6.302 Feedback Systems Recitation : Phase-locked Loops Prof. Joel L. Dawson Phase-locked loops are a foundational building block for analog circuit design, particularly for communications circuits. They provide a good example system for this class because they are an excellent exercise in physical modeling. In these systems, the key variable is the phase of a sinusoid. As a first step, then we must be precise about what we mean by the phase of a sinusoid. Consider: v(t) = cos [φ(t)] We define the frequency of a sinusoid as the instantaneous rate of change of its phase. That is: ω≡ EXAMPLE: dφ dt v(t) = cos (ω0t + φ0) PHASE = ω0t + φ0 = φ(t) FREQUENCY = dφ(t) = ω0 dt To be consistent, we write the phase in terms of the frequency: t φ = ∫ -∞ ω(t) dt So to understand phase-locked loops (PLLs) we must make the following conceptual jump... Page Cite as: Joel Dawson, course materials for 6.302 Feedback Systems, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.302 Feedback Systems Recitation : Phase-locked Loops Prof. Joel L. Dawson VOLTAGE PICTURE: SIGNAL GENERATOR cos(ω0t + φ0) PLL PICTURE: SIGNAL GENERATOR ω0t + φ0 Now, the anatomy of a PLL: VOLTAGE PICTURE cos(ω0t + φ0) PHASE DETECTOR Ve Vc LOOP FILTER VCO cos(ωt + φ) VCO = Voltage Controlled Oscillator ω = k0Vc Ve = kd (φ0 - φ) [kd] = V/RAD Notice, if Ve is constant, φ - φ0 is constant => ω0 = ω A PLL locks the output of a VCO in frequency and phase to an incoming periodic signal. PLL PICTURE φIN Σ - φe kd Ve F(s) Vc k0 s φOUT VCO is an integrator. Its output frequency is dφOUT t = k0Vc => φOUT = ∫-∞ k0Vcdt dt Page 2 Cite as: Joel Dawson, course materials for 6.302 Feedback Systems, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.302 Feedback Systems Recitation : Phase-locked Loops Prof. Joel L. Dawson Now, let’s look at how we put together and use PLLs. To start, how does one build a phase detector? ) ANALOG MULTIPLIER: VINcos(ωt+φ) V0 X LPF V02 VOUTcos(ω2t+φ2) V0 = VINV OUT cos(ωt+φ) cos(ω2t+φ2) = ½ V INVOUT [cos(ωt + φ + ω2t + φ2) + cos(ωt + φ - ω2t - φ2)] IF ω = ω2 = ω > V0 = ½ VINVOUT [cos(2ωt + φ + φ2) + cos(φ - φ2)] After LPF, we lose high-frequency component: V02 = ½ VINVOUT [cos(φ - φ2)] So we get zero out of the phase detector when φ - φ2 = ± π/2 . Linearizing about this condition, we would say: ∆v02 = ± } VINVOUT ∆φ 2 k0 (Notice that the constant k0 depends on the amplitude of the sinusoids.) 2) DIGITAL XOR GATE VIN 0 0 V IN V OUT VOUT 0 0 VXOR 0 0 Page 3 Cite as: Joel Dawson, course materials for 6.302 Feedback Systems, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.302 Feedback Systems Recitation : Phase-locked Loops Prof. Joel L. Dawson Easiest to analyze in time domain. (Here, assume square wave inputs.) VIN Т/2 t VOUT t VXOR ∆t t For our phase detector output, we’ll use the average (DC) value of VXOR: VXOR = T/2 [·∆t + 0·(Τ/2 - ∆t)] = 2 · ∆t T Now, how do we relate this to phase? Recall that for a sinusoid: cos(ωt - φ) = cos (2πft - φ) 2π T = cos ( THUS: VXOR = t - φ) = cos 2π T (t - φ 2π = cos 2π T (t - ∆t) => ∆t = ∙ T) φ 2π ∙T φ 2 φe ( ∙ T) = e 2π T 2π VXOR π φe Page Cite as: Joel Dawson, course materials for 6.302 Feedback Systems, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.302 Feedback Systems Recitation : Phase-locked Loops Prof. Joel L. Dawson There are many other phase detectors, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. More on these later... Application to stabilization of the frequency of a laser φIN Σ C(s) kd Reference Signal Controller P Laser Cavity Dynamics Laser Pump Power ωL s φOUT Frequency of Laser Light Locks frequency of laser light to a stable reference. Typical laser cavity dynamics: G(s) = e-ST delay Typical choices for a controller: ωn2 s2 + 2ζωns + ωn2 second order system C(s) = D0s D0s + P0 I0 s kk Returning to a general case, we have L(s) = 0s d F(s), where as a designer you usually have kk some control over the form of F(s). Suppose we choose F(s) = , so that L(s) is just 0s d . What is the steady-state error in response to a constant-frequency input? cos(ω0t) ramp in phase ω0 s2 Page Cite as: Joel Dawson, course materials for 6.302 Feedback Systems, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.302 Feedback Systems Recitation : Phase-locked Loops Prof. Joel L. Dawson Steady-state error, then, is lim lim t—>∞ φe(t) = s —> 0 s lim ω = s —> 0 s0 ω0 = k0kd ω0 2 · s +C(s) + k sk 0 d => Large k0kd for small phase error. But according to root locus, jω σ × Large k0kd also means large bandwidth. If we have a noisy reference, large bandwidth is not a good thing. We can improve things by being more sophisticated in our choice of F(s): F(s) = Steady state error is still τs + => L(s) = k s(sτ + ) ω0 k , but bandwidth is reduced: log |L| ω 0 /τ ωC ∡L(s) ωC' -90˚ -80˚ ˚ Page 6 Cite as: Joel Dawson, course materials for 6.302 Feedback Systems, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.302 Feedback Systems Recitation : Phase-locked Loops Prof. Joel L. Dawson Now we’ve got our improved noise performance, but increasing k will lower our damping ratio: jω × × σ Put another way, increasing k will lower our phase margin. => we must decide what stability margins are acceptable in our application. Suppose we decide that a 2% overshoot in the step response is acceptable. Using our chart of 2ns order parameters, we discover that this corresponds to ζ = 0. and Mp = .. This means we should design for a phase margin of Mp ≈ sinφm φn ≈ sin- ( m ) ≈ ˚ p We arrange for this by ensuring that |L| = at the frequency for which ∡L(s) = -3˚. Looking at our Bode Plot, we see that this frequency is just ω = /τ. On the asymptotic magnitude plot, kτ |L(s)| at this frequency is /k τ =kτ. The actual magnitude is √2 . We therefore choose k using kτ √2 = => k = √2 τ Page Cite as: Joel Dawson, course materials for 6.302 Feedback Systems, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].