3rd workshop on Information Society Measurement for www.europa.eu.int/comm/eurostat/ EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Latin America and the Caribbean Panama City, Panama 22 – 24 November 2006 ECLAC, United Nations Eurostat’s Information Society Statistics Hartmut BUCHOW Information Society Statistics Measurement of e-skills in the European Community Information Society statistics (ISS) Objectives for e-skills monitoring ¾e-Inclusion: no « Information Society for all » without « e-skills for all » … ¾Labour market needs: jobs more and more require user skills (for using applications) or specialist skills (for developing applications, solutions and networks) Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics ISS household survey: E-skills E-skills modules since 2005 ¾ Checklist of 6 computer activities to assess the respondent’s basic computer skills level • Use a mouse to launch specific programmes • Copying or moving a file or folder • Use copy and paste tools • Use basic arithmetic formulae/spreadsheet • Compress files • Writing a computer program using a specialised programming language Î Three groups: low, middle, high of basic computer skills Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Employed persons’ use of computers during work routine (2005) (as a percentage of the total number of employed persons) 80 70 60 48 48 48 49 45 45 43 50 40 30 23 25 29 33 59 60 57 54 51 53 53 66 63 64 65 69 36 36 37 38 38 20 14 16 10 0 RO BG LV LT HU PT EL CZ SK PL IT EE MT CY ES SI LU UK EU25 IE AT IS DE NL NO DK BE SE FR Source: Eurostat, Community survey on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises. Note: EU-25 includes estimates for FR and MT for 2005 ; data for FR, MT and IS: 2003 ; data for BG and RO: 2004. Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics FI ISS household survey: E-skills (cont.) ¾ Most recent computer training ¾ Where & how were computer skills obtained ¾ Reasons for not taking computer training (2007) ¾ Computer skills adapted to the labour market? (self-assessment; 2007) Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Individuals’ level of basic computer skills (2006), EU-25 (as a percentage of the total number of individuals aged 16 to 74) To tal 41 M en 38 Wo men 44 A ge 16-24 11 A ge 25-34 23 A ge 35-44 32 A ge 45-54 44 A ge 55-64 61 A ge 65-74 82 Lo wer educated 65 M iddle educated 31 Higher educated 13 Student 5 Emplo yees, self-emplo yed 29 Unemplo yed 43 Retired, inactive, etc. 72 13 24 11 22 22 29 26 15 13 15 38 13 38 30 34 15 28 25 15 24 17 13 16 10 8 10 16 13 12 15 24 41 40 43 14 29 14 28 24 19 11 Lo w level M edium level 11 High level Source: Eurostat, Community survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics 3 10 29 33 No basic co mputer skills 7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics 6 Individuals not using computers or the Internet (2005) (as a percentage of the total number of individuals aged 16 to 74) 100 90 80 82 70 71 60 65 57 50 46 38 30 24 27 26 26 19 10 8 8 8 10 SE DK IS NO 37 13 50 16 17 18 18 FI UK DE LU 34 28 29 SK AT 72 74 38 40 SI ES 72 66 60 46 46 70 64 51 40 20 57 74 69 44 46 46 LV PL IE 53 53 53 LT PT CY 56 57 IT HU 65 34 0 NL EE EU25 Not regularly using the Internet CZ EL Never used a computer Source: Eurostat, Community survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals Notes: Data on computer use not available for BE (percentage not regularly using the Internet: 47%) ; no data for FR, MT Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Way of obtaining e-skills (2005) % of individuals aged 16 to 74 who have already used a computer; level of basic computer skills: breakdown by various skills levels Level of basic computer skills All computer users Men Women Lower Middle Higher Urban Middle Rural Low Medium High Formalised educational institution (school, college, university, etc.) 31 29 33 34 28 35 30 31 35 16 30 47 Training courses in adult education centres, on own initiative 15 13 18 11 15 19 15 15 16 10 17 20 Training courses in adult education centres, on demand of employer 23 21 25 12 23 32 24 23 20 14 25 29 Self-study using books, cd-roms, etc. 28 35 21 22 27 37 29 29 27 10 26 48 Self-study (learning by doing) 58 64 52 52 57 65 60 59 54 38 61 76 Informal assistance from colleagues, relatives or friends 59 58 59 58 59 59 60 62 55 61 61 60 Some other way 4 4 3 5 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 Gender Educational level Degree of urbanisation Source: Eurostat, Community survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals. Notes: Data based on 16 countries for which comparable information is available, namely DE, EL, IT, CY, LV, LT, LU, HU, PL, PT, SI, SK, SE, UK, IS and NO. Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Enterprise survey 2007: e-skills module z Two types of personnel with e-skills: – ICT specialists – ICT users z z z z Percentage of personnel which is ICT specialist Recruitment: Needs, problems to fill vacancies Training provided Outsourcing and off-shoring: – Which ICT functions – To which regions (EU / non-EU) Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Employment of ICT specialists – Percentage or number of ICT specialists employed E1. Did your enterprise employ ICT specialists, in January 2007? Definition ICT/IT specialists: ICT specialists specify, design, develop, install, operate, support, maintain, manage, evaluate and research ICT and ICT systems. ICT is the main job E2. How many ICT specialists were employed by your enterprise during January 2007? If you can't provide this value, Please indicate an estimate of the percentage of the number of ICT specialists in relation to the total number of persons employed, during January 2007? Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Recruitment of ICT specialists – Hard-to-fill vacancies for IT specialists jobs E3. Did your enterprise recruit or try to recruit personnel for jobs requiring ICT specialist skills, during 2006? (Filter question) E4. Did your enterprise have hard-to-fill vacancies for jobs requiring ICT specialist skills during 2006 ? (Filter question) Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Reasons for hard-to-fill vacancies for ICT specialists jobs E5. What do you believe were the main reasons of having hard-to-fill vacancies for jobs requiring ICT specialist skills during 2006? a) Lack or too low number of applicants with ICT specialist skills b) Lack of ICT related qualifications from education and/or training c) Lack of work experience in the field of ICT d) Salary requests too high e) Other (optional) Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Recruitment of ICT users E6. Did your enterprise recruit or try to recruit personnel for jobs requiring skills in the use of ICT, during 2006? (Filter question) Definition ICT user skills :Capabilities enabling the effective use of common, generic software tools (basic user skills) or advanced, often sector-specific, software tools (advanced user skills). ICT is an important tool for the job and is used to produce work output and/or used intensively at work (in day-to-day activities) Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Lack of skills / Provision of training E7. Did your enterprise have hard-to-fill vacancies due to applicants' lack of skills in the use of ICT in 2006? E8. Did your enterprise provide training to develop or upgrade ICT related skills of your personnel, during 2006? a) Training for ICT/IT specialists b) Training for users of ICT Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Outsourcing and Offshoring of ICT specialist skills E9. Were any ICT functions requiring ICT/IT specialists performed by external suppliers (fully or partly), during 2006? Definition ‘external suppliers’: Other, also foreign enterprises/legal entities E10. Were any ICT functions requiring ICT specialists performed by suppliers in a foreign country (fully or partly), during 2006? (Filter question) Definition ‘suppliers in a foreign country’: 1) foreign affiliates, usually legal entities established by the enterprise (internal suppliers from abroad), or 2) other foreign enterprises /external suppliers from abroad Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Offshoring and types of ICT functions E11. Which ICT functions were performed by suppliers' ICT/IT specialists in a foreign country, during 2006? - optional a) ICT management (includes e-business and ICT systems management) b) ICT development and implementation (includes business software development, programming, web development, database development, communication network development, systems integration and installation) c) ICT operations (includes technical support, user help and support, network administration, web administration, database administration) d) Other ICT functions Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Offshoring of IT specialists’ skills by regions E12. From which of the following geographical regions did your enterprise engage external suppliers' ICT/IT specialists during 2006? a) other EU Member States b) Non-EU Countries Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Outsourcing and Offshoring of ICT user skills … E13. Were any business functions requiring users of ICT performed by external suppliers (fully or partly), during 2006? (optional) E14. Were any business functions requiring users of ICT performed by suppliers in a foreign country (fully or partly), during 2006? (optional; Filter question) Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics Outsourcing and Offshoring of ICT user skills … E15. Which business functions (non-ICT) were performed by suppliers' ICT users in a foreign country? (optional) a) Sales and marketing, customer service b) Research and development, product design and engineering c) Other (non-ICT) business functions E16. Please indicate the geographical regions from where you engaged business services requiring ICT users during 2006 (optional) a) other EU Member States Information Society Statistics in the Internet: EUROSTAT website -> Themes -> Science and technology -> Data -> Information society statistics b) Non-EU Countries EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROSTAT Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society Unit F-6: Information Society and Tourism Statistics