UPCSE PERSONAL TUTORIAL PLANNER AND RECORD OF REFLECTION 2014-2015 I UNDERSTAND THAT MY PERSONAL TUTORIAL IS A COMPULSORY PART OF THE UPC COURSE. IN ORDER TO MAKE THE MOST OF THIS ONE-TO-ONE HELP, I AGREE TO ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE IN EVERY TUTORIAL. EACH WEEK I WILL LOOK AT THE SUGGESTED QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION COLUMN AND BE PREPARED TO DISCUSS MY ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS AND ANY OTHER RELATED QUESTIONS WHICH MIGHT EMERGE DURING THE TUTORIAL. I AGREE TO COMPLETE THE FINAL COLUMN IN RESPONSE TO THE TUTORIAL DISCUSSION, AS AND WHEN NECESSARY. IN TERMS 2 & 3, THESE QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION WILL COME FROM ME MORE THAN FROM MY TUTOR. TERM 1 Week General Focus Getting to know each other Checking SAC induction quiz 2 Suggested questions for reflection 1. How will this university environment be different from when I was at secondary school? 2. What specific language areas, e.g. reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, do I need to improve the most? 3. How am I preparing myself academically for the year ahead? 4. What am I uncertain about most at this early stage? Queries on settling in Student Induction Questionnaire Think about degree choices 3 1. Why did I choose to study in the UK and not in my own country? 2. How has this experience been so far? 3. What is it about my subject that really interests me? 4. How did my interest in this subject emerge? My response and/or action I will take Planning first draft of Personal Statement Queries on Preparatory Project 4 5 1 What are my plans when I have completed my degree? 2. How does studying in the UK help me achieve these aims? 3. What skills and/or qualities can I offer my future department? Can I give concrete examples? 4. What are the reasons for my preparatory project choice? Feedback on first draft of Personal Statement 1. How much progress am I making in those language improvements that I identified in Week 2? Check preparation for Plagiarism & Referencing Test 2. How well am I adapting to the UCL university environment? Agree study plan for Reading Week 4. What improvements can I make to how I study in the second half of the term? 3. What are my aims for Reading Week? NB Tutor provides feedback on two drafts only 6 READING WEEK General queries on Preparatory Project before submission 1. How successful was I in achieving my Reading Week aims? Why / why not? 2. Am I making an attempt at speaking English outside of the classroom? Why / why not? 7 3. What changes am I making to how I study? Check submission of Preparatory project Second draft of Personal Statement 1. How satisfied am I with my participation in class? 2. What difficulties am I having with drafting my Personal Statement? 8 Feedback on second draft of Personal Statement Check preparation for Listening and Reading tasks 9 Check preparation for Recorded Seminars 1. How well have I answered my research question? 2. How satisfied am I with my sources and that I managed to avoid plagiarism? 3. What do I know about the reading task? 4. How am I preparing for the end of term tests 5. How ready am I for the recorded seminars Reflection on Term 1 Final check on Personal Statement as required Check submission of UCAS application 10 Agree study plan for Christmas break NB Tutor provides feedback on two drafts only 1. How successful was I in managing my time? 2. How useful have tutorials been for me? Could I have done more to make them more so? 3. Which areas identified in Week 2 did I improve the most? 4. What did I learn about myself as a learner? TERM 2 Week 1 General Focus Suggested questions for reflection Term 1 Progress Report 1. What are my emotions at this time? Why do I feel this way? Term 1 test results (if available) for elective modules 2. How did I progress in Term 1? Why? Agree Action Plan for Term 2 4. What’s going to be different this term? 3. What am I most/least looking forward to this term? Why? Check Prep Project submission Meet new tutor 1. What project topics am I considering? Why? Reflection on Preparatory Project 2. What aspect of the Preparatory Project’s research process was most difficult for me? Discuss Term 2 Action Plan 2 Discuss ideas for Science and Society project 3. Why did I choose to highlight these particular points in my action plan? My response and/or action I will take Agree title of Research Project Bring possible sources 2. What’s my evaluation of the sources I’ve found so far? 3. What else do I need to do? 3 Bring all Research Project sources 1. What did I learn from the Preparatory Project that I am applying to my Research project? Queries on Research Project Outline and draft 2. How am I choosing which sources to use? 3. Am I finding writing an outline easier or more difficult than last time? 4 Check submission of Research Project Outline Feedback on project outline 5 1. What have I done so far in preparation for the Research Project? Final selection of sources 1. How have I been progressing in my action plan points? 2. What have I done in preparation for the Research Project? 3. How have I arrived at this selection of sources? 4. What else do I need to do? Agree study plan for Reading Week 1. With which aspects of my project and sources am I least / most satisfied? Queries on Research Project draft & Sources & Evaluation 2. What four questions about how I could improve my project would I like to ask my tutor? 6 3. What will I be doing over reading week? 4. 7 READING WEEK Check submission of Research Project First Draft & Sources & Evaluation Queries on UCAS offers 8 Queries on Poster & Poster Presentation Submission of Posters Queries on Poster Presentations 9 Start thinking about EAP Presentation topic 1. How will giving a Poster Presentation help me with my final draft? I will write my own reflective questions and discuss them with my personal tutor. 2. With which aspects of my Project and sources am I least / most satisfied? Why ? 3. 4. 1. What have I been learning about posters and presentation that will help me in the future 2. What thoughts have I had about EAP Presentation topic 3. 4. I will write my own reflective questions and discuss them with my personal tutor. Poster Presentations Agree EAP Presentation topic/title I will write my own reflective questions and discuss them with my personal tutor. 2. What else do I need to do? 3. 10 11 1. What do I need to do now in order to be able to complete my EAP Presentation proposal form? 4. Mock Exams 1. What have I learnt about writing projects Feedback on Research Project draft 2. Is my Presentation proposal realistic/complete Agree EAP Presentation Proposal 4. Agree plan for Easter break 5. 3. What else do I need to do? I will write my own reflective questions and discuss them with my personal tutor. TERM 3 Week General Focus Check Research Project submission Preparation for Term 3 1 Suggested questions for reflection 1. What do I need to do to be fully prepared for my practice EAP Presentation next week? My response and/or action I will take I will write my own reflective questions and discuss them with my personal tutor. 2. What else do I need to do? 3. How do I feel now about my Research Project Queries on EAP Presentation and outline 4. 5. Practice EAP Presentation 1. What do I need to change for my final EAP Presentation? 2. 3. 2 4. NB The 30-minute practice is in lieu of the tutorial I will write my own reflective questions and discuss them with my personal tutor. EAP Presentation 1. Queries on Viva and EAP exams 2. Plans for remainder of term 3 I will write my own reflective questions and discuss them with my personal tutor. 3. 4. NB 10-minute tutorial Final Queries on Viva and EAP exams 1. 2. Goodbyes 3. 4 4. NB Last tutorial I will write my own reflective questions and discuss them with my personal tutor.