JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 100, NO. Dll, PAGES 23,125-23,131, NOVEMBER 20, 1995 Ozone fluxes over a patchy cultivated surface L. Mahrt, • D. H. Lenschow, Jielun Sun,• and J. C. WeiP National Center for Atmospheric Research,Boulder, Colorado J. I. MacPherson Flight ResearchLaboratory,National ResearchCouncil, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada R. L. Desjardins Land ResourcesResearchCentre, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa Abstract. This studyexaminesthe spatialvariability of ozone fluxesover fiat heterogeneousterrain consistingof a patchworkof irrigated and nonirrigatedsurfaces. Fluxesof ozone and other quantitiesare computedfrom eight sequentialflight legsof the Canadian Twin Otter research aircraft over the same track at 33 m above the surface for each of 2 days.The fluxesare compositedover the eight runs to reduce the random flux error. The fluxesof heat, moisture,and carbon dioxide are closelyrelated to spatial variationsof surfacevegetation.However, the ozone flux is affectedby additional factors includingreaction with NO releasedfrom point sources.This effect is illustrated here with two examplesof irrigation pumpingstationsdriven by dieselengines.We concludethat the ozonedepositionto the surfacecannotbe estimatedfrom the measuredozone flux without 1. correction for the NO sources. is due to spatialvariationsof surfaceconditions,while most of Introduction the variance The daytime boundary layer is typically characterizedby downward turbulent flux of ozone. This downward ozone flux of the ozone flux is due to transient behavior. There are situations, however, where the ozone flux is closelyrelated to the vegetativecover and highly correlated with fluxesof heat, moisture,and carbondioxide.For example, MacPherson[1992] found an approximaterelation between ozone flux and the greennessindex when comparingaircraft data collectedat homogeneoussitesover a 1-month observational period. Similarly,Lenschowet al. [1981] found a good qualitative relationshipbetween ozone fluxes and vegetation over a region of mixed rangelandand irrigated cropland. In their casethe grasswas senescentand there were no apparent significantsourcesof NO. As an additional complication,the flux measuredabovethe surface may be considerablydifferent from the surface flux. These differencesmay result from a large entrainment rate, horizontal advection,rapid time changes,or, in the case of chemicallyreactive species,production or lossof the species betweenthe surfaceand the measurementheight. Ozone can react with NO on timescalesthat are short enoughto significantlymodify the vertical divergenceof the ozone flux. Lenschow[1995] estimatesthe turbulent diffusiontimescale to be of the order of a couple of minutesin the upper part of a convectivesurfacelayer (lowest 30 m), and a few tens of minutesup to an hour in the overlyingmixedlayer (1 or 2 km depth). This meansthat the reactionof ozonewith NO, which has a time constantof roughlya coupleof minutes,can signif•Now at Collegeof Oceanicand AtmosphericSciences, Oregon icantly alter the ozone flux measured,even within the surface State University, Corvallis. 2Nowat Programin Atmospheric andOceanicSciences, University layer [Lenschow,1982; Fitzjarraldand Lenschow,1983; Lenof Colorado, Boulder. schowand Delany, 1987;Kramm et al., 1991]. 3Nowat Cooperative Institutefor Researchin Environmental SciA major sourceof NO is combustion.Therefore its emission ences,University of Colorado, Boulder. is inherently inhomogeneousand often episodic.When first Copyright 1995 by the American GeophysicalUnion. released,it reactsquicklywith ozone and, in large concentrations, can effectively remove the ozone. This is a transient Paper number95JD02599. 0148-0227/95/95JD-02599505.00 effect. Eventually, as the air is diluted and the NO reaches is partly associatedwith entrainment of ozone from the overlyinglayer [Neu et al., 1994] and ultimatelyleadsto deposition of ozone at the Earth's surface.Surfacedepositionof ozone onto vegetatedand bare surfacesdependson factorsdifferent from thoseaffectingsurfacefluxesof heat, moisture,and carbon dioxide [Massmanet al., 1994]. A large fraction of the ozone depositionis directly onto soil and leaf surfacesand is not part of the stomatalexchange[Leuninget al., 1979; Wesely, 1983]. Ozone depositionalsodependson the soilwater contentand atmospherichumidity.Sinceozoneis not very solublein water, depositionof ozoneto wet soilsis lessthan for dry soils[Chamberlain, 1986] and becomesquite small over saturated soils [Weselyet al., 1981].McLaughlinand Taylor [1981] found that ozone depositionto plants can increaseby a factor of 2 or 3 when relative humidityincreasesfrom 35% to 75%. As a result of thesefactors,the spatialvariationof ozonefluxesmay show a more complexrelationshipto spatialvariationsof vegetation cover and soil conditionsthan is shownby heat and moisture fluxes[e.g.,Massmanet al., 1994;Sun and Mahrt, 1994]. For example,Mahrt et al. [1994] find that for the data set analyzed in this study,mostof the varianceof the heat and moistureflux 23,125 23,126 MAHRT ET AL.: OZONE FLUXES OVER A PATCHY CULTIVATED photochemicalequilibriumwith NO2, ozone, and variousreactivehydrocarbons (and partiallyoxidizedhydrocarbons), the ozone concentrationmay reach even higher valuesthan were presentbefore the introductionof NO. This is due to ozone productionon longer timescalesby other chemicalprocesses (e.g., reactionswith hydrocarbons)that are enhancedby NO • [Seinfeld,1986]. This paper investigatesthe relationshipof measuredozone fluxesto surfacevariability in contrastwith the relationshipof heat and moisture fluxes to the same surface variability. A major goal of this studyis to evaluatethe abilityof the aircraft to estimatespatiallyaveragedsurfaceozonefluxesin the presence of chemical reactions between the aircraft level and the surface.Surfaceconditionswill be posed in terms of the normalizeddifferenceof vegetationindex (NDVI) asdescribedby Tucker[1979]. The next sectiondescribeshow the fluxesand NDVI are computedfrom aircraft data. 2. Data Description and Flux Computations SURFACE I i , i i j [ i i i. 36 04 35 E o• 34 o o 1 o _ -0.1 .... I .... l, ,'..r"/A'l',,, ,1•,, i ,,,, I,,,, 15 20 0 bare5 mixed10 25mixed 30 soil irrigatedcrops 35 distance(km) Figure 1. Normalizeddifferenceof vegetationindex(NDVI) (solidline) and air temperatureat 33 m (dashedline) filtered with a movingaveragewindowwith width of 375 m and compositedoverall of the flightlegsfor flight19 (definedas {&(x, t)} in section2). Northeast (southwest)is directedto the right (left). We analyze data from flights of the Twin Otter aircraft operated by the Canadian Flight ResearchLaboratoryof the pared with the nonirrigated areas, similar to the variation Research Council. The instrumentation is described by MacPherson[1992] and MacPhersonet al. [1993]. The air- shownby Dotart et al. [1992]. The air temperatureat 33 m for craft measurementswere obtained at 33 m aboveflat ground, flight 19 varies by 2ø-3øCbetweenirrigated and nonirrigated which is near the top of the surface layer. The underlying areas and by about 1.5øCfor flight 13. To estimate fluxes from the aircraft data, we first define a surface consistsof a patchwork of relatively cool, moist irrigated fields and hot, dry nonirrigatedfields. Ozone measure- movingaverage[&(x, t)], where x is the distancealong the mentswere carried out usingthe DeutscheForschungsanstalt aircraftleg and &(x, t) representsone of the velocitycompoffir Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) fast responseozoneanalyzer nents, temperature, moisture or chemical species.The total [Schmidtet al., 1991]. This analyzer is based on a surface flow is then decomposedas chemiluminescentreaction of ozone with a selected organic 4,(x, t) = [4,(x, t)] + 4,' (x, t) dye absorbedon an aluminumdiskcoatedwith a dry silicagel. These measurementswere compared with the fast response where O'(x, t) is the turbulentpart of the signalcomputedas ozonedetectordescribedby Pearsonand Stedman[1980].Both deviationsfrom [ O(x, t) ]. We definethe operator[ O(x, t) ] to instrumentsagreed well with each other in terms of overall be an equallyweightedmovingaveragewith window width of spatial structure.We arbitrarily report resultsonly from the either375m (100pointsat thesample rateof 16s-•), 1 km,or DLR sensor.The instrument root-mean-square(rms) noise 5 km and then computethe turbulentflux [w' (x, t)O' (x, t)]. level was estimatedto be lessthan 0.1 ppb and is thoughtnot This window is sequentiallytranslated one point at a time to be a factor in the following analysis. (approximately3.5 m). A window width of 375 m omits a The data were collectedduring the California Ozone Dep- significantfraction of the turbulent flux but provides good osition Experiment (CODE) in the San Joaquin Valley of spatial resolution over the heterogeneoussurface. Window California about 100 km southof Fresno.The sameflight track widths of 1 km and 5 km capture most of the turbulent flux was repeated eight times during each of 2 clear days;July 23, [Sunand Mahrt, 1994] but have poorer spatialresolution. To estimatethe contributionsof the surfaceheterogeneity, 1991 (flight 13), and July 30, 1991 (flight 19). Winds at the --1 we reduce the influence of transient mesoscalemotions by 33-m flight level were from the northwest at about 4 m s during flight 13 and light with variable wind direction during compositing[&(x, t)] and [w' &'] overall eightaircraftlegsto flight 19. The eight legsfor flight 13 were flown betweenap- obtain {[&(x, t)]} and {[w'&']}, where the operator { } proximately1300 and 1500 local solar time, while the eight indicatesan averageover all of the flight legs at a given locaflight legsfor flight 19 were flownbetweenapproximately1045 tionx. Therefore the averageof the spatialdistributionover all and 1245 local solar time. Flight 13 was less influencedby of the runs,{[&(x, t)]}, is an estimateof the stationarypart diurnalvariationbecauseof the strongerwind and later time of of the spatial variation. However, it still containssignificant day.For flight 19,Mahrt et al. [1994]find that about 10% of the transientfluctuationswhichare not completelyremovedby the flux variance is due to diurnal variation. compositing.The estimateof the stationarypart of the turbuThe irrigated and nonirrigated areas under the flight track lent fluxesis computedby compositing[w'&'] over the eight are delineated as depicted in Figure 1 usingthe NDVI as a flight legsto obtain { [w'O'] } for eachlocation.Since[w' •'] measureof the variation of surfacevegetation[Tucker,1979]. is not smoothedbefore compositing,it alsoincludessignificant It is computedhere from aircraft-measuredreflectanceat two small-scalevariationsthat were only partially removedby the wavelengths,one centered at 0.73 •m and the other at 0.66 compositing.Flux errors due to limited sample size for the •m. The surfaceheterogeneityin CODE is well definedby the compositedspatialdistributionare discussed by Sunand Mahrt NDVI (Figure 1) whichis highlynegativelycorrelatedwith the [1994].The flux samplingerrorsfor an individualrun at a given surface radiation temperature. The surfaceradiation temper- point locationare large, and we currentlyhave no techniqueto ature is about 20øC cooler over the irrigated croplandscom- quantitativelyestimatethem. National 23,128 MAHRT Table 1. ET AL.: OZONE Correlation FLUXES OVER A PATCHY SURFACE Coefficients q TA NDVI rs 1-km TA CULTIVATED [w' 0'] [w'q'] -0.901 0.764 -0.119 -0.794 -0.949 0.698 0.522 -0.797 [w' CO•] Window -0.929 NDVI 0.752 -0.848 Ts [w' 0'] [w'q'] [w' CO•] [w' O_•] -0.756 -0.637 0.729 -0.675 0.083 T• -0.935 0.812 0.753 -0.755 0.776 -0.116 -0.889 -0.839 0.787 -0.850 -0.125 5-km NDVI 0.917 0.922 -0.891 0.778 -0.103 -0.054 0.266 Window -0.941 Ts [w' 0'] -0.899 -0.749 0.839 0.754 [w'q'] [w' CO•I [w' O_•] 0.753 -0.645 -0.437 -0.894 -0.837 -0.814 0.827 0.613 0.928 -0.875 0.618 0.381 0.805 -0.780 -0.659 -0.573 0.823 Here, q is specifichumidity,T• is air temperature,NDVI is normalizeddifferenceof vegetationindex, Ts is surfacetemperature,[w' 0'] is heatflux,[w'q'] is moistureflux,[w' CO•] is carbondioxideflux,and [w' O_•]•sozoneflux. the locationof largestdownwardozoneflux for eachof the two ozonefluxduringflight13,weestimate thefluxto be 1.2ppb flights.The aircraftintersects the enhanceddownwardozone m s-• overa 500-msegment. If thisfluxrepresents a localized fluxon onlytwo of the runswherethe downward fluxis con- plume of large downwardozoneflux resultingfrom a point source of NO, then the aircraft data would underestimate the siderablylarger than in the compositedprofile. For the run with the mostdefinableeventof large downward maximum downwardflux and the width of the plume if the Flight 13, run 2 Flight19, run 3 a b 78 76 72 "--' O 74 72 7O 68 66 13 ' ' ' I . ' ' 15 ' ' I 17 ' ' ' ' I 19 ' ' ' ' 21 I ' ' ' ' I 23 ' ' ' ' I 25 ' ' ' ' I 27 ' ' ' 1 ' iiii 13 iiii llll 15 17 ''''1''''!''''1 il 19 .... , 21 23 I''''1''''1 25 .... I 27 .... 0 0 cO O illl 64 62 0.51' -1 _ o .o.5 -• -1 .2 -3 -1.5 -4 -2 -5 Jill -6 -2.5 0.5 1.... 13 I 15 ' ' ' ' I 17 .... I 19 ' ' ' ' I 21 .... I 23 ' ' ' ' I 25 ' ' ' ' I 1 0.31 27 ' ' ' till 13 Ill' ' II 15 ,,,I II ill& 17 Ill' ,,,,i,,,,i,,,,i,,,, 19 I1', 21 Ill, 23 I,,, 25 till 27 '111 0.25 0.4 • cr 0.3 '• 0.2 11.2 -•: 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0 0 • • , , I .... -0.1 1 13 I .... 15 I , , , , I , , , , I , , , , I , , , , I , , , , 17 19 Km 21 23 25 ,,,,I,,,,I,,,,I,,,,I,,,,i -0.05 27 1 13 .... 15 17 19 21 i,,,,I,,,, 23 25 Km Figure 3. Spatialvariationof ozoneconcentration for the flightrun with largestdownwardozonefluxfor (a) flight 13 and (b) flight 19. The ozoneconcentration is computedfrom a movingaveragetranslatedone point at a time (approximately 3.5 m) with a windowwidthof 375 m for ozone(partsper billion),specifichumidity (gramsper kilogram),and the NDVI. 27 MAHRT ET AL.' OZONE FLUXES OVER A PATCHY aircraft did not fly through the center of the plume. On the CULTIVATED SURFACE 23,129 03 + NO--• NO2 q- 02 (1) 02 q- O •-> 03 (2) NO2 q- hv--> NO + O (3) other hand, the aircraft could overestimate the width of the plume if it flew obliquelythroughthe plume. Smoothingassociatedwith the 375-mwindowartificiallyreducesthe amplitude of the downwardozonefluxandincreases the computedwidth of the plume. Decreasingthe windowwidth increasesthe amplitude of the flux peak but leadsto noisierspatialdistribution of the flux. The instantaneous flux showsseveralsubplumesof strong flux occurring over a horizontal distance of 500 m. Fortunately,the total transport is not very sensitiveto the. choiceof window width, so that the estimationof the ground sourceis relativelyrobust.With the aforementioneddifficulties where h v is a photon of sufficientenergyto photolyzeNO 2. Reaction (2) is sufficientlyfast that (2) and (3) can be combined, sothat neglectingother slowerreactionsinvolvingthese species,the concentrationbudget of 03 can be expressedas d[O3]/dt = k3[NO2]- k,[O•][NO] (4) where k• and k 3 are the reactioncoefficientsof (1) and (3), in mindandassuming a fluxvalueof 1.2ppbm s-I is repre- respectively.Similar equationshold for NO and NO 2. If we sentativeof a 500-m square,the computedflux correspondsto a totalintegrated arealozonelossof about4.8 x 10-4 kgs-I, or 1.8kgh -•. The spa.tial positionof the largedownward ozonefluxfor neglect other competing reactions, rapid light intensity changes,and concentrationfluctuations,then the right-hand side of (4) is approximatelyzero, so that [O31[NOl/[NO21= kl/k2. (5) flight 13 doesnot coincidewith the positionof the large ozone deficit.This is probablybecausethe mean ozoneconcentration This is the so-calledphotostationarystate relation [Seinfeld, resultsmainly from the time integral of the flux divergence 1986]. rather than from the instantaneous flux. We now considerthe injectionof NO from a surfacepoint The enhanceddownwardflux of ozone for flight 19 was also sourceinto the boundarylayer. As releasedNO mixesinto the observedmainly on one run (Figure 3b). Even though the boundary layer, it reduces the ambient O3 concentration spatial variation of the fluxes for an individual run is quite throughreactions(1)-(3). We assumethat the mixing is slow noisy,the region of maximum downwardozone flux is quite enough that chemical equilibrium is reached as the mixing clear.The downward ozonefluxreaches 5 ppbm s-• overa takesplace. Sincethe reactiontime constantis of the order of 400-m-widearea. This integratedflux correspondsto a surface 100 s, this is a reasonableassumptionexcept within a few sinkof about1.3 x 10-3 kg s-•. The 400-m-wideregionof meters of the source[Lenschow,1995]. We describethis prolarge downwardflux of ozone coincideswith a region of ozone cessby the following relations: deficitof about-5 ppbv.Frominstantaneous 16s-• data,this ([O.,] + a[O,])([NO] + a[NO])/([NO:] + a[NO2]) ozone deficit is found to result mostly from a concentrated plumeof -40 ppbvozonedeficitover a 50-m width. The 400-m = [O,][NO]/[NOd = k•,/k, (6) thicknessof the plume width estimatedaboveis influencedby 8[NO] + a[NO2]----aS[NO] (7) the 375-m window usedto computethe flux. The smallregionof large downwardozoneflux can contrib8[03] + a[$O2] = 0 (8) ute significantlyto the area-averagedozoneflux. For example, considerthe run for flight 19 wherelarge downwardozoneflux The quantities8[ ] are the perturbationsin [03], [NO], and of 5 ppbm s-• occursovera 400-msegment. This flux event [NO2] introducedby the point sourcereleaseof NO denoted increasesthe spatiallyaveragedflux over the 16-km irrigated regionby about 32% comparedwith the value obtainedwithout the flux event. The influenceof this plume is considerably reduced in a time-spaceaverageusing all of the flight runs. However, this time average appears to capture additional lessereventsof large ozoneflux probablyrelated to vehiclesor other pumpsin the area. Similar conclusions are reachedfor flight 13.Theseobservations suggestthat the spatiallyaveraged ozoneflux measurementsignificantlyoverestimatesthe ozone depositionto the natural vegetatedsurfacebecauseof the ozone lossresultingfrom NO releases. by aS[NO]. Equation(7) is the conservation equationfor odd nitrogen,and (8) is the resultof the stoichiometricreactionof O 3 with NO [Seinfeld,1986]. Solvingthese equationsfor aS[NO] as a function of 8[03] and the backgroundconcentrations,we obtain ,a[NO]: - a[O•][,4 + •] (9) where A = {(k3/k,) + [NO]}/{[O31 + 81031} To estimate the magnitude of A in (9), we note that the observedmean concentrationO 3 is about 70 ppbv (Figure 3), amountof ozoneis releasedas a point source.The immediate a typical deficit 8[03] on the scale of the 375-m window is impactof a releaseof concentrated NO into a volumeof air in about -5 ppbv, and a typical clear daytimevalue of k•/k2 is whichNO, NO2, and 03 are in photochemicalequilibriumis to about 10 ppbv [Seinfeld,1986]. Then the value of aS[NO] is react with ozone and form NO 2. Within a few minutes the 5.84 ppbv for [NO] = 1 ppbv and 6.54 ppbv for [NO] = 10 of [NO] that are likely presenthere, three speciesreach a new equilibrium,in which the ozone is ppbv.For concentrations reducedat the expenseof increasedNO 2 and NO. The air with A is smallcomparedwith 1 and aS[NO] • -8[03]. The validity decreasedozone mixes upward, resulting in the observed of this approximationdependson scale.For example,the apdownwardozone flux. The timescalefor this mixing is of the proximationgivenabovebreaksdownlocallywhenwe consider order of a few tensto a few hundredseconds,dependingon the the largestozone deficit on the scaleof a few tens of meters, which was closerto -50 ppbv. altitude [Lenschow,1995]. The discussionabove suggeststhat a likely source of the The photochemicalsequesteringof 03 in sunlightby NO observedO 3 deficitsis a point release of NO. The maximum emissioncan be estimatedfrom the rate equations We assume that the source of NO needed to consume this 23,130 MAHRT ET AL.' OZONE FLUXES OVER A PATCHY CULTIVATED SURFACE downwardozone fluxesfor both flightswere located over sites with dieselenginesdrivingpumpingstations.The dieselpumps were locatedwith the downwardlookingvideo cameraand the useof detailedmaps.The networkof canalsand patchworkof fieldsallowedunambiguousgroundidentificationof the pumping systems,althoughthe connectionbetween the aircraft observedplume and the pumpingstationscannotbe categorically model. Gifford's model describesthe rms o-, and mean C concentrationfields due to the wanderingof an instantaneous plume by the large eddiesin a turbulentflow. Along the plume centerline, the model predicts that the fluctuation intensity o¾/C is given by proven. wheref = O'r/O' m. Sinceo-m = o¾/(1+ f2)1/2, onecanwrite o'r = a* o¾,wherea* = f/(1 + f2)1/2. According to Taylor's In examiningthe regulationsfor allowable emissionsfrom nonhighwayheavy-dutydiesel enginesfor California, the values are in the range of 6.9-10.7 g of equivalentNO 2 per brake hp hour (D. Stedman,personalcommunication,1994), where 1 hp = 746 W. The engineemits predominantlyNO, but the units of measurement are equivalent grams of NO 2. If we assumean enginerunningat the allowablemaximumstandard of 10.7g (brakehph)-i, theestimated ozonesinkof 1.8kgh-l would result from an engine running at 160 hp. We thereforeinvestigatedthe possibilityof a largestationary diesel engine operatingin this area. We then found that for flight 13, a 70- to 100-hpAllison dieselengine,usedto drive a tile drain pump, was located underneaththe airplane flight track at the approximate location of the strong downward ozoneflux. The pump automaticallyturnsoff and on depending on water levelsandwasapparentlyon for at leastone of the eight flights. For flight 19, the largestdownwardozoneflux (Figure 2) is about 1 km farther east near a canal and correspondsto an ozone sink 2-3 times larger than that during flight 13. At the locationof this ozone sink for flight 19, two portableirrigation pumpswere located,whichwere drivenby 150-hpdieselengines.The large upwardmoistureflux over this area (Figure 3b) may be due to currentirrigationof the underlyingfields. On the basis of these calculations, we conclude that the most likely source of such a concentratedozone loss was large, stationarydiesel engines. 5. Plume Dispersion In this section we make a rough estimate of the distance rr•/C2 = o-,:.(o-,:. + 20-},)]= 1/[f2(f 2 + 1)] (lo) [1921]short-rangeresult,absolutedispersionin the cross-wind (y) directionbecomesoyy = rr•,x/U, where o-•,is the rms lateral turbulencevelocityand U is the mean wind speed.The relativedispersion rrryin the cross-wind directionis then o-,y= a* rr7x/U (11) The a*(f) requiredin (11) can be estimatedusingFackrell and Robin's[1982]wind tunnel measurementsof rr,.,/Cdue to a surfacetracer releasein a neutral boundarylayer. Their data showedthat alongthe plume centerline(y = z -- 0), rr,./C is approximately0.6 and is independentofx over the range 1 -< x/H -< 6, whereH is the boundarylayer height.The invariance of rr•./C withx can be explainedby a constantratiof = O'r/O',, in (10). With rr•./C = 0.6, f is approximatelyunity and a* is approximately0.7. For flight 19, where the wind is approximatelyperpendicular to the flight track, the observedinstantaneousplume width Ay inferred from the instantaneousspatialdistributionof the aircraft measuredozoneflux is 50 m. Assuminga Gaussianspatial distributionand definingthe width Ay to be the regionwhere the concentrationexceeds10% of the peak value, we obtain theobserved relativedispersion fromthe approximation (r,.y= Ay/4.3 whichyieldsO'ry= 11.6 m. Usingmeasured valuesof o-•,= 0.51 ms-l U= 2ms -l anda* =0.7,(11) yieldsx= 65m. Intermittencyof the pump operation,slightvariationsin the flight track or the effect of variable wind direction on the plume might explainthe observationthat the plume at aircraft level was either less defined or nonexistent on seven of the eight runsfor flight 19. Generally,the light windswere normal to the flight track, in which casethe aircraft may have flown flux measuredby the aircraft is from a "quasi-instantaneous" over the plume on most of the runs.The best defined plume plume rather than an Eulerian-averagedplume whichwould was observed when the wind vector had shifted around to be obtainedby a set of fixed-pointmeasurements.The instanabout 30ø from the flight track, in which case the aircraft taneousplume is a problemin relativedispersionrepresented intersectedthe plume downwindfrom the NO source. by the rms spread rrr about the moving plume centroid, The small sample size of flux data within the plume is a whereasthe Eulerian-averageplume is a problem in absolute seriousproblemfor the presentstudy,and the choicesof some dispersionrepresentedby the rms spreado¾relativeto a fixed of the numerical values given above are uncertain. Future (absolute)coordinatesystem.Both rms valuesrr,.and o¾are aircraft measurements need to intentionally interrogate a evaluated at a fixed point in the downstreamdirection and plume havinga known NO sourcewith many repeatedflight 2 - o-m 2 + o-r2, whereo-,, istherms related by the expressiono¾ legsparallel with the wind direction. meander of the instantaneousplume at a fixed point in the from the NO downstream source to the aircraft-measured ozone flux. The direction. Dispersion from a surface source is complicatedby the height dependenceof the turbulencelength (l c) and time (r) scales,and the velocityvariances.For a surfacesource,o-u can be predicted using a z-dependent diffusivityK(z) = lc r providedthat o¾ _>l•, [van Ulden,1978;l/enkatram,1988]. In a similar way, K theory could be usedfor predictingo-r, but observationsof o-r as a function of x would be required to determine a proportionality constant.Instead, we choosea simpler approach and estimate o-r from a prediction of o¾, using Taylor's [1921] statisticalplume model and the ratio ar/au obtained from Gifford's [1959] meandering plume 6. Conclusions The above analysisof repeated aircraft runs at 33 m over a flat surfaceof well-defined irrigated fields has illustrated the complexityof the spatial distributionof the measuredozone fluxes.While the spatial distributionsof heat, moisture,and carbon dioxide fluxes are closelyrelated to variations of the surfacevegetation,the ozone flux exhibitssmall scalevariations only weakly related to the NDVI. This variability can be explainedby chemicalreactionsof ozone.The two largestdistinctmaximaof the downwardozone MAHRT ET AL.: OZONE FLUXES OVER A PATCHY CULTIVATED SURFACE 23,131 flux were found to be above pumping stationsusing diesel Mahrt, L., R. Desjardins,and J. I. MacPherson,Observationsof fluxes over heterogeneoussurfaces,BoundaryLayerMeteorol.,67, 345-367, engines.This studyshowsthat the spatiallyaveragedozoneflux 1994. can significantlyoverestimatethe depositionof the ozone flux Mann, J., and D. H. Lenschow, Errors in airborne flux measurement, to the natural vegetatedsurfacein the presenceof ozone loss J. Geophys.Res.,99, 14,519-14,526, 1994. due to NO release. Massman,W. J., J. Pederson,A. Delany, G. den Hartog, D. Grantz, and R. PearsonJr., A comparisonof independentdeterminationsof the canopyconductancefor carbondioxide,water vapor, and ozone exchangeat selectedsites in the San Joaquin Valley of California, Acknowledgments. We expressour appreciationto Richard Pearpaper presentedat Conferenceon Hydroclimatology:Land-Surface/ son Jr. for helpful discussions,Marvin Wesely and an anonymous AtmosphereInteractionson Global and Regional Scales.Am. Mereviewerfor helpful commentson the manuscript,and Donald Stedteorol. Soc., Anaheim, Calif., 1992. man for insightson possiblepoint sources.We alsogratefullyacknowledge Dennis Tristao for informationon the two pumpingsystemsand Massman,W. J., J. Pederson,A. Delany, D. Grantz, G. den Hartog, H. H. Neumann, S. P. Oncley, R. PearsonJr., and R. H. Shaw, An Jim Pedersonfor supplementaldata.This material is baseduponwork evaluationof the regionalacid depositionmodel surfacemodulefor supportedby grantATM-9310576 from the PhysicalMeteorologyProozone uptake at three sitesin the San JoaquinValley of California, gram of the National ScienceFoundation and grant DAAH04-93-GJ. Geophys.Res.,99, 8281-8294, 1994. 0019 from the Army ResearchOffice. 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