21W.012: Writing about Sports Fall 2013/Boiko Assignment #8 1) READ Hank Aaron’s “When Baseball Mattered.” Aaron’s short essay, written in 1997, laments the diminished social relevance of baseball. Unlike, say, Phillip Lopate’s meditation on the sport, which minimizes concerns about what happens off the field, something more is at stake for Aaron when he looks back to Jackie Robinson. Consider: Aaron wrote his essay more than 15 years ago. Do you think the situation in baseball is the same? What about other sports? What does it mean for something such as a sport, and its major leagues, to matter? 2) READ the first two of the debate pieces on the topic “Should Character Matter in Pro Sports?” Underline points that you think are strong, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with them. 3) WRITE: Begin to craft your own contribution to the debate, based on your reading of these two pieces. Write only 1-2 paragraphs (paragraphs with at least 4 sentences—not the very short ‘graphs included in the examples). You may also keep Hank Aaron’s concerns in mind as you write. We will read more debate entries and write more in class, and then discuss. 4) READ “Argument” - this explanation will help you with Essays 2 & 3, especially. # MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 21W.015 Writing and Rhetoric: Writing about Sports Fall 2013 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.