review of AC and its substructure and the wider Committees Review, the role of Faculty Tutor is key within UCL QME structures. Also, QMEC and its Officers keep QME policies and procedures under review and clearly assign responsibilities for their implementation to relevant officers. • Need to ensure that language and terminology used in QME policies, 10 ANNEX A (11) QME-related committee structure procedures and other documentation make clear responsibilities in relation to QME. (10b) Resource implications of greater institutional monitoring of key QME processes. (10c) The possible need for greater communication about, and coordination of, UCL’s quality enhancement activities • See action identified in respect of (10a) above. (10d) Need to ensure that an appropriate and effective balance is being maintained between ‘trust’ and ‘accountability’. • See action identified in respect of (10a) above. (11a)The Annex notes that the audit team initially found • It had been agreed that a review of Academic • QMEC to receive a paper from the Academic Services officers on developing UCL’s approaches to QE at its second meeting of session 2009-10. 11 See responsibility identified in respect of (10a) above. QMEC/Academic Services (Professor Mike Ewing/Mr Tim Perry) March 2010 See responsibility identified in respect of (10a) above. AC (Professor Michael See (10a) above See (10a) above QMEC has discussed possible definitions of quality enhancement and asked Academic Services officers to draft a definition for approval by Chair's action on behalf of QMEC. A draft definition will be forwarded to the QMEC Chair in June 2010. Ms Sandra Hinton QMEC Secretary A definition of UCL’s approach to QE was approved by QMEC Chair’s Action in November 2010. QMEC has since discussed the various ways in which UCL might more effectively capture the many processes and activities which contributed to those areas of enhancement covered by the definition. QMEC Officers are giving further consideration as to how this might be done. See (10a) above See (10a) above Proposals for the reform of AC and Awaited ANNEX A “the multiplicity of committees and the matrix of pyramids and executive functions confusing”, but goes on to state that ”…throughout the course of the audit, the team developed the view that, whilst the number of deliberative engagements and interactions brings complexity, it also culminates in a well-defined approach to institutional academic reflection, and also provides short routes to staff in leadership roles who are able to take executive action at most levels once agreement has been achieved.” Notwithstanding the second clause above, is the structure of committees with responsibility for various aspects of UCL’s QME operations too complex? [para 23] (11b) Is there a need and/or potential for greater alignment of roles of key institutional committees involved in developing and implementing UCL’s QME agenda ie Committee and its substructure would take place over summer 2009. Worton) January 2010 • A questionnaire on existing committee structures/operations was sent over the summer to chairs/secretaries of AC sub-committees and standing committees reporting to AC. Responses were discussed at a meeting of these officers in September 2009, with a view to specific proposals then being put to AC for consideration. The AC officers were subsequently advised that a larger review of UCL committee structures would be taking place in the near future. The AC officers, the Chair of PIASG and the Director of Academic Services will meet in January 2010 to discuss, against the background of this larger review, proposals arising from the review of existing AC and related committee structures/operations. • PIASG notes that communication between QMEC and ESCILTA will be enhanced by the appointment of the Dean of Students (Academic) 12 its sub-structure were approved by AC at its meeting in March 2010 and will take effect from 1 September 2010. Proposals arising from the broader review of the UCL committee system will be submitted for approval to the July 2010 meeting of Council. Dean of Students (Academic) (Professor Mike Ewing) Ongoing In progress. PIASG/AC officers undertook a review of the configuration and Ms Sandra Hinton EdCom Secretary Final proposals for UCL committees were ANNEX A QMEC, ESCILTA and UCLBE as Chair of both these committees. The Chair of QMEC is an ex officio member of the UCLBE and this will facilitate communication between these three committees. – particularly in the area of the development and implementation of strategies and policies relating to assessment. (See also Review of internal QME processes at (25) below.) • Dean of Students (Academic) to keep position under review, in liaison with relevant committee officers. (12) Good practice in committee operations (12a) Need to ensure best practice in committee operations, eg in minuting of meetings of boards of examiners, at programme and faculty-level, ensuring action taken by committee Chairs on behalf of their committees is reported to subsequent meeting of the committee concerned. • UCLBE officers to advise BoEs of the need to adhere to (i) general UCL requirements in relation to committee operations and (ii) any specific requirements from the UCLBE. 13 UCLBE (Professor Vince Emery) By July 2010 operation of AC and its substructure. On 23 March 2010, AC approved a report from the PIASG/AC officers following their review. The recommendation s approved by AC included the proposal that ESCILTA should be disestablished with effect from 1 September 2010. Policy on Assessment is in advanced stage but further progress must await the final outcome of the wider UCL review of committees. IN PROGRESS: New UCLBE requirements are included in the Regulations for Boards of Examiners and new items (i.e. those not previously published in the regulations) are identified in summary format at the front of the regulations. In addition, from the third term in the 2009/10 session, Faculty members approved by Council on 6 July 2010. Responsibility for defining, monitoring and reviewing (on behalf of AC) UCL strategy, policy and procedure in respect of all matters relating to the assessment of taught students now belongs to EdCom. COMPLETED ANNEX A of UCLBE will receive papers electronically so that these can be distributed for discussion by BoE and feedback provided when required. • In addition to briefings for new committee secretaries, ‘refresher’ briefings to be offered by Academic Services for existing committee secretaries to ensure best practice. Academic Services (Mr Tim Perry) September 2009 Briefing for committee secretaries will be provided by Academic Services (AS) in the future to the extent that AS staff resources allow. See action identified in respect of (4a) above. • Governance Committee (with advice from AS) to consider strengthening existing expectations for standardisation of institutional-level committee minutes. Governance Committee (Mr Tim Perry) March 2010 Responsibility for taking forward this action is expected to change in light of a review of UCL committees which is currently taking place - ie the Director of Academic Services, rather than the Governance Committee, will take this forward. Subject to the approval of Council in July 2010, the Director of Academic Services will submit to the Ms Sandra Hinton Academic Support As part of the second wave of the review of UCL committees Governance Committee was disestablished with effect from 1 August 2011. The increased standardisation of institutional-level committee minutes will now be taken forward by Academic Support Officers. 14 ANNEX A (13) Review of AC’s Guidelines for Good Practice (the ‘Gold Book’) Provost's SMT in the Autumn Term 2010 proposals regarding, inter alia, minuting of UCL committees with a possible view to implementation of any changes from the start of 2011. The IASG (on 25.06.08) debated the extent to which the ‘Gold Book’ was used as an internal reference point. While the ‘Gold Book’, or reference to the constituent sections of the ‘Gold Book’, was an integral part of the IQR process, it was not used extensively in other areas. It had originated as a distillation of good practice from the Academic Manual, but had been overtaken by the decision to post the Academic Manual online, which also included recommendations on good practice. Although AS traditionally updated the Gold Book in conjunction with relevant departments/areas, there were no obvious ‘owners’ of the sections of the ‘Gold Book’ in the same way that there were of the various sections of the Academic Manual. Officers agreed to investigate further outside the meeting the use made of the Gold Book in other areas. • A report to be made to QMEC proposing a plan and timeline for the comprehensive review of the structure and content of the ‘Gold Book’ at its first meeting of session 2009-10 for submission to AC in December 2009. A comprehensive review of the structure and content of the ‘Gold Book’ was overdue. 15 Academic Services (Mr Tim Perry) November 2009 Academic Committee, on the recommendation of QMEC, has approved the discontinuation of the Gold Book from the start of session 2010-11 and a revised structure and list of contents for the Academic Manual with effect from the same date. The detailed review and revision of the new list of Manual contents is well underway. Ms Sandra Hinton Academic Support The new Academic Manual, reconceived as a compendium of key documents relating to UCL’s academic quality management and enhancement operations, in particular Internal Quality Review (IQR) was launched by the Vice-Provost (Academic and International) on 25 October 2010. ANNEX (14) Alignment of A (14)The IASG (on 25.06.08) key UCL strategies originally discussed the importance of ensuring that key UCL strategies were aligned, cascaded, embedded and reviewed, as these provided the strategic framework for UCL’s routine operations. Strategies which contained an implementation plan were more likely to become embedded as they were regularly reviewed and updated in accordance with the implementation plan. The IASG suggested that a list of key UCL strategies should be prepared. (15) Management of the content of UCL’s web presence/provision of public information (15a) Officer/departmental ‘ownership’ or responsibility for the maintenance of UCL’s web presence. • The PIASG noted (see item 24c below) that the development of a UCL Institutional Web Strategy was underway which would ‘address the governance, taxonomy and overall quality of UCL’s web presence’ and agreed that its officers should seek clarification of the full scope of the Strategy eg whether it would encompass both academic and corporate websites, and the timescale for its drafting, completion and publication. • See action identified in respect of (14) above. Director of Learning & Media Services (Mr Jeremy Speller) February 2010 June 2010 update awaited Awaited See responsibility identified in respect of (14) above. See responsibility identified in respect of (14) above See responsibility identified in respect of (14) above (15b) Mechanisms to ensure that material which is posted on the web site is accurate and up-to-date. • See action identified in respect of (14) above. See responsibility identified in respect of (14) above. See responsibility identified in respect of (14) above See responsibility identified in respect of (14) above (15c) Need for a single point for publishing key institutional strategies and policies (a UCL ‘policy zone’). • See action identified in respect of (14) above. See responsibility identified in respect of (14) above. See responsibility identified in respect of (14) above See responsibility identified in respect of (14) above Responsibility and timescale Progress Student Administration, Registry (Mr David Ashton) IN PROGRESS: A project is in development that PART D - Issues Arising from the Self-evaluations Prepared for Key Areas Issues arising from the Selfevaluations (16) External Examiners, standards and Detail from Self-evaluations (16a) Speedier response back to External Examiners Action • A bid to ISC for development work in this area within Portico has 16 Mr David Ashton The Portico project is still in ANNEX A assessment been informally approved. By July 2010 (16b) Less paper-based activity would assist with speed and communication. • See action identified in respect of (16a) above. See responsibility identified in respect of (16a) above. (16c) More comprehensive reports from departmental examination boards through to UCLBE via faculties. • Initial discussion took place at UCLBE’s July 2009 meeting with a view to resolving this issue. There is evidence to indicate that this needs to be taken forward. UCLBE (Professor Vince Emery) By July 2010 (16d) Review of Harmonised Scheme of Award. (See also (28) below.) • To be reviewed by UCLBE and a report made to AC. Review will be informed by 2007-08 and 2008-09 degree results. UCLBE (Professor Vince Emery) By July 2010 17 includes a more efficient method of responding to external examiners. It is envisaged that the development will become operational in September/Octob er 2010 See item (16a) above Completed.BoE minutes are reviewed by Faculty BoE Chairs and annual reports are submitted to UCLBE. Items of concern and best practice are identified in the annual reports and discussed by UCLBE. When required, further information is sought by the Chair of UCLBE, via the Secretary and issues are discussed further with the Chair of UCLBE. IN PROGRESS: In the first term of the 2010 academic session reports comparing UG student results for 2007/8, 2008/9 and place and at the end stages. The first year of the fully online system will be 2011/12. The project is still live to oversee effectiveness and deal with any issues arising. Mr David Ashton All online from 2011/12 (see above) Mr David Ashton UCLBE met once in 2010/11 on 1 December 2011. Education Committee is about to review the method of reporting of Board decisions from Department, through to Faculty through to UCLBE/EdCom Mr David Ashton & Ms Sandra Hinton EdCom Secretary Review of the Harmonised Scheme of Award is now the ANNEX A 2010/11 will analysed by Officers of UCLBE and distributed to Depts/Divisions requesting feedback. The analysis and feedback will be considered by UCLBE and reported to AC. (16e) Consider variation of volume of assessment associated with a particular block of learning. (17) Approval of new programmes (17a) Move to more electronic capture of information • PCASG to raise the issue with a view to referring for further discussion to GEESC and UEESC as applicable (but see also review of AC’s substructure at (11) above). • A bid to ISC for development work in this area within Portico has been informally approved. 18 PCASG (Professor Vince Emery) See (11b) above Student Administration, Registry (Mr David Ashton) By July 2010 IN PROGRESS: Portico Technical Services, Portico Service Office and the Curricular Development and Examiners Section are developing an online new responsibility of EdCom. In June 2011 Faculty Tutors were sent programme level data relating to the Harmonised Scheme of Award so that it could be reviewed together with Faculty variations on the Harmonised Scheme. EdCom has requested submission by each Faculty of a collated report on the outcome of its departmental/divi sional review and these will be submitted to EdCom’s first meeting of the Autumn Term 2011 See (11b) above Mr David Ashton Online PIQ now in place ANNEX A (17b) Problems of implementation of new policies on existing programmes and courses and of integration across UCL. • The issue of harmonisation in this area to be reviewed by PPDExSCo (and its PCASG) and UCLBE. The need for greater harmonisation in this area is key and will need to involve a review of areas where there is significant divergence of practice. (NB Some steps are already being taken in the following areas: ECTS values for courses;handling of extenuating circumstances; handling of late submission of coursework.) 19 PPDEXSCo/PCASG and UCLBE (Professor Iain Borden, Professor Vince Emery, Mr David Ashton) Ongoing programme and programme amendment process that captures programme information and provides a comprehensive audit trail for the approval process. The online tool will be implemented in the first term of the 2010 academic session. IN PROGRESS As set out in 12a above, new policies and procedures for handling extenuating circumstances, service standards for feedback to students across UCL have been considered by UCLBE and recommendations made to AC. The standardised procedures will be implemented in the 2010 academic session. ECTS values have been standardised and for masters level programmes a standardised UCL module credit David Ashton EdCom has been undertaking work to move towards greater harmonisation and has established a Sub group specifically to look at regulatory matters in more detail. The introduction of the merit was instituted last session and applied immediately ANNEX A structure will be fully implemented by 2012. • Director of Educational Liaison to provide. Director of Educational Liaison (Mr Nigel Percival) (17d) Better ways to identify duplication and over provision. • Reports will be required as part of the developments under (17a). Student Administration, Registry (Mr David Ashton) By July 2010 (17e) Need to ensure that effective processes are in place to ensure that new or revised policies and practices filter to all levels of UCL. • Dissemination of decisions taken by AC to be considered as part of the review of AC and its substructure. AC (Professor Michael Worton, Mr Jason Clarke) January 2010 • Possibly further editions of the Student Administration. Student Administration, Registry (Mr David Ashton) Ongoing (17c) More diagnostic tools to test market and financial viability (18) Student representation, feedback and role in QME (18a) Dissemination of ISB data to faculties and CSS divisions. • Issue of the recruitment of a new member of staff in the Registry to analyse and compile ISB data to be referred to the Director of Educational Liaison for response. 20 Director of Educational Liaison (Mr Nigel Percival) November 2009 0.5 FTE Market Research Officer to commence 1 July; provision of diagnostic tools to form part of the post-holder’s workplan for 2010/11 IN PROGRESS: Developments as set out in 17a will assist Faculty Offices and Registry in the identification of duplication and over provision. See (11) above ADMINISTRATION A new edition of a Student Services Newsletter will be circulated in the first term of the 2010 academic session, highlighting new policies and procedures. New arrangements to be implemented following completion of the Registry reorganisation in Ongoing See (17a) above See (11) above Mr David Ashton Mechanisms for the dissemination of key committee decisions will be reviewed during a forthcoming review of AC. Mr David Ashton As a result of reorganisation within the former Registry; the fact that there have been vacancies in ANNEX A summer 2010 (18b) Potential to develop rewards for student representation, linked to transferable skills/extra curricular activities development • JSSC will be actively promoting this initiative. JSSC (Dr Ruth Siddall to note) Ongoing StARs Steering Group also looking at this and will report to JSSC. See response to (7) above. • Recommendations from UCL Union StARs Annual Report 2009 to JSSC to be discussed and implemented summer 2009. UCL Union officers (Mr Josh Blacker) From May 2009 See response to (7) above. • In addition the Personal Tutoring Project Board will examine this scheme and attempt to embed it within departmental structures. Personal Tutoring Project Board (Professor Mike Ewing) Ongoing Personal Tutoring Strategy adopted by AC in March. Project Board continuing until autumn to assist JSSC in review of implementation. PT Handbook 21 this area and currently there are temporary arrangements in place, there have been delays in progressing this. Dr Ruth Siddall & Mr Rob Traynor JSSC Secretary ONGOING This is still ongoing and the StARs-SG will discuss this futher next session and report to JSSC. StARs currently receive a certificate at a UCLU awards ceremony, subject to their participation in SSCCs and other committees. See response to (7) above. Ms Sandra Hinton EdCom Secretary Development, review and monitoring of the implementation of the Personal Tutoring Strategy is now the responsibility of ANNEX A update for web is draft with completion expected by September 2010 EdCom. In July 2011 a progress report was sought from all Faculty Tutors on the first year of the Strategy’s implementation. Faculty Tutors have been asked to distribute a proforma to their departments, asking them to note progress against or comments on each of the key elements of the strategy. An overview of responses, will then be submitted for discussion to EdCom’s first meeting of the Autumn Term 2011. (18c) Improvement to recruitment processes for faculty-level student representatives (JSSC and AC current discussion) • See action identified in respect of (18b) above. See responsibility identified in respect of (18b) above. StARs Steering Group also looking at this and will report to JSSC. See response to (7) above. ONGOING action progressed in 2010-11, see response to (7) above. (18d) Development of a new UCL website focusing on student representation. There is some room for improvement in student representation through filling vacancies at faculty level and improving representation by • This matter was discussed by JSSC at its June 2009 meeting. JSSC officers to discuss this issue further over the summer with a view to submitting proposals to the first meeting of 22 JSSC Officers (Dr Ruth Siddall, Mr Rob Traynor) November 2009 See response to (4A) above. Dr Ruth Siddall & Mr Rob Traynor JSSC Secretary ONGOING See response to (4A) and note that the UCLU website has also ANNEX A postgraduate students on taught programmes. (18e) JSSC to receive overview of SEQs. JSSC in session 200910. • JSSC received only a small number of SEQ faculty summaries in 2008, but will be requesting them again for the next session, to be considered alongside NSS, ISB and DSSCC minute data. • SEQ data to be reported to November JSSC meeting and included in its Annual Student Feedback Data Overview report to AC. JSSC to review issue of SEQ data at its second meeting of the 2009-10 session. 23 developed an extensive student representation page, including comprehensive information on the StARs system JSSC (Dr Ruth Siddall) February 2010 This may be considered ongoing. Dean of Students (Welfare) will consult with Faculty Tutors and Academic Services (Rob Traynor) over the summer to construct a usable feedback mechanism to compile and disseminate the data. SEQs We intend to request that departments and faculties consider the SEQ data at an earlier stage, so that the overview reports can be received by JSSC in time to consider with the NSS, ISB and DSSCC minutes. Will be working on the details for this over the summer, as, Dean of Students (Welfare) indicates below. Dr Ruth Siddall & Mr Rob Traynor JSSC Secretary ONGOING Faculty summary of SEQ now included in the Annual Monitoring reporting proforma and received by JSSC. The data is discussed at JSSC’s second meeting and included in the Student Data Overview report, where it is compared with the NSS, ISB and DSSCC data. ANNEX A (19a) There is a need for (19) Learning resources effective ways of assessing provided by ISD the quality of the use of learning technologies at UCL alongside quantitative measures. • LTSS and CALT proposed a set of minimum standards for a VLE course which were approved by AC. The minimum standards will be accompanied by a set of guidelines for good practice which are under development. Learning Technologies Support Manager (Dr Fiona Strawbridge) • Two senior staff have recently joined the LTSS and are providing more individual support and advice than was possible before. These staff are also seeking out exemplars of good quality and identifying elearning champions. Individual support and guidance, and identification of good practice – in progress and ongoing. 24 Minimum VLE standards - in progress and due for publication by end December 2009. Minimum VLE standards were ratified by AC in June 2009, and publicised in allstaff email, together with comprensive guidelines on good practice, in March 2010. Work is in hand to identify how elearning should best be incorporated into the documents which comprise the Academic Manual and this will be completed by Sept 2010. The new Instutional Learning and Teaching Strategy includes a commitment to introduce a new framework for quality assurance and enhancement of e-learning provision. Dr Fiona Strawbridge LTSS and CALT have drafted a framework for quality assurance and enhancement for e-learning which proposes intervention at the programme/modul e planning stage; during the ongoing monitoring/reporti ng cycle; and through departmental strategic review and planning. This will be presented to QMEC. The 'Minimum requirements for Moodle courses' are available at: http://tinyurl/u clmoodleminreq and require all taught modules to have a consistent set of information and resources with a deadline of September 2011. LTSS have been working with departments to ensure that all modules are in Moodle, to a minimum standard, by this ANNEX A deadline, and this work is nearly complete. Note that two departments are using alternatives to Moodle. • At present e-learning is not included explicitly in UCL’s policies, regulations or standards and, as a consequence, is not considered routinely through the annual monitoring or IQR activities. A proposal has been made to AC that statements of policy and good practice in e-learning be incorporated into UCL’s policy framework including the Gold Book, the Academic Manual and assessment regulations so that it is automatically considered in the quality management and enhancement process. 25 Inclusion of e-learning in UCL’s policy framework – in progress and to be completed by September 2010. Regulations and guidelines for e-assessment have been completed. Dr Fiona Strawbridge Accompanying guidelines on how to enhance elearning provision beyond the minimum requirement has been published, and LTSS are providing teaching staff with training, support, guidance and examples of good practice on an individual and group basis. LTSS have identified that teaching administrators play a key role in the student learning experience and in driving uptake and exploitation of learning technologies. LTSS have secured JISC funding for a new project 'The ANNEX A (19b) Although there is an IT training strategy for staff, this has been produced voluntarily by the IS Training Section and is not monitored by any committee. In addition there is a need for a formal strategy for IT training for students. • Develop an IT training strategy in conjunction with HR Organisation and Staff Development and TLSSC. Strategy to include the main aims of training and future developments. • Produce a clear service definition which defines the nature of the service provided. 26 Training Section Leader, Information Systems (Ms Caroline Norris) July 2010 June 2010 update not received Digital Department' to establish a framework for defining, developing and evaluating digital literacy of teaching administrators; and to create and accredit a digital literacy training programme and model for digital literacy development. Ms Caroline Norris Development of a training strategy for staff has been stalled by the fact that OSD doesn’t currently have a dedicated manager. TLSSC has been disbanded so that the student training part of our service no longer reports to any committee or sub-committee Ms Caroline Norris Work has begun on a service catalogue for ISD which includes a Training service although this is still in it’s early stages ANNEX A (19c) There is a pressing need for a UCL policy on electronic assessment for examinations. This has been piloted by the Department of Biochemistry. The main issue is that assessment, including electronic assessment) has to take place in exam conditions (i.e. controlled conditions) in student cluster rooms, and the cluster rooms are not big enough to accommodate first year cohorts in single sessions • • LTSS are leading a project to review current policies, procedures and software related to eassessment. The Project Board includes staff from academic community, CALT and Registry. LTSS have proposed a new policy for summative eassessment for consideration by the UCLBE. 27 Learning Technologies Support Manager (Dr Fiona Strawbridge) Secure System for Summative Eexaminations project underway. Due to complete June 2010. A proposed policy for summative eexaminations to be submitted to UCLBE on 25 November 2009. The Secure system for eexaminations project is making good progress and is about to finalise recommendations for delivering secure tests via the VLE. The recommendations will be implemented by start of session 2010/11. Dr Fiona Strawbridge A set of regulations and guidelines for the conduct of eexaminations and other summative online assessments has been published at m/ucl-regs-eexams Guidelines and recommendations for conducting online tests were approved subject to minor amendements by UCLBE in March 2010. Dr Fiona Strawbridge ISD and UCL Estates have formed a 'Task Force on Student Clusters' to provide additional cluster spaces in 2011/12 and 2012/13. ISD is also piloting use of UCL-owned laptops to create a 'mobile cluster'. If successful this pilot may provide a means to extend computer provision into conventional classrooms for eexamination ANNEX A purposes. (19d) There is no sinking fund to provide computers for student cluster rooms and hence funds have to be bid for annually • There remains a need to explore options for flexible large-scale testing facilities to accommodate demand for large group use of e-assessment. A proposal for large, flexible teaching/exam cluster was presented to UCL Teaching Spaces Executive SubCommittee on 10 November 2009 but was not supported. An ‘exams on laptops’ project is about to commence exploring the possibility for allowing students to type rather than hand write traditional exams. Dr Fiona Strawbridge A pilot of exams on laptops for traditional written exams has been run with the Faculty of Laws; however student uptake was poor and the staff resource requirements heavy so the initiative is not being taken ahead at this time. • There are no plans to establish a sinking fund at the moment. However, replacement PCs are always allocated to key clusters, and older PCs filtered down to less critical locations (such as clusters in Halls of Residence). As a consequence, PCs in clusters which are suitable for booked teaching sessions, and those in Libraries, are usually no older than two years. Assistant Director, Information Systems (Ms Maria Darmon) June 2010 update not received Mr Gavin McLachlan Director, Information Systems ISD has recognised the principles about maintaining and expanding the IT cluster rooms around UCL including the funding needed. A paper was drawn up and presented to the Estates Masterplan on expanding the number of IT cluster rooms at UCL. Funding for this will continue to come from the 28 ANNEX A capital provided to ISD each year. There is now a new governance structure in place to oversee the portion of the capital allocated to ISD for Teaching and Learning application and space. This will be called the Teaching and Learning Systems sub-committee. This subcommittee will be chaired by the Vice Provost for Education, Mike Ewing and will report up to the ISC. This subcommittee will be allocated funds each year and then it will decide how to best allocate the funds to teaching and learning systems and spaces. Please see the attached document that detailed the new governance groups 29 ANNEX A (20a) Notwithstanding the (20) Admissions quality assurance function that the Admissions Office is able to perform at Masters level, the production for admissions tutors of a graduate version of the Undergraduate Admission Requirements Guide would be useful. (20b) The breadth and accessibility of training for academic and other staff to support the admissions function could be enhanced. This is included as a recommendation in the recently completed review of undergraduate selection (20c) The process of referring to the Dean of Students (Academic) graduate applicants recommended for admission who do not satisfy the approved entry requirements could be addressed by a more detailed specification of the admissions criteria for individual programmes • It will not be possible to progress this until the resource to do so has been identified. NB while the production of the Guide would be “useful” it is not essential to support the delivery of UCL objectives or to assure the quality of UCL’s admissions procedures • Actions are included in the Undergraduate Selection Review implementation plan as follows: (i) implementation of training programme to support selection process;(ii) online training materials available for admissions officers/tutors. • A review of the referral process has been delayed to provide an opportunity to gather data and allow the Dean of Students (Academic) sufficient time to familiarise himself with the process. NB whilst detailed specification of admissions criteria will be beneficial, a review of the process is needed. 30 Head of Admissions/ Director of Educational Liaison (Ms Bella Malins/Mr Nigel Percival) Open-ended Position unchanged; resource still not identified Undergraduate Selection SubCommittee (Professor Mike Ewing) In progress as part of Admissions Structures and Selection Processes (ASSP) Training programme – October 2010 TBC Online training materials – October 2009 Head of Admissions/ Dean of Students (Academic) (Ms Bella Malins/Professor Mike Ewing) January 2010 Written criteria for PGT entry should be developed by Admissions Tutors during 2010-11. Changes have been implemented for English language referrals and there has been a reduction in the categories that are considered for approval by the Dean of Students (Academic). Ms Bella Malins Graduate entry requirements are now available to UCL staff in pdf format via the web. Plans to provide a searchable website will be developed in 2011/12. Ms Bella Malins In progress as part of the Admissions Structures and Selection Processes Project. Plans to provide training in 2011/12 are currently being developed. Ms Bella Malins Written templates are being completed for all programmes as part of the Admissions Structures and Selection Processes Project. Further revisions to the English language requirements for 2011/12 will mean fewer referrals to the Dean of Students (Academic). ANNEX A (20d) While working within an agreed overall framework, there is variation between individual faculty offices and departments in the detailed undergraduate admissions processes undertaken. The Selection Review and the agreement of undergraduate admissions service standards is seeking to address this issue (21) Student support (21a) There is a need to streamline, consolidate and redesign the delivery of student support services via the internet and through departments and organisations, including the Office of the Dean of Students (Welfare), the Registry and UCL Union. Websites covering these issues have grown substantially in volume, but without regulation or collaboration between different departments concerning the variety of information available and its ease of access. This problem has been recognised, and action has been initiated to ‘modernise’ the websites. • Various, but including the Head of Admissions, Faculty Offices, Undergraduate Selection Sub-Committee, Committee for the Recruitment and Admission of Students. Head of Admissions/ Director of Educational Liaison (Ms Bella Malins/Mr Nigel Percival) October 2010 Undergraduate Selection Review recommendations are progressively being implemented although the timetable is extended owing the resource constraints. Ms Bella Malins In progress as part of the Admissions Structures and Selection Processes Project. In addition, service standards will be re-visited during 2011/12. • The Dean of Students’ Website is currently undergoing a redesign with the aim of providing a more informative website. Dean of Students (Welfare) (Dr Ruth Siddall ) Ongoing Still ongoing. Dean of Students will talk again to media services about redesigning the site. There have been some improvements to it in terms of content since the last meeting, however Dr Ruth Siddall & Mr Rob Traynor JSSC Secretary There will be an overhaul and redesign of the Dean of Students Website during the next academic year (2011/12). • The Registry has substantially redesigned and improved its website. Academic Registrar (Mr Chris Hallas) COMPLETED COMPLETED 31 ANNEX A (21b) Support services and information pertaining to these are scattered across the UCL estates. In an attempt to centralise such services, we are currently considering the development of a ‘one-stop shop’ for students, whereby information delivery on registration, fees, examinations, accommodation and welfare issues may be more effectively streamlined. This will be coupled with a onestop shop virtual environment, designed to compliment the physical Student Hub and Portico. A working group has been recently set up to further develop this concept. (22) Staff support, staff development and reward (22a) Revise the process for gathering exit information from staff in order to ensure a more complete data set to inform future policy development. • The decision to implement a ‘one-stopshop’ is currently on hold due to a lack of available funding. However, the Registry will be moving to a version of the Student Hub in the short term by grouping at one counter the advice and support which is currently made available from numerous counters within the Registry. The redesigned Registry website also fulfils part of the function of the planned Student Hub. • Work has commenced to review and revise the current arrangements 32 Academic Registrar (Mr Chris Hallas) On hold – although interim measures are being taken. Mr David Ashton An initial start has been made on this. There has been a recent reorganisation in the then Registry which brought together student facing teams under a new office, the Student Centre within Student Services. The Student Centre has a new front end enquiry point in the Chadwick Building near the main entrance to UCL. Assistant Human Resources Director Policy and Planning (Mr Geoff Lang) By end September 2009 Data collection ongoing first monitoring report submitted to the HRPC in 13 November 2009 Mr Nigel Waugh HR Director COMPLETE. A web based exit survey has been introduced for staff to complete, before they leave. The questions cover the full range of the employee experience and annual reports have been produced since 2009. The response rate amongst resigning staff is markedly higher than under the old ANNEX A system. (22b)Gain feedback through consultation and staff survey in 2009 regarding staff views of employment with UCL (including UCL’s culture and approach to staff development) and compare with previous UCL survey results and other benchmark data. • Survey completed in March 2009. Results reported to Provost’s SMT on 3 June 2009. All staff email has gone out and results are on the UCL intranet and web pages Employment Policy Manager (Ms Fiona Daffern) (22c) Ensure that the next generation of faculty strategic plans include better forecasting and planning of people issues such as recruitment, development needs, diversity, skills mix, succession planning etc. • Members of the Provost’s SMT are aware of required action. HR Consultancy team to provide advice and guidance to Deans as necessary. Director of Human Resources (Ms Sarah Brant) Ongoing 33 Detailed action plan to be finalised in autumn 2009 and communicated to staff The detailed local action plan document was completed and is on the website .uk/staff_survey/a ction/local.doc. Progress against action plans was reported to the HRPC on 10 June 2010 Mr Nigel Waugh HR Director Detailed local action plans are on the website .uk/staff_survey/a ction/local.doc Progress against action plans continues to be monitored and will be published in the lead up to the 2011 survey, which is currently in preparation. Ongoing Mr Nigel Waugh HR Director Ongoing Input from the consultancy team continues, as well as the OSD Consultants through input to faculty / divisional planning days. Metrics are also being developed for key indicators across the university. Strategic development of succession planning and talent ANNEX A (22d) Review UCL’s programme of equality initiatives with a view to better engagement and involvement from all stakeholder groups, improvement of communication around workforce equality targets and their achievement. • Action plan devised by the LGBT issues group presented to CEO in June 2009. Other proposals will follow. Current absence of Equality and Diversity Coordinator is impacting on progress. 34 Director of Human Resources / Chair of Committee for Equal Opportunities (Ms Sarah Brant/Professor Stephen Smith) Ongoing In the past year UCL has reviewed its Disability Equality Scheme and refocused priorities and action. A revised Race Equality Scheme was considered by the Academic Committee, CEO and HRPC in June 2010. The Gender Equality Scheme is currently under review. The Women in Leadership and Management initiative will report in summer 2010. All of these initiatives involved consulting widely with members of underrepresented groups. There is also a new 20102011 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender work plan and a Religious Equality Policy for Students is near completion. The Equalities Team management in addition to performance management and leadership management is underway. Mr Nigel Waugh HR Director UCL’s first Equalities & Diversity Strategy (2011-2014) was approved at UCL Council in July 2011 as was the Religion and Belief Equality policy for students (which will be implemented at the start of 20112012). - Monitoring data on sexual orientation, religion and belief and type of disability has started to be collected. - A network of Senior Equality Champions has been developed and the first review meeting of the network will take place in September. - CEO endorsed the proposal for diverse interview panels ANNEX A will work with the Communications Team to publicise the equality schemes, plans and targets once they are consolidated into a Single Equality Scheme in October 2010. (22e) Revise and update UCL’s Organisational and Staff Development Strategy in 2008-09, reviewing skills, resources, evaluation methods, training take up against targets etc. and ensuring improved support for UCL’s corporate strategic objectives. • Progress reported to HRPC in June 2009. Small group of training providers has met to start the process of strategy review, led by the Director of HR. The Director of HR is coordinating a group of UCL’s internal training and development providers Director of Human Resources (Ms Sarah Brant) (22f) Achieve and sustain a 95% appraisal completion rate and embed UCL’s leadership and management competencies in the expectations of all UCL managers. • Progress against the target is reported to Provost’s SMT, HRPC and Council. Director of Human Resources (Ms Sarah Brant) Ongoing • Provost’s SMT monitors progress by Faculty and CSS Division. Heads of Department and Division are accountable for progress in their own areas. Data reported by Progress reported to Provost’s SMT every two months and to HoDs monthly 35 Revised Strategy to be submitted to the HRPC in March 2010 (resources permitting) Regular updates have been provided to the HRPC. The revised strategy will form part of the HR Strategy which will be formulated once UCL’s 2010 Green Paper is finalised Provost’s SMT is monitoring progress. As at June 2010 the target had not been achieved. - The department of Biochemical Engineering received a Silver SWAN award Mr Nigel Waugh HR Director This high level action remains the same. In addition a review of the OSD structure has been completed to enable the required support for the new strategic direction. the open plan has been reviewed and a differentiated provision is being established. Mr Nigel Waugh HR Director Data on appraisal completion held on the central record as at 31 August 2011 show a completion rate of 76%, well below the target rate of 95%, and a reduction since ANNEX A HR Director (22g) Equip managers and staff to better handle occupational health and welfare issues, work-life balance and assess/manage the risk of work related stress. Develop programmes aimed at improving individual resilience and health. Monitor a dashboard of organisational health measures to identify hotspots that need intensive review and support. • A new Stress Resilience and Wellbeing SubCommittee of the HSMT has been created and has held its first meeting. The first iteration of the data dashboard has been discussed. Future datasets will also be reported to HSMT. 36 Director of Human Resources (Ms Sarah Brant) Ongoing Termly meetings of the STRAW Sub-committee will report progress to the HSMT Termly meetings of the STRAW Sub-Committee are addressing these issues and reporting progress to the HSMT last year. Reasons for the decrease will be investigated and reported to SMT. Mr Nigel Waugh HR Director A web page has been developed with the involvement of unions and managers to show commitment to achieving wellbeing at work together ( .uk/hr/occ_health/ misc/). Members of the STRaW committee participated in the tendering and procurement for an Employee Assistance Programme. The introduction of the internal communication strategy has assisted in promoting information on health and wellbeing issues Termly meetings of the STRAW Sub-Committee are reviewing the data dashboard and reporting progress to the newly formed Health and Safety ANNEX A (23) Postgraduate research students (See also Recommendations from the QAA draft Institutional Audit Report (1) and (2) above). Committee. (23a) There are some Departments in which take-up of the Log could be improved. • See action identified in respect of (1b) above. See responsibility identified in respect of (1b) above. Completed Uptake figures to be monitored annually. Prof David Bogle COMPLETED Uptake is now 97% (23b) The Graduate School plans to improve procedures to ensure that Supervisors have received training before taking on supervisory responsibilities. • See action identified in respect of (2b) above. See responsibility identified in respect of (2b) above. Completed Prof David Bogle COMPLETED (23c) Research Student records are maintained via the Portico client. The on-line facilities of Portico enable Research Students to register, pay on-line and maintain their address details directly. The on-line facilities enable staff working in Research Student Administration in the wider UCL community to view the basic student record and download reports on these data. These facilities are under review following the initial implementation which concentrated on undergraduate processes in • See action identified in respect of (2c) above. See responsibility identified in respect of (2c) above. Completed 37 All supervisors must have undertaken the training required by the regulations before being added to the list of approved supervisors. The Research Student View was built in to PORTICO and released and announced to all staff and students, April 2009. Prof David Bogle COMPLETED ANNEX A this area (and research student views remain limited). (24) Published information for potential students, students and other stakeholders (24a) Notwithstanding the central support that is provided, there remains a certain amount of communications activity aimed at prospective students that is undertaken independently by individual academic units. Sometimes this is taken forward with reference to the published style guides, and is audited for accuracy, and sometimes it is not. The quality of this work carried out by individual academic units is variable. (24b) Dedicated resource has been provided for some time on developing web-based information for prospective students. With the recent appointment of a member of staff to address the needs of current students it is hoped to make more accessible the web-based resources for this group • This is an ongoing task. However, planned organisational changes in Educational Liaison will enhance the audit function and the assistance offered to academic units to produce prospective student communications in the agreed UCL style and to a high standard. Director of Educational Liaison (Mr Nigel Percival) • The Current Students website has been redeveloped and the new version was launched in February 2009. The website will be subject to ongoing review and enhancement. Director of Registry Information and Data Services (Ms Kathleen Nicholls) Ongoing 38 Organisational change process now completed COMPLETED Since the launch of the Current Students website, the site has been well used. The member of staff appointed to work on the website reached the end of their contract and left UCL at the end of May 2010. The website will continue to be subject to ongoing review. Ms Kathleen Nicholls The Current Students website is currently being migrated to the new UCL common template. There is to be established a Web Strategy and Development Group leading towards developing a more co-ordinated approach to web strategy and content management across content controlled by Organisational changes to be implemented by the end of 2009 ANNEX A Registry and Academic Services which will include the Current Students Web Site. However, beyond content management assistance, there is limited resource to develop the site further. (24c) It is recognised that there is a great deal of information published on UCL’s website but it has grown substantially and the time is ripe for a review of this. This has been started within the Registry with the development of the Blue Book online. (25) Internal QME review processes (25a) Sometimes a review of a complex new QME process should be undertaken after two years of operation as these can take time to become fully embedded. (25b) Sometimes, ad hoc working groups are set up by senior UCL staff outside the main committee system to review an area when there is already an appropriate existing committee which • Development of an Institutional Web Strategy is underway. This addresses the governance, taxonomy, search and overall quality of UCL’s Web presence. • This represents an overall view and is distinct from the specifics which might be addressed by individual Departments/Divisions (eg the Blue Book) • All new QME processes to be normally subject to full post-implementation review two years after introduction. • See action identified in respect of (11a and 11b) above. 39 Director of Learning and Media Services (Mr Jeremy Speller) June 2010 update not received Awaited Currently in consultation and draft phase. It is aimed to have a formal published strategy by February 2010. QMEC (Professor Mike Ewing) See responsibility identified in respect of (11a and 11b) above. Ongoing Ongoing See (11a) and (11b) above See (11a) and (11b) above ANNEX A could take ownership of the review. This can lead to confusion and duplication of effort. 40 ANNEX 26) Learning and A (26a) There is a need to research resources continue a process already and services started to refurbish and extend the Library’s estate and to remodel it as not simply collection spaces, but as collection and learning spaces. (26b) There needs to be further development of the Library’s work in benchmarking and Key Performance Indicators, to allow the outputs to feed into the Library’s planned strategic developments Further work on Ground Floor of Science Library being undertaken in summer 2009. North Junction in Main Library being refurbished in summer 2010. North Corridor Reading Rooms in Main Library being given basic refurbishment in summer 2009 (The UCL Main Library is part of UCL’s external fundraising via its Capital Campaign). Further Group Study space (Room 106) in Science Library being opened in September 2009. UCL Institute of Child Health Reading Room re-modelled with new facilities. Royal Free Medical Library. UCL Library Services, has opened refurbished learning spaces on first floor, Joint Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology Library re-modelling their public library space. • Draft set of Key Performance Indicators being discussed with library staff – to be implemented in new academic session 200910. A Key Performance Indicator for level of library budget already agreed by UCL Council promoted by UCL’s Risk and Efficiency Committee. Benchmarking already in 41 Library Services’ Master Planning Committee/Library Committee. (Dr Paul Ayris) Further work timetabled as indicated. Fundraising for the UCL Main Library is at least a 10-year exercise. Further cluster space for postgraduate students being st installed on 1 foor of Science Library in Summer 2010. Self-Issue Short Loan collection being installed in Learning Laboratory in Summer 2010. AV and mulitmedia support being remodelled in UCL Main Library in Summer 2010 Library spaces at the UCL Institute of Neurology have been completely remodelled. Group study space being installed in Cruciform Library in Summer 2010. UCL Library Services’ Management Information Project Board and Operational Planning Team/Library Committee (Dr Paul Ayris) Timeframe as already indicated. Work on KPIs was delayed for 6 months (Jan-June 2009), with Set of Key Performance Indicators now approved by Library Committee and being used in UCL Library Services. Further KPIs being planned June 2010 update awaited Dr Paul Ayris ONGOING This has been covered in detail in the UCL Masterplan for the Bloomsbury estate, which will see the consolidation of the UCL Main and Science Libraries in the Wilkins Building, the creation of facilities for UCL Special Collections in the Wilkins Building and the provision of IT-enabled learning spaces on the entire Ground Floor of the Wilkins. Dr Paul Ayris The Library’s Strategy has been revised and released for 2011-14. This can be found at .uk/Library/strate gy.shtml. The Library has also created a new post of Senior Management ANNEX A place with other UK HEIs via SCONUL statistics. (26c) Further clarity is required in UCL regarding the role of e-learning. UCL has an E-Learning Strategic Statement at ELearning is a growing area in UCL and the Library needs to continue to ensure that its services and facilities are aligned with this strategic direction. (See also Learning Resources provided by ISD at (19) above. Issue being addressed in next twelve months as part of Library’s work on its new 5-year Library Strategy for 2011-15 the knowledge of Library Committee, to allow the Director to work on another UCL project. International benchmarking has been discontinued as Manchester University, which ran an international benchmarking club, has withdrawn from coordinating the scheme. ESCILTA/Academic Committee (Professor Mike Ewing/Professor Michael Worton) Library’s input being overseen by the Operational Planning Team. Library’s work being undertaken as indicated. The strategic vision, under which the Library will work, needs further elaboration by UCL before the Library can take this further 42 Accountant, one of whose responsibilities will be to develop a programme for management information within UCL Library Services to support the new Library Strategy. A new Learning and Teaching Strategy has been approved by AC, and should be supported by the e-learning strategy for 2011when it is developed by ISD. Dr Paul Ayris This is not really a point for the Library, rather a point for the ViceProvost (Education) who ultimately owns the Teaching and Learning policies listed at this URL. To await the appointment of a new V-P (Education) ANNEX A PART E – Other Issues Arising from Institutional Audit Issue Detail (27) Any unresolved implications of UCL being awarded/exercising degree-awarding powers (27a) Possible need to consider further and clarify the procedure for the award of UCL degrees eg role of AC. (27b) AC (on 24.03.09) received paper (Appendix 3/25 (08-09) on ‘lead colleges’ from Chair of PPDExSCo and endorsed major review of existing MoAs for all intercollegiate programmes. Action Responsibility and Timescale • UCLBE and AC to consider during session 2009-10. • See action identified in respect of (27a) above UCLBE and Academic Committee officers (Professor Vince Emery, Mr David Ashton and Mr Jason Clarke) March 2010 See responsibility identified in respect of (27a) above. June 2010 updates (shown in bold) COMPLETED UCLBE Terms of Reference revised and policies and procedures for the award of UCL degrees discussed and agreed with the Chairs of GEESC and UEESC. IN PROGRESS Curricular Development Section reviewing existing and new UK joint/collaborative provision and assisting with the approval process for proposed overseas joint/collaborative provision. July 2011 updates COMPLETED Mr David Ashton All existing joint/collaborative agreements have been identified and reviewed. The Memorandum of Understanding between UCL and Queen Mary University of London is currently being renewed. All new programme proposals that include collaboration with another institution in the UK or overseas are 43 ANNEX A (28) Harmonised scheme of award (28a) AC agreed at its meeting in October 2004 that a comprehensive postimplementation review of the introduction and impact of the harmonised scheme should be undertaken in session 2009-10. The UCLBE is committed to a review of the harmonised scheme in session 200910. 44 UCLBE (Professor Vince Emery) By July 2010 IN PROGRESS See item 16d above asked to identify the level of collaboration and if a Memorandum of Understanding or legally binding agreement is required the programme initiators are required to complete an appendix to the on-line Programme Institution Questionnaire to provide a detailed description of the nature of the proposed collaboration and where specific responsibility will reside for each stage of the student experience throughout the programme. IN PROGRESS See item 16d above ANNEX A Key to Abbreviations AC AS ASSP AV BoE CALT CEO CSS DSSCC DTC ECTS EdCom EFD ESCILTA FBS FTC GEESC HEI HR HRPC HSMT IA IASG IBP IS ISC ISD ISB IQR IT JSSC KPI LGBT LTSS MAPS MoA NSS OSD PC PCASG PIASG PoT PPDExSCo QME Academic Committee Academic Services/Support Admissions Structures and Selection Processes Audiovisual Board of Examiners Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching Committee for Equal Opportunities Corporate Support Services Departmental Staff-Student Consultative Committee Departmental Teaching Committee European Credit-Transfer System Education Committee Estates and Facilities Division Executive Sub-Committee for Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Assessment (of AC) Faculty of Biomedical Sciences Faculty Teaching Committee Graduate Education Executive Sub-Committee Higher Education Institution Human Resources Human Resources Policy Committee Health and Safety Management Team Institutional Audit Institutional Audit Steering Group Institutional Briefing Paper Information Services Information Strategy Committee Information Services Division International Student Barometer Internal Quality Review Information Technology Joint Staff Student Committee Key Performance Indicator Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Learning Technologies Support Service Mathematical and Physical Sciences (Faculty of) Memorandum of Agreement National Student Survey Organisational and Staff Development Personal Computer Programme and Course Approval Steering Group Post-Institutional Audit Steering Group Peer Observation of Teaching Programme Planning and Development Executive Sub-Committee Quality Management and Enhancement 45 QMEC ANNEX A RAS SCONUL SEQ SMT StAR StAR SG STRAW SWS TLSSC UCLBE UCLU UEESC VLE Quality Management and Enhancement Committee Registry and Academic Services Society of College, National and University Libraries Student Evaluation Questionnaire (Provost’s) Senior Management Team Student Academic Representatives Student Academic Representatives’ Steering Group Stress Resilience and Wellbeing Committee Student Written Statement Teaching and Learning Support Sub-Committee UCL Board of Examiners UCL Union Undergraduate Education Executive Sub-Committee Virtual Learning Environment JDC/SCH: July 2009 Revised November 2009 Revised December 2009 Updated June 2010 Updated July 2011 46