12/04/2008 18:10 PAGE STANHOPE BORO 9733476058 [jJ61UUUJIt 6/ 01 SUuI1iope 77 MAIN STREET STANHOPE, NJ 07874 TEL: 973~347-o 159 FAX: 973.347~6058 MEMORANDUM VIA FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION D ~ (]g ff;0-IT'-~ ~' WI DEe 05 2008 f ~/.II Ii TO: Paula Dees, HighJandsCouo<:ll FROM: Ellen Horak, Borou.ghClerk DATE: December 4, 2008 ~l(A~ B y.-." __I '--'''--'''."" --.- As per your request. attached hereto please find a copy of Resolution 210-08 and Resolution 211-08 adopted by the Governing Body on November 25,2008. Resolution 210-08 reflects the Governing Body's intent to petition the Highlands Council for plan conformance and Resolution 211-08 reflects the Governing Body's request for an extension of the deadline to petition COAH for substantive certification. You win be receiving an original certifi.edcopy of Resolurion 210-08 in the mail shortly. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. ' 12/04/2008 18: 10 <3733475058 PAGE 04 STANHOPE BORO 211~08 Borough of Stanhope Stl~Sex COtlIHV, New JeT~ev - Rcsolution RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL /I!i1~-;12 ~ ~~I ilk DEe05 2008Lvi kx_~ \J ~~<=-=J OF THE BOROUGH ST ANHOPE SEEKING AN EXTENSJON OF THE DEADLINE To PETITION FOR SUBSTANTIVE CERTIFICATION PURSUANT To EXECUTIVE ORDER 114 AND THE MEMORAND1.1M OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE HIGHLANDS COUNCIL AND THE COUNCIL ON AFFORDABLE HOUS,ING WHEREAS, requites the CounciJ (Highlands) ro corer regulations of both critical environmental n OF on September 5, 2008, Governor Corzine sign,cd Executive Order 114 which on Affordable ,Housing (COAH) and the New Jersey Highlands Council imo a Memorandum of Unde1:~tanding (MOU) dc:;igued to coordinate the agcoc,ie:; by maximizing affordable housing opportunities while preserviog resources: and WHEREAS, COAH and thcHighland!1 have prepared such an MOO, which was adopted by COAH on Ocrober 29,2008 and by the Highlands Counc,i],on Oct.ober 30, 2008; and WHEREAS, conformance with thc Highlands Regional Master Plan (plan Confor.mance) reqUlres tevlsIons to mU!l1ctpal and county m3.$tet plans and development regulations as applicable to the development and lIse of land to align them with the goals, requlrement:;, and px:c:>vi~jomof the RegIonal Ma:;ter Plan; -and WHEREAS, COAH regulations establish a December 31.,2008 deadline for municipalities cw:reotly under ~he jll1i:;d1ction of COAH to submlt thud round petitions fOl ~ub:;tancivc cettlficatlon of a mumcipal hou8ing clement and fair share plan; and WHEREAS, the MOV C9t3blishes a procedure mat murucipilities under the jurisdic60n of both CGAB and the New Jersey HIghlands Water Protection ilnd Planning Act may follow to seek an exteMlO.o to the Decembel 31, 2008 deadline set by COAH for the submls~ion of third tOl.lnd peritiom for substantive certificattOn of a murucipal housing element and fair share plan; and WHEREAS, the MOU providcs for an extension of the December 31, 2008 deadline to December 8, 2009 for any Highlands municipality under COAH's jUtlSdlctiOn that, before December 31, 2008: 1) submits a duly adopted Notice of Intent to Pennon in accordance WIththe HIghlands Council's Plan Conformance Guidelines; and 2) submm a duly adopted resolution notifying COAI-I of its iiltcnc to petition COAH no later (han December 8, 2009; and 12/04/2008 18:10 PAGE STANHOPE BORO '3733476058 xxx-08 WHEREAS, on November 25, 200R, the governing body of the Borough of Stanhope adopted :J.xesol,ut\on notifying the Highlands tbat the BOt<:1Ughof Stanhope has sct December 8, 2009 a~ the target date for $Ubmisslon of a Petition for Plan Conformance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing body of the Borough of Stanhope hereby agtees that its deadline for rhe submission of a Hous111gElement and F:m Share Plan pursuant to N.1.A.C. 5:96,16 is extended from December 31, 200B to December 8, 2009; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tbat the govetmng body of the Borough of Stanhope hereby directs me Borough Clerk [0 1mmcctiately transmlt a slgned and sealed copy of thJS resolution [0 COAH; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the governing body of the Borough of Stanhope hereby duects the Borough Cletk to lInm,ediatcly U:ansmtt II signed A.nd $cakd copy of the November 25, 2008 duly adopted Notice of Intcnr ro Petirion 111accordance wiili the Highlands Council's Pb[1 Conforlnance Guidelines to CGAH; aDd BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the governing body of the Borough of Stanhope intends to submit a pcrition for substatlttve certtfication of a third round Housing Element and Fair Sh~xePlan to COAH (lot late,(than Dcc.crobe.J:8, 2009, I certIfy this is a true copy of the Resolution adopted by the Mayor aod CouncIl of the Borough of Stanhope on November 25, 2008. ~. Ellen Horak, RMC Borough Clerk 2 ~a-£ 05