12.005 Lecture Notes 20 Plates Rock rheology → function of T; T increases with depth. Thin region near surface remains elastic on geologic times. Below this, mantle behaves as a viscous fluid. Plate theory: Assume plate thickness h L, with L a characteristic length scale 3-D equations simplify Applications: Seamount Loading Subduction Zone Fore-arc bulge Trench Folding λ Laccolith Magma Figure 20.1 Figure by MIT OCW. Main Feature y x h z Fibers compressed } Neutral surface } Fibers extended Figure 20.2 Figure by MIT OCW. “Fiber stresses” large compare to tractions applied to surfaces. Neutral surface – smooth and centered Kirchoff’s assumption – approximate, but useful. σ yy = σ yx = σ yz = 0 h 2 σ xx , σ zz linearly through − ≤ y ≤ h 2 or every straight line originally perpendicular to neutral plane remains straight and perpendicular More accurate formulations lead to nonlinear coupled equations, not solvable analytically. To derive plate equations – consider the following figures: Moments Surface Loads q M Shear Forces End Loads V Figure 20.3 Figure by MIT OCW. x x+dx q(x) x w+dw w P M P V+dV V Figure 20.4 Figure by MIT OCW. V – shear force / unit length P – horizontal force / unit length M – moment / unit length q – force / unit area M+dM Force balance – vertical qdx + dV = 0 ⇒ dV = −q dx Torque balance (+ counterclockwise) dM − Pdw − Vdx = 0 dM dw =V + P dx dx Next – relate M to w. y M h/2 o -h/2 Figure 20.5 Figure by MIT OCW. h/2 M= ∫ σ xx ydy −h / 2 For plane stress, σ xx = E exx (1 −ν 2 ) Bending the plate causes fiber strains δl y exx = − = l R φ R y δl = -yφ = -y l R l φ Figure 20.6 Figure by MIT OCW. Now – let l get small d 2w ε xx = − y 2 dx dα R α+dα l α = - dw dx dx Figure 20.7 Figure by MIT OCW. dw Then, substituting h/2 E d 2w M =− y2d y 2 2 ∫ (1 −ν ) dx − h / 2 M =− Eh3 d 2 w 12(1 −ν 2 ) dx 2 or M = −D where D ≡ d 2w D = dx 2 R Eh3 12(1 −ν 2 ) (flexural rigidity) Substituting D d 4w d 2w = q ( x ) − P dx 4 dx 2 This equation is called plate equation.