K e y s D e g r e e s

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S i n g l e
P a r e n t
P r o g r a m
Eastern Michigan University is committed to supporting students in the Keys to Degrees Single Parent Program
in their academic career; however, there are guidelines that students should understand and accept. Failure to
comply with these guidelines may result in disciplinary action or termination from the Keys to Degrees Single
Parent Program.
Participation in Keys to Degrees Single Parent Program is a privilege. Eastern Michigan University will support you
to the best of our ability with financial aid, child care expenses, academic support and counseling services, but the
student is responsible for his or her education and the care of his or her child. The program is for single parents with
only one child. Pregnancy, while a participant in the program, will result in removal from the program at the end of
that semester. The student may continue at EMU at his or her own expense.
Community Living
It is expected that the single parents will support each other as a community, providing emotional support and
occasional child care for each other. A babysitting cooperative will be organized during the academic year. All
KTD students are encouraged to assist each other with child care when the children are not attending day care
Guests are allowed in the apartments; however, the host is responsible for the behavior of his or her guests at
all times. Overnight guests are not allowed for more than three consecutive days without prior written request and
approval from the program director.
Financial Support
Financial aid is provided by EMU from federal, state, and private sources based on need and eligibility. It is expected
that all students in the Keys to Degrees Single Parent Program will complete the Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FAFSA) available January 1st. The Financial Aid Office will send an Award Letter to the student for his or her
acceptance. It is expected that the student will respond to the offer in a timely manner. In addition to the aid offered,
students may be expected to pay a portion of the costs on their own. The Financial Aid staff will be happy to help
Keys to Degrees students determine the best options.
Day Care Expenses
Students eligible to receive child care assistance from government funded programs that contribute directly to child
care expenses must notify the program director. All students are expected to apply for governmental assistance and
wait list for any applicable services through the Department of Human Services. Eastern Michigan University strives
to minimize day care cost for the families of Keys to Degrees participants while their child is attending the EMU
Children’s Institute. To that end, we will assist with financial aid packages.
Day care is intended to provide care for the child so that the single parent may complete his or her academic career.
If a child is taken out of day care for more than one week without written approval, the parent will be responsible for
the full cost of day care for that period. The student must give the KTD program director as well as the EMU Children’s
Institute sufficient notice (as required by the day care facility) if he or she plans to remove a child from day care
because the parent has graduated, or is leaving the program. If sufficient notice is not given, the parent will be
responsible for the full amount of any additional payments due to the day care facility.
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Academic Expectations
The Keys to Degrees Single Parent Program, depending on the major, is a three-year program, and as such, EMU will make a financial commitment for
only that period of time. Should more than three years be required due to change of major or insufficient academic progress to graduate within three
years, the Keys to Degrees student will be responsible for the full cost of day care, and any federal, state, or private assistance.
Eastern Michigan University requires that students maintain full-time status each term, including spring and summer sessions.
Participation in academic support sessions is mandatory while in the program. Students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher after the first year may reduce
support sessions, with the approval of the program director. Students with a GPA of 2.0 - 2.9 will be reviewed on an individual basis.
The Keys to Degrees Single Parent Program is for undergraduate education only. Eastern Michigan University will not provide graduate housing for
single parents with a child.
Program Dismissal
Students may be dismissed from the Keys to Degrees Single Parent Program due to non-compliance of the following:
• Failure to maintain GPA of 2.0 requirement for two consecutive semesters
• Failure to comply with Eastern Michigan University Student Conduct Code and University academic guidelines
• Failure to maintain full-time student status
Dismissal from the program does not constitute dismissal from the University. If a student is dismissed from the program, the student is then
responsible for all charges remaining on the housing lease, effective upon dismissal date.
Other Commitments
Eastern Michigan University is committed to your success, but you must be an active participant in the process. In this regard, we require that you
participate in the following programs and activities:
• Group support meetings
• Community service
• Mentoring programs
• Keys to Degrees retreats
• Keys to Degrees fund-raising initiatives
• Other special programs and events when requested in support of the Keys to Degrees Single Parent Program
The attendance rate for events and activities will be reviewed at the end of each semester for every KTD student. Failure to maintain regular
participation may result in dismissal from the Keys to Degrees Single Parent Program.
The content of this contract is accurate at the time of printing but is subject to change as deemed appropriate by Eastern Michigan University in order
to fulfill its role and mission or to accommodate circumstances beyond its control. Any such changes may be implemented without prior notice and
without obligation and, unless specified otherwise, are effective when made.
My signature below indicates that all information contained in this application is correct and complete. I understand that falsification of any of the above
information may result in the disqualification of my application.
Keys to Degrees Program Participant Signature
Keys to Degrees Program Director Signature
Keys to Degrees
Eastern Michigan University
301 Pierce Hall
Ypsilanti, MI 48197