Evaluating the performance of the soil productivity index (PI) model in Cascade County, Montana by Kristin Elva Sorensen Gerhart A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Sciences Montana State University © Copyright by Kristin Elva Sorensen Gerhart (1989) Abstract: The Productivity Index (PI) model developed by Pierce and associates at the University of Minnesota for initial use in the Corn Belt is evaluated for application in the northern Great Plains. In the project's first phase, the PI model is used in conjunction with the USDA Soil Conservation Service SOILS-5 data base to generate soil productivity ratings for agricultural soils in Cascade County, Montana. These PI values are regressed against small grain yield data from SOILS-5 and the Cascade County Area Soil Survey to test the model's ability to estimate actual soil productivity. The regression results indicate that the existing model is not as successful as it was in the Corn Belt, explaining only 40% (average r2 = .40) of the variation in Cascade County barley, spring wheat and winter wheat crop yields. The project's second phase explores potential additions to the PI model. Four factors known to be important yield determinants are examined in conjunction with PI values using multiple regression analysis to investigate how well they improve the explanation of crop yield variations. These analyses did improve the r2 values to greater than .50 for spring wheat and barley. Several aspects related to the quality and consistency of input data, the model's current design and the need for model extensions are discussed. However, from the results of the multiple regression analyses it is concluded that the model's success in the northern Great Plains requires the addition of other parameters to account for climatic, topographic, and calcium carbonate effects on soil productivity. Overall, the PI model appears to be a promising tool for extensive soil productivity and soil erosion studies in Montana and the northern Great Plains. EVALUATING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SOIL PRODUCTIVITY INDEX TPI) MODEL IN CASCADE COUNTY, MONTANA by Kristin Elva Sorensen Gerhart A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Cf Master of Science in Earth Sciences MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana March 1989 MSI? 6 3 /$^ ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Kristin Elva Sorensen Gerhart This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Ii? Ar i I/ Chairperson, Graduate Committee Date Approved for the Major Department Head,Major Department Date Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date v Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting . this thesis in partial fulfillment requirements for a master's degree at Montana State University, of the I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. Brief quotations special permission, from this thesis are allowable without provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation from or reproduction of this thesis may be granted by my major professor, Dean of Libraries when, the material is or in his absence, in the opinion of either, for scholarly purposes. the proposed use Any copying or use material in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed my written permission. Signature Date /ff? by the of of the without iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is necessary to express my sincere gratitude to several who have assisted in the completion of this project. people Dr. John P. Wilson provided prompt answers, advice and constant guidance, and Dr. Gerald A. Nielsen was a ready source of expertise and contacts. Drs. Katherine Hansen-Bristow and Joseph Ashley gave their attention and suggestions as graduate committee members. Braker, Gordon Decker, From the Soil Conservation Service, William Robert Lund, Daniel McLean, Ronald Nadwornick, and Robert Richardson supplied answers and references in addition to the data files used in this study. model William E. software and several helpful suggestions. Pings, in Dr. Assistance from John Loretta Thomas, Christine Ryan, Robert Snyder and Matthew Miller locating Finally, Larson provided the PI and compiling various data sets is greatly appreciated. I wish to thank my family and husband, David, for their inter-" est and patient support. V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES .................... ......... -.............. vi LIST OF FIGURES ............................................ vii ABSTRACT ................................................... viii 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................... Scope and Purpose ..... .... .................. ..... Quantifying the Effect of Erosion on Soil Productivity ........... ...... ................. . Description of Study Area ........................... Thesis Organization .......................... I I ■ 4 13 23 2. METHODS AND DATA SOURCES ..............;.......... ...... Productivity Index Model ......... Application of the PI Model to Cascade County ...... Model Testing ......... Statistical Exploration of Potential Model Additions .................. 25 25 28 32 3. RESULTS ............... PI Model Evaluation ........ Multiple Regression Analysis ...... 39 39 42 4. DISCUSSION .................... PI Model Input Data ................................ Existing PI Model Structure ........................ Yield Data Used for Model Testing .................. Multiple Regression Outcomes .... Conclusions ........................................ 59 59 62 63 65 70 LITERATURE C I T E D ........................................... 72 APPENDICES ................ Appendix A - Cascade County Climate Data .............. Appendix B - Regression Analysis Data ................. 82 83 85 35 vi LIST OF TABLES Table. 1. 2. 3. - 4. Page Mean annual precipitation (cm) and standard deviation records for five stations in Cascade County, 1951-1980 17 -I Estimated 1982 erosion rates (Mg ha ) for Montana and Cascade County cropland soils ..... .... .......... .21 Comparison of Cascade County with average state yields and market values ..................... ........... . 22 Bivariate regression results of PI value versus y i e l d ..................................... 40 5. Summary results of multiple regression analysis — 6. Multiple regression results for Model I .......... 46 7. Multiple regression results for Model 2 ......... 48 8. Multiple regression results for Model 3 ............. 51 9. Multiple regression results for Model 4 ................ 54 10. ..... Annual precipitation (cm) for five weather stations in or near CascadeCounty, 1951-1980 ........................ 11. Data used for model verification regression analysis --- 12. Data used for the four additional yield determinants analyzed by multipleregression ...................... 45 84 86 88 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. . , Page Location of Cascade County, Montana in relation to the Rocky Mountains and Major Land Resource Areas .... 14 2. Average annual precipitation over Cascade County ....... 15 3. Sufficiency curves for available water capacity, bulk density, pH and the weighting factor used by the PI model ....... ;..... .............................. 26 Soil family texture class derived from Soil Taxonomy and used in the PI program, GENERS5 .................. 29 The moist bulk density triangle developed by Grossman and Baumer at the Soil Science Laboratory in Lincoln, NE ........................ .................. 31 Bivariate regression scatterplots (associated with Table 5) ............................................. 41 Generalized forms for water supply and growing degree day sufficiency curves proposed by Pierce et al....... 67 4. 5. 6. 7. viii ABSTRACT The Productivity Index (PI) model developed by Pierce and associates at the University of Minnesota for initial use in the Corn Belt is evaluated for application in the northern Great Plains. In the project's first phase, the PI model is used in conjunction with the USDA Soil Conservation Service SOILS-5 data base to generate soil productivi­ ty ratings for agricultural soils in Cascade County, Montana. These PT values are regressed against small grain yield data from SOILS-5 and the Cascade County Area Soil Survey to test the model's ability to estimate actual soil productivity. The regression results indicate that the existing model is not as successful as it was in the Corn Belt, explain­ ing only 40% (average r2 = .40) of the variation in Cascade County barley, spring wheat and winter wheat crop yields. The project's second phase explores potential additions to the PI model. Four factors known to be important yield determinants are examined in conjunction with PI values using multiple regression analysis to investigate how well they improve the explanation of crop yield variations. These analyses did improve the r2 values to greater than .50 for spring wheat and barley. Several aspects related to the quality and consistency of input data, the model's current design and the need for model extensions are discussed. However, from the results of the multiple regression analyses it is concluded that the model's success in the northern Great Plains requires the addition of other parameters to account for climatic, topographic, and calcium carbonate effects on soil productivity. Over­ all, the PI model appears to be a promising tool for extensive soil productivity and soil erosion studies in Montana and the northern Great Plains. I CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Scope and Purpose Soil soil erosion represents the disturbance and transport of by wind and/or water. surface of Rates of soil formation match the pace soil removal (about 3-4 cm per 1,000 years) and soil maintained time surface depth in environments free of human disturbance over long (Beckman fluctuate over and Coventry, 1987). Although rates shorter time scales in these undisturbed rates of soil formation show little change, offset by periods of net gain. However, of is periods of erosion environments, and periods of net loss are many types of human land use cause accelerated erosion rates several times greater than the natural rates of balance soil displacement and soil formation. Hence, between rates of soil formation and removal is lost, the leading inevitably to shallow and less productive soils. Accelerated erosion rates are cause for concern because productive soil is an essential resource which contributes to the nation's economic development and the general well-being of its people. Our modern agricultural activities make intense demands on our soil resources, in doing so, be lead to the removal of valuable topsoil faster than it can replaced. organic and matter, These losses of topsoil are accompanied favorable soil structure, water by holding losses of capacity, nutrients and rooting depth, and they often produce soils which are less 2 productive. Thus farmers are presented with the problem of maintaining or increasing soil productivity, periods of time. or yield per unit area, over extended Although it is possible for erosional processes to alter the soil profile in a positive manner, most commonly the effect is negative. The yields replacing or farmer productivity levels. then must choose between accepting lost nutrients in order to lower maintain crop previous The result, through either product scarcity and/or higher food production costs, is higher food prices. Crosson (1983, p. 41) defines the concept of productivity as "ratio of output of product or services to the input of resources used per unit of time to produce the output.” However, in a specifically soil-related study such as this one, a more precise statement defines productivity as "the capacity specified of plant a soil in its normal or environment sequence of plants, for producing under a specified system a of management" (Meyer et al., 1985, p. 219). Several approaches toward quantifying the effect of soil erosion on soil productivity have been formulated over the past fifty United States consistent (SCS) Department of Agriculture (USDA) sponsor of this research, recently named quantification Agriculture Research of the Committee the most erosion/productivity In 1980, the Secretary appointed a National Soil Erosion Planning been The and the Soil Conservation Service relationship as its top priority (Sharpe, 1984). ,-of has years. to investigate and - Soil define Productivity the factors, issues and methods involved with this relationship. A number of scientists have described the deficiencies of past present studies and have also argued the need for more rigorous and and 3 conclusive assessments (Flach and Johannsen, Larson, 1986; Daniels et al., 1987). states of 1981; Meyer et al., 1985; For example, Crosson (1983, p. 44) that the earlier studies "do not permit valid general statements how much national agricultural productivity has been, lost to erosion." Similarly, or is being, Poincelot (1986) notes that while yields and profits have continued to be adequate, they are based on an increase in technological inputs which support high yields, and thus yield decreases due to erosion tend to be overlooked. Dudal biologic its (1981) suggested that research on achieving high levels of productivity and on the land's ability to recover and maintain productivity agriculture responds necessary to guarantee systems for future generations. to Dudal1s investigations productivity. into . suggested the effects the of our The study presented research of stability directions erosion on here requiring long-term soil One approach involves the use of models to estimate soil productivity developed is change by Pierce over and time. The Productivity associates at the Index University (PI) of model Minnesota (Pierce et al., 1983; 1984a; 1984b; 1984c) is precisely such a tool, and thus its application critically examined investigations Belt, with were to Montana's soils in this study. performed and grain crops Although the Minnesota small PI using the soils and crops of their tentative conclusions regarding the PI model's grain crops provided cause for optimism when will the be model Corn performance applying the major objective of this project is to evaluate whether or not model to a northern Great Plains environment. The the PI model can be used to quantify the effects of erosion on soil 4 productivity for the soils and crops found in Cascade County, Montana. The overall outcomes of this study will assist with the evaluation, targeting the of soil conservation efforts, as well as continued study agricultural soils that are vulnerable to there are four reasons for evaluating the PI Cascade County. provide estimates productivity First, of erosion. model's of Specifically, performance in because the PI values calculated by the model current conditions and soil productivity following simulated as well rates of as future soil loss, successful use of the model will provide a systematic, consistent method of identifying productivity soils losses. most susceptible Second, to erosion-induced soil the model becomes an "analytical tool" useful .in locating land areas where it is most urgent and efficient adopt conservation efforts (Runge et al., 1986, p. 46). Third, model results will help with the compilation of erosion risk maps as method urged by Daniels et al. of mapping erodible intensity measurements. (1985), soils using the assessment who criticized the small of numbers to current rainfall Finally, soil vulnerability indices similar to those developed by Pierce et al. (1984b) could be produced from analyses of soil data using the PI model, perhaps in conjunction with the soil vulnerability maps. Quantifying the Effect of Erosion on Soil Productivity Assessments of soil erosion/soil productivity relationships require experimental First, studies must encompass soils of all productivity levels because erosion affects deep, designs based on complex considerations. shallow, rich and poor soils in different ways. This is because 5 individual and combined soil horizons present different combinations of texture, structure, unweathered material, example, study a temperature, and water physical storage, impedance to nutrients, root salts, growth. performed only on deep loess soils may not produce useful conclusions since productivity on such a soil will nearly be high. profile The productivity favorable soils, quite of these soils is not sensitive changes which occur during the process. always to soil Thin, less being more sensitive to a loss of depth, would produce different productivity erosion For results. fall Finally, somewhere soils between the of two average depth extremes. and Therefore, research must incorporate a design which evaluates both deep, medium and shallow soils. The problem of quantifying the effect productivity is difficult for two additional must and of erosion reasons. First, consider the complex interrelationships between soil variation availability erosion in landscape positions, regimes, on growing seasons soil studies productivity and moisture as well as those between landscape position rate (Daniels et al., 1985). losses may not be constant over time, Second, rates of and productivity meaning that a similar amount of erosion, during the second ten years may reduce productive potential more than.during the first ten years (Meyer et al., 1985). Experiment design thus presents a perplexing and intricate problem. The first studies designed to explore the connection between erosion and soil productivity were carried out in the first half of this century (Crosson, incentives to 1983). These studies occurred at the boost crop yields were widespread, time and the use of when new 6 technology disguised in the the complicating collection form of fertilizers, pesticides actual effects of erosion on factors, the soil and machinery itself. combined.with the problems of research These expense, of large amounts of high quality data and the popular belief that farmers had largely succeeded in stabilizing soil movement new tillage practices, productivity limited the number of studies effects of erosion (Crosson, 1983). through examining . Most of the the early research tested the effects of erosion on the soil's rooting environment in small simulation plots or actual field situations (e.g., Daniel and Langham, 1936; Finnel, 1948; Stallings, 1950). Unfortunately, the limited scope of these microstudies did not provide an adequate basis for comprehensive deductions. the controlled environments and results were derived from small scale, they required field Additionally, results are Langdale verification and (Meyer et Schrader (1982, al., p. Specifically, 1985, p. 44) warned outdated and cannot be used either for that predicting crop yield responses to eroded soils or for comparison with the of current studies. Nevertheless, the microstudies did 222). the modern results uphold the important concept that repairing soil erosion damage depends on both the type of erosion and the characteristics of the damaged soil (Crosson, 1983). The newly 1983). concept of soil loss tolerance (T) values also arose from gathered information and study results of Expressed in tons per acre per year, the 1940s (Crosson, a T value represents the amount of soil which can be removed from the soil profile before a in productivity becomes evident. the loss Soil scientists generally concur that 7 there is little scientific basis for the T values which are assigned to soils according to their topsoil depths and depths to restrictive layers (Gibbon, p. 1984; Nowak et al., 1985). Indeed, Wischmeier and Smith (1962, 156) explain that the assignment of T values is "largely a matter of judgement based on observations." From a more current perspective, Larson et al. (1983) suggest that the rate of soil formation is commonly used to determine T values. However, McCormack and Young concluded that the criteria now used to determine T values are mainly because understood. the effects of erosion on productivity Successful application are of the PI model to (1981) unsound, not Great well Plains environments would increase knowledge of such effects and establish more valid criteria for specifying tolerable soil loss under soil and crop conditions. T values has already Great Plains Substitution of PI model results in place of been investigated for soils in the Corn Belt (Pierce et al., 1984a). The discovery impacted began soil to aspects from these early studies that productivity partly explains why research in shift away from productivity effects of of minimizing erosion soil erosion such as the measurement erosion of wind and water energy over field surfaces, erosion control strategies (Meyer et al., improvements in agricultural technology, yields again, 1985). adversely the to 1960s related erosion and rates, formulating In addition, further which served to increase crop caused the soil erosion/soil productivity problem to lose urgency. Soon it was recognized that better quantification and prediction of soil erosion effects were needed. This new interest was spurred by the 8 improved availability well of data on erosion rates, as by rising fuel and other soil yield, as turned again to the soil erosion/soil productivity problem and upon a variety of new approaches. topsoil to Tanaka examine et al., information costs. and Research focused One procedure involved the removal of the influence of shallower 1986). Another approach rooting employed zones newly (e.g., collected on land capability subclasses and erosion rates (Krauss and Allmaras, 1982). yields farming properties and A third method relies upon regression analysis of past past erosion rates in an effort to predict how current erosion rates will affect future crop yields (e.g., Crosson, 1985). During (NRI) this period, the first U.S. National Resources Inventory was completed in 1977 as required by the Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act (RCA), Public Law 95-192 (USDA-SCS, 1984a). It reasonably suggested by Crosson (1983) that the enormous volume of collected were data for the NRI and made available through computers spurred creation of macrostudies. in the importantly, the fundamental level First, geographic scope of it enabled a considerable research. Second, and NRI made it possible to incorporate analysis of the Two significant advances in research strategy thus made possible by the NRI. extension is individual soil properties. None more at of the the microstudies had the capability of assessing as much diverse information over such large geographic areas. The (1983), first was of the macrostudies, the Yield-Soil Loss Simulator or Y-SLS. predicted with the Y-SLS equation, of topsoil thoroughly described by Crop yields were as functions of the combined and two subsoil horizons, average slope, Crosson land depths capability 9 subclass, soil texture and use of irrigation. Separate Y-SLS equations were developed for the 1977 NRI to assess soil erosion/soil productivity relationships for ten throughout the nation. major crops and 21 water resource regions The results were viewed skeptically because the input data were thought to be questionable and the model itself had been developed under a very strict time schedule. Essentially, the Y-SLS was considered a learning experience and it has indeed served as "the of departure" for two more comprehensive and sophisticated point modeling efforts (Crosson, 1983, p. 45). The first and more substantial of these efforts consists Erosion/Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC) model. report 1985 Soil Productivity Planning Committee and its completion was rushed in. order on the impact of erosion on long-term soil productivity in RCA Appraisal (Williams et al., inputs the The development of EPIC was prompted by the USDA National Soil Erosion — Research of required by the EPIC model 1984; 1985). incorporate to the The nine sets of weather, . hydrology, erosion and sedimentation, nutrient cycling, plant growth, tillage, soil temperature, economics and plant environmental control (Williams et al., 1984). on a The model is capable of simulating hundreds of years of erosion d^ily research, it basis and, unlike incorporates .economic impacts. much soil erosion/soil productivity the effects of crop management changes and Its authors claim that EPIC has produced "reasonable results under a variety of climatic conditions, soil characteristics and management practices", and has also demonstrated "sensitivity to erosion in terms of reduced crop production" (Williams et al., However, EPICs data requirements are formidable and 1984, the p. 141). model is 10 perhaps best used as it is now, by government agencies which possess the necessary data and personnel resources for national scale assessments. The second successful modeling effort following the Y-SLS has seen development and testing of the PI model by Larson, Pierce, associates at the University of Minnesota (Larson et al., et al., 1983; 1984a; 1984b; 1984c). and 1983; their Pierce Their model was derived from an earlier equation constructed by Kiniry et al. (1983) at the University of Missouri. Most of the modifications to the original model were made in take advantage of the USDA-SCS SOILS-5 data order to base supplies most of the input data) and to accommodate additional (which concepts relating to variable soil conditions (Pierce et al., 1984a). Underlying closely the PI approach is the premise that crop related to the rooting environment provided by the yields are soil. The model focuses, therefore, on inherent soil properties and based on these variables, it represented by Productivity Index (PI) values ranging from 0.0 to The is calculates the productive capability of the soil 1.0. model is capable of predicting future PI values as the soil profile affected, (lowered) by erosion over time, because it analyzes the different horizons in the soil profile. It is necessary, factors which may strongly skew calculated which sloping, depressional or frequently flooded lands, contents. not the factors, organic are however, to recognize the effect of site-specific The evaluated by the PI PI model, values. include These steeply and soils with high University of Minnesota study (Pierce et al., 1984a)"demonstrated that the relationship between PI and yield (measured by the coefficient of determination, 2 r ) is much improved by excluding 11 these special verification. additional cases from Therefore, environmental especially the the regression impact factors) analyses used of these factors must . be for (and carefully, model perhaps considered, when applying the PI model to locations other than the Corn Belt. The made model has other limitations related to three basic assumptions in order to hold a number of variability Corn Belt regional and Cascade County) was presumed to have no climatic climatic productivity. technology climate conditions . exert Second, (machinery, estimates it was different on other influences assumed that a high level biocides, fertilizers, the the since on of soil farming etc.) was used in crop that farming technology could not account for Third, the NRI erosion rates were accepted of future erosion in the next 50 might effect regions cannot be compared with each variations in crop yields. assumptions First, This assumption means that PI values generated in production and therefore, as constant. within a study region and between study regions (i.e., model's performance. dissimilar factors to 100 years. be viewed as model limitations since they These introduce generalization. The initial development and testing of the model by Pierce and associates took place in the U.S. Corn Belt (Pierce et al., 1983). found low his They that high PI values correlated strongly with high crop yields and PI values with low yields. The productivity indices generated by the model represented productivity loss per centimeter of soil and thus, -I when combined with a known rate of soil removal (in cm yr ), a rate of productivity loss or gain could be calculated. Pierce et al. (1984c) 12 used their PI values in conjunction with the 1977 NRI soil erosion rates to estimate the productivity changes of individual Corn Belt soils after 25, 50, and 100 years of simulated erosion. on soils supporting corn crops, Following these first tests Pierce and his associates demonstrated that their model may perform well for soybeans, barley, spring wheat, sunflower and oat crops in Minnesota (Pierce et al., 1984b). The relatively prompted (IFIAS) Hawaii simple and explicit nature to evaluate model performance in Nigeria, application in complicated and Wolman, diverse equation computations. and 1985). regions since it is University for PI formula designed Study Mexico lends complex and itself to without a data inputs and Therefore, possible model modifications and deficiencies Although IFIAS' international applications of the PI model might best be considered tentative, and India, The model does not require are more easily identified. 354) the the International Federation of Institutes for Advanced (Rijsberman quality of mainly because data availability were not equivalent to the data used of Minnesota researchers, Rijsberman and Wolman by (1985, the p. did conclude that "the PI approach appears to be a promising tool" areas other than the Corn Belt. As soil resource agencies extend and refine their data bases and data management systems, it is desirable to develop efforts. models such as the PI model to complement these agencies' Expanding the use of these data bases using models results in improved and more efficient management of soil resources. Overall, requirements the PI approach would appear to satisfy several important for productivity problem. improved assessment of the As stressed by Meyer et al. soil (1985, erosion/soil p. 215) it 13 uses "appropriate quantitative data" in "pertinent experiments" produce quantitative rather than qualitative variables are importance." "experimentally the Further, evaluated to determine their major relative It was against this background (and these advantages) that this model was chosen for this study, using results. which model to evaluate soil which examines the suitability of erosion/crop productivity in the northern Great Plains. Description of Study Area Situated approximately eastern slopes topography in northcentral Montana, on latitude 47022'N, Cascade is centered longitude lllo20'W and borders of the Rocky Mountains (Figure ranges County I). In the general, from nearly flat or rolling plains in the the north to benchlands and mountainous areas in the southwest and southeast. Approximately the northern two thirds of the study area lies within the Brown Glaciated Plains Major Land Resource Area (MLRA 52), and the other one third is classified as Northern Rocky Mountain Foothills, MLRA 46 (USDA-SCS, as large 1982a; 1982b) land areas (i.e., (Figure I). MLRAs are defined by the USDA geographic units) having similar soils, climate, water resources and land use characteristics (USDA-SCS, 1984a), Land use in both MLRA 52 and MLRA 46 is characterized by the production of small grains and livestock forage. (650 to MLRA 52, with lower elevations 1,300 m) and less fugged terrain than MLRA 46 (1,200 to meters elevation), is more extensively farmed. 2>000 In both areas most grain is dry-farmed, but many river valleys are irrigated. Rangeland supports short and mid-height grasses as well as some shrubs, while some of the 14 CASCADE COUNTY, MONTANA Major Land Resource Areas MONTANA Figure I. Location of Cascade County, Montana in relation to the Rocky Mountains and Major Land Resource Areas (USDA-SCS, 1982a; 1982b). higher hills and low mountains are forested. Annual precipitation for both areas ranges from 25 to 43 cm (10 to 17 in), in MLRA 46 receive up to 76 cm (Figure 2). yields ground water in moderate quantities, but higher elevations Subsurface glacial till though in lesser quantities 15 C e ntim eters Annual Precipitation CASCADE COUNTY, MONTANA Figure 2. Average annual precipitation over Cascade County (unpublished map prepared by Cascade County Conservation District personnel, January 1987) . in HLRA 46. (haploborolls regime and Soils of both areas are not strongly developed are common) and are often within the ustic soil frigid/cryic temperature ranges (Montagne et al., moisture 1982). 16 These characteristics available contains soils indicate cool/cold soils with inadequate water for much of the year (Donahue et al., mainly which Alfisols7 while MLRA 52 soils are 1983). mostly are preferable for agriculture since they organic matter contents. plant MLRA 46 Mollisols, contain higher Soils in MLRA 52 also commonly exhibit higher amounts of CaCO^ (Calciborolls and Calciorthids) (Montagne et al., 1982; Donahue et al., 1983). Overall, Cascade County's climate is characterized by low humidity, low winter and hot summer temperatures, and mostly sunny days. In this cool steppe environment precipitation amounts may variable from year relative locations data (Table I, to year show regional of climate stations (Figure I) topography with and precipitation Cascade to variability induced effects. Hence, fluctuations station than locations removed area County. that locations closer to mountain ranges experience precipitation highly Appendix A, and Figure 2), it is evident that large year variations within and adjacent to precipitation weather By comparing fluctuations in precipitation are compounded by area topographic data to year. be from the These greater mountain- the weather station at Cascade measured large between 1974 and 1980 when compared to at Great Falls, located only 40 km to the the northeast (Table I and Appendix A). Winter precipitation, falls mainly as snow. which originates in the Pacific mP air mass, Typically snow occurs from November to March, but may. fall as early as September or as late as July (Ruffner, month of occasional highest precipitation is June, thunderstorms which is throughout the summer. then Most of 1978). followed the The by summer 17 Table I. Mean annual total precipitation (cm) and standard deviation for five weather stations in Cascade County, 1951-1980 (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1951 through 1980). Climate Station * Mean Annual Precip. Standard Deviation Cascade Great Falls Neihart 38.7 37.7 50.7 27.6 31.0 10.6 8.5 12.0 6.8 8.6 Power Sun River * Less than thirty years of available data; see Appendix A. moisture arrives from local thunderstorms and Gulf of Mexico maritime tropical air masses when pressure ridges over the southern Great Plains r*‘ permit (Warrick, 1975). Severe droughts lasting two to three years are infrequent. (1975) states abnormally have the that such persistent dry periods result from development mid-continental high pressure ridges deserts. of which compound effect of both repelling invasion of moist Mexico air, Warrick can Gulf of and of forcing hot, dry air northward from the southwestern Less lengthy, but nonetheless critical precipitation fluctuations are common in Cascade County (Table I and Appendix A). 'Z The- county's position in the lee of the Rocky Mountains imposes marked# fain shadow (Figures I and 2). effect mainly in the northern half of In the south, the higher eleva­ benchlands receive more precipitation and are cooler, taining a higher soil moisture supply. tain range, county Here, many farm operations are forced to irrigate in order to obtain profitable crop yields. tion the a Further, thus main­ the Little Belt moun­ located in the southeast part of Cascade County, precludes 18 development of a rainshadow by uplifting and cooling westerly air thus causing higher precipitation in that area of the county. Cascade County temperatures range from mean monthly lows of -12° (10° F) range to mean monthly highs of 28° C (82° from 85 to 135 days, the average F). Frost-free being HO days C periods (Montana Agricultural Experiment Station Farm Economics Division and USDA ; Economics Research Service, 1971). Growing degree days (GDD), another measure of of growing season temperature, represent the cumulative number degrees Fahrenheit over a designated threshold temperature during a year. from 1,800 System Based on a 50°F threshold. Cascade County's GDDs range to 2,600 according to the Montana (MAPS) achieved Agricultural Potentials database developed by the Department of Plant and Soil and flow Science at Montana State University. Average wind speeds range between 17 and 26 predominantly from the southwest (Ruffner, 1978). highest surfaces strong, wind are warm detrimental km hr More importantly, the velocities occur in the fall and spring months when exposed to erosive winds Chinook (Ruffner, 1978). winds along the Rocky Mountain effect of melting protective snow covers, In front soil winter, have the thus leaving the soil open to wind dessication and removal by either wind or water. Agricultural soils occur on the flat and sloping terrain of plains, fans, benches and terraces. Mollisols, Aridisols characterized as Nearly all of these soils are classified as and Entisols. young soils The region's soils are because the cold, dry primarily climate relatively short time since the last glaciation contribute to very soil formation. and slow Glaciation and glacial materials exert only a partial 19 influence on soil characteristics since the county lies within both glaciated and unglaciated plains (Montagne et al., parent material consists of sandstone, and black shales (Montagne et al., 1982). the Additional limestone, dolomite and soft red 1982) . The predominance of clayey soils reflects the presence of these extensive shale beds. Cascade County farmers must contend with two productivity related to analyzed soil in chemistry. this First, all of the study contain at least slight problems agricultural CaCO3 soils concentrations (observed HCl reactivity or effervescence) within 24 cm of the surface. In fact, 60% of all the soils contain higher concentrations (violent and extremely Cascade violent effervescence) at 18 cm or County precipitation time. when soils does Saline are predominantly Second, although well-drained, annual not sufficiently leach out soluble soil salts over soils may contribute to the development of saline the effects of summer fallowing, drainage less. water applications problems are not closely monitored. Recently, and seeps subsoil the number of saline , seeps in Cascade County has increased at a rate of 8 to 10% year (USDA-SCS, County 1982c). Saline seeps are a serious concern to Cascade farmers because excessive salts can affect soil productivity inhibiting reducing plant uptake per of water, causing collapse of root activity of soil microorganisms and delaying seed by cells, germination (Summerfeldt and Rapp, 1982). Other result of 1982c). excessive soil productivity problems in Cascade County their formation in water deposited soils are the materials (USDA-SCS, Some cobbly and gravelly soils inhibit root development, cause drainage and retain little water in the soil profile. for 20 subsequent use by crops. SCS, 1982c). fine sands subsoil. Another common problem is soil crusting (USDA- This condition occurs in soils having a high proportion of and silts on the surface, The underlain abruptly by a clayey resulting crusts and very durable clods adversely affect seedbed conditions and seedling emergence. The hazard such regions's in a climatic conditions tend to aggravate Cascade County. the erosion In this important grain producing region, climate is a critical problem since the region constant dry valley and downslope winds from the is subject Rocky Mountains. Comparing 1982 NRI erosion rates between MLRAs 46 and 52 indicates the hazard is not uniform over the county area. where most crop production takes place, erosion (Table 2). County are more susceptible to are moderately erodible, slightly concluded erodible that (USDA-SCS, the especially severe. persistent and 1987 Cascade Cascade groups, while and the remaining 50 are slightly and.very 1982c). From these data susceptibility to wind it might erosion is impose substantial impacts on even the magnitude of the hazard increases. the not slightly For example, in County ranked third among Montana's 56 counties for erosion, damage be However, considering that wind in Cascade County is can erodible soils, soil's wind only eight are classified in the very highly erodible or highly erodible wind erodibility 14 that Plains soils (MLRA 52), Considering the 72 agriculturally valuable soils evaluated in this study, to with a total affected area of 22,500 ha wind (USDA-SCS, 1988a). Cascade County's agricultural production is notable in spite of the soil conditions, erosion vulnerability and other climate-related risks 21 Table 2. 1982 estimated erosion rates (Mg ha -1) Cascade County cropland soils (USDA-SCS, 1984a). MLRA 46 MLRA 52 for Montana and Montana Cropland: wind water total so far 10.1 2.7 12.8 described. "Golden Triangle", crops. The 16.4 2.7 19.1 18.7 1.6 22.3 The county forms the southern corner of an northern area well-known for its half of prolific the county contains small the enjoys a more adequate moisture supply, topography less agriculture. hectares (15,000 suited for grain crops of The southern but contains and grain majority cropland, although precipitation is generally lowest here. half Montana's soils highly and mechanized Approximately 16% (101,000 ha) of the 607,000 non-forest surveyed by SCS is used for dryland grain production while 2% ha) supports irrigated crops (Montana Department of Agriculture and USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, 1986). Average reported in Department dryland crop yields for the state and for the county Table 3. Additional figures reported by the are Montana of Agriculture and the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (1986) lend perspective to Cascade County's rank among Montana's 56 counties. agricultural and In 1984, the county ranked tenth for its $23.7 million in crop receipts, government National a total which excludes livestock subsidies (Montana Department of Agriculture Agricultural Statistics Service, County ranked sixth for barley production, 1987). In 1986, receipts and USDA Cascade seventeenth for spring wheat 22 Table 3. Comparison of Cascade County with average state yields market values (Montana Department of Agriculture, 1986; 1987). Crop Year State Yield: Cascade C<d . Value of Production: State Cascade Co. (Mg ha - v and Percentage State Prod. (millions of dollars) Barley 1984 1985 1986 Spring wheat*5 1984 ■ 1985 1986 Winter wheat 1984 1985 1986 6.2 3.8 9.3 6.6 1.3 9.9 5.1 3.1 4.5 8.8 5.1 10.5 141.2 64.5 111.1 4.8 1.8 5.4 3% 3% 5% 6.0 3.1 9.1 126.9 97.7 172.4 2.5 2.4 4.5 2% 2% 2% 10.9 4.7 11.9 228.3 76.2 146.1 11.0 3.5 6.9 5% 5% 5% ‘ a Conversion to metric from USDA Cooperative Extension Service, b Montana State University (1982) . Spring wheat figures exclude Durum wheat production. production, fifth for winter wheat production, and eighth for all wheat production (Montana Department of Agriculture and USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, 1987). In summary, agricultural the somewhat harsh physical qualities of the environment demand the cultivation of cereal grains rather than other less hardy crops. moisture supply, the 'In fact, region is because of the highly designated climatically marginal for agricultural purposes. the been yield northern region's by Parry variable (1978) Agriculture throughout Great Plains region (which includes Cascade County) characterized by low yields (compared to national averages), variability as over time and occasional crop abandonment due has high to a 23 variety of Station, County the environmental 1971). factors However, the (Montana Agricultural Experiment predominance of agriculture in Cascade and consistent delivery of relatively high yields indicate agricultural environment has been and will continue to be that valuable for food production (Montana Department of Agriculture and USDA National Agricultural preserving Statistics the Service, 1986). It would seem then area's economic resources warrants investigation that of a model designed to predicting soil productivity. Thesis Organization This this introductory chapter has described the scope and purpose project and the theory upon which the work is based. of The context of this study within the broader topic of soil erosion is established by summarizing both older and more recent research exploring soil soil productivity erosion indicate relationships. The agricultural erosion/ significance hazard in Cascade County are described in the final section why Cascade County was chosen for this evaluation of and to the Productivity Index (PI) model. The second chapter explains the methods and data sources apply the Productivity Index model in Cascade County. provides model. computer the the to The first section a more practical rather than theoretical explanation of the PI The second software, programs, values. used the section describes the acquisition of data and the process and problems encountered in setting up function of each program and the calculation of PI The third section deals with the verification of PI values, and fourth section explains the selection of four terms for potential 24 addition to the PI model, the sources of data for those new factors, and the multiple regression analysis used to evaluate their relation to yield variability. Chapter Three presents the results of the model verification tests. The sequence of multiple regression models used to analyze each of . the new terms with each of the three crops is generally specifically, predictor and each the factor's explained. changes in significance as a increasing explanation of yield crop More yield variability are described. Chapter Four discusses the wider significance of results as they relate to quality of data inputs, and terms the as possibility of model alteration. the regression the existing PI model The roles of the four potential model additions are examined with respect to new their different effects on each crop's yield, their variable distribution over the study area and the considerations necessary for including the model. them in Finally, the overall success and relevance of this study are summed up in the conclusion. V 25 I " CHAPTER TWO METHODS AND DATA SOURCES Productivity Index Model The Productivity Index (PI) model developed by associates at the University of Minnesota (Pierce et al., 1984b; 1984c) equation and constructed Missouri. used by in this study was derived Kiniry et al. (1983) at Pierce 1983; from the and 1984a; an earlier University of Modification of the original model was accomplished mainly to take advantage of the SCS SOILS-5 and National Resources Inventory (NRI) data bases ,which together supply all of the required information on soil properties, erosion rates, and MLRA characteristics. The Minnesota PI model can be written: n PI = X (A. * C. * D. * WF. ) i=l 1 1 1 1 where A^ is the sufficiency of available water capacity, sufficiency of bulk density, C^ D^ is the sufficiency of pH, is the wi\ is the weighting factor representing an idealized rooting distribution and n is the number of horizons in the.depth of rooting (Pierce et 1984c). The sufficiency curves are based on root al., response 1984b; to each variable normalized over the range of 0.0 to 1.0 (Figure 3). Essentially a sufficiency environment is value for estimates how adequate (or optimum root development. deficient) The a soil's weighting factor modifies the "importance" of each horizon's PI values according to that 26 3a. 3b. Root lim iting BULK DENSITY 3c. 3d. WEIGHTING FACTOR I soil _ _ J eroded cl 60 Figure 3. Sufficiency curves for (a) available water capacity, (b) bulk density, (c) pH and (d) the sliding weighting factor used by the PI model (Pierce et al., 1983; 1984a). 27 to that horizon's depth within the rooting zone (Figure 3d). is designed to evaluate effects of erosion the soil. the the depth axis (shown by the dashed line in Figure PI rating assigned to horizions Equivalent horizons in a deeper, PI and root limiting layers' in First, as the PI model simulates erosion the curve moves down horizon adjusts The curve in the 3d) soil which profile. non-eroded soil profile receive higher ratings (shown by the solid line in Figure 3d). limiting layer is encountered in the profile, Second, if a root the portion of the curve below that layer is removed from the calculation of the PI value. This is because plant the soil below a root limiting layer is not use and such a condition, of course, available for lowers a soil's productive value. It is necessary to note that the sufficiency of bulk density lacks the curve units along the X axis because the bulk density data supplied model may be altered by the program according to soil texture described fully later in this chapter). density axis may vary for each soil to (as Hence, the units along the bulk and cannot be graphically represented. Underlying closely the PI approach is the premise that crop related to the rooting environment provided by the yields are soil. The model focuses, therefore, on inherent soil properties and based on these variables, it calculates represented by PI the productive capability values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. By of the .soil examining chemical characteristics of the soil profile as soil the physical and removed, the PI method provides a quantitative evaluation of changes in a soil's rooting environment and overall productive value that occur is in 28 response to erosion processes. Application of the PI Model to Cascade County Copies of the PI model computer software and an accompanying manual were obtained from the Department of Soil Science at the University Minnesota State (Winkelman et al., 1984). An account was set up on Montana University's Honeywell CP6 mainframe for accomplishing pre-processing operations. of two data Several minor alterations were made to the two pre-processing programs, GENERS5 and GP!FORM, because the CP6 Pascal compiler would not accept some of Minnesota versions of these programs. base the terms incorporated in the The Montana USDA-SCS SOILS-5 data contained most of the soils data required to run the model and was provided on-magnetic tape by the state SCS office. The two accomplish data four pre-processing programs complex operations. extracted from the magnetic tape. First, (GENERS5 the and GPIFORM) required data are Second, the texture and clay content of each horizon are evaluated and translated into a textural code number (Figure 4). reported Third, the relationship available water capacity (AWC), porosity (AFP) is checked in each between bulk density clay content horizon for and the and air-filled bulk . densities incompatible with these other measured parameters. AFP, AWC and percent clay stucture are developed. used heavy, different. detect situations where soil is highly Since bulk density measurements are derived independently of soil structure, a to low In it is possible to obtain a very high density indicating porosity soil when, in fact, the soil structure these situations the original bulk density would be is a 29 T 55. %SAND Figure 4. Soil family texture classes derived from Soil Taxonomy (USDASCS, 1975) and used in the PI program, GENERS5 (after Winkelman et al., 1984) . false indicator of actual porous qualities of the soil (Pierce et 1983). lated al., SOILS-5 bulk densities exceeding the "check bulk density" calcu­ by the program are flagged for identification and replaced the lower value adjusted by the AWC, clay content and AFP combined with soil family texture class (Pierce et al., et al., 1984). Finally, with measurements 1983; Winkelman soil data used in the PI model for each soil series (horizon number, SCS texture, texture code, horizon depth, avail­ able water capacity, formatted bulk density, pH and permeability) are correctly and linked with series name and phase number for downloading and subsequent analysis on an IBM-compatible personal computer. 30 Pre-processing revealed a critical gap in the USDA-SCS SOILS-5 data records because approximately National 95% Soil modifications soil Laboratory's in were missing of the soil series present in Cascade GENERS5 densities (Figure 5). range moist bulk density estimates moist bulk density were used to County. triangle estimate The and. program the missing Because this triangle is applied over a of soil types and environments, for bulk diverse an adjustment for organic matter is used in conjunction with the triangle values in order to account highly variable organic matter contents. An adjustment for for coarse fragments is not necessary since laboratory measurements of bulk density exclude stones and cobbles (D. The bulk Baumer density from thus, does McLean, personal communication, triangle was compiled by Robert Grossman 1989). and Otto approximately 4,000 soil samples collected nationwide not consider specifically the local climatic influences in Cascade County (W. (SCS and and geologic Braker, personal communication, 1987) . However, William Braker Soils Interpretations Specialist Montana) checked the triangle values' accuracy by comparing them for with known moist bulk density values which had been measured in a laboratory. _3 He found the triangle values to be within plus/minus 0.1 gm cm of the laboratory values and thus felt the estimates were justify use of the triangle (W. Methods Braker, close enough to personal communication, 1989) . used by Evans (1982) to measure bulk density on Montana soils and by Mausbach and Gamble (1984) to assess North and South Dakota soils were examined and found to require substantial field and/or work or data that were otherwise unavailable. Therefore, laboratory the bulk density triangle proved to be the most convenient, rapid, and comprehen- 31 % Organic Matter Reduce BD by: CLAY SANDY CLAY LOAM CLAY I LOAM LOAM OAMXw \ sT nd SAND \SILTY V \CLAY \ -WLOAM SILT LOAM SANDY LOAM SILf %SAND Figure 5. The moist bulk density triangle developed by Grossman Baumer at the National Soil Science Laboratory in Lincoln, NE. and sive solution to the missing data problem. The involved soils of final task prior to downloading the soils data onto diskettes the selection and extraction of data for only the agricultural Cascade computational County. efficiency. This step was important to increase A second data access problem to do with the selection of surface horizon textures for Cascade soil series was solved after these produced data were downloaded. The Cascade County Soil by the USDA-SCS (1982c) was used to select and manually Survey place 32 the most appropriate surface textures in the shortened SOILS-5 records that were used in subsequent PI calculations. the The pre-processed and edited data were downloaded via MSU Honeywell These data mainframe to the hard drive of a Zenith were preserved on the Honeywell CP6 in stored ' separately modem on backup diskettes. Z-158 addition After locating to the Pascal compiler (version 3.0) for subsequent micro-computer the from PC. being correct operations, TODIRECT program performed one more additional pre-processing which consisted of simply converting the data file from step sequential access to a direct (or random) access file format. Subsequent analysis (i.e., the performed with the GRAPHPI2 program. values for each soil series. calculated. as Next, First, generation of PI values) This program generates several PI a current productivity rating is PI values are computed for successive soil profiles computer-simulated erosion removes two centimeters of topsoil time. These reaches centimeters displays lost, calculations zero. the GRAPHPI2 eroded was continue until 100 cm are removed also plots the sequence of PI values in standard graph format. at Finally, PI against the current PI values and PI values after 50 and 100 or a program cm are along with a vulnerability parameter expressing the rate at which productivity diminishes with decreasing profile depth. Model Testing Simple used in Cascade the regressions of PI values versus current crop effort to evaluate the applicability County soils and crops. Pierce et al. of yields this model were to (1984a) used a similar 33 approach to demonstrate model performance in the Corn Belt, concluding 2 that r good estimates degree values of at least 0.70 demonstrated that PI of soil productivity (Pierce et al., values provided 1984a). A high of correlation between PI and crop yields was also used in this attempt to evaluate model performance in Cascade County. However, Minnesota the studies yield data had to be acquired differently because information in SOILS-5. winter GENERS5 was unable to access by SCS. crop the yield Hence,, yield data for barley, spring wheat and wheat were collected manually from SOILS-6, maintained from another data base (SOILS-6 yields are identical to those reported in SOILS-5 and so will be referred to as SOILS-5 data). Yield data for the same County three Survey crops (USDA-SCS, different were also taken from the Cascade 1982c). The origins of the data. two sets differ slightly due The Soil Survey yields are directly from Cascade County producer information and soil familiar with the area's soils, crops and growing SOILS-5 data is acquired directly from soil series reflect the growing conditions specific to the series was first identified. numerous Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. slower progress phases attributed made Soil to developed scientists conditions. descriptions location the The which where each For instance, the Montana SOILS-5 records contain the soil Area to Colorado, Idaho, North These inclusions are due in part to in mapping soils in a state as large as Montana. The two sets of yield estimates meant there were two to test model performance. opportunities One set of simple regressions compared PI values and SOILS-5 barley, spring wheat and winter wheat yields, and the 34 second Soil set of regressions compared PI values and Cascade Survey values, data it yields. Since SOILS-5 data were performed used to was expected that the regressions using the would produce higher correlations. County Area calculate PI SOILS-5 ' yield All of these regressions were on Montana State University's new VAX 8550 cluster with the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) package (Freund and Littell, 1986). In order variability, high to improve Larson organic or explanation of crop yield and his associates excluded histosols (soils matter depressional their model's contents) and soils that frequently flooded. With the were steeply exception with sloping, of steeply sloping soils, these exceptional cases were not considered in this study simply because they do not occur in Cascade County. evaluated in Slope factors were a manner different from the Minnesota study as explained below. Assumptions model similar to those made in prior applications of the are also made in this study. differences were presumed that Cascade. County. excluded climate in First, the Corn Belt has no effect on Initially, because regional it the study, model's it is climatic likewise performance is necessary to make this PI in assumption because in order to determine whether or not climatic differences across the study area affect soil productivity, the model must be applied as it was originally (i.e., assume no climatic effects). exclusion of steeply sloping soils as explained below, landscape position (described by Onstad et al., Except for the the influence of 1985) is also ignored. \ It is assumed that a high level of farming technology was crop production and therefore, applied in that farming technology does not explain 35 variations in crop yields. Finally, be adequate nutrients conditions are presumed assumptions are necessary to create a controlled avoid to soil for crop and moisture growth. situation confounding the experiment and making it impossible to Such and thus establish cause and effect relationships (Meyer et al., 1985). In the interest of making these assumptions more choices were made. evaluate model abundant and, practices to First, since data for irrigated crops were importantly, because highly variable Second, a study region was selected where less irrigation result in inconsistent yields and soil degradation erosion. two only non-irrigated crop yields were used to performance, more reasonable, unrelated agricultural production was relatively high and. also well established in the region's economy. From collection, this is inferred a record of an adequate supply of soil nutrients, reliable yield data and widespread local investment in high technology such as machinery and fertilizers. . Statistical Exploration of Potential Model Additions 2 The led to low r values from the simple regressions (see Chapter a search for additional variables which may strongly crop yields and yet are not included in the model. topographic factors, 1987b; these each 1984a; Meyer et al., Sandor, 1989). variables crop influence Several climate and as well as additional soils variables are known to affect yield (Langdale and Schrader, et al., Three) 1985; '1982; /Larson et al., 1983; Pierce Daniels et al., 1987; USDA-SCS, Data were gathered by soil series for several of and four multiple regression equations were built in an attempt to better predict crop yield variability for in 36 Cascade County. The new variables selected were water balance (Meyer et al., 1985), growing degree days (Pierce et al., 1984a), slope (Larson et al., 1983) and CaCO^ (Sandor, 1989). Data for annual precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (PET) were obtained for calculating a water balance factor. These data are They not available on a soil series by soil series closely (range and township) described in the Cascade County Area Department represented is The by defined transpire Soil of Plant and Soil Nielsen and associates in Science. Precipitation annual average totals incorporating rain and as the rate at which moisture would from soil and vegetation given an unlimited supply of balance used in this study was obtained by subtracting is snowfall. evaporate MAPS data base expresses both factors in inches of water, water Survey 1982c) and the Montana Agricultural Potentials System (MAPS) data base developed and maintained by Caprio, PET were approximated for each series using the typical profile location (USDA-SCS, MSU's basis. and water. and PET the from precipitation. Growing degree days (GDD) are essentially a measure season, but can affect soil temperature and PET. above of growing Each degree Fahrenheit a daily mean threshold temperature equals one GDD, and reported GDD figures represent the cumulative total for one year. GDD data for this SO0F the study were also temperature threshold. closely represents obtained from MAPS, which uses as Although GDD data using the BO0F threshold more the needs of warm weather crops (and not northern Plains small grains), GDD data based on 40 F was unavailable at the time of this study (J. Caprio, personal communications, 1988; 1989). 37 Slope classes for each soil series were gathered from the County Area Soil Survey (USDA-SCS, (e.g., 0-2%, 4-8%, 1982c), Cascade although the slope ranges etc.) were converted to single values (mid-points) for this study. The with CaCOg data were obtained from the ratings of soil hydrochloric Survey (USDA-SCS, acid also reported in the Cascade County 1982c). reactivity Area Soil These ratings were translated to codes using the appropriate USDA-SCS technical guide (USDA-SCS, 1974). These data were expressed as the depth to the affected layer in inches. . These variables four variables and the PI values incorporated in (representing the model) were then used in a the three series of multiple regression models in an attempt to explain yield variation more completely than with PI values alone. When evaluating environmental parameters specific to Cascade County, only the Cascade County Area Soil Survey yields analysis. This (USDA-SCS, 1982c) were used in the multiple regression is because these yield data reflect the local growing conditions, making them compatible with the four new local variables. The initial model regressed four primary independent variables (PI, water balance, GDD and slope) with the dependent variable (yield) each bf-> the three crops used in this study. The jy v '.• iitctifpSrated * a fifth factor (labeled "TYPE" through the second for model remainder of this thesis) which indicated whether or not a soil contains CaCO^ within the top 20 cm of the profile (TYPE = 0 if it did, and TYPE = I if it did not). The TYPE variable served as an indicator variable which separated the entire data set into two groups. This setup was required to create the situation where presence or absence of CaCOj in the topsoil, rather 38 than depth and/or concentrations of CaCO3 , could be analyzed. model incorporated four more independent variables The third representing the interaction effects occurring between the first four independent factors noted above and the TYPE variable, independent variables themselves. of nine model. independent The independent ability, fourth as the and final series of models that themselves, independent to original This arrangement meant that a variables were included in the variables by as well displayed a third included statistically explain yield variation. variables which satisfied total regression only those significant Hence, combination of requirement (with I and 5% levels of significance) was allowed to in the case of each crop. five the P the <= T vary 39 CHAPTER THREE RESULTS PI Model Evaluation To discover whether the SOILS-5 and Cascade County Soil Survey sets of yield estimates' differed significantly, performed for barley, spring matched pairs t tests wheat and winter wheat. The were results indicated that there was no statistically significant difference at the 1% two (.01) significance level and the null hypothesis, that the samples were drawn from the same population, was accepted. Despite this conclusion, the sources of each yield data set suggest that PI each has a specific application in the statistical testing of model. First, profile data, whether or Second, the the not since the PI values were derived from SOILS-5 accompanying SOILS-5 yields were used PI values can be used to estimate soil to the soil evaluate productivity. Survey yields representing specific growing conditions in Cascade County were used to examine how other local factors (e.g., water balance, It was slope, temperature and lime content) affect soil productivity. assumed that applying each set in this manner would result in higher correlation coefficients. Results of the simple bivariate regression of barley, spring wheat and winter wheat yields versus PI are presented in Table 4 and Figure 6. 40 Table 4. Bivariate regression results of PI value versus yield. SOILS-5 Data Crop Barley Spring Wheat Winter Wheat By 2 r r .59 .66 .65 .35 .44 .42 Soil Survey Data n 70 65 68 2 r r .59 .57 .56 .35 .32 .31 n 69 65 62 performing the same analysis with both yield data sets, match between confirmed SOILS-5 by importantly, the it yields slightly is seen variation in crop yield. and data used higher for correlations the better calculating (Table PI 4). that PI explains approximately 40% is More of the This result suggests that the PI model, as is, does not satisfactorily estimate soil productivity in Cascade County. 2 Pierce et al. (1984b) obtained similar correlation coefficients (r values Iowa, between .23 and .68 for corn) when they tested the PI Indiana, improved by South Dakota and Minnesota their correlations and obtained r excluding histosols, soils from the subsequent model tests. exclusion not produce cases (histosols, depressional and This strategy could First, which in they .77 sloping not three of the be four frequently flooded and depressional soils) occur in Cascade County and second, outliers However, values between .70 and frequently flooded, repeated.in Cascade County for two reasons. do counties. model could be clearly the scatterplots ascribed to did not other special may require conditions (Figure 6). Pierce et alterations when al. (1984b) applied in suggested regions that the model having crops, climatic conditions 41 County Survey Yields S0ILS-5 Yields Barley = 16.93+40.76 Pl ” 13 k r2 = .3S Barley = 19 .18+ 34 .IOPI -T1 n = 70 5 • X4» > r2 = .35 n = 69 "U 0) > 5?10 S 0 IL S -5 Barli >,1 Q> • •• CO «»*> / • • ) .2 >» SO ILS-S Spring W heat Y ie ld IMgha- 1) • ed*e •< .4 0.0 .6 .4 Spr Wheat = 5.22+38.1PI .6 Pl Value Pl Value r2 = .44 •h%'- • Q ) > f Spr Wheat =14.05 + 33.0PI n = 65 r 2 = .31 n = 62 5 .s; >- £ 10 \*5v v •• * \ •• •rV' 5 Cl v» — • a CO *»Vh •y*' : > 7 3 CO • ee +• • • // 0.0 .4 .6 .4 eat YicIdlMi,lia"') Pl Value Wtr Wheat = 10.14 + 41.17PI r2= .42 Wtr Wheat = 8.87+ 32.58 Pl n = 68 «s<** > % V» I r2 = .32 0 = 65 2 o> •►W >13 CO .. 5 N H - : Vi^% £ .I 5 ? T 1O .6 Pl Value 7 W -J O CO 0 1 O. X > « .4 .6 Pl Value Figure 6 • •• •t • kW" 5 • • I* • # •• Bivariate regression scatterplots 7 • • • *f « w • » .4 .6 Pl Value • 42 and soils different from those of the many soil Corn Belt. indicate that and non-soil factors in included in the PI model can affect crop yield. Numerous addition studies to One USDA-SCS study found high correlations between precipitation and those (1987b) yield. Pierce et al. (1984a) suggested the inclusion of sufficiency factors to account for the effects of growing degree days and (1989), Hill who and Jefferson counties, identified Montana. His family as potential variables (clay, sand, textural profile (clay, textural Montana, Sandor model slope input soil variables productivity included eight in topsoil silt, CaCO3 equivalent, pH, organic matter, AWC class), nine variables weighted throughout three topographic variables gradient and slope aspect) and four profile AWC, depth). availability, alterations new in the sand, silt, CaCO3 equivalent, pH, organic matter, family (rooting depth, rooting tested pertinent factors of class and bulk density), position, supply. evaluated the PI model in. two field-scale applications previously and moisture four (slope variables depth to CaCO3 concentrations in excess of 5% and Based on findings from variables (slope gradient, these studies and water balance, data growing degree days and presence of CaCO3) were selected and their relationships to crop yield were explored with multiple regression analysis. Multiple Regression Analysis A two stage process is necessary when modifying the PI model. First the appropriate factors must be identified and second, the correct method for their inclusion in the model must be worked out. intention of this part of my study to complete the first It was the step of 43 suggesting appropriate new factors. This evaluation of new parameters is accomplished in conjunction with PI values using regression analysis. The factors research on suggested selected small evaluation grains in Great Plains in other PI model studies. Heilman et al. (1977), and 'Pierce et al. degree for have been identified environments and/or by were Water availability was noted Meyer and Alston (1977), by Rickman et al. (1977) (1984a) for its influence on crop yields. Growing days were studied as the basis for yield prediction by Sammis et al. (1985) and Williams et al. (1988). Pierce et al. (1984b) and Sandor (1989) included slope considerations in their research and Sandor (1989) made CaCO3 a special focus of his work with the PI model because it had been are shown by Schweitzer (1980) and Burke (1984) that crop yields related to the presence or absence of CaCO3 in the Ap horizon of Montana soils. The approach for each of the three crops involved using these new variables in addition available water capacity, as the independent variation. Survey of categorical between (representing the sufficiency of pH and bulk density within the rooting depth) variables in an effort to explain crop yield This part of the analysis used only the Cascade County Soil (USDA-SCS, beginning to PI four lime 1982c) this yield chapter. variable data for the reasons Calcium carbonate to investigate the was possibility stated at included of the as a interactions and the other factors by creating an indicator variable in the second and subsequent regression models for the ("dummy") reasons described earlier in Chapter Two. In general, this method involves sequential development of 44 regression models (equations) in which the variables that are statistically non-significant as explanatory factors can be isolated and removed from each successive equation. for each crop. included at Four such models were developed A summary of these results and the variables that each step are shown in Table 5, and the complete were results from these models are presented in Tables 6 through 9. During this development process, run was a key output examined after every the F Value (the model mean square divided by the square). The F Value is used to test whether or not error all regression coefficients (except for the intercept) equal zero. of them are zero, of the If all there is no relationship between any of the dependent and independent variables, model mean in this process, indicating that the model is useless. however, Every did produce statistically significant relationships. The first set of models incorporated PI, water balance (WBAL), growing degree days (GDD), and slope as independent variables and raised r 2 values for all three crops compared to the simple regression (Table high 4 versus Table 5). (1% significance significant at 5% for results The significance of PI and slope were level) for all barley and winter three crops wheat. GDD and did very WBAL was not add significantly to the explanation of yield variation for any of the crops (Table 6). The second set of models added the indicator represent CaCO^ in the top 20 cm of soil. the variable TYPE to This depth is recognized as plow layer where root development and nutrient uptake by plants are most critical. TYPE was assigned the value "0" when calcium carbonate 45 Table 5. Summary results of multiple regression analysis. Multiple Regression Runs Model Ia Crop r 2e Model 2b r Model 3C 2 r Model 4d 2 r Barley .48 .48 . .55 .53f Spring Wheat .46 .49 .54 .54g Winter Wheat .45 .46 .49 .43h 2 f Independent variables = PI,' WBAL, GDD, and slope. Independent variables = PI, WBAL, GDD, slope, and TYPE. c Independent variables = PI, WBAL, GDD, slope, TYPE, PI*TYPE, , WBAL*TYPE, GDD*TYPE, and slope*TYPE. Individual models were built for each of the three crops as indicated in footnotes e through g. 2 r values shown have been adjusted to overcome the objection that r can be forced toward perfect goodness of fit by simply adding "superfluous" variables to the regression model (Freund and Littell, 1986, 23). Independent variables = PI, WBAL, GDD, slope, TYPE, and GDD*TYPE. ? Independent variables = PI, WBAL, GDD, slope, TYPE, and WBAL*TYPE. Independent variables = PI, WBAL, and slope. was encountered encountered. within the top 20 cm and a value of "I" if it was This model also retained GDD from the first model .since the: addition of a new variable (TYPE) could change the significance the original variables. The correlation between the independent 2 dependent variables (r ) increased for spring and winter wheat, for barley (Table 5). for 5%. all three crops, Only barley, PI Significance of WBAL, slope and GDD significant at 1% for all three of and but not diminished but slope was still statistically significant remained not crops. at For the importance of TYPE was so low that one might have concluded 46 Table 6. Multiple regression results for Model I. Test I Dependent variable; Bariev Analysis of Variance Source DF Model Error C Total 4 64 68 Sum of Squares 1565.35177 1499.28591 3064.63768 Root MSE Dep Mean C.V. Mean Square . 391.33794224 23.42634238 4.840077 38.92754 12.43356 F Value Prob>F 16.705 0.0001 R Square Adj R-SQ 0.5108 0.4802 Parameter Estimates Variable DF Intercep RIVAL Slope WBAL GDD I I I I I Parameter Estimate 18.03945460 31.28547578 -0.753799 0.56639374 0.005834709 Standard Error 11.94310494 5.31281869 0.19367235 0.15858926 0.004793179 T for Ho: Parameter=O Prob>IT! 1.510 5.889 -3.892 3.571 1.217 0.1359 0.0001 0.0002 0.0007 0.2280 Test 2 Dependent variable: Spring Wheat Analysis of Variance Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model Error C Total 4 60 64 1404.72204 1425.49335 2830.21538 351.18050929 23.75822246 Root MSE Dep Mean C.V. 4.874241 27.67692 17.61121 F Value Prob>F 14.781 0.0001 R Square Adj R-SQ 0.4963 0.4628 47 Table 6. (Continued) Parameter Estimates Variable DF Intercep PIVAL Slope WBAL GDD I I I I I Parameter Estimate -11.9146 34.63739672 -0.724646 0.32617656 0:01188809 Standard Error T for Ho: Parameter=O Prob> !Tl 12.71926435 5.46598270 0.20155950 0.16438375 0.00510436 -0.937 6.337 -3.595 1.984 2.329 0.3526 0.0001 0.0007 0.0518 0.0232 Test 3 Dependent variable : Winter Wheat Analysis of Variance Source DF Model Error C Total 4 56 60 Sum of Squares Mean Square 1386.85646 1449.50420 2836.36066 Root MSB Dep Mean C.V. 346.71411472 25.88400352 5.087632 33.16393 15.34086 F Value Prob>F 13.395 0.0001 R Square Adj R-SQ 0.4890 0.4525 Parameter Estimates Variable . DF Intercep PIVAL Slope WBAL GDD I I I I I Parameter Estimate Standard Error 2.06524234 33.43646724 -0.832714 0.42853497 0.009294706 T for Ho: Parameter=O Prob>IT! 0.160 5.758 -3.751 2.507 1.751 0.8738 0.0001 0.0004 0.0151 0.0854 12.94490634 5.80711199 0.22198185 0.17092242 0.005307786 that it could be rejected as a causal variable for barley (Table 7). the case of spring wheat, the TYPE variable was a significant but WBAL lost significance (Table 7). the WBAL coefficient may be an In fact, indication In factor, the large increase in of multicollinearity as 48 Table 7. Multiple regression results for Model 2. Test I Dependent variable: Bariev . Analysis of Variance Source DF Model Error C Total 5 63 68 i Suin of .Squares Mean Square 1575.24189 1489.39579 3064.63768 315.04837794 23.64120304 Root MSE Dep Mean C.V. 4.86222 38.92754 12.49044 F Value Prob>F 13.326 0.0001 R Square Adj R-SQ 0.5140 0.4754 Parameter Estimates Variable DF Intercep RIVAL Slope WBAL GDD TYPE I I I I I I Parameter Estimate 17.78023740 31.23060590 -0.73308 0.53297991 0.005492282 0.84031136 Standard Error T for Ho: Parameter=© Prob>!Ti 1.481 5.851 -3.718 3.182 1.134 0.647 0.1436 0.0001 0.0004 0.0023 0.2612 0.5201 12.00444137 5.33780118 0.19717791 0.16748151 0.004844128 1.29919465 Test 2 Dependent variable: Spring Wheat Analysis of Variance Source DF Model Error C Total 5 59 64 Sum of Squares 1497.77006 1332.44532 2830.21538 Root MSB Dep Mean C.V. 4.752244 27.67692 17.17042 Mean Square 299.55401224 22.58381904 F Value Prob>F 13.264 0.0001 R Square Adj R-SQ 0.5292 0.4893 49 Table 7. (Continued) Parameter Estimates Variable DF Intercep PIVAL Slope WBAL GDD TYPE I I I I I I Parameter Estimate -12.1431 34.59957850 -0.66572 0.22525635 0.01058176 2.60756718 Standard Error T for Ho: Parameter=© Prob>|T| -0.979 6.492 -3.351 1.342 2.109 2.030 0.3315 0.0001 0.0014 0.1846 0.0392 0.0469 12.40142540 5.32920746 0.19864740 0.16780426 0.005018044 1.28463758 Test 3 Dependent variable: Winter Wheat Analysis of Variance Source DF Model Error C Total 5 55 60 Sum of Squares 1419.63135 1416.72930 2836.36066 Root MSE Dep Mean C.V. Mean . Square 283.92627018 25.75871463 5.075304 33.16393 15.30369 F Value Prob>F 11.023 0.0001 R Square Adj R-SQ 0.5005 0.4551 Parameter Estimates Variable DF Intercep PIVAL Slope WBAL GDD TYPE I I . I I I I Parameter Estimate 2.74412878 33.53920978 -0.768778 0.35979780 0.007949444 1.69362731 Standard Error 12.92755645 5.79375659 0.22858292 0.18107020 0.005427573 1.50144459 suggested by Lewis-Beck (1980, p. 60). rity T for Ho: Parameter=© ProbMTI 0.212 5.789 -3.363 1.987 1.465 1.128 0.8327 0.0001 0.0014 0.0519 0.1487 0.2642 The occurrence of multicollinea- violates one of the assumptions necessary for correct application of multiple regression models, indicating that further refinement of the 50 model was required. For winter wheat, TYPE was non-significant and a marked increase in the significance of GDD occurred, drops in significance Considering itself the the other second model overall, three factors the CaCO3 slight, (Table variable 7) . (TYPE) by rather surprisingly did not appear to help explain variation in crop yields. of for as well as This result coupled with the declines in the significance the other parameters and the multicollinearity problem confirmed the need to continue with model development. The not first two models are fairly straight-forward because they include independent third any interaction variables. effects The between TYPE and the major innovations incorporated did other with the series of models added variables to account for these interaction effects. Hence, four new variables which are the products of the indicator variable (TYPE) and the continuous variables were added in the third set of regression equations. between example, TYPE and each of the other variables TYPE to make a new variable, water be evaluated. For In in However, by combining it with water balance it may become evident that certain combinations availability and presence of CaCO3 strongly variations. data to by itself was shown to be a non-significant variable the second model (Table 7). of This approach allowed interactions effect, influence yield the use of TYPE in this fashion separates the into two sets to be examined separately according to their CaCO3 characteristics. The the resulting r product significant of 2 values from the third model, a large number of variables, (Tables 5 and 8). Further, not careful although high, are all are of analysis which of these 51 Table 8. Multiple regression results for Model 3. Test I Dependent variable: Bariev Analysis of Variance Source DF Model Error C Total 9 59 68 Sum of Squares 1875.12840 1189.50929 3064.63768 Root MSE Dep Mean C.V. Mean Square. 208.34759954 20.16117433 4.49012 38.92754 11.53456 F Value Prob>F 10.334 0.0001 R Square Adj R-SQ 0.6119 0.5527 Parameter Estimates Variable Intercep PIVAL Slope WBAL GDD TYPE PIVAL*TYPE Slope*TYPE WBAL*TYPE GDD*TYPE DF I I I I I I I I I I Parameter Estimate 6.76179826 12.58497327 -0.927063 0.96800773 0.01818241 31.16786873 24.02873058 0.26063007 -0.703762 -0.0241146 Standard Error T for Ho: Parameter=© 19.82864212 13.12539485 0.29106664 0.36242253 0.007166887 24.27044208 14.21408762 0.37431406 0.40414587 0.009252812 0.341 0.959 -3.185 2.671 2.537 1.284 1.690 0.696 -1.741 -2.606 Prob>ITi 0.7343 0.3416 O.0O23 0.0098 0.0138 0.2041 0.0962 0.4890 0.0868 0.0116 Test 2 Dependent variable : Spring Wheat Analysis of Variance Source DF Model Error C Total 9 55 64 Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Prob>F 9.338 0.0001 190.07728498 1710.69556 20.35490581 1119.51982 2830.21538 . Root MSE Dep Mean C.V. 4.511641 27.67692 16.30109 R Square Adj R-SQ 0.6044 0.5397 52 Table 8. (Continued) Parameter Estimates Variable Intercep PIVAL Slope WBAL GDD TYPE PIVAL*TYPE Slope*TYPE WBAL*TYPE GDD*TYPE DF I I I I I I I I I I Parameter Estimate 6.99765473 18.15809009 -0.531734 0.81133951 0.009753898 -17.1611 22.92222182 -0.329185 -0.745477 -0.001047 Standard Error T for Ho: Parameter=O 19.92368242 13.18830594 0.29246175 0.36415965 0.007201238 25.27405481 14.33631612 0.38398417 0.40871581 0.009711025 0.351 1.377 -1.818 2.228 1.354 -0.679 1.599 -0.857 -1.824 -0.108 Prob>!Ti 0.7268 ■ 0.1741 0.0745 0.0300 0.1811 0.5000 0.1156 0.3950 0.0736 0.9145 Test 3 Dependent variable : Winter Wheat Analysis of Variance Source DF Model Error C Total 9 51 60 Sum of Squares 1609.97985 1226.38081 2836.36066 Root MSE Dep Mean C.V. 4.903742 33.16393 14.78637 Mean Square F Value ProbXF 7 .439 0.0001 178.88664956 24.04668254 R Square Adj R-SQ 0.5676 0.4913 Parameter Estimates Variable DF Parameter Estimate Intercep PIVAL Slope WBAL GDD TYPE PIVAL*TYPE Slope*TYPE WBAL*TYPE GDD*TYPE I I I I .1 I I I I I 24.36857687 10.06782149 -0.57097 0.68639130 0.005961166 -21.3541 30.17882677 -0.45789 -0.434138 0.0007812306 Standard Error 22.72860482 13.29363650 0.34077099 0.40181937. 0.008821281 27.52299432 16.49529991 0.45021053 0.44958978 0.01111357 T for Ho: Parameter=© 1.072 0.658 -1.676 1.708 1.676 -0.776 1.830 -0.017 -0.966 0.071 ProbMTI 0.2887 0.5133 0.1000 0.0937 0.5022 0.4414 0.0732 0.3139 0.3388 0.9437 53 results demonstrates that each crop's yield variations respond differently to the independent variables in the regression model 8). By the first examining the changes in the significance of each variable two models and comparing them to results from the (third) model, crop. (Table This in aggregate a fourth and final model was created for each individual set of models included only the variables that were significant in explaining variations in yield for that particular crop. 2 The removal of non-significant terms in this way usually reduces r values slightly. Considering barley alone in the third model, factors (slope, three of the original WBAL and GDD) were significant causal variables at .05 significance level (Table 8). TYPE, slope*TYPE and WBALaTYPE were non-significant, apparently interacting slope and water availability has no effect on yield. Only concerned. in with the GDDaTYPE indicating that was significant where CaCO3 calcium both alone and barley interaction is This result meant that both TYPE and GDDaTYPE were retained fourth model for barley (Tables 8 and 9). remained the in The TYPE variable the model since it was a lower order term in a model that still includes one product term (Freund and Littel, 1986). For final spring wheat, model. PI, slope and GDD were retained in the Although slope was marginally non-significant (.07) and GDD also was non-significant, WBAL, they were both previously useful, was felt that removal of their associated dummy and GDDa TYPE) variables would unclutter their relationship to yield (slopeaTYPE (Table Apparently WBALaTYPE did not cloud the effect of WBAL as greatly, WBAL was still significant. and it 8). since WBALaTYPE itself was marginally significant 54 Table 9. Multiple regression results for Model 4. Test I Dependent variable: Bariev Analysis of Variance Source DF Model Error C Total 6 62 68 Sum of Squares Mean Square 1740.10027 1324.53741 3064.63768 Root MSE Dep Mean C.V. 290.01671221 21.36350658 4.622067 38.92754 11.87352 F Value Prob>F 13.575 0.0001 R Square Adj R-SQ 0.5678 0.5260 Parameter Estimates Variable DF Intercep PIVAL Slope WBAL GDD TYPE GDD*TYPE I I I I I I I Parameter Estimate ' -16.0271 31.13472758 -0.730979 0.45551534 0.01993027 57.12990108 -0.0247032 Standard Error 16.68330016 5.07427410 0.18744043 0.16163295 0.006943913 20.30083937 0.00889269 T for Ho: Parameter=O -0.961 6.136 -3.900 2.818 2.870 2.814 -2.778 ProbXTI 0.3405 0.0001 0.0002 0.0065 0.0056 0.0065 0.0072 Test 2 Dependent variable: Spring Wheat Analysis of Variance Source DF Model Error C Total 6 58 64 Sum of Squares 1639.34655 1190.86884 2830.21528 Root MSE . Dep Mean C.V. 4.531249 27.67692 16.37194 Mean Square 273.22442448 20.53222134 F Value Prob>F 13.307 0.0001 R Square Adj R-SQ 0.5792 0.5357 55 Table 9. (Continued) Parameter Estimates Variable DF Intercep PIVAL Slope WBAL GDD TYPE WBAL*TYPE I I I I I I I Parameter Estimate Standard Error 12.05342 37.36915818 -0.710855 1.00537507 0.01052892 -10.8046 -0.943609 T for Ho: Parameter=© Prob>IT! -0.165 7.201 -3.738 2.979 2.201 -2.057 -2.626 0.8694 0.0001 0.0004 0.0042 0.0318 0.0442 0.0110 12.43334035 5.18968974 0.19018800 0.33743256 0.004784732 5.25248780 0.35934743 Test 3 Dependent variable: Winter Wheat Analysis of Variance Source DF Model Error C Total 3 57 60 Sum of Squares Mean Square 1307.48289 1528.87777 2836.36066 Root MSB Dep Mean C.V. 435.82762926 26.82241698 5.179036 33.16393 15.61647 F Value Prob>F 16.249 0.0001 R Square Adj R-SQ 0.4610 0.4326 Parameter Estimates Variable DF Intercep PIVAL Slope WBAL I I I I Parameter Estimate 23.18030020 32.29314774 -0.867868 0.36823391 Standard Error 4.79404053 5.87396084 0.22504402 0.17042553 T for Ho: Parameter=© Prob>!Tl 4.835 5.498 -3.856 2.161 0.0001 0.0001 0.0003 0.0349 and was therefore retained in the final equation as well. was highly retained non-significant in the aggregate model Although TYPE results, for the reasons noted earlier in connection with the it was results 56 for barley. The wheat results in that for winter wheat were similar to barley the T values indicated that the same and spring weakening effect caused by the addition of the product variables had occurred (Table In fact, there were no significant variables for winter wheat using the aggregate model. significance, higher 8). Slope but and WBAL maintained ,a only with a high probability of significance small error degree of (10%). of PIVAL*TYPE compared with PIVAL may The suggest an interaction effect between CaCO3 and PI factors, but it was already seen in the first and second models that PIVAL without the addition of or product variables is highly significant at 1%. and slope were retained and GDD was dropped TYPE Hence only PI, WBAL, because it was non­ significant from the start. It is important to note that PI became highly non-significant all three crops and PIVAL*TYPE was non-significant as well The dramatic shift in Pi's coefficient once again (Table indicated that for 8). a multicollinearity situation was generated by this particular combination of parameters. Since PI was a highly significant term in previous models, it was retained in the final equations for all three crops. The non-significant the conclusion relation that PIVAL*TYPE product variable was used to support interactions between calcium carbonate and PI had no to yield and thus PI*TYPE was dropped in order to clarify Pi's relationship to yield. Considering the aggregate (i.e., three the crops third) model, r^ values for were of interest because they had increased over those previous, model despite their inclusion of several all of non-significant 57 terms (Tables analysis 5 and 8). This result suggested that the creation of two soil types (shallow versus deep calcium soils) improved the model's fit for barley and spring wheat. of variation supported yield (C.V), at its lowest in the The aggregate and clearly coefficient model results, this conclusion regarding the effect of calcium in explaining variation. Specifically, the barley to rise from .48 to .55 and r .46 to .54 (Table 5). 2 addition of TYPE caused for spring wheat For winter wheat, r 2 increased for from however, the addition of TYPE 2 improved the explanation of yield variation only slightly, the r rising only from .46 to .49 (Table 5). . After running each crop's final model, dramatically altered (Tables 5 and 9). winter wheat the r 2 2 results were not In the cases of both barley and values actually declined (from .55 to .53 for barley and from .49 to .43 for winter wheat). considering the r This result was not surprising, the high number of variables used to achieve the maximum r values in the third model. For spring wheat, r 2 2 stayed at .54 even with the removal of non-significant factors included in the previous model. The overall finding with respect to barley is that growing combined with substantially .... • to (TYPE*GDD) and CaCOg (TYPE) the original four factors' ability to alone added explain yield • variability growing CaCO^ season (Tables degree conclusion days 6 and 9). and CaCOg In other words, content affect interaction barley between yield. The for spring wheat is similar in that GDD and CaCOg (TYPE and WBAL*TYPE) were significant variables, though at lower confidence levels (Table 9). as In the case of winter wheat, GDD was not a significant term it was with barley and spring wheat probably because winter wheat's 58 unique growing season includes a winter period of dormancy. Since the removal of the non-significant variables <GDD, TYPE and all four product variables) apparent brought no improvement in winter wheat's r that some other variable or variables which wheat yields have yet to be identified (Table 9). value, influence it is winter 59 CHAPTER FOUR DISCUSSION Two major conclusions arise from the statistical analysis presented in Chapter Three. 40% of the First, the existing PI model explains approximately variation in crop relationships between calcium carbonate, factors to greater than 50%. the PI yields. Second, yield and water balance, and by considering growing degree slope it is shown that the addition model would improve its explanation of the days, of these yield to It is necessary now to examine the implications of these results as they relate to the PI model itself and to their role in further applications of the PI model in other northern Great Plains environments. Four this aspects of the existing PI model and the extensions tried study warrant further discussion. . One involves possible shortcomings concerning the input data. a review The second and in of third aspects concern the PI model structure and the yield data used to verify the model, and the final topic concerns the parameters that were added which may be unique to a northern Plains environment. PI Model Input Data The first consideration for improving model quality of the model's input data. performance. is the When the PI model was first altered and tested by Pierce and associates at the University of Minnesota, the use of large, standardized USDA-SCS data bases was assumed as a key step 60 in its implementation. only are data manipulations By using these structured data collections not extensive calculations made possible and validity, made more efficient, other computerized but also questions of reliability and variability are largely put to rest. problems were, data Several however, encountered and several questions are raised by the use of these data bases in this study. One the problem concerns the lack of moist bulk density Montana SOILS-5 data base. estimates •As described in Chapter Two, in the bulk density triangle developed by Grossman and Baumer (Figure 5) was used to estimate bulk density values for horizons where they were not Bulk density horizon) is difficult to determine (especially and the and yet is the basis for inferences about resistance penetration and moisture movement (Erbach, (1984) in reported. agree 1987). to root Mausbach and Gamble that bulk density is not known by horizon for many often the parameter is reported not as a precise value, range inferred from textural data. provides surface such bulk soils but as a Because the Grossman/Baumer triangle density estimates based on soil texture, it was assumed that it would generate bulk density input data. Two problems mention. associated with these moist bulk densities First, by using generalized bulk densities from the triangle which do not reflect soil development conditions in Montana, the actual using soil/crop yield relationship may have estimates solution. require been lost. from the bulk density triangle may be only Second, Pierce et al. (1984a; clarity of a Hence, partial 1984b) found that the bulk density estimates that did appear in the SOILS-5 data base resulted low values PI for fine textured, highly productive soils. in Their 61 reasoning for this inconsistency was that the soil was in fact porous in structure, and thus high yielding despite high bulk density values which did not reflect the actual quality of the remedied this problem rooting environment. with an algorithm (described in They Chapter Two) incorporated in the PI model. Both the bulk inappropriate density techniques triangle and the PI adjustment for estimating soil bulk density may in be Cascade County because Mausbach and Gamble (1984) have found that in addition to soil texture, analysis till, of accurate density measurements require soils according to their parent material alluvium performed bulk and primarily residuum). Because the Corn on loess soils (Pierce et (loess, Belt al., separate glacial studies 1984b, were 132) and Cascade County soils are formed mainly from till and alluvium, model's bulk density adjustments developed for the Corn Belt may not be applicable in Cascade County. not account for parent the PI Second, the Grossman/Baumer triangle does material and thus is shown again to be an incomplete method of bulk density estimation. Another consideration involving the SOILS-5 data is that the series descriptions are recorded using data from a single, (profile) location for the series or phase of a series. 5 data reflects environmental conditions of that typifying pedon Thus the SOILS- particular which may strongly affect soil development and productivity. location This means that a soil occurring in Cascade County may have been first described in another part of Montana or even in another state, and hence the Cascade County environment is not always closely represented. For purposes of testing the PI model, this problem is best dealt 62 with by using the corresponding SOILS-5 yield estimates and not the Soil Survey estimates. to examine The problem becomes more complex when the purpose is soil-related issues and data (i.e., soil erosion rates) specific to a small area such as Cascade County. Existing PI Model Structure The question of whether or not the PI model is an appropriate tool for estimating soil productivity in the northern Great Plains must be considered. with later analysis. The two also The issue of adding new parameters to the model is dealt in this chapter in connection with the multiple regression This section discusses the three terms in the existing model. aspects which warrant further examination are the depth of rooting used with the weighting factor and the equal importance assigned to each of the inputs. The rooting weighting depth, factor in the original model based on corn and it is well-documented that wheat and barley rooting depths differ greatly from those of corn (Rickman, only was are the depths important, et al., but patterns of root 1977). Not distribution and water use in the rooting zone differ from corn as well (Proffitt et al., 1985). Sandor (personal communication, 1988) determined that 178 cm rather than the original model's 100 cm serves to better duplicate wheat and barley rooting environments. model depth, However, Sandor also found that the output (PI values) were not very sensitive to changes in since characteristics the in weighting depth the topsoil (Figure functions 3d). Hence, rooting emphasize soil substituting rooting depth of 178 versus 100 cm did little to alter PI values at a the 63 field scale at which he tested model performance. Based on his results, no further attempt was made to extend the rooting depth in this study. Model performance may have been improved by varying the weightings of the three model parameters which are weighted equally in the original model. However, no efforts were made to alter this arrangement in this study was because still the desirability of incorporating additional being examined and the effect of those parameters additions on model performance and existing model structure are as yet unknown. Yield Data Used for Model Testing f The yield data used for model verification in CascadeCounty also have contributed to poor model performance. (personal communication, 1987) As suggested by Larson it is necessary to establish whether yields are collected from one typical year of whether they represent average yield over many years. they do Survey on crop yields. (USDA-SCS, 1982c) . Cascade County data reported in are an Long-term averages are preferred because not reflect the impacts of climate variations and new technology may long-term averages, but farming the they do Soil not represent the full range of yields that may be experienced on soils that are distributed widely throughout the county (R. communication, 1988). Richardson, personal This condition introduces uncertainty because one cannot know whether the "average" yields reported in the Soil Survey are actually high or lowas a result of regional precipitation (Figure 2) contributing Cropping and/or the their experience opinions to the of individual Soil Survey variability soil scientists yield estimates. patterns also exert substantial influences on storage of soil 64 water and cited in therefore on crop yield from year to year. Sandor, Carlson 1989) found that recropped fields were only productive as fallowed fields. (1987; 65% as Hence, Cascade County Survey yields may be highly specific to particular areas and farming practices. At the generalized, farming other yield estimates are highly and soil development characteristics which influence yields sets t if they were statistically comparable and second, values in As previously described, the disparity between the two was dealt with first by using the matched pairs determine PI SOILS-5 reflecting very little of the local climatic, topographic, Cascade County. data extreme, with the associated SOILS-5 data and test to by testing performing multiple regression analysis of local site factors with local yield data. With regard to verification of PI values, it would be worthwhile to discover another Montana. Pierce productivity et al. measure with which (1984a, to compare 1984b) used Crop Equivalent PI in Ratings (CERs) developed by Rust and Hanson (1975) in addition to corn for model verification (Pierce et al., net economic permanent return per 1984a). acre pasture or forestry, when The CER represents "the relative managed cultivated crops, whichever use is computed as giving the highest net return" (Pierce et al., 1984a, 55). crop for Their testing with both yields and CER indicates that Pierce and associates may have some doubts regarding the consistency of yield estimates alone. unfortunate that Montana CER data were not available for held It was testing PI model results and too, that shortcomings were present in the yield data. However, the SOILS-5 and County Survey crop yields were the best most consistently compiled and researched data available. and 65 Multiple Regression Outcomes The need results of the multiple regression analysis to expand the model.to better include Cascade County and Great Plains environmental factors which affect soil the demonstrate cases of barley and spring wheat, northern productivity. the addition of water slope and lime factors to the three the In balance, growing degree days, factors generated higher correlation coefficients between PI values and yields. For winter wheat, only the additions of water supply and slope produced similar improvements. would not growing be PI It was expected that growing degree days a useful factor in the case of winter season original includes a period of dormancy over wheat the since winter its unlike barley and spring wheat. It effect were was of not necessary for the Minnesota studies these northern Great Plains factors in great able to deal with some of these variables, related to factors, examine detail. particularly by separately evaluating soils in the They climate- individual MLRAs. The effect of slope was managed by excluding soil phases exceeding a six per cent slope gradient. The crops they used to test the PI values were similar in growing season requirements and finally, Corn Belt soils are not adversely affected by lime content. In elevation climatic Cascade the Corn and vegetation regime, County, Belt, the where relatively contribute to a more assumption of constant however, is homogeneous spatially climate known to have marked growing season gradients (Figures I and 2). is topography, consistent reasonable. precipitation and Thus climatic factors were 66 expected to have a strong influence on yield, and hence, PI model performance. The influences of climatic inputs on crop yield in the Plains well-documented. Rickman et moisture Heilman al. (1977) and wheat yield, et al. and the USDA-SCS total Meyer and (1987b) all Alston (1977), examined soil except for the USDA study which tested corn and soybeans in addition to wheat. connection (1977), are All four studies discovered a strong between crop yields and moisture supply. Maturing time and available heat (as measured by growing degree days) were closely correlated with spring wheat yields in research conducted by Williams et al. (1988). Burke (1984) also connected soil temperature (a function of ODD) and crop yield. index Sammis et al. (1985) developed a yield prediction based on growing degree days and Pierce et both growing al. (1984a) suggest degree days and water supply as means of controlling for effects of geographic location on yield (Figure 7). Results from the regression analysis of water balance and growing degree days confirm this expectation by demonstrating that yield varia­ bility is better explained by PI in conjunction with these two than by PI alone (Table 5). This result shows why factors climate factors ' 'I: should^?; be included in soil productivity models, when, they, are smaller applied regions which such as the PI across large geographic experience considerable areas model, and/or spatial within climatic variations. The different reactions of spring grains and winter to influences point out that two separate models may also climatic necessary. Crop responses to precipitation, potential wheat be evapotran- spiration and growing degree days differ because each crop has different 67 GROWING DEGREE DAYS (GDD) DEFICIT (cm) Figure 7. Generalized forms for water supply and growing degree sufficiency curves proposed by Pierce et al. (1984a). water use and maturing time requirements. unique using by Each crop's model would either including specific combinations of the same combination, variables or day be by but weighting each variable differently to reflect its particular significance to individual crops. When evaluating the multiple regression results from this study was necessary to note that the relationships between the dependent independent study's variables The models used in multiple regression analysis were limited by However, more approximate complex equations could be this constraint. designed to For example, referring back to earlier reviews of the PI parameters, linear regression that and a curvilinear relationship and thus give higher correlation coefficients. model are not always linear. it it is seen that their sufficiency are not and therefore that their relationships to soil productivity and crop yield cannot be linear either (Figure 3). that PI, water balance, slope, curves It is therefore assumed growing season and CaCOj may also have non-linear relationships with yield, regression produced relatively low r 2 possibly explaining values. Pierce et why al. linear (1984a) 68 suggested relationships speculation for slope for water balance and GDD, and CaCO^ is beyond the scope of but similar this thesis (Figure 7). As with the Minnesota studies, multiple regression analysis in this study showed three Cascade sloping yield, the that slope was a significant yield County meaning PI model did not consider. and randomly slope. will The require complex variables, yield indicated with which In this study the outlying points were to the yield task of incorporating a slope factor in the PI model that a sufficiency curve be constructed and for relationships four reasons. exist First, between slope it and is this is likely existing PI a that model making it difficult to isolate the specific effects of slope from other interrelationships. the soil profile. over that PI and could not be attributed consistently whether or not (and if so, vary all suggesting a non-linear relationship between undertaking collinear in (1984b) that slope exerted a definite influence on yield influence of slope, entire range. the A second consideration how) the impacts of slope change with Third, 8 to 15%, or 10 to 20% slope problem of selecting one value to is depth slope gradients within a soil phase large ranges (e.g., thereby^-; adding most Pierce et al. for soils produced outlier points in their regressions of distributed on crops. determinant can classes) represent the Fourth, it may be that effects of sloping topography are accurately represented by a factor which combines both slope gradient and location on a slope. The important multiple and yet regression analysis showed that complex crop yield factor. CaCO^ Other is studies another which 69 confirm this finding have established two different effects of lime soil productivity. First, on lime is known to diminish phosphorus uptake by roots by inhibiting nutrient transport within the plow and fertilizer layer (G.A. Nielsen, presence of lime, can personal communication, 1988) . Second, particularly in combination with high bulk densities, increase soil strength and thus restrict root development 1989) . the (Sandor, Because both conditions occur in the surface horizon, 20 cm was selected as the key depth when constructing the TYPE variable (i.e., when CaCO3 occurred within the top 20 cm TYPE was assigned the value "0" and assigned the value "I" if it did not). general measure of soil lime content, deficiencies 1989). CaCO3 Sandor other pH alone does not cause nutrient impediments in the rooting (1989) states that while increasing theoretically impose the and/or Although pH can be used as a have no effect on soil pH, zone (Sandor, concentrations increasing CaCO3 serious negative effects on the rooting environment. function of pH in the PI model cannot provide a measure of may Therefore of CaCO3 since pH alone does not cause similar impediments in the rooting zone. As with slope, several problems. building a sufficiency curve for CaCO3 presents For example,. there remains considerable controversy about the techniques that should be used to quantify lime and whether or not we. should evaluate its effects by location concentration or both measurements (Sandor, in 1989). the profile, its In addition, the relationships between depth, concentration and crop yield in Montana are not well understood. reached CaCO3 For example, Sandor (1989) and Schweitzer (1980) different conclusions about the relationship between yield and Burke (1984) suggested several different conditions of and CaCO3 70 in the soil profile that can influence yield. The multiple regression results reaffirm growing degree days and with water balance exert different controls the cases this observation since the association of of spring wheat and barley, whereas in the lime present with in study, winter wheat was apparently insensitive to CaCO3 altogether. Conclusions The comparison of PI values with crop yields in a Great Plains environment indicates that the existing PI model is not as successful as it was in the Corn Belt application. other can empirical Literature describing models can often give the impression that such be applied anywhere as long as the appropriate data input. this are and models correctly This is a simplistic concept, since testing and verification are certainly required emphasizes this in every situation. need for thorough testing, environments of the northern Great Plains. The study presented especially in the here complex In Cascade County, extensive model evaluation is even more essential since climate, climatic effects, topography and soil conditions are not spatially homogeneous even at the county level. Although soil productivity and soil erosion studies have identified numerous factors which contribute to yield variability, examined either strongly in this critical study as potential extensions of the the parameters PI model . are aspects of northern Great Plains agriculture suggested in other PI model research (Heilman et or al., were 1977; Burke, 1984; Pierce et al., 1984a; Williams et al., 1988; Sandor, 1989) . Multiple regression analysis confirms that the addition of growing 71 degree days, water balance, statistical explanation explanation of slope and CaCO3 to PI values improves yield variation. Specifically, of barley yield variation improved by 34%, 17% and winter wheat by 2%. 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Year Weather Station Cascade 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 . 49.5 24.9 46.0 42.2 34.5 25.4 43.2 45.0 31.8 24.1 26.7 41.4 30.0 44.2 49.3 30.8 . 45.0 49.8 36.6 32.0 30.5 30.7 29.7 32.5 66.0 32.1 39.6 52.3 33.0 60.9 Great Falls 54.9 22.9 52.6 39.9 49.8 27.4 41.1 40.9 34.5 24.9 26.7 40.4 30.2 45.5 46.7 35.8 47.5 41.7 31.5 38.9 29.2 33.3 • 31.0 38.9 35.1 35.1 38.1 48.8 " 25.2 41.2 Neihart Power NO DATA NO DATA 54.4 57.9 51.3 49.5 29.7 ■ 43.2 36.8 51.3 53.3 53.2 59.9 79.5 37.3 51.8 "" 27.7 36.6 20.8 28.7 35.1 24.4 29.7 19.3 22.4 19.3 37.1 29.5 28.7 29.0 34.3 24.1 32.5 22.1 24.9 19.3 26.2 25.9 25.9 30.0 48.3 16.5 26.9 Sun River 46.0 19.6 40.9 36.3 43.2 27.2 34.0 43.9 29.0 20.3 19.8 31.8 21.8 37.6 44.5 27.7 41.7 31.5 29.7 27.2 '22.4 28.2 16.8 . 27.4 24.6 24.6 30.2 43.3 22.9 '' 35.8 or 85 APPENDIX B Regression Analysis Data 86 APPENDIX B Table 11. Data used for model verification regression analysis. Soil Map Unit No.a PI Value I 4 11 13 15 18 24 29 33 47 48 52 54 56 58 61 63 64 65 71 72 74 75 . 80 f ? 85 89 90 94 95 96 97 102 103 109 .499 .541 .635 .807 .607 .598 .478 .709 .558 .622 .627 .653 .581 .568 .490 .189 .371 .461 .620 .677 .578 .606 .700 .685 .702 .664 .602 .407 .599 .596 .659 .428 .626 .659 .509 SOILS-5 Yields Barley S-Wheat W-Wheat Soil Survey Yields Barley S-Wheat W-Wheat (Mg ha 1J (Mg ha 1J 9.9 11.7 9.1 14.4 9.9 10.4 9.7 12.0 13.1 13.1 13.1 9.9 11.0 10.4 7 . 8. 999 7.8 7.8 11.0 12.0 9.1 13.6 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 9.1 9.1 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 9.9 10.4 8.2 9.8 7.8 10.4 8.2 8.8 8.2 13.0 10.4 10.4 10.4 8.2 9.1 8.8 6.5 999 5.9 5.9 8.5 13.0 8.2 999 11.1 10.4 10.4 11.4 8.2 7.8 8.8 8.8 999 999 8.8 8.8 8.8 10.4 12.4 9.8 13.0 10.4 10.8 9.8 14.7 13.0 13.0 13.0 10.4 10.4 10.8 8.2 999 7.2 7.2 11.4 14.7 9.8 13.7 13.7 13.0 13.0 14.7 9.8 . 9.8 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.1 10.8 9.8 10.8 10.4 10.4 10.4 16.2 9.1 10.4 10.4 12.0 11.7 12.0 8.4 6.5 13.1 10.4 9.1 7.3 7.8 7.8 12.0 12.0 9.1 11.0 13.1 11.5 11.5 12.0 9.1 9.1 10.4 10.4 999 999 999 9.9 10.4 . 8.8 9.8 8.8 8.8 8.2 8.8 8.8 13.0 9.8 13.0 7.5 6.5 9.8 8.8 8.2 5.9 5.9 5.9 13.0 13.0 8.2 12.4 9.8 12.7 12.7 13.0 8.2 8.2 8.8 8.8 999 999 999 8.8 8.8 - 10.8 11.7 10.8 12.1 9.8 10.8 10.8 14.7 13.0 14.7 9.1 8.2 9.8 10.8 9.8 6.5 7.2 7.2 14.7 14.7 9.8 13.4 11.7 14.0 14.0 14.7 9.8 9.8 999 999 999 999 999 9.8 10.8 ,87 Table 11. (cont'd) Soil Map Unit No.a PI Value SOILS-5 Yields Barley S-Wheat W-Wheat Soil Survey Yields Barley S-Wheat W-Wheat -I (Mg ha A) 114 122 123 127 139 . 143 148 151 155 156 161 166 168 171 173 175 177 182 183 184 186 189 192 195 197 201 202 205 206 207 208 211. 217 220 222 227 229 .658 .547 .430 .355 .532 .450 .709 .606 .493 .638 .736 . .657 .646 .621 .595 .641 .647 .235 .764 .681 .572 .608 .594 .555 .495 .586 .550 .386 . .579 -■.694 .694 .302 .559 .697 .630 .641 .620 8.4 12.5 12.3 7.8 9.9 6.8 10.4 9.1 7.8 11.7 12.0 10.4 10.4 7.8 12.0 10.4 10.4 999 11.7 13.1 12.0 12.0 10.4 11.7 7.8 9.9 9.9 8.4 9.9 13.1 13.1 7.8 12.5 10.4 13.6 10.4 10.4 7.8 8.8 9.1 6.5 8.5 4.9 8.8 7.2 5.9 9.1 13.0 8.8 8.8 6.5 10.8 9.8 999 999 . 999 10.4 10.4 10.4 8.8 9.8 5.9 8.2 8.2 6.5 8.2 11.4 11.4 6.5 10.4 8.8 13.0 9.8 9.8 (Mg ha 9.1 11.4 999 8.2 11.4 5.9 10.8 9.8 8.2 12.4 14.7 10.8 10. 999 11.4 11.7 9.8 999 14.7 13:0 12.4 12.4 10.8 12.4 8.2 9.8 9.8 11.4 10.4 14.7 14.7 8.2 13.0 10.8 14.7 11.4 11.4 10.4 12.3 12.3 7.8 9.9 7.8 10.4 9.1 7.8 9.1 10.7 10.4 10.4 7.8 12.0 10.4 10.4 7.8 11.7 11.7 10.4 9.1 10.4 9.1 6.5 7.8 10.4 8.4 8.4 11.7 12.0 7.8 10.4 10.4 12.0 10.4 10.4 -I 9.8 9.1 9.1 6.5 7.8 5.9 8.8 8.2 5.9 8.2 7.8 8.8 8.8 6.5 13.0 9.8 999 5.9 999 999 9.1 999 8.8 8.2 5.9 6.5 8.2 6.5 6.5 12.4 13.0 6.5 9.8 8.8 13.0 8.8 9.8 identify each soil series (USDA-SCSf 1982c). h Map unit numbers b The entry "999" indicates no data. 11.4 999 999 8.2 13.0 8.2 10.8 9.8 8.2 9.8 999 10.8 10.8 8.2 14.7 11.7 9.8 8.2 999 999 9.8 8.2 10.8 9.8 8.2 8.2 9.8 11.4 8.5 13.7 14.7 8.2 11.7 10.8 14.7 10.4 11.4 88 Table i.2. Data for the four additional yield determinants analyzed multiple regression. Soil Map Unit #a I 4 11 13 15 18 24 29 33 47 48 52 54 56 58 61 63 64 65 71 72 74 75 78 80 85 89 90 94 95 96 97 102 103 109 114 122 123 127 ' Slope CaCO3 Rangeb Rating0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0» 2 0 8 4 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 .0 0 -2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 4 2 15 4 4 2 5 10 2 20 20 8 8 8 4 8 4 2 2 10 .4 2 4 2 4 2 15 2 2 4 4 15 4 4 8 4 4 8 I 2 I I 2 3 2 I 2 I I I I I I 2 2 2 2 2 2 . 2 2 I I 2 2 2 2 2 .I I I I I I I I I ' PET Depth to Precip CaCO31* Range® Range* 0 21 20 13 15 13 9 24 28 14 11 0 10 14 0 12 23 23 .16 15 15 9 15 14 14 14 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 10 12 14 16 12 14 18 20 12 14 14 16 12 14 12 14 16 18 14 16 14 16 12 14 14 16 10 12 14 16 10 12 14 16 14 16 10 12 12 14 12 14 14 16 14 16 14 16 14 16 14 16 12 14 16 18 12 14 12 14 10 12 10 12 12 14 14 16 14 16 12 14 14 16 14 16 14 16 26.5 29.0 25.0 26.5 29.0 31.5 20.5 22.0 29.0 31.5 29.0 31.5 25.0 26.5 23.5 25.0 20.5 22.0 26.5 29.0 25.0 26.5 25.0 26.5 29.0 31.5 26.5 29.0 29.0 31.5 26.5 29.0 29.0 31.5 29.0 31.5 26.5 29.0 29.0 31.5 29.0 31.5 26.5 29.0 23.5 25.0 29.0 31.5 29.0 31.5 29.0 31.5 29.0 31.5 20.5 22.0 26.5 29.0 26.5 29.0 26.5 29.0 26.5 29.0 29.0 31.5 29.0 31.5 26.5 29.0 29.0 31.5 29.0 31.5 29.0 31.5 26.5 29.0 by GDD Range9 2200 2400 2200 2400 2200 2400 1800 2000 2200 2400 2200 2400 2000 2200 2000 2200 2200 2400 2400 2600 2200 2400 2000 2200 2200 2400 2200 2400 2400 2600 2200 2400 2200 2400 2200 2400 2200 2400 2200 2400 2200 2400 2200 2400 2200 2400 2200 2400 2200 2400 2400 2600 2200 2400 2200 2400 2200 2400 2200 2400 2000 2200 2000 2200 2200 2400 2200 2400 2200 2400 2400 2600 2400 2600 2400 2600 2200 2400 89 Table 12. Soil Map Unit #a 139 143 148 151 155 156 161 166 168 171 173 175 177 182 183 184 186 189 192 195 197 201 202 205 206 207 208 211 217 220 222 227 229 (cont'd) Slope Rangeb 0 0 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 4 0 8 8 10 15 4 20 8 2 . 2 2 2 10 10 4 2 2 8 8 15 15 10 15 10 6 4 8 2 2 15 20 15 15 2 CaCO3 Rating0 I I 999 I 2 2 2 I I 2 2 I 999 999 2 2 I I 2 2 I 2 2 I I I I 2 2 3 3 I I Depth to Precip CaCO3*1 Range® 0 0 999 0 17 12 13 0 0 8 16 • 14 999 999 10 10 14 14 17 15 4 7 7 1.7 12 13 13 21 7 21 22 0 0 14 10 16 12 10 16 12 10 10 10 14 14 16 14 14 14 14 14 10 14 10 14 14 14 14 14 14 12 14 20 14 12 12 16 12 18 14 12 18 14 12 12 12 16 16 18 16 16 16 16 16 12 16 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 14 16 30 16 14 14 PET Rangef 29.0 31.5 29.0 31.5 20.5 22.0 26.5 29.0 26.5 29.0 22.0 23.5 23.5 25.0 25.0 26.5 25.0 26.5 26.5 29.0 29.0 31.5 25.0 26.5 23.5 25.0 23.5 25.0 23.5 25.0 23.5 25.0 29.0 31.5 29.0 31.5 26.5 29.0 26.5 29.0 26.5 29.0 29.0 31.5 29.0- 31.5 29.0 31.5 '26.5 29.0 23.5 25.0 23.5 25.0 29.0 31.5 23.5 25.0 18.0 20.5 22.0 23.5 25.0 26.5 25.0 26.5 GDD Range9 2200 2000 2000 2200 2200 2000 2000 2000 2000 2200 2400 2200 1800 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2400 2000 2200 2200 2200 2400 2200 2200 2200 2000 2200 2000 2000 2000 2400 2200 2200 2400 2400 2200 2200 2200 2200 2400 2600 2400 2000 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2600 2200 2400 2400 2400 2600 2400 2400 2400 2200 2400 2200 2200 2200 a Map unit numbers identify each soil series (USDA-SCS, 1982c). b The two slope figures represent the percent slope range (USDA-SCS, 1982c) c CaCO- rating obtained from soil reaction to HCl (USDA-SCS, 1982c; 1974). d Depth to effervescence (HC1 reaction) in cm (USDA-SCS, 1982c). e Low and high annual precipitation averages in inches. f Low and high annual potential evapotranspiration in inches. g Low and high annual growing degree days. h The figure "999" indicates no data. 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