6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-1 Lecture 15 - p-n Junction (cont.) March 9, 2007 Contents: 1. Ideal p-n junction out of equilibrium (cont.) 2. pn junction diode: parasitics, dynamics Reading assignment: del Alamo, Ch. 6, §6.2 (6.2.4), §6.3 Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-2 Key questions • What happens to the majority carriers in a pn junction under bias? • What are the main practical issues in synthesizing pn junction diodes? • How does a pn junction switch? What dominates its dynamic behavior? Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-3 1. Ideal p-n junction out of equilibrium (cont.) � Minority carrier storage Quasi-neutrality in QNR’s demands n� � p� . Consequences: n, p compensating� compensating� +ΔQhp −ΔQen holes n(x) p(x) -Qen +Qhp NA ND +ΔQhn injected� −ΔQep p(x) electrons n(x) ni2 NA +Qhn -Qep -wp electrons -xp 0 xn injected� holes ni2 ND wn x In n-QNR, quasi-neutrality implies: Qhn � |Qen| ≡ Qn Also, if V ↑→ Qhn ↑→ |Qen| ↑ with: ΔQhn � |ΔQen| ≡ ΔQn ΔQhn supplied from p-contact, ΔQen supplied from n-contact. Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-4 Looks like a capacitor ⇒ diffusion capacitance. Diffusion capacitance (per unit area): Cd = dQn dQp + dV dV with: Qn = q � w n Qp = q � −x p xn p� (x)dx − wp n�(x)dx • If both sides are ”long”: Qn = qLhp� (xn ) = τhJh(xn ) Qp = qLen� (−xp) = τeJe (−xp) and Cd � q q qV [τhJh(xn ) + τeJe (−xp)] = (τhJhs + τe Jes) exp kT kT kT Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-5 • If both sides are short and S = ∞: 1 Qn = q p� (xn )(wn − xn) = τtnJh(xn ) 2 1 Qp = q n� (−xp )(wp − xp) = τtpJe (−xp) 2 with τtn and τtp are the minority carrier transit times through QNR’s: τtn (wn − xn)2 = 2Dh τtp (wp − xp )2 = 2De Then: Cd � q q qV [τtnJh(xn ) + τtpJe (−xp)] = (τtnJhs + τtpJes) exp kT kT kT Similar result to long diode! Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-6 • General expression: Cd = q � kT n,p dominant minority carrier time constant ×injected minority carrier current density Cd grows exponentially in forward bias, negligible in reverse bias: Cd ∼ exp qV kT qV [check that Cd ∼ exp qV and not ∼ exp − 1] kT kT • Total diode capacitance: C Cd C 0 0 Cj V Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-7 2. p-n junction diode • pn junctions present in most semiconductor devices (BJTs and MOSFETs). • pn junction diodes used in rectifying circuits, detectors in commu­ nications applications, bias shifters, input protection devices against electrostatic discharge. • For integrated p-n diodes, no special process steps available. Typical cross section of p-n diode implemented in BJT process: p+ n+ n n+ p Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-8 � Parasitics � Series resistance: • Accounts for ohmic drop in QNR’s (neglected so far). • Reduces internal diode voltage → I ↓ I = Is[exp q(V − IRs ) − 1] kT ideal with series resistance I log |I| IRs 1/Rs 0 0 V linear scale 0 V semilogarithmic scale • Higher VF required to deliver desired IF → more power dissipa­ tion, potential process control problems • RC time constant degraded. Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-9 � Minority carrier boundary conditions: • At top surface: depending on relative depth of emitter, effective diode area changes – top surface=ohmic contact area (Ac, S = ∞) + peripheral SiO2-covered area (Ap , S = 0) peripheral area Ap contact area Ac p+ n Je (periphery) Wp Je (area) – if Wp � Le , volume recombination only → Aeff � Ac + Ap – if Wp � Le, surface recombination only → Aeff � Ac • At bottom surface: high-low junction, characterized by Shl . Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-10 � Isolation: • Parasitic substrate p-n junction → needs to be reverse biased to avoid turning it on. • Even reverse biased, substrate contributes parasitic capacitance. • Additional danger: ”bipolar effect” between diode and substrate → minority carriers can be extracted by substrate → current diverted away from main body of diode. VDD p+ n n+ VDD desired� current path hole recombination in cathode p hole extraction by substrate VSS desired result parasitic� current path VSS actual result • Hard to make integrated pn diodes in CMOS process (unless they hang directly from the power rail that is connected to the substrate). • Easier in bipolar since n+ buried layer and collector plug can prevent minority carrier injection. Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-11 � Dynamics Fundamental difference between p-n and Schottky diodes: minority carrier storage slows down p-n diode. Consider simple voltage switching: V I Vf + V Vf 0 t Vr -Vr Vj Vf-IfRs 0 t -Vr I If(pk)= If(Vf) Vf+Vr Rs slower decay τt RsC 0 Ir(pk)=If- RsC t Vf+Vr Rs trr As in Schottky diode, delays associated with RsCj . Additionally, delays associated with minority carrier storage. Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-12 � Switch-off transient Evolution of excess minority carrier concentration (long diode): excess� minority� carrier � concentration t=0­ t= x switch-off At t = 0−, Vf → If ; minority carrier stored charge: Q = τ t If with τt , dominant minority carrier time constant. At t = 0+, external V abruptly changes from Vf to Vr ; internal V cannot change abruptly → need to get rid of minority carriers! Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-13 t=0- t=0+ I I Rs Rs - Vf-IfRs+Vr + If(Vf) + + Vf-IfRs C Vf - Vf-IfRs C Vr - I(0− ) = If (Vf ) I(0+) = − 1 Vr (Vf −If Rs +Vr ) � − Rs Rs Two phases to discharge: Phase I - From Vj = Vf − If Rs to Vj � 0. Since Q ∼ exp qVf , kT as Q discharges, Vf cannot change much. Discharge proceeds nearly at constant current Ir (pk) � − RVrs Time to discharge (reverse recovery time): trr � Q If (Vf )Rs � τt |Ir (pk)| Vr Phase II - From Vj � 0 to Vj = −Vr . Charge depletion capacitance → Rs Cj time constant (as in Schot­ tky diode). Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-14 � Switch-on transient t=0- t=0+ I I Rs Rs + Vf+Vr - Vr - C Vr Vr + C Vf + I(0−) = −Is I(0+) = Vf + Vr Rs Evolution of excess minority carrier concentration (long diode): excess� minority� carrier � concentration t= t=0­ x switch-on • First, RsCj -type charge up of junction capacitance. • Then, minority carrier charge injection → takes τt. Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-15 Example of SPICE simulations: IS= 6e−17, N= 1, EG= 1.12, RS= 8, CJO= 1.2e−13, VJ= 0.6, M= 0.41, XTI= 3.814, and TT= 4e − 9 Vf = +0.89 V , Vr = −5 V 0.4 0.2 41 ps current (A) 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 0 1E-10 2E-10 3E-10 4E-10 5E-10 time (s) parameter SPICE hand calculation 41 ps 46 ps trr 2.6 ns 4 ns τon 730 mA 736 mA Irr If (pk) ? 736 mA Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-16 Key conclusions • Diffusion capacitance arises from minority carrier storage in QNR’s and quasi-neutrality: Cd = q Σn,p(dominant minority carrier time constant kT ×minority carrier current density) • Cd ∝ J ∝ exp qV kT ⇒ Cd dominates in forward bias, Cj domi­ nates in reverse bias. • Difficult to implemented integrated diodes in CMOS process: parasitic bipolar transistor. • Dynamics of p-n diode dominated by minority carrier storage. • Reverse recovery time is time required to eliminate minority carrier stored charge in switch-off transient. Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY]. 6.720J/3.43J - Integrated Microelectronic Devices - Spring 2007 Lecture 15-17 Self study • Diffusion capacitance in short diode. • Equivalent circuit models for pn diode Cite as: Jesús del Alamo, course materials for 6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices, Spring 2007. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].