J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. B 39(1998), 308–317 REFLECTION OF WATER WAVES IN THE PRESENCE OF SURFACE TENSION BY A NEARLY VERTICAL POROUS WALL A. CHAKRABARTI1 and T. SAHOO1 (Received 29 November 1994; revised 24 January 1996) Abstract In the present paper the problem of reflection of water waves by a nearly vertical porous wall in the presence of surface tension has been investigated. A perturbational approach for the first-order correction has been employed as compared with the corresponding vertical wall problem. A mixed Fourier transform together with the regularity property of the transformed function along the positive real axis has been used to obtain the potential functions along with the reflection coefficients up to first order. Whilst the problem of water of infinite depth is the subject matter of the present paper, a similar approach is applicable to problems associated with water of finite depth. 1. Introduction A class of boundary-value problems associated with the two-dimensional Laplace equation appears in the scattering of the linearised theory of water waves involving immersed vertical boundaries. Several methods (see [2, 6, 8]) have been considered to solve such boundary-value problems in the literature. Chakrabarti and Sahoo [2] in their recent work have used a method similar to the one considered by Mandal and Kar [6], Mandal and Chakrabarti [5] and Shaw [11] to handle a boundary-value problem which arises in the study of the reflection of water waves by a nearly vertical porous wall. In the present note we have generalised the result of [2] to include the effect of surface tension also. Because of the effect of surface tension, the solution depends on a parameter ½, known as the edge slope constant (see [10]). By using a perturbational approach which has been discussed by earlier workers, we have converted the problem of concern to two boundary-value problems. We have used a mixed Fourier transform to reduce the Laplace equation to two ordinary differential equations. The solution of one of these two ordinary differential equations is obtained by standard methods whereas the other one is solved by the aid of the Green’s function 1 Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, INDIA c Australian Mathematical Society, 1998, Serial-fee code 0334-2700/98 308 [2] Reflection of water waves by a nearly vertical porous wall 309 technique. The reflection coefficients up to first order have been determined by using the regularity property of the transformed function on the positive real axis. The particular case of this general problem giving rise to the solution of the vertical wall problem has been derived as a check. 2. Formulation of the problem The problem under consideration is two dimensional in nature. We use a rectangular Cartesian co-ordinate system .x; y/, in which the y axis has been chosen vertically downward with y D 0; x > 0 as the undisturbed mean free surface of water and x D žc.y/ with y > 0 representing the nearly vertical porous wall, where ž > 0 is a small parameter and c.y/ is a bounded function of y with c.0/ D 0. It is assumed that the fluid in the region y > 0 is incompressible, the motion is irrotational and simple harmonic in time and is described by the velocity potential 8.x; y; t/ D Re [.x; y/e i !t ], “Re” denoting the “real part”, with ! the angular frequency and g the acceleration due to gravity. We will drop the factor e i !t throughout the rest of this paper. The effect of surface tension on the nearly vertical porous wall will be investigated, by way of determining the velocity potential and the reflection coefficients up to the order of ž, where satisfies the partial differential equation r2 D 0 in the fluid region, y > 0; (2.1) y D 0; x > 0: (2.2) with the boundary conditions M yyy C y C K D 0 on Here the positive constants M and K are as given by the relations M D T =²g and K D ! 2 =g (see [7, 8]) with subscripts denoting partial derivatives, and n C i k D 0 on x žc.y/ D 0; y > 0; (2.3) where the subscript n denotes the derivative in the inward normal direction to the b²! > 0; with ¼ being the coefficient of viscosity, ² the boundary x D žc.y/, k D ¼ density of fluid and b being a porosity constant, which has the dimension of length. The derivation of the equation (2.3) has been considered by Chakrabarti and Sahoo [2], using a result of Chwang [3]. Also the function has to satisfy the requirements (I) ; jrj ! 0 as y !1 (2.4) and (II) ! e k0 y i k 0 x C Re k0 yCi k 0 x as x !1 (2.5) 310 A. Chakrabarti and T. Sahoo [3] at infinity, where R is an unknown constant representing the “reflection coefficient”, to be determined, k0 is the real positive root of the cubic equation K D Þ.1 C MÞ 2/ in Þ. The edge condition to be satisfied by the potential in this case is given by x y C i ky D ³½; at .x; y/ D .0C; 0/; (2.6) in which ½ is the edge slope constant and is indeterminate in nature (see [10]). The solution of the mathematical problem at hand has ultimately been determined which involves this constant ½. Using the Taylor series expansion in the relation (2.3) and considering the terms up to order ž only and neglecting the higher order terms in ž, we obtain x ž.c.y/y /y D i k[ C žc.y/x ] on x D 0: (2.7) Employing a perturbation expansion of the potential , the reflection coefficient R and the indeterminable edge slope constant ½ (as in [2, 5 and 6]) in the forms .x; y; ž/ D 0 .x; y/ C ž1 .x; y/ C O.ž2 /; (2.8) R D R0 C ž R1 C O.ž /; (2.9) ½ D ½0 C ž½1 C O.ž /; (2.10) 2 2 the problem under consideration reduces to two boundary-value problems for 0 and 1 , as explained below. Problem for 0 .x; y/ r2 0 D 0 x > 0; y > 0; (2.11) with the boundary conditions M0yyy C 0y C K 0 D 0 on 0x C i k0 D 0 on 0 ; jr0 j 0 ! e k0 y i k 0 x ! 0 as C R0 e k0 yCi k 0x y D 0; x > 0; (2.12) x D 0; (2.13) y !1 (2.14) as x ! 1; (2.15) and 0x y C i k0y D ³½0 at .x; y/ D .0C; 0/: (2.16) [4] Reflection of water waves by a nearly vertical porous wall 311 Problem for 1 .x; y/ r2 1 D 0 in the region x > 0; y > 0; (2.17) with the boundary conditions M1yyy C 1y C K 1 D 0 on 1x C i k1 D f .y/ on where f .y/ D [c.y/0y .0; y/]0 y D 0; x > 0; x D 0; y > 0; (2.18) (2.19) i kc.y/0x .0; y/, 1 ; jr1 j ! 0 as 1 ! R1 e k0 yCi k 0 x y ! 1; as (2.20) x ! 1; (2.21) and 1x y C i k1y D ³½1 at .x; y/ D .0C; 0/: (2.22) In the next section, we present the method of solution of the above boundary-value problems. 3. The method of solution Determination of 0 .x; y/ Set 0 .x; y/ D 0 .x; y/ C e k0 y i k 0 x C R0 e k0 yCi k 0x and use an integral transform of 0 .x; y/ as given by Z 1 O0 .¾; y/ D i k sin ¾ x/ dx: 0 .x; y/.¾ cos ¾ x (3.1) (3.2) 0 Substituting for 0 in the equation (2.11) with its boundary conditions in the relations (2.12)–(2.16) and transforming the various equations and conditions, we obtain that O0 00 ¾ 2 O0 D A 0 ¾ e k0 y ; (3.3) where a prime denotes an ordinary derivative with respect to y (note that ¾ is just a transform parameter), with 0 .1 C M¾ 2/ O0 C K O0 C B0 M¾ D 0 on y D 0; (3.4) 312 A. Chakrabarti and T. Sahoo where A0 D i k0 .1 R0 / [5] i k.1 C R0 /, B0 D ³½0 C i k0 .k O0 ; j O0 0 j ! 0; as k0 / C R0i k0 .k C k0 /, and y ! 1: (3.5) B0 M¾ ; K (3.6) Then, setting O0 .¾; y/ D P.¾; y/ we obtain from the equations (3.3), (3.4) and (3.5), the ordinary differential equation ¾ 2 P D ¾ A0 e P 00 ¾ 3 B0 M ; K k0 y (3.7) with the boundary conditions .1 C M¾ 2/P 0 C K P D 0 on yD0 (3.8) and P 0 ! 0 as y ! 1: (3.9) The solution of equation (3.7) satisfying the conditions (3.8) and (3.9) is given by P.¾; y/ D ³½0 ¾ Me ¾.1 C M¾ 2/ ¾y K ¾ A 0 e k0 y ¾ B0 M ; C 2 2 ¾ k0 K (3.10) ¾ A 0 e k0 y : ¾ 2 k02 (3.11) which gives O0 .¾; y/ D ³½0 ¾ Me ¾.1 C M¾ 2/ ¾y K Here we observe that the expression (3.11) for O0 .¾; y/ involves an unknown constant as well as a singularity at ¾ D k0 on the positive real axis. In order to determine this constant, we use the fact that O 0 is a Fourier transform and cannot have a singularity on the positive real axis. This forces the result that lim .¾ ¾ !k0 k0 / O0 .¾; y/ D 0; (3.12) so that A0 D 2³½0 k0 M ; 1 C 3Mk02 (3.13) [6] Reflection of water waves by a nearly vertical porous wall 313 which implies that R0 D .k0 .k0 C b²! / ¼ b²! / ¼ C 2i Mk0³½0 .1 C 3Mk02 /.k0 C b²! : / ¼ (3.14) Next, using the inverse transform of O0 .¾; y/, as given by the relation (3.2) (see [12]), we obtain that 0 .x; y/ D c0 .y/e i kx C 2 ³ Z 1 O0 .¾; y/.¾ cos ¾ x ¾2 0 k2 i k sin ¾ x/ d¾: (3.15) Here and in later occurrences, singular integrals are understood in the sense of their Cauchy principal values and c0 .y/ is an arbitrary function of y which has to be determined by using the behaviour of 0 .x; y/ as x ! 1. Now writing .¾ cos ¾ x i k sin ¾ x/ D 12 f.¾ k/ei ¾ x C .¾ C k/e i ¾ x g and rotating the contour to the positive imaginary axis for the integral involving ei ¾ x and to the negative imaginary axis for the integral involving e i ¾ x , we can write (3.15) as 0 .x; y/ D c0 .y/e i kx C i O0.k; y/e i kx Z 2 1 x C e A0 ./f.1 M2/ cos y ³ 0 K sin yg d ; (3.16) where A0 ./ D . Using the behaviour of ³½0 M i k/fK 2 C 2 .1 0 .x; M2/2 g : (3.17) y/ at x D 1, we obtain c0 .y/ D i O0.k; y/: (3.18) Thus 2 0 .x; y/ D ³ Z 1 e x A0 ./f.1 M2/ cos y K sin yg d; (3.19) 0 where A0 ./ is as given above in (3.17). The function 0 .x; y/ can finally be determined by (3.1), where 0 .x; y/ and R0 are given by (3.19) and (3.14) respectively with k D b²!=¼. This completes the solution of the problem in this case. 314 A. Chakrabarti and T. Sahoo Determination of 1 .x; y/ We set 1 .x; y/ D 1 .x; y/ C R1 e Then using a transform as defined by (3.2) for conditions (2.18) to (2.22) reduce to O1 00 where A1 D [7] ¾ 2 O1 D ¾ [ A 1 e k0 y k0 yCi k 0x 1 .x; : (3.20) y/, (2.17) with the boundary C f .y/] ¾ 3 B1 M ; K (3.21) i .k Ck0 /R1 and B1 D ³½1 Ci k0 R1 .k Ck0 /, with the boundary conditions 0 .1 C M¾ 2/ O1 C K O1 D 0 on yD0 (3.22) and O 10 ! 0 as y ! 1: (3.23) In this case we will use a Green’s function technique to solve the ordinary differential equation (3.21) in O 1 satisfying the boundary conditions (3.22) and (3.23). The solution is given by ¦ ² Z 1 ¾ B1 M ¾ 2 B1 M k s 0 O1 .¾; y/ D ¾ ds G.y; s/ A1 e C f .s/ ; (3.24) K K 0 where G.y; s/ is given by 8 ¾.1 C M¾ 2/ cosh ¾ s K sinh ¾ s > > e < f¾.1 C M¾ 2/ K g¾ G.y; s/ D > ¾.1 C M¾ 2/ cosh ¾ y K sinh ¾ y > : e f¾.1 C M¾ 2/ K g¾ ¾y for y½s (3.25) ¾s for y s: The expression (3.24) for O 1 .¾; y/ has a singularity at ¾ D k0 which suggests that as in the problem for O 0 , we must have in this case lim .¾ ¾ !k0 k0 / O1 .¾; y/ D 0: (3.26) Using the result k0 .1 C Mk02 / cosh k0 y K sinh k0 y D K e k0 y we obtain from (3.24) and (3.26) that A1 D 2 [k0 M B1 K a.k0/] ; .1 C Mk02/ (3.27) [8] Reflection of water waves by a nearly vertical porous wall 315 R1 where a.k0 / D v 0 u.s/e k0 s ds. The relation (3.27) for A1 implies that 2i [K a.k0 / ³k0 M½1] : .k0 C b²!=¼/.1 C 3Mk02 / R1 D (3.28) In this case also by Fourier sine inversion Z 2 1 O1 .¾; y/.¾ cos ¾ x i k sin ¾ x/ i kx .x; y/ D c .y/e C d¾ ; 1 1 ³ 0 ¾ 2 k2 (3.29) with c1 .y/ an arbitrary unknown function of y which has to be determined by using the condition on O 1 as x ! 1: Proceeding as in the previous case we obtain the alternate expression 1 .x; for y/ D c1 .y/e i kx C i O1.k; y/e i kx ý Z 2 1 e x A1 ./ .1 M2 / cos y i K sin y d ³ 0 . i k/ fK 2 C 2 .1 M2/2 g y/, where A1 ./ is given by Z 1 ý A1 ./ D M³½1 C f .s/ .1 (3.30) 1 .x; M2 / cos s K sin s ds: (3.31) 0 Using the condition on 1 as x approaches infinity, we obtain that c1 .y/ D i O 1.k; y/: (3.32) Thus, from (3.20), (3.30) and (3.32), we obtain the complete solution ý Z .1 M2/ cos y K sin y 2 1 x k0 yCi k 0 x e A1 ./ 1 .x; y/ D R1 e d; ³ 0 . i k/ fK 2 C 2 .1 M2/2 g (3.33) where R1 and A1 ./ are given by (3.28) and (3.31). 4. Particular cases Case 1 When surface tension is neglected, we have M D 0 and k0 D K . Then 0 .x; y/ D e Ky iKx K yCi K x C R0 e Z 1 .x; y/ D R1 e K yCi K x C 1 e 0 ; ¾x (4.1) A1 .¾ /.¾ cos ¾ y K sin ¾ y/ d¾; (4.2) 316 A. Chakrabarti and T. Sahoo [9] where 2 A1 .¾ / D ³ R 1 0 .¾ cos ¾ s K sin ¾ s/ f .s/ ds ; . ¾ C i b²!=¼/.¾ 2 C K 2/ K b²!=¼ R0 D K C b²!=¼ (4.3) (4.4) and R1 D R1 2i K 0 e K s f .s/ ds ; K C b²!=¼ (4.5) which agrees with the result obtained by Chakrabarti and Sahoo [2]. Case 2 When porosity is neglected and the wall is vertical we have b²!=¼ D 0 and ž D 0. So we get .x; y/ D 2³i .Aei k0 x C Be i k0 x /e k0 y 1 C 3Mk02 Ð Z 1 ¾.1 M¾ 2/ cos ¾ y K sin ¾ y e C 2M½ ¾ 2 .1 M¾ 2/2 C K 2 0 (4.6) ¾x d¾ (4.7) with A D .1 C 3Mk02/=2³i and B D A C M½. This result agrees with that obtained by Rhodes-Robinson [9] modulo a misprint. Acknowledgement The suggestion made by the referees to bring the paper to this form is gratefully acknowledged. 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