Document 13516197

Mayor Stanford is replacing Hubert Harrlson of Mexia,
Limestone County, who is no longer eligible.
B e d s Sadler
Mayor of Port Arthur
P.O. Box 1089
Port Arthur, Texas 77640
Mayor Sadler is replacing Bob Maness of Longvlew, Gregg
County, who is no longer eligible.
Ralph Blodgett
Mayor of Spearman
P.0. Box 37
Spearman, Texas 79081
Mayor Blodgett is replacing R. D. Wilkerson of Pampa, Gray
County, who is no longer eligible.
Dr. Willis M. Tate
Dallas, Texas 75275
Harvey Roberta "Bum" Bright
Bright and Company
2355 Stemmons
Dallas, Texas 75207
Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 10,13,16,& 17,197
Doc. No. 795345
William P Clements. Jr.
Governor of Texas
For further ~nformation.please call (512) 475-3021.
Medina County
firsuant to House Bill 2176, 66th Legislature, Regular Session, effectcve immediately, to be ~ u d g eof the newly created
cowtty court at law until the next general election and until hzs
successor shall be duly elected and qualified:
Joe E. Briscoe
220 South Tee1 Drive
Devine, Texas 78016
Executive Orders
Reorganizing the Disaster Emergency Services Council; repea
ing Executive Order D. B. 23-B.
WHEREAS, the State of Texas recognizes its responsibiliti
to provide services to meet the needs of its citizens in case
disaster; and
Texas Mining Council
For two-year terms to expcre May 8, 1981:
Thomas Russell Craddick
State Representative
408 West Wall Street
Midland, Texas 79701
Representative Craddick is replacing T. A. (Tommy) Roberts
of Pettus, Bee County, whose term expired.
David Paul Cullen
P.O. Box 2197
Houston, Texas 77001
Mr. Cullen is replacing E. L. Voskamp of Dallas, Dallas County, who is deceased.
WHEREAS, advance planning for coordination of
relating to disaster prevention, preparedness, resp
recovery is necessary to meet those needs; and
matters relating to disaster preparedness, emergenc
vices, and disaster recovery.
Emergency Services Council and designate the director
Pilot Commission for the Port of Galveston
and Texas City
For a two-year term to expcre April 15, 1981:
Ed Mabry
Mabry, Herbeck, and Chilton
711 6th Street
Texas City, Texas 77590
cept from the federal government, or any publi
agency or any individual, any offer of services,
supplies, materials, or funds as gifts, grants, or 1
purpose for which they were made.
Special Committee on Higher Education
Financing in Texas
The following citizens are appotnted as provided by Senate
Concurrent Resolution 101, 6#h Legislature, Regular Sessron:
William T. (Bill) Moore
State Senator
P.O. Box 3697
Bryan, Texas 77801
aster Emergency Services, to exercise the powers deleg
the director. The state coordinator is required to
directly to both the governor and the director.
Pursuant to the establishment of the Disaster E
Services Council, hereby designate the chief
Volume 4, Number 64, August 28, 1979
anking Department of Texas
roller of Public Accounts
nt of Mental Health and Mental
artment of Human Resources
and Annexes thereto. The chief executive
ignated state agency, board, commission,
nteer group may delegate a member of his
him on the Disaster Emergency Services
district disaster committee for each disaster district to be
composed of representatives of each state agency, board, or
commission having membership on the Disaster Emergency
Services Council. The highway patrol commanding officer of
each highway patrol district or subdistrict shall serve as
chairman of the district disaster committee, and report to the
director or the state coordinator upon direction of the,director on matters relating to dieaetere and emergencies. Such
highway patrol chairman shall be assieted by the Division of
Disastkr Emergency Services representative assigned to that
district who shall provide guidance, counsel, and administrative,support, as may be required.
The Disaster Emergency Services Council is hereby
authorized to issue such directives and executive orders as
may be necessary to effectuate the purpoee of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 and is further authorized and empowered
to exercise the specific powers enumerated in the Act.
In accordance with Section 8(f) of the Texas Disaster if
1975, and because of the disaster vulnerability of all areas of
the state, I .do hereby .designate the mayor of each municipal
corporation, and the county judge of each county a s the disaster director coordinator Tor their respective jurisdictions.
This authority may be delegated to a directorlcoordinator
who shall serve as chief of staff to the chief executive officer
of the jurisdiction for disaster preparedness purposes.
In accordance with Sections 4(2)and 8(d) of the Texas Dieaster Act of 1975, a municipality or municipalities and the
county in which they are sited may establish, by ordinance
and commissioner's court order, a single disaster agency.
In all instances, the chief executive officer of the jurisdiction
shall promptly notify the Division of Disaster Emergency Services of the person, or person, named to head the organization.
This executive order is effective immediately and shall .remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or res. .
cinded by me.
issued in Austin, Texas, on August 15, 1979.
William P. Clements, Jr.
Doc. No. 795365
Governor of Texas
For further information, piease call (512) 475-3021
Volume 4, Nuniber 64, August 28, 1979