User Can’t See a Document Entered in StarPanel does

User Can’t See a Document Entered in
• First, communicate to end user that data does exist in database
• Check Documents/Visits in StarPanel and Autosaved if you still can’t
find follow steps below:
– Check Monitor-Snap and restart server as necessary
– After server restarted, verify document is in StarPanel then contact end user
and have them look for document in StarPanel (may take up to 10 minutes).
– If problem persists, may have to refer help desk incident to StarPanel Support
NOTE: if you restart a server: email Dario the date/time and server name restarted.
User Can’t See a Document
Entered in StarPanel
2 tools can be used to help trouble shoot
problems where notes, etc are not
flowing into StarPanel
1. Big Brother: view only (see slide 2)
2. Mon-Snap (monitor-snap): used to view
number of items in queue and to restart
server (see slides 3 - 5)
Big Brother Monitoring Tool
Legend for table
Server name: will only display server
name if everything is not OK- green
•This tool is VIEW ONLY
•Go to Monitor-Snap for
more information to
evaluate server queue:
“high volume” vs.
If user calls to report
documents not found in
StarPanel, go here to see if
a red X is present in the
queues column. This
would indicate trouble
with the queue for the
particular server.
Monitor-Snap Monitoring Tool
•This tool is used to monitor all StarPanel Servers for
multiple issues/used by multiple teams
•SSS will utilize tool to determine if queue for server(s)
is experiencing high volume or if document “stuck” in
Server Name (i.e.
Server SUN19 has
84 items in queue
Numbers will change colors as
WHITE = normal
GREEN = good
BLUE = slightly elevated
PURPLE = items in queue > 3 minutes
RED = more than expected
Steps to Restart Star Server
•View first column of table to check number of items in the outbound queue:
•If number is greater than 300 = potential slow down or item stuck in queue
refresh button in top right of toolbar to refresh the screen:
•Should expect number(s) to decrease
•If increasing, could indicate item stuck in queue
•Refresh screen again to see if number increases or decreased
•If suspect item stuck in queue (i.e. numbers increasing):
•NOTE: if you restart a server: email Dario the date/time and server name restarted.
•If a server restarted when not really necessary, it will NOT cause problems.