12.335/12.835 EXPERIMENTAL ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY, FALL 2014 TOPIC 1 ATMOSPHERIC PHOTOCHEMISTRY and AIR POLLUTION MODELING GASES AND AEROSOLS RONALD PRINN & MARIA ZAWADOWICZ SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 1 GASEOUS CHEMICAL RATE EXPRESSIONS IN MODELS 2 3 Summary of gaseous chemical rate expressions for production and loss of species i including surface sources and sinks: (1) Ji[i] where Ji can be derived from UV measurements (1) kij[i][j] where kij is given (1) lijm[i][j][m] where lijm is given surface = w (2) i sink dep[i] where wdep is given surface either given or estimated from model(1) i emissions measurement comparison 4 AEROSOL PHYSICAL RATE EXPRESSIONS IN MODELS dN k = Rate of change of aerosol number density dt (with size between k and k + dk) = Emission (surface and in situ) + Condensation of precursor gases + Complete evaporation of water from cloud droplets + Coagulation of smaller aerosols + Fragmentation of larger aerosols ± Sedimentation (net into & out of layer) - Coagulation with any other aerosols - Coalescence (into water droplets) Fragmentation by collisions with other aerosols Deposition (all surfaces) Rainout (to surface) "Activation" to form cloud droplets dN coag kcoag N * N dt dN coal kcoal N ** N dt dN dep vdep N dt dN rain N rain dt etc. 5 DIAGNOSTIC EQUATIONS ASSUME A PHOTOCHEMICAL STEADY STATE (PSSA) Recall PSSA equations ignore influence of meteorology so valid only when wind speed u ~ 0 In PSSA: rate of loss (Li) = rate of production (Pi) e. g. for the ozone chemical reaction set including NOx and HOx chemistry: (1) NO + O3 -> NO2 + O2 (2) NO2 + hv -> NO + O (3) O + O2 + M -> O3 + M (4) O3 + hv -> O2 + O (5) NO2 + OH + M -> HNO3 + M (6) OH + CO -> H + CO2 (7) H + O2 + M -> HO2 + M (8) HO2 + NO -> OH + NO2 We have for NO, HO2, H and O concentrations: k1[O3][NO] + k8[HO2][NO] = J2[NO2] i.e. [NO2]/[NO] = (k1[O3] + k8[HO2])/J2 k8[HO2][NO] = l7[H][O2][M] i.e. [HO2] /[H] = l7[O2][M]/(k8[NO]) l7[H][O2][M]= k6[CO][OH] i.e. [H]/[OH] = k6[CO]/(l7[O2][M]) l3[O][O2][ M]= J2[NO2] + J4[O3] i.e. [O]/[O3] = (J2[NO2]/[O3] + J4)/(l3[O2][M]) Recall the PSSA analytical solution when we consider NOx but not HOx chemistry: 6 PROGNOSTIC (CONTINUITY) EQUATIONS TAKE ACCOUNT OF PROGNOSTIC CHEMISTRY AND TRANSPORT BY WINDS [i] d[i] v[i] u[i] [ ]chem w[i] dt t x y z The local change (rate of accumulation) of i in the box Actual production or destruction of i within the box Change in [i] due to loss to downstream boxes or arrival from an upstream box (called advection or convection) HYBRID CHEMICAL KINETIC EQUATIONS (1) Use prognostic equations, (d[i]/dt) chemistry = Pi - Li) for long lived species like [Ox] (=[O] + [O3]) and [NOx](=[NO + [NO2]) (2) Use diagnostic (steady state) equations, Pi = Li for short lived species like O, NO, H and HO2 to provide the ratios [O]/[O3], [NO2]/[NO], [HO2]/[H] and [H]/[OH] (3) Assume [HOx] = [H] + [OH] + [HO2] ~ [HO2] is given (4) Use observed values for [CO] (5) Use lowest observed [NOx] and [O3] as boundary conditions for NOx and Ox 7 A SIMPLE PHOTOCHEMICAL BOX MODEL to simulate time-varying concentrations of trace gases and aerosols using the PROGNOSTIC CONTINUITY EQUATION u upwind d[i]box surface [i]box ([i]top [i]box ) / exchange (surface Pi Li [i] i,emissions i,sin k ) /Z dt X 8 EXAMPLE: ANALYTICAL SOLUTION TO THE CONTINUITY EQUATION RELATING MOLE FRACTION (Xi) OF i=NO (as a function of distance (x) from a source region) ASSUMING A CONSTANT HORIZONTAL WIND SPEED (u), A PHOTOCHEMICAL STEADY-STATE, A ONE DIMENSIONAL (x AXIS) MODEL and LOSS DUE TO NO + O3 NO2 + O2 WITH [O3] >> [NO] STEADY STATE STEADY ST : d[i]downwind d[i] dX Pi Li [M]u i 0 Pi Li u dt dx dx (X i = [i]/[M] = mole _ fraction) Define τ(NO) = 1/(k[O3] where k is rate constant for reaction of NO (e.g. from engine exhausts) with ozone 9 INCORPORATING METEOROLOGY IN THE BOX MODEL 1. USE THE u MEASUREMENTS TO ALIGN THE MODEL x AXIS AND USE IN THE BOX MODEL ADVECTION TERMS. 2. USE THE T & u MEASUREMENTS TO CALCULATE A RICHARDSON NUMBER TO HELP CHOOSE SUITABLE texchange VALUES. T OP OF BOUNDARY LAYER . © Cory Cripe. Some rights reserved. License: CC BY-NC 3.0. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/help/faq-fair-use/. 3. USE TEMPERATURE SOUNDINGS OR HAZE LAYER HEIGHT TO ESTIMATE Z 10 COMPONENTS OF ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY MODELS DYNAMICAL EQUATIONS Winds , Eddy diffusion coefficients MASS CONTINUITY EQUATION MOMENTUM EQUATIONS Temperature THERMODYNAMIC EQUATION CHEMICAL Rates for Heating = Pi - Li - EQUATIONS U. V r Fo o ph Flu xe s .([i]V) ~ n tio ia oc ss di s to ate r { ∂t ∆ RADIATION For Unpredicted green house gases use scenarios or extra polations For Source gases use predictions, extra polations or scenarios ∂ [i] Concentrations (O3, etc.) Rates for Chemistry { CONTINUITY EQUATIONS TRANSPORT, CHEMISTRY AND RADIATION COMPONENTS IN COMPLEX 3D MODELS Interactions Between Air Pollution and Climate Stratosphere UV O2 NO2 O3 O2 UV OH NO HNO3 O( D) OH N 2O Lightning H2O CO2 Hydrosphere H2SO4 HO2 O2 1 CO OH CH4 CO2 OH CFCs BC SO2 Biosphere & Human Activity Greenhouse Gases Primary & Secondary Pollutants Absorbing Aerosols (BC) Reactive Free Radical/Atom Less Reactive Radicals Reflective Aerosols Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare. 11 The spatial grid We divide the earth’s atmosphere into a finite number of boxes (grid cells). Assume that each variable has the same value throughout the box. Write a budget for each each box, defining the changes within the box, and the flows between the boxes. © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/help/faq-fair-use/. 12 INTERSPECIES (CO-PM) CORRELATIONS [Note Expect PM10 > PM2.5 > PM1] 13 N W S E N USE iPHONE COMPAS S TO INTEPRET RE BLDG 54 CO - WIND (DIRECTION, SPEED) CORRELATIONS 14 N W S E N USE iPHONE COMPAS S TO INTEPRET RE BLDG 54 PM - WIND (DIRECTION, SPEED) CORRELATIONS 15 [Note Expect O3 > 40ppb ] [Note Expect NOx > NO] 16 N W S E N [Note Expect O3 > 40ppb ] [Note Expect NOx > NO] 17 MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 12.335 / 12.835 Experimental Atmospheric Chemistry Fall 2014 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.