
Effective Date
November 23, 2004
Date of Last Revision
November 3, 2014
Chapter Name
Constituting Authority
Chapter Number
Policies, Procedures, Standards and Guidelines
1.0 Purpose
This procedure identifies the steps required to propose, review and approve a policy, procedure, standard or
guideline (PPSG) within the jurisdiction of the Division of Information Technology (DoIT).
2.0 Governing Policy
Number/Document Name
Effective Date
1.1 Policies, Procedures, Standards and Guidelines
March 31, 2005
3.0 Procedure
Divisional representatives on the IT Policy committee commonly serve as sponsors for particular
documents. However, any individual within the Division of Information Technology representing a DoIT
entity (group, committee, department, team) may sponsor an IT Policy document.
Submit a new document (policy, procedure, standard, or guideline) using the current template or a revised
version of an existing document to the committee at MS Word templates and
existing policy documents are available upon request to the Policy Committee. The sponsor may request to
meet with ITPC at any time during this procedure.
ITPC places document(s) on the collaboration site in “Status 1 – “Received” and updates “Document
Status” in the document inventory.
When ready for review, ITPC moves document(s) to “Status 2 – First Review” and updates “Document
Status”. ITPC edits document(s) with suggested changes and comments.
If at any point during the review/approval process ITPC determines the document(s) to be unacceptable, the
ITPC notifies sponsor of rejection reason, moves document(s) to “Status 8 – Rejected” and updates
“Document Status”.
When ITPC has given preliminary approval of document(s),
a. ITPC moves document(s) to “Status 3 – Comment, Open Forum” and updates “Document Status”.
b. ITPC notifies DoIT staff (via email) and external partners (via listserv) of comment period and
methods of comment (collaboration site,, anonymous submission to the
ITPC chairperson).
If ITPC determines an Open Forum is warranted, ITPC requests decision from the CIO. If Open Forum is
a. ITPC announces the date of the Open Forum (email to DoIT staff, EMU Today, posting on the
PPSG web site and the listserv).
b. Attendance at the Open Forum must include a majority of ITPC members and the sponsor.
c. Minutes of the Open Forum will be posted in “Open Forum Minutes”.
ITPC moves document(s) to “Status 4 – Second Review” and updates “Document Status”. ITPC edits
document(s) with suggested changes and comments.
IT Procedure – 1.1.P.1 Policies, Procedures, Standards and Guidelines
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If ITPC decides review by Legal Affairs is warranted, ITPC confers with CIO. If CIO agrees to Legal
Affairs consultation,
a. ITPC sends document to Legal Affairs and updates “Document Status”. Document remains in
“Status 4 – Second Review”.
b. When ITPC receives response from Legal Affairs, ITPC edits document(s) with suggested
changes and comments.
When ITPC approves the document(s), ITPC moves the document(s) to “Status 5 – CIO” folder, updates
the “Document Status” and notifies the CIO via email to review the document(s).
10. The CIO responds to the ITPC chairperson with approval, discussion items or rejection. The ITPC
chairperson will communicate the CIO recommendation to ITPC.
a. If the CIO approves the document(s), ITPC moves the document(s) to “Status 6 – Posted”, moves
the document(s) to the PPSG web site, updates the “Document Status” and announces the
approval/posting to the DoIT staff (via email) and to external partners (via listserv).
b. For any other action by the CIO, the ITPC identifies the appropriate next steps and notifies the
4.0 Responsibility for Implementation
The responsibility for the implementation of this procedure resides with the CIO and the ITPC.
5.0 Definitions
IT Policy Committee
policy, procedure, standard,
Committee appointed by the CIO to administer a consistent and collaborative
lifecycle for the development and maintenance of policies, procedures, standards
and guidelines for the efficient and effective operation of DoIT and to protect the
interests of the University.
Individual or representative for an entity (group, department, committee or team)
which writes a policy, procedure, standard or guideline.
See definition in governing policy
6.0 Revision History
Revised due to SharePoint; revised template
Revised by Bill Shell
1st Review – Policy Committee
2nd Review – Policy Committee
Approved by CIO
IT Procedure – 1.1.P.1 Policies, Procedures, Standards and Guidelines
Approval Date
November 23, 2004
June 9, 2010
September 22, 2014
October 16, 2014
October 30, 2014
November 3, 2014
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