e..I~&?Z ,~ J5'­ OYSTER .'OllTALITY STUDY ANNUAL REPo..'i..T April 1, 1968-Harch 31. 1969 Prepared by: Gary G. Gibson Fish Commission of Oregon U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Contract: 14-17-0001-1895 August 1969 TABLE OF conTENTS Parae .!!.2' INTRODUCTl<N • 1 liATERIALS AND HE'IH(I)S • Morta1itl stations. • Shell arowth. • • • • • • Histolosical samples. • • Hldrogra2h1c data • • • • Salinitl tolerance !X2ertment • RESULTS • • • • 1 • • • • • • • 3 3 3 3 • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 6 9 9 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mortalitl stations. Shell srowth. • Histological samples. • • • Hxdrosra2hic data • • Salinitl tolerance ~eriment SUMMARY • • • 10 12 LIST OF FIGURES Page No. Fisure No. 1. Location of the oyster mortality stations in Yaquina Bay 2 2. Quarterly mean percentage increase in shell size (length x width) of Pacific oysters at three Yaquina Bay stations (A, B and C), April 1968-March 1969. • • • • • • • • •• 8 LIST OF 'Xl,ULES Table No. Pase No. 1. Pacific oyster mortality in Yaquina Bay by station and quarterly period, April 1968-Harch 1969. • • • • • • •• 5 2. Native oyster mortality in Yaquina Bay by station and quarterly period, April 1963-March 1969. • • • • • • • • 5 3. Pacific oyster mortality in Tillamook and Coos bays by quarterly period, April 1968-Harch 1969. • • • • • • •• 7 4. Survival of adult native oysters in different salinities at IS C. • • • • ••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 11 5. Survival of native oysters after being held in reduced salinities for 14 days, then held at 30 ppm salinity and fed. . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . • • • . . . 11 LIST OF APPEND IX TABLES Appendix Table Page A. Salinities (0/00) from Yaquina Bay, April 1968-March 1969 • . . . • • . . . • • . • • . • . • . • • . • • .. 1 B. Temperatures (OF) from Yaquina Bay, April 1968-March 1969 • • • • • • . . • . . • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • C. Dissolved oxygen values (ppm at tray level) from Yaquina Bay, April 1968-narch 1969 • • • • • • • 3 .... D. Secchi disc readings (ft) from Yaquina Bay, April 1968­ March 1969 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 7 N~. Annual Progress Report Oyster Mortality Study INTRODUCTION Objectives of Oregonts Oyster Nortality study for the year ending March 1969 were similar to those of the first 2 years of the program: (1) to monitor oyster mortality in Yaquina, Tillamook and Coos bays, (2) to collect hydrographic data in Yaquina Bay and (3) to furnish oysters to the University of Washington for comparative histological examination. Additional work was done on the seasonal growth of Pacific oysters, the survival and growth of native oysters from spat and low salinity toleranee of adult native oysters. MATERIALS AND METHODS Mortalitx stations Mortality data were collected at four subtidal locations (stations) in Yaquina Bay (Figure 1) and at single intertidal stations in Till..ook and Coos bays. Three hundred Pacific oysters (Crassostrea sigas) and an equal number of native oysters (Ostrea lurida) were held in suspended trays at each Yaquina Bay station (2.400 animals). These stations were checked every other week for mortality and 10 oysters of each species were collected monthly at the upper bay stations (A, B and C) for histological preparation. An additional tray containing 500 native oyster spat of the 1967-year class was placed in Yaquina Bay at Station B in November 1967 and was checked at irregular intervals for mortality. Newport All stations suspended from floating docks at a depth of: Station Station Station Station A--4 B--4 C--6 D--8 ft. ft. ft. ft. Pacific Ocean o 1 Hile A Figure 1. Location of the oyster mortality stations in Yaquina Bay ..., • 3. Stations at Tillamook and Coos bays Pa~ifi~ oystera. ea~h initially ~ontained 100 These stations were checked monthly for mortality, and at the same time five tray animals and 10 oysters from the surrounding commer~ial beds were collected for histological examination. Shell growth One hundred l-year-old Pacific oysters were measured every 3 months at each upper Yaquina Bay station with the same animals being used in succeeding quarters. The mean product of height (length) times width was used to determine shell size. One hundred native oysters of the 1967 set were measured every 3 months at Station B since November 1967. ~al~ulated Native oyster growth was from mean shell length only because of their more uniform shape. Histological samples Oysters ~ollected from Yaquina, Tillamook and Coos bays were fixed in Davidson1s solution. and sent to the University of Washington for histo­ logical examination. ~drograehic da~ Salinity. temperature. dissolved oxygen, and turbidity information W~ collected twice monthly during a daily high and low slack tide at all Yaquina Bay stations (Appendix Tables A-D). Salinity tol~rance eX2eriment Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the low salinity toleran~e of native oysters and the extent of delayed mortality from reduced salinity. Adult Yaquina Bay native oysters were brought into 4. the laboratory in December 1968, and conditioned for 2 weeks with a constant temperature of 59 F. While conditioning, the oysters were fed a mixture of unicellular algae (Honochrysis sp and Isochrysis sp) totaling from 200­ 800 million cells per day. Five groups of 40 oysters each were then placed in 1 gallon containers of water at salinities of 0, S, 10, IS and 30 ppt. Filtered sea water was mixed with distilled fresh water to obtain the required salinities. Tbe water in the containers was continuously aerated and changed every other day. After 2 weeks, half of the oysters from each salinity group were placed in 30 ppm salt water, and monitored for delayed mortality. Tbe remaining animals were left in the original salinities and were checked daily for mortality. Oysters were considered dead when they gaped and were unable to bold tbeir valves closed. All dead oysters were prepared for sectioning and sent to the University of Washington for analysis of any internal changes caused by low salinity stress. RESULTS Mortalit, stations Pacific oyster mortality was 1.1% during the past year for Yaquina Bay stations with most of it occurring at Stations A and B (Table 1). Similar low mortalities were reported for the two previous study periods: 1.S% during July 1967-March 1966 and 1.8% during June 1966-June 1967. Native oyster mortality was 28.2% at the Yaquina Bay stations during the study year (Table 2). About three-fourths of this mortality occurred at the upper bay station (A) during January-March 1969. when hydrographic data indicated that the salinity was near zero for extended periods. Another one-seventh of the total annual mortality was recorded at the lower bay station (D) immediately following transfer of the oysters from 5. Table 1. Pacific oyster mortality in Yaquina Bay by station and quarterly period, April 1968-March 1969 A B C D Tota n\Dber Total Date Station 1968 APril. June 0 2 0 1 3 0.3 July. September 0 1 0 0 1 0.1 October. December 2 0 1 ·11 3 0.4 January. }larch 2 0 0 2 0.3 Total No. 4 .:; 1 9 1.1 % .lli! !I 1 Y Station lost October 18, 1968. 1:.1 Total mortality is equal to l--the product of the quarterly survival rates. Table 2. Native oyster mortality in Yaquina Bay by station and quarterly period, April 1968-March 1969 Station Date A B C D Total n_ber Total % 1968 April... June 5 12 9 4S 71 6.0 JulySeptember 3 1 1 2 7 0.7 OctoberDecember 3 2 2 .y 7 0.9 JanuaryMarch 118 3 3 124 21.3 Total No. 129 18 15 209 28.2 .ill.2 11 47 Station lost October 18, 1968. Y Total mortality rates. is equal to 1--the product of the quarterly survival Y 6. the upper bay near Station A. Total mortalities during the previous study periods were 9.6% from July 1967-March 1968 and 18.2% during June 1966-June 1967. Mortality of the 1967.year class native oysters, established at Station B in November 1967, was 53.2% through March 1969. Mortality rate was highest during the spring of 1968, coinciding with the usual high adult mortality period in Yaquina Bay. Mortality of Pacific oysters at the Tillamook station was 4.6% during the study period (Table 3). No mortality was noted at this station from October 1968-March 1969. At the Coos Bay station 27.1% of the 100 additional experimental animals died. 1968. About 17% of this mortality occurred during July-September No unusual mortality was noted during this time in younger oysters being cultured on racks and sticks. This area will be monitored more intensively in the coming year to determine if a significant mortality actually occurs and if there is a differential mortality between young and older oysters. Shell growth Shell growth of Pacific oysters in Yaquina Bay occurred almost entirely during the 6 months period April-September (Figure 2). The best growth during the study year was recorded at Station C, with a 161% increase in size. Some growth took place at this station during October-March, while little or no growth was noted at the other upper bay stations. respectively. Total shell growth was 127% and 110% at Stations A and D, 7. Table 3. Pacific oyster mortality in Tillamook and Coos bays by quarterly period, April 1968-March 1969 ~tion % Date 1968 April­ June 1 1.0 3 3.2 July­ September 3 3.6 13 17.6 October­ December o 0.0 3 5.6 1969 January.. Harch o 0.0 1 3.2 Total 4 4.6 20 27.1 !I Y Total mortality is equal to l ... the product of the quarterly survival rates. Y B. 80 ~--------------------------------------------------------~ 70 60 50 "" § 40 30 20 10 o A April-June 1968 July-September October-December B January-March 1969 Figure 2. Quarterly mean percentage increase in shell size (length x width) of Pacific oysters at three Yaquina Bay stations (A, Band Ch April 1968-March 1969 9. Mean increase in shell length of the 1967 set native oysters was only 1.8 millimeters (12.4%) during November 1967-May 1968, while rapid growth occurred during June-August 1968 (86.5%). No further increase was noted through March 1969. Histological s~les A total of 462 native oysters and 614 Pacific oysters was prepared during the stUdy period and sent to the University of Washington for histological examination. Hydrograehic data Hydrographic data collected in Yaquina Bay reflect characteristic changes which occur in this estuary between tides and seasons (Appendix Tables A-D). Salinity is generally high within the area of oyster production, between Station A and C, during the summer, but is often very low for several weeks at a time during the winter. Layering of fresh water over salt water occurs frequently during periods of high stream flow, an example being January 8, 1969, at high tide when the surface salinity was zero at Station B; while a salinity of 19.2 ppt was recorded on the bottom. A high native oyster mortality occurred at Station A during January­ February 1969, while mortality was small at Station B less than a mile down bay. Salinity information reveals that winter conditions were severe at both stations at low tide, but high-tide salinities were usually substantially higher beneath the fresh-water layer at Station B than at Station A. 10. Temperature, like salinity, varies considerably as to area, season and tidal cycle. Yearly temperature extremes are greater at the upper bay stations than in the lower bay area. Maximum summer temperatures at high and low tide at Station A were 67 and 70 F, while at Station D, comparable temperatures were 61 and 60 F. Winter minimum temperatures at Station A were 44 F at high tide and 43 F at low tide; Station D readings were 46 F and 44 F. Large differences in temperature cecasloa­ ally occur during the summer between Station A and D due to oceanic up­ welling, an example being July 22, 1968, when the bottom temperature at Station D was S2 F, while 70 F was recorded at Station A. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were generally high throughout the study area, but in August 1968, at the upper bay stations. high tempera­ tures forced readings down to 5-6 ppm. Dissolved oxygen was also low in July 1968, at Station D, when values fell below 6 ppm due to upwelling. In March 1969 supersaturation was recorded at the upper bay stations during a heavy algal bloom. Secchi disc readings ranged from 1 foot at Station A during the winter to 11 feet at Station D during the summer. These extremes re­ sulted from the heavy influx of silt-laden fresh water into the head of the bay during winter freshets and the intrusion of cold, clear sea water into the lower bay during summer upwelling. Salinitl tolerance experiment Adult native oysters were found to be quite tolerant to reduced salinity during the winter. Survival was slightly better ln dlstilled water than in S ppt salinity, indicating that low salinity (5 ppt or less) may be just as lethal as fresh water (Table 4). The threshold of minimum survival appears to be somewhere between 5 and 10 ppt salinity for 2-3 11. Table 4. Survival of adult native oysters in different salinities at 15 C Salinity (ppm) 0 5 10 15 30 7 days 14 days 100 98 100 98 100 95 85 93 98 97 Per cent survival after: 28 35 21 !I days daIs daIs 68 59 94 100 100 21 18 89 90 100 42 daIs 49 daIs 0 0 11 0 0 8S 85 100 0 0 67 90 100 0 100 !I Percentages determined using new base number after removal of half of the original oysters at 14 days. weeks. These conditions occur frequently during winter freshet on native oyster grounds. A preliminary experLment indicated that tolerance to reduced salinity is even lower during the summer. No significant delayed mortality was experienced by oysters held at low salinities for 2 weeks, then maintained in 30 ppt salt water and fed (Table 5). Table 5. Survival of native oysters after being held in reduced salinities for 14 days, then held at 30 ppm salinity and fed Initial salinity (ppm) for 14 daIs 0 5 10 15 30 Per cent survival i.n 30 ppt salt water after: 14 days 7 days 21 days 78 100 100 95 100 78 94 89 95 100 73 94 89 95 100 12. Results of studies by other workers on the Eastern oyster (Craasostrea virsinica) indicated no significant difference in the survival rate at low salinities between oyster spat and adult oysters, but young native oysters which were set on the adult oysters in our experiment died much sooner at low salinitiea than the older animals. Further study ia needed to determine the extent of this differential mortality. SUMMARY Qyater mortality data were collected from tray held animals at four subtidal locations in Yaquina Bay and at sinsle intertidal stations in Tillamook and Coos bays. Pacific oyster annual mortality continued low (1.11) in Yaquina Bay, while native oyster mortality was 28.2~. Most of this mortality occurred at the upper bay station durins strong fresh water inflow. Pacific oyster mortality in Tillamook Bay was minimal (4.61) but a 271 mortality was observed at the Coos Bay atation. Shell growth of Pacific oysters in Yaquina Bay was excellent; antmals at one of the upper bay stations increased 161% in size during the year. A total of 1,076 oysters was prepared and sent to the University of Washington for histological examination. Hydrographic data collected in Yaquina Bay reflected characteristic seasonal patterns of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity during tidal cycles and in different areas. A laboratory experiment with adult native oysters to determine low salinity tolerance and delaye4 mortality from reduced salinity revealed that these animal. can resist low salinities during the winter. The threshold of survival appears to be between 5 and 10 ppt, at 59 F, for at least 2 weeks which approximates natural conditions during winter freshets. No significant delayed mortality was oba.rved. APPENDIX Table A. Salinities (0/00) from Yaquina Bay, April 1968-harch 1969 Station Date A B 4-16-68 Low tide 4.2 1/ 4.8 5.2 5.6 5.8 12.6 14.1 20.9 23 .1 23.5 25.2 4-16-68 High tide 18.8 18.7 22.0 24.6 24.3 24.6 25.8 30.7 31.0 31.4 32.3 31.9 4-30-68 LOlo' tide 10.3 10.3 9.9 11.4 11.2 11.0 17 .9 18.3 27.3 4-30-68 High tide 22.2 22.9 25.0 23.9 25.9 26.3 5-13-68 Low tide 24.8 25.9 !/ 1/ C D Date Station , P. B C _D_ 7-8-68 High tide 28.0 28.4 28.9 29.3 30.6 30.8 31.2 32.9 33.7 32.4 33.7 33.8 7-22-68 tide 24.6 24.6 25.2 26.4 26.3 26.7 30.3 31.9 32.3 34.2 34.4 34.6 26.0 27.6 28.8 7-22-68 High tide 27.2 27.2 27.3 26.8 27.4 27.3 30.2 31.6 32.3 32.8 34.2 34.4 24.4 30.0 31.4 32.4 33.4 32.5 8-5-68 Low tide 26.3 26.1 27.2 27.8 27.8 29.4 30.4 31.5 32.8 33.6 33.4 34.0 17.9 8-5-68 High tide 29.4 29.7 30.3 32.0 32.5 33.3 33.0 34.9 35.1 34.9 35.1 35.4 Low Y 26.7 21.7 Y 27.7 28.1 29.1 5... 13-68 BiBh tide 28.0 28.6 29.0 29.0 31.0 31.1 29.1 32.1 32.4 32.8 33.2 33.2 8-28-68 Low tide 17.4 17.3 18.2 19.7 19.6 20.6 25.9 25.8 28.2 33.0 33.2 33.4 5-31-68 Low tide y 8.9 16.1 17.1 22.6 21.7 8-28-68 High tide 8.9 10.2 lO.3 10.5 24.0 28.0 28.6 29.4 29.0 30.0 32.0 32.7 32.8 32.9 32.7 33.0 33.2 5-31-68 High tide 17 .5 19.0 20.6 19.9 20.0 21.7 19.9 25.0 25.9 27.3 27.4 27.7 9-11-68 Low tide 20.6 21.0 22.1 23.1 23.5 25.0 27.7 28.4 32.7 33.6 34.0 33.6 6-19-68 Low tide 16.0 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.1 21.7 19.7 24.3 28.1 26.5 27.2 30.7 9-25-68 Low tide 17 .8 18.3 18.6 19.6 20.1 21.4 24.6 25.5 28.2 32.8 33.0 33.2 6-19-68 High tide 16.6 19.6 25.8 18.0 21.7 26.4 22.1 28.4 30.0 29.5 32.5 33.0 9... 25-68 High tide 27.7 31.2 32.4 31.9 32.7 32.5 33.3 33.7 34.0 33.2 33.8 34.0 7-8-68 Low tide 22.5 22.2 22.9 24.6 25.0 26.5 29.0 30.3 31.5 31.9 33.4 33.6 10-9-68 Low tide 21.4 21.7 24.2 23.3 23.5 23.9 26.8 29.7 31.9 33.6 33.2 33.2 23.9 2. Table A (cont'd) Station Date A Station B C D Date A B C D 10-9-68 High tide 29.1 29.9 31.8 31.4 32.4 32.7 32.3 33.8 33.7 33.4 33.8 34.0 2-7-69 Low tide 3.2 3.0 3.5 4.7 4.8 5.2 9.4 11.2 15.3 18.4 20.9 25.1 10-31-68 Low tide 9.8 9.6 9.7 11.9 11.6 13.7 18.6 19.9 21.3 24.6 25.4 27.6 2-7-69 High tide 6.3 17 .8 22.2 10.1 18.0 22.2 17 .5 23.9 26.0 24.0 31.2 31.1 10-31-68 High tide 16.6 20.1 22.7 20.5 24.3 25.5 22.6 29.8 31.2 31.1 32.7 32.7 2-21-69 Low tide 2.5 2.6 2.9 4.5 4.5 4.6 9.4 11.4 15.8 16.4 18.4 24.4 11-14-68 Low tide 2.1 2.1 3.9 4.8 5.1 11.1 6.0 7.3 26.3 9.2 11.9 27.8 2-21-69 High tide 12.8 17 .1 18.2 16.2 20.3 22.1 19.4 25.4 26.3 20.9 32.3 32.1 11-14-68 High tide 6.2 8.4 19.6 5.4 8.1 23.7 6.7 25.4 27.3 9.9 30.7 31.1 3-21-69 Low tide 3.8 3.2 5.0 5.8 5.8 7.5 12.0 12.6 17 .6 20.5 22.6 25.5 12-12-68 Low tide 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 2.9 3.3 8.6 4.6 5.8 19.6 3-21-69 High tide 18.4 18.7 19.6 22.1 22.6 23.3 24.8 27.3 30.6 29.8 32.5 33.0 12-12-68 High tide 0.5 0.0 0.9 0.5 0.8 12.4 1.1 8.5 24.6 3.9 20.8 27.0 1-8-69 Low tide 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 3.2 5.2 6.6 8.1 14.2 1-8-69 Hieh tide 0.0 0.0 9.4 0.0 0.4 19.2 18.2 18.0 25.4 21.4 28.4 30.8 1-21-69 2.1 2.5 5.0 4.5 4.6 5.2 8.0 11.5 19.1 20.6 23.9 26.9 12.8 17.1 18.2 16.2 20.3 22.1 19.4 25.4 26.3 20.9 32.3 32.1 Low tide 1-21-69 High tide .1J Insufficient depth to make a difference in values • ~I All measurements are for surface, mid-depth and bottom positions, respectively. 3. Table B. ­ Date .. ---, Temperatures (OF) from Yaquina Bay, April 1968-March 1969 Station .. S.tation . __ .J>ate A B C D 53 !I 52 51 50 51 52 52 7-8-68 High tide 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 52 52 53 51 50 52 51 50 4-30-68 Low tide 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 57 55 4-30-68 Hieh tide S9 58 57 58 57 57 57 4.16-68 Low tide 4-16-68 High tide A B C D 64 64 63 62 60 60 60 55 52 58 50 50 7-22-68 Low tide 70 70 70 69 69 68 63 62 62 54 53 52 55 55 54 7-22-68 High tide 67 67 67 67 66 66 62 61 61 60 52 Sl 58 54 54 S4 53 53 8-5.. 68 Low tide 68 68 67 68 67 65 65 62 61 57 55 8-5-68 High tide 65 64 64 63 62 61 62 58 56 50 55 54 64 64 64 64 64 64 63 62 62 60 60 y 1:.1 57 57 !I 1:.1 56 54 54 53 56 55 54 55 54 54 53 53 56 53 53 53 8-28-68 Low tide 64 63 62 61 61 60 60 8-28-68 High tide 64 64 62 63 1:.1 64 64 64 62 62 61 61 61 61 61 60 62 60 60 60 60 56 55 55 9-11-68 Low tide 65 65 64 64 62 62 59 60 S7 56 64 63 to 58 58 53 67 67 66 67 66 65 66 62 59 61 61 55 9-25-68 Low tide 63 63 63 63 63 62 62 61 60 58 57 56 6-19-68 Hieh tide 66 65 62 65 64 61 63 58 57 56 52 50 9-25-68 High tide 64 62 60 60 59 59 58 57 56 58 55 54 7-8-68 Loy tide 70 70 69 69 69 67 62 60 59 57 55 51 5-13-68 Low tide 5-13-68 High tide 5-31-68 tide LO~l 64 5-31-68 High tide 6-19-68 Low tide 57 60 60 4. Table B (cont1d) Date 10-9-68 Low tide 10-9-68 High tide A Station B C D Station Date 57 56 56 56 56 56 56 55 54 52 51 51 1-21-69 Low tide 56 55 54 55 54 53 54 52 52 52 51 51 1-21-69 High tide S4 S4 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 54 2-7-69 Low tide 10-31-68 Hieh tide 53 54 54 53 54 54 53 53 53 53 53 53 11-14-68 Low tide 50 50 50 50 50 51 50 SO 53 11-14-68 High tide 50 50 50 49 53 53 52 S2 50 53 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 50 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 50 49 50 51 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 47 47 47 47 49 10-31-68 Low tide 12-12-68 Low tide 12-12-68 Hieh tide 1-8-69 Low tide 1-8-69 High tide 48 B C D 43 43 43 44 43 44 44 44 46 45 45 47 45 46 47 46 47 47 47 48 49 49 48 48 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 45 45 2-7-69 High tide 44 44 45 44 44 45 44 45 46 46 46 46 49 50 53 2-21-69 Low tide 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 43 48 2-21-69 High tide 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 46 48 48 49 3-21-69 Low tide 51 51 51 51 51 51 50 50 50 50 50 50 3... 21-69 High tide 52 52 52 52 52 51 51 51 50 51 51 50 S3 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 50 49 A 11 Insufficient depth to make a difference in valuesa y All measurements are for surface, mid-depth and bottom positions, respectively. " ~. Table C. Dissolved oxygen values (ppm at tray level) from Yaquina Bay, fpri1 1968-March 1969 Station C Station C D Date f. B 9.5 8.8 8-5-68 Low tide 6.2 6.6 7.6 10.7 8.9 9.0 9.0 8-5-68 High tide 6.3 6.5 9.0 9.7 9.4 9.4 8.3 8.3 8-28-68 Low tide 5.4 5.4 6.0 7.0 4-30-68 High tide 8.8 8.2 9.1 lO.O 8-28-68 High tide 6.4 6.5 8.2 3.5 5-13-68 Low tide 6.9 6.9 7.0 7.0 9-25-68 Low tide 6.4 6.4 6.8 7.0 5-13-68 High tide 8.0 8.0 10.2 10.8 9-25-68 High tide 7.0 7.5 7.4 7.3 5-31-68 Low tide 7.5 7.4 7.0 7.6 10-9-68 Low tide 7.3 7.5 8.0 7.8 5-31-68 High tide 8.2 8.2 8.0 0.2 10-9-68 High tide 8.2 8.4 8.4 0.0 6-19-68 Low tide 8.2 8.8 9.1 9.6 10-31-68 Low tide 8.5 8.6 8.7 9.2 6-19-68 High tide 7.5 7.5 6.6 6.0 10-31-68 High tide 8.4 8.4 8.5 8.6 7-8-68 Low tide 7.5 7.8 6.5 6.5 11-14-68 Low tide 9.6 9.4 9.4 9.3 7-8..68 High tide 6.9 6.4 5.6 5.0 11-14-68 High tide 9.2 9.3 8.6 8.9 7-22-68 Low tide 7.9 8.1 7.1 6.2 12-12-68 Low tide 10.2 10.3 10.0 lJ.2 7-22-68 High tide 6.8 S.4 6.7 5.4 12-12-68 High tide 10.3 10.5 10.0 9.9 Date A B 4-16-68 Low tide lO.O lO.4 4-16-68 High tide 10.2 4-30-68 Low tide D ,. ~. Table C (conttd) Station C Date A 1-8-69 Low tide 10.6 10.6 10.3 10.2 1-8-69 High tide 10.7 10.7 10.0 9.6 1-21..69 Low tide 10.7 10.7 10.1 9.S 1-21-69 High tide 10.2 9.9 9.2 9.0 2-7-69 Low tide 11.1 11.2 10.7 10.2 2-7-69 High tide 10.8 10.9 10.1 10.2 2-21-69 Low tide 10.6 10.7 10.2 9.6 2-21-69 HiSh tide 10.4 10.3 9.8 9.8 3-21-69 Low tide 10.9 11.2 11.1 10.1 B D 7. • Table D. Secchi disc readings (ft) from Yaqulna Bay, April 1968-March 1969 Station Date 4.16-68 Low tide A 1:.1 B C D uate A Station B C D 2.0 2.5 4.0 8-5-68 Low tide 4.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 4-16-68 High tide 4.0 4.5 4.5 5.5 8-5-68 High tide 4.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 4-30-68 Low tide 3.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 8-28-68 Low tide 3.5 3.5 4.0 6.0 4-30-68 Higb tide 4.5 5.0 5.0 6.5 8-28-68 High tide 4.5 5.0 7.0 10.0 5-13-68 Low tide y 2.5 2.5 2.5 9-11-68 Low tide 5.0 5.0 5.0 8.0 5-13-68 High tide 2.5 3.0 3.5 5.5 9-25-68 Low tide 4.0 3.5 4.0 5.5 5-31-68 Low tide 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 9-25-68 High tide 5.0 5.5 7.0 7.5 5-31-68 Higb tide 3.5 4.0 4.5 10.0 10-9-68 Low tide 4.5 4.5 6.0 8.5 6-19-68 Low tide 3.5 4.0 4.0 5.0 10-9-68 High tide 5.5 6.0 6.5 10,0 6-19-68 High tide 4.0 4.0 4.5 7.0 10..31-68 Low tide 5.0 5..0 6,0 7.0 7-8-68 Low tide 3.5 3.5 4.0 8.0 10-31-68 High tide 6.0 6.0 5.5 6.5 7-8-68 High tide 3.5 4.0 4.0 11.0 11-14-68 Low tide 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.0 7-22-68 Low tide 3.0 3.5 4.5 10.0 11-14-68 High tide 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.5 7-22-68 High tide 3.5 4.0 4.5 6.0 :3. Table D (eont1d) Station Date A B C D 12-12-68 Low tide 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 12..12-68 fligh tide 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1-8-69 Low tide 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.5 1-8..69 High tide 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.5 1-21-69 Low tide 3.0 3.0 3.5 6.0 1-21-69 High tide 5.0 5.5 5.5 8.0 2-7-69 Low tide 4.0 4.5 5.0 7.5 2-7-69 High tide 5.0 5.0 6.5 8.5 2-21-69 Low tide 4.0 4.5 4.5 6.5 2-21-69 High tide 6.0 6.0 7.5 8.5 3-21-69 Low tide 3.5 3.5 3.0 7.0 3-21-69 High tide S.O 6.0 7.0 9.5 11 Insuffieient depth to obtain reading.