Gap colonization in grasslands of the Northern Great Plains by Elibeth Mary Payson A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biological Sciences Montana State University © Copyright by Elibeth Mary Payson (1996) Abstract: The effects of gap size on colonizer success was examined in two intermountain grasslands during two years. Eight species, four grasses and four forbs with a range of seed size and rooting systems was considered. Gaps ranging from 1 cm2 to 1 m2 were created in two sites. Measurements were taken on plant emergence, survival, biomass, and height on each plant. Environmental factors are examined to help explain the results. Results indicate that gap size affects plant emergence, survival, biomass, and height. Emergence is little affected by gap size. Survival, especially in drier years, tends to increase with increasing gap size and significantly so when disturbances reach 1 m2. Biomass, an indicator of plant growth, tends to increase with gap size and this increase becomes significant with gap sizes of 1 m2. Another index of plant growth, height, shows similar behavior. Survival and growth are affected by physical and biological factors. Thus, germination tended to be greater in a moister site. Available water plays an important role in both grasslands. Key Words: gap colonization, competition, grassland GAP COLONIZATION IN GRASSLANDS OF THE NORTHERN GREAT PLAINS by Elizabeth Mary Payson A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment o f the requirements for the degree of Master o f Science in Biological Sciences MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, MT April, 1996 a/3'1? a APPRO V A L o f a thesis submitted by Elizabeth Mary Payson This thesis has been read by each member o f the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College o f Graduate Studies. Theodore W. Weaver III I Chairperson, Graduate Committee C Date Approved for the Department of Biology Ernest R. Vyse /7 ^ /0 Department Head Date Approved for the College o f Graduate Studies Dat in STA TEM EN T O F PE R M ISSIO N TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment o f the requirements for a master's degree at Montana State University—Bozeman, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under the rules o f the Library. If I have indicated my intention to copyright this thesis by including a copyright notice page, copying is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with "fair use" as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction o f this thesis in whole or in parts may be granted only by the copyright holder. A CK N O W LED G EM EN TS I would like to expresss my appreciation and thanks to the following people and departments for their assistance during the course o f my studies: To Professor T. Weaver for being so generous with his time, so incredibly patient, and interested in people's ideas. Dr. Weaver has a genuine enthusiasm for scientific questions which is infectuous, and I particularly appreciate his liberal arts approach to academia. To my committee members, Dr. Bruce Maxwell, Dr. Rich Stout, and Dr. Bret Olsen, for their support in preparing this thesis. Especially to Dr. Bruce Maxwell, who assisted in the planning and analysis o f this work. To Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society for a Grant-in-aid-of-Research to help support this study. Also to the Biology Department for financial assistance provided in the form o f a Graduate Teaching Assistantship. Tb my parents for providing me with the opportunity to pursue my interests, for instilling in me the curiosity and skills to follow it, and for their constant support. vi TABLE O F CONTENTS Page VITA............................................................................................................................ h, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................... vi LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES......:............................................................................................ xii ABSTRACT................................................................................................................. xiii INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... I Background.............................................................. ........................................... I Problem Statement......... .................................................................................... I Literature Review................................................................................................ 2 M ETHODS...................................................................................................................6 Site Description................................................................................................... 6 Data Collection................................................................................................... 6 Analysis................................................................................................................. 9 RESULTS..................................................................................................... Introduction.......................................................................................................... Plant Performance................................................... .:.......................... ............... Emergence Response to gap size, site, species, and year.................. Survival Response to gap size, site, species, and year........................ Biomass Response to gap size, site, species, and year....................... 1993 Biomass Regressions........,........................... 1993 Biomass Anovas............................................................... 1994 Biomass Regressions....................................................... Forb v. Grass Regressions......................................................... 1994 Biomass Anovas............................................................... 1993 v. 1994 Biomass Regressions......................................... 1993 v. 1994 Biomass Anovas..;............................................. 14 14 14 14 15 16 17 17 17 17 18 19 19 vii TABLE O F C Q N T E N T S -Continued Height Response to gap size, site, species, and year............................ 20 1993 Height Regressions............................................................ 20 1993 Height Anovas.................................................................. 20 1994 Height Regressions............................................................ 20 1994 Height Anovas.................................................................. 21 Forb v. Grass Regressions.......................................................... 22 1993 v. 1994 Height Regressions.............................................. 22 1993 v. 1994 Height Anovas......................................................22 Seed Production...................................................................................... 23 Environmental Characteristics o f the Sites.............. 23 Precipitation.................................................. 23 Grasshopper Herbivory.............. 24 Light Intensity.................................................................... 24 Soil M oisture................................... 25 DISCUSSION................................................................................................................26 Emergence.............................................................................................................. 26 Survival................................................................................................................. 27 Gap Size................................................................................................... 27 Site........................................................................................................... 28 Year..................... •................................................................................... 28 Species.................................................................................... 29 Year and Species Interaction............................................................... 29 Biomass................................................................................................................ 29 1993 Gap Size........................................................................................ 29 1994 Gap Size...................................................... 30 1993 Site........................................................... 32 1994 Site............. :.................................................................................. 32 Grass v. Forb......-.................................. 33 Seed Size................................................................................................. 34 Year............................................................................................................ 33 Height...................................................................................................................... 34 Gap............................... 34 Site and Y ear.......................................................................................... 35 Seed Production.................................................................................................. 35 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................. 36 LITERATURE CITED............................................................................................... 38 APPENDIX................................................................................................................. 43 via LIST O F TABLES Table Page 1. Characteristics o f Plants Treated............................................................................... 44 2. Emergence (%) o f all Species at Five Gap Sizes..................................................... 45 3. Emergence (%) and Survival (%) at Each Date and Site................. ...................... 46 4. Total emergence (%) for Each Plant......................................................................... 47 5. Effect o f Gap Size, Site, and Species on Plant Survival (%), 1993...................... 48 6. Analysis o f Variance on W heat and Knapweed Survival Data,1993..................... 48 I. Analysis o f Variance on Survival Data from 1994................................. 49 8. Effect o f Gap Size, Site, and Species on Plant Survival (%),1994........................ 50 9. Analysis o f Variance on Survival Data, 1993 and 1994......................................... 51 10. Effect o f Site and Year on Survival (%) o f Knapweed and Wheat 1993 and 1994................. '................................................................ ........................ 51 II. Relationship o f Plant Weight (g) to Site, Year, and Hole Size........................... 52 12. Analysis o f Variance on Wheat and Knapweed Weight from Both Sites, 1993.................................... 53 13. 1993 Plant Weights (g) at Both Sites, 1993............................. ............................. 53 14. Analysis o f Variance, Wheat and Knapweed" Weight, Blue Grama Site, 1993................................................................................................................... 54 15. Analysis o f Variance, Wheat and Knapweed Weight Idaho Fescue Site, 1993............. 54 16. Wheat and Knapweed Weights (g) at the Blue Grama Site, 1 9 9 3 ..................... 55 17. 1993 W heat and Knapweed Weight (g) at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1993............ 55 18. Grass and Forb Height and Weight in Relationship to Gap Size........................ 56 ix L IST O F TA BLES-Continued Table Page 19. Analysis of Variance Plant Weights (Log Transformed) at Both Sites, 1994..............................................................................................................• 57 20. Effect o f Gap Size on Plant Weights (g), Both Sites, 1994.................................. 57 11 21. Plant Weights (g) at the Blue Grama Site, 1994.................................................. 58 22. Analysis o f Variance on Plant Weights, Blue Grama Site, 1994 ......................... 58 23. Plant Weights (g) at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1994................................................ 59 24. Analysis o f Variance on Plant Weights (Log Transformed) at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1994..................................................................................................... 59 25. Analysis o f Variance on Wheat and Knapweed Weight at Both Sites, 1993 and 1994........................................................................................................... 60 26. Effect o f Gap Size on Wheat and Knapweed Weights (g) at Both Sites, 1993 and 1994........................................................................................................... 60 27. Analysis o f Variance on Plant Weights at the Blue Grama Site, 1993 and 1994............................................................................................................ 61 28. Wheat and Knapweed Weights (g) at the Blue Grama Site, 1993 and 1994................................................................... ....................................... 61 29. Analysis o f Variance on Weights at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1993 and 1994.......................................................................................................... 62 30. Wheat and Knapweed Weights (g) at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1993 and 1994........................................................................................................... 62 31. Relationship o f Plant Height to Site, Year, and Gap Size......................................63 32. Analysis o f Variance on Wheat and Knapweed Heights at Both Sites, 1993.................................................... ' ...................................................................... 64 Y ■I L IST O F T A B L E S -Continued Table Page 33. Effects o f Gap Size on Wheat and Knapweed Heights (cm) at Both Sites, 1993....................................................................................................... 64 34. Analysis o f Variance on Wheat and Knapweed Heights at the Blue Grama Site,. 1993............................................................................................ 65 3 5. Analysis o f Variance on Wheat and Knapweed Heights at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1993......................................................................................... 65 36. Wheat and Knapweed Heights (cm) at the Blue Grama Site, 1 9 9 3 .....................66 37. Wheat and Knapweed Heights (cm) at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1993................. 66 38. Plants Heights (cm) at Both Sites, 1994........................................................ 67 39. Plants Heights (cm) at the Blue Grama Site, 1994........... 68 40. Plants Heights (cm) at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1994.......................................... 69 4 1. Analysis o f Variance on Wheat and Knapweed Heights at Both Sites, 1994........................................................................................................................... 70 42. Analysis o f Variance on Wheat and Knapweed Heights at the Blue Grama Site, 1994.............................. 70 43. Analysis o f Variance on Wheat and Knapweed Heights at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1994...................................................................................................... 71 44. Effect o f Gap Size on Wheat and Knapweed Heights (cm) at Both Sites, 1993 and 1 9 9 4 ....................................................................................... 72 45. Analysis o f Variance on Wheat and Knapweed Heights at Both Sites, 1993 and 1994................................................................. 72 46. Analysis o f Variance on Wheat and Knapweed Heights at the Blue Grama Site, 1993 and 1994............................ ........................................................ 73 47. Analysis o f Variance on Wheat and Knapweed Heights at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1993 and 1994..................................................................................... 73 L IST O F TABLES—Continued Table Page 48. Effect o f Gap Size onWheat and Knapweed Heights (cm) at the Blue Grama Site, 1993 and 1 9 9 4 .......................................................................... 74 49. Effect o f Gap Size on Wheat and Knapweed. Heights (cm) at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1993 and 1994......................................................................... 74 50. Precipitation Data at the Blue Grama Site, compared to Long Term.................. 75 5 1. Precipitation Data at the Idaho Fescue Site, compared to Long Term............ 76 52. Percentages o f Plants Eaten By Grasshoppers at Both Sites, 1993 and 1994................................................................................................................... 77 53. Signed Rank Sum Test Results for Grasshopper Control............................ 77 54. Light Intensity (Pages) in Gaps............................................................................... 77 55. Soil Moisture (%) at Both Sites, 1994.......................... 78 56. Emergence (%) o f Eight Species at Both Sites, 1993 and 1994......................... 79 57. Survival (%) o f Eight Species at Both Sites, 1993 and 1994........................... 80 58. Knapweed and Wheat Heights and Weights at the Blue Grama Site, 1993................................................................................................................... 81 59. Knapweed and Wheat Heights and Weights at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1993.................................................................................................................. 82 60. Grass Heights and Weights at the Blue Grama Site, 1994................................... 83 61. Grass Heights and Weights at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1994.............................. 84 62. Forb Heights and Weights at the Blue Grama Site, 1994.................................... 85 63. Forb Heights and Weights at the Idaho Fescue Site, 1994 86 xii LIST O F FIG U RES Figure Page 1. Effect og Gap Size on Forb Weight (Log Scale)........................................... 87 2. Effect og Gap Size on Grass Weight (Log Scale)........................................... 87 3. Effect og Gap Size on Forb Height (Log Scale)............................................ 88 4. Effect og Gap Size on Grass Height (Log Scale)........................................... 88 5. Clover Weight at Both Sites....................................................................................... 89 6. Sunflower Weight at Both Sites................................................................................. 90 7. Crested Wheatgrass Weight at Both Sites............................................................... 91 8. Cheatgrass Weight at Both Sites............................................................................... 92 9. Com Weight at Both Sites......................................................................................... 93 10. Knapweed Weight at Both Sites, 1993................................................................... 94 11. Knapweed Weight at Both Sites, 1994................................................................... 95 12. Wheat Weight at Both Sites, 1993......................................................................... 96 13. Wheat Weight at Both Sites, 1994 97 xiii ABSTRA CT The effects o f gap size on colonizer success was examined in two intermountain grasslands during two years. Eight species, four grasses and four forbs with a range o f seed size and rooting systems was considered. Gaps ranging from I cm2 to I m2 were created in two sites. Measurements were taken on plant emergence, survival, biomass, and height on each plant. Environmental factors are examined to help explain the results. Results indicate that gap size affects plant emergence, survival, biomass, and height. Emergence is little affected by gap size. Survival, especially in drier years, tends to increase with increasing gap size and significantly so when disturbances reach I m2. Biomass, an indicator o f plant growth, tends to increase with gap size and this increase becomes significant with gap sizes o f I m2. Another index o f plant growth, height, shows similar behavior. Survival and growth are affected by physical and biological factors. Thus, germination tended to be greater in a moister site. Available water plays an important role in both grasslands. Key Words: gap colonization, competition, grassland I • IN T RO D U C TIO N Background Due to intense competition, plants rarely establish in undisturbed vegetation. Disturbance creates gaps which allow change in grasslands through lateral growth of dominants or seeds from mobile natives, mobile exotics (both opportunists), or less mobile natives. We hypothesize that the likelihood of establishment o f a plant from a seed increases as the size o f disturbance increases, that is, as the probability of reinvasion by competing roots, stolons, or rhizomes diminishes. Problem Statement Natural disturbances in grasslands may range in size from worm holes (I cm2), hoof prints (10 cm2), gopher mounds (100 to 1000 cm2), and elk or bison wallows (I m2). The object o f this paper was to compare the establishment success of diverse plants in these five hole sizes in two very different grasslands and two very different years. W e tested four hypotheses: I) Germination does not vary with gap size because the limiting resource, water, is abundant in the spring, 2) Establishment and growth is better in larger disturbance sizes. 3) Establishment and growth are better in molster grasslands and moister years, 4.) Forbs establish more easily than grasses in grasslands because their taproots compete less with the diffuse roots o f grasses. The study was conducted in two grasslands, one dry and one wet, over a dry year and a moist year. Success o f plants representing varying seed size, rooting 2 strategy, colonizing strategy, and growth form was compared. Our results shed light on community structure, illuminating the role that gaps play in natural community dynamics. W e simultaneously show how weeds respond to natural disturbances. Literature Review Gaps are places in a plant community where either the shoot or root canopy have been disrupted. These disturbances are normal in grassland ecosystems, and provide space which plants may colonize. Tilman (1982) offers two ways to think o f this space. The first is as an open space devoid o f other organisms. The second, which he argues as the more pertinent, is as the sum of the resources which it offers. Lieberman and Leiberman (1989) echo this in their article "Forests are not just swiss cheese." Commonly gaps, or disturbances, are considered as a break in an otherwise continuous vegetative cover. Lieberman and Lieberman (1989) argue that this is the wrong supposition, and that to assess the effect o f a disturbance, the entire community including gaps, must be included in a comparison of a particular gap to the fabric o f a forest. It is beneficial, therefore, to compare grasslands o f different densities, because they do not behave similarly. The importance o f gaps and patchy landscapes have been emphasized by numerous authors (Tilman, 1982; Pickett and W hite, 1985a; McConnaughay and Bazzaz, 1987)., Gaps play a central role in community structure, diversity, development, and succession in grasslands. Once considered to be a stable community in which disturbance was infrequent (Clements and Shelford, 1939) researchers have come to 3 recognize the importance o f disturbances caused by animals, fire, and erosion (Arno and Gruel, 1983; Daubenmire 1978; Umbanhower, 1991). All three authors assert that the occurrence o f fire in grasslands prevents encroachment by trees into the grassland. Disturbances caused by animals to plants or the soil are addressed by many authors as well. (McCaunnaghay and Bazzaz, 1990; Coffin and Lauenroth, 1989; Coffin and Lauenroth, 1990; Coffin and Lauenroth, 1994; Fenner 1980). The nonequilibrium approach, the idea that plant communities are constantly subjected to disturbances and different areas are in vaious stages of recovery, is clear (Reice, 1994). Small scale gaps influence succession by returning parts o f a site to lower serai stages, and allowing for colonizer species to invade (Platt, 1975). This creates a mosaic o f patches in various levels o f succession, and increases diversity. We will compare growth of first year colonizers over an exponential range of gap sizes which has not been addressed in previous literature. Plants colonize disturbances ranging from less than Icm 2 to whole agricultural fields. Past studies examining disturbances are summarized below. Umbanhower studied natural colonization of 7.5 dm artificially created mounds in northern prairies (1991) Heterogeneity has been examined at a scale o f gaps less than 30 cm (Hook and Lauenroth, 1994a and 1994b; Hook, Burke, and Lauenroth, 1991; Reader, et al, 1994).. In the tail-grass prairie, Platts (1975) Studied the effect o f badger mounds on succession. The effect o f size and frequency o f disturbance has been examined by Campbell, Grime, and Mackey (1991), and Coffin and Lauenroth (1988). Monospecific interactions as well as interactions between two species have been 4 examined extensively (Tilman, 1982, 1987; Ang, et al, 1995; Collins and Rhodes, 1994). Neighborhood interactions have received ample treatment (Harper, 1977; Aguilera and Lauenroth, 1993a and 1993b; Fowler, 1988). Patches have also been examined at the scale of landscape level succession (Tilman, 1988; Reice, 1994; Coffin and Lauenroth, 1990; Forman and Godron, 1981). Colonizer species invade disturbances. Their success depends upon attributes which enable them to germinate, survive, and reproduce in a gap, Varying gap sizes select for different life histories of invading annuals (McCbnnaughay and Bazzaz, 1987). Several factors influence colonization success in grassland gaps. These are seed size, germination strategy, seedling growth, and regenerative and rooting strategy. The study o f colonizer strategy must address individual life stages as success during each influences overall plant performance. Grime states that a p lan t's success depends upon a combination of these attributes, and that characteristics which are beneficial in one situation may not be beneficial in another (Grime 1979). Plants representing a range o f these habits were chosen for this study. Seed characteristics are important determinants of colonizer strategy. Fenner (1980) studied seed characteristics in relation to plant succession. He found that seed weight increases from early serai to late. He also found that light sensitivity was important in gap colonization. Fenner (1978) asserted that gap colonizers germinate when they detect wide fluctuations in temperature. Temperature extremes are greater in gaps than in canopies. Seeds can detect the presence of openings because of these temperature extremes. In comparing seedling emergence times, the earlier a seed 5 germinated, the more successful a competitor it was (Fowler, 1988, Harper, 1977). Early seedling growth is also important to colonization success. Large size, and the ability to dominate competitors bestow a great advantage to a plant (Grime 1979) . One plant may dominate another by preempting soil resources such as nutrients or water, and intercepting light before it can reach a competitor. Harper (1977) described how the emergence date and growth rate enable a plant to overwhelm competitors by changing a site's physical and chemical characteristics. It is to a colonizing plant's advantage to have rapid seedling growth. For all lifeforms, the ability to reproduce has been recognized since Darwin as the true measure o f an individual’s success. Regenerative strategy takes on a number o f forms in colonizers. Annuals are common colonizers. They invest energy in rapid growth and seed production. The annual strategy is completely dependent on seed production within one growing season (Grime, 1979). Biennials allow themselves a season to accumulate resources before producing seed, and perennials rely on long term resource allocation and repeated seed production for success. 6 M ETH O D S Site Description The effect o f gap size on plant performance and conditions that may influence that success— site conditions, yearly precipitation, and colonizer species—were determined. Establishment was compared in two grassland communities. The first, was a Festuca idahoemis/Agropyron spicatum (Idaho fescue/ bluebunch wheatgrass) community, was a moist (89 cm/yr p p t), densely populated grassland with productive soils (Mueggler and Stewart, 1980; Weaver, 1979). This site was located in a pristine field in Bozeman, MT (T2S, R6E, S 21, N E 1/4, NE 1/4). The second was in a Stipa comata/Bouteloua gracilis (needle-and-thread grass/ blue grama) community; with drier (73 cm/yr ppt), finer, less productive soils (Mueggler and Stewart, 1980). This site is three miles west of Logan, MT, near Interstate 90 (T2N, R2E, S26, SE 1/4, SE 1/4). The Idaho fescue/ bluebunch wheatgrass site and the needle-and thread grass/ blue grama site will be referred to as the Idaho fescue (Feid) and blue grama (Bogr) sites respectively. Data Collection We tested the effect o f gap size on colonization success. To do this, we made gaps in two grasslands over two growing seasons. Study blocks in each grassland were chosen for uniform terrain and visual homogeneity. Small plots ranging in size from Icm2 through 10, 100,1000, to 10,000 cm2 were disturbed. In each disturbance size, soil was removed to, a depth o f IOjxn, sieved with a I cm mesh screen and mixed in a central 7 location, and returned to the disturbance. Roots, rhizomes and rocks were removed in the sieve. Uniformity was insured by the use o f I cm2 and 10 cm2 cores for the smaller holes, and careful measurement and excavation with trowels and shovels for larger holes. Soil was removed from all holes, mixed, and returned to insure homogeneity in soil texture, nutrients, and treatment. Many replications were used to support statistical tests. In 1993, each replication included five I cm2, three 10 cm2, one 100 cm2, and one 1000 cm2 gap. Also, one 10,000 cm2 disturbance was created for each plant. Five replications were made for each plant at each site. Thus a total o f twenty-five I cm2, fifteen 10 cm2, five 100 cm2, five 1000 cm2 and one 10,000 cm2 disturbances were studied at each site. In the second year more 100 and 1000 cm2 holes were created. The 10,000 cm2 disturbances were divided into quarters, and one plant was grown in each quarter. This was done to minimize damage to the site, and create replications at the largest disturbance size. In 1994, five I cm2, three 10 cm2, two 100 cm2, and two 1000 cm2 gaps were created. Again, five replications were planted for each species. Thus, establishment was observed in twenty-five I cm2, fifteen 10 cm2, ten 100 cm2, and ten 1000 cm2 gaps, and four replications o f the I m2 gap for each plant in 1994. Growth was observed between May and August. In 1993, the Idaho fescue sites were planted on 22 May, and the blue grama site was planted on 29 May. Emergence and height measurements were recorded every two weeks. Plants were harvested on 13 August at the Idaho fescue site, and 20 August at the blue grama site. Plant height and weight were documented at harvest. In 1994, seeds were planted earlier to take 8 advantage o f early season precipitation. Seeds for most plants were planted at the blue grama site on 7 April and at the Idaho fescue site on 14 April. Corn and sunflower were planted on 10 May at both sites. Emergence, height, stem diameter, and volume were recorded every two weeks throughout the summer. Plants were harvested at the blue grama site on 12 August, and at the Idaho fescue site on 23 August. When harvested, plant height, canopy width, stem diameter, and weight were measured. Eight species were studied. In 1993 knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum cultivar Winridge) were planted. In 1994, we wanted to contrast performance o f a greater variety o f plant species. We planted four grasses: wheat (Triticum aestivum cultivar Winridge), cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum), and com (Zea mays cultivar Silver bullet), and four forbs: spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa ), yellow sweet clover {Melilotus officinalis), shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris), and sunflower (Helianthus annuus cultivar Giant Greystripe). Nomenclature follows Hitchcock and Cronquist (1973) and Gould and Shaw (1983). These plants were chosen for their range o f seed size, rooting strategy, lifeform, and colonization strategy. Table I summarizes the species' characteristics. Grasshoppers destroyed many plants during the 1993 field season. To minimize this, we treated the sites with Sevin insecticide on bran bait every two weeks in 1993. Control was inadequate, so in 1994, sites were treated each week. Establishment and growth differences across gap size might be due to differences in light, temperature, or resource (water and nutrient) availability. These characteristics were therefore measured across gap sizes. Light intensity was compared across gap sizes 9 using the Friend (1961) method. Twenty-five sheets o f blueprint paper, 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm, were assembled into booklets and wrapped in black construction paper envelopes. A 0.4 cm hole was punched in the envelope with a hole punch, so light could penetrate only in this spot. These envelopes were placed in 4 cm petri dish to exclude rainfall. Five o f these were placed in each disturbance size for 24 hours. After removal, the papers were kept together in their black construction paper envelopes and developed with ammonium hydroxide fumes for 15 minutes. Light exposed areas become yellow and unexposed areas are blue. The number o f exposed sheets were counted as an index o f fight intensity. The fight levels in the different disturbance sizes were compared with analysis o f variance. Soil moisture was measured on three dates throughout the 1994 field season (Idaho fescue site: 5/15/94, 7/22/94, and 9/8/94; blue grama site: 5/24/94, 7/15/94, and 9/8/94). Samples were collected to a depth.of 10 cm from each gap size and placed in a fined paper bag. Three bags were taken from each gap size on each date, except June 15, in Bozeman, when only two bags per gap were collected. Moist weights were recorded, then samples were dried in an oven at 60 C for 2 weeks, then dry weights were taken. Soil moisture % was calculated as grams o f water divided by grams o f soil. Temperature was measured in each gap size onfour dates. We do not present this data because effects o f time o f day confounded effects o f gap size. Analysis Each year's data were analyzed separately. In addition a pooled analysis o f knapweed and wheat over both years was-performed. The 1993 analysis shows how 10 wheat and knapweed respond to a wet year, 1994 data show how they respond to a dry year, and simultaneous analysis illuminates the difference between an exceptionally wet and a dry summer. 1994 analysis o f other plants permits comparison o f gap size effects on different species o f plants in a dry year. Effect o f disturbance size, grassland type, and lifeform was determined for individual species and for all plants together. Data sets were first tested for normal distributions and equal variance using the Wilks-Shapiro test (Winer, 1962) and Hartley's test respectively (Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner, 1990). Additionally, residuals were graphed against normal scores, gap size, and fitted values to visually confirm normality and equal variance. Emergence was related to gap size, emergence date, and species on plant emergence percentages using Kruskall-Wallace (Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner, 1990) and Mann-Whitney tests (Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner, 1990). Differences in emergence across disturbance size, dates, and species were analyzed as categorical variables using Kruskall-Wallace analysis o f variance' on ranks and Dunn's test for multiple pairwise comparisons (Winer, 1962). This non-parametric test was used because these data were not normally distributed. Since there was no reason to believe that a trend would exist between disturbance sizes, dates, or species, analysis o f variance was appropriate. Dunn's test for pairwise comparisons was used for all Kruskall Wallace tests, since it can be used with non-parametric tests and on unequal sample sizes. MannWhitney tests (Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner, 1990) were used to compare plant treatments, years, and sites in 1993. Plant survival was related to gap size, site, year, and species using analysis o f 11 variance and Tukey's pairwise comparisons (Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner, 1990). All possible combinations o f factors and their interactions were tried, and this was the best model. This test was conducted on 1993 and 1994 data separately, and on the 1993-1994 knapweed and wheat data together with the addition o f the year factor included. Height and weight responses to gap size, site, species, and year were treated as categorical variables using analysis o f variance and Tukey's pairwise comparisons. The Box-Cox procedure was used to find the best transformation o f the data for analysis o f variance (Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner, 1990). Based on this, the log transformation was used for anovas. The appropriate Anova model used the response variable, log (weight or height), and the factors site, gap size, species, and year. Before analysis, the mean o f responses for each species at each gap size was calculated and used in anova. This created equal sample sizes, one o f the assumptions for Tukey's pairwise comparisons. Differences in biomass and height across gap size, site, year, species, and habit were also treated as continuous variables to which regression analysis was applied. Single species weights and heights were regressed against site, log(gap size), and log(gap size)2 for the 1993 and 1994 data separately. To compare wheat and knapweed growth in the two years, each plant's weight and height were regressed against site, year, log(gap size), and log(gap size)2. Examination o f residual distribution indicated that these same factors provided the best fit line for most other species. In some cases, the best fit line did not include all o f these factors (year was only used in comparing knapweed and wheat responses both years), or the log o f plant height or weight yielded a better expression o f the data (less the 50% o f height data are log transformed). This is indicated in the results. 12 The Durbin-Watson test was used to test for autocorrelation (Neter, Wasseman, and Kutner3 1990) Performance o f grasses and forbs was also contrasted with regression; Partial F tests were used to compare the performance o f grasses versus forbs. This analysis was conducted on the 1994 height and weight data only. The log o f plant weight or height was regressed against the log o f gap size, log o f disturbance size squared, a code o f I or 0 for forb or grass respectively, and an interaction term for this code and hole size. An F statistic comparing the ratio o f (the sum o f squared error attributed to the interaction o f hole size and plant habit divided by its degree o f freedom) to (the sum o f square error for the model divided by its degrees o f freedom) to test for differences between the Iifeformsi Individual species height and weight responses to gap size and site for both years were analyzed using one way anovas. Transformations were applied where appropriate. Some species were left untransformed, some were transformed with the log transformation, and for those which the log transformation did not normalize distributions or equalize the variance, non- parametric Kruskall Wallace tests were used (Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner, 1990). To make pairwise comparisons, Dunn's test, which can be employed on unequal sample sizes and non-parametric tests Mann-Whitney tests were used (Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner, 1990). The light intensity data were analyzed with analysis o f variance and BonferronFs multiple pairwise comparisons. Data were normally distributed. Soil moisture was analyzed with Kruskall Wallace anova on ranked data, except for the blue grama June moisture which was normally distributed. Dunn's test was used 13 for Kruskall-Wallace tests and a Bonferroni's test was used for the parametric anova. The effect o f grasshopper control was analyzed in 1994 using the signed rank sum test for difference in means (Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner, 1990). SAS (1995) was used for the Box-Cox procedures and for the multi-species ANOVAs, and Sigma Stat (1994) was used for single species ANOVA's and Kruskall Wallace tests. Regressions and the corresponding analysis o f residual normality were run in Minitab (1994). Soil moisture and light intensity were analyzed in SigmaStat (1994). 14 RESU LTS Introduction The effects o f gap size, site, year, and species on the emergence, survival, biomass, and height o f colonizers were measured. These are presented in the first section o f the results. Environmental conditions o f the sites, including precipitation, light intensity in the gaps, and grasshopper herbivory, which may have contributed to the establishment differences among gap size, site, and year, were also measured. These are presented in the second section o f the results. Plant Performance Emergence Response to Gap Size, Site. Species, and Year_________ In 1993, gap size was a significant predictor o f emergence (p=0.006. Table 2). Emergence in Icm2 disturbances was significantly lower than in 100 cm2 and Im2 gaps (p=0.05. Table 2). All other comparisons showed response to disturbances was similar. In 1993, there was no difference in emergence at the two sites (p=0.649. Table 2). Emergence within single sites could not be analyzed in 1993 because there were only tw o responses for each site. There was no statistically significant difference between knapweed and wheat emergence (p=0.956). The dates on which observed emergence was greatest were 6/4/93 and 6/11/93 (Table 3). Emergence was significantly greater on these dates than on later dates (p=O.05, Table 3), when no plants emerged. 15 In 1994, disturbance size had no significant effect on emergence (Table 2). Emergence at the Idaho fescue site was significantly higher than at the blue grama site in 1994 (Table 2 footnote). Shepherd’s purse emergence, both total and surviving, were the only percentages significantly different from other species (Table 4). Emergence was higher in 1993 than 1994 (p=0.001. Table 4 footnote). Emergence differed among dates as in 1993. That is, significantly more plants emerged between 5/26/94 and 6/4/94 than on other dates sampled (Table 3). Survival o f cohorts from these germination dates was also significantly higher than on other dates. Survival Response to Gap, Site, Species, and Year___________ In moist 1993, the Anova model relating plant survival to disturbance, species, and site as factors was not significant (p=0.13, Table 5) Although the overall model was not significant, site had some predictive power at (p=0.04. Table 6). Neither disturbance size (p=0.18) nor species (p=0.89) was significant in the model. In dry 1994, analysis o f variance on percentages o f plants which survived showed that disturbance size, site, and species all influenced plant survival at P=O.OOOI (Table 7). Survival was highest in the I m2 disturbances and second highest for I and 10 cm2 disturbances, and the lowest was in the 1000 cm2 gaps (Table 8). Survival was greater at the Idaho fescue site than the blue grama (p=0.05). In 1994, seven o f the eight species seeded survived (Table 8); no shepard's purse survived at either site. To determine whether survival o f grasses and forbs differed, an analysis o f 16 variance treating grasses as a group and forbs as a group was used. The models predicting survival with the factors lifeform (grass or forb), site, and gap size showed no difference between the lifeforms (p=0.20,Table 8). Is knapweed and wheat survival lower in dry than wet years? An Anova model using disturbance size, site, species, and year was significant at p=0. OOOI (Table 9). Only the Im2 disturbance had significantly higher survival than the smaller gaps. Survival was higher in the Idaho fescue site. Knapweed and wheat survival was not significantly different. Survival was higher in 1993 than 1994 (Table 10). Biomass Response to Gap Size, Site. Species, and Year_______ Two test strategies were used to determine whether biomass varied with gap size, site, species, and year. First, weight was treated as a continuous variable, and regression analysis was applied. Thus the log o f plant weight was regressed against site, log(gap size) and log(gap size)2. Site was coded -I for the Idaho fescue site, and I for the blue grama site. Years were coded as -I in 1993, and I in 1994. Second, weight was treated as a categorical variable and analyzed with analysis o f the variance. In finding the appropriate analysis o f variance model, all possible combinations o f independent variables and their interactions were tried, and the best model was chosen. Biomass was log transformed, and the factor levels were gap size, site, species, and year. 17 1993 Biomass Regressions. In 1993, plant weight was best predicted by site, log o f disturbance size, and log o f disturbance size squared (Table 11). For wheat and knapweed, the R2 values explained less than 40% o f the variation. 1993 Biomass Anova. 1993 plant weight for each species was best predicted with gap size, species, and site. Data from all plants from the 1993 field season were grouped for one analysis o f variance (Table 12). The model was significant at p=0.0001. Gap size was the best predictor o f plant weight (p=0.0001), and neither species (p=0.91) nor site (p=0.26) were significant. Models with other combinations o f predictors, or which excluded species or site were poorer. Neither species nor site affected biomass significantly (Table 13). The I m2disturbance produced larger plants than smaller disturbances, but response to smaller disturbance did not differ among themselves. Data from the two sites were also analyzed separately to test for within site differences (Tables 14 and 15). At both sites, the plants in the Im2 disturbance had significantly higher weights than those in smaller disturbances, but responses to smaller disturbances did not differ among themselves (Tables 16 and 17). 1994 Biomass Regressions. A summary o f the regression analysis on plant weight from the 1994 field season for all species is presented in table 11. Plant weight increased with gap size in a quadratic fashion for six species. Crested wheatgrass weight was unaffected by gap size (Table 11). Forb v. Grass Regressions. To determine whether forbs grew heavier than grasses 18 in the 1994 field season, the log o f plant weight was regressed against the log o f the disturbance size squared, a code o f I or 0 for forb or grass respectively, and a term reflecting the interaction o f plant habit and hole size. This interaction term was zero for grasses, and it was the actual hole size for forbs. Other regressions were tried, and this was best (p=0.0001. Table 18). This line explained 39% o f the variation, generally less than the regressions describing single species, but it was intended to examine the difference between the two lifeforms, and not to describe them singly. A partial F test (p=0.0001) showed that forbs outperformed grasses (Table 18). 1994 Biomass Anova. Weight data from 1994 were also treated as categorical variables to measure the effect o f gap size, that is to determine which gap sizes provide a plants with significantly more resources. This analysis is more descriptive for comparing specific gap sizes, sites, and species. Where both species were pooled, analysis o f variance on the log o f plant weight against disturbance size, site, and species provided the best model. Disturbance size and site were very good predictors o f plant weight, and species was not (Table 19). 1,10, and 100 cm2 gaps supported equal growth (Table 20). As gap size increased further, plant weight increased, and became significantly larger in the I m2gap. Sites were again examined separately to detect variation unique to each. When pooled, weights o f all plants at the blue grama site increased gradually with disturbance size, but no plants grew in the 1000 cm2 disturbance (Table 21). Similarly, only clover survived in the 100 cm2 disturbance (Table 21). At the Idaho fescue site, pooled weights in the 1000 cm2 and the I m2 disturbances were significantly greater than the smaller 19 disturbances and from one another (Tables 23 and 24). Analysis o f variance on single species were also run on the 1994 data (Tables 1924). Analysis o f variance on single species at both sites (Table 20) indicate that weights o f six species were equal among I, 10, or 100 cm2 disturbances. Clover was heavier in the 100 cm2 gap than smaller gaps. Clover, and wheat both grew significantly heavier in the 1000 cm2 disturbances than in the smaller disturbances. Weights did not increase further as gap sizes increased to I m2 . The weight o f com and cheatgrass was significantly heavier only in the I m2 gap (Table 20). 1993 v. 1994 Biomass Regressions. To compare biomass in the tw o field seasons for wheat and knapweed, regression and analysis o f variance were again conducted. Regression o f plant weight against site, year, log gap size, and log gap size-squared provided the best regression line for data b n knapweed and wheat in both 1993 and 1994 (Table 11). 1993 v. 1994 Biomass Anova. Analysis o f variance using disturbance size, species, site, and year to predict the log o f plant weight was the best model to describe the data comparing the 1993 and 1994 field seasons (Table 25). Disturbance size was the best predictor, and species and site were also significant predictors. Anova showed no significant effect of year as a predictor o f biomass. Biomass from the largest disturbance size (I m2) was significantly greater than the 1,10, and 100 cm2 disturbances, but neither the smaller disturbances nor the largest supported significantly different growth than the 1000 cm2 disturbance (Table 26). The two sites were analyzed individually (Tables 27- 20 30). At the blue grama site plants grew significantly heavier in the Im2 disturbance (Table 28). At the Idaho fescue site disturbance sizes did not affect growth significantly (Table 30). Height Response to Gap Size, Site. Species, and Year_____ 1993 Height Regressions. 1993 height data were analyzed using regression analysis. A summary o f the regression analysis on plant height for all species is presented in Table 31. In 1993, the best fit line predicted height from site, log(gap size), and log(gap size)2. For knapweed, the regression explained 49% o f the variation in height, and for wheat, 31% (p=0.0001 for each. Table 31). 1993 Height Anova. Analysis o f variance on 1993 height data showed disturbance size and species to be significant determinants o f plant height (Table 32). Site was not. Table 33 presents mean heights for each disturbance size, and the results o f pairwise comparisons for the two species pooled and for each species individually. When wheat and knapweed were pooled, the only disturbance size which supported increased height was the I m2. When species were analyzed separately, wheat was significantly taller in the Im2 gap, but no significant difference in knapweed height was seen even at this level (Table 33). Sites were not significantly different. Wheat grew significantly taller than knapweed (Table 33) 1994 Height Regressions. Plant height generally increased in a quadratic and 21 exponential fashion for all species except Agropyron cristatum (Table 3 1). P values were: clover (0.0001), knapweed (0.0001), wheat (0.0001), sunflower (0.03), com (0.005), cheatgrass (0.014) and crested wheatgrass (0.698) (Table 31). 1994 Height Anova. In 1994, plant height increased with gap size. Analysis o f variance showed plants in I m2 gaps grew significantly larger than those in I, 10, and 100 cm2 gaps, but they were not significantly larger than those in 1000 cm2 gap's (Table 33). Variance was also analyzed on 1994 height response to disturbance size and species for each site separately. At the Idaho fescue site, the model, log height predicted by gap size, site, and species, was significant, and both the disturbance size and species factor levels were (Tables 34 and 35, but Tukey's pairwise comparisons did not show at which factor level this occurred (Table 36 and 37). In the Bouteloua gracilis grassland, the overall model was not significant (p=0.07, Table 34). Tukey's tests detected no disturbance size effect (Table 36). In the Idaho fescue site, the model o f log height predicted by gap size and species was significant at the p=0.005 level (Table 35). Although gap size was significant in the model, pairwise tests detected no significant differences among factor levels (Table 37). Table 38 shows the effects o f environment on average heights in both sites, and Tables 39 and 40 show height responses at the Idaho fescue and blue grama site respectively. Anova tables for these analyses are presented in tables 41-43. Examination o f these shows that the species respond differently to gap size. The forbs' height gradually rose with increasing disturbance size, but grass height increased more slowly. This 22 contrast is seen with individual species as well (Tables 39-40). Knapweed and clover both grew significantly taller in 1000 cm2 and Im2 disturbances, while sunflower heights were not affected by disturbance size. None o f the grasses grew significantly taller in larger gaps than smaller. Grass v. Forb Regressions. Grass height increased less sharply than forb height, and the slopes were significantly different (p=0.0001, Table 18). The best fit regression line describing the two lifeforms height was log( height) regressed against log(gap), log(gap)2, a code: I for forb, and -I for grass, and an interaction term for grass or forb, and hole size. 1993 v. 1994 Height Regressions. Knapweed and wheat heights were regressed against disturbance size, site, and year to compare their performance in wet and dry seasons (Table 30), The regression explained 45% o f the variation for knapweed and only 23% for wheat (Table 30). Wheat plants were generally taller than knapweed plants, but their size did not increase with disturbance size as much as knapweed (Also see Table 44). 1993 v. 1994 Height Anovas. Height increased with gap size both years. Analysis o f variance showed that disturbance size, site, species and year all had a significant effect on plant height (Tables 45-47). When both species were pooled, only plants in the I m 2 gap were significantly taller than those in smaller gaps. Wheat's response was the same, but knapweed height increased more gradually, starting at the 100 cm2 gaps (Table 44). Tukey's tests showed differences between heights with year and species, but not between 23 sites (Table 44 footnote). The sites were individually examined for differences between 1993 and 1994 using analysis o f variance (Tables 48 and 49). At the blue grama site, only the Im2 gap grew significantly taller plants than smaller gaps (Table 48). At the Idaho fescue site, plants in the Im2 gap grew significantly taller than those in the I, 10, and 100 cm2 gaps, but they were not significantly taller than plants in the 1000 cm2 gaps (Table 49). Height was significantly greater in 1993 at both sites. Seed Production Only two o f the plants studied produced seed. In 1993 neither knapweed or wheat produced seed. In 1994, no seeds were produced at the blue grama site. At the Idaho fescue site, one com plant produced a flower in a Im2 gap and four cheatgrass plants produced seed. O f these four, two were grown in I cm2 disturbances, and two were grown in 10 cm2. For com, this represents 1% o f the total amount planted, and for cheatgrass, 6%. Environmental Characteristics o f the Site Precipitation Precipitation differed between the sites and between years. In Trident, a weather station approximately 10 km from the Bouteloua gracilis site, precipitation during 1993 exceeded normal by 19.48 cm (Table 50). In 1994, precipitation was 9.17 cm below normal. The Montana State University weather station, which is 5 Icm from the Idaho fescue site, recorded precipitation during 1993 19.86 cm above normal, and in 1994, 24 precipitation was 9.17 cm below normal (NOAA, 1993 and 1994). Long term precipitation means are weighted averages calculated using data recorded from 1931 to the present. In southwestern Montana, precipitation during 1993 was more than 200 % greater the average for the past 30 years, and in 1994, precipitation was 50% below the 30 year average (NOAA, 1993 and 1994). Grasshopper Herbivory Grasshopper herbivory was severe in 1993 and less so in 1994 (Table 51). Approximately 26% o f plants at the Idaho fescue site, and 28% o f those at the blue grama site were at least partially eaten during the 1993 field season. In 1994, only 6% o f plants were eaten at the Idaho fescue site, and 2% at the blue grama site. This predation was recorded despite attempts to control it. In 1994, grasshopper numbers inside and outside o f the study areas were compared by loop counts (Onsager and Henry, 1977). A Wilcoxson signed rank test, the non-parametric equivalent to a paired t-test, showed that there were significantly fewer grasshoppers in the controlled area than outside o f it (Table 52). Light Intensity We expected plants to grow larger and have higher survival rates in larger gaps than smaller because disturbance releases plants from competition for light, water, and nutrients. The analysis o f variance was significant at p=0.0001. Pairwise comparisons showed no significant difference in light intensity among the different disturbance sizes in the blue grama grassland. Light levels increased with disturbance size at the Idaho fescue 25 site (Table 53). The difference results from the fact that in the Idaho fescue grassland the vegetation was relatively tall and dense while vegetation o f the blue grama grassland was short and open. Soil Moisture Soil moisture did not differ across gap sizes in June at either site, but did in July and September (Table 54). In July at the Idaho fescue site, the IOcm2 and I m2 gaps had significantly more moisture than the other gaps. The same month at the blue grama site, the 1000 cm2 gaps had significantly more moisture than the other gaps. In September at the Idaho fescue site, both the 1000 cm2 and the I m2gaps had significantly less moisture than other gap sizes. At the blue grama site, only the 100 cm2 gap had significantly less moisture than the other gaps. The Idaho fescue site had significantly higher soil moisture (p=0.0001. Table 54). 26 DISCUSSION Emergence Peak emergence occurred in late May both years. It was concentrated in moist 1993, when 67% o f plants germinated within two weeks o f planting (Table 3). In 1994, germination started earlier and continued for three weeks, perhaps because seeds were not immediately exposed to enough water. Although we have no replication, these two years represent abnormalities in Montana precipitation, with high rainfall in 1993 and low rainfall in 1994 (Table 50). W ater may have limited emergence in 1994. There was little effect o f gap size on emergence. In 1994, there was no overall effect o f disturbance size on observed emergence (both grasslands and all plants pooled) (Table 2). In 1994, when the blue grama site was considered alone, emergence was low in the 1000 cm2 gaps (Table 2). In moist 1993 emergence was low in the I cm2 disturbance. Emergence might have differed among gap sizes due to changes in availability o f light, heat, or water. I) Light levels increased with increasing gap size at the Idaho fescue site, but not at the blue grama site (Table 53). This could affect germination directly or by heating the soil. However, at the Idaho fescue site, our results do not show the effects o f these factors on emergence in 1994. 2) Temperature in larger disturbances is probably warmest during the day, and cooler at night. However, no trend in emergence paralleled this pattern. 3) We hypothesized no difference in soil water across gap sizes because soil water is probably uniform throughout the site in moist spring. I f so, this does parallel the emergence response. 27 Colonizing species may respond to large fluctuations in temperature in large disturbances. This seemed to be true in some cases (Fenner, 1980; OlfE, et al, 1994), but no so in others (Caruso, 1963). Colonizer germination was reduced when seeds were sown into tall turf, but not short (Fenner, 1978). He thought this was an effect o f light rather than water or nutrient preemption. Light is a trigger for seed germination and important resource seedlings and mature plants. In a second study, Melilotus germination in bluegrass sod was not correlated with opening size (Caruso, 1963). Gap Size Plant survival was not significantly affected by disturbance size in moist 1993 (Table 5). If there is a trend, raw data suggest that survival was higher in small, (I and 10 cm2) and large (I m2), than in 1000 cm2 gaps. In 1994, survival tended to be bimodally related to gap size (Table 8). In small gaps, (I and 10 cm2) gaps, survival is low. In larger gaps (100 and 1000 cm2) gaps it is worse. In I m2 disturbances, survival is significantly higher. Survival in small gaps is probably reduced by competition with established grasses. Growth is poorer still in the 1000 cm2 gaps, where exposure to heat and evaporation may be increased and competition is still restricting growth, due to increased insolation (Table 53). Survival was best in the Im2 gap. Here, high exposure remains, but competition is eliminated because no roots move inward as far as the establishing seedlings. In a mdister grassland, early seedling survival o f Melilotus in bluegrass sod was 28 correlated with opening size in openings ranging from 0.5 to 3 cm2 (Caruso, 1963). In the two grassland we examined, gaps o f this sizes had no effect. Simultaneous analysis o f 1993 and 1994 wheat and knapweed data indicated that significantly higher survival percentages occurred in the Imz disturbances than in the smaller disturbance sizes over both years (Table 10). Survival in the 100 to 1000 cm2 gaps was not significant different from that in smaller gaps. Site Site significantly affected survival in 1994 (Tables 8 and 9) and only slightly in 1993 (Table 5). Survival was lower at the moist Idaho fescue site than the dry blue grama site both years. Dry conditions o f 1994 lowered survival in the Bouteloua gracilis site more than the Idaho fescue site because o f its drier environment. Additions o f water to blue grama grasslands benefitted plants immensely in two experiments, showing that water is limiting in this habitat type (Weaver, 1983; Dodd and Lauenroth, 1979) Year Rainfall also affected survival rates. At both sites survival was lower in dry 1994, significantly so at the blue grama site for both wheat and knapweed plants, and at the Idaho fescue grassland for knapweed. At the Idaho fescue grassland, wheat tolerated dryness better in 1994 than did knapweed (Table 10). These data support the fact that a limiting resource in both Idaho fescue and blue grama grasslands. Other authors have found water to be limiting in Northern great plains grasslands as well (Weaver, 1983; Dodd and Lauenroth, 1979). 29 Species Wheat and knapweed survival rates did not differ in either 1993 (Table 5), or in 1994 (Table 8). However, other species' survival rates did differ in 1994. No shepherd's purse survived. Few crested wheatgrass, com, or sunflower survived. At least 75% o f wheat, clover, cheatgrass, and knapweed survived (Table 8). Year and Species Interaction Survival results were similar for these two species, although survival was higher in 1993 than 1994 and plants performed better at the Idaho fescue site. When the effect o f seed dispersal was controlled, knapweed, a noxious weed, was no more successful than winter wheat, a plant genetically engineered to produce grain in dryland agriculture (Table 10) . Biomass 1993 Gap Size In moist 1993, gaps less than Im2 provided no benefit to first year growth. This was shown by the Anovas on gap sizes (Table 13), and more generally by regressions using log and quadratic transformations o f the independent variables (Table 11). Grasshopper predation may have exaggerated the benefits o f the Im2 gap, by diminishing plant yield in 1000 cm2 gaps. Grasshopper herbivory seemed to be higher in the middle sized 100 and 1000 cm2 gaps, than the smaller or larger gaps, although the data cannot be statistically tested (Table 5 1). In contrast, no grasshopper damage was recorded in the large disturbances. 30 1994 Gap Size Log transformed biomass data from both sites in drier 1994 were pooled and were quadraticly regressed (Table 11). We expected plant weights to increase linearly with gap size, but yields usually did not increase dramatically until larger gaps (I m2 ). Exceptions were wheat and clover, for which the base o f the quadratic's parabola occurred in gaps smaller than the 1000 cm2 gap sizes. These findings coincide with Anova results (Table 20). When all 1994 plants from both sites were considered together in analysis o f variance, there was a gradual increase in weight starting with the 100 cm2 disturbance, and a more precipitous increase at the Im2. The 100 cm2 disturbance had significantly higher weights than the I cm2 gap at the blue grama site but not at the Idaho fescue site, perhaps because biomass o f plants surrounding the disturbances was higher at the Idaho fescue site. Neighbors around the gap probably have reduced the effective size o f the disturbance by growing roots into it. 1000 cm2 disturbances provided significantly more resources than the 100 cm2 disturbances at both sites in 1994 (Table 19). This was not seen in 1993 (Table 13). Perhaps in a wet year, established plants' roots reinvaded more readily than in a dry year. Examination of plant biomass at individual sites reveals that plant performance may have been worse in the 1000 cm2 gaps than is evident in the anova with both sites pooled. At the blue grama site, there was no response at the 1000 cm2 factor level (Table 21). Because o f this, this factor level was omitted from the anova model. Had it been included, the biomass for this gap size would have been zero grams with no variance. This is a 31 noticeable drop. Parenthetically, it should be noted that only clover survived in the 100 cm2 gap. At the Idaho fescue site, weights pooled across plants in the 1000 cm2 gaps were significantly larger than those in the smaller gaps, but this did not occur for any single species (Table 23). In the Idaho fescue site, plants weights began to increase at a smaller disturbance size than at the blue grama site. Or, relating these findings to the quadratic regression (Table 11), the base o f the parabola for gap sizes at the blue grama site is at a larger gap size that at the Idaho fescue site. We expect performance in gaps larger than Im2 to approximate that in the Im2. Less resources were freed by I to 1000 cm2 disturbances than expected. This was probably because roots o f adjacent plants quickly reinvaded the gap. This possibility is demonstrated with root growth o f barley and wheatgrass. Five days after transplanting, barley roots grew at a rate o f 3 cm/day. At 21 days, the rate was over 4.8 cm day (Roddy, 1981). Both Agropyron spicatum and Agropyron desertorum roots invade disturbances quickly (Eissenstat and Caldwell, 1989). A. desertorum roots grew to a density o f 4 m/m2 within 20 days after disturbance, and A. spicatum grew almost 2 m/m2 in 20 days. A. desertorum is known to be more competitive than A spicatum (Eissenstat and Caldwell, 1989). In the competition between a colonizer and established plants, dominant species at the site have the advantage o f well established root systems and perennating organs to support the plant's above ground light capturing portions (Harper, 1977; Grime, 1979; Gerry, and Wilson, 1995). Numerous studies have shown that neighbors compete in direct response to their proximity and size. Neighborhood size affects growing season 32 performance o f target plants, but the size o f the nearest neighbor was less important (Aguilara and Lauenroth, 1993). However, in studies examining one sided and two sided competition on target plants, Firbank and Watkinson (1987) found that crowding, that is small neighborhood size, accounted for only a small amount o f variation in plant size. When crowding was considered with emergence time, the variance accounted for in multiple regression was increased by 50%. Whether the site was homogenous or heterogenous outweighed the importance o f competition in the establishment of developing seedlings (Fowler, 1988). The presence o f nearby adult neighbors inhibited seedling growth in some cases and not in others (Fowler, 1988). 1993 Site In 1993, when water was not limiting, production was similar In the blue grama aridisol and the Idaho fescue mollisol, which is normally more productive. In 1994, when water was limiting, growth was better at the Idaho fescue site than the blue grama. 1994 was slightly drier than average for the region. Logan normally gets less precipitation than Bozeman, and soil moisture was lower at the blue grama site (Table 54). 1994 Site In 1994, production was greater at the Idaho fescue site (Table 20). In 1994, emergence, survival, biomass, and height responses all indicate this, contrary to 1993 results, when sites were equal. As expected plants were larger and had higher survival percentages at the w etter Idaho fescue site. Exceptions occurred in the I and 10 cm2 gaps, due to strong root competition. At the blue grama site, plant sizes did not increase 33 with increasing disturbance size. At the Idaho fescue site, plant size did increase with disturbance size. Grass v. Forb In 1994, forb weights increased more rapidly with increasing disturbance size than did grass weights (Table 18). We hypothesize that forb success is likely because root competition between diffuse rooted grasses was more intense than between grasses and taprooted forbs. In the I cm2 disturbances, plant weights were similar (Table 20). There is no competitive advantage to either lifeform here. Root architecture which invades areas where other lifeforms do not predominate access water or nutrients depleted in areas where roots systems compete (Lynch, 1995). This is consistent with the observation that most noxious range weeds are forbs. Seed Size Seed size had no affect on final plant biomass. For example, while none o f the lightest seed, shepherd's purse established, the second smallest, clover, had one o f the highest biomasses and survival rates o f all species at both sites (Table 19). Sunflower and corn, the heaviest seeds, grew very little in the blue grama site, and only slightly at the Idaho fescue site. This agrees with previous literature. For example, seed size did not affect colonizer success in a study o f ruderal invasion o f gaps in short and tall tu rf grass (Fenner, 1978). 34 Year When knapweed and wheat growth were compared over a two year period, performance differed between grassland types in the dry year but not in the wet. Biomass was significantly higher in the Idaho fescue site in the second year (Table 20). This shows that water was limited in the dry year. When water was adequate, colonizer production was the same for both sites. However, in dry conditions, production was higher in the moister Idaho fescue site. Height Height responses to gap size did not increase significantly until the largest gap sizes (Tables 33 and 38). It is presumably determined by two forces: light and photosynthesis. Based on light, plants are expected to etiolate as the stand closes. Based on photosynthesis, height will decline as density increases; due to reduced resources. Thus, height measurements are not a simple measure o f success. They are also confounded by the influence that competition may have on the physiology o f the plant. In smaller disturbances, it is beneficial for a plant to expend its energy growing tall quickly. Gap In 1993, only the Im2 disturbance provided significant benefit for plant height when both sites were pooled (Table 33). Smaller disturbances behaved similarly to one another. When considered alone, knapweed did not grow significantly larger in the Im2 gap. Small n (only 2 responses) for the I m2 disturbance may explain why the pairwise 35 comparisons failed to detect a difference for knapweed in the Im2 disturbance (Table 33). In 1994, plants in the 1000 cm2 disturbance were significantly taller than in the smaller disturbances (Table 38). Knapweed and clover showed significant height increases in the 1000 cm2 gaps, and this may have swayed the statistics when all plants were pooled. Site and Year In 1993, plant height was unaffected by site, while in 1994, it was affected (Tables 33 and 38). Due to high rainfall in 1993, water was plentiful in both places, thus there were no differences in height. In 1994, there was little rainfall, and the lack o f rainfall was even more pronounced at the blue grama site than at the Idaho fescue. Seed Production Seed production is a standard measure o f a plant's fitness. Three o f the plants studied—winter wheat, knapweed, and yellow sweet clover were biennial or perennial, crested wheatgrass—do not produce seed during, the first growing season and cannot be evaluated by this criterion. Sunflower, cheatgrass, com, and shepard's purse were all capable o f seed production during the first growing season, but no sunflower, only one com plant, and a few cheatgrass plants produced seed, making it the most successful o f the annuals. 36 CO NCLUSIO N Disturbance size plays an important role in colonizer success. Plants were more successful in larger gaps than smaller. I) We hypothesized that germination would not vary with gap size because o f abundant water in the spring. In dry 1994, disturbance size had no effect on emergence. In wet 1993, however, the smallest disturbance (I cm2) had significantly lower emergence than larger disturbance sizes. 2) Gap size had no effect on survival in 1993, but did in 1994, when survival was lowest in the 1000 cm2 gaps. 3) Biomass increased with gap size in both years. The I m2 gap supported more growth than the smaller gaps in 1993; The latter did not differ among themselves. In 1994, the I m2 gaps were significantly larger than all other gaps. Plants in the 1000 cm2 gaps were smaller than these, but significantly larger than plants in the I to 100 cm2 gaps. 4) A monotonic increase was seen in plant heights in 1993, but in 1994, plant size only became significantly greater in the Im2 gaps. Forbs produced more biomass than grasses and especially so in the 1000 cm2 to I m2 disturbances. Both behaved similarly in the largest I m2 gaps. W e suggest that taprooted forbs avoid competition with sod to a greater degree than diffuse rooted grasses. Plant response to increasing gap size might be due to reduction in competition, for materials such as water and nutrients, or physical factors, (light, heat, or wind). Attempts to compare water availability and temperatures across disturbance sizes were largely unsuccessful. Light intensity increased with gap size in the Idaho fescue grassland, and 37 not in the blue grama. The denser canopy at the Idaho fescue site apparently shaded the smaller disturbances. But in the blue grama site, gaps in the canopy were so large that difference in light penetration to the soil surface could not be measured. Plant performance at the blue grama site was expected to be poorer than at the Idaho fescue site since water and nutrients are lower at the blue grama site. Emergence was unaffected by site in wet 1993, but in dry 1994, it was higher in the Idaho fescue site. As expected, survival was significantly higher in the Idaho fescue site both years. Biomass was not significantly affect by grassland type in 1993, when water needs were satisfied, but in 1994, when water was lacking, plants were heavier at the Idaho fescue site. The same was true for height. In 1993, height was unaffected by grassland type, but in 1994, plants grew taller in the Idaho fescue site. By all measures: emergence, survival, biomass, and height, both wheat and Icnapweed performance was significantly higher in moist 1993 than dry 1994. Species behaved differently in 1994 but not in 1993. I) Germination differed little among species. Survival differed more. Wheat and knapweed emergence and survival did not differ in either 1993 or 1994. In 1994, all species had similar rates o f emergence, except shepard's purse which had significantly lower emergence rates than wheat. 2) Among all plants in 1994, clover had the highest survival rates, wheat, knapweed, com, and cheatgrass were intermediate, sunflower had low survival percentages, and crested wheatgrass had the lowest. Wheat, knapweed, com, and cheatgrass were not significantly different from one another. Survival did not differ between wheat and knapweed. LITER A TU R E CITED 39 LITER A TU R E CITED Aguilera, M O., and W.K. Laurenroth. 1993. Neighborhood interactions in a natural population o f the perennial bunchgrass Bouteloua gracilis. Oecologia 94: 595602 . Aguilera, M O., and W.K. Laurenroth. 1993. Seedling establishment in adult neighborhoods- intraspecific contraints in the regeneration o f the bunchgrass Bouteloua gracilis. Journal o f Ecology 8 1: 253-261. Amo, S E. and G E. Gfuell. 1983. Fire History o f the Forest-grassland ecotone in southwestern Montana. 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Characteristics o f plants treated. scientific name common name abbrev. seed weight rooting pattern regen. strategy year Agropyron cristatum crested wheatgrass agcr 0.0020 diffuse perennial 94 Bromus tectorum cheatgrass brte 0.0020 diffuse annual 94 Triticum aestivum winter wheat trae 0.0200 diffuse biennial 93 94 Zea mays corn zema 0.1600 diffuse annual 94 Capsella bursapastoris shepard's purse cabu 0.0001 tap annual 94 Melilotus officinalis yellow sweet clover meof 0.0020 tap biennial 94 Centaurea maculosa knapweed cema 0.0020 tap biennial 93 94 Helianthus annuus sunflower bean 0.1400 tap annual 94 grasses forbs 45 Table 2. Emergence (%) o f all species at five gap sizes. I cm IO cm IOO cm 1000 cm Im 25 15 5, IO2 5, IO2 L42 94 both sites3 74 a4 81a 54 a 43 a 59 a 93 both sites 59a 69 ac 80 c 72 ac 80 c 94 Bogr56 15 a 16 a 9.5 ah 4b 8 ab 93 Bogr 80 84 100 90 100 94 Feid 76 a 81a 64 a 65 a 78a 93 Feid 66 90 100 90 100 # possible3 ’Possible responses, percentages based on this number. -In 1993. the first number was possible, in 1994, the second. 3Analyzed with Kruskall-Wallace Anova on ranked data (1993 both sites, p=0.008; 1994 both sites, p=0 05; blue grama 1994. p=0.006; Idaho fescue. 1994. p=0 479). ’Letters indicate Dunn's pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). These are intended to be compared across rows, and not down columns. 5Sites were significantly different in 1994, not in 1993 (p=0.005). 6 Bogr= Blue grama, Feid= Idaho fescue 1Due to insufficient sample sizes, ANOVAs could not be run on individual site's gap sizes in 1993. Mann-Whitney tests showed that overall, sites were not significantly different in 1993 (p=1.000). 46 Table 3. Emergence (%) and survival (%) at each date and site. d a te 4 /2 3 - 5 /2 6 - 6 /1 1 - 7 /1 - 7 /1 5 - o b s. 4 /3 0 6 /4 6 /1 8 7 /9 7 /2 6 94 tot. H%3 S% ' L0Zo S 0Zo E0Zo S% E 0Zo S% E% S% E0Zo S% 5 a3 3 a 35 14 b 23 b 9bo 4 a 3a 0 .1 a Oa 67 29 9b 12 a b 0 .6 5 Oa 0 a 0 a 0 a 59 11 b o th b s ite s 94 3 a I a 44 b B o g r"5 94 ab 7 ab 5ab 25 b 19b 34 b 17b 8 ab 5ab Ob Ob 74 46 84 a 73 a IO a IO a Ob Ob Ob Ob 94 83 91 74 3 3 0 0 0 0 91 77 78 72 16 16 0 0 0 0 94 87 F e id 93 b o th s ite s 93 B o g r fi 93 F e id 1Percent of plants that emerged. -Percentage of plants that surv ived. 3Analyzed with Kniskall-Wallace Anova on ranked data (1993 both sites, p=0 0043; 1994 both sites, p=0.0001; blue grama 1994, p=0.0001; Idaho fescue, 1994, p=0 0013). "Letters indicate Dunn’s pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, and not down columns. Do not compare total percent column with surviving percent column. 5Bogr= Blue grama, Feid= Idaho fescue ^Insufficient data to run ANVOAs in 1993 single site data. 4 47 Table 4. Total emergence (%) for each plant. cabu' meof cema hean agcr bite trae zema N2 64 64 5 1 .6 4 3 64 64 64 5 1, 64: 64 94 both sites4'5 22 a6 86 b 58 ab5 58 ab 54 ab 62 ab 95 b 64 b 93 both sites 94 Bogr 83 a 35 a 82 ab 93 BogC 9 94 Feid 93 Fcid 38 ab 84 a 31 b 51 ab 45 ab 76 9a 91 b 77 b 90 93 b 40 ab 86 85 b 57 ab 78 b 97 b 89 b 82 lCabu=Shepard1S purse, meof=colvcr. ccma=knapweed, hcan=sunflovver. agcr=crestcd wheatgrass, brte=cheatgrass, lrae=wheat, zema=com. 'Possible responses, percentages based on this number. Mn 1993, the first number was possible, in 1994, the second. 4Analyzed with Kruskall-Wallace Anova on ranked data (1993 both sites. p=0.9698; 1994 both sites, p=0.OOOI; blue grama 1994, p=0.0001; Idaho fescue, 1994, p=0.0001). 5Wheat emergence was not significantly different in 1993 and 1994 (p>0.05). knapweed emergence was significantly different in the two years (p=0.05). 6Letters indicate Dunn's pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Compare across columns, and not down rows. Sites were significantly different in 1994, not in 1993 (p=0.05). ^Insufficient data from individual sites in 1993 to analyze variance for single species. 9Whcat had significantly higher emergence in 1993 (p=0.05) 48 Table 5. Effect o f gap size, site and species on plant survival (%), 1993 Icm IOcm 100 cm 1000 cm Im 25' Avg3 15 Avg 5 Avg 5 Avg I Avg tot6 Cema3B45 F 64 92 78 87 67 77 60 100 80 60 100 80 100 100 100 a trae B F 92 88 90 93 87 90 60 100 80 40 80 60 100 100 100 a total B7 F 78 90 84 a 90 77 84 a 60 100 80 a 50 90 70 a 100 100 100a 3Average o f the two sites. 3Cema^knapweed. trae=wheat 4 B= blue grama, F= Idaho fescue 5Sites significantly different at p=0.05 6Total surv ival for each species compared. Tukey's test (p=0.05). Anova (p=0.13) and Tukeys pairwise comparisons (p=0.05). Table 6. Analysis o f variance on wheat and knapweed survival data, 1993 .. Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 6 3121 520 2.06 0.13 Error 13 3277 252 Corrected Total 19 6399 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 1868 467 1.85 0.18 Spp I 5 5 0.02 089 Site I 1248 1248 4.95 0.04 R Square CV Root MSE Mean 0.49 19.02 15.88 83.50 49 Table 7. Analysis o f variance on survival data from 1994 Source DF Sum o f Squares Mean Square F Value Pr^F Model 11 57183.56 5198.51 15.08 V Error 58 19994.51 344.73 Corrected Total 69 77178.07 Source DF Type 111 SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 13042.286 3260.57 9.16 0.0001 Spp 6 17523.77 2920.63 8.47 0.0001 Site I 26617.50 26617.50 77.21 0.0001 R Square C V. Root MSE Mean 0.74 52.09 18.57 35.64 '01 50 Table 8. Effect o f gap size, site, and species on plant survival (%), 1994 Ic 10 100 1000 1000c tot 25' Avg123 15 Avg 10 Avg 10 Avg 10 Avg m cof B5 F 52 88: 70 53 60 57 20 90 55 20 90 45 75 100 88 a6 trae B F 16 76 46 7 73 40 0 90 45 0 50 25 75 100 88 ab ccma B F 16 60 38 27 73 50 0 60 30 0 10 75 75 75 abc zema B F 0 64 32 13 93 53 0 50 25 0 60 30 0 75 38 acd brte B F 0 44 22 7 33 20 0 40 20 0 30 15 50 100 75 acd hean B F 0 8 4 8 53 31 0 20 10 0 0 0 25 50 38 cd agcr B F 8 52 30 13 33 23 0 20 10 0 0 0 25 0 13 d Ibrb4 B F 23 52 37 18 62 46 7 57 32 0 37 18 58 75 67 e grass B F 6 59 33 10 58 34 0 50 25 0 35 18 38 69 53 e total B6 F 12 49 35 ab 16 52 39 a 3 46 28 ab 0 31 18b 41 63 59 c 20 1 Number of responses possible, percentages based on this number. 2 B= blue grama, F= Idaho fescue 3Average o f the two sites. 4Cabu=shepard's purse. mcof=colver, ccma=knapvveed, hean=sunflower, agcr=crested wheatgrass, brte=cheatgrass, trae=wheat, zema=com. "Grasses and forbs are not included in the total average, and should not be compared to individual species percentages in the last cloumn. 6Anova (p=0.0001) and Tukcvs pairwise comparisons (p=0.05). 51 Table 9. Analysis o f variance on survival data, 1993 and 1994. Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr-F Model 7 3409.68 4865.67 15.03 0.0001 Error 32 10359.10 323.72 Corrected Total 39 44418.78 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 9180.40 2295.10 7.09 0.003 Spp I 207.03 207.03 0.64 0.43 Site I 9597.03 9579.03 29.59 0.0001 Year I 15093 23 15093.23 46.62 0.0001 R Square CV Root MSE Survival Mean 0.77 28.08 17 99 64.08 Table 10. Effect o f site and year on survival (%) o f knapweed and wheat, 1993 and 1994 Icm 10 cm 100 cm 1000 cm Im 5,10' 5,10' 1,4' possible 25' Axg2 15' cema393 B F4 64 92 78 87 67 77 60 100. 80 60 100 80 100 100 100 a cema 94 B F 16 60 38 27 73 50 0 60 30 0 20 10 75 75 75 b trae 93 B F 92 88 90 93 87 90 60 100 80 40 80 60 100 100 100 a trae 94 B F 16 76 46 7 73 40 0 90 45 0 50 25 75 100 88 b 44b 80 90 " i # 17 59b 53 64 b 20 47 63 b B 53 83 75 79 F 'Number of responses possible, percentages based on this number 3Ax erage of the two sites. 3Cema=knapweed. trac=whcat 4 B= blue grama. F= Idaho fescue 5Sites significantly different at p=0.05 6Total survival for each species compared 7Anova (p=0.0001) and Tukeys pairwise comparisons (p=0.05). total 52 Table 11: Relationship o f plant weight (g) to site, year, and gap size.' trans form2 Y intercept site coef. meoP 94 2 -1 9 6 hean 94 2 bite 94 year coef. log (hole) coef. log (hole)2 coef. R2 p value 0.07 0 27 0.07 0 62 0.0001 -1.40 0.01 0 36 0.04 0.79 0.0001 2 -2 82 -0.27 0 26 0.05 0.73 0.0001 agcr 94 2 -2.44 0.18 0.13 -0.07 0.09 0.0001 zema 94 2 -1.24 0.10 -0.1 0.10 0.48 0.0001 trae 93 2 -2.03 -0.13 0.04 0.11 0 38 0.0001 trae 94 2 -1.58 0.02 -0.49 0 22 0.63 0.0001 trae 93 & 94 2 0.15 0.01 -0.32 0.16 0.57 0.0001 cema 93 2 -1.78 -0.01 -0.34 0.21 0.39 0.0001 cema 94 2 -2.10 0.15 -0.04 0.11 0.51 0.0001 cema 93 & 94 2 -1.96 0.03 -0.20 0.16 0.44 0.0001 -0.02 -0.20 1All possible regression equations were tried, these fit the data the best. 2I= no transformation. 2= log 10 transformation. 3Cabu=shcpard's purse, mcof=colver, ccma=knapweed, hean=sunflower, agcr=crcsted wheatgrass, brte=cheatgrass, trac=wheat, zcma=com. 53 Table 12. Analysis o f variance on wheat and knapweed weight from both sites in 1993. Source DF Sum o f Squares Mean Square F Value Model 6 16.560 2.760 17.81 Error 13 2.015 0.155 Corrected Total 19 18.574 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 16.344 4.086 26 37 0.0001 Spp I 0.002 0.002 0.01 0.9100 Site I 0.213 0.213 1.3800 0.2620 R Square CV Root MSE Log (wt) Mean 0.891 -36.287 0.394 -1.085 Jj Table 13. Plant weights (g) at both sites, 1993'. 100cm 10cm Icm Im I OOOcrn cerna2-3,4 0.02 a5 0.02 a 0.07 a 0.30 a 3.21 a trae 0.02 a 0.03 ab 0.03 ab 0.05 ab 8 31 b total6 0.02 a 0.03 a 0.04 a 0.19 a . 5.76 b 'Sites are not significantly different (p=0.05). :cema=knapweed, trae=wheat 2Species are not significantly different (p=0.05). 4Single species analyzed with Kruskall-Wallace analy sis o f variance on ranks (wheat. p=0 0029; knapweed, p=0.0010t and Dunn's pairwise comparisons (p=0.05). 'Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, not down -uiumns. 6Anova (p=0.0001) and Tukev's pairwise comparisons (p=0.05). 54 Table 14. Analysis o f variance on wheat and knapweed weight, blue grama site in 1993. Source DF Sum o f Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 5 41.5700 8.310 14.460 0.010 Error 4 2.300 0.57 Corrected Total 9 43.870 Source DF Txpc III SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 40.960 10.240 17.810 0.008 Spp I 0.610 1.060 0.360 ‘ 0.61 R Square CV Root MSE Log (xvt) Mean 0.95 -27.72 0.76 -2.74 Table 15 . Analysis o f variance, wheat and knapweed weights, Idaho fescue site, 1993. Source DF Sum o f Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 5 51.900 10.38 26.310 0.004 Error 4 1.580 0.390 Corrected Total 9 53.480 Source DF Txpe 111 SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 51.040 12.760 32.35 0.003 Spp I 0.86 0.8600 2.1800 0.210 R Square CV Root MSE Log (xxt) Mean 0.97 -27.79 0.63 -2.26 55 Table 16. Wheat and knapweed weights (g) at the blue grama site, 1993. Icm IOcm 100cm IOOOcrn 10000cm cema1'3 0.03 a4 0.02 a 0.01 a 0.03 a 1.73 a trae 0.02 a 0.04 a 0.05 a 0.01 a 7.86 a total5 0.02 a 0.04 a 0.05 a 0.37 a 3.19 b 1Species are not significantly different (p=0.05). :ccma=knap\vecd. Irae=Whcat 1Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, not down columns. 4Single species analyzed with Kruskall-Wallace analysis of variance on ranks (wheat, p=0.0011; knapweed. (p=0.0613) and Dunn's pairwise comparisons. 5Anova (p=0.010) and Tukey's pairwise comparisons (p=0.05). Table 17. W heatanc knapweed weight (g) at the Idaho 'escue site, 1993. I0000cm IOOOcrn 100cm 10cm Icm cema1,3'3 0.01 a4 0.03 a 0.07 a 0.45 a 4.68 a trae 0.01 a 0.02 a 0.02 a 0.08 a 8.75 a 0.74 b 0.37 a 0.21 a 0.04 a 0.02 a total5 'Species are not significantly different (p=0.05). :Cema=knapweed. trac=whcat ’Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.()5). Compare across rows, not down columns. ’Single species analyzed with Kruskall-Wallace analysis of variance on ranks wheat p=0.0014and Dunn's pairwise comparisons, pooled species analyzed with anova and Tukey 's pairwise comparisons. 5Anova (wheat, p=0.014; knapweed, p=0.0004) and Tukey's pairwise comparisons (p=0.05) 56 Table 18. Grass and forb height and weight in relationship to gap size.' tf- Y in t Ig(hole)2 coef. life form coef.3 lifeform/ hole int. R2 p value F* Wt 2 -1.900 0.082 -0.026 0.042 0.403 0.0001 7.5 ht 2 0.743 0.014 0.129 0.019 0.170 0.0001 8.03 i n value ,01 I 0.0001 1Numerous regression equations were tried, this fits the data the best. 2I= no transformation. 2= log 10 transformation.11= no transformation. 2= log 10 transformation. 3 X is zero for grasses, and actual gap size for (orbs 4Partial F test for slope difference (Netcr. Wasscrman, and Kutner, 1993). 57 Table 19. Analysis o f variance, plant weights (log transformed), both sites, 1994. Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 11 3.816 3.347 18.28 0.0001 Error 38 6.957 0.183 Corrected Total 49 43.772 Source DF Tvpc III SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 20.145 5.036 27.51 0.0001 Site 6 13.740 2.290 12.51 0.0001 Spp I 0.357 0.357 1.95 0.171 R Square CV Root MSE Log (wt) Mean 0.841 -35.88 0.428 -1.193 Table 20. Effect o f gap size on plant weights (g), both sites, 1994.' 100cm 10cm Icm 10000cm IOOOcrn meof2 0.018 a 0.040 a 0.122 ab 0.355 b 2.654 b cema 0.010 a3'4 0.010 a 0.017 a 0.360 a 0.514 a bean 0.087 a 0.150 a 0.229 a 6.261 a agcr 0.004 a 0.000 a 0.008 a 0.001 a bite 0.006 a 0.010 a 0.013 a 0.050 a 0.290 b trac 0.029 a 0.020 a 0.020 a 0.171 b 2.740 b zema 0.050 a 0.060 a 0.073 a 0.190 a 13.865 b forbs5 0.020 0.040 0.100 0.360 2.510 grass 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.160 1.400 total5 0.020 a 0.040 a 0.070 ab 0.251 be 2.000 'Sites were significantly different at p=0.05. 2Meof=Clover, cema=knapwced. hcan=sunflower, agcr=crcsted wheatgrass, brte=cheatgrass. trae=wheat.zema=com. ■Letters indicate pairwise comparisons results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, not columns. lKruskall -Wallace analysis of variance on ranks (Clover, p=0.0()01; knapweed. p=0.0092; sunflower. p=0.0498; crested wheatgreass. p=0.3278; cheatgrass. p=0.0012; wheat. p=0.0009; com, p=0.0073). Dunn's pairwise comparisons used for all single species comparisons. sAnova (p=0.0001). Tukev s pairwise comparisons (p=0.05). Weights were log transformed. 58 Table 21. Effect o f gap size on plant weights (g), blue grama site, 1994. Icm IOcm IOOcm cema1 0.012 a2 0.013 a meof 0.021 a 0.036 a hel3 trae 0.212 IOOOcrn 10000cm a 0.169 0.028 a 0.013 zema 0.072 bite 0.003 agcr 0.011 0.004 forbs 0.020 0.050 grass 0.030 0.030 total4 0.021 a 0.042 0.853 b 1.518 b 1.801 a 0.709 a 0.090 0.220 0.260 0.320 ab 0.212 be 0.736 C 1Meof=clovcr: cema=knapwced. hcan=sunflovvcr, agcr=crested whcatgrass. brte=chcatgrass, trae=\vheat=zema=com. 2Single species weights analyzed w ith one w ay analysis o f variance (clover. p=0.0001; knapweed, p=0.0005; wheat, p=0.036) and Student-Neuman-Kuels pairwise comparisons. All weights log transformed. ’Crested whcatgrass, com. sunflower, and cheatgrass had too few responses to analyze. 'Total species analysis used log transformed weights and analysis of variance (p=0.06) and Tukey's painvise comparisons. Table 22: Analysis o f variance on plant weights (log transformed), blue grama site, 1994. Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 9 63.68 7.08 3.16 0.06 Error 8 17.89 2.24 Corrected Total 17 81.56 Source DF Type 111 SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 3 27.12 9.04 4.04 0.05 Spp 6 35.24 5.87 2.63 0.10 R Square CV Root MSE Log (wt) Mean 0.78 -48.92 1.50 -3.06 59 Table 23. Effect o f gap size on plant weights (g) at the Idaho fescue site, 1994 ' Icm IOcm 100cm IOOOcrn 10000cm meof 0.017 a 0.035 a 0.082 b 0.355 C 2936 d cema 0.010 a23 0.009 a 0.017 a 0.361 a 0.514 a hel 0.087 a 0.128 a 0.229 a 8.492 a agcr 0.003 a 0.004 a 0.008 a 0.001 a brte 0.006 a 0.012 b 0.013 b 0.054 b 0.397 c trac 0.028 a 0.024 a 0.020 a 0.172 a 3.752 b zema 0.050 a 0.062 ab 0.073 ab 0.191 b 13.865 c forbs 0.020 0.040 0.100 0.360 3.010 grass 0.020 0.040 0.030 0.160 2.070 total4 0.022 a 0.036 a 0.051 a 0.251 b 3.19 C 'Sites were not significantly different (p=0.05, Tukey's test). -Letters indicate pairwise comparisons results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, and not down columns. 1Kruskall -Wallace analysis of variance on ranks (knapweed. p=0.0250; sunflower, p=0.122; crested wheatgrass. p=0.1534; wheat. p=0.0110) with Dunn's pairwise comparisons. One way analysis of variance with (clover, pO.OOOl; cheatgrass, p=0.0001; com, p=0.0303) Student-Neuman-Kuels pairwise comparisons used for com, clover, and cheatgrass. All weights for parametric anovas log transformed. 'Total differences in plant weight from Tukey's Pairwise Comparisons. Weights were Log transformed. Table 24. Analysis o f variance, plant weights (log transformed), Idaho fescue site, 1994 Source DF Sum o f Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 10 139.76 13.98 43.12 0.0001 Error 21 6.81 0.32 Corrected Total 31 146.56 Source DF Tvpe III SS Mean Square F Valui Hole 4 91.09 22.77 70.26 0.0001 Spp 6 33.41 5.57 17.18 0.0001 R Square C.V. Root MSE Log (wt) Mean 0.95 -22.14 0.57 -2.57 60 Table 25. Analysis o f variance on wheat and knapweed weight (log transformed) both sites, 1993 and 1994._________________________ ______ Source DF Sum o f Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 7 26 96 3 85 663 0.0001 Error 28 16.26 0 58 Corrected Total 35 43.22 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 18.79 4.70 8 09 0.0002 Spp I 3 52 3.52 6.07 0.0200 Site I 2.81 2.81 4 83 0.0360 Year I 1.24 1.24 2.13 0.1560 R Square CV Root MSE Log (wt) Mean 0.623 -87.538 0.762 -0.871 Table 26: Effect o f gap size on wheat and knapweed weights (g): both sites, 1993 and 1994' 10000cm I OOOcrn 100cm IOcm Icm cema2"3 0.02 a4-5 0 02 a 0.03 a 0.31 b 1.19 b trae 0.03 a 0.03 a 0 02 a 0.17 ab 2.74 b total 0.02 a6 0.02 a 0 03 a 0.02 ab 2 66 b 'Sites significantly different (p=0.05), years are not. -Species are significantly different (p=0.05). 3Ccma=knapweed. trae=whcat 'Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, not down voiumns. 'Kruskall Wallace analysis of variance on ranks and Dunn's pairwise comparisons (p=0.05) used on wheat and knapweed separately (wheat, p=0.00()I; knapweed. p=0.0001). "Analysis of variance (p=0.0001) and Tukcy's test (p=0.05) used for pairwise comparisons used for pooled species. 61 Table 27. Analysis o f variance on plant weights (log transformed), blue grama site, 1993 and 1994. Source DF Sum o f Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 6 60.74 10.12 23 94 0.0001 Error 9 3.81 0.42 Corrected Total 15 64.55 Source DF Type 111 SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 59 99 15.00 35.47 0.0001 Spp I 0.73 0.73 1.72 0.2230 Year I 2.08 2.08 4.93 0.0500 R Square CV Root MSE Log (wt) Mean 0.94 -23.50 0.65 -2.77 Table 28. Effect of gap size on wheat and knapweed weights (g), blue grama site, 1993 and 1994. ______________________________________ Icm 10cm 100cm I OOOcrn 10000cm cema1 0 03 0.02 0.01 0.03 1.15 trae 0.04 0.01 total 0.02 a2'3 0.03 a 3 09 0.03 a 0.02 a 2.12b lCema=Icnapweed, trae=wheat -Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, not down columns. 3Analysis o f variance (p=0.0001) and Tukcy's test (p=0.05) used for pairwise comparisons used for pooled species. 62 Table 29. Analysis o f variance on wheat and knapweed weights (log transformed) at the Idaho fescue grassland, 1993 and 1994_____________________________________ Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 6 89 26 14.88 3.30 0.03 Error 13 58.63 4.51 Corrected Total 19 147.89 Source DF Txpc III SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 48 92 12.23 2.71 0.08 Spp I 25 36 25 36 5 62 0.03 Year I 14.98 14.98 3 32 0.09 R Square CV Root MSE Log (wt) Mean 0.60 -152.26 2.12 -1.39 Table 30. Effect o f gap size on knapweed and wheat weights (g), Idaho fescue grassland. 1993 and 1994. Icm 10cm IOOcm 1000cm 10000cm cema 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.43 1.15 trae 028 003 0.02 0.17 4.75 total 0.02 a 0.02 a 0.03 a 0.27 a 2.90 b 1Cema=Icnapweed, trae=wheat -Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, not down columns. ’Analysis of variance (p=0.0001) and Tukcy's test (p=0.05) used for pairw ise comparisons used for pooled species. 63 Table 31. Relationship o f plant height (cm) to site, year, and hole size. plant log(ht) trans form1 Y intercept site coef. meof3 2 068 hean I agcr year coef. log (hole) coef. log (hole)2 coef. R2 p value -0.04 0.05 0.02 0.38 0.0001 3.99 -6.72 3 55 0.93 0.65 0.032 2 0.51 -0.04 -0.02 0.02 0.06 0698 bite 2 0.37 -0.09 0.18 -0.03 033 0.014 zema 2 0.78 -1.97 -1.54 1.43 0.26 0.005 trae93 I 3.31 -0.69 -1.60 1.09 0.31 0.0001 trae94 I 7.00 1.34 -4.08 1.33 0.33 0.0001 trac 93 & 94 2 683 0.82 -1.18 0 82 0.23 0.0001 cema93 I 0.46 -0.08 -0.11 0.07 0.49 0.0001 cema94 I 2.63 -0.30 -0.54 0.42 0.49 0.0001 cema 93 & 94 2 2.70 -0.65 -0.61 0.59 0.45 0.0001 -1.34 -0.73 'AU possible regression equations were tried, these fit the data best. 2I= no transformation. 2= log 10 transformation. 3Cabu=Shepard1S purse, meof=colver. cema=knapweed, hean=sunflower, agcr=crested wheatgrass. brte=cheatgrass, trae=wheat, zema=com. 64 Table 32: Analysis o f variance on wheat and knapweed height data (log transformed) at both sites, 1993.__________ ________________ Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 6 1.878 0.313 9 800 0.0003 Error 13 0.415 0.032 Corrected Total 19 2.293 Source DF Type III SS Mean Squa F Value Pr>F Hole 4 ‘ 1.196 0.299 9.360 0.0009 Spp I 0.587 0.587 18.370 0.0009 Site I 0.096 0.096 2 990 0.1072 R Square CV Root MSE Log (wt) Mean 0.819 20.712 0.179 0.86 Table 33. Effects o f gap size on wheat and knapweed heights (cm) in both sites, 1993. 100cm 10cm Icm 10000cm I OOOcrn cem a'2 3.26 a3-4 3.37 a 4.15 a 7.26 a 17.1 a trae 6 88 a 9 28 a 10.2 a 8 85 a 29.80 b total5 5.20 a 6.56 a 7.18 a 7.94 a 23.94 b 'Species are significantly different, sites are not. 2Cema=knapw eed. trae= wheat ’Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, and not down columns. 1Kruskall-Wallace analysis of variance on ranks (wheat. 0.0001: knapweed, p=0.0319) and Dunn's pairwise comparisons used to analyze single species. 5 Anova (p=0.0003) and Tukcy's pairwise comparisons for pooled species (p=0.05). 65 Table 34. Analysis o f varianceon wheat and knapweed height (log transformed) at the blue grama site, 1993,__________________________ Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 5 6.67 0.85 5.43 0.065 Error 4 0.62 3.28 21.03 0.010 Corrected Total 9 730 Source DF Type III SS Mean Sqm F Value Pr>F Hole 4 3.39 085 5.43 0.07 Spp I 3 28 3 28 21.03 0.0100 R Square C.V. Root MSE Log (wt) Mean 0.91 21.63 0.40 1.83 Table 35: Analysis of variance on wheat and knapweed heights (log transformed) at the Idaho fescue site, 1993._______________________________________________________ Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 5 4.20 0.84 22.00 0.005 Error 4 0.15 0.04 Corrected Total 9 4.35 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 3.73 0.93 24.46 0.005 Spp I 0.46 0.46 12.18 0.030 R Square C.V. Root MSE Log (wt) Mean 0.96 9.11 0.20 2.15 66 Table 36. Effect of gap size on wheat and knapweed heights (cm) at the blue grama site, 1993. Height Icm IOcm 100cm IOOOcm IOOOOcm ccma' 3.48 2 80 3.48 2 80 12.7 trae 7.04 11.02 18.17 5.45 29.30 total 5.58 a: 7.06 a 7.45 a 3 ^ i lCcma=Iaiapweed. trac=wheat 2Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Anova (p= comparisons (p=0.05) 21.00 a id Tukey's pairwise Table 37. Effect o f gap size on wheat and knapweed heights (cm) at the Idaho fescue site. 1993. Height Icm 10cm 100cm I OOOcrn 10000cm cema' 3.10 4.10 5 60 10.14 21.50 trae 6.73 7.40 8.42 10.55 30.30 total 4.87 a2 8 97 a 7.01 a 10.32 a 25.90 a 1Cema=Iaiapweed, trae=wheat 2Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Anova (p=0.0()5). and Tukey's pairwise comparisons (p=0.05). 67 Table 38. Effect o f gap size on plant heights (cm) in both sites, 1994. Icm IOcm 100cm IOOOcrn 10000cm meof' 5.38 a 5.98 a 7.77 a 13.00 b 28 26 C cema 2.78 a23 2.72 a 3 38 a 6.90 b 7 b hean 10.3 a 10.24 a 20.70 a 35.40 a agcr 3.67 a 3.77 a 4.50 a 5.10 a bite 3.18 a 4.95 a 5.35 a 4.00 a 5.73 a trac 9.91 ab 24.40 ab 15.50 b 10.62 ab 8.34 a zema 8 89 a 10.70 a 13.12 a 13.00 a 31.20 a forbs 4.69 5 29 7.75 13.37 19.87 grasses 622 7.57 7.01 8.45 13.27 10.00 ab 16.40 7.37 b a a 6.52 a 5.51 total45 1Meof=clover, ccma=kn ipweed. he -.flower, agcr=crcsted wheatgrass, brtc= cheatgrass, trae=wheat, zema=com. 2Lctters indicate pairwise componsu.i results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, and not down columns. 3One w ay analysis of variance w ith Student-Ncuman- Kuels pairw ise comparisons used on sunflower (p= 0.2993). Kruskall-Wallace analysis of variance on ranks with Dunn’s pairwise comparisons used on crested wheatgrass (p=0.7342), wheat (p=0.0051), knapweed (p=0.0002), clover (p=0.0001), and cheatgrass (p=0.3719), and corn (p=0.2400). “’Analysis o f variance (p=0.0001) and Tukey's Test used for multiple pairwise comparisons used for pooled species and grass versus forb analysis. 5Spccies and sites were significantly different (p=0.05, Tukey's test). 68 Table 39. Effect o f gap size on plant heights (cm) at the blue grama site, 1994. Height Icm meof 4.65 a cema 2.08 al2-34 2.13 IOcm bean agcr 4 85 bite trac 4.93 a 5.25 100cm a 5.95 1000cm a 10000cm 17.2 a 7.30 a 10.30 960 1.95 5.10 2.70 3 85 4.50 a 11.13 a zema forbs 4.04 5.05 grasses 4.90 3.73 total45 4.27 a 4.66 5.95 9.74 7.70 b 595 a 8.63 b lCema=Iaiapweed, cema=knapweed, hean=sunflower, agcr=crested wheatgrass, brte=cheatgrass, trae=xvheat, zema=com. "Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, and not down columns. 2One way analysis o f variance with Student-Neuman- Kuels pairwise comparisons used on clover (p=0.0197), knapweed (p=0.0512), and wheat (p=0.0338). Crested wheatgrass, com, sunflower, and cheatgrass had too few responses to analyze. 3Analysis of variance (p=0.0400) and Tukey's test used for multiple pairw ise comparisons used for pooled species and grass versus forb analysis. 4Species were significantly different (p=0.05, Tukey's test). 69 Table 40. Effect o f gap size on plant heights (cm) at the Idaho fescue site, 1994. Icm IOcm IOOcm 1000cm 10000cm meof 5.80 a 6.71 a 8.18 a 13.37 b 31.03 a cema 2.97 a*3 296 a 338 a 6.90 a 7.18 a bean 10.30 a a 20.70 a a 48.25 a agcr 3.48 a 4.50 a 4.50 a a bite 3.18 a 5.40 b 5.35 a 4.00 a 668 b trae 8.04 a 7.22 a 4.90 a 5 68 a 14.75 b zema 8 89 a 11.37 a 13.12 a 12.98 a 31.23 a forbs 4.96 5.44 7.96 13.37 24.93 grasses 636 8.23 7.01 8.45 13.27 total45 5.79 a 6.52 a 7.44 a 10.10 a a 20.41 b lMeof=Clover, ccma=knapvveed. hean=sunflower, agcr=crested wheatgrass, brte=cheatgrass, trae=wheat, zema=com. 2Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, and not down columns. 3One way analysis o f variance with Student-Neuman- Kuels pairwise comparisons used on sunflower (p=0.1669), crested wheatgrass (p=0.5437), cheatgrass (p=0.010), and wheat (p=0.0035). Kruskall-Wallace anova on ranked data used for clover (p=0.0016), knapweed (p=0.1099), and com (p=0.2046). 4Analysis o f variance (p=0.0001) and Tukey’s test used for multiple pairwise comparisons used for pooled species and grass versus forb analysis. 5Species were significantly different (p=0.05, Tukey's test). 70 Source DF Sum o f Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 4 3.570 0.325 17.920 0.0001 Error 6 0.670 0.018 Corrected Total I 4.240 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 0993 0.248 13.720 0.0001 Spp 6 2.207 0.368 20.310 0.0001 Site I 0.402 0.402 22.18 0.0001 R Square CV Root MSE Log (ht) Mean 0.842 16.398 0.135 0.82 Table 42. Analysis o f variance on plant heights (log transformed), blue grama site, 1994. Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 9 4.93 0.55 3.67 0.04 Error 8 1.19 0.15 Corrected Total 17 6.12 Source DF Type 111 SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 3 2.07 069 4.63 0.04 Spp 6 2.94 0.49 3.29 0.06 R Square CV Root MSE Log (ht) Mean 0.81 23.69 0.39 1.63 71 Table 43. Analysis o f variance on plant height (log transformed), Idaho fescue site, 1994. Source DF Sum o f Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 10 12.94 1.29 17.21 0.0001 Error 20 1.50 0.08 Corrected Total 30 14.44 Source DF Type 111 SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 3.57 0.89 11.87 0.0001 Spp 6 9.28 1.55 20.57 0.0001 R Square CV Root MSE Log (ht) Mean 0.90 13.44 0.27 2.04 72 Table 44. Effect o f gap size on wheat and knapweed heights (cm) at both sites, 1993 and 1994.' Height I cm cema2 3.10 a3-4 3.10 a 3.82 ab 7.2 ab 9.42 b trae 7.09 a 8.57 a 7.39 a 7.41 a 16.89 b total 5.25 a 5.92 a 5 78 a 7.30 a 13.16 b 10 cm 100 cm 1000 cm 10000 cm 'At p=0.05, Tukeys tests show species and years significantly different, but sites are not. 2Cema=knapweed, trae=wheat. ’Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, not down columns. 4Single species are analyzed with Kruskall-Wallacc analysis o f variance on ranks and Dunn's pairwise comparisons (knapweed. p=0.0018); wheat, p=0.0017). Pooled species analyzed with analysis o f variance (p=0.0001)and Tukey's pairw ise comparisons (p=0.05). Table 45. Analysis o f variance on wheat and knapweed height (log transformed), both sites, 1993 and 1994.___________________________________________________ Source DF Sum o f Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 7 2.737 0.391 16.930 0.0001 Error 28 0.647 0.023 Corrected Total 35 3.384 Source DF Type 111 SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 1.563 0.391 16.920 0.0001 Spp I 0.846 0.846 36.630 0.0001 Site I 0.179 0.179 7.730 0.0096 Year I 0.287 0.287 12.450 0.0015 R Square CV Root MSE Log (ht) Mean 0.809 19.064 0.152 0.797 73 Table 46. Analysis o f variance on wheat and knapweed heights (log transformed), blue grama site, 1993 and 1 9 9 4 . _______________ _______________________________________ Source DF Sum o f Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 5 7.93 1.59 7.96 0.003 Error 10 1.99 0.20 Corrected Total 15 9 92 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F Hole 4 4.16 1.04 5.22 0.020 Spp I 3.77 3.77 18.90 0.001 R Square CV R oot MSE Log (ht) Mean 0.80 26.20 0.45 1.70 Table 47. Analysis o f variance on wheat and knapweed height (log transformed) Idaho fescue site, 1993 and 1994._________________________________________________________ Source DF Sum o f Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F Model 5 5.48 1.10 7.58 0.001 Error 14 2.02 0.15 Corrected Total 19 7.50 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F H ole 4 4.26 1.06 7.37 0.002 Spp I 1.22 1.22 8.44 0.012 R Square CV Root MSE Log (ht) Mean 0.73 19.58 0 38 1.94 74 Table 48. Effect o f gap size on wheat and knapweed heights (cm), blue grama site, 1993 and 1994' Icm IOcm 100cm 1000cm 10000cm cema2 3.2 2.64 1.73 2.47 8 65 trae 6.72 10.59 13.17 5.45 15.68 total 5.22 a3 6.37 a 7.45 ab 3.66 a 12. 16b 'At p=().05, Tukcys tests show species and years significantly different. 2Ccma=knapwecd, Irae=WhcaL 'Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). Compare across rows, not down columns. Table 49. Effect o f gap size on plant heights (cm), Ida io fescue site, 1993 and 1994 ' Height Icm 10cm 100cm 1000cm I 0000cm cema2 3 05 3 48 4.39 9 23 10.04 trae 7.33 7.32 6.16 7.84 17.86 total 5.27 a2 5.60 a 5.38 a 8.44 ab 13.95 b 'At p=0.05, Tukeys tests show species and years significantly different. 2 Cema=knapw eed. trae=wheat 3Letters indicate pairwise comparison results (p=0.05). 75 Table 50. Precipitation at the blue grama site, compared to long term data. T rid e n t 1993 p p t (cm ) Sep 92 Oct 92 Nov 92 Dec 92 Jan 93 Feb 93 Mar 93 Apr 93 May 93 Jun 93 Jul 93 Aug 93 Sep 93 2.90 3.20 1.04 0.58 0.97 0.91 0.66 6.20 4.70 8.36 14.15 7.01 2.92 53.59 43.33 Total: Gr s e a . t o t . T rid en t 1994 p p t (cm ) Sep 93 Oct 93 Nov 93 Dec 93 Jan 94 Feb 94 Mar 94 Apr 94 May 94 Jun 94 Jul 94 Aug 94 Sep 94 2.92 1.24 0.41 0.51 0.56 0.43 1.40 4.80 3.96 4.29 3.86 0.91 0.10 25.40 17.93 total Gr s e a . tot. m o n th ly lo n g term a v g n o rm , (cm ) d e p a rt, (cm. s t d d e v s td d e v 2 62 4.37 0.91 0.46 0.94 0.91 -0.41 9.88 3.84 11.23 25.12 11.02 2.18 73.07 63.27 -0.28 1.17 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 0.00 -1.07 3.68 -0.86 2.87 10.97 4.01 -0.74 19.48 19.94 56.9 47.6 31.7 17.4 13.7 16.7 37.8 43.7 56.7 58.1 61.2 54.4 3.2 3.2 4.5 5.4 7.8 6.8 4.9 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.5 2.5 3.2 m o n th ly lo n g term a v g s td d e v d e p a rt, (cm, s td d ev n o rm , (cm ) 2.18 0.48 -0.61 0.36 0.13 0.15 1.07 7.09 2.36 3.10 4.55 -1.17 -3.45 16.23 12.47 -0.74 -0.76 -1.02 -0.15 -0.43 -0.28 -0.33 2.29 -1.60 -1.19 0.69 -2.08 -3.56 -9.17 -5.46 45.2 27.2 28.9 32.6 24.7 39.9 45.6 56.7 61.2 67 68.8 3.2 3.2 4.5 5.4 7.8 6.8 4.9 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.5 2.5 s td d ev d e p a r tu r e 17.8 14.9 7.0 3.2 1.8 2.5 7.7 12.9 17.7 19.4 0.0 24.5 17.0 s td d ev d e p a rtu re 14.1 8.5 6.4 6.0 3.2 5.9 9.3 16.7 19.1 26.8 27.5 76 Table 5 1. Precipitation at the Idaho fescue site compared to long term data. B ozem an Sep 92 Oct 92 Nov 92 Dec 92 Jan 93 Feb 93 Mar 93 Apr 93 May 93 Jun 93 Jul 93 Aug 93 Sep 93 Total: Gr s e a . t o t . B ozem an Sep 93 Oct 93 Nov 93 Dec 93 Jan 94 Feb 94 Mar 94 Apr 94 May 94 Jun 94 Jul 94 Aug 94 Sep 94 total Gr s e a . t o t 1993 p p t (cm ) 5.46 5.66 2.69 2.03 1.17 0.61 1.57 8.08 8.41 10.74 12.57 7.34 3.07 69.42 50.22 1994 p p t (cm ) 3.07 3.30 1.07 1.78 0.94 1.40 2.13 4.90 3.68 8.89 7.16 1.55 0.91 40.79 27.10 n o rm , (cm ) d e p a rt, (cm ) 6.30 7.19 2.57 2.13 0.13 -0.48 -0.46 11.40 8.74 14.22 21.72 10.87 4.95 89.28 71.91 0.84 1.52 -0.13 0.10 -1.04 -1.09 -2.03 3.33 0.33 3.48 9.14 3.53 1.88 19.86 21.69 n o rm , (cm ) d e p a rt, (cm ) 4.95 2.54 -0.89 1.68 -0.33 1.09 0.66 5.05 -0.71 10.52 10.90 -0.71 -3.12 31.62 21.92 1.88 -0.76 -1.96 -0.10 -1.27 -0.30 -1.47 0.15 -4.39 1.63 3.73 -2.26 -4.04 -9.17 -5.18 m o n th ly lo n g term a v g s td dev s td d ev s td d ev d ep a rtu re 56.7 49.7 31.2 18.8 18.0 19.4 38.2 43.5 56.3 57.4 58.6 60.7 55.2 3.5 3.1 4.5 4.7 6.7 6.0 4.9 3.6 3.2 3.1 2.5 25 3.5 16.2 16.0 6.9 4.0 2.7 3.2 7.8 12.1 17.6 18.5 23.4 24.3 15.8 s td d ev lo n g term a v g s td d ev s td d ev depa rtu re 55.2 46.1 27.8 28.7 32.6 24.8 39.7 46.1 56.2 61.1 67.5 69.2 61.4 3.5 3.1 45 4.7 6.7 6.0 4.9 3.6 3.2 3.1 2.5 2.5 3.5 15.8 14.9 6.2 6.1 4.9 4.1 8.1 12.8 17.6 19.7 27.0 27.7 17.5 77 Table 52. Percentages o f plants eaten by grasshoppers at both sites, 1993 and 1994 I cm 10 cm 100 cm 1000 cm Im total bogr' 93 14 10 100 90 0 28 feid 93 22 17 60 50 0 26 bogr 94 I 3 4 4 0 2 feid 94 7 6 12 3 0 6 ’Bogr= blue grama, feid Idaho fescue. Table 53. Signed rank sum test results for grasshopper control, 1994 (Onsager and Henry blue grama site Idaho fescue site In treated area out o f treated area In treated area out o f treated area no.1 I 11 0 6 p value2 0.03 0.01 'Number of grass ioppers counted. 2P value from Wilcoxson signed rank test (Ncter, Wasserman, and Kutner, 1990). Table 54. Light intensity (pages) in gaps. gap size blue grama site light intensity group' Idaho fescue site light intensity group I cm2 a a 10 cm2 a a 100 cm2 a a 1000 cm2 a b I m2 a b 1Bonferroni pairw ise comparison 78 Table 55. Soi moisture (%), at both sites, 1994 ' May July September gap size feid site2-3 bogr site feid site bogr site feid site bogr site I cm 13.95a4 1.66a 2l6ab 0.00a 11.28a 1.93a 10 cm 19.07a 2.50a 3.70a 1.35a 11.07a 2.23a 100 cm 44.34a 6.25a 2.27ab 1.04a 9.71a 1.53b 1000 cm 41.98a 6.43a 1.69ab 1.83b 7.57b 1.96a I m 39.79a 4.84a 3.09a 1.13a 4.86b 1.83a ‘Idaho fescue soil moisture significantly higher than blue grama moisture (p=0.0001, MannWhitney rank sum test). 2Feid= Idaho fescue, bogr= blue grama site 3Kruskall-Wallace and Dunn's pairwise comparisons for feid May (p=0.267), Feid July (p=0.0367), feid Sept. (p=0.0001), bogr July (p=0.0156), bogr Sept. (p=0.0003). Oneway anova with Bonferroni pairwise comparisons used for bogr June (p=0.8171). 4Compare down rows, not across columns. 79 Table 56. Emergence (%) o f eight species at both sites, 1993 and 1994. 1994 Idaho fescue shepard s purse knapweed 12 76 I cm 33 80 10 cm 0 70 100 cm 0 60 1000 cm 0 100 1m clover sunflower wheatqrass cheatqrass 84 80 76 84 80 90 87 87 90 90 40 50 100 90 30 70 100 75 50 100 wheat 100 93 100 90 100 com 1994 blue gramma site Shepard's purse knapweed 92 52 1 cm 73 60 10 cm 10 30 100 cm 0 0 1000 cm 0 50 1m clover sunflower wheatqrass cheatqrass 72 80 28 80 87 93 60 87 100 30 30 30 60 10 10 10 75 25 50 25 wheat 84 100 100 80 100 com 1993 Idaho fescue site knapweed 92 I cm 80 10 cm 100 100 cm 100 1000 cm 1m 100 wheat 68 87 100 80 100 1993 blue qramma site knapweed 60 1 cm 87 10 cm 100 100 cm 80 1000 cm 100 1m wheat 72 93 100 100 100 96 100 70 80 100 88 80 30 0 0 80 Table 57. Survival (%) o f eight species at two sites, 1993 and 1994. 1994 Idaho fescue site knapweed 1cm 60 10 cm 73 60 100 cm 1000 cm 20 1m 75 wheat 76 73 90 50 100 clover sunflower wheatgrass cheatqrass 88 8 44 52 60 53 33 33 90 20 40 20 90 0 30 0 100 50 0 100 com 1994 blue gramma site knapweed 1cm 16 10 cm 27 100 cm 0 1000 cm 0 1m 75 wheat 16 7 0 0 75 clover sunflower wheatgrass cheatqrass 52 0 8 0 53 8 13 7 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 25 50 25 corn 1993 Idaho fescue site knapweed 1cm 92 10 cm 67 100 cm 100 100 1000 cm 1m 100 wheat 88 87 100 80 100 1993 blue gramma site knapweed 64 Icm 87 10 cm 60 100 cm 60 1000 cm 100 1m wheat 92 93 60 40 100 64 93 50 60 75 shepard's purse 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 shepard's purse 0 0 0 0 0 81 Table 58. Knapweed and wheat heights at the blue grama site, 1993. Triticum Aestivum Centaurea maculosum Gap Size (cm) Height (cm) Weight (g) Gap Size (cm) Height (cm) Weight (g) 7.5 0.00 I 1 5.0 0.05 1.7 0.00 1 0.8 1 0.01 0.02 1 1 7.3 3.4 0.02 0.00 1 2.3 1 3.2 0.01 1 0.01 0.8 2.9 1 0.01 0.00 1 1.2 1 2.1 0.01 5.7 0.00 3.7 1 1 0.02 8.7 0.01 1 7.0 0.07 1 6.8 0.02 1 0.02 1 3.9 0.01 1 0.04 2.9 4.2 1 10.5 0.03 1 0.03 1 3.7 7.1 0.00 0.07 1 1 4.6 0.01 4.9 0.02 1 1.6 1 0.05 7.1 0.02 1 5.5 1 0.02 0.00 1 10.0 3.2 1 0.02 3.0 10.3 0.02 1 1 10 4.2 0.02 11.8 0.01 1 0.04 10 1.4 0.02 10.8 1 0.01 10 4.0 5.9 0.01 1 0.04 0.7 0.00 10 9.1 1 0.02 0.00 10 1.9 8.4 1 0.02 4.8 10 10.2 0.01 1 0.04 3.5 10 8.7 0.01 1 0.03 4.8 10 0.02 9.1 10 0.01 1.3 0.04 10 8.7 10 2.9 0.01 10 0.01 11.5 10 0.01 1.4 10 0.02 12.2 10 4.9 0.02 10 0.01 9.2 10 0.01 0.6 10 0.02 11.9 10 0.02 2.7 100 0.02 14.2 10 0.00 0.9 100 0.02 9.2 10 0.01 1.6 100 0.01 11.9 10 0.04 3.4 1000 0.01 14.2 10 0.01 1.8 1000 0.02 3.1 10 0.04 1000 2.2 0.01 11.2 10 1.73 12.7 10000 0.03 11.3 10 0.01 16.6 10 0.02 7.7 100 0.04 16.5 100 0.08 15.3 100 0.13 6.8 1000 0.03 4.1 1000 8.75 29 3 10000 82 Table 59. Knapweed and wheat heights and weights at the Idaho fescue site, 1993. Triticum Aestivum__________________ Centaurea maculosum_______________ Gap Size (cm) Height (cm) Weight (g) Gap Size (cm) Height (cm) Weight (g) 1 8.9 0.01 1 1.0 0.00 1 7.3 0.01 1 1.6 0.00 1 13.1 0.01 1 2.9 0.01 0.01 1 1 9.0 3.8 0.01 1 9.4 0.00 1 2.3 0.01 1 4.4 0.00 1 2.2 0.02 5.4 1 0.01 1 4.8 0.02 1 9.9 0.01 1 3.0 0.01 I 10.9 0.01 1 2.0 0.01 7.4 1 0.00 1 0.01 1.3 1 7.0 0.02 1 3.4 0.01 0.02 1 1.7 0.01 3.3 1 1 0.01 0.01 9.1 2.8 1 7.5 0.05 0.03 1 1 5.3 0.04 0.02 1 1 3.8 4.0 0.01 8.6 0.02 4.4 1 1 4.4 0.05 1 0.02 1 4.3 3.4 0.04 1 0.02 1 5.5 2.9 0.02 3.4 0.02 1 1 3.4 0.02 1 0.03 1 2.1 0.01 0.03 1 3.1 1 1.2 4.0 0.02 1 7.9 0.02 1 0.01 0.02 1 2.3 10 6.0 0.02 0.02 10 5.1 5.6 10 0.05 10 8.3 0.11 10 13.1 0.01 10 2.3 9.4 0.01 10 0.01 10 1.4 0.02 10 9.2 3.4 0.02 10 0.01 10 2.1 0.00 1.1 0.02 10 3.5 10 0.04 0.04 10 6.5 13.2 10 0.04 5.8 0.04 10 10 11.0 3.5 0.03 10 0.03 6.9 10 0.03 10 3.6 0.04 2.0 10 0.26 100 10.0 0.04 10.7 10 0.03 4.1 100 0.01 3.5 10 0.04 7.0 100 0.05 14.4 100 0.03 4.9 100 0.08 4.6 100 2.0 0.00 100 0.03 2.0 100 1.12 13.0 1000 0.01 8.3 100 0.24 10.4 1000 0.01 12.8 100 0.14 9.5 1000 0.13 3.5 1000 0.13 6.2 1000 0.02 1000 14.0 0.64 11.6 1000 0.01 19.1 1000 4.68 21.5 10000 0.01 5.6 1000 7 86 30.3 10000 83 Table 60. Grass heights and weights at the blue grama site, 1994. B r o m u s te c to ru m A g r o p y ro n c ris ta tu m H eight G a p S iz e (cm ) H eig h t (cm ) W e ig h t (g) G a p S iz e 2.7 3.6 0 .0 0 9 10 I 5.1 6.1 10000 1 0 .0 1 3 26 0 004 10000 10 2 .3 10 1.6 0 .0 0 3 10000 5.1 0.001 W e ig h t 0 .0 0 3 0 .1 6 6 0014 T riticum A e s tiv u m G a p S iz e H eight 1 26 I 4.6 I 4 .3 I 8.2 10 45 10000 14.5 10000 9 .5 W e ig h t 0 .0 1 3 0 .0 3 2 0 .0 2 8 0 .0 5 4 0 .0 2 4 1 .2 1 6 0 .201 Zeam ays G a p S iz e 10 10 H eight 4.2 7.1 W e ig h t 0 .0 6 2 0 .0 8 2 84 Table 61. Grass heights and weights at the Idaho fescue site, 1994. A a ro p y ro n c h s ta tum B ro m u s te cto ru m TrWcum A e stivu m Z ea m a ys IGap Size (cm) Height (cm) Weight (q) Gap Size Height Weight Gap Size Height Weight Gap Size Height Weight 5.9 I I 0.004 2.1 0.001 I I 4.8 0.015 8.7 0026 3.9 1 3.2 0.001 1 0.003 I 4.5 0.022 1 8.1 0.083 I I 2.6 4.1 0.004 I 0.002 I 7.6 0.023 10.7 0.044 I 3.5 3.7 0.005 I I 0.003 I 12.2 0.052 9.1 0.038 1 8.1 0042 I 1.9 0.000 1 18.3 0.033 I 14.7 0.060 4.1 0.002 I 1 3.9 0.016 I 2.6 0.005 I 13.8 0.063 I 3.3 0.001 I 34 6.3 0.021 I I 0.003 15.2 0.129 1.7 0002 1 I 6.2 0.025 0.001 1 6.2 0.039 1 3.5 I 1.0 0.001 I 7.6 0.037 0.005 I 14.3 0.073 I 2.5 I 1.6 0.001 I 10.1 0.086 I 3.2 0.010 3.2 0.003 I 1 2.1 0.006 2.1 0.003 1 7.8 0.016 I 3.3 0.046 I 5.0 0.003 10 6.1 0.008 I 7.1 0.026 I 6.1 0.083 I 86 10 7.6 0.019 I 9.9 0.039 I 5.5 0.023 10 0.001 0.024 1 9.7 0.027 2.4 4.8 0.009 8.1 0.000 10 I 10 I 6.7 0.040 9.2 0.018 4.3 0.007 10 3.8 0.010 I 10 I 8.3 0.016 6.9 0.022 100 I 3.6 0.008 4.3 0.008 10 10 8.6 0.072 1 6.2 0.007 100 4.3 0005 3.6 0.003 10 0.040 10 14.6 0.102 1 92 100 4.7 0.020 6.5 0.010 100 5.4 0.020 10 I 8.6 0.034 100 8.1 0.018 0.005 100 2.5 14.1 0.048 10 4.2 0.007 10 8.1 0.020 1000 10 16.0 0.068 3.7 0.101 10 2.1 0.004 1000 10 16.2 0.074 3.0 0.013 10000 6.2 0.343 10 10 13.1 0.121 10 4.1 0.021 10000 5.1 0.260 10 12.3 0.074 10 9.2 0.023 10000 6.5 0.138 12.4 0.074 10 8.9 0.848 10 9.2 0.022 10000 10 9.7 0.064 7.0 0.047 10 10 13.2 0.049 10 8.8 0.034 10 8.6 0.033 10 7.2 0.010 10 6.9 0.031 0.012 10 59 10 10.9 0.053 10 8.8 0.029 100 14.2 0.070 100 6.0 0.023 100 16.6 0.065 100 3 3 0.016 100 14.3 0.043 4.3 0.024 100 7.4 0.085 100 100 4.1 0.015 100 13.1 0.083 100 3.2 0.009 1000 15.0 0.178 5.6 0.012 100 1000 25.0 0.670 100 5.1 0.052 1000 14.2 0.040 100 6.3 0.017 1000 6.0 0.046 100 6.2 0.012 1000 6.1 0.140 1000 5.2 0115 1000 11.6 0.072 4.6 0.043 1000 10000 67.8 13.865 3.5 0.009 1000 10000 19.8 0.722 4.9 0.060 1000 10000 6.1 0.125 1000 10.2 0.641 0.033 10000 5.1 3.753 10000 191 10000 19.6 8.250 10000 15.2 2.972 85 Table 62. Forb heights and weights at the blue grama site, 1994. Melilotus officionales Centaurea maculosum Gap Size (cm) Height (cm) Weight (g) Gap Size 1 3.4 0.007 1 1 0.025 5.3 1 I 0.004 4 1 1 0.017 46 1 0.005 10 1 3.2 0.014 10 I 5.9 0.033 10 1 5.5 0.045 10 1 7.4 * 0.019 10000 4.3 1 4.9 0.069 10000 I 5.9 0.025 1 0.008 3.9 1 0.001 1 2.1 0.038 4.6 10 0.03 5.3 10 0.043 5 10 0.043 7.2 10 0.079 7 10 0.012 4.5 10 0.031 4.7 10 0.012 3.7 10 0.082 7.6 100 0.026 43 100 1.518 17.2 10000 Height 2.8 1.9 1.1 2.5 1.9 0.9 3.1 2.6 10.2 9.2 Weight 0.017 0.01 0.003 0.018 0.009 0.004 0.02 0.018 1.052 0.654 Helianthus annus Gap Size Height Weight 10 10.5 0.153 10 9.7 0.185 10000 9.6 1.801 86 Table 63. Forb heights and weights at the Idaho fescue site, 1994. M e lilo tu s o ffic io n a le s Gap Size (cm) Height (cm) Weight (g) 0.7 0000 I 6.4 0.021 I 5.7 0.013 1 0.005 4.5 1 0.021 I 6.7 0.002 1 4.0 0.001 I 3.2 I 0.006 3.9 1 5.2 0.011 4.0 0.006 1 6.2 0.011 I 8.1 0.023 1 0.018 8.2 1 48 0 008 1 4.4 0.006 I 10.3 0.046 1 9.2 0.019 1 9.6 0.041 I 0.002 1 1.4 0.022 1 5.2 7.3 0 060 1 6.8 0.029 I 0.034 7.5 10 4.1 0006 10 0.012 5.1 10 4.4 0.032 10 0.013 9.1 10 0.087 6.1 10 0 068 7.7 10 0.024 98 10 0 095 7.4 100 0.068 14.2 100 0 006 9.0 100 0.080 4.1 100 0.015 4.2 100 0.066 6.1 100 0.037 78 100 0.041 7.1 100 0.333 8.2 100 0.229 12.9 1000 0.596 12.2 1000 0434 13.7 1000 0 175 17.7 1000 0.454 10.1 1000 0.312 9.9 1000 0258 11.0 1000 0 046 12.7 1000 0.695 5.7 1000 0 367 27.3 10000 0 362 10.4 10000 6.208 59.3 10000 4.807 51.5 10000 C e n ta u re a m a c u lo s u m Gap Size 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 10000 10000 10000 10000 Height 2.5 2.5 3.7 4.1 2.9 3.1 1.3 1.8 2.1 3.9 2.3 4.2 3.2 4.1 2.8 1.0 3.4 2.6 3.1 2.7 15 4.0 4.7 2.3 4.3 6.0 0.4 2.4 4.1 4.2 3.2 5.7 2.7 10.2 10.1 H e lia n th u s a n n u s Weight 0.005 0.034 0.012 0.009 0.013 0.005 0.001 0.000 0.010 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.010 0.006 0.006 0.002 0.016 0.021 0.005 0.014 0.032 0.003 0.001 0.008 0.022 0.031 0.022 0.614 0638 0.007 0.117 Gap Size 1 1 10 10 10 100 100 10000 10000 Height 7.3 13.3 19.9 9.8 1.3 23.1 18.3 41 6 54.9 Weight 0.007 0.166 0276 0.073 0.036 0.252 0.205 12.100 4.883 87 Y=0.613651 ♦3i2BECGX RSquered = 0227 -------- RagreaGcn ............ 95%Q —-— se%R Figure I . Effect o f gap size on forb weight (log scale). Figure 2. Effect o f gap size on grass weight (log scale). 88 Y=-I SCB08 + O.123B79K RSquared = 0.510 — rtegwgcon ....... 95%a Figure 3. Effect o f gap size on forb height (log scale). 1 I : ..... _________ . C- 0 ~ J= =0 I I “ 30 ...... . > Y=-190271 8 15E02X RSovered =0296 t -3 — 4 • • • — I 0 l i 5 ----- Ragreasm ............ S6%a l 10 15 Log(gap)2 Figure 4. Effect o f gap size on grass height (log scale). 89 1 0O O 10000 Log(gap) Figure 5. Clover weights at both sites. Weights and gaps are log transformed. Hollow boxes are responses from the blue grama site. Solid boxes are responses from the Idaho fescue site. These are average values. 90 1000 10000 Log(gap) Figure 6. Sunflower weight at both sites. Weights and gaps are log transformed. Hollow boxes are responses from the blue grama site. Solid boxes are responses from the Idaho fescue site. These are average values. 91 100 1000 10000 Log(gap) Figure 7. Crested wheatgrass weight at both sites. Weights and gaps are log transformed. Hollow boxes are responses from the blue grama site. Solid boxes are responses from the Idaho fescue site. These are average values. 92 O -1 10O 1000 10000 Log(gap) Figure 8. Cheatgrass weights at both sites. Weights and gaps are log transformed. Hollow boxes are responses from the blue grama site. Solid boxes are responses from the Idaho fescue site These are average values. 93 q -1 1 0O O 10000 Log(gap) Figure 9. Corn weights at both sites. Weights and gaps are log transformed. Hollow boxes are responses from the blue grama site. Solid boxes are responses from the Idaho fescue site. These are average values 94 q -1 10O 1000 10000 Log(gap) Figure 10. Knapweed weights at both sites, 1993. Weights and gaps are log transformed. Hollow boxes are responses from the blue grama site. Solid boxes are responses from the Idaho fescue site. These are average values. 95 1000 10000 Iog(Gap) Figure 11. Knapweed weights at both sites, 1994. Weights and gaps are log transformed. Hollow boxes are responses from the blue grama site. Solid boxes are responses from the Idaho fescue site. These are average values. 96 O -1 10O 1000 10000 Log(gap) Figure 12. Wheat weights at both sites, 1993. Weights and gaps are log transformed. Hollow boxes are responses from the blue grama site. Solid boxes are responses from the Idaho fescue site. These are average values. 97 q -1 1000 10000 Log(gap) Figure 13. Wheat weights at both sites, 1994. Weights and gaps are log transformed. Hollow boxes are responses from the blue grama site. Solid boxes are responses from the Idaho fescue site. These are average values.