Impact of backcountry campsite use on forest structure, within Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A. by James Y Taylor A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Sciences Montana State University © Copyright by James Y Taylor (1995) Abstract: This study investigated how backcountry campsite use impacts the surrounding forest structure. Forest structure included the occurrence and distribution of trees around campsites, species composition of trees, forest canopy density, and understory composition. Additional elements considered were mode of user travel, annual number of users, and shoreline topography. It was hypothesized that as distance from the campsite increased, more tree saplings would occur, and that the more resistant species such as Pinus contorts (lodgepole pine) would occur in greater abundance nearer campsites than the less resistant species of Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce) and Abies Iasiocarpa (subalpine fir). Other hypotheses were that more annual campsite users would positively correlate with a greater impact, and that there would be measurable differences in the forest structure around campsites with differing user types (backpack, canoe, and motorboat use). Thirty campsites and three control sites on Yellowstone and Shoshone Lakes were studied. Transects with quadrats were used to sample the vegetation outward from each campsite. Within each quadrat all vegetation was classified and counted. Abiotic variables were also noted. There was a significant difference (P = .00002) between the forest structure surrounding backcountry campsites and that surrounding control sites. The number of saplings, forest canopy, conifer species composition and percent bare area were all found to be significantly different between campsites and control sites. There were also differences in the number of saplings per quadrat between campsites with differing user types, and a decrease in saplings around campsites with increasing user numbers. There were positive correlations between distance from the campsites and the number of conifer trees within all size classes (r = .96, .98, .95, and .80 for trees within the <30 cm, 30-90 cm, 90-140 cm and > 140 cm height size classes respectively), and positive correlations between percent understory (r = .78) and percent canopy cover (r = .31) with distance. There were significant correlations between distance from the control sites and the number of saplings. These measured differences between the campsites and control sites are essential components to sound resource management plans and provide greater understanding of the forest structure and understory vegetation surrounding the backcountry campsites in Yellowstone National Park. IMPACT OF BACKCOUNTRY CAMPSITE USE ON FOREST STRUCTURE, WITHIN YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, U.S.A. by 6 James Y. Taylor A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Sciences Montana State University Bozeman, Montana November, 1995 MS')? T aW Il APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by James Y. Taylor This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, english usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Date iV Chairperson, aduate Committee Approved for the Major Department /zw f Date Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean Ni STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master's degree at Montana State University-Bozeman, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. If I. have indicated my intention to copyright this thesis by including a copyright notice page, copying is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with "fair use" as prescribed in the U.S: Copyright Law. Requests for . permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of the thesis in whole or in parts may be granted only by the copyright holder. ) IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Kathy Hansen for the patient and persistent encouragement during my thesis work. Her knowledge and field research experience were invaluable to completing this project. I also wish to thank Dr. Andrew Marcus for his guidance and continued support. Dr. Ward McCaughey also provided much needed advice and field experience and was of great assistance during the development of the field methods. Tom Olliff of the Backcountry Rangers Office in Yellowstone National Park also provided logistical and technical support which was greatly appreciated. Funding for this project was provided by the Yellowstone Center for Mountain Environments at Montana State University. David Cole, of the Aldo Leopold Center for Wilderness Research, Intermountain Research Station, United States Forest Service, also provided financial and technical support which proved invaluable. I also wish to acknowledge the continual support of family members and friends who provided great technical and emotional assistance. In particular I wish to thank Nancy Taylor for her patience and her encouragement. V ) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL . . . . , ......... .......................................................................... ii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO U S E ................................................ Hi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................ iv CONTENTS............................................................................................... v LIST OF TABLES...................................................................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................... viii ABSTRACT.................................... .......................................................... xi 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................... 1 Introduction............................................. ...................................... 1 Previous Research . . : .....................................................................3 Study A re a ..................................................................................... 5 2. METHODOLOGY........... .................................... ........................... 12 Campsite Selection........... ............. ............................................... 12 Sampling Techniques............................................. ..............14 3. RESULTS................................................................................................17 Sapling Occurrence Around Campsites and Control S ite s........... 17 Sapling Numbers and Direction from the Campsite Centers.........18 Impact Associated with Differing Types of Campsite U s e ............. 23 Impact Associated with Increasing User Numbers....................... 25 Analysis of Differing Conifer Size Classes.................................... 28 Differences in Impact within Campsites of Differing Topography . . 31 Difference in Measured Impact Between Conifer Species........... 32 Changes in Percent Forest Canopy due to Campsite U s e ......... 35 Impact of Campsite Use on Percent Bare Area and Percent Understory Vegetation................................................... 37 Average Percent Bare Area by User T yp e .................................... 38 Average Percent Understory Vegetation...................................... 39 \ vi 4. DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS.................................. 45 Discussion.................................................................................... 45 Conclusions................................................................. 48 Management Implications........................................................... 50 Management Recommendations...................................................... 51 APPENDICES...................................................... 54 Appendix A - List of Vegetation Species Identified..................... Appendix B - Study Site Data by Campsite................................ Appendix C - Complete Listing of All Statistical T ests.............. 55 56 73 REFERENCES CITED............................................................................. 77 vii LIST OF TABLES Tables Page 1 Diagnostic Characteristics of Lodgepole Pine Forest Cover Types..................................................... 12 2 Study Site Characteristics....................................................13 3 Comparison of the Number of Saplings per Quadrat between the Campsites and the Control Sites for each Transect................................................................. 19 4 Correlation and Slope between Distance and Sapling Numbers for the Campsites and the Control Sites for each Transect.................................................................... 19 5 Occurrence of Numbers of Tree Saplings within Various Size Classes within the Campsites and the Control S ites......................................................................................28 6 Correlation between Increasing Distance and Average Number of Saplings for the Campsites and the Control S ites.........................................................................29 7 Comparison of the Average Percent Moss, Grass, Sedge, Forb, and Shrub Cover between the Campsites and the Control Sites............................................................... 8 43 Correlation between Distance and the Average Percent Moss, Grass, Sedge, Forb, and Shrub Cover within the Campsites and the Control S ites.................................. 44 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page 1 Yellowstone National P a rk..................................................... 6 2 Campsites Studied Around Yellowstone Lake....................... 7 3 Campsites Studied Around Shoshone Lake....................... 4 Average Temperature and Precipitation Collected at the Yellowstone Lake Climate Station, Yellowstone National Park, 1848-1970 .................................................. 10 5 Transect and Quadrat Placement...................................... i 15 6 Average Number of Conifer Saplings per Quadrat with Increasing Distance from the Site Centers, All Campsites and All Control Sites.....................................17 7 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 1 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites and Control S ites........................................... 20 8 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 2 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites and Control S ites........................................... 20 9 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 3 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites and Control S ites........................................... 20 10 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 4 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites and Control S ites........................................... 20 11 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 5 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites and Control S ites........................................... 21 8 ix 12 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 6 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites and Control S ites.......................................... 21 13 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 7 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites and Control S ites......................................... 21 14 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 8 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites and Control S ites......................................... 21 15 Spatial Representation of the Campsite Impacts............. 16 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat, Comparison of Type of Use (Motorboat, Canoe, and Backpackers) . . . . 24 17 Spatial Representation of the Intercept Point between the Campsites and the Control Sites for Canoe, Backpacking, and Motorboat S ites........................................................ 25 18 Average Yearly Number of Backpacker Users (1979 - 1991) for 5 Campsites and the Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat...................................................................... 26 19 Average Yearly Number of Canoe Users (1979 - 1991) for 13 Campsites and the Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat...................................................................... 23 26 20 Average Yearly Number of Motorboat Users (1979 - 1991) for 12 Campsites and the Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat...................................................................... 27 21 Average Number of Conifer Saplings per Quadrat within all Campsites, by Size C lass................................................ 29 22 Average Number of Conifer Saplings per Quadrat within all Control Sites, by Sapling Height Size C lass.................. 30 23 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat, by Differing Campsite Beach Topography.................... 24 31 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat, All Conifer S p e cie s...................................................................33 X 25 Average Number of Lodgepole Pine Saplings per Quadrat, Campsites and Control S ites........................................... 34 26 Average Number of Engelmann Spruce Saplingsper Quadrat, Campsites and Control S ites............................................ 34 27 Average Number of Subalpine Fir Saplings perQuadrat, Campsites and Control S ites........................................... 35 28 Average Percent Canopy Cover per Quadrat, Campsites and Control S ite s ..............................................36 29 Average Percent Bare Area per Quadrat, Campsites and Control S ite s ............................................. 37 30 Average Percent Bare Area by User Type within the Campsites ............................................................................. 39 31 Average Percent Understory Vegetation Cover in Campsites and Control S ites...............................................40 32 Average Percent Moss Cover in Campsites and Control S ites.................................................... 40 33 Average Percent Grass Cover in Campsites and Control S ites........... ............................................................41 34 Average Percent Sedge Cover in Campsites and Control S ites........................................................................ 41 35 Average Percent Forb Cover in Campsites and Control S ites....................................................^................ 42 36 Average Percent Shrub Cover in Campsites and Control S ites........................................................... 42 Xl ABSTRACT This study investigated how backcountry campsite use impacts the surrounding forest structure. Forest structure included the occurrence and distribution of trees around campsites, species composition of trees, forest canopy density, and understory composition. Additional elements considered were mode of user travel, annual number of users, and shoreline topography. It was hypothesized that as distance from the campsite increased, more tree saplings would occur, and that the more resistant species such as Pinus contorts (lodgepole pine) would occur in greater abundance nearer campsites than the less resistant species of Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce) and Abies Iasiocarpa (subalpine fir). Other hypotheses were that more annual campsite users would positively correlate with a greater impact, and that there would be measurable differences in the forest structure around campsites with differing user types (backpack, canoe, and motorboat use). Thirty campsites and three control sites on Yellowstone and Shoshone Lakes were studied. Transects with quadrats were used to sample the vegetation outward from each campsite. Within each quadrat all vegetation was classified and counted. Abiotic variables were also noted. There was a significant difference (P = .00002) between the forest structure surrounding backcountry campsites and that surrounding control sites. The number of saplings, forest canopy, conifer species composition and percent bare area were all found to be significantly different between campsites and control sites. There were also differences in the number of saplings per quadrat between campsites with differing user types, and a decrease in saplings around campsites with increasing user numbers. There were positive correlations between distance from the campsites and the number of conifer trees within all size classes (r = .96, .98, .95, and .80 for trees within the <30 cm, 30-90 cm, 90-140 cm and > 140 cm height size classes respectively), and positive correlations between percent understory (r = J8) and percent canopy cover (r = .31) with distance. There were significant correlations between distance from the control sites and the number of saplings. These measured differences between the campsites and control sites are essential components to sound resource management plans and provide greater understanding of the forest structure and understory vegetation surrounding the backcountry campsites in Yellowstone National Park. I 1 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Aldo Leopold stated that it would not be logging, mining or roads that would threaten the wilderness, but the people who came to visit these areas (Stankey et al. 1976). Camping within backcountry areas may lead to environmental impacts that can be problematic for management and conservation. Although many camping-induced impacts may initially be subtle, campsites receive the highest impact in backcountry areas and land managers are concerned that cumulative and accelerated changes may be occurring (Cole 1985, 1987). If management strategies and practices to conserve wilderness environments are to be developed, measurements of the impacts and environmental changes are essential. One such impact, or change, that was in need of additional study was the impact of camping use on the forest structure surrounding the campsite. Knowledge about the impact of campsite use on the surrounding forest structure is critical because changes in tree densities and survival rates may increase forest openings around campsites (Cole 1982, 1983). This knowledge is important for improving our resource management decisions, and for our scientific understanding of the forests within Yellowstone National Park and of other areas that receive campsite use. 2 The objective of this study was to determine if there were measurable changes in the conifer forest structure around backcountry campsites. The hypotheses of the study were, first, that as distance from the campsite increased, a higher number of tree saplings (0-140 cm height) would occur due to reduced camper activity in the periphery forest. Second, the more trampling . resistant species such as Pinus contorts (lodgepole pine) would occur in greater abundance near campsites than would the less resistant species of Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce) and AtiZels Iasiocarpa (subalpine fir). Third, more annual campsite user numbers would correlate with a larger area impacted. Fourth, there would be a measurable difference in the forest structure around campsites with differing user types due to different camping activities. Elements of forest structure measured within the study sites and the periphery forest up to 57 meters included: a) occurrence and distribution of mature and saplings trees around the campsites, b) tree species composition around the campsites, c) percent forest canopy density around the campsites, and d) percent understory vegetation composition around the campsites. Additional elements considered were mode of user travel (motorboat, canoe, and backpack), annual campsite user numbers, and campsite beach topography (straight shoreline, bay or point). 3 Previous Research The increased use of backcountry areas over the last few decades has been a major concern to land managers (Roggenbuck and Williams 1993) and, as early as the 1970's, managers noticed that the impact of human recreational activities on the environment was severe, and they predicted that it would be more so in the future. Within Yellowstone National Park camper numbers continue to increase. In 1993 the number of people user nights (one person spending a night) in the Yellowstone backcountry increased to 44,977, an increase of 37 percent over the previous five years (Olliff and Varley 1994). Biophysical impacts are common in recreational areas and over 71 percent of public land mangers report problems in managing impacts around shorelines and in campsites (Washburne and Cole 1983). The types of impact that concern managers most are reduction in vegetation cover, soil loss and compaction, tree scaring, tree root exposure, trash and campsite development (i.e. benches, fire rings, bear poles, toilets, etc.) (Lucas 1980; Washburne 1983). Previous literature has shown that forest tree species, and other woody vegetation, are more susceptibility to damage by trampling than forbs (Burden and Randerson 1971; Rogers 1986). Research has also shown that there has been less alteration of the vegetation cover in non-forested areas than in forested areas (Cole 1985; Rogers 1986). Saplings have been found to be" 4 more susceptible to trampling than mature trees (Frissell and Duncan 1965; Cole 1982, 1989), and Cole (1986, 1989) determined that almost all saplings within campsite areas were eliminated as a result of trampling. Cole (1986, 1989) also showed that what forest regeneration did occur within campsites was within isolated islands where young trees were protected by mature trees. Studies of conifer species changes due to campsite use have shown that pines (Pinus) were more resilient to campsite use than either spruce (Picea) or fir (Abiesl (IVIerriam et al. 1973). This difference in susceptibility to trampling, and campsite use, has been noticed in studies comparing campsites in different types of forests (Rogers 1986), and in studies of conifer species sapling rigidity and tolerance to environmental changes during the growing season (Cochran 1973). Increasing campsite user numbers has been shown to positively correlate with an increased impact (Cole 1982). It has been found that even with low levels of use campsite degradation, reductions in tree densities, and changes in percentage understory vegetation occur (Cole and Fitchler 1983). This increased impact within campsites due to increasing camper user numbers has been noticed and documented in many previous campsite impact studies (Wagar 1964; Coombs 1976; Cole 1893; Stankey 1985) Studies of campsite impacts due to use have shown that the most influential factors of recreational impact included user behavior, and mode of camper travel (Cole 1985; Lucas 1987). Changes in campsite vegetation have 5 been shown to be different between campsites with differing types of campsite use (Lucas 1980; Cole 1983; Cole etal. 1987). Study Area Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (Figure 1), was chosen for this study because backcountry user data (annual numbers and types of use for each campsite) was available, and described in chapter two. This data is rare, and has been lacking in many previous impact studies. Yellowstone National Park is a high plateau region that is unique in its topography, biota and management. Established as a National Park in 1872 it has been managed for preservation where human influence is unnoticed and natural processes drive natural ecological change (Despain 1990). Within Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Lake (Figure 2) and Shoshone Lake (Figure 3) were chosen for specific study because they have a homogeneous forest species structure, similar elevations (2,357 meters and 2,375 meters, respectively), differing user types, and an abundant number of campsites. The Yellowstone and Shoshone Lakes region of the park are in the Central Plateau region and the Southwest Plateau region, respectively (Despain 1990). Shoshone Lake and Yellowstone Lake are the largest areas in the park with a even or gently sloped topography and an abundance of backcountry campsites. 6 r*' ^ ^ , ,X vNorth Entrance GALLATIN NATIONAL FOREST C ookeC Ity ARGHEE NATIONAL FOREST r GALLATIN NATIONAL FOREST WUUll PAVED RO AD ■ PARK BO RDER STATE B O R D E R --------- From Chase 1987 Figure 1 STUDY REGIONS WITHIN YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, USA 7 To Canyon Village .Yellowstone River Fishing Bridge Bridge Bay To East Entrance ToOId Faithful '» Grant Village •> Yellowstone River To South Entrance N ▲ 2_______5 10 Km 15 20 Figure 2 CAMPSITES STUDIED AROUND YELLOWSTONE LAKE ★ Campsites + Control Sites - Paved Road 8 To Fishing # Old Faithful To West Entrance Thumb Grant Village Lewis Lake To South Entrance N Q 5_______ 10 Km Figure 3 CAMPSITES STUDIED AROUND SHOSHONE LAKE ★ Campsites + Control Site - Paved Road 9 Yellowstone National Park has a mountainous, temperate climate (Figure 4). Precipitation predominately falls in the form of snow from westerly cool and moist air masses during the months of October through April (Baker 1944; Dirks 1982; Despain 1990). Snow accumulates at Yellowstone and Shoshone Lakes, on the average, by mid-October, and melt occurs, on the average, by early April (Despain 1990), resulting in a mean duration snow cover of 213 days. About 50% of the water from snowfall is retained in the snowpack in April and continues to melt into the soil during the spring season (Despain 1990). Maximum daily temperatures during the winter are generally below freezing (Dirks 1982) with January having the lowest temperatures. The high elevation and mid-latitude location make the park susceptible to polar air masses and frequent winter storms (Dirks 1982). Summer is characterized by warm days, frequent thunderstorms, and infrequent, but possible, freezing temperatures (Despain 1990). Yellowstone National Park is subjected to northward moving Gulf of Mexico air masses during the summer months. Summer precipitation is often dominated by local thunderstorms enhanced, frequently by warm moist unstable air masses than by frontal passages. Mean summer daily maximums range from 21 to 26° C, and minimums less than 4° C (Dirks 1982). Within the Yellowstone and Shoshone Lake regions, summer temperatures are slightly lower near the Iakeshores than in other locations in the same region. Figure 4 AVERAGE TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION COLLECTED AT THE YELLOWSTONE LAKE CLIMATE STATION, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, 18481970 (Adapted from Dirks, 1982) -10 Mean temperature (degrees C.) ------Mean precipitation (cm) 11 The average date of the last freeze is June 8, and the average first freeze is September 7 with the mean monthly temperature for the year at Yellowstone Lake ranging from -11° to 12° C. with a yearly average of O0C (Despain 1990). The number of freeze free days averages 91. Soils, which are derived from rhyolitic parent material, and fire (Romme 1982) have enhanced the development of extensive stands of serai Iodgepole (Pinus contorta) forests. Thus the Iodgepole pine forests in Yellowstone National Park could be enhanced by a greater tolerance to low night temperatures than both subalpine fir {Abies lasiocarpa) and Engelmann spruce (Picea Engelmannii) during the growing season (Cochran 1973). A Iodgepole pine seedling can tolerate temperatures as low as -9.5° C during the growing season (Rehfeldt 1980), giving it an advantage for tolerating the low temperatures of the high plateau regions of the Park. I 12 CHAPTER TWO METHODOLOGY Campsite Selection Topographic maps, aerial photographs, backcountry user data, surficial geology maps, habitat maps, cover type maps and previous campsite inventories were used to select backcountry campsites on both Yellowstone Lake (Figure 2) and Shoshone Lake (Figure 3). Thirty campsites, all within a similar elevation range (2,350 meters to 2,380 meters), within the LP1 and LP2 (Table 1) cover types, were used in this study. Older forests and those recovering from fire were eliminated from the study to maintain even regeneration rate potentials within the campsites. The sites were characterized by soil, mode of user travel, people user nights, cover type, habitat type, shoreline topography (Table 2). Table 1. Diagnostic Characteristics of Lodgepole Pine Forest Cover Types (From Despain 1990) LP1 50-150 years old Dense stands of small diameter trees. Trees usually smaller than the surrounding forest LP2 150-300 years old Closed canopy dominated by Iodgepole pines Canopy is still largely intact Intense regeneration of conifer species in the understory. T a b le 2 5E3 5E4 5E8 5L5 5L6 5L7 5L8 5L9 7L9 7M1 7M3 7M4 7M5 7M6 7M9 7N4 7N6 8Q1 8Q3 804 8R1 8S1 8S2 8S3 8S4 8S5 8S6 8S7 Brimstone Point Brimstone Bay Park Point South Promontory Point Promontory Shore Promontory Bay Promontory Tip Promontory Saddle Flat Mountain Arm South Grizzly Bay Flat Mountain Bay Plover Point Plover Bay South Arm South Arm Southwest Bay Peale Island South Narrow Point South Narrow Beach Moose Creek Point Windy Point Outlet Delacy Creek Coyote North Grizzly Beach South Grizzly Beach Red Rocks North Narrows TranquiIiIy Motorboat Backpack Backpack Backpack Motorboat Motorboat Motorboat Motorboat Motorboat Canoe Motorboat Motorboat Motorboat Motorboat Motorboat Motorboat Canoe Canoe Canoe Canoe Canoe Canoe Backpack Backpack Canoe Canoe Canoe Canoe Canoe Canoe 136.6 111.3 128.6 107.9 51.6 37.6 146 158.5 188.7 30.2 106.7 155.3 603.1 59 69.4 23.1 79.6 85.9 207.3 199.6 321.3 273.1 756 446 236.9 429.7 279.1 223.9 215.9 181.9 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 1 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole I Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 1 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 1 Lodgepole 1 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 2 Lodgepole 1 Lodgepole 1 Lodgepole Z Subalpine fir/twinflower Subalpine fir/globe huckleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/twinflower Subalpine fir/globe huckleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/pinegrass Subalpine fir/grouse ^beytleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/pinegrass Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry Subalpme fir/grouse whortleberry Straight Bay Bay Straight Point Point Bay Point Straight Bay Bay Bay Point Bay Straight Straight Bay Point Point Point Point Point Straight Bay Straight Point Straight Straight Straight Bay Lake </> Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Khyolite Shoreline Topography Habitat Type Cover Type Average (1973-1993) People User Nights Mode of Travel Campsite Name Campsite Number Study Site Characteristics (Adapted from information from the Backcountry Rangers Office, YNP) Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Shoshone Shoshone Shoshone Shoshone Shoshone Shoshone Shoshone Shoshone Shoshone Shoshone Shoshone v>hoshone 14 All of the study sites chosen had been in use for over two decades. The three control sites studied were measured identically to the campsites, so that as many natural factors as possible would remain constant. These control sites (non-camping) were randomly located one kilometer along the shoreline from every tenth campsite. Sampling techniques Data collection was conducted during June and July of 1994. Sampling techniques were based on two pilot studies and on previous literature (Cole 1982, 1983, 1986; Mueller-Dumbois 1974). Eight transects (57 meters in length) radiated from the center of the campsites outward (Figure 5). The first transect was placed perpendicular from the campsite center to the lake shore. The remaining seven transects were spaced at 45° angles from the first transect and from each subsequent transect (Figure 5). This provided three transects towards the lake shore, three away from the lake shore, and two parallel to the lake shore. Along the eight transects, 10 (5 x 5 m; 25m2) quadrats were sampled (Figure 5). Thus 2,000 m2 of area was sampled for each campsite representing 20% of the forest surrounding the campsite. Mueller-Dumbois (1974) cites this percentage as adequate for sampling tree structure, understory vegetation, and abiotic variables. 15 Transect Placement 5 I I 2I 3 Lake Shore Quadrat Placement (Along each Transect) 7-12 m 13-17 m 18-22 m 23-27 m 28-32 m 33-37 m 38-42 m 43-47 m 48-52 m 53-57 m 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 9 5m Each 5 m Quadrat Figure 5 TRANSECT AND QUADRAT PLACEMENT 10 16 The quadrats started at a distance of 7 meters from the campsite center to avoid an over-sampling of the campsite center by multiple quadrats. The ten quadrats were placed consecutively along the transect to give a continuous sampling outward. This sampling structure provided data on the direction, the intensity, and the spatial extent of the impact. The biotic components sampled included tree size, tree species, understory vegetation cover, and percent canopy cover (Appendix B). Trees were classified by size into height classes (0-30 cm, 30-90 cm, 90-140 cm) up to sapling height (140 cm). For taller trees, a diameter at breast height (dbh) measurement allowed classification into two size classes (0-15 cm and 15+ cm). Canopy density for each quadrat was measured using a spherical densiometer placed in the center of each quadrat. Understory vegetation was sampled by type (moss, grass, sedge, forb, shrub) and percent cover. Sampled abiotic components included slope, aspect, and general soil texture. Notes were made of any occurrence of exposed bedrock, streams, campsite trails, or other factors. Additionally, photographs of each campsite from the center point (at breast height), were taken in the direction of each of the transects. The following statistical tests were used during this study. A t-test was used to query for variations between samples from the campsites and the control sites. An ANOVA test was used to compare for differences between three samples. A product moment correlation coefficient was used to calculate relationships. A .01 alpha level was used and this data is found in Appendix C. 17 CHAPTER THREE RESULTS Sapling Occurrence Around Campsites and Control Sites The average number of saplings per quadrat for all the campsites studied was 5.22. For comparison, the average number of saplings per quadrat in the control sites was 11.96. Within all the campsites, the sapling numbers increased from an average of 1.09 in quadrat number 1 to 8.35 in quadrat number 10 (the furthest from the campsite center) (Figure 6). Figure 6 Average Number of Conifer Saplings (under 140 cm in height) per Quadrat with Increasing Distance from the Site Centers, All Campsites (n=30) and All Control Sites (n=3) (p=.00002) 14 T Campsites Control sites 13-17 18-22 23-27 28-32 33-37 3842 Distance from Site Center (meters) 4347 48-52 52-57 18 There was a strong positive correlation (r = .97) between distance from the campsite centers and the number of conifer saplings within campsites. The slope of this line is .26. There was a minor negative correlation (r = -.22) between distance from the center of the control sites and the number of conifer saplings. The slope of this line is .02. There was a significant difference (p=.00002) between the average number of saplings (up to 140 cm in height) per quadrat surrounding the control sites and those surrounding the campsites, based on a t-test at the .01 alpha level. This difference between the campsites and the control sites represents an important measured impact, and further investigation into the attributes of this impact will now be addressed. Saplings Numbers and Direction from the Campsite Centers The spatial impact, and the average number of saplings around the campsites is best understood by looking at each individual transect. This investigation into the directional changes of sapling numbers per quadrat improves our understanding of recreational behavior within campsites. Table 3 gives a better understanding of the comparison between the transects of the campsites and the control sites. Table 4 gives the relationships between distance and the average number of saplings along each transect. It is important to remember that transect number 1 is oriented from the center of the campsite towards the shoreline. Figures ( 7 - 1 4) show the impact by transect. 19 Table 3. Comparison of the Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat between the Campsite (n=30) and the Control Sites (n=3) for each Transect Transect P value t Calculated t Critical Transect 1 .001 4.28 2.82 Transect 2 .001 3.01 2.82 Transect 3 .0001 4.39 2.82 Transect 4 .00001 4.57 2.82 Transect 5 .00003 7.12 2.82 Transect 6 .0001 5.83 2.82 Transect 7 .00065 4.60 2.82 Transect 8 .009 2.95 2.82 Table 4. Correlation and slope between Distance and sapling numbers for the Campsites (n=30) and the Control Sites (n=3) for Each Transect r Control Sites Slope Campsites Slope Control Sites CO CO Transect 1 -.78 -.74 -.03 Transect 2 .97 -.84 -.01 -.34 Transect 3 .96 -.84 .2 -.33 Transect 4 .94 .03 .26 0 Transect 5 .91 .36 .16 .1 Transect 6 .94 -.55 .16 -.13 Transect 7 .74 I r Campsites M CO Transect .06 .1 Transect 8 .74 -.85 -.1 -.36 Figure 7 Figure 8 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 2 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p=.001) Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 1 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (pe.001) Campsites Campsites Control Sites I 23-27 13-17 48-52 23-27 38-42 48-52 Distance from Site Center (meters) Distance from Site Center (meters) O Figure 10 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 4 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (P=-OOOt) Figure 9 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 3 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p=001) 6 T- Campsltes Control Sites 4 X 2 Campsites Control Sites 1 23-27 Distance from Site Center (meters) 13-17 23-27 28-32 38-42 Distance from Site Center (meters) 48-52 Figure 12 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbers and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p=.00001) Figure 11 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All T ransects Numbered S and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p-,00003) ---- ■— Campsites ---- ° — "— Control Sites Campsites — °— Control Sites Average Number of Saplings per 6 T- 4 %3 13-17 18-22 23-27 28-32 33-37 18-22 38-42 38-42 53-57 Dlstzmce from Site Center (meters) Distance from Site Center (meters) Figure 13 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 7 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) Figure 14 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat for All Transects Numbered 8 and Distance from the Site Centers: Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p=009) (p=.00065) ---- 0— Control Sites average Number of Saplings per ---- "---- Campsites 13-17 23-27 33-37 38-42 Distance from Site Center (meters) 43-47 48-52 Campsites Control Sites 33-37 Distance from Site Center (meters) 48-52 22 There were increases in the average number of saplings along all transects outward except transect number 1 (the transect going from the center, of the campsite towards the lakeshore). All transects within the campsites were significantly different than the control sites (Figures 7 -14). There was a positive correlation between the number of saplings and the distance from the campsites centers in transects 2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8 (Table 4). There was a negative correlation between distance from the campsite centers and the number of saplings in transect number 1(Table 4). Increased distance from the campsite centers correlates with increased sapling numbers. It is interesting to note that transects numbered 1,2, and 8 are those oriented towards the lakeshore. - . The average number of saplings found within all similarly oriented transects allows a visualization of the distribution of saplings around the campsites and control sites (Figures 7- 14) . Graphing the point along each transect where the slope of the campsites crosses the slope of the control sites, shows where the average number of saplings per quadrat would be equal in both (Figure 15). This graph allows a visual assessment of the distance from the center of the campsite that conifer sapling numbers have been changed, and shows the spatial extent and possible impact surrounding the backcountry campsites. This directional attribute and spatial description of the impacts surrounding the backcountry campsites is an essential part of understanding the impact of backcountry campsite use of forest structure, 23 Figure 15 Spatial Representation o f the Campsite Impacts (Slope Intercept Point Along Each Transect Where the Number of Saplings in the Campsites and Control Sites Would be Equal). 1 Lake Impact Associated with Differing Types of Campsite Use The types of use, or mode of travel, addressed in this study were motorboat, canoe and backpacking. There were 5 campsites utilized by backpacking groups, 13 utilized by canoe travelers, and 12 campsites utilized by those traveling by motorboat. A comparison of these three types of use and the average number of saplings per quadrat within these sites shows differences in the amount of impact these different campsite uses have on forest structure (Figure 16). 24 Figure 16 Average Numberof Saplings per Quadrat, Comparison of Type of Use (Motorboat, Canoe, and Backpackers) (p=.008) Canoe — °— Motorboat ----- "-----Backpack ------ 0-----Control 14 T a 12 10 T 13-17 18-22 23-27 28-32 38-42 43-47 48-52 53-57 Distance from Site Center (meters) There was a significant difference (p = .00000002) in the average number of conifer saplings surrounding campsites for the three types of use. The positive correlation between saplings and increasing distance for canoe use, motorboat use, and backpacking use were .96, .92 and .77 respectively. The corresponding slopes of these three lines are .34 for canoe use, .32 for backpacking sites, and .16 for motorboat sites. This shows that within all sites of a particular user type, sapling numbers increase with distance. A radar graph (Figure 17) of the three types of campsite use shows the differences in the amount of spatial impact each of the three campsites uses has on the number of saplings from the campsites centers. 25 Figure 17 Spatial Representation of the Intercept Point between Campsites and Control Sites for Canoe, Backpacking, and Motorboat Sites —— - Canoefn=I 3) Backpack(n=5) “ ■ Motorboat (n=12) 1 Lake Impact Associated with Increasing User Numbers The number of saplings around campsites with increasing user numbers, per user type, was analyzed (Figures 18 - 20). Understanding possible correlations between increasing user numbers and reduced numbers of saplings per quadrat helps in understanding the previously measured difference between the campsites and the control sites. Because the campsites with differing types of use are different in their impact on the number of saplings, it is important to look at possible correlations between increasing user numbers within each of the three types of campsite uses. 26 Figure 18 Average Yearly Numberof Backpacker Users (1979 - 1991) for 5 campsites and the Average Numberof Saplings per Quadrat 10 Average Number of Users per Campsites (1979 -1991) Figure 19 Average Yearly Number of Canoe Users (1979 -1991) for 13 Campsites and the Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat 20 I S HT i £ ■ 18 16 B. 14 E = ■ 0 30 80 86 182 200 207 216 224 237 273 Average Number of Users per Campsite (1979 -1991) 280 321 430 27 Fi gure 20 Average Yearly Number of Motorboat Users (1979 - 1991) for 12 Campsites and the Average Numberof Saplings per Quadrat There was a negative correlation (r = -.70) between increasing backpackers and the number of saplings. This shows that with increasing numbers of backpacking users there is a decrease in the number of conifer saplings. There was no substantial correlation (r = .16) between increased canoe users and number of saplings. This indicates that there is a uniform coverage of saplings per quadrat around the campsites. There was also a negative correlation (r = -.40) between the number of motorboat users and the number of saplings, indicating that increasing the number of motorboat users also has an increased impact on the number of conifer saplings around the campsites. This decrease in the average number of saplings per quadrat with increased use for both the sites used by backpackers and motorboat users is a critical element of campsite use and impact to the conifer saplings surrounding the campsites. 28 Analysis of Differing Conifer Size Classes The impact that does exist within the conifer forest species due to campsite use has spatial, and user attributes as previously mentioned. Another attribute of this impact is the measured changes in differing conifer size classes (<30 cm, 30-90 cm, 90-140 cm, and > 140 cm). The measured changes in the differing conifer size classes are represented in Tables 5 and 6 and Figure 21. The distribution of size classes for the control sites is found in figure 22 for reference. Table 5. Occurrence of Numbers of Tree Saplings within Various Size Classes within the Campsites (n=30) and the Control Sites (n=3) Size Class P Value t Critical t Calculated < 30 cm .000907 4.36 .96 30 - 90 cm .00031 5.13 .98 90 - 140 cm .0000695 6.31 .95 > 140 cm .00000000025 27.74 .80 . 29 Table 6. Correlations between Increasing Distance and Average Number of Saplings for the Campsites (n=30) and the Control Sites (n=3) by Size Classes Size Class r Campsites r Control Slope Slope Sites Campsites Control Sites CM O < 30 cm .96 -.79 .40 30 - 90 cm .98 .21 .26 .10 90 - 140 cm .95 .25 .13 .04 > 140 cm .80 -.70 .03 .01 Figure 21 Average Number of Conifer Saplings per Quadrat within All Campsites (n=30), by Sapling Height Size Class <30 cm — o— 3 0 -9 0 cm ------* 90-140 cm -----0----->140 cm 4.5 T - 3.5 o 5 2.5 i 1.5 - 0.5 12-17 18-22 23-27 33-37 Distance from Site Center (meters) 43-47 48-52 53-57 30 Figure 22 Average Number of Conifer Saplings per Quadrat within All Control Sites (n=3), by Sapling Height Size Class — * <30 cm — o— 30 - 90 cm — «— 90 -140 cm — °— >140 cm 0.8 T 2. 0.7 0.6 - - 0.5 - "ro 0.4 O) 0.2 - 0.1 ■- 12-17 18-22 23-27 28-32 33-37 38-42 43-47 48-52 Distance from Site Center (meters) There was a significant difference in the average number of saplings per quadrat between the campsites and the control sites within all size classes at the .01 significance level (Table 5; Figures 21-22). There were positive correlations between distance and the average number of saplings per quadrat in all size classes (including mature trees over 140 cm) for the campsites. This increased number of saplings per quadrat can be seen in figure 21. It is interesting to note that with increasing tree size the slope of the line decreases, or the larger the tree the less impact associated with campsite use measured. 31 Differences in Impact within Campsites of Differing Shoreline Topography All of the campsites studied were classified by differing campsite shoreline topography (straight, bay, and point). This difference in the campsite shoreline topography is an important variable in understanding the impacts associated with campsite use, and a possible abiotic variables affecting this impact. It was hypothesized that there would be a difference in the number of saplings per quadrat surrounding the campsites with the differing shorelines. The average number of saplings per quadrat were compared between the three types of shorelines (Figure 23). Figure 23 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat, by Differing Campsite Shoreline Topography, All Transects Combined (p = .19) 7-12 13-17 18-22 23-27 28-32 33-37 38-42 Distance From Site Center (meters) 4347 48-52 53-57 32 In comparing the three types shorelines the Critical F value at the .01 alpha level was 5.49. With the calculated value of 1.75 there was no significant difference between the average number of saplings per quadrat and campsites with different shoreline topography (p=.19). This implies that the shoreline topography is not a controlling impact on the average number of saplings per quadrat. There was also a positive correlation within each topographic group. The r values were .89, .96, and .97 for sites with bay, point, and straight shorelines respectively. The slopes of these lines were .15 for bay sites, .26 for point sites, and .16 for sites with a straight shoreline. Difference in Measured Impact Between Conifer Species. The previous impact characteristics addressed all have significance as to the spatial, directional and behavioral attributes of campsite use. One of the critical elements of forest structure was the conifer species composition around the campsites. It was hypothesized that there would be a difference in the average number of saplings per quadrat between the differing conifer species. This hypothesized difference in impact between pines, spruce, and fir can be seen in figure 24. 33 Figure 24 Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat, All Conifer Species (p=.00002) -----■— Pine — D— Spruce ----- •-----Fir 4.6 T 3.6 -a 3 - o- 2.5 o 2 1.5 - - 13-17 18-22 23-27 33-37 43-47 48-52 53-57 Distance from Site Center (meters) The F calculated for the ANOVA test was 16.82. There was a significant difference (P = .0002) between the average number of saplings per quadrat and the differing conifer species at the .001 significance level. The r values comparing increasing distance from the site centers and the average number of saplings per quadrat are .98, .93, and .96 for pine, spruce and fir respectively (Figure 24). The slopes of the lines for pines, spruce, and fir are .4, .01, and .26 respectively. The highest slope found was within the population of pines showing a greater increase in the average number of pine saplings per quadrat with increasing distance than both spruce and fir. Figures 25, 26 and 27 show the comparison of the populations of pine, spruce, and fir in the campsites and the control sites. 34 Figure 25 Average Number of Lodgepole Pine Saplings per Quadrat, Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p=.00000007) Campsites -----0-----Control Sites ..... 4 13-17 18-22 23-27 28-32 33-37 43-47 48-52 53-57 Distance from Site Center (meters) Figure 26 Average Numberof Engelmann Spruce Saplings per Quadrat, Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p = .0025) P Ti N <• l o i - t c n w o i w e Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat — ■— Campsites — D— Control Sites I | ............... |............... i I ................!............... | I I I ...... ....... r f ........... ...................i................... | ..................... j j--— ' '" 'S i I I ......I.... ^ '------------ ------------" ______ 7-12 13-17 18-22 , i ------------------------- ... ------------ ------------• ' 23-27 28-32 33-37 3842 Distance from Site Center (meters) 4347 48-52 53-57 35 Figure 27 Average Number of Subalpine FirSapIings per Quadrat, Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p=.001) -----■— 13-17 18-22 Campsites 23-27 28-32 — D~ Control Sites 33-37 4347 48-52 63-57 Distance from Site Center (meters) There were significant differences in the average number of saplings per quadrat for all three conifer species populations. The p values were .00000007, .0025, and .001 for Iodgepole pine, Engelmann Spruce, and subalpine fir respectively at the .01 alpha level. Changes in Percent Forest Canopy due to Campsite Use The percent canopy cover of the campsites is an important component of forest structure as changes can influence microclimatic changes. Figure 28 show a graph of the average percent forest canopy within the campsites and the control sites. 36 Figure 28 Average Percent Canopy Cover per Quadrat, Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p=.00003) -----■— Campsites 0— Controls 70 r 60 Sr > 50 — 5 40 ....... u 30 -- 3 10 - 13-17 18-22 23-27 28-32 33-37 38-42 43-47 48-52 63-57 Distance from Site Center (meters) When comparing the campsites and the control sites (Figure 28) there was a difference in the average percent forest canopy cover between the campsites and the control sites (P = .00003). There was a positive correlation (r = .31) between distance and canopy cover in the campsites. The control sites showed a negative correlation between distance and canopy (r = -.55). This r value of .31 shows that with increasing distance from the campsite centers there is an increase in percent canopy cover. This is another feature of forest structure that has been negatively impacted due to campsite use. The r value of -.55 in the control sites represents a decrease in the canopy cover from the control site centers. 37 Impact of Campsite Use on Average Percent Bare Area Bare area is a significant attribute of forest structure that was addressed in this study. Understanding how bare area increases or decreases with distance from the site centers gives further definition to the impacts of trampling and campsite use. Figure 29 shows graphical representation of the average percent bare area in the campsites and the control sites. Figure 29 Average Percent Bare Area Per Quadrat Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p= 0005) — Campsites -----D— Controls 60 x- 5 0 -- 40 30 20 10 13-17 18-22 -27 28-32 33-37 38-42 Distance from Site Center (meters) 43-47 48-52 53-57 38 There was a significant difference (P = .0005) between the percent bare area around the campsites and the control sites. The r values for the campsites are -.95, and the slope of the line is -.16 showing a strong negative correlation between distance and the percent bare area within the campsites. As distance from the site center increases the percent bare area decreases. The r value for the control sites is .18, and the slope of the line is 0 showing a weak positive correlation between distance and percent bare area, indicating the bare area is uniform in coverage throughout the control site area (Figure 28). Average Percent Bare Area by User Type As has been shown in previous sections of the research, user type is a significant attribute of backcountry campsite use and the associated impact to conifer species saplings. Analyzing the differences between average percent bare area within the three types of user groups within this study (backpacking, canoe, and motorboat) allows better understanding of the differences in impact associated with these three uses. Changes in average percent bare area are shown graphically in Figure 30 comparing increasing distance from the site centers and the average percent bare area by user types. 39 Figure 30 Average Percent Bare Area by User Type within Campsites (n=30) 80 T 70 — <60 Backpacking (n=5) Canoe (n=13) S 40 Motorboat (n=12) 30 20 10 Distance from Site Center (meters) Impact of Campsite Use on Average Percent Understorv Vegetation Measurements of changes in average percent understory vegetation cover from the center of the campsite outward helps in understanding the dimensional attributes of the use of backcountry campsites. Within this study understory vegetation included measurements of moss, grasses, sedges, forbs, and shrubs. Figure 31 show a comparison of the average percent understory vegetation cover in the campsites and the control sites. Additional investigation into the individual components of the understory vegetation cover will be shown in Figures 32 - 36 comparing each of the components of understory vegetation between the campsites and the control sites. Statistical data for these comparisons are found in Table 7. 40 Figure 31 Average Percent Understory Vegetation Cover In Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p=.000008) 70 T 60 ^ £ 5 50 40 Campsites 30 Control Sites > 20 Distance from Site Center (meters) Figure 32 Average Percent Moss Cover in Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p= .008) 41 Figure 33 Average Percent Grass Cover in Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p=.004) Figure 34 Average Percent Sedge Cover in Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p=.002) 42 Figure 35 Average Percent Forb Cover in Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (P= 22) Distance from Site Center (meters) Figure 36 Average Percent Shrub Cover in Campsites (n=30) and Control Sites (n=3) (p=.003) 43 The t calculated value for the average percent understory vegetation was 8.35. The t critical value was 2.82 at the .01 alpha level indicating that there is indeed a difference between the average percent understory vegetation between the campsites and the control sites. Table 7. Comparison of the Average Percent Moss, Grass, Sedge, Forb, and Shrub Cover between the Campsites (n=30) and the Control Sites (n=3) t Critical t calculated P value Understory Component Moss .008 2.95 2.82 Grasses .004 3.4 2.82 Sedges .002 4 2.82 Forbs .22 .8 2.82 Shrubs .003 3.9 2.82 There is a difference between the campsites and the control sites for all understory components at the .01 alpha level except in the average percent cover of forbs (Table I). This difference shows that the impact surrounding backcountry campsites and extending into the periphery forest is not just isolated within the conifer forest species, but also within all herbaceous and understory vegetation as well. An important attribute of these differences is found in looking at the correlations between distance and percent cover and the slope of the lines representing these understory vegetation populations. This information is found within table 8. 44 Table 8. Correlation between Distance and the Average Percent Moss, Grass, Sedge, Forb, and Shrub Cover within the Campsites (n=30) and the Control Sites (n=3) Understory Component I r Campsites r Control Sites Slope Campsites Slope Control Sites Moss I .36 .31 .20 .02 -.44 .01 .02 Sedges .89 -.23 .33 .05 Forbes .29 .57 .03 .08 Shrubs .75 .39 .13 .18 Grasses '57 Understory vegetational changes do exist between the campsites and the control sites. Those elements that are most influenced by distance from the site centers are moss, sedge, and shrubs as can be seen by the r values and the slope of the lines representing these populations. The populations of grasses and forbes appear to be unaffected by distance from the site centers. This understanding of the changes in understory vegetation cover, along with the other attributes of impact addressed in this study, give definition and spatial understanding to the impact of backcountry campsite use on forest structure within Yellowstone National Park. 45 CHAPTER FOUR DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Discussion The number of saplings were found to increase as distance from the campsite center increased. This implies that campsite related activities do have an impact on regeneration and survivorship of forest saplings. It is possible that trampling may be one of the greatest causes of this impact, as suggested by Cole (1985, 1987, and 1993) as bare area also increased towards the campsite centers. The general direction of the impact appeared to be uniformly distributed in all directions except along transect number 1, which ran perpendicular to the lake shore where the impact is the greatest. This impact in all directions implies that the focal center of impact is the center of the campsites. The direction of impact is important because impact is defined by user behavior. Understanding the behavior of backcountry campsite users may help in managing the impact . associated with this use (Lucas 1980). There was a difference in the number of young saplings surrounding campsites with motorboat, canoe and backpacking use. The average number of saplings declined per quadrat surrounding the sites used by those traveling 46 by backpacking, canoe or motorboat (6.3, 6.9 and 2.9 respectively). Within the control sites the average number of saplings per quadrat was 12, indicating less impact compared to all user types. Cole (1983) indicated that user mode of travel and user type have one of the greatest determining factors on the impact of a campsite. There was statistical support that increasing user numbers resulted in a decrease in the number of young saplings. This result is in agreement with previous impact studies and has implications for management and conservation (Cole 1982). This correlation between increasing numbers and increased impact helps to give guidelines to decisions about group size and annual campsite users, and may help managers limit the potential campsite impacts. The number of the conifer trees within differing size classes within campsites was different compared to the control sites in all conifer size classes. It was hypothesized that there would be a positive correlation between distance and the number of saplings within the three smaller size classes between 0 and 140 cm, but it is surprising to find the correlation also within the mature trees over 140 cm. All campsites have been in continual use for over two decades and this evidence suggests that the impact has been occurring for two decades. There was no statistical difference between the campsites of different beach topography. This campsite attribute is important to management decisions about closing old campsites and opening new campsites in that it indicates shoreline topography is not an important attribute. 47 There was a significant difference (p = .00002) between the average number of saplings per quadrat within the different conifer species, but there was not evidence that pines were less affected by campsite use. Spruce and fir had no significant change from the control sites, and pines were the only affected population as a result of campsite use. Slight decreases in percent canopy cover were found surrounding campsites. This change in the canopy may lead to microclimate changes including an increase in precipitation reaching the forest floor, increased local forest winds, increased radiation, etc., which could influence tree survival. There was a difference in the amount of bare area between the campsites and the control sites. There was a strong negative correlation, as distance increased the percent bare area decreased. This increase in bare area with distance was much greater for motorboat sites than for canoe and backpacking sites. •• Understory vegetation is substantially reduced due to campsite use. . Shrubs, sedges, and moss appear to be more impacted than do the forbes and grasses. These changes in understory vegetation are critical in that reductions in vegetation cover and canopy can significantly change overall campsite condition and potentially increase forest openings and reduce the potential for vegetation regeneration and tree species survival. 48 Conclusions The campsites studied gave evidence that there is a measured impact from backcountry campsite use when compared to control sites with all other variables being constant. Understanding this impact plays a critical role in managing and preserving the natural ecosystem surrounding these islands of impact. The impact due to campsite use is important, and a greater understanding of the attributes of this impact is essential in developing management strategies and conservation practices to preserve the forested ecosystem. As hypothesized by Cole (1983) the near elimination of forest regeneration due to campsite use cpuld lead to reductions in tree density and the creation, or expansion, of nonforested areas used as campsites. The important attributes studied included the direction of impact, differing types of campsite use, increasing user numbers, different conifer size classes, different beach topography, different conifer species and forest canopy and campsite bare area. The campsites surrounding Yellowstone Lake and Shoshone Lake within Yellowstone National Park have been changed compared to non-campsite areas. This change is focused near the center of .the campsites as measured by the percent bare area and the occurrence of trees around the campsites, but 49 also extends into the periphery forest. This extending impact should be a. great concern to resources managers of Yellowstone National Park. Tree regeneration was reduced and nearly eliminated as a result of campsite use. It was found that as distance increased the number of trees increased. The resistant conifer species (Pinus) were affected by campsites use as were the populations of spruce (Picea) and fir (Abies). All three populations were changed as a result of campsite use, but there is not adequate data to support the hypothesis that pines would be less affected than the populations of spruce and fir. There was a difference between the number of conifer saplings per quadrat between the campsites with differing modes of user travel. This user attribute is important as can be seen by the distribution of trees around those sites with motorboats when compared to the sites used by backpackers and those traveling by canoes. The importance of user type can also be seen when looking at the spatial extent of impact around the sites used by motorboats which has an average impacted area of 82 meters. The spatial extent of change around the campsites where the average number of saplings per quadrat reached the number of the control sites was 45 meters from the center of the campsites (an average impacted area associated with the use of the campsites of 6,362 m2). With the 30 backcountry campsites studied this is a total impacted area of 1.90,860 m2. 50 An average impact of 6,362 m2 per campsite could be considered substantial. For the 302 backcountry campsites in Yellowstone National Park that equals a potential impact of 1,921,324 m2. Aldo Leopold appears to be correct when he stated that the people that do come to visit wilderness areas do have an impact. The use of backcountry areas for camping is not a benign use and does seem to have a spatial attribute that should be better understood if a management goal of this primitive ecosystem is for sustainable recreational use, while maintaining environmental integrity. These forest changes are important for management decisions and it is hoped that this data provides some needed guidelines for managing the impacts of backcountry campsite use in Yellowstone National Park. Management Implications There has been a rapid growth over the last century in recreational use of wild lands (Smith 1993; Olliff and Varley 1994). This increase is at an alarming rate, which for a time (1940-1975) averaged 10% annually (Stankey et al. 1976). These are the lands that have been protected through regulations such as the National Park Service and the Wilderness Bill of 1964, which states that we are to manage these lands so that "natural conditions are preserved and the imprint of man's work remains substantially unnoticeable." 51 User type appears to be the most significant attribute of campsite use within the 30 campsites studied. Canoe and backpack user groups have an average number of saplings per quadrat of 6.9 and 6.4 respectively, while sites used by those traveling by motorboats have an average of 2.9. This study supports previous research of recreational impacts showing that backcountry campsite use does decrease vegetation cover, tree regeneration and percent forest canopy, and increase percent bare area. The reduction of forest regeneration within the periphery forest should be of concern to the recreation and resource managers of Yellowstone National Park. It is important that we understand that a continual increase in recreational use. might lead to a greater forest impact. Educating recreational users in backcountry ethics including reduction in trampling, group size and social trails, and an increased use of canoes or backpacking over motorboat use may reduce the impact to conifer saplings surrounding the backcountry campsites in Yellowstone National Park. Management Recommendations The types of management changes that could potentially reduce the impact to backcountry campsites within Yellowstone National Park and other areas that receive similar types of recreational use are reductions in motorboat use, decreased party size, increased use of vegetation and natural barriers around campsites, an increased effort to regenerate sites, and a continual effort to educate backcountry users. As mentioned above motorboat use should be eliminated or substantially reduced if a goal of management is to reduce the impacts occurring in the . periphery forest surrounding the campsites. The evidence of bare area, spatially impacted area, and the changes in sapling numbers around campsites support the hypothesis that differing user types have a different measured impact. One potential solution to the continual use of motorboats is to increase the use of moorings as overnight docking sites which would allow those utilizing motorboats to stay in the backcountry, and provide protection for the fragile forested ecosystems on the shorelines. Reducing group size can also be an effective way of minimizing the impact of backcountry campsite use. This study has shown that an increased group size does correlate with increased impact, or a decreased number of trees. Group size restrictions are. common in managed areas and have been effective at reducing impact, but additional restrictions in group size could substantially reduce the impact within the campsites. A combination of reductions in group size within certain user types, such as motorboat use, may also prove to be effective in reducing impacts. Other possible solutions are to increase the use of vegetation, and natural barriers to focus impact. It was observed in the field that deadfalls and thick vegetation provided natural fences to reduce trampling. In sites that are 53 heavily impacted more traditional fencing may be needed to close portions of campsites for potential rehabilitation. The reductions in motorboat travel, annual user numbers, and the increased use of natural barriers and fencing can make substantial reductions in the measured impact, but it is still important for resource and recreation managers to educate campers in backcountry ethics. This education should occur before entering the backcountry, but should also continue as the campers are in the backcountry through frequent ranger visits, which would mean an increase in the number of backcountry rangers. The use of backcountry and wilderness areas by recreational users does have an impact that extends beyond the campsite center. This impact is critical because these changes are spatially tied to the campsites, and are potentially increasing with increased annual users. This data, and these management recommendations, are important to our understanding of the impact of backcountry campsite use on forest structure, and to those who manage these lands sustainably so that recreational use does not change the wilderness character of Yellowstone National Park. APPENDICES 55 APPENDIX A VEGETATION SPECIES Identified during - summer 1994 Iodgepole pine Engelmann spruce whitebark pine narrowleaf cottonwood Colorado columbine heart leaf arnica mountain arnica Engelmann aster showy aster wester mountain aster marsh marigold common Indian paintbrush Canada thistle fireweed glacier Iilly skyrocket gilia mountain bluebell fringed gentian western coneflower goldenrod grouse whortleberry harebell globe huckleberry pinegrass big sagebrush elk sedge sickletop Iousewort silvery lupine common snowberry sticky geranium Richardson geranium wild strawberry twinflower cascade willow yarrow Pinus contorts Picea engelmannii Pinus aibicaulis Populus angustifolia Aquilegia coerulea Arnica cordifolia Arnica Iatifolia Aster engelmannii Aster conspicuus Aster occidentalis Caltha Ieptosepala Castilleja miniata Cirsium avernse Epilobium angustifolium Erythronium grandiflorum Ipomopsis aggregata Mertensia ciliata Gentianopsis detonsa Rudbeckia occidentalis Solidago missouriesis Vaccinium scoparium Campannula rotundifolia Vaccinium globulare Calamagrostis rubescens Artemisia tridentata Carex geyeri Pedicularis racemosa Lupinus argenteus Symphoncarpos albus Geranium viscosissimum Geranium richardsonii Fragaria virginiana Linnaea borealis Salix cascadensis Achillea millefolium 56 APPENDIX B STUDY SITE DATA BY CAMPSITE Average Number of Saplings by Size Class, Percent Canopy Cover, and Percent Bare Area per Quadrat for each Campsite Campsite - 5E2, Terrace Point, Yellowstone Lake 6 9 8 10 3 .875 .63 .75 .428 0 .4 .2 1.6 .8 1.4 30-90 cm .63 .5 .75 .142 0 .4 .2 1 .2 1.2 90-140 cm .25 .38 .375 .142 1.5 0 .2 .6 0 .4 # Saplings 1.75 1.51 1.87 .71 1.5 .8 .6 3.2 1 3 > 140 cm 2 1.58 .875 1.28 1.5 1.6 .8 2.2 1.2 3.6 % Canopy 78 72 64 75 77 69 73 64 59 58 % Bare 44 33 50 24 23 20 19 28 19 39 1 0-30 cm 5 7 2 Quadrat 4 Campsite - 5E3, Brimstone Point, Yellowstone Lake 6 7 8 2.57 .57 2.4 6.8 7 5.4 1.12 2.57 .71 2 6 5 4.6 .75 .88 1.14 1.42 1.4 3 3.2 1 1.76 1.01 2.87 6.28 2.7 5.8 15.8 15.2 11 1.13 2 1.75 2.75 3.42 3.14 2.6 2.4 2.4 3.4 % Canopy 67 68 61 59 69 80 77 72 78 77 % Bare 46 38 58 56 44 48 36 33 39 21 Quadrat I 2 3 4 0-30 cm .12 .63 .13 .87 30-90 cm .13 .63 .13 90-140 cm 0 .5 # Saplings .25 > 140 cm 5 9 10 57 Campsite - 5E4, Brimstone Bay, Yellowstone Lake 2 5 6 7 3.83 2.4 2.4 3.4 2.75 3.83 2.6 3.2 1.63 1.25 1.33 1.6 2.76 5.14 6.50 8.99 > 140 cm 2.63 3 1.25 % Canopy 71 74 % Bare 48 46 Quadrat I 9 10 0-30 cm .75 1.63 2.5 2 5.4 2.2 30-90 cm .63 1.88 3.6 1.2 4 2 90-140 cm 1.38 1 2 2.4 1.6 1.6 # Saplings 6.6 6.6 9 5.6 11 5.8 4.17 2.6 1.6 4.8 4.2 3.2 2.8 71 65 71 65 82 81 81 80 34 39 26 38 21 36 27 33 3 4 8 Campsite - 5E8, Park Point South, Yellowstone Lake 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 .25 1.88 3.38 2.37 2.14 5.33 2.47 4 5.2 6 30-90 cm .5 1.5 3.13 2.5 1.72 5.5 2.33 4.2 5 4.4 90-140 cm .63 .75 1.13 .5 .14 1.16 1 1.4 2.2 1.2 # Saplings 1.38 4.13 7.64 5.37 4 12 5.8 9.6 12.4 11.6 > 140 cm 2.75 1.5 2.58 1.63 1 1.67 1.67 2.4 4 3 % Canopy 69 58 62 61 62 58 63 83 81 84 % Bare 50 43 53 51 44 56 53 48 33 32 Quadrat I 0-30 cm 8 9 58 Campsite - 5L5, Promontory Point, Yellowstone Lake Quadrat I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0-30 cm 0 .38 .5 1.12 .62 0 2 3.33 7 7.5 30-90 cm .25 .38 .75 1.12 .12 .37 1.87 3.66 7 7.5 90-140 cm .63 .38 .625 .25 .87 .12 .25 .5 .83. 2.33 # Saplings .88 1.14 1.87 2.49 1.61 .49 4.12 7.49 14.8 17.3 > 140 cm 2.63 3.25 2.37 1.75 1.62 1.5 2.25 2.83 1.5 2.5 % Canopy 49 48 50 51 48 49 46 54 53 54 % Bare 32 21 21 26 36 41 38 28 41 36 Campsite - 5L6, Promontory Shore, Yellowstone Lake 5 6 .14 1.28 .25 .28 .75 1.12 .63 1.13 > 140 cm 2.5 % Canopy % Bare 10 7 8 9 1.66 2.6 3.4 3.6 5 1.28 1.5 2.2 2.4 3.8 3 .85 1.57 1.33 3.2 3 5 2.5 2.25 1.27 4.13 4.49 8 8.8 12.4 10.5 2.5 2.25 2.71 2.71 2.16 1.4 3 4 2.6 49 46 38 44 49 46 55 49 47 51 44 31 35 40 54 34 46 31 26 30 Quadrat 1 2 3 4 0-30 cm .25 .25 .88 30-90 cm .13 .13 90-140 cm .25 # Saplings 59 I Campsite - 5L7, Promontory Bay, Yellowstone Lake 2 1 Quadrat 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 30 cm 0 0 .25 0 1.17 .67 .6 2.8 6.4 4.2 30-90 cm 0 0 .25 .12 .33 .67 .8 2.6 3.8 4.4 90-140 cm 0 0 0 0 .33 .17 .2 .4 .6 .2 # Saplings 0 0 .5 .12 1.83 1.51 1.6 5.8 10.8 8.8 > 140 cm 1.5 .25 .12 .12 .5 .5 2.8 2 1 .8 % Canopy 51 42 30 26 47 32 60 50 50 47 % Bare 70 63 59 61 54 52 33 37 42 37 Campsite - 5L8, Promontory Tip, Yellowstone Lake 2 7 6 8 10 Quadrat I 0-30 cm 1.12 .88 1.88 .42 1.83 .6 1.2 2 1.4 2 30-90 cm 1.25 .88 1.88 .42 1.83 .6 1.2 2 1.6 2.25 90-140 cm .88 .88 .25 .28 1.33 .4 .8 .2 1.2 1 # Saplings 3.25 2.64 4.01 1.12 4.99 1.6 3.2 4.2 4.2 5.25 > 140 cm .88 1.25 1.62 1.71 .67 .8 .4 1 3 2.25 % Canopy 58 47 54 46 44 42 37 38 42 49 % Bare 63 69 66 56 64 55 54 60 45 56 3 4 5 9 60 A Campsite - 5L9, Promontory Saddle, Yellowstone Lake Quadrat 2 I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0-30 cm 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 0 2 1.4 30-90 cm 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 0 2 1.4 90-140 cm .13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # Saplings .13 0 0 0 0 0 .4 0 4 2.8 > 140 cm .88 .13 .33 .2 .6 .6 .4 .2 .4 .2 % Canopy 49 57 41 39 44 46 56 38 57 53 % B a re 40 48 31 24 26 12 11 14 16 15 Campsite - 7L9, Flat Mountain Arm, Yellowstone Lake Quadrat 1 0-30 cm 8 9 5 5.62 5.12 4.12 5 1 1.57 2.5 2.7 2.57 3.14 .62 .5 .75 2.37 2 1.12 1.42 6.49 5.49 5.12 7.32 10.4 9.82 7.81 9.56 2.62 2.75 2.89 4.12 3.25 3.62 3.12 3.37 3.28 73 77 63 72 70 71 70 73 73 73 74 70 68 63 58 50 50 48 43 43 3 4 2.5 4.12 3.75 3.5 3.62 30-90 cm 1.25 1.75 1.62 1.37 90-140 cm .75 1.25 1.12 # Saplings 4.5 7.12 > 140 cm 3.25 % Canopy % Bare 6 10 7 2 5 61 Campsite - 7M1, Grizzly Bay, Yellowstone Lake 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 .25 1.5 1.25 1 .5 .75 .5 .75 2 1 1.5 .67 3 3.5 5 1.75 3.75 1.38 1.67 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.25 60 48 67 66 68 68 65 66 90 90 86 68 50 50 50 50 Q u a d ra t I 0-30 cm .25 0 .5 .12 .5 1.25 1.5 30-90 cm .12 1.25 0 .37 .17 1.25 90-140 cm .12 0 .12 .12 0 # Saplings .49 1.25 .62 .61 > 140 cm 3 2.34 2.75 % Canopy 62 55 % Bare 90 90 Campsite - 7M3, Flat Mountain Bay, Yellowstone Lake Quadrat I 2 3 0-30 cm 1.25 1.88 1.88 30-90 cm 1.5 1.25 90-140 cm .87 # Saplings 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3.38 2.38 2.63 2.25 4.43 6.14 2.38 1.62 2 2 2.88 2 3.42 3.72 2.38 2.25 1.75 1.62 2.5 1.87 2.25 1.57 2.57 3.62 5.51 6.51 5.37 7 6.88 7.38 6.50 9.42 12.4 > 140 cm 3 3.5 3.62 3.12 4 4.38 3.38 3.62 3.71 3.57 % Canopy 65 60 61 61 59 50 51 54 51 55 % Bare 59 40 28 22 21 18 16 13 9 10 4 62 Campsite - 7M4, Plover Point, Yellowstone Lake 3 2 I Q u a d ra t 8 7 6 5 4 9 10 0 -3 0 c m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 -9 0 c m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 -1 4 0 c m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # S a p lin g s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 140 cm .25 .12 .37 .82 .82 .62 .86 1 1 1.33 % Canopy 5 8 15 12 9 5 6 20 23 22 % B a re 75 79 80 68 67 68 56 55 54 54 Campsite - 7M5, Plover Bay, Yellovretone Lake 9 8 10 5 6 7 3.42 2.4 3.2 3.6 4 4.8 10.2 .25 .42 1.2 1.2 1 .6 2.6 2.6 0 0 0 .2 0 .6 1.4 1.6 1,2 .38 2.5 2.25 3.84 3.8 4.4 5.2 6 9 14 > 140 cm 3.12 3.75 3.87 2.85 2.8 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.6 3 % Canopy 79 75 67 64 70 69 60 57 55 56 % Bare 54 34 31 25 17 17 19 19 19 19 2 Quadrat I 0-30 cm .38 1.62 2 30-90 cm 0 .88 90-140 cm 0 # Saplings 4 3 63 Campsite - 7M6, South Arm, Yellowstone Lake 3 2 I Q u a d ra t 5 4 6 8 7 10 9 0 -3 0 c m 0 .12 0 0 .2 0 .2 .4 .2 0 3 0 -9 0 c m 0 .12 .12 .57 .2 0 .4 .4 .2 0 9 0 -1 4 0 c m 1.25 .12 .25 .28 .8 .6 .4 .2 0 .8 # S a p lin g s 1.25 .36 .37 .85 1.2 .6 1 I .4 .8 > 140 cm 1.25 2.12 1.88 3 4.4 3.4 4.6 4 2.8 3 % Canopy 56 67 54 60 80 92 87 79 75 78 % B a re 47 43 43 35 13 14 13 19 23 23 Campsite - 7M9, Brimstone Point, Yellowstone Lake 2 1 Quadrat 3 6 5 4 10 9 8 7 0-30 cm 0 0 .17 1.33 0 .2 0 0 .4 0 30-90 cm 0 0 .5 .17 .17 0 .4 .6 .4 .4 90-140 cm .75 .5 .5 .66 .5 .6 .2 0 .6 .6 # Saplings .75 .5 1.17 2.16 .67 .8 .6 .6 1.4 I > 140 cm 2.75 3.34 3.83 1.33 .67 1.4 .6 1 1.6 .6 % Canopy 43 39 55 45 42 12 16 8 4.6 16 % Bare 34 37 30 35 33 25 23 22 22 22 64 Campsite - 7N4, Southwest Bay, Yellowstone Lake I Quadrat 3 2 6 5 4 7 8 9 10 0-30 cm 0 0 0 0 0 0 .5 .33 .66 1 30-90 cm 0 0 0 .33 0 0 .5 .33 .66 1.17 90-140 cm 0 0 0 1.16 0 .33 1.33 .5 1 0 # Saplings 0 0 0 1.49 0 .33 2.33 1.16 2.32 2.17 > 140 cm .75 1.5 1.12 1.5 .5 .66 2 .83 1.17 2.5 % Canopy 52 52 38 42 41 43 41 49 50 51 % Bare 48 41 40 29 24 16 22 23 23 30 Campsite - 7N6, Peale Island, Yellowstone Lake I Quadrat 4 3 2 6 5 9 8 7 10 0-30 cm 0 0 0 0 0 0 .5 0 0 0 30-90 cm 0 0 0 .4 0 0 1 .5 1 0 90-140 cm 0 .12 0 0 1.5 2.5 1 1 4.5 2.5 # Saplings 0 .12 0 .4 1.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 5.5 2.5 > 140 cm 2.25 1.25 1 .8 1.5 2.5 I 1 4.5 2.5 % Canopy 69 64 60 52 62 62 70 79 69.5 71 % Bare 57 49 38 49 40 37 28 18 38 33 65 Campsite - 8Q1, South Narrow Point, Shoshone Lake 9 10 2 1.75 1.5 2.75 .75 .75 1.25 .25 1.25 2 .75 1 4.25 1.75 6.75 4.75 3.25 3.75 4 5.5 5.25 2.75 4 3.75 2 13 11 11 16 15 21 24 24 51 56 53 48 41 41 41 41 3 4 5 6 8 7 Quadrat 1 2 0-30 cm .25 .33 .5 .75 2 .5 2.75 30-90 cm .13 .67 .25 .5 1.5 1 90-140 cm 0 .83 .5 .5 .75 # Saplings .38 1.83 1.25 1.75 > 140 cm .75 1.5 4.5 % Canopy 22 14 % Bare 48 57 Campsite - 8Q3, South Narrow Beach, Shoshone Lake 6 7 8.6 6.25 10.5 3.66 7.8 6 1.5 2.33 2.2 17.1 12.1 10.3 3.5 5 4 % Canopy 48 48 % Bare 84 69 Quadrat I 2 3 4 0-30 cm 1.12 8.63 5.67 4.33 30-90 cm .75 7.25 5 90-140 cm 1 1.25 # Saplings 2.87 > 140 cm 9 10 9 15.2 11.5 8.25 5.25 11.5 6 1.25 2.75 1 2.2 2.5 18.6 13.5 21.5 15.2 28.9 10 4.5 3.4 5 3.5 3 3.25 4.25 56 52 53 53 51 53 53 51 63 61 56 65 55 58 54 54 5 8 Campsite - 8Q4, Moose Creek Point, Shoshone Lake I Quadrat 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 0-30 cm 0 1.25 3.17 5.4 2.4 4.6 11.2 16 16.6 13.4 30-90 cm 0 2 4 7.2 2.4 3.4 8.8 15.2 13.2 11.4 90-140 cm .13 1.25 4.66 4.6 3 2.8 6.2 7.8 6 4.2 # Saplings .13 4.5 11.8 17.2 7.8 10.8 16.2 39 35.8 29 > 140 cm 3.25 4.63 4.66 6 7 3.8 4.6 5 12.2 12.2 % Canopy 44 44 51 55 60 60 57 59 67 51 % Bare 71 41 35 33 29 21 28 32 34 32 Campsite - 8R1, Windy Point, Shoshone Lake 1 Quadrat 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 7.16 7.67 6 3.4 8 6.11 0-30 cm 0 1.5 2.5 3 4.75 3.71 2.54 30-90 cm .38 1 1.75 2.25 2.87 2 1.47 . 2.56 90-140 cm 1.25 .5 .87 1.25 1.5 1.14 1.12 1.4 1 3 # Saplings 1.63 3 5.12 6.5 9.12 6.85 5.13 10.1 14.2 14.1 > 140 cm 5.38 5 5.5 4.75 5 5.71 3.5 4.2 4.72 6.37 % Canopy 57 54 56 58 55 51 64 60 55 51 % Bare 66 7152 48 53 44 48 48 48 46 39 67 Campsite - 8S1, Outlet, Shoshone Lake Quadrat 3 2 I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0-30 cm 0 0 1.13 .75 2.34 1.62 4.87 5.25 5.38 3.87 30-90 cm .75 .5 1.63 .38 1 .62 1.34 4.75 2.5 1.58 90-140 cm 1.5 .5 1.63 .88 .25 .63 .38 2.34 1.13 1,43 # Saplings 2.25 I 4.39 2.01 3.59 2.87 6.59 12.3 9.01 6.88 > 140 cm 1.13 2.25 3.5 4.62 4.75 3.62 2.12 1.12 1.88 4.57 % Canopy 62 67 62 75 66 65 66 59 59 60 % Bare 62 37 15 10 18 14 18 23 25 9 Campsite - 8S2, Delacy Creek, Shoshone Lake I Quadrat 5 4 3 2 6 7 8 9 10 0-30 cm 0 1 1.25 .5 2 2.6 6.2 2.2 5 3.8 30-90 cm .13 1.25 1.63 .67 .4 1.6 2.6 .4 1 1.4 90-140 cm 0 .5 .125 .83 .4 .6 1.4 .4 .2 .2 # Saplings .13 2.75 3 2 2.8 4.8 10.2 3 6.2 5.4 > 140 cm 4.38 5.13 3.75 3 3.8 2.4 2.4 3.4 3 1,6 % Canopy 91 88 67 75 90 86 83 84 72 45 % Bare 51 36 45 29 12 17 13 15 9 15 J 68 Campsite - 8S3, Coyote, Shoshone Lake Quadrat 2 I 3 4 6 5 7 8 9 10 0 30 cm 0 0 .125 1.57 .5 3.6 4 4.8 2.4 5.2 30-90 cm .12 0 .12 .42 2 2.6 3.6 5.4 2.8 4.8 90-140 cm .12 .12 0 .43 .83 .8 1.8 2.2 3.8 3.6 # Saplings .24 .12 .25 2.42 3.33 7 9.4 12.4 9 13.6 > 140 cm 3.12 3.62 2.25 2.85 2.33 4.2 4.4 3 3.4 3.2 % Canopy 71 66 66 50 48 44 43 43 45 45 % Bare 25 26 37 22 18 21 20 18 24 18 Campsite - 8S4, North Grizzly Beach, Shoshone Lake Quadrat I 2 3 9 8 7 6 5 4 10 0-30 cm .25 .13 .67 .5 .5 0 0 0 0 0 30-90 cm .63 .38 .33 0 0 .5 0 0 1 0 90-140 cm .5 0 .33 .5 .5 0 0 0 0 .5 # Saplings 1.38 .51 1.84 I 1 .5 0 0 1 .5 > 140 cm 1.38 1.88 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 0 1.5 1 % Canopy 43 27 20 43 32 13 23 20 23 25 % Bare 89 90 90 88 52 52 53 52 48 57 69 Campsite - 8S5, South Grizzly Point 9 10 4 4.2 3.2 2.8 3.4 2.2 2 2.4 2.8 1.8 1.8 1.6 9.8 9 12 9.2 8.2 6.8 2.34 3.8 3.6 4 2.2 3.2 4 42 39 45 54 45 54 49 50 63 57 50 37 36 32 31 31 5 6 7 3.25 5.4 4.4 6.4 1.5 1.25 2 2.2 .25 .88 .63 2.4 .5 3.25 4.88 5.13 > 140 cm 3.5 3.75 2.34 % Canopy 54 47 % B a re 73 66 2 3 Quadrat I 0-30 cm .25 2 2.5 30-90 cm .25 1 90-140 cm 0 # Saplings 4 8 Campsite - 8S6, Red Rocks, Shoshone Lake 1 Quadrat 2 3 4 5 9 8 7 6 10 0-30 cm 0 1.2 1.8 1.2 3 3.2 1 4.2 2 5 30-90 cm .38 1 1.4 1.8 3 2.4 2.8 2.4 1.6 2.6 90-140 cm .5 1.4 1.6 1.4 2.6 1.6 3.2 2.4 1.6 2.8 # Saplings .88 3.6 4.8 4.4 8.6 7.2 7 9 5.2 10.4 > 140 cm .88 .2 3.2 2.2 3.8 3.4 5 2.2 3.6 3.4 % Canopy 30 29 32 35 39 41 41 41 43 43 % Bare 71 64 58 48 34 28 30 24 42 42 70 Campsite - 8S7, North Narrows, Shoshone Lake I Quadrat 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 0-30 cm 0 .13 .67 1 .4 4.4 3.8 4.4 3 3.4 30-90 cm 0 1 .5 .8 0 2.8 4 2.4 1.8 2.4 90-140 cm 0 .25 1.16 1.4 .8 2.2 4.4 1.8 3 3 # Saplings 0 1.38 2.33 3.2 1.2 9.4 12.2 8.6 7.8 8.8 > 140 cm 2.88 3 2.66 4.2 2 3.8 2 3.2 4.4 2.4 % Canopy 58 54 56 57 53 57 53 51 52 51 % Bare 66 63 56 61 61 54 48 48 48 48 Campsite - 8T5, Tranquility, Shoshone Lake 7 8 9 10 6 6.8 6.2 6.8 5.8 7.4 5.8 4.8 4.4 5.8 4.6 2.57 1.8 1.8 1.6 2.2 4.2 1.8 7.01 12.4 17.8 13.6 13.2 12.8 16.8 12.2 3.25 4.87 5.87 5.4 4.4 5.2 4.8 5.6 5.4 43 47 46 47 50 64 65 60 62 65 61 59 50 53 32 36 33 40 40 39 3 4 .25 1.25 3.13 5.28 8.6 30-90 cm 0 1.13 2.63 4.57 90-140 cm .88 .5 1.25 # Saplings 1.13 2.88 > 140 cm 2.5 % Canopy % Bare 1 0-30 cm 6 5 2 Quadrat 71 Campsite - Control Site 7M1, Yellowstone Lake 5 4 7 6 9 8 10 Quadrat 1 2 3 0-30 cm 5.88 7.62 9.25 7.5 6 6.86 7 4 4.75 4.5 30-90 cm 3.38 3 3.62 3.25 5.13 3.86 3.8 4 4.5 2.5 90-140 cm 2.63 1.5 2.63 3.38 1.63 4.71 2.8 .2 3.5 4.25 # Saplings 11.9 12.1 15.5 14.1 12.8 15.4 13.6 8.2 12.8 11.3 > 140 cm 3.34 3.5 3.5 3.75 3.38 3.71 3.2 2 1.25 .5 % Canopy 64 71 72 66 59 66 69 67 70 71 % Bare 21 20 14 17 22 18 18 15 16 14 Campsite - Control Site 8S2, Shoshone Lake 7 8 9 10 5.2 6.25 5.75 4.75 5.75 3.8 1.8 2.5 2.75 1.5 1.25 2.5 3.2 1 .75 2.5 1.25 3.5 9.6 12 12.8 8 9.5 11 7.5 10.5 3.75 4 4.12 2.8 2.8 3.75 3.5 3 4.25 57 63 63 67 64 60 63 56 48 48 38 29 31 41 34 34 42 49 48 27 Quadrat I 2 3 4 0-30 cm 7.12 8.62 5.75 30-90 cm 3.5 2.5 90-140 cm 1.87 # Saplings 5 6 5.12 5.8 2.12 4.33 1.5 1.75 12.5 12.6 > 140 cm 2.75 % Canopy % Bare : 72 Campsite - Control Site 5L7, Yellowstone Lake 6 7 8 9 10 6 5.34 4.12 8.88 6.75 4.71 3.34 3.34 3 3.5 9.75 5.38 4.58 1.5 3.25 2.63 1 1.62 4 2.63 1.71 12.2 10.2 11.7 12 9.34 9.24 22.6 14.8 11 2.13 3.25 2.13 3 2.63 2.25 2.38 2 1.5 1.29 % Canopy 64 71 72 66 59 66 69 67 70 71 % Bare 21 20 14 17 21 18 18 15 16 14 Quadrat I 2 3 4 0-30 cm 5.88 5.25 5.25 5.12 30-90 cm 3.12 3.88 3.5 90-140 cm 2.88 3.12 # Saplings 11.9 > 140 cm 5 73 APPENDIX C COMPLETE LISTING OF ALL STATISTICAL TESTS Test Alpha df Critical Value Calculated Value r P Value Average Number of Saplings in Campsites and Control Sites .01 9 2.82 7.42 NA .00002 Correlation Between Distance from Campsite Centers and the Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat NA NA NA NA .97 NA Correlation Between Distance from Control Site Centers and Average Number of Saplings NA NA NA NA -.22 NA Transect #1 Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsite) .01 9 2.82 4.28 Transect #2 Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsite) .01 9 2.82 3.01 .97 .001 Transect #3 Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsite) .01 9 2.82 4.39 .96 .0001 Transect #4 Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsite) .01 9 2.82 4.57 .94 .0001 Transect #5 Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsite) .01 9 2.82 7.12 .91 .00003 Transect #6 Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsite) .01 9 2.82 5.83 .94 .0001 Transect #7 Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsite) .01 9 2.82 4.60 .74 .00065 Transect #8 Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsite) .01 9 2.82 2.95 .74 .009 .001 .77 74 .01 2 5.48 5.87 NA .0008 Average Number of Saplings in Canoe Sites and Control Sites, (r for Campsites) .01 9 2.82 6.50 .96 .000056 Average Number of Saplings in Motorboat Sites and Control Sites (r for Campsites) .01 9 2.82 12.0 .92 .00000039 Average Number of Saplings in Backpacker Sites and Control Sites (r for Campsites) .01 9 2.82 6.53 .76 .0001 Average Number of Saplings < 30 cm, Campsites and Control Sites. .01 9 2.82 4.36 .96 .0009 Average Number of Saplings 30-90 cm, Campsites and Control Sites .01 9 2.82 5.13 .98 .0003 Average Number of Saplings 30-90 cm, Campsites and Control Sites .01 9 2.82 6.31 .95 .00007 Average Number of Saplings > 140 cm, Campsites and Control Sites .01 9 2.82 27.7 .80 .00000000 025 Correlation between Control Site Centers and Saplings < 30 cm NA NA NA NA -.79 NA Correlation between Control Site Centers and Saplings, 30-90 cm NA NA NA NA .21 NA Correlation between Control Site Centers and Saplings, 90-140 cm NA NA NA NA .26 NA Correlation between Control Site Centers and Conifers, > 140 cm NA NA NA NA -.70 NA Different Campsite Beach Topography .01 2 5.49 1.75 NA .19 Different User Types 75 Correlation between Distance and Average Saplings in Bay Sites NA NA NA NA .89 NA Correlation between Distance and Average Saplings in Point Sites NA NA NA NA .96 NA Correlation between Distance and Average Saplings in Straight Sites NA NA NA NA .97 NA Average Number of Saplings per Quadrat within all Conifer Species .01 2 5.49 16.8 NA .00002 Lodgepole pines in Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsites) .01 9 2.82 14.6 .98 .00000007 Subalpine fir in Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsites) .01 9 2.82 2.91 .96 .001 Englemann spruce in Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsites) .01 9 2.82 3.67 .93 .0025 Average Canopy Cover, Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsites) .01 9 2.82 6.97 .31 .00003 Correlation between Distance and Percent Canopy Cover in Control Sites NA NA NA NA -.55 NA Average Percent Bare Area, Campsites and Control sites, (r for Campsites) .01 9 2.82 4.77 -.95 .0005 Correlation between Distance and Percent Bare Area in Control Sites NA NA NA NA .18 NA Average Percent Vegetation Cover in Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsites) .01 9 2.82 4.80 .94 .0004 Correlation between Distance and Percent Vegetation Cover in Control Sites .01 NA NA NA .17 NA 76 Average Percent Understory Vegetation Cover in Campsites and Control Sites (r for campsites) .01 9 2.82 8.35 .78 .000008 Correlation between Distance and Percent Understory Vegetation Cover in Control Sites NA NA NA NA .01 NA Average Percent Moss Cover in Campsites and Control Sites (r for campsites) .01 9 2.82 2.95 .57 .008 Correlation between Distance and Percent Moss Cover in Control Sites NA NA NA NA .31 NA Average Percent Grass Cover in Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsites) .01 9 2.82 3.4 .36 .004 Correlation between Distance and Percent Grass Cover in Control Sites NA NA NA NA -.44 NA Average Percent Sedge Cover in Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsites) .01 9 2.82 4 .89 .002 Correlation between Distance and Percent Sedge Cover in Control Sites NA NA NA NA -.23 NA Average Percent Forb Cover in Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsites) .01 9 2.82 .8 .29 .22 Correlation between Average Percent Forb Cover in Control Sites NA NA NA NA .57 NA Average Percent Shrub Cover in Campsites and Control Sites (r for Campsites) .01 9 2.82 3.69 .75 .003 Correlation between Average Percent Shrub Cover in Control Sites NA NA NA NA .39 NA 77 REFERENCES CITED Baker, F. 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