Date Sheet/ Nov 2015 EXAMINATION DIVISION Conduct Branch-I FINAL PRACTICAL DATE SHEET FOR END TERM EXAMINATIONS (NOV–DEC 2015) Programme: B. Tech./ M. Tech. (IT/CS E/DWC/ ECE/B T/CE/BCE/ EP/RA) MCA (S E) for US S students. Time: 10.00 A.M. Onwards DATE 23.11.2015 Monday CODE IT 157(CE) BA 153(IT) EC 159 BA 151(CSE) IT 259(IT) EC257 IT 257(CSE) IT 353(CSE) IT 457(IT) IT 651 IT 751 M EEC 655 M EIT 659 S UBJECT Engineering Graphics Lab Physics-I Network Analysis Lab Chemistry-I DBM S Lab Digital Electronics Lab. Computer Graphics Lab Digital Signal Processing Lab M inor Project Information Technology Lab Java Programming Lab Lab-III Advances in Data & Computer Commuications Lab M ECS 655 Advances in Data & Computer Commuications Lab M ERA 653 M ECS-753 M EEC-753 M EIT-759 Lab-II Software Testing Lab Lab-8 Information Theory & Coding Lab DATE 24.11.2015 Tuesday 26.11.2015 Thursday CODE IT 155(CE) IT 159(BCE) IT 157(BT) BA 151(IT) BA 153(CSE) IT 155(ECE) IT 253(IT) IT 351(CSE) IT 353(IT) EC 353 IT 455(CSE) EC 451 IT757 IT 853 M EIT 651 M ECS 651 M EEC 651 M ERA 651 M EIT-757 S UBJECT Introduction to Computers Lab Electrical Science Lab Engineering Graphics Lab Chemistry-I Physics-I Introduction to Computers Lab Computational Lab Analog & Digital Communication Lab Digital Signal Processing Lab M icroprocessors and Interfacing Lab Laboratory Work for Electives Embedded Systems Lab Computer Networks Lab Linux Lab Advanced Data Structures Lab Advanced Data Structures Lab Lab-I Lab-I M inor Project M ECS 757 M inor Project IT 157(BCE) IT 155(IT) BA 153(ECE) IT 155(CSE) IT 251(CSE) EC 255 Engineering Graphics Lab Introduction to Computers Lab Engineering Physics-I Lab Introduction to Computers Lab Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab Object Oriented Programming Lab. IT 361(IT) IT 355(CSE) Linux and Win 32 Programming Lab Digital Design Lab DATE CODE EC351 IT 451(IT) IT 461(CSE) EC453 S UBJECT M icrowave Devices and Circuits Lab. Adv. Computer Network Lab Software Testing Lab Laboratory work based on Electives or M ATLAB IT 655 IT857 26.11.2015 Thursday M EIT 653 M ECS 653 M EEC 653 M ERA 655 M EEC-751 M EIT-751 M ECS-751 Computer Architecture Lab M ultimedia Applications Advanced Software Engineering Lab Advanced Software Engineering Lab Lab-II Lab-III Lab-7 Advanced Data Warehousing and Data mining Lab Advanced Data Warehousing and Data mining Lab IT 155(BCE) IT 155(BT) IT 157(IT) BA 151(ECE) IT 159(CSE) IT 255(CSE) 27.11.2015 EC 259 Friday IT 359(IT) EC355 IT 457(CSE) IT 455(IT) IT755 IT855 Introduction to Computers Lab Introduction to Computers Lab Engineering Graphics Lab Theory and Technology of Semiconductors Lab Electrical Science Lab Object Oriented Programming Lab Analog Electronics – II Lab. Object Oriented Software Engineering Lab M icroelectronics Lab. M inor Project Laboratory Work for Electives Web Technology Lab Advanced Computer Networks DATE CODE IT 157(CSE) IT 159(IT) HS 161(ECE) IT 255(IT) IT 259(CSE) EC 253 IT653 IT 851 ITEP 767 EM BC 255 S UBJECT Engineering Graphics Lab Electrical Science Lab Communication Skills Lab Object Oriented Programming Lab DBM S Lab Communications Systems – I Lab Programming and Data Structure Lab Software Verification, Validation & Testing Lab Computer Network Lab Web Design Lab IT 157(ECE) IT 253(CSE) IT 251(IT) EC 251 02.12.2015 EC357 Wednesday IT 453(IT) EC455 IT 451(CSE) IT753 ITEP 653 Engineering Graphics Lab Computational Lab Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab Computational Lab Relational Database M anagement Systems Lab. FEDT & Web Technology Lab M inor Project Adv. Computer Network Lab Algorithm Analysis and Design Lab OOPS Lab 30.11.2015 Monday 03.12.2015 Thursday IT 159(CE) IT 257(IT) IT 275(CE) Electrical Science Lab Computer Graphics Lab Fortran Lab Note : 1. Practical Exams of stude nts will be held at their respe ctive Institutes/De partments. 2. For Detaile d Sche dule / Groups students may contact to the Office of Dean/Dire ctor / He ad of the respe ctive Institute / De partment. For any clarification and que ry please contact: Section Officer (Conduct-I) 011-25302263 (A.D. Lamba) Dy. Registrar (Examinations) (Prof. Pravin Chandra) Controller of Examinations(Operations)