I am writing to you about the arrangements for personal tutoring.
It is UCL policy that all students are assigned a Personal Tutor with whom they should
meet regularly so that their progress, academic and otherwise may be monitored, and
consequently any problems hopefully can be picked up early.
UCL specifies minimum requirements for personal tutoring activities conducted in
academic departments, including the number of formal meetings with personal tutees in
each year of study. In a student’s first year, there needs to be five of these timetabled (at
least 3 of which are individual face-to-face) and in each of the following years three
formal meetings are required to be held.
The Personal Tutor should support your learning and provide pastoral care. If deemed
appropriate, they may steer you towards the Programme Tutor for more detailed
consultations. They are not academic tutors, although they may be able to help you with
some of your questions.
An important aspect of the role of the Personal Tutor is to steer the student in the
direction of enhancing their Personal & Professional Development, or PPD.
More information about the role of the Personal Tutor and your PPD can be found at Please take a few minutes to acquaint yourself with this
important aspect of your student career.
If there are any issues that you think may need further attention, please contact the
Programme Tutor ( And please, let us know of any problems
you may encounter, or suggestions you may have, with this tutoring scheme.
Also attached below is a timetable for meetings between tutor and tutee for the various
years. Try to keep to it! It is the responsibility of the tutor to ensure that contact is
attempted. However, if you do not hear from your tutor near a scheduled date, please
contact him/her! If that still does not help, get in touch with me. The fact that a meeting
took place will be recorded by your tutor.
Thanks for your cooperation and, again, please contact me ( if
you have any questions about the Personal Tutoring programme.
P&A Personal Tutoring 2014-15
Summary of Suggested Personal Tutor Meetings
1st Year
Meeting 1: Tuesday 30 September, afternoon
Meeting 2: Tuesday 4 November
Meeting 3: Wednesday 14 January, afternoon
Meeting 4: Tuesday 17 February
Meeting 5: Wednesday 25 March, afternoon
2nd Year
Meeting 1: Wednesday 1 October, afternoon
Meeting 2: Monday 3 November or Tuesday 4 November
Meeting 3: Tuesday 17 February
3rd Year
Meeting 1: Wednesday 1 October, afternoon
Meeting 2: Wednesday 12 November, afternoon
Meeting 3: Wednesday 25 February, afternoon
4th Year
Meeting 1: Wednesday 1 October, afternoon
Meeting 2: Wednesday 12 November, afternoon
Meeting 3: Wednesday 25 February, afternoon
If the suggested dates cannot be accommodated, set something up which is mutually
acceptable, as close to the suggested dates as possible. In the first instance, it is the
responsibility of the tutor to ensure that contact is attempted.
If a meeting is not recorded within two weeks of the suggested date, a reminder may be
sent to both the student and tutor.
Of course, meetings between tutor and student can take place
at any date outside of these scheduled sessions, if necessary!
P&A Personal Tutoring 2014-15