Date Sheet/ August 2015 EXAMINATION DIVISION Conduct Branch-I THEORY DATE SHEET FOR SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS (AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2015) (Under reference Office Order No. GGS IPU/EXAM/COE/2015-16/1632-L, dated 05.08.2015) Programme: MBA / MBA (FM) / MBA (IB) Date/Day 28.08.2015 Friday 31.08.2015 Monday 01.09.2015 Tuesday 02.09.2015 Wednesday 03.09.2015 Thursday 04.09.2015 Friday 07.09.2015 Monday 08.09.2015 Tuesday 09.09.2015 Wednesday Semester III Time 10 : 00 AM to 1 : 00 PM Semester IV Time 2 : 00 PM to 5 : 00 PM MS 203 M anagement of International Business MS 204 Business Intelligence and Applications MS 217 International Financial M anagement MS (FM) 220 International Financial M anagement MS 224 Insurance and Risk M anagement MS 205 Information Systems M anagement MS 206 Strategic M anagement MS 247 International Economics MS 212 Retail M anagement MS 207 Entrepreneurship and Small Business M anagement MS 244 Global Competitiveness and Strategic Alliances MS 219 Financial M arkets and Institutions MS 236 Front End Design Tools MS 214 Advertising and Brand M anagement MS 209 Consumer Behaviour MS 213 International M arketing MIB 207 International M arketing Research MS 211 Sales and Distribution M anagement MS 248 Foreign Language MS 228 Strategic & International Human Resource M anagement Semester III Time 10 : 00 AM to 1 : 00 PM Date/Day 10.09.2015 Thursday 11.09.2015 Friday 12.09.2015 Saturday 14.09.2015 Monday 15.09.2015 Tuesday 16.09.2015 Wednesday 17.09.2015 Thursday 18.09.2015 Friday MS 221 Security Analysis and Investment M anagement MS MS MS MS MS 215 Services M arketing 223 Corporate Tax Planning 235 Enterprise Resource Planning 225 Compensation M anagement 231 Performance M anagement MS 241 International Business Environment MS 227 Industrial Relations and Labor Laws Semester IV Time 2 : 00 PM to 5 : 00 PM MS 226 Financial Derivatives MS 230 Organizational Development MS 238 Software Project M anagement MS 220 Project Planning and Analysis MS 243 Export, Import Policies, Procedures, and Documentation MS 229 Training and Developments Systems and Practice MS (FM) 208 Tax Planning and M anagement MS 208 Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Values & Ethics MS 222 M ergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring 19.09.2015 Saturday Examination Centre: Institute of Informati on Technology & Management D-27 & 28, Institutional Area, Janak Puri, New Delhi-110058, PH : 011-28525051, 28525882. NOTE: BOOKS, ANY OTHER PRINTED / HANDWRITTEN / COURSE MATERIAL ETC., BAGS, MOBILE PHONES, PROGRAMMABLE CALCULATORS & OTHER ELECTRONIC GADGETS ARE NOT PERMITTED INSIDE THE PREMISES OF THE EXAMINATION CENTRE, IF SUCH MATERIAL(S) MAY BE BOOKED UNDER UNFAIR MEANS CASE. For any clarification and query please contact: Section Officer (Conduct-I) 011-25302263 (A.D. Lamba) Dy. Registrar (Examinations) (Prof. Pravin Chandra) Controller of Examinations(Operations)