AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Rachel E. Sours-Page for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Geology presented on July 17, 2000. Title: Magmatic Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges: Evidence from Lavas and Melt Inclusions from the Southeast Indian Ridge, the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, and the northern East Pacific Rise Abstract approved: Signature redacted for privacy. Roger L. Nielsen Magmatic processes control the chemical compositions of all lavas erupted at mid-ocean ridges. In this thesis, I present studies of magmatic processes on three different mid-ocean ridges to determine which processes are in action and to what extent each has affected the chemistry of mid-ocean ridge basalts at each location. On the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, major and trace element data from enriched and depleted lavas and melt inclusions indicate that lavas and melt inclusions are the results of partial melting of a heterogeneous source. Trace element models suggest that depleted lavas are formed from variable degrees of partial melting of a refractory harzburgite source, while enriched lavas result from very small degrees of melting of a clinopyroxenite source. Major and trace element data from axial and seamount lavas and melt inclusions from the northern East Pacific Rise indicate that chemical differences between axial and seamount magmas result from varying exposure to crustal and axial magma chamber processes. Seamount lavas and inclusions are more crystal rich and contain a greater number of inclusions that are generally more primitive and exhibit a larger compositional range in both the incompatible and trace elements. Seamount lavas leave the axial magma chamber before axial lavas, and thereby miss the further fractionation and crystal sorting. Major element data from Southeast Indian Ridge lavas suggest that the dominant control of MORB chemistry is mantle temperature. Lavas from this region range from high Na8, low Fe8 in the east to low Na8, high Fe8 in the west, suggestive of higher high Na8, low Fe8 in the east to low Na8, high Fe8 in the west, suggestive of higher pressures and extents of melting in the western part of the study area. Variable degrees and pressures of melting are consistent with a mantle temperature gradient which extends from hot mantle below the Amsterdam-St Paul hotspot to cold mantle below the Australian-Antarctic Discordance. ©Copyright by Rachel E. Sours-Page July 17, 2000 All Right Reserved Portions of this manuscript have appeared in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Magmatic Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges: Evidence from Lavas and Melt Inclusions from the Southeast Indian Ridge, the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, and the Northern East Pacific Rise By Rachel E. Sours-Page A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Presented July 17, 2000 Commencement June 2001 Doctor of Philosophy thesis of Rachel E. Sours-Pag presented July 17, 2000. APPROVED: Signature redacted for privacy. Major Professor, representinGeology Signature redacted for privacy. Chair of Department 1 Geo sciences Signature redacted for privacy. Dean of Grat'Schoo1 I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of the Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Signature redacted for privacy. Rachel E. Sours-Page, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Roger Nielsen for his never-ending academic and financial support throughout my graduate school career. I also thank Anita Grunder, Dave Graham and Dave Christie for their advice and criticism, when needed. I would like to acknowledge my Graduate Council Representative, Barbara Gartner, and thank her for her time. Finally, I would like to thank the entire geology group for making my time here enjoyable. In particular, I am indebted to Mark Hilyard, Melanie Kelman, Heather Petcovic, Mike Winkler, Martin Hannigan, Ed Kohut, and Joe Licciardi for keeping me sane through the tough times and Christopher Boyette for showing me that there are other things in life. This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant numbers OCE-9503782 and OCE-9730079. CONTRIBUTION OF AUTHORS Dr. Roger Nielsen was involved in the design, data analysis, interpretation, and writing of each manuscript. For the second chapter, Dr. Jill Karsten provided the samples and Dr. Kevin Johnson assisted in data collection and modeling, and both were involved in the revision process. Dr. Rodey Batiza assisted in the design and revision of the third chapter. For the fourth chapter, Dr. David Christie provided both the samples and the data reported therein. Drs. David Christie, David Graham and Laura Magde assisted in the design, data interpretation and revision of the fourth chapter. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Local and Regional Variation of MORB Parent Magmas: Evidence from Melt Inclusions from the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge 5 Abstract 6 Introduction 7 The Phenomenon of Over-Enrichment The Use of Mg# 9 10 Geologic Setting and Samples 11 Experimental and Analytical Procedure 19 Rehomogenization Technique Electron Microprobe Ion Microprobe Results Major Elements Minor and Trace Elements The Relationship Between Melt Inclusions and Their Host Lavas Phase Equilibria Modeling Melting Models 19 19 20 25 25 25 35 38 39 Discussion 42 Conclusions 49 Acknowledgments 50 Parental Magma Diversity on a Fast-Spreading Ridge: Evidence From Olivine and Plagioclase-Hosted Melt Inclusions in Axial and Seamount Lavas From the Northern East Pacific Rise Abstract 51 52 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Introduction 53 Geologic Setting 55 Axial Volcanism Seamount Volcanism Sample Information Experimental and Analytical Methods Rehomogenization Technique Effects of Over and Under-Heating During Rehomogenization Electron Microprobe Ion Microprobe Results Mineralogy Melt Inclusion Major and Trace Element Behavior Relationship Between Melt Inclusions and Their Crystal Hosts Discussion Global Framework Differing Histories of Plagioclase and Olivine Magmatic Processes 55 59 59 60 60 63 63 64 65 65 65 75 81 81 83 83 Conclusions 90 Acknowledgements 93 Linking the Local, Regional and Global Petrologic Systematics of Mid-Ocean Ridges: The Southeast Indian Ridge Case 94 Abstract 95 Introduction 96 Geologic Setting 97 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page How Large is the Mantle Temperature Gradient? 100 Petrologic Expectations 101 Methods 101 Sample Information Na8 Calculation 115 115 Results 116 Discussion 127 Crystallization Models Similarities and Differences Between the SEIR and the Global Array 127 128 Conclusions 137 Acknowledgements 138 Summary 139 Bibliography 141 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Bathymetric map for the Endeavour Segment, including sample locations 12 Al203 versus Mg# for inclusions from Endeavour Segment samples E-1, 0-2, E-5, and E-32 12 Representative minor element electron microprobe analyses of inclusions from Endeavour Segment lavas 12 Comparison of electron microprobe (EMP) and ion microprobe analyses of Ti in melt inclusions 21 Electron and ion microprobe trace element analyses of inclusions from the Endeavour Segment lavas 27 Ion microprobe analyses of inclusions from the Endeavour Segment lavas 27 Chondrite-normalized REE abundances in inclusions from the Endeavour Segment lavas 27 Histogram representing the frequency of melt inclusion K20 values in each host lava plotted against the host lava K20 composition 37 Cartoon representing the melting regimes necessary to create B- and N-MORB lavas 43 Correlation of abyssal peridotite clinopyroxene analyses and calculated fractional melting liquid line of descent from Johnson et al. (1990) 44 Map view of the northern East Pacific Rise, including sample locations 56 Host crystal and lava compositions versus associated melt inclusion MgO 66 Major and minor elements versus MgO for representative inclusions from axial and seamount lavas from the East Pacific Rise 66 Electron microprobe analyses of minor and trace elements of melt inclusions from axial and seamount lavas of the northern East Pacific Rise 76 La and Ba versus K20 and Ti02 76 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page Ti/Zr and La/Sm versus MgO and K20 76 Cartoon representing the different trends associated with mixing and fractionation, depending on the order in which processes take place 85 K20 versus Mg# for plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions in sample E-5 from the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge 85 Cartoon representing the three different host lava-melt inclusion relationships observed in the N-EPR lavas 85 Cartoon representing the axial plumbing system necessary to supply magmas to both axial and seamount eruptions 91 Map of the Southeast Indian Ridge between 88° and 118°E 99 Equilibrium crystallization liquid line of descent models for CaO, K20, Na20 and Ti02 versus MgO 117 Major and minor element variation of the Southeast Indian Ridge lavas with axial depth and longitude 117 Na8, Fe8, and CaO/Al203 variations with axial depth and longitude, calculated according to the equations in Klein and Langmuir (1987) 117 Comparison of Southeast Indian Ridge with Global Array in Na8, Fe8, and CaO/Al203 versus depth 122 Ti02 versus MgO for segments Cl 7 and C 14 of the Southeast Indian Ridge 124 SEIR Na8 versus Fe8 with different symbols for each segment 125 ASP, SEIR, and AAD Na8 versus longitude and depth 131 LIST OF TABLES Page Table Major and trace element analyses of melt inclusions from the Endeavour Segment lavas of the Juan de Fuca Ridge 22 Modes, partition coefficients, and starting compositions used for trace element modeling 45 Major and trace element analyses of axial and seamount host lavas 61 Major element analyses of melt inclusions from axial and seamount lavas of the northern East Pacific Rise 70 Trace element analyses of selected melt inclusions from axial and seamount lavas of the northern East Pacific Rise 70 Chemical group major element analyses for Southeast Indian Ridge lavas 102 Comparison of linear equations of Na8, Fe8 and CaO/Al203 from previous research and this paper 129 Predicted and actual values of Na8, Fe8 and CaO/Al203 for the SEIR and regional datasets 130 Observations and conclusions based on the Southeast Indian Ridge major element data 136 MAGMATIC PROCESSES AT MID-OCEAN RIDGES: EVIDENCE FROM LAVAS AND MELT INCLUSIONS FROM TE SOUTHEAST INDIAN RIDGE, THE ENDEAVOUR SEGMENT OF THE JUAN DE FUCA RIDGE, AND THE NORTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE INTRODUCTION Rachel Sours-Page July, 2000, 4 pages 2 The global mid-ocean ridge system is an underwater chain of volcanoes that extends for more than 60,000 km under all of the earth's major oceans. It is arguably the simplest and most important magmatic system on Earth, being devoid of the complications associated with the thicknesses of continental crust or the complexity of the arc setting, and forming the oceanic crust which covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface. In addition, mid-ocean ridges provide points of exit for much of the heat that is produced from radioactive decay within the Earth. The study of mid-ocean ridges leads to an understanding of one of the key components of the plate tectonic theory. There are many factors which influence crustal accretion, but they can all be related back to three inter-related parameters: mantle temperature, mantle composition, and ridge spreading rate. Lavas formed at mid-ocean ridges, termed mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) undergo many similar processes, regardless of where on Earth they are created. In the model put forth by Klein and Langmuir (1987), upwelling mantle undergoes adiabatic decompression, which induces partial melting of the mantle source at its solidus. The region bounded by the solidi is refered to as the melting regime. Within this region, the hotter the mantle, the greater the depth of the solidus. The greater the depth of the solidus, the longer the melting column, which leads to more melt that is formed, and therefore, a greater thickness of overlying ocean crust accreted. When the mantle is colder, the solidus is intersected at a shallower depth, leading to less melt formation and thinner overlying crust. Although petrologists have a basic understanding of how melt generation works, in general, there are still many questions, including: Where, or at what depth, does melting begin? What is the composition of the source mantle, and how much of it is melting? How much melt is formed? How is melt extracted from its source? Is it continuously removed, as in pure fractional melting, or does it accumulate into packets, as in batch melting, before traveling away from the source? 3 How do melts travel through the melting regime? Do they travel as independent melt pockets or do they pooi into a central column and travel together to the crust? According to the model of Sinton and Detrick (1992), once they reach the crust, melt enter a partially molten transitional area known as the mush zone. Melts are thought to percolate through this region in transit to the melt lens, or pooling area, in preparation for eruption at the surface. It is here that magmas undergo significant mixing and crystallization. However, similar to the those of the mantle, there are many unanswered questions regarding processes in the crust. These include: How much do magmas mix with one another in the crust? How much do magmas fractionate? Do magmas react with the wall rock en route to the surface? How much of the original diversity of melt compositions produced in the mantle is erupted at the surface? Based on the two models above, some generalizations can be made about mid- ocean ridges. At fast spreading ridges, spreading rates range from 80-130 mm/yr. These ridges are generally underlain by hotter mantle, which produces a high magma flux, thicker ocean crust, and the rise-type axial morphology. The high magma flux, in turn, supports a steady-state melt lens. At slower spreading ridges, spreading rates vary from 0-50 mmlyr. There regions generally have cooler mantle temperatures, which lessens the magma flux, produces less melt, and therefore thinner ocean crust and the valley-type axial morphology. Slow spreading ridges do not have the flux necessary to support a melt lens. Although we recognize that each of these parameters plays an important role, to understand where and to what extent each occurs, we must study the chemical composition of MORB and their inclusions. In this thesis, I have undertaken a study of lavas from three different mid-ocean ridge environments in an attempt to understand the magmatic processes shaping each individual lava suite. In the first study, I address the diversity of melt compositions formed as a result of partial melting using rehomogenized plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions from the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca 4 Ridge. In the second study, I use rehomogenized melt inclusions in olivine and plagioclase to determine the relationship between axial and seamount lavas from the northern East Pacific Rise. For my third study, I undertake an evaluation of the current paradigm of mid-ocean ridge dynamics using the Southeast Indian Ridge in order to understand how the many different processes are inter-related. Major and minor element concentrations of MORB lavas are used to model the above processes. The difficulty is that each subsequent process alters the composition of the melt, erasing or masking the chemical signature of the process before it. In order to circumvent this problem, I have used melt inclusions found in MORB lavas. These inclusions are small packets of melt which were incorporated into crystals at intermediate stages in the history of the magma. As a result, in the majority of cases, these inclusions represent more primitive (less processed) compositions than their MORB lava hosts, and therefore, provide additional information not available with the lavas alone. When the melt inclusions have the same origin as their lava counterparts, the same major and trace element concentrations can be used to distinguish between processes. In all cases, magmatic processes control the chemical compositions of the lavas and melt inclusions erupted at mid-ocean ridges. Through these three studies, I have found that: In most cases, melt inclusions are related to their host lavas, and therefore are a valuable tool to determine the diversity of melts produced. Mid-ocean ridge basalts exhibit greater diversity on all scales than was previously thought. Global patterns exhibited by mid-ocean ridge basalt lavas have local differences attributable to local variability in mantle temperature and compositon. 5 LOCAL AND REGIONAL VARIATION OF MORB PARENT MAGMAS: EVIDENCE FROM MELT INCLUSIONS FROM THE ENDEAVOUR SEGMENT OF THE JUAN DE FUCA RIDGE Rachel Sours-Page Kevin T.M. Johnson Roger L. Nielsen Jill L. Karsten MS published in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 134: 342-363 July, 2000, 46 pages 6 Abstract The development of petrogenetic models of igneous processes in the mantle is dependent on a detailed knowledge of the diversity of magmas produced in the melting regime. These primary magmas, however, undergo significant mixing and fractionation during transport to the surface, destroying much of the evidence of their primary diversity. To circumvent this problem and to determine the diversity of melts produced in the mantle, we used melt inclusions hosted in primitive plagioclase phenocrysts from eight mid-ocean ridge basalts from the axial and West Valleys of the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge. This area was selected for study because of the demonstrated close association of enriched (E-MORB) lavas and incompatible element enriched depleted (N-MORB) lavas (Karsten et al. 1990). Rehomogenized melt inclusions from E-MORB, T-MORB, and N-MORB lavas have been analyzed by electron and ion microprobe for major and trace elements. The depleted and enriched lavas, as well as their melt inclusions, have very similar compatible element concentrations (major elements, Sr, Ni and Cr). Inclusion compositions are more primitive than, yet collinear with, the host lava suites. In contrast, the minor and trace element characteristics of melt inclusions from depleted and enriched lavas are different both in range and absolute concentration. N-MORB lavas contain both depleted and enriched melt inclusions, and therefore exhibit the largest compositional range (1(20: 0.01 to 0.4 wt %, P205: <0.01 to 0.2 wt %, LaN: 7 to 35, YbN: 1-13, and Ti/Zr: < 100 to 1300). E-MORB lavas contain only enriched inclusions, and are therefore relatively homogeneous (1(20: 0.32 to 0.9 wt %, P205: 0.02 to 0.35 wt %, LaN: 11-60, YbN: 4-21, and TiIZr: 100). In addition, the most primitive E-32 inclusions are similar in composition to the most enriched inclusions from the depleted hosts. Major element data for melt inclusions from both N-MORB and E-MORB lavas suggest that the magmas lie on a low pressure cotectic, consistent with a petrogenesis including fractional crystallization. However, the minor and trace element compositions in melt inclusions vary independently of the major element composition implying an alternative history. When fractionation-corrected, inclusion compositions correlate with 7 their host glass composition. Hence, the degree of enrichment of the lavas is a function of the composition of aggregated melts, not of processing in the upper mantle or lower crust. Based on this fact, the lava suites are not produced from a single parent magma, but from a suite of primary magmas. The chemistry of the melt inclusions from the enriched lavas is consistent with a derivation from variable % partial melting within the spinel stability field by a process of open system (continuous or critical) melting assuming a depleted lherzolite source veined with clinopyroxenite. The low % melts are dominantly enriched melts of the clinopyroxenite; In contrast, the depleted lavas were created by melting of a harzburgite source, possibly fluxed with a fluid enriched in K, Ba and the LREE. Such a source was likely melted up to or past the point at which all of its clinopyroxene was consumed. This set of characteristics is consistent with a scenario by which diverse melts produced at different depths travel through the melting regime to the base of the crust without homogenizing en route. The homogeneous major element characteristics are created in the lower crust by fractional crystallization and reaction with lower crustal gabbros. Therefore, the degree of decoupling between major and trace element characteristics of the melt inclusions (and lavas) is dictated by the reaction rate of the melts with the materials in the conduit walls, as well as the residence times and flux rate, in the upper mantle and lower crust. Introduction The diversity of melts produced in the mantle is one of the fundamental questions in petrology. At the root of the problem is the fact that late stage processes such as mixing, fractionation and reaction with cumulates obscure the chemical signature of processes which take place early in the history of the magma system. In order to understand these processes, we must find ways to see through the effects of crustal processing and determine the compositions of melts at intermediate stages. Melt inclusions provide much needed information to address this issue. 8 The several factors influencing the composition of a lava suite include the type and degree of mantle melting, how the melts are extracted from the mantle, whether or not they pooi and mix, and the extent of fractional crystallization (O'Hara and Mathews 1981; O'Hara 1985; Klein and Langmuir 1987; Defant and Nielsen 1990; Johnson and Dick 1992; Kinzler and Grove 1992; Plank and Langmuir 1992). In order to decipher the history of a lava and the physical nature of the environment in which it formed, it is necessary to distinguish between the effects of these different processes. One means by which the initial diversity of primary magmas can be preserved is as melt inclusions in crystals formed prior to mixing and fractionation. Because of their potential utility, melt inclusions have been an area of extensive work in recent years (Watson 1976; Donaldson and Brown 1977; Dungan and Rhodes 1978; Falloon and Green 1986; Hansteen 1991, Sobolev and Shimizu 1992, 1993, 1994; Shimizu 1994; Sobolev et al. 1992, 1994; Sobolev and Chaussidon 1995; Nielsen et al. 1995a and others). Ideally, each inclusion represents a "snapshot" of the liquid trapped during the growth of the host crystal, preserving the composition of intermediate steps in the evolution of a magma. Although such liquids do not experience the same differentiation processes as erupted lavas, they can be affected by post-entrapment crystallization. If quenched immediately after entrapment, these liquids are preserved as homogeneous basaltic glass. However, subsequent cooling in more evolved magmas and the development of quench crystals at the time of eruption both affect the composition of the observed glasses (Dungan and Rhodes 1978; Langmuir 1980; Vicenzi 1990; Sobolev and Shimizu 1993; Sinton et al. 1993; Nielsen et al. 1995a,b; Johnson et al. 1996). Therefore, an experimental means was developed for re-homogenizing the inclusions and evaluating the relationship of the melt inclusion compositions with the observed range of parental magmas and associated lavas (Nielsen et al. 1 995b) and for evaluating the level to which the compositions represent the trapped magma (Nielsen et al. 1998). Using the information provided by melt inclusions, we can address the roles of the processes that affect MORB magmas from the time of their formation to eruption to 9 determine the diversity of primary melts formed in the lower crust/upper mantle. This melt inclusion data set allows us to evaluate the following questions: How diverse are the materials undergoing melting in the mantle? Where are processes such as melt aggregation and homogenization taking place? How are melt inclusions related to their host lava? How does the diversity of melt inclusion compositions compare to the diversity of host lavas? How does the frequency of melt inclusions at the surface relate to the volumetric proportions of these same magmas produced in the mantle? What process, or combination of processes, causes the extreme (over-) enrichment trends in the incompatible elements of the lava suite? In this paper, we will investigate the diversity of melts produced in the mantle, and use that information to evaluate the local variability of melting mode and % melting and to constrain the origin of the phenomenon of over-enrichment using plagioclasehosted melt inclusion data from lavas from the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. The Endeavour Segment was chosen for this study because it has erupted both depleted and enriched lavas in close spatial and temporal proximity, allowing an evaluation of the relationship between the above parameters and the formation of various lava types. The Phenomenon of Over-Enrichment The phenomenon of incompatible element over-enrichment has been recognized in many MORB suites (O'Hara and Matthews 1981; Newman et al. 1983; Hekinian and Walker 1987; Frey et al. 1993; Gaetani et al. 1995). It is defined here as the systematic enrichment of the incompatible elements as a function of decreasing Mg#, above levels attributable to fractional crystallization processes alone. Over-enrichment has been attributed to many processes including: boundary layer fractionation (Hekinian and Walker 1987; Langmuir 1989; Nielsen and DeLong 1992), paired recharge and fractionation (O'Hara and Mathews 1981; Nielsen 1990), assimilation (Michael and 10 Schilling 1989) and differing degrees of partial melting (Newman et al. 1983). However, in spite of the attention given to this phenomenon, simulations of these processes have not adequately reproduced the observed suites (Frey et al. 1993). Over-enrichment is inherently difficult to model because it relates two divergent characteristics, variable degrees of enrichment and Mg#, that are normally attributed to the independent processes of differing degrees of partial melting and crystal (ol ± cpx) fractionation, respectively. No known differentiation process can link the observed degree of enrichment in the incompatible elements with a decrease in Mg#. Therefore, over-enrichment must be the result of some unknown process or combination of processes linking enrichment with Mg#. The Use of Mg# There is some question as to whether Mg# or MgO would be the best indicator of differentiation. Due to differences in the compatibility of Fe and Mg, the Mg# of a melt will depend on the degree of enrichment of its source material, as well as the % melting These two factors may also affect the phase equilibria of the system, causing plagioclase to crystallize at different times, preventing a direct comparison of Mg# in different magmatic systems (Michael et al. 1989). Although MgO might be a better measure of the absolute enrichment in the system, this component is more easily altered by small temperature errors in the rehomogenization process, and therefore would result in exaggerated scatter in the data. In this study, the normal and enriched lavas and melt inclusions show variation in Mg# far greater than that potentially created by variation in primary Fe/Mg ratio, and therefore, we use Mg# to describe the degree of differentiation to which a magmas has been exposed. 11 Geologic Setting and Samples The Endeavour Segment is the northernmost segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the northeast Pacific Ocean (Fig. 1). This segment is bounded by the Juan de Fuca Ridge - Sovanco Fracture Zone - Nootka Fault Triple Junction in the north and the Cobb Offset, an overlapping spreading center and the region of dueling propagation between the Endeavour Segment and the next segment to the south (Karsten et al. 1990). It has an average spreading rate of 29 mmlyr, half rate (Karsten et al. 1986). The geomorphology of the area is dominated by an elongate crestal volcano, Endeavour Ridge, which has been rifled apart to form a shallow axial valley. Paleo-ridges and valleys have formed parallel to the ridge axis as a result of repeated increases and decreases in magma flux at the ridge axis (Kappel and Ryan 1986). Tectonic reorganizations have also created ridges and valleys. West Valley was formed when the spreading center jumped from Middle Valley to West Valley, approximately 200,000 years ago (Karsten et al. 1986). In the past 75,000 years, the spreading center has propagated southward from West Valley into South West Valley, creating an overlapping spreading center with the North Endeavour Valley (Karsten et al. 1986). The most recent volcanism in the West Valley has been in the form of several small volcanic cones and a narrow rift zone in the center (Karsten et al. 1986). These edifices all exhibit very young lavas. The samples from this study were dredged from the northern end of the Endeavour Ridge, South Endeavour Valley, and an adjacent abyssal hill (Karsten et al. 1990). The Endeavour Segment lavas are moderately evolved basalts with Mg#s (Mg# (Mg/(Mg+Fe))* 100) ranging from 48 to 63 (Karsten et al. 1990). This segment has most recently erupted two coeval lava suites: an enriched suite and a depleted suite which exhibits significant incompatible element over-enrichment (Fig. 2, 3). Karsten et al. (1990) distinguished between the suites using the following criteria: enriched lavas had a Zr/Nb<16 and a K20/P2O5>1.6, while transitional lavas were classified as those with 1 6<Zr/Nb<25. All samples with Zr/Nb>25 were considered to be depleted lavas. The two lava suites exhibit nearly identical, overlapping compatible element trends (Fig. 2). However, for some of the incompatible elements, particularly K20, the lava trends are 12 Figure 1 Batbymetry map for the Endeavour Segment, including sample locations. The Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge lies between the Cobb Offset and a triple junction with the Nootka Fault and the Sovanco Fracture Zone. The present day axis extends from the South Endeavour Valley (SEV) through the Endeavour Ridge and northward into the North Endeavour Valley (NEV), where it is offset to West Valley. Inset shows the study area relative to the northwest United States and Vancouver Island. Figure 2 Representative major and minor element analyses of inclusions from Endeavour Segment samples E-1 (open diamonds), and 0-2 (circles), E- 5 (pluses), and E-32 (triangles). The dark shaded field represents the extent of the enriched host lavas, while the light shaded field represents the extent of the depleted host lavas, using the data of Karsten et al. (1990). White boxes represent the host lava composition. No intralaboratory calibration was performed for the lava and melt inclusion data sets. Dark lines represent calculated fractional crystallization liquid lines of descent, with the final percent crystallization noted. Primitive melt inclusion compositions were chosen to represent the parent magmas. Note that the melt inclusions are generally more primitive than, and collinear with, the host lava fields. Figure 3 Representative minor element electron microprobe analyses of inclusions from Endeavour Segment lavas. Samples, symbols, and liquid lines of descent are same as in Fig. 2. Squares outlined in black represent the four host lavas from which these inclusions were taken. Note that the majority of inclusions from the depleted hosts are also depleted and that the inclusion population from the enriched host contain no depleted inclusions. Note that for the minor elements, the inclusions are not always collinear with the lava fields. km 3.2 3.0 -2.8 -2.6 -2.4 "2.2 -2.0 1.8 1.6 -1.4 bathymetry OO'N 30'N 48' DON 30'N I 30'W 129'W 128'W -1.2 -1.0 14 Figure 2 19 Enriched lavas 18 - 0 Hostlava 17 - 1654% 15 -62% 14 -70% 19 18 17 - 16- 54% 15 -62% 14 -70 19 18 17 54% 15 -62% 14 -70% 19 18 17 - 16- 54% 15 -62% 14 -709 13 40 45 50 55 60 Mg# 65 70 75 80 15 Figure 3a 1.0 Dpletcd lavas 0.8 - Enriched lavas 59% O Host lava E-1 - 42% C 0.6 - 0.4 0.2 - 70% 0.0 0-2 0.8 - 59% - 42% 0.6- - 0.4 - 0.2- 70% 0.0 E-5 - 59% 0.8 - 42% 0.6- - 0.4 0.2 - 70% 0.0 E-32 A 0.8- A A - 42% 0.6- A - A A 0.4 - 0.2- 70% 0.0 40 45 50 55 60 Mg# 65 70 75 80 16 Figure 3b 2.5 E-1 2.0 - 59% 0 0.5 2.5 I 42% 2.0 1.5 - 59% I :' I I I O-2 r .. C 1.0 0.5 70% - . 2.5 I 2.0 42% 1.5 - I 1E-5 59% C 1.0 ± 70% 0.5 2.5 E-32 2.0 - 42% 1.5 - 1.0 - 70% 4t A 59% C 0.5 0.0 ;sds26717w 17 Figure 3c 40 45 50 55 60 Mg# 65 70 75 80 18 distinct, yet they converge at Mg# of 55 (Fig. 3). Of the eight samples in this study, six are depleted (N-MORB), one is intermediate (T-MORB), and one is enriched (E-MORB). The six depleted samples are very similar, and so we will describe further details of the data for the two most characteristic of the depleted samples, E- 1 and 0-2, as well as the transitional sample, E-5, and the enriched sample, E-32. The samples selected for this study contain abundant (10-30%), large (2-20 mm) plagioclase crystals, with relatively minor olivine and chromite. The plagioclase phenocrysts exhibit a range of An8092. This strongly porphyritic rock type is widespread in the mid-ocean ridge environment, but generally low in abundance in any particular suite (AMAR - Frey et al. 1993; SEIR - Christie et al. 1995; AmsterdamlSt.Paul Douglas, 1998; Galapagos Platform - Sinton et al. 1993; FAMOUS - Langmuir et al. 1977; EPR - Hekinian and Walker, 1987 and Batiza et al. 1989; Chile Ridge - Sherman et al. 1997; Gorda Ridge - Nielsen et al. 1995b and others). There are many advantages to working with plagioclase. First, the presence of large numbers of melt inclusions in plagioclase allows us to evaluate the diversity of melt inclusion compositions and volumetric proportions of the parental melts (Nielsen et al. 1995a). Second, we can constrain the melt inclusion entrapment temperature using the temperature at which olivine daughter crystals, formed within the melt inclusion after its capture, melt back into the glass. Since the inclusions contain both plagioclase and olivine, they may be considered multiply saturated. Third, plagioclase has slow reaction rates relative to olivine. And finally, because plagioclase has such low concentrations of the rare earth and high field strength elements, it is unlikely that the host crystal would contaminate the melt inclusion. However, there are limitations of using plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions: (a) plagioclase phyric samples only tell the history of the magma beginning with plagioclase-saturation; (b) plagioclase-phyric lavas are only a subset of the magmas erupted and therefore must be treated with caution when comparing its characteristics to those of an aphyric MORB. 19 Experimental and Analytical Procedure Rehomogenization Technique The crystals used for this study were removed from the sample after a coarse crushing. Rehomogenization of the melt inclusions is performed by suspending individual crystals by 0.003" thick Pt wire or a Pt "boat" in a 1-atmosphere gas mixing furnace. Crystals are held at 1000°C for 20-30 minutes, and then heated to the rehomogenization temperature for 2-3 hours. Basic phase equilibria and our experience have demonstrated that the entrapment temperature is generally correlated with the anorthite content of the feldspar host. The specific temperature is constrained by running a set of incremental heating experiments at 100 intervals in the range of 1200° to 1270°C. Electron Microprobe Major element analyses were performed using the CAMECA SX-50 Electron Microprobe at Oregon State University to determine the range, distribution and frequency of melt compositions, as well as the variation in trace element content of the plagioclase host crystal. In order to avoid over-sampling any specific magma type, analyses were conducted using the grid system used in Nielsen et al. (1 995a). In this method, melt inclusions were sampled within the plagioclase crystal at a 1 OOji spacing so that inclusions from the entire crystal were represented. Analyses were performed using a beam current of 30 nA, an accelerating voltage of 15 kV, and a defocused (3-5) beam. Smithsonian standards, including USNM 113498/1 (Makaopuhi Lava) for Si, Al, Fe, Ca, and Ti, USNM 133868 (Kakanui Anorthoclase) for Na, USNM 143966 (Microcline) for K, and USNM 122142 (Kakanui Augite) for Mg, were used for glass calibrations (Jarosewich et al. 1980). Na was counted first due to its susceptibility to beam damage (Nielsen et al. 1995a). Major elements were counted for 10-20 seconds, while elements in low concentrations, particularly P, required a counting time of 300 seconds. A subset 20 of these analyses were performed at even longer counting times. Analytical errors ranged from <<1 oxide wt. % for Al203, MgO, Si02, 1(20 and CaO to 10 oxide wt. % for Cr203. Using this technique, over 2000 melt inclusions were analyzed from eight samples. Ion Microprobe Based on an examination of the range of compositions determined by electron microprobe, a set of large (>35 i) inclusions were. selected for subsequent trace element analysis by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). These measurements were conducted at the University of New Mexico/Sandia National Laboratories, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and the Institute for the Study of the Earth's Interior in Misasa, Japan, using CAMECA ims 4f, 3f, and Sf instruments, respectively. For these measurements, a filtered 160 primary beam was accelerated through a 12.5kV potential. A typical 4OnA beam was focused to a 10-35ji diameter spot. The secondary ions produced from the bombardment of the sample were accelerated through a nominal potential of 4.5kV, to which a 60-90V energy off-set had been applied. The energy acceptance window was set at 30-SOy full width. The mass spectrometer was operated at low mass resolution (MhM=320) in peak stepping mode which included 14 mass stations ('875background, 30Si, 47Ti, 88Sr, 89Y, 90Zr, '37Ba, '39La, 140Ce, '42Pr, 14&Nd, '47Sm, '51Eu, 153Eu, 163Dy, '67Er, '74Yb, '75Lu); secondary ions were detected using an electron multiplier operated in pulse counting mode. Magnetic peak positions were calibrated with volcanic glass standards. Absolute elemental concentrations were calculated by comparing the observed metal/30Si1 ratios in the target to the same ratio as observed in a basaltic glass standards (working curves). These standards were analyzed several times each day. The external precision based on observations of the standard were in the range of 3% (Ti, Sr, Zr) to 20% (Eu). Data from the multiple laboratories were compared using a plot of Ti from the ion probe versus Ti from the electron microprobe (Fig. 4). The data form a coherent 1:1 trend with a scatter of less than 13% suggesting that there is little or no intra-laboratory 21 Figure 4 Comparison of electron microprobe (EMP) and ion microprobe analyses of Ti in melt inclusions illustrating that little or no intra-laboratory bias exists between the different analytical facilities. E-1 12000 O-2 +E-5 E-32 9000 E I 6000 3000 0 3000 6000 9000 Ti (ppm) from EMP 12000 Table 1: Major and trace element analyses of melt inclusions from the Endeavour Segment lavas of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Samples E-1 and 0-2 are N-MORB, E-5 is a T-MORB, and E-32 is an E-MORB. An# represents the anorthite content (An#=[cation moles of Cal(cation moles Ca+Na+K)]) of the host crystal in which the melt inclusion was entrapped. Rehomogenization temperatures are in degrees Celsius and represent the maximum temperature to which plagioclase crystals were heated. Trace element data were collected at three different facilities: the University of New Mexico/Sandia National Laboratory (UNM), Institute for the Study of the Earth's Interior (ISEI) and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). Rare earth elements are normalized according to values in Anders and Grevesse (1989). All other trace elements are reported in ppm. Saniple# Host An# Rehom.T Lab 0-2-1 0-2-2 0-2-3 0-2-4 0-2-5 0-2-6 0-2-7 0-2-10 0-2-Il 0-2-12 0-2-13 0-2-14 0-2-IS 0-2-16 0-2-Il 0-2-18 88 88 88 88.5 88.5 88.5 0-2-8 89 0-2-9 89.5 89 89.5 90 90 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 90 1250 90 1250 1250 1250 1250 90 1250 13MM UNM UNM 13MM 13MM 13MM 13MM 13MM 13MM 13MM 13MM 13MM 90 1250 UNM 90 1250 90 1250 13MM UNM 13MM UNM 50.22 49.93 49.52 0.80 49.58 0.58 0.76 0.51 16.65 16.38 16.32 7,99 8.05 16.26 8.38 9.05 0.16 9.23 0.13 9.75 8.52 0.10 10.80 13.59 13,41 13.09 1,52 2,15 2.42 0.04 0,04 0.05 100,75 0.15 0,05 0.01 100.00 67.06 67.33 93.7 87.3 18.5 12.5 37.3 45.0 3.2 3.3 6.5 1.7 1.9 2,2 2.3 2.5 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 Gd,, 0.0 0.0 4.9 5.9 0.0 Si0, 0.29 50.42 0.33 17,17 17.87 17.53 17.90 7.26 7,25 7.31 0.14 0.16 0.11 9.51 7.73 0.17 11.52 0.35 18.09 6.90 0.10 11.19 11.71 11.49 11.33 12.74 13.40 13.94 13.77 13.11 12.84 1.94 1.45 1.60 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.04 101.51 101.04 0.07 101.23 68.45 69.44 67.03 0.19 0.05 0.03 l02,38 72,65 0.12 0.04 0.07 2.43 0.04 0.03 1.14 0.03 2.27 0,03 98.1 83.8 73.7 84.3 20.7 17.5 12.8 18.9 27.1 44.6 39.2 4.6 3.1 3.2 3.2 1.9 21.7 4.3 3.1 2.8 3.8 2.6 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.5 0.0 5.7 0.0 6.8 0.0 0,0 7.2 6.8 7.3 7.2 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.2 5.8 0.0 6.5 0.0 3.6 0.0 0.0 6.5 8.0 9.1 52.24 51.61 49.68 50.32 49.34 50.74 TIO,, 50.83 0.55 0.62 0.80 17.29 17.10 17.43 17.73 FeO° MnO MgO CaO Na,,0 K20 8.55 6.95 7.40 0.13 6.88 0.1! 0.68 17.44 7.92 0.87 AI,,03 0.10 0.10 9.37 8.91 8.24 8.38 13.59 1,94 13.21 13.70 2.12 1.99 0.03 0.05 0.05 Total 0,08 100.68 0.09 0.05 0.03 I3.39 2.10 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.80 17.04 7.56 0.25 8.64 13.73 100.70 101.18 102.03 Mg!! 66.13 69.76 67.87 66.85 0.16 0.06 0.00 99.92 67.07 Sr 98.2 84.1 14.4 12.2 16.8 Zr 24.8 Ba 23.5 3.9 91.2 9.5 23.3 87.1 V 3.7 La,, 2.3 Ce,, 3.1 Pr,, Cr,,0,, 49,93 50.23 0.32 49.10 0.55 2.93 0.08 0.05 0.11 UNM 49.68 0.32 18.09 7.17 0.16 49.96 0,31 50.27 0.35 17.88 17.55 7.36 7.11 0.13 0,12 11.41 11.52 11.68 13.07 13.08 13.21 13.14 1.67 1.56 1.44 l.57 0.05 0.21 0.01 0.02 102,16 0.06 101.87 0.05 102.12 0.13 101.73 73.31 74.23 73.70 0.04 101.69 74,54 0.12 0,04 0.03 101.99 73.63 0.04 0.02 0.13 0.00 80.0 97.2 95.8 96.0 96,0 80,5 13.0 6.1 6.9 6.8 6.1 6.8 29.1 17.2 4.3 1.7 1,5 4.0 5.0 3.4 1.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 4.1 1.8 2.5 1.7 1.7 3.2 2.0 2.5 1,7 2.3 2.1 2.3 0.0 0.0 3.9 6.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.1 4.2 7.7 7.1 0.0 0.0 3.4 7.0 0.0 7.9 0.0 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.7 0.0 8.2 6.1 3.1 0.0 5.6 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 3.6 2.2 0.0 0.0 2,9 7.5 0.0 3.6 0.0 0.14 73,94 0,0! 0.05 101,90 74,55 ppm Nd,, Sm,, Eu,, 7.7 Dy,, 6.8 4.3 8.3 Er,, 0.0 0.0 6.4 0.0 0.0 8.4 0.0 0.0 Yb,, 5.8 4.7 0.0 0.0 7.6 0.0 7.7 Lu,, 5.4 0.0 0.0 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ti/Zr 161 141 150 131 113 142 125 126 167 155 178 0.0 450 0.511 0.693 0.501 0.477 0.468 0.642 0.515 0.590 0.403 0,554 0.466 0,525 0.462 0,601 0.502 0.495 0.437 0.502 0.518 0,682 0.532 0.707 (La/Sm)n (Ce/Yb)n 0.418 0.512 0.0 8.7 0.0 4.5 3.1 86.3 2.5 90.6 6.9 3,0 3,4 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.8 1.8 1.7 0.0 0.0 3.6 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 2.8 0.0 0.0 3.6 0.0 0.0 2.8 7.1 5,7 6.1 6.3 0.0 4.0 0.0 2.8 0.0 3.0 0.0 2.4 0.0 0,0 3.4 0.0 2.8 0.0 589 0.474 0.802 3.6 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1182 1280 471 383 0.627 0.52! 0.469 0.896 1.003 0.800 0.427 0.749 3.3 6.5 3.8 3.4 6.5 0.0 2.8 0.0 2.3 0.0 557 0,510 0.952 IN) Table 1 (cont'd) Sample# Host An # E-5-4 88.5 Rehom.T 1250 Lab Si02 Ti02 Al203 FeO* MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 Cr203 Tothl Mg# E-5-5 88.5 1250 E-5-6 E-5-7 E-32-1 89 89 83 1250 1250 1230 E-32-2 E-32-3 E-32-4 E-32-5 E-32-6 86.5 90 90 90 89.5 1230 1230 1230 1230 1230 E-32-7 88.5 1230 E-32-8 88.5 1230 E-32-9 E-32-10 E-32-11 E-32-12 E-32-13 E-32-14 E-32-15 89.5 1230 87 1230 90 1230 88.5 1230 88.5 1230 88.5 1230 88 1230 UNM UNM UNM UNM UNM UNM UNM UNM UNM UNM UNM UNM UNM UNM UNM WHOI WHOI WHOI WHOL 50.68 51.01 51.22 0.83 0.68 50.77 1.24 1.45 1.86 1.84 16.14 7.23 0.16 9.07 14.62 2.17 15.45 15.87 15.56 15.65 7.11 0.11 9.01 14.17 9.04 0.33 7.72 12.90 2.94 8.99 0.18 7.62 12.73 2.92 15.64 8.72 0.19 7.73 11.84 0.46 0.15 0.00 101.43 60.35 0.41 50.23 0.11 0.07 50.79 2.44 0.43 0.15 0.00 0.05 100.68 100.33 69.09 69.30 0.16 0.04 100.74 60.18 2.82 0.68 0.34 0.00 8.98 0.45 7.18 12.32 2.85 50.77 0.93 16.02 6.97 0.69 9.27 12.43 2.31 0.67 0.29 0.46 0.01 0.07 100.02 70.33 100.83 61.25 101.46 279.5 30.0 149.6 n/a 30.6 26.2 0.0 23.0 17.4 276.4 58.76 0.11 50.51 49.59 1.91 1.17 15.54 15.37 7.45 0.86 16.92 7.33 0.13 8.83 13.78 51.01 9.08 0.12 5.83 11.56 2.69 0.68 0.30 0.02 98.75 53.36 0.09 8.70 13.08 2.40 2.70 0.37 0.14 0.06 51.27 1.02 15.67 7.12 0.20 9.13 51.20 0.99 50.94 1.64 15.78 15.68 6.80 0.14 8.95 8.60 0.18 7.72 12.75 12.75 11.77 2.29 2.38 0.46 2.70 0.57 99.67 70.12 99.36 67.55 100.71 68.20 0.44 0.18 0.04 100.12 69.54 244.7 33.0 159.8 n/a 32.0 28.1 237.7 20,5 83.8 n/a 198.2 253.6 249.0 16.4 19.7 18.1 61.0 n/a 73.7 n/a 15.4 13.7 79.4 n/a 20.0 13.1 11.3 0.0 0.41 0.18 0.01 0.17 0.04 0.28 0.03 100.09 61.53 50.58 0.99 15.72 7.01 0.18 8.77 12.89 2.56 0.52 50.13 0.90 51.11 15.62 7.65 0.29 9.35 12.59 2.32 15.69 0.51 1.07 7.20 0.15 9.31 13.36 2.55 0.39 0.19 51.89 1.10 16.06 7.21 0.11 9.36 12.98 2.56 0.40 0.20 0.18 0.13 0.01 99.41 69.04 0.01 0.04 0.04 99.50 68.54 101.07 69.75 101.90 175.6 19.0 53.7 59.5 9.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a 20.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a 23.4 9.0 0.0 0.0 14.2 16.1 0.0 8.5 10.0 0.0 12.2 8.9 0.0 0.0 69.82 50.57 1.24 51.00 15.57 16.12 8.26 0.19 9.19 12.85 2.54 7.54 0.15 9.24 0.50 0.26 0.02 101.20 66.47 0.70 13.76 2.42 0.39 0.09 0.02 101.44 68.60 ppm Sr 158.0 159.2 V 11.5 Zr 14.2 41.1 Ba La Ce 23.6 7.9 6.8 Pr 0.0 Nda Sm 0.0 6.2 5.6 34.0 23.7 6.4 213.0 25.1 80.5 50.7 14.6 197.7 27.6 91.4 51.8 15.3 31.1 147.5 195.7 18.0 n/a 56.7 n/a 30.1 11.8 65.6 79.9 18.2 139.0 n/a 27.8 16.0 14.3 24.3 12.7 0.0 0.0 16.6 14.9 9.6 0.0 0.0 23.5 9.5 0.0 26.1 12.3 0.0 10.6 13.4 12.7 0.0 22.4 18.3 8.6 18.7 9.3 7.7 10.6 9.5 16.2 0.0 0.0 9.9 15.5 7.4 14.9 11.5 8.0 5.4 12.9 10.2 8.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.5 15.7 10.2 0.0 8.9 0.0 14.9 0.0 9.6 0.0 0.0 14.3 6.2 0.0 7.5 12.9 8.1 9.5 8.9 0.0 6.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.1 7.4 12.4 7.0 0.0 8.4 5.1 0.0 0.0 89 2.033 2.383 93 1.615 108 1.916 2.073 0.0 79 1.850 2.350 0.0 91 0.0 90 2.055 2.315 12.9 14.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.1 12.1 11.8 12.2 18.6 11.3 Gd Dy 0.0 6.8 5.2 Er 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.4 0.0 12.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Yb 5.9 5.1 11.0 11.7 13.6 12.8 8.0 13.3 Lu Ti/Zr (La/Sm)n 0.0 120 1.364 0.0 0.0 0.0 80 0.0 75 (Ce/Yb)n 1.401 1.387 102 1.297 1.414 0.0 79 0.0 124 1.351 0.0 99 1.395 1.461 1.900 2.313 1.777 2.495 0.0 221.6 26.5 5.9 6.5 0.0 Eu 250.4 28.9 104 1.484 1.451 1.851 2.542 0.0 8.5 0.0 85 1.779 1.847 2.188 1.243 1.297 10.9 8.0 0.0 n/a 2.269 3.424 9.6 8.9 6.5 0.0 n/a 2.848 3.067 n/a n/a n/a ala 25.5 18.0 ala n/a n/a n/a 0.0 0.0 6.9 12.7 12.0 0.0 0.0 9.5 8.5 6.5 0.0 n/a 2.289 3.402 5.6 4.8 8.3 0.0 0.0 6.0 4.3 2.5 0.0 n/a 0.723 2.339 Table 1 (cont'd) 0-2-19 Sample# HostAn# Rehom.T 90 1250 Lab UNM 52.69 Si02 Ti02 Al203 FeO* MaO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 Cr203 Total Mg# 0-2-20 0-2-21 0-2-22 0-2-23 88.5 1250 1250 UNM 51.43 91.5 1250 ISEI 49.10 89.5 1250 ISEI 49.11 0.97 0.37 0.59 ISEI 50.02 0.48 14.77 17.91 17.13 17.02 10.33 14.08 6.26 0.15 10.85 13.30 8,60 0.17 9.24 13.67 2.05 1.66 1.81 0.01 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.06 0.02 101.64 58.66 0.05 102.45 59.33 0.36 0.02 0.03 99.99 75.55 7.58 0.18 9.43 13.62 1.98 0.04 77.9 7.7 2.7 5.2 2.8 3.6 0.0 94.1 0.58 14.53 9.91 0.24 7.89 13.48 2.20 0.10 88 0.20 8.45 0-2-24 88.5 1250 ISEI 50.29 0.45 17.08 7.51 0.12 9.23 13.54 1.95 E-1-1 86.5 1250 UNM 50.72 0.86 15.25 8.42 0.16 9.86 13.69 2.56 0.03 0.03 0.11 0.01 0.10 0.11 0.02 0.08 100.54 65.69 100.45 68.91 0.11 100.32 68.67 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.8 1.8 182.6 14.4 45.4 28.4 8.6 3.3 2.2 2,4 8.1 101.83 67.59 E-1-2 87.5 1250 UNM 52.03 n/a 15.24 n/a n/a 7.96 n/a 2.54 0.05 0.09 n/a n/a n/a E-1-6 87.5 E-1-3 E-1-4 87 1250 86 1250 UNM 50.70 E-1-5 87.5 1250 ISEI 50.29 1.47 0.50 0.52 E-1-7 84.5 1250 ISEI 50.23 0.85 16.98 16.93 16.95 16.49 8.71 7.32 0.16 8.00 13.78 2.33 0.14 7.20 0.17 7.94 8.44 0.16 6.78 13.22 2.29 UNM 51.81 0.79 15.74 9.03 0.16 8.14 13.56 2.54 0.19 0.06 0.02 102.04 61.63 0.14 7.31 14.04 2.15 0.21 0.13 0.02 101.85 59.94 1250 ISEI 49.93 13.99 2.41 0.14 E-1-8 88 1250 ISET 49.17 1.36 16.48 8.42 0.10 6.97 13.64 2.10 0.25 E-5-1 89 1250 UNM 50.50 0.72 E-5-2 89 1250 UNM 50.52 E-5-3 89 1250 UNM 51.09 0.73 15.75 8.40 0.21 9.61 14.20 2.18 0.68 15.80 8.15 13.55 2.25 16.23 8.36 0.21 9.39 12.96 2.67 0.09 0.35 0.14 0.00 101.54 66.69 0.29 0.12 140.8 15.8 E-1-9 88 1250 ISEI 49.94 0.80 16.69 7.41 0.07 8.30 0.09 99.33 66.28 0.22 0.10 0.03 98.80 58.87 0.06 98.69 59.60 0.05 0.03 99.18 66.61 n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 9.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 8.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a 5.6 3.9 8.7 10.1 4.7 9.1 11.5 5.6 5.5 8.6 12.7 6.3 15.6 6.9 0.01 0.01 0.09 99.56 66.06 0.16 0.14 9.37 14.14 2.19 0.24 0.11 0.01 102.00 67.11 0.00 101.92 67.20 132.1 124.7 15.5 ppm Sr Y Zr Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy 0.0 6.3 11.0 0.0 4.2 Er Yb Lu Ti/Zr (La/Sm)n (Ce/Yb)n 22.5 47.8 3.8 3.3 5.3 0.0 0.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.4 2.0 2.3 3.3 2.8 178.8 142.4 15.0 17.0 16.5 4.8 168.4 42.1 111.1 28.4 9.4 162.0 7.8 13.7 20.6 3.9 5.1 0.0 9.9 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 4.8 3.7 3.5 0.0 33.0 75.2 29.9 9.7 9.9 0.0 0.0 6.9 5.0 7.1 11.4 6.7 14.6 4.1 4.7 5.7 4.3 3.0 3.3 0.0 0.0 35.6 26.3 5.4 5.6 0.0 0.0 15.9 31,5 n/a 3.7 4.2 28.5 n/a 3.6 4.0 0.0 0.0 6.6 6.6 5.9 0.0 5.5 6.7 5.4 7.6 9.3 8.7 13.0 9.2 10.7 7.8 5.7 8.6 6.4 10.4 5.1 6.6 7.9 0.0 8.0 2.2 4.6 7.4 5.5 4.2 3,9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 6.7 14.7 8.7 0.0 10.9 3.3 7.5 5.3 7.1 14.8 3.8 7.0 18.2 0.0 2.3 6.3 4.8 0.0 0.0 6.9 0.0 18.9 0.0 2.2 0.0 4.4 4.5 3.5 6.7 17.1 7.3 6.6 7.6 0.0 9.7 2.9 5.8 6.1 3.8 6.1 15.6 6.1 0.0 20.8 0.0 6.2 0.0 4.0 3.6 6.4 20.2 5.9 6.8 7.3 0.0 6.4 0.0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 n/a 0.629 n/a 1.164 1.669 n/a 0.567 0.617 6.5 n/a 0.880 0.0 114 1.324 1.624 0.0 219.7 18.5 n/a 0.0 84 0.697 0.585 7.0 n/a 0.383 0.436 0.0 250 0.781 1.043 2.9 126 6.4 n/a 0.373 0.693 4.7 1102 0.487 3.8 n/a 0.550 0.844 121 140 149 0.879 0.992 0.611 0.786 0.717 0.769 2.045 8.3 8.9 0.430 0.676 0.418 0.792 0.915 0.784 1.023 1.223 1.328 1.161 2.5 0.0 0.0 6.2 25 bias. Although there is a small systematic offset from a 1:1 line in the electron microprobe data at high Ti concentrations, this offset is much less than the inherent variation observed in the data. Results Major Elements Both host lavas and melt inclusions from the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge exhibit large, but similar variations in their major and compatible element contents (Fig. 2; Table 1). The melt inclusions are generally more primitive than the host lava suite, but they form a collinear liquid line of descent trend with them. Whereas the lavas range from Mg# 45-65, the melt inclusions range from Mg# 54-76. Of the two depleted host lavas, 0-2 is the more primitive, and contains melt inclusions with Mg#s ranging from 65-77, while E-1 is the more evolved, containing inclusions with Mg#s ranging from 58-70. The enriched host (E-32) is the most evolved with melt inclusions ranging from 53-73, however the range of inclusion compositions within a single sample often rivals the diversity of the lava suite as a whole. Minor and Trace Elements In contrast with the major elements, minor element abundances in melt inclusions from the Endeavour Segment lavas exhibit a wide range of concentrations over the range of Mg# and at any given Mg#. In general, both within a single sample and the suite as a whole, the incompatible elements increase in concentration with decreasing Mg#. For example, in a single sample 0-2, K20 varies between 0.02 and 0.42 wt %. Likewise, Ti02, P205, and LaISm (not shown) also exhibit large compositional ranges reaching maximum variations of a factor of 5, 11, and 13, respectively, in a single component at a 26 given Mg# for a single sample (Fig. 3). Although the absolute range of incompatible element abundances is approximately the same, the samples show little overlap, and instead plot as distinct and separate groups of data. In addition, while the minor and trace elements may all be incompatible, they do not behave similarly and cannot be used as a proxy for one another. Many of these characteristics are also observed in the host lava suites, but only become evident when lavas erupted over the entire length of the ridge segment are considered. Generally speaking, the behavior of the trace elements can be predicted by that of the minor elements. As one would expect, the inclusions from the enriched host exhibit the most enriched concentrations in the LREE, while the inclusions from the depleted hosts exhibit predominantly depleted patterns (Fig. 5, 6, 7). When all of the melt inclusions are considered as a single chemical group, they exhibit a positive correlation between the LREE and K20, Ti02, and P205 (Fig. 5) but a negative correlation with Mg# (not shown). The HREE are positively correlated with Ti02 and P205 and negatively correlated with Mg#. As a single group, the melt inclusions from the Endeavour lavas exhibit no correlation of the HREE with K20 (Fig. 5). However, when the enriched and depleted melt inclusions are considered separately, we find that the two groups exhibit distinct, internally consistent trends that are unlike those of the suites considered together. Below we will describe the range of characteristics for melt inclusions from the Endeavour Segment lavas for each chemical group: N-MORB (0-2 and E-1), T-MORB (E-5) and EMORB (E-32). N-MORB Samples 0-2 and E- 1 both contain a large population of depleted inclusions and a smaller population of enriched inclusions (Fig. 3). All depleted samples contain inclusions with a wider range of K20, Ti02, and P205 than their own host. For K20, the majority of inclusions cluster in groupings that span a wide range of Mg# and a small range of K20 (Fig. 3). These groups form an en echelon trend which terminates at the 27 Figure 5 Fractionation corrected electron and ion microprobe trace element analyses of inclusions from the Endeavour Segment lavas. Samples and symbols are the same as those used in Fig. 2, with the addition of West Valley samples (plain circles). Inclusions from the depleted lavas show a narrow range in their La concentrations and a wide range in their Yb concentrations. In contrast, inclusions from the enriched lava show a wide range of La values and a narrower range of Yb values. Figure 6 Fractionation corrected ion microprobe analyses of inclusions from the Endeavour Segment lavas. Samples and symbols are the same as those used in Fig. 2. Several melting/mixing models are included: melting of a clinopyroxene-rich source (filled diamonds), batch melting (X), fractional melting (*), open system melting of a garnet source (light dashes), open system melting of a spinel source (dark dashes), and mixing of enriched and depleted endmembers (open squares). Model parameters are given in Table 2. Note that: (a) any one of these models could explain the correlation between Ti and Zr; (b) The clinopyroxene-rich source model most accurately describes the behavior of the inclusions from the enriched lava. Inclusions from the depleted lavas are being buffered by a LREE, LIL-rich fluid which prevents then from being accurately modeled by the spinel open system melting model; (c) The garnet open system melting model clearly cannot be responsible for the behavior of the HREE in the enriched inclusions. Figure 7 Representative fractionation corrected, chondrite-normalized REE abundances in inclusions from the Endeavour Segment lavas. Samples are the same as those used in Fig. 2. Note the relatively large range of REE concentrations for the depleted inclusions compared with the relatively narrow range of values for the enriched inclusions. Also note that the depleted inclusions show a flat to depleted pattern, while the enriched inclusions are LREE enriched. 28 Figure 5 40 16 E-1 35 - Oo 0-2 E-5 30_ A+ E-32 o West Valley 25 20_ 15 - 12AAAA A AAA A A Ak 10 t, 5I 0.00 14 A AA A A I 0.10 2- 0 + + I 0.20 0 I 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.00 I 0.10 0.20 K20 0.30 0.40 40 16 353025201510- 0 0 12- AA j 10 - 64- D 0 0 + i i 0.2 20 i 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 I I 0.4 0.2 Ti02 40 35 AA e I 0.0 o+4 A 8- A 50.0 U 14 - A A0 0.50 1(20 0.6 0.8 1.0 hO2 16 0 14 - 30_ A 25 20 Ak 15 5- D0 - 0 0.00 D I 0.04 + 0 10 - oc 4j + 2_0 1 0.12 P2 0 AA + 0.16 0.20 0.00 A A e A 0 I 0.08 41A AA 6- A 10 12_ I I 0.04 0.08 0.12 P205 0.16 0.20 8000 7000 6000 I 5000 4000 - cpx-rich source - batch fractional OSM-gt OSM-sp D Mixing N-MORB o N-MORB + T-MORB E-MORB A 3000 2000 1000 10 20 30 40 Zr (ppm) 50 60 70 80 1400 cpx-rich source -*- batch 1200 0 1000 80O fractional Mixing OSM-gt OSM-sp o 0-2 A E-32 E-1 E-5 o + I' 400 200 0 II 0 5 Yb 10 I 15 1400 X -3& -. 1200 0 1000 o 800 a fractional batch cpx-rich source Mixing OSM-gt OSM-sp N-MORB N-MORB T-MORB E-MORB 41 400 200 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 (La/Sm)n 2.0 2.5 32 Figure 7 100 100 - E-1 0-2 E-5 100 E-32 1 La Ce Pr Nd Pr SmEu Gd Th Dy Ho Er TmYb Lu 33 trend of the depleted lavas. The total range of K20 concentrations in the melt inclusions is 0.02-0.42 oxide wt. % for 0-2 and 0.08-0.55 oxide wt. % for E-l. Such groups are not present for any other element (Fig. 2, 3). Instead, the majority of melt inclusions from the two depleted hosts span a similar range of Ti02 (0.25-1.0 oxide wt. % for 0-2, 0.252.0 oxide wt. % for E-l) and P205 (<100 ppm -0.10 oxide wt. % for 0-2, <100 ppm 0.18 oxide wt. % for E-1), distinguished only by their offset in Mg# and the small population of enriched inclusions found in E- 1. The most depleted melt inclusions have concentrations that approach the P205 detection limits of the electron microprobe (--1 00 ppm) for the counting times and beam current used. The melt inclusions from the depleted lavas exhibit diversity in their REE concentrations beyond that exhibited by the T- and E-MORBs. 0-2 shows a range of a factor of 2 in the LREE and a factor of>l0 in the HREE. Similarly, E-1 exhibits a range of factors of 4 and 3 in LREE and HREE, respectively. In addition, the REE variation is not uniform, with many of the melt inclusion REE patterns crossing. This is particularly true of the inclusions from the most depleted host lavas. Inclusions from the depleted lavas exhibit high levels of correlation between HREE, P, and Ti. The LREE ratios (e.g. La/Sm) are correlated to the level of enrichment of the host. For example, the average La/Sm for inclusions from the more depleted 0-2 is significantly lower than for the less depleted E- 1. For both depleted samples, the La/Sm values of the inclusions do not drop below 0.4, even for compositions with extremely low Ti, P and high Ti/Zr. In addition, the majority of inclusions from the depleted group are characterized by a wide range of Yb values at constant Ti/Zr and La/Sm. A subset of inclusions from 0-2 have an ultra-depleted character with Ti/Zr>1200 at La/Sm0.4 (Fig. 6). E-MORB The E-MORB host, E-32, is the most evolved lava used in this study and, unlike the depleted hosts, contains only inclusions enriched in K20 and the LREE. The most 34 primitive E-32 inclusions are similar in composition to the most enriched inclusions from the depleted hosts. In E-32, K20 ranges from 0.32-0.90 oxide wt.%. The trend produced by the E-32 inclusions in K20 vs. Mg# is parallel to the en echelon trend exhibited by the groups of inclusions from the depleted hosts and the enriched lava suite. In contrast, the melt inclusion Ti02 contents are collinear with both the enriched and depleted lava suite trends and range from 0.4 to 2.0 oxide wt. % (Fig. 3). E-32 exhibits the most variation in P205 of any of the inclusion populations studied, varying between 0.02 and 0.35 oxide wt. % (Fig.3). Compared to most MORB lava suites, the inclusions from E-32 are highly variable, exhibiting a factor of 3 variation in K20. However, this variation is very small relative to the factor of>20 variation in 1(20 exhibited by inclusions from the depleted lavas. The E-32 inclusions are uniformly enriched in the LREE and Ba relative to the depleted inclusions and they exhibit a generally enriched REE pattern with a narrow range in both the LREE and the HREE (Fig. 7). While still greater than analytical error, the HREE range is bracketed by that of inclusions from the two depleted lavas. In addition, there is no apparent relationship between the HREE and any other incompatible element (Fig. 5). T-MORB The T-MORB host displays characteristics common to both the N-MORB and the E-MORB hosts. Melt inclusions from E-5 exhibit the most absolute variability in the incompatible element contents of any of the samples studied. Inclusion compositions show a more even distribution between the depleted and enriched compositions, than the depleted and enriched samples. (Fig. 2, 3). For all elements, the E-5 inclusions are truly transitional in the fact that they are bracketed by the depleted and enriched inclusions from other hosts. K20 values range from 0.1 to 0.5 wt. %, Ti02 from 0.35-1.65 oxide wt. %, and P205 from <100 ppm - 0.26 oxide wt. % (Fig. 3). The T-MORB REE patterns are 35 extremely narrow, with more diversity in the LREE than in the HREE (La ranging between 5-11 ppm and Yb values between 8-9 ppm). Effects of Over and Under-Heating During Rehomogenization Over and under-heating of a feldspar host during the rehomogenization process can have a significant effect on the chemistry of the entrapped melt inclusions. Underheating occurs when the feldspar and inclusion have not been heated to a high enough temperature to melt any post-entrapment crystals that may have formed. These crystals should be visible in back scatter images, and therefore those melt inclusions that contain them can be avoided. Over-heating occurs when the inclusion is heated to a temperature at which the feldspar host begins to melt. As a result, over-heating will cause the crystal and glass to begin to re-equilibrate. Elements that are found in high concentrations in the feldspar, such as Al, Ca, Eu, and Sr will be particularly susceptible. While these effects are significant, they are also isolated and predictable. Eu, for example, shows an approximately equal number of positive and negative anomalies. Even excluding data with extreme Eu anomalies, the melt inclusion trends remain the same. This suggests that we are bracketing the rehomogenization temperature, and therefore the composition of the inclusions. Most of the chemical variation exhibited by the melt inclusions is seen in elements that are found in low concentrations in feldspar, and therefore, could not be the result of re-equilibration with plagioclase. The Relationship Between Melt Inclusions and Their Host Lavas One of the basic tenets of melt inclusion research is that the trapped melts represent the magma from which the phenocryst host was crystallizing at the time of entrapment. If so, then MORBs should represent the aggregated sum of all these included melt packets. One means by which this relationship can be explored is by 36 comparing the composition of the host lavas with the composition of melt inclusions from each host. If the melt inclusions and the host are genetically related, and if the host lava is derived from an aggregate of melts represented by the melt inclusions, then one would expect to see a linear correlation between the two compositions after correction for the effects of fractional crystallization. For the four samples in this study, we note that there is a near 1:1 linear correlation between the concentration of K20 in the host and the fractionation-corrected average K20 of all melt inclusions from that host (Fig. 8). The effects of fractionation were removed by inverting the melt inclusion data using the Ariskin et al. (1993) phase equilibria model (see fractionation correction section below). All melt inclusions from a specific host were corrected to the MgO of their host lava. Also included on this diagram is the range of melt inclusion K20 compositions found within each host and the frequency distribution of each composition within that range. No fewer than 150 microprobe analyses were used to determine the frequency distribution for each host. In all cases, the distribution of inclusion compositions is skewed toward the depleted end, with the extent of skewness greatest for the more depleted hosts. The offset of the averaged inclusion compositions and skewness towards the depleted end of the compositional spectrum may be due to differences in phase equilibria of enriched and depleted magmas (Edwards and Malpas 1996), or to the lack of sensitivity of the average of the depleted melts to small numbers of enriched inclusions. Only in the enriched lava does the range of inclusion compositions approach a normal distribution, with no representatives of ultra-depleted magmas in the melt inclusion population. The fact that the hosts and their associated melt inclusions form a single trend and that this trend is close to a 1:1 slope suggests that, in general, melts are being trapped and analyzed in approximately the volumetric proportions in which they are created. For this reason, it is of extreme importance to obtain a representative sampling of the melt inclusions when developing the histogram. It is also important to note that a 1:1 correlation is not required for the results to define the characteristics or number of 37 Figure 8 Histogram representing the frequency of melt inclusion 1(20 values in each host lava plotted against the host lava K20 composition. Arrows represent the entire range of K20 values found in each host lava. Squares represent the average composition of melt inclusions from a single host. Histograms show the relative frequency with which a particular 1(20 composition appears in melt inclusions from that host. Dashed line represents a 1:1 slope. Note that the depleted lavas have a greater proportion of depleted inclusions, while the enriched lava shows a more normal compositional distribution. 1:17 0.9 0.8 - 0.7 0.6 - 50.5C E-1 0-2 0-I-0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 K20* (MI) * compensated forfract icnation 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 38 primary magmas. A simple linear correlation is sufficient to suggest that the lavas and melt inclusions are genetically related. Phase Equilibria Modeling The main goal of this paper is to identify and quantify the processes shaping the genesis of coexisting N-MORB and E-MORB lavas on the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. In particular, we would like to understand the origin of the incompatible element over-enrichment trends exhibited by the N-MORB lavas. To this end, we have used several different chemical models to try to identify those which best fit the data. Fractional crystallization Fractional crystallization liquid lines of descent were determined using the models of Nielsen (1990) and Ariskin et al. (1993). The major element concentrations of the lavas and the melt inclusions from the Endeavour Segment accurately follow these predicted curves (Fig. 2, 3). However, fractional crystallization does not accurately predict the observed increase in LaJSm or other incompatible elements as a function of MgO. Although groups of melt inclusion data from each host follow a fractionation liquid line of descent, fractional crystallization cannot link the different groups together, either within a single sample, or between samples. For example, the subparallel clusters of inclusion data for 0-2 (Fig. 3) can each be attributed to fractionation, but one cannot produce a trend linking the most primitive members of each cluster to one another by any fractionation dominated process. 39 Fractionation correction It is clear from the data, that fractional crystallization is an important factor in the generation of the observed lava suites. In order to model the processes that may link the parent magmas to their more evolved lavas, it is necessary to invert the fractionation signature in order to obtain a composition closer to that of the parent magma (e.g. Klein and Langmuir 1987). This fractionation correction was performed by using the phase equilibria modeling program of Ariskin et al. (1993) to determine the amount of fractionation as a function of Mg#. Because all of the inclusions from the Endeavour Segment have undergone differing amounts of fractionation, we must calculate the amount of fractional crystallization that would be required to produce that melt composition from a parent magma with an Mg# of 75. That Mg# was selected on the basis of the observed range of melt inclusion compositions, and the fact that a melt with an Mg# of 75 is in equilibrium with Fo92, within the range of mantle olivine compositions. This method assumes that Rayleigh fractionation is the only process responsible for the change in Mg#. We recognize that there may be a significant difference in Mg# between primary E and N-MORB. However, the observed wide range of trace element contents and the primitive character of the melt inclusions suggests that any error introduced by the assumption is comparatively small. Melting Models Fractional and Batch Melting and Mixing Using the equations of Shaw (1970), we modeled the progressive melting of a spinel lherzolite by fractional and batch melting to attempt to predict the behavior of the trace elements. These models, as well as mixing curves, serve as a reference for the discussion of the more complex models. The results of these preliminary calculations 40 demonstrate that such simple models do not adequately predict the behavior of the trace element concentrations of melt inclusions from the Endeavour Segment. Open System Melting Based on the work of Johnson et al. (1990), Johnson and Dick (1992), and Johnson and Kong (1992) we modeled open system melting in the garnet and spine! stability fields with variable amounts of retained melt using the following equation: (1P - I Ci=Co (D0(1P)001 (D0+O)F(P+Ø) (D0+Ø) (01)(P+ø) (P+çb) (1) where C0 is the initial concentration of an element, C1 is the concentration in the melt after F percent melting, represents the weight percent melt retained in the pore spaces, D0 is the bulk distribution coefficient of an element in the first moment of melting weighted for the modal proportions of the source rock and P is the bulk distribution coefficient of an element weighted for the proportions in which the existing mineral phases melt. The partition coefficients, melt mode and initial concentrations were varied to represent the conditions appropriate for the spinel or garnet stability fields (Table 2). This model is conceptually similar to the critical melting model of Maaløe (1982), but it allows for variation in the threshold porosity at grain boundaries and the introduction of exotic melts into the system. N-MORB Varying degrees of open system melting of a spinel lherzolite source can accurately reproduce the majority of trace element characteristics of the N-MORB melt inclusions (Fig. 6). The degree of melting varies between 4-20% open system melting 41 assuming 2.5% retained melt. Because it is difficult to distinguish between the amount of homogenization that takes place within incremental batches of melt versus that which takes place later in the evolution of the magma, this retained melt value represents a maximum. If more homogenization occurred later in the history of the magma, then less of the melt need be pooled during melting. In contrast, this model fails to predict the behavior of the LREE of the depleted melt inclusions, whose concentrations never drop below 2 times chondrite or a La/Sm of 0.4. Likewise, the model predicts lower concentrations of K20 and Ba than are found in the depleted inclusions. In effect, the LREE, K20 and Ba appear to be "perched" at a significantly higher level than one would predict from the HREE, Ti02 or P205. One mechanism that would explain both the buffering of the LREE content, and the high Ti/Zr content of the ultra-depleted inclusions is the presence of a fluid enriched in K2O and LREE. This component would necessarily be low in Zr and Ti. Otherwise, any interaction with the melt would drive the trend downward in Ti/Zr (see mixing curve in Fig. 6). Due to the necessarily low concentrations of Ti and Zr, it is unlikely that the LIL-rich component is an enriched basaltic magma as proposed by Elthon (1992) based on information from abyssal peridotites. This is supported by the fact that the models exhibit strong coherence on both Ti versus Zr and La versus Sm (Fig. 6). E-MORB The relatively wide range of LREE relative to the HREE contents exhibited by the E- and T-MORB melt inclusions is consistent with observations of enriched MORBs from other areas (Hirschmann and Stolper, 1996). Using partition coefficients and modal mineralogies consistent with current literature (Table 2), the open system melting models produce trends that exhibit greater variation in the HREE than observed in the melt inclusions or the enriched lavas (Fig. 6). The pattern of relatively low and constant HREE contents is one of several chemical characteristics of E-MORB that have been attributed to a number of processes 42 including: residual garnet in the source (Bender et al. 1984; Frey et al. 1993; Shen and Forsyth 1995), higher partition coefficients for pyroxene at low % melting (Gallahan and Nielsen 1992), and preferential melting of clinopyroxenite veins (Hirschmann and Stolper 1996). These arguments have been well summarized in Hirschmann and Stolper (1996) and need not be reproduced here. In this case, melting of a garnet lherzolite produces trends that exhibit extreme sensitivity to the amount of garnet in the source and melting model (Fig. 6). For the Endeavour Segment inclusions, we have found that a higher modal % of clinopyroxene in the source, together with the high partition coefficients for a clinopyroxenite assemblage, such as those predicted by Gallahan and Nielsen (1992) and Hack et al. (1994), has the effect of increasing D0 and P (Table 2), thus alleviating the need for any garnet in the source material. This combination allows the LREE to pivot on the HREE, creating greater diversity in the LREE compared to the HREE (Fig. 7). Discussion The different lava compositions observed on the Endeavour Segment cannot simply be the result of differing degrees of partial melting of the same mantle source. In spite of the considerable overlap between inclusion compositions from the E- and NMORB host lavas, the absolute and relative ranges of inclusion compositions, the results of open system modeling and the regional tectonics suggest that the enriched and depleted lavas are derived from sources with different modal mineralogies, possibly at different depths in the upper mantle (Fig. 9). As suggested by their extremely low Zr values and their range in HREE concentrations, the most depleted component in the array of N-MORB parent magmas was produced from high degrees of near-fractional melting, at or near the point where clinopyroxene is consumed. Clinopyroxene compositions in equilibrium with the Endeavour inclusions can be calculated by multiplying the melt inclusion composition by DCPX (Table 2). When compared with natural clinopyroxene compositions from abyssal Figure 9 Cartoon representing the melting regimes necessary to create B- and N-MORB lavas. Note that the two lava types require different sources, different extents of melting, and different depths of melting. enriched /\ Clinopyroxenite and Lherzolite source 5 t garnet depleted Harzburgite source (cpx out) spinel ,/ ,/ garnet 44 Figure 10 Correlation of abyssal peridotite clinopyroxene analyses and calculated fractional melting liquid line of descent from Johnson et al. (1990) with equilibrium clinopyroxene, calculated from Endeavour Segment melt inclusion compositions which have been fractionation corrected. The ellipses represent the range of composition for abyssal peridotites from specific areas (Johnson et al. 1990). The most depleted ellipse represents peridotites with as little as 1-3% modal clinopyroxene. Taken together, the correlation of calculated % melting with modal % clinopyroxene (Johnson et al. 1990) indicates that the most depleted melt inclusions were produced from a source that was close to the point at which clinopyroxene was exhausted. 10000 Cpx in source Ion probe data on Abyssal Peridotite Cpx Johnson et al. 1990 1000 Fractional melting = A 25% 100 0.01 0.1 1 Zr in cpx (ppm) 10 100 45 Table 2. Modes, partition coefficients, and starting compositions used for trace element modeling. Mode sources: Clinopyroxenite - modified after Hirschmann and Stolper (1996); Garnet - Johnson et al. (1990); Spinel - modified after Kinzler and Grove (1992). Partition coefficient sources: olivine - Nielsen et al. (1992); orthopyroxene - Johnson et al. (1990) and Nielsen et al. (1992); clinopyroxene - Forsythe et al. (1994) and Hack et al. (1994); spinel and garnet - Johnson et al. (1990) and Johnson (submitted). Starting compositions are similar to those found in and were projected from the trend of the melt inclusions. Modes are similar to those discussed in Johnson et al. (1990) and Hirschmann and Stolper (1996). The clinopyroxenite mode was chosen arbitrarily. Partition coefficients were determined from compositions of minerals and melt inthe high pressure melting experiments of Takahashi et al. (1993). Open System Melting of a Clinopyroxene.lich Source InitialSolidMode(X) MeltMode(P) Ti Zr La Ce Nd Sm Yb P K Ba ol 0.15 -0.10 D 0.015 0.0005 0.00001 0.00001 0.00007 0.0007 0.023 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 opx 0.15 0.38 D° 0.140 0.014 0.0009 0.0009 0.009 0.020 0.100 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 cpx 0.65 0.67 D. sp 0.05 0.05 D' C0 (ppm) 1600 10 0.18 0.3 0.45 0.07 0.04 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0045 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0 0 0 2.5 0.4 0.2 0.05 0.1 2 2.3 2.9 2.9 2.5 75 1.2 Garnet Open System Melting 0X 01 InitialSolidMode(X) MeltMode(p) 0.55 0.13 D' Ti Zr La Ce Nd Sm Yb P K Ba 0.015 0.0005 0.000001 0.00001 0.00007 0.0007 0.023 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.20 0.12 D' CpX Sp 0.15 0.25 D' 0.10 0.50 D 0.14 0.014 0.0005 0.0009 0.009 0.02 0.1 0.36 0.18 0.05 0.08 0.18 0.28 0.43 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 C0 (ppm) 0.6 0.5 0.0008 0.008 0.057 0.217 850 6 0.66 0.9 1.28 1 7 1 0 0 0 4 75 1.2 Spinel Open System, Batch and Fractional Melting Models InitialSolidMode(X) Melt Mode (P) ol 0.56 -0.10 D" Ti Zr La Ce Nd Sm Yb P K Ba opx 0.24 038 1)" 0.14 0.015 0.0005 0.014 0.00001 0.0009 0.00001 0.0009 0.009 0.00007 0.0007 0.02 0.023 0.1 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 cpx 0.16 0.67 D" 0.4 0.2 0.05 0.1 0.18 0.3 0.45 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 sp 0.04 0.05 D C0 (ppm) 0.07 0.04 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0045 0 0 0 650 3 1 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.5 23 75 1.2 46 peridotites (Fig. 10), the clinopyroxenes in equilibrium with the most depleted melt inclusions are equivalent to those found in abyssal peridotites with small percent (1-3%) modal clinopyroxene (Johnson et al. 1990). This implies that the source is at or near the point at which clinopyroxene is exhausted (harzburgite source). Although our understanding of the changes in pyroxene chemistry at low modal percent clinopyroxene is incomplete (Shimizu et al. 1997), we have a high level of confidence that the partition coefficients for the HFSE and REE in clinopyroxene are a function of Ca content (McKay 1989; Nielsen et al. 1992; Hack et al. 1994; Longhi and Bertka 1996; Shimizu et al. 1997; Wood and Blundy 1997). In addition, we know that clinopyroxene Dr is more sensitive to Ca content than DT (Forsythe et al. 1994). Therefore, if the Ca content of the clinopyroxene drops as cpx-out is approached, Dr would drop more rapidly than D11, resulting in a rapid increase in the Ti/Zr of the liquids generated as Zr is increasingly fractionated from Ti. This scenario is consistent both with the observed trends in the ultra-depleted melt inclusions and with the assumed original modal composition of the mantle (Table 2). As such, at the 20%+ melting predicted by the open system models, little if any clinopyroxene would remain in the source. However, even if clinopyroxene does persist, the Ca content, and therefore the composition, of that remaining clinopyroxene is unknown. Based on the buffered HREE concentrations in the E-MORBs and the absence of depleted inclusions, we suggest that the Endeavour E-MORBs are the result of melting of a clinopyroxene-rich source that itself is a small component (<5% - Hirschmann and Stolper, 1996) of the mantle as a whole (Fig. 9). Such a source is inferred to exist based on the discovery of pyroxene-rich mantle xenoliths (Irving 1980; Frey 1980), as well the existence of pyroxenité layers in ophiolites and alpine massif outcrops (Boudier and Coleman 1981; Quick 1981; Suen and Frey 1987). This enriched source would have the lowest melting point of any potential mantle source (Michael et al. 1989), and therefore would be the first part of the upper mantle to melt. In addition, because the temperature difference between the solidus and the liquidus of such a pyroxenite would be so small, it would actually have a higher melt productivity than any surrounding peridotite (Hirschmann and Stolper 1996). And, finally, because the pyroxenite is more enriched 47 than any surrounding material, it would likely melt faster than the peridotite (Hirschmann and Stolper 1996). However, if the E-MORB is derived from melting of clinopyroxenite, then the total volume of E-MORB magma produced must be relatively small. Given the spreading rate of this section of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, it is unlikely that the entire crust could be constructed of enriched material. Karsten et al. (1990) reported that most Endeavour Segment lavas reported from the axis between North Endeavour and South Endeavour Valleys are enriched. If all the lavas on the surface are enriched, and if the enriched lavas represent melts of a small percent of the mantle regime, then either the enriched lavas must represent a thin veneer on an otherwise depleted crust, or the melting regime under this area must be dramatically larger. These alternative hypotheses can be tested by either a drilling project near the axis, or by sampling on an axial scarp. The presence of enriched inclusions from the depleted host lavas suggests that partial melts of clinopyroxenite may be a constituent in the array of magmas that constitute the depleted parental magmas. However, the much greater volume of depleted magma produced in the melting regime dominates the chemical signal. The limited range of moderately incompatible elements and their evolved major element composition is consistent with a model wherein the depleted melts produced at depth underwent significant fractionation and mixing during transport through the upper mantle. In contrast, the absence of any depleted material in the enriched lavas suggests that the magmas did not re-equilibrate with depleted upper mantle clinopyroxene. Several models have been put forth to explain the origin of E-MORB lavas in an otherwise N-MORB environment. Hekinian et al. (1989) suggest that enriched lavas from the northern East Pacific Rise are produced repeatedly during cyclic melting events. E-MORB would be created at the inception of a new melting cycle and represent the first few percent melting, when incompatible element concentrations are highest in the melt. If the E-MORB from the Endeavour Segment were the result of a cyclic melting event, one would expect to find E-MORB lavas from previous cycles on paleo-ridges. On the Endeavour Segment, E-MORB lavas are only found at the current ridge axis, suggesting that either E-MORB production is not a cyclical process in this location, or that previous 48 E-MORB eruptions have been buried by subsequent N-MORB eruptions (Karsten et al. 1990). In contrast, Michael et al. (1989) suggest that enriched parental magmas found on the Southern Explorer Ridge are derived from extensive melting of an incompatible element enriched source, found near the top of the melting colunm. In this case, the enriched source would represent a mantle heterogeneity, and the melting colunm would produce less enriched melts in its deeper portions. This model is also inconsistent with the melts found on the Endeavour Segment because the open system melting models on the enriched melt inclusions have shown that these E-MORB melts were produced by lower degrees of melting. Karsten et al. (1990) suggest a model wherein E-MORB lavas are produced during the final stages of a dying rift. At the Endeavour Segment, for example, depleted magmas would be produced until spreading, and therefore the magma supply, was split between two dueling propagators. As the Endeavour Segment becomes the failing rift, its magma plumbing system has a cooler adiabatic gradient causing the degree of partial melting to decrease and the depth of melting to increase (Fig. 9). The E-MORB lavas produced at the Endeavour Segment would be the result of an increase in the enriched component contributing to the final magma, caused by the decrease in magma supply at the dying rift. Using the model of Karsten et al. (1990), the enriched lavas would represent a veneer on top of an otherwise depleted crust. For this to occur, the enriched magmas must pass through the depleted crust without significantly interacting with it. Unlike the model of Klein and Langmuir (1987), our model suggests that, at least in this tectonic setting, melts do not aggregate and homogenize completely within the melting regime. Klein and Langmuir (1987) described a melting regime wherein partial melts were created and aggregated prior to reaching the base of the crust. Because we find distinctly enriched melts surviving at least to the depth at which plagioclase begins to crystallize in the lower crust, these melts must be travelling through the upper mantle in discrete packets, unaffected by any depleted material they may be travelling through. The only way for the diverse chemistry represented in these melt inclusions to exist in the lower crust is if they remain isolated from other depleted partial melts. This suggests 49 that, on the intermediate spreading Endeavour Segment, pooling and melt aggregation do not begin until a depth shallower than plagioclase saturation, probably not until the magmas reached the transient mid-crustal magma chamber. None of these alternatives explains why we observe the correlation of enrichment with decreasing Mg#. However, if one takes all the evidence presented above as a whole, the composition of the component melts and the over-enriched trends can support a working hypothesis wherein they are linked indirectly to mantle temperature. In effect, areas characterized by component magmas that are dominantly depleted are most likely to be areas where the upper mantle temperature has been relatively high and where melting has persisted to high levels of the mantle. In such environments, residual clinopyroxenite veins are unlikely to have survived to serve as a source for E-MORB lavas. The composite magma from such areas would have less opportunity to fractionate due to the higher flux rate and potentially higher temperature in the lower crust. The opposite case would be true for areas where the composite magma is enriched. Component magmas in those areas would have been produced by preferential melting of clinopyroxenite in an environment that would produce less magma flux, and probably a higher average % fractionation during transport through the cooler upper mantle and lower crust. Conclusions The lavas of the Endeavour Segment and their associated melt inclusions are genetically related. This contention is supported by the 1:1, linear relationship between the mean inclusion composition and the host lava, and the fact that the trends exhibited by the lavas and inclusions are collinear. Over-enrichment trends are not due to the processing of depleted parental magmas. Enriched, evolved members of over-enriched suites are enriched because they are derived from primitive, enriched parental magmas. 50 N-MORB lavas formed from variable degrees of melting of a spine! peridotite. The most depleted of the melt inclusions were the product of melting at or near the clinopyroxene-out point (harzburgite source), possibly fluxed with a fluid enriched in K, Ba and the LREE. E-MORB lavas formed from melting of a source dominated by clinopyroxenite, which itself represents a small % of the source. The production of the observed range of REE patterns, characterized by a narrow range of HREE and wider range of LREE, requires high partition coefficients for the HREE and a high clinopyroxene mode in the source. Both are consistent with preferential melting of clinopyroxenite veins in the spine! peridotite stability field, particularly at low % melting where the phase compositions are consistent with high Ds. No residual garnet is required. Melting of clinopyroxenite veins cannot produce the volume of magma required to construct the full thickness of the oceanic crust. Therefore, the E-MORB lavas either represent a veneer on an otherwise depleted crust, or the volume of the melting regime is dramatically larger. Melts travel through the upper mantle as discrete packets that do not aggregate prior to passing into the base of the crust. Acknowledgments We wish to thank Dick Chase and Jamie Allen for their early guidance in sample selection. Abigail Walker and Jennifer Crum were extremely helpful in providing logistical and analytical support. Some of the ion microprobe data presented here were measured at the University of New Mexico/Sandia National Laboratory SIMS facility, a national multi-user facility supported in part by NSF grant number EAR 95-06611. K.J. thanks E. Nakamura and I. Kushiro for providing the opportunity to carry out some of the analyses in this paper at the ion probe facility at the Institute for the Study of the Earth's Interior in Misasa, Japan. This work was supported by NSF grant OCE-9503782. 51 PARENTAL MAGMA DIVERSITY ON A FAST-SPREADING RIDGE: EVIDENCE FROM OLI VINE AND PLAGIOCLASE-HOSTED MELT INCLUSIONS IN AXIAL AND SEAMOUNT LAVAS FROM THE NORTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE Rachel Sours-Page Roger L. Nielsen Rodey Batiza MS in preparation for submission to Chemical Geology July, 2000, 43 pages 52 Abstract The axial plumbing system, and the axial magma chamber specifically, is recognized as the site of much of the chemical processing that takes place at mid-ocean ridges. Such processing is difficult to characterize, however, using only the lavas erupted at the surface. To better understand the relative roles of different magmatic processes in the formation of axial and off-axis magma systems, we studied plagioclase and olivinehosted melt inclusions from two axial segments, I O3O'N and 11 °20'N, and four seamounts between 547'N and 9°17'N of the northern East Pacific Rise. These data are a potential source of information on the characteristics of precursor magmas. By comparing the compositions of inclusions with those of the host lava suite, one can discern the nature of the intervening processes. Rehomogenized melt inclusions from axial and seamount lavas have been analyzed by electron and ion microprobe for major and trace elements. The lava groups, as well as their inclusions, overlap and contain very similar N-MORB compatible and incompatible element concentrations, with the exception of one N-MORB host lava which contains both N- and E-MORB inclusions. Inclusion compositions are colinear with and generally fall at the primitive end of the host lava suites. Inclusion diversity, i.e. the chemical variation in melt inclusion compositions within a single sample, decreases with decreasing MgO. Seamount lavas differ from axial lavas in that they are more crystal rich and they contain a greater number of inclusions that are generally more primitive, and they exhibit a larger compositional range in both the incompatible and trace elements. Axial and seamount lavas have comparable crystal assemblages and chemistry, melt inclusion diversity and range of compositions, all of which corroborate what others have suggested previously, that the axial and seamount magmas are formed in the same mantle melting regime. We believe that axial and seamount magmas are created from a single parent magma array derived by melting of a relatively homogeneous source. The parent magmas undergo fractionation and mixing, then the axial and seamount magma paths diverge. Axial lavas continue through the axial magma chamber, becoming more 53 fractionated and having more phenocrysts removed (possibly in the upper melt lens). Seamount magmas travel to their volcanoes without further significant fractionation and crystal separation. The East Pacific Rise differs from slow and moderate spreading rate ridges (AMAR, JdF, Gorda and SEIR) in its lack of phyric lavas, the scarcity of inclusions, the lack of chemical variation between melt inclusions from the same crystal, the lack of overall compositional variability, and the absence of E-MORB inclusions in the majority of the N-MORB host lavas, suggesting that the EPR must have a fundamentally different axial plumbing system. Introduction Melt inclusion data are currently emerging as a useful tool to interpret the petrogenesis of basaltic magmas. Recent studies of mid-ocean ridge basalts, including those from the Gorda and Juan de Fuca Ridges (Nielsen et al, 1 995b; Sours-Page et al. 1999; Smirnov 2000), the Galapagos region (Sinton et al. 1995; McNeil! and Danyushevsky 199?), as well as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Sobolev et al. 1992; 1994; Sobolev and Shimizu, 1993; 1994; Shimizu et al. 2000; Michael and McDonougb, 2000; Tsameryan et al. 2000; Sobolev 2000), the Tongan Arc (Falloon and Green 1986), and the Izu-Mariana Arc (Plank et al. 2000), have focused on areas where olivine and plagioclase phyric lavas are most common. Through these studies, we have learned that, like lavas erupted at mid-ocean ridges, melt inclusions vary in composition with spreading rate, inferred mantle temperature, and crustal thickness. However, the regions studied to date represent only slow and intermediate spreading ridges, leaving a large gap in our knowledge of the behavior of melt inclusions on a global scale. For this reason, a study of melt inclusions from a fast spreading environment is necessary. The compositional diversity of melt inclusion populations reflects the effects of processes that take place in the melting regime and the axial magma chamber (AMC). Unlike their host lavas, such inclusions can provide pictures of the chemical composition 54 of a lava suite at intermediate steps in its petrogenesis, before the AMC processes destroy the diversity characteristic of the parental magma array (Sours-Page et al. 1999; Nielsen et al. 1995 a; Sobolev and Shimizu 1992, 1994). Processes that may have an important role in the AMC include simple fractional crystallization, paired fractionation and recharge (O'Hara and Mathews 1981; Defant and Nielsen 1988), boundary layer or in situ fractionation (Langmuir 1989; Nielsen and Delong 1992), assimilation of altered crust or mantle (Michael and Schilling 1989; Nielsen et al. 2000), and buffering reactions with cumulates (Nielsen et al. 1995a; Natland and Dick 1996; Benoit et al. 1999). While essentially all magmas are formed in the melting regime, they don't all pass through the axial magma chamber. Therefore, it is how magmas experience the axial magma chamber that will dictate the chemical diversity of the lava suites we see erupted at the surface and limit what we can infer about mantle processes. Hence, it is critically important to understand the intermediate steps in magmatic evolution. Until now, published melt inclusion studies of mid-ocean ridges have focused on axial volcanism, and used either plagioclase or olivine-bosted inclusions, but never both. In this study, we compare olivine and plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions in both axial and seamount N-MORB lavas from the moderately fast spreading northern East Pacific Rise (EPR) to address the following: How are on and off-axis magmas related? How do olivine and plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions differ? What is the diversity of primary magmas generated both on and off-axis in this region? Are melt inclusions from fast-spreading ridges different from those from slower spreading ridges? Is there a relationship between spreading rate and melt inclusion diversity? 55 Geological Setting The northern East Pacific Rise (Fig 11) is a moderately fast spreading section of the global mid-ocean ridge system with spreading rates ranging from 104 mmlyr in the north to nearly 140 mnilyr, full rate, to the south of the study area (Niu and Batiza 1997). It stretches from the Guaymas Basin in the north to the Galapagos Triple Junction in the south, separating the Pacific from the Cocos Plate. This study focuses on lavas from the segments at 1030'N and 1120'N, and seamoimts between 5°47'N and 917'N. We have chosen this part of the EPR for investigation because it is one of the most extensively studied portions of the global mid ocean ridge system. It has an abundance of near-axis seamounts, adjacent to both magmatically robust (high flux) and starved (lower flux) ridge segments (Regelous et al. 1999) and is unlike any of the other regions studied to date using melt inclusions. Axial Volcanism The ridge axis is a volcanically active zone approximately 1 km wide (Batiza et al. 1990). This zone is fed by a broad region of mantle upwelling, focused into the axis. Seafloor compliance measurements have recorded low shear velocity zones at the base of the crust and in the upper crust, indicating pooled melts in these locations (Crawford et al. 1999). The region between the two melt lenses is a crystal mush zone containing 2.518% melt (Crawford et al. 1999). In general, this area is characterized by homogeneous, fractionated, aphyric lavas, erupting from a steady-state axial magma chamber. In detail, however, it is found that the chemical characteristics of the lavas and the robustness of the axial magma chamber varies along the ridge axis (Niu and Batiza 1991; Batiza and Niu 1992; Batiza et al. 1996). 56 Fig. 11 (a) Map of the northern East Pacific Rise. (b) Schematic map of the study area showing ridge segments, isochrons, sample locations, and the distribution of previously studies near-axis seamounts. After Niu and Batiza (1997). 57 Figure 11 110°W 20°N i000w 1O°N U°N Ridge Axes Overlapping Spreading Centers Transform Faults Propagating Rifts Absolute Plate Motion Directions Relative Plate - Motion and Spreading Rate Crustal Isochrons \ Previously Studied Seamounts Seamounts--This Study Axial Samples-This Study 103°W 102°W 58 Segment 1O°30'N The 10°30'N segment is bound in the south by the Clipperton Fracture Zone at 10°15'N and by the 1115 'N overlapping spreading center in the north (Fig 11) (Thompson et al. 1989). Its axial high and associated hydrothermal activity are centered at 10° 55 'N (Thompson et al. 1985; McConachy et al. 1986). Regelous et al. (1999) show that supply rates have changed significantly over time. However, the deep, narrow morphology and lack of an AMC seismic reflector suggest that this segment is currently magmatically starved compared to other regions of the northern EPR (Batiza et al. 1996). Computed average eruption temperatures of 1060 ± 20°C confirm the starved nature of this segment, as they are cooler than one would expect if there were a constant source of magma flowing from below (Batiza et al. 1996). This segment differs from its neighbors by erupting only N-MORB (Batiza et al. 1996). Segment ll°20'N The 11 °20'N segment is bounded by overlapping spreading centers at 11° l5'N and 11°45'N, and its axial high and associated hydrothermal activity are centered at 1 1°30'N (Thompson et al. 1989; Hekinian et al. 1983, 1985). This segment is broad and shallow and has a magma lens reflector suggesting the presence of a steady-state axial melt lens (Detrick et al. 1987; Macdonald and Fox 1988; Macdonald 1989). The computed average eruption temperature is 1190 ± 25°C (Batiza et al. 1996). Unlike its neighbors, the ridge at 11 °20'N has erupted a large proportion of E-MORB, in addition to N-MORB (Batiza et al. 1996). 59 Seamount Volcanism Seamounts are the second form of zero-age volcanism near the East Pacific Rise (Scheirer and Macdonald 1995). There are 179 seamounts greater than 200 m in height on seafloor <2 Ma between 80 arid 17°N (Scheirer and Macdonald 1995). Their size and abundance is correlated with the robustness (magma flux) of the ridge axis (Scheirer and Macdonald 1995; White et al. 1998). Although seamount distribution is asymmetrical (more on the western flank of the ridge axis), they form only in a narrow zone 5-15km off-axis on crust 0.1-0.3 Ma, often adjacent to axial discontinuities (Scheirer and Macdonald 1995; White et al. 1998). The off-axis lavas used for this study are from searnounts located adjacent to segments at 5°45'N, 8°30'N and 9°30'N. Each seamount is a single volcano potentially related to the ridge axis. Petrogenetically, seamounts evolve from N-MORB, to transitional and alkalic compositions over time (Batiza et al. 1989). However, many become inactive before reaching the alkalic stage. When compared to axial lavas, seamount lavas are systematically more primitive and heterogeneous, and sometimes more depleted than those of the axis (Batiza et al. 1989). Sample Information Samples were chosen based on their plagioclase and olivine phenocryst contents (we require 10-50 crystals >1mm per sample), location (samples from robust and less robust segments), and lack of alteration (crystals need to break free from matrix upon coarse crushing). Fewer than 1% of the lavas dredged from the axis and 5% of the lavas from seamounts of the East Pacific Rise met our criteria, which made sample selection very difficult. As a result, although our original intention was to select multiple samples from adjacent axial segments and seamounts, sample availability required that we use chemically and geographically similar, but spatially unrelated host lavas. 60 The ten samples used in this study (Table 3) include four axial lavas (two each from the segments at 1 0°30'N and 11 °20'N) from the Phoenix cruise, leg 2 on the RJV Melville, and six seamount samples from four seamounts from the RAIT cruise, leg 2 on the R!V Thomas Washington (Fig 11). Axial host lava dredge locations, i.e. present-day locations of lavas thought to have erupted within the axial neovolcanic zone, range from approximately 10 km west to 10 km east of the spreading axis (Batiza et al. 1996). Seamounts are located between 68 km west and 42 km east of the spreading axis (numbers measured off map, assuming 111 km/° at this latitude). Based on their K20/Ti02 ratios, nine of the host lavas are N-MORB, while only one, seamount sample R32-5, is an E-MORB. The original works for the axial and seamount samples were published in Batiza et al. (1996), Batiza et al. (1990) and Niu and Batiza (1997). Experimental and Analytical Methods Rehomogenization Technique The crystals used for this study were removed from the sample after a coarse (0.5- 1 mm) crushing. In order to rehomogenize melt inclusions affected by post-entrapment daughter crystal formation, host crystals were suspended by 0.003" thick Pt wire or a Pt "boat" and heated in a 1-atmosphere gas mixing furnace. Plagioclase crystals were heated in air, whereas olivine crystals were heated in a QFM-buffered environment. Crystals were held at 1000°C for 15 minutes, and then heated to the rehomogenization temperature for 45-60 minutes. Basic phase equilibria suggest, and our experience has demonstrated, that the entrapment temperature is generally correlated with the anorthite or fosterite content of the host mineral. The specific temperature is determined by running a set of incremental heating experiments at 100 intervals in the range of 1170° to 1260°C. The appropriate rehomogenization temperature can be confirmed using phase equilibria modeling (Johnson et al. 1996). If the calculated liquid line of descent is colinear with, and falls within the trend of, the 61 Table 3. Major and trace element analyses of axial and seamount host lavas. Analytical method as indicated. When glasses were available, major element analyses were performed by electron microprobe. All other analyses were performed by either ICPMS, published in Batiza et al. (1996) and Niu and Batiza (1997), or XRF, performed at Franklin and Marshall College using the technique described in Boyd and Mertzman (1987). When two analytical methods were used, an asterisk (*) indicates which elements were obtained using the asterisked method. All major elements are reported as oxide wt% and all trace elements as ppm. A number sign (#) after the analytical method indicates that the analysis was performed on a sample from the same dredge, but not the actual speciman used in this study. Rare earth elements are chondrite normalized using the values reported in Anders and Grevesse (1989). Distances from the ridge axis are approximate. Phenocryst major element analyses were performed by electron microprobe to obtain anorthite and forsterite contents. 62 Table 3 AXIS Host Latitude('N) Longitude ('W) Averagedepth(m) Dist from axis (km) An# of fsp phenos Fo# of ol phenos SEAMOUNTS -- PH55-8 P1165-I PH93-3 P11113-4 R3-2 R3-4 R28-3 R28-7 R32-5 R34-3 10.48 103.53 3170 9.68 E 60-65 79 10.453 103.635 11.378 103.688 5.782 5.782 2932 10.05 E 102.2 1773 102.2 1773 8.812 103.9 1984 8.812 2996 3.39 W 66 9.085 104.9 3025 9.28 104.2 2611 86-89 84-89 80 76-88 -_ 59 84-85 11.342 103.848 2931 7.86 W 78-86 85 -- __ -- -- 88 70 82 ICPMS 50.79 ICPMS 50.52 1.90 15.10 10.17 0.19 6.94 11.72 2.92 0.20 0.20 99.86 57.49 XRF EMP 49.12 0.91 XRF 50.03 EM? 50.97 2.16 EM? EMP 49.80 XRF 50.74 15.81 0.54 16.68 8.10 0.15 7.11 11.82 2.68 0.20 0.17 100.00 53.85 9.70 12.74 2.16 0.03 0.12 99.74 68.12 2.41 0.06 0.16 1.47 16.59 8.05 0.16 8.63 11.64 2.74 0.34 0.24 99.99 62.94 99.76 66.04 99.76 65.64 1.67 14.42 10.82 0.20 7.32 11.82 2.74 0.12 0.15 100.00 54.67 ICPMS0 XRF. 1CPMS' 1CPMS xItF, lC1'MS' n/a n/a 4.07 0.16 5.12* 0.21* 1CPMS 6.84 0.59 39 301 ICPMS 5.50 0.33 130 341 ICPMS 4.96 0.82 34 225 312 48 43 50 n/a n/a n/a 3.00 n/a n/a 42.90 n/a 270.00 41.50 50.00 n/a n/a n/a 4.00 100 156 94 74 65 80 140 n/a 70 103.9 1984 Major element analyses (wt%) Analytical Method Si02 Ti02 Al203 Fe0 MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 Total Mg# XRF 50.63 2.28 13.58 12.84 0.28 6.61 10.65 2.65 0.27 0.22 100.00 47.85 2.51 13.60 13.57 0.24 5.53 10.11 3.15 0.19 0.25 99.94 44.67 50.19 1.65 14.78 10.86 1.00 9.06 0.25 8.63 12.69 2.36 0.08 0.08 13.95 11.55 0.22 6.78 10.83 2.84 0.16 0.24 99.71 51.14 49.85 1.15 15.94 8.88 0.l9 8.72 12.41 Trace element analyses (ppm) Analytical method XRF. ICPMS' Li n/a Be n/a Sc 38 V 422 Cr 225 Co 41 Ni 72 Cu 53 Zn 109 Ga 20 Rb 3.10 Sr 103 Y 47 ICPMS n/a n/a 45 n/a 41 45 40 32 38 340 266 185 328 265 424 45 42 49 112 121 124 38 49 83 78 77 61 49 77 84 16 1.59 180.00 100 17 1.90 143 n/a 38 Zr 145 130 130.00 123 Nb Cs 5.60 0.08* 54 12.02* 14.17* n/a 16.91* 19.87* 18.50* n/a 0.02 0 n/a 0.05 20.00 11.66 Ba La. Ce. Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu. Gd, Th, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm. Yb, Lu, Hf Ta Pb Th U Ti/Zr La/Sm n/a 20.56* n/a n/a n/a n/a 20.05* 20.08* 4.22* 0.30* 3.00 1.20 1.20 94 0.60* n/a n/a 5.00 0.01* 84 9.64 11.18 n/a 18.12 21.61 14.49 16.07 15.42 13.29 14.14 13.67 12.89 14.88 20.04 n/a 22.39 n/a n/a n/a n/a 20.90 21.42 4.32 030 n/a 0.21 0.20 116 0.60 13.03 n/a 15.92 n/a n/a n/a n/a 14.76 14.52 3.30 0.27 n/a 0.24 0.2 12.72 2.73* 0.26* 5.00 1.10 0.70 88 0.73 80 0.68 n/a 14.43 n/a n/a n/a n/a 12.71 14 15 0.08 0.50 66 18.77 34.48 0.39 0.0025 1.27 3.87 5.53 7.08 8.64 11.00 12.55 12.13 12.10 12.25 12.05 12.14 11.63 11.53 11.11 1.12 0.03 0.16 0.03 0.01 158 0.35 78 27 62 3.40 0.0043* 50 2.45* 3.62* 499* 6.00* 8.04* 8.69* 9.04* 9.20* 945* 9.12* 9.16* n/a 9.36* 9.19* 1.35* 0.041* 6.00 0.90 1.10 97 0.30 111 39.01 125.16 3.54 0.033 15.2 20.33 24.36 26.17 27.28 27.51 25.36 26.87 25.82 25.40 24.97 24.85 24.69 23.79 23.29 3.31 0.2418457 0.55 0.2695971 0.09436797 103 0.74 40 234 17 0.20 104 24.60 62.81 0.97 0.004 2.03 8.33 11.06 13.83 14.73 16.36 16.90 16.94 16.46 16.10 16.08 16.06 14.50 14.45 14.79 1.75 0.08007 0.30 0.056 0.03 110 0.51 17 7.17 219 24.16 113.10 8.88 0.12 76.18 35.80 34.46 30.84 27.87 22.81 21.69 19.79 18.03 16.81 15.79 15.10 14.65 14.30 13.79 2.65 0.54 0.78 0.76 0.24 78 1.57 XR.F. ICPMS 8.41* 0.48 43 352 212 40 74 77 94 17 0.30 121 37 114 4.80 0.013* 61 8.89* 11.21* 13.42* 14.50* 15.62* 15.41* 15.97* 15.82* n/a j459* 13.91* 13.91* 14.40* n/a n/a 0.19* 3.00 0.80 0.60 88 0.57* 63 host lava suite, and if the model indicates multiple saturation with plagioclase and olivine, then we assume that the rehomogenization temperature was close to the entrapment temperature (Sours-Page et al. 1999; Nielsen et al. 2000). Effects of Over and Under-Heating During Rehomogenization Over- or under-heating of a host mineral during rehomogenization can have a significant effect on the composition of the melt inclusions. Underheating occurs when the crystal and inclusion have not been heated to a high enough temperature to melt any post-entrapment crystals that may have formed. These crystals are visible in back scatter images, and therefore those melt inclusions that contain them can be avoided. Overheating occurs when the inclusion is heated to a temperature at which the mineral host begins to melt, causing dilution of the trapped melt composition. The technique described above minimizes this possibility by setting the temperature of rehomogenization to the crystal composition, not to the disappearance of a shrinkage bubble, as in other rehomogenization techniques. Elements in high concentrations in the host will be particularly susceptible to the effects of over (or under) heating. For plagioclase, these include Al, Eu, and Sr. For olivine, these include Mg, Fe, and Ni. While these effects are significant, they are also isolated and predictable. Most of the chemical variation exhibited by the melt inclusions is seen in elements that are found in low concentrations in the host crystal, and hence, should not be the result of host crystal re-equilibration (Table 4). Electron Microprobe Major element analyses of melt inclusions and host lavas were performed using the CAMECA SX-50 Electron Microprobe at Oregon State University to determine the range, distribution and frequency of melt compositions. Analyses were performed using 64 a 30 nA beam current, 15 kV accelerating voltage, and defocused (5pm) beam. Standards, including USNM 113498/1 (Makaopuhi Lava) for Si, Al, Fe, Ca, and Ti, USNM 133868 (Kakanui Anorthoclase) for Na, USNM 143966 (Microcline) for K, and USNM 122142 (Kakanui Augite) for Mg, were used for glass calibrations. Na was counted first due to its susceptibility to beam damage (Nielsen et al. 1995b). Major elements were counted for 10-20 seconds, while elements in low concentrations, particularly K, P, Cl, and 5, required counting times of 100, 100, 500, and 50 seconds, respectively. Due to low concentrations in the glasses, the primary standard for Cl, Tugtapite (7 wt % Cl), was cross-standardized with Scapolite (USNHMR6600-l). Chalcopyrite (Taylor 5-3) was used as the S standard. Ion Microprobe All melt inclusions of sufficient size (>35iim) and available lava glass chips were subsequently analyzed for trace elements by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). These measurements were conducted at the University of New Mexico/Sandia National Laboratories using a CAMECA ims 4f instrument. For this procedure, a filtered 160 primary beam was accelerated through a 12.5kV potential. Typically, a 4OnA beam was focused to a 10-35im diameter spot. The secondary ionsproduced from the bombardment of the sample were accelerated through a nominal potential of 4.5kV, to which a 60-90V energy off-set had been applied. The energy acceptance window was set at 30-50V full width. The mass spectrometer was operated at low mass resolution (M/EM=320) in peak stepping mode which included 14 mass stations ('875background, 30Si, 47Ti, 88Sr, 89Y, 90Zr, '37Ba, '39La, '40Ce, 147Sm, '5tEu, '53Eu, 163Dy, '67Er, '74Yb) secondary ions were detected using an electron multiplier operated in pulse counting mode. Magnetic peak positions were calibrated with volcanic glass standards. Absolute elemental concentrations were calculated by comparing the observed metal/30Si ratios in the target to the same ratio as observed in a basaltic glass standards (working curves). 65 These standards were analyzed two or more times each day. The external precision based on observations of the standard were in the range of 3% (Ti, Sr, Zr) to 20% (Eu). Results Mineralogy The northern East Pacific Rise erupts lavas that range from aphanitic to sparsely phyric (<5% crystals all <2 mm). The mineral assemblage varies from plagioclase or olivine to plagioclase + olivine +7- clinopyroxene. We present information for 10 samples found to bear analyzable glass inclusions. Their feldspar phenocrysts range in composition from An8960 and olivine from Fo8878 (Fig 12a; Table 3). The seamounts contain more crystals (< 10%), but are otherwise mineralogically similar. Melt Inclusion Major and Trace Element Behavior N-MORE lavas and melt inclusions from the axis and seamounts of northern East Pacific Rise exhibit overlapping, subparallel trends in all the major elements (Fig 13). As in most basaltic suites, K20, Ti02, P205, FeO, and Zr increase and Al203 and CaO decrease with decreasing MgO (Fig 13). As a group, the melt inclusions are more primitive than the lava suite. Seamount lavas and inclusions are generally more magnesian than their axial counterparts, with lavas and inclusions ranging from 9.70-7.32 and 12.04-7.60 wt % MgO, respectively (Fig 13; Table 4, 5). Two of the seamounts are represented by two samples each. In both cases, the melt inclusion compositions from the two samples are nearly identical. The axial lavas and their associated melt inclusions range from 7.11-6.61 and 9.11-4.66 wt % MgO, respectively. Although the sampling is limited, in neither axial nor seamount samples do we see systematic differences in the host or inclusions of samples from different latitudes. 66 Fig 12 Host crystal and lava compositions versus associated melt inclusion MgO. Black symbols represent olivine-hosted inclusions, while gray symbols represent plagioclasehosted inclusions. In (a), note that melt inclusion compositions are correlated with olivine and plagioclase compositions, and the more primitive crystals generally host the more primitive melt inclusions. In (b), note that the range of melt inclusion compositions (AMgO) varies between samples and that the range approximates a 1:1 line. Fig. 13 Major and minor elements versus MgO for representative inclusions from axial (a) and seamount (b) lavas from the East Pacific Rise (not all samples are shown for purposes of clarity). Each symbol represents inclusions in either plagioclase (fsp) or olivine (01) from a particular lava. Shaded fields represent the compositional extent of glass separates from the lavas of segments 10°30'N (light Gray) and 1120'N (medium Gray), using data from Batiza et al (1996), excluding the E-MORB (KITi> 0.15) and FeTi basalts (FeO*> 12 wt %, Ti02 > 2 wt %). White boxes with symbols enclosed represent the host lava compositions. No intra-laboratory calibration was performed for the lava and melt inclusion data sets. Note that the melt inclusions are generally similar in composition to the host lava suites and that diversity of inclusion compositions decreases with decreasing MgO. One data point differs from all others and yet, seems analytically sound. This inclusion, from PH 113-4, is primitive with MgO 10.44, but falls within the trend for CaO and Na20. It has unusually low SiO2 45.85, and high Ti02 = 3.63 and 1(20 = 0.33. While this point is definitely different from all of the other inclusions analyzed, we could not find reason to exclude it. Therefore, on figures for which this datum does not fit within the scale of the other inclusions, we have indicated where it would fall with an arrow and the element values in parentheses. 67 Figure 12 95 0 cj OOO)1( 85 XX 0 0 V XX . -a:..- 80 + -1+ :75 LPH933 -R34-3 £PH93-3 R3-4 A R28-7 ol ol XR32-5 ol PH113-4 £ 70 +PHS5-8 ol OPH113-4 ol fsp fsp 0R3-2 fsp DR2S-3 fsp fsp fsp A 65 4 5 6 7 10 9 8 11 12 13 MI MgO 10.0 -: 9.0 - xm0*< X XX 8.5 8.0 7.5 0 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4 S 6 7 9 8 MI MgO 10 11 12 13 68 Figure 13a 4.0 oAxialglass ± PH55-8 ol MI PH93-3 ol MI A PH93-3 fsp MI 3.5 PHI 13-4 fsp MI PH55-8 Host Li PH93-3 Host OPHI134oIMJ !PH113-4Host . 2.0 0 1.51.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 A 4 A 0 I 2.5 2.0 A 1.5 1.0 0 0.5 0.0 45 6 7 8 9 MgO 10 11 12 13 69 Figure 13b 4.0 0 Seamount Lavas o R3-2 fsp MI ri R3-2 Host JR3-4FIost .R3-4fspMI R32-5 Host x R32-5 ol ME 8 R34-3 Host - R34-3 ol MT 3.5 3.0 C z 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 - CO.50.4- X 0.3 0.2 0.1 - XX X 0.0 25 2.0 - C 15 X X 0.5 0.0 45 6 7 8 9 MgO 10 11 12 13 70 Table 4 Major and minor element analyses of melt inclusions from axial and seamount lavas from the northern East Pacific Rise. All analyses were performed by electron microprobe and are reported as oxide wt %, except S and Cl, which are reported as ppm. Host refers to the mineral host of the inclusion, either olivine or plagioclase. Fo/An# is the fosterite or anorthite composition of the host crystal, where Fo#=(cations Mg)/(cations Mg+cations Fe) and An#=(cations Ca)/(cations Ca+cations Na+cations K). Temp represents the temperature in degrees Celsius to which the host crystal was heated in order to rehomogenize the melt inclusions. Size refers to the size of the individual melt inclusion in microns. Table 5 Trace element analyses of selected melt inclusions from axial and seamount lavas from the northern East Pacific Rise. All analyses were performed by ion microprobe and are reported as ppm. Rare earth elements are chondrite normalized using the values reported in Anders and Grevesse (1989). Table 4. Label host Fo/An# Temp Size P1155-8-a P1155-8-7 P1155-8-8 p1155-8-9 P8155-8-tO P1155-8-Il P1155-8-12 P1155-8-IS P1155-8-14 P1155-8-1511455-8-16 P1155-8-17 P1155-8-18 P1155-8-19 P1155-8-2011155-8-2! P1155-8-22 P1155-8-23 P1155-8-24 P1155-8-4 P1155-8-5 ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol 79 79 79 79 80 78 78 80 79 79 79 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 80 79 79 80 81 1170 1130 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 79 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 1170 20 6 20 24 18 12 8 30 11 5 6 12 20 20 12 12 20 36 17 28 45 16 27 Il 50.71 50.32 49.76 49.41 51.06 49.99 50.02 50.92 49.33 2.23 49.99 49.62 51.06 50.92 50.03 49.18 49.28 49.06 49.22 48.90 48.76 50.10 49.85 P1155-8-I P1155-8-2 P1155-8-3 2.36 2.64 2.47 2.22 1.65 2.31 2.45 2.28 49.50 2.25 2.23 2.21 0.90 0.94 2.09 1.97 2.14 2.07 2.08 2.09 49.44 2.19 2.17 2.24 1.47 Al203 13.93 8.76 12.97 13.72 15.07 13.44 13.50 14.27 13.55 13.48 13.63 13.18 17.90 17.48 13.26 12.75 13.86 13.98 14.17 13.99 13.84 13.32 14.18 14.62 Fe06 12.23 12.97 13.91 12.20 11.45 13.94 14.02 10.90 13.11 13.31 13.14 13.24 7.56 7.80 13.59 13.64 12.03 11.96 11.77 11.79 11.93 13.00 12.01 11.73 MnO MgO Ca0 Na20 0.22 0.29 0.27 0.16 0.20 0.25 0.23 0.19 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.21 0.14 0.12 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.22 0.21 0.24 0.21 0.18 7.03 11.56 6.52 6.53 6.84 6.68 6.60 6.59 6.80 6.75 6.61 6.58 7.48 7.59 6.59 8.38 6.79 6.97 6.80 6.97 6.86 6.80 6.86 6.87 10.67 11.32 10.02 10.55 11.60 10.94 10.43 11.31 10.26 10.16 10.34 10.27 12.90 13.00 9.94 9.79 10.55 10.80 10.97 10.98 10.78 11.29 11.15 11.64 2.85 0.18 1.52 2.95 0.25 2.62 2.78 2.68 2.96 2.79 2.84 2.80 2.83 2.22 2.82 2.67 2.67 2.74 2.77 2.31 2.81 2.65 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.07 0.06 0.21 0.17 0.15 0.21 0.14 0.21 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.09 0.26 0.19 0.21 0.20 0.16 0.22 0.22 0.10 0.13 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.08 0.04 0.19 0.23 0.16 0.22 0.17 0.23 0.15 0.30 0.19 0.21 0.19 0.21 0.24 0.26 2.44 0.16 2.72 0.16 2.68 0.17 2.37 0.15 0.03 0.03 0.04 98.49 100.14 Si02 Ti02 K20 P205 Cr203 Total Mg# Sppm Cl ppm Ct/K P/Ti 98.22 50.95 0.03 98.47 50.71 51.30 0.02 98.64 50.62 48.23 50.45 99.43 51.07 1438 1370 1336 1481 1551 1539 1393 322 0.23 313 0.24 311 304 341 335 314 108 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.24 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.11 0.10 0.22 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09 R28.71 1128-7-2 1128.7.3 1128.7.4 1128-7-5 1128-7-6 1628-7-7 1628-7-8 1628-7.9 1128-7-tO plag plag plag plag plag plag plag plag plag plag 87 87 76 1220 1220 1220 1220 1230 1230 1230 1230 1230 1230 1230 20 28 49.43 10 24 12 12 15 82 40 14 50.50 49.52 49.78 49.77 49.68 49.95 49.77 50.24 0.80 24 49.28 0.82 0.90 0.44 0.58 0.60 0.54 0.31 16.23 16.40 0.73 16.18 0.37 16.34 16.41 16.38 16.16 16.29 16.29 19.42 8.22 0.16 8.06 0.16 8.41 8.39 0.15 0.16 7.40 0.17 0.02 0.06 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.04 99.96 99.54 98.02 101.10 100.80 100.99 99.87 0.03 99.17 0.02 100.62 98.87 99.58 98.59 100.60 100.34 99.20 98.93 98.18 98.26 50.61 61.37 45.52 48.83 51.58 46.06 45.63 51.85 48.04 47.48 47.28 63.40 46.35 52.27 50.17 553 1629 1671 1252 1623 1858 1360 1513 1614 1585 46.99 1573 63.82 1561 885 1103 1641 1561 1693 336 0.23 240 0.19 416 189 377 432 369 374 345 0.20 360 0.26 0.18 0.22 0.24 0.21 0.22 346 0.24 27 0.05 40 0.08 350 0.20 319 0.24 0.09 0.11 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.30 0.09 350 0.22 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.12 Label 115-4-6 115-4-7 113-4-8 113-4-9 R28-5-1 R28-5-2 1428-5-3 1128-3-4 1128-3-5 828-5-6 1128-3-7 1628-3-8 R2859 1128.3.10 Host plag plag plag plag plag plag 85 1220 plag plag plag plag plag plag plag 85 85 85 85 85 1220 1220 1220 1220 1220 85 1220 1220 30 25 45 20 40 15 10 49.95 50.36 50.02 49.84 49.32 49.06 1.05 1.03 50.32 0.97 0.71 0.80 16.12 16.17 16.32 17.83 15.56 Fo/An# Temp Size 85 1250 1250 1250 1250 1220 38 38 10 12 30 49.95 49.85 49.65 48.71 49.79 30 50.47 0.03 plag 0.21 0.02 0.76 0.70 1.01 0.66 0.75 0.75 0.94 0.87 49.87 0.94 17.45 17.36 20.07 20.25 16,04 16.10 16.12 16.25 16.14 Fe06 MnO MgO 8.14 8.61 7.48 7.46 8.09 8.25 8.20 8.20 8,45 8.89 9.30 8.94 7.20 7.94 8.94 8.85 8.30 8.72 8.18 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.14 0.22 0.20 0.20 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.20 0.17 0.13 0.16 0.16 0.18 0.21 0.15 0.13 8.97 9.15 6.11 8,12 9.12 9.01 9.15 8.89 9.06 8.34 8.30 8.24 7.90 8.63 8.95 9.08 9.16 9.17 9.81 9.74 9.61 8.88 9.16 8.01 CaO 13.25 13.48 13.58 14.05 11.77 11.75 11.91 11.57 11.63 12.99 13.03 12.87 12.71 12.26 12.85 12.99 12,94 12.82 12.74 12.57 12.66 12.86 12.84 13.64 Na20 2.11 2,03 2.35 1.57 2.59 2.62 2.68 2.54 2.64 2.43 2.51 2,62 2.43 2.46 2.20 2.37 2.47 2.87 2.48 1.89 0.03 0.51 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.20 0.06 0,06 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.05 101.55 101.29 101.17 99.32 99.20 99.16 99.16 100.35 100.70 100.45 0.06 98.52 0.06 101.01 0.06 98.53 0.00 0.05 0.01 0,06 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.05 P205 Cr203 Total Mg# Sppm Cl ppm Ct/K P/Ti 0.06 0.07 2.52 0.05 2.53 0.05 2.64 0.05 2,54 K20 97.32 100.05 100.05 100.80 99.96 100.03 99.76 99.49 100.18 99.78 101.19 66.25 65.47 59.28 66.00 66.79 66.06 66.54 65.92 65.66 62.58 61.40 62.16 66.17 65.95 64.09 64.64 66.30 65.20 68.12 67.85 68.00 65.30 66.05 65.88 681 970 525 756 1038 1058 1070 1038 1093 1189 1310 1192 884 1167 421 484 407 1021 1090 1046 1109 1039 1039 813 158 89 1429 81 62 48 54 50 60 119 99 85 52 73 43 41 52 88 70 78 81 147 93 107 0.36 0.36 0.34 0.59 0.16 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.22 0.16 0.26 0.24 0.27 0.07 0.20 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.03 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.01 0.18 0.01 0.18 0.08 0.14 0.07 0.02 0.08 0.07 0.01 Si02 Ti02 Al203 - Table 4 (cont'd) Label P1155-8-23 P1165-I-I P8193-3-I P1193-3-6 P11113-4-I P11113-4-2 P11113-4-3 P11113-4-4 P11113-4-S PHII3-4-6 P11113-4-i P11113-4-S PHII3-4-911113-4-19111I3-4-II'11ll3-4-1211113-4-13H113-4-1411113-4-1511113-4-16 plag plag ol plag plag 66 70 84 79 86 1160 1135 1135 1135 1210 70 1220 1230 1170 1220 1220 1220 15 37 17 10 7 10 16 10 14 30 50.38 50.37 50.49 50.45 50.99 50.00 48.96 51.24 50.25 20 49,34 51.15 ol plag Fo/An# Temp 79 78 1170 35 48.94 Si02 P1193-3-4 P1193-3-5 plag 70 ol Size P1193-3-2 P1193-3-3 plag 70 Host plag plag ol ol ol 85 85 82 1220 1210 1210 1210 30 22 30 Il 50.03 50.68 50.64 49.60 plag ol ol ol ol ol ol ol 84 85 83 85 84 85 85 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 4 45.85 15 8 Ii 1210 7 35 50.14 50.01 49.43 49.92 30 48.67 48.46 ol 51.53 24 2.22 2.63 2.90 2.39 2.46 1.94 1.41 1.82 1.54 1.09 1.22 1.18 1.36 1.47 1.46 1.24 0.62 3.63 1.67 1.52 1.49 1.65 1.54 1.38 Al203 13.49 13.22 13.74 14.17 13.59 16.41 16.36 13.98 12.29 15.18 15,27 15.43 15.07 14.59 14.99 15.80 15.28 11.87 13.97 14.08 13.93 14.10 14.12 14.31 Fe06 MnO 12.03 13.89 11.94 11.65 12.24 10.95 9.72 9.21 8.79 10.25 10.21 10.41 8.30 12.34 10.06 11.07 10.73 10.31 0.17 0.16 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.21 0.17 8.95 8.92 7.39 7.37 8.13 7.36 8.21 8.09 9.11 0.19 8.52 0.20 8.58 0.17 7.15 0.23 10.45 0.15 4.66 0.19 8.23 0.17 6.55 0.20 5.40 0.16 Mg0 0,24 5.30 8.66 8.40 9.76 0.16 8.47 10.01 0.24 5.52 7.59 0.18 8.70 0.22 5.98 9.06 0.20 11.14 0.18 10,31 10.05 10.03 9.94 10.05 10.98 12.48 11.47 12.01 12.36 12.70 12.04 11.87 11.96 11.86 11.42 12.02 12.42 11.91 11.66 11.87 11.49 11.68 11.72 2.74 3.14 3.45 3.54 3.20 2.93 2.74 1.90 2.50 2.88 2.60 2,81 2.54 2.45 2,63 2.85 1.54 2.56 2.53 2.44 2.76 2.54 2.43 K20 0.16 0.20 0.76 0.89 3.09 0.78 0.69 0.18 0.27 0.11 0.10 0.13 0.14 0.33 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.27 0.39 0.28 0.25 0.11 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.14 0.11 0.02 0.17 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.05 100.23 43.12 59.91 59.21 97.39 60.74 97.27 59.88 1779 757 928 1259 1187 1205 1439 58.86 653 99.16 58.99 1502 62.07 308 99.53 100.14 60.16 58.00 99.27 43.43 99.92 58.44 99.66 49.25 98.55 44.01 0.04 98.62 0.04 98.89 44.75 0.02 98.18 0.01 99.33 45.15 0.05 98.57 0.10 0.14 0.05 9999 0.02 98.07 0.14 0.05 0.13 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.13 0.02 97.02 0.28 0.00 0.09 0.10 0.23 0.20 0.10 0.13 0.18 P205 Cr203 Total Mg# Spprn Cl ppm 0.19 0.18 1315 332 468 569 528 622 414 252 227 153 126 20 Cl/K 0.25 0.28 0.09 0.07 0.10 0.17 0.09 0.10 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.08 0.14 0.10 0.18 0.09 0.08 P/Ti 0.07 0.13 R28-i-Il R28-7-12 1121-7-13 R28-7-14 R28-7-15 R28-7-16 1132-3-I 1132-5-2 plag plag plag plag plag ol ol Ti02 Ca0 Na20 Label Host Fo/An# Temp plag 58.87 0.15 8.38 97.73 100.34 100.41 99.78 100.21 65.62 803 60.12 58.89 58.91 58.07 66.16 108 1247 1216 1055 1155 0.46 0.06 100.32 60.13 660 1295 1467 1323 1369 1230 55 141 176 185 159 10656 282 273 201 200 196 173 0.01 124 0.17 0.03 0.15 0.22 0.17 0.14 3.90 0.24 0.24 0.21 0,19 0.19 0.21 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.04 0.13 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.10 1132-5-3 1132.5-4 R32-5-5 1132-5-6 1132-5-i 1532-3-I 1932-5-9 1832-9-Is 1132-5-Il 1932-3-12 1532-5-13 1132-5.14 1132-5-IS 1932-3-16 1432-5-li 1132.5.18 ol 01 01 ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol at ol ol 88 88 ol 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 87 88 88 88 88 88 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 1270 7 32 10 7 10 5 50 25 47.86 48.27 47.94 48.21 49.02 48.67 49.37 49.03 20 49.13 90 48.27 210 0.05 1230 1230 1230 1230 1230 1230 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 20 90 24 30 20 6 20 46 30 46 16 6 Si02 50.78 49.63 49.50 49.94 50.00 50.58 26 49.28 48.96 50.01 48.54 49.36 49.53 48.22 Ti02 Al203 0.39 0.83 0.83 1.18 1.16 0.89 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.08 1.17 1.02 0.52 1.02 1.50 1.02 0.90 0.91 0.97 0.95 0.93 1.01 1.02 0.98 16.82 16.88 16.86 16.62 16.57 16.99 15.00 14.97 15.62 15.64 15.36 15.52 18.83 15.64 15.45 15.01 15.36 15.33 15.05 14.56 15.15 15.34 15.23 14.48 Fe04 MnO 8.33 8.13 7.95 7.91 9.48 9.61 8.49 9.28 9.05 8.94 7.84 8.78 9.47 10.63 8.75 9,07 9.42 8.93 0.15 0,15 0.21 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.19 0.17 0.14 9.72 9.50 8.76 8.61 10.74 10.42 10.38 10.47 10.94 10,94 10.17 10.76 10.44 10.47 10.81 10.65 0.15 10.68 0.18 9.14 0.15 10.82 0.13 Mg0 0,22 10.72 9.47 0.17 10.35 0.17 8.68 0.15 9.58 0.19 7.99 0.14 7.86 0.16 10.85 10.62 0.17 12.04 CaO 11.97 11.45 11.56 11.61 11.30 12.19 12.21 12.17 11.74 10.38 11.29 10.56 10.74 11.00 11.39 11.46 11.67 11.48 10.70 2.42 0.05 2.35 2.42 2.45 2.27 2.31 2.38 1.99 2.30 2.65 2.22 2.48 2.35 2.18 2.24 2.22 2.21 2.10 0.05 0.06 0.17 0.05 0.13 0.05 0.02 0.06 0.38 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.09 0.04 0.10 0.25 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.11 0.23 0.07 0.01 0.06 0.28 0.06 0.08 0.20 0.11 0.04 0.06 0.08 2.24 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.07 97.96 66.33 99.90 65.04 99.57 99.08 99.80 98.06 Size 49.63 12.69 12.73 13.04 12.22 8.86 11.94 Na20 1.88 2.36 2.24 2.46 2.26 K20 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.06 P205 Cr203 Total Mg# Sppm 0.01 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.09 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.07 100,32 100.64 100.30 99.43 99.11 99.85 99.79 100.14 98.96 100.63 100.86 100.79 100.42 98.55 97.81 66.15 68.04 68.04 66.37 66.41 99.62 66.13 66.83 66.57 68.64 66.59 67.33 68.31 71.32 69.20 65,41 68.60 97.58 66.27 64.10 68.51 68.08 99.69 66.77 988 856 514 1049 1096 997 1155 1062 1010 1241 1106 988 373 1107 1158 1241 998 1022 1215 1241 836 741 907 1003 84 82 285 87 100 17 13 13 26 17 16 13 17 110 23 17 19 III 33 0.17 0,50 0.19 0.23 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.13 0.06 0.45 0.07 0.08 0_OS 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.17 0.08 0.04 0.08 0.04 0.10 0.03 0.10 29 0.05 0.08 0.02 0.24 32 0,07 35 0.17 0.02 79 0.17 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.12 0.23 0.20 0.07 Clppm Cl/K P/Ti 0.07 70.62 427 Table 4 (cont'd) Label Host Fo/An# Temp Size 5i02 Ti02 Al203 PeOt MoO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 Cr203 Total Mg# 1113.4.17H113-4.I811113-4-19Htt3'4'20H113-4'2t I1II3-4-22H1t3.4.23'11t13-4'24 ol 85 84 1210 1210 50 1210 42 25 1210 20 49.83 1.63 14.23 10.17 0.15 8.46 50.39 50.23 50.03 1.43 14,63 1.43 14.53 1.34 14.58 1306 182 10.46 0.19 8,63 11.47 2.38 0.10 0.12 0.05 99.72 59.52 1179 9.64 0.16 8.48 59,72 10.04 0.15 8.70 12.13 2.50 0.11 0.14 0,05 100.42 60,69 0.04 98.75 61.04 1260 158 110 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.09 032.519 032.5.20 R32'5.2I 15 5032 1.34 14.27 11.10 0.14 8.49 11.88 2.45 0.11 0.13 0.04 100.42 57.70 11.84 2.61 0.14 0.15 0.06 99.41 Sppm Clppm 1277 174 1283 188 Cl/K P/Ti 0.19 0.10 0.17 0.09 Labd ol 85 ol Fo/An# Temp Size 88 1270 ol 88 1270 110 35 85 5i02 Ti02 Al203 Fe00 49.19 49.67 1-lost MaO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 Cr203 Total Mg# Sppm CI ppm CE/K P/Ti ol 1.03 48.62 0.99 14.62 9.08 15.08 9.18 0.46 0.19 11.22 ol 88 1270 931 69 1181 1,04 15.16 8.63 0.41 11.46 11,18 2.26 0.05 0.07 0.06 99.80 70.30 942 13 l3 0.12 0.12 0.04 0.13 0.03 0,07 11.82 11.54 2.11 0.07 0.12 0.06 99.90 69.88 11.66 2.31 0.04 0.13 0.06 99,61 68.53 ol ol 85 1210 85 ol 83 1210 20 ol ol 85 1210 85 1210 R3-2-t R3-2-2 R3-2-3 R3-2-4 R3.2.5 R32-6 R3.2-7 R3-2-8 R3-2-9 R3-2-tO R3'4-t tt3-4.2 R3-4-3 R3-4-4 R34-5 plag 88 1210 plag plag plag 88 plag plag 89 1220 40 plag plag plag plag plag plag 89 1210 plag 89 1220 plag 89 1210 plag 89 1220 88 1220 1230 1230 1230 1245 18 80 50.64 0.8I 48.76 0.88 51.11 50 50.47 0.89 1230 37 51.04 0.97 50.88 1,04 16.19 7.73 0.19 9.46 12.81 2.20 0.06 0.06 0.05 15.42 8.18 0.13 10.20 12.38 2.17 0.02 0.07 0.06 51.83 0.88 15.42 9.01 0.19 9.75 12.93 1.67 0.03 0.07 0.04 89 1220 1220 20 25 10 25 5 18 6 12 40 49.44 1.64 14,26 49.70 48.90 1.45 14.64 50.26 0.74 10.67 0.17 8.46 11.50 7.41 0.17 8.72 13.31 2.11 0.03 48.53 0.85 15,55 8.23 0.17 10.06 12.36 2.15 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.14 0.09 2,53 0.10 0.13 0.05 99.53 58.56 1186 232 0.29 0.09 50.59 0.90 16.12 8.13 0.18 9.76 12.96 1.95 0.08 0.05 0.04 49.90 0.81 17.82 10.76 0.19 8.35 10.85 2.58 0.10 0.10 0.04 98.42 58.03 1300 167 0.19 0.06 50.06 0.92 15.40 8.80 0.18 9.61 13.03 2.08 0.05 0.07 0.06 49.49 0.95 14.67 50.78 0.86 15.60 8.59 0.20 8.98 13.26 032.5.22 032.5.23 032.5.24 032.9.25 034.3.1 R34.3.2 034.3.3 ol 88 1270 20 48,93 ol ol ol ol 88 1260 81 ol 88 1270 25 1200 80 ol 82 1200 12 49.72 50.28 1.02 15.98 9.00 0,14 10.60 11.22 2.51 0.06 0.09 0.04 1.82 13.81 0.99 15.15 9,20 0.14 11.11 11.19 2.08 0.05 0.08 0.05 99.08 68.28 980 24 0.06 0.08 11.68 2.44 0.10 0.13 20 48.13 lii 15.24 9.94 0.18 10.70 11.62 2.23 0.15 0.12 0.06 99.66 1260 15 48.79 0.99 15.30 9.63 0.16 10,50 10.66 2.35 0.07 0.10 0.04 98.72 100.49 65.74 66.02 67.74 1216 473 0.37 0.11 1162 54 1067 0.09 0.10 0.03 0.09 13 1.39 11,90 0.19 7.92 11.32 2.66 0.13 0,18 0.02 100,22 54.27 1540 94 0.09 0.10 1.79 14.10 11.35 0.21 7.71 11.29 2.72 0.14 0.16 0.01 99.88 54.79 1483 122 0.11 0.09 50.46 1.76 13.70 11.83 0.25 7.88 11.11 7.98 16.28 44 50.12 0.94 15.83 8.03 0.16 10.19 12.63 2.05 0.05 0.06 0.05 85 35 0.83 15.57 9.00 0.16 10.32 13.68 1.42 0.04 0.07 0.07 68.58 434 67.72 1060 7.79 0.16 10.01 12.40 2.04 0.03 0.04 0.05 99.80 69.59 990 57 130 112 119 173 0.04 0.08 0.49 0.05 0,43 0.05 0.55 0.05 0,46 0.06 68.55 946 244 0,48 0.07 R34.3'4 534.3.5 1334.3.6 1334.3.7 1334.3.9 1134.3.10 1134.3.11 ol ol ol ol ol 81 ol 84 1200 ol 81 ol 84 1200 84 1200 85 1200 81 81 1200 8 23 5 8 1200 6 1200 10 49.73 49.46 49.69 50.32 49,06 1.81 1.72 13,55 10.52 0.12 7.96 11.50 2.63 0.12 0.16 0.08 98.32 57.41 1410 106 0.11 0.09 13,61 1.75 13,44 40.59 49.43 1.72 13.55 12.21 13.45 42.47 0.21 7.81 11.01 0.19 8.29 10.86 2.66 0.12 0.17 0.02 50.43 1.90 13.80 10.76 0.24 8.08 12.00 2.69 0.12 0.18 0.09 10.60 0.18 8,28 11.14 1.87 2.58 0.03 0,10 0.10 0.08 0.05 0.07 98.12 100.31 100.26 100.77 58,19 65.08 66.06 68,14 532 389 276 1262 217 71 112 77 0,11 0.35 0.56 0.13 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.06 1200 40 50.41 15.67 89 1220 1200 10 50,47 1.70 13.90 11.89 0,21 8.01 11.37 2.83 2,65 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.18 0.02 0.01 100.31 100.63 54.29 54.56 1258 1435 108 8l 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.21 9.77 12.74 2.51 0.18 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.05 99.62 100.37 1200 45 49.73 1.77 13.59 12.08 0,19 8.06 11.08 2.91 0.14 0.17 0.02 99.91 54.30 1518 146 0.13 0.10 40.51 0.18 8.11 11.80 2.62 0.12 0.13 0.07 98.48 57.89 1464 107 0.11 0.08 16.00 9.39 0.15 9.59 13.53 1.99 0.03 0.06 0.05 16.11 8.91 0.16 9.51 13.51 2.10 0.03 0.07 0.06 15.81 9.21 0.16 8.95 12.95 2.40 0,12 0.09 0.01 98.04 100.10 100.20 98.26 102.36 102.26 102.57 101.95 101.66 68.55 1118 69,34 68.96 1179 1334.3. 981 1.61 115 0.57 0.08 1.71 13,39 10,28 0.16 8.01 11.34 2.73 0.12 0.17 0.06 98.34 58,15 99.07 53.26 1376 98 1415 14.44 1288 100 107 94 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.19 7.92 11.49 2.64 0.13 0.16 0.07 98.20 57.13 2.67 0.13 0.16 0.01 65.86 63.41 1093 110 181 0.33 0.07 65.55 1065 99 0.42 0.07 0.42 0.07 0.02 0.09 R343'I2 034.3.13 034.3.14 R34'3'15 034.3.16 R34.3.17 ol ol ol 67.15 960 43 0.12 0.08 px 12 99.15 100,47 54.24 57.23 1550 124 0.12 0.09 64.55 1068 87 19 ol 83 1200 81 81 81 1200 1200 1200 ol 88 1200 20 50.24 24 48.62 35 62 50.12 49.04 1.30 14.36 1.74 13.42 12.66 0.18 7.63 10.46 2.57 0.14 1.81 13.67 13.78 10.95 0.18 8.04 12.20 2.47 0.09 0.10 0.04 100.08 56.70 1220 76 0.10 0.07 0.16 0.02 97.78 51.78 1541 181 0.16 0.09 48.71 1.74 13.43 12.29 0.21 7.63 10.48 2.71 0.14 0.18 0.02 97.70 52.53 12.20 0.21 8.14 10.58 2,68 0.14 0.17 0.01 1377 121 99.90 54,33 1450 136 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 10 1.71 12.09 0.20 7.60 10.35 2.73 0,12 0.19 0.02 97.99 52,83 1515 140 0.14 0.11 Table 5. Label Ti Sr Y Zr Ba La Ce Sm PH55-8-5 PH55-8-6 PH55-8f8 P1155-8-2t PH55-8-25 PH93-3-1 PHII3-4-4 PFIII3-4-7 PH113-4-14 PHhl3-4-I 12990 1502 563 768 23.8 229.9 260.0 Eu 66.3 204.1 Dy 100.0 Er Yb 121.9 107,8 (LaISm) 3.47 Ti/Zr (Ce/Yb) 16,91 Label 2.41 15291 120 50 155 19.2 10001 21.5 30.0 40.5 42.7 13.8 79 31 89 10.1 16.9 21.5 14257 120 46 140 18.5 11381 21.9 26.5 32.6 32.3 32.0 31.2 27.8 0.67 12.8 76 30 93 10.8 16.0 22.2 20.6 22.5 22.5 39.2 21.9 20.2 22.1 35.2 18.8 18.3 36.8 0.58 0.53 0.64 98.53 111.86 101.76 122.19 0.95 0.85 0.81 0.92 18577 258 37 6182 7884 9859 8824 106 16 91 121 113 22 33 195 43 4.1 5,2 61 5.1 92 9.2 7.7 13.6 24 79 8.6 11.3 116.4 65.3 63.0 39.9 64.6 27.3 23.9 22.6 7.3 10.5 17.5 11.8 11.7 14.3 14.0 13.0 14.8 26.3 25.3 11.1 14.5 17.6 11.0 14.5 25.7 22.6 10.3 15.3 20.1 15,7 0,54 0.52 0.44 4140 5127 6688 3548 3438 5294 6504 69 129 143 117 120 131 14 14 18 23 14 13 113 19 26 1.0 3.0 24 0.8 2.8 47 61 1.9 31 27 45 1,3 2.0 1.6 8.2 3.1 3.5 Eu Dy Er Yb (LaJSm). Ti/Zr (Ce/Yb) Zr Ba La Ce Sin, 6182 4760 5732 107 73 18 14.2 28 76 7.5 11,3 82 23 30 0.8 3.2 19.9 34.4 14.2 23.2 4.9 6.8 13.8 16.1 29.3 28.8 25.9 22.5 0.41 94,58 0.88 22.0 19.2 14.3 18,8 12.9 17.1 14.1 0.49 0.23 16.8 20.7 19.5 19.7 0.26 9804 140 33 104 12.7 13.8 45 5055 84 19 36 5288 82 20 35 1.4 7407 107 26 50 1.3 1.7 4.2 3.8 6.0 16.9 17.7 21,3 4.8 5.5 10.9 13.4 18.4 19.9 14.1 15.5 22.0 0,23 13.5 13.2 0.28 1.6 5.2 7.1 18.3 13.8 0.44 81,59 159.15 127.90 141.49 152.03 147.80 0.83 0.35 0,34 0,27 0.41 0.53 R3-4-5 R3-4-6 R3-4-7 R28-3-5 R28-3-7 R28-7-8 R28-7-9 R28-7-12 R32-5-3 R32-5-4 R32-5-5 R32-5-1O R32-5-15 R34-3-1 R34-3-2 R34-3-5 R34-3-6 4254 74 Y 16.5 0.80 95.40 143.95 128,57 106.59 111.35 0.87 0.75 2.79 0.71 0.68 1.64 6494 88 25 47 8.6 6.5 7.8 17.0 19.0 Ti Sr 18.8 P11113-4-18 P11113-4-19 R3-2-7 R3-2-8 R3-2-9 R3-4-2 R3-4-3 1,9 23 59 11.5 10.3 6320 94 19 54 1.6 8379 96 25 60 9,0 9.6 8.8 5811 73 5664 19 18 42 0.3 4.4 42 6.4 5.6 85 11101 132 39 114 10.6 17.5 10.2 5.0 5.1 5.7 8.0 12.8 5.3 7.6 6.6 6.2 21.7 14.6 13.7 13.1 10.5 19.0 15,9 19.0 14.2 11,1 4,2 4.4 9.3 10.3 6.9 9.8 17.0 11.7 11.6 15.6 18.4 15.6 15.7 12.7 18.2 13.9 17.3 13.7 13.3 29.4 28.3 20.4 11,0 11.1 15.2 15.4 19.2 19,4 14.6 17.3 13.5 18,8 15.2 12.1 16.8 10.7 10.7 12.8 16.2 19.1 18.7 12.3 16.6 13.1 15.9 14,2 11.1 17.9 9.0 0.32 9.1 14,3 15.7 18.6 18.6 13.6 13.7 11.2 14.1 12.4 0,28 0.40 0.56 0.22 0.26 0,54 0.55 0.33 0.50 0.31 0.38 137.84 165.19 170.21 109.80 108.94 112.86 125.51 118.49 109.83 117,72 139,47 139.18 0,43 0.47 0.49 0.69 0.65 0.27 0.28 0.59 0.93 0.68 0.63 0.53 11020 134 9082 10774 105 124 37 110 30 38 87 110 8.8 17.2 7.9 8.6 12.2 14.9 15.9 19.7 21.5 19.6 23.6 27.4 28.5 21.7 25,8 30.3 30.0 20.1 26.9 27,1 19.8 11.5 25.8 28.5 17.7 0.50 2.12 0,54 0.59 0.67 0.57 29.7 26.6 28.6 0.63 98.32 0.69 96.98 100.28 104.22 0,84 0,76 0,90 - 75 Compared to other melt inclusion populations, the EPR melt inclusion compositions show little variation within a host lava, and even less diversity within a single crystal (Fig 1 2b). In this case, we refer to diversity () as the chemical variation of an element in melt inclusions from a single host lava. The range of MgO (MgO) in inclusions from within a single sample is typically <2 wt %, but can range up to 4.3 wt % MgO, as in the case of R3-4 (Fig 12b). Within a single crystal, AMgO varies from> 0.1 wt % MgO to - 1.3 wt %. These variations are generally similar to the ranges exhibited by the lava suite, but differ from other regions (e.g. Endeavour Segment of JDF) where, within a single sample, inclusion diversity exceeds that of the lava suite, with zMgO>4%. Although the range in melt inclusion MgO within a single host lava is relatively small, incompatible elements such as K20, P205 and Cl commonly vary by a factor of 2 to 40 (Fig 13, 14). Nonetheless, at a given MgO, the EPR melt inclusion variations are less than those reported for other melt inclusion suites, but greater than the variation within the host lava suites and larger than can be attributed to analytical error. Like other suites, however, the incompatible elements are strongly correlated. As a single group, the melt inclusions exhibit positive correlations between the rare earth elements (REE), Zr, Y, Ba and K20, Ti02, and P205 (Fig. 15), but a negative correlation with MgO, and no correlation with Sr. In addition, K20 correlates positively with La/Sm and negatively with Ti/Zr (Fig 16). N-MORB inclusions from axial samples have La/Sm ranging from 0.4 1-0.80 and Ti/Zr from 95-144. Seamount inclusions have lower La/Sm and higher Ti/Zr, ranging from 0.22-0.67 and 102-170, respectively. These ranges of Ti/Zr and La/Sm are not significantly greater than analytical error. Relationship Between Melt Inclusions and Their Crystal Hosts Of the ten lava samples used in this study, four have only plagioclase phenocrysts, three have only olivine phenocrysts, and two have both olivine and plagioclase, and one has olivine and clinopyroxene. As a group, the MgO content of the 76 Fig. 14 Electron microprobe analyses of minor and trace elements of melt inclusions from axial and seamount lavas of the northern East Pacific Rise. Samples and symbols are the same as in Fig. 12 and 13. Note that Cl and K20 inclusion populations of both axial and seamount lava groups are similar and both form near-vertical assimilation-type trends. Host lava concentrations were not available for these elements. The distinct PHi 13-4 inclusion described in the caption to Fig 12 is indicated similarly here. Fig. 15 La and Ba versus K20 and Ti02 for axial and seamount melt inclusions. The three fields represent the three different lava suites: 1 O°30'N (striped), 11 °20'N (light gray), and seamounts (dark gray). Samples and symbols are as in Fig. 12, 13, and 14, with the addition of axial sample P93-3 and seamount samples R28-3 and R28-7. Note that the axial and seamount melt inclusion data overlap and behave similarly, however the most depleted compositions are represented by seamounts. As a group, the melt inclusions show more diversity than either of the axial lava suites. The one E-MORB melt inclusion from sample PH93-3 is distinct from the N-MORB lavas and inclusions. Fig. 16 Ti/Zr and LaISm versus MgO and K20 for axial and seamount melt inclusions. Samples and symbols are the same as in Fig 15. Note the narrow range of values in the inclusions relative to the host lava suite and that the E-MORB inclusion falls away from the N-MORB lavas and inclusions. Axial 0.6 Seamount 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 o6 0 0 x X O 03 0.3 0.2 0.2 +.f A 0.0 I 6 4 600 I A A 500E400 44. i 0 0.2 I I oo 100) 0.8 1 X 0 0 0.6 K20 R3-4M1 XR32-SotMI R34-3oIMI X 1400 I 0.4 12 o R3-2M1 - 500- A +PH55-8 ol MI PH93-3 ol Ml APH93-3 fsp MI OPH113-4 ol MI PH113-4 fsp Ml 2O0 10 MgO 600 A 0 8 700 - . 6 4 MgO 100- 0 - 0.0 I 12 10 8 700 x 0.1 I 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 K20 0.8 1 Lfl 1 12 220 200 180 0.9 160 140 0.6 120 0.4 100 0.2 80 60 4 8 9 II 10 12 13 MgO 0 4 9 8 10 12 MgO 13 1.2 220 7 (876, 1.6$) A 200 ISO 0.8 160 0.6 140 120 0,4 108 60 0.00 0.05 0.10 6,15 0.20 K20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.00 0R3-2 p1 2 1O°30'N Lavas R3-4 p1 II Searnount Lavas 0R28-3 p1 +P55-8 ol R28-7 p1 A P93-3 P' XR32-5 ol 0P113-4 ol + Ipi R34-3 ol 0.2 80 D11°20N Lavas 0.05 0,10 0.15 0,20 0.25 0.30 0.35 80 melt inclusions is positively correlated with the forsterite and anorthite content of the inclusion host crystals (Fig 12a). Both olivine and plagioclase host a range of melt compositions, but olivine holds the most primitive inclusions, and plagioclase the most evolved. This is opposite to the relationships noted for the plagioclase ultraphyric lavas from the Galapagos Platform, the Gorda Ridge and the Endeavour Segment of the JDF where, in almost all cases, the most primitive phenocrysts were plagioclase, and olivine was a minor, relatively evolved phase. For those samples that have both olivine and plagioclase phenocrysts, melt inclusion compositions overlap one another, but the olivine-hosted inclusions are generally more primitive (Fig 12). In addition, for all but one sample, for which we have oniy one datum, the olivine-hosted inclusions are more magnesian than their host lava. In contrast, the feldspar-hosted inclusions exhibit compositions both more and less magnesian than their host lavas. In 26 of the 100 crystals used in this study, we were able to analyze as many as 5 inclusions >5 from the same crystal. Within the olivine phenocrysts, multiple inclusions from the same crystal have nearly identical compositions. Within the feldspar, on the other hand, the melt inclusion compositions are more variable, with MgO> 1 wt % at high anorthite contents. At low anorthite contents, there is little variation in the MgO of the inclusions. To summarize, the seamount lavas differ from axial lavas in that they are more crystal rich and they contain a greater number of inclusions that are generally more primitive and they exhibit a larger compositional range in both the incompatible and trace elements. 81 Discussion Global Framework Previous studies (Sours-Page et al. 2000; Nielsen et a! 1 995a) have found that melt inclusions are genetically related to their host lava suite, but often exhibit greater chemical variation at a smaller scale. In the same way that we observe a greater diversity of lavas from slow and intermediate spreading ridges than from fast spreading ridges (Sobolev 2000; Sobolev and Shimizu 1992), we might expect melt inclusions to be more diverse at slower spreading ridges. This prediction is based on a number of factors, but ultimately relates back to the temperature of the underlying mantle. At slow spreading ridges, the mantle is often cooler, the magma flux is non-robust, and melts do not pooi in any detectable melt lens before erupting. Therefore, the magmas have little opportunity to mix, and one should see melt inclusions representing this heterogeneity. At fast spreading ridges, the mantle is warmest and the magma supply is generally robust. These conditions are sufficient to support a steady-state melt lens, which provides a place for melts to pooi and homogenize before reaching the surface. Such environments are the least likely to transport phenocrysts from deep in the crust, and therefore also the least likely to provide an abundance of primitive melt inclusions. Those melt inclusions found will have passed through or formed in the axial magma chamber, and may preserve little of the original diversity of melts. Hence, the same rules apply to melt inclusions as do to lavas: the slower the spreading rate, the more likely that the original melt diversity has been preserved. In the slow and intermediate spreading regions studied, including Juan de Fuca, Southeast Indian, Mid-Atlantic, and Chile Ridges, as well as the Blanco Fracture Zone, samples typically contain large, broken plagioclase crystals. Nielsen et al. (1 995a) speculated that they are xenocrysts, formed on the walls of magma conduits and ripped off with recharge injections. Such crystals generally contain tens to hundreds of inclusions with a variety of compositions, which often have formed concentric bands (Nielsen et al. 1995a). For example, the Endeavour Segment, noted for erupting N- 82 MORB and E-MORB lavas in close proximity, produces inclusions that exhibit extreme compositional variations, ranging from ultradepleted N-MORB to E-MORB, often within a single crystal (Sours-Page et al. 1999). Within the Endeavour lava suite, all of the NMORB host lavas contain both N-MORB and E-MORB inclusions, whereas the EMORB host lavas contain only E-MORB inclusions. Unlike these regions, the fast spreading northern East Pacific Rise lavas contain only a few small, euhedral crystals. It differs from the Endeavour Segment in its lack of phyric lavas, the scarcity of inclusions, the lack of chemical variation among melt inclusions from the same crystal, the lack of overall compositional variability, and the absence of E-MORB inclusions in all but one of the N-MORB host lavas. The differences between the EPR and other regions speak to a fundamentally different axial plumbing system beneath the East Pacific Rise. However, like other regions, the EPR melt inclusion compositions are very similar to the EPR lava compositions, suggesting that in all cases, the two populations are genetically linked. In addition, while each host lava contains a unique population of inclusions, as a whole, the melt inclusions from the two axial segments are indistinguishable. Because the melt inclusionlhost relationship does not vary as a function of latitude, and therefore, spreading rate, the magmatic processes (i.e. evidence of a melt lens, presence of a crystal mush zone, etc.) observed on single segments are most likely non-unique and may be applied to other segments of the northern East Pacific Rise as well. Furthermore, the fact that a melt lens or mush zone has not been detected everywhere is not evidence for its absence from segment to segment, because the fundamental relationship between melt inclusions and their host lavas is preserved irrespective of location and spreading rate. In other words, although differences in magma flux arid robustness of segments have been observed, they are apparently insignificant to the magma plumbing system, and cause little, if any, change in the processes creating lavas in the areas studied here. 83 Differing Histories of Plagioclase and Olivine On the northern EPR, olivine phenocrysts exhibit more primitive compositions, on average, than the coexisting plagioclase, and they also contain more magnesian inclusions. These two observations are consistent with previous studies of mineral stability which suggest that olivine forms at greater depth, and therefore has access to more primitive melts. While feldspar also exhibits primitive compositions and contains some high magnesium inclusions, the plagioclase-hosted inclusions are generally more evolved and therefore, must reflect a shallower, more recent part of the melt history. In addition, olivine has a higher density than feldspar, and therefore, it is much more likely to settle out, enhancing any existing differences due to the conditions of entrapment. Magmatic Processes Axial and seamount lavas from the N-EPR share a number of similarities that suggest that they originated from the same mantle source. The comparable crystal content and chemistry, melt inclusion diversity (MgO) and absolute range of compositions all corroborate what others have suggested previously, that the axial and near-ridge seamount magmas are formed in the same mantle melting regime, and diverge at some point later (Batiza et al. 1990; Allan et al. 1989). This is confirmed by the trace element data, wherein the most primitive compositions (least melted, least fractionated) are represented by both axial and seamount inclusions (Fig 16). If we assume that axial and seamount lavas share their source, it follows that all of the lavas erupted from this area must be derived from a single array of parent magmas. Diversity within that array could result from a number of factors, including the mantle source heterogeneity, differing degrees of partial melting, and different types of melting that might occur (e.g. batch versus fractional melting). Based on the fact that the inclusions are not sufficiently primitive to be in equilibrium with the mantle (MgO -1 1.5 84 wt %, Mg #-75), it is assumed that the constituents of the original primary magma array were not preserved as inclusions. Relative to other regions, the N-EPR melt inclusions exhibit small variations within a single sample. However, this diversity is greater than analytical error. Both axial and seamount host lavas contain melt inclusions that are more diverse at high MgO and narrow with decreasing MgO. In order for the inclusions to achieve and maintain this diversity, the primary magmas must have undergone fractionation and not yet have mixed. Assuming that mixing takes place in the melt lens, this would suggest that fractionation is occurring before mixing, most likely in the magma conduits and mush zone (Fig 13, 17). This pattern is similar to what has been observed in inclusions from the Juan de Fuca Ridge (Fig 18). If the processes were reversed, one would expect to see equivalent diversity at all MgO (Fig 17). For fractionation to occur outside the melt lens, the magma must obtain its heat of fusion from some source other than magma accumulation. In addition, the fact that seamount lavas are generally more primitive than their axial counterparts suggests that, assuming the two lava groups are derived from a similar array of parent magmas, the seamounts are leaving the axial plumbing system from a deeper level. However, since there is greater variation at high MgO in both axial and seamount lavas, we may presume that for both groups fractionation is taking place prior to mixing in the melt lens. The relationship between the host lava and its associated melt inclusions provides some perspective about how and where the melt entrapment occurs. We have identified three melt inclusion/host relationships (Fig 19). The first is where all of the inclusions from a single host are more primitive than that host itself. In this case, the melt inclusions were trapped as the melts differentiated, leaving snapshots of the intermediate steps in the evolution of the lava. This type requires only one batch of melt which is then fractionated to make the lava. Host lava R32-5 exhibits this behavior (Fig 13). The second type of behavior, wherein all of the inclusions cluster around the host composition, is attributable to melts of many different compositions combining to form the host lava. This type requires melts to have pooled and mixed prior to entrapment, and requires that all the melt inclusions approximate a single composition. 85 Fig. 17 Cartoon representing the different trends associated with mixing and fractionation, depending on the order in which processes take place. When fractionation precedes mixing, inclusion compositions become more diverse with decreasing MgO until they are mixed. When mixing precedes fractionation, inclusion compositions reflect very little diversity at any MgO. Fig. 18 K20 versus Mg# for plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions in sample E-5 from the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (Sours-Page et al. 1999). Crosses represent individual inclusions, while shaded areas represent the compositional extent of two chemically distinct, yet coeval lava suites, the E-MORB (dark gray) and the NMORB (light Gray) from Karsten et al. (1990). Note the diversity of melt inclusion compositions at both high and low MgO. Fig. 19 Cartoon representing the three different host lava-melt inclusion relationships observed in the N-EPR lavas. In (a), all of the melt inclusions are more primitive than the host lava, and are presumed to represent intermediate melt compositions trapped during differentiation. In (b), all of the melt inclusions cluster around the host lava, suggesting that the melt inclusions were trapped in the melt lens where all of the magmas had already pooled and mixed. In (c), the melt inclusions are of dramatically different compositions (N- vs. E-MORB) and necessarily must represent genetically unrelated origins. In this particular case, the crystals containing E-MORB inclusions are most likely xenocrysts picked up by the magma during transport. 86 Figure 17 Fractionation, then Mixing Mixing, then Fractionation fractionation liquid line of descent Mg#fMgO Mg#/MgO 87 Figure 18 40 45 50 55 60 Mg# 65 70 75 80 Incompatible Element C Incompatible Element Incompatible Element 89 Host lava R3-2 shows this behavior (Fig 13). The third type of behavior is more complicated, and reflects E-MORB inclusions trapped in an N-MORB host. If we assume that the few inclusions we have analyzed are representative of the entire inclusion population, then it is clear that an aggregate of those melts would not form the host lava composition. Instead, it is likely that the E-MORB inclusions were entrapped in crystals formed in an E-MORB magma, which were separated from that original magma and picked up as xenocrysts in the lava dredged at the surface. This hypothesis is supported by the extreme differences in composition between the E-MORB inclusions and their host, and the inability of any known chemical process to link one with the other. Host lava PH93-3 exhibits this behavior (Fig 13). Melting, fractionation and mixing can account for the chemical characteristics of the both the axial and seamount lavas and melt inclusions erupted on the northern EPR. However, based on the paucity of crystals within those lavas, magmas must undergo an additional mechanical process that causes the separation of crystals from the erupting magma. Crystal sorting could occur anywhere in the axial magma chamber. Crystals could be filtered out within the mush zone or during entrance or exit from the axial melt lens. In any case, because the seamount lavas are more crystal-rich and less differentiated, we must assume that the axial lavas undergo more fractionation and crystal loss than their seamount counterparts. One wat to account for the greater crystal sorting and differentiation of the axial lavas is to have magmas formed in the melting regime pass through a melt lens at the base of the crust, like that observed in Crawford et al. (1999). The lens would act as a preliminary differentiation site and a filter to crystals. Magmas would exit the lower melt lens with fewer crystals and lower MgO contents and travel upward through the crystal mush zone until they are tapped by off-axis seamounts or drawn into the upper melt lens. To summarize, we believe that axial and seamount magmas are created from a single parent magma array representing melting of a relatively homogeneous source. The parent magmas undergo fractionation and mixing, during which time melt inclusions are entrapped and phenocrysts separate from the magma (possibly in the lower melt lens). At some level, the axial and seamount magma paths diverge. Axial lavas continue through 90 the axial magma chamber, becoming more fractionated and having more phenocrysts removed (possibly in the upper melt lens). Seamount magmas travel to their volcanoes without further significant fractionation and crystal separation (Fig 20). Conclusions On the northern East Pacific Rise, the diversity of melts created in the mantle melting regime is difficult to ascertain from lavas erupted at the surface due to processing that takes place in the axial magma chamber. To circumvent this problem, we have obtained information on plagioclase and olivine-hosted melt inclusions. Our interpretation of this data indicates that: Based on the similar degree of diversity (MgO) and variability within each group, we believe that axial and seamount lavas share a common mantle source. Because there are systematic differences between the two magma groups in terms of degree of fractionation and crystal content, their paths must diverge prior to their entrapment and eruption. Seamount magmas form in the melting regime with axial lavas, but do not pass through the crustal magma chamber, hence maintaining a more primitive character; whereas axial lavas travel through the entire axial plumbing system (melting regime, mush zone, and melt lens), attaining a homogeneous, aphyric character. Given the fact that both groups exhibit greater diversity of melt inclusions at high MgO, fractionation preceded magma mixing in the development of both the axial and seamount lavas in this region of the East Pacific Rise. This implies that much of the heat generated by the crystallization of these magmas was emplaced in the lower and middle crust and not transported to the melt lens, or to the surface. Since the magmas show evidence of crystal fractionation, yet the erupted lavas are aphyric, the axial melt lens must serve as a filter for lower crustal phenocrysts, keeping them from traveling with the melts to the surface. 91 Fig. 20 Cartoon representing the axial plumbing system necessary to supply magmas to both axial and seamount eruptions. Axial and seamount magmas are created in the melting regime, pass through the lower melt lens, then diverge, allowing axial and some seamount lavas to pass through the upper melt lens, thereby filtering out any preexisting phenocrysts, and allowing the remaining seamount lavas to travel off-axis, retaining their crystals. 92 Figure 20 Off-Axis Volcanis Axial Volcanism ' Crystal Mush Zone Moho I * Melting Regime 93 Because inclusions from axial segments of differing robustness are indistinguishable, the differences in magma flux rate between the segments at 1 O3O' and 11 2O' on the northern EPR must not affect the underlying plumbing system. Acknowledgements We wish to thank Charles Shearer and Stanley Mertzman for their help with the SIMS and XRF work, respectively. We thank Abigail Walker and Claire Lunch for their analytical support. This work was supported by NSF grant OCE-9730079. 94 LINKING THE LOCAL, REGIONAL AND GLOBAL PETROLOGIC SYSTEMATICS OF MID-OCEAN RIDGES: THE SOUTHEAST INDIAN RIDGE CASE Rachel Sours-Page David M. Christie David W. Graham Roger L. Nielsen Laura Magde MS in preparation for submission to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta July, 2000, 44 pages 95 Abstract The SEIR exhibits greater than 50% of the global range in axial morphology, geophysics, and Na8, Fe8 and CaO/Al203 at nearly invariant spreading rate. Given that the current paradigm of mid-ocean ridge basalt formation implies that such variations are representative of different spreading rate, the Southeast Indian Ridge provides a natural laboratory to study the controls on crustal accretion at constant spreading rate. Major element analyses were performed on 78 dredges and 22 wax cores and used to distinguish 181 distinct chemical groups along the Southeast Indian Ridge between 88° and 11 8°E. Chemical groups were found to represent 155 N-MORB, 26 E-MORB and 2 FeTi basalts within 154 axial and 27 seamount groups. Mineralogy within the samples varies from plagioclase to plagioclase + olivine ± clinopyroxene. N-MORB glass compositions range from 6.2 to 9.8 wt % MgO, and vary in calculated degree of crystallization from 9-68%. Crystallization models suggest that 2-3 kb equilibrium crystallization most accurately reproduces the data. K20, P205, Na20, Si02 and K20/Ti02 all increase, while CaO, FeO, and CaO/Al203 decrease with increasing axial depth. MgO, Al203, Ti02 and extent of crystallization do not vary systematically with depth. Between 88° and 11 8°E, Na8, Feg, and CaO/Al203 exhibit slopes that are shallower than and statistically distinct from, the global aiTay published in Klein and Langmuir (1987) when plotted versus depth. (The equations for these parameters were not published in K+L but were later estimated by Brodholt and Batiza (1989). The Southeast Indian Ridge data are generally higher in Nag and CaOIAl2O3, and lower in Fe8 than the array. Segments progess non-systematically from high Na8 and low Fe8 in the east to low Na8 and high Fe8 in the west as axial depth increases. These correlations are suggestive of higher pressures and extents of melting in the west and consistent with the current belief that mantle temperatures are higher in the western part of the study area and grade to lower temperatures in the east. Combined, ridge segments along the Southeast Indian Ridge, Amsterdam-St. Paul Plateau and Australian-Antarctic Discordance exhibit coherent, positive correlations 96 between Na8, longitude and depth. The combined dataset overlaps the Global Array, yet is offset to higher values of Na8 and has a steeper slope. The Amsterdam-St. Paul and SEIR data have individual trends that are oblique to both the combined data and the Global Array, yet are sub-parallel to one another. Based on our observations of the Southeast Indian Ridge, it is apparent that the SEIR results are not simply predicted from the global Klein and Langmuir model. The SEIR deviates significantly from the global array. Possible reasons for this include that the Global Array is heavily weighted by samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and East Pacific Rise. Because the Indian Ocean is significantly younger than the other ocean basins, and is isotopically distinct, it may also be chemically distinct, either from incomplete mantle mixing or from more frequently encountered chemical heterogeneities. Introduction The global model of mid-ocean ridge petrology developed over the past 30 years is based on the assumption that observed differences in accretionaiy processes (those responsible for crustal thickness, structure and chemistry) are a function of seafloor spreading rate and mantle temperature. Extensive research performed on the East Pacific Rise(EPR) and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge(MAR) has shown that there are fundamental differences between fast and slow-spreading mid-ocean ridge environments which support this contention (Macdonald 1982; Klein and Langmuir 1987; Sinton and Detrick 1992; Malinvemo 1993). The current paradigm holds that fast spreading ridges are driven by wanner mantle temperatures, allowing for shallower axial depths, higher extents of melting, and thicker crust; whereas slow spreading ridges are characterized by cooler mantle temperatures, lower extents of melting, and thinner crust. Due to these extreme differences, the EPR and MAR are usually taken as endmembers and the remainder of the global system is placed within their context. Recent evidence from intermediate spreading ridges, however, raises questions about our assumptions, and 97 indicates that this paradigm of simple linear spreading rate dependence needs to be reevaluated. The Southeast Indian Ridge (SEIR) between 88 and 11 8E is a unique area in which to study the parameters controlling crustal accretion. Along its 2500 km length, it encompasses nearly the entire known variability in inferred upper mantle temperature and axial morphology, yet is largely uninterrupted by major transforms and intervening hotspots. No other comparable length of the global spreading system is characterized by such a range. All of these variations occur at nearly constant spreading rate along the SEIR (from 69 to 75 mm!yr, full rate). In the Austral summer of 1995, integrated bathymetric, geophysical and petrological/geochemical surveys (WWO9 and 10) characterized 2500 km of previously unsampled ridge axis on the SEIR between 88 and 120°E. The major objectives were (1) to investigate changes in axial morphology and axial depth; (2) to determine where melt supply and distribution occurs, both within and between segments, using gravity data; and (3) to investigate the geochemical variability along axis and its relation to changes in axial ridge morphology. The morphological and geophysical data have been presented by Ma and Cochran (1996), Cochran et al. (1997), Sempere et al. (1997), West et al. (1997), West and Sempere (1998), Small et al. (1998). This paper focuses on the new geochemical results from the SEIR, and, in particular: How variations in chemical composition (including the nature and extent of compositional diversity) of axial lavas are related to axial morphology and other geophysical characteristics. How the petrologic features observed on the SEIR compare to predictions based on the current global paradigm (e.g. Klein and Langmuir (1987)). Geolo!ic Setting The Southeast Indian Ridge extends from the Rodrigues/Indian Ocean Triple Junction to the Macquarie Triple Junction in the Indian Ocean south and west of Australia (Fig 21). 98 It separates the Indo-Australian and Antarctic Plates and has full spreading rates between 57.5 and 80 mm/yr (DeMetset al. 1990). The study area between 88° and 1 18°E is divided into 16 segments (C2-C17), as determined by Cochran et al. (1997) on the basis of topography and geophysics, yet it is mostly free of major fracture zones offsets, hotspot influenced areas, or other perturbations (Fig 21). This unique section of the global ridge system spans from 800 km east of the hot mantle near the Amsterdam-St. Paul Hotspot (ASP) in the west, to the relatively cold mantle underlying the Australian- Antarctic Discordance (AAD) in the east (Forsyth et al. 1987; Marks et al. 1991). The differences in temperature between these two regions is presumed to be the main driving force for the range of ridge characteristics represented on the Southeast Indian Ridge (Klein et al. 1991; Sempere etal. 1997). Due to its rise-type axial morphology and relative proximity to the hotspot, the western boundary of the study area is thought to be underlain by relatively hot mantle. The influence of hotspot mantle underlying Amsterdam and St. Paul Islands is generally restricted to within ± 200km of the ASP Plateau, as evidenced by the elevated ridge depths, ridge morphology, and isotopic signatures such as high 3He/4He (Graham et al. 1999). To the west, near 88°E, the ridge gets shallower and shows a broad (long wavelength) minimum of appoximately 2300 m, and exhibits morphology most similar to the East Pacific Rise. The AAD is situated in the eastern part of the SEIR, 400 km to the east of the study area, and was first noted for its anomalously deep axial depths (- 5000 m). Despite its intermediate spreading rate, this region is inferred to have low mantle temperatures, low extents of melting , and low rates of melt production, consistent with its wide rift valley and the segmentation characteristics of a slow-spreading center (Anderson et al. 1980; Klein et al. 1991; Christie et al. 1990; Sempere etal., 1991; Palmer etal., 1992). Although spreading rate is nearly invariant, other physical parameters change dramatically and non-uniformly along the SEIR axis. Generally, the study area changes in character from more similar to the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise near 88E, to more like the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the AAD. Most notably, axial depths vary from only 2300 m on Segment C17 to more than 4400 m on Segment C2, a 110 I N oQE Longitude 130° 100 difference of 2100 m over 2500 km (Fig 21). Ridge segmentation changes from "super segments," i.e. C 14-17, in the west to smaller segments in the east (Small et al. 1999). Axial morphology also varies from EPR-like axial highs in the west (82°-i 04°E) through a transition zone characterized by shallow valleys (104°-il 4°E) to deep MAR-like valleys from 114° to 128°E (Ma and Cochran 1996). Crustal thicknesses are estimated to decrease from 7-8 km at 88°E to 4 km at 1 18°E (Sempere et al. 1997). The gravity field shifts from a rough, high amplitude signal in the east to a smooth field in the west (Small and Sandwell 1989, 1992). Within this region, two "bull's eye" type mantle Bouguer anomalies are centered at 100.5 °E and 107.5 °E, indicating that either the crust is thicker or the mantle is hotter, or both, in these areas (Fig 21). These bull's eyes are similar in character to those found on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, but are of smaller magnitude (West and Sempere 1998). Notably, along the SEIR, they are spatially related to the more EPRlike topographic highs. How large is the mantle temperature gradient? Topography, lithospheric rheology, gravity and crustal thickness variations are all indicative of a relatively large mantle temperature gradient beneath the Southeast Indian Ridge. Estimates for the potential magnitude of the temperature change range from 60°C by Sempere et al. (1997), calculated to be consistent decrease in crustal thickness, to 150°C reported by Yan et al. (1989) at a depth of 150 km between the Amsterdam-St. Paul Hotspot and the AAD using lateral velocity heterogeneities in the upper mantle. Furthermore, using the Klein and Langmuir model of axial depths and crustal thicknesses based on isostatic compensation, Sempere et al. (1997) calculated a temperature difference of 60°-80°C over the same area, assuming a depth of compensation of 200 km and a constant final pressure of melting. Regardless of the exact number, such variations in mantle temperature have important implications on melt production and melting regime processes. 101 Petrologic expectations Klein and Langmuir (1987), hereafter refered to as K+L, recognized that on a global scale, there is a systematic relationship between the major element chemistry of MORB and the regional depth of the axis from which they erupt. The best known expression of this relationship is the global correlations of Na8, Fe8 and CaO/Al203 values of lavas with axial depth. The variations in Na8, Fe3 and CaO/Al203 are attributed to regional changes in source composition, extents, and pressures of melting related to mantle temperature and/or heterogeneities where higher mantle temperatures result in more extensive melting (low Nag) and higher mean pressures of melting (high Feg). The large gradient in mantle temperature that one would presume from the physical characteristics along axis leads one to expect that the major element compositions of MORB along the SEIR would be correlated with changes in regional depth. Incompatible elements such as Al, Na, Ti, P, and K should increase from west to east, while the compatible elements, such as Ca, Mg, and Fe should decrease over the same interval, indicating that the extent and pressure of melting decrease from west to east. Methods Major element analyses were performed using the CAMECA SX-50 Electron Microprobe at Oregon State University (Table 6). Three point analyses from each glass chip were averaged. Back-scatter electron images were used to avoid the effects of any microcrystalline textures in the glass chips. Analyses were performed using a 30 nA beam current, a 15 kV accelerating voltage, and a 3-5 t defocused beam. Calibrations were performed using Smithsonian standards USNM 113498/1 (Makaopuhi Lava) for Si, Al, Fe, Ca, and Ti, USNM 133868 (Kakanui Anorthoclase) for Na, USNM 143966 (Microcline) for K, and USNM 122142 (Kakanui Augite) for Mg (Jarosewich et al., 1980). Na was counted first due to its susceptibility to beam damage (Nielsen et al., 1995a). Na, Ca, and Mn were counted for 10 seconds and Mg, Al, Si, Ti, and Fe were Table 6. Chemical group averaged major element analyses for Southeast Indian Ridge lavas P67.3 P68 P70 D71.1 90.80 42.89 P71.2 P72.1 90.80 42.89 91.29 43.42 2350 n = 14 2350 1605 91.09 43.08 91.09 43.08 89.32 41.72 89.32 41.72 89.32 41.72 89.19 41.89 89.19 41.89 89.19 41.89 89.19 41.89 88.53 41.82 D69 88.92 41.87 2493.5 2493.5 1570 1570 1570 1942.5 1942.5 1942.5 1942.5 3779 2353 n=21 n=21 n=5 0=4 n=41 N n=2 n=2 n=4 n=4 N N, SM N,SM N,SM N,SM N, SM N,SM N,SM 50.90 49.79 50.29 50.29 50.33 50.37 50.05 50.78 50.71 51.00 50.64 1.72 1.89 1.48 1.49 1.47 1.10 1.17 1.15 0.99 2.30 N 48.86 0.92 N 50.61 FeTi 50.82 N 50.40 1.71 1.39 1.62 1.20 Al203 14.82 13.89 15.12 15.59 15.19 15.97 15.22 15.15 15.42 13.99 17.61 14.91 15.62 14.89 15.17 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na20 10.15 11.26 10.17 10.08 10.27 8.52 8.94 8.81 8.78 12.34 8.28 10.36 9.02 9.77 9.20 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.14 7.40 0.13 0.14 0.12 0.18 0.12 0.14 0.13 8.40 8.72 6.95 9.83 7.69 0.12 8.07 0.13 7.95 0.14 8.28 7.56 8.30 12.55 12.89 12.93 12.60 13.13 12.47 11.84 11.93 11.83 12.57 2.89 2.48 0.08 2.48 2.44 2.19 10.62 2.91 2.67 2.87 2.88 2.49 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.17 2.24 0.05 0.13 0.13 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.18 0.13 0.11 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.16 0.14 0.05 99.94 100.48 100.50 100.41 100.01 100.00 99.88 Dredge Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Depth # Analyses Type Si02 Ti02 D65.1 D65.2 D66.1 n = 44 P66.2 n=1 7.67 6.80 7.68 6.94 11.51 11.24 12.30 2.66 2.87 2.99 12.64 3.11 P66.3 P67.1 D67.2 D67.4 n=1 90.20 42.57 2575 n=8 n = 20 N N,SM 0.11 0.11 0.16 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.05 0,01 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.08 0.06 99.59 99.33 99.91 100.51 100.43 99.59 99.75 98.97 Na8 2.54 2.42 2.88 2.71 2.67 2.47 2.59 2.60 2.46 2.53 2.93 2.56 2.89 2.72 2.61 Fe8 9.60 9.26 9.64 8.31 9.27 8.44 9.40 9.48 9.99 10.59 11.33 9.85 9.12 9.69 CaO/Al203 0.78 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.83 0.81 0.85 0.83 0.85 0.76 0.71 0.79 K20/Ti02 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.76 0.09 9.04 0.79 0.10 K20 0.14 0.16 P205 0.13 Cr203 Total 0.08 0.05 0.83 0.05 Table 6 (cont'd) Dredge Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Depth # Analyses Type Si02 D77 078 93.11 93.11 93.77 43.88 43.88 43.88 44.12 94.83 44.83 2585 2652.5 2652.5 n=5 n= 13 n=2 n=2 n= 1 N 51.57 N 51.23 N 51.48 N 51.21 N 50.74 1.67 1.73 1.62 1.71 1.67 1.07 2.30 1.89 1.35 073.1 073.2 074.1 074.2 075.1 075.2 076.1 076.2 91.29 43.42 D72.5 91.29 43.42 91.68 43.47 9 1.68 92.33 43.43 92.68 43.58 92.68 43.58 93.11 43.47 92.33 43.43 1605 1605 2737.5 2737.5 2560 2560 2585 n=2 n=1 n= I n= 1 N,SM N,SM N, SM N,SM n=8 n=4 n=4 N 50.50 N 51.23 1.85 D72.2 91.29 43.42 072.3 072.4 91.29 43.42 1605 1605 076.3 2652.5 2795 2719 n= I n=6 n=10 N N N 50.40 51.06 51.11 51.70 51.17 T102 1.31 1.21 1.25 1.16 FeTi 50.83 2.39 Al203 14.97 15.31 15.11 15.76 13.60 14.34 14.52 14.83 15.09 14.83 15.23 16.33 14.71 14.62 15.47 FeO MnO 9.61 9.45 9.53 9.17 12.02 10.59 9.92 9.70 9.58 9.81 9.50 11.91 10.15 8.68 0.13 0.19 6.87 0.12 0.12 7.28 8.08 10.67 2.34 11.11 11.89 2.89 2.77 0.14 MgO CaO Na20 K20 52.39 50.64 3.33 3.09 8.15 0.16 8.69 12.66 2.64 0.20 0.21 0.07 0.19 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.08 0.20 0.11 0.04 0.16 0.04 101.81 99.03 99.06 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.15 0.16 7.87 8.60 8.11 8.11 6.26 7.17 7.24 7.20 7.29 7.43 12.58 12.46 12.97 10.61 11.81 11.93 11.79 11.59 11.69 2.63 2.60 12.74 2.63 2.55 2.99 2.91 2.91 3.14 7.48 11.70 3.28 0.21 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.20 0.14 0.15 0.09 0,07 0.07 0.07 0.24 0.16 0.15 0.18 0.16 0.15 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.06 100.38 101.07 101.36 101.17 99.35 99.68 99.91 100.54 100.48 100.59 100.38 100.66 Na8 2.59 2.83 2.67 2.60 2.35 2.61 2.63 2.84 3.09 3.07 2.88 2.90 1.92 2.62 2.80 Fe8 9,39 10.46 9.71 9.35 9.13 9.20 8.65 8.38 8.72 8.62 8.55 9.30 10.03 8.94 8.81 CaO/Al203 0.84 0.81 0.84 0.82 0.78 0.82 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.78 0.73 0.76 0.77 K20/Ti02 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.12 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.10 Cr203 Total 0.05 Table 6 (cont'd) Dredge Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Depth # Analyses Type Si02 Ti02 D88.1 D88.2 D89.1 96.12 45.20 D87 96.37 46.78 96.83 47.08 96.83 47.08 97.51 47.45 2607.5 2520 2567.5 2567.5 2470 n=1 n=25 n=38 n=17 n=5 n=1 N 50.64 N 50.84 N 51.05 E 51.20 D81 D82.1 D82.2 D83.1 D83.2 D84.1 D84.2 D85 95.50 95.59 45.14 45.17 95.70 45.18 95.70 45.18 95.76 45.05 95.76 45.05 95.93 45.11 95.93 45.11 3190 3163.5 3163.5 3069 3069 2660 2660 n=5 n=13 n=11 n=3 n=110 n=1 n = 24 N E 51.63 50.87 N 51.15 50.91 D79.1 D79.2 95.41 45.11 95.41 45.11 3045 3045 N 50.97 N 50.47 D80 3142.5 n=2 n=29 N N 51.04 50.46 N 50.91 50.20 E 50.60 1.54 1.49 1.42 1.33 1.31 1.35 1.37 1.45 1.38 1.17 1.70 1.75 14.72 14.68 15.45 15.27 16.29 15.56 15.64 15.32 15.46 15.32 15.16 15.24 16.94 N 1.59 N 1.66 1,52 Al203 15.05 15.24 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 Cr203 9.62 0.13 9.25 9.77 9.48 9.22 8.63 7.98 8.45 8.45 8.84 8.93 9.34 8.98 10.10 8.69 0.12 0.14 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.15 0.13 8.26 7.03 6.66 7.69 7.94 7.57 7.59 8.30 8.31 8.00 11.79 11.91 12.17 12.22 11.85 11.37 11.72 2.82 2.76 2.87 2.78 2.63 2.67 3.16 7.94 12.09 3.16 8.07 8.24 7.98 7.93 11.78 2.94 11.81 11.81 11.95 12.75 11.66 11.41 2.95 2.79 2.81 2.43 2.78 0.16 3.25 0.07 0.08 0.13 0.06 0.04 0.22 0.03 0.51 0.12 0.15 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.38 0.21 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.10 0.10 0.05 100.04 99.49 100.15 99.19 100.28 98.28 99.75 100.62 99.51 100.12 99.78 99.76 99.95 100,03 100.78 Na8 2.71 2.74 2.71 2.63 2.75 2.79 3.16 3.14 2.97 3.04 2.78 2.79 2.54 2.42 2.75 Fe8 9.15 9.05 8.79 9.72 9.14 7.98 8.35 8.56 9.23 8.89 9.22 9.42 8.49 6.46 CaO/Al203 9.10 0.78 0.78 0.83 0.83 0.77 0.74 0.72 0.78 0.75 0.77 0.76 0.78 0.84 0.77 0.67 K20/Ti02 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.29 0.16 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.07 0.06 0.09 0.29 Total Table 6 (cont'd) Dredge Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Depth # Analyses Type Si02 Ti02 D89.2 D89.3 D90.1 D90.2 D90.3 D90.4 D91 97.51 97.51 98.16 47.45 47.71 98.16 47.71 98.16 47.71 98.60 47.45 98.16 47.71 47.91 D92 98.94 48.10 2470 2470 2607 2607 2607 2607 2900 2667.5 n=43 n = 38 n=2 n=2 n= 11 D93.1 99.12 47.98 D93.2 99.12 47.98 D93.3 99.12 47.98 2380 2380 2380 D93.4 D94 D95 99.12 47.98 99.25 47.75 99.41 D96 100.67 47.55 47.34 2380 2390.5 2222.5 2465 n=1 n=2 n= 11 n=2 n=8 n = 13 n=1 n=15 n = 21 N N, SM N,SM N,SM N,SM N,SM N, SM N N n=9 49.73 N 52.34 50.39 N 49.67 48.80 50.92 1.90 1.49 1.45 2.50 1.32 1.04 1.10 0.84 0.90 1.04 1.11 1.82 15.36 16.02 17.06 16.68 16.81 16.47 14.68 E 50.60 E N N 51.43 49.91 1.66 1.55 1.64 50.88 51.04 49.67 49.95 50.17 51.24 Al203 16.25 15.30 15.18 14.85 16.19 16.35 14.09 15.56 FeO MnO 8.85 8.79 10.62 9.91 8.67 8.67 11.75 8.85 8.40 9.11 7.78 8.18 8.49 8.39 10.35 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.11 0.14 0.16 0.14 0.11 0.14 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.12 7.95 7.49 7.20 7.31 8.22 7.86 6.66 8.32 8.70 8.61 9.75 9.39 8.99 8.81 6.98 11.07 12.00 11.12 11.49 11.88 10.30 12.17 12.18 12.96 12.77 12.93 12.65 12.43 11.30 2.85 3.06 2.65 2.41 2.47 2.15 2.18 239 2.60 3.25 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.26 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.01 MgO CaO Na20 K20 3.10 3.11 3.21 3.15 12.06 2.96 0.49 0.19 0.32 0.16 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.28 0.14 0.12 0.05 0.05 0.22 0.04 0.11 0.05 0.14 0.05 0.14 0.04 0.16 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.06 100.31 100.32 99.32 99.51 99.69 98.34 99.98 100.20 98.15 101.63 100.28 100.50 100.86 Na8 3.08 2.93 2.92 2.89 3.04 2.80 2.77 2.77 2.90 2.87 7.95 9.28 8.75 9.03 8.43 2.70 10.12 2.70 8.76 2.68 9.57 2.80 Fe8 2.56 9.53 10.69 10.49 10.14 9.73 8.65 0.75 0.07 0.75 0.77 0.08 0.14 Cr203 Total 9.38 CaO/Al203 0.68 0.78 0.73 0.77 0.74 0.73 0.73 0.78 0.79 0.81 0.75 K20/Ti02 0.30 0,21 0.08 0.07 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.78 0.07 0.17 101.39 101.28 Table 6 (cont'd) Dredge Longitude(°E) Latitude (°S) Depth #Analyses D97 098.1 098.2 D98.3 099 0100.1 0100.2 D100.3 0100.4 0101.1 100.86 47.19 100.96 47.46 100.96 100.96 101.22 47.59 47.63 101.53 47.63 101.53 47.46 101.53 47.63 101.53 47.46 47.63 2015 2583 2583 2583 2842 2856.5 2856.5 2856.5 n=10 n11 n=3 n=2 n=15 n=4 n=10 N 51.18 N 51.79 E 51.15 0101.3 D101.4 101.86 47.77 D101.2 101.86 47.77 101.86 47,77 101.86 47.77 2856.5 2780 2780 2780 2780 n=9 n=4 n=2 n=4 n=11 n=1 N 51.24 N 51.52 N 51.72 N 51.93 N 51.51 N 51.29 N 50.84 Type Si02 Ti02 N 49.12 51.43 E 50.38 1.27 1.39 1.42 1.48 1.55 1.66 2.02 1.86 2.46 1.58 1.93 1.51 1.40 Al203 17.92 15.05 15.63 14.80 14.68 15.01 14.50 14.77 13.98 14.74 14.34 15.42 15.86 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 8.04 9.05 8.70 9.41 9.85 9.33 10.34 10.03 11.38 9.49 10.27 9.06 8.61 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.16 7.70 0.17 0.15 0.16 0.14 0.16 0.13 0.15 0.13 7.33 7.56 6.93 7.30 6.20 7.49 7.04 7.84 0.16 8.47 11.94 2.85 11.80 2.97 11.82 11.37 1140 10.30 11.83 11.17 12.06 2.99 3.14 3.07 3.31 2.98 3.05 2.83 11.85 2.83 0.22 0.18 0.14 0.14 0.05 0.06 N 8.74 7.85 7.87 11.48 12.15 12.04 3.24 2.77 2.88 0.12 0.14 0.24 0.16 0.15 0.29 0.25 0.19 0.29 0.15 0.10 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.19 0.06 0.02 0.05 0.17 0.04 0.15 0.04 0.22 0.03 0.26 0.04 0.14 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.22 0.18 0.02 100.19 100.14 99.50 99.85 100.45 100.20 100.22 100.49 100.08 100.51 99.87 100.55 100.40 Na8 3.52 2.72 2.83 2.74 2.73 2.83 2.75 2.81 2.64 2.79 2.70 3.01 Fe8 9.27 8.80 8.48 8.91 8.74 8.60 8.57 8.86 8.39 8.64 8.66 2.78 8.80 CaO/Al203 0.64 0.81 0.77 0.81 0.79 0.78 0.77 0.74 0.80 0.78 0.78 0.75 K20/Ti02 0.10 0.10 0.17 0.11 0.80 0.10 0.17 0.13 0.10 0.12 0.09 0.11 0.14 0.13 Cr203 Total 9.39 Table 6 (cont'd) Dredge Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Depth # Analyses Type Si02 D102 D103.1 D103.2 D103.3 101.86 102.14 47.77 47.88 102.54 102.54 48.02 102.54 48.02 2986 3230 3230 n=4 n = 24 n=3 n=1 N 51.45 N 51.27 N 51.64 D1O1.5 2780 N 51.98 D105 D106.1 D106.2 D106.3 D106.4 D106.5 D107 103.08 103.04 103.35 47.85 D104 103.25 103.25 103.25 103.25 103.25 48.02 47.92 47.77 47.90 47.90 47.90 47.90 47.90 3230 2401 2783 2985 2985 2985 2985 n=1 n=5 n = 13 N N N,SM n=1 n=1 n=9 n = 13 n=2 n=7 N 50.76 N 50.90 N 51.67 N 51.25 N 51.09 2985 2787.5 51.53 50.66 51.07 N 50.70 1.54 1.11 1.12 1.11 1.18 1.17 1.40 hO2 2.14 1,33 1.52 1.42 1.17 1.07 Al203 14.22 14.87 15.50 15.03 15.98 16.17 15.37 15.60 15.74 15.67 15.29 15.21 14.74 FeO MnO 10.85 9.19 9.27 9.25 8.44 8.33 .8.49 8.44 8.19 8.72 8.71 9.27 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.13 9.09 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.11 0.14 0.14 7.45 MgO CaO Na20 K20 Cr203 Total Na8 6.60 7.91 7.92 7.90 8.60 8.63 7.33 8.35 7.98 0.08 8.55 8.25 8.04 12.25 12.35 12.29 12.59 12.38 11.85 2.46 2.51 2.60 2.66 2.57 10.69 12.57 12.05 12.46 12.54 12.62 3.26 2.68 2.88 2.71 2.56 2.71 11.50 3.37 0.23 0.11 0.11 0,12 0.09 0.06 0.17 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.08 0.08 2.86 0.13 0.19 0.11 0.13 0.12 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.18 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.11 0.05 0.16 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.16 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.04 101.16 100.51 99.84 99.49 99.44 99.68 100.71 99.70 99.09 2.95 3.13 2.59 2.51 2.81 2.76 9.13 2.58 2.66 9.11 8.77 8.35 0.80 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.06 100.32 100.42 100.84 100.84 2.85 2.68 0.02 2.74 2.65 2.79 Fe8 8.52 9.04 9.13 9.09 9.44 9.37 7.97 9.08 8.41 CaO/Al203 0.75 0.85 0.78 0.83 0.79 0.78 0.75 0.79 0.78 0.78 0.82 0.81 K20/Ti02 0.11 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.06 0.11 0.10 0.12 0.11 0.07 0.07 Table 6 (cont'd) Dredge Longitude (°E) Latitude(°S) D108.1 D108.2 DuO.! D11O.2 Dill.! D1!1.2 Dl1l.3 D112 D113.l 103.57 103.57 47.97 103.93 103.93 104.66 104.66 104.66 104.97 48.10 48,10 48.21 48.21 48.21 48.32 105.22 48.75 47,97 D113.2 105.22 48.75 D114.l D114.2 105.59 105.59 49.12 49.12 D114.3 105.59 49.12 3080 3080 3480 3480 3069.5 3069.5 3069.5 3162.5 3630 3630 2875 2875 2875 n=8 n=1 n=22 n=3 n=15 n=1 n=3 n=5 n=5 n=10 n=21 n=1 n=1 N 50.93 N 50.93 N E 51.36 E 51.54 E 51.56 N E,SM 51.17 N 51.16 N 51.54 N 51.58 51.06 49.78 E, SM 49.96 E, SM 50.12 1.12 1.12 1,28 1.97 1.73 1.69 1.64 1.34 1.53 1.36 1.62 1.78 1.54 15.72 15.71 14.94 14.41 15.82 15.84 15.98 15.42 15.11 15.46 16.97 16.32 17.23 F'eO 8.37 8.35 9.05 10.62 8.61 8.64 8.63 8.72 9.44 8.95 8.26 7.99 MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 7.47 7.92 7.53 7.90 7.68 12.31 12.41 12.36 10.76 11.28 11.36 11.30 12.19 11.89 12.05 11.22 2.51 2.51 3.07 3.44 3.42 3.38 2.85 2.82 2.78 3.20 0.12 0.12 2.60 0.09 0.08 7.08 11.14 3.21 0.08 7.08 0.12 7.25 0.13 8.49 0.16 6.87 0.12 8.81 0.12 7.92 7.84 0.09 0.17 0.43 0.37 0.35 0.15 0.11 0.74 0.82 0.69 P205 0.10 0.10 0.18 0.19 0.11 0.26 0.25 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.06 0.25 0.03 0.17 0.04 0.18 0.06 0.09 0.05 0.13 0.13 0.04 0.07 0.04 100.17 99.92 100.04 99.82 100.09 100.43 100.66 100.04 99.91 99.93 99.42 98.95 100.80 Na8 2.82 2.70 2.57 2.65 3.10 3.14 3.18 2.83 2.65 2.75 3.08 2.87 3.43 Fe8 9.72 9.17 8.93 8.74 7.07 7.40 7.73 8.58 8.66 8.78 7.30 6.72 8.68 0.83 0.75 0.71 0.72 0.71 0.79 0.79 0.78 0.66 0.68 0.65 0.07 0.08 0.25 0.22 0.21 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.46 0.46 0.45 Depth #Analyses Type Si02 Ti02 Al203 Cr203 Total CaO/Al203 0.78 K20/Ti02 0.10 0.79 0.11 8.42 11.17 3.27 Table 6 (cont'd) Dredge Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Depth #Analyses Type Si02 D114.4 D115.1 D115.2 D115.3 D116.1 D116.2 D116.3 D117.1 D117.2 Dl 18 D119.1 107.15 48.35 107.53 48.43 107.50 48.35 2349.5 D119.2 D120 107.50 107.81 48.35 48.55 105.59 49.12 105.87 105.87 49.23 106.49 106.49 106.49 49.23 105.87 49.23 107.15 48.87 48.87 48.87 48.35 2875 3635.5 3635.5 3635.5 4835 4835 4835 3520 3520 2672.5 n= I n=2 n=5 n=1 n=9 n=1 n=8 n=7 n=2 n=7 n=1 E,SM N 51.37 E E 51.02 E 50.42 50.79 E 51.74 E 50.65 E 50.85 E 50.07 N 51.89 51.39 E, SM 50.83 E, SM 50.91 51.51 1.54 1.47 1.59 1.59 1.62 1.63 1.47 1.90 2.58 2.07 1.90 1.83 1.37 Al203 17.31 15.34 14,92 15.65 15.72 15.82 16.22 15.24 14.28 14.99 15.56 15.60 15.50 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 Cr203 7.85 9.21 9.44 8.63 8.74 8.88 8.20 9.69 11.08 9.92 9.71 9.40 8.79 0.10 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.11 0.14 0.16 0.14 0.13 8.11 0.10 7.75 7.36 8.35 8.17 8.50 8.76 6.77 5.30 6.35 6.19 0.14 6.64 0.10 7.64 11.19 11.67 11.62 11.31 11.25 11.36 11.42 10.69 10.60 10.91 11.18 11.86 3.27 2.87 3.17 3.23 3.18 3.17 3.07 3.53 9.43 3.77 3.58 3.70 3.54 3.16 0.69 0.19 0.18 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.47 0.43 0.58 0.55 0.17 0,22 0.15 0.17 0.17 0.30 0.17 0.33 0.14 0.18 0.19 0.29 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.12 0.05 100.39 100.68 99.97 100.06 100.16 101.02 100.24 99.25 99.10 99.72 99.75 100.02 100.27 Na8 3.31 2.78 2.93 3.36 3.25 3.36 3.36 3.07 2.97 3.03 3.04 3.03 Fe8 8.04 8.79 8.38 9.22 9.02 9.47 7.64 7.17 6.70 7.15 8.20 CaO/Al203 0.65 0.76 0.78 0.72 0.72 9.70 0.72 2.76 6.59 0.70 0.70 0.66 0.71 0.70 0.77 K20/Ti02 0.45 0.13 0.11 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.23 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.31 0.72 0.30 T102 Total 2349.5 2803.5 n= 16 n = 20 N 0.12 Table 6 (cont'd) Dredge Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Depth # Analyses Type Si02 Ti02 D122.1 108.28 48.74 D124 D125.1 D125.2 D126 D127 D128.1 D128.2 D128.3 D128.4 D128.5 108.28 108.47 108.51 48.74 48.80 49.03 109.11 109.11 109.48 109.88 110.41 110.41 110.41 110.41 110.41 49.45 49.45 49.53 49.66 49.83 49.83 49.83 49.83 49.83 D122.2 D123 3277 3277 3392 3935 3475 3475 3240 3257.5 3745 3745 3745 3745 3745 n = 15 n=1 n = 13 n = 14 n=7 n=1 n=7 n=9 n=3 n=11 n=4 n=3 n=2 N N 51.62 N 51.37 N 52.10 N 51.95 E 50.80 E 51.24 E 51.75 N 51.68 50.14 E 50.22 N 50.94 N 50.88 N 50.88 2.00 2.04 1.58 1.18 1.28 1.32 1.49 1.48 1.20 1.18 0.92 0.91 Al203 14.88 14.77 15.28 15.74 15.66 15.39 17.67 16.86 17.36 17.45 17.13 17.25 0.90 17.30 FeO MnO MgO 10.14 10.13 9.43 8.75 8.62 8.65 8.05 8.19 8.52 8.61 7.46 7.61 7.62 0.14 0.14 0.12 7.29 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.10 8.41 7.93 0.16 7.99 7.93 8.11 8.67 8.95 9.25 9.43 0.09 9.63 11.59 3.21 12.44 12.21 11.97 11.14 11.53 11.72 11.83 12.47 12.49 2.60 2.87 3.27 3.03 2.72 2.70 2.47 2.48 0.05 0.11 2.68 0.10 0.56 0.36 0.29 0.29 0.11 0.11 0.23 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.05 99.53 100.49 100.82 101.05 100.38 101.31 101.15 100.93 101.56 100.93 101.35 101.48 2.84 2.67 3.25 3,08 2.97 3.06 2.94 3.02 3.15 8.50 8.63 7.94 8.38 9.63 10.19 9.54 9.98 10.33 6.54 6.36 10.49 3.43 10.53 0.27 0.26 0.19 0.21 0.20 0.14 Cr203 0.04 0.03 0.04 Total 99.86 CaO Na20 K20 3.38 12.32 2.54 0.07 Na8 2.89 2.77 2.94 Fe8 7.70 7.40 8.24 2.76 9.43 CaO/Al203 0.71 0.71 0.76 0.79 0.78 0.78 0.63 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.73 0.72 0.71 K20/Ti02 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.04 0.08 0,07 0.38 0.24 0.25 0.25 0.06 0.07 0.07 Table 6 (cont'd) Dredge Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Depth # Analyses Type Si02 Ti02 Al203 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 Cr203 Total 50.19 D138.3 112.86 50.19 3842 3845 3845 3845 40 n = 29 n=3 n= 1 N N 50.47 E 50.86 N 50.76 50.89 2.34 1.46 D134.2 D135.1 D135.2 D136 D138.1 112.49 112.59 50.31 112.86 50.30 112.59 50.31 112.69 50.21 112.32 50.32 50.32 3600 3327.5 3483.5 3650 3650 3747.5 3747.5 n = 35 n=6 n=41 n=1 n=16 n= I N 51.12 D131 D132 D133 111.78 49.78 111.13 49.78 111.34 50.06 3520 3520 n=4 n = 14 111.13 D138.2 112.86 50.19 D134.1 112.49 50.30 D130.2 D130.1 n = 17 n 50.76 N 51.12 N 51.04 N 50.69 N 50.94 51.67 N 51.25 1.55 1.31 1.29 1.49 1.44 1.46 1.47 1.78 1.67 1.56 2.30 15.85 16.43 15.32 15.52 15.58 15.34 15.65 14.84 15.20 15.31 14.43 14.38 15.25 10.82 8.93 N N 51.33 9.08 8.61 9.34 8.76 8.92 9.38 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.14 7.68 8.15 8.07 7.61 8.16 8.30 11.33 11,47 12.43 11.95 12.16 11.73 N 9.66 0.13 10.07 9.73 9.47 10.94 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.13 7.98 11.97 7.72 8.27 7.99 7.16 6.82 7.71 11.24 11.43 11.60 10.48 10.55 12.33 2.68 2.92 3.01 2.84 3.07 3.05 2.86 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.19 0.20 0.23 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.21 0.20 0.15 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.07 3.19 3.05 2.61 3.20 2.93 0.10 0.09 0.17 0.08 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.09 2.70 0.10 0.13 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.12 0.05 0.12 0.05 0.12 0.05 0.06 0.14 0.04 100.16 100.56 100.06 100.29 100.27 101.49 100.26 100.91 100.11 99.75 99.04 99.99 2.82 9.88 2.68 2.82 3.11 2.84 2.76 2.62 2.75 9.63 9.60 10.18 9.45 9.55 8.86 8.45 0.76 0.07 0.76 0.76 0.75 0.76 0.73 0.73 0.81 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.16 100.41 Na8 3.07 3.11 2.64 3.05 3.00 Fe8 8.55 8.85 9.46 8.11 9.19 CaOIAI2O3 0.71 0.70 0.81 0.77 0.78 K20/Ti02 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.11 0.06 Table 6 (cont'd) Dredge Longitude (°E) Latitude (°S) Depth # Analyses Type Si02 Ti02 D138.4 112.86 50.19 D139 D140.1 D140.2 112.86 113.11 50.19 50.25 113.45 113.45 50.30 D138.5 50.30 D142 D143.1 D143.2 D143.3 D144.1 D144.2 D144.3 113.62 114.48 50.35 49.86 114.95 114.95 114.95 115.21 115.21 115.21 49.95 49.95 49.95 50.01 50.01 50.01 D141 3845 3845 3614 3320 3320 3001.5 4300 4090 4090 4090 3997 3997 3997 n=1 n=5 n = 10 n=7 n=1 ii = 22 n=2 n=5 n=2 n=1 n=5 n=2 n=4 N 50.92 N 50.50 N 51.33 E 51.38 N N 51.34 N 51.44 N N 51.72 50.59 N 50.15 N 50.75 N 51.04 N 50.49 51.34 1.55 1.45 1.38 1.90 1.93 1.84 1.50 1.36 1.46 1.54 1.35 1.21 1.52 Al203 14.78 15.12 15.30 14.11 14.27 14.68 15.92 16.24 15.95 15.55 15.43 15.78 15.32 FeO MnO MgO 9.50 9.31 8.52 10.53 10.70 9.97 8.65 8.18 8.50 8.67 8.35 7.88 8.70 0.16 0.16 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.12 7.93 7.81 6.72 6.48 7.85 0.10 8.36 0.11 7.51 0.16 6.94 8.03 7.50 8.06 8.57 0.12 7.47 12.17 12.03 11.86 11.02 11.12 11.33 11.22 11.48 11.29 2.69 2.85 3.20 3.26 3.26 3.09 2.95 2.88 0.18 0.13 0.22 0.23 0.27 0.16 0.17 0.19 0.14 0.10 0.14 0.11 0.12 0.14 0.12 2.84 0.16 11.49 2.82 10.93 2.85 11.19 3.01 11.5 1 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.05 0.16 0.07 0.10 0.05 0.09 0.06 0.05 0.13 0.04 CaO Na20 K20 3.30 Cr203 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.05 Total 99.91 99.91 98.65 98.55 99.66 100.03 100.05 100.25 100.04 99.96 98.36 98.27 98.42 Na3 2.67 2.66 2.79 2.73 2.70 2.87 3.04 2.98 3.03 2.77 2.91 3.04 3.11 Fe8 8.69 9.19 8.20 8.41 8.18 8.21 8.41 8.79 8.56 7.84 8.46 8.82 7.82 0.70 0.11 0.74 0.73 0.73 0.71 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.09 CaO/Al203 K20/Ti02 0.82 0,12 0.80 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.70 0.71 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.10 0.11 Table 6 (cont'd) wc-45 95.18 42.51 wc-43 90.69 42.84 45.00 wc-46 95.77 46.17 2335 2537 2384 2872 3231 n=1 n=1 n=1 n=1 n=1 n=1 N 51.27 N 51.37 N 51.07 N 50.31 N 50.74 N 50.98 N 51.28 1.82 1.79 1.83 1.74 1.61 1.29 1.71 14.32 14.52 14.48 14.43 14.57 14.88 15.87 14.94 7.55 10.45 10.56 10.64 10.64 10.30 9.81 8.49 0.10 7.17 0.11 0.14 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.11 7.94 6.57 7.32 7.38 7.34 7.59 7.57 8.55 9.89 0.10 7.60 wc-42 90.08 41.69 wc-40-3 88.69 41.69 2335 2335 n=9 n=1 1.21 N 51.07 2.26 16.01 15.97 7.65 7.95 D145.4 D146 D147 116.72 117,18 117.52 49.27 49.51 49.70 wc-40-1 88.69 wc-40-2 88.69 41.69 4632.5 n=9 51.41 N 52.30 1.35 16.40 7.53 0.08 D145.1 D145.2 D145.3 116.72 116.72 49.27 116.72 49.27 4665 4665 4665 4665 4817.5 n=6 n=1 n=2 n=1 E 51.10 E E 51.87 E 51.45 1.27 1.18 1.22 Al203 16.81 16.64 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P205 Cr203 7.11 0.09 Dredge Longitude(°E) Latitude (°S) Depth #Analyses Type Si02 Ti02 49.27 7.65 7.66 0.10 7.43 10.43 10.82 10.79 10.77 11.14 10.08 11.77 11.78 11.76 11.61 11.89 11.74 11.34 3.71 3.79 3.80 3.84 3.27 3.35 2.80 2.79 2.81 2.61 2.90 2.73 0.43 0.21 0.22 0.12 0.21 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.09 0.17 0.20 0.15 2.83 0.10 0.15 0.17 0.11 0.21 0,14 0.15 0.14 0.15 0.11 0.10 0.12 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.03 98.80 99.97 99.24 99.03 99.76 98.70 100.47 100.67 100.33 99.19 99.81 100.02 99.92 Na8 3.58 3.66 3.59 3.53 3.25 2.82 2.55 2.56 2.57 2.46 2.74 2.94 2.68 Fe8 6.53 6.96 6.71 6.57 7.44 8.08 9.43 9.60 9.55 9.62 9.09 9.41 9.23 CaO/Al203 0.62 0.34 0.65 0.66 0.67 0.70 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.74 0.76 0.17 0.17 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.80 0.08 0.80 0.17 0.70 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.06 Total K20/Ti02 Table 6 (cont'd) Dredge Longitude(°E) wc-47 wc-48 wc-49 wc-5O wc-51 wc-52 wc-53 wc-54 wc-55 wc-56 wc-57 wc-58 wc-59 wc-61 wc-62 wc-65 wc-66 95.84 95.93 95.97 96.06 97.48 98.84 98.97 99.05 104.17 104.28 105.26 107.14 108.66 108.92 110.60 113.72 117.84 Latitude(°S) 46,04 46.09 46.14 46.19 47.43 48.06 48.10 48.02 48.17 48.21 48.98 48.31 49.13 49.40 49.88 50.38 49.78 3286 2990 3126 3184 2422 2616 2650 2584 3552 3495 3664 2930 3850 3460 3074 4065 n=1 n=1 n=1 n=1 n=l n=i n=l n=1 n-i n=1 n=1 n=6 ni n=1 3870 n=i n=1 n=1 N N 51.49 N 51.75 E 50.25 51.88 N 50.60 51.02 51.31 50.55 N 51.34 N 51.74 50.79 N 50.85 N 51.72 N 52.16 N 50.67 N 50.04 N 50.34 1.65 1.62 1.37 1.47 1.87 2.14 1.65 2.03 1.91 1.75 1.62 1.71 1.32 1.23 1.44 1.71 1.20 Al203 15.11 17.36 14.87 15.24 13.91 13.69 15.21 14.79 14.35 14.44 14.49 14.48 15.16 15.96 14.74 14.40 15.13 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 9.65 7.81 9.08 9.20 10.74 11.67 10.07 10.46 10.21 10.21 9.62 10.10 9.13 8.32 8.70 9.44 8.47 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.12 8.23 8.22 7.86 8.16 12.02 2.75 Depth #Analyses Type Si02 Ti02 Cr203 Total NN,SMN,SM N 7.65 7.79 8.01 8.00 7.03 6.46 7.39 7.19 7.31 7.53 7.37 6.70 11.67 11.33 12.27 11.78 11.11 10.46 11.14 10.92 10.61 10.76 2.66 2.92 2.75 0.15 0.22 0.04 0.06 0.17 0.03 0.18 0.01 0.15 0.05 0.10 0.04 0.04 0.20 0.04 0.16 0.17 0.04 2.80 0.16 2.71 0.09 2.95 0.20 2.93 0.66 0.22 2.72 0.16 2.89 0.09 0.12 2.66 0.13 11.88 2.58 11.39 3.05 10.97 3.34 12.09 2.79 11.20 2.77 7.20 11.43 3.08 100.61 100.22 100.14 100.67 98.48 98.90 100.12 99.45 0.11 0.15 0.19 0.07 0.25 0.14 0.16 0.07 0.15 0.09 0.11 0.15 0.10 0.17 0.09 0.09 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.05 99.13 99.71 98.28 98.66 100.31 101.12 97.93 97.89 98.43 2.70 8.46 2.78 8.10 2.82 8.73 2.98 2.67 2.67 2.36 2.37 2.67 2.63 2.66 2.63 2.54 2.86 2.67 Feg 2.66 9.07 7.45 9.20 9.13 9.10 9.05 9.43 8.56 7.94 9.50 0.77 0.65 0.77 0.80 0.76 9.06 0.73 9.11 CaO/Al203 9.10 0.82 2.79 8.68 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.77 0.76 0.78 0.76 0.77 0.79 0.79 K2OITiO2 0.05 0.41 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.06 0.12 0.08 0.14 0.08 Na8 115 counted for 20 seconds, while P and K were counted for 30 seconds and Cr for 60 seconds. Typical standard deviations ranged from 0.01 oxide wt. % for K20 and Cr203 up to 0.12 oxide wt. % for Si02. Sample Information A total of 78 dredges and 22 rock cores were successfully completed (Fig 21). The sampling density varied widely, from 1 to 12 dredges (including seamounts) per segment. Lavas from these 110 localities were divided into 181 chemical groups, where each group represents lavas of similar composition from the same location. Lavas within each group were averaged to obtain a group composition. This allows a more straightforward comparison of variations along axis because it is not biased by numerous analyses of similar samples at individual locations. These group compositions are used to represent the data in all further discussions. Na8 Calculation Nag represents a back-calculation performed on a fractionated lava to determine what its Na20 value was at MgO = 8 wt %, before significant crystal fractionation occured. It is determined by back-calculating down the modeled fractional crystallization liquid line of descent (LLD) of a suite of lavas to estimate the supposed Na20 concentration at 8 wt % MgO. K+L (1987) first presented this parameter and used a regression through the global dataset based on segment and regional averages to determine the equation published in their manuscript. However, Nag can be calculated other ways. One could use the regional dataset, such as all the data from a single ridge, or even individual segment data to calculate the most accurate Nag value. For this paper, Nag values were calculated two different ways, using the global equation published in K+L (1987) and using a linear regression through the data, segment by segment. Because 116 the calculations yielded similar results, we have reported and plotted only the K+L approach in order to test the degree to which the SEIR behaved as a proxy for the calculations following the global ridge system. Results Most of the lavas are aphyric in hand sample, although a few contained up to 10% crystals. Their mineralogy ranges from plagioclase to plagioclase + olivine clinopyroxene, but plagioclase is the most commonly observed mineral, olivine is found in about half of the phyric samples, and clinopyroxene is rare. The chemical groups include 155 N-MORB (K20/Ti02 0.15), 26 E-MORB (K20/Ti02? 0.15), and 1 FeTi basalt (FeO*> 12 wt %, Ti02 > 2 wt % after Melson, 1976), from 154 axial and 27 seamount locations (Table 6). The number of compositional groups per segment on the SEIR ranges from 2 to 22, or approximately one per 14 km of ridge length. N-MORB are the principle composition recovered in the study area. Overall, these lavas form tight trends wherein the compatible elements decrease, and the incompatible elements increase with decreasing MgO. Glass compositions range from 6.2-9.8 wt % MgO, and vary in degree of crystallization from 9-68%,based on crystallization calculations in the methods section (Fig 22). The most primitive lavas are found at the eastern end of the study region, in the deepest axial segments; whereas the most evolved lavas occur on the shallowest segments and at propagating rift tips. Despite this rough correlation between lava composition and location, both primitive and evolved samples erupt throughout the area. Although the sampling density is of moderate resolution, there are hints of cyclical patterns along axis in major element compositions. For instance, at 88.92E, 99.l2E, and 1 10.41E, Ti02, FeO*, Si02, and Na2O all exhibit regional lows, while Al203 shows a regional high. Other elements also vary widely in concentration (Fig 23, Table 6). 117 Figure 22 Equilibrium crystallization liquid line of descent models for CaO, K20, Na20 and Ti02 versus MgO calculated using the model of Ariskin et al. (1993). Each symbol along the line represents one percent crystallization. The black cross is x kb, the gray cross is x kb, and the gray circle is x kb equilibrium crystallization. Note that the 2 and 3 kb models most accurately reproduce the range and magnitude of the data, but that the higher values of K20 and Na20 cannot be reproduced by any of the models. Figure 23 (a) Major and minor element variation of the Southeast Indian Ridge lavas with axial depth and longitude. Black symbols represent N-MORB, while gray symbols represent E-MORB. Axial samples are denoted by filled circles, seamount samples by open triangles. Note the strong correlaton between CaO and depth and longitude, and the nearly invariant behavior of K20 and Ti02 along axis. Also note that there is no pattern in the distribution of E-MORB along the ridge axis. (b) Na8, Fe8, and CaO/Al203 variations with axial depth and longitude, calculated according to the equations in Klein and Langmuir (1987). Note the strong correlations in each of the parameters. 118 Figure 22 13:5 13 12:5 4A Sis 10:5 10 0.3 0.25 I S S 0.2 .5 1.. t t.) 0.05 3.6 3.4 3.2 0 3. z 2.8 S S IS 1.SSI *m,tIa S 55 '- 2.6 2.4 2.2 0 2.5 2.0 0 S 1.5 1.0 0.5 MgO 10 119 Figure 23a 14.0 13.5 A 13.0 £ 12.5 C c) A .4 A 12.0 11.5 S A .$ . S. : A 11.0 10.5 ..:'. A S S S a S $ . 10.0 S 9.5 S A 0.8 A 0.7 £ S 0.6 A A t 05 S 0.4 $ 0.3 S a 0.1 S S.. 5.5$ 0.2 S : S !4S : S 2.0 1.8 .5 I . S S. 1.6 .s a 1.0 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 A S ' S A S .5:.. * .? 1.4 1.2 :Lf S 2.2 C I. 5 S S 2.6 2.4 . . * 2' A S S : .j. S S S A S S '-' 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 90 94 98 102 Longitude (oE) 106 110 114 118 120 Figure 23b 3.8 3.6 S 3.4 I 3.2 I 3.0 A z 2.8 . . 2.6 S S A S SI_ . .!..S St S. A SI : S S S S S S.. S S S S S : S 2.4 2.2 2.0 11 A A A A 10 S 9 .1 . S : S S S S A S. S?S. S ..I :5 S S S 8 . S. S S. S S 0.85 4 0.80 0.75 C = .. S S 'S S S S A .S A I' S S S S ... 55 0.70 0.65 - S S S S 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 90 94 98 102 Longitude (E) 106 110 114 118 121 K20, P205, Na20, Si02, K20/Ti02, Nag and Sig all increase slightly with increasing axial depth, while CaO, FeO, Feg and CaO/Al203 all decrease (Fig 23). MgO, Al203, Ti02 and the calculated % crystallization do not vary systematically with depth. (Fig 23, 24). Approximately 15% of the recovered lavas are E-MORB (K20/Ti02O.15), and they were dredged from more than half of the segments (Fig 23). Generally, they are located either at the western end of first-order segments and/or near propagating rift tips, but they are always found on short, second order ridge segments near ridge offsets. The two FeTi basalts were dredged from the far western end of the study area. The first is located on segment Cl 7, adjacent to the transform fault at 88°E. The second is located at the boundary between segments C16 and C15, on the southern arm of an overlapping spreading center. In detail, each segment of the SEIR shows its own unique behavior. On segments such as Cl 7, all of the data fall within a single linear array in variation diagrams versus MgO. However, within that array, all of the data from a single dredge display an oblique linear array, and each array is offset from the others (Fig 25). On other segments, the data fall into multiple groups or show no trend at all. In segment C14, the propagating rift is chemically distinct from the failed rift. Individual segments also distinguish themselves in their distinct Na8 and Fe8 behaviors. In Figure 26, Na8 is plotted versus Fe8 with each segment in a different symbol in order to see these distinctions. Based on the Klein and Langmuir (1987) model, it is thought that the areas with the highest Na8 and the lowest Fe8 are underlain by colder mantle, and that those with the lowest Na8 and highest Fe8 are underlain by the hotter mantle. Within this framework, the global array spans the spectrum from hot to cold mantle. Individual segments of the Southeast Indian Ridge data also exhibit a range of Na8 and Fe8 values in the form of a non-uniform progression from high Na8 and low Fe8 in the east (Segment C2) to low Na8 and high Fe8 in the west (Segment C 17). However, the data from individual segments form trends that are oblique to the overall SEIR dataset, as well as the global array, and subparallel to one another (Fig 26). As a whole, the SEIR dataset and the global array show a progression from shallow melting in 122 Figure 24 Comparison of Southeast Indian Ridge with Global Array in Na8, Fe8, and CaO/Al203 versus depth. Note that the SEIR data represents approximately 50% of the global range, yet has a shallower slope than the global array. Symbols are the same as in Fig. 23. 123 Figure 24 4.0 3.5 3.0 z 2.5 c 2.0 Global 1.5 Array 12 11 10 7 6 0.85 0.80 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 0 1000 2000 3000 Depth (m) 4000 5000 6000 124 Figure 25 Ti02 versus MgO for segments Cl 7 and C14 of the Southeast Indian Ridge. Note that individual dredges form trends oblique to the overall segment trend and that the propagating rift tip dredges are distinct from those away from the rift tip. 3.0 C17 2.5 T 42.0 + N 2 4 ..,.., 1.51.0 0.5 0.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 MgO 3.0 C14 2.5 2.0 N H 1.5 1.0 H C14 Propagating Rift 0.5 C14 Propagating Rift 0.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 MgO 9.0 10.0 125 Figure 26. SEIR Nag versus Fe8 with different symbols for each segment. Segments generally progress from higher Nag and lower Fe8 in the east to lower Nag and higher Feg in the west, suggestive of higher pressures and extents of melting in the west. Individual segments exhibit trends oblique to the Global Array and one another. Some segments are virtually invariant in Nag. Klein et al. data published in Klein et al. (1991). Pyle data published in Pyle (1994). 126 Figure 26 3.75 3.25 - . . A El DU 0 2.75 0 .0 0 0 2.25 1 0 0 A A A .0 A A a 1.75 1.25 7 85 95 105 115 125 135 Longitude(°E) 3.75 Regional Array 3.25 0 2.75 - 'A p I- 2.25 - . a Local Arrays z 0 A A . A 88- 120 PyIe Zone A Pyle AAD ADouglas-PrieFe ASP 0 Klein et al. Zone A 0 Klein et al. AAD 1.75 - Global Array OKlein et alA 15°-119° 1.25 0 1000 2000 3000 Depth (m) 4000 5000 6000 127 the east to deeper melting in the west, as evidenced by the instantaneous fractional melting trajectories overlain on Fig 26, after Langmuir et al. (1992). Discussion Crystallization Models We performed fractional and equilibrium crystallization models at multiple pressures in order to determine the type of crystallization, as well as the pressure and extent to which it occurred. Using the program developed by Ariskin et al. (1993), we determined that the 2-3 kb equilibrium crystallization models most accurately reproduce both the overall range of values and the inflections of the SEIR dataset (Fig 22). However, even the best-fitting models could not reproduce the large scatter within the data or the higher concentrations of the incompatible elements (overenrichment) at moderate to high MgO (Fig. 22). We also used the crystallization models to calculate the degree of crystallization each lava has experienced during the time between their creation and eruption at the surface, by determining the amount of crystallization per weight percent decrease in MgO. From the initial MgO (i.e that which is in equilibrium with the mantle), and its change during cooling and ascent, we determine the amount of crystallization. To do so, we used the Ariskin et al. (1993) model to calculate an equilibrium crystallization liquid line of descent. Since the model does not pass through every single datum, we must develop an algorithm for the amount of crystallization for any lava. From the model, the increase in crystallization per unit decrease in MgO can be calculated. For the SEIR, the lavas crystallize 17% per unit decrease in MgO above 8.6 wt %, and 23% per unit decrease in MgO below 8.6 wt %. (The inflection point in the equilibrum crystallization LLD at MgO=8.6 wt % represents the point where clinopyroxene joins the cotectic.) The amount of crystallization felt by a magma with MgO8.6, is equal to the difference in 128 MgO between 10.36 (the MgO we inferred to be in equilibrium with the mantle) and the actual MgO content of the magma, multiplied by 17% crystallization. For magmas with less than 8.6 wt % MgO, the amount of crystallization undergone is equal to the amount of crystallization between MgO=1 0.36-8.6, plus the amount that takes place below MgO=8.6. Based on these calculations, the SEIR lavas are best modeled by equilibrium crystallization ranging from less than 10 to nearly 70%. Similarities and Differences Between the SEIR and the Global Array To a first approximation, the Southeast Indian Ridge data comply with the global model set forth in K+L. The SEIR lava data overlap with the global array and represent 50% of the total global range in Na8, Fe8, and CaOIAl2O3. Regions considered to be underlain by warmer mantle, such as the west end of the study area, have lower Na8 and CaOIAl2O3, and higher Fe8 values consistent with clinopyroxene fractionation, higher extents and pressures of melting and a longer melting column. In contrast, lavas derived from colder mantle near the Australian-Antarctic Discordance have higher Na8 and CaOIAl2O8, and lower Fe8 values, consistent with lower extents and pressures of melting, as well as a shorter melting column. However, within the SEIR data, the scatter is large and more than one third of the data fall outside the global array field. The magnitude and range of compositions are similar to those reported in K+L (1987; 1989) for the Indian, South Atlantic and Southern Ridges, and unlike either the East Pacific Rise or the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In each case, however, a linear regression through the SEIR data produces a line with a shallower slope than that of the K+L global array (Table 7). When compared with the 95% confidence intervals for the SEIR regressions, the Klein and Langmuir global trends are found to be statistically distinct, confirming that the SEIR lavas behave differently than the global array (Table 7). In particular, for the plot of Na8 versus Fe8, we can mathematically derive the slope of the global array from the original Na8 and Fe8 equations published in K+L (1987) by solving for depth and then setting the two equations equal to one another. This Table 7. Comparison of linear equations of Na8, Fe8 and CaO/Al203 from previous research and this paper Error in Relationship Equation of Line Na8-Depth 2.9x10-4 (depth) + 1.60 8.75x10-5 (depth) + 2.49 -6.6x10-4 (depth) + 10.98 -2.30x10-4 (depth) + 9.58 -3.7x10-5 (depth) + 0.86 -2,87x10-5 (depth) + 0.86 -0.22 (depth) + 4.45 -0.126 (depth) + 3.88 Source Brodholt and Batiza This paper Brodholt and Batiza Fe8-Depth This paper CaO/Al203-Depth Brodholt and Batiza This paper Brodholt and Batiza Na8-Fe8 This paper R 0.87 0.32 0.66 0.27 0.74 0.53 0.65 0.39 Slope Error in Intercept 95% Confidence Interval ±2.3x10-5 ±0.07 - 1.33x10-4<slope<4.22x10-5 ±7.2x10-5 ±0.222 -8.8x10-5<slope<-3.71x1 0-4 ±4x 10-6 ±0.0126 -3.7x10-5<slope<-2. lx 10-5 ±0.026 ±0.23 -0.178<slope<-0.074 130 yields a slope of magnitude 0.224. (It is unclear why this does not yield a negative slope.) In contrast, a linear regression through the SEIR data reveals a slope of 0.126, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.178 to 0.074 (Fig 26, Table 7). Since the K+L slope does not fall within the 95% range, we can conclude that the two slopes are statistically different. The effect of the different slopes for any given depth is to yield higher Na8 and CaO/Al203 values, and lower Feg values than is predicted by the K+L model. It is therefore inaccurate to use the K+L model to predict values in the SEIR case. For example, at a depth of 3000 m, the K+L model would predict values of Na8 = 2.4, where the actual value is Na8 = 2.8. A higher Na8 value suggests that the SEIR lavas are the products of shallower, less extensive melting than is predicted by the global array. Similar offsets occur in the other K+L parameters (Table 8). Table 8. Predicted and actual values of Na8, Fe8 and CaO/Al203 for theSEIR and regional datasets. Parameter Predicted Actual SEIR only Actual-ASP-SEIR-AAD Nag Fe8 CaOIAl2O3 2.4 2.8 9 0.77 2.6 9.15 0.75 9.8 0.73 Because the study area is only one portion of the Southeast Indian Ridge, it is important to consider how the region between 88° and 118° fits within the regional context. In a linear regression through the segment averages of the Amsterdam-St. Paul, 88°-li 8°, and Australian-Antarctic Discordance data, we find that the regional line is 131 Figure 27 ASP, SEIR, and AAD Nag versus longitude and depth. Note that the three regions exhibit a coherent trend versus both longitude and depth. Also note that each area forms a trend oblique to the overall trend, but subparallel to one another. The ASP, SEIR, and AAD data are offset from the global array to higher Nag values. Figure 26 3.4 - C2 . 3.2 C3 C4 X: C7 El 3.0 ri :: C8 - z x Oii. +,:. 2.8 - C9 0 - 2.6 0r1 t( - 0 . do D r x0 0 0 0 - G dO DCII 0 D 2.4 X C5 x x C12 C13 o C14 +C15 0 C16 C17 2.2 - 2.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 Fe8 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 133 closer to the global array, but still distinct. For the regional data (ASP-SEIR-AAD), the Nag, Fe8, and CaO/Al203 trends are actually parallel to, yet offset from the global trends to higher Na8 and CaO/Al203 and lower Fe8 at any given depth (Fig 27; Table 8). In addition, in Nag versus depth, individually, each group forms a trend oblique to the global trend and the regional trend, but subparallel to one another. The Southeast Indian Ridge data also differ from the global array in segment- scale processes. On the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, K+L observed "local" trends that are oblique to the global array, yet parallel to one another, which they suggested might represent the evolution of lavas within a single melting colunm ("intra-column"), as opposed to those of the global array, which represent the relationship between all of the melting columns ("inter-column"). Similar to the local trends observed in the MidAtlantic Ridge data, on the Southeast Indian Ridge, individual segments do form oblique trends that cross-cut the overall trend in the data, as well as the global array. However, this is not true for all segments, and for the segments that do show trends, they are not parallel to one another, nor do they mimic the slope of the Atlantic local trends. Many of the segments exhibit nearly invariant behavior in Na8, similar to trends reported at the ASP region by Douglas-Priebe (1998). One possible explanation for how the local trends can be parallel, yet offset, is that each melting column might have a different Na20 content in its starting composition to provide the offset, and then undergo the same processes to provide the parallel trends. The fact that the segment-scale trends of the SEIR are not parallel is consistent with each melting column having its own unique composition and/or magmatic history. However, since some segments, like C2, exhibit no local trend, but follow the global array instead, some columns, like all of the EPR, show only the global trend. For segments to have nearly constant Na8, lavas must undergo a range of mean pressures of melting, but nearly constant extents of melting. Douglas-Priebe (1998) cited imperfect pooling of melts and mantle heterogeneity as possible causes of this behavior. Given the fact that neither the East Pacific Rise nor the Southeast Indian Ridge exhibits the local trends seen on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, we cannot consider the intra vs inter-column assessment to be a global phenomenon. To summarize, although some segments along the Southeast Indian Ridge exhibit localized 134 trends, others do not, indicating that the behavior is non-uniform, and therefore inconsistent with simple predictions from the global model set forth in K+L. We believe that the ridge is multi-dimensional and that certain areas may have unique combinations of parameters. At certain critical or "threshold" values of spreading rate, composition, scale of mantle heterogeneities, and mantle temperature variations, contrasting and different patterns may be expressed in erupted lavas that obscure or modify the first firstorder mantle temperature control. Causes for Deviations from K+L The chemical compositions erupted on the Southeast Indian Ridge are inconsistent with the current global paradigm. There are several possible reasons for these distinctions. First, the global array may not represent the global range of values. Klein and Langmuir relied strongly on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise for the development of their global dataset. Hamelin et al. (1986) found that the Indian Ocean has remained partially isolated from the other ocean basins, thereby preventing it from mixing with the global reservoir and therefore, allowing it to retain a distinct isotopic signature. In addition, the fact that the Indian Ocean is the youngest ocean basin provides further opportunity for the mantle to be isotopically and chemically distinct, and adds credence to tl1e possibility that it contains more heterogeneities (possibly at different scales) than the other oceans because it has had less time to thoroughly mix or is in closer proximity to them (e.g. continental sources). Second, the offsets in both Na8 and Feg suggest that either the underlying mantle temperature is lower andlor the depth of the ridge axis is shallower than the global paradigm would predict. Lower temperatures would be in accord with the AAD which is known for its anomalously cold mantle and is the topographically deepest part of the global mid-ocean ridge system. However, shallow crust would require a mechanism for crustal inflation unrelated to mantle temperature, such as: proximity to hotspot or anomalously thin (dynamically compensated) crust, differing flow rates. Because 135 individual segments progress non-uniformly from high Na8 and low Fe8 to low Nag and high Fe8, either the mantle temperature or crustal thickness variations are non-uniform. This is consistent with mantle tomography work by Roult et al. (1994) who found non- linear temperature variations along axis. If this is true, then the mantle beneath the 88E area is, on average, colder than "normal" mantle underlying ridges elsewhere of this depth, since it is at the average axial depth of 27OO m. With regard to the SEIR data,we have failed to find modeled conditions for shallow level fractionation that predict the observed data. This suggests that either fractionation is occurring at a higher pressure, or that fractionation is not the only process at work. K+L also assume that all variability in Na8, outside of error introduced at low MgO, is the result of mantle processes (differing pressures and extents of melting). However, there are many other ways to introduce variations in Na. In the mantle, Na is found in the jadeite component of clinopyroxene. According to Putirka (1998), the Na content is sensitive to the Al content of the liquid, and, in addition, DNa p'q increases substantially with increasing pressure, ranging from --O.O5 to 1. Pyroxene phase equilibria and the modes in which pyroxene occurs in the mantle are not well constrained (Longhi and Bertka 1996; Shimizu et al. 1997). Changes in these parameters would cause significant differences in Na20, and therefore Na8 values of the derived lavas. In addition, any mantle heterogeneities could also cause deviations in Na20 and Nag from the global array. 136 Table 9. Observations and conclusions based on the Southeast Indian Ridge major element data. Observations Conclusions SEIR Na8, Fe8, CaO/Al203 show same correlations as the K+L global dataset, but with different slopes SEIR Na8, Fe8, CaO/Al203 represent approximately 50% of the global range Areas near ASP have low Na8, high Fe8, Low Si8 Areas near the AAD have high Na8, low Fe8, and high Sig Individual segments show no systematic trends Scatter in parameters Segments and groups of segments exhibit sub-parallel "local"-type trends Local-type trends are not parallel to one another and not as well-defined as on MAR Local trends are invariant in Na8 Segments show a non-uniform progression from shallow to deep One segment, C8, shows lower Na8 and higher Fe8, evidence for warmer than predicted mantle temperature for this longitude Chemistry constant across certain segment boundaries Chemical differences no more distinct across transform boundaries than segment boundaries 1. SEIR is not representative of the global system; 2. K+L did not incorporate the global network when formulating the global eqns; 3. AND/OR since Indian Ocean is younger and isotopically distinct, maybe it is also chemically distinct with younger, hone Axial morphology, depth and geophysics represent only a fraction of the total global range; chemistry is consistent with other properties This is consistent with high pressures and extents of melting, and hot mantle (longer melting column) near ASP. This is consistent with low pressures and extents of melting and colder mantle (shorter melting column) near AAD. Sample density is not high enough and either temperature variations are not systematic OR they are not resolvable at this scale May be due to K+L type"local trends" 1. These could be the intracolumn trends described in K+L; 2. SEIR is more MAR-like than EPR-like because EPR doesn't show local trends; 3. This would imply the absence of a long-lived or steady-state magma lens. Indicates that separate columns are not undergoing identical processes Also true for the ASP. Implies that the same extents of melting are occuring at different pressures. 1. whatever variations are causing the depth gradient are non-monotonic; 2. crustal thickness variations would be due to different extents of melting due to differences in mantle temperaturemaybe deviations from uniform progression represent magma inject Magma injection? 1. Combine segments CS and C6, C9 and C 10, and C 13 and C 13/14; separate C8/9 from its neighbors; 2. Tectonic boundaries may be unrelated to changes in mantle temperature 1. The tectonic corridors described by Hayes and Kane (1994) do not translate into major element or K+L parameter distinctions; 2. The chemical cell is not obvious and must be determined by looking at other parameters, either chemical or otherwise. 137 Conclusions In summary, the Southeast Indian Ridge provides a unique opportunity to study the controls on crustal accretion in the absence of variations in spreading rate. In this study, we have found that the SEIR dataset does not comply with the commonly accepted paradigm of differences in morphology and chemical composition being the result of changes in the spreading rate. Specifically, we have found that: The SEIR exhibits approximately 50% of the global range of MORB compositions in Nag, Fe8 and CaO/Al203. The maj or element chemistry of the erupted lavas on the SEIR is consistent with other properties of the ridge, such as variations in depth and morphology, which also exhibit large ranges. The SEIR lavas exhibit a range in MgO, but none of the lavas is primitive enough to be in equilibrium with the mantle. Therefore, the most primitve melts must not erupt at the surface. Lavas are the products of large extents of crystallization based on equilibrium crystallization calculations performed using the Ariskin et al. (1993) model. The large range of Na8 and Fe8 values suggests that the SEIR lavas were created by large range of pressures and extents of melting. Since the SEIR lavas progress from higher Na8 and lower Fe8 in the east to lower Na8 and higher Fe8 in the west, we agree that there must be a temperature gradient along axis. However, becuase the progression is non-uniform, the temperature variations must also be non-uniform. It appears that the mantle is colder under 88°E on the Southeast Indian Ridge than would normally be found elsewhere. It is possible that the major element mantle heterogeneity is stronger in the Indian Ocean than in other ocean basins. 138 Acknow1edements We thank Brendan Sylvander and Frank Sprtel for collecting the major element data published in this paper. 139 Summary Rachel Sours-Page July, 2000, 2 pages 140 The study of mid-ocean ridge basalts is all about magmatic processes. The chemical composition of MORB, their crystals and inclusions allows us to distinguish between processes and determine the unique history of a single lava. Based on the three studies presented here, it is evident that MORB lava compositions reflect extensive magmatic processing. In all cases, lavas have undergone significant pooling and crystallization that have modified their original chemical compositions. On the Juan de Fuca Ridge, we found that the two coeval lava suites could not have been formed from the same mantle source. Instead, there must be localized mantle heterogeneities that provide both a refractory harzburgite and a relatively enriched clinopyroxenite in close proximity. In addition, the study of melt inclusions in that region proved that melt inclusions and their associated lavas are genetically related and that, at least in some regions, melts pass through the melting regime as discrete packets and do not mix with one another until reaching the base of the crust. In contrast, on the northern East Pacific Rise, we found that there are fewer complexities in the mantle, but more in the crust and axial magma chamber. Axial and seamount samples share the same mantle source, but the seamounts experience the axial magma chamber to a lesser degree, causing systematic differences in the two magma groups in terms of degree of fractionation and crystal content. In addition, we found that within the crust, both groups experience crystal sorting, wherein the crystal are removed from the lava. 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