ENDORSEMENT NO. 160 Social Sciences-Economics GRADE LEVEL: 5-12 (Form revision 03/2010) Institution Name: Cornell College Date Submitted: 1/15/11 New or Revised (If this is a revision, also submit a letter explaining the changes made) or Graduate Undergraduate Professional Education Core: Requirements unique to this endorsement: (Add additional requirements from the core that are met in courses taken within the content area rather than a generic education course.) STATE REQUIREMENTS INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Professional Core Course(s) for Demonstrating Competencies Methods of teaching with an EDU 324 Secondary Mathematics, Science and emphasis in Social Science Social Studies EDU 328 Reading in the Content Area Student Teaching in Economics EDU 410, 420, 430, 440 Student Teaching Content: A. Completion of a thirty semester hour teaching major which must minimally include B. Completion of twenty-four semester hours in Economics or C. Thirty semester hours in the broad area of Social Sciences to include fifteen semester hours in Economics. Option 1: STATE REQUIREMENTS Content Categories 24 semester hours in Economics INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Course Numbers and Titles 1. ECB 101 Macroeconomics 2. ECB 102 Microeconomics 3. ECB 151 Financial Accounting 4. ECB 301 Intermediate Microeconomics 5. ECB 302 Intermediate Macroeconomics 6. One course from the following ECB 225 Money and Banking ECB 243 Investments ECB 254 U.S. Economic and Business History ECB 257 Labor Economics ECB 258 Economics of Sports Credit Hrs. 4 4 4 4 4 4 …7. Two courses from the following: 8 ECB 320 Women, Men, and the Labor Market Seminar ECB 321 Macroeconomics Seminar ECB 323International Economics Seminar ECB 352 Financial Management Seminar ECB 356 Economics of Organizations Seminar 8. STA 201 Statistics 9.Three ECB electives approved by the department 4 12 TOTAL Credit Hours 48 OR Option 2: STATE REQUIREMENTS Content Categories 30 semester hours in the broad area of Social Sciences to include 15 semester hours in Economics INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Course Numbers and Titles 1. ECB 101 Macroeconomics 2. ECB 102 Microeconomics 3. Two courses from the following: ECB 210 Introduction to Financial Management ECB 223 International Economics ECB 225 Money and Banking ECB 301 Intermediate Microeconomics ECB 302 Intermediate Macroeconomics 4. A major in any Cornell social science 5. TOTAL Credit Hours Credit Hrs. 4 4 8 16