New Schedule Dec. 8 same same same Oct. 21 ^2 weeks ^1 week ^1 week Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision 9.913 Pattern Recognition for Vision Classification Bernd Heisele Fall 2004 Overview Introduction Linear Discriminant Analysis Support Vector Machines Literature & Homework Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision Introduction Classification • Linear, non-linear separation • Two class, multi-class problems Two approaches: • Density estimation, classify with Bayes decision: Linear Discr. Analysis (LDA), Quadratic Discr. Analysis (QDA) • Without density estimation: Support Vector Machines (SVM) Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision LDA Bayes Rule Bayes Rule p(x,w ) = p(x | w ) P (w ) = P(w | x) p ( x) likelihood � prior p ( x | w ) P (w ) P(w | x ) = p(x) posterior evidence x : random vector w : class Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision LDA— Bayes Decision Rule P(w1 | x ) Decide w1 if > 1; otherwise w 2 P(w 2 | x ) Likelihood Ratio p(x | w1 ) P (w1 ) >1 p(x | w 2 ) P (w 2 ) Log Likelihood Ratio � p(x | w1 ) P (w1 ) � � p(x | w1 ) � � P(w1 ) � ln � � > 0, ln � � + ln � �>0 Ł p(x | w 2 ) P (w 2 ) ł Ł p(x | w 2 ) ł Ł P(w 2 ) ł Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision LDA—Two Classes, Identical Covariance Gaussian: p ( x | w i ) = 1 (2p ) d /2 | Si | 1/2 e 1 - ( x - m i ) T S i-1 ( x- m i ) 2 assume identical covariance matrices S1 = S 2 : � p( x | w1 ) � � P(w1 ) � ln � � + ln � � Ł p( x | w 2 ) ł Ł P(w 2 ) ł � P (w1 ) � 1 1 T -1 T -1 = ( x - m 2 ) S (x - m 2 ) - ( x - m1 ) S ( x - m1 ) + ln � � P 2 2 Ł (w 2 ) ł � P (w1 ) � 1 T -1 = x S ( m1 - m 2 ) + ( m1 + m 2 ) S ( m 2 - m1 ) + ln � � ����� 2 ( ) P w Ł 2 ł w ������� ��������� � T -1 b = xT w + b Fall 2004 linear decision function: w1 if xT w + b > 0 Pattern Recognition for Vision LDA—Two Classes, Identical Covariance fi U T Rotation X w fi D-1 / 2 Scaling X¢ x¢ Nearest neighbor classifier in X ¢ m 2¢ m1¢ f ( x¢) = 0 1 f (x ) = x S ( m1 - m 2 ) + ( m1 + m 2 )T S -1 ( m 2 - m1 ) + ln( P (w1 ) / P (w 2 )) 2 1 T ¢ ¢ ¢ = x ( m1 - m2 ) + ( m1¢ + m 2¢ )T ( m 2¢ - m1¢) + ln( P (w1 ) / P (w2 )), 2 �������� ��������� T -1 b GT G = S -1 , x¢T = x T GT , x¢ = Gx , m1¢ - m2¢ = G ( m1 - m2 ) S = UDU T , S -1 = U D -1U T = GT G, G = D -1 / 2 U T Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision LDA—Computation � x i ,n � � n =1 � Density estimation � N 2 i 1 T � ˆ ˆ ( )( ) Sˆ = x x m m �� i,n i i,n i � N1 + N 2 i =1 n =1 � 1 mˆ i = Ni Ni f (x) = sign(xT w + b) w = Sˆ -1 ( mˆ - mˆ ) 1 2 � P (w1 ) � 1 T -1 b = ( mˆ1 + mˆ 2 ) S ( mˆ 2 - mˆ1 ) + ln � � 2 ( ) P w 2 ł Ł� ��� � Approximate by Fall 2004 N1 N2 Pattern Recognition for Vision QDA—Two classes, different covariance matrix Quadratic Discriminant Analysis decide w1 if f (x) > 0 f ( x) = ln ( p( x | w1 ) ) + ln( P (w1 )) - ln ( p (x | w2 ) ) - ln ( P(w2 ) ) 1 1 ln ( p( x | w1 ) ) = - ln S1 - ( x - m1 )T S1-1 ( x - m1 ) + ln P(w1 ) 2 2 f ( x ) = xT Ax + w T x + w0 - quadratic where 1 -1 A = - ( S1 - S-2 1 ) 2 w = S1-1m1 - S-21m 2 wo = ... well, the rest of it Fall 2004 - a matrix - a vector - a scalar Pattern Recognition for Vision LDA Multiclass, Identical Covariance Find the linear decision boundaries for k classes: For two classes we have: f ( x ) = xT w + b decide w1 if f ( x ) > 0 In the multi-class case we have k -1 decision functions: f1,2 ( x ) = xT w1,2 + b1,2 , f1,3 (x ) = x T w 1,3 + b1,3 , � f1, k ( x ) = xT w 1, k + b1, k � we have to determine (k -1)( p +1) parameters, p is dimension of x Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision LDA Multiclass, Identical Covariance X m1 y2 ( m1 ) m2 w2 m3 w1 X¢ m1¢ m 3¢ m 2¢ y1 ( m1 ) Find the n - dimensional subspace that gives the best linear discrimination betw. the k classes. y = ( w1 | w 2 |...| w n )T x also known as Fisher Linear Discriminant Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision LDA—Multiclass, Identical Covariance Computation compute the d · k matrix M = (m1| m 2 |...|mk ) and cov. matrix S compute the m ¢ : M ¢=GM , S -1 =GT G compute the cov. matrix B¢ of m ¢ compute the eigenvectors v ¢i of B¢ ranked by eigenvalues calculate y by projecting x into X ¢ and then onto the eigenvector: yi = v¢iT Gx � w i = GT v¢i Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision LDA—Fisher’s Approach Find w such that the ratio of between-class and in-class variance is maximized if the data is projected onto w : y = wT x w T Bw max T , B = MMT the covariance of the m ' s w Sw can be written as: max w T Bw subject to wT Sw = 1 generalized eigenvalue problem, solution are the ranked eigenvectors of S -1B ...same is an previous derivation. Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision The Coffee Problem: LDA vs. PCA Image removed due to copyright considerations. See: : R. Gutierrez-Osuna Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision LDA/QDA—Summary Advantages: • LDA is the Bayes classifier for multivariate Gaussian distributions with common covariance. • LDA creates linear boundaries which are simple to compute. • LDA can be used for representing multi-class data in low dimensions. • QDA is the Bayes classifier for multivariate Gaussian distributions. • QDA creates quadratic boundaries. Problems: • LDA is based on a single prototype per class (class center) which is often insufficient in practice. Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision Variants of LDA Nonparameteric LDA (Fukunaga) removes the unimodal assumption by the scatter matrix using local information. More than k-1 features can be extracted. Orthonormal LDA (Okada&Tomita) computes projections that maximize separability and are pair-wise orthonormal. Generalized LDA (Lowe) Incorporates a cost function similar to Bayes Risk minimization. ….and many many more (see “Elements of Statistical Learning” Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman) Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Linear, Separable (LS) Find the separating function f ( x) = sign(xTi w + b) which maximizes the margin M = 2d on the training data. � Maximum margin classifier. Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Primal, (LS) Training data consists of N pairs {( x1 , y1 ),..., (x N , y N )} ,yi ˛ {-1,1} . The problem of maximizing the margin 2d can be formulated as: �� yi ( xTi w ¢ + b¢) ‡ d max 2d subject to � 2 w ¢,b ¢ w =1 � w¢ or alternatively: w = w¢ / d , b = b¢ / d 1 1 2 T min w subject to yi ( xi w + b) ‡ 1, where d = w ,b 2 w Convex optimization problem with quadratic objective function and linear constraints. Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Dual, (LS) Multiply constraint equations by positive Lagrange multipliers and subtract them from the objective function: N 1 2 LP = w - � a i غ yi ( x iT w + b ) - 1øß 2 i =1 Min. LP w.r. t. w and b and max. w.r. t. a i , subject to a i ‡ 0. Set derivatives d LP /d w and d LP /d b to zero and max. w.r. t. a i : N w = � a i yi x i , i =1 N �a y i i = 0. i =1 substititung in Lp we get the so called Wolfe dual: 1 N N � max. LD = � a i - �� a ia k yi yk x iT x k � solve for a i then 2 k =1 i =1 � compute w = a y x and i =1 � i i i � N � T subject to a i ‡ 0, � a i yi = 0 Ø ø=0 from ( b a y x i º i i w + b) - 1ß �� i =1 N Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Primal vs. Dual (LS) Primal: w min w ,b 2 Dual: subject to: yi ( xiT w + b) ‡ 1 1 N N max � a i - � � a iak yi yk xiT xk subject to: a i ‡ 0, ai 2 k =1 i =1 i =1 N N �a y i =1 i i =0 The primal has a dense inequality constraint for every point in the training set. The dual has a single dense equality constraint and a set of box constraints which makes it easier to solve than the p rimal. Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Optimality Conditions (LS) Optimality conditions for the linearly separable data: N � a i yi = 0, a i ‡ 0 "i, i =1 yi ( xiT w + b) - 1 ‡ 0 "i N N i =1 i =1 w = � a i yi xi � f ( x) = � a i yi xi T x + b a i ( yi ( xiT w + b) - 1) = 0 "i � a i =0 for points which are a =0 a ‡0 not on the boundary of the margin. a ‡0 a =0 Fall 2004 points with a i > 0 are support vectors. Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Linear, non-separable (LNS) f ( x) = 1 f ( x) = 0 f ( x ) = -1 xi 2d = M N 1 2 min w +C � x i subject to: w ,b 2 i=1 yi ( xTi w + b) ‡ 1 - x i "i, x i > 0 "i x i are called slack variables C constant, penalizes errors Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Dual (LNS) Same procedure as in separable case N 1 N N max. LD = � a i - �� a ia k yi yk x iT x k 2 k =1 i =1 i =1 subject to 0 £ a i £ C , N �a y i =1 i i =0 solve for a i then compute w = � a i yi x i and b from yi (x i T w + b) - 1 = 0 for any sample x i for which 0 < a i < C Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Optimality Conditions (LNS) f ( x) = 1 f ( x) = 0 f ( x ) = -1 xi 2d = M N f ( x ) = � a i yi x i T x + b i =1 a i = 0 � xi = 0, yi f ( xi ) > 1 0 < a i < C � xi = 0 yi f ( xi ) = 1 unbounded support vectors a i = C � xi ‡ 0, yi f (x i ) £ 1 bounded support vectors Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Non-linear (NL) Non-linear mapping: x¢ = F ( x) x2 x2¢ input space feature space x1 x1¢ Project into feature space, apply SVM procedure Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Kernel Trick N 1 N N max. � a i - �� a iak yi yk x¢i T x¢k 2 k =1 i =1 i=1 subject to 0 £ a i £ C, N �a y i =1 i i =0 Only the inner product of the samples appears in the objective function. If we can write: K (xi , x k ) = x¢iT x¢k we can avoid any computations in the feature space. The solution f (x¢) = x¢T w + b can be written as: N N i =1 i=1 f ( x) = � a i yi F( x)T F(x i ) + b = � a i yi K (x, x i ) + b using w = � a i yi x¢i . Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Kernels When is a Kernel K (u, v ) an inner product in a Hilbert space? K (u, v ) = � ln fn (u)fn ( v ) n with positive coefficients ln if for any g (u ) ˛ L2 � K (u, v) g (u ) g ( v)dudv ‡ 0 Mercer's condition Some examples of commonly used kernels: Linear kernel: uT v Polynomial kernel: (1 + uT v )d Gaussian kernel (RBF): exp(- u - v ), shift invar. 2 MLP: Fall 2004 tanh(uT v - q ) Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Polynomial Kernel Polynomial second degree kernel K (u, v ) = (1 + u T v ) 2 , u, v ˛ � 2 = 1 + (u1 v1 ) 2 + (u 2 v2 )2 + 2u1v 1u 2 v2 + u1v1 + u 2 v2 = (1, u12 , u 2 2 , 2u1 u2 , u1 , u2 )(1, v12 , v2 2 , 2v1v2 , v1 ,v 2 )T F (x ) = (1, x12 , x2 2 , 2 x1 x2 , x1 , x 2 )T Shift invariant kernel K (u, v ) = K (u - v ) defined on L2 ([0, T ]d ) can be written as the Fourier series of K : 1 f (t ) = T ¥ �l k =-¥ k e j 2 p kt T 1 , f ( t - t0 ) = T ¥ �l k =-¥ k e j 2 p kt T e - j 2 p kt0 T ¥ K (u - v ) = � lk e j 2p k k u e - j 2p k k v "k k ˛ Z ([ -¥, ¥]d ) k =0 Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Uniqueness Are the a i in the solution unique? No y = +1 x2 N f ( x) = � a i yi xi T x + b x2 i =1 w = (1, 0) two solutions: a = (0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25) w +1 -1 x3 x1 +1 -1 x1 x4 a = (0.5,0.5,0,0) constraints: a i ‡ 0, N �a y i i = 0 are satisfied i =1 More important: is the solution f ( x) unique? Yes, the solution is unique and global if the objective function is strictly convex. Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Multiclass Bottom-Up 1vs1 1 vs. All A or B or C or D A or B A B C or D C B,C,D B A,C,D C A,B,D D A,B,C D Training: k (k-1) / 2 Classification : k-1 Fall 2004 A Training: k Classification : k Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Choosing the Kernel How to choose the kernel? Linear SVMs are simple to compute, fast at runtime but often not sufficient for complex tasks. SVM with Gaussian kernels showed excellent performance in many applications (after some tuning of sigma). Slow at run-time. Polynomial with 2nd are commonly used in computer vision applications. Good trade off between classification performance computational complexity. Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Example Face detection with linear and 2nd degree polyn. SVM & LDA Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Choosing C How to choose the C-value? N 1 2 min w +C � x i w ,b 2 i=1 C-value penalizes points within the margin. Large C-value can lead to poor generalization performance (over-fitting). From own experience in object detection tasks: Find a kernel and C-values which give you zero errors on the training set. Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Computation during Classification In computer vision applications fast classification is usually more important than fast training. Two ways of computing the decision function f ( x) : a) wT F(x) + b b) N � a y K (x, x ) + b i i i Which one is faster? i=1 -For a linear kernel a) -For a polynomial 2nd degree kernel: Multiplications for a): GF , poly2 = (n + 2) n, where n is dim. of x Multiplications for b): GK , poly 2 = (n + 2) s, where s is nb. of sv's -Gaussian kernel: only b) since dim. of F ( x) is ¥. Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision Learning Theory—Problem Formulation From a given set of training examples {xi , yi } learn the mapping x fi y. The learning machine is defined by a set of possible mappings x fi f (x,a ) where a is the adjustable parameter of f . The goal is to minimize the expected risk R : R (a ) = � V ( f (x,a ),y ) dP ( x, y ) V is the loss function P is the probability distribution function We can't compute R (a ) since we don't know P (x, y ) Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision Learning Theory –Empirical Risk Minimization To solve the problem minimize the "empirical risk" Remp over the training set : 1 N Remp (a ) = � V ( f (xi ,a ), yi ) N i =1 V is the loss function Common loss functions: V ( f (x), y ) = ( y - f ( x)) 2 least squares V ( f (x), y ) = (1 - yf ( x)) + hinge loss where ( x) + ” max( x, 0) 1 1 Fall 2004 yf ( x) Pattern Recognition for Vision Learning Theory & SVM Bound on the expected risk: For a loss function with 0 £ V ( f ( x), y) £ 1 with probability 1 - h , 0 £ h £ 1 the following bound holds: h ln(2 N / h) + h - ln(h / 4) R (a ) £ Remp (a ) + N Bound is independant of the Remp (a ) empirical risk probablility distribution P ( x, y ). N number of training examples h Vapnik Chervonenkis (VC ) dimension Keep all parameters in the bound fixed except one: (1 - h ) › bound ›, N › bound fl, h › bound › Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision Learning Theory VC Dimension The VC dimension is a property of the set of functions { f (a )} . If for a set of N points labeled in all 2N possible ways one can find an f ˛ { f (a ) } which separates the points correctly one says that the set of points is shattered by { f (a )} . The VC dimension is the maximum number of points that can be shattered by { f (a )} . The VC dimension of a functions f : w T x + b = 0 in 2 dim: Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision Learning Theory—SVM D M1 The expected risk E ( R ) for the optimal hyperplanes: E ( D2 / M 2 ) E ( R) £ N where the expectation is over all training sets of size N . 'Algorithms that maximize the margin have better generalization performance.' Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision Bounds Most bounds on expected risk are very loose to compute instead: Cross Validation Error Error on a cross validation set which is different from the training set. Leave-one-out Error Leave one training example out of the training set, train classifier and test on the example which was left out. Do this for all examples. For SVMs upper bounded by the # of support vectors. Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision Regularization Theory Given N examples (x i , yi ), x ˛ R n , y ˛ {0,1} solve: 1 min f ˛H N N � V ( f (x ), y ) + g i i =1 where f 2 K i f 2 K is the norm in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) H,with the reproducing kernel K , g is the regularization parameter. g f 2 K can be interpreted as a smoothness constraint. Under rather general conditions the solution can be written as: N f ( x) = � ci K ( x, x i ) i =1 Smooth function Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision Regularization—Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) H� f ( x ) = K ( x, y ), f ( y ) H� Positive numbers ln and orthonormal set of functions fn (x), �f n (x)fm (x) dx = 0 for n „ m, and 1 otherwise : K ( x , y ) ” � lnf n (x)fn (y ), ln are nonnegative eigenvalues of K n f ( x ) = � a nfn (x), an = � f (x)f n (x) dx, n f ( x), f ( y ) f ( x) Fall 2004 H ”� n an bn ln ln = f ( x), f ( x) H� H = � an2 / ln n Pattern Recognition for Vision Regularization—Simple Example of RKHS Kernel is a one dimensional Gaussian with s =1: K ( x , y ) = exp(-( x - y )2 ), x, y in [0,1] write K ( x , y ) as Fourier expansion using shift theorem: K ( x , y ) = � ln exp( j 2p nx ) exp( - j 2p ny ) Period T = 1 n where ln are the Fourier coeff. of exp( - x 2 ) ln = A exp( - n 2 / 2) ln decreases with higher frequencies (increasing n). This is a property of most kernels. The regularization term: f ( x) 2 = a / ln , where an are the Fourier coeff. of f ( x ) H� � n n penalizes high freq. more than low freq. fi smoothness! Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision Regularization—SVM For the hinge loss function V ( f ( x), y ) = (1 - yf (x)) + it can be shown that the regularization problem is equivalent to the SVM problem: 1 N 2 min � (1 - yi f ( xi )) + + l f K f ˛H N i =1 introducing slack variables x i = 1 - yi f ( xi ) we can rewrite: 1 N 2 min � x i + l f K , subject to: yi f ( xi ) ‡ 1 - x i , and x i ‡ 0 "i f ˛H N i =1 It can be shown that this is equivalent to the SVM problem (up to b) : N 1 2 SVM: min w +C � x i w ,b 2 i =1 C = 1/(2 l N ) subject to: yi ( xTi w + b) ‡ 1 - x i , x i ‡ 0 "i Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision SVM—Summary • SVMs are maximum margin classifiers. • Only training points close to the boundary (support vectors) occur in the SVM solution. • The SVM problem is convex, the solution is global and unique. • SVMs can handle non-separable data. • Non-linear separation in the input space is possible by projecting the data into a feature space. • All calculations can be done in the input space (kernel trick). • SVMs are known to perform well in high dimensional problems with few examples. • Depending on the kernel, SVMs can be slow during classification • SVMs are binary classifiers. Not efficient for problems with large number of classes. Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision Literature T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. Friedman: The Elements of Statistical Learning, Springer, 2001: LDA, QDA, extensions to LDA, SVM & Regularization. C. Burges: A Tutorial on SVM for Pattern Recognition, 1999: Learning Theory, SVM. R. Rifkin: Everything Old is New again: A fresh Look at Historical Approaches in Machine Learning, 2002: SVM training, SVM multiclass. T. Evgeniou, M. Pontil, T. Poggio: Regularization Networks and SVMs, 1999: SVM & Regularization. V. Vapnik: The Nature of Statistical Learning, 1995: Statistical learning theory, SVM. Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision Homework Classification problem on the NIST handwritten digits data involving PCA, LDA and SVMs. PCA code will be posted today Fall 2004 Pattern Recognition for Vision