
Effective Date
February 24, 2015
Chapter Name
Chapter Number
Date of Last Revision
February 24, 2015
Mass Email Sender
1.0 Purpose
Authorized Eastern Michigan University (EMU) email senders may send out mass email messages to the entire
EMU community or certain large subgroups. Mass emails should only be used to communicate University
sponsored activities, security alerts, policy changes, or information that benefits EMU business or academic mission.
Mass emails should relay time critical, important University information and should be used sparingly.
These procedures will identify the steps required to be approved as a sender of mass emails.
2.0 Governing Policy
Number/Document Name
2.1 Use of EMU Email for Official Correspondence
Effective Date
May 16, 2014
3.0 Procedure
Initial Request:
Full Time Employee or EMU Affiliates:
The employee or EMU Affiliate sends a request to his/her supervisor containing the following information:
a. Target audience (All students, all employees, etc.)
b. Purpose (Explain why the requester needs access to send mass e-mails)
If the supervisor supports the request, the supervisor forwards the message to his/her divisional executive
requesting review/approval
Divisional Executive/Vice President Approval:
Approves or rejects the request – If approved, forwards the request via e-mail noting her/his approval of the
request to If rejected, sends e-mail notice of the rejection back to the
employee or affiliate and their supervisor
IT Security Team / Director IT Security:
Creates a ticket assigned to the LISTSERV_ADMIN group with the request so the requestor may be added
to the appropriate list as a designated sender
Files a copy of the request electronically
Completes request by configuring appropriate list(s)
Notifies user that request is complete via e-mail with a copy to the approving divisional executive
Closes ticket
IT Procedure
Form Version 3.0
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Termination of Access:
Employee or Supervisor:
Supervisors may request removal of mass e-mail sender access at any time by sending e-mail to including the relevant e-mail address and text in the message requesting that the
access be removed
IT Security Team may take any of the following actions:
IT Security will routinely remove list access as part of employment termination processes
IT Security will receive any requests from employees or supervisors to remove previously approved mass
e-mail sender access
If a mass mailing is reported to the Director in charge of IT Security as violating state or federal regulations
or EMU policies, the mass email sender will be contacted to resolve the allegations. If the allegations
cannot be resolved access may be removed.
If an abuse of privileges such as sending a message unrelated to the purpose of the request is discovered the
issue may discussed with the sender. If IT Security is unable to resolve the issue with the sender access
may be removed.
4.0 Responsibility for Implementation
Director in charge of IT Security is responsible for the implementation of this procedure
5.0 Definitions
6.0 Revision History
Edwards/Jenkins 2015 Update/Edits
Policy Committee – First review
Policy Committee – Second Review
Approved by CIO
IT Procedure
Approval Date
January 2, 2015
January 22, 2015
February 19, 2015
February 24, 2015
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