Sedimentology, provenance, and tectonic implications of the Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation, east-central Nevada by Dirk Sheridan Vandervoort A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Sciences Montana State University © Copyright by Dirk Sheridan Vandervoort (1987) Abstract: Cretaceous strata in the hinterland of the Sevier thrust belt are sparse. Strata of the early Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation in east-central Nevada provide a link between poorly documented hinterland tectonism and concomitant sedimentation. Facies analyses of these strata in the Diamond Mountains and the Fish Creek Range indicate the presence of spatially unrelated depositional systems. At Overland Pass in the central Diamond Mountains, the Newark Canyon Formation is characterized by deposits of east to southeast flowing, gravel- and sand-bed braided fluvial systems. The age of this sequence is in question due to lack of fossil data. In the Eureka District in the southern Diamond Mountains and at Cockalorum Wash in the southern Fish Creek Range, the Newark Canyon Formation is characterized by deposits of muddy floodplains, freshwater lakes, and east to southeast flowing, high-energy gravel-and sand-bed braided and meandering fluvial systems. Fossil data indicate the age of these strata to be Barremian to middle Albian. Similarities in facies assemblages in the Eureka District and at Cockalorum Wash suggest that these strata are lithostratigraphic equivalents. Presence of two distinct petrofacies is indicated by sandstone framework modes. The Quartzo-lithic Petrofacies consists exclusively of Overland Pass sandstone. The Chertarenite Petrofacies consists of both Eureka District and Cockalorum Wash sandstone. Conglomerate clast compositions indicate that highland source terrains consisted of Mississippian Antler foreland basin sediments and middle to late Paleozoic miogeoclinal strata. Presence of Eureka Quartzite cobbles indicates that stratigraphic levels as old as Ordovician were exposed to erosion during Newark Canyon Formation deposition. Development of Newark Canyon Formation basins was in response to sediment dispersal and basin subsidence from the poorly documented late Mesozoic Eureka thrust belt. Deposition of these strata pre-dates Sevier foreland basin subsidence and sedimentation. Presence of high-energy, east flowing, fluvial systems and pre-Basin and Range proximity of these strata to the site of the Sevier foreland basin indicates that they represent a fortuitously preserved, proximal paleodrainage system which was denuding the hinterland uplands and transporting sediment to the nascent foreland basin. SEDIMENTOLOGY, PROVENANCE, AND TECTONIC IMPLICATIONS OF THE CRETACEOUS NEWARK CANYON FORMATION, EAST-CENTAL NEVADA by Dirk Sheridan Vandervoort A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Sciences MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana July, 1987 MAIN LIB. /37f V,Z CsQf).Zb ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Dirk Sheridan Vandervoort This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Date Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean ill STATMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment requirements University, available for I a agree master's that degree the at Library to borrowers under rules of the quotations Montana shall provided that accurate the State make Library. from this thesis are allowable without permission, of it Brief special acknowledgement of source is made. Permission reproduction professor, when, in material of for extensive quotation this thesis may be granted from by my or major or in his absence, by the Director of Libraries the opinion of either, the proposed use of is for scholarly purposes. the Any copying or use of the material in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature Date Iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Funding for this thesis was provided by Standard Oil Production Company, Mobil/Chevron Great Basin AMI, the Donald L. Smith Memorial Scholarship from the Department of Earth Sciences, and a MONTS grant to Dr. James G. Schmitt. Numerous enthusiastic discussions with Dr. James G. Schmitt (committee chairman) greatly improved my thinking on Mesozoic Cordilleran tectonics and on continental depositional systems. Drs. David W. Mogk and David R. Lageson served on the reading committee. Appreciation Ls expressed to Elizabeth Noerdlinger and Monte P. Smith for their assistance and ability to put. up with me in the field. Special thanks go to my parents, Peter and Frances Vandervoort, for insisting that I do good science. V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ix LIST OF FIGURES............... . ...................... x ABSTRACT... .......................................... xv INTRODUCTION....................... .................. I Purpose of Investigation............... Previous Studies............. ........... Methodology......... .................... Field Methods.... .................. Laboratory Methods................. Study Area and Stratigraphic Nomenclature Structural Complications........................ Overland Pass.............. Eureka District............................ Cockalorum Wash.................... Biostratigraphy. ................................. Overland Pass........ Eureka District............................ Cockalorum Wash............................ 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 LITHOFACIES........ Conglomerate Lithofacies (G).................... Massive or crudely stratified conglomerate (Gm)..................... Massive matrix-supported conglomerate (Gms). Trough crossbedded conglomerate (Gt)....... Planar crossbedded conglomerate (Gp)....... Erosional scour conglomerate (Ge).... ..... Sandstone Lithofacies (S)....................... Trough crossbedded sandstone (St).......... Planar crossbedded sandstone (Sp).......... Contortion stratified sandstone (Sc)........ Horizontally stratified sandstone (Sh)..... Ripple crosslaminated sandstone (Sr)....... Fine-Grained Lithofacies (F).................... Carbonate Lithofacies........ ................... in in in UD co co LIST OF TABLES.............. ......................... 20 20 20 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 27 I vi TABLE OF CONTENTS--Continued Page DEPOSITI ONAL SYSTEMS................................. Overland Pass.......... Lower Conglomerate..................... Facies Assemblage................. Interpretation. ........................ Upper Sandstone. ................ Facies Assemblage....... Interpretation,.... ......... Eureka District.... . ...'.................... . Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone. ........ Facies Assemblage. ..................... Interpretation........................ Lower Fine-Grained Assemblage........ Facies Assemblage. ..................... Interpretation...... Middle Sandstone........................... Facies Assemblage...................... Interpretation....... ............. .... Upper Conglomerate. ............ Facies Assemblage..................... Interpretation. ............ Upper Carbonaceous Assemblage.............. Facies Assemblage..................... Interpretation....... Cockalorum Wash. ......................... Basal Conclomerate.............. Facies Assemblage........... Interpretation........................ Lower Sandstone............................ Facies Assemblage............ Interpretation........... . ............ Upper Sandstone. ............................ Facies Assemblage..................... Interpretation............... Upper Carbonate Assemblage................. Facies Assemblage..................... Interpretation....... 29 29 29 29 33 34 34 37 39 39 39 42 46 46 47 48 48 50 54 54 56 59 59 61 62 62 62 64 68 68 69 70 70 73 74 74 74 vli TABLE OF CQNTENTS--Continued Page PALEOCURRENTS........................... Overland Pass........................ Eureka District....................... Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone.................. Upper Conglomerate........................... Cockalorum Wash................................... 78 80 80 CORRELATIONS... ..................................... 82 PETROLOGY............................... Conglomerate.................................... Composition............................. Clast Composition Modes................ Sandstone................................... Texture.......................... Composition................................ Framework Grain Types........................ Monocrystalline Quartz (Qm)............ Poly crystal line Quartz (Qp)............ Feldspar (F).......................... Sedimentary Lithic Fragments (Ls)..... Sandstone Petrofacies........................... Quartzo-Iithic Petrofacies.......... Chertarenite Petrofacies................... 92 93 93 93 93 93 94 94 96 PROVENANCE........................................... 99 Newark Canyon Formation Conglomerate............. Newark Canyon Formation Sandstone. ................ PALEOGEOGRAPHY................ ..............•'....... 85 85 86 91 100 104 HO TECTONIC IMPLICATIONS......................... 113 CONCLUSIONS.............................. REFERENCES CITED 121 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS--Continued Page APPENDICES........................................... APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX A. B. C. D. SECTION LOCATIONS.................. CLAST COMPOSITION DATA............. SANDSTONE DETRITAL MODES........... MEASURED STRATIGRAPHICSECTIONS...... 132 133 135 137 139 ix LIST OF TABLES Table - Page 1. Mean framework grain percentages for Newark Canyon Formation sandstones............... 95 2. Field clast lithology count data.... ............... 135 3. Sandstone point count data....... .................. 137 / X LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Map of central-western United States Cordillera showing east edge of late Paleozoic accreted terranes and late Mesozoic tectonic features in relation to exposures of Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation. ................................. 2 2. Index map1 of east-central Nevada showing the distribution of strata mapped as Newark Canyon Formation in relation to major ranges........... 4 3. Generalized, schematic stratigraphic column of the Newark Canyon Formation at Overland Pass in the central Diamond Mountains showing stratigraphic nomenclature used in this report.... 10 4. Generalized, schematic stratigraphic column of the Newark Canyon Formation in the Eureka District in the southern Diamond Mountains showing stratigraphic nomenclasture used in this report...................................... 12 5. Generalized, schematic stratigraphic column of the Newark Canyon Formation at Cockalorum Wash in the southern Fish Creek Range showing stratigraphic nomenclature used in this report.... 14 6. Chart showing ages of Newark Canyon Formation examined in this investigation................... 17 7. Key to lithofacies and symbols used in measured stratigraphic sections presented in,this report... 21 8. Measured stratigraphic section of the Overland Pass Lower Conglomerate.................. ....... 30 9. Large-scale trough crossbedded conglomerate (Gt) overlying massive, framework-supported cobble conglomerate (Gm) in the Overland Pass Lower Conglomerate.... ...................... 32 xi LIST OF FIGURES--Continued Figure Page 10. Measured stratigraphic section of the Overland Pass Upper Sandstone................... . 35 11. Trough crossbedded sandstone (St) overlying thin, massive, pebble conglomerate (Gm) in the Overland Pass Upper. Sandstone.......... . .. 37 12. Stratigraphic section of the Eureka District Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone measured at Newark Canyon. .......... 40 13. Disorganized, open-framework, massive, pebble-cobble conglomerate (Gm) lenticular bed in the Eureka District Basal Conglomerate/ Mudstone at Newark Canyon....... 42 14. Photomicrograph of indurated mudstone containing volcanic ash in the Lower Fine-Grained Assemblage in the EurekaDistrict................. 48 15. Measured stratigraphic sections of the Middle Sandstone at Cherry Spring in the Eureka District......................................... 50 16. Measured stratigraphic sections of the Middle Sandstone at Newark Canyon in the Eureka District............. .............. ,............. 52 17. Stacked, superimposed, upward-fining sandstone beds in the Middle Sandstone in the Eureka District............. 53 18. Sequence of six conglomerate beds in the Upper Conglomerate at Newark Canyon in the Eureka District....................... 56 19. Stratigraphic section of the Eureka District Upper Conglomerate measured at Newark Canyon..... 57 xii LIST OF FIGURES--Continued Figure Page 20. Micrite laminations in the Upper Carbonaceous Assemblage at Newark Canyon in the Eureka District....... ........... .............. 61 21. Measured stratigraphic section of the Cockalorum Wash Basal Conglomerate.............. 63 22. Stacked and offset massive cobble to boulder framework conglomerate (Gm) beds at the the base of the Cockalorum Wash Basal Conglomerate..................................... 65 23. Massive pebble to cobble conglomerate (Gm) overlain along a planar base by planar crossbedded sandstone (Sp) and scoured into by large-scale trough crossbedded conglomerate (Gt).. 66 24. Measured stratigraphic sections Of the Cockalorum Wash Lower Sandstone.................. 69 25. Measured stratigraphic section of the Cockalorum Wash Upper Sandstone. ................. . 71 26. Upward-fining sandstone bed in the Cockalorum Wash Upper Sandstone.................. 73 27. Summary rose diagrams for paleocurrent measurements at Overland Pass, the Eureka District, and Cockaloru................... 76 28. Summary rose diagrams for paleocurrent measurements from the Eureka District Basal ConglomerateZMudstbne.... ................. 79 29. Summary rose diagrams for paleocurrent measurements from the Eureka District Upper Conglomerate........................ 81 30. Histograms of clast lithology percentages for Overland Pass, the Eureka District, and Cockalorum Wash....... 87 xiii LIST OF FIGURES--Continued Figure Page 31. Histograms of clast lithology percentages for the Eureka District Basal Conglomerate/ Mudstone..... .................................... 32. Histograms of clast lithology percentages for the Eureka Distict Upper Conglomerate............. 89 33. QFL and QmFLt diagrams for sandstones of the Newark Canyon Formation in the areas examined.... 95 34. Photomicrograph of Overland Pass sandstone........ 96 35. Photomicrograph of Eureka District................ 97 36. Photomicrograph of Cockalorum Wash................ 98 37. Chart showing the ages of sedimentary and tectonic events from west to east................ 117 38. Measured stratigraphic section of the Eureka District Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone at Hildebrand Canyon............................. *•• 140 39. Measured stratigarphic section of the Eureka District Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone at Cherry Spring................... ................ I4I 40. Measured stratigraphic section of the Eureka District Basal Conglpmerate/MudstOne at Pinto Creek Spring............................... 142 41. Measured stratigraphic sections of the Eureka District Upper Conglomerate at Pinto Creek Spring, Hildebrand Canyon, andCherry Spring..... 143 42. Measured stratigraphic section of the Cockalorum Wash Basal Conglomerate............... 144 xlv LIST OF FIGURES--Continued Figure Page 43. Measured stratigraphic sections of. the Cockalorum Wash Lower Sandstone................... 144 44. Measured stratigraphic section of the Cockalorum Wash Upper Sandstone.................. 145 XV ABSTRACT Cretaceous strata in the hinterland of the Sevier thrust belt are sparse. Strata of the early Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation in east-central Nevada provide a link between poorly documented hinterland tectonism and concomitant sedimentation. Facies analyses of these strata in the Diamond Mountains and the Fish Creek Range indicate the presence of spatially unrelated depositional systems. At Overland Pass in the central Diamond Mountains, the Newark Canyon Formation is characterized by deposits of east to southeast flowing, gravel- and sand-bed braided fluvial systems. The age of this sequence is in question due to lack of fossil data. In the Eureka District in the southern Diamond Mountains and at Cockalorum Wash in the southern Fish Creek Range, the Newark Canyon Formation is characterized by deposits of muddy floodplains, freshwater lakes, and east to southeast flowing, high-energy graveland sand-bed braided and meandering fluvial systems. Fossil data indicate the age of these strata to be Barremian to middle Albian. Similarities in facies assemblages in the Eureka District and at Cockalorum Wash suggest that these strata are lithostratigraphic equivalents. Presence of two distinct petrofacies is indicated by sandstone framework modes. The Quartzo-Iithic Petrofacies consists exclusively of Overland Pass sandstone. The Chertarenite Petrofacies consists of both Eureka District and Cockalorum Wash sandstone. Conglomerate clast compositions indicate that highland source terrains consisted of Mississippian Antler foreland basin sediments and middle to late Paleozoic miogeoclinal strata. Presence of Eureka Quartzite cobbles indicates that stratigraphic levels as old as Ordovician were exposed to erosion during Newark Canyon Formation deposition. Development of Newark Canyon Formation basins was in response to sediment dispersal and basin subsidence from the poorly documented late Mesozoic Eureka thrust belt. Deposition of these strata pre-dates Sevier foreland basin subsidence and sedimentation. Presence of high-energy, east flowing, fluvial systems and pre-Basin and Range proximity of these strata to the site of the Sevier foreland basin indicates that they represent a fortuitously preserved, proximal paleodrainage system which was denuding the hinterland uplands and transporting sediment to the nascent foreland basin. I INTRODUCTION Cretaceous sedimentary are sparse <Stewart, rocks in east-central Nevada 1980). Lower Cretaceous strata of the Newark Canyon Formation occupy scattered outcrops in central Nevada Fencemaker in a tectonic enclave between the thrust system to the west (Oldow, eastLuning- 1983) and Sevier thrust system to the east (Armstrong, 1968) (Figure I )• approximately Exposures north-south of these strata trending belt occupy an parallel to the trend of poorly documented late Mesozoic Eureka thrust belt the (Speed, 1983; Heck and others, 1986). This region has been referred to as the Armstrong between hinterland (1968; the 1972), laterally of the which Sevier he orogenic belt defined as continuous, the by area thin-skinned Sevier thrust belt to the east and a broad region several hundred kilometers diverse to allochthonous hinterland low-angle the west composed of plutons terranes. as a broad, Armstrong's and concept of the gently folded region cut by sparse faults and plutons has changed little since his studies (Allmendinger and others, 1984). In strata contrast in Cretaceous thrust belt, to the relative sparcity east-central Nevada, strata of Cretaceous a thick clastic wedge is present to the east of the of Sevier where thrust loading and sedimentation led to 2 development of the assymetrical Sevier basin (Jordan, 1981). provenance studies of Upper Jurassic through Eocene coarse clastic units substantial development Sedimentologic, foreland stratigraphic, preserved in the foreland basin knowledge of the sequence within the Sevier thrust belt of provide and a tectonic (Wiltschko and Dorr, 1983). SI ERRA Figure I. Map of central-western United States Cordillera showing east edge of late Paleozoic accreted terranes and late Mesozoic tectonic features in relation to exposures of Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation (black). From Stewart (1980) and Allmendinger and others (1987). 3 However, very little sedimentary/tectonic is known of the late history Sevier orogenic belt. of the Mesozoic hinterland of the Coney and Harms (1984) suggest that scarcity of Cretaceous strata in this region indicates that it was a vast altiplano-like plateau during this time until its collapse due to mid- to Iate-Tertiary metamorphism and extension, which obscured pre-existing (Armstrong, 1972; and Jordan, 1983). Cans and others (1987) suggest that low conodont in eastern buried cover. these 1977; Allmendinger alteration indicies of uppermost Paleozoic the never Compton and others, structures Great Basin indicate that this beneath a significant Mesozoic units area was sedimentary Jordan and Alonso (1987) suggest that analogues for strata are the late Tertiary to deposits Recent synorogenic of basins developed in the interior of the Andes Mountains. This strata investigation examines selected exposures of mapped as Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation in the Diamond Mountains Nevada (Figure 2). investigations of and Fish Creek This study, Range in east-central in addition to continuing Cretaceous-early Tertiary sedimentary strata in east-central Nevada, contributes toward a understanding of the late Mesozoic-earIy better Tertiary sedimentary/tectonic history of east-central Nevada. 4 PlNON RANGE EUREKA DISTRICT -PCS r T NEVADA t ^ / 50km Figure 2. Index map of east-central Nevada showing the distribution of strata mapped as Newark Canyon Formation (black) in relation to major ranges. Strata examined in this study includes: Overland Pass (OP) in the central Diamond Mountains; Hildebrand Canyon (HO, Newark Canyon (NO, Cherry Spring (CS), and Pinto Creek Spring (PCS) in the Eureka District of the southern Diamond Mountains; and Cockalorum Wash (CW) in the southern Fish Creek Range. From Stewart and Carlson (1978). Eu is the town of Eureka. 5 Purpose of Investigation The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate sedimentology, selected provenance, and the tectonic significance of exposures of Lower Cretaceous strata assigned to the Newark Canyon Formation. addressed are: characterize I) More specifically, questions What depositions! the Newark Canyon Formation? sediment dispersal patterns? terrigenous clastic units? environments 2) What are the 3) What is the provenance of 4) What is the early Cretaceous paleogeography of east-central Nevada? and 5) What does the Newark Canyon Formation reveal about the tectonic setting of its basin(s ) of deposition? Previous Studies Strata defined by exposures Diamond of the Newark Canyon Formation were named Nolan in and others (1956) based the Eureka Mining District in Mountains CFigure 2) (Nolan, on scattered the 1962). and southern Smith and Ketner (1976) identified Lower and Upper Cretaceous strata they Cortez assign to the Newark Canyon Formation and Pinon Ranges near Carlin, that Nevada. Stewart (1980) noted strata located along the crest of the central Diamond Mountains, Larsen in the originally and Riva (1963), assigned to the Permian system by have been subsequently reassigned to the Newark Canyon Formation (Larsen, pers. comm., in / 6 Stewart, 1980). Lower Cretaceous strata exposed Cockalorum Wash in the southern Fish Creek Range have at also been assigned to the Newark Canyon Formation (Hose, 1983). Fouch Canyon and others (1979) Formation near Eureka, noted that Nevada, the Newark is the temporal equivalent \ of parts of Lower Cretaceous strata in the Rocky and Alberta, temporal and that exposures in the Pinon Range are the equivalent Cretaceous Mountains of the lower part of the (Maastrichtian) to Eocene Sheep Pass in the Egan Range, investigations Formation Nevada. Despite these correlations, all of reconnaissance Late these nature depositional systems, strata and have detailed been of knowledge a of sediment provenance, and sedimentary tectonics have been poorly understood. Methodology Field Methods To assemble interpretations, the more data used in making the following than 3 km of stratigraphic were measured by Jacob's staff. section Sections were selected on the premise that each chosen locality should contribute to an understanding of vertical and lateral facies relationships. Additionally, the quality of exposures often dictated the location of section measurement. present were (1977, 1978, classified, using the terminology 1985). Where terminology did Lithofacies of not Miall exist. 7 lithofacies nomenclature was erected to describe lithofacies. During measurements were crossbedding at section made measurement, on intervals to trends. gravel-sized clasts intervals each section to evaluate grain size More than 200 was lithologic petrographic analysis. being most locations size cobbles paleocurrent in The paleocurrent imbricated representative of the largest measured samples at were observed and evaluate 5 to representative trends. collected for Samples were chosen on the basis of representative of-distinctive lithofacies in the Newark Canyon Formation composition counts 20 of more than and sections. Clast 14,000 .clasts were conducted on conglomerate units at representative locations for provenance evaluation. random grids on conglomerate exposures larger than excluded gravel-sized. from clast counts. clasts and cross beds to were Cobbles were counted by drawing Mudstone containing intraclasts Fossils were biostratigraphic interpretations. were Orientation of more than 500 were measured on a region-wide basis determine overall paleoflow trends. selectively clasts Covered trenched for,lithologic collected information where and identification. present to sections reinforce to add facies B Laboratory Methods Cobble rotated imbrication and crossbed orientation data were about structural strike on an equal-area determine paleocurrent magnitude were, trends. calculated Vector using the net to orientation methods of and Carver (1977) and Curray (1956). A total of representative petrographic 100 thin sections lithologic microscope. the Thirty-eight thin sections were for study from with suitable for prepared determined to composition of each grain -was determined for each point on a be samples were modal analysis. The fixed-grid spacing that exceeded the mean grain size the sample until at least 400 grains were all cases, data framework were grains. resedimented tabulated . exclusive was of carbonates could not visually estimated for most be In carbonate Carbonate grains were excluded differentiated from intraclasts (Mack, size identified. of because systematically 1984). Modal grain samples in thin section. Sandstone framework modal data were treated using standard statistical techniques . (Dickinson and Suczek, 1979). Study Area and Stratigraphic Nomenclature Rocks scattered mapped outcrops as Newark Canyon Formation in four different mountain east-central Nevada (Figure 2). occupy ranges in Effort was concentrated at 9 Overland Eureka Pass in the central Diamond Mountains, in District in the southern Diamond Mountains, Cockalorum Wash restriction of based I) relative proximity of these on: Formation in the southern detailed each analysis. strata investigation conducted to at Range. The area was are the subject of 2) Canyon reasonable and 3) emphasis Exposures locations and at Newark other, of diagnostic sections, facies Formation Creek geographic. extent of the study exposures accessibility Fish the of not Newark covered ongoing on Canyon by this investigations on late Mesozoic-earIy Tertiary strata in east- central Nevada and will not be covered here. The Newark Canyon Formation in the central Diamond Mountains (Figure 2) (Larsen and Riva, 1963) is variable in thickness and consists of a lower conglomerate that attains a maximum sandstone thickness with of 450 m and an conglomerate upper interbeds sequence which maximum thickness of 750 m (Figure 3). refered to as the Lower Conglomerate and Upper respectively. Conglomerate Sandstone One and were locality, the unconformity 105 one m of attains These members a are Sandstone, thick section of the Lower 60 m thick section of the Upper measured near Overland Pass. Newark Canyon Formation rests with At angular on a thick sequence of Permian strata and exposed at the top of the section. this is 10 OVERLAND PASS EXPOSED AT TOP UPPER SANDSTONE wtmm LOWER CONGLOMERATE 100m— (thickness variable) 0— w m m PALEOZOIC STRATA m m Figure 3. Generalized, schematic stratigraphic column of the Newark Canyon Formation at Overland Pass in the central Diamond Mountains showing stratigraphic nomenclature used in this report. Thicknesses are approximate. 11 In the Eureka District (Figure 2) (Nolan and 1956; 1971; 1974), lithologically thickness of outcrops, the heterogeneous 520 m. and Canyon Formation attains a is maximum Due to the poorly exposed nature several representative Newark others, sections were measured of and stratigraphic section was determined a based on localized correlations between adjacent sections (Figure 4). In this region, the Newark Canyon Ordovician that through is, Formation Permian strata above in most places, angular. an the unconformity Members in the Newark Canyon Formation in the Eureka District are, up, overlies Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone, from the base Lower Fine-Grained Assemblage, Middle Sandstone, Upper Conglomerate, and Upper Carbonaceous Assemblage. Four separate diagnostic (Figure sections areas in the Eureka of Newark Canyon District contain Formation strata 2) and will be referred to throughout this report. The westernmost area is located 3 km southeast of the of Eureka Cherry Cherry Spring and is referred to Spring section. rests Peak near Here the Newark Canyon town as the Formation with angular unconformity upon Mississippian Diamond Formation and attains a maximum thickness of 260 m. Ten km east of Eureka is the type area of the Newark Canyon Formation 520 m. where these strata attain a maximum thickness of This area contains the most complete section of 12 EUREKA DISTRICT (?)TE R TIA R Y MEGABRECCIA I^ S UPPER C A RB O NA CE O U S ASSEMBLAGE L UPPER CONGLOMERATE I 3 MIDDLE SANDSTONE LOW ER FINE-G RAINED A SS E M B LA G E B A S A L CONGLOMERATE/MUDSTONE PALEOZOIC STRATA Figure 4. Generalized, schematic stratigraphic column of the Newark Canyon Formation in the Eureka District in the southern Diamond Mountains showing stratigraphic nomenclature used in this report. Note the difference in vertical scale used in the Overland Pass stratigraphic column. Thicknesses are approximate. 13 Newark Canyon Formation strata in the Eureka District. Here the Newark Canyon Formation rests with angular unconformity on Pennsylvanian Formation and megabreccia, Ely Limestone and Permian is overlain by and Oligocene (?)Tertiary and Miocene Carbon Ridge monolithologic volcanic rocks. Twelve kilometers east-southeast of the town of Eureka, the Newark Canyon Formation rests with angular unconformity Mississippian thickness rocks. of 390 m, Peak Formation, attains a maximum and is overlain by Miocene volcanic This area is referred to as the Pinto Creek Spring section. the Diamond on Fifteen kilometers north of the town of Eureka is largest however, exposure of the Newark Canyon Formation; this region, referred to as the Hildebrand Canyon area, is also the most poorly exposed and structurally most complex of determination not be the areas studied. Here, of actual thicknesses of the ascertained. However, an accurate section distinctive facies could were identified and evaluated where exposures permitted. In this region, the Newark Canyon Formation overlies Mississipian Chainman Shale and Diamond Peak Formation along a low angle fault, and is overlain by (?)Tertiary monolithologic megabfeccia. Exposures Wash in of Newark Canyon Formation at Cockalorum the southern Fish Creek Range (Figure 2) . (Hose, 1983) are characterized by a 200 m thick sequence of, the base up. Basal Conglomerate, Lower Sandstone, from Upper 14 Sandstone, base of and Upper Carbonate Assemblage (Figure 5). the exposed formation is in underlying Devonian 1983). this overlain In in fault through Pennsylvanian region, angular contact strata the Newark Canyon unconformity by with (Hose, Formation Late The is Cretaceous (Maastrichtian > to Eocene Sheep Pass Formation. COCKALORUM WASH m m SHEEP PASS FM. T V ij UPPER C A R B O N A TE A SS E M B LA G E UPPER SANDSTONE 50m — LOWER SANDSTONE B A S A L C O N G LO M E R A TE 0— ------------- f a u l t c o n t a c t ------------------------ P A L E O Z O IC S TR A TA Figure 5. Generalized, schematic stratigraphic column of the Newark Canyon Formation at Cockalorum Wash in the Southern Fish Creek Range showing stratigraphic nomenclature used in this report. Vertical scale is the same as that used in the Eureka District stratigraphic column (Figure 4). Thicknesses are approximate. 15 Structural Complications At all Formation localities is examined, characterized outcrops. In most instances, accounted for in making facies some locations, Newark Canyon structurally complex tectonic disruption could be evaluations. However, at structural disruptions were so great as to hinder facies interpretations. a by the The following discussion is brief account of the structures present at each of the locations studied. Overland Pass At Overland Pass (Figure. 2), Formation into along the entire Newark Canyon with underlying strata have an east-verging open syncline. been Locally, folded mesoscopic tear faults and associated displacement transfer structures are present. Additionally, the Newark Canyon Formation has been locally offset by high angle normal faults. Some parts of the Newark solution Canyon Formation have been fractures, pervaded although in most cases this with did not hinder lithofacies evaluation. Eureka District This region (Figure 2) is characterized by the most complex structures observed in the three areas studied. most Creek localities (Cherry Spring, Spring), Newark Canyon, At and Pinto the Newark Canyon section has been folded 16 into east-verging open folds. Canyon area, However, in the Hildebrand the Newark Canyon Formation has been highly deformed and is allochthonous (Nolan and others, 1973). The contact between Mississippian Canyon Formation and underlying strata is poorly exposed and both units highly sheared. structure Newark Canyon are The very poorly exposed nature and complex of the Newark Canyon Formation in the Hildebrand area preclude as thorough an evaluation .of these strata as would be desired. Cockalorum Wash The majority of the Newark Canyon Formation section at Cockalorum Wash (Figure 2) is tilted into an monocline, although east-dipping it has been locally folded. In some places the Newark Canyon Formation has been offset by high angle normal faults. Additionally extremely poorly exposed Paleozoic and overlie carbonate the Newark quartzite' have Canyon Formation. been It found cannot to be determined with certainty whether these Paleozoic rocks are the result of thrust emplacement or large-scale landslide blocks. Their origin remains enigmatic. Biostratiaraphv With age of exception of the section at Overland the Newark Canyon Formation is Pass,' the reasonably well constrained by fossil data. Figure 6 is a correlation chart showing ages of the Newark Canyon Formation at the three 17 areas examined descriptions (Fouch and others, 1979). Below are of fossils collected during this and previous investigations. AGE IMaI EUREKA OVERLAND AGE EPOCH PERIOD PASS 100— COCKALORUM DISTRICT WA SH ?? ALBIAN - \ NO 110— / FOSSILS W 2 3 O IU U 120— < LU RECOVERED )( APTIAN > DC BARREMIAN < / AGE \ LU Z < CC U U N C E R TA IN HAD TER IVIAN 5 130— Q U O 2 VALANGINIAN LU Z 140— BERRIASIAN ?? Figure 6. Chart showing ages of the Newark Canyon Formation examined in this investigation. Data from Fouch and others (1979). Overland Pass No vertebrate or invertebrate fossils have been found in the Newark Canyon Formation at Overland Pass. Therefore, the specific age remains in Newark Canyon question. similarities exposures of at the Newark Canyon These strata are Formation based on Formation assigned vague to here the lithologic with known Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation other locations (Dott, 1955) and by the IS presence of Ketner, pers. Newark sponge spicules within chert clasts (Keith comm., 1986). Based on this, the age of the Canyon Formation at Overland Pass can be, at best, constrained to be post-Paleozoic. Eureka District The contains areas Newark the Canyon Formation in the Eureka most abundant flora and fauna of studied. Fossils present include District the three gastropods, pelecypods, ostracodes, fish, charophytes, angiosperms, and palynomorphs (MacNeil, 1939; David, 1941; Nolan and others, 1956; Fouch and others, 1979). Parts of the Newark Canyon Formation in the Eureka District contain abundant petrified wood; some logs approach 75 cm cursory prospecting has in diameter. Additionally, recovered an unidentifiable dinosaur bone fragment from Newark Canyon Formation talus. On the basis of nonmarine mollusk biostratigraphy, MacNeil (1939)' interpreted in Eureka District to be temporally equivalent to part the Newark Canyon Formation of the Blairmore Group in Alberta,■ Canada, the the lower which is upper Barrernian to early Albian. Cockalorum Wash Fossils Cockalorum present in the Newark Wash ,include ostracodes, palynomorphs (Fouch and others, comm., Canyon Formation charophytes, at and 1979). R.H. Tschudy (writ, 1979, in FoUch and others, 1979) indicated that the 19 palynomorph Barremian assemblage recovered from Cockalorum Wash is to early Albian and is temporally equivalent to the Burro Canyon, Cedar Mountain, and Latoka Formations of the Rocky Mountains. Additionally, data in Fouch and others (1979) indicate temporal equivalence for and Eureka District strata. Cockalorum Wash 20 LITHOFACIES Lithofacies letter codes are identified by simple one- to (Miall, 1977, 1978).' Where three- lithofacies elements are not previously defined, new coding schemes are erected. Lithofacies in the Newark Canyon Formation include conglomerate (G ), sandstone (S ), carbonate lithofacies. and patterns used Figure 7 in measured fine-grained (F ), and shows lithofacies symbols stratigraphic sections presented herein. Conglomerate Lithofacies(G) Massive or crudely stratified conglomerate (Gm) Massive or crudely stratified conglomerate (Gm) occurs as both organized and disorganized clast-supported conglomerate beds. Organized conglomerates generally have a bimodal sized grain-size distribution, framework granular clasts matrix stratification clast-supported, (Miall, may or may massive and .a with pebble to boulder­ medium-grained sand 1977). not be Crude apparent. horizontal, Organized, conglomerate may have an erosive base as well as an upwards-fining clast size trend. grading commonly occurs in the matrix. poor to moderate, to and rounding ranges Normal Sorting ranges from from angular to 21 VERTICAL SCALE IN METERS COVERED LIMESTONE P A R T IN G L IN E A T ION TR OU GH LONG AX IS COBBLE IM B R IC A T IO N O ABI t __ S E C T I ON NUMBER OVERAL L GRAI N SI ZE TREND M- MUD p-f ine S - S A N D ------ medium P- PEBBLE UF-eoarse C- COBBLE B- BOULDER AU XI L I ARY SYMBOLS X —V J- trenched l o c a t io n MASSIVELY BURROWED Y BURROWED (A M O T T L IN G 10 20 30 MPS (cm) PALEOCURRENT MEASUREMENTS MAXI MUM P A R T I CL E S I Z E IN C E N T I M E T E R S L I T H O F ACI ES CODES Gm-MassIve c la s t- s u p p o rte d c o n g lo m e r a te Gms- Mas slve matrix-supported co ng lom erate Gt Trough cross be dded conglomerate Gp-Planar crossbedded conglomerate Ge Erosional scour conglomerate St * Trough crossbedded sandstone Sp-Planar crossbedded sandstone Sc -Contortion stratified sandstone Sh-Horizontally stratified sandstone Sr -Ripple crosslaminated sandstone F Fine grained Iithofacies ROOT T R A C E S Figure 7. Key to lithofacies and symbols used in measured stratigraphic sections presented in this report. Refer to text for descriptions of individual lithofacies. 22 rounded. Organized framework packing, are also present. display beds generally exhibit closed- but units with open "-framework packing Contact clast imbrication (long (a) transverse to flow, a (t )b (i )) is Gm axis intermediate (b ) axis imbricate, coded common (Harms and others, channel-shaped geometry, 1982). Some whereas units others are tabular. Disorganized, (Gm) massive, clast-supported beds are characterized by structures and organized a of poorly sorted than organized massive conglomerates and the matrix and of poorly sorted sand and pebbles. normal occur Both inverse grading are present and conglomerates tend in lenticular units. long-axis They are sedimentary more consists fabric. lack conglomerate Contact clast (a(t)b(i)) clast imbrication (a(p)a(i)) are present to and (Harms and others, 1982). Massive matrix-supported conglomerate (Gms) Gms lithofacies is.characterized by polymodal set in a matrix of poorly sorted to matrix support, unordered sand and mud. In addition Gms lithofacies are characterized by an fabric with no clast imbrication, apparent internal partitigs (Rust, lower with portions gravel 1978; contacts are typically non-erosive. or Miall, 1978). The of some Gms units may be clast clasts aligned parallel to the basal grading, supported, contact. Basal 23 Trough crossbedded conglomerate (Gt) These framework-supported characterized shaped upward into smaller crossbedded trough fill (Miall, at low angles, long concave-up, scoop­ erosional, and upwards-fining foresets separated by internal partings. grade occur are bases with coarse channel lags tangential bases by distinct conglomerates scale, 1977). finer Scour grained Foresets generally commonly less than 15 degrees. axes of elliptical scours are parallel to local directions, and shaped beds (DeCelles elongate that and conglomerates troughs are filled plunge others, in 1983). a with downcurrent Trough The flow scoop­ direction cross-stratified occur as broadly lenticular (on the scale of several tens of meters) or apparently tabular cosets. Planar crossbedded conglomerate (Gd ) The Gp lithofacies is characterized by individual sets or cosets upon of tabular crossbedded conglomerate essentially foresets are planar bases (Miall, commonly /defined by sandy that rest 1977). Gravel interbeds and/or alignment of flat pebbles or cobbles along dipping foreset surfaces. Erosional surfaces cross-cut foresets in the same sense, but at a . lower angle of dip (Collinson, 1970). than the foresets 24 Eroaional scour conglomerate (Ge) The erected erosional here) consists of planar to low symmetric overlain massive scour conglomerate lithofacies (Ge or by somewhat thin assymmetic angle erosional (commonly less than 50 pebble conglomerate. concave-up surfaces cm) layers Ge lithofacies are of commonly rich in mudclasts. This lithofacies is considered analogous to lithofacies Se as defined by Rust (1978) for erosional- based sandstone rich in intraclasts. Ge lithofacies tend to grade upwards into trough crossbedded sandstone. Sandstone Lithofacies (S) Trough crossbedded sandstone (St) Trough crossbedded sandstone (St) consists of solitary concave™up underlying scoops units, with or an erosional cosets trough cross-strata (Miall, of relationship mutually 1977). cross-cutting Each trough-shaped set consists of an elongate erosional scour filled with strata axes curved tangential to the underlying erosion surface. of the elliptical scours are parallel to directions (Harms and others, filled with somewhat 1975). local Long flow Elongate troughs are scoop-shaped laminae that plunge in current direction. to a down- Fill of the troughs can be symmetric or asymmetric (Harms and others, 1975). Grain size ranges from medium to very coarse sand; pebbles may also be 25 present. trends Cosets commonly display general upwards-fining with, coarse sand and occasionally pebbly foresets resticted to lower sets and medium to fine-grained sand to higher sets. Planar crossbedded sandstone (So) Planar crossbedded sandstone (Sp) is characterized by grain size and sorting characteristics similar to those of lithofacies St. distinguished subsinuous However, from scoured sets trough laminae, and others ,1975), planar-tabular crossbed sets are sets by: I) straight as opposed to arcuate laminae and 2) presence of flat, planar bases and tops (Miall, or 1977). which Reactivation surfaces Individual 1975). Individual tabular within grouped truncate underlying foresets are common others, (Harms slightly rest on essentially planar bases and possess ^morphologies. or sets (Harms and sets can persist laterally for several tens of meters. Contortion stratified sandstone (Sc) Contortion stratified sandstone lithofacies (Sc erected here) are characterized by chaotic folds of graded beds 1969). Folded and associated stratal disruptions laminae small-scale (Coleman, consist of gentle to overturned folds. Sandstone beds with highly isoclinal contorted 26 bedding are found associated with other crossbedded and stratified sandstone lithofacies. Horizontally stratified sandstone (Sh) Horizontal of stratification is defined as tabular horizontal ■to sub-horizontal layers of silt (Miall, very sets and sand 1977). Parting lineation may be well developed and small scale ripple marks may be present (Harms and others, 1982). Ripple crosslaminated sandstone (Sr) A variety of assymetric ripple types characterize lithofacies. Ripple amplitude is less than 5 cm size ranges from coarse to very fine sand; sand is most common (Miall, is defined aligned by to local and grain however, medium 1977). Internal stratification small scale trough sets with parallel Sr flow directions trough (Harms axes and others, 1975). Fine-Grained Lithofacies (F) This grained lithofacies is characterized by laminated sediment, the grain size of which rarely fine­ exceeds that of fine sand. Interbedding of fine-grained sand, silt, and mud on a small scale is common. Very small-scale ripple marks, undulatory bedding, . bioturbation, freshwater molluscs, and rootlet traces may be present (Miall,1977). 27 Carbonate Lithofacies A variety of carbonate lithofacies are present in the Newark Canyon Formation. Carbonate lithofacies, as defined by are most Commonly interpreted Miall (1977, terms of 1978), backswamp associated and pedogenic with fluvial systems. Canyon Formation, terms pond of environments in the Newark carbonate lithofacies are interpreted in lacustrine environments. However, in as Therefore, the well for as pond and carbonates in pedogenic the Newark Canyon Formation, lithofacies nomenclature of Miall (1977, 1978) is abandoned and carbonates are described in terms of texture and primary structure. Additionally, since a high degree individual Newark of textural variation carbonate lithofacies, is present within and carbonates in Canyon. Formation are generally poorly the exposed, a lithofacies coding scheme is not used. Nodular irregular masses mudstone nodules micrite occurs as individual and and are encased within siltstone (F). found only in massive amalgamated and laminated Beds of amalgamated the Eureka micrite District. Sandy micrite also occurs interbedded. with finely laminated siltand mudstone District. found claystone micrite in and Marlstone calcareous massive (F) the nodular beds are micrite in characterized the Eureka by massive that forms irregular interbeds at Cockalorum Wash. Eureka District and Massive at with micrite Cockalorum is Wash. 28 Carbonaceous where biomicrite beds occur in the Eureka they are interbedded with massive micrite and graded micrite. Laterally extensive, calcareous mudstone gastropods, pelecypods, contains and organic-rich, calcified fish remains. micrite beds consist of calcareous, a District laminated ostracodes, Graded silty upwards-fining beds on millimeter to centimeter scale and are restricted to the Eureka District. 29 DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS The nature of depositional facies in the Newark Canyon Formation at the three locations examined are suggestive of a variety of fluvial, depositional examined, fluvio-lacustrine, environments. the Newark different with and lithofacies associations. Thus, they are treated separately in this section. between lacustrine At each of the three locations stratigraphic sections are respect to thicknesses and Canyon strata at the Relationships different locations examined are discussed in later sections. Overland Pass Lower Conglomerate Facies Pass is Assemblage. The. Lower Conglomerate at Overland characterized by a dominance of clast-supported massive and horizontally stratified conglomerate (Cm), with subordinate trough crossbedded conglomerate (Gt) and planar crossbedded pebbly sandstone Overland thin south conglomerate (St). (Gp),. One and section trough was Pass where the Lower Conglomerate (105 the m) (Figure 8);. Lower (greater than 450 m ). measured is in exposures to the Conglomerate is crossbedded near relatively north considerably and thicker 30 Gm Gm Gm Gp E Gm Gp Sh Sm si Gp I Gm Gm E Gm SI & Gm Gm Gm Gp M S P C 10 OP1 20 30 MRS (cm) Figure 8. Measured stratigraphic section of the Overland Pass Lower Conglomerate. Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section location. 31 Massive and horizontally stratified conglomerate (Cm) occurs as stacked pebble to cobble Closed-framework and offset, superimposed, conglomerate bodies up to packing is most common, organized 4 but m thick. units with open framework are also present. Planar crossbedded conglomerate (Gp) occurs locally as tabular (Gm) beds. average As bodies adjacent to massive framework Planar crossbedded conglomerate conglomerate (Gp) about I m thick and foresets average 30 cm beds thick. many as 3 stacked sets are found although tabular sets■ are most commonly solitary. Clast sizes are pebble to small cobble. Trough crossbedded conglomerate (Gt) beds overlie massive (Cm) and horizontally stratified (Figure 9) and are characterized rarely, amalgamated Trough by locally conglomerate solitary, and troughs averaging I m thick. crossbedded sandstone (St) interbeds occur as capping zones for planar or trough crossbedded conglomerate (Gp or Gt). Individual St beds up to 50 cm thick or amalgamated coset beds up to 3 m thick are present. Erosive bases of large scale solitary troughs are commonly rich in gravel lag. Lithofacies are stacked and offset to form composite sheets that average about 15 m thick. Composite sheets have lateral dimensions on the scale of hundreds of meters. In turn, these composite sheets are also stacked and offset to 32 form a broad multistory amalgam of lithofaoies assemblage sheets. Figure 9. Large-scale trough crossbedded conglomerate (Gt) overlying massive, framework-supported cobble conglomerate (Gm) in Overland Pass Lower Conglomerate. Arrows point to Gt scour surface. Considerable Conglomerate. The thickness variation occurs in the Lower Lower Conglomerate dominates the lower part of the Newark Canyon Formation section along the crest of the Diamond Mountains, but thins drastically eastward from a maximum of 450 m to less than 10 m along the eastern flank of the range. Lower Thickness variations also occur in the Conglomerate along strike of the Diamond Mountains, 33 where the basal beds thicken and thin from a minimum of. 60 m at Overland Pass to a maximum of 450 m in exposures 5 km to the south. Clast imbrication and crossbed data suggest a south-southeastward paleoflow direction; this indicates that thickness variations occur both approximately parallel and perpendicular- to paleof low direction. Interpretation.. The Lower Conglomerate is interpreted as the deposits of a proximal, system. Scott gravel-bed, braided fluvial This conglomerate closely resembles the Type facies model o f ;Miall (1978) and idealized the Facies Assemblage GII of the Donjek River of Rust (1978). The Lower crossbedded Conglomerate conglomerate indicating is marked by (lithofacies that slip facies developed a paucity Gp only and of Gt), occasionally. Hein and Walker (1977) suggest that slip faces develop when both sediment flood load and fluid discharge' decrease event. vertically With than horizontally deposited aggraded Tabular adjacent waning flow, laterally. stratified The gravel bars aggrade imbricated (lithofacies as diffuse sheets (Hein and Walker, vertically into longitudinal bars bodies to conglomerate of planar crossbedded massive and crudely after faster massive or Cm) was 1977) which (Rust, conglomerate horizontally a 1972). (Gp) stratified (Gm) are Interpreted as deltaic growths from modified dissected bar remnants formed during falling stage flow (Hein and Walker, 1977). 34 Trough crossbedded In-filling stage, conglomerate (Gt) beds formed of channel scours which developed during during subsequent migration of by flood three-dimensional large gravel ripples (Enyon and Walker, 1974; Bluck, 1974). Rust (1972) suggests associated with deposited during flowing that sandstone lithofacies trough crossbedded conglomerate (Gt) falling stages where the water rapidly enough to transport gravel, capable of conditions traction are transport of not but is still sand. Such coarse as in 1979). Trough crossbedded sandstone (St), interbedded with crossbedded conglomerate, is as dunes channel are is common on the tops of bars as well channels (Bluck, the (S) deposits of migrating subaqueous interpreted in open reaches where stream competence was lowered during low-stage flow. Upper Sandstone Facies dominated Assemblage. by trough Beds in the Upper crossbedded Sandstone sandstone (St) are with subordinate planar crossbedded sandstone (Sp), horizontally bedded sandstone conglomerate (Cm), (Sh), massive or horizontally and minor laminated siltstone measured section of the Upper Sandstone is shown in bedded (F) . A Figure 10. This partial section is considered to be representative of the Upper Sandstone, although it is considerably thicker in exposures to the north and south of the location of the measured section. 35 X -r.: w \ 40 X M C t - '/ r i r w i i Gm 0 OP2-A 10 20 MPS (cm) Figure 10. Measured stratigraphic section of the Overland Pass Upper Sandstone. Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section location. 36 Lithofacies of sequences in the Upper Sandstone pebble to cobble massive conglomerate (Cm) with consist inter.bedded a sequence of crossbedded and stratified sandstone. Massive conglomerate bodies are laterally discontinuous and average bedded about 0.75 sandstone m thick. (Sh) Fine-grained, horizontally capping zones up to 40 cm thick, occasionally overlies Gm lithofacies. Medium grained trough crossbedded sandstone (St) cosets conglomerates (Figure 11) and are broad, that attain crossbedded a maximum thickness of coset sheets commonly commonly overly lenticular sheets about 5 contain m. Trough intraclasts. Planar crossbedded sandstone (Sp) beds are interbedded with trough crossbedded grained, locally beds Sp beds set sheets averaging 40 cm grouped set sheets averaging about 2 m tend sandstone thin solitary sandstone beds. to grade (Sr). sheets upward into ripple are medium thick, thick. and Sp crosslaminated Laminated siltstone (F) beds form broad, (commonly less than 50 cm thick) that restricted to upper portions of the Upper Sandstone. are 37 Figure 11. Trough crossbedded sandstone (St) overlying thin, massive, pebble conglomerate (Cm) in the Overland Pass Upper Sandstone. Arrows point to St scour surface. Interpretation. deposits of system. Rust's a distal, Miall's (1978) The Upper Sandstone is interpreted as sand-dominant, braided fluvial (1978) South Saskatchewan Type model Facies Assemblage S II serve as and useful generalizations for comparison. Cant (1978) shows that deposits of the braided South Saskatchewan River are dominated by an abundance of crossbedded sandstone conglomerate (Cm), (St) planar with trough subordinate crossbedded massive sandstone (Sp), horizontally bedded sandstone (Sh), rippled sandstone (Sr), and mudstone (F). between the South Cant and Walker (1976) draw similarities Saskatchewan River Battery Point Formation in Quebec, and Canada, the Devonian in which they 38 identify repetitive upwards-finning sequences. Gm lithofacies beds are interpreted as the deposits of diffuse gravel sheets and low amplitude longitudinal bars (Smith, 1970). Horizontally stratified fine-grained sandstone (Sh), which overlies massive conglomerate (Gm), is interpreted as the deposit conditions gravel of transitional upper to as coalesced to regime diffuse Trough crossbedded sandstone (St) represent lower flow subaqueous Solitary flow waning high magnitude flow covered sheets (Gm). interpreted lower migrating regime dunes solitary (Smith, and grouped sets of planar crossbedded is or 1970). sandstone (Sp) are interpreted as deposits of sandy foreset accretion surfaces or along the down stream margins of transverse bars, sinuous crested transverse bars (liguoid and Fahnestock, transverse conditions sandwaves Under indicate unidirectional flow, lower 1975). strength Ripple crosslaminated sandstone indicates deposition by lower flow ripples flow than are required for subaqueous dune migration (Harms and others, (Sr) 1965). bars) (Harms regime migrating during waning flow and in shallow channels (Harms and Fahnestock, 1965; Smith, 1970). Laminated siltstone (F) deposition occurred by vertical accretion in overbank areas during waning flow conditions (Miall, 1977). Predominance relative Upper paucity Sandstone of of trough cross-stratification planar cross-stratification suggests that minimal and in the volumes of 39 transverse-bar and sand-flat deposits were preserved that most preserved lithofacies were deposited and in-channel. The rarity of vertical accretion deposits probably resulted from the erosive capacity of numerous concurrently active, shifting channels. Eureka District Basal Conalomerate/Mudstone Facies Formation Assemblage. Basal beds of the Newark in the Eureka District consist of locally multistoried massive and mudstone. conglomerate lenses laminated, Thickness of red the and solitary encased grey, Basal Canyon and within siltstone and Conglomerate/Mudstone varies from 55 m at Cherry Spring to 70 m at Newark Canyon. Underlying Paleozoic weathering profiles up to I.5 m. fracturing, oxides. A formations display thick well developed characterized by brecciation, and leached and precipitated iron measured section of the Basal Conglomerate/ Mudstone from the Newark Canyon area is shown in Figure 12. Conglomerate lenses are highly variable in and lateral.dimension. thickness Thicknesses range from 40 cm to 2.5 m and minimum lateral dimensions range from 5 to 15 m. 40 \ / I __ / M I S I P I C I B 0 NC1 10 20 30 MRS (cm) Figure 12. Stratigraphic section of the Eureka District Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone measured at Newark Canyon, Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section location. 41 Bases of with conglomerate lenses are shallow and concave-up, locally abundant scour furrows into underlying grained beds. fine­ Conglomerate bed margins tend to be steep­ sided and rich in siliceous and calcareous mudclasts. Conglomerate disorganized (Figure lenses massive 13) and conglomerate consist of subequal pebble to cobble low-angle (Gp>. Clast planar amounts conglomerate crossbedded imbrication characterized by a(p)a(i) imbrication. in Gm of (Cm) pebble beds Individual is massive conglomerate beds are usually solitary, although locally up to 3 stacked conglomerate beds (Gp) are present. Planar crossbedded beds are characterized by very dipping foresets (commonly less than 10 degrees), found overlying massive conglomerate beds, shallow and are and occur down paleoflow from cobble to boulder massive conglomerate (Gm). Unordered, matrix-supported, very poorly sorted conglomerate (Gms) forms lobate accumulations restricted to outer margins entirely Gms of conglomerate' lenses. encased within massive, beds sizes sorted are fine-grained rocks rarely exceed I m thick and rarely exceed 7 m. They appear to lateral be (F).. dimensions Clasts are angular to rounded and clast pebble to cobble. Matrix consists of poorly siliciclastic sand ,and silt and calcareous silt and mud. Clast imbrication is absent. 42 Figure 13. Disorganized, open-framework, massive, pebblecobble conglomerate (Gm) lenticular bed in the Eureka District Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone at Newark Canyon. Note crude inverse grading. Conglomerate within lenses fine-grained interpretation exposure. of are typically rocks entirely (F). encased Unfortunately, fine-grained rocks is hindered by At a few localities, poor trenches were dug allowing some general conclusions to be drawn. The fine-grained beds consist of red and grey, and mudstone (F). massive and laminated Zones of bioturbation, rootlet siltstone traces, and pedogenic microfabrics are common. Interpretation. Crude planar cross-stratification, that conglomerate alluvial clast imbrication, low-angle and channel geometry suggests channelform bodies were channels which occupied a deposited mud-dominant in alluvial 43 surface. The lateral well preserved channel scour or accretion nature of suggest surfaces, geometry, and lack coarse-grained channel-fill sediment in a mud-dominant that of system channel sediments aggraded vertically at a relatively high rate. Had the rate of aggradation been low, individual channels would have had time adjacent and underlying channel deposits. lower rate of aggradation would also establishment loops, of point bars, scroll to scour into Additionally, have promoted bars, and a the meander evidence for which is lacking. Scarcity of lateral- accretion decrease surfaces (epsilon cross-stratification), in magnitude of sedimentary structures and grain- size in conglomerate beds serve to distinguish these from the deposits of meandering Dominance and rivers (Jackson, beds 1978). of this sequence by fine-grained sediments with subordinate conglomerate, and channelforms which are steep­ sided with little evidence of lateral scouring of adjacent channelfills serve to distinguish these beds from deposits of a braided fluvial system (Miall, 1977). Within massive (Gp) channelforms, conglomerate indicates developed interpreted (Hein as occurrence (Cm) and low-angle of disorganized planar foresets that down^current accretion surfaces and Walker, vertically formed the bed surface. 1977). aggraded Gm lithofacies channel lags were are which Bed surface topography was created by accumulation of coarse sediment where stream competence 44 was diminished the largest developed to the point of being unable to clasts; low-angle accretion transport surfaces were as fine-grained gravel was transported over deposited on the accumulations accumulation (Enyon of suggestive lee-side of and coarse highly of these Walker, gravels coarse-grained 1974). within variable and Localized channelforms fluid-flow is conditions. Presence of both inverse and normal grading, in addition to substantial amounts of a (p >a (i ) clast imbrication, are further suggestive of variable flow competence and sediment load character (Harms and clast others, 1982). rather, bed they a sufficient According imbrication to decrease Rees velocity flow strength clast is a result of.tilting of the principle clast was dispersive probably mechanism during transport. grained 1982); a (p )a (i ) that collisions, in (1988), during collision of the clasts. suggests others, were transported in a dense dispersion above until occurred. axes a (p )a (i ) imbrication is present suggests that elongate clasts did not roll on the bed surface (Harms and the That dispersion This type of pressure, the most produced important by clast supporting Maintenance of such a must have required fabric coarse­ considerable flow and sediment load as might be attained in a flash flood (e.g. McKee and others, 1967). 45 Lobate supported suggets accumulations of massive, conglomerate (Gms) unordered, adjacent to matrix- channelforms that deposition of these beds occurred rapidly sediment concentrated aqueous flow which breached channel banks resulting in the deposition by fluvial of gravel intermixed with poorly-sorted matrix material. Although Gms lithofacies beds are most commonly interpreted in terms a debris flow origin (e.g. Shultz, 1984), these beds of lack characteristics commonly associated with deposits of debris flow origin channel-fill such as forms, well-developed and inverse imbrication of grading, elongate clasts (Smith, 1986). The disconnected nature of floodplain channels and the mudstone asssociation rapidly Smith indicates that sediment in an area of elevated base level and Smith disconnected (1980) note that aggraded (Allen, vertically 1978). aggrading, (anastamosing) fluvial systems form in areas where relatively large amounts of sediment availability and low gradients alluvium. result in rapid aggradation In many modern anastamosed of floodplain systems, stability is maintained by abundant vegetation and bank organic material which form a significant proportion of the overall facies assemblage (Smith, 1980). However, colonization lacking. in 1976, unequivocal 1983; Smith and Smith, evidence for abundant plant the basal beds in the Eureka District Conversely, Rust (1981) has indicated is that 46 anastamosed systems can develop in areas with arid climates and sparse vegetation. Bank stability is maintained by the natural cohesiveness of fine-grained overbank material duricrust formation. conglomerate Mudstone intraclasts are present in channelforms suggesting early cementation and minimal transport of these clasts (Smith, bank and stability interpreted in to the have Eureka been 1972). District maintained Channel- basal by beds the is natural cohesiveness of overbank fine sediment. Lower Fine-Grained Assemblage Facies Assemblage. Interbedded massive and sandy micritic carbonate, laminated mudstone (F ), and nodular micritic carbonate characterize the middle portion of the Newark Canyon Formation in the Eureka District. This facies is thickest at Newark Canyon (220 m). Very poor exposure prevents as thorough evaluation of these strata as would be desired. However, scattered exposures and local trenching of unexposed sections allow some conclusions to be drawn. Massive and laminated mudstone (F) is the lithology in the Lower Fine-Grained Assemblage. micrite the with base dominant Pink sandy interbeds up to 0.5 m thick are localized of this sequence and exhibit conglomerate channelforms of the close towards association underlying Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone. Grey nodular and amalgamated nodular micrite beds this facies. up to I m thick, are interbedded throughout 47 Interpretation. interpreted calcareous The as The Lower Fine-Grained Assemblage the deposits of floodplain influenced by assemblage of sandy micrite, nodular a micrite, suggestive of and siliciclastic pedogenic nodular and and shallow developed on a floodplain (Freytet, and processes. amalgamated massive siliceous mudstone paleosols is lakes (F) and is ponds 1973). Nodular micrite resembles nodules which occur in.some modern soils near the water table (Brewer, 1964). Carbonate mud, in the presence of table an oscillating concentrated 1964). with water, repeated PetrographicalIy, trends. grains, Micritic and constituents. and (Brewer, sandy micrites show no textural of close mudstones and paleosols, and drying silt- to fine floating siderite rhombs are Because impersistance, remobilized wetting and carbonate, rare was their small association sand-sized the sole size, lateral with overbank .sandy micrites are interpreted as small lake and pond deposits. Presence of siderite. suggests locally reducing conditions on a poorly drained flood plain (Blatt and others, 1980, p.602). Petrographic analysis of indurated siliceous mudstone from this assemblage indicates the presence of altered glass shards (Figure 14). due to the distribution unknown. extremely of poor nature of volcanic ash vertically or However, outcrops, laterally the is Additionally, it is uncertain whether this ash is 48 primary air-fall ash or has been reworked by fluvial processes. Figure 14. Photomicrograph of indurated mudstone containing altered volcanic ash in the Lower Fine-Grained Assemblage in the Eureka District. Arrow points to relict glass shards. Middle Sandstone Facies Assemblage. This assemblage consists of upwardfining lenticular sandstone bodies encased in fine-grained sediments are both Measured sections of the Middle shown in Figures 15 and 16. grain decreases 2.5 (F). m size and magnitude upwards. thick. consisting of Sandstone Within sandstone of sedimentary bodies, stuctures Upward-fining sandstone bodies average Sandstone bodies concave-up scoops overlie of scoured crudely bases stratified, erosional-based conglomerate (Ge). Basal conglomerates tend 49 to be rich in mudstone intraclasts and grade upward trough crossbedded stratified pebbly sandstone sandstone (Sh), sandstone (Sc), into (St), contortion horizontally stratified and ripple crosslaminated sandstone (Sr). St lithofacies beds are coset amalgams which average 1.5 thick with thick. individual trough sets averaging about Contortion isolated stratified sandstone near of lenticles sandstone (St) beds. cm and tops (Sc) trough discontinuous. (St) lenticles are overlain along planar bases by and contortion stratified stratified sandstone (Sh). 20 cm cm occurs as crossbedded Trough sandstone exceed 30 They attain a maximum thickness of 50 are laterally horizontally m thick. Overlying crossbedded sandstone fine-grained Sh ripple (Sc) beds seldom crosslaminated sandstone (Sr) beds seldom exceed 40 cm thick, and consist of well sorted, fine-grained sand. Upward-fining Cherry Spring channelforms (Figure 15), are best where, up to developed seven separate stacked and offset sandstone bodies are identified 17). At the lenticular Middle localities in sandstone Sandstone sandstone with other (Sh), subordinate, (Figure 16). the Eureka (Figure District, beds are not well developed and is dominated by horizonatly the stratified and ripple crosslaminated sandstone poorly-developed crossbedded at (Sr) sandstone 50 7W T p 0 5 CS2-B O n MPS (cm) C S 2-A Figure 15. Measured stratigraphic sections of the Middle Sandstone at Cherry Spring in the Eureka District. Note well developed upward-fining sequences. Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section locations. Interpretation. Upward-fining Sandstone are sand-bed meandering beds in interpreted as deposits of a fluvial system the Middle graveliferous (Jackson, 1978). Erosional-based conglomerate (Ge) is interpreted as diffuse gravel lag Mudclasts mud deposited in deposited Flume mudstone originate scours (Bluck, 1971). originated from bank erosion and destruction layers 1966). channel experiments intraclasts locally. conglomerate during lags low-stage flow by Smith (1972) (Williams, indicate that withstand little transport and must Crossbedded sandstone overlying are of interpreted as lower point basal bar 51 deposits (Levey, by 1978). The trough-shaped sets were formed migrating dunes similar to those found on recent bar lower surfaces (Harms and others, Contortion stratified syndepositional Similar where sandstone deformation of Levey, 1978). (Sc) represents liquified sediments. structures are common in recent fluvial they and sediments may form in response to rapid fluctuations river stage (Coleman, (Sh) 1963; point ripple in 1969). Horizontally bedded sandstone crosslaminated sandstone (Sr) are interpreted as deposits of upper point bar surfaces (Bluck, 1971). Horizontally shallow water on laminated tops of sandstone is bars where produced increasing in flow velocities result from large volumes of water being forced into a confined space (Harms and Fahnestock, Smith, 1971). Erosion sandstones deposition at the occurred of upper during 1974). ripple crosslamination (McKee of flood horizontally stage, flow regime beds (Allen, deposits base 1965; at laminated followed falling by stage The upward transition from flat bedding to has and others, been recorded 1967) and was from flood produced by migrating ripple trains formed at lower flow regimes (Harms and with Fahnstock, 1965). Fine-grained sediments interbedded conglomerate-sandstone channelforms deposits which accumulated adjacent to represent fluvial levee channels (Stewart, 1982). The complex intertonguing of conglomeratesandstone and siltstone lithologies is caused by repeated 52 erosion and deposition during the flood cycle (Jackson, 1973). z y NC3 < O GC1 Figure 16. Measured stratigraphic sections of the Middle Sandstone at Newark Canyon in the Eureka District. Note the predominance of fine-grained lithofacies (F), and interbedded horizontally stratified and ripple crosslamina ted sandstone (Sh and Sr). Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section location. Channel lag and point bar sequences dominate sandstone beds in the Middle Sandstone 15). At other locations (Newark Canyon, Spring), this sandstone and siltstone (Figure 16). development outcrop area assemblage was (at is at Cherry Spring (Figure and Pinto dominated by Creek laminated Meanderbelt channel restricted to the southern extent of Cherry Spring); at other the locations. 53 deposition was floodplain mud development. dominated by by In channel levee, deposition with crevass splay, subordinate the Newark Canyon area, this and channel facies sediments interpreted as floodplain is crevass splay and vertical aggradation deposits (Figure 16). Figure 17. Stacked, superimposed, upward-fining sandstone beds in the Middle Sandstone at Cherry Spring in the Eureka District. Arrows point to base of erosion-based conglomerate (Ge), scoured into underlying sandstone bed. Note upward decrease in grain size and magnitude of sedimentary structures in each sandstone bed. Figure for scale. 54 Upper Conglomerate Facies Assemblage. Conglomerate beds interbedded with massive and laminated fine sandstone and siltstone (F) form the Upper Conglomerate. exposed sequence of The most complete preserved this assemblage is found at and Newark Canyon, where these strata attain a maximum thickness of 70 m. At Newark conglomerate locations Creek Canyon, beds up overlying six distinct are identified (Figure (Cherry Spring, Spring), to Hildebrand lenticular 18). Canyon, At other and Pinto. the upper portions of this facies and Upper Carbonaceous assemblage have been the removed by erosion or are tectonically obscured. A measured section of the Upper Conglomerate at' Newark Canyon is shown in Figure 19. Conglomerate about 50 to conglomerates although beds massive 250 m in are are 2 to 8 m thick and range from minimum , horizontal extent. Most fine-grained strata (F ), and Conglomerate encased in a few are amalgamated are pebble beds offset. characterized by large-scale trough to cobble and conglomerate crudely (Gt), stratified with pebble crossbedded subordinate to cobble conglomerate (Gm), trough crossbedded pebbly sandstone (St) and horizontally bedded sandstone (Sh). conglomerate Organized, massive (Gm) wedges commonly form the basal beds in conglomerate sheets. Gm beds occur as scour-based beds that are 0.75 to 2.5 m thick. Massive framework conglomerate 55 (Gm) beds are either overlain gradationally by horizontally bedded bases pebbly sandstone (Sh), by trough crossbedded or are overlain along scour crossbedded conglomerate conglomerate beds are well sorted, developed channel scour and fill. trough (Gt). Individual Trough with well scoop-shaped sets range from I to 2.5 m thick by 6 to 10 m wide. Maximum clast trough sets sizes are locally approach cobble, although usually comprised of well-sorted pebble conglomerate with minimal coarser or finer material. Trough crossbedded conglomerates are occasionally rich in muddy or silty intraclasts.. As many as three stacked and offset trough commonly sets may be found, solitary crossbedded although sets are and tend to grade upwards pebbly sandstone (St). St usually up to 2 m thick. rich shallow, horizontally most trough occur Coset amalgams are are broad, based sheets that grade upwards stratified sandstone (Sh). as or as coset Isolated sandstone troughs in lag gravel. concave-up into beds isolated scoop-shaped troughs up to I m thick, amalgams laterally into Sh beds near the top of conglomerate beds are thin (usually less than 30 cm) sheets of pebbly, coarse-grained sandstone with parting lineation. Although poorly exposed, scattered exposures and local encase massive trenching indicate conglomerate and siltstone (F ). sheets that fine-grained appear to be beds which dominated faintly laminated fine-grained sandstone by and 56 Figure 18. Sequence of six conglomerate beds in the Upper Conglomerate at Newark Canyon in the Eureka District. Arrow points to person for scale. Interpretation. Conglomerate flow, beds in the Upper are interpreted as deposits of high magnitude gravel-bed, sheets Conglomerate braided fluvial systems. Conglomerate resemble the idealized Donjek type facies model of Miall (1978), representative of gravel-bed, braided fluvial environments alluvial systems of the intermediate between proximal and distal systems. Deposits of modern gravel-bed, resulting relative ease with which braided channels and forth across the alluvial surface (Rust, 1974). braided are commonly sheet -like and display a high lateral variability and discontinuity, shift 1972; for degree from back Smith, 57 / O 10 20 30 MRS (cm) Figure 19. Stratigraphic section of the Eureka District Upper Conglomerate measured at Newark Canyon. Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section location. 58 Conglomerate beds are marked by an abundance of trough crossbedded adjacent flow conglomerate (Gt), which massive conglomerate (Cm), usually truncates suggesting that fluid modifications of massive gravels occurred Walker, 1977). (Hein and Diffuse gravel sheets aggraded vertically into longitudinal bars; as the bars grew in height, gravel rolled across the top and avalanched down the sides and end of the bars. depth, With persistant discharge and sufficient flow longitudinal bar dissection occurred as vertically aggrading gravel sheets had time to equilibrate with fluid discharge (Rust, 1978). Trough crossbedded conglomerates in Upper Conglomerate represent channel cut and fills, during dissection of the bar top and/or formed front, and subsequently filled in by large-scale gravel ripples during rising from stage (Enyon and Walker, trough crossbedded crossbedded 1974). conglomerate Upward (Gt) gradation to trough sandstone (St) and horizontally laminated (Sh) sandstone indicates that as channel depths decreased, competence was decreased. At this point, water was flowing rapidly enough to transport a gravel load, still capable of traction transport of coarse flow not but was sand and granules (Smith, 1970). Presence channelforms deposition similar to of large-scale conglomerate in an overall fiiie-grained sequence on an inland interdistributary that of the Kosi River in sheet suggests alluvial India (Gole plain and 59 Chitale, 1966). Plain, it several km. Where the Kosi River enters the creates fluvial The an alluvial plain by Gangetic dividing into channels spread over a width of up to large catchment basin above the Gangetic 20 plain provides enormous amounts of water and transported sediment that, upon entering the Gangetic plain, unable to transport and the result is plain, channel channel that, the Kosi River is main channel. in the process of building its development is characterized avulsions (Wells and Dorr, 1987). The alluvial by numerous Overbank flood events result in deposition of copious amounts of overbank fine-grained sediment adjacent to braided fluvial channels. The consequence preserved alluvial is that thick overbank deposits because channels occupy a small portion surface. frequently Large inundated portions of the during the flood are of the floodplain are events. These conditions allow for accumulation of significant amounts of overbank material between times when braided fluvial channels shift across any particular region. Upper Carbonaceous Assemblage Facies consists Assemblage. The Upper Carbonaceous of four distinctive siliciclastic mudstone (F), lithofacies: Assemblage I) grey 2) massive micritic carbonate, 3) biomicritic carbonate, and 4) graded micritic carbonate. This assemblage is best exposed at Newark Canyon; at Cherry Spring and Pinto Creek Spring, this part of the section has 60 been removed by erosion. was recognized, but exposure structural prevent Carbonaceous At Hildebrand Canyon, this facies thorough Assemblage complications evaluation. is uncertain. At Newark Canyon the poor The potentially Hildebrand Canyon than at Newark Canyon, and Upper thicker but this Upper at remains Carbonaceous Assemblage attains a thickness of 120 m. Grey massive mudstones in of siliciclastic mudstone (F) similar to underlying facies dominates the lower portion and is interbedded throughout this assemblage. Towards the top of this assemblage, biomicrite, graded micrite, and massive micrite to interbeds are found. a tan color, but fresh surfaces tend to be dark and are rich in organic material. flora and Micrite beds weather fauna that Biomicrite beds characterize the black contain Newark Canyon Formation (MacNiel, 1939; David, 1943; Bradley, 1963; Fouch and others, pelecypods, Micrite 1979). Fossils present ostracodes, beds include charophytes, contain individual graded and gastropods, palynomorphs. laminations that range in thickness from less than I mm to greater than I cm and are composed of silt to mud-sized detrital quartz feldspar-rich carbonate micrite mudstone that grade upward (Figure 20). All into more contacts and pure between individual laminae are sharp and erosional. Many are wavey, and display convolute bedding, micro-loadcasts. microflame structures, and 61 Figure 20. Micrite laminations in the Upper Carbonaceous Assemblage at Newark Canyon in the Eureka District. Note slightly undulatory nature of bedding and truncation of preceeding layers by successive beds. Interpretation. interpreted The Upper Carbonaceous Assemblage as the deposits of a progressively temperate, freshwater, lake. is deepening, Glass and Wilkinson (1980) describe early Cretaceous lacustrine carbonate sediments in the Peterson Limestone in western Wyoming and southeastern Idaho that mudstones (1980) in bear many similarities the Eureka interpret District. with Glass carbonaceous and Wilkinson graded micrite beds as the deposits turbid waters carrying terrigeneous silt and carbonate of mud from shallow lake margin areas towards deeper parts of the lake basin. sequences sediment units. and Abrupt folded lateral terminations laminations were of caused gravity slumping during deposition of rhythemic by soft- successive 62 Biomicrite beds. the were beds are interbedded with graded micrite Glass and Wilkinson (1980) note this relationship in Peterson Limestone and suggest that biomicrite beds deposited in shallower water than were graded micrite beds. Massive micrite beds are interbedded with biomicrite beds suggesting that massive micrite beds were extensively bioturbated, thus obscuring primary sedimentary textures. Carbonaceous mudstone at the top of the Newark Canyon Formation in the Eureka District contains several meters of "oil shale" (T.B. pyrolitic Nolan, pers. comm., a oil yield of greater than 10 gallons per ton (40 liters per tonne) (Fouch and others, indicates 1986) that has that the source of 1979); Bradley (1963) lipids here is locally abundant carbonaceous bacteria, and suggets that these beds were deposited in an organic-rich, closed basin lacustrine environment similar in nature to the Green River Formation (Desborough, 1978). Cockalorum Wash Basal Conglomerate Facies Assemblage. The lower 30 m of the Newark Canyon Formation and at Cockalorum Wash is characterized .by crossbedded conglomerate with lesser massive amounts of crossbedded and stratified sandstone. A measured section of the Basal Conglomerate is shown in Figure 21. of the Basal Conglomerate, organized, At the base massive and crudely 63 stratified cobble to boulder conglomerate predominate (Figure 22). scour-based framework conglomerate (Gm) beds averaging As much as 10 m (Cm) of beds amalgamated 2 to 3 m thick are present. Mudstone intraclasts locally make up to 5% of the clast populations. lithofacies into have not been scoured, Locally, where these Gm beds grade horizontally bedded pebbly sandstone (Sh). upward Sh beds tend to be wedge-shaped and average 50 cm thick. / \ 10 C W 1 -A 20 30 MRS (cm) Figure 21. Measured stratigraphic section of the Cockalorum Wash Basal Conglomerate. Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section location. Above the Conglomerate Gm grades dominated upward sequence, into a trough conglomerate (Gt) dominated sequence (Figure framework conglomerate (Gm), the Basal crossbedded 21). Massive trough crossbedded sandstone 64 (St), planar> crossbedded sandstone (Sp), stratified upper sandstone and horizontally are subordinate lithofacies portion of the Basal Conglomerate. Gt in the lithofacies beds are moderately-sorted pebble to cobble conglomerate of solitary, Massive and and (Gm) beds scoop-shaped statified in the upper wedge-shaped bodies which thick. Trough broad, shallow, thickness of sandstone (Sp) interbedded massive grouped, horizontally conglomerate occur as locally pebble to Basal average troughs. cobble Conglomerate about 0.75 m crossbedded pebbly sandstone (St) occurs as amalgamated cosets which attain a maximum 2 m. Coarse-grained, occurs with in trough conglomerate planar planar based crossbedded solitary crossbedded sandstone (Gm) (Figure 23). sets (St) and Horizontally stratified sandstone (Sh) occurs as thin (usually less than 20 cm thick) impersistant beds interbedded with other sandstone lithofacies. Interpretation. The Basal Conglomerate is as the deposits gravel-bed, of braided a transitional fluvial system. interpreted proximal to distal The idealized Type and Donjek Type facies models of Miall (1978) and Facies Assemblage GII and G U I of the Donjek Scott the River of Rust (1978) serve as useful analogues for comparison. £5 Figure 22. Stacked and offset massive cobble to boulder framework conglomerate (Cm) beds at the base of the Cockalorum Wash Basal Conglomerate. Note wedge-shaped bodies of horizontally stratified sandstone (Sh) interbedded with massive conglomerate. Figure for scale. Presence the basal unconsolidated of large amounts of mudstone intraclasts beds suggests fine-grained that deposition of mudstone in the Basal Conglomerate, preponderance of mudclasts, fine-grained strata tectonically removed, fault 1383). are was sediments and that were transported minimal distances (Smith, is in on mudclasts 1972). Absence in contrast with problematic; not exposed and may a underlying have been since the Basal Conglomerate is contact with underlying Paleozoic formations in (Hose, 66 Figure 23. Massive pebble to cobble conglomerate (Cm) overlain along a planar base by planar crossbedded sandstone (Sp) and scoured into by large-scale trough crossbedded conglomerate (Gt). From the upper part of the Cockalorum Wash Basal Conglomerate. The (Gm) massive and horizontally stratified dominated base is characterized by a marked lack cross-stratification, developed. numerous falling Deposition indicating that slip faces were is interpreted to have occurred of not as superimposed longitudinal bars accumulated during flow stage as vertically bedload (Rust, took conglomerate place by 1972; Smith, aggraded coarse-grained 1974). Subsequent bar growth addition of finer sediment on top of downstream from the bar nucleus during high-magnitude and flow events (Hein and Walker, 1977). Cross-stratification is not developed because longitudinal bars were primary that had equilibrated with flow conditions (Rust, bedforms 1978). A stream-flow dominated system presence of an upward gradation conglomerate sandstone (Gm) Is indicated from massive, to horizontally (Sb), indicating by framework laminated that bar top the planar pebbly bedflow occurred (Bluck, 1979). The upper 20 m of the Basal Conglomerate is interpreted as the deposit of a distal, gravel-bed braided fluvial that system. Assemblage is GUI Rust basal In by a cyclic planar crossbedded bedded sandstone sequences are repeated of lithofacies. trough conglomerate vertically of sandstone (Sb). These (Gm) of is a by crossbedded (Sp), and lithofacies at least three times and as many as times in the Basal Conglomerate (Figure 21). deposition Facies conglomerate (Gm) overlain successively (St), horizontally five nature crossbedded conglomerate (Gt), sandstone the the upper Basal Conglomerate consists massive trough notes (Donjek Type facies model of Miall (1978)) characterized Cyclicity (1978) interpreted In-channel diffuse as the gravel Massive result of sheets and aggraded low amplitude longitudinal bars (Hein and Walker, 1977). Trough crossbedded conglomerate (Gt) is interpreted as in-channel deposition of migrating gravel foresets with crescentic slip faces (Rust, 1978). Overlying crossbedded and laminated sandstone is interpreted as deposition of foreset macroforms in broad, shallow channels (Harms and others, 1975). Individual cycles record 68 development. followed of major gravelly channel or channel by deposition channel reaches, of foreset systems, macroforms in and finally planar bedflow during open waning flow conditions (Bluck, 1979). Lower Sandstone Facies Assemblage. Thirty meters of . poorly exposed sandstone with subordinate framework conglomerate interbeds lies above suggest the Basal Conglomerate that abundance, this trough . Scattered assemblage consists of, in crossbedded .sandstone (St), pebble conglomerate (Sm), (Sp), horizontally bedded planar order crossbedded sandstone (Sh), outcrops of massive sandstone and ripple crosslaminated sandstone (Sr). Measured partial sections of I the Lower Sandstone are shown in Figure 24. Medium-grained, trough scale crossbedded sandstone (St) beds consist of amalgamated trough cosets which approach .3 m large thick. Laterally discontinuous Gm beds approach I m thick and rest on concave-up sandstone (Sp) conglomerate sandstone bases. Fine-grained, commonly overlies (Gm) along planar bases. planar crossbedded massive Planar pebble crossbedded (Sp) beds are characterized by as many as grouped sets which attain a maximum thickness of I.5 m. four Sp beds, in turn, grade upward into fine-grained, horizontally bedded sandstone (Sh), crosslaminated sandstone (Sr). and fine-grained ripple 69 Sn mm w OC LU H S z LU LU _l Fr o 10 C W 2-B < O CO —I < O X H OC LU > 0 CW 2-A 10 MPS (cm) Figure 24. Measured stratigraphic sections of the Cockalorum Wash Lower Sandstone. Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section locations. Interpretation. The Lower Sandstone the deposit of a distal, is interpreted as sand dominant braided fluvial system. Miall's (1978) South Saskatchewan Type model serves as a useful example for comparison with the Cockalorum Wash Lower Sandstone. Cant (1978) showed that deposits of the South Saskatchewan River are dominated by trough crossbedded sand (St), with subordinate planar crossbedded sand (Sp), massive gravel (Cm), horizontally stratified sand (Sh), and ripple overbank crosslaminated fine-grained sand (Sr), material and (F). representing transverse bar and sand-flat minor amounts Compound deposition, of bars, are 70 characterized with by overlying overlain a basal conglomerate channel planar crossbedded sand (Sp) by horizontally crosslaminated sand (Rust, 1978). Channel channel lags (Cm) laminated (Sh and Sr), lag (Cm), successively and and fine ripple material (F) systems are characterized by basal with overlying large-scale trough crossbed sets. The Lower Sandstone is characterized by alternating major channels and compound bars as defined by Cant (1978). Compound bars are represented by Gm-Sp-Sh-Sr intervals and channel systems are represented by Gm-St intervals. Channel systems with and compound bars are stacked and laterally offset respect crossbedded fluvial which to each sandstone other. (St) Predominance indicates that of trough the braided system was dominated by numerous shifting channels inhibited preservation of transverse bar and sand- flat deposits. Upper Sandstone Facies Assemblage. upward-fining beds are assemblage beds which encased within The Upper Sandstone average 1 . 5 m laminated consists thick. siltstone attains a maximum thickness of 40 Sandstone (F). m. of This Measured sections of the Upper Sandstone are shown in Figure 25. 71 X 1X O CW 3-A 5 MPS (cm) Figure 25. Measured stratigraphic section of the Cockalorum Wash Upper Sandstone. Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section location. 72 Upward-fining beds, cycles are comprised of broadly averaging 30 m wide, laminated which tend siltstone (F). lenticular to pinch laterally into sandstone cycles are characterized by a basal channel out Conglomeratelag consisting of concave-up crescent-shaped, massive, erosionbased framework-supported conglomerate (Ge). upward into trough crossbedded sandstone turn, grades horizontally upward into stratified (Sh), sandstone (Sr) (Figure 26). of sedimentary crossbedded thickness contortion Ge beds grade (St) which, stratified and ripple (Sc), crosslaminated Both grain size and structures ; decrease in magnitude upward. Trough sandstone (St) coset amalgams attain a maximum of about I m. Contortion stratified sandstone occurs as isolated lenticles, averaging 30 cm thick, toward the top rests of St beds. upon contortion Overlying trough Horizontally bedded crossbedded sandstone sandstone stratified sandstone (Sc) along ripple well-sorted, (St) planar crosslaminated sandstone (Sr) fine-grained (Sh) and bases. beds are beds which average 30 cm thick. Most channelform beds are solitary and entirely suported by laminated siltstone (F), although up to three upwards- fining beds are stacked and offset. Laminated siltstone (F) is locally rich in rootlet traces Horizontally crosslaminated lateral stratified and sandstone plant (Sh) fragments. and ripple sandstone (Sr) interbeds locally exceed the dimensions of channelform bodies and are 73 interbedded with laminated siltstone (F) adjacent to channel!orm beds. Figure 26. Upward-fining sandstone bed in Cockalorum Wash Upper Sandstone. From the base up: erosion scour conglomerate (Ge), trough crossbedded sandstone (St), contortion stratified sandstone (Sc), horizontally stratified sandstone (Sh), and ripple crosslaminated sandstone (Sr). Interpretation. Upward-fining conglomerate-sandstone intervals represent deposits of a graveliferous, meandering fluvial environment (Jackson, concave-up erosion-based interpreted as lag gravel of the channel 1971). Overlying trough massive sand-bed, 1978). conglomerate complex crossbedded sandstone Basal (Ge) is (Bluck, (St) and contortion stratified sandstone (Sc) represent lower pointbar sequences. ripple Horizontally stratified sandstone crosslaminated sandstone (Sr) are (Sh) and interpreted as .74 upper point adjacent bar sequences (Levey, laminated 1978). Overlying siltstone and silty mudstone and (F) are overbank vertical accretion deposits (Stewart, 1982). Local interbeds ripple of horizontally stratified sandstone crosslaminated siltstone (F) sandstone formed (Sr) (Sh) within as crevass splay and laminated deposits (Allen, massive micritic 1974). Upper Carbonate Assemblage Facies carbonate Assemblage. Poorly exposed, with marlstone interbeds characterize this assemblage. It attains a maximum thicness of 100 m. Massive micrite appears to dominate this assemblage; marlstone forms interbeds up to 3 m thick. Poor exposures and locally intense Tertiary supergene mineralization obscure primary sedimentary features. Interpretation. Assemblage was environment. of the nearer lake, The Cockalorum Wash Upper deposited in a lacustrine Massive micrite was deposited in deeper parts whereas marlstone to shore (Picard and High, nature of massive micrite a fluctuating hardwater Carbonate interbeds 1981). and marlstone lake shoreline. accumulated The interbedded is suggestive of PALEOCURRENTS Paleocurrent was analysis undertaken of pebble to help imbrication delineate dispersal patterns and highland source locations. of 522 trough measurements were made. long Preference was axes and planar cross strata, and sediment A total given although to poor exposures and structural complications generally prevented as would thorough desired. locations sediment an Cobble evaluation of cross strata imbrication as possible. as data were taken at The following discussion as be many concerns dipersal patterns and paleoflow directions at the three areas examined in this investigation. Overland Pass , At Overland Pass, the overall paleoflow configuration is dominantly southeast (Figure 27)., with a vector mean of 100.0 degrees and vector magnitude of 59.2. Since only part of the entire considerable strata, Overland thickness Pass section variations was exist Pass Pass. within it is possible that these data are not of the overall sediment dispersal patterns. therefore examined only in the immediate vicinity these indicative These data are considered to be representative of the section and of Overland Overland 76 N I OVERLAND N =65 Figure 27. Summary rose diagrams for paleocurrent measurements at Overland Pass, the Eureka District, and Cockalorum Wash. X sub v is the vector mean expressed in degrees and L is the length of the resultant vector expressed as a percentage of readings. Eu is the town of Eureka. 77 Eureka District The direction overall configuration in Eureka District the paleoflow (Figure 27). vector made Cherry Spring, Spring. ' A Canyon discussed ' these in an Newark Canyon, measurements area; is transport east-northeast Paleocurrent measurements -were statistically paleocurrent sediment The vector mean is 75.8 degrees and magnitude is 38.9. at of Pinto insignificant were made are presented the and previous in in number the of Hildebrand measured section. Creek sections Paleocurrent measurements in the Hildebrand Canyon area were hindered by structural complications Conglomerate extremely is Since extremely poor outcrops. in the Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone disconnected directions. plunging beds and and strike in highly are variable these beds are apparently deformed into folds and orientation of the axes of these indeterminable, correction for tectonic folds tilt is impossible (Ragan, 1973). Beds in the Upper Conglomerate in the Hildebrand marker beds exposed. Canyon area are vertically dipping above and below these conglomerates are and not Additionally, poor outcrops of these beds prevent the use of sedimentologic evidence to determine the tops of beds. Furthermore, clasts in these beds are dominated by subequant carbonate cobbles giving rise to poorly-developed cobble imbrication. Therefore, paleocurrent data from the 78 Hildebrand Canyon area is excluded from this following discussion patterns in the concerns Basal the report. sediment The dispersal Conglomerate/Mudstone and Upper Conglomerate. Basal Conalomerate/Mudstone Cobble imbrication in the Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone is poorly developed; by where it is developed it is dominated a (p )a (i ) imbrication. grain interactions transport, This is probably due to grain to which' preventing occurred during sediment clasts from vibrating in place rolling on the bed to assume the a(t)bCi) orientation typical Cross of fluvial sediments (Harms and others, strata were found to be unsuitable for analysis due to Although there is much scatter in the rose or more 1982). paleocurrent the very low angle of dip of foresets. diagrams, the overall general trend in the Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone is an east to northeast sediment transport direction 28). At Cherry Spring and Pinto Creek Spring, means are 100.0 and 88.0 degrees, vector magnitudes Cherry Spring bimodal pattern are 11.4 and rose the respectively, 22.6, (Figure vector and the respectively. The diagram (Figure 28) shows which results in a vector mean a weakly that is about 90 degrees askew from the 15 to 45 degree group which contains the largest number of readings. a At Newark Canyon, more strongly unimodal paleocurrent pattern is from the rose diagram, suggesting a northeast apparent sediment 79 PINTO CREEK SPRING N=75 Figure 28. Summary rose diagrams for paleocurrent measurements in the Eureka District Basal Conglomerate/ Mudstone. X sub v is the vector mean expressed in degrees and L is the length of the resultant vector expressed as a percentage of readings. Eu is the town of Eureka. 80 transport vector direction mean Therefore, (Figure 28). is 50.2 degrees and the At Newark vector Canyon the magniture 25.0. sediment transport direction in the Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone is east-northeast. Upper Conglomerate The is overall configuration for the Upper Conglomerate an eastward sediment transport direction Cobbles clast from massive orientation systems dictated (Figure conglomerates have a because that the nature elongate clasts more of 29). uniform depositional were allowed to assume an a (t )b (i) orientation under the influence of fluid flow (Harms and others, axes mean Additionally, trough long further substantiate the eastward sediment directions for 1982). (see measured sections in the previous trough long axis orientations). of transport the magnitude Overall, Upper Conglomerate is 76.9 66.3, revealing an and section the vector the vector east-northeast sediment transport direction. Cockalorum Wash Although rose there is a certain amount of scatter in diagram, orientations pebble imbrication and cross the strata indicate an east-southeast sediment transport direction (Figure 27). The vector mean is 106.3 degrees and vector magnitude 44. 3. 81 P INTO CREEK SPRING N: 3 1 Figure 29. Summary rose diagrams for paleocurrent measurements from the Eureka District Upper Conglomerate. X sub v is the vector mean expressed in degrees and L is the length of the resultant vector expressed as percentage of readings. Eu is the town of Eureka. 82 CORRELATIONS A major stratigraphic problem in east-central Nevada concerns the origin and distribution of sedimentary strata mapped as section Newark Canyon was originally The in basis the presence of coarse Eureka District by Dott (19.55) siliciclatic This correlation was continued by E.R. and Overland correlated with the Newark Formation of the Formation. Canyon on the sediments. Larsen after Larsen Riva (1963) mapped these strata as Permian assigned Pass and later age of these strata to Cretaceous (Larsen, pers. comm., in Stewart, 1980). However, Larsen did not state a reason for this correlation and biostratigraphic data apparently still lacking (J. Stewart, are writ. comm., 1987). Facies analysis in this investigation indicates Newark Canyon Formation at Overland Pass and in the Eureka District each represent separate and distinct systems. Despite the that the depositional lack of biostratigraphic data from Overland Pass, it is probable that the depositional systems represented time that however, same those in the Eureka District were the same active. If, these strata do represent different parts of the depositional depositional than at Overland Pass were not active at styles system, the requires more discordance geographic between separation is present between the two outcrop areas (Figure 2). 83 This would require post-Newark Canyon Formation structural dislocation to bring these distinct stratigraphic into the outcrop relative proximity represented by distribution. Evidence for the this dislocation is absent (Stewert and Carlson, packages present structural 1978; Stewert, 1980). The . Newark Canyon Formation at Cockalorum Wash has been determined to be the temporal equivalent of the Newark Canyon Formation biostratigaphic However, been Cockalorum District, evidence Although Wash Eureka of District Fouch and tectonically is the Newark others much thinner Canyon than on (1979). has Formation in of the Cockalorum Wash section obscured. Potentially, the at Eureka have been the Cockalorum Wash is the lithostratigraphic equivalent of the parts of the Eureka District section. Basal based previously discussed evidence indicates that the portions section the evidence ' for lithostratigraphic correlation lacking. lower in upper The Cockalorum Wash Conglomerate may represent the same influx of coarse siliciclastic sediment that is represented by Upper Conglomerate, in the Eureka lacustrine of the Upper Carbonate Assemblage deposits District. the Additionally, the at Cockalorum Wash may have accumulated in the same lacustrine system represented by the Upper Carbonaceous Assemblage .the Eureka depositional District. styles Minor differences exist at each of these areas in that in in sandy 84 braided and meandering fluvial systems were developed following the influx of coarse sediment at Cockalorum Wash, where,. these depositional systems are apparently absent in the Eureka District. between these two Enough geographic separation areas that minor differences depositional styles areas they were both part of the same .basin. while exists could have existed at each of in these depositional 85 PETROLOGY Conglomerate Composition Newark Canyon clast-supported, although Eureka chert limestone District. studied chert, Formation include, pebble conglomerates to cobble cobble conglomerate is Clast types mostly conglomerate, found present at in order of decreasing are all in the locations abundance, grey black chert, white quartzite, limestone, red chert, brown chert, sandstone, and green chert. Most grey and black chert clasts are dense and massive; some appear to be laminated. presence clasts Observation of sponge are thin spicules and massive observation in in hand section indicates fusulinids. specimen. Red Thin the chert section indicates that some of these grains have been stained red by a thin film of hematite that penetrates only the, outer however, 1/8 'of the are grain. entirely pervaded Other with red chert hematite. grains, Adjacent chert clasts have not been stained by hematite, indicating that to staining of these grains occurred prior Newark Canyon ..Formation deposition. Additionally, presence of only a thin primary hematite to rind suggests that the grain. this stain Green and brown chert is not grains are 86 massive in indicates hand sample; observation no textural trends. in thin section White quartzite clasts are characteristically gleaming-white, fine- to medium-grained, well-sorted, of Folk, quartz cemented, 1980). quartzite, vary subarkose clasts very Sandstone and in quartzarenites (terminology clasts, composition are buff to dark grey in well-sorted. contain fusilinids, Additionally, some color. some are crinoids, deposition white litharenite to Sandstone sorting is massive fossiliferous and brachiopods. limestone clasts have been silicified. is uncertain whether the silicification Canyon of Limestone clasts are grey sparry limestone or dolomite; It from vary from fine- to coarse-grained and poor- to and exclusive or an effect of is pre-Newark post-depositional diagenesis. Clast Comusition Modes Clast percentages are plotted on histograms and are correlated with the corresponding Newark Canyon Formation exposures. Figure of lithologies for investigation, of clast District 30 the shows Conglomerate, distribution three major areas covered in clast this and Figures 31 and 32 show the distribution lithologies for the the Basal in outcrops studied in Conglomerate/Mudstone respectively. presented in Appendix B. the and Eureka Upper Original clast count data are 87 25 i GREY C H E R T ■ BLACK C H E R T ■ QUARTZI TE ■ LIMESTONE I RED C H E R T ■ OVERLAND PASS BROWN CH ERT SA N D S T O N E I N =1198 GREEN CH ERT 25 I 50 75% I i GREY CHERT BLACK CHERT Q U A R T Z I TE L I MEST ONE RED CH E R T B EUREKA DISTRICT BROWN C H E R T * SANDST ONE N =10473 GREEN C H E R T * 50 I 75% _I GREY CHERT I BLACK C H E R T I QUARTZITE■ LIM ESTO NE* RED CHERT I BROWN CHERT B SANDSTONES GREEN C H E R T I COCKALORUM WASH N =2 441 Figure 30. Histograms of clast lithology percentages for Overland Pass, the Eureka District, and Cockalorum Wash. Eu is the town of Eureka. QQ 7C GREY CHERT BLACK CHERT QUARTZITE LIMESTONE RED CHERT BROWN CHERT HIL D E B R A N D CAN YON NMOIB SANDSTONE GREEN CHERT Gr e y c h e r t BLA C K CHERT QUA RTZITE LIMESTONE RED CHERT BROWN CHERT , SANDSTONE m GREEN CHERT . NEWARK CANYON N:1858 GREY CHERT BLACK CHERT QUARTZITE 5km LIMESTONE RED CHERT BROWN CHERT , SANDSTONE L GREEN CHERT „ CHERRY SPRING NM 049 \ J__________ U I GREY CHERT B L A C K CHERT Q U A R TZ IT E LIM ESTONE RED CHERT B BROWN CHERT SANDSTONE ■ GREEN CHERT PINTO CREEK SPRING N --1 1 0 7 Figure 31. Histograms of clast lithology percentages for the Eureka District Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone. Eu is the town of Eureka. 09 25 75% GREY CHERT B LA C K CHERT Q U A R TZITE LIMEST ONE RED CHERT BROWN C H ER T HILDEBRAND SANDSTONE CANYON GREEN C H ER T N --1 0 3 6 GREY CHERT B LA C K CHERT QUARTZ IT E LIMESTONE ■ RED CHERT I BROWN CHERT I NEWARK SANDSTONE a CANYON N =2 0 2 6 GREEN CHERT 0 25 50 75% --------------- 1---------------L I— ---------- 1 GREY CHERT BLACK CHERT Q U A R TZ IT E B LIMESTONE I* I RED CHERT # BROWN CHERT SANDSTONE El GREEN CHER t I CHERRY SPRING N : 119 1 GREY CHERT BLACK CHERT QUARTZITE LIMESTONE RED CHERT BROWN CHERT PINTO SANDSTONE C R E E K SPRING GREEN CHERT N=I I S S Figure 32. Histograms of clast lithology percentages for the Eureka District Upper Conglomerate. Eu is the town of Eureka. 90 Sporigue spicule-bearing populations: grey chert at all areas (Figure 30). dominates clast At Overland Pass, clasts are mostly grey chert,' with subordinate red and . white quartzite; volumetricallIy District other insignificant. clast chert, lithologies Clast suites in the Eureka are highly variable (Figures 31 and 32). Clast suites in the Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone (Figure ,31) either dominated Canyon and Canyon and Pinto Creek Spring) <Figure spicule-bearing grey Cherry Spring), lithologies Hildebrand Canyon, exposures in confirmation from chert limestone 31); the are CNewark (Hildebrand other clast In the Upper grey chert clasts dominate at all clast type (Figure 32). be or by are variable amounts. Conglomerate, except by are locations where limestone is the dominant Structural complications and poor Hildebrand Canyon area prevent of the conglomerates exposed in this area the Upper Conglomerate. With the exception to of exposures in Hildebrand Canyon, black.chert, quartzite, and sandstone are all present in subequal amounts in the Upper Conglomerate; other insignificant. characterized At by clast Cockalorum types Wash, are volumetrically conglomerates are blended clast lithologies with only red and green chert being volumetrically insignificant (Figure 30). Grey chert predominates; black chert, quartzite, brown chert and sandstone are present in subequal amounts. 91 Sandstone Texture Newark Canyon highly variable. coarse■ sand. Formation sandstones are texturally Grain size varies from very fine to Sandstones are most commonly very poorly- to moderately-sorted. Sand grains are predominantly subangular to subrounded. Quartzose and feldspar grains are subequant and sedimentary lithic fragments are elongate to subequant. Grain contacts are primarily tangential to long. maturity . , The varies from diagenetic sandstones is history complex xand immature of Newark variable to in the diagenesis of Newark Formation indicated different cement types and numerous textural trends submature. Canyon as Textural features. Canyon by No Formation sandstones were observed.. Diagenetic features include, not order of development: I) quartz overgrowths, 2) thick clay rinds that also fill pores, poikiiotopic sparite as a pore filler, detrital grains by calcite, 3) formation of 4) replacement of 5) silicification of carbonate grains into chalcedony or chert, 6) dissolution of detrital grains and matrix to create secondary porosity, hematite/clay and 7) (?) that . stains detrital grains and cement also coats and partially.fills secondary pores. and 92 Composition Recognition and classification of grain types follows the criteria of Dickinson (1970). Framework grains present .include monocrystalline quartz (Qm), polycrystalline quartz (Qp >, feldspar (F), and sedimentary lithic fragments (Ls). Appendix C contains a summary of framework grain abundances obtained from point coints. Since thin sections were neither stained nor differentiation subject to feldspar of quartz consequential grains monocrystalline were quartz and potassium error. Few twinned. and etched, feldspar . was of the potassium Differentiation monocrystalline of potassium felspar was based on the following: I) cleavage in feldspar .versus fracture in quartz, 3) incipient dissolution, alteration of feldspar potassium potassium products subparallel signs 4) 2) sericitization in these chips in vague negative) stained for. potassium feldspar; indicated that minimal amounts feldspar are present. with or lines and 5) optic versus Additionally, grain clouded grids to crystallographic directions, (biaxial negative). were framework • feldspar grains arranged quartz . (uniaxial chips feldspar feldspar, thin potassium section analysis of of. potassium 93 Framework Grain Types Wonocrystalline single Quartz (Qm). Monocrystalline grains with consists of straight to undulose extinction as defined by Folk (1980). quartz slightly These can contain trains of vacuoles; 'microlites are rare to absent. Monocrystalline quartz grains commonly have abraded quartz overgrowths. Polycrystalllne Quartz (Qp). Polycrystalline quartz types include chert, chalcedonic chert and composite quartz grains. spicules. Chert grains Composite commonly and coarse, elongate, interlocking (Pettijohn and others, relatively relict quartz grains consist of quartz with straight contacts, grains, contain 1972). sponge polygonized slightly sutured mosaics of crystals Composite quartz grains are rare in Newark Canyon Formation sandstones and usually constitute less than 1% of framework grains. Feldspar (F). Feldspar types are monocrystalline almost exclusively orthoclase feldspar with trace amounts microcline found in Overland Pass and sandstones and Orthoclase usually shows cleavage and is commonly plagioclase in Overland with alteration products. Occasionally, Cockalorum Pass of Wash sandstones. clouded orthoclase grains have abraded orthoclase overgrowths. Sedimentary Llthic Fragments (Ls). Sedimentary fragments in Newark Canyon Formation sandstones consist siliceous shale, calcareous shale, siltstone, rock of and 94 calcareous siltstone. Shaley rock fragments commonly have been deformed or show compaction indentations from adjacent grains. Sandstone Petrofacies Sandstones Formation from examined strata mapped as Newark in this investigation can Canyon be divided into two petrofacies based on separate and distinct on sandstone-composition Table I shows sandstones Petrofacies the mean detrital from. the areas diagrams grain studied. (Figure litharentites Sandstones of the The for Quartzo-Iithic subordinate of sandstones from Chertarenite 32). percentages consists of sublitharentites with high-quartzose Pass. ternary fields Overland Petrofacies are exclusively chertarenites and are represented by sandstones from the Eureka District and from Cockalorum Wash. Quartzo-Iithic Petrofacies These sandstones monocrystalline quartz fragments (Lt=27), 34). Sedimentary indurated quartz are characterized (Qm=ST), abundant total lithic and subordinate feldspar (F=S) (Figure. lithic lesser by fragments (Ls=S) argillaceous rock fragments and consist of polycrystalline (Qp=23) characterized by spicule-bearing chert. 95 O=OVERLA ND PASS PETROF^ C F 0UARTZ 0 ^ 1t h i c O=EUREKA D I S T R I C T S=Co c k a l o r u m w a s h -------- =OUTL INE OF CHERTARENI T = PETROFACI ES / r* / RECYCLED O R OG ENi C TRANSITIONAL RECYCLED Figure 33. QFL and QmFLt diagrams for sandstones of the Newark Canyon Formation in the areas examined. Note the separation of the Quartzo-Iithic Petrofacies and the Chertarenite Petrofacies and that the Quartzo-Iithic Petrofacies consists exclusively of Overland Pass sandstones and the Chertarenite Petrofacies consists of sandstones from the Eureka District and Cockalorum Wash. Provenance fields after Dickinson and others (1983a). Table I. Mean framework grain percentages for Newark Canyon Formation sandstones. LOCATION N Overland Pass 9 STAT Q Qm Qp F L Lt Mean 88.2 Std dev I.G 66. 6 2. 5 21.6 3. 3 6. I 0. 8 5. 4 I. 3 27. 0 2. a Eureka District 20 Mean 88.O Std dev 4.5 45. O 12. 4 43. I 10. 8 0. 7 11. 4 0. 5 4. 4 54. 2 12. 7 Cockalorum Wash Mean 91.5 Std dev 2.9 52. 2 7. 3 39. I 6. 9 2. 3 2. 5 46. 6 7. 5 8 QFL QmFLt Overland Pass 88, G, 6 67, 6, 27 Eureka District 88, I, 11 45, I, 54 Cockalorum Wash 91. 2. 7 51. 2. 47 7. I 2. 4 96 Monocrystalline quartz is characterized by common quartz overgrowths. abraded Feldspar types include monocrystalline orthoclase, plagioclase, and microcline. Orthoclase and plagioclase are most common and microcline is present in trace amounts. Figure 34. Photomicrograph of Overland Pass sandstone. Note predominant monocrystalline quartz (Qm) and subordinate chert (Qp) and plagioclase feldspar (F). Chertarenite Petrofacies These grains which rocks are characterized by (Eureka District Q=BQf monocrystalline (spicule-bearing (Eureka District: =40) (Figures Cockalorum Wash quartz and chert) abundant 34 and 35). Qp=43; Q=91), polycrystalline are present in Qm=45, quartzose subequal of quartz amounts Cockaloum Wash Qm=53, Qp Feldspar is present in minor 97 quantities (Eureka District: F=I; Cockalorum Wash: F=2); in the Eureka monocrystalline feldspar is microcline. minor District, feldspar orthoclase, whereas mostly orthoclase Sedimentary lithic is exclusively at Cockalorum with trace Wash, amounts fragments are present amounts and comprise up to 11 percent present (Eureka District: Ls=7). Total lithic fragments constitute about 50% of framework grains present (Eureka in framework grains total Ls=Il; of of Cockalorum Wash: District: the Lt=54; Cockalorum Wash: Lt=47). Figure 35. Photomicrograph of Eureka District sandstone. Note subequal amounts of monocrystalline quartz (Qm) and chert (Qp) and subordinate sedimentary lithic fragments (Ls) . 98 Abundance paucity of feldspar monocrystalline District of sedimentary lithic and and grains, and subequal polycrystalline Cockalorum Wash fragments, quartz sandstones relative amounts in of Eureka serve to distinguish them from sandstones of Overland Pass. Figure 36. Photomicrograph of Cockalorum Wash sandstone. Note similarity in composition to Eureka District sandstone (Figure 35). Note also the presence of microcline (F). 99 PROVENANCE Conglomerate clast and sandstone framework composition data and suggest that highland source terrains providing sand gravel to the Newark Canyon Formation consisted almost exclusively of pre-Mesozoic sedimentary rocks. Paleozoic rocks which were potential contributors of sediment to Newark Canyon sequences Formation (Stewart, can be divided 1980). into The miogeocline, five clastic and carbonate rocks, these sequences. Roberts lower coeval deep-water shallow-water Roberts rocks rocks in basin, and the Late sequence" unconformably consists over Devonian-Early 1958). A Mississippian- derived from erosion of Poole, 1974). Late the the Antler sequences Paleozoic shallow-marine deposits of the Antler "overlap (Roberts fourth 1971; deformed eastward constitutes the third of these Gordon, fluvial and the clastic wedge, thrust Mountains allochthon and deposited in foreland (Brew is the easternmost of which consists of Mississippian (Roberts and others, Pennsylvanian shelf- Structurally above the miogeocline is the Mountains allochthon, Paleozoic main a westward­ thickening prism of upper Precambrian and Paleozoic facies the and others, 1958), deposited on the Roberts Mountain allochthon represent major sequence. The westernmost sequence of deformed upper Paleozoic basinal rocks of the 100 Golconda allochthon that rest in thrust emplacement of the Roberts Mountain allochthon orogenies, allochthon respectively, compressions! America (Speed, the represents tectonics continental-margin of during sequence. above rocks Golcohda overlap contact coeval the of the Antler thrust in history the of Antler brief Eastward and Sonoma episodes otherwise Paleozoic western North 1983). The following discussion will focus Canyon aforementioned of "passive" the provenance of conglomerates and sandstones Newark and Formation, and the role sequences played in supplying in, that the the sediment to the Newark Canyon Formation. Newark Canyon Formation Conglomerate Analysis of potential source lithologies indicate that late Paleozoic predominant miogeoclinal source shelf Specifically, spicule-bearing chert, the (Stewart, • ■ and grey, Formation black, fusilinid- and the and brown brachiopod- limestone are indicative of source rocks being post-Antler orogeny carbonate 1980). However, . chert were for clasts in Newark Canyon conglomerates. bearihg sediments the miogeoclinal ' Presence clasts, where nor result a this stain is neither primary to the chert Canyon stain in is chert Newark hematite ; conglomerates red of of province presence of red and green clasts in Newark Canyon Formation significant. of Formation diagenesis. 101 suggests that previous conglomerates earlier red chert clasts have and been have been episode of diagenesis. influenced conglomerates in the vicinity of Formation exposures Peak an Canyon and Gordon, are locally in Diamond Peak Formation conglomerates. Diamond green chert clasts Formation chert clasts are interpreted to derived by Newark contain red chert (Brew Additionally, abundant from Mississippian Diamond Peak Formation .1971). recycled from bedded cherts of the have Roberts been Mountain allochthon and constitute part of the Antler foreland basin deposits (Brew and Gordon, red and green conglomerates in or in Newark Canyon Formation are interpreted to have their source clastic deposits of the Antler bedded cherts allochthon (Roberts and others, clasts Poole, 1974). Therefore, chert clasts in Mississippian basin 1971; of the either foreland Roberts Mountain 1958). Assuming that these have been recycled from the Antler elastics, this places a minimum age of source rocks at Mississippian (Late Mermacian-Chesterian) clasts (Brew and Gordon, 1971). If have a primary source in Western Assemblage cherts, this places a pre-Mississippian age exposed in highland source terrains during these bedded for strata Newark Canyon Formation deposition (Stewart, 1980). Perhaps more significant is the presence quartzite clasts in Newark Canyon Formation Clasts of white conglomerates. of this type closely resemble the Ordovician Eureka 102 Quartzite from the miogeoclinal sequence, which is distributed throughout eastern Nevada (Ketner, Eureka Quartzite widely 1968). is considered to be the ultimate The source for these clasts, although it is possible that these clasts have and been through previous cycles of deposition. central Nevada However, have other not erosion, transport, conglomerates been shown to in east- contain Eureka Quartzite clasts (Stewart, 1980). The Mississippian Diamond Peak Formation contains quartzite clasts, generally 1971). buff to Assuming but dark grey in color (Brew these are and Gordon, that white quartzite clasts are derived directly from the Eureka Quartzite, this places a maximum age of Ordovician for sedimentary source terrains that were contributing coarse detritus to Newark Canyon Formation sediments. Sandstone conglomerates sources include: 2) I) Newark first Diamond sandstone Peak of conglomerate sandstones from Formation sources. Potential sandstones Formation (Brew (Brew and Formation of from and Gordon, 1971), "quartzites" the from Diamond Gordon, Western Assemblage Valmy Canyon cycle clasts recycled Formation Ordovician in can have any number Mississippian 1971), clasts Roberts .of Peak 3) the Mountain allochthon (Gilluly and Gates, 1965; Roberts, 1964, Ketner, 1966), and 4) sandstones in lower to upper Paleozoic miogeoclinal strata (Stewart, 1980), and 5) "quartzites" as 103 old as latest Precambrlan to Cambrian (e.g. the Mountain Quartzite and equivalents) (Stewart, source Prospect 1970). Thus, terrains for coarse clastic sediment in the Newark Canyon Formation can be concluded to range in age from late Paleozoic to However, Mississippian considered possibly as old as latest through Precambrian. Permian strata to have contributed the bulk of coarse are clastic sediment to Newark Canyon Formation conglomerates. At these Overland strata is uncertain, suggestive clasts in Pass (Figure 30), the presence of red recycled detrital of chert is quartzite suggest a component of Ordovician Eureka Quartzite terrains, although chert. age White source of although the these too may have been recycled. Clast suites in the Eureka District (Figure 31 and 32) are highly variable, due, in part, to the nature of the depositional systems, and perhaps due, in part, to a supply of blended clast lithologies from compositionally variable source terrains. In the Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone (Figure 31), the perhaps dominance due of to the flashy nature of the which supplied coarse, Eureka ' District Conglomerate limestone at some Hildebrand Canyon area, fluvial is systems proximally derived, detritus to the depositional (Figure localities 32), system. with the In the exception Upper of the mechanically more stable chert and quartzite clasts dominate the clast suites. This is perhaps 104 due to the. competent nature of fluvial systems during deposition of the Upper Conglomerate. present This dictated that mechanically less stable grains such as limestone were ■dlsintigrated during Dominance of limestone in the Hildebrand Canyon area is problematic; as stated previously, are- from the sediment transport. it remains uncertain whether these beds Upper Conglomerate. Additionally, the paleogeographic position of these beds relative to the rest of the Eureka District strata is uncertain. Clast trends suites with 30).. Red at Cockalorum Wash show respect to those of other and green chert insignificant, probably Peak clasts anomalous locations are (Figure volumetrically because the Mississippian Formation may not have been providing component no a Diamond significant of detritus to the Cockalorum Wash conglomerate. Presence .of white quartzite suggests that Ordovician Eureka Quartzite clasts, either primary or recycled, were supplied to Cockalorum Wash conglomerate. Newark Canyon Formation Sandstone Although the Overland Pass sandstones and the District/Cockalorum petrofacies, -within the provenance all Wash sandstones comprise different Newark Canyon Formation sandstones quartzose and transitional recycled fields of Dickinson and others (1983a) 33). . Thus, ■ the Eureka sublitharenites and litharenites fall orogen (Figure of the 105 Newark Canyon Formation require a compositional!/ mature to submature sedimentary provenance. Paleocurrent data indicate, that highland source terrains lay to the west of the present outcrop area. The following discussion concerns the composition and provenance of rocks which may have contributed sand to Newark Canyon Formation sandstones. During late Precambrian to mid-Devonian sandstone suites in the Cordilleran region are of and transitional miogeoclinal belt, the edge origin and occur not only cratonic within as turbidites within the eugeoclinal belt (Dickinson and others, 1983a). derived from the Antler highlands are uniformly of the chert-rich, of the but were evidently also transported off of the continent to be deposited Sandstones time, derivation subquartzose lithic type characteristic from a recycled orogenic provenance (Dickinson and others, 1983b). Sandstones within the Antler overlap sequence foreland are of calclithites the as Sonoma well sandstones . (Dickinson developed sandstone to Late along those as and terrain quartzose others, Jurassic .time, of this frameworks. grains age 1983b). include lithic During arc-trench are Antler and 1983a). an the others, highland both in the Cordilleran margin of the suites volcaniclastic framework to basin succession (Dickinson and Sandstones Triassic similar midsystem continent; dominated Associated suites consist derived from dissected transitional by of arc 106 terranes, from uplifted subductIon complexes, and other recycled orogenic provenances (Dickinson and from others, 1983a).: Framework modes of mid-Devonian through mid-Triassic sandstones west of the present-day Newark Canyon exposures Formation fall predominantly within the recycled orogenic provenance of Dickinson and others (1983a), and are similar in composition to Newark Canyon Formation sandstones. Since volcanic lithic Formation fragments sandstones, Jurassic are absent in Newark Canyon rocks of mid-Triassic through late- " age derived from magmatic arc systems along the Cordilleran margin were probably insignificant in providing detritus to Newark Canyon Formation depositional Additionally, Newark rocks absence of volcanic lithic systems. fragments in Canyon Formation sandstones indicates that volcanic were not significant sources, of coarse, sediment Newark Canyon Formation depositional systems. presence to However, the of altered volcanic ash in the Lower Fine-Grained Assemblage in the Eureka District suggests syn-depositional volcanism. volcanic western Speed rocks Cretaceous Ma in that the Excelsior and Pilot siliceous Mountains Nevada yield Rb-Sr isochrons which indicate repectively, volcanic and Kistler (1980) note of 103. Ma and Baseline Sandstone 142 in Ma. ages, Additionally, southern in Nevada the has ash in it that has a K/Ar age determination of 98 (Fleck, 1970). ' Kauffman (1977) notes an abundance of 107 volcanic and ash in early Cretaceous foreland suggests that Cordilleran source for this magmatic contemporaneous for the arc. These basin ash deposits may ages be are ■roughly with a late Barremian to early Albian Newark Canyon Formation in the Eureka District and others, other 1979). for age (Pouch Ash eruptions associated with these or unrecognized reponsible the silicic providing eruptions this were sediment to probably the Eureka District depositional system. Framework at Overland plagidclase modes of Newark Canyon Formation sandstones Pass and and Cockalorum microcline. Wash both Microcline is present Cockalorum ■Wash sandstones in trace amounts, abundant in typically this Overland Pass sandstones. but is Since indicates a plutonic source rock contain more microcline (Folk, presents a problem as to the source of these 1980), grains. This can be reconciled by either of two possibilities. is that exposed plutonic to deposition. rocks erosion The of pre-Newark during Newark Canyon Canyon in age One were Formation only plutonic rocks of pre-Newark Canyon Formation age west of the present outcrop area are Jurassic and early Cordilleran Cretaceous magmatic arc plutons system asssociated (Stewart, with the 1980).' Since volcanism coeval with intrusion of these plutons was active partly contemporaneously with deposition (Speed and Kistler, Newark 1980) Canyon Formation it is unlikely that 108 plutonic rocks of this age were exposed to erosion Newark Canyon source of microcline in Cockalorum Wash and Overland sandstones Formation this age provenance fall into reasonable the Pass through sandstones transitional continental (1983a). miogeoclinal sandstones along the are . subarkosic Osborne, more Miogeoclinal and eugeoclinal field of Dickinson and others Precambrian margin A is from.sandstones of late Precambrian mid-Devonian age. of deposition. during Latest Cordilleran and contain microcline (Lobo 1976). Miogeoclinal sandstones of Middle and Late Cambrian age have slightly feldspathic frameworks of microcline Osborne, can be 1976; Sandstone) an important Suczeck, Rowell and others, in constituent which (Lobo 1979). western Silurian sandstones (e.g. Elder Nevada also contain relatively 1965). Therefore, of latest Precambrian through mid-Devonian age probably the source and 1977; Stewart and Suczeck, 1977; abundant microcline (Gilluly and Gates, rocks and for microcline in were sandstones at Overland Pass and Cockalorum Wash. Overland feldspar Pass sandstones contain the only plagioclase grains sandstones noted examined. in the Plagioclase Newark occurs Canyon Formation exclusively in Overland Pass sandstone and is one of the criteria used for compositionalIy separating the Overland Pass District/Cockalorum plagioclase Wash sandstones. framework grains in Overland The Pass from Eureka source of sandstones 109 was in probably the volcanic provinces of late Paleozoic central and western Nevada (Stewart, volcanic rocks Ketner, 1976) found in east-central age 1980) or Jurassic Nevada (Smith and HO PALEOGEOGRAPHY Sedimentologic and petrographic data from the Newark Canyon Formation allow refined interpretations of the Early Cretaceous paleogeography dfssimiarity of east-central Nevada. of lithofacies assemblages at Overland in the Eureka District, fluvial deposits at Overland Pass, architecture District/Cockalorum connection between petrofacies for sediment of Overland and differences Pass and in in Eureka strata preclude any spatial these areas. Additionally, distinct Wash provenance. Lack of Wash Overland District/Cockalorum Pass, and at Cockalorum Wash suggest the presence of separate and isolated alluvial basins. lacustrine The Pass sandstones Since and indicate Eureka different the age of deposition of th£ Overland Pass Newark Canyon Formation -is still in'question, the temporal relationship between these strata and the Newark Canyon Formation to the south remains in question. Since the temporal equivalence of the Newark Canyon Formation in the Eureka District and at Cockalorum Wash has been established <Fouch and others, 1979), two alternatives exists with respect to stratigraphic relationships between these two locations. These are: I) the upper portion of the Eureka District section is the lithostratigraphic Ill equivalent section, of of the exposed portion of the Wash and these two sequences represent different parts the same depositional basin, represent basins depositionalIy that were lithostratigraphic the equivalence Eureka is sections represent an influx of Evidence that: and I) by and and upper Cockalorum Wash westerly-derived development conglomerates likely, for the coarse, followed isolated lacustrine depositional setting, sandstones composition District sediment restricted basin structurally contemporaneous. of siIicicIastic or 2) these two sequences and/or portions these Cockalorum provenance. have of a and 2) the . same Conversely, the similarities in depositional systems could be a response to extrabasihal of coarse, isolated controls, westerly-derived siliciclastic topographic depositional similarity the effect of which was the influx lows, basins. could extrabasinal be In a controls, compositionalIy each sediment representing into separate addition, the compositional manifestation of these resulting in influx similar sediment from the same or same of similar provenances.into separate depositional basins. Furthermore, differences in the nature of lacustrine sediments at these two areas may indicate development of discrete basins. Eureka District characterized by Upper graded, Carbonaceous carbonaceous Assemblage micritic The is strata. 112 which are locally Cockalorum Wash interbedded marly very Upper fossiliferous, Carbonate claystone relatively sparse in fossils. is whereas characterized and massive micrite and the by is 113 TECTONIC IMPLICATIONS The late Nevada is thrust belt Mesozoic Mesozoic tectonic history poorly understood. to the east, tectonics in the. dating sparcity deformation. alluvial of 1984). sedimentary If the rocks are Sevier of late poorly known A principle problem with hinterland deposited Newark Canyon is coeval Formation the with represents sedimentation in response to surface hinterland tectonism, .link the the style and timing of tectonic events in the of east-central In contrast to the hinterland (Allmendinger and others, of expressions these strata provide a critical between poorly documented deformation and concomitant alluvial sedimentation. Nolan and others (1974) suggested that thrust faulting in the Eureka District and contemporaneous structural block formation Canyon resulted Formation depressions. scale fluvial (particularly in the localized deposition of sediments this study has, systems the in Middle in isolated however, the Newark Sandstone structural documented Canyon and Newark large- Formation the Upper Conglomerate in the Eureka District and lower parts of the Cockalorum Wash section) which appear to represent throughflowing portions drainage of the systems. Eureka Additionally, District section if the and upper exposed 114 Cockalorum Wash section are lithostratigraphic equivalents, this would preclude Nolan's interpretation of Canyon Formation as being restricted the to Newark structurally partitioned alluvial basins. Speed (1983) suggested the presence of a major south trending central belt of deformation which passes Nevada roughly parallel to and partly norththrough overlapping the trend of Lower Cretaceous strata in east-central Nevada (Figure I). According to him, deformation occurred at least partly in the Lower Cretaceous, after that structures others and time. mapped (1971; Ketner This in and probably belt includes the Eureka District before contractional by Nolan 1974) and in north-central Nevada by (1977). Displacements include and east and Smith verging older-over-younger transport and throws of greater of than several kilometers. Heck and others (1986) referred to this belt of deformation as the Eureka thrust belt, and state that the enclave between the Sevier thrust belt to the east and Eureka thrust belt to the west is a zone of little Mesozoic deformation that is probably a meganappe (see also Speed, 1983 and Oldow, 1984). This meganappe could have shared the same decollement as the Luning-Fencemaker thrust system (Figure to the west and Sevier thrust system to I) (Oldow, 1984). the If the Newark Canyon Formation represents syntectonic sedimentation in response to thrust belt deformation, east then clast composition Eureka data 115 indicate that Ordovician stratigraphic were exposed levels at least to erosion as as a old as result of tectonically uplifted highlands. Additionally, the presence of blended clast lithologies in Newark conglomerates consisted suggests of that highland compositionalIy diverse Canyon Formation source terrains sedimentary strata which may have been a manifestation of structurally complex highland source terrains. Another consequence of the east vergent Eureka belt is Newark the temporal significance of the Canyon Formation. The Overland thrust Overland Pass Pass section is involved in eastward vergent folding which may be a part of the Eureka thrust Overland Pass brittle fractures, deformation. belt. section, If Small scale structures such as suggest solution in the cleavage and prior to lithification the Overland Pass Newark Canyon Formation is involved in Eureka thrust belt deformation, strata belt, would which pre-date development of the Canyon apparently compression thrust may pre-date deposition of the Newark Canyon Formation eastward might in vergence have Conversely, the Eureka suggesting occurred after Formation deposition in the Eureka District. that the these Eureka Formation in areas to the south. Newark then Overland Pass section could have folds in the District that Newark show east-west Canyon This suggests been deformed after Eureka District Newark Canyon Formation deposition. 116 Another Formation problem is the significance of Newark deposition in relation to sedimentation foreland basin of the Sevier thrust belt. Canyon in the Although the the spatial distribution of syntectonic sedimentation in Sevier thrust is sedimentation source belt in well understood, response to active thrust timing of faulting and of sediment in the foreland basin is controversial. Shortening within the Sevier thrust belt is classically inferred to have begun in latest Jurassic time and to continued Oriel, through 1965; however, earliest Armstong, Tertiary time 1968; (Armstong have and Wiltschko and Dorr, 1983); the timing of initial deformation has never been well documented. Dating of synorogenic clastic sediments along the Utah sector of the Sevier thrust belt indicates that deformation and concomitant sedimentation of the earliest clastic than sediments (Indianola Group) was probably no late Early Cretaceous (Albian) in age (Standlee, 1982; Lawton.1985)). curves synorogenic (Figure older 35) Additionally, subsidence of Heller and others (1986) indicate that foreland basin subsidence due to thrust loading in this region could not have occurred earlier than middle Cretaceous Cenomanian) time (Figure 35). (Aptian- The age of the Newark Canyon Formation is Barremian to early Albian, approximately 15 Ma older than (Figure 35). foreland basin subsidence and sedimentation 117 CRETACEOUS EARLY AGE IMaI 130 I 120 ' NEWARK CANYON FORMATION I ■ I 1 10 I ' 100 I LATE ' 90 I ' 80 I ' 70 I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ !EAST-CENTRAL NEVADA! PIGEON CREEK FORMATION !WEST-CENTRAL UTAH! B A S A L INDI A N O LA GROU P !CENTRAL UTAH! FORELAND BASIN SUBSIDENCE !CENTRAL UTAHI Figure 37. Chart showing the ages of sedimentary and tectonic events from west (Newark Canyon Formation) to east (foreland basin subsidence). Note eastward transgression of sedimentary/tectonic events. Data from Fouch and others (1979), Schwans (in prep), Standlee (1982), Lawton (1985), and Heller and others (1986). The present geographical separation of Newark Formation clastic exposures sediments Utilizing Basin and a and the earliest in central province-wide Utah Sevier is and Range extension based on equations Burchfiel (1982), geographic this yields a synorogenic about average of 40% Canyon 380 extension of km. for Wernicke pre-Basin and Range seperation of Newark Canyon Formation exposures and earliest Sevier synorogenic conglomerates of about 230 km. Admittedly, the amount of geographic seperation between these two areas could be modified by: I) early extension involving Cordilleran metamorphic core Tertiary complexes 118 (Coney and Harms, 1984), and 2) crustal shortening due to Sevier deformation (Royse and others, approach, yields 1975). However, this reasonable results representative of the pattern of crustal conditions at a Cordilleran scale (Coney and Harms, 1984). On the basis of a geographic separation of 230 km and the presence of large-scale, east-flowing, fluvial systems during Newark Canyon Formation deposition, here that Newark through-flowing the Sevier Canyon Formation hinterland river is systems prep) draining and transporting sediment Indeed, to 230 km of to flow through upland the fluvial large-scale terrains reaches along the fluvial also represent were not an unreasonable distance for aggradational .(in sediments paleodrainage systems that nascent Sevier foreland basin. drainage it is suggested and system. have Schwans notes the presence of Neocomian to late Albian fluvial sediments in west-central Utah (Pigeon Creek Formation), Canyon which are roughly contemporaneous with Formation deposition and also pre-date Newark foreland basin subsidence and sedimentation (Figure 35) (Heller and others, 1986). Perhaps these sediments represent reaches of the early Cretaceous paleodrainage which was transporting sediment from the hinterland uplands to the nascent Sevier foreland basin. fortuitously The Newark Canyon Formation represents preserved paleodrainage system. proximal portion of a this 119 CONCLUSIONS The Newark different Canyon Formation lithofacies is assemblages characterized and by depositional architecture at each of the areas examined. The Pass Canyon unrelated Newark Newark Canyon Formation strata in the Eureka District at Cockalorum Wash; Overland Pass uncertain. the Formation is spatially Overland the remains Temporal equivalence of the Eureka District and Cockalorum Wash sequences has been established and others, suggest and the temporal relationship between section and exposures to the south to (Fouch 1979); similarities in lithofacies assemblages that strata at these two locations are lithostratigraphic equivalents. Newark variety Canyon of Formation strata were deposited fluvial, depositional systems. indicate the fIuvio-Iacustrine, and by a lacustrine Crossbed and cobble orientation data presence of east-flowing fluvial systems, suggesting that, highland source terrains were to the wes,t. Clast composition composition consisted most data and sandstone framework indicate that highland of Paleozoic sedimentary strata. chert clasts miogeoclinal strata. originated from source grain terrains Limestone late and Paleozoic Red and green chert clasts had their source either as recycled clasts from Antler foreland basin 120 clastic deposits, or have a primary source in Roberts ■ i Mountains allochthon bedded cherts. • White quartzite clasts have their source in the Ordovician Eureka Quartzite. Sandstone distinct framework petrofacies. Overland Pass sandstones reveal two separate Differences in composition and suggest modes Eureka that and between District/Cockalorum these areas had Wash different provenances. The Newark Canyon Formation was deposited in response to topographic relief and basin susidence created by poorly documented quartzite late Mesozoic tectonism. Clasts of indicate that strata as old as Ordovician Ordovician were exposed to erosion. Deposition of the Newark Canyon Formation in the Eureka District and at Cockalorum Wash pre-dates the timing of deposition of the earliest synorogenic conglomerates in the of Sevier foreland basin and the timing of initiation foreland basin subsidence. 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HCl - Hildebrand Canyon: NEl/4 SE1/4 S21 T20N R54E; 1/4 mile east of Palmer Ranch. HC2 - Hildebrand Canyon: SE1/4 NW1/4 S22 T20N R54E; narrow part of canyon, vertical section on north side of road. NCl - Newark Canyon: SE1/4 SEl/4 Sll T19N R54E; 1/4 mile up prominent gully on north side of road, east from Pt. 7875'. NC3 - Newark Canyon: SE1/4 NW1/4 S14 T19N R54E; south side of canyon, northeast facing steep slope at narrow part of canyon. NC4 - Newark Canyon: NE1/4 NW1/4 S14 T19N R54E; prominent conglomerate ledges on north side of canyon. GCl - Green Canyon: NW1/W SE1/4 S14 T19N R54E near top of gully on southwest side of cuesta. PCSl - Pinto Creek Spring: SW1/4 NW1/4 S24. T19N R54E; northeast side of canyon, start at proninent boulder conglomerate ledge at base of canyon. PCS2 - Pinto Creek Spring: SEl/4 NW1/4 S26 T19N R54E; south side of broad slope opposite Mud Springs. Cockalorum Wash CWl-A - SEl/4 NWl/4 S33 T15N R52E; east side of north trending gully, prominent boulder conglomerate. CWl-B - NW1/4 NW1/4 S4 T14N R54E; east side of.gully above large talus block. CW2-A to CW2-D - El/2 Wl/2 S33 T15N R54E; scattered outcrops along east side of prominent conglomerate ridge. ^ CW3-A - SW1/4 SE1/4 S33 T15N R52E; prominet east dipping ledges 1/4 mile east of broad saddle in conglomerate ridge. CW3-B - SWl/4 SW11/4 S27 T15N R52E; south side of Cockalorum Wash, low saddle west of knob of Sheep Pass Formation. 135 APPENDIX B CLAST COMPOSITION DATA 136 Table 2. Field clast lithology count data. LOCATION OP-BASE CS-BASE HC-BASE NC-BASE PCS-BASE CS-UPPER HC-UPPER NC-UPPER PCS-UPPER CW-BASE GY TOTAL CHT 867 1198 523 1049 HO 1018 1858 1206 74 1107 710 1191 132 1036 2026 1069 774 1188 2441 1244 BK CHT 51 111 45 247 73 212 47 400 246 551 RD CHT 100 118 13 37 41 12 12 37 19 29 GRN CHT 5 51 4 67 0 0 0 a 0 48 BRN CHT 5 25 a 22 8 9 5 33 34 203 WT QTZTE 124 105 63 184 16 184 54 365 95 193 KEY GY CHT - grey chert BK CHT - black chert RD CHT - red chert GRN CHT - green chert BRN CHT - brown chert SS - sandstone BUFF QTZTE - buff quartzite LS - limestone OP - Overland Pass, central Diamond Mountains CS - Cherry Spring, Eureka District HC - Hildebrand Canyon, Eureka District NC - Newark Canyon, Eureka District PCS - Pinto Creek Spring, Eureka District CW - Cockalorum Wash, southern Fish Creek Range SS 25 47 32 75 70 32 63 75 16 101 LS 21 69 743 24 825 32 723 39 4 72 APPENDIX C SANDSTONE DETRITAL MODES 138 Table 3. Sandstone point count data SAMPLE NO. 0P1-8A OPl -9 0P1-10 0P1-11 0P1-13 OPl-14 OPl-15 OP1-16 OPl-17 GC-BFR9 NC4-3 NC2-4 GC-BFR4 GC-BFR12 NC2-1 NC4-15 NC4-6 GC-BFRll GC-BFR7 GC-BFRG GC-BFRl NC2-10 NC4-12 NC4-2 GCl -4 CSl-Il CS2-3 CSl -17 CSl-13 FCl-G FCl -7 FC1-12 FCl-13 FCl-17 FCl-18 FCI-27 FCl-29 FCl-30 Q Qm Qp F L Lt = = = = = = CR. SZ. C f f m f m f m f m m m m C C f m C m C C m m m C C m m f f m C f f C m f m TOTAL 418 404 505 415 407 409 400 415 399 424 416 414 432 425 426 418 437 416 411 401 427 412 430 412 389 435 405 402 403 399 410 402 418 400 448 468 410 335 Q 379 363 448 360 351 359 354 358 355 356 354 339 380 368 369 372 373 342 356 343 382 375 345 375 346 403 387 385 385 348 374 376 386 345 426 435 381 308 Qm 276 256 315 280 274 274 273 275 283 229 193 137 152 128 243 247 132 233 169 137 178 208 103 205 163 137 221 268 252 211 217 229 260 166 208 197 230 196 Qp 103 107 133 80 77 85 81 83 72 127 161 202 228 240 126 125 241 109 187 206 204 167 242 170 183 266 166 117 133 137 157 147 126 179 218 238 151 112 total quartzose grains <Qm + Qp) monocrystalline quartz polycrystalline quartz feldspar grains nonquartzose lithic grains total lithic grains (Qp + L> F 24 23 34 25 31 23 19 25 27 4 6 2 3 2 4 6 3 I 0 2 4 7 0 I 3 6 2 0 I 7 8 6 5 10 2 6 5 3 L 15 18 23 30 25 27 27 22 17 64 36 73 59 55 53 40 61 73 55 56 41 30 85 36 40 32 16 27 18 44 28 20 27 45 20 27 24 24 Lt 108 125 156 116 102 112 108 105 89 191 197 275 287 295 179 165 302 182 237 262 245 197 327 206 223 298 182 134 151 178 185 167 153 224 248 265 175 136 Ls 15 18 23 30 25 27 27 22 17 64 36 73 59 55 53 40 61 73 55 56 41 30 85 36 40 32 16 27 18 44 28 20 27 45 20 27 24 24 139 APPENDIX D MEASURED STRATIGRAPHIC SECTIONS 140 \ \ / <• \ O 10 20 30 MRS (c m ) Figure 38. Measured stratigraphic section of the Eureka District Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone at Hildebrand Canyon. Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section location. 141 \ \ \ \ X O 10 20 30 MRS (c m ) Figure 39. Measured stratigraphic section of the Eureka District Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone at Cherry Spring, Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section location. 142 \ M S I P I C I B O PCS1 10 20 30 MRS (c m ) Figure 40. Measured stratigraphic section of the Eureka District Basal Conglomerate/Mudstone at Pinto Creek Spring. Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section location. 143 TOP ERODED 0 10 20 30 PCS2 STRUCTURALLY COMPLEX HC3 TOP ERODED 0 10 20 30 MPS (cm) Figure 41. Measured stratigraphic sections of the Eureka District Upper Conglomerate at Pinto Creek Spring, Hildebrand Canyon, and Cherry Spring. Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section locations. 144 \ / r O C W I-B 10 20 30 MRS ( c m ) Figure 42. Measured stratigraphic section of the Cockalorum Wash Basal Conglomerate. Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section location. (Z) DC LU K W S Z 0 10 C W 2-D LU -I < O \ • CO < O H OC LU > 0 C W 2-C 10 MRS (cm ) Figure 43. Measured stratigraphic sections of the Cockalorum Wash Lower Sandstone. Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section locations. 145 CW 3-B MPS (cm) Figure 44. Measured stratigraphic section of the Cockalorum Wash Upper Sandstone. Refer to Figure 7 for key to lithofacies symbols and to Appendix A for section location.