Procedure Effective Date February 7, 2014 Date of Last Revision February 10, 2014 Chapter Name Network Management Chapter Number Title Network and Server Capacity Monitoring 6.7.P.1 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to document the metrics used and procedures performed in monitoring network and server capacity and performance. These procedures are implemented as manual processes until the automated process is available. 2.0 Governing Policy Number/Document Name 6.7 Network and Server Management Effective Date February 10, 2014 3.0 Procedure Monthly Procedure to be completed by or before the 15th of each month Internet Bandwidth: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Director, Network and Systems, and/or Assistant Director, Infrastructure or designee (reviewer) will log into (or choose the Marshall Internet In/Out graph, if failed over to that gateway) and view the monthly and yearly firewall traffic graphs. Graphs of the data will also be reported monthly in the Network and Systems monthly status report for review by Senior Management. Reviewer will note any unusual spikes in the monthly traffic and pass those to the network engineering team for investigation. Inspection of the multicast levels will also be done and unusual activity will be noted for further investigation by the network engineering team. Reviewer will note the traffic level trend for the prior year of data observing trend growth rate. Should the traffic trend show signs of a significant increase that might quickly approach the traffic budget, the Network Engineering team will be alerted and an investigation begun to determine the cause. Should normal traffic levels exceed 70% of the overall traffic budget, dialog will be initiated with the ISP and IT Senior Management on steps required to increase the allocated bandwidth. Server Capacity: 1. 2. Director, Network and Systems, and/or Assistant Director, Infrastructure or designee (reviewer) will log into https:// and review the monthly and yearly server statistics for Banner related services: Reviewer will review the following short term and long term graphs for each Banner related server and note any unusual spikes away from the typical long term trend: a. cpu b. memory c. procs IT Procedure Form Version 3.0 Page 1 of 2 3. 4. Any unusual spikes will be directed to the appropriate system administrator for review to determine if there are any system issues causing the spike(s). Should the CPU trend sustain 75% utilization, dialog will be initiated with IT Senior Management on steps required to remedy the problem either through additional resources or upgraded hardware. 4.0 Responsibility for Implementation Director of Network and Systems Services is responsible for the implementation of this procedure. 5.0 Definitions Term 6.0 Revision History Description Initial Draft Revised by policy committee Revised – Jenkins Policy Committee CIO IT Procedure Definition Approval Date July 24, 2011 May 6, 2013 July 29, 2013 February 6, 2014 February 7, 2014 Page 2 of 2