The determination of wetland hydrologic characteristics using a bromide tracer by Robert Boyd Morton A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Land Rehabilitation Montana State University © Copyright by Robert Boyd Morton (1988) Abstract: Sodium bromide was used in a natural gradient tracer test to determine acid mine drainage (AMD) flow velocity through a sedge peat fen in west-central Montana. A grid of auger holes and small diameter wells was installed at varying depths. Water samples taken from this grid network were analyzed in the field using a bromide specific ion electrode. Field hydraulic conductivity (K) was determined on auger holes and wells in the area of expected metal loading and tracer movement. The K ranged from 1.0 x 10-2 to 1.5 x 10-5 cm/s with a mean of 8.3 x 10-4 cm/s. Mean velocity determined from the K values was 7.1 x 10-5 cm/s. Water flow velocity considered the most representative of the AMD waters was then determined by the tracer experiment and ranged from 3.1 x 10-1 to 6.2 x 10-4 cm/s with a mean of 2.6 x 10-2 cm/s (73.7 ft/day). The wide range of velocities indicate a very heterogeneous wetland flow system. The large difference (three order of magnitude) between K determined velocity and tracer determined velocity indicates the measurement of two different flow systems. The tracer velocity represents preferential flow paths within the shallow (acrotelm) system and the K determined velocity represents that flow found at greater depth (catotelm). The distance the AMD water travels, before problem amelioration, was not determined from the tracer methods employed, but using a distance estimate of 200 m and the average tracer velocity, the average residence time of AMD water in contact with the wetland soils is approximately 9 days. THE DETERMINATION OF WETLAND HYDROLOGIC CHARACTERISTICS USING A BROMIDE TRACER by Robert Boyd Morton A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Land Rehabilitation MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana ~ May 1988 // T ? ? /Cf ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Robert Boyd Morton This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. lllJL Date/ Chairperson, Committee Approved for the Major Department Head, Major Department Date Approved for the College of Graduate Studies /<?, Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master’s degree at Montana State Univer­ sity, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation from or reproduction of this thesis may be granted by my major professor, or in his/her absence, by the Dean.of Libraries when, in the opinion of either, the proposed use of the material is for scholarly purposes. Any copying or use of the material in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature Date iv DEDICATION This work is dedicated to those interested in natural environments and those who strive to wisely use, without abusej our natural resources. V VITA Robert Boyd Morton was born April 25, 1959 in Stuttgart, Germany, the son of Robert C . Morton and Susan B . (Dickinson) Morton. He grew up in Wisconsin where he became an Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America and joined the U.S. Coast Guard Reserves to become a Boatswains Mate Petty Officer. He moved to Montana in 1977 and graduated from Montana State University in 1982 with a Bachelor of Science in Earth Science, Geology option. He married Marcia J . (Davenport) Morton in 1983 and worked in the building construction trade in Montana. In the winter of 1986 he began graduate studies in Land Rehabilitation at Montana State. University. To ,broaden his graduate program background in hydrology he attended the University of Montana during the 1986 1987 academic year. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS There are many persons who helped in all aspects of this thesis. Some of the most deserving recognition include John Goering, Dan Rundel I, Dr. Doug Dollhopf, Bob Rennick, Dr. Steve Custer, Dr. Dal Burkhalter, Charles Hardy, Mike Cormier, Martha Gitt, Dr. Frank Munshower, Dennis Neuman, Dr. Bill Woessner and Jeralynn Goheen. A special thanks to Michael Hiel and the Montana Department of State Lands, Abandoned Mine Reclamation Bureau for support through funding of this project. Thanks also to the many other persons who assisted but are unmentioned. vi i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES .................. ........... ....... ix LIST OF FIGURES ......... x LIST OF CONVERSIONS .............. ...... ........... xii LIST OF ACRONYMS ......... ........... ......... . xiii ABSTRACT .............. xiv INTRODUCTION .............................. I LITERATURE REVIEW .................. 3 Hydraulic Principles of Tracer Use............. Tracer Flow Retardation and Tracer Dilution .... Tracer Methods .... Tracer Problems ................... ........... Bromide as a Tracer .................. Wetland Classification and Origin .... Wetland Hydrology ....................... MATERIALS AND RESEARCH METHODS .................. . Site Location .......................... Site Characteristics .................. Site Instrumentation ................ Aquifer Characteristics ............. Hydraulic Conductivity ........ Tracer Experiment ................. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .... Wetland Aquifer Characteristics '....... ..... . .. Hydraulic Conductivity ......... Tracer and Experiment ........... 3 5 9 11 14 21 22 ' 29 29 29 33 37 37 39 42 42 53 58 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued Page CONCLUSIONS ...................... 76 LITERATURE CITED .......... 79 APPENDICES ........ 88 A. WATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS FOR THE SWAMP GULCH WETLAND .............. 89 SWAMP GULCH FLOW AT THE TAILINGS DAM FLUME ...... 91 PRECIPITATION FOR THE SWAMP GULCH WETLAND ...................... 93 D. HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY FIELD DATA ........ 95 E. REGRESSION EQUATIONS GENERATED FROM CALIBRATION. CURVE DATA ................ B. C. F. FIELD DATA GENERATED FROM THE BROMIDE TRACER EXPERIMENT .............. . . 104 106 ix LIST OF TABLES .Table 1. 2. 3. Page Range of important physical characteristicsof fibric, hemic, and sapric peat materials from northern Minnesota bogs (From Boelter 1969) ................................. Wetland stratigraphy and well completion data ...................................... 26 ... 45 Field hydraulic conductivity (K) effective porosity (ne)> average hydraulic gradient (dh/dl) and calculated average velocity (V) for each site ................................. 55 Average hydraulic conductivity (K), from field results and calculated average velocity (V) .... 56 Bromide background concentrations in the tracer study area of the Swamp Gulch wetland ... 60 Tracer velocities determined for each site, time and distance from tracer input and peak concentrations of bromide .................... 70 7. Tracer velocity comparison ................. 71 8. Water elevation measurements for the Swamp Gulch Wetland ....................... 90 Swamp Gulch total daily flow (m3) at the tailings dam flume ....... 92 10. Precipitation for the SwampGulchWetland ...... 94 11. Hydraulic conductivity field data ....... . 12. Calibration curve regressionsummary .......... 105 13. Field data generated from the bromide tracer experiment ............... 107 4. 5. 6. 9. , 96 X LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. 2. 3. 4. Page Breakthrough curves of four different tracer types: (a) is conservative, (b) some effect of sorption, (c) large effect of sorption, and (d) precipitated or destroyed (From Davis et al. 1985) ............... ........................ . 5 One dimensional example of movement by molecular diffusion (from Davis et al. 1985) ... 7 One dimensional example of hydrodynamic dispersion for tracer particles A - G (from Davis et al . 1985) ...................... . 8 Ranges of published field data on K (hydraulic conductivity) of peat: I. Baden and Eggelsman (1961, 1963, 1964); 2. Eggelsman and Make Ia (1964); 3. Boelter (1965.); 4. Ingram (1967); 5. Galvin and Hanranahan (1968); 6. Romanov (1968); 7. Sturges (1968); 8. Dowling (1969); 9. Irwin (1970); 10. Yamamoto (1970) ; 11. Knight et al. (1974); 14. Paivanen (1.973) ; 15. . Galvin (1976); 16. Dasberg and Neuman (1977); 17. Chason and Siegel (1986). Adapted from Chason and Siegel (1986) ........... ........... 23 Area map of Swamp Gulch Wetland Study, Lewis and Clark County, Montana (From MT Dept. of Highways 1975 ) ....... .......... . , .... ...... 30 6. Swamp Gulch Wetland study area ............... . 34 7. Detailed map of Figure 6 showing auger hole grid ........ ................................. 35 Example of study site instrumentation and lithology ........................... ,...... . 36 5. 8. ■ xi • LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Figure 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Acrotelm isopach map with 0.2 m (.7 ft) contours ................... ...... .......... .. Deep piezometric map on 7/27/87 with 0.5 m contours ......................... . ............ 44 .49 Shallow piezometric map on 7/27/87 with 0.5 m contours ............................ 50 Potentiometric surface map on 8/14/87 with 0.025 m contours ......................... 51 Topographic map with 0.5 m contours ............ 15. Typical calibration curve generated for the tracer study .................................... 52 63 Tracer study breakthrough curve for site AH-I4, 6.1 m from tracer input indicating little effect of sorption ................... 17. Example of infrequent sampling effect on breakthrough curve for site AH-9, 6.1 m from tracer input ........................ 18. Breakthrough curve representing two tracer plumes at site AH-I9, 9.1 m from tracer input ............................ 19. Steep breakthrough curve indicating adequate tracer mixing at site AH-3, 3 m from tracer input ........................................... 20. 43 Catotelm isopach map with 0.5 m (1.6 ft) contours ...................................... 14. 16. Page Bromide concentration isopach map, 0.95 to 1.5 hours from tracer start (20 mg/1 contours) . 64 68 73 xii LIST OF CONVERSIONS acres x 4.047 x 10-i = hectares centimeters x 3.281 x 10-2 = feet centimeters x 3.937 x 10-i = inches centimeters/sec x 1.969 = feet/minute centimeters/sec x 8.64 x 10-2 = meters/day centimeters/sec x 2.835 x 10-3 = feet/day hectares x 1.016 x 10-I = acres kilometers x 6.214 x 10-1 = miles liters x 2.642 x 10-i = gallons meters x 3.281 = feet mil Iigrams/1iter ~ parts per million xiii LIST OF ACRONYMS AH AMD BrClcm/s D dh dh/dl dl EPA ft g/cc gal gpm > hrs in K km < I m/m MDI mg/1 mi ne N03ppb ppm S V = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = auger holes acid mine drainage bromide chloride centimeters per second deep well change in head hydraulic gradient change in length Environmental Protection Agency feet grams per cubic centimeter gallons gallons per minute greater than hours inches hydraulic conductivity kilometers less than . liters meters per meter MSI Detoxification Incorporated milligrams per liter miles average effective porosity nitrate parts per billion parts per million shallow well velocity xiv ABSTRACT Sodium bromide was used in a natural gradient tracer test to determine acid mine drainage (AMD) flow velocity through a sedge peat fen in west-central Montana. A grid of auger holes and small diameter wells was installed at varying depths. Water samples taken from this grid network were analyzed in the field using a bromide specific ion electrode. Field hydraulic conductivity (K) was determined on auger holes and wells in the area of expected metal loading and tracer movement. The K ranged from 1.0 x 10-2 to 1.5 x 10-5 cm/s with a mean of 8.3 x 10-4 cm/s. Mean velocity determined from the K values was 7.1 x 10-5 cm/s. Water flow velocity considered the most representative of the AMD waters was then determined by the tracer experiment and ranged from 3.1 x 10-I to 6.2 x 10-4 cm/s with a mean of 2.6 x 10-2 cm/s (73.7 ft/day). The wide range of velocities indicate a very heterogeneous wetland flow system. The large difference (three order of magnitude) between K determined velocity and tracer determined velocity indicates the measurement of two different flow systems. The tracer velocity represents preferential flow paths within the shallow (acrotelm) system and the K determined velocity represents that flow found at greater depth (catotelm). The distance the AMD water travels, before problem amelioration, was not determined from the tracer methods employed, but using a distance estimate of 200 m and the average tracer velocity, the average residence time of AMD water in contact with the wetland soils is approximately 9 days. I INTRODUCTION Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a common problem which occurs when mining exposes sulfide ore to an oxidizing environment (Caruccio and Geidel 1978). Many water treatment and abatement techniques exist today to reduce the harmful effects of AMD (Subramonian and Sorg 1986). While traditional technology is effective in controlling AMD this technology is also expensive and labor intensive. Wetlands provide an economic alternative to conventional municipal wastewater treatment plants (Stanley 1987) and recent investigations (Kleinmann 1985, and Wieder and Lang 1984) show that wetlands can effectively reduce sulfate and heavy metal ion concentrations from AMD. The mechanisms by which wetlands reduce pollutants are not well understood but generally are agreed to include physical, chemical, and biological means. These mechanisms may include sedimentation, filtration, adsorption, precipitation, ion exchange, chelation, sulfate reduction, decomposition, microbial oxidation, plant metabolism and adsorption (Girts and Kleinmann 1986, and Brodie et al. 1986). Wetlands are those areas of land where water is so abundant that it is the major factor which dictates the 2 nature of plant growth on the site. Natural wetlands commonly include bogs, marshes, swamps, fens, and wet meadows. The mining related industry is currently exploring optimum wetland design characteristics for amelioration of AMD problems. An understanding of wetland hydrologic characteristics is important in determining optimum water treatment design. More specifically, quantitative estimates of water flow rates and hydrologic residence times within wetlands are needed (Wieder et al. 1984). Tracer studies are one method of determining these hydrologic characteris­ tics which has been recommended (Reed et al. 1980). The purpose of this study is to determine if residence time of mine contaminated water in a natural wetland can be determined using a bromide tracer. This study involves the hydrologic aspects of a larger investigation (Reclamation Research Unit and MDI 1988) to determine the effects of AMD on a natural wetland near Lincoln, Montana. The wetland is being studied to facilitate the design of man-made wetlands to reduce acid mine drainage problems. The specific objectives of this study are as follows: 1) Investigate the ability of bromide as a tracer in the wetland. 2) Identify water flow velocity in the wetland. 3) Relate water flow velocity to wetland physical properties (hydraulic conductivity). 4) Determine residence time in the wetland area affected by AMD. 3 LITERATURE REVIEW Hydraulic Principles of Tracer Use In hydrology, a tracer is matter or energy carried by water which will give information concerning the direction and/or velocity of the water. When sufficient data are collected, tracers can assist with the determination of hydraulic conductivity, porosity, dispersivity and other hydrogeoIogic parameters (Davis et al. 1980). Introducing a tracer at one point in the flow field and observing its arrival at other points, is the most direct method of determining groundwater velocity (Freeze and Cherry, 1979). One factor which controls velocity is hydraulic conductivity which represents the ease with which water moves through the soil or aquifer. Hydraulic conductivity, K, Is often used to characterize an aquifer because it includes the properties of the fluid and the field of gravity as well as the properties of the porous medium such as permeability. Hydraulic conductivity has the dimensions of length/time (L/T) or velocity (Fetter 1980). Hydraulic conductivity, porosity and permeability values can vary widely in space and time. The relationship between velocity 4 and hydraulic conductivity is developed from Darcy's Law and is shown in the following equation: V = (-K/ne)(dh/dI) Where: V K ne dh/dl dh dl = = = = = = (Eq. I) average linear velocity hydraulic conductivity average effective porosity average hydraulic gradient change in head change in length Interpretation of ground water velocity from the results of tracer tests involves plotting the concentration of a tracer as a function of time or volume of water passing through the aquifer. In the resulting "breakthrough" curve the concentration is commonly given as a ratio of the measured concentration at the observation well, "C," to the initial tracer concentration injected, "Co." The average travel time of a non-reactive, "conservative," tracer can be determined from a breakthrough curve for transport from the injection point to the observation point. The first arrival time of a tracer as it moves through the system represents the maximum velocity of the groundwater. The peak con­ centration of the tracer represents the average transit time of groundwater through the system, if a conservative tracer is used. Retardation of the transit time of a tracer is related to the spread of the breakthrough curve. Figure I gives hypothetical examples of breakthrough curves for a • mixture of tracers injected as a single slug into an t 5 aquifer. Notice the change in the curve shape if the tracer is not conservative and interacts with the aquifer system. 0 0.00 time Figure I. Breakthrough curves of four different tracer types: (a) is conservative, (b) some effect of sorption, (c) large effect of sorption, and (d) precipitated or destroyed (From Davis et al. 1985). Tracer Flow Retardation and Tracer Dilution Tracers are not perfectly conservative, the concentra­ tion distribution of a water soluble substance which is transported in a porous medium by groundwater is affected by sorption, molecular diffusion and hydrodynamic dispersion (Gustafsson and Klockars 1981). Sorption includes adsorption and absorption processes. The many chemical 6 processes which contribute to sorption result in retardation of tracer movement. Thus, velocity of the tracer is slower than that of the groundwater. Therefore to design a meaningful tracer experiment, the sorptive characteristics of the tracer must be known (Davis et al. 1985). Davis et al. (1985) and Gustafsson and Klockars (1981) provide equations to describe the effect of tracer sorption in relation to groundwater flow. Hydrodynamic dispersion and molecular diffusion have the effect of diluting the concentrations of artificially induced tracers. Hydrodynamic dispersion generally affects short term tracer tests and molecular diffusion affects the concentration of slow moving tracers in heterogeneous materials (Davis et al. 1985). Freeze and Cherry (1979) also state that molecular diffusion is important only at low flow velocities. Figure 2 depicts movement by molecular diffusion in a dye and blotter experiment". Note that no water movement is required for the dye to spread out in a direction tending to equalize concentrations in the blotter. Hydrodynamic dispersion is the spreading which occurs both perpendicular to and in the direction of groundwater flow, of a water-soluble substance that is transported with the groundwater. Some of the dissolved substances will be transported more slowly and some may be faster than the average groundwater velocity. Hydrodynamic dispersion is dependent on the velocity distribution in the medium and on 7 spot of dye •soaked b l o t t e r (no water movement) initial conditions one hour three hours one Figure 2. day One dimensional example of movement by molecular diffusion (from Davis et a I. 1985). molecular diffusion. Bear (1972) gives a quite detailed evaluation of hydrodynamic dispersion. Dispersion of a solute requires groundwater flow in a medium with a system of pores or channels. An example of hydrodynamic dispersion which is caused by unequal velocities of the ground water is shown in Figure 3. Tracer particles released at the same time and carried by the groundwater have different flow 8 paths. This results in a more widespread distribution of tracer particles with time, a concentration decrease or "dilution." Not only tracer dilution and tracer flow retardation affect the shape of the tracer breakthrough curve, so does the tracer method employed. General direction of water motion W 0^) In itia l position Position a f t e r one hour ( O ) P o s itio n .a fte r two hours IN I T I A L ■DISTRIBUTION OF PARTICLES DISTRIBUTION OF •PARTICLES AFTER DISTRIBUTION OF •PARTICLES AFTER DISTANCE Figure 3. One dimensional example of hydrodynamic disper­ sion for tracer particles A - G (from Davis et al . 1985). 9 Tracer Methods The initial step in conducting a tracer study is to collect as much hydrologic information as possible about the study site (Davis et al. 1985). This information should include homogeneity of the aquifer, layers present, fracture patterns, porosity, flow system boundaries, hydraulic gradient and hydraulic conductivity (Davis et al. 1985). This hydrologic information is used to assess the groundwater flow direction and velocity. Direction and velocity are usually estimated by the use of Darcy’s law or running a preliminary tracer test (Davis et al. 1985). The second step is to determine the best tracer to use for the conditions and objectives at the site. The third step in conducting a tracer study is to determine the correct amount of tracer to be used. This amount is based on the dilution expected, the natural background concentration and the detection limit possible for the tracer. The next step is to determine the correct tracer method. One possible method involves the use of an environmental tracer which is a substance that exists in the soil before the investigation begins. This tracer can be artificial (man induced), semi-artificial (tritium) or natural (natural radioisotope). A good environmental tracer must be free from chemical reactions, such as ion exchange and precipitation and must not react with the 10 medium (Fried 1975). Initial and boundary conditions must be known, chiefly by knowing the amount of tracer introduced and its history. The wetland system under investigation has the characteristic of a high organic matter content (large exchange capacity). Trace metal environmental tracers such as those found at the study site, commonly react with the organic material, making this environmental tracer method unacceptable. Freeze and Cherry (1979) describe four main types of field dispersivity (tracer) tests. These are (I) single­ well withdrawal-injection tests, (2) natural-gradient tracer tests, (3) two-well recirculating withdrawal-injection tests and (4) two-well pulse tests. In a natural-gradient tracer test, as employed in this study, the direction and velocity of the groundwater flow are very important (Davis et al. 1985). In the natural-gradient test, the tracer is introduced into the system and its migration is then monitored at one or more sampling points. Dispersivity values are obtained by fitting an analytical or numerical model to the experimental data. Davis et al. (1985) notes that: It is not at all uncommon to inject a tracer in a well and not be able to intercept that tracer in a well just a few meters away, particularly if the tracer flows under the natural hydraulic gradient which is not disturbed by pumping. Part of the tracer method involves the type of injection technique. A tracer may be injected as a slug or 11 as a continuous source input. Mixing of the tracer during injection is important in most types of tests and can be as simple as pouring it in the water to be studied (Davis et al. 1985). For shallow wells a plunger can be surged up and down in the hole or the tracer can be released through a pipe with many perforations. The ideal condition is to inject the tracer into the water instantaneously as a slug. Another part of the tracer method involves tracer analytical technique. Taking field measurements of electrical conductance within, ahead of, and behind a tracer slug can minimize the number of field samples kept for laboratory analysis (Lee et al. 1980). Electrical conductance is the simplest and most inexpensive detection and analysis technique for ionic tracers and can be used as a break-through indicator (Slichter 1902). In the wetland system being studied, the natural Iy high ionic content may make electrical conductance data difficult to interpret. Tracer Problems Many water tracing experiments are unsuccessful. Aley and Fletcher (1978) have found that the major causes of failure are: (a) insufficient hydrological field work before the tracer is injected, (b) tracing attempts during low flow conditions, and (c) failure to allocate sufficient time for tracing effort. Davis et al. (1980) found that tracer test failures are most commonly a result of incorrect choice of 12 tracers, insufficient concentrations of tracers and a lack of understanding of the hydrogeologic System being tested. For a given head drop, expected travel time is a function of the distance squared, and therefore increases very rapidly with the distance. Davis et al. (1985) note that this relationship causes one of the most common errors in tracer tests, which is to conduct tests between points which are separated by too great a distance. Freeze and Cherry (1979) describe four main disadvantages to the determination of groundwater velocity by the direct tracer method: (1) because groundwater velocities are rarely large under natural conditions, undesirably long periods of time are normally required for tracers to move significant distances through the flow system; (2) because geological materials are typically quite heterogeneous, numerous observation points (piezometers, wells, or other sampling devices) are usually required to adequately monitor the passage of the tracer through the portion of the flow field under investigation. (3) because of (I), only a small and possibly nonrepresentative sample of the flow field is tested; and (4) because of (2), the flow field may be significantly distorted by the measuring devices. Another problem which needs to be addressed is how much tracer to add to the flow system. The concentration of ion to be injected should be well above the natural background concentration level found at the study site and high enough to ensure detectable levels in the observation wells (Davis 13 et al. 1985). The ion concentration to be injected must also be kept low enough so that density effects do not effect movement of the tracer. An insufficient quantity of tracer will result in an unsuccessful trace, because of non­ detection: too much tracer wastes materials and can degrade water quality. Dilutions of a tracer in transit from injection to sampling wells are almost always at least tenfold for "slug" injections and dilutions of ten thousand­ fold are common (Davis et al. 1980). Lenda and Zuber (1970) describe a method to estimate the adequate amount of tracer and carrier to be injected. The effects of adsorption and the uncertainty from whether the observation well is exactly at the center of the tracer path should be accounted for by the use of a safety factor on the order of 10 (10 times the proposed injection amount). Skibitzke and Robinson (1963) used tracers to show that solid particles (sand grains) retard diffusion in a porous medium. Biggar and Nielsen (1962) concluded that the mere presence of a tracer downstream from the point of injection is a poor indicator of the velocity of the fluid. Pore geometry, water content changes and the magnitude of the interaction between the tracer and the porous medium are important, in determining an accurate estimate of the fluid velocity. 14 Bromide as a Tracer There is no such thing as the perfect tracer but Davis et al. (1980) note that the ideal ground-water tracer is nontoxic, inexpensive, moves with the water, is easy to detect in trace amounts, does not alter the natural direction of the flow of water, is chemically stable for a desired length of time, is not present in large amounts in the water being studied and is neither filtered nor sorbed by the solid medium through which the water moves. Tracer selection should be based on purpose of the study, type of aquifer system, aquifer characteristics, natural background concentration of the tracer in the groundwater, and analyti­ cal techniques available (Davis et al. 1985). Different types of tracers include: water temperature, solid particles, ionized substances (bromide), stable isotopes, radioactive tracers, organic dyes, gases, and fluorocarbons. Davis et al. (1980) report that some of the most useful general tracers are bromide, chloride, rhodamine WT, and various fluorocarbons. or specialized uses. Most tracers have relatively limited In most cases anions are not affected by the aquifer medium (Davis et al 1985), but the characteristics of some aquifers will cause retention or exclusion of anions moving through the system. Anionic tracers such as bromide (Br-) and chloride (Cl-) are particularly useful because of their low 15 susceptibility to adsorption or ion exchange processes of natural aquifer materials (Davis et al. 1980). Bromide does not appear to be lost by precipitation, adsorption or absorption and is biologically stable (Schmotzer et al. 1973) and therefore can be considered a conservative tracer. Bromide offers one of the best possibilities as a general tracer for groundwater studies (Davis et al. 1980) and is considered a conservative tracer which may be effectively used in wetland systems (Bowmer 1987). Most bromide compounds also have relatively low toxicities. Davis et al. (1980) note that bromide samples, being nonvolatile can be stored indefinitely without concern for tracer loss to the atmosphere and sampling can be done using inexpensive air­ lift pumps. Bromide as a tracer is commonly injected as NaBr, CaBr2 or KBr. Davis et al. (1985) relate that bromide is perhaps the most frequently used ion tracer. These authors list advantageous characteristics of the tracer bromide as being inexpensive, stable, low limit of detection, low background concentrations, low toxicity and "no sorption". The concentration of bromide in natural ground waters is roughly 1/300 that of chloride and usually <I mg/1 (Davis et al. 1980; Vinogradov 1959). Detection of bromide is,relatively simple with a specific ion electrode which has a lower limit of detection of about 0.4 mg/1. If natural water has 30 mg/1 of chloride (suggesting the natural presence of 0.1 mg/1 of bromide) and if the bromide 16 tracer is introduced with a concentration of 1000 mg/1, then a dilution factor of 104 is possible before it is masked by the natural background concentration (Davis et al. 1980). Concentrations of chloride in the introduced tracer should not exceed about 3000 mg/1 because of increased density of the solution (Davis et al. 1980). Since the halides bromide and chloride behave similarly (Bohn et al. 1985) it is thought that bromide should not exceed the 3000 mg/1 concentration. Vinogradov (1959) found that bromide correlated well with iodine content and both bromide and iodine content were proportional to the amount of organic material in the soils studied. The concentration of bromide is greater in humic soils and there is practical Iy no dependence of chlorine content on soil organic matter content. The studies by Vinogradov (1959) suggest that bromide is sorbed by peat and that the amount sorbed decreases somewhat with aging of the peat. Vinogradov (1959) found that as soil organic carbon content increased bromide and iodine content increases, whereas chloride content has no effect on organic carbon content. Davis et al. (1985) stated that an advantage of anions used as tracers, such as bromide, is they do not decompose and are not lost from the system. This statement is generally true but under certain circumstances anions such as bromide may be affected by anion exclusion and/or anion 17 exchange. As anions move through soil they do not come in contact with all of the soil water. This is termed anion exclusion and occurs in response to the fluid flow rate and the fact that water near negatively charged soil surfaces is relatively immobile. The result of this exclusion is that anions can move through the soil faster than one would predict on the basis of uniform association with all the soil water (Smith and Davis 1974). The association between anion exclusion and cation exchange capacity is strong. Anion exclusion is a manifestation of the unequal ion distribution in the diffuse double layer surrounding charged colloid surfaces (Bohn et al. 1985). Factors affecting anion repulsion (exclusion) include: I) anion charge and concentration, 2) species of exchangeable cation, 3) pH, 4) presence of other anions, and 5) nature and charge of the colloid surface (Bohn et al. 1985). Thomas and Swoboda (1970) suggested that in soils with high cation exchange capacities anion exclusion causes anions to move much faster than they would if no interaction with clays were to occur• This suggestion agrees with the theory that anion exclusion is a function of negative charge. Grim (1968) mentioned two types of anion exchange in clay minerals. One is the replacement of hydroxide (OH) ions and the other factor is related to geometry of the anion. The geometry of the bromide anion does not fit that of silica tetrahedral sheets, thus it cannot be so absorbed. 18 Anion exchange would take place around the edges of the clay minerals, not on the basal plane surface. A factor which complicates anion exchange studies is that any free or exchangeable iron, aluminum or alkaline earth elements present in the clay may form insoluble salts with the anions (Grim 1968). Mattson (1929) has shown that the adsorption of anions was found to be negative in neutral and alkaline solutions and that as pH decreases the capacity of clay minerals for holding anions increases. The interaction of cations with clays is much more frequent than interaction of anions with clays. Berg and Thomas (1959) found that sulfate and chloride anions are adsorbed in soils high in kaolin clays and aluminum and iron oxides. Chloride will desorb readily at pH values found in most field conditions, but at low pH values chloride ions are not easily desorbed. They also found that sulfate is held much more tightly to these soil types than is chloride. Tennyson and Settergren (1980) found indication of bromide retention occurring because bromide concentrations above background levels were present in the soils studied three weeks after application of the tracer. The study site is in the headwaters area of the Blackfoot River and bromide toxicity was a concern. Alexander et al. (1981) studied the effect of sodium bromide (NaBr) on Fathead minnows. Sodium bromide has a low toxicity to fathead minnows with the average 96 hour LCso 19 (lethal concentration for 50% of the test population) being 16,479 mg/1. Tests by Barnes et al. (1981) show that the mean number of organisms (thirty-five species of algae and zooplankton were studied) increased with time due to the addition of 1000 ppb potassium bromide and nutrients to the system. Species diversity decreased slightly in this situation. Schmotzer et al. (1973) reported that bromide has a very low toxicity in humans at 50 to 100 mg of Br-/100 ml of blood. To be toxic a human would have to drink 12 liters of 200 mg/1 bromide. The LD5 0 (lethal dose) of bromide orally in rats is 3.5 g/kg (Merck Index 1983). Martin et al. (1956) concluded that plant tolerance to bromide is quite variable. Carrot tops contained 2.5% (25,000 ppm) bromide with no reduction in growth but citrus trees containing 0.2% (2000 ppm) demonstrated reduced plant growth. The desirable characteristics of using bromide as a soil water tracer were demonstrated by Onken et al. (1977) to be easy detection, unlikely contamination of the environment and lack of reaction with soil and soil constituents. Schmotzer et al. (1973) conducted a fairly extensive study of using bromide as a groundwater tracer and found bromide to successfully fulfill .the requirements devised by Schmotzer to be as close as possible to being the ideal tracer. The favorable characteristics of bromide include low toxicity, high sensitivity of detection, little 20 loss through precipitation, little adsorption and absorp­ tion, high stability, low background concentrations, small sample size requirements (post sampling activation analysis), low cost, government approval is relatively easily available and bromide is biologically stable. Smith and Davis (1974) found that bromide is a good tracer for mimicking the movement of nitrate subsoils. (N 0 3 - ) through Merrill et al. (1985) used bromide as potassium bromide (KBr) to trace nitrate-nitrogen movement and indicate water flux in a study to develop an understanding of plant growth response to soil thickness over sodic minespoiIs. Onken et al. (1977) used sodium bromide (NaBr) and sodium nitrate (N a N 0 3 > to show that nitrate and bromide move together in the soil.profile. They note that both nitrate and bromide are readily absorbed by plants but the rates of removal from soil are different. Tennyson and Settergren (1980) used a sodium bromide tracer to evaluate percolating water and ion movement in an irrigation saturated surface soil. Background levels of bromide in soil water, groundwater, and precipitation were measured and bromide movement was quantified by soil water sampling and post-sampling neutron activation analysis. They suggested that laboratory measured hydraulic conduc­ tivity was not adequate in evaluation of the site because the bromide tracer moved through the soil much more rapidly than the hydraulic conductivity suggested. Tennyson and 21 Settergren (1980) found peak concentrations of the bromide tracer moved through 0.9 m of these soils within 3.75 hours after field application, therefore tracer studies do help to better define rates of water movement in natural systems. Wetland Classification and Origin This study used tracers in a wetland environment. There are many ways to classify wetlands. Classification criteria "may be the present surface flora (e.g., mangrove, sawgrass); chief botanical origin (e.g., sphagnum, sedges); nature of the water, its mineral and flow properties (e.g. , high moor, low moor, salt marsh, bog, fen, mire); degree of decomposition (e.g., sapric, hemic, fibric, peat, muck); or intended use (e.g., horticultural, industrial, fuel) (Mathur and Farnham 1985)." Typically classification schemes for wetlands rely on hydrologic processes and vegetation type. An example of a fen is a wetland which receives moisture both from precipitation and from slow-moving streams and groundwater. Fen vegetation is dominated by mosses, shrubs and sedges (Thurman 1985). The U.S. Department of Agriculture (Soil Survey Staff 1975) classifies wetland organic soils (peat) primarily on degree of decomposition. Soil scientists call these organic soils Histosols, one of the 10 soil orders. called peatlands. Organic wetlands are also sometimes 22 World peat lands are estimated to cover about 500 million hectares and 90% of the peat lands occur in glaciated areas of the northern hemisphere (Mathur and Farnham 1985). Erosion and sediment deposition resulting from glacial action are largely responsible for the development of wetland areas. Lesica (1986) noted that "West of the Continental Divide in Montana, small mires (wetlands) are common in forested areas at low to mid-elevations where climate is relatively moist and there has been a history of glaciation." Reichmuth (1986) described additional processes which can form wetlands: 1) natural fluvial processes (oxbows, braided streams) 2) geologic accidents (landslide dams, tectonic uplift) 3) constructed landscapes (glacial activity, beaver activity) 4) climatic change (lake drying). Wetland Hydrology Wetland hydrologic systems can be considered quite heterogeneous (Figure 4). Not only are there seven orders of magnitude for hydraulic conductivity variation reported in the literature shown but there is often quite a large range of conductivity within a study site. Freeze and Cherry (1979) and Davis et al. (1985) noted that a problem which arises in determining the direction of water movement and travel time is that local differences in hydraulic -I- 2 -S\ E u 4 O O -J- 1I I 1 -S-TI 2 I I--- T- - - 1--- ' l— S 4 • • J S T l I T - I--- 1- - - 1--- 1--- 1- - - - 1- IO Il 12 IS 14 U IS IT REFERENCE Figure 4. Ranges of published field data on K (hydraulic conductivity) of peat: I. Baden and Eggelsman (1961, 1963, 1964); 2. Eggelsman and Make Ia (1964); 3. Boelter (1965); 4. Ingram (1967); 5. Galvin and Hanranahan (1968); 6. Romanov (1968); 7. Sturges (1968); 8. Dowling (1969); 9. Irwin (1970); 10. Yamamoto (1970); 11. Knight et a I. (1974); 14. Paivanen (1973); 15. Galvin (1976); 16. Dasberg and Neuman (1977); 17. Chason and Siegel (1986). Adapted from Chason and Siegel (1986). conductivity may amount to several orders of magnitude. Wetland Hydro logic characteristics have been investigated by a number of authors. Hydrogeologic factors (Winter and Carr 1980) that affect wetland ground water flow include: 24 1) geometry of the geologic framework through which ground water flows, including flow boundaries; 2) hydraulic conductivity of the geologic materials, including anisotropy — the' ratio of vertical to horizontal hydraulic conductivity; 3) recharge and discharge of the ground water system. In particular. Winter and Carr (1980) found three major interrelationships between wetlands and ground water: 1) some wetlands appear to recharge ground water; 2) some wetlands are flow-through types where ground water enters one side and surface water seeps into the ground on the other side; 3) some wetlands are discharge areas for ground water. These interrelationships are further complicated by changing throughout the year. One of the more important physical properties that affect the hydrologic features of bog areas is the hydrologic conductivity of the peat soil horizons (Boelter 1965). Dai and Sparling (1973) suggested using the piezometer method to determine the velocity of flow from the hydraulic conductivity. Ingram (1974) used field experiments to find that estimates of hydraulic conductivity in humified peat increased with head, which is not in accordance with Darcy’s law. Boelter (1965) used field measurements of hydraulic conductivity (K) and found they covered a wide range of values. Chason and Siegel (1986) found that horizontal K was significantly greater than vertical K. Sturges (1968) studied the hydrologic properties of a 25 mountain bog in Wyoming. Undecomposed surface peat had the lowest bulk density, 0.160 g/cc, and much of its volume consisted of large voids which emptied at low suctions of less than 0.10 bar. Greater suctions were required to drain the smaller pores of the higher bulk density, decomposed material found at depth. In this bog, surface peat hydrau­ lic conductivity would be higher than that found at depth. In 1969 Boelter found that the classification of peat materials based on degree of decomposition as measured by fiber content ( >0.1 mm) and bulk density can relate significant information about the hydraulic conductivity, water retention, and water yield coefficient. Regression equations were employed to determine a range in hydraulic conductivity and other physical properties for. fibric, hemic and sapric peat materials (Table I). Chason and Siegel (1986) studied a Minnesota wetland complex and found that hydraulic conductivity, bulk density and humicity all vary widely through the peat profile and in most cases were not mutually dependent. There are two major hydrologic zones within a peat soil column (Ingram 1983): 1) the acrotelm, a thin upper aerated zone of fluc­ tuating water conditions composed of undecomposed dead and live vegetation, 2) The catotelm, an underlying anaerobic zone in a constant waterlogged state composed of more humified peat. Chason and Siegel (1986) found acrotelm thicknesses between 25 to 50 cm. 26 Table I. Range of important physical characteristics of fibric, hemic, and sapric peat materials from northern Minnesota bogs (From Boelter 1969). Organic material Fibric Hemic Sapric Bulk density g/cc < .075 .075-.195 > .195 Total porosity % >90 85-90 <85 0.I bar H 2 0 content % <48 48-70 >70 Hydraulie conductivity 10-5 cm/sec >180 2.1-180 <2.1 The results of field and laboratory studies indicate that the properties of peat change drastically when it becomes partialIy desaturated (Dasberg and Neuman 1977). Two layers result from this change, a permanently saturated layer below the zone of water table fluctuation, and an overlying partial Iy unsaturated layer with properties that vary with depth. The saturated peat layer studied had a high porosity (90%); organic matter content (60% by weight); specific yield (20 to 30%); and specific storage is very high (0.7 x 10-3, to 1.7 x 10-3). The unsaturated peat layer was found to have a high bulk density, up to 0.8 g/cc near the surface. The hydraulic conductivity of the unsaturated layer is generally higher than 1.0 mm/h (3.0 x 10-5 cm/s), but much more variable than the saturated peat layer. In summer the unsaturated surface layer can develop shallow cracks which may increase the hydraulic conductivity by several orders of magnitude. 27 Ingram (1967) described a "water track" as a mire surface feature having a higher rate of water movement due to more steeply inclined water tables and/or peat with higher hydraulic conductivity. These water tracks are associated with the presence of more eutrophic plant communities and are sites of greater ion supply. Some authors (Dasberg and Neuman 1977; Ingram 1967; Sturges 1968) noted erosion channels or fractures at depths within wetland systems. Erosion channels occur both on the surface and at depth in peat deposits with the associated vegetation often being unlike the surrounding vegetation. Subterranean erosion tunnels are frequently encountered in blanket bogs but little is known of these concealed free drainage systems (Ingram 1967). Wetland hydraulic conductivity measured in situ by the piezometer method (Sturges 1968) at depths of 46 and 91 cm was 23.9 x 10-3 and 16.1 x 10-3 cm/day respect­ ively. Two of five piezometers at the 91 cm depth showed much higher hydraulic conductivity (greater than 10-2 cm/day), indicating the piezometers terminated in or near a fissure. The fissures running through the deeper peat are filled with water under positive pressure and there are no surface physical features to indicate fissure location. Overall wetland hydrologic characteristics are found to be complicated by the fact that they vary greatly between wetlands, within wetlands and with time. 28 Wetland hydrologic characteristics can be determined with tracer experiments. Tracers are seldom applied to wetland hydrology, "primarily because of the difficulty in choosing an appropriate tracer and the disturbance of the experimental area which results from frequent sampling (Girts 1986)." Knight et al. (1971) successfully used a tritium tracer to reveal variable patterns of movement in a wetland under different drainage conditions. The flow rate variation was found to be attributed to factors within the peat rather than to analytical procedure. Girts (1986) successfully used bromide and chloride tracers to yield flow rates within the range of published values (see Figure 4). Bowmer (1987) used bromide and dye tracers to study a man made wetland used to treat sewage. In this study theoretical retention time of effluent was predicted using the pore volume of the system. Preferential flow paths and "dead zones" were found using the tracers and a substantial proportion of the effluent was found to travel through the system faster than predicted by the theoretical retention time. The hydrology of this man made system was further complicated by occasionally high evapotrarispiration rates and diurnal changes in water consumption.\ 29 MATERIALS AND RESEARCH METHODS Site Location The study area is approximately 28 km (15 mi) northeast of Lincoln, Montana, along Montana Highway 200 (Figure 5). More specifically the study area is in Section 20, T15N, R6W, Lewis and Clark County, Montana. The wetland covers approximately 0.65 km2 (0.25 mi2) adjacent to the Blackfoot River. Acid mine waters from the abandoned Carbonate Mine seep into Swamp Gulch which drains into a wetland (Swamp Gulch wetland) via a highway culvert. Site Characteristics The study site elevation is between 1579 to 1572 m (5180 to 5160 ft) and is in the headwaters area of the Blackfoot River. The site is approximately three miles southwest of the continental divide at Rogers Pass. elevation at Rogers Pass is 1710 m (5609 ft). The Average annual precipitation, mostly in the form of snow (Coffin and Wilke 1971) is 71 to 76 cm (28 to 3Q in) (SCS 1980). Precipitation for the water year, October 1986 to September 1987, was 60.3% of normal at the nearby Lincoln MONTANA BACKGROUND SJTE STUDY AREA [P hi lli p s fM hDNlGHT F ’ HliLL I' Coscode Woxoud I V- KEY TO COUNTIES T L ESHER-vij PASS 6 / j / ' | ,-- 4 Linco ln SCALE 5 MILES Gulch Figure 5. Area map of Swamp Gulch Wetland Study, Lewis and Clark County, Montana (From MT Dept. of Highways, 1975). 7 KILOMETERS 31 Ranger Station (NOAA 1987). . Average winter, temperature for the region is -5oC and mean summer temperature is 16oC. Swamp Gulch and many other drainages of the region have been impacted by mining. The Carbonate Mine is within the Heddleston mining district. In 1933 the mine included an adit about 850 feet long and a shaft approximately 300 feet deep (Pardee and Schrader 1933). A 75 ton mill was erected in the summer of 1944 and reportedly 2500 tons of lead-zinc ore was removed in 1945 (Shea 1947). The geology of the Carbonate Mine is similar to that of the Mike Horse Mine which is the largest mine in the district (Shea 1947). The mine workings are in a diorite sill that intruded argillite of the Spokane Formation in the Precambrian Belt Supergroup (McClernan 1983). The diorite sill and Belt rocks are further intruded by a decomposed rhyolite dike (Shea 1947). Pardee and Schrader (1933) describe the lode as consisting of a sheared and altered diorite partly replaced by sulphides. The mine lode contains abundant pyrite in several forms including fine grained, coarse grained and radial. galena, sphalerite, silver and gold. Ore minerals are Gangue minerals occur primarily as sericite, pyrite and quartz and also include "a carbonate containing calcium, iron and a little manganese" (Pardee and Schrader 1933). Glaciation is the latest major landforming event in geologic history. The Rocky Mountains north of the Clark 32 Fork and the Blackfoot Rivers in Montana were heavily glaciated 15,000 to 130,000 years ago (Alden 1953). This glaciation has largely affected topography of the Blackfoot River valley. The wetland area being studied was most likely constructed by glaciers. Sediment deposited by a retreating valley glacier created a series of moraines and outwash plains in the Lincoln area. These moraines partial Iy dam the river forming wetlands on the upstream sides (Alt and Hyndman 1986). A thin covering of glacial till over shallow bedrock and a narrowing canyon occur immediately downstream of the wetland being studied. This situation had a damming effect on the river, creating the wetland. Beaver activity has further modified the wetlands through creation of dams and ponds. The gravel deposits most often found at depth in the wetland are fluvial in origin resulting from glacial outwash and meandering of the river since glaciation. The dominant wetland vegetation are sedges, mosses and shrubs. Water input is received from precipitation, slow- moving streams and ground water passing through the wetland. This description classifies the wetland as a fen (Thurman 1985). Using the US system (Soil Taxonomy 1975) surface wetland soils (approximately 0 to 0.9 m) are broadly classified as Fibric Histosols and more specifically as Hydric Borofibrists. 33 Site Instrumentation Thirty-eight shallow small diameter wells (piezometers) were installed throughout the study area during the spring and summer of 1987. Twenty-eight of these wells are paired, with one well shallow and one deep, resulting in 24 well sites (Figure 6). These wells were positioned to facilitate water sampling and water level monitoring. Well holes were constructed using 5.1 cm (2 in) diameter Giddings soil core barrels hand driven into the ground. A 7.6 cm (3 in) silage auger (Arts 1987) modified . with a core cutter/holder was used to obtain soil samples in the 0 to 1.2 m (0 to 4 ft) depth at each well site. An additional 32 auger holes were excavated near the highway culvert outflow to a depth ranging between 0.5 and 0.9 m (1.6 and 3.0 ft). These additional auger holes were positioned (Figure 7) to facilitate tracer, sampling. The shallow wells are completed to a total depth/ between 1.2 to 1.5 m (4 to 5 ft) and deep wells to a total depth between 1.8 and 4.9 m (6 and 16 ft). Wells were constructed of 2.5 cm (I in) diameter PVC pipe and Timco 0.025 cm (0.01 in) slotted (0.944 in2/ft density), capped PVC screen. All wells were completed with a 20-30 grain (0.5 - 0.8 mm) sand pack and bentonite pellets. Surge blocking and overpumping were both used to develop the wells. Figure 8 depicts a typical paired well site construction. H CARBONATE MINEX- 8.0 MEADOW CREEK ROAD BRIDGE SAMPLE SITE m / TAILINGS ? W ■P A WELL SITE O SURFACE WATER SAMPLE SITE O SURVEY CONTROL STATION FLUME O PRECIPITATION GAGE ^ SURFACE WATER SEC 20, TISN1R 6W LEWIS AND CLARK CO,MONTANA IOO 25 FE2E o5 50 METERS Figure 6. Swamp Gulch Wetland study area. oaBC 1 -2 B C -1 -2 -A H 6 C D -1 -2 -A H O A00’1"2 C-1.5 Figure 7. A_ OC -1 .5 -A H Detailed map of Figure 6 showing auger hole g r i d . W ELL O AUGER B SURFACE HOLE WATER 40 FEET -t METERS 36 ELEVATION feet/meters 5174 5173 5172 sm 5170 5169 1521 5168 5167 5166 1520 5165 5164 5163 5162 1519 5I6]_ 5160 5159 1518 Belt Fmrock fragments 5158 Bedrock mineralized Belt Fm- Figure 8. Example of study site instrumentation and Iithology. 37 A Parshall flume equipped with a Stevens Type F recorder was installed June 15, 1987 on Swamp Gulch below the acid mine seep to quantify flow rates into the wetland. A Belfort weighing precipitation gauge was also installed at the site in June 1987. The position.of both the flume and precipitation gauge are noted in Figure 6. Aquifer Characteristics Porosity, bulk density and particle density were determined on soil samples obtained during excavation of auger holes. Bulk density was determined using the Core Method described by Blake and Hartge (1986a). The Pycnometer Method was used to determine particle density (Blake and Hartge 1986b). Total porosity, n, was calculated with the following equation (Danielson and Sutherland 1986): n = (I - fb/fp), (Eq. 2) where fb = bulk density fp = particle density Hydraulic Conductivity Saturated hydraulic conductivity was measured in the field using both auger hole and seepage tube (piezometer) methods. A variable head method modified from the hydros­ tatic time-lag method of Hyofslev (1951), as reviewed by Cedegren (1977) (US Navy Method), was used to calculate saturated field hydraulic conductivity. This method is 38 based on the rate at which water rises or falls in a hole after a known volume (slug) has been removed or added. In the case of the auger holes, a bailer was used to remove a volume of water and the rate of water rise was measured using equipment designed similar to that described by vanBeers (1983). For the wells, a volume of a solid steel rod (173.86 cc) was added and the rate of water fall was measured using an electric tape. Hydraulic conductivity was calculated for auger holes and wells, respectively, using the following equations: K = R 16DS x (I12 - hi) (t2 - ti ) (Eq. 3) K = r2 2L R D S hi Ii2 ti t2 r L radius of cavity depth of cavity below static water table shape factor coefficient head at time one head at time two time one time two radius of the well length of screen and Where: = = = = = = = = = In /LA In (hi /I12 ) IR/ t2 - ti (Eq. 4) Hydraulic conductivity was converted to velocity (V) (equation I, page 4) to obtain a preliminary estimate on which to base the tracer test sample timing. These velocities determined from hydraulic conductivity also facilitated comparison with velocities determined by the tracer test. 39 Tracer Experiment A ,preliminary dye tracer test was run using fluorescein dye. This experiment indicated preferential flow direction, helped determine the tracer input point and resulted in an even better idea of flow rates near the tracer input point. In this experiment approximately 7 grams of fluorescein powder was added to 18.9 I (5 gal) of water, mixed and introduced at different points along the mine drainage flow path. Tracer movement was monitored visually. Fluorescein was used only qualitatively because it becomes colorless in acidic conditions, photodegrades, and is easily sorbed. Bromide was.chosen as the tracer in the experiment for use in determining water flow velocities. Prior to adding bromide to the wetland, background (natural) bromide concentrations were measured. These background concentra­ tions were measured using the bromide specific ion electrode as described below and by the EPA (1979) titrimetric Method 320.1. In the titration method the EPA (1979) found bromide recoveries, from 83% to 99% and standard deviations from +.13 to +.44 for sample concentrations ranging from 0.3 to 20.3 mg/1. The titration method as used in this study indicated 100% recovery based on two laboratory spikes. A natural gradient tracer experiment utilized 208 liters (55 gal) of wetland water at a concentration of 1000 mg/1 bromide. This water was added at the point of highway 40 culvert outflow (surface water. Figure 7) at 10:30 AM on September 9, 1987 (time zero). Fluorescein dye .(18.9 liters - 5 gal) was added at this time as a visual aid in bromide sampling. The tracer was added to the system as an extended slug input (1.46 hr) at a rate of 0.39 1/s (0.625 gpm). Flow of the tracer plume was monitored by sampling the auger holes and wells and analyzing for bromide. Water sampling was done using portable peristaltic pumps. Care was taken in sampling so that a representative water sample was acquired, but not so much water that the flow field was greatly affected. This care usually amounted to pulling one well volume to rinse the sample bottle three times and taking the 100 ml sample with the second well volume. Water samples were then analyzed for bromide in the field using a bromide selective ion electrode in conjunction with a pH/millivolt (mv) meter. Calibration curves (mv vs mg/1) were generated using standards measured under the same conditions as the samples. The bromide analysis procedure used is presented in Orion Research (1982). Using the bromide electrode the concentration range is from 0.4 to 79,900 mg/1 with a +2% reproducabiIity (Orion Research 1982). The sampling intervals at the start of the tracer, experiment were nearly continuous near the input point. . Sampling decreased to once every other day, by September 14 (124 hours). From September 26 (412 hours), to the end of 41 the field experiment, November 21, 1987 (1755 hours), sample sets were taken once each week. Water sampling was terminated after the tracer plume had passed a particular well or auger hole (below detection). November water sampling was hampered by freezing conditions. The passing of a tracer plume was determined from the bromide break­ through curves. Bromide breakthrough curves are presented as bromide concentration in milligrams per liter (mg/1) vs time in hours. Concentrations were generated from the sample analysis data for a particular site and calibration curves from the time of sample analysis. Times represent the time a particular sample was taken from the wetland. The average velocity of water flow was taken to be the distance from the tracer input point to a particular well or auger hole divided by the time of peak concentration for that site breakthrough curve. 42 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Wetland Aquifer Characteristics Field evaluation of auger hole and well cores showed a fairly distinct boundary between the upper, undecomposed (fibric) organic matter (sedge peat) and the underlying moderately decomposed (hemic) organic matter. Little distinction was made between moderately and well decomposed zones which are grey to black organic matter muck with occasional sand and/or grave I ( <5 cm) stringers and rotted wood pieces ( <10 cm). The horizonization scheme used, distinguishes between two soil types I) upper, undecomposed organic matter (acrotelm), and 2) underlying muck (catotelm) (Figure 8). The upper undecomposed zone is aerated and subject to fluctuating water conditions and water is transmitted comparatively faster in the upper zone compared to the underlying muck zone which is anaerobic and constant­ ly waterlogged. In the wetland being studied, the acrotelm thickness ranges from 0.24 m (0.8 ft) to 1.04 m (3.4 ft) with an average of 0.58 m (1.9 ft) (Figure 9) and catotelm thickness ranges from 0.58 m (1.9 ft) to 4.30 m (14.1 ft) with an average of 2.16 m (7.1 ft) (Figure 10). information is summarized in Table 2. This Note from Figures 9 CREEK ROAD BRIDGE SAMPLE SITE CARBONATE M I N E ^ H JM/ i\ <a $ e e p -P> U A WELL SITE O SURFACE WATER SAMPLE SITE D SURVEY CONTROL STATION » flum e O PRECIPITATION GAGE SEC 20, T IS N 1R 6 W LEWIS AND CLARK CO. ,MONTANA FEET ZOO 50 METERS Figure 9. Acrotelm isopach map with 0.2 m (.7 ft) contours. 400 100 CARBONATE MINEA- CREEK ROAD BRIDGE SAMPLE 0 ^ // 4 \ ^ApEEP Vi F r y #• -f A WELL SITE SURFACE WATER SAMPLE SITE D SURVEY CONTROL STATION m FLUME O PRECIPITATION GAGE O SEC 20, T IS N 1R 6W LEWIS AND CLARK CO. ,MONTANA FEET 200 SO METERS Figure 10. Catotelm isopach map with 0.5 m (1.6 ft)contours. 400 IOO Wetland stratigraphy and well completion data Table 2 Site Well TD-BGS* Associated Auger Hole TD-BGS Screen Legenth Undecomposed OM4- Thickness or TD-BOS Decomposed OM Thickness Depth to Gravel BGS / Core TD Meters 0.92 0.87 I .52 0.94 I .16 I .04 0.91 0.80 0.91 Notes: * Total Depth - Below Ground Surface + Organic Matter 0.24 3.08 3.35 4.57 0.46 I .83 2.59 2.56 0.H6 0.61 0.58 1.83 I .OH 5. HH I .95 3.66 5.55 0.85 I .04 0.31 T 0.81 1.01 0.30 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.52 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.30 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.46 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 m 3.45 I .51 3.64 I .3E I .53 E .BE I .E7 E .44 I .55 I .ES 4.89 I .SE I .55 3.78 I .31 E .IE I .E4 I .94 I .ES 3.11 5.00 I .24 I .S3 3.99 I .31 2.44 I .ES I .58 I .26 I .37 I .27 E .SE I .75 5.13 I .10 I .26 2. PO 0.50 5.21 0.61 0.51 2.76 3.43 3.78 0.61 0.91 I .52 2.59 0.46 I .39 I .84 3.11 0.00 0.00 I .99 3.11 0.58 0.61 0.61 2.68 3.29 4.27 0.H6 2.53 2.99 3.66 0.H6 0.61 0.61 0.00 0.61 I .55 5.67 2.74 0.00 2.50 2.01 3.28 3.35 I .07 3.11 2. HH 3.66 3.66 I .98 0.30 0.91 I .22 2.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 I .22 OJ AAA-3-D AAA-3-S AA-2-0 AA-E-S A-3 B-E-D B-E-S BC-I-D BC-I-S BC-I-S C-I-D C-I-S C-I .5 C-E-D C-E-S C-3-D C-3-S C-H-D C-H-S C-S t D C-S-S CD I-E CD- I D-I-D D-I-S D-E-D D-E-S 0-3 E-I E-S E-3 F-I-D F-I-S F-e-o F-E-S F-3 SEEP-D SEEP-S 46 and 10 that the greatest thickness for both zones are near the highway culvert outflow. These greater thicknesses (build up) may be due to sediment deposition from Swamp Gulch or metal precipitation originating from AMD water. Values for bulk density, particle density and porosity were measured on 3 surface soil samples (acrotelm, 0 to 30 cm depth). Undisturbed samples were not possible below the 30 cm depth due to the sampling methods used and the nature of the wetland soils. The average bulk density of 0.26 g/cc (0.13 to 0.36 g/cc range) is higher than that found by other studies at this depth in a wetland (Sturges 1968 - 0.184 g/cc; Chason and Siegel 1986 - 0.06 to 0.165 g/cc and; Boelter 1969 - <.075 g/cc). The distinctness between the measured bulk density and that from other studies may be due to differing vegetation types and/or soil compaction during the sampling procedure. Particle density values range between 2.08 and 2.94 g/cc with an average of 2.59 g/cc. This average density is less than the 2.65 g/cc used as an approximation for many mineral soils (Danielson and Sutherland 1986), but higher . than the usual case for humus which is <1.5 g/cc (Blake and Hartge 1986b). The relatively intermediate, average particle density found is presumed to be the effect of the high organic matter content and high heavy metal loading in the wetland. 47 Bulk density and particle density were used to find the total porosity (equation 2). Total porosity ranged from 87.35% to 94.27% with an average of 90.30%. This average porosity is similar to that found by Boelter (1969) which was >90% (Table I), but higher than that calculated by Girts (1986), 66.1% to 76.1%. The values found by Girts (1986) were for partialIy and greatly decomposed peat and assumed no water was held within plant tissues. Boelter (1969) noted that total porosity decreased with degree of decom­ position or depth in a wetland. Effective porosity is less than total porosity because in small pores the retention forces are greater than the weight of water. Effective porosity in practice may be considered equal to the specific yield of an unconfined aquifer (Kruseman and Bidder 1983). Generally, specific yield is the water yielded by gravity drainage from water bearing material (Lohman 1979). Boelter (1965) found specific yields in undecomposed peat ranged between 0.79 and 0.33 cc/cc and that moderately, to well decomposed peat ranged from 0.22 to 0.10 cc/cc. The averages of the above ranges, 0.54 and 0.186 cc/cc respectively, were used as the effective porosity for converting field hydraulic conduc­ tivities to velocities. The decrease in effective porosity with decomposition is appropriate because the more decomposed peat materials have more small pores which are not easily drained. The screens of the deeper wells were 48 j completed within or near the gravel zone lying below the wetland. The effective porosity of deep wells completed in gravel, as used in conductivity - to - velocity conversions, was 0.25 cc/cc (Driscoll 1986). Results of water level measurements in both wells and auger holes (Appendix A) indicate both upward and downward vertical hydraulic gradients in parts of the wetland. The artesian gradient (upward vertical) can be explained by two different arguments: I) a confined aquifer system at depth, or 2) the wetland serves as a groundwater discharge area. Hydraulic conductivities which will be discussed later, suggest that the wetland system is capable of transmitting water throughout the soil profile (not confined at depth). Therefore, the wetland is considered both a groundwater discharge or recharge area (site dependant). Field observa­ tions, such as at the culvert outflow, were that water flowing into the wetland also seeped into the soil profile and became groundwater. Surface flow channels which would disappear into the ground and seemed to reappear down gradient were also noticed in the wetland. Locations where wetlands function as groundwater discharge, recharge and flow-through areas are not uncommon (Winter and Carr 1980). Deep and shallow piezometric maps, a potentiometric and a topographic map are shown in Figures 11, 12, 13, and 14 respectively. . A general comparison of these maps reveals that the hydraulic gradient does not change between water CARBONATE MINEZ- K ROAD BRIDGE SAMPLE -I (! <o A WELL SITE O SURFACE WATER SAMPLE SITE O SURVEY CONTROL STATION * FLUME O PRECIPITATION gage SEC 20, T IS N 1R 6 W LEWIS AND CLARK CO,MONTANA FEET 200 50 METERS Figure 11. Deep piezometric map on 7/27/87 with 0.5 m contours. CARBONATE MINEX, /I zf" Ol O A WELL SITE O SURFACE WATER SAMPLE SITE □ SURVEY CONTROL STATION * FLUME O PRECIPITATION GAGE SEC 20, T I 5 N . R 6 W LEWIS AND CLARK CO. ,MONTANA FEET 200 50 400 IOO METERS Figure 12 Shallow piezometric map on 7/27/87 with 0.5 m contours. Figure 13. Potentiometric surface map on 8/14/87 with 0.025 m contours. // f i CARBONATE MINEz^x H # / / 5 A O WELL SITE SURFACE WATER SAMPLE SITE O SURVEY CONTROL STATION * FLUME O PRECIPITATION GAGE SEC 2 0 , T I S N j R G W LEWIS AND CLARK CO.,MONTANA 50 METERS Figure 14. Topographic map with 0.5 m contours. IOO 53 surfaces measured, and there is a hydrologic and topographic high near the culvert outlet. The average hydraulic gradient across the wetland where the hydraulic conductivity tests were performed is 0.025 m/m. The change in head within a shallow and deep well and auger hole nest is generally less than 0.30 m (I ft). seen in Figure 8. This relationship can be Overall piezometric surface levels stayed constant throughout the study period. The potentiometric surface fluctuated approximately 0.30 m for short periods of time (days) during the tracer test. These fluctuations may be attributed to increased water use by phreatophytic plants (Meyboom 1967) during period of high air temperatures and the lack of evapotranspiration during the winter. This is further evidenced by slight diurnal fluctuations in water flow rate at the Swamp Gulch flume. The rate of water flow into the wetland from the culvert exhibited little change during the tracer study as indicated by the flume recorder charts (Appendix B). Precipitation during the tracer study was very low (Appendix C ). Hydraulic Conductivity Hydraulic conductivity tests were run on auger holes and wells in the area of expected metal loading and expected tracer movement. This area was determined from soil and water chemistry data (Reclamation Research Unit and MDI 1988) and hydraulic gradients in the wetland. Field 54 determined hydraulic conductivity values and the calculated water velocities for each auger hole and well tested are given in Table 3. The field data are found in Appendix D. When field hydraulic conductivity values were grouped, some differences were found between auger holes and wells (Table 4). Lowest conductivity values were found in the shallow wells with their screened intervals within the catotelm (well decomposed organic matter, muck). Highest conductivity values were found in the deep wells with their screened intervals within both the catotelm and the underlying gravel. Auger holes which have their open intervals within the acrotelm (undecomposed organic matter) had conductivities intermediate in comparison to the wells (Table 4). These values fall within the range of conduc­ tivities found in other wetlands studied (Figure 4). The range of hydraulic conductivities from the wetland, I x 10-2 to 1.5 x 10-5 cm/s, compares to the range commonly found for silty sand (Freeze and Cherry 1979). The decrease in conductivity with depth, excluding the deep wells completed in grave I, is a common occurrence when moving from the acrotelm to the catotelm (Chason and Siege I 1986). 55 Table 3. Field hydraulic conductivity (K) effective porosity (ne), average hydraulic gradient (dh/dl) and calculated average velocity (V) for each site. Site B-2-AH BC-1-2-AH C-I-AH C-1.5-AH C-2-AH CD—1-2-AH CD-I-AH D-I-AH E-I-AH E-2-AH F-I-AH B—2-D B-2-S BC-1-2 C—1—D C-I-S C-1.5 C-2-D C-2-S CD-1-2 CD-I D—1—D D-I-S D—2—D D—2—S E-I E—2 F—1—D F-I-S K (cm/s) 1.06 5.60 7.02 1.06 9.53 1.18 4.54 4.18 3.40 1.08 1.11 1.01 1.71 3.89 2.81 6.02 3.00 1.22 1.44 2.22 1.40 1.69 6.95 6.62 1.92 9.16 3.21 5.05 1.53 X. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 10-3 10-4 10-4 10-3 10-4 10-3 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-3 10-3 10-2 10-4 10-5 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-3 10-5 10-4 10-4 10-5 10-5 10-4 10-5 ne (cc/cc) dh/dl (m/m) .540 .540 .540 .540 .540 .540 .540 .540 .540 .540 .540 .250 .186 .186 .186 .186 .186 .250 .186 .186 .186 .250 .186 .186 .186 .186 .186 .186 .186 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 ..025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 V(cm/s) 4.91 2.59 3.25 4.91 4.41 5.46 2.10 1.94 1.57 5.00 5.14 1.01 2.30 5.20 3.78 8.09 4.03 1.22 1.94 2.98 1.88 1.69 9.30 8.90 2.58 1.23 4.30 6.79 2.10 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-3 10-5 10-6 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-4 10-6 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-6 10-5 10-6 56 Average hydraulic conductivity (K)., from field results and calculated average velocity (V). ? 3.75 2.26 2.31 7.14 H- 11 15 3 29 Mean V (cm/s) X Auger Holes Shallow Wells Deep Wells Overal I Mean K (cm/s) H Number of Cases Site Type CO Table 4. 1.68 x 10-4 2.22 x 10-3 8.38 x 10-4 x x x x 10-5 10-5 10-4 10-5 An argument to account for the small conductivity difference between auger holes arid wells is that the tests measured part of the same zones. In viewing the depths of auger holes tested (Table 2) it is noted that these depths extended below the undecomposed organic matter (acrotelm). This view reveals that the auger holes.also measured the decomposed organic matter zone (catotelm) layer thereby possibly reducing conductivity. A similar argument is true of the shallow wells some of which had the top of the screened interval and sand pack very near or within the acrotelm. The effect of this situation is that well tests measured a portion of the acrotelm in addition to the catotelm thereby overestimating the actual conductivity of the catotelm. The overall result is an average conductivity from the water table to shallow well total depths, but not the two distinct conductivity values that might be expected. This experience suggests the heed for care in auger hole and well design and installation. The average conductivity of 57 both the auger holes and shallow wells is 4.9 x and the velocity is 3.0 x 10-5 10-4 cm/s cm/s. The hydraulic conductivity determined in this study is the effect of both vertical and horizontal conductivity. No distinction between vertical and horizontal conductivity was possible with the methods used in the field. Other studies (Girts 1986; Chason and Siegel 1986; and Dai and Sparling 1973) suggest that horizontal conductivity would be greater than vertical conductivity in the sedge peat wetland being studied. Average velocities calculated using field hydraulic conductivities and equation I are shown in Tables 3 and 4. Velocities determined were lower than the associated field hydraulic conductivity. This order of magnitude change (Table 4) is explained (in part) by the effective porosity chosen for the velocity calculation. From equation I (page 4) it can be seen that as effective porosity decreases the water flow velocity will increase if the hydraulic conduc­ tivity and gradient remain constant. Another explanation for the lower velocities determined for the field sites measured is the small average hydraulic gradient in the wetland (0.025). The hydraulic gradient of the potentio- metric surface in the area of tracer input, culvert outflow to C-I is 0.058. Incorporating this increased gradient into velocity calculations increases the average velocity from 58 auger hole sites to 8.7 x 10-5 shallow well sites to 5.2 x cm/s and velocity from 10-5 cm/s. Tracer Experiment Water flow velocities were also determined in a bromide tracer experiment. Bromide was chosen as the primary tracer in this study for a number of reasons. Many authors have successfully used bromide as a tracer in a variety of environmental conditions (Onken et al. 1977; Smith and Davis 1974; Merrill et al. 1985; and Tennyson and Settergren 1980; to name a few). >In addition, Girts (1986) and Bdwmer (1987) successfully used bromide to trace wetland water systems. Davis et al. (1985) noted that bromide is perhaps the most commonly used ion tracer. Schmotzer et al. (1973) con­ sidered bromide to be as close as possible to the ideal tracer. Bromide is a good tracer choice, relative to other tracers, in the wetland system studied because it is inexpensive, stable, has a low limit of field detection with a specific ion electrode (0.4 mg/1), has low background concentrations, exhibits low toxicity and has low sorption. Data from this study indicate bromide is a good choice in the system studied. The relatively few disadvantages of bromide as a tracer are anion exclusion, anion exchange and the presence of other ions which interfere with operation of the electrode. 59 Bromide background concentrations and the concentra­ tions of ions which interfere with the electrode were analyzed before the tracer was introduced to the wetland. Background concentrations were analyzed by both the specific ion electrode and by titration (Table 5). No auger hole background concentrations were above the 0.4 mg/1 limit of detection using the bromide specific electrode. Well water which had background values above the electrode lower limit of detection, 0.4 mg/1, had that value subtracted before plotting the breakthrough curve. The subtraction of background values determined from the bromide electrode was necessary only for 5 wells. The average bromide value subtracted was 0.47 mg/1 with a range from 0.43 to 0.55 mg/1. This subtraction was found to change the shape of the breakthrough curves, but not the placement of the concentra­ tion peak. Bromide background levels measured by titration were never larger than 0.2 mg/1 and 80% of all the wetland samples measured were <0.1 mg/1 (detection limit). Review of the two methods of analysis suggests that the titrimetric method may be more accurate than the field electrode method, especially at low bromide concentrations. The advantages of using the field millivolt meter and bromide electrode are quick, inexpensive results at the site. This allows for rapid on-site sampling decisions and no need to save a large number of samples for expensive laboratory analysis. 60 Table 5. Bromide background concentrations in the tracer study area of the Swamp Gulch wetland. Bromide Concentration (mg/1) Determined by Ion Electrode 9/8 - 9/87 Site AH-6 AH-14 AH-17 AH-22 AH-29 AH-32 BC-1-21 BC-I-S C-I-Si C-I.51 C-2-S CD-11 CD-1-21 D-I-S D-2-S BLANK BC-I-SURF Determined by Titration 7/28 - 31/87 < < < < < < 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.43 < 0.40 0.44 0.50 < 0.40 0.45 0.55 0.82 0.40 < 0.40 — -- — — — — — — < 0.10 < 0.10 < 0.10 0.10 < 0.10 0.20 — < 0.10 0.20 iBackgrounds values subtracted from breakthrough curve. Ions which interfere with the bromide specific electrode, in order of increasing interference, include S-2, CN-, I-, NHg, CL- and OH- (Orion Research 1982). (Sr+2) must be absent (Cole-Parmer 1987). Strontium Water quality analysis (Reclamation Research Unit and MDI 1988) of the acidic wetland system indicated that, of the interfering ions above, only chloride and strontium may cause inaccurate electrode readings. Williams (1979) related that a chloride concentration of 20 times the bromide concentration will cause error in the bromide determination. At the lower 61 limit of detection with the bromide specific electrode (0.4 mg/1) a chloride concentration of 8 mg/1 can cause error. Water analysis at well D-I-S and surface water near BC-I showed chloride concentrations of 16 mg/1 and 8 mg/1 respectively on 7/29/87 (Reclamation Research Unit and MDI 1988). The most likely source of this chloride is highway road salt runoff. Al I wetland sites sampling strontium showed less than the lower limit of detection (0.1 mg/1) except for well F-I-S which showed 0.1 mg/1. Chloride and strontium may thus have created limited variation in the readings for bromide during the tracer test. The time involved in a uniform (natural) flow tracer method can be quite large and the method is usually limited to short or intermediate distances not more than 100 m (Davis et al. 1985). . The velocities determined from the field hydraulic conductivities and preliminary tracer test suggested that the piezometer network might not be close enough to the tracer input point. In addition to variable velocities, conductivity was noticed to decrease with depth and this suggested that flow would be predominantly in the acrotelm. Therefore a grid of shallow sampling sites was installed nearer the tracer input point. holes were used as the sample sites.. Inexpensive auger The preliminary dye tracer test exposed preferential water flow paths, conse­ quentially auger holes 27 to 32 were placed along these paths (Figure 7). 62 Bromide standards ranging from 0.1 to 1000 mg/1 were analyzed during each sample session to determine the corresponding mv value for that time period. An example of the resulting calibration curve is shown in Figure 15. Regression equations were determined for each calibration curve (Appendix E). The coefficient of determination, (r2), for each regression was maintained at 0.99. Values which were below the 0.4 mg/1 limit of detection were excluded from the regression. Field mv values for each sample site were converted to mg/1 values using the regression equation for that corresponding time period. The many bromide mv and mg/1 values generated and the associated sample time for each sample site are shown in Appendix.F . Distilled water blanks were run during each sample session and all were less than the 0.4 mg/1 limit of detection. Bromide breakthrough curves were developed using actual bromide concentrations on the y axis instead of the commonly used concentration/concentration injected (c/co). This was done to facilitate calculations and has no effect on the shape of the breakthrough curve. Changing the y axis to concentration/concentration injected is commonly done in tracer studies to facilitate comparison of different types of tracers introduced at the same time. An example of a bromide breakthrough curve generated is presented for site AH-I4 in Figure 16. Based on the work by Davis et al. (1985) (Figure I), the shape of this curve 63 indicates little sorption of tracer in the porous medium between the input point and sampling site. The curve shape (steep slopes) also exemplifies the expected result that bromide can be considered a fairly conservative tracer in the wetland studied. 9/26/87 □ 10:00 (m g /I) BROMIDE CONCENTRATION (lo g m g / l) Figure 15. Typical calibration curve generated for the tracer study. 64 Figure 16. Tracer study breakthrough curve showing little effect of sorption. There are many possible explanations for shapes of the breakthrough curves. Some of these explanations have been discussed earlier such as retardation by sorption and dilution by dispersion and diffusion. Site AH-25 generated data which resulted in only one point above the lower limit of detection. All the neighboring sites, 1.5 to 3.7 m (5 to 12 ft) away generated many bromide breakthrough curve points up to 4.8 mg/1. This suggests a zone of very low flow which is described as "dead zones" by Bowmer (1987). Sampling was not frequent enough to determine the exact breakthrough peak 65 at some sample sites. In the case of site AH-9 (Figure 17) the resultant curve is flat topped between hours 169 and 220. Both of these times were used for calculating velocity, in addition to the peaks at 30 and 54 hours. Subtraction of the background values resulted in no detectable tracer peaks on the breakthrough curve for some of the well sampling sites such as C-I-D, D-I-S, and D-2-S. xO' E z O I Z UJ U Z O U GQ TIME ( h r s .) —fro m s ta r t o f tra c e r in p u t Figure 17. Example of infrequent sampling effect on break­ through curve for site AH-9, 6.1 m from tracer input. Placement of the breakthrough curve peak is important in that the associated time represents the passing of the tracer plume. This time is also used for determination of average velocity. Widely spaced sampling intervals may 66 cause the exact breakthrough curve peak to not be detected and the velocities determined may be too large or too small. Bromide values below the 0.4 mg/1 limit of detection were not considered as possible peaks on the breakthrough curves. A common observation of the breakthrough curves shows more than one peak of tracer concentration. An example of such a curve is given in Figure 18 for site AH-19. This curve seems to indicate two bromide tracer plumes moving past the site with the second plume being more effected by sorption. xO' E z 0 1 Z UJ U Z O O TIME ( h r s .) —fro m s ta r t o f tra c e r in p u t Figure 18. Breakthrough curve representing two tracer plumes at site AH-I9, 9.1 m from tracer input. How breakthrough curves acquire more than one concen­ tration peak is not specifically discussed in the literature reviewed. Possible explanations of multiple breakthrough peaks could include: inadequate tracer mixing during input, 67 a heterogenous medium with layers of different flow velocity, periodic flushing, and cross contamination of samples. The inadequate mixing theory is negated by the breakthrough curve shape of the first sampling site encountered (Figure 19). This site, AH-3, showed no multiple peaks and exhibited a high concentration and short time interval to the breakthrough curve peak for this short distance from tracer input. A heterogenous medium is an entirely plausible explanation as layering was indicated during soil sampling (Table 2) and preferential flow paths were found in the wetland. These situations are also found in other wetlands (Ingram 1967; Dasberg and Neuman 1977; Sturges 1968). The possibility of samples being drawn from more than one zone of flow is good because many sampling sites have their screened interval in contact with more than one soil horizon (Figure 8 and Table 2). Periodic flushing (pulse flow) could cause multiple breakthrough peaks by flushing higher concentration water which was previously held in pore spaces during different flow rates. Periodic flushing is indicated by mildly fluctuating water levels during the study period (Appendix A). The diurnal variation noticed in flume charts could also contribute to this type of flow. 68 xcn E z O I Z LU O Z O U CD TIME ( h r s .) —fro m s ta r t o f tr a c e r in p u t Figure 19. Steep breakthrough curve indicating adequate tracer mixing at site AH-3, 3 m from tracer input. The possibility of cross contamination of samples, analysis error and/or some other means of acquiring faulty values is one which must be considered in any experiment. Blank samples (distilled water) were run through the same analysis procedures as the wetland samples. sample results are also shown in Appendix F . These blank The bromide concentration in blanks never was greater than the 0.4 mg/1 limit of detection and cross contamination was not a problem. Another explanation for multiple breakthrough curve peaks is error during analysis for bromide in the field. Analysis methods were constant throughout the study and should not have created the noted variation. The final 69 explanation for multiple peaks is a periodic contamination by the interfering ions, chloride and strontium which seems unlikely. Given these possible explanations for multiple tracer peaks it seems that they are true bromide values and have been processed accordingly. The previously shown break­ through curve for site AH-14 (Figure 16) yields a velocity of 1.4 x 10-3 cm/s (6.1 m/121.7 hr). Table 6 shows the velocities associated with the bromide breakthrough curve peak/peaks chosen for each site. The velocities shown represent the rate at which a tracer plume passed that particular site. Site locations are shown in Figure 7. The overall mean velocity represented by all of the sites and peaks is 2.6 x 10-2 cm/s with a range of 3.1 x 10-i to 6.2 x 10-4 cm/sThe velocities were compared in three different ways I) between auger holes and wells, 2) between the highest peak of the breakthrough curve and the remaining peaks, and 3) between sample sites within the grid area, <18.3 m, and sites outside the grid area, 27 to 38 m (Figure 7). results are shown in Table 7. apparent: These Several observations were I) there is little difference between bromide tracer velocities determined at auger holes and wells, 2) the velocities determined from other than the highest peak of the breakthrough curve are notably slower than from the remaining peaks, and 3) there is little difference (same Table 6. Tracer velocities determined for each site, time and distance from tracer input and peak concentrations of bromide. hrs Concen tration m g /I 29.6 53.1 0.8 I .0 29.7 52.6 H 7 .I 52.6 168.9 6.2 52.6 6.2 29.8 169.1 29.8 52.7 169.1 220.6 52.8 220.6 0.8 I .2 169.7 0.7 I .5 6.1 53.1 169.9 121 .7 122. H 220.3 318.1 Hll .6 220.3 3.6 268.5 53.5 220.1 53.6 268. H 220.1 53.7 220.0 220.3 53.8 268.0 267.8 267.8 H 10.7 53.9 H 10.9 I .2 I .6 3.5 106.7 2.6 I .8 I .9 2.2 I .0 H .8 I .8 3.6 2 H I .I I .H I .6 0.8 0.8 I .I 0.6 82.8 82.8 0.6 72.9 13.H 9.3 3.5 I .9 I .0 I .0 0.7 0.7 0.6 I .9 36.0 H .I 2.6 I .5 I .6 0.8 I .5 I .5 2.3 H .I 0.7 0.7 0.6 1.3 0.9 I .I 2.1 Site AH- I AH- I AH-2 AH- 3 AH-H AH-H AH-S AH-S AH-B AH-7 AH-7 AH-G AH-B AH-B AH-9 AH-S AH-S AH-S AH-IO AH- 10 AH Il AH-Il AH-Il AH- 12 AH- I3 AH 13 AH- 13 AH 13 AH-IH AH-IS AH- 16 AH lG AH- 16 AH 17 AH 18 AH-IB AH- 19 AH-IS AH-eo AH 20 AH-21 AH-22 AH-22 AH- 23 AH 2H AH-2H AH 25 AH-26 AH 26 AH-27 AH-27 Distance 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6. I 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9 .I 9. I 9.1 9.1 9.1 9. I 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9 .I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9.1 12.2 12.2 Velocity cm/s 0.00286 0.00160 0.10201 0.08729 0.00285 0.00161 0.00180 0.00161 0.00100 0.02722 0.00322 0.02709 0.00569 0.00100 0.00568 0.00321 0.00100 0.00077 0.00321 0.00077 0.21991 0 . I 3880 0.00100 0.2H902 0.11519 0.02776 0.00319 0.00100 0.00139 0.00207 0.00115 0.00080 0.00062 0.00115 0.06959 0.00095 0.00H7H 0.00115 0.00H7H 0.00095 0.00115 0.00H73 0.00115 0.00115 0.O O H /2 0.00095 0.00095 0.00095 0.00062 0.00628 0.00082 Site hrs AH-28 AH-29 AH 29 AH 30 A H-30 A H-30 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-AH C-I-AH C-I-AH C-I-AH BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-S BC-I-S BC- I-2 BC-I-2 B C - I-2 BC-1-2-AH C-I .5 C-I .5 C l .5 C-I.S-AH C-I.S-AH C-I.S-AH C - I .5-AH CD-1-2 C D - I -2 CD-1-2 CD-1-2 CD-1-2-AH CD-1-2-AH C0-1-2-AH CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I AH I .H 123.1 268.0 I .H 220.2 317.9 I .H 317.9 Hll .5 3.6 268.6 Hll .5 52.9 121 .5 220.8 30.0 52.8 121 .H 220.7 HG 6 123.7 30.6 5H.5 22.6 SH .6 915.0 SH .6 30.7 SH .8 915.2 30.7 5H.9 123.9 H 12.5 30.8 5H.8 123.9 915.2 SH .8 12H.0 269.2 BH .7 12H .0 915.3 30.8 SH .7 12H .I 220.9 H 12.3 915.H Concen­ tration m g /I 20.5 I .0 OH 52.0 3.3 3.9 H S .I 1.7 2.1 29.3 I .8 0.7 3.8 3.1 2.5 2.5 1.7 0.7 0.8 I .5 I .3 1.2 3.0 I .I 2.H I .0 0.5 I .H 3.9 2.5 I .6 2.2 I .H 0.9 I .9 3.5 2 .H 2.7 2.9 I .2 0.8 3.3 I .8 I .3 I .I 3.1 I .3 0.9 I .0 OH Distance 15.2 18.3 18.3 12.2 12.2 12.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 18.3 18.3 18.3 6 .H 6.H 6.H 6.1 6.1 6.1 6 .I 27.H 27. H 30.8 30.8 35.1 35.1 35.1 3H .I 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 37.2 37.2 37.2 32.9 32.9 32.9 3H.7 3H .7 3H.7 3H.7 3H.7 3H.7 Velocity cm/s 0.31358 0.O O H 13 0.00190 0.2H191 0.0015H 0.00107 0.30900 0.00133 0.00103 0.1H033 0.00189 0.00123 0.00336 0.OOlHB 0.00081 0.00565 0.00321 0.00139 0.00077 0.01569 0.00616 0.02795 0.01568 0. O H 303 0.0178H 0.00106 0.01736 0.03389 0.01899 0.OOllH 0.03392 0.01898 0.0 0 8 H I 0.00252 0.03221 0.01808 0.00799 0.00108 0 .OlBBH 0.00833 0.0038H 0.01672 0.00737 0.00100 0.0313H 0.01764 0.00778 0.00437 0.00234 0.00105 71 order of magnitude) in velocities determined near the tracer input and those velocities from farther away. Table 7. Tracer velocity comparison. Comparison Type Number of Cases Mean Velocity (cm/s) 10-2 10-2 Auger Holes Wells 83 18 2.9 1.4 High Peaks Remaining Peaks 45 56 5.0 6.4 X Grid Area Outside Grid 70 31 3.1 1.4 X X 10-2 10-2 101 2.6 X 10-2 Overal I X X X 10-2 10-3 The similar velocities observed at auger holes and wells can be explained by the fact that portions of the screened interval of most of the wells are within the same layers of conducting material (Table 2 and Figure 8) as the auger holes. The total depth of the shallow wells has little effect in that they are able to pick up tracer water from upper layers (acrotelm). This "pick up" can occur through the well sand pack which is usually 30 cm (I ft) from ground surface, below the bentonite seal. The auger holes are subject to the acrotelm flowing water slightly sooner than the shallow wells as indicated by the slightly faster velocity. The comparison of the high peak and remaining peaks supports the theory of residual tracer water 72 being flushed through after the main tracer plume. These remaining tracer peaks could represent tracer water flowing through the less conductive (catotelm) peat layers hence reducing flow velocity. The higher velocities determined in the auger hole grid area, although within the same order of magnitude, may reflect the steeper gradient in the area near the culvert outflow. Considering all the velocities from the different comparisons it is concluded that the overall mean of 2.6 x 10-2 cm/s is the most representative of the wet Ipnd system measured. The presence of preferential flow paths is demonstrated by results of the bromide tracer experiment. Breakthrough curves peak at just 1.4 hours from tracer input for sites AH-28 and AH-31, both 15.2 m (50 ft) from tracer input (Table 6). This results in a tracer plume of the shape represented in Figure 20. These preferential flow paths indicate the tracer is moving in both a south-southwesterly and easterly direction. The bromide concentration at site AH-31 is more than twice as high (52 mg/1) as site AH-28 (20.5 mg/1) at the same time (1.4 hrs) and indicates that more tracer is flowing in the south-southwesterly direction. This southwesterly skewed radial pattern is expected as the culvert outflow is a topographic high point and the regional hydraulic gradient and topographic slope is to the south­ west. Preferential flow paths are found in man made wetlands (Bowmer 1987) and in natural systems are sometimes OA 8c-1'2 B C - 1 -2 -A H C 0-1-2-A H O A c0-1'2 _ C 1.5 AH A O C-I 5 Figure 20. Bromide concentration isopach map, 0.95 to 1.5 hours from tracer start (20 mg/1 contours). A WELL 0 AUGER 3 SURFACE o 10 20 h 4-- h o 3 6 HOLE WATER 40 FEET ^METERS 74 called water tracks (Ingram 1967). Such paths may cause a substantial proportion of the water (tracer and/or AMD polluted) to travel through the system faster than predicted by the field hydraulic conductivities. Brooks (1984) recommended man made wetlands be designed to avoid channelization (preferential flow paths) and encourage low velocity sheet flow by use of flow obstructions. Effective iron removal from AMD increases in a wetland as flow rate through the wetland decreases (Burris 1984). The shape of the initial tracer plume (Figure 20) demonstrates the value of tracers used in heterogeneous flow systems. Tracer flow velocities (mean = 2.6 x 10-2 cm/s) were faster than flow velocities estimated from field hydraulic conductivity (mean = 7.14 x 10-5 cm/s)(Tables 7 and 4). The relationship between tracer determined velocity and field conductivity determined velocity is complicated by a number of factors. The measurement of the conductivities and the tracer test were done at different times. In effect, the measures are of different systems, but in practice, are assumed the same in view of the minimal change noticed in the system over the study period. The field hydraulic conductivity determined velocities are more representative of the wetland at depth. The tracer velocities, which include preferential flow paths, are more representative of the true movement of AMD waters. The amount of area and time represented by the tracer test is large compared to the 75 small area and time that the field conductivities represent. This comparison indicates that the tracer velocities are closer to the true value than the conductivity determined values. CONCLUSIONS Bromide was found to be a good choice for tracing water movement in the wetland studied. Using the natural flow tracer technique, sufficient bromide concentrations were detected up to a distance of approximately 38 m from tracer input. The bromide specific ion electrode method of analysis was found to be adequate. This method could be improved by periodic double sampling and analysis with another method (titration) especially at low bromide concentrations. The wide range of velocities determined from this study are the effect of a very heterogeneous wetland flow system and the methodology used in determining the velocities. Some of the heterogeneity involved a change in hydraulic gradient, changing flow rates and periodic flushing over time. Preferential flow paths and "dead zones" as a result of variable hydraulic conductivity also added to the heterogeneity. The most representative velocity of the AMD water in the wetland was that determined by the tracer experiment. These velocities were found to be a reflection of the heterogeneous system and ranged between 3.1 x 10-i to 77 6.2 x 10-4 cm/s with a mean of 2.6 x 10-2 cm/s (73.7 ft/day). Comparison of field hydraulic conductivity determined velocity to tracer determined velocity was accomplished by converting conductivity to velocity utilizing the estimated values of effective porosity and hydraulic gradient. The conductivity determined velocities are reasonable in that they estimate water flow velocity in the small area where conductivity was determined. When comparing the conductivity determined velocity to tracer velocity even the average velocity of auger hole sites (fastest of the conductivity determined velocities) was three orders of magnitude lower than average tracer velocity. This order of magnitude relationship does not change even if effective porosity is changed to 0.1 cc/cc (low) and the hydraulic gradient is changed to the steepest observed in the study area (0.058 m/m). This relationship indicates the compar­ ison is that of two different systems. The tracer velocity represents preferential flow paths within the shallow (acrotelm) system and the conductivity represents that flow found at greater depth (catotelm). The determination of water residence times in the wetland is contingent upon the velocity of the water system to be considered and the distance the water travels. The concern in this study involves the AMD water which emanates from the culvert outflow into the wetland. The velocity 78 representing this source is that of the tracer which was input at the same point that the AMD water is introduced to the wetland. The distance the AMD water travels, before complete problem amelioration, was not determinable from the tracer methods employed, but considering the wetland soil chemical data (Reclamation Research Unit and MDI 1988) a distance of 200 m will be used as an example. 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APPENDIX A WATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS FOR THE SWAMP GULCH WETLAND Table 8 Site Water elevation measurements for the Swamp Gulch wetland Ground Elevation Elevation TOCl WS2 Elevation WS Elevation 4/29/07 6/3/07 WS Elevation 7/27/07 Potientiometric WS 0/13/07 WS Elevation 0/13/07 WS Elevation 1/13/00 Meters culvert bottom AAA-3-0 AAA-3-S AA-2-0 AA-E-S A-3 B-E-D B-E-S BC-I-D BC-I-S BC-I-E C-I-D C-I-S C-I .5 C-E-D C-2-S C-3-D C-3-S C-H-D C-4-S C-S-D C-S-S CD-I-E CD-I D-I-D D-I-S D-E-D D-E-S D-3 E-I E-E E-3 F-I-D F-I-S F-2-D F-2-S F-3 SEEP-D SEEP-S 1577.EE 1578.33 1578.38 1570.17 1578.18 1577.EH 1577.31 1577.3E 1577.78 1577.77 1577.43 1577.75 1577.OS 1576.El 1576.24 1575.SH 1575.SB 1575.58 1575.HS I575.EH 1575.10 1576.00 1576.03 1575.93 1575.90 1575.68 1575.60 1574.30 157H.31 1573.70 1573.13 1573.13 1572.64 1572.59 1572.90 1500.14 1580.15 1 Top OF Casing 2 Water Surface 1570.04 157S.EE 1573.16 1573.10 1573.13 1578.13 1578.IH 1570.14 1578.58 1578.50 1578.SI 1578.HB 1578.HE 1577.80 1577.06 1577.06 1576.97 1576.33 1576.36 1576.37 1576.OH 1575.90 1577.60 1577.62 1576.75 1576.73 1576.52 1576.49 1575.33 1575.10 1575.10 1574.72 1573.37 1573.90 1573.61 1573.56 1573.80 1500.95 1580.35 1570.57 1578.HB 1570.05 1570.40 1577.HG 1577.SE 1577.3E 1576.51 1577.76 1577.36 1577.31 1577.00 1576.83 1576.37 1576.09 1576.07 1575.54 1575.55 157H.71 1574.60 1576.07 1576.73 1576.11 1575.04 1575.76 1575.73 1575.19 157H.33 1S7H.EH 1573.60 1578.53 1578.H7 1578.86 1578.Hl 1577.53 1577.SH 1577.33 1577.SH 1577.83 1577.33 1577.77 1577.88 1576.33 1576.87 1578.35 1576.08 1576.08 1575.51 1575.55 157H.S7 157H.S6 1576.88 1576.01 1576.04 1575.31 1575.75 1575.73 1575.51 157H.3E 157H.5E 1573.51 1575.50 1575.5H 1572.55 1570.00 1560.06 1572.43 1572.47 1572.47 1570.02 1570.00 1578.Bi 1578.EH 1577.30 1577.56 1577.35 1577.75 1577.38 1577.67 1576.38 1576.13 1577.HS 1577.60 1577.BH 1576.37 1576.BH 1576.38 1577.58 1577.35 1577.75 1577.75 1577.38 1577.BH 1577.75 1577.01 1576.37 1576.33 1575.30 1575.55 1576.7H 1576.71 1575.BH 1576.76 1576.7H 1576.00 1575.30 1575.71 1575.73 1576.85 1578.80 1575.33 1575.36 1575.71 1575.7H 157H.E7 157H.31 157H.31 157H.EO 157H.38 157H.8S 1573.10 1573.15 1573.11 1573.13 1575.H3 1575.HH 1573.65' 1573.85 v0 O 91 APPENDIX B SWAMP GULCH FLOW AT THE TAILINGS DAM FLUME 92 Table 9. Date I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 . 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total Max Min Swamp Gulch total daily flow (m3), at the tailings dam fIume. June 27.16 160.89 99.94 171.62 127.75 • 78.90 64.63 57.43 '54.29 53.27 51.23 45.00 38.69 36.84 36.84 36.84 1141.32171.62 36.84 July 36.84 36.84 36.84 36 . ‘84 36.84 36.84 36.84 36.84 36.84 152.73 122.37 86.57 76.27 71.68 64.97 59.19 418.74 731.79 • 358.76 238.74 210.76 213.56 363.88 191.33 142.48 120.47 113.70 111.04 105.80 98.13 85.92 4470.74 731.79 36.84 August September 73.97 18.92 71.68 17.95 73.94 17.50 70.55 15.15 63.52 14.75 62.79 1.7.50 74.74 18.92 18.92 68.68 18.92 40.16 17.50 18.92 18.92 16.11 16.82 18.92 22.37 17.50 42.17 17.50 38.69 16.11 16.11 31.58 29.85 -17.50 28.18 18.92 23.39 20.36 21.86 . -20.36 18.92 18.92 18.92 18.92 20.36 18.92 20.36' 19.88 21.86 74.82 20.36 38.23 29.59 21.86 23.39 29.57 26.54 23; 39 26.54 22.37 20.84 1204.00 74.82 16.11 . 578.78 26.54 14.75 October 24.95 24.95 23.39 21.86 24.95 29.85 29.85 29.85 28.18 28.24 31.58 32.43 34.15 32.43 35.03 37.78 38.06 26.99 17.50 16.11 16.11 16.11 16.11' 16.79 17.50 18.92 17.50 18.92 17.50 16.79 18.92 759.32 38.06 16.11 November 18.92 18.92 18.92 18.92 18.92 18.92 18.92 20.36 27.05 ' 17.11 21.86 21.86 23.39 23.39 12.23 20.25 319.93 27.05 •12.23 APPENDIX C PRECIPITATION FOR THE SWAMP GULCH WETLAND 94 Table 10. Date Precipitation for the Swamp Gulch Wetland. cm in 6/09 6/10 6/16 6/17 6/18 6/21 TOTAL 0.25 0.25 1.02 0.30 1.27 0.13 3.22 7/01 7/05 7/09 7/10 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/20 7/21 .7/22 7/30 TOTAL 0.13 0.13 0.13 2.34 0.71 5.72 0.89 0.08 0.10 1.42 0.18 11.83 0.10 0.10 0.40 0.12 0.50 0.05 1.27 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.92 0.28 2.25 0.35 0.03 0.04 0.56 0.07 4.65 8/07 8/10 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 TOTAL 0.20 0.13 0.71 0.25 0.10 0.05 1.07 0.03 0.03 0.05 2.62 0.08 0.05 0.28 0.10 0.04 0.02 0.42 . 0.01 0.01 0.02 1.03 9/27 9/30 TOTAL 0.08 0.10 0.18 0.03 0.04 0.07 10/15 10/16 TOTAL 0.08 0.38 0.46 0.03 0.15 0.18 11/02 11/03 - 11/14 11/19 TOTAL 0.13 0.20 0.25 1.07 1.65 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.42 0.65 Date 12/02 12/04 12/08 12/09 12/11 cm 0.36 0.20 0.18 0.25 1.52 in 0.14 0.08 . 0.07 0.10 0.60 12/12/87 - 01/11/88 4.24 1.67+ 1/13 0.18 0.07 0.38 1/14 0.15 1/15 0.10 0.04 1/20 0.31 0.12 1/22 0.23 0.09 1/23 0.13 0.05 1/30 0.20 0.08 1/31 0.15 0.06 TOTAL 12/87 - 1/88 5.92 2.33 2/01 2/02 2/03 2/04 2/06 2/07 2/08 2/09 2/10 2/11 2/12 2/13 2/14 2/15 2/17 2/21 2/22 TOTAL 0.05 0.18 0.48 0.20 0.05 0.64 1.35 0.28 0.08 0.10 0.30 0.05 0.41 0.66 0.05 0.76 0.13 5.77 0.02 0.07 0.19 0.08 0.02 0.25 0.53 0.11 0.03 0.04 0.12 0.02 0.16 0.26 0.02 0.30 0.05 2.27 95 APPENDIX D HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY FIELD DATA Hydraulic conductivity field data Table 11 Site* B-2-AH Test date: Test t y p e : 0/13 / 0 7 Rising head Site: 120 C - I .5-AH Test date: Test t y p e : 8/13/87 R i sing head V o l u m e bailed: 840 ml H o l e radius: 3.81 cm Hole depth b e l o w water surface ( D ) : 7 6 .20 cm Water level bel o w ground s u r f a c e : 4.57 cm Initial water level from d a t u m : 5 8 .52 cm t 2 - t I : 90 sec h 2 - h I : 16.15 cm Test d a t a : Water level Time from from datum slug removal (cm) (sec ) 76.81 71 .02 66.75 20 64.31 30 62.18 45 61.57 60 60.66 90 60.05 120 59.74 150 59.44 180 59.13 240 5 9 .13 300 0 10 8/14 / 0 7 R ising head 0 10 Site: Test d a t e : Test t y p e : B C -1-2-AH Test date: Test type: V o l u m e bailed: 10 7 0 ml H o l e radius: 3.01 cm H o l e dep t h b e l o w water surface ( D ) : 7 0 . 1 0 cm Water level bel o w g r o u n d surface: 15.24 cm Initial water level from datum: 7 1 . 9 3 cm t 2 - t I : 90 sec h 2 - h I : 10.59 cm Test data: Water level T ime fI om from d a t u m slug removal (cm) (sec > 95.40 86.87 85.65 20 83.82 30 81.99 45 79.25 60 76.81 90 75.29 74.60 150 180 7 4 .07 73.46 240 73. 15 300 Volume bailed: 910 ml H o l e radius: 3.81 cm Hole depth below water surface (D >: 91.44 0.91 i Water level b e l o w ground s u r f a c e : 54.86 Initial water level from datum: t 2 - t I : 45 sec h 2 - h I : 18.29 cm Test d a t a : Water level Time from from datum slug removal (cm) (sec ) 74.68 0 60.05 10 57.30 20 56.69 30 56.69 30 56.39 45 56.08 60 55.78 90 55.70 120 55. 4 7 150 55.47 180 55.47 240 5 5 .17 300 Site: C-I-AH 8/1 3 / 8 7 R i s i n g head V o l u m e bailed: 1110 ml H o l e radius: 3.81 cm H o l e d e pth bel o w water surface ( D ) : 8 2 . 3 0 cm Water level bel o w g round surface: 4 . 5 7 cm Initial water level from datum: 6 0 . 9 6 cm t 2 - t I : 60 sec h 2 - h I : 2 1 . 9 5 cm Test data: Time from Water level slug removal from d a t u m (c m ) (sec ) 85.34 0 10 68.88 20 66.45 64.92 30 45 64.01 60 63.40 63.09 75 62.79 90 62.48 120 61 .87 150 180 240 300 61.87 61.57 6 1 •£6 O O Table 11.— Continued Site: C- S - A H date: type: 8/14/A7 Rising head Vol u m e bailed: I06 0 ml Hole radius: 3.81 cm Hole depth b e l o w water surface (D ) : 181.95 cm Water level b e l o w gr o u n d surface: 3.05 cm 5 6 . 3 9 cm Initial water level from datum: t S - t I : 45 sec h S - h I : S I .95 cm Test data: T ime from Water level from datum slug removal <sec ) (c m ) 0 79.55 10 60.35 59.44 SO 30 58.55 45 57.61 60 57.30 90 57.00 56.69 ISO 56.69 150 56.69 180 56.39 84 0 300 56.39 Site: CD-I-S-AH Test date: Test t y p e : 8/13/87 R ising head Volume bailed: 15 0 0 ml Hole radius: 3.81 cm Hole dep t h b e l o w water surface (D ): 8 5 . 3 0 cm Water level b e l o w ground surface: 13.78 cm 69 .19 cm Initial water level from datum: t S - t I : 60 sec h S - h I : S 4 .08 cm Test data: Time from slug removal (sec > 0 10 SO 30 45 60 75 90 ISO 150 180 S40 300 Water level from d a tum (cm) 95.40 81.99 75.59 73.76 75.54 71 .35 71.05 70.71 70.41 70.10 70. 10 69.80 69.49 Site: CD-I -AH lest date: Test type: 8/13 / 8 7 R ising head Vo IumH bailed: IO OO ml H o l e radius: 3.81 cm H o l e depth b e l o w water s u r face ( D ) : 106.68 cm Water level b e l o w g round s u r face: 15.19 cm Initial water level from datum: 65.84 cm t S - t I : 90 sec h S - h I : 18.59 cm Test data: T ime from Water level slug removal from dat u m (sec ) (cm) 0 87.48 10 79.25 SO 7 5 .90 30 73.76 45 7 1 .63 70.71 60 75 6 9 .80 90 69.19 150 6 8 .58 150 6 8 .58 180 67.97 540 67.67 300 67.36 Site: D - I-AH Test date: Test t y p e : 8/14 / 8 7 Rising head Vo Itime bailed: R l O ml H o l e radius: 3.81 cm H o l e depth b e l o w water s u r face (D ): 9 4 .49 cm Water level b e l o w ground 9.14 cm Initial water level from d a t u m : 6 5 .18 cm t S - t I: 90 sec h S - h I : 14.94 cm Test d a t a : T im e f r om Water level slug removal from d a tum (sec ) (cm) 0 79. 8 6 77. 7 5 1O 74. 3 7 50 30 71.63 45 68.58 60 67.06 90 64. 9 5 150 64.01 150 63. 4 0 180 63.09 540 6 3 .09 300 63.09 O <1 Table 11 Continued Test d a t e : Test type: Site: 8/14/87 R ising head Vo l u m e bailed: 6 6 5 ml H o l e radius: 3.81 cm H o l e depth b e l o w water surface ( D ) : 8 8 . 3 9 cm Water level b e l o w gr o u n d surface: 3 . 0 5 cm Initial water level from datum: 5 8 . 5 2 cm t 2 - t I : 90 sec hp-hlt 11.28 cm Test data: Time from Water level slug removal from d a tu m (s e c ) (cm) 0 73.15 10 65.53 20 65.23 30 64.62 45 63.70 60 62.79 90 61.87 120 60.96 150 60.35 180 60.05 24 0 59.74 300 59.74 Site: F-I-AH E- P - A H Test d a t e : Test t y p e : 0 10 120 B-2-D 8/14/87 Rising head Vo l u m e bailed: 1050 ml Hole radius: 3.81 cm Hole depth b e l o w water surface (D ) : 7 9 . 2 5 cm Water level b e l o w gro u n d surface: 0 . 3 0 cm Initial water level from datum: 5 4 . 8 6 cm t a - t I : 60 sec h p —hi: 2 1 .64 cm Test data: Time from Water level slug removal from dat u m (s e c ) (cm > 78.03 0 59.44 10 57.61 20 57.30 30 56.69 45 56.39 60 55.78 90 120 55.78 55.47 150 55.47 180 55. 17 240 55.17 300 8/14/87 R ising head V o l u m e bailed: 1045 ml H o l e radius: 3 . BI cm H o l e depth b e low water surf a c e ( D ) : 8 8 . 3 9 cm Water level b e l o w ground surface: 3 . 0 5 cm Initial water level from d a t u m : 5 5 . 1 7 cm t 2 - t I : 45 sec hp -Ii I : 18.59 cm Test data: T ime from Water level slug removal from dat u m (cm) (sec ) 78.03 61.87 PO 60.96 30 60.35 45 59.44 60 58.83 90 58.52 57.91 150 57.61 180 57.61 240 5 7 .30 300 5 7 .00 Site: Site: Test date: Test t y p e : Stan d p i p e radius (r >: Intake point r adius ( R ) : S c r e e n legenth ( L ) : Initial water level from t 2-11 : 10 sec hi: 38.1 cm h 2 : 1.52 cm Test d a t a : Time from s Iug a d d i t ion (sec > 0 50 10 30 45 60 90 120 150 180 240 Test date: 8/13 / 8 7 Test Falling type: I .08 cm 2.54 cm 5 7 . 9 cm top of casing: 57.9 cm Water level from top of c asing (cm) 19.81 56.39 56.39 56.39 56.39 56.39 56.69 56.69 57.00 57.00 57.00 OD Table 11 Site: Continued B-2-S Test d a t e : Test t y p e : 8/13/87 Falling head Standpipe radius (r > : I .08 cm Intake point ra d i u s (R ): 2.54 cm Screen legenth ( L ) : 57.9 cm Initial water level from top of casing: 8 1 . 9 9 cm t 2 - t I : 180 sec hi: 38.1 cm h2: 14.33 cm Test d a t a : T ime from Water level from slug a d d i t ion top of casing (sec > (c m ) 0 10 20 30 45 60 90 120 150 180 240 300 Site: B C - I-2 43.89 49.68 51 .21 52.43 54.86 56.69 59.74 63.09 65.84 67.67 71 .02 73.46 Test date: Test t y p e : Standpipe radius <r>: Intake point r a d i u s ( R ) : Screen legenth (L ): Initial water level from t S - t I : 300 sec hi: 38.1 cm h 2 : 26.21 cm Test d a t a : T ime fr om slug a d d i t ion <sec ) 0 10 20 30 45 60 90 120 150 180 240 300 600 8/13/87 Falling head I .08 cm 2.54 cm 57.9 cm top of casing: 86. 5 6 cm Water level from top of casing (cm > 48.46 54.25 54.25 54.86 55.47 55.78 56.39 57.00 57.61 57.91 58.83 60.35 63.70 Site: C - I -D Test date: Test type: S t a n d p i p e r adius (r ) : Intake point r adius ( R ) : S c r e e n legenth (L ) : Initial water level from t 2 - t I : 1 8 0 sec hi: 38.1 cm h2: 7.62 cm Test data: T ime f r om slug add i t ion (sec > 0 10 20 30 50 60 80 IOO 120 150 180 240 300 600 Site: C-I-S I .08 cm 2.54 cm 57.9 cm top of casing: 8/13/87 Falling head 77. 11 cm Water level from top of c asing (c m ) * 39.01 54.25 56.39 59.44 60. 0 5 6 0 .96 62.79 6 4 .62 66. 7 5 6 8 .28 69. 4 9 71 .32 73. 1 5 75.29 Test d a t e : 8/13/87 Test type: Fal Iing head S t a n d p i p e r adius <r >: I .08 cm Intake point r adius (R >: 2.54 c m S c r e e n legenth (L >: 57.9 cm Initial water level from top of casing: 57.61 cm t 2 - t I: 180 sec hi: 3 8 . I cm h 2 : I .22 cm Test d a t a : Time from Water level from sIug add it ion top of c a s i n g (sec ) (c m ) 0 19.51 10 42. 6 7 20 44.81 30 47.85 45 49.38 60 50.90 75 52. 1 2 90 53.04 54.56 150 5 5 .47 180 56. 3 9 240 5 7 .30 300 57.61 120 vO v0 Table Site: 11.— Continued Test d a t e : Test type: C - I .5 Sta n d p i p e radius (r ): Intake point ra d i u s ( R ) : Screen legenth (L ): Initial water level f r o m t 2 - t I : 150 sec hi: 38.1 cm h 2 : 9.14 cm Test d a t a : Time from slug a d d i t i o n <sec ) 0 10 20 30 45 60 75 90 150 180 240 300 Site: C-2-D 83.52 Water level from top of casing (cm > 45.42 54.86 5 7 .30 59.44 61 .57 64.01 66.45 68.28 71.63 74.37 76.50 79.55 81.69 Test date: Test t y p e : Site: C - 2-S Test date: Test type: S t a n d p i p e r adius (r >: Intake point r adius ( R ) : Scr e e n legenth (L >: Initial water level from t 2 - t I : 150 sec hi: 3 8 . I cm h 2 : 19.2 cm Test data: T ime from slug a d d ition (sec > 0 10 20 30 45 60 90 120 150 180 240 300 8/14 / 8 7 Falling head Standpipe radius (r): 1.08 cm Intake point ra d i u s (R): 2.54 cm Screen legenth ( L ) : 30.5 cm Initial water level from top of rasing: 21.34 cm t 2 - t I : 300 sec hi: 38.1 cm h2: 17.68 cm Test d a t a : Time from Water level from top of casing sIug a d d i t ion (cm) (sec ) 0.00 20 0.30 30 0.91 45 I .22 60 I .52 90 I .83 120 2. 13 150 2.44 180 3.05 240 3.66 300 6.71 600 Site: C D - I -2 S t a n d p i p e radius (r): Intake point radius (R ): S c r e e n legenth ( L ) : Initial water level from t 2 - 1 1 : 180 sec hi: 38.1 cm h 2 : 10.67 cm Test d a t a : Time from slug a d d i t i o n (sec ) 0 10 30 45 60 75 90 120 150 IBO 240 300 1.08 cm 2.54 cm 30.5 cm top of casing: 8/14/87 Falling head 74.07 cm Water level from top of casing (cm) 35.97 43. 2 8 45.11 46. 0 2 47.24 48. 4 6 50.90 53.04 54.86 56. 3 9 59.44 61.57 Test date: Test type: 1.08 cm 2 . 5 4 cm 3 0 . 5 cm top of casing: 100 120 I .08 cm 2.54 cm 57.9 cm top of casing: 8/13/87 Fa I ling head 8/13/87 Falling head 91.44 Water level from top of casing (cm) 53.34 61. 5 7 64.01 67.06 68.88 70.71 72. 8 5 75. 9 0 78. 3 3 80.77 83. 5 2 8 5 .95 Site: 11.— Continued CD Test date: Ies t t ype : S t a nd pi pe ra d iu s (r > : Intake point ra d i u s ( R ) : Sc re en legenth (L >: Initial water level from t E - 1 1 ! 180 sec hi: 38.1 cm h E : 17.07 cm Test d a t a : T ime f com sIug a d d it ion (sec ) 0 10 SO 30 45 60 75 90 IEO 150 180 84 0 300 600 Site: D-I-D S t andpipe radius (r > r Intake point r a d i u s (R ): Sc r e e n legenth ( L ) : Initial water level from t S - t I : 90 sec hi: 38.1 cm h E : 0.3 cm Test d a t a : Time from slug a d d i t i o n (s e c ) 0 10 80 30 60 90 150 840 I .08 cm S.54 cm 30.5 cm top of casing: 8/13/87 Fal I tng head 8 7 . 7 8 cm Site: T es t date: Test t y p e : D-I-S S t a n d p i p e r a dius <r >: Intake point r adius <R ) : S c r e e n legenth ( L ) : Initial water level from t S - t I : 180 sec hi: 38.1 cm h8: 85.6 cm Test data: Time from slug a d d i t i o n (sec ) 0 10 80 30 45 60 90 180 150 180 840 300 630 Water level from top of casing (cm) 49.68 59.44 68.18 68.79 63.40 64.68 65.53 66.45 67.97 70. 10 70.71 78.85 74.68 80.16 Site: Test d a t e : Test t y p e : 1.08 cm 8.54 cm 30.5 cm top of casing: 8/14 / 8 7 Fall i n g head 74. 6 8 cm Water level from top of casing (c m ) 36.58 71.63 73.15 73.76 74.07 74.37 74.37 74.68 D-S-D S t a n d p i p e r a d i u s (r): Intake point r a d i u s (R) % S c r e e n legenth ( L ) s Initial water level from t S - t I : 180 sec hi: 38.1 cm h S : 3.05 cm Test data: Time from slug a d d i t i o n (sec > 0 10 80 30 45 60 90 180 150 180 840 300 I .08 cm 8.54 cm 30.5 cm top of casing: 8/14/07 Falling head 88.3 Water level from top of casing (cm) 44.80 47.85 50.60 51.88 58. 4 3 53.04 53. 9 5 54.86 55.78 56.69 58. 5 8 60.35 66. 4 5 Test d a t e : Test type: 1.08 cm 8.54 cm 30.5 cm top of casing: TOT Table 8/14/87 Falling head 81.38 cm Water level from top of casing (cm) 43.88 60.96 64.68 67.06 69.80 71.93 74.37 76.81 78.33 78.94 80.16 80.77 Table Site: 11 Continued D-2-S Test date* Test t y p e : Sta n d p i p e radius (r > : Intake point rad i u s ( R ) : Sc r e e n legenth ( L ) : Initial water level from t 2 - t I : 150 see hI * 3 8 . I cm he?: 15.24 cm Test data: T ime from s Iug a d d i t ion (sec ) 0 I O 20 30 45 60 90 ' 150 180 240 300 75.9 cm Water level from top of casing (cm) 37.80 39.62 42.06 4 4 .20 46.63 49.07 53.64 57.00 60.66 62.79 66.45 69.49 Site: Test date: Test t y p e : E-I Sta n d p i p e radius (r): Intake point radius (R ) : Sc r e e n legenth (L > : Initial water level from t 2 - t I : I50 sec hi: 38.1 cm h 2 : 22.56 cm Test Iime f i om slug a d d i t i o n ( S H C ) 0 10 PO 30 60 90 120 150 180 240 300 * 600 I .08 cm 2.54 cm 30.5 cm top of casing: 0 10 120 Test date: Test type: F-I - D 8/14 / 8 7 Falling 7 9 .25 cm Water level from top of casing (cm) 41.15 50.60 51 .21 52.12 52.73 53. 9 5 54.86 56.08 56.69 57.91 60.96 64.62 8/14/87 F a l l i ng head S t a n d p i p e radius (r): 1.08 cm Intake point r adius (R): 2.54 cm S creen legenth ( L ) : 30.5 cm Initial water level from top of casing: 89.92 cm t 2 - t l : 180 sec hi * 38.1 cm h 2 : 31.7 cm Test d a t a : Water level from T ime from top of casing s Iug add it ion (c m ) (sec ) 51.82 56.39 56.69 20 57.00 30 57.30 45 57.61 57.91 150 58.83 300 60.66 600 Site: Site: Test date: Test t y p e : E-2 Sta n d p i p e radius (r ): Intake point r adius ( R ) : S c r e e n legenth ( L ) : Initial water level from t 2 - t I * 180 sec h I : 3 8 . I cm h 2 : 2.13 cm Test d a t a : Time from slug a d d ition (sec ) 0 10 20 30 45 60 90 120 150 180 240 300 8/14/87 Falling head I .08 cm 2.54 cm 30.5 cm top of c a s i n g : 85.04 cm Water level from top of casing (cm) 46.94 61 .57 65.53 70. 10 73.15 76.20 78.94 80.77 81.38 82.91 83.82 84.43 102 120 I .08 cm 2.54 cm 30.5 cm top of casing: 8/14 / 8 7 Fall i n g head Table Site: 11.— Continued Test date: Test type: F-I-S Sta n d p i p e radius (r ) : Intake point rad i u s ( R ) : Screen legenth (L >: Initial water level from t P - t I : 300 sec hls 38.1 cm h2: 32.9«? cm Test data: I Ime fi om slug a d d ition (sec ) 300 1500 87. 7 8 cm Water level from top of casing (cm > 49.68 54.56 54.86 54.86 54.86 55.17 103 0 IO 120 20 I .08 cm 2.54 cm 30.5 cm top of casing: 8/14/87 Fall i n g head 104 APPENDIX E REGRESSION EQUATIONS GENERATED FROM CALIBRATION CURVE DATA 105 Table 12. Calibration curve regression summary. T ime of Measurement (hours)'*' Background 0-1.5 1.5-7 7-32 32-50 50-60 60-90 90-110 I 10-130 ■ 130-250 250-280 280-320 320-420 420-1000 1000-2000 Y Intersept 117.91 99.44 114.04 101.66 ■ 100.98 112.44 I 10.66 111.96 110.77 125.88 109.26 117.57 111.48 116.47 119.44 Slope -57 ..32 -54.46 -55.91 . -55.08 -54.30 . -58.03 -54.88 -53.90 -54.82 -58.15 -57.83 -58.37 .-57.51 -57.31 -57.47 r2 0.999 0.999 0.999. 0.999 0.999 ' 0.999 0.994 0.991 0.993 0.999 0.999 . 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.999 x- Calibration measurement from start of tracer •e x p e r iment. y •= Y Intersept + (x) Slope y axis = electrode potential (m v ) x axis = Br- concentration (log mg/1) 106 APPENDIX F FIELD DATA GENERATED FROM THE BROMIDE TRACER EXPERIMENT Field data generated from the bromide tracer e x p e riment. Table 13 Da te T im e of Day Meter R e a d ing mv Hour s From Start AH-I AH-I AH-I AH- I AH-I AH-I AH-I AH- I AH-I AH-I AH-I AH-I AH-I AH-I AH-I AH-I AH-I AH- I AH-2 AH-P AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 AH-2 A H -3 A H -3 AH-3 AH-3 AH-3 AH-3 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I /87 0 9 / I I /87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/07 09/10/87 0 9 / I I/87 0 9 / I I /87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 I 146 1302 1620 830 1234 1609 834 1534 855 1721 I 120 I 107 1405 1404 1526 1557 1256 1635 I 120 1400 1622 831 1237 1610 837 1503 858 1724 I 122 I 109 1406 1406 1529 1559 1300 1640 1033 1040 1058 I 128 1345 1622 187 186 162 153 I 18 97 I 16 101 I 19 120 124 158 158 148 158 166 163 181 70 89 97 109 109 I 12 I 14 127 157 168 159 175 172 178 191 188 188 185 162 63 4 -I I 108 153 I .3 2.5 5.8 22.0 26. I 29.6 46. I 5 3. I 70.4 102.8 120.8 168.6 219.6 267.6 316.9 365.4 4 10.4 582. I 0.8 3.5 5.9 22.0 26. I 29.7 46. I 52.5 70.5 102.9 120.9 168.7 219.6 267.6 317.0 365.5 410.5 582.2 0. I 0.2 0.5 I .0 3.2 5.9 B r o m i de D is t a n c e Concenmeters t r a t ion mg/1 0.0 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.5 I .2 0.5 I .6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0. I 0. I 0. I 3.5 2.8 2.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.2 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.1 0. I 0.1 4.7 56.6 106.7 I .3 0.2 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 S i te Date AH-3 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 AH-4 A H -5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH-5 AH--6 AH-6 AH-6 AH-6 AH-6 AH-6 AH-6 09/10/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/11/87 0 9 / I I/ 8 7 09/12/87 0 9 / I3 / 8 7 09/14/87 00/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/07 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I 1/87 09/11/87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/11/87 0 9 / I I/87 09/12/87 I im e of Day 829 I 122 1321 852 1308 1613 94 I 1504 900 1726 I 125 I 1 20 1409 1411 1535 I6 0 1 I3 0 2 1642 I 124 1323 1640 851 13 0 7 1612 939 1509 902 1730 I 128 1116 1411 1413 1537 1603 1304 1645 I 130 2216 850 I3 0 6 935 15 0 3 905 M e ter R e a d 11 ig 214 190 193 90 84 79 91 98 130 152 156 164 169 I74 192 186 184 200 196 189 190 109 96 88 86 93 130 155 160 170 172 162 188 183 183 I9 9 184 171 183' 181 168 159 150 Hour s Fi n m Start 22.0 0.9 2.9 22.4 26.6 29.7 47.2 52.6 70.5 102.9 1 2 0.9 168 . 8 219.7 267.7 317 . 1 365.5 4 10.5 582.2 0.9 2.9 6.2 22.4 26.6 29.7 47.1 52.6 70.5 103.0 121 .0 168 . 8 219.7 267.7 317. I 365.6 410.6 582.2 I .0 11.8 22.3 26.6 47. I 52.5 70.6 B r o m i de Concent r a t i on mg/1 0.0 0.0 0.0 I .6 2. I 2.6 I .5 I .8 0.4 0.2 0. I 0.2 0.2 0. I 0. I 0.1 0. I 0.0 0.0 0. I 0.0 0.7 I .3 I .8 I .9 2.2 0.4 0.2 0. I 0.2 0.2 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.0 0.0 0. I 0.0 0.0 0. I 0.2 o.a D is t a n c e meter s 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 6 .I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6 .I 6. I 6. I 107 Site Table 13.— Continued 1733 I 130 I 127 1415 1415 1539 1605 1306 1647 I 127 1133 1325 1643 2221 849 1304 1614 930 1509 907 1735 I 131 1132 1413 1433 1556 1607 1309 1650 1043 1136 1645 2224 847 1303 1617 927 1510 910 1737 1135 I 135 1503 Meter R e a d ing I 17 I 12 125 129 131 156 158 158 186 158 130 I 15 76 85 92 135 106 97 98 129 124 122 142 149 137 149 162 155 203 194 167 83 79 87 88 81 89 97 129 139 128 124 125 Hours From Start 103.0 121 .0 168.9 219.8 267.8 317. I 365.6 410.6 582.3 0.9 I .I 2.9 6.2 11.8 22.3 26.6 29.7 47.0 52.6 70.6 103.1 121 .0 169.0 219.7 268.1 317.4 365.6 410.6 582.3 0.2 I .I 6.2 I I .9 22.3 26.6 29.8 47.0 52.7 70.7 103. I 121 . I 169.1 220.6 Bromide Concent r at ion mg/1 0.8 0.9 I .0 0.9 0.4 0.2 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.3 I .0 4.8 2.0 I .5 0.2 0.8 I .2 I .8 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0. I 0.2 0.0 0.0 0. I 3.6 2.6 I .9 I .8 2.4 I .7 I .8 0.5 0.3 0.5 I.I I .0 D is t a n c e meters 6 .I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6.1 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6.1 6. I 6.1 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6.1 6. I 6.1 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I Site AH-8 AH-B AH-8 AH-8 AH-8 A H —9 AH-9 AH-9 AH 9 AH-9 AH-9 AH- 9 AH-9 AH-9 AH-9 AH-9 AH-9 AH-9 AH-9 AH-9 AH-9 AH-9 AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO AH-IO A H - I0 AH-I I AH-Il AH - II Date 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/8^ 0 9 / I I/ 8 7 0 9 / II/87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/1 I/87 09/1 I/87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 T im e of Day 14 3 6 1559 1610 1330 1652 I 140 2228 845 I3 0 I 1618 9 24 1513 918 1740 1139 I 138 1504 1438 1601 1632 1333 1719 I I 18 1319 1717 84 6 1300 1619 921 1515 915 1744 114 1 I 142 1507 1440 1603 1634 1336 1721 1040 1048 1116 Meter R o a d ing mv Hour s 144 155 169 165 201 197 122 103 103 94 98 10 0 124 135 130 133 133 159 188 175 175 202 188 190 188 161 150 130 I 17 II I 128 143 143 142 140 I2 6 146 157 147' 172 184 42 -5 268. I 317.5 365.7 411.0 582.4 1.2 12.0 22.2 26.5 29.8 46.9 52.7 70.8 103.2 121 .2 169.1 220.6 268. I 317.5 366.0 4 11.1 ses.a 0.8 2.8 6.8 22.3 26.5 29.8 46.9 52.8 70.8 103.2 121 .2 169.2 220.6 268.2 317.6 366. I 411.1 582.9 0.2 0.3 0.8 Start Bromide Distance Concenmeters tration mg / I 0.2 0.2 0. I 0. I 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.9 0.9 I .4 I .I I .6 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.8 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.3 0.5 I .I 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0. I 0.0 11.3 CD 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I /87 0 9 / I I /8 7 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I /87 0 9 / I I /8 7 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 T ime of Day 6. I 6. I 6 .I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6.1 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 108 AH-6 A H -6 AH-6 AH-6 AH-6 AH-6 AH-6 AH-6 AH-6 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-7 AH-B AH-B AH-B AH-B AH-B AH-B AH-B AH-B AH-B AH-B AH-B AH-B AH-B AH-B Date CD ru Si tp Table 13.— Continued Site -5 101 156 192 181 195 191 186 170 186 144 137 197 180 202 195 186 202 67 -2 84 78 138 159 131 130 154 138 154 132 137 129 176 194 183 180 180 145 38 66 60 64 89 Hours From Start I .2 6.0 12. I 22.2 26.4 29.9 46.5 52.8 70.9 103.3 121 .4 169.7 220.7 268.9 317.6 366. I 411.1 582.9 0.3 0.7 6.7 12.2 22. I 26.3 30. I 46.5 53.0 70.4 103.4 121.6 169.8 220.5 268.9 318.2 366.6 4 11.7 583.0 0.5 I .5 2.8 6. I 12.1 B r o m i de D i s t a n c e Concenmeter s tr a t ion mg / I 82.8 I .7 0. I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. I 0. I 0.0 0.2 0.6 0. I 0. I 0.0 0.0 0. I 0.0 3.9 72.9 3.5 2.7 0.2 0. I 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.9 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 13.4 7.2 9.3 4.8 I .7 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6.1 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6.1 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6 .I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6 .I 6. I S i te Date T im e of Day Meter R e a d ing A H - 13 A H - I3 A H - I3 A H - I3 A H - I3 A H - I3 A H - I3 A H - I3 A H - I3 A H - I3 A H - I3 A H - I3 A H - I3 A H - I3 A H - I4 A H - I4 A H - 14 A H - 14 A H - 14 A H - I4 A H - I4 A H - I4 A H - I4 A H - I4 A H - I4 A H - 14 A H - I4 A H - I4 A H - 14 A H - 14 A H - 14 A H - I5 A H - I5 A H - 15 A H - I5 A H - 15 A H - I5 A H - I5 A H - I5 A H - 15 A H - 15 A H - 15 A H - 15 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / 1 I / 87 0 9 / I I /87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I /87 0 9 / I I/ 8 7 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I / 87 0 9 / I I /87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 1247 1635 839 1537 850 1755 1210 1222 I4 5 9 1519 1641 1706 1411 17 5 0 1059 1313 834 1239 1638 842 1540 84 7 1758 121 I 1225 1454 1516 1638 1702 1409 1747 I 103 1312 922 1240 1639 845 1543 943 I8 0 0 1255 1229 1452 84 87 83 81 106 109 98 I 10 I 17 156 185 181 181 202 188 189 189 184 181 147 125 123 I 14 III 128 140 128 134 141 136 184 191 190 190 185 189 182 172 160' 120 III 127 132 Hours F rom Start 26.3 30. I 46. I 53. I 70.3 10 3 . 4 121 .7 169.9 220.5 268.8 318.2 366.6 411.7 583.3 0.5 2.7 22. I 2 6. I 30. I 46.2 53.2 70.3 103.5 121.7 169.9 220.4 268.8 318.1 366.5 4 11.6 583.3 0.6 2.7 22.9 26.2 30. I 46.2 53.2 71 .2 103.5 122.4 170.0 220.4 B r o m ide Concent r a t io n mg/1 D is t a n c e meters 2.1 I .9 2. I 3.5 I .2 I.I I .7 I .9 I .4 0.2 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.0 0.0 0. I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. I 0.6 0.6 0.9 I .0 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.4 0. I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. I 0. I 0.7 I .0 I .0 0.8 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6 .I 6. I 6 .I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6 .I 6. I 6 .I 6. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 109 I 143 1629 2234 840 1252 1623 900 1517 925 1750 I 156 1214 1511 1524 1609 1638 1338 1725 1050 1111 1709 2241 835 1250 1635 858 1531 853 1753 1207 1220 1500 1521 1643 1708 1414 1727 I 101 I 158 1315 I6 3 6 2238 832 Meter R e a d ing mv 0 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / 1 I/8 7 0 9 / I I /87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I /8 7 0 9 / I I/8 7 09/12/87 0 9 / I3 / 8 7 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 T im e of Day OJ 01 AH-I I AH-I I A H -Il AH-I I AH-I I AH- II AH-I I AH- I I AH-I I AH-I I AH-Il AH-Il AH-I I AH-I I AH-I I AH-I I AH-I I AH-Il A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - 12 A H - 12 A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - I2 A H - 12 A H - 13 A H - I3 A H - 13 A H - I3 A H - I3 A H - I3 Date Table 13.— Continued Date Time of Day A H - 15 A H - I5 A H - I5 A H - I5 A H - I5 A H - 15 A H - 16 A H - 16 A H - I6 A H - I6 A H - I6 A H - 16 A H - I6 A H - 16 A H - I6 A H - I6 A H - I6 A H - I6 A H - I6 A H - I6 A H - I6 A H - I6 A H - I6 A H - I6 A H - I6 A H - I6 AH - 17 A H - I7 A H - I7 A H - I7 A H - I7 A H - 17 A H - I7 A H - I7 A H - I7 A H - I7 A H - I7 A H - I7 A H - I7 A H — I7 A H - I7 A H - I7 A H - I7 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I /8 7 0 9 / I I /87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I /87 0 9 / I I /8 7 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 1515 1636 1700 1407 1745 1249 I 105 131 I 1710 2205 926 1242 1640 848 1546 947 1803 1258 1230 1450 151 I 1635 1658 1403 1743 1251 I 107 1309 171 I 2215 927 1253 1641 849 1550 952 1808 I3 0 2 1233 1448 1507 1632 1655 Meter Reading mv 129 146 157 154 171 173 190 189 188 189 186 183 187 184 171 179 181 166 156 135 125 128 131 124 164 181 193 188 190 192 182 170 151 127 I 18 127 123 I 12 I 18 I 10 100 I 12 127 Hours From Start 268.8 31 8 . I 366.5 411.6 583.2 914.3 0.6 2.7 6.7 11.6 22.9 26.2 30.2 46.3 53.3 71.3 103.5 122.5 170.0 220.3 268.7 318.1 366.5 4 11.6 583.2 914.4 0.6 2.6 6.7 11.8 22.9 26.4 30.2 46.3 53.3 71 .4 103.6 122.5 170.1 220.3 268.6 318.0 366.4 Bromide Distance Concenmeters t r a t i on mg / I 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0. I 0. I 0.0 0. I 0. I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.3 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.6 0. I 0. I 0.0 0. I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. I 0. I 0.3 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.9 I .4 I .9 I .4 I .2 0.5 9. I 9.1 9.1 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9 .1 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I Site Date Time of Day A H - I7 A H - I7 A H - I7 AH- 18 A H - I8 AH- 18 A H - I8 A H - I8 A H - 18 A H - I8 A H - I8 A H - I8 A H - I8 A H - I8 A H - I8 A H - I8 A H - I8 A H - I8 A H - I8 A H - I8 A H - 18 AH-IB A H - 18 A H - 18 A H - 19 A H - 19 A H - 19 A H - I9 A H - 19 A H - I9 A H - 19 A H - 19 A H - I9 A H - I9 AH- 19 A H - I9 A H - I9 A H - 19 A H - I9 A H - I9 A H - I9 A H - I9 A H - I9 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I/ 8 7 0 9 / I I /87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / 10 / 8 7 0 9 / I I/87 0 9 / I I/87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 I4 0 3 174 I 1254 1054 I 156 I4 0 9 16 0 7 2146 822 1244 1642 850 1553 956 1810 1304 1237 1446 1500 1621 1653 I3 5 3 1739 1303 134 I 1644 2221 919 1320 1644 I0 0 3 1603 958 1812 1307 1243 1437 1456 1619 1645 I3 5 0 I7 2 9 1306 Meter Reading mv 125 I74 188 202 56 27 37 51 80 78 68 74 75 104 III 10 5 I 19 I 10 74 90 106 I04 163 165 189 182 144 I 16 I 10 I 13 95 88 I 13 I 16 107 I 19 I 16 I 16 147' 162 148 185 184 Hours From Start 4 11.6 583.2 914.4 0.4 I .4 3.6 5.6 11.3 21.9 26.2 30.2 46.3 53.4 71.4 103.7 122.6 170.1 220.3 268.5 317.9 366.4 4 11.4 583. I 914.5 3.2 6.2 11.8 22.8 26.8 30.2 47.5 53.5 71 .5 103.7 122.6 170 . 2 220. I 268.4 317.8 366.2 411.3 583.0 914.6 Bromide Distance Concenmeters tration mg / I 0.6 0. I 0. I 0.0 6.3 36.0 23.9 8.3 2.5 2.7 4 .I 3. I 4.4 I .3 I .0 I .3 I .3 I .4 4 .I 3.0 I .2 I .4 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.2 0.6 0.7 0.6 I .3 2.6 0.9 0.8 I .2 I .3 I .5 0.8 0.3 0. I 0.2 0. I 0.1 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9. I 9 9* 9. 9. 9. 9. I I I I I I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 HO Site Table 13.— Continued Si te 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I/ 8 7 0 9 / I I /8 7 0 9 / 1S/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 0 9 / IB/8'7 09/50/87 09/55/87 09/54/87 09/56/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I /87 0 9 / I I /87 09/15/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/50/87 09/52/87 09/54/87 09/56/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I/87 0 9 / I I/8 7 09/15/87 T im e of Day 1339 SS30 918 1319 1647 1006 1605 1000 1853 1309 12 4 5 I4 2 5 1453 1617 1643 1348 1716 1308 1337 915 1317 1649 1007 1609 1002 18 2 6 1313 12 5 0 1433 1451 1615 1640 1346 1714 131 I 1335 2233 914 1316 1650 1010 1612 1006 Meter R e a d ing 191 194 185 167 143 109 101 I24 136 I 36 145 134 I 16 I4 2 162 161 186 188 189 187 184 IBS 144 I 19 ISl I 15 I 10 ISS I 15 I IS 136 152 148 180 185 189 191 173 151 15 2 I 12 103 IS 3 Houi s F r om Start 3.1 12.0 22.8 26.8 30.3 47.6 53.6 71 .5 103.9 122.7 170.2 219.9 268.4 317.8 36 6 . S 411.3 582.8 914.6 3. I 22.8 26.8 30.3 47.6 53.6 71 .5 103.9 122.7 170.3 220. I 268.4 317.8 366.2 411.3 582.7 914.7 3. I IS. I 22.7 26.8 30.3 47.7 53.7 71 .6 B r o m ide D is t a n c e Concen­ meters tration mg/ I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. I 0.2 0.7 I .6 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.4 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.8 0.7 0.9 I .0 I .2 I .5 0.9 0.5 0.2 0.2 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.0 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.6 I .4 0.6 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I Site Date of Day AH-SS AH-SS AH-SS AH-SS AH-SS AH-22 AH-2S AH-22 AH-22 AH-22 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-23 AH-24 A H -24 AH-24 AH-24 AH-24 AH-24 AH-24 AH-24 AH-24 AH-24 AH-24 AH-24 AH-24 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I /87 0 9 / I I / 87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 10/53/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I/87 0 9 / 1 I/ 8 7 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 1827 1315 1252 1431 1448 1613 16 3 0 1344 1712 1313 1334 1647 2236 912 1315 1653 1015 1615 1008 1833 1317 1255 1449 1446 161 I 1628 I 34 I 1709 1315 1527 1334 1651 2240 858 1313 1655 951 1618 1012 1835 1319 1257 1421 Meter R e a d ing mv Hours F rom Start 124 I 13 I 19 105 106 I3 2 148 143 184 181 188 187 194 189 175 171 124 I II I2 0 14 4 94 102 90 88 I 10 I 19 I I6 170 1 50 158 184 186 191 187 177 180 137 121 139" 152 159 153 148 104.0 122.8 170 . 4 220.0 268.3 317.7 366.0 411.2 582.7 914.7 3. I 6.3 12. I 22.7 26.8 30.4 47.7 53.8 71 .6 10 4 . 0 122.8 170 . 4 220.3 268.3 317.7 366.0 411.2 582.6 914.8 1061.0 3. I 6.3 12.2 22.5 26.7 30.4 47.4 53.8 71 .7 104.1 122 . 8 1 7 0.4 219.8 B r o m i de Dist a n c e Cone enmeters tration mg / I 0.6 0.9 I .3 2.3 I.I 0.6 0.2 0.3 0. I 0. I 0.1 0. I 0.0 0.0 0. I 0.1 0.4 I .I 0.7 0.2 2.0 2.6 4 .I 2.3 I .4 0.7 0.8 0. I 0.3 0.2 0. I 0. I 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.4 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 111 AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-SO AH-Sl AH-Sl AH-Sl AH-Sl AH-Sl AH-Sl AH-Sl AH-Sl AH-Sl AH-Sl AH-Sl A H -Sl AH-Sl AH-Sl AH-Sl A H -Sl AH-Sl AH-SS AH-SS AH-SS AH-SS AH-SS AH-SS AH-SS AH-SS Date Table 13.— Continued Site 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / 1 I /8 7 0 9 / 1 I /8 7 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / II/87 0 9 / I I/8 7 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 T im e of Day 1429 1546 1617 1318 1707 I 143 1329 1652 2247 857 1312 1656 948 1621 1014 1834 1321 1300 1420 1420 1544 1615 1315 1657 I 140 1327 1713 2246 856 131 I 1657 945 1623 1017 1831 1324 1303 1417 1417 154 1 1613 1313 1655 Meter R e a d ing I 18 136 139 134 179 174 182 190 192 184 179 178 161 147 161 175 142 176 168 124 143 152 143 187 186 I6 6 170 169 169 152 162 145 124 131 160 I 19 182 130 102 134 126 I 14 198 Hour s From Start 268.0 317.3 365.8 410.8 582.6 913.2 3.0 6.4 12.3 22.4 26.7 30.4 47.3 53.9 71 .7 104.1 122.8 170.5 219.8 267.8 317.2 365.8 410.8 582.5 913.2 3.0 6.7 12.3 22.4 26.7 30.4 47.2 53.9 71 .8 104.0 122.9 170.6 219.8 267.8 317.2 365.7 410.7 582.4 B r o m i d e D is t a n c e meters Concent r a t ion mg / I 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.4 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. I 0.2 0. I 0. I 0.3 0. I 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.3 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.6 0.4 0. I 0.7 0. I 0.8 I .3 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.0 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9.1 9.1 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9. I 9.1 9. I Site Date of Day AH-26 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-27 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-28 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I /87 0 9 / I I / 87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/07 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I/87 0 9 / I I / 87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 07/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 I 137 1347 1655 859 1342 1659 954 1625 1022 1829 1329 I3 0 7 1423 1423 1549 1619 1322 I7 0 0 I 145 I 151 I 351 1656 900 134 1 1701 957 1628 I0 2 5 1826 1331 1309 1425 1426 1550 1621 I3 2 5 17 0 2 I 147 1531 I3 5 3 I 3 52 1657 902 Metei R e a d ing mv 188 130 140 156 147 130 I 16 III 137 170 124 1 62 149 III 155 1 39 93 183 182 28 147 156 I5 0 I4 8 I2*7 I44 I3 6 125 149 122 168 1 52 I4 0 156 147 I I3 169 157 I 73' 189 163 157 163 Start 913.1 3.3 6.4 22.5 27.2 30.5 47.4 53.9 71.9 104.0 123.0 170.6 219.9 267.9 317.3 365.8 410.9 582.5 913.2 I .4 3.4 6.4 22.5 27.2 30.5 47.5 54.0 71 .9 103.9 123.0 170.7 219.9 267.9 317.3 365.9 410.9 582.5 913.3 I0 6 I .0 1251.4 3 .4 6.5 22.5 Bromide Distance Concen­ meters tration mg / I 0. I 0.5 0.3 0.1 0. I 0.3 0.5 I.I 0.3 0. I 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.9 0.2 0.3 2. I 0. I 0. I 20.5 0.3 0.2 0. I 0. I 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.9 0. I 0.2 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.2 0. I 9.1 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 18.3 18.3 18.3 112 AH-24 AH-24 AH-24 AH-24 AH-24 AH-24 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 AH-25 A H — 26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 AH-26 Date Table 13.— Continued Si te Date T im e of Day AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-29 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-30 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / 1 I /87 0 9 / I I/87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I /8 7 0 9 / I I /87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 1339 1703 959 1630 1027 1824 1334 131 I 1427 1428 1553 1623 1328 1704 I 150 1529 1354 1109 I 154 1606 2143 821 1324 1723 857 1555 1035 1815 1443 1326 1443 1502 1625 1647 1356 1737 1300 I 112 I 152 1603 2139 820 1325 Meter R e a d ing 165 145 146 139 154 149 III 168 152 130 160 152 143 166 140 178 185 62 6 25 37 91 101 96 103 92 103 101 III 102 96 I 14 83 87 82 194 193 186 II 37 93 131 120 Hours From Start B r o m ide Concent.r a t i on mg/1 D is t a n c e meter s 2 7. I 30.6 47.5 54.0 72.0 103.9 123. I 170.7 219.9 268.0 317.4 365.9 411.0 582.6 913.3 1061.0 1251.4 0.7 I .4 5.6 I I .2 21 .9 26.9 30.9 46.5 53.4 72.1 103.8 124.2 170.9 220.2 268.5 317.9 366.3 411.4 583. I 914.5 0.7 I .4 5.5 11.2 21.8 26.9 0. I 0.2 0. I 0.3 0.2 0.2 I .0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0. I 0.4 0.1 0. I 4.9 52.0 39. I 14.9 I .6 I .0 I .3 0.9 2.2 I .4 I .6 I .0 2.6 3.3 0.8 3.9 2.7 3.2 0.0 0 .1 0.0 42.1 23.9 I .4 0.3 0.5 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 S i te Date T im e of Day AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-31 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 AH-32 C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S 09/10/87 0 9 / I I/87 0 9 / I I /87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I/ 8 7 0 9 / I I/ 87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I/87 0 9 / I I /87 09/12/87 09/13/87 1725 854 1558 1033 1818 1441 1330 1442 1504 1627 1648 1358 1734 1258 1407 161 I 2138 818 1327 1727 856 16 0 0 1030 1020 1438 1432 1440 1507 1629 1650 I4 0 0 1731 1256 1405 1718 2155 837 1257 1629 903 1522 928 1724 Meter R e a d ing I 16 125 I 19 14 1 154 149 164 143 101 104 105 93 I 38 185 32 48 91 136 138 127 146 138 148 152 138 177 174 94 138 I44 I 19 173 194 127 132 I 34 101 109 89' 79 79 93 107 Hours From Start 30.9 46.4 53.5 72.0 103.8 124.2 171.0 220.2 268.6 317.9 366.3 4 11.5 583. I 914.5 3.6 5.7 11.1 21 .8 26.9 30.9 46.4 53.5 72.0 103.8 124.1 172.0 220.2 268.6 318.0 366.3 411.5 583.0 914.4 3.6 6.8 11.4 22. I 26.4 30.0 46.5 52.9 71 .0 1 0 2.9 B r o m ide D i s t a n c e Concenmeter s t r at ion mg/ I 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 I .4 I .7 I .3 2. I 0.4 .I 29.3 15.2 I .6 0.2 0.2 0.3 0. I 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0. I 0. I I .8 0.5 0.3 0.7 0. I 0.0 0.6 0.5 0.3 I .0 0.7 I .7 2.5 3.8 2.1 I .2 0 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 Table 13.— Continued I ime of Day 09/14/87 09/16/07 09/10/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/11/87 0 9 / I I /87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I/0 7 0 9 / I I /8 7 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 1200 1210 1515 1531 1648 1714 1438 1800 1322 1517 1401 1720 942 1255 1633 910 1527 936 1720 1201 1206 1518 1527 1700 1710 1435 1755 1320 1520 1358 84 1 1259 1628 919 1516 922 1747 I 154 1217 1509 1443 1606 1636 Meter R e a d ing mv 04 III 103 88 130 133 134 168 152 193 192 138 133 144 130 127 131 145 158 122 170 144 121 166 158 138 171 146 183 180 85 88 80 98 99 135 129 121 139 132 176 176 178 Hours From Start 121 .5 169.7 220.8 269.0 318.3 366.7 412.1 583.5 914.9 1060.0 1251.5 6.8 23.2 26.4 30.1 46.7 53.0 71 . I 102.8 121 .5 169.6 220.8 268.9 318.5 366.7 412. I 583.4 914.8 1060.8 1251.5 22.2 26.5 30.0 46.8 52.8 70.9 103.3 121.4 169.8 220.7 268.2 317.6 366. I Bromide Distance Concenmeters t r at i on mg / I ' 3. I I .8 2.5 2.3 0.6 0.4 0.4 0. I 0.2 0. I 0. I 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.5 0.6 0. I 0. I 0.3 0. I 0.3 0. I 0. I 2.0 I .8 2.5 I.I I .7 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.8 0. I 0. I 0. I 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6 .4 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I 6. I Site Date Time of Day C-I-AH C-I-AH BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF B C - I -SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SLIRF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-SURF BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S 09/26/87 10/03/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I/87 0 9 / I I/ 8 7 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 II /07/07 I I/14/87 I I/ 2 1 / 8 7 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 0 9 / I I /87 0 9 / I I/87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 1433 1723 1358 1659 2135 904 1337 I7 0 5 I 104 1700 I I0 6 1727 I4 0 9 1315 154 1 I6 0 0 1725 174 I 1510 I8 3 0 I3 2 6 1612 1455 1352 I 106 1431 2140 907 1336 1706 I 107 1701 I 104 1733 1410 1317 1545 1558 1720 1745 14 14 1827 1328 Metei Reading mv 1 68 198 126 139 I 16 134 I 18 108 91 104 I 13 127 104 190 135 138 148 142 140 I7 7 137 195 176 197 158 189 I 74 160 169 98 1 08 85 163 171 155 I9 2 1 75 134 108* 177 149 201 127 Hours From Start 412.1 582.9 3.5 6.5 11.1 22.6 27. I 30.6 48.6 54.5 72.6 103.0 123.7 170.8 221 .2 269.5 318.9 367.2 412.7 584.0 914.9 1061.7 1252.4 1419.4 1584.6 1756.0 I I .2 22.6 27.1 30.6 48.6 54.5 72.6 103.0 123.7 170 . 8 221.2 269.5 318.8 367.2 411.7 584.0 915.0 Bromide Distance Concenmeters t ration mg / I 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.8 I .5 I .4 0.9 0.5 I .3 0. I 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0. I 0.4 0. I 0. I 0.0 0.2 0. I 0. I 0 .I 0. I I .2 0.7 3.0 0. I 0. I 0.2 0. I 0. I 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.7 6 .I 6.1 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 30.8 30.8 3 0 .8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 <711 C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-S C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-D C-I-AH C-I-AH C-I-AH C-I-AH C-I-AH C-I-AH C-I-AH C-I-AH C-I-AH C-I-AH C-I-AH C-I-AH C-I-AH D a te Table 13.— Continued Date 10/23/87 10/31/87 I I/07/87 I 1/14/87 I1/21/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/I 1/87 09/II/87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 II/07/87 II/14/87 II/21/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/I I/87 09/II/87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 1615 1453 1356 I108 1434 1702 2150 908 1332 1709 I I 10 1704 I I10 1747 1414 1414 1538 1553 1717 1738 1507 1820 1333 1606 1446 1345 1058 1427 1704 2145 909 1333 1710 I I 12 1707 I I 12 1749 1418 1324 1536 1551 1715 1735 Meter Reading mv 171 203 197 209 193 142 120 100 108 103 88 90 121 158 102 159 140 I I3 167 152 I 19 175 I 16 193 199 186 190 183 153 174 143 155 134 120 132 141 140 139 185 168 134 179 166 Hours From Start 1061.8 1252.4 1419.4 1584.6 1756.I 6.5 11.3 22.6 27.0 30.6 48.7 54.6 72.7 103.3 123.7 171 .7 221.1 269.4 318.8 367. I 412.6 583.8 915.0 1061.6 1252.3 1419.2 1584.5 1756.0 6.6 11.2 22.6 27.1 30.7 48.7 54.6 72.7 103.3 123.8 170.9 221.1 269.4 318.8 367.1 Bromide Distance Concernmeters tration mg/1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. I 0.3 0.5 I .I 0.8 0.9 I .7 2.4 0.7 0. I I .4 0.3 0.6 0.9 0. I 0.2 0.7 0. I I.0 0. I 0.0 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.2 0.1 0.2 0. I 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0. I 0.2 0.4 0. I 0. I 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 34.1 34. I 34.1 34. I 34.1 34 .I 34.1 34. I 34 .I 34. I 34.1 34. I 34.1 34 .I 34.1 Site BC- I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I .5 C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C— I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C- I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH Date 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 I I/07/87 II/14/87 II/21/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/I0/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/II/87 09/1 I/87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 II/07/87 I I/14/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/II/07 09/II/07 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 Time of Day Reading mv Hours From Start 1504 1819 1335 1608 1444 134 9 I 100 1425 1614 2132 1815 1330 1714 1042 1720 1117 1751 1421 1438 1533 1545 1709 1729 1458 1814 1342 1558 1440 1334 1052 1405 1616 2134 816 1328 1712 1045 1723 1115 1754 1423 1436 1530 173 187 159 170 177 164 165 173 142 I 16 I05 I15 93 98 78 125 135 99 164 I45 106 164 154 I15 169 94 182 182 184 186 125 151 153 I 12 I 15 91 I 16 92 I36' 126 102 156 I30 412.6 583.8 915. I 1061.6 1252.2 1419.3 1584.5 1755.9 5.7 11.0 31 .8 27.0 30.7 48.2 54.8 72.8 103.3 123.8 172.1 221.1 269.2 318.6 367.0 412.5 583.7 915.2 1061.5 1252.2 1419.I I584.4 3.6 5.8 11.1 21.8 27.0 30.7 48.2 54.9 72.8 103.4 123.9 172.1 221.0 Meter Bromide Distance Concenmeters tra tion mg/1 0. I 0. I 0.2 0. I 0. I 0.2 0.2 0. I 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.6 I .4 I.I 3.9 0.6 0.4 I .6 0.2 0.5 I .I 0.2 0.2 0.9 0. I 2.5 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.6 0.2 0. I 0.7 0.6 0.5 2.2 0.3 0.6 I .4 0.3 0.8 34 .I 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37 5 37*5 37 5 37 *5 37.5 115 BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-S BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-I-2 BC-1-2-AH BC-1-2-AH BC-1-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-1-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC- I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH BC-I-2-AH T ime of Day Table 13.— Continued Site 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 II/07/87 I I/14/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/11/87 09/I I/87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 I I/07/87 I I/14/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/I I/87 09/II/87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 T ime of Day 1547 171 I 1731 1500 1616 1340 1500 1442 1336 1050 1723 2155 81 I 1348 1715 1048 1717 1123 1803 1425 1441 1529 1543 1707 1726 1454 181 I 1344 1552 1433 1326 1042 1724 1724 2159 812 1349 1716 1050 1719 I 126 1806 1428 Meter Reading 125 143 134 I 15 178 149 165 167 178 187 132 I II 95 101 86 77 81 I 10 129 90 158 136 I 15 157 132 100 176 92 188 186 184 187 161 161 176 156 133 128 123 86 164 127 106 Hours From Start 269.3 318.7 367.0 412.5 581.8 9i5.a 1060.5 1252.2 1419.I 1584.3 6.9 11.4 21 .7 27.3 30.8 48.3 54.8 72.9 103.5 123.9 172.2 221.0 269.2 318.6 366.9 4 12.4 583.7 915.2 1061.4 1252.0 1418.9 1584.2 6.9 6.9 11.5 21.7 27.3 30.8 48.3 54.8 72.9 103.6 124.0 Bromide Distance Concenmeters tration mg / I 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.9 0. I 0.3 0.2 0. I 0.1 0. I 0.5 0.7 I .3 I .0 I .9 2.8 3.5 I .0 0.5 2.4 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.2 0.4 I .6 0. I 2.7 0.1 0. I 0. I 0.1 0. I 0. I 0.0 0. I 0.3 0.3 0.4 2.9 0. I 0.5 I .2 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 37.2 37.2 37.2 37.2 37.2 37.2 37.2 37.2 37.2 37.2 37.2 Site CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD- I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD- I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I CD-I -AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I -AH CD-I-AH Date 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 I I/23/87 10/31/87 II/07/87 II/14/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/I 1/87 09/II/87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 I I/07/87 I I/14/87 II/21/87 09/09/87 09/09/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/I I/87 09/II/87 09/12/87 I ime of Day 1444 1526 1540 17U5 1723 1450 1809 1346 1554 1435 1328 1044 1627 2203 805 1345 1720 1055 171 I I 131 181 I 1430 1446 1522 I535 I702 1718 1443 I804 1350 1534 14 10 131 I 1034 I403 1631 2207 809 134 6 Meter Read ing mv 202 183 I16 189 168 159 183 184 180 192 187 196 142 I17 93 I16 94 92 82 109 136 97 164 137 I 13 I66 146 I 14 180 I 10 178 177 187 189 176 135 I 17 I 17 I15' 1718 I0 5 9 1714 105 84 I128 120 100 Hours From Star t 172.2 220.9 269.2 318.6 366.9 4 12.3 583.6 915.3 1805.4 1252.I 1419.0 1584.2 6.0 11.6 21 .6 27.2 30.8 48.4 54.7 73.0 103.7 124.0 172.3 220.9 269. I 318.5 366.8 412.2 583.6 915.3 1061.1 1251.7 1418.7 1584. I 1755.5 6.0 II .6 21 .6 27.3 30.8 48.5 54.7 73.0 Bromide Distance Concenmeters ti at ion mg/1 0 .I O .I 0.8 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0 .I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0 .I 0.3 0.5 I .4 0.6 I .4 I .5 3.4 I .I 0.4 I .8 0.2 0.6 0.9 0. I 0.2 0.9 0. I I .3 0. I 37 ? 37 _P 37. P 0 .I 0 .I 37 _P 37.2 37.2 37.2 37.2 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 3P _9 32.9 32.9 0. I 0. I 3P.9 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 I .I 0.8 3. I 0.7 34.8 34.8 34.8 3 4 .8 34.8 116 C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH C-I.5-AH CD-I-2 CD-1-2 CD-1-2 CD-1-2 CD-I-2 CD-I-2 CD-I-2 CD-I-2 CD-1-2 CD-I-2 CD-I-2 CD-1-2 CD-1-2 CD-I-2 CD-1-2 CD-I-2 CD-I-2 CD-I-2 CD-I-2 CD-I-2 CD-I-2 CD-I-2 CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD— I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH CD-I-2-AH Date Table 13.— Continued Site Date of Day 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 I0/*l 7/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 I I/07/87 I I/14/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/I I/87 09/I I/87 09/12/87 09/13/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/18/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/24/87 09/26/87 10/03/87 10/17/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 I I/07/87 II/14/87 II/21/87 09/10/87 09/10/87 09/II/87 09/11/87 09/12/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/20/87 0^/26/87 1814 1434 1450 1525 1537 1704 1721 1447 1806 1353 1536 1412 1309 1036 1354 1724 1052 1708 1859 1821 1436 1113 1500 1409 1531 1704 1452 1452 1330 1522 1404 1313 1044 1420 1545 1819 1201 1814 1333 1639 1312 1805 1302 126 104 171 129 115 165 128 III 168 137 181 190 190 197 171 180 148 141 172 164 150 191 175 169 187 178 170 193 158 202 220 205 199 201 176 155 155 143 165 160 180 166 189 Hours From Start 103.7 124.1 172.3 220.9 269.1 318.6 366.9 412.3 583.6 915.4 1061.1 1251.7 1418.7 1584.I 27.4 30.9 48.4 54.6 80.5 103.8 124.1 168.7 220.5 267.6 317.0 366.6 4 12.4 580.4 915.0 1060.9 1251.6 1418.7 1584.2 1755.8 29.2 31.8 49.5 55.7 75.0 126.2 170.7 271.6 410.5 Bromide Distance Concen­ meters tration mg/ I 0.6 I.3 0.2 0.9 0.8 0. I 0.5 I .0 0. I 0.4 0.1 0. I 0. I 0.0 0. I 0.0 0. I 0.3 0. I 0. I 0.2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. I I I I I I I 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. I 0.1 0.3 0. I 0. I 0. I 0. I 0.0 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Site B BLANK B BLANK D-I-AH D-I-AH D-I-AH D- I-AH D-I-AH D-I-S D-I-S D-I-S D-I-S D-I-S D-I-D D-I-D D-I-D D-I-D Date 09/26/87 10/17/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 I I/07/87 II/14/87 11/21/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 II/07/87 I I/14/87 11/21/87 10/23/87 10/31/87 II/07/87 I1/14/87 I ime of Day 1657 1323 154 8 1420 1321 1031 1410 154 I 1416 1317 1026 I407 1544 14 18 1319 I024 Meter mv Hours Fr om Start 184 193 171 165 161 161 165 182 174 170 169 I69 184 185 I82 183 4 14.4 9 14.9 1061.3 1251.8 1418.8 I584.0 I755.7 1061.2 1251.8 1418.8 1583.9 1755.6 I06 I .2 1251.8 1418.8 1583.9 Read ing Bromide Distance Concenmeters tration mg / I 0 .I O .P 0 .I Al n 61 n A 1 'n 61 Al Ai 61 61 61 61 n n n n <4 0 61 A 6i *n 0 .I A l n ‘ 117 CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH CD-I-AH BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK B BLANK B BLANK B BLANK B BLANK B BLANK B BLANK B BLANK B BLANK B BLANK Meter Reading MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 762 10036788 5