GURU GO BIND SINGH INDRAPRAS TH A UNIVERS ITY Sector 16 C , Dwarka, New Delhi – 110078 ( EXAMINATIO N DIVISIO N) No. GGS IPU/EXAM/ IR -1/2015/ Dat e: 21.08. 2015 NO TICE REG ARDING INSPEC TIO N O F ANSWER SH EETS FO R TH E PRO GRAMMES : BALLB(H )/BBALLB(H ) and B. ARCH . It is for the information of all students who have filled app lication form for inspection and app lied for obtain ing certified an swersheets* of their evaluated An swer Sheets as per Regulation for Inspection of Answer Sheets & providin g Certified Copies, for the End Term Examination held in May-June 2015 in respect of BALLB(H)/BBALLB(H) and B. Arch. st udents. The students m ay com e in Room No.127, Exam ination Division, Administrative Blo ck, GGSIP Un iver sity, Sector – 16C, Dwark a, New Delhi – 110078, on the date an d time mentioned against their nam es to see/in spect their answer script as requested in their application form . The details of st udents are attached herewith. The examinee applicant shall be required to present himself/herself for inspection of the answer scripts as per the notified schedule of inspection. If an exam inee applicant fails to present himself/h erself for in spection of the requested an swer sheets as p er the schedule for inspection, it shall be con strued that he/she has abandoned his/h er right for insp ection. Further, if the nam e of any student not included in the attached list, he/she may contact the office of the un der signed alon gwith the proof of submission of application in the Univer sity, at the earliest. All examinee applicants are also hereby directed to bring their Identity C ard issued by the con cerned School/Institute an d copy of App lication Form submitted for inspection / obtainin g certified cop ies of evaluated an swer sh eets. *Note: The Students who have applied for obtaining Certified copy of Answer sheets of their evaluated answer sheets, they may come for inspection of their answersheet as per the schedule mentioned against their nam es below, and the separate schedule for collection/handing over of C ertified C opies will be notified later on. Sd/ Amit Thakur (Incharge Result-I) BALLB (H) / BB ALLB(H) S. No. Stud en t Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. AMA N REW ARIA AMA N REW ARIA SHIVANI LAHO TI VINAY MIN Z YASHIKA VIJ SAMEE R GOSA IN ISHA N N ARAIN ISHA N N ARAIN DAMINI UPPAL TUSHA R NIRWAL KAPIL YADAV SAK SHI GUP TA RUCHIK A A DLAKHA VEDAN T BH ARADW AJ VEDAN T BH ARADW AJ VEDAN T BH ARADW AJ VEDAN T BH ARADW AJ VEDAN T BH ARADW AJ VEDAN T BH ARADW AJ VAISHALI SULKHLA N URVASHI BHATIA TARUSHI AG GARW AL ANKITA PRIYA ANKITA PRIYA ANKITA PRIYA ANKITA PRIYA AKASH SHOKEE N SAPNA SHIVAM ROY SHIVAM ROY SNEHA PODDA R SNEHA PODDA R ANSHA Y D HATWALIA TARANP REE T SINGH NEE TIKA KAPOOR ARMAAN GUPTA ARMAAN GUPTA VARUN SHA RMA MAN ANDEEP KAU R BABBRA ABHISHEK THAKRAL ROHIT SETHI SAK SHI TO MAR ARHUM SAYEED BHA VIT YADA VC KARNIKA SINGH SPARSH ARORA SUMIT KUMAR MAN UW AL YAJUR JOSHI YAJUR JOSHI ABHISHEK Enrol. No. Pap er Code Date of Inspecti on 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 00110303812 00110303812 00516503809 01916503812 02490103812 02516503812 02710303810 02710303810 02716503813 02816503812 02916503812 03116503813 03316503813 03810303813 03810303813 03810303813 03810303813 03810303813 03810303813 03816503514 03916503813 04013403814 04117703811 04117703811 04117703811 04117703811 04216503810 04317703513 04451103813 04451103813 05516503812 05516503812 05610303814 05622403814 06117703812 06212403811 06212403811 06551103514 38208 38314 38112 38202 38314 38304 38406 38408 38208 38306 38304 38208 38208 38204 38206 38208 38210 38214 38216 35116 38208 38108 38204 38210 38310 38314 38208 35220 38116 38118 38302 38304 38104 38104 38304 38304 38402 35102 06716503813 08013403813 08521503811 08720503813 09221503811 09613403811 09717703811 09813403811 38104 38104 38210 38210 38310 38410 38404 38312 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 09913403814 38110 25.08.2015 09917703811 09917703811 12010303812 38304 38312 38112 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 Ti mings 2.00 p. m. To 5.00 p. m. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. S. No. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. VISH AL GUPTA AMOL A CHA RYA AMOL A CHA RYA RIDH I SADANA RIDH I SADANA ANSH PANDEY KIRTIKA CH HA TWAL SAHIL BAN SAL SAHIL BAN SAL SAHIL BAN SAL 12051103814 12210303813 12210303813 12522403814 12522403814 12790103813 13051103814 13417703813 13417703813 13417703813 Student Name Enrol. No. RISHABH SHARMA ANURAG KU MA R PRA VIN VYAS JYO TI SE JW AL AASHISH GUPTA SMRITA SIN HA SMRITA SIN HA PIYUSH TONK ROHAN SHISHIR BA IDYA PARAS A RO RA SIDD HARTHA VERMA SIDD HARTHA VERMA HONEY TYAGI CHIN MAYA SE JWAL REE TU JHA KARTIK KAPOOR AYYUSH MAAN SUYASH ROY AYYUSH MAAN SUYASH ROY KANCHAN SHARMA SARTHAK GOEL MUK UL NITIN KUMA R JAY AN T KU MA R SHA SHW AT JA IN AMA RDEEP SINGH SANDHU BHAWYA SH REE SINGH VIKRAN T SH ARMA MAN INI SIDHU KANISHK KHULLAR RISHI RAJ SINGH PIYUSH BANSAL JUH I BHAMBHA NI ANKUR VA TS GURPRE ET KUK RE JA SURYA DE V KAUSHIK SAHIL SACHDE V SHIVA BHA RDW AJ SAN VEE R LUTH RA 13425503814 13451103814 14010303811 14112403812 14221503814 15410303814 15410303814 16017703813 16817703814 17010303812 17021503813 17321503813 17321503813 18012403813 18412403813 18610303814 18912403813 19710303811 19710303811 19812403813 20210303812 20817703813 21110303814 21310303814 22317703813 22417703813 22617703813 22621503813 24017703813 25317703813 25717703813 25817703812 27817703812 30125503814 30590103514 31251103814 31651103814 34117703812 41117703513 38110 38202 38204 38106 38110 38216 38108 38110 38116 38210 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 25.08.2015 Pa per ID 38106 38104 38410 38314 38110 38102 38108 38112 38106 38104 38206 38206 38208 38202 38216 38102 38110 38402 38406 38208 38312 38114 38104 38104 38114 38204 38104 38216 38210 38110 38202 38312 38304 38106 35102 38110 38106 38302 35210 Date of Insp ecti on 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 2.00 p. m. To 5.00 p. m. Tim ings 2.00 p. m. To 5.00 p. m. 100. 101. 102. 103. B.ARCH. S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ANUSH REE ANUSH REE ANUSH REE ANUSH REE BOSE BOSE BOSE BOSE Stud en t Name MOH IT MA NCHANDA ANOOP KU MAR TAANK PALAK SADHN A KA LRA MOH IT MA NCHANDA MOH IT MA NCHANDA S A DITHYA SRINATH SHIVANGI DHINGRA PALAK SADHN A KA LRA ANOOP KU MAR TAANK AKSHA Y TANE JA UTKARSH A RO RA GAU TA M W ADHWA UTKARSH A RO RA UTKARSH A RO RA DIVYA JHAN JEE JITIN JO SEPH TAN VI GUP TA SHU BHA M GUP TA 02916503513 02916503513 02916503513 02916503513 35126 35202 35204 35220 Enrol. No. Pap er Code 04090701614 00517601613 07517601613 04090701614 04090701614 03817601614 05217601614 07517601613 00517601613 03459301613 10359301612 10059301613 10359301612 10359301612 04190701612 11659301612 03559301612 10659301612 16111 16111 16112 16112 16113 16113 16113 16211 16211 16211 16211 16212 16213 16214 16314 16314 16314 16315 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 Date of Inspecti on 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 Ti mings 2.00 p. m. To 5.00 p. m.