Date Sheet/ April 2015 EXAMINATION DIVISION Conduct Branch-I PROPOSED THEORY DATE SHEET FOR END TERM EXAMINATIONS (MAY(MAY-JUNE 2015) 2015) Programme: M. Tech. (IT/CSE/ECE) Weekend Date/Day Subject Code & Subject II Semester (10.00 A.M. to 01.00 P.M.) Subject Code & Subject IV Semester (2.00 P.M. to 05.00 P.M.) 23.05.2015 MEIT-606 (IT) Computer Graphics and Animation Saturday MECS-624 (CSE) Advance Computer Graphics MEEC-604 (ECE) Ad. Signal Processing 24.05.2015 Sunday 30.05.2015 MEIT-602 (IT/CSE) Advanced Mobile Computing Saturday MECS-606 (CSE) Ad. Algorithm analysis & Design 31.05.2015 Sunday MECS-612 (CSE/IT) Soft Computing MEEC-616 (ECE) Telecommunication Switching & Tele-traffic Engineering MEIT-662 (IT) ASPM Lab MEEC-606 (ECE) Ad. VLSI Design MEIT-604 (IT) Advanced Software Project Management MECS-618 (CSE) Ad. Software Project Management 06.06.2015 MECS-604 (CSE/IT) Advance Data Base Management System Saturday MEDC-608 (ECE) Satellite Communication 07.06.2015 Sunday 13.06.2015 MECS-608 (CSE/IT) Software Requirement & Estimation Saturday 14.06.2015 Sunday MECS-602 (IT/CSE) Object Oriented Analysis and Design MEEC-612 (CSE/ECE) Cellular & Mobile Communication Note: Any representation regarding the proposed dates/ paper etc. may be forwarded to the Controller of Examination / Officer Incharge (Conduct) through the Coordinator-cum-Convener of M.Tech. (IT/CSE/ECE) Weekend program latest by 30th April, 2015. For any clarification and query please contact: Section Officer (Conduct-I) 011-25302263 (A.D. Lamba) Dy. Registrar (Examinations) (Prof. Pravin Chandra) Controller of Examinations(Operations)