RECORD OF PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT HIGHLANDS COUNCIL BASIC PLAN CONFORMANCE: MODULE 7 TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD, WARREN COUNTY December 8, 2009 In accordance with the requirements of Modules 5 and 7, the Township of Oxford held a joint public meeting on Monday, November 9, 2009. Both the Township Committee and Land Use Board were present, as well as representatives from the public. Prior to this meeting, a memo (enclosed) was distributed to both Committee and Land Use Board memos, detailing the Basic Plan Conformance process and status of each Module. During the meeting, the memo was briefly discussed in regards to Modules 1, 2, 3, and 4 with respect to the information required for each Module and their respective deadlines. Modules 5, 6, and 7 were discussed in greater detail. Copies of the Model Highlands Element (Module 5) and Model Ordinance (Module 6) were distributed prior to the meeting. These documents were presented to the Township and Committee and Land Use Board as draft‐only and no comments or public input were received regarding the content of the documents. The list below describes the documents that have been enclosed to record public involvement for Basic Plan Conformance: 1. One (1) copy of the Memo to the Township of Oxford regarding the Status of Highlands Plan Conformance, dated November 4, 2009 and consisting of thirteen (13) pages. 2. One (1) copy of the proof of publication from The Express Times, dated December 3, 2009. 3. One (1) copy of the agenda from the public meeting dated November 9, 2009 and consisting of one (1) page. 4. One (1) copy of the meeting minutes from the public meeting, dated November 9, 2009 and consisting of two (2) pages. Finelli Consulting Engineers, inc. December 8, 2009