Date Sheet/ March 2014 EXAMINATION DIVISION Conduct Branch-I PROPOSED THEORY DATE SHEET FOR END TERM EXAMINATIONS (MAY(MAY-JUNE 2014) 2014) Programme: MBA (Part Time) Date/Day 22.05.2014 Thursday 23.05.2014 Friday 26.05.2014 Monday 27.05.2014 Tuesday 28.05.2014 Wednesday 29.05.2014 Thursday 30.05.2014 Friday 02.06.2014 Monday 03.06.2014 Tuesday 04.06.2014 Wednesday 05.06.2014 Thursday Semester – IV / VI (10.00 A.M. to 01.00 P.M.) MSP-304 Business Intelligence and Applications MSP-308 Retail Management MSP-302 Strategic Management Semester – II / IV (02.00 P.M. to 05.00 P.M.) MSP-202 Management of Technology, Innovation and Change MSP-102 Financial Management MSP-324 Web Technologies MSP-212 Project Planning and Analysis MSP-104 Marketing Management MSP-320 Team Building in Organizations MSP-218 Global Competitiveness & Strategic Alliances MSP-108 Human Resource Management MSP-210 Advertising & Brand Management MSP-204 Business Research MSP-216 Software Project Management MSP-312 Customer Relationship Management MSP-318 Organizational Development MSP-106 Operations Management Date/Day 06.06.2014 Friday 09.06.2014 Monday 10.06.2014 Tuesday 11.06.2014 Wednesday 12.06.2014 Thursday 13.06.2014 Friday 16.06.2014 Monday 17.06.2014 Tuesday Semester – IV / VI (10.00 A.M. to 01.00 P.M.) MSP-326 Distribution & Logistics for International Business Semester – II / IV (02.00 P.M. to 05.00 P.M.) MSP-208 E – Business MSP-330 International Tendering, Commodity Tendering and Sourcing MSP-310 Rural and Social Marketing MSP-322 Front End Design Tools MSP-328 Foreign Language MSP-214 Strategic Human Resource Management MSP-314 Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Planning MSP-316 Insurance and Risk Management Note: Any representation regarding the proposed dates/ paper etc. may be forwarded to the Controller of Examination / Officer Incharge (Conduct) through the Coordinator-cum-Convener of MBA (Part Time) program latest by 15th April, 2014. For any clarification and query please contact: Section Officer (Conduct-I) 011-25302263 (A.D. Lamba) Dy. Registrar (Examinations) (Prof. Pravin Chandra) Controller of Examinations(Operations)