Erosional impact of hikers, horses, off-road bicycles, and motorcycles on mountain trails by Joseph Paul Seney A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Sciences Montana State University © Copyright by Joseph Paul Seney (1991) Abstract: Little is known about the erosional impacts of hikers, horses, motorcycles and off-road bicycles on mountain trails. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the relative impacts of different trail uses with respect to water runoff and sediment yield. A total of 108 sample plots were examined on existing trails in or near the Gallatin National Forest of southwestern Montana. A modified Meeuwig drip-type rainfall simulator was used to reproduce natural rainstorm events. Treatments of 100 passes were applied to each of the sample plots. This approach meant that 24 sample plots were established for each treatment type (hiking, horseback riding, motorcycling, bicycling) in addition to 12 sample plots for the control or null hypothesis case to represent two soil texture groupings (clay and sandy clay or loam and sandy loam), two antecedent soil moisture classes (dry and prewetted), and two slope gradients (0-6 percent and 8-21 percent), and three replications. The results of this study demonstrate the interaction of topographic, soil, and geomorphic variables and the difficulty of understanding natural processes on existing trails. None of the hypothesized relationships between water runoff and slope, soil texture, antecedent soil moisture, trail roughness, and soil resistance were statistically significant. However, the multiple regression results for sediment yield were statistically significant. Five independent variables or cross-products explained 42% of the variability in sediment yield when soil texture was used as a series of indicator variables. The addition of a trail user as a second series of indicator variables explained an additional 28% of the variability in sediment yield. Ten variables combined to explain 70% of the variability in sediment yield with simple or combined variables incorporating soil texture (37%), slope (35%), user treatment (35%), and accounting for the largest contributions. The use of multiple comparison tests clarify the roles of the different trail users and in particular showed that horses and hikers (hooves and feet) made more sediment available than wheels (motorcycles and off-road bicycles). This effect was most pronounced on prewetted trails. EROSIONAL IMPACT OF HIKERS, HORSES, OFF-ROAD BICYCLES, AND MOTORCYCLES ON MOUNTAIN TRAILS I by Joseph Paul Seney A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Sciences i . MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana Se, SL ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Joseph Paul Seney This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. V ul— Date Chair son, Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department Date mi Head, (Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate iii STATEMENT■OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment requirements for a master's degree at Montana State of the University, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. Brief quotations special permission, from this thesis are allowable without provided that accurate acknowledgement of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation thesis may be granted in this opinion of thesis for allowed without my written permission. Date reproduction either, the thesis is for scholarly purposes. use of the material in this Signature or of this by my major professor, or in his absence, by the Dean of Libraries when, in the the material from financial gain proposed use of Any copying or shall not be ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank the members of Wilson (Committee Chairman), Dr. his committee. James Schmitt, Dr. Katherine Hansen and Dr. Clifford Montagne, for providing guidance and throughout the project. I also Sciences for their moral and Wade Stoelting, students. I would Tori especially committee chairperson, This project was Bozeman District, Dr. John partially Angela like to support; ;my by Service field assistants, Nielsen, and my fellow graduate thank Wilson, for funded USDA-Forest helpful criticism wish to thank the Department of Earth financial Robson, Dr. John the my thesis advisor and his guidance and support. Gallatin National Forest, Intermountain Research Station Grant INT-89436-RJVA, and the International Mountain Bike Association. V TABLES OF CONTENTS Page 1. 2. I N T R O D U C T I O N ....................... I Scope and P u r p o s e ............... ■ . .............. ... Quantifying Trail Impacts ................................. Description of Study Area . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2 10 M E T H O D S ...................................................... 15 Study Design and Site S e l e c t i o n .............................. Soil Description and Classification ........................ Field Experiments and Measurements ........................ Laboratory Procedures .................................... Statistical Methods ............ 3. R E S U L T S ............................................. 15 16 16 24 25 28 Study Site Soil Descriptions ........................... . 28 Water Runoff Scatterplots and Bivariate Regression R e s u l t s ....................................................28 30 Water Runoff Multiple Regression Results .................. Sediment Yield Scatterplots and Bivariate Regression Results ....................................... 31 Sediment Yield Multiple Regression Results ............... 37 Relative Impacts .............................................. 38 Multiple Regression Results ........................... 39 Multiple Comparison Test Results ........................ 42 Changes in Soil Resistance and Trail Roughness Through Time .......................................... 46 4. DISCUSSION............................................. .. . 50 Regression Analysis .................. . . . . . . . 50 Relative Impact .......................................... 53 Conclusions....................................................56 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS — Continued Page REFERENCES C I T E D ..................... .................. APPENDIX 58 vii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 12 1. Study Site Characteristics 2. Schedule of Data Collection' Activities .................. 18 3. Comparison of Bouyoucos Mechanical and "Feel" Method Textures ....................................... 25 4. Independent Variables Measured in Study ............... 27 5. Off-trail Soil Profile Description near Emerald Lake Trail Study Site ............................................. 29 Off-trail Soil Profile Description hear New World Gulch Trail Study S i t e ................................. .. 30 Bivariate Regression Results Treating Water Runoff as the Dependent Variable ............... . ............ .. 31 Bivariate Regression Results Treating Sediment Yield as the Dependent V a r i a b l e .............................. . . 34 9. Initial Sediment Yield Multiple Regression Results 38 10. Expanded Sediment Yield Multiple Regression Results 40 11. Water Runoff Multiple Comparison Results .................. 43 12. Sediment Yield Multiple Comparison Results 45 13. Emerald Lake Trail Slope, Soil Moisture, and Water Runoff Data . ..................... .. 65 Emerald Lake Trail Soil Resistance and Sediment Yield Data .................................... 67 15. Emerald Lake Trail Roughness Data ........................ 69 16. New World Gulch Trail Slope, Soil Moisture, and Water Runoff Data . . . . . . ..................... 71 6. 7. 8. 14. .............................. . ............... Z \ viii LIST OF TABLES — Table Continued Page 17. New World Gulch Trail Primary Data Soil Resistance and Sediment Yield D a t a .................. ..................73 18. New World Gulch Trail Roughness Data 75 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Location of Emerald Lake and New World Gulch Trails 2. Systematic Sample Design and Equipment Used for Trail Roughness and Soil Resistance Measurements ............ 19 3. Sketch of CN-970 Proving Ring Penetrometer ............... 20 4. Sketch of Meeuwig Rainfall Simulator ............ 22 5. Scatterplots for Water Runoff and Selected Variables . 32 6. Scatterplots for Sediment Yield and Selected Variables 35 7. Changes in Soil Resistance Through Time .................. 47 8. Changes in Trail Roughness Through Time .................. 49 . A. ... 11 ABSTRACT Little is known about the erosional impacts of hikers, horses, motorcycles and off-road bicycles on mountain trails. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the relative impacts of different trail uses with respect to water runoff and sediment yield. A total of 108 sample plots were examined on existing trails in or near the Gallatin National Forest of southwestern Montana. A modified Meeuwig drip-type rainfall simulator was used to reproduce natural rainstorm events. Treatments of 100 passes were applied to each of the sample plots. This approach meant that 24 sample plots were established for each treatment type (hiking, horseback riding, motorcycling, bicycling) in addition to 12 sample plots for the control or null hypothesis case to represent two soil texture groupings (clay and sandy clay or loam and sandy loam), two antecedent soil moisture classes (dry and prewetted), and two slope gradients (0-6 percent and 8-21 percent), and three replications. The results of this study demonstrate the interaction of topographic, soil, and geomorphic variables and the difficulty of understanding natural processes on existing trails. None of the hypothesized relationships between water runoff and slope, soil texture, antecedent soil moisture, trail roughness, and soil resistance were statistically significant. However, the multiple regression results for sediment yield were statistically significant. Five independent variables or cross-products explained 42% of the variability in sediment yield when soil texture was used as a series of indicator variables. The addition of a trail user as a second series of indicator variables explained an additional 28% of the variability in sediment yield. Ten variables combined to explain 70% of the variability in sediment yield with simple or combined variables incorporating soil texture (37%), slope (35%), user treatment (35%), and accounting for the largest contributions. The use of multiple comparison tests clarify the roles of the different trail users and in particular showed that horses and hikers (hooves and feet) made more sediment available than wheels (motorcycles and off-road bicycles). This effect was most pronounced on prewetted trails. I CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Scope and Purpose The tremendous increase in decades has created impact in crowded nature reserves, outdoor recreation during the past two conditions and national forests intensified environmental and parks, and state and municipal recreation centers (McQuaid-Cook, 1978; Cole, 1989). survey of A 1975 land managers reported substantial erosion on mountain trails during the previous decade (Godin and Leonard, 1979). attributed to The erosion was dramatic increases in horse and foot travel on trails not designed to accommodate higher volumes of traffic. The National Park Service (1975) predicted that soil compaction and erosion caused by foot and horse traffic on damage to trails trail systems would in the contribute the future; however, most environmental trail use during the past ten years has grown to include off-road bicycles and motorcycles as well as the horse and same additional trails use Intensive use of trails in foot traffic. as hikers, compounds recreation Off-road bicyclists in^many cases use horses erosional areas may and motorcycles, concerns cause and so user irreversible that this conflicts. damage to a short period of time as increased use reduces plant growth, destroys ground cover, and increases runoff and soil erosion (Dotzenko 2 et al., 1967). Today's their trail numbers land systems of users experiences. during the managers as need they and past ten years has to maintain use concerns among land managers Shovic, pers. struggle still The increased to assess the carrying capacities of and accommodate high quality popularity of to results of studies managers to and environmental organizations (Douglas, The off-road comparing evaluate the off-road bicycles conflicts and erosional comm., 1989). regulate recreational increased user development of pertinent studies to assess trail user impacts and conflicts will help policies the increased bicycling different trail impacts and trail land managers develop other trail uses. users will The allow land of all users and differentiate the emotional and environmental arguments that are presently invoked to support and/or challenge one or more of these uses. This study assesses the erosional impacts of hikers, horses, motorcycles, and off-road bicycles on two existing mountain trails. study had three objectives as follows: The I) quantify the individual and combined relationships between water runoff and selected topographic and soil variables; between sediment variables; and 2) quantify yield and the individual and combined relationships selected hydrologic, topographic, and soil 3) quantify the relative impacts of different trail uses on water runoff and sediment yield. Quantifying Trail Impacts The durability of recreational sites is influenced by and human site characteristics. the physical Climate, terrain attributes, and soil 3 properties determine human site the physical site characteristics. characteristics are more complicated. and volume of use reflect the distance of The critical For example, the type the recreational site from population centers and the perceived intrinsic qualities of the site, so that sites adjacent to large population centers often experience greater levels of use. Heavy use often leads to increased user conflicts, erosional concerns, and a decrease in the perceived of recreational sites. The ability recreational use is partially When the intensity of perceived or actual managers may intrinsic qualities of recreational sites to tolerate dependent on intensity and type of use. use exceeds some threshold value related to some human limit the or physical site characteristic, land types and quantity of use or they may alter and repair recreational sites to better withstand higher intensities of use. For example, a few trails located in Yosemite National Park, California have been paved or graveled to reduce trail erosion caused by heavy use. The choice methods, and durability and location types of and these of recreational intensities sites. of Trail access to recreational sites; however, experience increase. is inevitably Past motorcycle traffic. trail reduced studies as have use sites, site construction affect the quality and systems are necessary to provide the quality of a recreational trail use and trail degradation focused on foot, horse, and Most studies have examined the relationship between trail location, methods of trail construction, and type and frequency of use with vegetation and/or soil impacts (e.g., Bates, 1935; Dotzenko et al., 1967; Ketchledge and Leonard, 1970; Dawson et al., 1974; Helgath, 4 1975; Bryan, 1977; Weaver and Dale, 1978; Bratton et al., 1979; Leonard and Plumley, 1978; Summer, 1980, 1986; Coleman, 1981; Fish et al., 1981; Kuss and Morgan, Other studies effects or 1980; Jubenville and O'Sullivan, 1987; Kuss, 1987). have attempted to model recreation-induced soil erosion the physical.carrying capacity of natural areas by utilizing the Universal Soil Loss Equation (e.g., Kuss and Morgan, 1980, 1984). Alteration subsequent of trail ecosystem and to inducing a carrying capacity is a function can a to trampling and related to the resilience of an Burden particular change of be due and Randerson (1972) "the maximum intensity of use an area will under permanent environment capacity. capacity as support influence the biotic development its define carrying continue the in the the biotic physical erosion potential management regime environment". and biological of recreation without Carrying factors that sites (Kuss and Morgan, 1984). The pressure exerted integrates the ^effeet of and frequency rates of of use, trail per area of ground per unit time weight, size of impact area, length of impact and may degradation information about location of many researchers unit indicate recreational (Burden and frequency have resorted user impacts and Randerson, 1972). use is seldom However, available and to physical and biological variables to estimate carrying capacity and recreational impacts. Klock and McColley (1978), for example, suggested four site factors that determine the durability of recreational sites: trafficability, depth ,-^drainage, and erodibility. X capacity df a soil to bear a Trafficability moving load. was defined as the This factor is highly 5 dependent on the strength of the soil which, in turn, is influenced by the texture, structure, and permeability. with soil soils moisture levels often particularly increases the through time compaction volume of Soil resistance (Lull, 1959). and, in macropores turn, (Cole, also varies Travel over wet reduces, 1987). porosity, This tends to reduce water-holding capacity in fine-textured soils and increase coarse-textured soils. Coarse-textured soils (i.e., coarse sands) tend to resist erosion because moved; however, the the soils easily increased. In it in particles are not easily detached or are structurally unstable and trail width is contrast, fine-textured soils (i.e., silt and clays) are highly erodible and easy to detach and move (Cole, 1987). Depth was defined by Klock and McColley (1978) unconsolidated soil material above bedrock. the durability of recreational as the amount of This factor is related to sites because it affects the moisture and nutrient pools available for plant growth. Hence, shallow soils are more sensitive to vegetation disturbance and more susceptible to erosion and/or trail widening once the soil is exposed. Drainage was defined by Klock and McColley (1978) as the propensity of the soil within an area to retain groundwater. related to the durability of recreational species found in poorly drained disturbance than the vegetation Trails located on poorly sites because areas species drained soils usually found in This factor is the vegetation suffer more from well-drained areas. are usually deeper and display greater roughness than trails located on well-drained sites (Weaver and Dale, 1978). Erodibility was defined by Klock and McColley (1978) as the 6 resistance of a soil to displacement by the action of wind or water. Highly erodible soils are less likely to withstand a given and therefore are less durable than soils with good aggregation and loams) appear to be least less erodible intermediate erosive and McColley, soils. texture Generally, (sandy loams to while silty-clay, clay, or fine- textured soils are most susceptible to wind and 1971b; Klock level of use water erosion (Meeuwig, 1978; Leonard and Plumley, 1978). However, other factors affect rates of wind and/or water erosion as well. and Van Haveren (1971), for example, variability in soil erosion was due to and slope gradient in 1978) and showed that 90 percent of the variations in rainfall intensity their study of mountain soils in Utah and Idaho. Slope gradient and soil loss are Smith, Farmer steeper positively correlated slopes often experience (Wischmeier and increased trail degradation (Leonard and Plumley, 1978). Many studies have motorcycle recreation, Chappell et recreational al., 1971; Moore, 1973; Dale and Weaver, Smith, 1975; composition impacts of foot, horse, trails (Bates, increase which, in (Cole, and 1935; Bayfield, Burden and Randerson, 1972; Liddle and 1974; Liddle, 1975; Liddle and Greig- Cole, 1978; Weaver and Dale, 1978; Summer, 1980). of vegetation can along trails the uses on vegetation along trails without examining the carrying capacity of 1971; examined direct precipitation turn, alters 1978). Trampling and Removal solar intensity trailside microclimate and plant or removal of vegetation is generally the first consequence of planned and unplanned trail formation (Quinn and Morgan, 1980). By the time vegetation wear is noticed the critical period in which 7 accelerated erosion occurs has already passed (Quinn and Morgan, 1980). Water runoff is expected to increase because infiltration of the soil (Quinn studies show early stages of trampling is decreased due to increased density (compaction) and Morgan, that in the trampling 1980; Cole, increases which, in turn, changes soil porosity, 1987; Kuss, the 1987). Most bulk density of the soil moisture content, aeration, and the availability of soil nutrients (Baver, 1933; Liddle and Greig-Smith, 1975; Weaver and Dale, 1978; Kuss, 1983). Once vegetation especially where is removed trails channel erosion is water which the is not primary diverted from the tread (Cole, 1987). Trails located parallel to the slope down the increase erosion trail and when compared perpendicular to the slope (Bratton, et al, 1979). influenced by the position bottom of a slope in addition across the trail. the to trails oriented Potential erosion is trail with respect to the top or to the gradient of northcentral the slope increases exponentially (Coleman, 1981). as the Slope gradient (Helgath, Colorado and suggested trails 1975). the slope. The erosion potential slope gradient exceeds 12 to 13 percent is closely Bratton et associated al. (1979), with for inventoried trail degradation in Great Smokey Mountain National eastern Tennessee and western type of example, Park of North Carolina, and found that the slope of the trail was the most important factor in explaining deterioration. along and the crest of a hillslope will erode at a higher rate than trails located on other segments of landform channel water Summer (1986), for example, examined trails in Rocky Mountain National Park in located below of problem, rates of trail 8 The results influence trail from other studies degradation. Bryan indicate that soil factors also (1977), for example, examined mountain hiking trails in Grovelsjon, Sweden and related the severity of degradation to soil resistance. several soil properties, Soil estimated from embedded in or on the trail. He particle aggregation initially increases up to a threshold determined by soil. was including aggregate stability, soil texture, and quantity of coarse fragments thought that resistance the soil shearing strength when pressure is exerted on Aggregation declined and soil credibility and soil loss increased once this threshold was reached. The loose materials in or tend to counteract soil early stages of trail erosion by degradation. increasing runoff when trail use the trail compaction and the increase resistance during the However, coarse turbulence and continues because corrading the trail bed on the trail fragments promote erosive capacity of trail loose materials saltate along and undermining trail sides (Bryan, 1977). In contrast to the previous group of studies which focused on natural processes and controls,.a smaller group (Ketchledge and Leonard, 1970; Dale and Weaver, Bratton, 1979; 1974; Burde and Helgath, 1975; Renfro, 1986) traffic on trails. and Dale, 1978; has examined the relationships between topographic and soil variables and and motorcycle Weaver the impacts These studies of foot, horse, show that different i, trail uses result in different trail erosion rates, probably because different users exert different impacts per unit area (Lull, 1959). impact per unit area combines the impact area or "foot print" of weight of the user. the user and size The of the Weaver and Dale (1978), for 9 example, found that horse use caused more pronounced width, depth, increases in trail litter, and soil compaction than hiking and motorcycling. Horse traffic applies the greatest impact (force) per unit area among hikers, horseback riders, off-road bicyclists, and motorcyclists. Weaver and . Dale (1978) also compared motorcycle erosion with horse and foot erosion and found that motorcycles moving narrow rut which served as a sediment transport capacity of linear channel funnel and increased the velocity and trail However, affect the motorcyclists, hikers forces to decelerate. descending which, motorcycles needed, did not greatly contrast to a decelerating runoff. The development of a was the direct result of the imprint of the tire and the torque applied by the motorcyclist erosion. uphill established a steep and Hikers trail; moving turn, hence, a led to increased moving downhill, when torque is not rate of trail and horses and down in horses steep do not tend greater degradation. to trail. rely on the same loosen forces In soil when were applied when Shear stresses are increased and compressional stresses are reduced on steeper slopes which increases the (Quinn and quantities Morgan, 1980). of loose steep slopes and available for transport Weaver and Dale (1978) suggested motorcycles ascend gentle slopes and descend ascend sediment steep descend slopes and hikers and horses gentle slopes to minimize erosional impacts. The studies referred to above have important implications project, even nor refer to for this though they do not examine erosion from off-road bicycles existing demonstrate the trails importance of in many cases. In particular, they rainfall intensity and slope gradient as I 10 key factors in explaining properties, such variation as structure, sediment yield. Soil texture, and moisture content determine the resistance to erosion and play results from in secondary roles. The variety of past studies exemplify the difficulty of understanding the natural variability of trail degradation occurs the geomorphic degradation. Several studies show trail regardless of specific uses and is more dependent on processes that occur in different landscapes; however, most studies to date have focused on one particular trail use. The approach made to influence of this superimpose trail study was human impacts erosion. This relative impacts of different different because on the approach an attempt was "natural" factors that was needed to evaluate the trail uses. Few other studies reported in the literature to date have attempted this type of analysis. Description of Study Area Two existing trails near Bozeman, Montana were selected as study sites for this project because of ease of access, availability from adjacent streams, diversity of slope Emerald Lake located 12 long gradients trail located km southeast consistent and 39 km soil sections textures. south and of Bozeman, of trail, Both of water and a trails, the the New World Gulch trail Montana (population approximately 30,000) are easily accessible and have experienced all four types of use (foot, horse, motorcycle and off-road bicycle traffic) over the past ten years (Figure I). Both study sites were located in or near the Gallatin National Forest, Montana (45°30/N, Ill0W) which borders the northern and western Figure I. Location of Emerald Lake and New World Gulch trails. boundaries of Yellowstone forest ranges from forested The forests consist mainly National Park. foothills of to rugged lodgepole Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), with occupying smaller trails provide examined in and more recreational this The topography within this a pine project. The alpine of other species Approximately for peaks. (Pinus contorta) and variety specific niches. opportunities rocky the characteristics four 500 km of user groups of both trails are summarized in Table I. The Emerald Lake trail study site National Forest and consisted of was located within the a 1.6 km section of Gallatin trail at an 12 Table I. Study site characteristics. Characteristics Emerald Lake Trail New World Gulch Trail Parent material Glacial till Sandstone, shale Soil texture Sandy loam. loam Clay, sandy clay Elevation 2000 m 1600 m Slope (on trail) 3-17% 2-21% Aspect Northeast North Vegetation Lodgepole pine Grasses, Douglas-fir approximate elevation of hummocky, rolling this study site occupy material consists 2000 glacial m. till land deposits. the bottom of glacial The of a surface consists of The morainal deposits at U-shaped valley. till deposits of Pleistocene age and are primarily derived from layered, volcanic rock (Davis and These medium-textured deposits The parent Shovic, 1984). contain variable amounts of subrounded rock fragments. Soils are generally well-drained with medium Subsoil clay accumulation occurs in some locations. the lower soil horizons range from 35-50 percent. study site are to moderate textures. classified as mixed, Rock fragments in The loamy skeletal, soils within the Typic Cryoboralfs (Davis and Shovic, 1984). A dense study site. lodgepole pine (Pinus The understory grouse whortleberry is contorta) forest composed of a thick surrounds this groundcover of (Vaccinium scoparium), dwarf huckleberry (Vaccinium 13 caespitosum), and precipitation in Trail twinflower this area accessibility snowpack and and surface occurs in borealis). The is 65-90 cm and 60 percent in April saturated stream usually (Linnaea May is soils. late April limited falls by as snow. the remaining Peak runoff from the and early annual nearby May (Davis and Shovic, 1984). The New World Gulch trail study site was located on land immediately outside the Gallatin National Montana and consisted of elevation of 1600 a 0.8 meters. Forest administered km section of trail locations of bedrock, with ridges and bedrock ridges the more shales the State of at an approximate The topography consists of ridges with steep slopes and occasional small valleys or swales (Davis The by and swales are controlled by the underlying resistant and and Shovic, 1984). siltstones sandstones forming and swales limestones forming and valleys. The of this area consists of Lower Cretaceous Mowry and Thermopolis shale, Kootenai Formation sandstone and mudstone, and Jurassic Morrison Formation shale, siltstone and mudstone (Roberts, 1964). Fine- and medium-textured soils from thickly have formed bedded sandstones and shales. in material weathered The soils are classified as mixed, fine loamy Typic Cryoboralfs (Davis and Shovic, soils in this area are 1984). Overall, moderately well-drained with fine and medium textures. Vegetation perennial surrounding grasses and this some annual precipitation is similar percent falling as snow). trail consists predominantly Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). to the first trail (65-90 cm of The with 60 Trail accessibility between April-May and 14 October-November is clayey soils. restricted due to saturation of the predominantly 15 CHAPTER TWO METHODS The first two objectives of this research were concerned with the natural variability and geomorphic controls operating on the sections of trails used in the study. The relationships between water runoff and sediment yield, and selected hydrologic, topographic, and soil variables were examined. The third and final objective sought to superimpose human impacts on these geomorphic controls in an attempt to evaluate the relative impacts of different trail uses. This chapter describes the methods used for data collection and analysis. Study Design and Site Selection A modified reproduce Meeuwig natural drip-type rainstorm rainfall events simulator was used to and treatments of 100 passes were applied to a total of 108 sample plots on the Emerald Lake and New World Gulch trails. There were 54 sample plots on each of the Emerald Lake and New World Gulch trails consisting of 12 of travel (hiking, off-road bicycling, motorcycling treatment plots) and null treatment case. sample plots six sample The twelve horseback plots for for each mode riding, and the control or sample plots for each mode of travel represented two antecedent soil moisture classes (dry and pre-wetted), two (0-6 percent), slope gradient classes and 8-21 and three 16 replications for each plot type. combined the two antecedent The control or null treatment plots soil moisture regimes, requiring only six plots. Sample plot size (66 by 66 containment tray that came sample plots cm) was determined by the size of the with the were determined rainfall simulator. on reconnaissance hikes along the Emerald Lake and New World Gulch trails in the spring of with uniform slope and Locations of soil conditions 1989. Trail sections were selected for study plots, . avoiding sections of necessary litter trail and large with protruding loose stones rocks or were removed .'i roots, where from the sample plots before treatments. Soil Description and Classification Soil pits were dug adjacent to each trail Soil Taxonomy (Soil classify the soils. Survey A Staff, total of 1988) four segment and were shallow the Keys to used to describe and pits were dug across sections of trail to compare soils on and off the trail. Field Experiments and Measurements User treatments were assigned to sample plots based on the availability of the user (hikers, horses, motorcycle and rider, mountain bike and rider), antecedent for the particular user Afternoon thundershowers certain days. (0-6 soil moisture, slope gradient class needed or 8-21 percent), and daily weather. reduced the number of experiments conducted on Four plots were examined on most field days, although six plots were examined on days with good weather and dry treatments. 17 Data collection consisted of the seven tasks summarized in Table 2. Slope gradient, trail roughness, and soil resistance were measured prior to treatment for each sample plot during Task measured with a Brunton compass and 3 by was placed on the 0.6 m sections slots. board. The 3 of trail. Trail the slope roughness measured using 12 transects marked off at 2.54 sample plot Slope gradient was m board trail and several slope measurements were taken with the Brunton compass on the board to determine specific I. and a or gradient along micro-relief was cm intervals along each 91.5 cm long, 5 by 10 cm board with 13 evenly spaced A metal ruler was then inserted into each slot moving left to right and a depth measurement was taken for each of the 13 slots (Figure 2). High values represented depressions and low values elevated spots on the trail. Soil resistance was measured with a Soiltest, Inc. at selected CN-970 proving depth of 2.54 cm. The penetrometer which measures the instrument consists of a along transects ring penetrometer. resistance was treated as a measure of the to a points Hence, soil force required to penetrate proving ring penetrometer is a cone type penetration resistance T-handle, 45.7 of soils. The cm penetration rod, 0.91 m extension, proving ring of 113.4 kg capacity with a dial indicator, and removable cone point (Figure 3). The cone point used conical area of 24.69 cm2 . in this study had a base area of 6.34 cm2 and When the cone is forced into the ground, the proving ring is deformed in proportion to the force applied. This force is thought to represent the shearing resistance of the soil (Liddle and Moore, 1973). The cone penetration was limited to one-half of the area 18 Table 2. Schedule of data collection activities. Task I Summary of data collection activities Collection of soil samples for soil texture and antecedent soil moisture measurements; slope, trail roughness and soil resistance measurements were taken. Skip tasks 2 and 3 for dry treatment plots. 2. Meeuwig rainfall simulator was erected over the plot and a 20 minute rainstorm with an intensity of 127 mm hr-1 was applied. 3. Water runoff and sediment yield were collected; soil samples were taken for subsequent soil moisture measurements; and trail roughness and soil resistance were measured (again). Conduct tasks 4 through 7 on all plots. 4. Treatments were applied (i.e., 50 hiking, bicycling, riding and motorcycling passes); trail roughness resistance were measured (again). 5. Treatments were applied (i.e., an additional 50 hiking, bicycling horseback and motorcycling passes); trail roughness and soil resistance were measured (again). 6. Meeuwig rainfall simulator was erected over the plot and a 20 minute rainstorm with an intensity of 127 mm Ir1 was applied. 7. Water runoff and sediment yield were collected; soil samples were taken for subsequent soil moisture measurements; and trail roughness and soil resistance were measured (again). of the cone; hence, the range been doubled to reflect values on the smaller the indicator base area. doubled because they were only used types the measurement of importance. trail use, so that for horseback and soil dial could have These values were not relative comparisons between scale was not of prime Soil resistance values are expressed in kg of force per cm2 19 < .^ Tl ■ Figure 2. Systematic sample design and equipment roughness and soil resistance measurements. used for trail throughout the thesis. All 12 of the transects used for (Figure 2) were used for soil soil resistance during the micro-relief measurements resistance measurements. measurements tasks I, 3, 4, 5, and 7. trail were taken A total of 11 for each sample plot during Hence, the transects labeled I and 7 were used first task, 2 and 8 for the third, 3 and 9 for the fourth, 4 and 10 for the fifth, and the fifth and eleventh transects were used for the seventh task (Figure 2). to the next assigned specific transects this manner task used to to assure The designated transects were transferred when samples were task measure soil was skipped resistance (Table 2). The were assigned in consistency from plot to plot. Soil texture and moisture moisture a also samples were taken during task I. taken the constituted the second and sixth tasks. after rainfall Soil events that These samples were collected in 20 Figure 3. the field Sketch of CN-970 proving ring penetrometer (Modified from Soiltest, Inc. operations and service instructions diagram). and stored in plastic containers in shady locations for transport back to Montana State University at the end of The second task consisted of no activity for dry treatments and a rainstorm if the treatment was to be applied to a rainfall simulator was erected the field day. prewetted plot. The over the plot and a 20 minute simulated 21 rainstorm with a constant intensity of modified Meeuwig 127 mm hr-1 was rainfall simulator (Schmid, 1988). applied with a This simulator was chosen because of its easy assembly and modest water requirements. Field studies of erosion potential in mountainous terrain usually rely on natural rainfall events to provide the erosive force or rainfall needed for experiments. provide the Simulated timing, rainfall places and, However, location, events natural and provide rainfall intensities rainstorms does not always needed for research. at desired times and therefore, they allow the collection of large quantities of runoff and erosion data in relatively short periods of time. The erosive kinetic energy energy of (RE = rainfall is 1/2MV2). reflects storm intensity. usually expressed in terms of The velocity (V2) term in the equation The intensity of a rainstorm varies with the distribution of raindrop sizes, since their size influences the velocity at which they fall (Law and Parsons, 1943). velocity are the same for natural Drop velocity and terminal rainstorm events, but the terminal velocities accompanying natural rainstorms are difficult to attain with portable rainfall simulators (Young, 1979). The rainfall drip-type simulator used in this study was.a modified Meeuwig simulator (Meeuwig, 1971a) with a drop fall height (Figure 4). of 155 cm The approximate waterdrop diameter at a simulated intensity of 127 mm per hour was 2.8 mm. raindrop is falling 155 cm The impact approximately velocity 470 for a cm s_1 (Laws, 1941), whereas similar sized drops would achieve a terminal velocity of s"1 in natural rainstorms energy of (Gunn and Kinzer, 1949). 2.8 mm 780 cm Hence, the kinetic simulated rainfall events in this study was roughly one-third 22 155 cm ...... . Figure 4. Sketch of Meeuwig rainfall simulator (from Schmid, 1988). 23 that of a natural rainfall event. The modified Meeuwig simulator used in the study had a 61 by 2.5 cm plexiglass hypodermic tubing. randomize the above the chamber with 500 drip needles An electric motor was used to rotate raindrops. made from the chamber to A 18.9 I plastic container was elevated 20 cm water chamber to provide a continuous supply of water chamber, and of water 127 mm The 61 by a 20 minute rainstorm was applied at a constant to the intensity h_1. third collection and of simulated seventh the surface rainstorms collection tray containers. tasks at runoff the which tunneled The containers listed 2 required the and sediment yield produced by the downslope water and were in. Table then end of each plot using a sediment into 0.76 I plastic emptied into larger 3.8 I containers for transportation back to the Montana State University Soils Laboratory for further analysis. Soil moisture samples were also taken and stored for future transport and analysis at the same times. The application of the appropriate hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, and motorcycling treatments consisting of two sets so that soil resistance and trail roughness could be measured after 50 and 100 passes comprised Tasks 4 and 5. Nielsen and of 50 passes The horses and riders (Angela Wade Stoelting) were supplied by Dr. Gerald A. Nielsen of the Montana State University Department of Plant and the Honda XLl25 motorcycle was supplied by the Bozeman District office of the Gallatin National Forest. rider and Joseph Seney Soil Science and Wade Stoelting (author) was the hiker. was the mountain bike Trail user treatments were applied with proper trail etiquette and within the speed limits of 24 usual trail activity. User passes along the plots were at least 4 m in length, so that users could attain a natural trail gait. Laboratory Procedures Soil moisture, samples were Laboratory. for 24 soil texture, analyzed at water runoff, and Montana State University's Soil Testing Wet soil moisture samples were weighed hours at IlO0C. sediment yield and then oven-dried Samples were then reweighed. moisture was determined by moist divided by dry soil weight. soil weight minus Percent soil dry soil weight The water runoff samples were weighed using a Mettler PE 6000 digital scale and placed in a soil drying until all sediment the water and containers had evaporated from the containers. container were were weighed to containers, and this weight and container then reweighed. determine was then the room (IS0C) The remaining Twenty-five average subtracted from weight 3.8 of I the the dry sediment weights to determine sediment and water runoff masses for r each sample. All 108 samples were determine a textural hand class textured (Thien, using 1979). the "Feel" Method to Twelve samples were then selected at random and mechanical analyses were performed by the Montana State University Mechanical classes, Analysis and "feel" method. the Soil Testing technique results Eleven of the Laboratory was were 12 used to staff. determine The Bouyoucos soil textural compared with those obtained with the "feel" method texture substantiated with the more elaborate technique (Table 3). results were 25 Table 3. Comparsion of Bouyoucos Mechanical and "Feel" Method textures Sample1 % Sand Bouyoucos Method % Silt % Clay Texture "Feel" Method Texture ELTl, ELTl, ELT3, ELTl, ELT3, ELTl, Control, 0-6% Motorcycle, 0-6% Hiker, 8-21% Bicycle, 8-21% Bicycle, 0-6% Motorcycle, 8-21% 68 60 42 60 50 44 21 29 42 31 36 38 11 11 16 9 14 18 Sandy loam Sandy loam Loam Sandy Loam Loam Loam Sandy loam Sandy loam Loam Sandy loam Loam Loam NWG2, NWG2, NWG2, NWG3, NWG3, NWG3, Hiker, 8-21% Bicycle, 8-21% Horse, 0-6% Motorcycle, 0-6% Hiker, 0-6% Motorcycle, 8-21% 23 19 25 26 29 21 40 36 35 39 36 37 37 45 40 35 35 42 Clay loam Clay Clay Clay loam Clay loam Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay I loam loam loam loam ELT = Emerald Lake Trail; treatment type; and slope gradient (%). NWG = New World Gulch Trail; treatment type; and slope gradient (%). Statistical Methods Three sets of statistical impacts of trail users. represent simple variables (i.e., tests were used to assess the erosional First, bivariate regression models were used to relationships between independent variables) yield (i.e., dependent variables). developed to variables. assess Finally, superimpose human the impacts on and water topographic and soil runoff and sediment Multiple regression models were then cumulative several the relationships statistical these natural approaches controls in between were these used to an attempt to evaluate the relative impacts of different trail users. The REG and multiple (regression) process regression models in SAS was used to develop bivariate (Freund and Littell, 1986). The 26 bivariate models compared water runoff continuous variables listed in Table 4. incorporated variables the for same continuous soil texture variables divided and The multiple regression models variables and trail user horse, off-road bicycle, soil texture of incorporating five trail motorcycle, and trail indicator variables, respectively, and capable well as The indicator user subgroups and control). of the continuous produced regression models that as many as five independent variables, and allowed the impacts of other trail users with respect This user into three and four seven indicator variables, and 75 new variables representing products indicator the entire data set into four soil textural subgroups procedure transformed were as (Table 4). (clay, sandy clay, loam, and sandy 16am) and (hiker, sediment yield with the indicator specific trail variables. the cross- This approach users to be differentiated from to individual soil textures as well as the other measured variables. In general, this regression models in which eliminated. permitted significant method involves The the SAS variables sequential stepwise selection until no and multiple regression backward elimination further additions permitted using the significance levels chosen Littell, 1986). The development of statistically non-significant variables are REG forward the by the or procedure of deletions non­ are user (Freund and models developed to help explain water runoff and sediment yield variations in this study used the 0.05 significance threshold for both forward selection and backward elimination. Although the multiple regression information about the models described above relative impacts of provided the different trail users to 27 Table 4. Independent variables measured in study. Indicator Variables Soil texture class (clay, sandy clay, loam, and sandy loam) Trail user (hiker, horse, off-road bicycle, motorcycle, and no activity) Continuous Variables Antecedent soil moisture Slope Soil resistance (soil compaction) Trail roughness (trail micro-relief) Water runoff (when sediment yield was treated as a dependent variable) the extent that representing one the indicator or more variables trail and interaction users were incorporated in the final models, a more direct test was needed to assess the the different trail users. in terms multiple comparsions and compiles of water in a A 0.05 level of significance was 1986). in the expected had The use models which sediment yield. multiple difference The SAS of means tests series of tables (Freund et al., 1986). used and the Bonferroni option was The means of the variables measured in the study were multiple comparsions test by least-squared, means, because the latter estimate would be to develop this option allows for comparisons of means from samples of unequal sizes. also replaced was used runoff and test performs the results chosen because relative impacts of The multiple comparsions test within the GLM (General Linear Model) module of SAS compared users effects of 108 the class the study samples in or subclass design been this study marginal means that balanced (Freund et al., (24 for hiking, horse, motorcycling and off-road bicycling, respectively; 12 for the control or null treatment case) meant the study design was not balanced. 28 CHAPTER THREE RESULTS Study Site Soil Descriptions Soil-profile descriptions for the soil pits located adjacent to the Emerald Lake and New World Gulch Tables 5 and 6. The trail two in-trail study sites A and Bt horizons. horizons were missing (eroded) from both trail sites, so that the Bt horizons represented the soil surface. on the presented in soil profile descriptions differed from the off-trail descriptions with respect to the The A are The removal of the A horizon Emerald Lake and New World Gulch trails meant that 5 and 7 cm of soil had been eroded by previous activity along the respective trails. Water Runoff Scatterplots and Bivariate Regression Results The first objective of the study was to determine what variability of water runoff was statistically variability in topographic and soil variables. bivariate variables. regression The results measurement for of water slope and explained Table runoff part of the by the 7 summarizes the and four independent antecedent soil moisture, trail roughness, and soil resistance prior to each rainstorm event meant that three sets of comparisons were possible; however, the relationships between these variables and water runoff produced similar regression 29 Table 5. Depth (cm) Off-trail soil study site. Horizon profile description near Emerald Lake Color Texture2 Struc­ moist1 ture3 Consist­ Roots ence4 Coarse frags. trail PH 0-5 A IOyr 2/2 si single grain Io fr so common vfine none 4.5 5-22 Bt IOyr 2/2 si abk(sub) fine mod. sh fr common vfine 10% 6.0 SS 22-55 Cl IOyr 4/6 gs single grain Io Io so none 50% 6.5 55+ C2 IOyr 3/4 gsl single grain Io fr so none 30% 6.0 1 Represents the color of the soil when moist. Looking at the A horizon, for example, IOyr represents hue or gradation of color, the first 2 represents the value or the lightness or darkness of the color, and the second 2 represents the chroma or the strength and purity of the color. 2 Texture of the soil: si, gs, and gsl represent sandy loam, gravelly sand and gravelly sandy loam, respectively. 3 Structure of the soil horizon: abk(sub) fine moderate represents a subangular blocky structure with moderate or easily observable blocks and sizes between 5 and 10 mm. 4 Consistence is a measure of the soil's ability to adhere or cohere. This property was measured for dry, moist, and wet samples abbreviations: Dry-lo, loose; sh, slightly hard; Moist-fr, friable, lo, loose; and Wet-so, nonsticky; ss, slightly sticky. results for all three data sets. Overall, these results show that none of the simple relationships between water runoff and slope, antecedent soil moisture, antecedent trail roughness and antecedent soil resistance respectively level. were statistically The large scatter of significant points in at the 0.05 significance the scatterplots reproduced in 30 Table 6. Depth (cm) Off-trail soil profile description near New World Gulch study site. Horizon 0-7 A 7-38 Bti 38-73 73+ Bt2 C Color Texture2 Strucmoist1 ture3 2.5yr 2.5/4 sc 2.5yr 3/4 sc 2.5yr 2.5/4 sc 2.5yr 3/6 si Consist- Roots ence4 abk f ,vf mod. h fi abk fine mod. h vf i abk f ,vf mod. h vf i abk fine mod. trail Coarse pH frags. common fine <1% 8.0 few vfine 1% 8.0 none 1% 7.5 none 2% 8.0 S VS VS h fi S I Represents the color of the soil when moist. Looking at the A horizon. for example, 2.5YR represents the hue or gradation of color, 2.5 represents the value or the lightness or darkness of the color, and the 4 represents the chroma or the strength and purity of the color. 2 Texture of the soil: sc and si represent sandy clay and sandy loam. 3 Structure of the soil horizon: abk fine i moderate represents an angular blocky structure with the moderate or easily observable blocks and sizes between 5 and 10mm. 4 Consistence is a measure of the soil's ability to adhere or cohere. moist, and wet samples This property was measured for dry, abbreviations: Dry-h , hard; sh, slightly hard; Moist-fi, firm, vfivery firm; and Wet-s , sticky, vs, very sticky. Figure 5 confirms this conclusion. Water Runoff Multiple Regression Results This situation did not change when multiple regression was substituted for the bivariate regression in that none of the independent variables were related to water runoff at the 0.05 significance level. 31 Table 7. Bivariate regression results dependent variable. First rainstorm (n=60) Variable Slope Antecedent soil moist. Antecedent trail roughness Antecedent soil density Both the Second rainstorm (ni=108) R2 P Value R2 .012 .41 .002 .0002 .92 .0001 .002 bivariate treating water runoff as the All rainstorms (n=168) R2 P Value .69 .0004 .58 .002 .66 .0001 .60 .79 .003 .61 .0001 .93 .74 .004 .55 .0001 .69 and P Value multiple regression results suggest that the variability of water runoff cannot be statistically explained by the independent variables that were included, at least as they were measured in this study. Sediment Yield Scatterplots and Bivariate Regression Results The second objective of the study was to determine what part of the variability of sediment yield could be explained with the topographic, hydrologic, and soil variables. The same procedure runoff here analysis was followed used for the water except for the inclusion of water runoff as another independent variable. The relationships between sediment roughness independent 0.01 level (Table 8). distinguish variables This yield and the slope and trail were statistically significant at the table rainstorms on dry soils is divided (n=60), into three rainstorms on parts to pre-wetted 32 1000 ♦ DI B ♦♦ ♦ •;=h: 800 ^ 600- 0 c □ 9 E 1 8 •♦ - 2 ♦ 0 Rainstorm I ♦ Rainstorm 2 400♦□gO 200 - ■ □ fi 8 □ Q B B B 8♦ ♦ ♦ _ ♦ Slope (%) A. Water runoff versus slope. 1000 I f • - * $ 800♦♦ B • fa 0 600- C D% B S B S 400- ♦ B ♦ «• Q ♦ Q ♦ 0 Rainstorm I • Rainstorm 2 B ♦ B 1 : : 4° 200 B • - ♦ B I 0 20 30 40 60 Soil moisture (%) B. Water runoff versus antecedent soil moisture. Figure 5. Scatterplots for water runoff and selected variables 33 1 0 0 0 -I Q Rainstorm I ♦ Rainstorm 2 ♦ q ♦ o «0 ♦ G Soil Resistance (kg/cm2) C. Water runoff versus antecedent soil resistance. 1 0 0 0 -I Q ♦ ♦ Q ♦ G no ♦ 0 Rainstorm I ♦ Rainstorm 2 Trail roughness (mm) D. Water runoff versus antecedent trail roughness. Figure 5. Scatterplots (continued). for water runoff and selected variables 34 Table 8. Bivariate regression results treating dependent variable. First rainstorm (n=60) Variable Slope Antecedent soil moist. Antecedent trail roughness Antecedent soil density Water runoff I sediment Second rainstorm (n=108) yield as the All rainstorms (n=168) R2 P Value R2 P Value R2 P Value .117 .01 .139 .01 .127 .01 .0231 .34 .038 .11 .022 .12 .125 .01 .091 .01 .100 .01 .024 .026 .41 .29 .003 .001 .33 .79 .010 .001 .35 .59 represents inverse relationship soils (n=108), and all rainstorms events (n=168). Variations in slope and antecedent trail roughness explained 12.7 and 10% of the variability in sediment yield, respectively when all the plots were examined. The results were similar for all three groups of rainstorms because sediment yield (like water runoff in the previous section) was not statistically related to variations in antecedent soil moisture. points in all five scatterplots reproduced The large scatter of in Figure 6 confirms the variability in sediment yield was only partially variables measured in this study. that must be understood to decipher explained that by the These results indicate the complexity how the natural controls runoff and sediment yield operate on existing trails. of water 35 200-1 $ Q ♦ ♦ □ «3 Sediment yield (g) D • 0 100 »# ♦♦ ♦ 0 • ♦ * ill. • Q ftQ & ♦ ■♦6 Q * S . : : e "# Rainstorm I Rainstorm 2 * 6 ♦ 0 0 Q I* 30 10 M Slope (%) Iediment yield versus slope. 200i Sedim ent yield (g) ♦ ♦ ♦ 100 - 0 Rainstorm I ♦ Rainstorm 2 Q *0 ♦ B ♦ OT 0 I 10 ' 1 I 20 I ' 30 I 40 ' I 50 ' I 60 Soil M oisture (%) B. Sediment yield versus antecedent soil moisture. Figure 6. Scatterplots of sediment yield and selected variables. 36 200 "I ♦ B Bq 0 Rainstorm I ♦ Rainstorm 2 ♦ □ ♦ □ 9 ♦ □ B I. a *$ Ot 10 ♦ I B B 1 Q I 20 B 0 B 1 30 I 1 40 I 1 50 I 60 Soil Resistance (kg/cm2) C. Sediment yield versus antecedent soil resistance. ♦♦♦ 0 Rainstorm I ♦ Rainstorm 2 *#< Trail roughness (mm) D. Sediment yield versus antecedent trail roughness. Figure 6. Scatterplots (continued). of sediment yield and selected variables 37 0 • Rainstorm I Rainstorm 2 W ater runoff (g) E. Sediment yield versus water runoff. Figure 6. Scatterplots (continued). of sediment yield and selected variables Sediment Yield Multiple Regression Results The multiple Table 9 show regression results that five independent variability in sediment yield. indicate that steeper for sediment slopes The variables first and the four plots yield summarized in explained 42% of variables in cross-product sediment yield. sediment yield variables Steep in many slopes explained have increased of the positively These variability in correlated with environments (e.g., Wischmeier and Smith, 1978) and the combination of trail roughness indicates been 41% Table 9 with the most clay and terrain variability (roughness) produced the most sediment yield. four the availability of and sandy sediment for clay soils presumably removal. The final 38 Table 9. Sediment yield multiple regression results. Variable Parameter estimate Intercept Slope*clay1 Trail roughness* sandy clay2 Slope Trail roughness* clay3 Soil Moisture* loam4 30.64 5.79 0.18 0.20 1.49 I 2 3 4 Partial R2 Model R2 Prob>F F 0.18 0.0001 0.0001 29.11 15.85 0.17 0.04 0.35 0.39 0.0001 0.0055 48.53 7.91 0.23 0.02 0.41 0.0231 5.26 0.39 0.01 0.42 0.0411 4.24 Slope*clay represents the slope continuous variable and the clay indicator variable cross-product. Trail roughness*sandy clay represents the trail roughness continuous variable and the sandy clay indicator variable cross-product. Trail roughness*clay represents the trail roughness continuous variable and the clay indicator variable cross -product. Soil moisture*loami represents the soil moisture continuous variable and the loam indicator variable cross- product. variable combines soil moisture and loam soils, but this variable only explained 1% of the remaining variability in sediment yield. Relative Impacts Three approaches were used to different trail development of use as a uses on water several multiple series of indicator determine runoff and the relative sediment regression models impacts of yield: I) the that included trail variables; 2) the comparison of water runoff and sediment yield means by user type; and 3) the comparison of soil resistance and trail roughness changes by user type over time. 39 Multiple Regression Results Two sets of indicator regression models developed to before) and five trail variables were used differentiate four user classes in this in multiple textural classes (as part of addition of four new indicator variables to accommodate that four the the study. The trail use meant continuous variables, seven indicator variables and 60 cross- products were considered with water runoff as the dependent variable and that five continuous variables, seven indicator variables, and 75 crossproducts were considered with sediment yield as the Both models used the dependent variable. results from the second rainstorms (n=108), since these rainstorms followed user treatments (Table 2). None of the independent variables were the 0.05 significance level. related to water runoff at This result suggests (once again) that the variability of water runoff cannot be statistically explained by the independent variables that were included, at least as they were measured in the study. Ten variables explained 70% of the variability in sediment yield from the sample plots (Table 10). This regression model included three ** 4 interaction variables with one indicator variable (Soil Moisture*Clay), and seven interaction variables, two indicator continuous variable (e.g., Water Runoff*Clay*Horse). represents an interaction of the continuous variables, and one The Slope variable variable slope and the default case for both series of indicator variables (i.e., soil texture and user treatment).. This model Overall, the clearly is same better than variables explained the model most of without trail user. the variability in 40 Table 10. Sediment yield multiple regression results. Variable Parameter estimate Intercept 29.33 Slope1 1.72 Slope*horse2 2.18 Trail roughness*clay3 0.21 Water runoff*sandy clay*horse4 0.15 Water runoff*loam* horse3 0.06 Soil moisture*clay6 1.17 Soil moisture*loam* motorcycle7 0.91 Soil moisture*clay* hiker8 -1.04 Soil moisture*sandy clay*horse9 -2.12 Slope*clay* motorcycle10 -4.60 Partial R2 Model R2 Prob>F F 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.18 0.33 0.46 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 46.96 15.01 16.81 77.74 0.05 0.51 0.0001 20.66 0.04 0.04 0.55 0.59 0.0005 0.0001 12.86 27.31 0.04 0.63 0.0001 17.93 0.03 0.66 0.0012 11.17 0.02 0.68 0.0039 8.73 0.02 0.70 0.0142 6.24 1 Slope represents the slope continuous variable and the default case for both series of indicator variables. 2 Slope*horse represents the slope continuous variable and horse indicator variable cross-product. 3 Trail roughness*clay represents the trail roughness continuous variable and clay indicator variable cross-product. 4 Water runoff*sandy clay*horse represents the water runoff continuous variable and clay and horse indicator variable cross-products. 5 Water runoff*loam*horse represents the water runoff continuous variable and loam and horse indicator variable cross-products. 6 Soil moisture*clay represents the soil moisture continuous variable and clay indicator variable cross-product. 7 Soil moisture*loam*motorcycle represents the soil moisture continuous variable and loam and motorcycle indicator variable cross-products. 8 Soil moisture*clay*hiker represents the soil moisture continuous variable and clay and hiker indicator variable cross-products. 9 Soil moisture* sandy clay* horse represents the soil moisture continuous variable and sandy clay and horse indicator variables cross-products. 10 Slope*clay*motorcycle represents the slope continuous variable and clay and motorcycle indicator variable cross-products. sediment yield. Hence various combinations of slope, trail roughness 41 and clay (with horses) and soil texture explained 46% was part of of the all seven of the cross-products that explained another 24% of the variability. and slope appeared in four, two, variability by themselves Soil moisture, water runoff, and one of the cross-products in the second group, respectively. This particular model was different from the earlier five trail treatments, represented by four variables and 60 cross-products, were added. The one such that additional indicator 28% increase in the overall R2 (from 42% to 70%) must be attributed to the inclusion of this second series of indicator variables and of these indicator variables independent variables contributions of in the not surprisingly, appeared in the seven of the ten significant regression different of their cumulative stood out: soil texture Soil moisture, model variables independent variables to the final result guide one or more to (R2 = (Table the ten 10). The significant 70%) provided a rough impacts and confirmed that thrjee variables (37%), slope trail roughness (35%), and (both 13%), user treatment (35%). and water runoff (9%) made much smaller contributions and soil resistance did not show up at all. User treatments, of course, are of most interest here and following the last approach, their independent variables can be contributions isolated as to the follows: ten horse significant (appears 4 times that explain 26% of the variability in sediment yield), motorcycle (2 times; 6%), and hiker (I this type suggested. to increase of analysis time; 3%). further, It is very difficult to take although certain relationships are Some examples follow: the sediment yield (partial Slope*Horse cross-product appears R2 = 15%) but the cross-product 42 Slope*Clay*Motorcycle decreases moisture appears to sediment yield (partial R2 = 2%). increase sediment yield when Soil the cross-product includes clay (partial R2 = 4%) or loam and motorcycle use (partial R2 = 4%) but appears to decrease sediment yield when combined with Clay*Hiker (partial R2 = 3%) and Sandy the user type helps conducted, to although Loam*Horse (partial R**2 = 2%). explain sediment distinguishing the yield from Clearly, the experiments contributions of the specific treatments clearly requires a different approach. Multiple Comparison Test Results The multiple comparsion test in SAS was used to perform a series of difference of means tests and assess different trail users with respect to the relative water runoff impacts of the and sediment yield. However, the water runoff and sediment yield means compiled by treatment type were replaced by least-squared means in these tests for the reasons 1 noted in Chapter 2. Table 11 shows the p values as well as the least squared water runoff means by treatment type. probability such that (likelihood) a value of that 0.05 different or The p values indicate the pairs of means are different less indicates two statistically significant different means using a 0.05 level of significance. Clearly, there are no statistically significant different pairs of means for water runoff case of (Table 11). This result is reassuring in the the first subset since the result confirms that the trails used for the five treatments were similar in behavior prior In other words, the sample design any bias to the used in this study did treatments. not introduce terms of their significant water runoff into the 43 Table 11. Water runoff multiple comparsion results. User treatment Mean water runoff (g) Bicycle Control Hiker Horse Motorcycle p values A. Prior to User Treatments (n = 54) Bicycle Control Hiker Horse Motorcycle B. 4650 4498 4713 4507 4889 5619 5862 5767 5628 5730 N/A 0.46 0.67 0.98 0.75 219 216 148 -140 -173 N/A 0.33 N/A N/A 0.78 0.48 0.72 N/A 0.66 0.91 N/A 0.76 N/A N/A 0.99 0.74 0.07 0.07 N/A 0.74 0.07 0.07 N/A 0.12 0.10 N/A 0.86 N/A N/A 0.31 0.34 N/A 0.95 N/A User Treatments on Dry Plots (n = 54) Bicycle Control Hiker Horse Motorcycle I N/A 0.59 0.66 Prior Minus After, User Treatments (n = 54) Bicycle Control Hiker Horse Motorcycle D. N/A 0.60 0.98 0.37 After User Treatments, Prewetted Plots (n = 54) Bicycle Control Hiker Horse Motorcycle C. N/A1 0.70 0.88 0.72 0.57 4659 4550 4720 4462 4478 N/A 0.73 0.82 0.42 0.48 N/A 0.58 0.77 0.82 N/A represents no result results. The results in multiple regression results in Parts B through D of Table 11 confirm the that they significantly alter runoff behavior. show that user type did not Table 12 displays the sediment yield p values as well as the least squared sediment yield means by treatment substantial than the water runoff type. results differences The results because significance. The results from Part A. suggest that the trails used for yield behavior the treatments. prior to similar in were statistically different from bicycles) at Tables terms of Trail of the level of their sediment plots used for hikers other groups (off-road the 0.05 level of significance, and all groups if one uses the 0.15 level of significance. some bias one 0.05 are some significant were not the there statistically the five treatment types at are more for the Thus, the sample design did incorporate sediment yield 11 and 12 indicate detachment and entrainment results. that on less the The results from Part A in sediment hiker was plots available since for water runoff generated from the plots used for the different treatments prior to the user treatments themselves were not significantly different. The sediment horse plots control, produced and hiker presumably due used by yields reported to an in Part significantly trail plots increase in more at the B of Table 12 indicate that sediment than the bicycle, 0.05 level of significance, sediment availability. Trail plots motorcycle were statistically significant from one of the other groups (hiker) at the 0.05 level of significance and bicycle and control trail plots if one uses the 0.15 level of significance. The results caution the mean in Part C of Table 12 when looking at the results. differences between the indicate the need to exercise This part of the table summarizes sediment prewetted and post treatment rainstorms by user. yields produced from the These comparisons are 45 Table 12. Sediment yield multiple comparison results. User treatment A. Mean Bicycle sediment yield (g) 69 59 38 60 65 N/A1 0.46 0.04 0.53 0.81 63 65 63 96 83 Motorcycle N/A 0.70 N/A N/A 0.18 N/A N/A 0.40 0.70 N/A 0.24 N/A N/A 0.01 0.65 N/A 0.03 N/A p values N/A 0.14 0.93 0.67 N/A 0.11 0.06 N/A 0.81 0.98 0.01 0.06 N/A 0.80 0.01 0.08 N/A 0.01 0.04 Prior minus After, User Treatments (n = 54) Bicycle Control Hiker Horse Motorcycle D. Horse After User Treatments, Prewetted Plots (n = 54) Bicycle Control Hiker Horse Motorcycle C. Hiker Prior to User Treatments (n = 54) Bicycle Control Hiker Horse Motorcycle B. Control N/A 0.57 0.19 0.03 0.33 -2 7 21 34 15 N/A 0.38 0.09 0.64 User Treatments on Dry Plots (n = 54) Bicycle Control Hiker Horse Motorcycle 58 61 55 75 59 N/A 0.68 0.76 0.02 0.89 N/A 0.49 0.16 0.76 I N/A represents no result important because outset. These the hiker plots were significantly different from the data show bicycle and hiker plots respectively. that at the This result horse 0.05 and plots are different 0.10 levels from the of significance, focuses attention on the differences due to 46 the treatments; most importantly, it reduces results from second largest increase treatments, and overall the hooves and of significant Part B, presumably because it removes some or possibly all of the bias inherent in the original data. the the number in Hikers, sediment horse and therefore, produced yield following hiker differences horse indicate that feet make more sediment available for removal than wheels on prewetted soils. The results in Part significantly more D of Table 12 sediment than did indicate horse plots produced bicycle, hiker, and motorcycle plots at the 0.05 level of significance on the dry plots as well. [ The final test will be to look at changes through time to see whether or not changes in soil interpretation resistance that horse and plots trail roughness produce the substantiate the greatest net change on sample plots used in the study. Changes in Soil Resistance and Trail Roughness Through Time Figure 7 shows changes in soil resistance through time by treatment type in which SDl, measurements taken when prewetting rainstorm SD2, the (only SD3, SD4, and SD5 represent soil resistance plot for was first selected, following the prewetted treatments) , following the first 50 passes, another 50 passes, and after the second rainstorm. changes through time for dry treatments indicate that 50 bicycle passes increased soil resistance, whereas the other three users resistance. The decreased soil The application of the second 50 bicycle, hiker, and horse passes increased soil resistance, although soil resistance on motorcycle plots decreased. The most dramatic change occurred as a result of 47 Hiker Bicycle AA Soil resistance (kg/cm2) Horse Motorcycle 20 I SR l ' I SR2 ' I SR3 1 I 1 SR4 I SR5 Soil resistance (kg/cm2) n Soil resistance (m easurem ent events) hanges in soil resistance on dry trail plots. 40 - 30 - SRl SR2 SR3 SR4 SR5 Soil resistance (m easurem ent events) B. Changes in soil resistance on prewetted trail plots. Figure 7. Changes in soil resistance through time. 48 rainfall. Soil resistance decreased noticeably plots following each rainstorm (SR2, SR5 and SR5 plots, respectively). why different users Overall, produced these results statistically for dry and prewetted for prewetted and dry provide few clues about significant and different sediment yields. Figure 8 shows changes in trail roughness through time by treatment type in which TRl, TR2, TR3, TR4, and TR5 represent trail roughness measurements taken when the plot was first selected, following the first rainstorm (only for passes, another prewetted 50 passes, roughness on dry trail respects hiker produced passes and plots decreased on 50 increased trail first 50 net change and Trail in some For example, the first 50 and the second 50 passes the first 50 bicycle and horse passes passes decreased plots bicycle and horse passes decreased passes the second rainstorm. little roughness prewetted following the results. Similarly, increased and the second changes trail plots), after showed contradictory increased roughness. roughness trail were trail roughness. trail more roughness. Trail pronounced. roughness, whereas Fifty 50 hiker The application of the second 50 bicycle, horse, and hiker passes decreased trail roughness with the most dramatic decreases increased following bicycle, horse, occurring on horse and hiker plots. the hiker, and the greatest net change. resistance application results) the final motorcycle plots, The provide of insights rainstorm on the with horse plots showing trail roughness few Trail roughness results (like about the soil why different users produced statistically significant and different sediment yields. 49 214i 2 12 - E E -# #- U U3 l 210 0) - C -A - A- -A Hiker -S 3 208" £ E £ — #— Bicycle — A— Horse — ■— Motorcycle 206- 204' TRl TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 Trail roughness (measurement events) A. Changes in trail roughness on dry trail plots. 212 - E E 210 - % 0) C - o 208 - ---- • — Bicycle £ — A— Horse TZ — ■— Motorcycle 1 2 H 206- Control 204 TRl TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 Trail roughness (measurement events) B. Hiker Changes in trail roughness on prewetted trail plots. Figure 8. Changes in trail roughness through time. 50 CHAPTER FOUR DISCUSSION Regression Analysis An understanding of the natural processes and controls operating on trails is necessary before trail users isolated from those of Dale, 1974; Helgath, 1975; Summer, This 1980 study geomorphic and demonstrates variables and relationships. important 1986; and added and their impacts the physical site characteristics (Weaver and Bratton et al., 1979; Quinn et al., 1980; Jubenville and O'Sullivan, 1987; Kuss, 1987). the complexity the of topographic, soil, and difficulty of quantifying these effects The results do relationships can be between confirm and/or trail users clarify some and water of the runoff and sediment yield identified in other studies, and the following discussion focuses on the broader significance of these results. Bivariate and multiple relationships between water runoff regression and the reveal no variables significant of slope, soil texture, antecedent soil moisture, trail roughness, and soil resistance. There are two possible explanations: (I) the study did not measure the variables in ways that the natural variability of the sample plots could be expressed, and/or (2) the study variables. did not measure all the relevant 51 The first explanation may apply to the antecedent soil moisture, trail roughness, and soil resistance measurements. example, may not have been Trail roughness, for sampled frequently enough (each time) to accurately quantify the roughness of the plot surfaces. encourages ponding infiltration, and and therefore thereby reduce measurements (each time) may Similar problems may have soil resistance may increase runoff. Trail roughness residence The density time and (number) of have been too few to capture this effect. affected measurements. the antecedent soil moisture and Hence, these variables may not have been measured at enough sites to estimate their spatial variability and their impact on infiltration rates and therefore runoff volumes. Two potentially important variables (elapsed time of water application, and the swelling properties of clays found at the New World Gulch site) were not measured. Although 41.75 mm of water was applied in every case, the application time This variability varied between 20 and 23 minutes. meant that the application rate was reduced as much as 15% (109 mm hr-1) compared to the desired rate of 127 mm hr-1. Most of these problems occurred on the New World Gulch trail, since these sample plots were located beside a stream sediment load. The but not all the This in the sediment state of container was able to prevent from being processed through the affairs meant that some of the as drip formers by the rainfall simulator were blocked for some applications. measurement of water of rainfall simulator. needles used a considerable stream practice of allowing the water to settle and using only the upper portion most which carried The problems potential noted above impact was the same as with the since lower intensities may produce 52 more infiltration and less runoff. The failure to (I) examine the clay mineralogy sites and (2) incorporate these results in the represent another Smectites present at the New more water important omission. World Gulch than non-swelling have helped to decipher some regression analysis may sample plots. clays and of the at the different (swelling clays) are These hence the clays can absorb clay mineralogy may differences in runoff behavior between plots. The bivariate and multiple regression results were more successful in explaining the variability in sediment yield. antecedent variables trail when variables or roughness bivariate (introduced as models multiple a series trail roughness 10%) were were were significant independent developed. Five independent to explain 42% of the variability regression was used. Soil texture of indicator variables), slope, and antecedent part of four, two, and two of these terms, The influence of slope and soil characteristics on trail erosion has been documented Dale, 1978; = cross-products combined in sediment yield when respectively. (R2 Slope (R2 = 12.7%) and Bratton et al., 1980; Coleman, 1981; in other al., 1979; Fish et studies (Bryan, Klock and al., 1977; Weaver and McColley, 1978; Quinn et 1981; Kuss, 1983 and 1987; Jubenville and. O'Sullivan, 1987). Perhaps the most important runoff to explain any of the itself or This result trails is as one of the presumably discovery variability in terms in indicates one or that was the failure of water sediment yield, either by more of the cross-products. sediment detachment rather than transport-limited. yield from existing The exploration of 53 the relative impact results/ confirms this state of affairs, and these results and their implications are examined next. Relative Impact Analysis Four new indicator variables and their cross-products were added to the multiple regression models noted impacts of the different, trail uses. above to examine the relative There were two major findings: (I) no significant relationships were uncovered between water runoff and the indicator combined to variables explain .70% (as of noted earlier), and (2), 10 variables the variability in sediment yield. second result is impressive and once again it shows,that This sediment yield is probably detachment limited for the two trails examined in the study. Treating the cumulative contributions of the different variables final result (R2 = 0.70) as a rough guide of their importance confirmed that soil texture (37%), slope, (35%), and user treatment (35%) most impact. Water runoff (9%) smaller contributions. and other to the was one had the of three variables that made The importance of soil texture and slope in this studies has already been noted. However, the contribution of treatment type and the limited role of water runoff tend to confirm that sediment yield is detachment rather than transport-limited. The multiple comparisons test results further clarify the roles of the different treatments and in particular (hooves and show that feet) make more sediment available than wheels (motorcycles and off-toad bicycles) on prewetted trails. 12 shows of that only sediment horses and hikers Reviewing the data in Table horses stand out from the other treatments in terms production .and that the other treatments produced no 54 significant differences. Three problems with explain the lack of statistically significant other treatments. Two of the the study design may differences between these problems have to do with the concept of geomorphic thresholds and the third with mechanical removal of sediment from the sample plots. Schumm (1977) noted that under different external and internal stress conditions there could be a dramatic change in geomorphic systems and significant alterations of must be applied varies vary. Kuss (1987) with the landscape. the environment, very large storms and quantity of of use and/or change on existing trails. type hence threshold values applied this concept to recreational trails, noting that almost any rainstorm or level that The minimum energy that very would impact new trails but heavy use is needed to initiate This threshold level varies depending on the use along with climatic, soil, and topographic variables. Two problems with the current study ability to distinguish between may have inhibited our hiker, off-road bicycle, and motorcycle uses: (I) the limitations of the rainfall simulator, and (2) the small number (100 passes) of treatments. The most important limitation with the modified Meeuwig rainfall simulator is that it produces rainstorms of only one-third the intensity of natural rainstorm events. This comparing simulated and natural was a very noticeable flowing down the simulator events. between the trail rainstorm events difference from relationship these in was in the very evident field. There the quantities of water runoff events compared to the rainfall The impact of rainfall intensity on the relationships pre-existing trail condition (i.e., trail history) and 55 sediment production, and threshold values is not obvious. restrictions placed upon the applied were in this attained, study duration and intensity of However, the the rainstorms decreased the likelihood that threshold values especially since the study focused exclusively on existing trail segments. The application of only 100 passes (for all four treatments) probably contributed to the failure to attain the appropriate thresholds for all but horse could help traffic. account for Lull (1959) suggested impact per unit area the relative impacts of different trail uses.^ Horses produce the greatest impact per unit area and as a result, horses appeared to produce the treatments may greatest net change in this study, pother not have been applied enough times and/or in conjunction with long and/or heavy enough simulated rainstorms for statistically significant differences to show up between the other treatment types. The failure to measure the quantities of soil removed with (stuck to) feet and tires from the prewetted plots may have contributed to the V lack of statistically motorcycle, mechanical and significant bicycle removal of prewetted plots and in differences plots that were sediment in these some cases - most of between uncovered ways as the well. hiker, The was observed on most the moist soil was removed from the sample plot and a dry soil surface was exposed as the treatment was applied. The quantities of sediment removed in these measured when clearly these were measured in order yield and precisely. trail losses need to be combined with those that to quantify roughness, ways were not soil the relationships between sediment resistance and other variables more 56 Despite these problems, two sets of findings emerge from this study™ which probably apply to many (if not most) environments. produced greater sediment yields then the First, horses other trail uses. other studies (Dale and Weayerft 1974; Weaver and Dale, 1978; Several Bratton et al., 1979) reached similar conclusions, although further comparisons are difficult because finding from of differences this study tended to occur on application of is that in study designs. The second major the largest and most frequent changes prewetted trails. This result occurs rainfall and the increase in soil moisture which follows reduces soil resistance, which, in turn, reduces the bear a moving load. Helgath (1978), Bratton et al. strong connection and McColley (1978) all noted a between soil moisture conditions and a soil's ability to soil moisture the decrease is increased. example, noted that trails located on :wider, deeper, trail's ability to (1975), Bryan (1977), Weaver and Dale (1979), Klock to bear a moving load due trails when because the and less in soil Weaver and Dale (1978), for poorly drained uniform (i.e., resistance along soils are usually greater roughness) than trails located on well drained sites. Conclusions Land managers need to assess the carrying capacities of their trail systems. Trail use in the last ten years has seen a dramatic increase in off-road bicycles. trails as hikers, In many horseback cases off-road riders and land managers with some new the same motorcyclists, so that this additional use compounds erosional concerns. provide bicyclists use data The results of this study summarizing the relative 57 impacts of four different users on two existing trails in southwest Montana. The four major findings of the study are: (I) the natural processes occurring on the complexity of two existing trails topographic, soil, in this study demonstrate the human, and geomorphic variables: (2) sediment yield from existing trails is detachment rather than transportlimited; (3)|horses produce significantly larger compared to hikers, off-road bicycles, quantities of sediment and motorcycles; and (4) the largest and most frequent changes tend to occur on prewetted trails. Future research needs to examine higher intensities of 1000 passes) and increased, rainfall conditions (longer rainstorms). increase the development possibility of thresholds on models intensities and soil saturation Higher levels of use and rainfall would of threshold which simulate existing trails could help values the the results being attainment However, a need for this user conflicts and parks, and type of environmental municipal us to erosion to assess the it is still not larger areas. Clearly, analysis prior to plans that reduce impacts recreation in national centers. 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Seattle, WA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, ARH-W-IO, pp. 108-112. r 64 APPENDIX I 65 Table 13. User Emerald data. Prior cond­ itio n 1 Lake trail slope, Slope (%) Soil moisture2 I (%) bike bike bike b ik e bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike control control control control control control hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse D D D D D D P P P P P P B B B B B B D D D D D D P P P P P P D D D D D D P P P P P I I I 12 12 15 I 2 2 14 13 10 2 2 2 15 12 11 2 2 2 9 11 12 2 2 2 13 10 14 2 3 3 11 13 11 5 5 6 9 9 27.8 22.4 50.2 21.8 32.8 21.9 16.7 23.5 20.8 30.0 26.6 25.6 8.1 8. 4 7. 8 16.1 18.3 22.6 3.3 8. 6 19.2 25.4 29.1 29.7 10.3 9. 4 9. 7 22.5 30.0 44 .0 32.5 30.5 30.0 17.0 23.2 4 7 .0 21.4 24.9 20.1 20 .0 24 .0 soil moisture, and Soil Water moisture3 ru n o ff4 2 I (%) (g) 27.8 22.4 50.2 21.8 32.8 21.9 39.9 55.6 24.2 49.4 29.6 27.3 12.0 16.0 17.8 24.2 18.5 25.4 3.3 8.6 19.2 25.4 29.1 29.7 19.2 22.6 23.8 32.7 37.3 33.2 32.5 30.5 30.0 17.0 23.2 47 .0 30.1 32.2 40 .0 35.1 37.5 - 377.4 513.7 249.2 734.3 465.6 424.8 469.4 847.5 459 .0 740.6 169.2 153.1 - 969.1 429.9 390.5 71 9 .0 263.7 774.5 - - 57 .8 127 .4 985.1 735.9 155 .0 water runoff Water runoff3 2 (g) 810.1 432.3 762.7 924.8 147.7 566.3 354.4 799.7 788.9 732.3 851.3 794.9 399.8 262.4 500.0 753.4 772.8 909.5 260.0 654.8 843.4 205.6 696:7 806.6 981.9 123.7 276.7 982.2 781.4 723.6 788.5 799.4 487.3 231.7 588.1 173.4 307.3 755.5 156.8 592.1 201.3 66 Table 13. User horse motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor I Emerald Lake trail data (continued). Prior condition1 P D D D D D D P P P P P P Slope (%) 11 3 4 3 12 13 11 3 4 3 12 14 14 slope, Soil moisture2 I (%) 19.6 20.1 18.4 20.2 21.3 18.0 20.4 20.6 51.9 50.3 26.2 32.4 31.7 soil moisture, and Soil Water moisture3 runoff4 2 I (%) (sr) 26.0 20.1 18.4 20.2 21.3 18.0 20.4 35.5 32.4 59.6 29.8 34.1 19.3 962.5 - - 560.0 891.8 100.8 685.1 781.0 301.1 water runoff Water runoff0 2 (g ) 784.3 318.9 900.3 187.6 396.8 799.6 328.0 531.2 749.8 774.4 145.6 649.9 901.1 Prior condition refers to state of sample plot prior to user treatments such that D, PW, and B indicate treatments applied to dry, prewetted, and both dry and prewetted situations, respectively. 2 Soil moisture I refers to antecedent soil moisture. 3 Soil moisture 2 refers to soil moisture prior to user treatments. 4 Water runoff I refers to runoff collected prior to user treatments. 5 Water runoff 2 refers to runoff collected after user treatments. 67 Table 14. User Emerald Lake trail soil resistance and sediment yield data. Prior SRl1 condition bike bi k e bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike control control control control control control hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse D D D D D D P P P P P P B B B B B B D D D D D D P P P P P P D D D D D D P P P P P P 37.02 37.64 39.55 31.99 34.59 40.8 0 42.75 42.53 44.33 36.75 39.28 39.03 19.25 27.71 37.61 30.24 34.15 37.48 23.58 16.04 28.42 37.22 34.78 33.95 33.16 38.58 33.14 40.2 2 47.96 29.85 33.55 27.22 31.54 31.62 29.18 31.84 27.94 41.22 29.25 50.22 42.1 2 39.19 SR22 - 31.83 36.83 37.88 34.28 35.48 41.11 14.38 16.58 22.96 27.62 31.43 33.65 - 29.78 33.52 28.85 36.72 31.89 25.47 - 24.27 32.74 23.50 41.88 30.48 30.68 SR33 SR44 (kg/cm2 ) 44.72 43.41 41.18 37.49 35.59 42.33 30.05 37.62 39.03 32.48 33.72 40.68 39.94 42.98 39.67 37.81 39.94 39.32 31.38 27.48 36.92 32.70 36.53 34.43 - - - - - - - - - - - - 26.85 18.70 26.99 37.18 33.82 29.28 32.03 30.22 28.28 38.88 31.35 23.13 34.48 29.16 28.52 30.20 26.65 32.56 22.58 32.11 20.72 42.82 29.55 27.44 24.75 21.07 30.65 33.05 33.37 32.18 29.47 30.81 28.98 38.72 33.23 21.87 34.38 28.04 28.55 28.53 33.72 30.85 23.22 34.08 20.72 38.90 30.02 29.53 SRS3 Sed im ent 6 Sediment7 yield yield 22.54 33.32 28.39 34.76 36.55 37.56 25.62 18.42 27.50 32.52 34.51 37.68 12.50 21.84 21.83 28.61 33.08 37.68 19.85 15.35 31.81 33.28 32.63 26.26 31.38 31.15 29.88 30.25 29.36 25.15 24.65 19.29 20.34 21.22 24.48 19.26 17.79 25.45 23.30 39.02 26.09 28.76 I 2 (g) (g) - 4 0 .7 44 .6 20 .8 34 .2 40 .8 57 .8 13 .5 1 2 .0 16.1 4 4 .4 58 .4 15 .1 - 48.1 13.6 26.3 22 .8 11 .4 23 .1 - 24.0 7 6 .0 6 6 .5 4 1 .6 8 1 .0 106.3 50.9 22.2 27.0 55.1 78.0 70.8 38.8 58.1 33.0 60.8 54.2 41.5 20.3 14.6 11.9 35.4 28.1 52.8 13.9 13.4 32.6 46.3 38.5 38.9 55.8 32.2 55.2 31.3 24.1 44.1 53.0 39.4 65.1 81.0 84.0 59.1 61.5 1 1 1 .1 79.5 79.7 83.1 117.5 68 Table 14. User motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Emerald Lake trail soil resistance and sediment (continued). Prior SRl1 condition D D D D D D P P P P P P 40.50 41.62 47.60 38.72 40.52 40.41 40.56 44.02 34.76 42.90 34.62 34.52 SR21 23 7 6 5 4 - 36.68 40.99 31.48 34.57 29.35 27.61 SR33 SR44 (kg/cm2) 41.24 41.31 45.73 43.08 38.99 36.35 33.98 35.23 29.33 33.98 27.06 23.04 37.98 42.55 45.00 43.50 34.32 34.38 36.84 37.18 29.17 32.90 28.83 26.40 yield data SRS3 Sediment6 Sediment7 yield yield 33.06 35.63 39.46 36.58 26.65 20.20 32.42 38.23 28.27 28.44 26.35 16.45 I 2 (g) (g) - - - 78.6 24.3 10.6 83.4 45.5 39.2 24.4 27.1 39.7 27.8 86.6 14.8 81.8 84.0 85.3 112.6 114.8 51.3 SRl refers antecedent soil resistance. SR2 represents to soil resistance prior to user treatments. SR3 represents soil resistance after 50 passes of a user. SR4 represents soil resistance after 100 passes of a user. SRS represents soil resistance after final rainfall. Sediment yield I refers to sediment collected prior to user treatment. Sediment yield 2 refers to sediment collected after user treatment. 69 Table 15. User bike b ik e bike b ik e bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike control control control control control control hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse motor motor Emerald Lake t r a i l r o u g hn es s d a t a . Prior condition D D D D D D P P P P P P B B B B B B D D D D D D P P P P P P D D D D D D P P P P P P D D TRl1 (mm) 202.31 201.17 199.52 205.52 208.80 205.60 200.62 196.17 202.06 200.29 204.15 200.05 195.72 195.46 198.97 201.92 206.86 203.48 192.45 200.89 206.37 212.57 216.43 213.45 211.28 199.35 208.54 199.69 199.34 195.37 198.25 203.95 201.57 200.97 214.74 197.51 204.12 207.48 206.72 205.40 206.83 211.32 200.23 209.09 TR22 (mm) - - 200.68 195.77 201.35 199.94 204.42 199.88 195.26 193.91 196.75 202.22 203.58 202.94 - 211.89 199.20 208.57 199.52 198.68 194.94 - 205.42 208.26 207.22 205.05 206.77 211.52 - TR33 (mm) TR44 (mm) TR53 (mm) 202.63 200.89 198.77 204.20 209.80 204.88 201.00 195.78 201.62 199.77 204.32 198.11 203.62 201.18 197.60 204.97 209.74 206.51 199.98 196.43 198.54 200.03 203.74 197.60 203.12 201.11 198.40 204.85 208.55 204.43 200.42 196.58 198.68 200.12 203.85 197.66 195.80 193.92 195.22 201.68 203.97 202.88 189.17 200.15 204.66 212.45 215.12 213.63 210.12 199.12 208.43 198.62 198.17 194.98 198.37 203.11 201.65 200.80 213.45 197.80 206.48 208.23 207.35 206.17 206.65 210.75 199.63 209.22 - - - - - - - - - - - - 190.92 201.52 206.29 213.74 214.63 213.29 212.43 199.89 209.23 199.25 199.17 195.57 198.69 203.29 203.42 200.57 215.26 198.09 205.14 208.12 207.15 205.75 207.40 212.54 200.32 209.09 191.34 201.98 204.40 212.86 216.26 212.89 209.72 199.14 208.17 198.72 199.17 194.49 198.88 205.45 203.66 201.02 212.85 197.03 205.28 208.52 205.98 205.58 206.12 211.14 199.92 209.48 70 Table 15. Emerald Lake trail roughness data (continued). User Prior condition TRl1 (mm) TR22 (mm) TR33 (mm) TR4« (mm) TR5a (mm) motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor D D D D P P P P P P 199.26 205.60 210.49 204.42 201.66 207.52 201.17 202.02 216.93 206.12 201.48 206.85 200.51 201.85 217.34 205.94 199.34 204.78 200.88 204.25 202.66 208.14 199.14 202.98 217.66 205.18 198.35 204.68 210.57 203.71 204.12 207.22 199.82 202.00 218.38 205.35 198.74 205.06 201.02 204.00 203.55 207.52 200.09 202.38 217.26 205.85 I 2 3 4 5 TRl TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 refers to antecedent trail represents trail roughness represents trail roughness represents trail roughness represents trail roughness roughness. prior to user treatment. after 50 passes of a user. after 100 passes of a user after the final rainfall. • 71 Ta b le 16. User Prior cond­ itio n 1 4 4 4 13 15 19 4 5 5 16 14 11 3 3 4 15 17 21 4 4 4 13 13 14 3 2 2 13 13 13 5 5 5 15 15 11 5 5 5 12 13 Soil moisture2 I (%) 18.0 15.8 16.9 20.6 22.3 27.3 8.9 9.5 8.1 7.9 18.0 16.9 6.7 6.9 6.6 22.8 23.8 23.6 12.0 10.1 11.2 28.7 24.8 25.1 CO D D D D D D P P P P P P B B B B B B D D D D D D P P P P P P D D D D D D P P P P P Slope (%) OO bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike control control control control control control hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse New World Gulch t r a i l s l o p e , s o i l m o i s t u r e , data. 17.9 20.6 13.7 12.1 6.0 15.0 14.5 15.9 17.1 13.7 15.3 7.8 12.1 15.6 6.6 29.7 and w ate r r u n o f f Soil Water moisture3 ru n o ff4 2 I (%) (g) 18.0 15.8 16.9 20.6 22.3 27.3 25.3 29.8 24.5 27.6 25.8 20.3 23.9 24.6 27.5 32.6 41.3 48.3 12.0 10.1 11.2 28.7 24.8 25.1 26.5 25.1 27.6 27.9 26.3 29.5 15.0 14.5 15.9 17.1 13.7 15.3 29.8 27.2 18.6 23.7 37.6 - 121.6 607.2 702.1 295.9 134.2 99.5 521.2 618.9 271.2 52.1 364.8 371.1 - - 616.4 127.2 286.3 760.7 456.9 469.2 - 709.4 57.2 685.4 649.5 431.4 Water runoff5 2 (g) 228.4 203.4 765.1 994.9 279.6 753.1 590.0 249.3 781.9 849.1 581.1 722.8 769.7 829.0 823.2 814.7 723.2 372.1 330.0 751.8 761.2 254.4 301.8 254.1 650.9 926.7 741.2 457.9 524.0 854.4 85.5 203.2 353.7 369.4 288.4 320.4 217.6 953.2 303.1 972.4 111.9 72 Table 16. User horse motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor 1 2 3 4 5 New World Gulch trail slope, data (continued). Prior condition1 P D D D D D D P P P P P P Slope (%) 17 5 5 6 9 14 19 4 3 5 14 19 21 Soil moisture2 I (%) 27.6 14.4 15.2 16.9 16.3 19.5 19.5 11.8 14.4 14.8 19.6 24.9 21.2 soil moisture, and water runoff Soil Water moisture3 runoff4 2 I (%) (g) 34.0 14.4 15.2 16.9 16.3 19.5 19.5 24.7 26.3 29.6 35.6 31.6 41.6 896.2 - 916.8 931.6 226.8 671.3 766.2 579.8 Water runoff3 2 (g) 715.3 941.1 815.3 506.5 408.5 901.1 358.6 666.6 649.5 631.5 497.4 493.6 827.9 Prior condition refers to states of sample plot prior to user treatments. D, PW and B indicate treatments were applied to dry, prewetted, and both dry and prewetted situations, respectively. Soil moisture I refers to initial antecedent soil moisture. Soil moisture 2 refers to soil moisture prior to user treatments. Water runoff I refers to collected runoff prior to user treatments. Water runoff 2 refers to collected runoff after user treatments. 73 Ta b le 17. User New World data. Prior SRl1 condition bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike control control control control control control hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse D D D D D D P P P P P P B B B B B B D D D D D D P P P P P P D D D D D D P P P P P 49.12 44.37 40.88 40.89 38.61 33.54 54.32 48.97 49.34 40.12 31.25 35.97 56.61 57.25 56.45 34.19 34.50 32.52 52.42 52.09 51.63 26.55 27.98 25.56 48.42 42.35 34.60 49.04 54.30 36.01 52.22 49.90 50.39 47.54 50.02 46.03 56.78 49.10 45.27 46.59 28.70 Gulch t r a i l s o i l SR22 43.44 31.25 35.62 24.36 27.95 31.66 43.93 50.95 43.77 29.72 32.72 22.79 42.28 31.93 26.02 41.63 43.69 17.64 41.19 41.08 35.30 32.74 20.39 r e s i s t a n c e and SR33 SR44 (kg/cm2 ) 43.50 43.44 42.75 39.10 36.05 29.12 43.06 34.45 31.76 20.73 26.65 31.57 46.64 47.70 47.19 27.41 25.61 26.92 41.48 31.66 26.22 36.95 41.23 21.15 46.14 44.72 49.61 40.35 45.34 46.59 42.84 32.40 35.12 33.18 24.50 43.27 46.01 42.41 38.29 37.32 30.71 41.35 39.61 36.12 24.38 30.65 32.59 47.92 49.18 51.18 26.96 29.97 27.83 37.71 30.20 24.45 36.25 37.55 21.82 49.15 49.60 47.70 44.92 48.72 45.77 46.18 35.72 35.52 33.45 24.75 SR53 40.84 36.59 30.67 33.62 30.34 30.48 36.65 30.15 37.51 18.97 26.59 27.99 35.74 38.21 31.25 28.47 23.98 24.39 44.62 45.47 48.25 24.09 23.84 25.27 36.38 27.95 24.98 34.65 38.98 16.42 28.31 28.89 31.10 33.53 33.15 38.46 35.94 36.90 34.26 25.92 23.95 se d im en t yield S ed im en t6 Sediment7 yield yield I 2 (g) (g) 69.3 138.6 94.3 161.2 48.2 55.2 49.9 87.7 111.1 48.1 137.8 58.8 75.2 49.7 73.7 81.4 47.0 56.8 58.5 57.1 37.3 50.4 56.3 78.6 86.3 98.8 96.6 60.4 62.4 69.2 117.7 85.3 102.1 84.4 138.2 84.4 90.7 92.4 81.0 87.4 106.8 84.9 95.9 93.7 95.3 106.5 66.7 70.4 81.9 126.3 64.2 132.8 115.2 73.5 178.5 63.2 97.5 115.1 6 6 .6 37.1 47.9 115.5 63.7 42.6 74 Table 17. User horse motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 New World Gulch trail soil resistance and sediment yield data (continued). Prior SRli condition P D D D D D D P P P P P P 24.66 38.47 38.42 35.74 34.78 29.95 28.90 47.20 45.77 42.26 45.05 31.12 32.13 SR21 2 19.98 - 35.90 35.92 28.38 26.01 28.46 22.25 SR33 SR445 (kg/cm2) 22.25 37.13 37.25 36.05 30.22 30.80 28.72 32.82 29.92 28.53 27.30 21.50 26.29 20.39 34.99 33.95 35.24 31.47 27.32 28.38 30.98 33.12 27.70 27.57 22.68 26.75 SR53 19.92 30.55 29.42 28.72 22.44 22.55 26.16 31.02 32.68 25.24 25.96 10.35 25.05 Sediment6 Sediment7 yield yield I 2 (g) (g) 85.9 137.6 41.6 61.3 33.1 66.5 41.2 102.8 67.4 74.0 92.4 90.2 85.9 141.8 - 37.4 96.9 60.8 72.8 156.2 153.0 SRl refers antecedent soil resistance. SR2 represents to soil resistance prior to user treatments. SR3 represents soil resistance after 50 passes of a user. SR4 represents soil resistance after 100 passes of a user. SR5 represents soil resistance after final rainfall. Sediment yield I refers to sediment collected prior to user treatment. Sediment yield 2 refers to sediment collected after user treatment. 75 Table 18. User bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike control control control control control control hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker hiker horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse horse motor motor New World Gulch trail roughness data. Prior condition TRl1 (mm) D D D D D D P P P P P P B 197.00 195.97 197.00 237.69 229.12 247.48 201.40 204.78 208.74 242.38 243.29 227.97 206.92 215.11 217.58 220.74 213.58 218.46 205.48 204.05 202.32 236.45 236.60 227.02 211.20 195.40 197.14 201.38 197.75 237.65 196.80 197.75 199.29 243.52 238.11 223.62 210.83 218.85 206.00 200.08 234.95 218.17 210.51 211.14 B B B B B D D D D D D P P P P P P D D D D D D P P P P P P D D TR22 (mm) - 203.12 206.22 210.77 242.09 244.22 228.18 207.65 217.08 219.11 219.89 214.12 219.02 212.95 195.72 197.48 201.82 198.08 236.26 209.77 220.42 206.49 200.34 236.09 217.82 - - TR33 (mm) TR44 (mm) TR53 (mm) 197.62 196.60 196.22 237.05 229.28 253.91 203.23 206.82 211.75 238.00 243.66 228.55 - 197.85 197.09 196.86 237.94 229.05 247.83 202.17 206.72 210.48 242.62 242.55 228.00 - 198.78 198.22 196.52 238.83 230.35 246.78 202.28 207.20 210.80 243.06 243.28 228.09 206.22 216.22 218.98 220.22 214.20 219.43 207.28 202.22 202.14 237.83 235.57 226.57 210.35 196.55 198.43 201.69 198.51 234.65 198.29 196.86 200.34 246.52 240.68 223.68 204.42 219.66 206.46 210.43 235.55 214.37 211.98 210.80 - 205.85 203.26 202.08 235.86 239.31 227.08 212.49 196.15 197.92 202.38 198.29 235.55 196.20 200.95 199.03 243.95 239.94 223.05 206.66 218.83 205.60 199.98 232.62 216.00 211.82 210.74 - 206.54 202.62 201.58 230.06 237.26 226.20 210.12 196.29 197.68 201.66 198.08 235.43 196.40 196.35 200.12 244.00 239.86 222.54 203.57 218.68 206.35 200.49 232.00 213.25 211.43 211.15 76 Table 18. New World Gulch trail roughness data (continued). User Prior condition TRl1 (mm) motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor D D D D P P P P P P 205.35 208.26 208.98 204.42 215.40 205.25 194.71 233.88 214.49 208.80 1 2 3 4 5 TR21 2 (mm) - 216.45 205.65 194.66 234.80 215.72 209.43 TR334 5 (mm) 206.28 209.18 209.48 202.40 217.02 206.05 195.25 231.09 215.77 209.60 TR4« (mm) TRS= (mm) 205.62 208.92 213.57 200.85 215.94 205.98 195.12 232.88 216.14 208.45 205.15 208.00 207.92 202.20 216.94 206.35 195.22 233.20 216.08 208.72 TRl refers to antecedent trail roughness. TR2 represents trail roughness prior to user treatment. TR3 represents trail roughness after 50 passes of a user. TR4 represents trail roughness after 100 passes of a user. TR5 represents trail roughness after the final rainfall. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES I lll ll I I I i iI I I 3 1762 10088526 6