Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Sector-16C, Dwark a, Ne w Del hi -110078 Exam ination Division: Result-II Branch No. GG SIPU/EXAM/R-II/2015-16/ 1027L Dated: 10.06.2015 NO TIC E Subject: Inspection of Answer Sheets of B. Tech. program mes (Affiliated Institutes), th 7 Semester, Decem ber 2014 – January 2015 En d Term Exam under “GGSIPU Regulation for Inspection of Answer Sheets & Providing Certified Copies of Answer Sheets’’. The students of vario us Bachelor of Technology progr ammes (Affiliated Institutes) who have app lied for Certified Photocopy / Inspection of evaluated answer sheets of December 2014 – Jan uary 2015, En d Term Exam ination un der “ GGSIPU Regulation for Inspection of Answer Sheets & Providin g Certified Copies of An swer Sheets’’, are hereby informed that inspection of answer sheets wo uld be carried out at “Committee Room”, Gro und Floor, Examination Div ision, Administrative Block, GGSIPU, Sector – 16C, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110078 as p er schedule given in annex ur e-A. Instructions to be fo llo wed by the applicants are as un der : 1. The exam inee app licant shall be r equired to present him self/h erself for in spection of the answer sheets as p er the notified schedule for insp ection. The Applicant must br ing his/ her Identity proof and a copy of the RTI application. 2. Applicants may brin g the relevant question pap er for perusal durin g in spection. 3. If an exam inee applicant fails to present himself/h erself for inspection of the requested answer sh eet as per the schedule for insp ection, it shall be con strued that he/she has abandoned his/her right for insp ection. 4. Discrepancies regar ding incorrect paper I D/om ission of n am e etc. m ust be bro ught to notice of undersigned latest by 15.06.2015. Copy of RTI application & fee challan m ust be enclosed with such intimation letter. (Manoj Rana) Assistant Registrar In-C harge (Result-II) Copy to: 1. Head UITS, with request to upload on the Un iver sity Website. 2. PS to COE for information of the Controller of Exam inations (O). Page 1 of 5 Ann exu re – ‘A’ S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 7th Semester (Date & Time: 18.06.2015, 10:00 AM) Pape r ID Enrollment No Name 27403 27403 27403 27403 27403 27403 27403 27403 27403 27403 27403 27403 27413 27413 27413 27413 27413 28401 28401 28401 28401 28401 28401 28403 28403 28403 28403 28403 28403 28403 28403 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 11920802711 02596502710 00513502711 04496402711 02513502711 05670102711 14013302711 06113202711 01496202711 09513302711 10313302711 05113202710 01296402710 14013203111 05996402711 00996402709 00513502711 08413302809 14613302811 04396302811 05896302811 06196202810 02576802811 08196402811 09810102811 14420802811 15020802811 03876802811 15113302811 01011502810 07713102811 02576802811 12515602711 09813302811 14511502811 07413102811 01296402710 04414802711 00913307312 03996302811 01913203111 17615602711 12215003111 04996202711 13910102811 Page 2 of 5 CHANDNA GARG NEERAJ DABAS ANKITA BI SW AS DIVYANSHU P ALIW AL NEHA BHANU GAURAV SAMERIA SUSHANT SAURABH DALMEET SI NGH KUSHAGRA SHARMA SUMIT KUMAR HIMANSHU GAGANP REET SINGH YOGESH JANIT GULATI ARPIT SI NGH MAYANK MUKUL ANKITA BI SW AS VI VEK KUMAR JYOTI KUMAR BIKEY ANKIT KOHLI SURBHI RATRA SUMIT KUMAR RUPINDER PAUL SI NGH YUKTI GULATI SIDDHARTH BHATTACHARYA ASHI SH GARG RAHUL SHARMA GURSIMRAN SINGH AVI NASH BHARADW AJ SOURABH ADHI KARY KULDEEP SI NGLA RUPINDER PAUL SI NGH SARTHAK JAI N MANI SH RAJ SI NGH CHAHAT DEEP SINGH TRILOK VAT S YOGESH BHUVAN SACHDEVA SHLOK SHAH SUMIT SACHDEVA ASHMEET SINGH MEENAKSHI K R SUSHANT YATIN P ARASHAR YOGENDER CHANDEL S. No. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 7th Semester (Date & Time: 18.06.2015, 10:00 AM) Pape r ID Enrollment No Name 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28407 28411 28411 29401 29401 29401 04220802711 03096402811 00310407712 01320802711 11920802711 00796302811 14420802711 03811503111 04096402811 05113202710 00196407311 15311502811 00814804910 10096504911 00513304911 Page 3 of 5 RAHUL YADAV SALMAN KHAN SANJEEV KUM AR YASHP AL CHANDNA GARG GURDEEP SINGH PRAKHER GOEL HIMANSHU GUPTA YASH MALHOTRA GAGANP REET SINGH VEERENDER MUKUL REDHU AMOL KUMAR RAHUL KUMAR ANURODH GAUTAM S. No. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 7th Semester (D ate & Ti me: 19 .06.2015 , 10 :00 AM) Paper ID Enroll ment No Name 29401 29401 29401 29401 29413 29423 29423 31401 31401 31401 31401 31401 31403 31403 31403 31405 31405 31405 31405 31405 31405 31405 34401 34405 36401 36401 36401 36401 36401 36401 36403 36403 36403 36403 36403 36403 36403 36403 36403 36403 36403 36403 36405 36405 36405 36405 20915604910 12615604910 04414804911 00311504911 01215607812 1151484908 00814804910 11013202711 01496202711 04220802711 04520802711 11920802711 04911503111 00710407712 08520803111 11020802811 08413202811 06196202810 06713102811 07713102811 07613102811 06896202811 05815603411 07620703411 07113103611 08196403611 00614807412 07096403611 03213303611 09114803611 09114803611 03870208611 00514807412 06013103610 13615603610 11515603610 12114803611 07996203611 11814803611 15315603611 02813303611 08196403611 06813303611 06413103611 10615603611 10814803611 Page 4 of 5 Ksh itij singh rawat Deep ak k umar Sam arth m ahajan Garim a sagar Satish k umar Bh uvan sharm a Amol kumar Satvik sawhn ey Kushagra sharma Rah ul yadav An urup chatterji Chan dna gar g Abhishek dhall Rahul pan war Ar ush kh attar Rahul kumar gautam Avneet kaur Sumit k umar Devilal bishno i Kuldeep singla Nitish bh artiya Aksh ay tyagi Abhishek sin gh Desh deep ak jha Ashish chawla Prakhar sharm a Saurabh k ataria Sahib ko chhar Dhr uv malhotra Muk ul jain Muk ul jain Parth gujral Rohit nabiyal An ubhav kardam Rakshit pandey Gulshan k um ar verm a Parul v ats Sanjeev k um ar tiwar i Nishant m ittal Prateek singh Rijul kala Prakhar sharm a Ash utosh tripathi Shivkant k um ar Aditya prakash Jatin kumar S. No. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 7th Semester (D ate & Ti me: 19 .06.2015 , 10 :00 AM) Paper ID Enroll ment No Name 36405 36405 36405 36405 36405 36405 36405 36405 36413 36413 00813503611 00814807412 12915603611 07115603611 07196203611 07596203611 04314803611 07996203611 10814803611 07996203611 Page 5 of 5 Julee kumari Nitin sin gh Har dik sethi Laksh ay dewan Sonal saur abh m ishra Vivek sharm a Gaurav masiwal Sanjeev k um ar tiwar i Jatin kumar Sanjeev k um ar tiwar i