Date Sheet/ Oct 2015 EXAMINATION DIVISION Conduct Branch-I PROPOSED THEORY DATE SHEET FOR END TERM EXAMINATIONS (DECEMBER (DECEMBER 2015) 2015) Programme: M. Sc. Forensic Science & M.A Criminology Timing: 2: 00 P.M to 5:00 P.M Note: Date/Day I – Semester M.Sc. Forensic Science 11.12.2015 Friday 14.12.2015 Monday 16.12.2015 Wednesday 18.12.2015 Friday 22.12.2015 Tuesday FS-101 Introduction Field & Laboratory CRIM-601 Introduction in Criminology FS-102 Pattern Evidence CRIM-603 Forms of Crime FS-103 Chemical Evidence CRIM-605 Criminal Law and Procedure FS-104 Biological Evidence CRIM-607 Criminal Justice System CRIM-609 Juvenile Justice I – Semester M.A. Criminology Any representation regarding the proposed dates/ paper etc. may be forwarded to the Controller of Examination / Officer Incharge (Conduct) through the Coordinator-cum-Convener of M. Sc. Forensic Science & M. A. Criminology program latest by 23rd October, 2015. For any clarification and query please contact: Section Officer (Conduct-I) 011-25302263 (A.D. Lamba) Dy. Registrar (Examinations) (Prof. Pravin Chandra) Controller of Examinations(Operations)