Characterization of initial events of bacterial colonization at solid-water interfaces using image analysis by Robert Franz Mueller A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Robert Franz Mueller (1990) Abstract: The processes leading to bacterial accumulation on solid-water interfaces are adsorption, desorption, growth, and erosion. These processes have been measured individually in-situ in a flowing system and in real time using image analysis. The flow was laminar (Re = 1.4) and the shear stress was kept constant during all experiments at 0.75 Nm^-2. Five different substrata -- copper, silicon, 316 stainless steel, glass, and polycarbonate --and three different bacterial strains -- Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-) -- were used in the experiments. The surface roughness varied among the substrata from 25 Å for silicon as the smoothest substratum to 150 A for copper as the roughest substratum. The effects of nutrient limitation and starvation of cells on sorption phenomena were also examined. Sorption related processes were found to be influenced by the surface properties of the substrata and by the nature of the bacterial strain. Adsorption velocity was positively correlated with the surface roughness of the substratum and the surface hydrophobicity of the cells. While the sticking efficiency of a non-motile strain was found to be much higher than the corresponding motile strain, the motile cells adsorbed more rapidly due to superior transport properties arising from motility. Starvation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells was observed to result in a lower sticking efficiency, but increased motility resulting from dwarfing/fragmentation of the cells. Copper was found to inhibit cell growth on its surface, but the metal oxide layer on the surface as well as an already formed biofilm protected the cells and replication was observed after a longer exposure time to cell-containing bulk water. A mathematical model was developed to predict cell accumulation on a substratum, based on kinetic data for adsorption, desorption, growth, and erosion, for each of the tested substrata and organisms. O K m C I E R I Z A T I O N O F INITIAL EVENTS O F BACTERIAL COLONIZATION A T SOLID-WATER INTERFACES USING IMAGE ANALYSIS by Robert Franz Mueller A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of t h e requirements for t he degree Cf Master of Science in Environmental Engineering MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana June 1990 ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Robert Franz Mueller This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found t o be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission t o the College of Graduate Studies. Date Approved for the Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies si /?, /??o 7 Hi STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of t he requirements for a master's degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall m a k e it available t o borrowers under rules of th e Library. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgement of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation from or reproduction of this thesis m a y b e granted b y m y major professor, D e a n of Libraries when, or in hi s absence, b y the in the opinion of either, t he proposed u s e of material is for scholarly purposes. A n y copying or u se of t he material in this thesis for financial gain shall not b e allowed without m y written permission; Date £ / / £ / /?9(y 7 7 iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wo u l d like to thank all XPA/ERC members for providing a n enjoyable environment and helping m e with this study. I especially would like t o thank Bill Characklis for his advice and guidance, Warren Jones and A n n Camper for their help and numerous discussions, John Sears for making this study possible, K a y Smith for her help, and Gordon Williams, John R o m p e l , a n d Paul Stoodley are thanked for their technical and analytical support, also. Diane, Linda, Wendy, and Jamie provided assistance a nd moral support during m y stay in Bozeman. In particular I would like to express m y Stover, Roger Colberg, and Marvin B e m t at appreciation to John TM A Technologies, Inc. Bozeman helped m e w i t h their light scatter measurements and Doug Caldwell from Vancouver, British Columbia for contributing his Pseudomonas fluorescens. Last n o t least I would like to thank m y Bozeman climbing friends w h o gave m e joy, challenge, and a good escape from the laboratory w ho tired of playing on those "stones" with me. / never V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page L I S T O F T A B L E S ............. v iii LIST O F FIGURES ...................................................... ................................... I N T R O D U C T I O N ............. Goal of Research . . Objectives of Research xi U W H ABSTRACT BACKGROUND ........................................................ .. Overview ............................. 4 Previous Research ............................................. 4 Surface Free E n e r g y ....................................... 5 Surface R o u g h n e s s ............. ■ ...................... 6 Hydrodynamic F a c t o r s .......................... 7 Chemical Factors .................... 7 . ........... g Microbiological Factors ............... Nutrient Availability - Starvation . ................... 8 T H E O R Y ................................. ..10 Process Analysis a t the Solid-Liquid Interface . . . . . . 10 Rate Coefficients of Early Surface C o l o n i z a t i o n ............................ 12 Growth on S u r f a c e s .................... ........... .. . 13 Cell Balance at the Substratum...................... . . . . . 14 Bulk Water Interface Process Analysis for Chemostat O p e r a t i o n ................... 15 Modified Chemostat Operation for S t a r v a t i o n .......... 16 Transport ........................ 18 Diffusivity of Motile C e l l s ............................ 18 Diffusivity of Non-Motile C e l l s ........................ 19 Transport to the Solid-Liquid I n t e r f a c e ............... 20 Adsorption V e l o c i t y ........................ 22 Sticking E f f i c i e n c y ............. 23 Fluid Dynamics .................................................24 Reynolds Number . . .............. . . . . . .......... 25 METHODS ...................... . . . . . . ......................... 26 Experimental System ....................................... . 2 6 Met h o d of Analysis ......................................... 29 Total Cell C o u n t s ............................... 29 Viable Cell Counts .................................... 29 Cell Surface H y d r o p h o b i c i t y ................. 29 Total Organic C a r b o n ............... 30 Dissolved Organic C a r b o n .............................. 30 Surface Roughness ........................... 31 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Estimation of Cell Motility................ .. 31 Determination of Rate of Adsorption and Desorption on the Substratum.................. 32 Determination of the Rate of Growth and Erosion on the Substratum.......................... .. Image Analysis....................... 33 R E S U L T S ............................... .............. ..........34 Chemostat Operation .............................. ! ! ! 34 Image P r o c e s s i n g ............ ........................... .. Cell Surface Hydrophobicity.................... * . . . . 35 Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Kinetic R e s u l t s ..................! 3 6 Surface Colonization ofPseudomonas aeruginosa . . . 36 C o p p e r ................................. 36 S i l i c o n ........................... 39 316 Stainless S t e e l ............................ 41 Surface roughness........................... 43 Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+), R e s u l t s .............. .* .* 43 Surface colonization of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) . .................... 43 316 Stainless S t e e l ................................. 44 Polycarbonate............. .................... 45 G l a s s ............................... 45 Surface Roughness.................... ..............47 Results with Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-) ...............47 Surface Colonization of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+)............ ; . . . 47 316 Stainless Steel ................................... Polycarbonate........ ......... ...................48 G l a s s ........ ............................. . . . . . ’ 48 Surface Colonization and Dislocations on Stainless S t e e l .............. ........................50 Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Starvation and Adsorption to 316 Stainless Steel .....................51 Dwarfing and Fragmentation . .......................52 Surface Colonization of Starved Pseudomonas aeruginosa on 316 Stainless Steel . . . . 54 Cellular Motility.................................. .. SIMULATION OF CELL ACCUMULATION................................ 57 Bulk Water Cell Concentration............................ 57 Fluid Shear S t r e s s ................. ......................57 Substrata and Bulk Water Nutrient Concentration.......... 58 Mixed Populations.................................. .. 58 vii TABLE O F CONTENTS (Continued) Page D I S C U S S I O N .............................. Comparison of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on Various Substrata ............................ Comparison of Pseudomonas aeruginosa a n d Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) . ........................ Comparison of M o t + and Mot- Pseudomonas fluorescens . .. Influence of Starvation on Colonization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on 316 Stainless Steel ............. 72 C O N C L U S I O N S ................. 75 62 62 67 70 N O M E N C L A T U R E / S Y M B O L S .......................................... .. . 77 N o m e n c l a t u r e ................................................. .. Symbols ..................................................... .. LITERATURE C I T E D .............................................. 81 A P P E N D I X ................................... Cell Accumulation at Various Durations of Starvation ........... 86 87 viii LIST O F TABLES Table 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page Chemical Conposition of Nutrient .................... 27 System Specific P a r a m e t e r s ........................ .. 27 Cell surface Hydrophobicity . '........................... 35 Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Summary of the R e s u l t s .......... 43 Pseudomonas flourescens (mot+), Summary of the Results . . 47 Pseudomonas flourescens (mot-), Summary of the Results . . 50 Starvation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Summary of the Results ........... ........................ 73 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Page Definition of processes during early colonization of a s u b s t r a t u m ................................. .. Experimental system .......................................... 26 Results from a laser light scatter measurement o n copper. . . 37 Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on copper . . . . 38 Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa o n silicon. . . . 40 Results from a laser light scatter measurement o n stainless . 41 Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa o n stainless. . . 42 Adsorption velocity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa versus surface roughness .........................44 Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) on stainless ............................ 45 Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) on polycarbonate........................ 46 Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) on g l a s s ................................ .. Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas 49 fluorescens (mot-) on stainless...................... .. Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-) on polycarbonate .......... ..............49 Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-) on g l a s s ................................ .. Photograph, plate count on R2A agar ........................ 52 Cell Concentration Versus Duration of Starvation............ 53 Cell Size Distribution Versus Duration of Starvation........ 53 Adsorption Velocity Versus Duration of Starvation.......... 55 19. Probability of Desorption versus Duration of Starvation . . . 55 20. Simulation of cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa o n stainless a t various bulk water cell concentrations. . . . 59 21. Simulation of cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa o n stainless at various shear stress........................... 59 22. Simulation of cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa o n stainless, copper, and silicon at rich n u t r i e n t ......... 60 23. Simulation of cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa o n stainless, copper, and silicon at low n u t r i e n t ........... 60 24. Simulation of cell accumulation of a mixed population . . . . 61 25. Comparison of adsorption velocity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on various substrata . . .............. 63 26. Comparison of reversible a n d irreversible adsorption v e l o c i t y ........................ 68 27. Cell surface h y d r o p h o b i c i t y ................................... 68 28. Cell accumulation, chemostat effluent D = 0.2 h r '1 ........... .. . .............. 88 29. Cell Accumulation, 48 Hours of Starvation 88 X LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 30. Cell Accumulation, 72 Hours of Starvation. ........................................ 89 31. Cell Accumulation, 120 Hours of S t a r v a t i o n ......................................... 89 32. Cell Accumulation, 168 Hours of S t a r v a t i o n ........... ................. -.......... 90 33. cell Accumulation, 216 Hours of S t a r v a t i o n ................... 90 34. Cell Accumulation, 348 Hours of S t a r v a t i o n ......................................... 91 35. Cell Accumulation, 504 Hours of S t a r v a t i o n ......................................... 91 36. Cell Accumulation, 648 Hours of Starvation ........................................ 92 37. Cell Accumulation, 816 Hours of S t a r v a t i o n ......................................... 92 38. Cell Accumulation, 936 Hours of S t a r v a t i o n .......................... 93 39. Cell Accumulation, 1224 Hours of S t a r v a t i o n ............... 93 xi ABSTRACT T h e processes leading t o bacterial accumulation o n solid-water interfaces are adsorption, desorption, growth, a nd erosion. These processes h a v e been measured individually in-situ in a flowing system a nd in real time using image analysis. The flow was laminar (Re = 1.4) a nd th e shear stress w a s k e p t constant during all experiments a t 0.75 Mm"2. Five different substrata — copper, silicon, 316 stainless steel, glass, and polycarbonate — and three different bacterial strains — Pseudomonas a e r uginosa. Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-) — w e r e used in the experiments. The surface roughness varied among t h e substrata from 25 for silicon as the smoothest substratum t o 150 A for copper as t h e roughest substratum. The effects of nutrient limitation a n d starvation of cells on sorption phenomena were also examined. Sorption related processes were found to b e influenced b y the surface properties of the substrata and b y the nature of t he bacterial strain. Adsorption velocity was positively correlated w i t h the surface roughness of the substratum and the surface hydrophobicity of the cells. While t h e sticking efficiency of a non-motile strain w a s found t o b e m u c h higher than the corresponding motile strain, the motile cells adsorbed m o r e rapidly due to superior transport properties arising from motility. Starvation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells was observed t o result in a lower sticking efficiency, but increased motility resulting from dwarfing/fragmentation of the cells. Copper was found t o inhibit cell growth o n its surface, but the metal oxide layer o n t h e surface as well as a n already formed biofilm protected the cells an d replication w as observed after a longer exposure tine t o cell-containing bulk water. A mathematical model was developed t o predict cell accumulation o n a substratum, based o n kinetic data for adsorption, desorption, growth, and erosion, for each of the tested substrata and organisms. A 1 INTRODUCTION T h e individual processes contributing t o biofilm accumulation and activity m u s t b e understood and quantified in order t o provide rational methodologies for their control or enhancement. A crucial initial event in biofilm accumulation substratum. If conditions, these is the adsorbed they will replicate, thickness of that adsorption cells find bacteria suitable cells at a environmental grow, and finally form, a biofilm. T he film can vary from a single cell h u n dred millimeters as found in algae mats only cause biocorrosion but can also exchangers, of layer to (Escher 1986). Biofilms not increase the resistance reduce flow rate in pipes, several in heat increase t he d r a g of a ship, or cause pathogenic problems in municipal water supplies a nd food processing (Charadklis and Marshall, 1990). In waste water treatment, biofilms are u s e d as mat r i x for immobilizing microorganisms 1990). Cell concentrations magnitude higher than in those biofilms are for planktonic (Stevens arid Crawford, three cells. to four orders IO 12 cells of c m "3 is within biofilms, whereas IO 8 to IO 9 cells m l '1 are the commonly found m a x i m u m concentration for cells in suspension (Characklis a nd Marshall, 1990). Hence, biofilm systems allow not only higher dilution rates but also higher loading rates than conventional water or waste water treatment systems. Bacterial availability of growth in carbon many or natural other substrates oligotrophia environments, the flux of importance al. (Kjelleberg et 1983). habitats is limited (Marshall by th e 1985). In substrates t o t h e cells An oligotrophia is of environment w as 2 (1981) as a habitat with flux of I g C m "3 d a y "1 In these low nutrient environments, attachment of defined b y Pointexter substrate o r less. organisms t o surfaces m a y b e of particular advantage d ue t o increased flux of nutrients to immobilized cells in comparison t o planktonic organisms (Kjelleberg & Hermansson 1984). If nutrient sufficiently low, starvation m ay occur (Morita 1982). b e asked are: concentrations are Questions that m a y Is adsorption to surfaces of any significance to starved bacteria? H o w is adsorption of a specific bacterium influenced b y the duration of starvation? Is adsorption used as a strategic response t o starvation for increasing the chances of survival b y increasing nutrient flux? Measuring only the accumulation of cells does not provide sufficient information t o control, predict, or simulate a specific system. Therefore, bacterial colonization on a substratum has to b e distinguished between t he single contributing processes, such as adsorption, desorption, growth, and erosion. W i t h a knowledge of the rate coefficient and reaction order for each of these processes, colonization at the solid-liquid interface can b e characterized and simulated. Then, predict cell accumulation environmental conditions. on simulation models c an b e used to different substrata under various These models for initial colonization can b e combined wi t h existing models for mature biofilms, so that the complete development of a biofilm could be predicted and simulated. This study continued the work of Escher (1986). Escher used image analysis t o determine the influence of shear stress o n early bacterial surface colonization in a laminar flow system at various bulk water cell concentrations. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the test organism and a smooth I 3 glass surface was the substratum. Goal of Research Characterize early bacterial colonization in a continuous flow system for various solid-water interfaces, environmental conditions, and microbial species. Objectives of Research I. Determine t h e rate of early bacterial colonization of Pwehdrrnionaf=; aeruginosa for various solid-water interfaces, such as copper, silicon, 316 stainless steel, glass, and polycarbonate. 2. Conpare the rate of colonization of two different bacterial species (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas flagellated cells (mot+) and fluorescens) as well unflagellated cells (mot-) as of Pseudomonas fluorescens. 3. Determine the relative effects of rich nutrient conditions w i t h conditions of starvation on colonization rates. 4. Mathematically simulate early surface colonization a t various solid interfaces, shear stress, and nutrient conditions for pure cultures a n d m i x e d populations. 4 BACKGROUND Overview T h e number of cells accumulating at the substratum will depend on m a n y variables whi c h can b e categorized as surface properties a t t he solid-water interface, microbiological. liquid, the hydrodynamics, Temperature, presence of pH, trace water chemistry, substrate concentration elements and other and in the bulk nutrients such as phosphate and nitrogen, and their ratio to carbon, the ionic strength of t h e b u l k liquid, the coating of the surface, the substratum material, the substratum free surface energy (as reflected b y hydrophobicity and surface roughness), as well as cellular properties might all influence the rates processes leading t o bacterial accumulation on a solid-liquid interface (Abbott e t al. (1983), Hermansson and Marshall (1986), Paul and Jeffrey (1985), Fletcher, (1985), Pedersen e t al. (1980)). Previous Research T h e results reported b y various researchers related t o early events of bacterial surface colonization are not always consistent. Almost all research found in literature on early bacterial colonization o n solid liquid interfaces was done very carefully with respect t o microbial, chemical, biochemical, and physico-chemical aspects. Unfortunately most of the reported research .did not differentiate between adsorption, desorption, or growth o n surfaces, but measured only cell accumulation. 5 V e r y little w o r k can b e found on hydrodynamic influences o n harrt-e>rial colonization. Bowen, Iavine and Epstein (1976) proposed a n analysis t o describe t h e cellular transport rate to the substratum for a continuous flowing system a n d laminar flow conditions. Escher (1986), as well as Powell and Slater (1984), u s e d image analysis t o study the colonization behavior of bacteria cells o n a smooth glass substratum under laminar flow. Powell and Slater u s e d Bacillus cereus to study cellular adsorption in a glass capillary a t laminar flow and compared their experimental results with theoretically calculated deposition rates for non motile cells when using Bowen's model. Escher used Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a test organism and var i e d b u l k water cell concentration and fluid shear stress and determined the kinetic Bowen's rates model, calculated. responsible sticking Escher for efficiency concluded that early and cell colonization. particle sorption capture related By factor processes using were can be described as first order rates with respect to cell concentration in the b u l k liquid and zero-order rates with respect to surface cell density. Growth related processes were found to be first order w i t h respect t o surface cell density. Surface Free Energy Inorganic solids with high melting points such a s glass, metal, o r silicon h a v e h i g h surface free energies (500 - 5000 e rg cm'2) . Soft organic solids w i t h low melting points usually have surface energies less than 100 e r g c m '2 (Zisman 1964). The m ain forces which contribute t o the surface free energy are dispersion, dipole, electrostatic, and metallic 6 interactions. Electrostatic adsorption charge (Fletcher, may 1980). also be of importance for bacterial The adsorption of organic substances m a y reduce t h e surface free energy. Adsorption of any organic material o n surfaces will b e determined b y the free surface energy of t he solid phase and t h e surface tension of the liquid phase (Fletcher, 1980). Similarly, adsorption and movement of bacteria at solid-liquid interfaces should be influenced b y interfacial tension and bacterial surface properties. The free energy of solids can b e determined b y measuring t he contact angle of wa t e r to the surface (B) , also called hydrophobicity of the wetted surface. Surface Roughness Surface roughness is mainly a function of the surface history (the way the surface was worked: machine worked, mechanically polished, electrochemically polished, etched e t c ) . The cosine of t he contact angle (0 ) of t h e solid interface to water (surface hydrophobicity) proportional t o the surface roughness (Bikerman, 1970). is directly Every groove, val l e y o r scratch on a solid interface acts as a capillary tube in wh i c h t h e liquid rises as long as 0<9O° or descends when 0>9O°. Thus a rough surface tends t o exaggerate the wetting behavior of a solid I960). W h e n the contact angle of a smooth surface is small, (Adamson, it is even smaller o n a rough solid of identical material. Vanhaecke et al. strains in a stagnant (1990) tested six different Pseudomonas aeruginosa system and measured cellular accumulation on different polished stainless steel surfaces (electropolished and 120 grit 7 treated) after 30 minutes of exposure. The authors reported a drastic influence of surface roughness to the rate of cellular adsorption for Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains with a low cell surface hydrophobicity. F o r t h e strains w i t h high hexadecane partitioning values th e influence of surface roughness was reported to b e minimal. Hydrodynamic Factors Escher (1986) was one of the few studies found whi c h distinguished v e r y carefully between adsorption, desorption, growth, a nd erosion t o describe cell accumulation. H e used Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a laminar flow system and varied fluid shear stress while keeping all the other parameters constant. Shear stress controlled the process of cellular colonization w i t h a negative exponential influence o n t h e rate of cell adsorption and cell separation. The rate of desorption w a s found t o b e independent of shear stress. Chemical Factors Calcium and magnesium ions positively influence bacterial adsorption (Turakhia 1986). Other complex organic compounds like EDTA or polymers h a v e be e n shown t o inhibit microbial adhesion (Marshall, 1972) simply b y converting a favorable hydrophobic surface into an unfavorable hydrophilic surface. Stanley (1983) found an adsorption maximum at stainless steel for viable cells, both motile and non-motile at p H 7 to 8 , whereas n on viable cells adsorbed best at low p H values (pH 2 to p H 3). T h e same author found a n increase in adsorption for Pseudomonas aeruginosa t o stainless steel w i t h increasing CaCl 2 or NaCl concentration in the bulk water. Varihaecke 8 et. al. (1990) determined cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on stainless steel. They found cell surface hydrophobicity and surface roughness o n the substratum were the major parameters influencing t he rate of cellular adsorption but found n o correlation between salt concentration a n d adsorption. Microbiological Factors Vanhaedce et al. (1990) reported a curvelinear positive correlation between cell surface hydrophobicity and cellular adsorption t o 316-L and 304 stainless steel for 15 different Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. Cell surface hydrophobicity w a s measured as bacterial adherence t o hydrocarbons (BATH-test). Also, bacterial available t o the organisms. adsorption is affected by the nutrient Kjelleberg, Marshall a nd Hermansson (1985) reported a relatively higher rate of adsorption t o smooth glass substrata for marine bacteria grown in a low nutrient environment than for those grown in h i g h nutrient environments. However, n o significant differences w e r e reported for the tendency of irreversible binding of the cells to surfaces. Bacterial adsorption m a y also depend on t he type of limiting nutrient (e.g. carbon, oxygen, phosphate or nitrogen) (Brown et al. 1977). Nutrient Availability - Starvation In low nutrient environments bacteria on surfaces have selective advantages for growth and survival over planktonic cells. Cells need not b e firmly attached to a substratum in order to benefit from the nutrient enriched state at the solid-liquid continuous flowing systems, interface (Marshall 1978). In a n additional benefit is a higher nutrient 9 flux for adsorbed bacteria because there is no diffusion limitation of nutrient uptake. Marshall also reported regrowth to a normal size of small dwarf like bacteria within 12 t o 20 hours after surface colonization. Kjelleberg (1983) reported fragmentation a nd continuous size reduction (dwarfing) as a response t o the initial phase of starvation. In K j e l l e b e r g 1s experiment, the irreversible adsorption of Pseudomonas sp. strain S9 (hydrophobic) and Vibrio sp. strain DWl (hydrophilic) increased during 4 hours of starvation. Kjelleberg (1984) d id a similar experiment w i t h seven marine isolates and found a small increase in irreversible adhesion after 5 hours followed b y a small decrease after 22 hours of starvation for six strains. remained constant. For one strain, the irreversible binding 10 THEORY Process Analysis at the Solid-Liquid Interface Mathematical modeling attempts t o describe real system behavior w i t h a set o f mathematical equations. Abiotic variables describe the physical a n d chemical environment in which the microbial process Process Analysis combines these variables in mass, balance equations coefficients to with stoichiometry, form predictive models. reaction These is occurring. energy and momentum rate, a nd transport coefficients vary w i t h environmental parameters, such as temperature, pH, concentration of trace elements, the composition and balance of essential nutrients and its ratio t o carbon, t h e ionic strength, the presence or absence o f specific ions, such as calcium and magnesium. There are several processes occurring during cellular colonization on a solid-liquid biofilms, growth, controlling interface which must be erosion, and processes. detachment, Initial events in distinguished. sloughing biofilm For mature are the rate accumulation are substratum conditioning b y organic molecules and subsequent adsorption of cells (Characklis and Marshall, 1990). Some of these adsorbed cells will stay o n t h e surface (irreversibly adsorbed cells) while others m a y desorb after some time (reversibly adsorbed cells). Kefford a nd Marshall (1984) suggested a model for the irreversible cell adsorption of Leptospira, wh e r e reversible substratum after mechanisms were adsorbed a cells certain found to be time become irreversible period. chemically The cell different for adsorbed surface to a binding reversibly a nd 11 irreversibly adsorbed cells. Escher (1986) reported a time interval between initial adsorption and desorption of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells of 0.93 h r and a decreasing probability of desorption over the residence time of adsorbed cells with a high probability of desorption during the first 5 t o 10 minutes. If a cell remained longer than 0.93 hours adsorbed o n a substratum it was termed irreversibly adsorbed. Irreversibly adsorbed cells will replicate under suitable environmental conditions and the daughter cells m a y either desorb - erosion - or also become irreversibly adsorbed . TRANSPORT ADSORPTION MULTIPLICATION EROSION -- - C F U - SEPARATION Figure I. Definition of substratum (Escher 1986) DESORPTION processes during early colonization of a 12 The processes occurring at the solid-liquid interface could b e distinguished between (Figure I ) : - Transport from the bulk water phase to the solid-liquid interfac - Adsorption o n the substratum - Desorption from the substratum t o the bulk wa t e r phase - Replication of irreversible adsorbed cells - Erosion of cells from adsorbed colonies t o t he b u l k water phase R a t e Coefficients of Early Surface CnlnniyAtinn The equations rate to coefficients express the were determined quantitative, by using individual differential relationships of adsorption, desorption growth, and erosion at the interface: ra = KaAXb' (i) rg = K g A X 11 (2) re = Ke*X'' (3) r a irr = r r *1^ *^1 f,T r = ( I " b) f Irr = . (4) (5) X1 T r" -----X A rev vX'' Xrev' ' X irr" r Ka Kg Ke ^irr b (6) 11 cell concentration in the bulk water [cell# L'3] cell surface density at time t [cell# L'2] cell surface density of reversibly adsorbed cells at time t [cell# L"2] cell surface density of irreversibly adsorbed cells a t time t [cell# IT2] rate of adsorption, growth, or erosion, respectively [cell# L '2 f 1] adsorption velocity [L t'1] coefficient of growth o n the surface [t"1] coefficient of erosion [t'1] fraction of irreversibly adsorbed cells [-] probability of desorption [-] 13 t: time [t] Equations I, 2, 3, and 4 assume first order rates (Escher 1986) for adsorption, desorption, growth, and erosion. For growth a nd erosion, the rates are dependent of cell surface density (Xm ) a nd a re independent of bulk water desorption cell are concentration dependent of (Xb'). The bulk water rates cell of adsorption, concentration and (Xb') t ut independent of cell surface density ( X " ) . Growth o n Surfaces Most populations in uninhibited systems grow exponentially as described b y Equation 2 (assuming n o adsorption or desorption): X 1' = X 0 V 1Aeflt X 11 X 0'1 P An : : : (7 ) cell surface density at time t [cell# L'2] initial cell surface density [cell# L"2] specific growth rate [t'1] important constant for an exponentially growing system is the generation time or doubling time g ( X " = 2X 0 ''). . In 2 g g = ---- (8) : time necessary to double the population [t] F r o m experimental results with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in biofilms, Bakke e t al. (1984) suggested that the growth rates of organisms in the biofilm in and the planktonic state are the same as long as the microenvironment of the cells is the same. This should also b e valid for adsorbed cells during early surface colonization. T he specific growth rate 14 has a hyperbolic dependency on substrate concentration wh i c h is m o s t commonly described b y the Monod equation. AtUiax S Ks + S Pmax Ks S : : m a x imum growth rate [t"1] cellular growth saturation constant substrate concentration [M L'3] [M L'3] K s = 2.0 g m "3 for Pseudomonas aeruginosa grown o n glucose (Robinson 1984). W h e n the maximum growth rate on a surface is known. Equation 9 could b e u s e d t o calculate the specific growth rate for various nutrient conditions. Cell Balance a t the Substratum-Bulk Water Interface T h e observed accumulation of cells on a substratum is dependent o n adsorption rate, desorption rate, generation rate, an d erosion rate: accumulation rate = adsorption - desorption + generation - erosion rate rate rate rate (10 ) T h e rate of cell accumulation on a substratum c an b e expressed w i t h t h e rate coefficients of sorption, growth and erosion: dX' '/dt = fjrr*Ka*Xb' + Kg*X" - (11 ) Ke*X" Equation 11 does not have individual terms for death a nd decay of t h e adsorbed cells. These rates are included in growth a n d erosion. The rates describing bacterial colonization are measured at constant 15 environmental conditions as rate of growth, rate of erosion, rate of adsorption, and desorption. The kinetic coefficients w e r e determined byregression analysis. The rate coefficients determined are not maximum rates b u t dependent o n temperature, substratum, nutrient concentration, hydrodynamics in a system, e t c . . Equation 11 was u s e d a s basic equation for a ll t h e surface colonization simulations presented in this study. Process Analysis for Chemostat Operation In a chemostat, mixing is assumed to b e ideal a nd biofilm growth on t h e walls condition, is neglected. When operating a chemostat under steady state the number of cells in the effluent is constant. Thus, a chemostat w a s chosen t o control cell concentration for all experiments in this study. W i t h dilution rate smaller than the maximum growth rate, a n ideal chemostat can b e described b y the following equations, assuming a sterile influent (X1 - = 0) and steady state conditions: n = Q/V X = Y* (S1 - — S) >H X CO CO > a i : : : : : : (12) (13) yield [M M'1] biomass concentration in chemostat [M L'3] substrate concentration in chemostat (M L'3] influent substrate concentration [M L'3] volume of chemostat [L3] influent/effluent flowrate [L3 t'1] T o convert biomass into cell numbers a conversion, size a nd cell density has to be used: X ~ X c' Pcell V ac including cell (14) 16 X c' Pceii V ac : chemostat effluent cell concentration [cell# L'3] : average cellular density [M L'3] : average cell volume [L3] T h e cellular density is fairly constant for most o f the pseudomonads with a wet cell density of pceU = l.004*10"3 g m m '3 (Characklis a nd Marshall, 1990). T h e average cell volume wa s determined b y image analysis for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens V c(av) = For starved cells of Pseudomonas Pseudomonas fluorescens; 0.675 ± 0.105 /zm3 aeruginosa, a nd v c(av) = (p = 0.2 hr'1) : starved cells of 0.355 + 0.095 p m '3 Modified Chemostat Operation for Starvation T o study starvation of microbial cells, the chemostat influent flow w a s terminated. Therefore, the chemostat w as changed into a batch reactor. Inactive microbial mass was generated because some cells died and lysed as a result of endogenous metabolism and did not contribute t o substrate removal. Death and lyse rate are generally treated as first order w i t h respect t o viable and dead cell biomass, respectively. Processes occurring in a batch reactor w i t h only one bacteria species can b e described b y t he following equations, assuming substrate removal is attributed only t o the active, viable cells and also assuming that only dead cells will lyse: dS P Xv Substrate balance: (15) dt Y dXt Biomass balance: (total cells) P X v - k t (Xt " X v) (16) dt dXv Biomass balance: (viable cells) (p dt - kj) X v (17) 17 d ( X t - X v) Biomass balance: ----------(non-viable cells) . dt Xt Xv kd kL : : : : = Jcd X v - R 1 (Xt - X v) (18) total biomass concentration [M L'3] viable biomass concentration [M L'3] death rate w i t h respect to viable cell concentration [t"1] lyse rate w i t h respect to non-viable cell concentration [ f 1] The specific growth rate (fi) in biochemical systems is best described b y the empirical Monod equation (Equation 9). A t low substrate concentrations, the specific growth rate is directly proportional t o the substrate concentration but independent of it at high concentrations. In t h e case of starvation ( S « K s) , a first order expression results: /^max S M = -------Ks (19) A f t e r an even a short starvation period, lysed cells would b e th e only available carbon source, other additional carbon sources having been depleted in the system. W i t h the assumption that all t he carbon from lysed cells is available as nutrient for the remaining viable cells the substrate balance (Equation 15) can b e modified as follows: dS ---- -dt n Xv -------- + F Iq (Xt - Xv) Y (20) F : gravimetric cell factor, carbon content per biomass [M M'1] Assuming that the change in substrate concentration will approach zero after a long duration of starvation, Equation 20 c an b e solved for lyse rate (kt) b y substituting Equation 19 for 16 c a n be solved for death rate. (Icd) : /i. Simultaneously, Equation 18 / i Itiax S (21) kI= Ks Y F AiHiax (Xt - X v) S I dXv Xv dt (22) k Ci = Ks W i t h Equation 21 and 22, lyse rate and death rate c an b e determiner! b y following only three parameters versus duration of starvation: viable a n d total cell concentration and the substrate concentration (dissolved organic carbon) in the water phase. With Equation 14, concentration can b e converted into cell concentration. Transport Diffusivitv for Motile Cells Diffusion is the main transport process perpendicular to the direction of flow for small particles such as bacteria cells under laminar flow conditions. Jang and Yen (1985) used the following equation to calculate diffusivity for various organisms: vr * dr D c -- ----------------------------------------- (23) 3 * ( I - C O Sa) Dc vr dr a. : : : : diffusivity [L2 t'1] velocity of motility [L f 1] free length of random run [L] m a i n angle of turn; assuming n o chemotaxis cosa = o Equation 23 enables the calculation of non-Brownian diffusivity from cellular motility data for a specific species. Escher (1986) pointed out that diffusion b y Brownian motion can b e neglected relative t o motility. 19 H e calculated n o n Brownian diffusivity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa data obtained b y Vaituzi and Doetsch (1969) (vr = 55.8 /m from s'1; d r = 50-85 /mi) as IO "3 m m 2 s'1. Kim (1990) determined diffusivity of Pseudomonas experimentally, b y using a capillary tube method. w h i c h w a s derived b y Segel et al. capillary tube with a small aeruginosa H e u s e d a n equation (1977) assuming that for a long enough cross-sectional area, diffusion c an be described b y a material balance in one dimension: TT N 2 Dc (24) 4 X 0'2 A 2 t N X 0' A : total number of cells in the tube [cell#] : suspended cell concentration [cell# L"3] : cross-sectional area of the tube [L2] K i m reported a value of 2.1*10 '3 m m 2 s '1 and a standard deviation of 1.3*10 3 m m 2 s 1 for n o n Brownian diffusion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Therefore, the values obtained from the calculation using Jang an d Yen's equation match well with the experimental results from K i m using Segel's equation for a capillary tube. Diffusivity of Non-Motile Cells T h e Stokes-Einstein equation yields good estimates for diffusion coefficient of small particles or non motile bacteria cells b ut cannot b e u s e d for motile cells: Icb T Icb T D f. (25) f 6 TT /Ab R a 20 Jcb T Vb Ra f : Boltzman constant, 1.38062*10'23 J K '1 : Temperature [T] : Viscosity of suspended medium [N t L'2] : Cell radius [L] : cell factor [N t L'2] For r o d shaped non motile cells with an average volume of 0.675 /rni3 a n d a diameter t o length ratio of 0.45 (for Pseudomonas species), t he diffusivity calculated by the Stokes-Einstein Equation a t 22°C is 3.9*10 "7 m m 2s"1. Thus, calculated diffusivity for motile cells is almost 4 orders of magnitude higher than the calculated diffusivity for non-motile cells of t h e same size and shape. Transport t o the Solid-Liquid Interface Bowen et al. (1976) proposed an analysis to describe particle deposition from a suspension at fully developed laminar flow in a parallel plate channel. They assumed a first order reaction rate a t the wall and calculated the transport of small particles t o a solid-liquid interface. T h e particle deposition rate is expressed fcy the following equation which converges well for large Peclet numbers: X b' D c K a' • ---------h K a" X b' Dc h K1 e r (2/9Ki)1/3 ----------------------------[F(4/3) + (I/ e) *(2/9K,)1/3] : flux of particles adsorbing t o the substratum [# L "2 t] : particle concentration in the bulk water [# L"3] : diffusivity [L2 t'1] : half-thickness of channel [L] : dimensionless distance [-] : surface particle capture factor [-] : gamma function [r(4/3) = 0.89338] (28) 21 T he authors limited their analytical solution t o particles which are characterized b y small Brownian diffusivities and large Peclet numbers. However, Equation 28 w a s used (Escher 1986) t o describe cell transport f r o m t h e bulk water t o the solid interface for motile cells with h i g h diffusivity values. Bowen's proposed analysis will, therefore, b e u s e d in this study t o calculate sticking efficiency and particle capture factor, a n d tested fcy a ccmparison of motile and non motile cells of th e same Pseudomonas strain. The surface particle capture factor (e) in Equation 27 can b e described as a first order rate coefficient with respect t o the bulk water cell concentration. adsorption, Low values w h e n the value of of e indicate a low e approaches infinity probability [ (1/e) = of 0 ] the surface acts like a perfect sink and Equation 27 becomes: X b' D c N tM = ---- ---- (2/9X0 1/3 — ------------ h N t" (27) r(4/3) : total flux of particles t o the substratum [# L "2 t"1] Equation 27 describes the total flux of particles t o t he substratum. W h e n measuring the rate of adsorption, the surface particle capture factor (e) can b e calculated from Equation 26 knowing the dimensionless distance K1 - as: K1 - = P e '1 Pe x h 8 x ----3 h : Peclet number [-] : Length from channel inlet [L] : half thickness of channel [L] (28) 22 T h e Peclet number is defined as follows: Pe = 4 Vm h -------- (29) Dc vm : m e a n bulk velocity [L t'1] Adsorption Velocity T h e adsorption velocity can b e calculated b y normalizing the flux of particles/cells t o the substratum t o the particle/cell concentration in t h e b u l k water. K a" ----- Ka = (30) X b' K a : adsorption velocity [Lt"1] Adsorption velocity is independent of bulk wat e r particle/cell concentration b u t dependent on geometry and hydrodynamics of the flow system a n d diffusivity and adsorption ability of the particles/cells. K a c a n b e calculated using the viable cell counts (Kav) as w e l l as using t he total cell counts (Kat) . The adsorption velocity of irreversibly adsorbed cells c a n b e expressed by: K a irr = f irr Ka (31) K a irr: adsorption velocity of irreversibly adsorbed cells [L t"1] Adsorption velocity could b e used t o compare bacterial adsorption for various substrata or organisms geometry in t h e flow system. for constant flow conditions and 23 Sticking Efficiency Sticking efficiency is defined (Oiaracklis and Marshal, 1990) b y the ratio of cells adsorbing to the substratum to t he number of neiie colliding w i t h the substratum. Sticking efficiency can b e u s e d as a system independent parameter to compare bacterial adsorption at various interfaces o r environments. The sticking efficiency c an b e expressed as follows: Ka" Sticking efficiency ------ (32) Nt " K a'1 a n d N t'1 are described in Equation 26 and 27, respectively. Sticking efficiency could b e expressed in the ratio of these t wo Equations: r(3/4) $ = -------------------r(3/4) + (1/e) (2/9Ki)1/3 0 (33) : sticking efficiency [-] Sticking efficiency is a function of the particle capture factor a nd t he Peclet number but independent of cell concentration. T he values for $ will v a r y between 0 a n d I. High values for $ indicate a h i g h tendency for the cells t o adsorb t o a substratum, while low values of $ indicate a low tendency of cells t o adsorb t o a substratum. It should b e emphasized that a h i g h value for sticking efficiency dos not necessarily correspond t o a h i g h adsorption velocity, because sticking efficiency is independent of the transport properties of the cells. 24 Fluid Dynamics For fully developed laminar flow in a Newtonian fluid, shear stress c a n b e calculated b y Newton's law of viscosity. W i t h a direction of flow in y-direction and a n even flow distribution in x-direction, the shear stress is given by: Tzy = - Pw --- (34) dz Tzy : shear stress [N L'2] : fluid viscosity [N t L'2] : bulk liquid velocity [L t'1] : length coordinate in axial direction [L] : height coordinate normal to the flow [L] Pw Vy y z A t t h e center of the flow channel z = 0; V y = V max .= 3/2 v m and d v y/dz = 0; a t the walls z = +h and v y = 0. In a fully developed laminar flow between two parallel plates the velocity profile h as a parabolic shape (Bowen et al. 1976): V y (Z) = 3/2 Vm (I - Z 2IV2) (35) shear stress at the wall: rWall — rwaii h vm ~ 3/2 fiy Vm h ^ (36) : shear stress a t the wall [N L"2] : half-thickness of Channel [L] : m e a n bulk velocity [L t'1] W h e n t h e m e a n bulk water velocity is much larger than cellular motility, t h e hydraulic detention time of cells above t h e substratum can I I I 25 b e determined as a function of their location: 21g HRT(Z) -----------------3vm [I -(Z2M"2)] Is HRT : : The (37) length, of substratum [L] hydraulic detention time of cells above the substratum [t] cellular detention time is a function of b u l k water velocity a n d t h e cell location at the entrance perpendicular t o t he substratum. Reynolds Number T h e Reynolds number is commonly used to categorize flow conditions in closed conduits as laminar or turbulent. If t he Reynolds number is smaller t h a n 2100 the flow is called laminar. For values greater than 2100 t h e flow is said to be turbulent. Reynolds number depends mainly o n th e m e a n b u l k wa t e r velocity and the geometry of t he flow system an d defined as follows: Re = 2 -Rh V m /)M — -------- (38) Pw Rh = A -----Z Re vm Pw Pw R tl A Z : Reynolds number [-] : m e a n bulk water velocity [L t'1] : density of water [M IT3] : fluid viscosity [N t I/5] :hydraulic radius [L] :cross sectional area [L2] : wetted perimeter [L] (39) is 26 METHODS Experimental System The experimental (Figure 2). system was used as described b y Bacterial cells were grown in a chemostat Escher (1986) (330 ml volume) until steady state conditions were reached. A phosphate buffered glucose solution w a s used as nutrient carbon limited (Table I ) . Growth in all experiments was (40 g m"3 as TOC) and buffered at p H 6.8. relatively high cell concentration in the chemostat, Because of a the effluent w as diluted w i t h dilution water before entering the flow cell. The dilution water h a d the same chemical composition as the nutrient except that no organic carbon was present. M A G B ANALYZER NUTRIENT DILUTION MIXING CHAMBER EPI LIGHT MICROSCOPE FLOW IN NOMARSKI LENS IEEEIiEiiisa METAL COUPON TocTum FLOW OUT Figure 2. Experimental system 27 Table I. Chemical composition of nutrient. Chemical Concentration in g m"3 Glucose NH4C1 Na2HP04 KH2P04 CaGOS 100 36 568 544 90 Micronutrients were added according t o Trulear (1983). T h e diluted chemostat effluent was pimped b y a non-pulsing gear pump at a constant flow rate through a flow cell (Table 2). A l l experiments w e r e conducted in laminar flow at a shear stress of corresponds t o a flow rate of 0.75 N Hf2 whi c h 1.2*10'4 m 3 hr'1 and a m e a n bulk water velocity of 2.75*l0"2 m s ' 1. For a shear stress of 0.75 N m'2 a t t he solidwa t e r interface, the Reynolds number in the flow chamber w a s 1.4. Table 2. System specific parameters experiments. for the length of flow cell length of metal coupon w i d t h of flow cell w i d t h of metal coupon height of flow channel cross sectional area b u l k liquid flow rate b u l k liquid m e a n velocity corresponding shear stress m e a n cellular detention time 40.00 26.50 12.10 6.70 0.10 1.21 0.12 0.0275 0.75 0.96 Coupons inserted at the bottom of the flow cell used in t he mm mm mm mm mm mm2 I hr" m s'1 N m"2 S flow cell were used as substrata. T h e reflective coupon surfaces (copper, silicon, 316 stainless steel) w e r e monitored continuously using reflective light from a n EPI light microscope equipped with a Nomarski lens. Magnification w as between 28 1000 a n d 1500. surface was For lower magnifications, the light reflection from the too colonization. disperse Transmitted to obtain light was quantitative used for information monitoring of cell transparent surfaces, such as glass or polycarbonate. The microscope output was linked t o a vi d e o camera. The video signal was transferred t o a n image analysis system (IAS) which converted the grey image from the video camera into a binary image. The IAS counted the actual number of cells o n the surface w i t h respect t o size and location. The cell measurement data could b e stored t o disk during experiments and retrieved for analysis at a later time. T h e u s e of the IAS to measure bacterial surface colonization is described in m o r e detail b y Escher (1986). The metal coupons were mechanically polished so that light reflection enabled the observation of individual bacteria cells. "Buehler Alp h a Micropolish II deagglcmerated Alumina 1.0 and 0.3" were used in distilled water for polishing. This polisher has a hexagonal crystal structure and a particle size of 1.0 or 0.3 /m, respectively. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescence w e r e the test organisms. Both Pseudomonas strains are strict aerobic, rod-shaped, polar flagellated, gram-negative cells, 1.0 t o 2.5 yum Iorg a n d 0.4 t o 0.6 /m in diameter. T h e same Pseudomonas fluorescence strain was u s e d in a modified m o t - version (provided from D. E. Caldwell, Vancouver, British Columbia). T h e m o t - m utant w e r e found to lack a flagellum b y transmission electron microscopy analysis difference between (Korber the growth rate 1989). of There was Pseudomonas no significant aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens of the mot+ parent and the mot- mutant in batch cultures (/z = 0.45 hr'1), (Korber et. al. 1989). 29 Method of Analysis Total Cell Count T h e water sairples (bulk water or dhemostat effluent) were fixed in 2 % Formalin solution and stored at 4 0C. A ll containers w e r e autoclaved before u s e for sampling. For staining, the prepared sample w a s homogenized a n d suspended in 2 m l 0.01% acridine orange for 30 min. T h e stained sample w a s filtered through a 0.2 black filter and the cells w e r e counted b y image analysis using fluorescence light at 1000 x magnification. 10 fields o n each filter w e r e averaged t o determine the cell concentration in th e sample. Replicates of several filters with the same sample yielded a standard deviation of less than 10%. Viable Cell Counts A dilution series was made from the water sample. 0.1 m l from the dilutions was equally distributed o n three replicate plates w i t h R2A-agar as growth media. Replicates of several plates of the same sample showed a standard deviation between 7 and 15 %. Cell Surface Hvdronhobicitv This method hydrocarbons" is based (BATH) on the degree of "bacterial adherence to and has found application in t he study of a w i d e variety of bacteria and bacterial mixtures (Rosenberg 1984). The method u s e d (BATH-test) w a s developed b y Rosenberg and co-workers (Rosenberg et. al. 1980) hydrocarbon and was adapted for use (n-octane or n-hexadecane) with image analysis. Two ml of were added t o round bottom test 30 tubes containing 5 m l phosphate-buffered sample. P-xylene w as originally suggested for use in the test, but was abandoned because it produced unreliable results. Others also reported problems w i t h th e u s e of p-xylene for measuring Following 10 cell surface minutes of hydrophobicity preincubation at (Vanhaecke, 30 0C, the Pijck, 1988). mixtures were homogenized for 2 minutes. The hydrocarbon phase w as allowed t o separate for 15 minutes, and the aqueous phase w as removed w i t h a pasteur pipette. Total cell concentration was performed for the initial bacteria mixture a n d t h e aqueous phase after hydrocarbon extraction. T he decrease in cell concentration of the aqueous phase w as used as a measure of cell surface hydrophobicity. Cell surface hydrophobicity is reported as t he fraction of cells removed b y hexadecane or octane, respectively, a nd is called hexadecane or octane partitioning value, respectively. Total Organic Carbon CTOCl T O C w a s measured using a Dohrman model D C 80 total organic carbon analyzer. The p H of the water sample was lowered t o p h 2 w i t h phosphoric acid, a n d aerated t o strip all carbon dioxide from the sample. A ll samples w e r e homogenized and analyzed b y direct injection. Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) T h e measurements for filtered water samples were v e r y inconsistent. U p t o 10 p p m carbon w a s leached from the filter. The carbon contamination also varied considerably between filters. Especially for low carbon concentrations, it was difficult to obtain consistent results. Th e u se of PTFE membranes w i t h a pore size of 0.2 /m. finally gave satisfying results 31 after rinsing for several (about 8 to 10) times w i t h diluted phosphoric acid. Surface Roughness Surface roughness was obtained from reflected light distribution b y using a Raleigh perturbation relationship. power spectral density function (PSD) as a function of the A reflector can b e calculated from the light scatter a t various reflection angles. behaves scatter surface In general, topology. t he calculated PSD Integrating the P SD function gives the root mean square (RMS) surface roughness value (Stover, Ser a t i , Gillespie 1984). Estimation of Cell Motility T o estimate cellular motility, the substratum w a s exposed to the cell containing bulk water at a shear stress of 0.75 N m"2 until a cell surface density of approximately4 000 CFU mm'2 was reached. After initial adsorption occurred, the flow over the substratum w as terminated. Within 5 t o 10 minutes, m o s t of the initially adsorbed cells became motile o n t he surface. T h e surface was monitored continuously a t a magnification of 1500x an d recorded b y a high resolution V C R on video tape. Th e T V screen w a s calibrated b y recording a calibration slide at the same magnification in horizontal and vertical direction. After replaying t h e tape several times, t h e random free runs could be measured b y marking traveling phase (free run) and twiddling phase (change in traveling direction). W h e n replaying t h e tape in slow motion with time control, the cellular swimming speed for a free ru n could be estimated (Korber et a l . , 1989). 32 T h e same procedure was used to test mot- cells for motility after cellular colonization. Determination of Rate of Adsorption a n d Desorption o n the Substratum T h e fate of adsorption and desorption was measured b y exposing the solid interface t o a bulk water flow of constant cell concentration and shear stress (0.75 N m"2) . Individual cells were, counted an d memorized w i t h respect t o their location and size on the substratum over time. W h e n plotting t h e number of cells adsorbing or desorbing versus tine linear regression analysis could give the values for adsorption velocity and the probability of desorption (Escher, 1986). Determination of Rate of Growth and Erosion on the Substratum T h e substrata w e r e exposed to a bulk water flow (shear stress 0.75 N m"2) of approximately 3*10* cells ml'1 until the cell surface density reached a value between 2000 and 3000 CFU mm"2. These cells were adsorbed at an irreversible state. After this initial colonization period, approximately 30 minutes for copper to 2 hours for silicon, t he bulk water flow was nutrient switched from solution of the diluted identical dhemostat chemical effluent composition to as a fed sterile to the dhemostat. The rate of growth on surfaces was determined b y following individual cells replicating over time. Simultaneously, t he rate of erosion could b e determined fcy following individual cells desorbing from t h e surface. After plotting the number of cells replicated versus time, the growth rate and doubling time could be determined b y regression 33 analysis. Image Analysis The Cambridge Q l O , equipped with a n image analyzer unit (68000 processor) w a s used in the experimental system. In addition t o the display a n d output of the measurements, the image analyzer c an perform limited statistical analysis. U p t o eight different distribution histograms can b e calculated at the same time. The instrument has two different routines, one in compiled C and one in M-Basic. Images were manipulated b y a digipad connected t o t h e image analyzer. 34 RESULTS Results were obtained for five different materials a n d two different bacteria species - Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomnnag fluoresens. Pseudomonas fluoresens was used as a mot+ strain as well as a mot- mutant. Substrata included copper, 316 stainless steel, silicon, polycarbonate. The surface roughness varied with various 25 A (2.7*10-3 ^m) for silicon t o 150 A glass mm+erW a nd from (15.6 IO"3 /rni) for Copper as the roughest surface used in the experiments. 316 stainless steel was used t o p e r form a long duration starvation study (as long as 1224 h o u r s ) . Chemostat Operation T h e chemostat was operated at a dilution rate of 0.2 hr"1 ,and t he chemostat effluent concentration varied between 3.8 t o 4.5 IO7 cells ml"1 (measured as total count). The effluent dissolved organic carbon varied between 3.2 and 5.0 g m"3. Before entering the flow chamber, th e chemostat effluent w a s diluted t o a factor of approximately 10 w i t h carbon free and cell free dilution water. Hence, the dissolved organic carbon in the bulk w a t e r varied between 0.1 and 0.6 g m'3 and cell concentration in the bulk wat e r w a s kept between IO6 and IO7 cells ml"1. Temperature wa s controlled in t h e chemostat at 30 0C and the temperature at the solid—water interface w a s estimated to b e constant at 22 ± 2°C. Shear stress w a s kept constant during all experiments at 0.75 N m"2 in the flow chamber. 35 Image Processing Images w e r e taken at 10 minute intervals and manipulated b y using t h e digipad drawing device. Regression analysis was applied t o determine t h e r a t e coefficients for adsorption, desorption, growth a nd erosion. Cell Surface Hvdroohobicity Cell surface hydrophobicity was measured as "bacterial adherence t o hydrocarbons" cells, the (BAIH-test, hexadecane Rosenberg, partitioning et al, 1980). values F or all the tested were higher than t he partitioning values for octane (Table 3). Mean hydrocarbon partitioning (cell surface hydrophobicity) values were calculated b y averaging the hexadecane a n d octane partitioning values for each species an d strain. Th e lowest carbonhydrate fluorescens partitioning (mot+). The values Pseudomonas were found fluorescens for (mot-) Pseudomonas strain had a significantly higher value for cell surface hydrophobicity than the motile strain. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was found to be highly hydrophobic. Table 3. Cell surface hydrophobicity. Strain octane part, value (-) hexadecane part, value (-) m e a n H G part, value (-) Ps aeruginosa 0.95+0.01 0.99+0.01 0.97+0.02 Ps fluorescens (mot+) 0.54+0.11 0.80+0.04 0.67±0.13 Ps fluorescens (mot-) 0.91+0.04 0.93+0.03 0.92+0.04 36 Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Kinetic Results Surface Colonization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells were transported to t he interface either a s single cells or in a divided cell state (divided cells but not separated). Colonization occurred in the same manner. Clustering was not observed o n t h e substratum and desorption occurred as single or divided cells from t h e substratum to the bulk water. Copper Copper corrosion results in a copper oxide layer within hours of exposure t o air. The copper oxide layer has a protective function for the metal underneath. T h e presence of an oxide layer can b e easily detected b y visual observation. A reflective, light. A freshly polished copper surface is shiny and whereas a n oxidized copper surface looks dull and absorbs fresh polished m e asurements. Copper surface is a was soft metal important for reflective and polished v e r y light fast but wa s difficult t o keep clean. The orientation of polishing w as determined from a light scatter surface roughness measurement (Figure 3). T h e RMS surface roughness of a freshly polished copper coupon, when measured in vertical direction (direction of flow), was 220 A, whereas t he RMS surface roughness in horizontal direction (direction perpendicular t o the flow) w a s 82 A. where mai n l y Therefore, the orientation of dislocations in the vertical direction. For (polishing tracks) comparison reflective surfaces a n average value wa s calculated (150 with A) . After other the 37 1.00E+09 PSD 2.00E+03 A LOG I.00E+07 Copper (oxydized): 1680 .50E+03 1.00E+05 -- 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 5.00E+02 / L-— Copper (vertical): 220 A _ — ' I I Illl IA'-l— l— t— — |— t-Copper (horizontal): 82 A 3""0v0BE+00 0 .3 .6 .9 1.2 1.5 0.6320pm Oi = 5.0° R =0.06 X = -13.9mm Y = -8.0mm 2Ws = 3.0mm Figure 3. Results from a laser light scatter measurement on the copper surface. Power spectral density (PSD) is plotted versus frequency. The integration of this curves provide values for RMS surface roughness. A fresh polished copper surface, measured in vertcal and horizontal direction is compared with a highly oxidized surface. polished copper coupon was exposed to air for several weeks the RMS surface roughness increased to 1680 A. Cell accumulation on the copper substratum w as expressed as cell surface density ( X " ) and observed for a bulk water cell concentration of 1.50*106 cells ml'1 (Figure 4 a ) . The steep slope indicates a high rate of adsorption (Ka = 2.23 m m hr'1). The rate of desorption w as rather low (probability of desorption b = 0.10). There was no replication of cells observed when using copper as substratum (Figure 4). Even for an extended period of time (24 hours) no replication exposure time t o a cell suspension was cells to accumulate, was seen. However, if the long enough for a monolayer of replication of cells in the second and higher cell layers was observed. Unfortunately, an accurate measurement of growth rate 38 COPPER, Ps aeruginosa, 1.40 E+OG CELLS/ML 20000 ACCUMULATION b = 20.89 + /- 0.75 15000- DESORPTION -*r- Ka = 2.00 + /- 0.21 mm/hr ADSORPTION GROWTH z 10000- 5000- 0tltm ujm wfr6i6iLi!ir,iacictanjr]CJOL ifiiEtati) trirrti OO 150 200 TIME IN MINUTES COPPER, Ps aeruginosa 10000 ACCUMULATION EROSION 8000- ADSORPTION GROWTH 6000- 4000- 100 150 TIME IN MINUTES Figure 4. Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on copper using a bulk water concentration of 1.4*10* cells ml"1 (Figure 4 a) and a sterile nutrient (40 ppm C) after initial cell colonization of 2000 CFU mm"2 (Figure 4 b). Shear stress 0.75 N m"2. 39 in up p e r cell layers w a s technically not possible w i t h t h e image analysis system. T h e kinetic results for Pseudomonas aeruginosa a re summarized in Table 4. Silicon Silicon is used in industry as a semiconductor material mostly in its monocrystalline form. procedures, To allow very accurate photographic etching the silicon chips are thinly sliced and polished with high precision t o very low surface roughness values and a h i g h degree of flatness. T h e monocrystalline silicon substratum h ad a PMS surface roughness o f 25 was A without regard to its orientation. The bulk wa t e r concentration constant during the accumulation experiment a t 3.5 IO6 cells ml'1 (Figure 5 a ) . T h e adsorption velocity w as low (Ka = 0.47 m m hr'1) and th e probability of desorption was high (b = 0.86). Most cells d id not remain at their location for an extended period of time after initial adsorption. T h e rate of erosion (Ke = 0.32 hr'1) w as slightly higher than the growth rate (Kg = 0.28 h r 1) (Figure 5 and Table 4), hence t he accumulation of cells o n the silicon surface was slow. Even cells that w e r e adsorbed for a long p eriod of time (over 200 minutes) desorbed w h e n additional shear w a s applied. Replication of adsorbed cells often resulted in desorption of both, mother and daughter cells . 40 SILICON, Ps aeruginosa, 3.50 E+06 CELLS/ML 20000 ACCUMULATION b = 85.80 + /- 6.39 DESORPTION Ka = 0.49 + /- 0.04 mm/hr ADSORPTION 15000- GROWTH 10000- => 5000- DO 150 200 TIME IN MINUTES SILICON, Ps aeruginosa 10000 Ke = 0.32 +/-0.01 1/hr 8000- Kg = 0.28 + /- 0.02 1/hr ACCUMULATION EROSION ADSORPTION GROWTH 6000- 4000- (Z) 2000- )K i * 100 150 TIME IN MINUTES Figure 5. Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on silicon using a bulk water concentration of 3.5*10* cells ml'1 (Figure 5 a) and a sterile nutrient (40 ppm C) after initial cell colonization of 2100 CFU mm'2 (Figure 5 b). Shear stress 0.75 N m"2. 41 316-Stainless Steel A freshly polished 316 stainless steel surface h ad a RMS surface roughness of 77 A when measured in vertical direction. After this surface was exposed to air for several weeks, the RMS surface roughness increased to 120 A (Figure 6). 1.00E+10 PSD AzWii LOG 1.00E+08 1.50E+02 . — L20E+B2 316 stainless steel (oxydizcd): 120 A 1.00E+06 9.00E+01 316 sta nless steel (vertical): 77 A 1.00E+04 1.00E+02 3.0BE+01 1.00E+00 I I I I I 0.0BE+0B 1.2 1.5 -8.0mm 2Ws = 3.0mm 1/Wi 0 0.6328wi Oi = 5.0° Ii =0.62 X = -13.9mm Y Figure 6. Results from a laser light scatter measurement on the 316 stainless steel surface. Power spectral density (PSD) is plotted versus frequency. The integration of this curves provide values for RMS surface r o u g h n e s s . ^A fresh polished surface, measured in vertcal direction is ccmP ared w i t h a highly oxidized surface, measured in vertical direction. The bulk water concentration was constant during the accumulation experiment at 1.10 IO6 cells ml'1 (Figure 7 a ) . The adsorption velocity was K a = 1.82 m m h r 1, the probability of desorption was b = 0.30, and the growth rate on the substratum (Kg = 0.33 hr"1) was higher than the rate of erosion ( K e = 0.09 hr'1) (Figure 7 and Table 4). 42 31C STrAlNIJiSS STEIiL, Ps aeruginosa, 1.10 E+06 CEIJS/ML 20000 ACCUMULATION b = 29.68 + /- 0.32 DESORPTION Ka = 1.82 + /- 0.22 mm/hr ADSORPTION GROWTH Z 10000- 5000- B a c i i iirjL i DO 150 20 TIME IN MINUTES 310 STAINIJiSS STEEIt Ps aeruginosa 10000 9000- Ke = 0.092 +/-0 .0 1 3 1/hr ACCUMULATION EROSION 8000Kg = 0.33 + /- 0.023 1/hr U ADSORPTION 7000- -O GROWTH 6000500040003000- O 1000- 0 4^'k T T T Jc T ;k ;|; )!(= # 100 150 TIME IN MINUTES Figure 7. Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on 316 stainless steel using a bulk water concentration of 1.1*106 cells ml'1 (Figure 7 a) and a sterile nutrient (40 ppm C) after initial cell colonization of 2000 CFU mm (Figure 7 b). Shear stress 0.75 N m"2. Y 43 Table 4. Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Summary of the Results (shear stress 0.75 Nm'1) rate constant units copper silicon 316 stainless glass* RMS [A] Ka [mm hr"1] 2.22+0.43 b [-] Ke [hr'1] e ["] 0.032+0.006 0.007+0.001 0.026+0.003 0.016 $ [-] 0.026+0.005 0.006+0.0004 0.022+0.002 0.018 9 [hr] kg . 150 27 0.47+0.04 0.21+0.02 0.86+0.06 0.32±0.01 - [hr'1] - 2.47±0.71 0.00 0.28+0.08 121 - 1.84+0.22 0.30+0.02 0.09+0.01 2.10+0.38 0.33+0.06 1.14 0.62+0.18 0.32+0.08 1.36+0.29 0.5 1 ± 0 .11 Results from Escher (1986) Surface Roughness R M S surface roughness was measured for all metal surfaces used in t h e experiments and w a s correlated t o adsorption velocity (Figure 8) . Adsorption velocity increased with increasing roughness of t he substratum and the probability of desorption decreased with increasing surface roughness. Hence, the irreversible adsorption was influenced even stronger b y t h e roughness of the substratum. Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+). Results Surface Colonization of Pseudomonas fluorescens fmot+'l Cellular colonization of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) different from the behavior of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) cells were transported as single cells t o the w as 44 REVERSIBLE ADSORPTION IRREVERSIBLE ADSORPTION SILICON < 316 STAINLESS COPPER 0.5-/ ' 77 I RMS SURFACE ROUGHNESS (A) Figure 8. Adsorption velocity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa versus surface roughness of the substratum. Shear stress 0.75 N m % fluorescens (mot+) cells were transported as single cells t o the substratum but adsorption occurred more often in clusters. Desorption of cells even from clusters, occurred as single cells in m o s t cases. Growth rate and the rate of erosion were not determined for Pseudomonas fluorescens. 316 Stainless Steel Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas f luorescens (mot+) o n 316 Stainless w a s observed at a cell concentration of 1.3*106 cells ml'1 (Figure 9). Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) had an adsorption velocity on Stainless Steel of K a = 0.30 m m hr'1 and a probability of desorption b = 0.61. The kinetic results for adsorption and desorption of PseudnmnnmR fluorescens (mot+) on stainless steel and other substrata are summarized in Table 5. 45 Polycarbonate Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) on polycarbonate was observed at a bulk water cell concentration of 3.85 IO6 cells ml'1 (Figure 10 and Table 5). The adsorption velocity o n polycarbonate was K a = 0.23 m m hr'1. The probability of desorption (b = 0.03) w as relatively low on polycarbonate. Glass Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) on glass was observed at a bulk water cell concentration of 3.85 IO6 cells ml'1 (Figure 11 and Table 5). The adsorption velocity on glass was K a = 0.25 m m hr"1, the probability of desorption was b = 0.41. 316 STAINLESS STEEL Ps fluorescens (mol+), 1.30 E+6 CELLS/ML IGOOO1 ACCUMULATION E 14000E 3 12000LU O 10000 55 z LU DESORPTION b = 61.00 + /-8 .1 4 ADSORPTION -EH Ka = 0.302 + /- 0.036 mm/hr GROWTH 8000- Q LU O 2 DC 3 CO LU O 60004000- 2000 - t LHm t B u H i im L m iiL m i n ij u j i j j t l H l i i lJ L ljd iL l H lii lJ L iiL ljL i rl I r j U 100 150 200 TIME IN MINUTES 250 ' 300 Figure 9. Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) on 316 stainless steel using a bulk water concentration of 1.3*106 cells ml'1. Shear stress 0.75 N m'2. 46 POLYCARBONATE, Ps fiuorcsccns (mot+), 3.05E+G CELLS'/ML 16000 ACCUMULATION E E 14000- DESORPTION I LL b = 20.07 -+/- 3.65 12000 - ADSORPTION ’□ GROWTH O Z Ka = 0.232 -+/- 0.017 mm/hr 10000 Tn z m 8000- Q LU I CC 6000>ieieE => CO 4000- UJ 2000 O - L WLummiiimtHuiu itiii urn m ull mumuiu ii I ifL16Jji 'l l Iii 50 100 150 200 TIME IN MINUTES 250 300 Figure 10. Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas f luorescens (mot+) on polycarbonate using a bulk water concentration of 3.85*106 cells ml'1 Shear stress 0.75 N m'2. GLASS, Ps fluoresceus (mol+), 3.05 E+OG CELLS/ML 16000 ACCUMULATION 14000- DESORPTION ? 12000- b = 40.85 + /- 5.59 10000- Ka= 0.246 + /- 0.027 mm/hr Z 8000- U 6000- 3 4000- ADSORPTION GROWTH 2000. ITl Cl 111 O 0 20 40 60 CTI □ 111 Cl W □ I 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 TIME IN MINUTES Figure 11. Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) on glass using a kulk water concentration of 3 .8 5 *1 0 * cells ml"1. Shear stress 0.75 N m . 47 us i n g a b u l k wa t e r concentration of 3.85*106 cells ml'1. Shear stress 0.75 N m"2. Table 5. Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+), Summary of th e Kinetic Results (shear stress 0.75 Mm'2) . rate constant Unit Ka 316 Stainless [mm hr"1] Polycarbonate Glass 0.30+0.03 0.23+0.02 0.25+0.01 b [-] 0.61+0.20 0.20+0.22 0.41+0.25 € [-] 0.0042+0.0005 0.0032+0.0004 0.0034+0.0004 0 [-] 0.0036+0.0004 0.0028+0.0002 0.0029+0.0003 Surface Roughness Numbers for RMS surface roughness for the transparent surfaces cannot b e given, because the power spectral density theory t o calculate R M S roughness for transparent surfaces does not exist. However, a laser light scatter measurement on these surfaces permitted a qualitative estimate indicating that the polycarbonate surface wa s slightly rougher t h a n t h e glass. Results wi t h Pseudomonas fluorescens Cmot-I Surface Colonization of Pseudomonas fluorescens (’m o t-1 Surface colonization of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-) cells w e r e similar t o the motile parent. Cells d id get transported as single cells t o t h e substratum but adsorption occurred often in clusters. Desorption of cells even from clusters occurred as single cells in m o s t cases. 48 This excluded the possibility that these cells switched back t o their mot+ origin. 316 Stainless Steel Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-) o n 316 stainless w a s observed a t a bulk water cell concentration of (Figure 12 fluorescens and Table (mot-) 6). The adsorption 3 .50 * 10 * reiip ml'1 velocity on 316 Stainless Steel w as K a = of Psendnrnnn^c; 0.18 m m hr"1, the probability of desorption from the metal substratum w a s b = 0.84. Polycarbonate Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-) o n polycarbonate w a s observed a t a bulk water cell concentration of 5.15*10* cells ml'1 (Figure 13 and Table 6). The adsorption velocity was K a = 0.15 m m hr"1 and t h e probability of desorption was b = 0.03. Glass Cell accumulation of motile Pseudomonas flourescens o n glass w as observed a t a bulk water cell concentration of 8.90*10* cells ml"1 (Figure 14 and Table 6). The adsorption velocity on glass was K a = 0.09 m m hr'1 and t h e probability of desorption was b = 0.23. 49 3 IG STAlNIJiSS STElil4 Ps lluorcsccns (mol-), 3.50 E+OG CEIiS/ML 20000 ACCUMULATION 18000- DESORPTION 16000 O b = 84,28 + /- 11.38 ADSORPTION 14000Ka = 0.183 + /- 0.033 mm/hr 12000- GROWTH *)K)K)K)K)KCK)K)^ 10000 800060004000- U 2000ILUUJIUUHItinei I-ILlliH JClClL Ir,IU O LOLImr] 00 150 20I TIME IN MINUTES Figure 12. Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-) on 316 stainless steel using a bulk water concentration of 3.5*106 cells ml'1. Shear stress 0.75 N m"2. POLYCARBONATE, Ps Iluorcsecns (m ol-), 5.15 E+OG CELLS/ML 16000 ACCUMULATION 14000- 1200010000- DESORPTION b = 3.24 + /-1 .5 6 ADSORPTION Ka= 0.152 + /- 0.022 mm/hr GROWTH 800060003 4000- 2000 - IUUUl 50 100 150 200 250 TIME IN MINUTES 300 350 Figure 13. Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-) on polycarbonate using a bulk water concentration of 5.15*106 cells ml'1. Shear stress 0.75 N m'2. 50 GLASS, Ps fluorcsccns (mol-), 0.90 E+OG CELLS'/ML ACCUMULATION DESORPTION -M - ADSORPTION -o- GROWTH Figure 14. Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-) on glass using a bulk water concentration of 8.9*10* cells ml"1. Shear stress 0.75 N m"2. Table 6 Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-), Summary of the Kinetic Results (shear stress 0.75 Mm'2) . ; constant Ka Unit [mmhr"1] 316 Stainless Polycarbonate 0.18+0.04 0.15+0.02 Glass 0.09+0.02 b [-] 0.84+0.11 0.03+0.01 0.23+0.03 € ["] 14.65+0.47 7.84+0.18 3.14+0.94 $ ["] 0.48+0.03 0.33±0.01 0.17+0.06 Surface Colonization and Dislocations on Stainless Steel A higher adsorption rate at cracks, interruptions or other dislocations on the surface was not observed for any bacteria species in 51 any of the experiments. However, all dislocations found mechanically polished surfaces were in the micro range (<o.l /m on the in width) a n d d i d not change hydrodynamics on the surface. A typical colonization pattern o n 316 stainless steel for low cell surface densities showed a random cell distribution. Dislocations were not colonized at any higher level than other places on the surface. Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Starvation and Adsorption to 316 Stainless Steel The chemostat nutrient supply .was cut off after steady state conditions w e r e reached to study cellular colonization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in oligotrophia environments. Thus, the former chemostat w as changed into maintained. a batch reactor. Aeration and agitation were still The cell size distribution and the cell concentration w e r e monitored over time. Adsorption/desorption of starved cells were observed a t various durations of starvation. A t defined intervals, the diluted effluent w a s pumped over the 316 stainless steel surface a t a constant shear stress of 0.75 N m'2. The cell concentration w as constant during one adsorption experiment w i t h values between IO6 and IO7 cells ml"1. T he cellular accumulation curves are presented in the Appendix. Contamination was observed after 900 hours of starvation and the experiment w as terminated after 1224 hours. The viable plate counts after 816 hours of starvation showed no contamination (Figure 15). 52 Figure 15. Photograph, plate count on R 2A medium of Pseudomonas aeruginosa starved for 816 hours. Dwarfing and Fragmentation Immediate responses of Pseudomonas aeruginosa t o starvation were size reduction (dwarfing) and an increase in cell concentration (fragmentation). Total and viable cell concentrations increased after 24 hours followed by a period of constant cell concentration until 200 hours of starvation (Figure 16). From 200 t o 300 hours duration of starvation, the cell concentration decreased rapidly. After 300 hours of starvation the rate of decrease slowed. The average size distribution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa w a s determined as cell surface area as a function of duration of starvation determined (Figure at 0.91 17). The /m2. After average size of healthy 24 hours of starvation, cells was the average size decreased to 0.58 pm2. For longer durations of starvation the average size stayed relatively constant between 0.45 and 0.58 pm2. 53 CELL CONCENTRATION VERSUS DURATION OF STARVATION >100 □ O 125 250 375 500 625 750 VIABLE CELL COUNTS TOTAL CELL COUNTS 875 1 0OO 1 1 2 5 1 2 5 0 DURATION OF STARVATION IN HOURS Figure 16. Total and viable suspended cell concentration versus duration of starvation, (curve fit with Axum software). AVERAGE SIZE DISTRIBUTION VERSUS DURATION OF STARVATION 1 25 250 375 500 625 750 875 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 5 1 2 50 DURATION OF STARVATION IN HOURS Figure 17. Cell size distribution (mean and standard deviation) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa versus duration of starvation, (curve fit with Axum software). 54 Surface Colonization of Starved Psgnrinrnnnag aeruginosa on 316 Stainless Steel For v e lo c ity Pseudomonas aeruginosa on 316 Stainless Steel adsorption w a s a function of duration of starvation (Figure 18). Adsorption velocity w a s determined from linear regression analysis o f a 100 minutes cellular accumulation experiment (Appendix, Figure 28-39). T he adsorption velocity (Ka) w a s calculated using the viable cell counts (Kav) as well as t h e total cell counts (Kat) . Because viable counts were consistently lower t h a n total counts the adsorption velocity was higher w h e n using viable counts. In either case, the adsorption velocity of starvation up to 500 hours in a linear decreased for durations fashion. Past 500 hours starvation, adsorption velocity remained at a relatively constant level. Val u e s for K a t and K a v were 0.10-0.35 m m hr'1 a nd 0.4-0.6 m m hr"1, respectively. The values of K a t and K a v for healthy cells (/z = 0.2 hr"1) w e r e measured a t 1.25 and 1.56 m m hr'1, respectively. T h e probability of desorption (b) from the stainless steel surface decreased during the first 300 hours of starvation a nd remained a t its lowest values through 800 hours (Figure 19). The probability of desorption increased slightly w i t h longer durations of starvation a nd remained a t a relatively constant value of b = 0.07. In a ll starvation experiments, n o growth or cell division was seen o n the substratum during the time period measured . Cellular Motility T h e K a values were chosen t o present the adsorption data because cellular motility is not required for its calculation. Cellular TnnH H t y 55 VIABLE COUNTS TOTAL COUNTS 1 25 2 5 0 3 7 5 5 0 0 6 2 5 7 5 0 8 7 5 1 0 0 0 1 1 25 1 2 5 0 DURATION OF STARVATION IN HOURS Figure 18. Adsorption steel at different determined using the cell concentration in velocity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on 316 stainless stages of starvation. Adsorption velocity w as total number of cells as well as using the viable the bulk water, (curve fit with A x u m software). 0 .5 4 0 .3 0 - 1 25 250 375 500 625 750 875 1000 1125 1250 DURATION OF STARVATION IN HOURS Figure 19. Probability of desorption for adsorbed Pseudomonas aeruginosa at different stages of starvation at a 316 stainless steel substratum, (curve fit wi t h A x u m software). 56 during starvation w a s qualitatively determined after 816 hours duration of starvation. The average random free runs were observed a t from 47 observations. For the cellular estimate c a n b e given with v r = 100 to 200 swimming /m s"1. speed 33 + 11 ^ m only a rough 57 SIMULATION OF CELL ACCUMULATION Csllulair colonization on 316 stainless steel, copper, and silicon could b e simulated for Pseudomonas aeruginosa from experimental results (Equation 12). From the results with Pseudomonas fluorescens. the t wo species could b e used for comparison of early surface colonization. Th e growth rate on the substratum was calculated for low nutrient conditions (Equation 9), whereas the value for the maximum growth rate a t 22 0C w as determined experimentally for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. For fluorescens the value of the maximum growth rate determined by Korber et. al. (1989). Pseudomonme o n glass w as u s e d Certain parameters were varied individually, and cellular accumulation was simulated. Bulk Water Cell Concentration The stainless steel surface coverage for a bulk water cell concentration of IO6 cells ml"1 after 700 minutes w a s predicted t o b e 10 % of t h e total surface area (Figure 20). For a cell concentration of 4*106 t h e cell covered surface area was simulated to be 33 %. Fluid Shear Stress Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is simulated o n 316 stainless steel at various fluid shear stresses on the substratum (Figure 21). W i t h a n exponential influence of shear stress t o adsorption (E s cher, 1986), cellular accumulation decreased with higher shear o n the surface. 58 Substrata and RnlTc Water Nutrient Concentration Cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is presented for three reflective substrata (Figure 22). Cell concentration w a s assumed constant a t 2*106 cell ml'1 in the bulk water and nutrient w as assumed t o b e no t limiting. T h e adsorbed bacteria grow at their maximum rate found o n each surface. T h e Silicon surface showed a total area coverage (TAC) of less than 1% after 700 minutes, Copper ha d a TAC value of 3.4 % and 316 stainless steel showed the highest TAC value of 16 % after 700 minutes. A similar simulation of cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on 316 stainless steel, copper and silicon was performed for a low nutrient environment (Figure 23). The total coverage on the silicon surface than w a s still approximately I % . The TAC o n copper also d id n o t change because there w a s no growth o n the copper surface. The TAC o n th e stainless steel surface as a result of the slower growth process decreased t o 5 %. Mixed Population Cell accumulation of a mixed population of Pseudomonas aeruginosa a n d Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-) is presented in Figure 24. Growth rate for both species w e r e identical and there w e r e no toxic or other chemical interactions between th e two species assumed. T h e simulation was proceeded until TAC w as 100 %. T he fraction of total area covered b y Pseudomonas aeruginosa was 94 %, th e fraction of area covered b y Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+) was 5 % a nd the fraction of area covered by Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-) w as about I %. 59 E E l[ Z) LL O £ 55 z HI Q 111 % DC 3 (ZD LU O TIME IN MINUTES Figure 20. Simulation of cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on 316 stainless steel at various bulk water cell concentrations. Shear stress 0.75 N m"2. 600000 0.5 N/SQM ^ 500000- S 400000- Z 300000- 1.0 N/SQM 1.5 N/SQM 200000 - to 100000- 300 400 TIME IN MINUTES Figure 21. Simulation of cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on 316 stainless steel at various shear stress. Bulk water cell concentration 6*106 cells ml"1. 60 160000 140000- O 120000 100000- 316 STAINLESS STEEL COPPER 8000060000- SILICON 4000020000 - 300 400 TIME IN MINUTES Figure 22. Simulation of cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on 316 stainless steel, copper,and silicon at rich nutrient conditions in the bulk w ater (S >10 p p m C ) . Bulk water cell concentration 2*10* cells ml'1 and shear stress 0.75 N m"2. 50000 45000- P 316 STAINLESS STEEL 4000035000- COPPER 30000z 25000- SILICON 200001500010000 5000300 400 TIME IN MINUTES Figure 23. Simulation of cell accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on 316 stainless steel, copper, and silicon at low nutrient conditions in the bulk water (S =0.6 p p m C ) . Bulk water cell concentration 2*10* cells ml'1 and shear stress 0.75 N m"2. 61 900000 800000=) 700000Pseudomonas aeruginosa z 600000500000- Q 400000- < 300000- 3 200000 - Pseudomonas fluorescens mot+ Pseudomonas fluorescens mot - 100000- TIME IN MINUTES Figure 24. Pseudomonas fluorescens 4*106 cells Simulation of cell accumulation of a mixed population of aeruginosa. Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+), and P s e u d o m o n a s (mot-) on 316 stainless steel. Cell concentration ml'1 and shear stress 0.75 N m'2. I \ fl .62 DISCUSSION Comparison of Pseudcanonas aeruginosa on Various Substrata In all experiments, adsorption rate and desorption rate were found t o b e independent of the accumulated cell surface density a nd were treated as first order w i t h respect to bulk water cell concentration. The rate of erosion and replication was found to be independent of t h e bulk water cell concentration and first order with respect to the accumulated cell surface density. This finding is consistent with the results obtained b y Escher (1986). Reversible and irreversible adsorption velocity of Rwndnmnnac; aeruginosa w e r e dependent on the substratum (Figure 25). Th e lowest rates of reversible and irreversible adsorption were found o n th e very smooth monocrystalline silicon surface. The irreversible adsorption velocity was calculated a t 0.07 m m hr'1. Only 14 % of all reversibly adsorbed cells became irreversibly adsorbed. The silicon surface also h a d the lowest RMS surface roughness value of 25 roughness value of 77 A A. 316 stainless steel h a d a n RMS surface and an irreversible adsorption velocity of 1.33 m m hr'1 whi c h w a s 20 times higher than o n silicon. 70 % of all reversibly adsorbed cells became irreversibly adsorbed over time o n t he stainless steel surface. average R M S Copper was the roughness value of roughest 150 A surface and an investigated with irreversible an adsorption velocity of 1.58 m m hr"1 which was 23 times higher than o n silicon. 79 % of all reversibly adsorbed cells became irreversibly adsorbed over f i ™ = on copper. Hence, surface roughness strongly influenced bacterial 63 accumulation on a substratum without regard to the material. Vanhaecke et al. reported an stronger influence of surface roughness for less hydrophobic cells but, overall a positive curvelinear correlation between surface roughness of stainless Pseudomonas aeruginosa. surface roughness are steel and the rate of Surface hydrophobicity of the directly related. Therefore, adsorption of substratum and a high surface hydrophobicity could exaggerate the effect of high surface roughness on cell accumulation at solid-water interfaces. A low surface hydrophobicity on the other hand could depress the effect of high surface roughness on bacterial adsorption. REVERSIBLE ADSORPTION IRREVERSIBLE ADSORPTION COPPER 316 STAINLESS GLASS SILICON Figure 25. Comparison of reversible and irreversible adsorption velocity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on various substrata. Shear stress 0.75. 64 There w a s n o cell replication of Pseudomonas aeruginosa o n copper (Figure 4), wh i c h indicates that the adsorbed cells w e r e metabolically inactive, dead o r severely inhibited. With sufficient exposure time, a cell monolayer accumulated on the copper substratum an d replication of cells in the upper bacteria layers were observed. The greater the distance of the cells from the copper surface and, consequently, a lower concentration of copper ions in the cell microenvironment (concentration gradient) m a y have reduced the inhibitory effect. T he reduced toxicity of copper ions could also be a result extracellular polymer in the biofihn. of copper ccmplexation In any case, by the biofilms provide a protection for the cells from the toxic effects of copper. T h e rate of replication was found t o be lower for cells adsorbed to t h e monocrystalline silicon or stainless steel surface than for cells adsorbed t o glass. The generation time was 2.1 hours t h e stainless steel surface and 2.5 hours Escher (1986) (Kg = 0.33 hr'1) on (Kg = 0.28 hr"1) o n silicon. found a generation time for Pseudomonas aeruginosa o n a smooth glass substratum of 1.36 hours (Kg = 0.551 hr"1) a nd a shear stress dependent separation rate of 0.067 hr'1. The investigated surfaces but copper were found to b e growth rates higher than the on all growth (n = 0.2 hr'1) but lower than the m aximum growth rate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (//max = 0.45 hr'1). The reason for the higher rate in t h e chemostat growth rate o n the silicon and 316 stainless steel substrata than in the chemostat could be that the substrate concentration in t he flow cell bulk wat e r (40 chemostat gm"3) was higher than the substrate concentration in the (5 gm"3) . T h e growth rates for adsorbed cells were below the m a x i m u m growth rate for planktonic cells and the lower temperature a t the 65 solid-water interface (20-24°C) m a y have been a contributing cause. Also, t h e energy expended in initial adsorption of a cell t o t he metal should n o t b e neglected. The energy of adsorption could explain t he slower growth o n t h e smoother silicon surface where the cell adsorption strength w as lower t h a n o n rougher surfaces. Q n 316 stainless steel, growth m a y b e inhibited b y nickel and chromium ions which diffuse through the metal oxide layer. 316 stainless steel contains nickel and chromium in a large amount (approximately 20 and 3 %, respectively). However, diffusion of these toxic metal ions m u s t occur at a lower rate o n stainless steel than o n copper. The thickness of the metal oxide layer wa s n o t determined, b ut the oxide layer on 316 stainless steel was found to be much more homogeneous than the metal oxide layer on copper b y surface roughness measurements of the oxidized surfaces (RMS surface roughness of 120 1680 A, oxide A and respectively). Hence, the composition and thickness of the mAtai layer provide the diffusion, barrier limiting, cell growth on metallic substrata. For m o s t of the investigated materials the adsorption velocity h a d a slightly higher value during the first hour of exposure. There m a y b e preferred sites on the surface where cells adsorbed faster. After most of these sites are occupied, adsorption becomes more energy intensive for t he cells, hence the rate of adsorption w as lower. W h y specific sites w e r e preferred t o others cannot be answered from these experiments. Dislocations smaller than 0.1 ^m on the polished surfaces d id not influence the rate of adsorption as determined b y visual observation. T he general surface roughness, adsorption and desorption. however, exerted a large influence on it 66 Surface colonization on the test substrata can b e simulated w i t h the rate coefficients (Table 4). Adsorption and desorption control the rate of accumulation in the very early stages of surface colonization (linear cell accumulation over time), but become less important over time. Subsequently, growth and erosion became the rate determining processes (exponential cell accumulation over ti m e ) . Growth a nd erosion are both first order rates w i t h respect to cell surface density, whereas adsorption a n d desorption are zero order with respect to cell surface density and first order with respect to bulk liquid cell concentration. With a constant cell concentration in the bulk water the Cell surface density increases linear for the first 200 minutes. For longer time periods cumulative growth and erosion of cells lead to exponential increase and dominate t h e accumulation of cells at the surface. T he simulation of early surface colonization for various nutrient conditions can be simulated with the Monod equation (Equation 9). Esther's model contributes the effect of shear stress. The simulation model w a s tested for accuracy o n 316 stainless steel and resulted in a 14 % faster total surface colonization than observed experimentally. T he differences m a y b e explained b y the heterogeneous cellular colonization observed as compared t o the homogeneous colonization as assumed i n t he model. Escher (1986) hypothesized that field" around themselves, Pseudomonas aeruginosa produce a "protected blocking further adsorption in the vicinity. This wo u l d slow the process of adsorption at high cell surface densities a n d a less homogeneous colonization pattern results. 67 Comparison of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens fmot+l Cellular accumulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa a nd Pseudom onas fluorescens w a s compared on two different substrata: 316 stainless steel and glass. T h e results Escher (1986) for Pseudomonas aeruginosa o n glass were from (Figure 26). Sticking efficiency, particle capture factor, a n d adsorption rate we r e dependent on the substrata in a similar manner for both species. O n both substrata, adsorption was approximately 5 -H m g g slower for Pseudomonas fluorescens than for aeruginosa. Pseudom onag Consequently the sticking efficiencies for Pseudomonas fluorescens showed a n 84 % lower value on the stainless steel surface and a n 79 % lower value o n t h e glass surface than the values obtained for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The probability fluorescens on of desorption stainless steel was but slightly lower on higher glass. for Pseudomonas Hence cellular accumulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens was a much slower process than for Pseudomonas aerruoinosa. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is highly hydrophobic, whereas Psendnm onag fluorescens h a d a n intermediate cell surface hydrophobicity (Table 3 and Figure 27). Therefore the cells with the higher cell surface hydrophobicity resulted in a higher adsorption velocity o n the tested substrata. To draw a general conclusion, however, more strains with different cell surface hydrophobicity values should b e tested. Varihaedce et al. (1989) measured cell surface hydrophobicity and rate of adsorption of 15 Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains t o stainless steel in a stagnant system and found higher number of adsorbing cells within 30 minutes 68 cc I 5 S z 316 STAINLESS STEEL O S LU > Z GLASS o £ CC O POLYCARBONATE CO Q < r Ps aeruginosa r Ps fluorescens+ Ps fluorescens- Figure 26. Conparison of reversible and irreversible adsorption velocities t o 316 stainless steel,glass and polycarbonate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+), and Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-). Shear stress 0.75 N m'2. Ps fluor. (mot+) Ps floor, (mot-) Ps aeruginosa Figure 27. Cell surface hydrophobicity of the tested organisms: Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+), and Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot-). Ffeasured as hydrocarbon partitioning factor. 69 contact time for increasing hexadecane partitioning values of the cells. Combining t h e results from this work with Vanhaecke1s findings, increasing cell surface hydrophobicity increases adsorption velocity, for equal transport conditions. T h e cellular colonization behavior of Pseudomonas fluorescens w as different from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. There were m o r e clusters observed for t h e colonization of the former, possibly as a result of the lower sticking efficiency (surface hydrophobicity). W i t h one cell already adsorbed t o t h e substratum, less energy was required for other cells to cluster together, than to form n e w cell-surface bonds. Simultaneously, this m i g h t also b e a reason for a higher probability of desorption. The cell metal b o n d might have been strong enough t o resist the shear for one cell, whereas f or two or more, it could b e too w e a k and result in desorption of t h e v4iole cluster. Cell accumulation was simulated for a mi x e d population of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens as m o t + and mot- strain (Figure 24). fluorescens Due to strains lower adsorption accumulate much velocities, more slowly t he Pspudrmnnag than Pspndnmnnag aeruginosa a t the stainless steel surface. This is true even for longer exposure times. In the simulation, the surface w as totally covered b y cells after 950 minutes. The area coverage b y both Pseudom onas fluorescens strains w a s about 6 % whereas the faster adsorbing cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa covered 94 % of the total surface area. This w i l l also b e true for t h e other surfaces investigated because of similar differences adsorption velocity. cells will Hence, in mixed populations, in t he faster adsorbing dominate during early surface colonizations, even if both 70 species g r o w a t a similar rate. The difference in adsorption of different bacterial species has been used b y others to control mixed microbial cultures via specific cell adsorption (Roos and Hjortso, 1989 a) a nd Roos a n d Hjortso, 1989 b ) . A mixture of two Escherichia coli separated and monitored. adsorption between strains were The proposed method uses differences competing populations and maintains in r ^ n a desired population ratio between even closely related populations. Comparison of Mot+ and Mot- Pseudomonas fluorescens Cellular colonization of motile and non-motile cells w as compared b y us i n g Pseudomonas different surfaces fluorescens as a mot+ and mot- strain o n three (316 stainless steel, glass, and polycarbonate). The m o t - mut a n t d i d not posses a flagellum as the parent m o t + strain did. Th e behavior of mot- cells was very similar to the behavior of mot+ cells of t h e same strain. The mot- cells also h ad a high tendency t o accumulated in clusters w h e n adsorbing to a substratum. The probability of desorption was almost identical for the two strains on all the investigated substrata. The observed adsorption velocity of motile cells was twice as h i g h as for non-motile cells (Figure 26). Korber et. al. (1989) reported a four fold increase in recolonization rate of motile cells of PseudnmnnAR fluorescens than for the mot- mutants. However, there is a large difference between the transport properties of motile cells a nd non-motile cells. T h e difference in diffusivity is almost four orders of magnitude, this results in a high value for sticking efficiency of n o n motile cells 71 and indicates a transport limitation rather than a limitation in adsorption. N o n motile cells did stick t o the substratum at a relatively higher rate than motile cells and desorbed at a lower rate from polycarbonate a n d glass, but at a higher rate from stainless steel. This findings exclude the possibilities that the cell flagellum is of major importance for adsorption on the substratum as described by others (Marshall 1982). However, the cellular adsorption velocity and, therefore, t h e rate of cell accumulation on a substratum is largely dependent on the cell transport rate from the bulk water to the solid-water interface. Hence, flagellated cells adsorb and accumulate on a substratum at a higher rate th a n unflagellated cells. As indicated previously, a significant difference in adsorption velocity wo u l d b e expected for motile and non motile cells of the same strain. The cell surface hydrophobicity of the mot- mutant was statistically significantly higher than for the mot+ parent and slightly lower t h a n for Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Table 3 and Figure 35). Hence, one w o u l d assume similar values for sticking efficiencies aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens for Pseudomonas (mot-) to b e in a similar range between Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens (mot+). Using Bowen's model, motile cells are predicted t o adsorb about IO3 times faster t h a n m o t - cells, as reflected from the difference in diffusivities. A s t he observed difference in adsorption velocity was small, th e calculated sticking efficiency for non motile cells was 2 orders of magnitude higher t h a n for t he motile cells. The reason could either b e that mot- cells of Pseudomonas fluorescens. are much stickier despite cell surface hydrophobicity values, or there is an inconsistency in Bowen's model. The 72 mod e l was originally designed for small particles in suspension in Brownian moti o n and are characterized b y a low diffusivity value. Thus, Bowen limited the characterized b y model to high Peclet h i g h diffusivity values numbers. M o tile and relatively cells small are Peclet numbers. Therefore, the model does not apply for motile cells and m a y not h a v e a h i g h accuracy for non motile cells. Influence of Starvation on Colonization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on 316 Stainless Steel Adsorption velocity decreased continuously for t h e first 500 hours of starvation. For longer durations, the adsorption velocity was about 50 measured % of the value concentration in the for healthy cells when bulk water was used as a basis t he viable cell for calculation (Table 7). The adsorption velocity decreased in the same manner t o 30 % of t h e value found for healthy cells w h e n the total cell concentration wa s u s e d for calculation. The probability of desorption decreased t o a value of 27 % of the value for healthy cells. Starved cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were estimated t o swim a t about 2 - 4 times the speed of healthy cells. The random free runs appear t o b e shorter b y about half. Hence, the calculated diffusivity for starved cells (value of D) h a d a slightly higher value than that for healthy cells b u t h a s a large standard deviation. T he mean diffusivity a t 816 hours of starvation w a s D c = (1.3+0.8) *10"3 m m 2s'1 and is not significantly different than the diffusivity value for healthy cells (Dc = IO'3 m m 2s"1) . The increase in swimming speed could be explained b y the size reduction the 73 cells undergo during the first 24 hours of starvation. T h e shorter free runs m a y be a response to the low nutrient conditions. Table 7 Summary of the Kinetic Results from the Starvation Experiment (shear stress 0.75 N m"2) . t st [hr] K a v [mm hr"1] b [-] $ [-] e ["] 0 I .5 6 ± 0 .34 28.1+1.1 0.019+0.005 0.022+0.006 72 1.21+0.29 17.0+2.7 0.010+0.002 0.013±0.003 216 0.90±0.17 10.5+3.3 0.007±0.001 0.010+0.002 348 0.95+0.16 6.7+3.6 0.008+0.002 0.010+0.003 504 0.54±0.16 0 0.004+0.002 0.006+0.003 0.47+0.15 7.7+5.4 0.004±0.001 0.005+0.002 (648-1224)* t h e v alues for 648, 816, 936 and 1226 hours of duration of starvation w e r e averaged Particle capture factor and sticking efficiency c a n b e calculated w h e n t h e transport properties and the adsorption velocity for the species are known. T h e particle capture factor (e), sticking efficiency ($), the adsorption velocity (Kav) ,. and the probability of presented in Table 6. Sticking efficiency desorption (b) are and particle capture factor decreased 80 % after 500 hours of starvation, sticking efficiency an d particle capture factor decreased almost proportionally t o t he adsorption velocity, since diffusivity (i. e. transport rates) d id not change significantly. When adsorbed t o the substratum, the probability of desorption decreased significantly for starved cells. This can b e explained b y a n increasing substrate flux for adsorbed cells. Therefore it wo u l d be 74 energetically inefficient for the adsorbed cells t o leave the substratum after t hey adsorbed (energetically unfavorable reaction). 75 CONCLUSIONS A technique w a s developed t o measure initial cell colonization o n reflective metal surfaces based o n previous work b y Escher transparent substrata: surfaces, surfaces. copper, and Experiments silicon, polycarbonate and were 316 and conducted stainless glass as on (1986) various steel for solid as reflective transparent materials. Experiments w e r e conducted w i th Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a nd Pseudomonas fluorescens as m o t + and a mot- strain. The results were consistent w i t h t h e results of Esdher (1986). The following conclusions have been derived from this work: 1. Image analysis can b e used t o measure early surface colonization b y bacteria cells o n reflective surfaces. 2. Bacterial growth on surfaces depends on the nutrient supplied b y th e b u l k water as well as properties of the substratum. Growth w as initially inhibited on copper surfaces but w a s observed to occur once a n intervening layer of cells h ad formed. 3. Surface roughness, influence sorption in the related micro range processes. (27-150 A), Adsorption appears velocity to w as positively correlated to surface roughness. 4. Sorption related processes depend on the bacteria species a nd the cell surface hydrophobicity. Pseudomonas fluorescens (intermediate 76 hydrophobic) adsorbed at a rate 5 times slower than Pseudomonas aeruginosa m o t + (highly hydrophobic). 5. Flagellated cells of Pseudomonas fluorescens adsorb a nd accumulate o n t h e substratum at a higher rate than unflagellated cells. 6. Nutrient conditions in the bulk water not only influence t he growth of adsorbed cells but also influence cellular transport t o t he solid-water interface and the rate of adsorption a nd desorption on the substratum. Starved cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibited increased cell motility b y size reduction but di d n ot adsorb a t an increased rate on 316 stainless steel over healthy cells. T he rate of desorption for starved cells was significantly lower than for healthy cells. 77 NCMENCIATURE/ SYMBOLS 78 Nomenclature Adsorption: substratum. Adsorption Brownian diffusivity: is defined as the linking of a C FU w i t h the Diffusivity due t o Brownian motion. C F U : Colony forming unit. It compromises one to several cells and forms a single colony. Desorption: Desorption is defined as the breaking of t he linkage of a C FU and its complete removal from the substratum. Erosion: t h e CFU. Cells within a CFU can detach and reduce th e number of cells of Growth: Cell separation due to metabolic activity of t he cells. A CF U w as called separated w h e n the spatial distance between t he t w o separating C F U exceeded 0.1 ^m. Non-Brownian diffusivity: Offset time: Diffusivity due t o cell motility. Time difference between initial adsorption and desorption. 79 Symbols cross-sectional area [L2] m a i n angle of turn for cellular motility probability of desorption [-] diffusivity [L2t"1] free length of random run [L] surface particle capture factor [-] gravimetric cell factor, carbon content p er biomass [MM"1] fraction of irreversibly adsorbed cells [-] cell factor [NtL'2] gamma function [r(4/3) = 0.89338 half-thickness of channel [L] rate coefficient [t'1] flux of cells adsorbing to the interface [cell/L'^t] Boltzman constant, 1.38062*10"23 JK"1 dimensionless distance [-] adsorption velocity [Lt'1] coefficient of growth on substratum [t'1] coefficient of erosion on substratum [t"'] cellular growth saturation constant [ML'3] length of substratum [L] growth rate [t"1] fluid viscosity [NtL'2] Peclet number [-] sticking efficiency [-] flowrate [L3t'1] radius [L] Reynolds number [-] density [ML"3] hydraulic radius [L] substrate concentration [ML'3] time [t] Temperature [K] shear stress [NL'2] volume [L3] velocity [Lt"1] cellular motility [Lt'1] cell surface density [cell#L"2] suspended cell concentration [cell#L'3] suspended biomass concentration [ML"3] width-coordinate [L] length coordinate in axial direction [L] yield [MM'1] height coordinate normal to the flow [L] wetted perimeter [L] Subscripts A O eff d I i m t v : : : : : : : bu l k water cell effluent death lysis influent m e a n value total viable 81 LITERATURE CITED 82 LITERATURE CITED Abbott, A . , P. 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DURATION OF STARVATION: 72 HOURS 5.0*E6 CELLS/ML CELL SURFACE DENSITY (CFU/SQMM) 16000 ACCUMULATION 14000- DESORPTION 12000 - — we- ■ ADSORPTION 1000080006000 4000- 2000 - 0 10 20 FIGURE 31. 30 40 50 60 70 TIME IN MINUTES 80 90 100 DURATION OF STARVATION: 120 HOURS 5.0*E6 CELLS/ML CELL SURFACE DENSITY (CFU/SQMM) 16000 ACCUMULATION 14000- DESORPTION 12000 - ADSORPTION 10000 800060004000- 2000 - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 TIME IN MINUTES S 80 90 100 90 FIGURE 32. DURATION OF STARVATION: 168 HOURS 1.5*E6 CELLS/ML CELL SURFACE DENSITY (CFU/SQMM) 16000 ACCUMULATION 14000- DESORPTION 12000- ADSORPTION 10000 800060004000- 2000 10 20 FIGURE 33. 30 40 50 60 70 TIME IN MINUTES 80 90 100 DURATION OF STARVATION: 216 HOURS 3.0*E6 CELLS/ML CELL SURFACE DENSITY (CFU/SQMM) 16000 ACCUMULATION 14000- DESORPTION 12000- - x - ADSORPTION 10000 800060004000- 2000 - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 TIME IN MINUTES 80 90 100 91 FIGURE 34. DURATION OF STARVATION: 348 HOURS 1.75*E6 CELLS/ML CELL SURFACE DENSITY (CFU/SQMM) 16000 14000- ACCUMULATIOh 12000- DESORPTION 10000- ADSORPTION 800060004000- 2000 - 10 20 FIGURE 35. 30 40 50 60 70 TIME IN MINUTES 80 90 100 DURATION OF STARVATION: 504 HOURS 2.0*E6 CELLS/ML CELL SURFACE DENSITY (CFU/SQMM) 16000 ACCUMULATION 14000- DESORPTION 12000 - — Me— ADSORPTION 10000 800060004000- 2000 - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 TIME IN MINUTES 80 90 100 92 FIGURE 36. DURATION OF STARVATION: 648 HOURS 1.7*E6 CELLS/ML CELL SURFACE DENSITY (CFU/SQMM) 16000 ACCUMULATION 14000- DESORPTION 12000 - — )K — ADSORPTION 10000800060004000- 2000 - 0 10 20 FIGURE 37. 30 40 50 60 70 TIME IN MINUTES 80 90 100 DURATION OF STARVATION: 816 HOURS 1.7*E6 CELLS/ML CELL SURFACE DENSITY (CFU/SQMM) 16000 ACCUMULATION 14000- DESORPTION 12000- —>K - ADSORPTION 10000 800060004000- 2000 - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 TIME IN MINUTES j 80 90 100 93 CELL SURFACE DENSITY (CFU/SQMM) FIGURE 38. DURATION OF STARVATION: 936 HOURS 1.8*E6 CELLS/ML 16000 14000- ACCUMULATIOI' 12000 - DESORPTION 10000 - ADSORPTION 800060004000- 2000 - 10 20 FIGURE 39. 30 40 50 60 70 TIME IN MINUTES 80 90 100 DURATION OF STARVATION: 1224 HOURS 1.7*E6 CELLS/ML CELL SURFACE DENSITY (CFU/SQMM) 16000 ACCUMULATION 14000- DESORPTION 12000ADSORPTION 10000 800060004000- 2000 - TIME IN MINUTES S MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 111I II 11111IIIIII 3 713 2 IO C 1 6 9 4 OO 7