GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY DWARKA SECTOR 16-C, NEW DELHI Ref./IPU/Exam/Ph.D./2014/ 01 Date: 12/03/2013 Ph.D. NOTIFICATION Guru Gobind Singh Indraprashtha University is pleased to notify the acceptance of the Ph.D. thesis of following candidates and declares them eligible for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). The relevant details relating to the award of the said Ph.D. degree are indicated here in below against the name of the said candidate; S. No. Name of the candidate(s) Enrolment No. Name of the School Subject of the thesis Title of the thesis Name of the Supervisor(s) Effective Date of Award 01. Krishan Kumar 175/PhD/USBAS/2005 USBAS Chemistry Designing, Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Studies of Chimeric Opioid Peptide Analogues Dr. Anita Mohan and Dr. Santosh Pasha 04/03/2014 02. Barkha Bahl 132/Ph.D./USIT/2004 USICT Information Technology Enhanced Data Models for Geographic Information Systems Prof. Navin Rajpal and Dr. Vandana Sharma 04/03/2014 03. Pradeep Kumar 300/Ph.D/USIT/2008 USICT Information Technology Development of Techniques and Models for improving Software Reliability Prof. Yogesh Singh 04/03/2014 04. Umang 303/Ph.D/USIT/2006 USICT Computer Applications Optimization of Routing Protocol in Mobile Adhoc Networks Prof. B.V.R. Reddy and Prof. M.N. Hoda 04/03/2014 05. Sachin Gulati 153/Ph.d./USMS/2005 USMS Management Studies Information System Interventions in the Health Care Sector Dr. Udita Taneja 04/03/2014 06. Ashish Kumar Mittal USBAS Mathematics 317/Ph.D/USBAS/2008 Analysis of Air Pollutants Using Fractal and Wavelet Methods Dr. Rashmi Bhardwarj 04/03/2014 07. Sudhir Kumar Sharma 101/Ph.D/USIT/2005 USICT Information Technology Constructive Algorithms for Learning in Feedforward Neural Networks Prof. Pravin Chandra 04/03/2014 08. Anurag Jain 160/Ph.D/USIT/2005 USICT Information Technology Acoustical Analysis of Emotions in Hindi Speech and Their Transformation using Prosodic Information Prof. Nupur Prakash and Dr. S.S. Agarwal 04/03/2014 09. Manoj Kumar 251/Ph.D/USIT/2007 USICT Information Technology Requirements Modeling and Quality Issues for Development of Data Warehouse Prof. Yogesh Singh and Dr. Anjana Gosain 04/03/2014 10. Khuraijam Jibankumar Singh 222/Ph.D/USBAS/2007 USEM Botany Investigations on the Cycadales of Eastern Ghats and Northeast India Dr. Rita Singh 04/03/2014 Akash Mishra In-charge (Ph.D) Ref./IPU/Exam/Ph.D./2014/01 Date: 11.03.2014 Copy to: 1. The concerned research scholars 2. The concerned Supervisors for the research 3. The Examiners concerned 4. The Secretary, University Grants Commission, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110 002 5. The Secretary, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, New Delhi 6. The Secretary General, Association of Indian Universities, Rose Avenue, New Delhi-110 002 7. The Secretary, Technical Education, Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi 8. The Secretary, Higher Education, Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi. 9. The Librarian, University Grants Commission, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi- 110 002 10. The Librarian, Association of Indian Universities, Rose Avenue, New Delhi-110 002 11. The University News, Association of Indian Universities, Rose Avenue, New Delhi-110 002 12. The Librarian, National Central Library, Belvedre, Alipore, Calcutta-700 027 13. The Registrar of Statutory Universities in India 14. The Deans of University School of Studies, Directors of the University and Principals of all affiliated colleges/ institutes of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,Dwarka, New Delhi. 15. The Registrar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University 16. Joint Registrar (Academics), Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University 17. OSD to Vice Chancellor, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University 18. In-charge, Server Room (GGSIPU) with request to publish the said notice of the University Website. 19. Research File of the concerned research scholars 20. Librarian, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka, New Delhi