Concentrated iron pyrite mine waste as an amendment for alkaline soils by Troy C Smith A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Soils Montana State University © Copyright by Troy C Smith (1994) Abstract: Many agricultural-soils in the western U.S. are alkaline. Soil pH’s above 7.0 cause several essential plant nutrients, including iron and sulfur, to become unavailable to plants. These soils often require additional fertilizer, and can be very difficult to correct for agricultural purposes. Sulfur has been identified as one of the best amendments for highly alkaline soils. Many forms of sulfur have been used to amend these soils. Most forms are either only moderately effective, or are expensive to apply. The mining industry commonly extracts sulfur rich minerals as a waste product. Although other countries have tried these waste products, very little research has been done in the United States to test these materials as an alternative soil amendment to alleviate iron and sulfur deficiencies on alkaline soils. The Golden Sunlight gold mine in Montana produces a high sulfur by-product. The material contains approximately 55 % finely ground pyrite. Pyrite is composed of iron and sulfur and when allowed to oxidize will acidify, releasing these elements. It was felt this pyrite material would be a good amendment for alkaline soils. A study was designed to test the benefit of applying finely ground pyrite to several soils varying in alkalinity. The research included a laboratory and field study. In the laboratory, samples of the pyrite, and five soils amended with the pyrite, were kept moist and monitored for chemical parameters that would measure the rate of pyrite oxidation. The samples were monitored for one year. Field test plots were also constructed on one of the alkaline soils tested in the laboratory to evaluate the effect of pyrite applications on a sulfur demanding crop. The results indicated that applications of finely ground pyrite were very effective at lowering soil pH and increasing plant available iron and sulfur. The results also showed that due to the relatively slow oxidation of the pyrite, successful application rates for very alkaline soils may often exceed 10,000 kg/hectare. CONCENTRATED IRON PYRITE MINE WASTE AS AN AMENDMENT FOR ALKALINE SOILS by Troy C. Smith A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Soils MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana April 1994 7 )3 ^ APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Troy C. Smith This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Date Chairperson, Graduate (j(pnmitjee Approved for the Major Department Date Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean Ill STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master’s degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. If I have indicated my intention to copyright this thesis by including a copyright notice page, copying is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with "fair use" as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this thesis in whole or in parts may be granted only by the copyright holder. Signature > V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL ............................................ . ' ............................. . .:................ STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE VITA ........... ................................................ iii ...................................... .................. ............................................. .. .............. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ii iv ..................................... ..................................................... v ................................................. ................................................ .. vii LIST OF FIG U RES............................................................................................... viii BACKGROUND................... ............. Soil Chemistry ......................... Iron P y r ite .............................. Golden Sunlight Pyrite Material Vt u> u> u> ABSTRACT . ................. ............. .......................... ................................................ . . x • , . r INTRODUCTION........... ..................... I Thesis O bjectives...................................... .................... ................................. 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 10 .............................. MATERIALS AND METHODS . . .,................ ............................. . . .................13 Study P l a n .............................. v.......................................................................13 Bench Top S tu d y ................... .. .................................; ................................ 17 Field Test Plots .............................. 21 Demonstration Plots ................ 23 RESULTS...................................................... 24 , Bench Top S tu d y ................ 24 p H .............................. .. . ...................................................................... .. 26 Effective Rates For Soil pH Amendment........... ...........................................32 EC . . . .................................................... 34 Vl TABLE OF CONTENTS - Continued F e .............................................................................. 38 S O , : ' . . . . . . . .: . . . . . .......................................... 43 Pyrite Oxidation........................... . : ...................... ..................................... 48 Field Test P l o t s ...................................... 48 Demonstration Plots ........................................ 52 CONCLUSION . ......................................................................... REFERENCES C IT E D ................ 54 57 APPEND ICES........................................ 61 Appendix A - Bench Top Study D a t a ........................ ..............................'. 62 Appendix B - Vegetation Data For Field Test Plots .................................... 90 V ll • LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Pyrite material TCLP Metal Concentration Data(p p m ) ....................... 2. 3. ICP multielemental concentrations of pyrite materialcomposite samples . . . 7 i ■ Initial data for all five soils . . ................ . 14 4. Soil analytical methods . ................................ 15 5. Initial pyrite analysis................................... 16 6. . Petri dish pyrite material amendment ra te s .............................................. 6 17 7. Petri dish initial water content . ................ 19 8. Petri dish schedule of analysis . . ................... 20 9. pH mean separation test between soils for each pyrite rate over time . . . . 25 10. pH. mean separation test between times for each rate over all soils 11. Multiple regression coefficients calculated from pH data for each soil . . . 27 12. ..............26 pH mean separation test between rates for each soil over tim e ................ 31 13. ‘ pH mean separation test between times for each soil over all rates. . . . . 14. Optimum and adjusted rates to correct soil pH to a 15 cm depth after one year ............. 32 33 15. Fe mean separation test between rates and time for each s o il..................... :. 42 16. SO42" mean separation test between rates and time for each soil. . . . . . . 17. Test plot final pH values 47 .................................................................................. 50 18. • Estimated optimum pyrite material application rates to correct alkaline agricultural soil problems to a soil depth of 15 c m ................ ..................... 55 \ viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Test plot study design ...................................................... ............................ 2 2 2. Effect of rate of pyrite application on pH during a 378-day period (soil 1) ................................... : ............................................ ........................ 28 3. Effect of rate of pyrite application on pH during a 378-day period (soil 2 ) ......................... .. . . . ............................................................................... 28 4. Effect of rate of pyrite application on pH during a 378-day period (soil 3) . .................................................... ............................ ............ ............ .. . 29 5. Effect of rate of pyrite application on pH during a 378-day period (soil 4) .............................. : .......................... .......................................... .. 29 6. Effect of rate of pyrite application on pH during a 378-day period (soil 5) ........................... ........................................................................................ 30 7. Changes in pyrite material pH during a 378-day period 8. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on electrical conductivity during a 378-day period (soil I ) ....................................................................... 35 / Effect of rate, of pyrite material application on electrical conductivity during a 378-day period (soil 2) ........................... ........................................ 35 9. 10. ......................30 Effect of rate of pyrite material application on electrical conductivity during a 378-day period (soil 3 ) ........................ ......................................... 36 11. . Effect of rate of pyrite material application on electrical conductivity during a 378-day period (soil 4 ) ......................................................... .. 12. 13. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on electrical conductivity during a 378-day period (soil 5 ) ................... 36 37 Changes in pyrite material electrical conductivity during a 378-day period ........... ............................................................................. 37 IX LIST OF FIGURES - Continued Figure Page 14. Effect of rate of pyrite material application oh plant available iron during a 378-day period (soil I ) .............................................. 39 15. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on plant available iron during a 378-day period (soil 2 ) ................................................................. .. 39 16. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on plant available iron during a 378-day period (soil 3) . ................................................................. 40 17. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on plant available iron . during a 378-day period (soil 4) .............................. .............................. .. „ 40 18. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on plant available iron during a 378-day period (soil 5 ) ............ 41 19. Changes in pyrite material plant available iron.over a 378-day period ... 41 20. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on sulfate levels during a 378-day period (soil I) . . . . ..........................................................................44 21. Effect of rate of. pyrite material application on sulfate levels during a 378-day period (soil 2 ) . .............................................................. 44 22. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on sulfate levels during a 378-day period (soil 3 ) ..................................... ....................... ..................... 45 23. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on sulfate levels during a 378-day period (soil 4) . . ........................................................................... . 45 24. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on sulfate levels during a 378-day period (soil 5) . ................................................. ............. 46 Changes in pyrite material sulfate levels over a 378-day period . . . . . . . 46 25. ABSTRACT Many agricultural-soils in the western U.S. are alkaline. Soil pH’s above 7.0 cause several essential plant nutrients, including iron and sulfur, to become unavailable to plants. These soils often require additional fertilizer, and can be very difficult to correct for agricultural purposes. Sulfur has been identified as one of the best amendments for highly alkaline soils. Many forms of sulfur have been used to amend these soils. Most forms are either only moderately effective, or are expensive to apply. The mining industry commonly extracts sulfur rich minerals as a waste product. Although other countries have tried these waste products, very little research has been done in the United States to test these materials as an alternative soil amendment to alleviate iron and sulfur deficiencies on alkaline soils. The Golden Sunlight gold mine in Montana produces a high sulfur by-product. The material contains approximately 55 % finely ground pyrite. Pyrite is composed of iron and sulfur and when allowed to oxidize will acidify, releasing these elements. It was felt this pyrite material would be a good amendment for alkaline soils. A study was designed to test the benefit of applying finely ground pyrite to several soils varying in alkalinity. The research included a laboratory and field study. In the laboratory, samples of the pyrite, and five soils amended with the pyrite, were kept moist and monitored for chemical parameters that would measure the rate of pyrite oxidation. The samples were monitored for one year. Field test plots were also constructed on one of the alkaline soils tested in the laboratory to evaluate the effect of pyrite applications on a sulfur demanding crop. The results indicated that applications of finely ground pyrite were very effective at lowering soil pH and increasing plant available iron and sulfur. ■The results also showed that due to the relatively slow oxidation of the pyrite, successful application.rates for very alkaline soils may often exceed 10,000 kg/hectare. I INTRODUCTION Calcareous and high pH agricultural soils often produce lower crop yields than neutral soils. The lower yields are usually a result of alkaline induced nutrient deficiencies, increased salt content, or poor soil structure. Consequently, alkaline agricultural soils typically require greater amounts of fertilizer,<and often niicronutrient applications such as iron. These soil problems can be expensive to correct. Many high sulfur materials have been used to amend alkaline soils. Elemental sulfur has been shown to be an effective amendment because of its ability to produce acid and neutralize soil alkalinity (Foiled et al., 1981). Sulfide minerals such as iron pyrite have been tried worldwide as amendments for alkaline soils. Very little research has been conducted in the U.S.,/partially because sulfide minerals are often associated with unwanted heavy metals. Iron pyrite has the chemical formula FeS2, and when exposed to oxygen and •V water produces plant available ferrous iron (Fe2+) and sulfate (SO42"). Sulfuric acid is also produced as one of the by-products from the decomposition of iron pyrites. The reaction rate for the decomposition of iron pyrites is dependent on particle size, surface area, the composition of the matrix encompassing the pyrite, and surrounding environmental factors. 2 Golden Sunlight Mines, Inc. is a large gold mine located near Whitehall, Montana which produces a concentrated iron pyrite by-product. This by-product is relatively low in heavy metals other than iron. Since it was known that crop yields from alkaline soils could theoretically increase with iron pyrite additions, it was of interest to Ieam how the iron pyrite by-product could affect these soils. This study was conducted to identify beneficial agricultural uses for the iron pyrite by-product that could lead to an alternative means of eliminating iron and sulfur deficiencies in calcareous and high pH soils. Thesis Objectives o To determine the rate of soil acidification and related iron and sulfur release during a one-year period from the oxidation of pyrite added to five different soils, o To determine the effects of pyrite applications on alkaline Montana soils in relation to pH and plant available iron and sulfur levels. 3 BACKGROUND Soil Chemistry Alkaline soils (soil pH above 7.0) are common in semi-arid agricultural environments. It is known that soil alkalinity affects plant nutrient availability. Many essential plant nutrients in the soil such as phosphorus, sulfur, and iron become less available to the plant as the soil pH is elevated above 7.0 ( al., 1981). Nutrient requirements vary between agricultural crops, consequently, specific nutrient deficiencies due to soil alkalinity also vary. Plant available iron deficiencies are one of the more common problems associated with alkaline soils (Follet et. al., 1981). Alkaline soil problems are often corrected with commercially available products which contain either sulfur or acid. Commercially available products include the chemicals ammonium sulfate, gypsum, elemental sulfur,.and sulfuric acid. These products are either low acid producers, or are hazardous to handle. . Iron Pvrite Iron pyrite (referred to as pyrite) is a naturally occurring mineral often found as a by-product of metal and coal mining. Pyrite exposed to water and oxygen will weather according to the following reactions (Hossner, 1988): 4 FeS2(S) + 7/202 + H2O = Fe2+ + 2S042- + 2H+ (I) Fe2+ + IMO2 + H + . = Fe3+ + VTR2O ( 2) Fe3+ +,SH2O = Fe(OH)3(S) + 3H+ (3) FeS2(S) + 14Fe3+ +. SH2O = 15Fe2+ + 2S042' + 16H+ (4) The oxidation of pyrite does not always include equation number 4, due to the large amounts of ferric iron required. The rate of reaction is dependent on particle size, surface area, oxygen, moisture and temperature. These reactions can also be catalyzed by thiobacillus bacteria. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans can play an important role in the oxidation rate of pyrite (NTIS, 1991). The conversion of ferrous iron to ferric iron is the rate-limiting step in the oxidation of pyrite (equation 2). Ironoxidizing bacteria can catalyze this step, thus accelerating this conversion and the oxidation of pyrite (Stumm and Morgan, 1981). Pyrite oxidation is directly related to surface area (Vlek and Lindsay, 1978). Finely disseminated "framboidal" .pyrite will oxidize fnuch more rapidly than larger crystalline pyrites (Caruccio and Ferm, 1974). Crystalline pyrite, if finely ground, may also oxidize rapidly. Oxygen and water are. shown to be essential to pyrite oxidation in the above reactions. In air-dried soils, pyrite oxidation practically ceases (Barrau and Berg, 1977). Oxygen diffusion, through certain materials can also limit pyrite oxidation. Temperature has been shown to have a significant effect on the rate of pyrite oxidation. A 10° C increase in temperature can produce a two-fold increase in the rate of pyrite oxidation (Smith and Shumate, 1,970). This is partially a result of biological activity. . 5 Smith and Shumate (1970) have shown that pH affects the rate at which ferrous iron is converted to ferric iron, thus affecting the rate of pyrite oxidation. In the absence of iron-oxidizing bacteria, the ferrous to ferric iron conversion occurs rapidly at a pH above 6.0. In the presence of iron-oxidizing bacteria, the ferrous to ferric iron conversion occurs most rapidly between pH 2.4 and 3.6 (NTIS, 1991). Acidic micro-environments are sufficient for bacterial iron oxidation (Barrau and Berg, 1975). The presence of calcium carbonate can slow the oxidation of pyrite by inhibiting bacterial interaction and creating less soluble iron hydroxides (Caruccio et al., 1981). Golden Sunlight Pvrite Material Golden Sunlight Mine produces a concentrated tailing material that is primarily pyrite and has no appreciable heavy metal content other than iron. Golden Sunlight’s gold ore contains approximately 4 to 7 % pyrite. In the milling process about 40% of this pyrite is removed in a gravity circuit, to increase gold recovery. The pyrite material removed in the gravity circuit is composed of approximately 55 % pyrite by weight. The remaining 45 % is composed primarily of feldspars and silica. After the gold is removed this material becomes a by-product. Approximately 400 tons of pyrite enriched tailing is produced per day. A concentrated pyrite tailing composite sample was created by blending equal weights of monthly samples from July, 1989 to January, 1990. The sample was ■ submitted to Chen Northern Laboratories, Inc. in Billings for heavy metal analysis. 6 Tests were conducted in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Manual SW-846 Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste. 3rd Edition, November, 1986 and Method 1311 published June 29, 1990 in 40 CFR Part 302. The results of the analysis for the Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) have been adjusted for spike recovery and are summarized in Table I. Table I. Pyrite material TCLP Metal Concentration Data (ppm). Metal Test Extract EPA Extract Limit Ag <0.040 .5.0 As 0.020 5.0 Ba <0,200 100 Cd 0.145 1.0 Cr 0.150 5.0 Hg 0.0006 0.2 Pb <0.040 . 5.0 0.006 1.0 Se ' . Since all the test extracts were less than the EPA extract limits, the pyrite material is deemed non-hazardoiis by the EPA method based on heavy metal content. Table 2 summarizes total metal analyses for monthly composite samples from July, 1989 through January, 1990 (Rhoades, 1982). Table 2. ICP multielement concentrations of pyrite material composite samples. M onth Year Al Ag (oz/ton) (%) As (ppm ) Au (oz/ton) Ba (ppm) Bi (ppm) Ca (%) Cd (ppm) Ce (ppm) Co (ppm) Cu (ppm) Li (ppm) Cr (ppm) Hg (ppm) July 1989 0.0496 2.21 128 0 .0223 >2000 32' 0 .87 I 40 53 410 11 79 . 0.604 August 1989 0 .0 2 0 4 2 .8 5 96 0 .0 1 8 6 1558 24 0 .19 I 33. 46 217 10 64 0.617 September 1989 0.0496 2 .6 2 96 0 .0 2 1 2 1891 29 0 .19 <1 42 58 225 15 97 0.478 October 1989 0.0408 2 .6 2 99 0 .0215 1971 40 0 .15 <1 44 57 209 10 69 0.448 November 1989 0.0467 ' 2 .4 9 • 106 0 ,0207 1745 38 0 .1 4 <1 46 54 208 10 55 0.449 December 1989 0.0525 2.78 115 0 .0207 >2000 39 0 .2 2 <1 37 50 354 15 88 0.798 January 1990 0.0321 2 .9 7 89 0 .0 2 0 6 ' >2000 32 0.23 <1 37 53 271 11 76 0.667 Maximum 0 .0525 2 .9 7 128 0 .0223 >2000 40 0:87 I 46 58 410 15 97 0.798 Average 0 .0418 2 .6 4 104 0 ,0 2 0 8 33 0 .28 40 53 268 12 75 0 .580 26 .9 12 5 16 85 10 7 28 ' 18 13 0.121 Std. D ev. - ' • Table 2 continued M onth Y ear Mg Mo (ppm) (%) Na (%) Nb (ppm) 'Ni (ppm) Pb (ppm) Sc (ppm) Sr (ppm) Te (ppm) Ti (%) V (ppm) Zr (ppm) Se (ppm) 48 0.3 7 18 73 56 4 215 3 .7 0.0 8 41 47 2 .2 46 0.66 21 59 65 4 182 2 .8 0.0 8 40 46 2 .7 0 .3 2 52 0 .3 2 15 83 109 5 178 4 .0 0 .09 51 50 3.0 1989 0 .2 2 57 0.55 21 69 115 4 188 4.6 0.07 40 40 3.8 November 1989 0 .2 0 56 0.41 17 73 112 4 158 4.1 0 .07 37 41 3.3 December 1989 0 .2 4 62 0 .48 18 71 213 4 183 5 .0 0.08 47 48 3 .2 January 1990 0.25 55 0 .74 20 60 78 4 191 3.6 0 .08 41 44 3.5 Maximum 0 .3 2 62 0 .74 21 83 213 5 215 5 .0 0.09 51 50 3.8 Average 0 .2 4 54 0 .5 0 19 70 106 4 185 4 .0 .0.08 43 45 Std. D ev. 17 10 29 11 11 46 8 - 9 17 8 10 8 July 1989 0 .2 5 August 1989 Oi 19 September 1989 October . . . . 3.1 .49 ■9 A composite sample of pyrite material was collected in November, 1990 and submitted to the U.S.B.M. Research. Center in Reno, Nevada for semi-quantitative rhineralogical analysis. The sample consisted of: 64% Pyrite (28% Fe and 36% S) 13% Quartz 23% Feldspar 100% S 10. LITERATURE REVIEW Research results have shown that pyritic. mine waste can be utilized as a source of iron, sulfur and acid in alkaline soils. Soils amended with pyrite show increased Fe availability as a direct result of the oxidation of the pyrite (Vlek and Lindsay, 1978). Pyrite forms have not been extensively used or commercialized as a soil amendment in the United States. No known attempt has been made to use pyrite from Montana gold mines to amend alkaline soils in Montana. Many sulfur rich minerals have been used to improve agricultural soil conditions. All of the many acid-forming sulfur minerals tested appear to be suitable for reclamation of alkaline soils. Unfortunately, only limited data are available comparing the effectiveness of alternative sulfur materials under a wide range of soil conditions (Sulphur Institute, 1979). Pyrite has been studied as an amendment for alkaline soils in Europe for many years. Odelien (1967) in Norway found that pyrite was initially slow to react with soil but showed a marked increase in response after the second year. This was probably due to the cool soil temperatures of Norway which inhibited microbiological activity. In Holland it was discovered that a cultivated soil which had been amended with pyrite in 1844 still contained 0.2% pyrite after 100 years (Harmsen et al., 1954). 11 Sulfur deficiencies in cropped soils have long been recognized in India. Results of a study with different sulfur forms in India indicated that pyrite produced an equivalent amount of available sulfur as gypsum (Tiwari, 1990). Tiwari also showed pyrite can prevent Fe chlorosis in plants and can improve the availability of phosphorus; manganese, and zinc. Pyrite not only contains these micronutrients as impurities, but enhances the availability of native micronutrients by reducing alkalinity. Tiwari found that "a pyrite application rate of 250 kg ha"1 helped correct lime-induced chlorosis and improved the millable cane percentage and yield of sugarcane. Pyrite doses up to 400 kg ha"1 increased the number and dry weight of N fixation nodules, and showed significant increase in chickpea grain and straw yield." The purity and particle size of the pyrite used in Tiwari’s study is not known. Two studies from Australia and New Zealand found that pyrite amendments were effective in correcting iron and sulfur deficiencies in com (Banath and Holland, 1976). The effective applied rates ranged from 190 to 760 kg ha"1 of 50 percent < 9 micrometer pyrite. It was found that approximately 10% of the pyrite was oxidized. \the first growing season (Banath and Holland, 1976). In a different study it was found that "priming" with small amounts of sulfuric acid increased the oxidation of pyrite (Metson et al., 1971). Metson also found that organic matter and calcium carbonate significantly increased the oxidation rate of pyrite. This appears to contradict what was previously stated by Camccio. Barrau and Berg (1977) at Colorado State University found that the extremely ' high rates of 90,000 and 270,000 kg ha"1 were effective at reclaiming very alkaline. soils. 12- A now defunct company in the Southwestern United States produced a product called "Iron Sul". The product was produced from a copper processing waste containing the iron salt jarosite. The jarosite was mixed with sulfuric acid, dried and sold as an effective iron fertilizer (Ryan and Stroehlein, 1976). Following procedures similar to those developed by Iron Sul, a company in Arizona is currently reprocessing pyritic tailing from a closed copper concentrator. They are concentrating the ferric iron produced from the tailing and creating an iron fertilizer called 'Tronite". Ironite contains approximately 4.5% soluble iron and 15% sulfur. A review of available literature indicated that pyrite can be an effective agricultural soil amendment for alkaline soils, but scientific data are limited and the results vary. It also appeared that the United States is behind the rest of the world in evaluating pyrite as an alkaline soil amendment. ) 13 MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Plan A study was designed to characterize how soil pH, plant available iron, and sulfur change due to the addition of pyrite. The. study was also intended to identify crop responses from the addition of pyrite to soil. Five soils varying in alkalinity and texture were identified for this study. The alkalinity varied from non-alkaline to calcic and sodic soils. Approximately 50 kgs of each soil were collected in plastic buckets and. brought to the MSU greenhouse for drying, and homogenizing. A sample of each soil was analyzed by the MSU Soil Testing Laboratory for pH, EC, percent CaCO3 equivalent, plant nutrients, DTPA extractable iron, SO42", total sulfur, SAR, ESP, texture and 1/3 bar water content. These data are summarized in Table 3. The analytical methods for these and all other parameters discussed in this document are listed in Table 4. 14 Table 3. Initial data for.all five soils. Soil A ppend. A ' desig. pH (paste) EC (m m h os/ cm) SA R CaCO3 (%) I RB 4 .4 0 .5 6 0 .2 0 .2 2 MC 8.2 0 .7 0 0.1 3 KP 8.0 1.38 1.4 4 KC 8.5 0 .9 0 6 .5 5 ' SM 7 .9 18.83 Na (mg/1) N O 3(m g/kg) I 6 2 3 Fe (m g/kg) Ca (mg/1) O .M . (%) 3 .0 3 0 .0 54 0 .7 3 .9 7 .2 3 .9 109 1.4 ■ 18.0 3 2 .4 7 .0 153 1.5 3 .0 16.3 9 .4 43 1.3 89.6 1.9 7 7 3 .2 5 .8 , 456 0.5 P ’ (m g/kg) K (m g/kg)- Mg (mg/1) Sand Silt Clay Text. (%) (%) (%) 15.8 12.8 100 11 83 8 9 Is. ‘ 6 3 .7 6.1 422 11 48 35 17 I . 75 2 1 .0 34.1 170 75 47 23 30 scl . SO42" (m g/kg) . Soil . 4 162 8 .0 14.6 670 3 - 23 27 50 C 5 7400 3 2 .4 .3 0 .9 2106 36 50 27 23 scl Soil Classification I U stic Torripsamment, frigid, mixed Soil Series Y e ta ll. . 2 Borollic Calciorthid, coarse-loamy, mixed Amesha 3 B orollic Calciorthid, coarse-loamy, mixed Amesha 4 B orollic Calciorthid, fine-loam y, mixed ■D elphill 5 Typic H aploboroll, coarse-loamy, mixed Chinook These data show that soil I is non-buffered, soils 2 and 4 are well buffered, j soil 3 is highly buffered, and soil 5 is saline-sodic. . 15 Table 4. Soil analytical methods. Parameter Analytical Method pH Electrical Conductivity (EC) Rhoades, 1982, p. 167-179 Saturated water paste extract Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) Ca, Mg, Na, K Rhoades, 1982, p. 167-219 Soluble Cations CaCO3 Allison and Moodie, 1965, p. 1388 Gravimetric Method for loss of carbon dioxide Sulfate (SO42O Bardsley and Lancaster, 1965, p. 1111 Acetate Soluble Sulfate Iron Olson and Roscoe, 1982, p. 309 DTPA extractable iron Nitrate (NO3) Keeney and Nelson, .1982, p. 676 Nitrate by colorimetric methods Organic Matter . Sims and Haby, 1970 Colorimetric determination of soil organic matter Phosphorus Olsen and Sommers, 1982, p. 416-418 Particle Size Distribution Day, 1965 Hydrometer method Hot Water Extractable SO4 HCL Extractable SO4 HNO3 Extractable S Total S Sobeketal., 1978 Acid-base accounting Approximately 10 kgs of Golden Sunlight Mine’s pyrite material were collected, dried and purged with nitrogen gas to prevent oxidation until ready for use. The pyrite material was analyzed for pH, EC, available iron, sulfate and texture. It should be noted that these parameters characterize the pyrite prior to oxidation. These data are summarized in Table 5. 16 Table 5 Initial pyrite analysis. pH (paste) 2.9 EC (mmh os/cm) ■ 3.74 DTPA Fe (mg/kg) SO42" (mg/kg) Texture 656 2907 93% < 27 micron (silt) A laboratory petri dish study was designed to evaluate pyrite application rates to the chosen soils. . Six rates were selected which were thought to cover all V reasonable agricultural applications. To simulate field moisture conditions, the dishes were wetted to approximate field capacity moisture content, then checked weekly and re-wetted when the dish moisture content was approximately at wilting point. The study was designed to periodically evaluate changes in soil chemistry over a one-year period. The length of time between evaluations would depend on changes in chemistry. This study is outlined in the section "Bench Top Study." The laboratory study was designed to allow identification of chemical changes in the soils from the addition of the pyrite material over time. It was realized that field conditions could not be fully modeled in the laboratory, so it should be noted that certain natural variables such as leaching, ultra violet light and temperature were not part of the petri dish study. A replicated field study using soil number 2 from Steve.McDonnell’s farm near Three Forks, Montana was also implemented. This study is outlined in the section "Field Test Plots." 17 Bench Top Study A petri dish study was designed to evaluate the five soils amended with the six pyrite rates shown in Table 4 below. The study was replicated four times in a randomized complete block design for statistical comparison. For all of the five soils, 50 grams were placed in each of six plastic petri dishes. Each dish was amended with one of the pyrite material rates shown in Table 4. This created six treatments per soil. The treatments were replicated four times for a total of 24 dishes per soil. An additional petri dish replicated four times containing only 50 grams of Golden Sunlight pyrite material were added to the treatment list for a total of 124 petri dish treatments. The entire study was then duplicated 10 times to allow for 10 sequential destructive analyses for identification of treatment responses. . This created a total of 1240 petri dish treatments. Table 6. Petri dish pyrite material amendment rates. Rate Grams pyrite material/dish I 0.00 0.0 0 2 0.25 0.5 10,000 3 0.50 1.0 20,000 4 2.50 5.0 100,000 5 5.00 10.0 200,000 6 10.00 20.0 400,000 % pyrite material by weight Kg pyrite material/ hectare 18 After amending all petri dishes, they were stirred with a spatula, wetted to field capacity with distilled water and stirred again. The amount of water used for each soil is shown in Table 5. After wetting, all the dishes were loosely covered with a petri dish lid and an initial weight was recorded. All the dishes were set up by August I, 1991. Each week the dishes were reweighed and if a dish had lost at least one half the initial wafer content (approximately wilting point for these soils), it was wetted with distilled water until the initial weight was re-established. 19 Table 7. Petri dish initial water content. Soil I Rate I I 2 5 . I 3 5 I 4 5 I 5 6 . I 6 6 2 I 9 2 2 9 2 .3 4 . 9 2 5 10 2 6 11 3 I 9 3 2 ’ 9 3 3 9 4 9 3 5 10 3 6 11 4 I 13 4 2 4 ' 3 13 4 4 13 4 5 14 4 6 5 I 9 5 2 9 5 3 5 4 9 5 5 10 5 6 11 2 3 ' , W ater (mis) 5 9 . 13 .. / 15 9, , 20 Initially, every two weeks, and then again at progressively longer time intervals for one year, a complete set of petri dishes from all five soils and pyrite material were taken from the set for analysis. Table 6 shows the frequency of analysis and the parameters analyzed. The parameters pH and EC were measured by weighing out ten grams of material from each dish into a beaker, adding 20 milliliters of distilled water, stirring for one minute and measuring pH and EC with bench top electrodes. If the samples were to be analyzed for iron and sulfur, then the remaining 40 grams of soil and pyrite material were pulverized and submitted to the MSU Soil Testing Laboratory for DTPA extractable iron and sulfate sulfur analyses. Table 8. Petri dish schedule of analysis. Run Day pH I 13 2 Fe SO42- X X X 28 X . X X ■ 3- 64 X 4 91 X 5 118 6 152 X 7 184 X 8 225 X 9 293 X 10 .. 378 X . EC ■ x X X X Data are summarized in the results section. ■X . X 21 Field Test Plots To determine crop responses to pyrite additions, a crop with high sulfur and . other nutrient requirements was desired. Canola fits this description and was the crop chosen for this study. The study was implemented on soil number 2 because of its alkalinity and agricultural history. A fallow field was chosen for the study site. A composite soil sample was collected from the site and analyzed for nutrient availability. Data are summarized above in Table 2. Based on these data, the entire study site was fertilized with 120 kg N/hectare, 50 kg P/hectare, and 20 kg K/hectare. i Test plots were established on the site to evaluate various rates of pyrite added to the soil. Using a hand broadcaster and a double disk drill, both broadcast and banded pyrite applications were evaluated in the study. To account for field variability the plots were randomized and replicated in four separate complete blocks. The study layout is shown in Figure I . ) 22 Figure I. Test plot study design. T R S A T M S flT S ( K y / l i e c l t i r t CSM y y r i t e ) CAflOU A 3 C D E F G H I SP R IflC WHSAT = O = 2 5 0 BANDED = 5 0 0 BANDED = 1 0 0 0 BROADCAST = 1 0 0 0 BANDED = 2 0 0 0 BROADCAST = 2 0 0 0 BANDED = 4 0 0 0 BROADCAST = 3 OS A S AM M ON IU M J = 2000 K = O L = 1000 M = O BA ND ED S U L F A T E BROADCAST BLOCK J POTATOES BROADCAST 3 BLOCK 4 E H B A G D C I F B G E F D C I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 BLOCK I BLOCK I 2 A E H I B F C G D D C F G E I A H B i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 L ROAD SCALE The test plots were established and seeded May I, 1991. All broadcast treatments were rototilled for mixing to a 10 cm depth. A sprinkler irrigation system supplied by a 3000 gallon water truck was constructed to irrigate the plots. Leaf tissue samples were collected from each plot prior to flowering to identify any increases in tissue iron or sulfur from the pyrite. The plots were harvested at the appropriate time and the canola seed was compared by plot for yield and quality responses to the various pyrite rates. During harvest, soil samples were collected from each plot to determine soil responses to the pyrite. Test plots amended with pyrite banded below the crop, were sampled by collecting composite samples from within the band area, and 5 cm from the band. The results are summarized in the section "Field Test Plots. 23 . Demonstration Plots ■ As a supplement to the study to further identify visible vegetation responses to pyrite over a variety of soils, non-replicated test plots were established in several locations. To enhance the pyrite reactivity, the pyrite material was prilled using lignin sulfonate and "primed" with an addition of 2% sulfuric acid by weight. One quarter acre test plots were established on soil numbers 3 and 4. Broadcast application rates were 2000 kg/hectare of pyrite material. After application, soil number 3 was seeded to potatoes and soil number 4 to grass as part of the government conservation reserve program. Several test plots with various application rates and sizes were also constructed at the Three Forks golf course. The soils were determined to be alkaline and slightly saline. The largest plot involved broadcasting 2000 kg/hectare of pyrite material over a one half hectare fairway: This plot was compared to a smaller adjacent plot where a recommended rate of the commercially produced 'Tronite" product was applied. Additional visual trials include pyrite material applications on several lawns and agricultural fields in the Three Forks and Whitehall, Montana areas. 24 RESULTS Bench Top Study The specific objectives of the bench top study were to determine, soil responses to the various pyrite material rates and identify differences in responses between the five soil types. To achieve the stated objectives, the study was constructed with a randomized complete block design, with four blocks for statistical comparison. To determine if these data met the objectives, analysis of variance was used to identify significant differences between treatments and soils. These data were also interpreted graphically to predict successful treatment rates. To smooth these data for purposes of graphing, the replications were averaged prior to plotting. These data were collected as outlined in Table 6. The entire data set can be found in Appendix B. The soils were analyzed for pH, EC, available iron, and sulfate. These soil parameters were chosen because they are directly linked to the oxidation of pyrite. These parameters are dependent on each other and time. For the purposes of this discussion each parameter will be evaluated separately in the following sections. Most of the parameters were analyzed for variance using all replications from each treatment for each soil across time, This created a two-way analysis of variance. The replications are random, and replication, soil, and time are completely 25 independent from each other. These data are assumed to have a normal distribution, since only four data points exist for any given soil treatment. pH was chosen as the main parameter to track soil responses to the various treatments. All pH values were used for the analysis of variance and regression tests to determine soil responses to the six pyrite rates over time. Comparisons were made between the five soils for each pyrite rate. The analysis of variance is summarized in Table 9 below. The capital letters following each mean in each column signify significant similarities or differences between means based on the least significant difference (LSD) value. Table 9. pH mean separation test between soils for each pyrite rate over time. Soil N o . R a te N o . I R a te N o. 2 R a te N o . 3 R a te N o. 4 R a te N o . 5 R a te N o. 6 O verall m ean I 5 .5 9 A * 4 .5 9 A 4 .33 A 3 .3 2 A 3.18 A 3 .1 4 A 4 .0 2 A 2 7 .8 8 B 7 .8 4 C 7.71 B 7 .5 8 B 7 .4 5 CB 7 .2 6 D 7 .6 2 C 3 7 .8 4 B 7 .8 7 C 7 .8 5 C 7 .6 9 C 7 .6 6 D 7 .5 7 E 7 .7 5 D 4 7 .8 8 B . 7 .4 4 B 7 .7 6 B 7 .6 0 B 7 .3 4 B 6.9 1 C 7 .5 4 B . 9 .0 5 C 8.83 D. 8.69 D 8 .05 D 7 .5 0 C 5 .8 8 B 8 .00 E 0 .0 4 7 4 0 .0749 0 .0609 0 .0 4 0 7 0 .1126 0 .1 1 9 0 0 .0366 5 L S D (.05) . . * Means followed by the same letter in columns are not significantly different (P=0.05) Table 9 shows significant differences between soil pH means for each rate. Rate number I (control) shows similarities between soils 2, 3, and 4 over time in the absence of treatment. These three soils have similar pH means because soils 2 and 4 are well buffered and soil 3 is highly buffered. The overall means show that all soils are also significantly different over time with all rates for each soil averaged. S -26 Table 10 summarizes how time affected pH for each rate over all soils. The overall means identify significant differences between all rates and the lower case LSD values show the significant responses directly correlating with the treatment rate increments. Table 10. pH mean separation test between times for each rate over all soils. J T im e R a te N o. I R a te N o. 2 R a te No; 3 R a te N o. 4 R a te N o . 5 R a te N o . 6 I 7 .6 3 C* 7 .5 7 F •7.59 G 7 .2 3 E 7 .0 4 F 6 .9 0 G 2 7 .7 0 D B 7 .4 3 ED 7 .3 8 F 7 ,1 0 D 6 .8 9 F 6 .73 F 3 7 .5 1 AB 7 .2 7 ABC 7 .1 6 B 6 .7 8 B 6 .7 1 E 6 .41 E 4 7 .4 5 'A 7 .1 8 A 7 .0 2 A 6 .6 8 A 6 .6 6 D E 6 .2 4 D 5 7 .6 6 CD 7.33 BCD 7 .2 5 CD 6 .8 5 C 6 .7 1 E 6 .5 6 EF 6 7 .5 3 B 7 .2 5 AB 7 .2 0 CB 6 .8 6 C 6 .6 4 DEC 6 .1 7 D 7 7 .8 0 F 7 .4 3 ED 7 .2 6 CD 6 .6 3 A 6 .3 4 AB 5.9 1 C 7 .6 6 CD 7 .4 2 ED 7 .3 7 FE 6 .7 8 B 6 .5 2 D C 5 .9 4 C 9 7 .7 6 FE ■ 7 .5 2 EF 7 .1 9 CB 6 .9 0 C 6 .4 9 BC 5 .6 7 B 10 '7.76 FE 7 .3 6 CD 7.2 3 ED 6 .6 6 A LSD(.OS) 0.0671 0 .1 0 6 0 0 .0861 0 .0 5 7 6 Overall mean 7 .6 5 f** 7 .3 8 e '7 .2 7 d ' 6 .8 5 c ' 8 . • '6 .2 6 A 4 .9 9 A 0 .1 5 9 2 ' 0.1683 6 .6 3 b 6 .1 5 a * Means followed by the same letter in columns are not significantly different (P = 0.05) ** Means are compared within the row. pH Due to the significant interaction between rate and time, a model was developed to correlate the variables. The multiple regression equation modeling each treatment response for each soil was determined by using analysis of variance to 27 check the various linear and quadratic factors. All factors were determined significant, as shown in Table 11. The model describing all soils is shown below: pH = /?q- 0irate - 0% day + 03 rate2 + 04 day2 - 05 rate x day. The multiple regression coefficients for each soil are listed in Table 9. Table 11. Multiple regression coefficients calculated from pH data, for each soil. Soil N o. 00 (Inter­ cept) 0i (Rate) 02 (Day) 0, (Rate2) 04 (Day2) 0s (R ate x D ay) R2 I 5 .5 9 0 -0.6390 -0.6197 E -0 2 0.4872E -01 0.9604E -05 - 0 .1742E-03 0 .7 1 2 2 7 .8 1 8 -0.9131E -01 -0.5172E -03 0.5188E -02 0.2800E -05 -0.1150E -03 0 .6 1 2 3 7 .881 -0.5516E -01 -0.7202E -03 0.3118E -02 0.2536E -05 -0.3511E -04 0 .4 0 9 4 7 .4 7 5 0.2630E -01 0.4743E -03 0.9263E -03 -0.1062E -04 -0.8203E -03 0 .6 5 6 5 8.765 -0.1164 - 0 .1487E-02 0.3965E -03 0.1064E -04 - 0 .1227E-02 0 .9 4 6 The model was used to .create three-dimensional graphs showing the pH data from all six pyrite material fates for each soil for a 378-day period. Figures 2 through 6 show the graphs for all five soils. It should be noted that these figures are not proportionally scaled on the z axis. Figure 7 shows the actual pH values for the pyrite material. I '■ 28 SOIL NO. 1 118 184 293 Day 20 % Pyrite material pH during a 378-day period (soil 2). Figure 3. Effect of rate of pyrite application on SOIL NO. 2 29 SOIL NO. 3 / / / 7 ^/ / / / / / / / / / 118 / / / 7" 184 / 7 / / 7" 293 Day SOIL NO. 4 /^ / T ^ T ^ / / I ^ q ' W % Pyrite material 30 Figure 6. Effect of rate of pyrite application on pH during a 378-day period (soil 5). SOIL NO. 5 X CL % Pyrite material Figure 7. Changes in pyrite material pH during a 378-day period. PYRITE MATERIAL 31 The pyrite material had an acidic pH prior to initiating the research. Linear regression indicated very little additional reduction in pH with time. The computed analysis indicated an R2 value of 0.09 with 8 degrees of freedom, an x coefficient of 0.00056, and a standard error coefficient of 0.000634. The regression seemed to indicate that the data scatter was greater than any significant changes in pH. ' These data were tested for significant pH responses from each pyrite rate over time. Thp analyses are summarized in Tables 12 and 13. Table 12 is very similar to Table 9 except Table 12 shows significant difference comparisons between rates. Table 12. pH mean separation test between rates for each soil over time. R ate Soil N o. I Soil N o. 2 Soil N o. 3 Soil N o. 4 Soil N o . 5 O verall m ean I 5 .5 9 E* 7 .8 8 E 7 .8 4 C 7 .8 8 E 9 .0 5 F 7 .6 5 F 2 4 .5 9 D 7 .8 4 E 7 .8 7 C 7 .7 4 D 8.83 E 7 .3 8 E 3 4 .3 3 C 7.71 D ' 7 .8 5 C 7 .7 6 D 8 .6 9 D 4 . 3 .3 2 B . 7 .5 8 C 7 .6 9 B 7 .6 0 C 8 .05 C 6 .8 5 C 5 3.18 A 7 .4 5 B 7 .6 6 B 7 .3 4 B 7 .5 0 B 6 .6 3 B 6 3 .1 4 A 7 .2 6 A 7 .5 7 A 6.9 1 A 5 .8 8 A 6 ,1 5 A 0.0434 6 .0405 0 .1135 0 .0 9 6 5 0 .0 3 6 6 7 .6 2 c 7 .7 5 d 7 .5 4 b ,8 .0 0 e 6 .9 9 L SD (.05) Overall mean** 0 .0 9 0 2 • 4 .0 2 a*** • ■ . ' 7 .2 7 D * Means followed by the same letter in columns are not significantly different (P=0.05) ** LSD (0.05) = 0.0335. *** Means are.compared within the row. ; 32 Table 13. pH mean separation test between times for each soil over all rates: T im e Soil N o . I Soil N o . 2 Soil N o . 3 Soil N o. 4 S oil N o . 5 O verall m ean 4 .9 4 F* 7 .7 3 E 7 .8 6 D 7 .8 1 FG 8 .29 E 7 .3 3 H 2 4 .5 6 E 7 .7 4 E • 7 .7 8 CB 7 .6 5 D E 8 .3 0 E 7 .2 0 G 3 4 .0 5 C 7 .3 9 A 7 .6 4 A 7 .5 6 CBD 8.23 E 6 .9 7 E 4 3 .7 6 B 7 .5 2 B 7 .6 8 A 7 .4 7 CB 5 4 .3 8 D 7 .5 6 CB 7 .6 5 A 6 3.78 B 7 .6 5 D I 3 .7 4 B 8 I , - 7 .9 4 CBD 6 .8 7 B 7 .7 1 FE 7 .9 9 D 7 .0 6 F 7 .7 7 CB 1.51 CDE 7 .9 3 CBD 6 .9 4 CDE 7 .6 2 CD 7 .7 5 B 7 .5 3 CBD 7 .8 3 B 6 .8 9 CB 3 .7 6 B 7 .7 1 E 7 .7 6 CB 7 .8 7 G 7 .6 5 A 6 .9 5 D E 9 3 .9 4 C 7 .6 1 CD 7 .7 8 CB 7 .4 2 B 7 .8 5 CB 6 .9 2 CBD 10 3.33 A 7.71 E 7 .8 0 C 6 .7 9 A 7 .9 7 .CD . 6 .7 2 A L SD (:05) 0.1165 0 .0560 0.0523 0 .1465 0 .1 2 4 6 0.0473 Overall mean** 4 .0 2 a*** 7 .6 2 c 7 .7 5 d 7 .5 4 b 8 .0 0 e 6 .99 ' ■ * Means followed by the same letter in columns are not significantly different (P = 0.05). ** LSD (0.05) = 0.0335. *** Means are compared within the row. These data show a significant response to time for each soil over all rates. These data also show each rate to have a significant effect across all five soils. Tables 10 and 11 prove the responses to be a direct result of rate and time. 'i Effective Rates For Soil pH Amendment Assuming an optimum agricultural final soil pH between 7.0 and 7.5, the best pyrite material rate for each soil was identified from the regression model for a Oneyear period. The selected rates have model derived final pH’s within the optimum / 33 range, with significantly different treatment means from all other rates. Table 14 shows the optimum experimental treatment for each soil. It should be noted that for all soils the treatment effect model has a negative slope, indicating a continued change in pH with time. For this reason, Table 14 also shows adjusted optimum pyrite material application rates to ensure that the buffering capacity of the soil is not exceeded. The rates were adjusted using an equation developed in 1978 to predict the 1 percent of CaCO3 required to buffer the amount of acid potentially produced from pyrite (Sobek et al., 1978); Sobek found: % CaCO3 = % sulfur x 3.125 Table 14. Optimum and adjusted rates to correct soil pH to a 15 cm depth after one year. Soil No. Untreated Soil pH CaCO3 % Optimum Rate No. Optimum Rate* (kg/hectare) Adjusted Rate** (kg/hectare) I 5.59 0.2 I. 0 0 ■ 2 7.88 3.9 5 . 200,000 69,340 7.84 18.0 6 400,000 ' 320,000 7.88 . 3.0 4 100,000 53,340 9.05 1.9 4 • 100,000 33,780 3 4 5 . ' * May acidify soil after one year. ** Adjusted not to exceed soil’s buffering capacity. 34 EC Electrical conductivity was measured in a 2:1 water to soil solution for all treatments at three different time intervals as shown in Table 6. These data are presented in Figures 8 through 13. . 35 Figure 8. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on electrical conductivity during a 378day period (soil I). Figure 9. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on electrical conductivity during a 378day period (soil 2). SOIL NO. 2 Pyrite m aterial 0% 0.5% 1. 0 % - Q - 5.0% 10. 0 % 20 . 0 % DAY 36 Figure 10. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on electrical conductivity during a 378-day period (soil 3). SOIL NO. 3 Pyrite material DAY Figure 11. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on electrical conductivity during a 378-day period (soil 4). SOIL NO. 4 Pyrite material 0% 0.5% 1. 0 % -Q- 5.0% 10. 0 % 20 . 0 % DAY 37 Figure 12. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on electrical conductivity during a 378-day period (soil 5). Pyrite material SOIL NO. 5 0% 0.5% 1. 0 % -e - 5.0% 10. 0 % 20 . 0 % DAY Figure 13. Changes in pyrite material electrical conductivity during a 378-day period. PYRITE MATERIAL P 14 • o 12 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 38 These data show a significant decrease in electrical conductivity between the second and last data points in almost all cases. It is possible that the soils are attenuating the salts created from the oxidation of the pyrite material. More probably, because the tests were evaluated in an enclosed system with continuous salt production, the last measurement is an analytical error. For this reason, and the fact that only three measurements per treatment were taken, no statistical comparisons were made. These data show significant increases in soil electrical conductivity for rates five and six when compared to background levels. Fe Available iron responses to the six pyrite material rates were measured at three times, as shown in Table 6. The iron is reported as milligrams of iron per kilogram of soil. Figures 14 through 18 show.the treatment responses for each soil. Figure ,19 shows the increase in ,available iron with time for the pyrite material. 39 Figure 14. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on plant available iron during a 378day period (soil I). Pyrite material SOIL NO. 1 Figure 15. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on plant available iron during a 378day period (soil 2). Pyrite material SOIL NO. 2 — i 0% 0.5% 1.0% CD O Fe 160 140 (5 120 3100 -Q- < H 60 Z 40 20 • 5.0% ~ 10.0% — 100 200 DAY 20.0% 300 400 40 Figure 16. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on plant available iron during a 378day period (soil 3). Pyrite material SOIL NO. 3 — 0% E CL 100 O Lu • 0.5% 80 - 1.0% 60 - -Q- < h- 40 Q 20 - 5.0% CL 10.0% 0 100 200 DAY 20.0% 300 400 Figure 17. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on plant available iron during a 378day period (soil 4). SOIL NO. 4 material 0% 0.5% 1. 0 % < o 100 -Q- ■ 50 - 5.0% 10. 0 % 20 . 0% 41 Figure 18. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on plant available iron during a 378 day period (soil 5). SOIL NO. 5 Pyrite material Figure 19. Changes in pyrite material plant available iron over a 378-day period. PYRITE MATERIAL 25000 20000 15000 < Q 10000 • 5000 - 42 Significant differences in treatment responses were identified using analysis of variance. Table 15 shows the mean separation tests for rate and time for each soil. ' Table 15. Fe mean separation test between rates and time for each soil. R a te N o . I 2 • Soil N o . I Soil N o. 2 Soil N o . 3 Soil N o. 4 2 0 .6 A * 4.1 A 4.3 A 12.1 A 8 5 .2 A . 8.9 AB 10.4 B 8.9 A Soil N o . 5 4 .4 A 8.5 AB O verall m ean 9 .1 A 2 4 .4 A 3 130.6 A 16.3 B 19.0 C 12.0 A 15.1 B 3 8 .6 AB 4 5 4 1 .0 AJB 5 3 .8 C 5 6 .6 D 3 3 .7 5 B 5 3 .9 C 147.8 BC 9 1 6 .2 B 89.1 D 91.3 E 62.3 C 131.3 D 2 5 8 .0 C 1757.00 C 143.3 E 107.3 F , 143.8 D 2 2 6 .0 E 4 7 5 .4 D 10.6 2 .7 5 • 6 . LSD(.OS) . Overall mean** 562.9 5 7 5 .0 b*** 5 2 .6 a 4 8 .1 2 a ! I 121.5 A * 5 2 .0 AB 4 8 .8 B 2 151.0 A 5 7 .9 B 3 1453.0 B 4 7 .8 A L S D (.05) 3 9 8.0 7 .5 2 13.8 4 5 .4 7 a . 9.1 7 3 .2 a 111.3 158.9 Tim e Overall mean** 5 7 5 .0 b*** 5 2 .6 a • . 3 1 ,2 A 5 7 .4 A 6 2 .2 A 5 7 .8 C - 4 4.1 B 6 8 .8 B 7 6 .0 A 3 7.7 A 61.1 C 9 3 .4 C 3 3 8 .5 B 1.87 9.77 4 8.1 a . 4 5 .5 a ' 6.4. 7 3 .2 a 7 8 .7 158.9 * Means followed by the same letter in columns are not significantly different (P=O..05). ' ** LSD (0.05) = 101.6. *** Means are compared within the row. These data in-Table 15 show similar iron responses for all soils except number I. Soil number I is the only non-buffered soil. These data also show significant 43 responses to all but the first two rates of pyrite application. Time I and .2 show no significant change for a two week period. Time 3 indicates a significant response over the period of one year. After one year, treatment number 4 for soils 2-5 showed significant increases in available iron, which would alleviate iron deficiencies for most crops. Soil number I was not iron deficient. SOZ Sulfate measurements were related to iron measurements. The six pyrite material rates for each of the five soils were compared for sulfate increases with time. The sulfate data for all five soils and the pyrite material are summarized in Figures 20 through 25. 44 Figure 20. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on sulfate levels during a 378-day period (soil I). SOIL NO. 1 10000 Sena, 0% Ef 8000 0.5% 1. 0 % 5.0% 2000 - - 10. 0 % 20 . 0 % Figure 21. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on sulfate levels during a 378-day period (soil 2). SOIL NO. 2 2500 Q. 2000 H 1500 m=a, 0% 0.5% 1. 0 % -G- 1000 co 500 - 5.0% 10. 0 % 20 . 0 % 45 Figure 22. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on sulfate levels during a 378-day period (soil 3). SOIL NO. 3 Pyrite m aterial Figure 23. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on sulfate levels during a 378-day period (soil 4). SOIL NO. 4 m ateria, 0% 0.5% H 2000 1. 0 % z> 1000 5.0% 10. 0 % 0 100 200 DAY 300 400 20 . 0 % 46 Figure 24. Effect of rate of pyrite material application on sulfate levels during a 378-day period (soil 5). SOIL NO. 5 Pyrite m aterial 0% £f4000 3000 < 2000 0.5% 1. 0 % ■ 1000 5.0% 10. 0 % 20 . 0 % Figure 25. Changes in pyrite material sulfate levels over a 378-day period. PYRITE MATERIAL 30000 I? 25000 20000 c/5 10000 47 Significant differences in treatment responses were identified using analysis of variance., Table 16 shows the mean separation tests for rate and time for each soil. Table 16. SO42' mean separation test between rates and time for each soil. R a te N o. Soil N o . I Soil N o. 2 Soil N o. 3 Soil N o. 4 Soil N o . 5 O verall m ean 15 A * 2 5 .5 A 4 0 .8 A 6 5 .2 A 8 7 1 .4 A ’ 2 0 4 .0 A 197.1 A 102.5 B 143.5 B 103.7 A 1 0 5 4 .0 B 3 326.8 A 213.1 C 2 5 5 .8 C 2 1 1 .5 A 1 276.0 C 4 1761.0 B 9 2 8 .0 D 961.1 D 969.3 B . 2 4 6 1 .0 D 5 2 8 6 9 .0 C 1570.0 E. ■1409.0 E 1643.0 C 2 8 8 1 .0 E 2 0 7 4 .0 D 6 4 0 6 5 .0 D 2 4 6 6 .0 F 1743.0 F 2 5 5 5 .0 D 3 4 7 8 .0 F 2 8 6 1 .0 E L S D (.05) 9 5 6.4 4 6 .0 49.9 171.4 7 0 .6 9 193.1 Overall mean** 1539.0 b *** 884.5 a 7 58.8 a , 9 24.6 a 2 0 0 4 .0 c 1222.0 I 2 - • 3 2 0 .2 AB 4 5 6 .5 B . 1416.0 C Time I 4 5 5 .0 A * 6 9 2 .4 A 6 4 7 .5 A 7 08.6 A 1 6 3 0 .0 A 8 26.6 A 2 574.1 A 9 5 7 .2 B 7 8 3 .9 B 868.7 B 1 807.0 B ■ 9 9 8 .2 B 3 588.0 B 1004.0 C 8 44.8 C 1197.0 C 2 5 7 3 .0 C 1841.0 C ' 35.27 121.2 5 0 .0 136.6 7 5 8 .8 a 9 24.6 a 2 0 0 4 .0 c 1222.0 3 ' ■ L $D (.05) 6 7 6.2 3 2 .5 " Overall mean** 1539.0 b*** 884.5 a * Means followed by the same letter in columns are not significantly different (P=0.05). ** LSD (0.05) = 176.3. *** Means are compared within the row. Table 16 shows both rate and time with significant sulfate responses. Soils 2, 3, and 4 are highly calcareous and consequently reacted similarly. 48 Soils 1-4 displayed an increase in sulfate for rates 2 and 3 great enough to alleviate sulfur deficiencies for most crops. Although Table 14 does not show these rates to be significantly different from rate I for soils I and 4, these rates would be significantly different if they were not compared to the greater treatment rates as indicated by the high LSD values. Soil number 5 is not sulfur deficient, but would benefit from increased acid content. Pvrite Oxidation Figures 19 and 25 show final Fe and SO42" values for the pyrite material to be 21,180 mg/kg and 25,075 mg/kg, respectively. The pyrite material was found to contain 28% total Fe and 36% total S. Theoretically, fully oxidized pyrite material could contain 28% available Fe and 36% SO42". After approximately one year, the pyrite material contained 2% available Fe and 2.5% SO42'. These values are 7% of their respective totals. This indicates that approximately 7% of the pyrite oxidized. This also indicates that the treatments would continue to affect the soils for several more years. A realistic long term optimum treatment would be significantly less than the predicted optimum treatment rates for a one-year period. Field Test Plots The test plots were constructed as outlined in the Materials and Methods section "Field Test Plots." After emergence, the plants on all plots exhibited good vigor and color. No signs of nutrient deficiencies were noticed on any plots. By the 49 end of June, it became apparent due to the lack of precipitation that the irrigation system was not providing an adequate amount of water. It was feared that the drought stress would mask any treatment effects. By mid-July grasshoppers had completely defoliated the crops. It was decided that trying to measure vegetative responses to the treatments such as yield, iron, and sulfur content would be wasted effort. The plots were harvested August 6, 1991. Although these data were collected, no comparisons were made and these data are simply reported in Appendix During harvest, soil samples were collected from each plot. Samples were collected from the 0-8 cm depth with an Oakfield soil sampler. The samples from each plot were composited to create one sample for the plots with a broadcast treatment and 2 samples for the plots with a banded treatment (see Figure I). The samples from the plots with a banded treatment were collected and composited as follows; within the band area, designated plot number-B,.and 5 cm from the band area, designated plot number-5. The samples were analyzed for 2:1 soil solution pH. These data are summarized in Table 17. 50 Table 17. Test plot final pH values. B lock P lo t N o. T reatm ent (kg/hectare) pH I I 0 7 .2 7 I 2-B 1000 banded I 2-5 1000 banded 7 .3 4 I 3 4000 broadcast 7.3 3 I 4 30 ammonium sulfate broadcast 7 .4 2 I 5-B 250 banded 7 ,5 0 I 5-5 250 banded 7 .50 I 6 2000 broadcast 7.5 9 I 7 -B 500 banded 7 .5 2 I 7-5 500 banded 7 .2 4 I 8-B 2000 banded 7.31 I 8-5 2000 banded 7.35 I 9 1000 broadcast 7 .3 0 2 10 1000 broadcast 7 .3 4 - ■ 7.23 2 I l-B . 500 banded 7.46 2 11-5 500 banded 7 .4 9 2 12 2000 broadcast 8.35 2 13-B 2000 banded 8.38 2 13-5 2000 banded 8.44 2 14-B 1000 banded 8.40 2 14-5 1000 banded 8.46 15 30 ammonium sulfate broadcast 8.49 16 0 - 17 4000 broadcast 8 .4 2 18-B 250 banded 8.46 2 18-5 250 banded 7.6 9 2 . 2 2 / . . 51 Table 17 continued. B lock T reatm ent (kg/hectare) pH 3 19-B 1000 banded 7.59 3 19-5 1000 banded . 7.77 3 20 4000. broadcast 7 .7 4 3 21-B 250 banded 7.76 3 21-5 250 banded 7 .8 2 22 0 3 2 3 -B 2000 banded 8.21 3 23-5 2000 banded 8.20 3 24 3 ' vH OO . P lo t N o . . 1 i . 1000 broadcast 8.11 ) 3 2 5 -B . 500 banded 1 3 25-5 500 banded 8.21 3 26 30 ammonium sulfate broadcast 8.22 3 27 4 28-B 250 banded 8.14 4 28-5 250 banded 8.16 29-B 2000 banded 8.10 4 29-5 2000 banded 8.18 4 3 O-B • 1000 banded 8.04 4 30-5 1000 banded ' 8.16 31 2 0 0 0 broadcast 8.17 4 32 1000 broadcast 8,16 4 33-B 500 banded 8.10 4 33-5 500 banded 8.12 • 34 30 ammonium sulfate broadcast 8.14 4 ■ 35 0 8.09 4 36 4000 broadcast 8.06 4 . 4 4 • . ■* 2000 broadcast . 8.17 8.18 . 52 The overall mean pH for the control was 7.72. The overall mean pH for the highest broadcast treatment (4000 kg/hectare) was 7.90 and the overall mean pH for the greatest banded treatment (2000 kg/hectare) sampled within the band was 8.00. During sampling, unoxidized pyrite was observed within the band treatments. Since the pyrite was mixed with the soil just thirteen weeks prior to sampling, it would appear, based on the results of the bench top study, that very little of the pyrite had oxidized. Additionally, the surface of the test plots remained near wilting point moisture capacity for a portion of that time. For these reasons it was concluded that the pyrite material should be mixed with the soil for a greater length of time to achieve results. No further analyses or comparisons were made with the soil samples. Demonstration Plots To visually verify the bench top study results, numerous non-replicated demonstration plots were constructed as outlined in the section "Demonstration Plots." Although plots were established with numerous crops, the only notable visual responses occurred with grass. A very distinct "greening" was observed on alkaline soil turf trials within two weeks after application. As mentioned in that section, several tons of pyrite material were shipped to r Soda Springs Phosphate’s phosphate fertilizer plant in Idaho to be agglomerated into prills. During the prilling process 2% by weight of sulfuric acid was added to the pyrite material. Some of the prilled material was spread at a rate of 2000 kg/hectare 53 on grass and potato test plots on soils 3 and 4. No response was observed on these plots. The same rate and material was applied to a fairway at the Three Forks, Montana golf course. An adjacent fairway was treated with a similar rate of the commercially available.'Tronite" iron fertilizer. Within days, both treatments responded equally by turning the turf dark green. Similar responses were observed on turf with this prilled material with application rates as low as 500 kg/hectare. Application rates from 2000 to 4000 kg/hectare were shown to benefit pasture grass establishment on alkaline/saline soils. Trees and shrubs growing in alkaline soil were also shown to respond with a darker green leaf color. 54 CONCLUSION To meet the study objectives and determine if the Golden Sunlight Mine pyrite material could be used as a soil amendment for alkaline soils, a two-phase study was designed. Phase one was a laboratory study and phase two was a field study. The I laboratory study produced very good results and the field study failed due to natural causes. The laboratory study proved that various alkaline soils can respond favorably, in similar manners, to additions of the pyrite material. The laboratory bench top study revealed that approximately 7% of the finely 'v - ground pyrite oxidized in a one-year period. At very high application rates the pyrite was found to significantly alter pH, available iron, and sulfate levels in a one-year period. Table 18.shows the application rates for each soil which corrected soil pH and increased Fe and SO42" after one year. A regression equation model was created to explain the time and treatment interaction effects on soil pH. The model identified a significant two-way interaction. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences between all treatment rates evaluated. Because the model and analysis showed soil responses to all treatments and the pyrite was only 7% oxidized, these data suggest that much lower application rates would be suitable for longer periods. Table 18 shows estimated pyrite material application rates for long term soil 55 treatment. Since the model showed pH decreases in all treated soils, it was concluded that pyrite could acidify a soil, and therefore should not be applied to non-buffered soils. Table 18. Estimated optimum pyrite material application rates to correct alkaline agricultural soil problems to a soil depth of 15 cm. S oil N o. U ntreated Soil p H C aC O 3 % A pplication R equired T o D eplete B uffering C apacity P ractical A pplication For G radual C orrection I 5 .5 9 0 .2 O 0 2 7 .8 8 3.9 6 9 ,3 4 0 10,000 3 7 .8 4 18.0 32 0 ,0 0 0 20;000 4 7 .8 8 3 .0 5 3 ,3 4 0 10,000 5 9 .0 5 . 1.9 ' 3 3 ,7 8 0 10,000 . Table 18 shows the correlation between CaCO3 content and pyrite requirement. The amount of pyrite material that can potentially deplete the CaCO3 buffering capacity of a soil can be determined by the following equation: % sulfur = % CaCO3 4- 3.125 At no time should the pyrite material application exceed the buffering capacity of the soil or the soil may become acidic. Well buffered soils, such as soils 2,through 5, show significant increases in available iron and sulfate prior to significant decreases in pH. 56 Based on these data, a realistic approach for application to alkaline agricultural soils would be to apply 500-1000 kg/hectare/year for several years until soil testing indicates a .correction in pH. This study shows conclusively that the Golden Sunlight Mine pyritic waste material is very effective for reducing pH, increasing available iron, and increasing sulfate levels in alkaline agricultural soils. REFERENCES CITED 58 ) REFERENCES CITED Allison, L.E., and Moodie, C.D. 1965. Geometric method for loss of carbon dioxide, p. 1388. In: C.A. Black (ed.). Methods of soil analysis. Amer. Soc. Agron., Mono. 9, Part 2, Madison, WL Banath, C. L., and Holland, T, F. 1976. Iron pyrite as a sulphur fertilizer in alkaline soil. Aust. J. Exp. Agric.. Animal Hus. 16:376-381. Bardsley, C.E., and Lancaster, J.D. 1965. Acetate soluble sulfate, p 1111. 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Quality. 71:111-114. 61 C ) APPENDICES 62 APPENDIX A BENCH TOP STUDY DATA 63 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE I rb 2 rb 3 rb 4 rb 5 rb 6 rb 7 rb 8 rb 9 rb 10 rb 11 rb 12 rb 13 rb 14 rb 15 rb 16 rb 17 rb 18 rb 19 rb 20 rb 21 rb 22 rb 23 rb 24 rb 25 kc 26 kc 27 kc 28 kc 29 kc 30 kc 31 kc 32 kc 33 kc 34 kc 35 kc 36 kc 37 kc 38 kc 39 kc 40 kc 41 kc 42 kc 43 kc 44 kc 45 kc 46 kc 47 kc 48 kc 49 kp 50 kp 51 kp 52 kp 53 kp 54 kp 55 kp 56 kp 57 kp 58 kp 59 kp 60 kp 61 kp 62 kp 63 kp 64 kp 65 kp 66 kp 67 kp I 1 I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 I I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 I I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 DISHI PHI REP DATE1 Pel S041 pHIAV FeIAV S041AV — 13-Aug-91 I 13-Aug-91 I 5.36 20 30 5.545 22.5 17.75 2 2 5.62 22 18 3 3 5.52 26 13 4 4 5.68 22 10 I 5 5.54 35 38 5.4425 32.75 48 2 6 5.59 29 40 7 3 4.94 41 68 4 8 5.70 26 46 I 9 5.03 79 164 5.485 48.25 109.25 2 10 5.79 42 87 11 3 5.45 32 91 4 12 5.67 40 95 I 13 141 4.92 481 4.785 114.5 416.75 14 2 4.66 92 372 15 4.71 3 121 463 4 16 4.85 104 351 I 17 4.40 204 743 4.4325 205.5 816.75 2 18 4.53 887 188 19 194 3 4.39 904 4 20 4.41 236 733 I 21 3.90 339 1350 3.9575 305.5 1321.5 22 2 3.93 308 1314 23 3 3.86 349 1656 24 4.14 226 4 966 25 I 7.81 46 230 7.8725 16.75 82.25 7.84 2 26 7 35 27 3 7.87 7 32 4 28 7.97 7 32 29 I 7.88 9 79 7.9325 8.75 72.75 30 2 7.90 9 78 31 3 7.95 8 67 4 32 8.00 67 9 I 33 7.91 11 144 7.9175 144 10.75 34 2 7.89 144 11 3 35 7.92 144 11 4 36 7.95 • 10 144 37 I 7.76 27 705 7.785 26.25 671.5 38 2 7.78 25 658 3 39 7.80 26 663 4 40 7.80 27 660 41 44 I 7.71 1423 7.735 44 1423 42 44 2 7.73 1423 44 43 3 7.75 1423 44 4 44 7.75 1423 I 45 7.59 81 1845 7.615 80.75 1858 46 2 7.61 81 1883 47 3 7.63 82 1872 4 48 7.63 79 1832 49 8.09 I 5 42 8.075 4.5 37.25 50 2 8.08 5 36 3 51 4 8.06 35 4 52 8.07 4 36 I 53 7.99 10 88 7.9825 9.75 87.25 54 2 7.97 10 87 55 3 8.00 9 85 4 56 7.97 10 89 57 7.94 I 19 168 7.9375 18.5 170.25 2 58 7.93 16 154 59 3 7.94 21 188 4 60 7.94 18 171 61 I 7.82 50 699 7.8125 51.25 677.75 62 2 7.81 52 615 3 63 7.82 50 677 64 4 7.80 53 720 65 I 7.68 97 1281 7.6575 91.75 1270 66 7.49 2 95 1232 67 3 7.71 85 1312 64 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 68 kp 69 kp 70 kp 71 kp 72 kp 73 me 74 me 75 me 76 me 77 me 78 me 79 me 80 me 81 me 82 me 83 me 84 me 85 me 86 me 87 me 88 me 89 me 90 me 91 me 92 me 93 me 94 me 95 me 96 me 97 sm 98 sm 99 sm 100 sm 101 sm 102 sm 103 sm 104 sm 105 sm 106 sm 107 sm 108 sm 109 sm 110 sm 111 sm 112 sm 113 sm 114 sm 115 sm 116 sm 117 sm 118 sm 119 sm 120 sm 5 6 6 6 6 I I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 I I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 REP DATEI 13-Aug-91 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 DISHI PHI Fel 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 1201 1202 1203 1204 90 124 117 113 115 5 4 4 4 10 10 9 9 18 18 18 17 51 46 52 55 88 95 84 88 140 147 139 138 5 4 4 3 10 10 9 10 18 16 18 15 71 61 59 50 113 112 106 116 148 146 138 135 1982 1918 1950 1986 7.75 7.68 7.69 7.64 7.66 7.94 7.91 7.90 7.90 7.89 7.85 7.86 8.33 8.14 8.03 7.97 7.97 7.74 7.67 7.61 7.54 7.44 7.45 7.42 7.39 7.36 7.32 7.38 7.41 8.76 8.73 8.70 8.70 8.47 8.46 8.54 8.47 8.66 8.59 8.50 8.59 8.08 8.13 8.15 8.13 7.98 7.96 7.95 7.96 7.84 7.81 7.91 7.93 3.26 3.20 3.26 3.26 S041 pHIAV 1255 1653 7.6675 1657 1621 1640 33 7.9125 17 13 16 76 7.9825 83 63 67 159 8.0275 141 143 131 658 7.64 628 576 655 1181 7.425 1084 1184 1178 2121 7.3675 2163 2240 2008 879 8.7225 869 880 858 905 8.485 1003 977 972 1091 8.585 996 1152 1178 1852 8.1225 1902 1804 1741 2297 7.9625 2289 2350 2230 2665 7.8725 2810 2743 2669 5725 3.245 5860 6385 6257 FeIAV S041AV 117.25 1642.75 4.25 19.75 9.5 72.25 17.75 143.5 51 629.25 88.75 1156.75 141 2133 4 871.5 9.75 964.25 16.75 1104.25 60.25 1824.75 111.75 2291.5 141.75 2721.75 1959 6056.75 65 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE I ft) 2 rb 3 rb 4 rb 5 rb 6 rb 7 rb 8 rb 9 rb 10 rb 11 rb 12 rb 13 rb 14 rb 15 rb 16 rb 17 rb 18 rb 19 rb 20 rb 21 rb 22 rb 23 rb 24 rb 25 kc 26 kc 27 kc 28 kc 29 kc 30 kc 31 kc 32 kc 33 kc 34 kc 35 kc 36 kc 37 kc 38 kc 39 kc 40 kc 41 kc 42 kc 43 kc 44 kc 45 kc 46 kc 47 kc 48 kc 49 kp 50 kp 51 kp 52 kp 53 kp 54 kp 55 kp 56 kp 57 kp 58 kp 59 kp 60 kp 61 kp 62 kp 63 kp 64 kp 65 kp 66 kp 67 kp I I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 I I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 I I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 REP DATE2 DISH2 PH2 Fe 2 S042 pH2AV FeZAV SQ42AV 28-Aug-91 I 28-Aug-91 121 5.62 23 26 5 .B A 2 5 23.5 18 2 122 5.82 23 17 3 123 5.81 26 14 4 124 5.92 22 15 I 125 5.32 37 91 5.0425 54.25 126 2 126 4.62 76 201 3 44 127 5.31 69 4 128 4.92 60 143 I 129 5.04 54 204 4.97 63 197.75 2 130 4.76 65 239 3 131 5.20 60 172 4 132 4.88 73 176 I 133 4.30 145 509 4.285 154.5 534.75 2 134 4.33 164 485 3 135 4.20 146 519 4 136 4.31 163 626 I 137 3.76 236 901 3.6025 275.5 952.25 2 138 3.81 243 923 3 139 3.78 261 902 4 140 3.06 362 1083 141 3.59 I 342 1505 3.6125 335.5 1616 2 142 3.60 322 1726 3 143 3.62 336 1580 144 3.64 4 342 1653 I 145 7.78 28 163 7.755 15.25 83.75 2 146 7.75 14 75 3 147 7.73 10 56 4 148 7.76 9 41 149 7.72 I 12 111 7.635 11.5 102.5 2 150 7.75 11 101 3 151 7.47 11 102 4 152 7.60 12 96 1 153 7.59 16 210 7.6675 15.75 196 154 7.65 2 16 154 3 155 7.70 15 195 4 156 7.73 •16 185 I 157 7.54 41 944 7.6625 39.75 898.75 2 158 7.66 38 883 3 159 7.69 41 904 4 160 7.66 39 864 I 161 7.61 70 1623 7.61 68.75 1658.5 2 162 7.57 67 1683 3 163 7.62 70 1649 4 164 7.64 68 1679 I 165 7.55 113 2296 7.5475 113.75 2272.5 2 166 7.55 114 2284 3 167 7.55 117 2294 4 168 7.54 111 2216 I 169 8.02 5 54 7.97 5.25 49.25 2 170 7.97 5 42 3 171 7.95 6 61 4 172 7.94 5 40 I 173 7.85 14 122 7.8675 13.75 128.75 2 174 7.86 14 127 3 175 7.89 13 150 4 176 7.87 14 116 I 177 7.84 21 271 7.8325 21.75 264.75 2 178 7.85 22 247 3 179 7.82 20 264 4 180 7.82 24 277 I 181 7.75 81 1304 7.7925 76 1015 2 182 7.79 73 940 3 183 7.80 74 894 184 7.83 4 76 922 I 185 7.70 106 1493 7.7275 103.75 1485.25 186 7.71 2 108 1550 3 187 7.76 100 1372 66 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 68 kp 69 kp 70 kp 71 kp 72 kp 73 me 74 me 75 me 76 me 77 me 78 me 79 me 80 me 81 me 82 me 83 me 84 me 85 me 86 me 87 me 88 me 89 me 90 me 91 me 92 me 93 me 94 me 95 me 96 me 97 sm 98 sm 99 sm 100 sm 101 sm 102 sm 103 sm 104 sm 105 sm 106 sm 107 sm 108 sm 109 sm 110 sm 111 sm 112 sm 113 sm 114 sm 115 sm 116 sm 117 sm 118 sm 119 sm 120 sm 5 6 6 6 6 I I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 I I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 REP DATE2 28-Aug-91 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 DISH2 ......... 168 169 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 1205 1206 1207 1208 PH2 Fe2 5042 pHZAV FeZAV S042AV """" 7.74 101 1526 7.59 128 1817 7.47 126.5 1760.25 7.33 132 1713 7.38 126 1771 7.58 120 1740 8.00 7 80 7.965 5 44.25 7.98 5 46 4 7.92 26 7.96 4 25 7.89 12 92 7.8775 11.25 93.5 7.88 11 89 7.86 11 90 7.68 11 103 7.82 22 233 7.8375 21.5 241.75 7.84 23 243 7.84 20 275 7.85 21 216 7.71 65 1026 7.7225 64 964.75 64 7.71 948 7.73 62 948 7.74 65 937 7.66 102 1901 7.5275 97.5 1758.25 7.70 98 1700 95 7.30 1642 7.45 95 1790 7.47 156 7.49 148.25 2640.5 2685 7.49 141 2542 7.49 144 2676 7.51 152 2659 9.00 8 989 8.955 6.25 915.25 8.94 7 893 8.95 4 944 8.93 6 835 8.77 11 911 8.7425 10.75 972.5 8.75 11 1001 8.77 .1 0 989 8.68 11 989 8.57 28 1257 8.57 21 1219.25 8.55 19 1213 8.62 17 1298 8.54 20 1109 8.05 78 2262 8.05 69.75 2296.75 64 8.07 2223 8.08 63 2304 74 8.00 2398 7.98 135 2460 7.98 125.75 2494.25 8.00 127 2494 7.97 122 2429 7.97 119 2594 7.46 186 2724 7.5125 179.5 2946.25 7.53 186 3110 7.49 172 3088 7.57 174 2863 2.84 4646 8300 2.8775 5007.5 8597.25 2.88 5294 8282 2.88 5782 9240 2.91 4308 8567 67 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE REP DATE3 DISH3 PH3 pH3AV 03-Oct-91 ******* ******* 1 rb I 0.00 I 03-Oct-91 241 5.12 5.19 2 rb 1 . 0.00 2 242 5.34 3 rb ■1 0.00 3 243 5.22 4 rb 1 0.00 4 244 5.08 5 rb 0.25 2 . 1 245 4.36 4.535 6 rb 2 0.25 2 246 4.51 7 rb 0.25 2 3 247 4.64 8 rb 2 . 0.25 4 248 4.63 9 rb 3 0.50 1 249 4.58. 4.5475" 10 rb 3 0:50 2 250 4.50 11 rb 3 .0.50. . 3 251 4.53 12 rb 3 0.50 4 . 252 4.58 13 rb ■ ' 4 2.50 1 253 3.51 3.46 14 rb 4 2.50 2 254 3.46 15 fb ■ 2.50 4 3 255. 3.42 16 rb 4 2.50 4 256 3.45 17 rb 5 5.00 I 257 3.29 3.3675 18 rb 5 5.00 2 258 3.42 19 rb 5 5.00 3 259 3.33 20 rb 5 5.00 4 260 3.43 21 rb 6 10.00 1 261 3.13 3.1875 22 rb 6 10.00 2 262 3.16 23 rb 6. 10.00 3 263 3.31 24 rb . 6 • 10.00 ■ 4 264 3.15 25 kc 1 0.00 I 265 . 7.67 7.7725 26 kc 0.00 .. 1 2 266 7.74 27 kc 0.00 I 3 267 7.78 , 28 kC 1 0:00 4 268 7.90 29 kc 0.25 2 1 269 7.81 7.6775 30 kc 2 0.25 2 270 7.86 31 kc 2 0.25 3 271 7.51 32 kc 0.25 2 272 7.53 4 . 33 kc 0.50 3 1 273 .7.55 7.61 34 kc 3 0.50 2 274 7.60 35 kc 3 0.50 3 275 7.62 36 kc. 3 ■ 0.50 4 276 7.67 37 kc 2.50 4 1 277 7.49 7.4925 38 kc 4 2.50 ■ 2 278 7.45 39 kc 2.50 4 3 279 7.54 40 kc . 4 2.50 4. 280 7.49 41 kc 5 5.00 1 281 7.40 7.4525 .42 kc '5 5.00 ' 2 ' 282 7.44 43 kc 5 5.00 3 283 7.47 44 kc 5 5.00 .4 284. 7.50 • 45 kc 6 10.00 1 285 7.34 7.355 46 kc 6 10.00 2 286 7.30 47 kc 6 10.00 3 287 7.38 ■ 48 kc 6 4 10.00 288 7.40 49 kp 1 0.00 1 289 7.85 7.8175 50 kp.. 0.00 2 290 7.80 1. * # -» * * * * * ♦ * 68 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 51 kp 52 kp 53 kp 54 kp 55 kp 56 kp 57 kp 58 kp 59 kp 60 kp 61 kp 62 kp 63 kp 64 kp 65 kp 66 kp 67 kp 68 kp 69 kp 70 kp 71 kp 72 kp 73 me 74 me 75 me 76 me 77 me 78 me 79 me 80 me 81 me 82 me 83 me 84 me 85 me 86 me 87 me 88 me 89 me 90 me 91 me 92 me 93 me 94 me 95 me 96 me 97 sm 98 sm 99 sm 100 sm 1 0.00 1 0.00 2 0.25 2 0.25 0.25 2 0.25 2 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.59 4 2.50 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 T 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 6 . 10.00 6 10,00 6 10.00 6 ’ 10.00 0.00 1 0.00 1 1 0.00 1 0.00 REP DATES 03-Oct-91 3 4 1 2 3 4 I. 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 ,4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 DISKS PHS pHSAV * lr* * * * -e tre ft *'***** 291 . 7.78 292 7.84 .293 7.68 7.7075 294 7.70 295 7.76 296 7.69 297 7.65 7.685 298 7.68 299 7.71 300 7.70 301 7.49 7.565 302 7.65 303 '7 .6 0 304' 7.52 305 7.59 7.59 306 7.62 307 7.59 308 7.56 309 7.54 7.4975 . 310 7.50 311 7.47 312 7.48 313 7.79 7.7775 314 7.78 315 7.80 316 7.74 317 7.47 7.645 318 7.70 319 7.68 320 7.73 321 7.26 7.39 322 7.38 323 7.45 324 7.47 325 7.19 7.285 326 7.26 327 7.33 328 7.36 329 7.23 7.2125 330 7.23 331 7.21 332 7.18 333 7.04 7 334 6.92' 335 6.94 336 7.10 337 9.10 8.99 338 8.94 339 8.96 340 8.96 . 69 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 101 sm • 2 0.25 102 sm 2 0.25 103 sm • 2 0.25 104 sm 2 0.25 105 sm 3 0.50 106 sm .3 0.50 3 107 sm . 0.50 108 sm 3 0.50 109 sm 2.50 . 4 110 sm 4 2.50 111 sm 4 2.50 4 112 sm 2.50 113 sm 5 5.00 114 sm 5 5.00 115 sm 5 ' 5.00 116 sm 5 5.00 117 sm 6 10.00 118 sm 6 10.00 119 sm 6. 10.00 120 sm 6 10.00 7 100.00 7 100.00 7 100.00 7 100.00 REP DATES DISH3PH3 pH3AV ********** 03-Oct-91 ******* . 1 341 8.74 8.7625 2 342 8.80 3 343 8.73 4 344 8.78 I 345 8.57 8.5525 2 346 8.50 3 347 8.60 4 348 8.54 1 349 8.09 8.0875 2 350 8.07 3 351 8.13 4 352 8.06 353 7.97 I 7.93 2 354 7.89 3 355 7.89 4 356 7.97 • 1 357 7.20 7.025 2 ' 358 7.16 3 . 359 7.18 4 360 6.56 1 1209 3.00 3.0225 2 1210 2.96 .3 1211 3.08 4 1212 3.05 70 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE I rb 2 rb 3 rb 4 rb 5 rb 6 rb 7 rb 8 rb 9 rb 10 rb 11 rb 12 rb 13 rb 14 rb 15 rb 16 rb 17 rb 18 rb 19 rb 20 rb 21 rb 22 rb 23 rb 24 rb 25 kc 26 kc 27 kc 28 kc 29 kc 30 kc 31 kc 32 kc 33 kc 34 kc 35 kc 36 kc 37 kc 38 kc 39 kc 40 kc 41 kc 42 kc 43 kc 44 kc 45 kc 46 kc 47 kc 48 kc 49 kp 50 kp I 1 1 1 2 2 2 . 2 3 3 3 ’ 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 •6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 '■ 6 6 1 I REP DATE4 30-Oct-91 0.00 I 30-Oct-91 0.00 2 3 0.00 0.00 4 0.25 I 0.25 2 0.25 3 0.25 4 0.50 1 0.50 2 0.50 3 0.50 4 2.50 1 2.50 2 2.50 3 2.50 ■ .4 5.00 I 5.00 2 5.00 3 5.00 4 10.00 I 10.00 2 3 10.00 10.00 4 0.00 I 0.00 2 3 0.00 0.00 4 0.25 I 0.25 2 3 0.25 0.25 4 0.50 1 0.50 2 3 0.50 0.50 4 2.50 1 2.50 2 2.50 3 2.50 4 1 5.00 5.00 2 5.00 3 5.00 4 10.00 1 10.00. 2 . 10.00 3 10.00 4 0.00 I 0.00 2 DISH4 PH4 EC4 pH4AV ******* ******** *********** 361 4.79 0.110 5.0375 362 4.94 0.100 363 5.34 0.066 364 5.08 0.116 365 4.28 0.395 4.335 366 4.41 0.191 367 4.26 0.234 368 4.39 0.162 369 4.10 0.267 3.945 370 4.14 0.223 . 371 3.87 0.182 • 372 3.67 0.204 373 2.74 2.220 2.8775 374 2.90 ■ 1.790 375 2.77 2.510 376 3.10 1.420 377 2.99 2.200 3,1975 378 3.01 2.450 379 2.89 2.850 380 3.90 2.650 381 3.26 2.080 3.1775 382 3.16 2.240 383. 3.19 2.350 384 3.10 1.950 385 7.84 0.193 7.835 386 7.80 0.235 387 7.91 0.197 388 7.79 0.203 389 7.54 0.568 7.4575 390 7.38 0.475 391 7.44 0.411 392 7.47 0.438 393 7.41 0.591 7.4925 394 7.47 0.531 395 7.51 0.579 396 7.58 0.402 397 7.45 1.099 7.4625 398 7.40 1.371 399 7.46 1.007 400 7.54 1.104 401 7.20 2.400 7.28 402 7.19 2.030 403 7.35 2.140 404 7.38 1.910 . 405 7.26 2.640 7.2725 406 7.50 2.790 407 7.11 2.760 408 7.22 2.700 409 7.95 0.195 7,825 410 7.92 0.254 EC4AV ********** 0.098 0.2455 0.219 1.985 2.5375 2.155 0.207 0.473 ' 0.52575 1.14525 2.12 2.7225 0.21475 71 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 51 kp 52 kp 53 kp 54 kp 55 kp 56 kp 57 kp 58 kp 59 kp 60 kp 61 kp 62 kp 63 kp 64 kp 65 kp 66 kp 67 kp 68 kp . 69 kp 70 kp 71 kp 72 kp 1 73 me 74 me 75 me 76 me 77 me 78 me 79 me 80 m e 81 me 82 me 83 me 84 me 85 me 86 m e 87 m e 88 me 89 me 90 me 91 me 92 me 93 m e 94 me 95 me 96 me 97 sm 98 sm 99 sm 100 sm I 0.00 1 0.00 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 3 0.50 • 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 . 10.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 I 0.00 1 0.00 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 . 0.25 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 ' 6 10.00 10.00 6 6 10.00 6 10.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 REP DATE4 DISH4 PH4 30-Oct-91 3 411 7.65 4 412 7.78 1 413 7.72 2 414 7.73 3 415 7.70 4 416 7.77 1 417 7.67 2 418 7.70 3 419 7.68 4 420 7.71 1 421 7.51 2 422 7.59 3 423 7.60 4 424 7.62 1 425 7.60 2 • 426 7.63 3 427 7.62 4 428 7.64 I 429 7.57 2 430 7.59 3 431 7.65 4 432 7.63 I 433 7.86 2 434 7.83 3 435 7.74 4 436 7.73 1 437 7.75 2 438 7.72 3 439 7.64 4 440 7.70 1 441 7.40 2 442 7.48 3 443 7.57 4 444 7.55 1 445 7.50 2 446 7.56 3 447 7.58 4 448 7.51 449 7.43 I 2 450 7.43 3 451 7.38 4 452 7.43 I 453 7.26 2 454 7.35 3 455 7.03 4 456 ' 7.07 I 457 8.87 2 458 8.71 3 459 8.90 4 460 8.66 EC4 pH4AV EC4AV * * * * * * * * * * 0.235 0.175 0.256 0.425 0.460 0.373 0.730 0.588 0.674 0.568 1.049 0.966 0.967 0.949 1.687 1.289 1.635 1.683 2.380 2.390 2.230 2.270 0.190 0.201 0.223 0.237 0.256 0.295 0.266 0.334 0.473 0.415 0.348 0.479 1.130 0.845 0.917 1.087 1,438 1:770 1.745 1,874 2.370 3.410 2.400 2.440 3.850 3.820 3.690 3.840 7.73 0.3785 7.69 0.64 7.58 0.98275 7.6225 1.5735 7.61 2.3175 7.79 0.21275 7.7025 0.28775 7.5 0.42875 7.5375 0.99475 7.4175 1.70675 7.1775 2.655 .8.785 3.8 72 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 101 sm 102 sm 103 sm 104 sm 105 sm 106 sm 107 sm 108 sm 109 sm 110 sm 111 sm 112 sm 113 sm 114 sm 115 sm 116 sm 117 sm 118 sm 119 Sm 120 sm ■ 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 REP DATE4 DISH4 PH4 EC4 pH4AV EC4AV ********** ********** ******* 30-Oct-91 461 I 8.63 3.610 8.6825 4.01 2 462 8.77 3.320 3 .463 8.70 4.000 4 464 8.63 5.110 1 465 8.53 4.470 8.49 4.87 2 466 8.40 5.250 3 467 8.50 4.640 4 468 8.53 5.120 1 469 7.87 . 5.550 7.9475 5.465 2 470 7.89 5.090 3 471 7.91 5.150 4 472 8.12 6.070 1 473 7.86 4.460 7.7825 4.9325 2 474 7.76 4.280. 3 475 7.71 5.310 4 476 7.80 5.680 1 477 5.77 4.530 5.975 5.6525 478 5.81 5.970 2 3 479 6.37 5.320 480 5.95 6.790 4 1 1213 2.99 15.820 . 2.845 11.705 1214 2.75 9.060 2 3 1215 2.78 11.490 4 1216 2.86 10.450 73 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 1 .1 rb 1 2 rb 3 rb 1 4 rb 1 5 rb 2 2 6 rb 7 rb 2 2 8 rb 3 9 rb 10 rb . 3 3 11 rb 3 12 rb 13 rb •4 14 rb 4 15 rb 4 ' 16 rb 4 1 7 ,rb 5 18 rb 5 19 rb 5 20 rb 5 21 rb 6 6 22 rb 6 23 rb 24 rb 6 25 kc i 1 26 kc 1 27 kc 28 kc 1 29 kc 2 30 kc . 2 31 kc 2 32 kc 2 33 kc 3 34 kc 3 35 kc 3 3 36 kc 37 kc, 4 4 38 kc 39 kc 4 40 kc 4 5 41 kc 42 kc 5 43 kc 5 44 kc 5 6 45 kc 6 46 kc . 47 kc 6 6. 48 kc 49 kp - 1 50 kp 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 6.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00, 0.00 REP DATES 26-Nov-9i 1 26-Nov-91 2 3 . 4 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I . 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 ' 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I . 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I 2 DISH5 PH5 p HSAV ....... ....... ********** 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 • 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515' 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 . 530 5.45 5.50 5.60 5.52 4.55 4.51 4.69 4.77 4.61 4.55 4.74 4.75 3.98 4.01 3.72 3.90 3.60 3.85 3.90 3.88 3.71 3.77 3.79 3.83 8.41 8.40 8.45 8.44 8.36 8.30 7.32 7.40 7.58 7.62 7.65 7.69 7.61 7.59 7.53 7.56 7.53 7.48 6.55 6.59 7.42 7.90 7.83 7.83 7.86 7.91 5.5175 4.63 4.6625 3.9025 3.8075 3.775 8.425 7.845 7.635 7.5725 7.0375 7.745 7.885 74 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 51 kp 1 52 kp . 1 53 kp 2 54 kp 2 55 kp 2 56 kp 2 3 .57. kp 58 kp 3 59 kp ' 3 60 kp 3 61 kp 4 62 kp 4 • 63 kp . 4 64 kp 4 65 kp ■ 5 66 kp 5 67 kp 5 68 kp 5 69 kp 6 70 kp 6 71 kp 6 72 kp 6 73 me 1 74 me 1 75 me 1 1 76 me 77 me 2 78 me 2 79 me 2 80 me 2 81 me 3 3 82 me 83 me 3 64 me 3 .4 85 me 86 me 4 ■4 87 me 88 me 4 89 me . 5 90 me 5 91 me 5 92 me 5 93 me . 6 94 me 6 6 95 me 96 me 6 1 97 sm 98 sm 1 99 sm I 100 sm 1 . 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50. 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 . 2.50 ' 5.00 ■ 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 .2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REP DATES 26-Nov-91 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 1 2 .3 4 I 2 3 4 DISKS PH5 . 531 532 533 534 535 ' 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 ' 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 7.94 7.83 7.84 7.89 7.86 7.86 7.76 7.82 7.85 7.79 7.00 7.27 7.44 7.51 7.46 7.47 7.58 7.59 7.42 7.49 7.51 7.61 7.64 7.66 7.64 .7.65 7.62 7.63 7.61 7.68 7.60 7.60 7.63 7.61 7.47 7.48 7.53 7.54 7.50 7.52 7.51 7.54 7.51 7.49 7.43 7.43 8.75 8.87 8.83 8.82 pH5AV 7.8625 7.805 7.305 7.525 7.5075 - 7.6475 7.635 7.61 7.505 7.5175 7.465 8.8175 75 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 . 10.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 REP DATES 26-Nov-91 1. 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 ' 4 1 . 2 . 3 • 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 DISKS PH5 581 8.64 582 8.62 583 8.70 584 8.71 585 8.52 586 8.62 587 8.55 ■ 588 8.47 589 8.01 590 8.00 591 7.87. 592 7.94 593 7.73 594 7.68 595 7.70 596 7.53 597 6.74 598 6.28 599 6.28 600 6.00 1217 3.02 1218 3.01 1219 : 3.05 1220 3.04 pH5AV ###**#**** 8.6675 8.54 7.955 7.66 6.325 3.03 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE I rb 2 rb 3 rb 4 rb 5 rb 6 rb 7 rb 8 rb 9 rb 10 rb 11 rb 12 rb 13 rb 14 rb 15 rb 16 rb 17 rb 18 rb 19 rb 20 rb 21 rb 22 rb 23 rb 24 rb 25 kc 26 kc 27 kc 28 kc 29 kc 30 kc 31 kc 32 kc 33 kc 34 kc 35 kc " 36 kc 37 kc 38 kc 39 kc 40 kc 41 kc 42 kc 43 kc 44 kc 45 kc 46 kc 47 kc 48 kc 49 kp 50 kp R E P DATE6 DISH6 30-Dec-91 ' 1 30-Dec-91 1' 0.00 60t 0.00 2 1 602 3 1 0.00 603 1 0.00 4 604 1 2 0:25 605 2 2 0.25 606 3 2 0.25 607 2 4 0.25 608 3 1 0.50 609 2 3 0.50 610 3 3 0.50 611 3 4 612 0.50 1 4 2.50 613 2 4 2.50 ' 614 3 2.50 4 615 4 4 2.50 616 1 5 5.00 617 2 5 5.00 618 5 5.00 3 619. 4 620 5 5.00 1 621 6 10.00 2 6 10.00 622 3 6 10.00. 623 4 6 10.00 624 1 0.00 625 1 0.00 2 626 1 3 0.00 1 627 4 0.00 628 ' 1 1 2 ■ 0.25 629 2 2 0.25 630 3 2 0.25. 631 4 2 . 0.25 632 1 0.50 633 3 2 634 0.50 3. - 3 3 635 0.50 4 3 0.50 636 1 637 4 2.50 2 2.50 638 4 3 2.50 639 4 4 4 2.50 640 ■1 5.00 641 ,5 2 5 . 5.00 642 3 5 5.00 643 5 5.00 644 4 1 6 10.00 645 2 6 10.00 646 6 10.00 ' 3 647 4 ■ 6 10.00 648 0.00 1 649 1 2 0.00 650 1 PH6 pH6AV * * * * * * * * * * 4.69 5.20 5.24 .5.19 4.24 4.45 4.37 4.40 4.16 4.16 3.98 3.84 3.25 3.16 3.07 3.04 2.99 2.73 3.10 3.30 2.98 3.08 2.84 3.15 7.70 7.89 7.90 7.99 7.82 7.81 7.59 7.55 7.59 7.67 7.67 7.68 7.64 7.64 7.63 7.63. 7.36 7.47 7.54 7.60 7.39 6.79 7.11 7.05 7.70 7.82 5.08 4.365 4.035 3.13 3.03 3.0125 7.87 7.6925 7.6525' 7.635 7.4925 7.085 7.7825 77 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE REP DATES DISKS PH6 pH6AV * t leir 30-Dec-91 ******* ******* 3 651 7.74 .4 ‘ 652 7.87 1 653 7.75 7.805' 2 654 7,83 3 655 7.82 656 7.82 4 . 1 657 7.83 7.8475 658 7.82 . 2 3 659 7.86 4 ■ 660 7.88 1 661 7.74 7.76 2 662 7.74 3 663 . 7.77 4 664 7.79 1 665 7.74 7.76 2 666 7.75 3 667 7.77 .4 668 7.78 1 669 7.76 7.6825 2 670 7.74 3 671 7.61 4 672 7.62 I 673 7.91 7.86 2 674 7.82 3 675 7.88 4 676 7.83 677 7.47 ■ 1 7.655 2 678 7.70 3 679 7.72 4 680 7.73 1 681. 7.80 7.795 2 682 7.76 683 7.80 3 4 684 7.82 685 • 7.67 I 7.6625 2 686 7.65 687 7.64 3 688 7.69 4 1 689 7.64 7.54 690 7.64 2 3 691 7.41 4 692 7.47 693 7.50 1 7.375 2 694 7.49 695 7.29 3 4 696 7.22 1 697 9.08 9.Q675 2 698 9.06 699 9.09 3 • 700 9.04 4 # # -* * * * . Slkp 52 kp 53 kp 54 kp 55 kp 56 kp 57 kp 58 kp 59 kp 60 kp 61 kp 62 kp 63 kp 64 kp 65 kp 66 kp 67 kp 68 kp 69 kp 70 kp 71. kp 72 kp 73 me 74 me 75 me 76 me 77 me 78 me 79 me 80 me 81 me 82 me 83 me 84 me 85 me 86 me 87 me 88 me 89 me 90 me 91 me 92 me 93 me 94 me 95 me 96 me .97 sm 98 sm 99 sm 100 sm • 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 . 4 .5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 . 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6. 6 . 6 6 1 I 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 . 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00. 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 78 PLOT SOIL TRT .RATE 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm • . 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 ' 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 . 100.00 100.00 REP DATES DISKS PH6 pH6AV 30-Dec-9T ******* ******* *********** 701 1 8.58 8.725 2 702 8.64 3 703 8.85 4 704 8.83 705 8.67 I . 8.655 706 8.63 2 3 707 8.66 4 708 8.66 709 8.23 1 8.095 2 710 8.30 711 7.98 3 712 7.87 4 713 7.44 7.3625 '. 1 714 7.39 2 715 7.19 3 716 7.43 4 717 5.66 5.6775 1 718 5.79 2 3 719 5.45 4 720 5.81 1221 2:86 3.045 I 1222 3.13 2 1223 3.07 3 1224 3.12 4 ' 79 .OT SOIL TRT RATE 1 rb 2 rb 3 rb 4 rb 5 rb 6 rb 7 rb 8 rb 9 rb 10 rb 11 rb 12 rb 13 rb 14 rb 15 rb 16 rb 17 rb 18 rb 19 rb 20 rb 21 rb 22 rb 23 rb 24 rb 25 kc 26 kc 27 kc 28 kc 29 kc 30 kc 31 kc 32 kc 33 kc 34 kc 35 kc 36 kc 37 kc 38 kc 39 kc 40 kc 41 kc 42 kc 43 kc 44 kc 45 k c . 46 kc 47 kc 48 kc 49 kp 50 kp 1 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 4 ' 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 • 5 5.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 I 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 "0.25 2 . 0.25 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 .0.50 3 0.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 5 5.00 .5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 , 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 ,10.00 6 10.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 REP DATE7 ' DISH7 PH7 pi ********** 31-Jan-92 1 3 1-Jan-92 721 6.48 6.455 2 722 6.27 3 723 6.53 4 724 6.54 1 725 4.70 4.675 2 726 4.87 3 727 4.63 4 728 4.50 1 729 4.22 4.2475 2 730 4.25 3 731 4.27 4 732 4.25 1 733 2.15 . 2 . 734 2.38 3 735 2.20 4 736 2.87 I 737 2.12 2.0975 2 738 2.07 3 739 2.11 4 740 2.09 1 741 2.74 2.5525 2 742 2.73 3 743 2.11 4 744 2.63 1 745 7.36 7.5675 2 746 7.61 3 747 .7.63 4 748 7.67 1 749 7.69 7.73 2 750 7.71 3 751 7.77 4 752 7.75 1 753 7.77 7.86 2 754 7:87 3 755 7.92 756 7.88 .4 1 757 7.54 7.585 2 758 7.60 3 759 7.60 4 760 ■7.60 1 761 7.44 7.3625 2 762 7.43 3 763 7.29 4 764 7.29 1 765 7.20 7.095 2 766 7.10 3 767 7.08 4 768 7.00 .1 769 .7.74 7.81 2 770 7.72 80 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 51 kp 52 kp 53 kp 54 kp 55 kp 56 kp 57 kp 58 kp 59 kp 60 kp 61 kp 62 kp 63 kp 64 kp 65 kp 66 kp 67 kp 68 kp 69 kp 70 kp 71 kp 72 kp 73 me 74 me 75 me 76 me 77 me 78 me 79 me 80 me 81 me 82 me 83 me 84 me 85 me 86 me 87 me 88 me 89 me 90 me 91 me 92 me 93 me 94 me 95 me 96 me 97 sm 98 sm 99 s m ' 100 sm 1 I 2 2 2 . 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6. 6 6 1 1 I 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 , 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 - 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0,50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 . 10.00 10,00 .0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 , 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REP DATE? 31-Jan-92 3. 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 . 3 4 . I 2 3 . 4 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 1 2 . 3 4 1 2 3 4 DISH7 ******* 771 .772 773 774 775 776 777 ' 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 . 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 PH7 pH7AV ***** 7.80 7.98 7.80 7.8275 7.83 7.83 7.85 7.81 7.8175 7.85 7.79 7.82 7.86 7.7925 7.77 7.76 7.78 7.61 7.62 7.66 7.61 7.60 7.63 7.6175 7.61 7.63 7.60 7.98 8.0325 8.03 8.05 8.07 8.07 7.9425 7.89 7.92 7.89. 7.43 7.6375 7.60 7.75 7.77 7.51 7.4575 7.45 7.43 7.44 7.39 7.3525 7.40 7.29 7.33 7.36 7.2675 7.31 7.21 7.19 9.11 9.135 9.15 9.10 9.18 81 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE REP DATE7 DISH7PH7 pH7AV 31-Jan-92 ******* 1 821 8.85 8.97 2 822 8.95 3 823 9.18 4 824 8.90 I 825 8.71 8.72 2 826 8.72 3 827 8.71 828 8.74 4 1 7.9275 829 8.11 2 830 7.91 3 831 7.83 4 832 7.86 1 833 7.48 7.2475 2 834 7.22 3 835 7.15 4 836 7.14 1 837 5.06 4.9925 2 838 5.28 3 839 4.80 840 4.83 4 1225 2.49 I 2.4375 1226 2.46 2 3 1227 2.44 4 1228 . 2.36 * * * * * * * . 101 sm 102 sm 103 sm 104 sm 105 sm 106 sm 107 sm 108 sm 109 sm 110 sm 111 sm 112 sm 113 sm 114 sm 116 sm 117 sm 118 sm 119 sm 120 sm 2 0.25 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.50 3 0.50 3 3 . 0.50 . 3 0.50 2.50 4 2.50 4 4 . 2.50 2.50 4 5.00 5 5 5.00 5 . 5.00 5.00 5 10.00 6 .6 10.00 10.00 6 10.00 6 100.00 7 100.00 7 100.00 7 100.00 7 w * * * * * * « -» * 82 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 1 rb 2 rb 3 rb 4 rb 5 rb 6 rb 7 rb 8 rb 9 rb 10 rb 11 rb 12 rb 13 rb 14 rb 15 rb 16 rb 17 rb 18 rb 19 rb 20 rb 21 rb 22 rb 23 rb 24 rb 25 kc 26 kc 27 kc 28 kc 29 kc 30 kc 31 kc 32 kc 33 kc 34 kc' 35 kc 36 kc 37 kc 38 kc 39 kc 40 kc 41 kc 42 kc 43 kc 44 kc 45 kc i 46 kc 47 kc 48 kc 49 kp 50 kp . I T 1 • 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 • 5 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50. 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 6.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 . 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 REP DATES DISKS PH8 EC8 pH8AV ***+*+*+++ 12-Mar-92 I 12-Mar-92 841 5.61 0.087 5.745 2 842 5.78 0.118 3 843 5.78 0.112 4 844 5.81 0.117 I 845 4.51 0.267 4.4775 2 846 4.76 0.210 ' 3 847 4.40 0.184 4 848 4.24 0.215 1 849 4.45 0.245 4.3 2 850 4.19 0.325 . 3 851 4.36 0.222 4 852 4.20 0.341 1 853 2.71 2.120 2.62 2 854 2.56 4.920 3 855 2.59 4.100 4 856 2.62 3.400 1 857 2.72 3.880 2.7475 2 858. 2.75 3.760 3 859 2.69 4.420 . 4 860 2.83 3.830 1 861 2.66 6.320 2.6525 2 862 2.55 5.290 3 863 2.96 3.440 4 ' 864 2.44 5.880 1 1 865 .8.00 0.999 7.91 2 866 7.61 0.469 3 .867 7.99. 0.405 4 868 8.04 0.426 1 869 7.97 0.879 7.98 .2 870 7.97 0.606 3 871 8.00 0.808 4 872 7.98 1.197 1 873 8.03 0.780 7.9975 2 874 7.96 1.206 3 . 875 8.04 0.773 4 876 7.96 1.189 1 877 7.89 1.622 ■7.8525 2 878 7.85 1.755 3 879 7.84 1.812 4 880 7.83 2.030 I 881 7.76 2.640 7.765 2 882 7.77 2.590 3 883 7.77 2.630 4 884 7.76 2.450 1 I 885 7.75 2.800 7.6875 2 886 7.71 3.000 3 887 7.68 2.920 4 888 7.61 3.180 . 1 889 7.68 . 0.899 7.755 2 890 7.77 0.485 EC8AV ********** 0.1085 0.219 0.28325 3.635 3.9725 5.2325 0.57475. 0.8725 0.987 1.80475 2.5775 2.975 0.5295 83 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 51 kp 52 kp 53 kp 54 kp 55 kp 56 kp 57 kp 58 kp 59 kp 60 kp 61 kp 62 kp 63 kp 64 kp 65 kp 66 kp 67 kp 68 kp 69 kp 70 kp 71 kp 72 kp 73 me 74 me 75 me 76 me 77 me 78 me 79 me 80 me 81 me 82 me ■ 83 me 84 me 85 me 86 me 87 me 88 me 89 me 90 me . 91 me 92 me 93 me 94 me 95 me 96 me 97 sm 98 sm 9 9 'sm 100 sm 1 0.00 .1 0.00 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 • 0.25 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 4 • 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 1 0.00/ 0.00 ■1 1 0.00 1 0.00 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 3 0.50 0.50 3 3 0.50 0.50 3 4 2.50 4 2.50 2.50 4 4 2.50 5 5.00 5 ■ 5.00 5.00 .5 5.00 5 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 6 10.00 0.00 I 0.00 1 0.00 1 1 0.00 REP DATES 12-Mar-92 3 4 . 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ' 1 2 3 4 • 1 2 3 4 . 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 ■ 2 3 4 DISKS PH8 ’***••* ******* 891 7.65 892 7.92 893 7.85 894 7.86 895. 7.91 896 7.87 897 7.93 898 7.92 899 7.87 900 7.86 901 7.85 902 7.71 903 7.81 904 7.83 905 7.69 906 7.74 907 7.72 908 7.72 909 7.75 910 7.74 911 7.14 91:2 7.39 913 7.59 914 7.76 915 7.83 916 7.91 917 7.94 918 7.91 919 7.98 920 7.83 921 7.82 922 7.99 923 7.96 924 8.02 925 7.74 926 7.67927 7.64 928 7.62 929 7.72 930 7.62 931, 7.53 932 7.56 933 7.42 934 7.37 935 7.27 936 7.36 937 9.07 938 9.16 939 9.15 940 9.18 pH8AV EC8 .......*** • «*#•****+* 0.428 0.306 0.490 7.8725 0.547. 0.433 0.675 0.637. 7.895 ,0.653 0.725 0.780 1.711 7.8 1.871 2.190 1.389 2.370 7.7175 2.160 2.320. 2.340 2.410 7.505 2.670 2.310 2.370 0.755 7.7725 0.406 0.374 0.315 0.326 7.915 0.383 0.317 0.577 7.9475 0.525 0.314 0.377 0.305 7.6675 1.387 1.652 1.735 2.190 1.390 7.6075 2.150 2.200 2.290 2.490 , 7.355 2.440 2.440 2.280 9.14 4.180 3.950 4.110 3.800 EG 8AV ********** 0.53625 0:69875 1.79025 2.2975 2.44 0.4625 0.40075 0.38025 1.741 2.0075 2.4125 4.01 84 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 101 sm 102 sm 103 sm 104 sm 105 sm 106 sm 107 sm 108 sm 109 sm 110 sm 111 sm 112 sm 113 sm 114 sm 115 sm 116 sm 117 sm 118 sm . 119 sm 120 sm 2 2 2 2 . 3 ' 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 REP DATES 12-Mar-92 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 DISKS PH8 EC8 pHSAV EC8AV ********** ********** 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 1229 1230 1231 1232 8.79 8.92 8.93 8.86 8.60 8.65 8.82 8.69 7.95 8.05 7.81 7.97 7.68 7.49 4.72 7.25 4.80 4.50 4.42 4.20 2.66 2.74 2.66 2.69 5.070 3.810 4.220 4.780 6.020 5.670 3.530 '4.650. 5.790 6.730 7.170 5.950 6.510 6.250 6.270 6.940 6.910 5.821 4.370 6.740 19.900 16.830 12.780 17.920 8.875 4.47 8.69 4.9675 7.945 6.41 6.785 6.4925 4.48 5.96025 2.6875 16.8575 85 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE I rb 2 rb 3 rb 4 rb 5 rb 6 rb 7 rb . 8 rb . 9 rb 10 rb 11 rb 12 rb 13 rb 14 rb 15 rb 16 rb 17 rb 18 rb 19 rb . 20 rb 21 rb 22 rb 23 rb . 24 rb 25 kc 26 kc 27 kc 28 kc 29 kc 30 kc 31 kc 32 kc 33 kc 34 kc .35 kc 36 kc 37 kc 38 kc 39 kc 40 kc 41 kc 42 kc 43 kc 44 kc 45 kc 46 kc 47 kc 48 kc 49 kp 50 kp . ' I 0.00 T 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 2 0.25 2 ' 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 2.50 4 4 2.50 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 " 10.00 6 10.00 0.00 1 0.00 1 REP DATE9 19-May-92 1 19-May-92 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 1 2 DISH9 ******* 961 962 .963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 .987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008. 1009 1010 PH9 pH9AV ******* ********** 5.60 5.6725 5.66 5.68 5.75 4.82 4.775 4.84 4.86 4.58 3.21 3.9675 4.16 4.14 4.36 3.34 3.2675 3.27 3.17 3.29 3.23 3.0025 2.88 3.13 2.77 3.12 2.9775 3.15 2.79 2.85 7.83 8.155 8.07 8.17 8.55 8.23 7.96 8.31 7.51 7.79 7.76 7.965 8.02 8.02 8.06 7.78 7.8075 . 7.81 7.86 7.78 6.9675 6.82 6.85 7.04 7.16 6.74 5.6575 6.22 4.87 4.80 7.33 . 7.58 7.48 86 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE Slkp 52 kp 53 kp 54 kp 55 kp 56 kp 57 kp 58 kp 59 kp < 60 kp 61 kp 62 kp 63 kp 64 kp 65 kp 66 kp 67 kp 68 kp 69 kp 70 kp 71 kp 72 kp 73 m e . 74 m e 75 m e 76 m e 77 me 78 me 79 me 80 m e 81 me 82 me 83 m e 84 m e 85 me 86 m e 87 me 88 m e 89 me 90 m e 91 me 92 m e 93 m e 94 me 95 m e . 96 m e 97 sm 98 sm 99 sm 100 sm I 0.00 1 0.00 2 0.25 ,2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 3 0.50 3 0.50 3 0.50 ' 3 0.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 1 0.00 1 . 0.00 1 0.00 . 1 0.00 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.25 3 0.50 3 0.50 ’ 3 0.50 3 0.50 4 ' 2.50 ■ 4 2.50 4 2.50 4 2.50 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 5 5.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 6 10.00 1 0.00 1 ■ 0.00 0.00 1 1 q.oo REP.DATE9 DISH9 PH9 pH9AV 19-May-92 ........ * 3 1011 7.73 4 1012 7.78 I 1013 7.80 7.9025 2 1014 7.87 3 1015 7.96 4 1016 7.98 1 1017 7.92 7.94 2 1018 7.90 3 1019 8.01 4 1020 7.93 1 1021 7.72 7.765 2 1022 7.78 3 1023 7.76 4 1024 7.80 1 1025 7.67 7.72 2 1026 7.72 3 1027 7.75 4 1028 7.74 1 1029 7.77 7.7625 2 1030 7.78 3 1031 7.74 4 1032 7.76 1033 ' 8.12 .1 8.13 2 1034 8.04 3 1035 8.11 4 1036 8.25 1 1037 8.09 7.9975 2 1038 7.93 3 1039 7.96 4 1040 8.01 1 1041 7.16 7.4 2 1042 7.40 3 1043 7.48 4 1044 7.56 1 1045 7.53 7.485 2 1046 7.43 3 1047 7.46 4 1048 7.52 1 1049 7.48 7.53 2 1050 7.52 3 1051 7.54 4, 1052 7.58 1 1053 7.32 7.105 2 1054 7.02 3 1055 7.02 4 1056 7.06 1 1057 9.05 9.2575 2 1058 9.26 3 1059 9.37 4 1060 9.35 87 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm sm ■ 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 REP DATES DISH9PH9 pH9AV ********** 19-May-92 1 0.25 1061. 8.92 8:9525 0.25 2 1062 8.86 0.25 3 1063 9.09 4 0.25 1064 8.94 I 0.50 1065 8.74 8.6525 0.50 2 1066 8.89 0.50 . 3 1067 8.78 0.50 1068 8.20 4 2.50 I 1069 8.21 8.1925 . 1070 8.10 2.50 2 2.50 1071 8.21 3 4 2.50 1072 8.25 1 1073 7.62 5.00 7.2075 1074 7.26 2 5.00 5.00 3 1075 7.00 4 1076 6.95 5.00 10.00 1 1077 5.00 4.855 1078 5.01 10.00 2 10.00 1079 4.49 3 10.00 4 1080 4.92 1233 2.87 2.9025 100.00 ' 1 1234 3.00 100.00 • 2 100.00 1235. 2.91 3 100.00 4 1236 2.83 88 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE I ft) 2 rb 3 rb 4 rb 5 rb 6 rb 7 rb 8 rb 9 rb 10 rb 11 rb 12 rb 13 rb 14 rb IS rb 16 rb 17 rb 18 rb 19 rb 20 rb 21 rb 22 rb 23 rb 24 rb 25 kc 26 kc 27 kc 28 kc 29 kc 30 kc 31 kc 32 kc 33 kc. 34 kc 35 kc 36 kc 37 kc 38 kc 39 kc 40 kc 41 kc 42 kc 43 kc 44 kc 45 kc 46 kc 47 kc 48 kc 49 kp 50 kp SI kp 52 kp 53 kp 54 kp 55 kp 56 kp 57 kp 58 kp 59 kp 60 kp 61 kp 62 kp 63 kp 64 kp 65 kp 66 kp 67 kp 68 kp 69 kp 70 kp 71 kp 72 kp 73 me 74 me I I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 I I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 1 I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 I I 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 250 250 2.50 250 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 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1141 7.67 I 2 1142 7.85 3 1143 7.72 4 1144 7.77 1 1145 7.61 1146 7.68 2 3 1147 7.63 4 1148 7.65 I 1149 7.65 2 1150 7.51 3 1151 7.04 4 7.1 1152 1153 7.81 I 1154 7.94 2 ECIO 0.099 0.141 0.129 0.112 0.761 0.209 0.72 0.739 1.257 0.457 0.543 1.183 3.08 5.67 3.4 2.31 6053 4.62 5.83 2.15 7.89 6.95 7.52 5.87 0.54 0.511 0.5 0.482 0.686 0.612 0.625 0.685 0.754 0.716 0.736 0.867 1.863 1.42 1.979 1.834 2.72 2.66 2.68 2.78 3.49 2.83 2.78 2.59 0.217 0.272 0.229 0.135 0.312 0.216 0.22 0.274 0.358 0.41 0.632 0.23 0.359 0.231 0.64 0.541 1.7 1.367 1.751 1.616 1.601 2.42 2.33 2.37 0.21 0.185 Fe 10 15 17 IS 16 203 117 122 232 274 164 246 438 644 3380 792 600 4960 1162 2416 532 6620 4060 5260 2576 5 4 4 4 6 7 7 6 10 10 9 9 31 39 35 36 65 65 96 69 338 194 202 214 3 3 3 3 8 7 8 8 16 15 18 18 38 46 38 48 73 82 85 73 77 77 77 81 3 3 SO410 pH 10AV ECIOAV FeIOAV SO410A ............... 5 5.775 8 13 11 523 3.645 438 302 406 687 3.1275 440 521 1045 2895 246 7975 4463 1998 11668 2.5225 5828 7623 2231 11400 2.4575 9435 8740 7458 31 7.6425 30 30 27 109 7.4775 134 162 138 237 7.795 312 317 312 1369 7.115 1295 1129 1557 1972 6.66 1810 1893 1715 4718 4.045 3450 3325 2644 39 7.85 31 36 38 227 8.15 228 190 213 331 8.09 384 322 292 1145 7.7525 1169 1101 1347 1477 7.6425 1462 1490 1455 1792 7.325 1903 1765 1839 22 7.925 16 0.12025 15.75 9.25 0.60725 168.5 417.25 0.66 280.5 673.25 3.615 1354 4332.75 1516.4 2267.5 6837.5 7.0575 4629 9258.25 0.50825 4.25 29.5 0.652 6.5 135.75 0.76825 9.5 294.5 1.774 35.25 1337.5 271 74 1847.5 2.9225 237 3534.25 0.21325 3 36 0.2555 7.75 214.5 0.4075 16.75 332.25 0.46775 425 1190.5 1.6085 78.25 1471 218025 78 1824.75 0.19125 3 18.5 89 PLOT SOIL TRT RATE 75 me 76 me 77 m e 78 me 79 me 80 m e 81 me 82 m e 83 me 64 me 85 m e 66 me 87 me 88 me 89 me 90 m e 91 me 92 me 93 me 94 me 95 me 96 me 97 sm 98 sm 99 sm 100 sm 101 sm 102 sm 103 sm 104 sm 105 sm 106 sm 107 sm 108 sm 109 sm 110 sm 111 sm 112 sm 113 sm 114 sm 115 sm 116 sm 117 sm 118 sm 119 sm 120 sm 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.25 2 0.25 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0.129 0.142 0.127 0.115 0.126 0.103 0.265 0.371 0.361 0.378 0.775 0.806 0.754 0.823 1.407 0.987 1.558 1.107 1.245 0.686 0.762 0.863 1.287 0.768 0.755 0.867 0.627 0.896 0.872 1.192 2.92 2.97 2.08 2.31 3.13 3.25 2.4 2.7 3.61 3.34 2.46 2.35 4.11 3.77 6.66 5.96 FeIO .......... 3 3 6 6 6 6 9 10 11 9 51 41 45 49 77 77 82 88 91 98 183 190 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 7 8 a 7 33 32 33 29 134 133 156 202 348 342 397 340 23400 18220 25800 17300 SO410 19 17 156 158 140 113 281 261 206 268 1222 1209 1065 1264 1732 1752 1815 1876 2533 2581 2618 2768 834 876 773 827 1260 1177 1292 1177 1595 1462 1529 1427 3390 3245 3243 3168 3950 3885 3665 3925 4935 4698 4800 4630 21925 19650 29300 29425 pHIOAV EC10AV FeIOAV SO410A 8.0925 0.1415 6 141.75 7.9775 0.11825 9.75 254 7.865 0.34375 46.5 1190 7.3525 0.7895 61 1793.75 7.03 1.26475 140.5 2625 9.5875 0.889 3 827.5 9.4325 0.91925 5 1226.5 9.45 0.89675 7.5 1503.25 8.1225 Z57 31.75 3261.5 7.115 2.87 156.25 3856.25 4.1075 2.94 356.75 4765.75 2.98 5.125 21180 25075 APPENDIX B VEGETATION DATA FOR FIELD TEST PLOTS r 91 Vegetation data for field test plots. FY91 ID # P250 P 2 51 P lant S <%) 1.00 P lant N <%) 4.92 4.90 P l a n t Fe (m g/kg) 111 76 . 45 P2 5 2 0.89 0.44 P2 5 3 P 2 54 0.93 0.98 P2 5 5 0.98 4.67 74 P 2 56 1.00 ' 4.99 • P2 5 7 P 2 58 1.02 0.92 5.09 5.22 90 76 P2 5 9 0.94 5.00 P260 0.94 4.71 66 P261 . . P2 6 2 P2 6 3 0.92 ' 1.00 1.06' 71 77 67 P264 0.96 4.77 4.89 4.85 4.78 P2 6 5 P 2 66 1.21 1.13 5.18 4.64 77 73 P 26 7 0.78 4.70 BI P 2 68 0.97 P2 6 9 1.10 P 2 70 P 2 71 4.87 5.20 5.16 59 81 - '99 1 53 64 5.10 71 0.97 5.22 5.07 62 76 0.93 . 4.93 71 P272 1.25 4.91 66 P2 7 3 P 2 74 1.13 4.96 5.11 67 4.73 5.02 67 5.33 64 5.06 95 P2 7 5 P 2 76 0.92 0.83 ' 0.97 • 64 74 P278 0.98 ' 1.15 P 2 79 1.08 5.03 70 P 2 80 1.12 4.85 92 P281 1.26' 5.10 99 P2 8 2 1.15 5.08 99 P 2 83 1.00 4.96 78 P 2 84 1.00 4.38 60 P285 P 2 86 0.86 0.42 5.20 4.83 139 P287 0.45 5.01 133 . P288 0.23 5.31 1197 P2 8 9 0.22 4.24 1054 P2 7 7 78 „ MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 1762 10172721 O HOUCHEN b in d e r y ltd