ICT and E-Business Branch UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ITU-UNESCAP-APT Capacity Building Workshop Information Society Statistics: Core ICT Indicators Bangkok, 6-8 November 2007 ICT sector and ICT trade: Trends and surveys Dr. Susan Teltscher Chief, ICT Policy and Analysis Unit ICT and E-Business Branch, SITE UNCTAD UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 1 This presentation • Recent trends in ICT trade • ICT sector surveys – challenges • UNCTAD questionnaire on the ICT sector UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 2 Billion USD Exports of ICT goods 1996-2005 1'600 1'514 1'400 1'368 1'200 1'129 1'112 1'000 997 808 800 907 976 813 702 600 400 200 1996 World 1997 1998 1999 Developed economies 2000 2001 2002 2003 Developing economies 2004 2005 Economies in transition Source: UN Comtrade UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 /3 Source: UNCTAD (2006) Top 10 exporters of ICT goods (2006) 350 300 60 250 200 40 150 100 20 50 30 10 50 0 ng ap or e G er m U an ni y te d Ki ng Ko do re C a m ,R hi na ep ,T ub ai lic w an of Pr ov in ce of M al ay sia Si Ja pa n R SA Ko ng on g C hi na ,H U ni te d St C at es hi na 0 growth rate 2006-2005 (per cent) Billion USD World top ten exporters of ICT goods Source: UNCTAD, based on COMTRADE UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 4 Top 10 exporters of ICT goods (2006) 30 350 250 20 150 10 50 Si ng Ko ap re or C a, hi e R na e ,T pu ai bl w ic an of Pr ov in ce of M al ay sia Th ai la nd Ph ili p pi ne s In do ne sia C -250 Ja pa n R SA Ko ng hi na ,H -150 on g C -50 hi na 0 growth rate 2006-2005 (per cent) Billion USD Top ten Asian exporters of ICT goods -10 -20 Source: UNCTAD, based on COMTRADE UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 5 ICT goods exports - China 1689% 1351% 1014% 676% 338% 0% 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Merchandise exports (1996 = 100%) ICT goods exports (1996 = 100%) Source: UNCTAD 2007, based on UN Comtrade UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 6 Billion USD Trade in ICT goods: the emerging South 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Exports from developed to developed economies Exports from developed to developing economies Exports from developing to developed economies Exports from developing to developing economies Source: UNCTAD 2007,based on UN Comtrade UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 7 Trade in ICT goods: the emerging South Exports from 2005 value of ICT goods exports (million USD) CAGR (%) 20002005 CAGR (%) 20002003 CAGR (%) 20032005 Share (%) of world exports of ICT goods in 2005 Developed to developed economies 455'118 1.3 -2.9 11.1 30.1 Developed to developing economies 239'541 -2.5 -6.8 11.8 15.8 Developed to transition economies 20'300 70.7 52.3 33.0 1.3 Developing to developed economies 379'856 13.0 6.2 16.7 25.1 Developing to developing economies 410'554 16.8 7.5 23.0 27.1 Developing to transition economies 4'291 70.6 52.4 32.6 0.3 Transition to developed economies 1'710 -22.5 -23.2 2.5 0.1 Transition to developing economies 889 0.8 -1.6 6.3 0.1 Transition to transition economies 716 13.6 7.8 14.2 0.0 Source: UNCTAD 2007,based on UN Comtrade UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 8 225 80 185 60 145 40 105 65 20 25 growth rate 2004-2005 (per cent) Billion USD Top ten exporters of ICT-enabled services 0 -15 Un -55 d ite S s e t ta Un d ite K om d ing rm e G y an an p Ja nd a l Ire ds n rla e th e N ce n a Fr dia n I Ita ly em x Lu rg u bo -20 Source: UNCTAD 2007, based on IMF BOP UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 9 Export of computer and information services B illion USD Share of developing countries rising 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Developed countries 2001 2002 Developing countries 2003 2004 2005 SEE&CIS Source: UNCTAD, based on IMF BOP UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 10 Why surveying the ICT sector? • Contribution to economic development and growth (value added, employment) • Contribution to ICT uptake (providing ICT products and services) • Exports/imports of ICT goods and services • New dynamic sectors: BPO, call/contact centers UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 11 Why surveying the ICT sector? • Above-average growth rates: output, value added contribution, employment creation, foreign investment (FDI/M&A), trade • Increase in developing countries – shifts from developed to developing countries (production, trade, FDI) UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 12 Case study: Egypt – collaboration UNCTAD MCIT Survey of ICT companies 2007 UNCTAD Egypt MCIT • Classifications • Identification of companies • Questionnaire design • Identification of variables and outcome indicators • Data analysis and dissemination (IER) • Sampling frame • Classification • Pilot testing • Data collection, editing, dissemination UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 13 UNCTAD questionnaire – selected outcome indicators • Gross value added of the ICT sector • ICT sector workforce (total, share, composition) • Product portfolio • Growth in terms of revenue • Value of total exports/imports • Share of outsourcing contracts • ICT usage UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 14 ICT sector survey – main challenges • Need to capture the entire domestic market – sampling frame? • Definitions and classifications internationally comparable results? • Questionnaire design and pilot testing – feasible? policy relevance? • Data production and analysis – quality of data? UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 15 ICT and E-Business Branch UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Thank you http://measuring-ict.unctad.org susan.teltscher@unctad.org UNCTAD ICT and E-Business Branch 11/13/2007 / 16