The structure and performance of an adult population of Aulocara elliotti (Thomas) (Orthoptera, Acrididae) near Billings, Montana by Gerald Louis Mussgnug A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Entomology Montana State University © Copyright by Gerald Louis Mussgnug (1972) Abstract: The structure and performance of an adult population of Aulocara eltiotti (Thomas) were studied during 1970 and 1971 on a, grassland site near Billings, Montana. Distribution, density, and movement were investigated by using a capture-recapture technique. Fluorescent marking paints and pretarsal clipping were used to identify individuals. A total of 728 males and 451 females were marked for study, and of these, 139 males and 140 females were recaptured. Both field and field-cage conditions were used to study behavior patterns and to measure longevity, fecundity, and survival. In both years densities remained below one grasshopper per square yard. Distribution was non-random. Interaction among individuals, oviposition sites, and habitat selection were important factors determining distribution. Males exhibited higher displacement distances and rates tha,n did females early in the season, although no predominant direction of displacement was noted. Patterns of behavior followed a diurnal rhythm. Adults were noted in the field from June 29 to August 20 in 1970 and from June 21 to August 20 in 1971. Females on the average produced an estimated 24.0 to 28.8 eggs each during their lifetime. A greater percentage of eggs hatched from pods chilled at 3° to 5°C for 80 days than those receiving the same temperatures for only 50 days, Hatching was primarily confined to the forenoon hours of the day. Temporary barriers to mating of 3 to 4 days, imposed by the female, were noted between individuals from different' sub-populations ander field-cage conditions. It is hypothesized that changes in population structure act in regulating population numbers and performance. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY Ifi presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the require­ ments for an advanced degree at Montana Sta,te University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection.- ■ I further agree that permission for extensive copying Qf this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries, It is understood that any copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signatgre^ ^ ^ / Date ____ D e Ge w be r /, /772- THE STRUCTURE ANU PERFORMANCE OF AN ADULT POPULATION OF AULOCAEA ELLIOTTI (THOMAS) (ORTHQPTERA, ACRIDIDAE) NEAR BILLINGS, MONTANA by GERALD LPUTS’ MUSSGNUG ,A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MA-STER OF SCIENCE, in Entomology . Approved: Chairman,''Examining Committee Gf^ddateDeen MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY ■ Bpzeman, Montana December, .1972 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Writejc is especially grateful to all who helped ip the course of this study, Special thanks are due Dr, Norman If? Anderspn and Dr= James, H, pepper for their interest, encouragement and philpsophies in all plages of fhe investigation and" for their critical review of the manuscript. Sincere appreciation is extended to Dr. Saralee Vissch,er and Dr. David G. Cameron for their hplpful discussions of the study, analysis of the data; and critical review of the manuscript. For their hplp in plant and grasshopper identification, sincere thanks are ex­ tended to Lew Neilace and Wayne Burleson, both of fhe U.S.D.A,, A.R.S., and Dr, Norman L-, Anderson. Finally, the writer is especially gija,teful to Mr. Donald Grove fop tiie use of his property and the hospitality shown by him and his family which has made this study not only possible, but also enjoyable. iv TABLE OF- CONTENTS Page VITA O ' O o o e o o s ' e ' e o o o e o Q o a a o o o o o o o ' o ’ o' ACKNOWLEDGMENT ^ ii . ........ iii LIST. OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . .......... ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . o . ................... ...... . . . . . . . . . . vii ix- INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA . . . . . 4 THE STUDY SITES AND METHODS' OF INVESTIGATION . ... . ... ... 9 . .■ . . . .. . 31 Distribution, D e n s i t y M o v e m e n t , and Behavior of Adult's Areas of Oviposition and Fecundity . . . . . . . . . . . Laboratory Hatching of Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 55 63 RESULTS . o. DISCUSSION . a . o o o o o o o o o o . . ' SUMMARY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 LITERATURE CITED 0 . 0. 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 . « 0 . 0 . a « 0 0 . 0 0 0 68 86 91 V LIST GF TABLES Page Table Io Weather events at the study area 5 2o Uo So Weather Bureau precipitation data (in inches)' for Billings f Montana . o . . . . . 7 3o Major species of plants on the study area, . = = „ P, ? « 4 =, Relative density of Acrididae observed on the study area, July 13 to August 3, 1971 ,. . = o- , ? ,- = = - = 5o 6o 7o So 9, Seasonal events for Aulocava elVLotti. (Thomas) at the study area, 1970 and 1971 » „= » = ,, = =- » „ 110 i2 »■ =■ = 13 Fahrenheit) and humidities (percent relative humidity); recorded I in, above ground surface at the study area, 1970 and 1971 OO 0 0 O O o O O OP O O O O O O O O O O 15 Evaporation rate from a 4 'in= diameter, 2 in= deep glass dish at the study area, 1?71 = « e = = = = = <, = = 19 Soil moisture to a depth of I in= on the styjy plots, 1971,■expressed as percent moisture by dry weight = =. =• 20 Maximum and minimum temperatures (in cjegriees Maximum solar radiation levels at the study area, 1971 O O O O O O O O O O o’ o’ o O O O O O IOo 10 O O O'O'O O O O Goodness of fit test to the Poisson distribution of data presented in Figs. 5 and 6 ........................ Distribution of phenotypes of adult (Thomas) on the study plots, 1971 22 35 Aulooava. e'LUotti 38 12=. Number of adult Aulooava elliptti (Thomas) marked and percent recaptured on the study area, 1970 and 1971 = = 40 Population estimates for adult AyAlooava olliotti (Thomas) from capture^recapture Jata psing. the Lincoln-Index = = . = = = o* . . . . = = = c =" =. .■ . = . 41 13= vi LIST OF TABLES (Continued) TajDle 14, X5o 16. 17. Page Population- estimates for adult AutQocwa eI-Uottr I (Thomas) from 1971 capture-recapture data using the stochastic model of Jolly (1965) 42 Average displacement distances and displacement rates of adult Auloeava elliott-i (Thomas) , 1970 and 1971 . . 46 Laboratory hatching of eggs of Autr Ioeecca eVLiott-L (Thomas) collected from the field.and a 174 ft.2 field—cagep 1970 o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Laboratory hatching of eggs of Ay.toeavet (Thomas) collected from 36 ft.2 field-cages, an# subjected to a 66-day cpld treatment, 1971 . , . . . „ 65 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1= Study. Plots, 1970 and 1971 » . , , , , , 23. 2„ System for marking adult Autocava eVLtottt with paints on pronotum and clipping of pretarsus . 25 3 0 FZLold^^cagos 0 00 ^ 0 0 0 0 0* s 0 0O q o 0 0 0 0 O O 0 28 » 0 = «,'= 32 4 p Distribution of' adult Auloeava etltotttg 1970 5 Autoeava eVltottt ou plots o Distribution of adult I tO 4 19 71 , 6 p p o p p p o p P' p o Distribution, of adult Autoeava 5 "fe© 8 f 1971 » o o o' o' o' o o" o p q p‘ p p p ' p p o p 33 e o o o 34 0 <> «- = 9 36 p q etttottt on plotp o o ' o o - o o o o p Io Distribution of. vegetation, 1970 „ 8p Phenotypic markings of 9p Numbers of adult Autoaava ettiottt captured per 10 min. sample, 1970 and 1971 o -p o p o p o o p o o p - o p . .. 43 Numbers of adult Autoeava ettiotit captured per 10 min. sample by plot, 1971. . 0 . . . . 0 .. . . . 0 .. .. . 45 Displacement rate of adult Autoeava 1971 P 9 P P P p i p P 9 ’ P p~ P, 9 P - P' 47 I©. 11. 12. Movement of. adult 1971 p p 13 p Autoeava ettiottt 37 etttotti 9 P 9‘ 9 o' o' o' o o - o o o o o Oi o by plot, P Auto.eava ett'iot'b'l between o- P Net directions of-movement of 15. Daily behavior of adult P a o P P 48 o 49 . , = 51 = . Copulation a,nd oviposition behaviors of Autoeava p p p p p p p- p p p-pp p p p p p p p p p ett'LOt P ©■ © © © Autoeava etttotti Autoeava etttotti P plots. e Displacement rate of adult AutQ.eava ettioiti, summer 1971 o « © © o 0* 0 * 0 © © © ©■ 0 © ©” ©' 14 p 16 p » o P 52 ppp 54 viii LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Page Figure 17 o Distribution of egg pods of Aulacara 1970 O O O 6 O 6 O O e O' O 0 o' O O eVli.otV'i Distribution of egg pods of Aulooava freld™*cage ^ 1970 . p . . . . . . . . ell-iotti , O O 18 o 19 o Numbers of a,dult Aulocava f 2.eld™cages 1971 ell^Lott-i 0 - 0 . . O .. O @ . O in _. O O O O 56 c .* . . 59 surviving in 6Q t 20. Distribution of egg pods of field "-^cages 1971 . . o . . g 21. Auloeava ^lld^otid, . . . . . . . . . in . . . Percent Auloeava elliotti- hatching for thnee periods of the day in the laboratory . 62 . . 67 ix ABSTRACT The structure and performance of an adult population of Auloccata (Thomas) were studied during 1970 and 1,971 on a grassland site near Billings, Montana - Distribution,, density f and movement were investigated by using, a capture-recapture technique» Fluorescent marking paints and pretarsal clipping were used to identify individuals»A total of 728 males and 451 females were marked for study, and of these, 139 males and 140 females were recaptured. Both field and field-cage conditions were used to study behavior patterns measure longevity? fecundity, and survival. In both years densities remained below one grasshopper per square yard. Distribution was non-random. Interaction among individuals, oviposition sites, and habitat selection were im­ portant factors determining distribution. Males exhibited higher displacement distances and rates then did females early in the season, although no predominant direction of displacement was noted. Patterns of behavior followed a diurnal rhythm, Adults were noted in the field from June 29 to August 20 in 1970 and from June 21 to August 20 in 1971. Females on the average produced an estimated 24.0 to 28.8 eggs each during their lifetime. A greater percentage of eggs hatched from pods chilled at 3° to 5°C for 80 days than those receiving the same temper­ atures for only 50 days» Hatching was primarily confined to the forenoon hours of the day. Temporary barriers to mating of 3 to 4 days, imposed by the female, were noted between individuals from different' sub-populations under field-cage conditions.. It is hypoth­ esized that changes, in population structure act in regulating population numbers and performance. V ell-iottt z INTRODUCTION. The big-headed grasshopper, AuZooaPa eZZiotiti (Thomas) , is a grassland species occurring throughout the Grassland Biome of North America (Pfadt, 1949)„ During its recorded history, it has become very abundant in many parts of its range at times„ Cooley (1904). reported heavy infestations in eastern Montana during 1901, 1902, and 1903o Outbreaks again occurred from 1,919 to 1923 (Cooley, 1919; Cooley et at°3 1923) and from 1934 to 1937 (Strand, 1937) . Rock (1945) have reported A„ eZZiotti- White and to be bhe most important eco­ nomic grasshopper in Alberta, while Ball et at* (1942) have included this species among the most injurious range grasshoppers in Arizona. Variations in population density of A9 StliottrL have been noted from year-to-year over small geographic areas in Montana (Hastings and Pepper, 1964)= These fluctuations in number have beep the subject of investigation for over a decade at"Montana State University. The majority of these studies have been designed to elucidate physiological mechanisms and developmental patterns in the laboratory. While such studies have added much to the knowledge of this species, the lack of accompanying field data has severely limited extrapolation of this information to real situations in nature. To date there have been few observations made on the behavior of A* elliotti in nature and little is known about how its' populations are structured and perform in the field. Its feeding habits have been -2reported by Anderson (1964), Anderson and Wright (1952), Nerney and Hamilton (1969), and Pfadt (1949)„ Except for Nerney and Hamilton, these workers have found that early nymphal instars feed primarily on Sandberg bluegrass (Poa seounda Presl1J while older instars and adults feed mainly on western wheatgrass (Agropyron sm-ithii- RydbJ0 Nerney and"Hamilton state that sparse stands of blue gramma (Bouteloua graeilis (H0B 0K j the preferred habitat of A, ) dominated by low growing weeds make up etltotti- in Arizona. Mating and oviposition behavior have been studied under caged conditions by Ferkoyich mating of A. aspects. Olltottt et al* (1967). Otte (1970) has described the in the field, with emphasis on the acoustical Anderson and Hastings (1966) have noted differences in selectivity in the mating behavior and oviposition media of caged females. Nerney and Hamilton (1969) have reported selection of open bare patches of soil as oviposition sites in the field and have shown how temperature is responsible for this species' roosting behavior. Information on field movements are limited to papers by Anderson (1964), Nerney and Hamilton (1969) , and Smith et at* (1964). The present investigations were undertaken in an attempt to pro­ vide some insight into the population structure and performance of A. etttottt in the field and to provide data on the environmental conditions of its habitat. It was also realized that in order to formulate future pest, management strategies, a better working knowledge —3— of the population dynamics of this species as part of a life-system was necessaryo Important components of a population's structure included such factors as distribution, density, movement, and behavior. Consideration of population performance included such factors as longevity, fecundity, and survival under field and field-cage con­ ditions. DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA A grassland area located about 5 mi. west of Billings, Montana, 45° 4 7 ’ 50" No and 108s 43' 0" W , , at an elevation of 3,460 ft. was chosen for study. The area is bounded on the east by croplands, and ■on the north and west by a rock escarpment. A prominent E-W ridge of this escarpment effectively divides the rangeland into two sections, while a small. N-S corridor of less than one-quarter of a mile, bordering the croplands, serves to connect them. The major plots were located immediately north of this corridor at the terminus of a small drainage where a population of A. noted in previous years. eVLiotti (Thomas) had been A second comparable site was established .25 mi. S . Wo of these plots in 1971= Summer weather of the area is characterized by hot, dry, sunny days with occasional thundershowers = produce hail and high winds. Occasionally afternoon storms Table I summarizes the weather events for 1970 and 1971, while Table 2 lists precipitation dpita obtained from the U. S. Weather Bureau located at Logan Field just north of Billings. These data are considered to represent fairly accurately the precipitation received at the study site in that less than 5 mi. separate the two areas. —5— Table I a Weather events at the study area. Date Date 6/27/70 6/28 6/29 6/30 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/28 7/29 sunny, afternoon shower sunny P .C o,* thundershower s sunny sunny P.Co* sunny sunny, afternoon winds. thundershowers at night P .C.* morning cloudy sunny sunny sunny cloudy sunny sunny sunny, 35 mph winds at night sunny, 35 mph winds sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny P.C.* morning, heavy rains, wind, hail in evening sunny P.C.* morning sunny sunny, high winds and shower in evening sunny sunny, windy and shower in evening cloudy morning, very windy, thunderstorms in evening sunny 7/30/70 7/31 8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 sunny, cloudy and windy in afternoon sunny sunny, windy sunny sunny sunny P.C.* sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny P.C.* sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny —6— Table I, (Continued) Date 6/11/71 6/12 6/13 6/14 6/15 6/16 6/17 6/18 6/19 6/20 6/21 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/29 6/30 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 Date sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny, afternoon shower sunny, afternoon shower sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny cloudy cloudy cloudy, misty rain cloudy, misty rain P=C=* afternoon and 40 mph winds sunny sunny P=C=,* thundershowers in afternoon sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny, 20 mph winds in afternoon sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny, windy windy sunny sunny sunny P=C=* morning sunny sunny *PoC. = partly cloudy 7/20/71 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 P.Co* evening shower evening shower sunny cloudy in morning P.C.* sunny cloudy, hazy cloudy, light rain all day sunny sunny sunny, hazy, breezy sunny, hazy sunny, hazy cloudy in morning, winds in evening sunny sunny sunny sunny, rain in evening sunny, rain in evening sunny sunny sunny, hazy sunny, hazy sunny sunny sunny, shower in evening sunny P=C=* in morning sunny sunny sunny sunny cold cold sunny —7— U. S . Weather Bureau precipitation data (in inches) for Billings, Montana - May, 1970 departure from normal, + 1.60 T* .04 .09 .76 .05 .49 T* .01 —I 5th wettest May on record 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 22 27 29 30 I .08 .06 .54 .20 .46 .04 .18 .01 T* .23 T* .11 .40 .09 .23 .33 .06 T* .44 .02 3.48 O 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 June, 1970 T* .16 T* I.61 extreme daily temperature departures, running from 18° below normal to 10° above normal departure from normal, - o94 July, 1970 4 6 10 13 21 22 25 27 28 29 30 31 T* .01 T* T* .07 .06 .02 O H Table 2» T* T* .20 T* .37 departure from normal, - .53 August, 1970 2 5 13 20 23 26 27 28 31 .12 T* T* .01 T* T* .01 T* .07 .21 2nd warmest Aug. in past 35 years, 4tl driest on record departure from normal, - .69 (summer of 1970 ranked as 2nd driest on record) -8Table 2„ (Continued) May, 1971 4 9 13 14 17 18 20 21 22 24 29 30 31 .26 T* T* T* .08 T* T* .04 .66 T* .26 .77 T* 2 .07 near normal departure from normal, + .19 June , 1971 I 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 14 16 17 18 19 23 27 28 .21 .02 T* T* .01 T* .09 .12 T* .16 T* T* T* T* .04 .05 .70 driest 3rd I June on record departure from normal, - I o<85 *T = trace July, 1971 2 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 31 .15 T* .04 T* T* T* .01 .20 T* .40 coolest July since 1958 departure from inormal, - .50 August, 1971 7 8 17 22 23 29 30 31 .01 .05 T* T* T* .07 .30 T* .43 hot and dry until last few days warmest August on record departure from normal, - .47 (June and July precipitation was second driest on recoi 1.10" (1961, 1.09", driest) THE STUDY SITES M D METHODS OE INVESTIGATION The vegetation on the study sites consists largely of needleand-thread grass (Stipa comata supply of western wheatgrass of Sandberg bluegrass Trin„ & Rupr0J, although an ample, (Agvopyvon smithii (Pga secunda Rydb„J and patches Presl0J are also present. Table 3 lists the major species of plants occurring on the study site. This list does not represent the complete array of flora to be found in the area, particularly concerning the forbs, however, it is felt that the majority of important forms have been included which characterize the site. Although no quantitative measure was made, average total basal cover by vegetation was estimated to be in the range of 15-20%„ The relative density of the species of grasshoppers occurring on the study site are shown in Table 4. These data represent a total of 100 samples taken during the afternoon hours from July 13 to August 3 , 1971. A sample consisted of counting all grasshoppers that moved when an insect net was passed across the path of the observer, 10 minutes being allowed to survey a 2,500 ft.^ area. Owing to the fact that hatching, for the 24 species listed are not synchronous, the figures represent only an average relative density during the period in which Ac elliotti was adult.. Ageneotettix deovwn (Scudder) appeared to be elliotti in abundance on July 13, the only species which exceeded A 0 1971 , when peak population numbers were observed. events for A 0 elliotti The major seasonal in 1970 and 1971 are shown in Table 5. —10 Table 3 = Major species of plants on the ■study- area =; Family Cyperaceae Gramineae I.... P. v-."In... I ." Common Name 'Species Carex eteocharis Bailey Agropyron smith'd Rydb, .Aristida tongiseta Steudi Bouteloua graoilis (HBK) Lag. Bromus japonicus Thunb. Bromus teatorum L= Danthonia unispioata Munrp= Festuod ootiflora Walt. Hordeum vulgare L . Koeleria oristata (b.) Pers= Oryzopsis hymenoides (Roem= & Schult=) Ricker Poa seounda Presl= Sohedonnardus panioulatus ■■ Needleleaf sedge Western, wheatgrass Red three-awn Blue gramma Japanese- qhess Downy chess brome One-spike- oatgrass Six-weeks fescue Barley Junegfas s. Indian ricegrass Sandberg bluegrass Tumblegrass (Nutt =) Trel, Sitanion hystrix 1■ ■ (Nutt.) J= G. Smith Stipa oomata Trin-. & Stipa viridula Trin= Rupr = Liliaceae Caloohortus nuttallii- Torrey Juooa glauoa Nutt= Cactaceae MammiIlaria ■vivipara Mariposa lily Soap-weed (Nutt Haw = Opuntia polyoantha Squirreltail Needle-and-thread Green needlegrass Raw. Pink pincushion cactus Plains pricklypear Capparidaceae Cleome. s&rrulata Compositae Artemisia cana Nutt= Artemisia draounculus L= Artemisia frigida Willd9 Aster, tapaoetifolia (HBK) Carduus nutans L= Chrysopsis villosa- (Pursh.) Silver-sagebrush False-tapragpn. sagewort Fringed sagewopt Tansyleaf aster Musk thistle Nutt = Golder-aster Pursh= Grindelid squarrosa Dunal= Helianthus annus Laotuoa sp-= L= Rocky Mountain beeplant (Pursh=) Curlcup gumweed Common sunflower Lettuce -11Table 3 o (Continued) Species Family Common Name Lygodesmia guncea (Pursch.) Rush skeletonweed D o Don o Ratibida aoturnnifera- (Nutt0) Woot0 & S 0 ( Taraxiaim sp. Tragopogon dubius. Scop0 Prairie coneflower Dandelion Common salsify Cruciferae Lepidiim densifLorvrn Prairie pepperweed Liuaceae Linvm rigidvm Malvaceae Schrad0 Pursh0 SphaerdLcea aoacinea Stiffstem flax (Pursh0) Scarlet globemallow 'Rydb0 Plantaginaceae Polemoniaceae PLantago pvrshii PhLox hoodii R0 & S0 Rich0 Woolly plantain Roods phlox -12Table 4. Relative density of Acrididae observed on the study area, July 13 to August 3, 1971„ Species Number of Adults Observed in 100, 10 m i n „/2,500 ft,2 Samples Aeropedettus oLavatus (Thomas) Ageneotettix deorum (Scudder) Amphitomus aotoradus (Thomas) Arphia pseudonietana (Thomas) Autooara ettiotti (Thomas) Boopedon nubitum (Say) Braohystota magna (Girard) CorditLaoris oooipitatis (Bruner) Drepanoptema femcratum (Scudder) Hadrotettix trifasoiatus (Say) Hesperotettix viridis (Thomas) Metanoplus oooidentalis (Thomas) Melanoplus paokardii Scudder Mermiria maculipennis Bruner Metator pardalinus (Saussure) Opeia obsoura (Thomas) Phlibostroma quadrimaoulatum (Thomas) Phoetaliotes nebrasoensis (Thomas) Spharagemon equate (Say) Traohyrhaohis kiowa (Thomas) Trimerotropis oampestris McNeill 0 340 42 I 184 I 0 18 250 65 3 29 4 4 24 41 53 3 8 97 18 Species Overwintering as Nymphs Arphia oonspersa Scudder Psoloessa delicatula (Scudder) Xanthippus acrallipes Haldeman 0 0 ____0 Total 1,185 -13Table 5„ Date 5/19 6/15 6/19 6/23 6/27 7/1 7/5 7/9 7/13 7/17 7/21 7/25 7/29 Seasonal events for Aulocara area, 1970 and 1971„ elliotti 1970 (Thomas) at the study 1971 Hatch 3rd First First (1st instar) 5th instar adults noted copulations noted First adults noted First copulations noted First ovipositions noted All adults First ovipositions noted All adults 8/2 8/6 8/10 8/14 8/18 8/22 Most gone from field Most gone from field —14— Wind s p e e d m e a s u r e d with a hand held wind meter (Dwyer Co.) a t chest height, ranged up to1 40 mph on the study site. Air temperature as well as relative- humidity at I in. above the soil surface were obtained by the use of continuous recording hygrothermographs (Bendix Aviation Corp=.) . Maximum and minimum temperatures and humidities appear in Table 6. The lowest temperature recorded during the two summers was- 390P,. while the highest- was 1-18'®P?- for relative humidities, the lowest- was. 0% and the highest was 100%. An attempt to measure evaporation rate was made- in- 197-1 by means of. a glass dish,, having straight■walls,- 4 in. diameter and 2 in. deep, filled with water and set on the ground in direct- sunlight. A rate expressed as grams of- water lost per 24 hours was used as" a comparative measure and the data obtained appear in Table 7. As might be expected,.. relative humidity, was found to vary inversely with temperature, while evaporation rate followed in direct relation with temperature.-. The percent' of soil moisture to a depth of I in. on the' study site in- 1971 is summarised in Table ■8.-. Soil moisture measurements were, made- by collecting two random samples-at each o f the eight plots in. 2 in. diameter, I in. deep soil moisture cans' with lids. These samples’were then weighed on an analytical b a l a n c e d r i e d at- IlO0C ■ for 48 hours, and:then reweighed. The amounts are expressed as per­ cent moisture by.dry weight, with the formula for these determinations being as follows (Millar et al»3 1966) i- -15Table 6. Maximum and minimum temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) and humidities (percent relative humidity) recorded I in. above ground surface at the study area, 1970 and 1971. Date Max. 7/1/70 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 88 90 96 103 96 88 102 102 108 88 94 102 88 93 102 102 HO 104 99 100 108 86 82 100 96 100 106 100 101 85 96 98 92 94 101 Temperature________ Mean Wk. Avg. Min. 45 55 52 52 58 58 56 60 61 70 62 61 58 54 47 58 56 64 63 62 60 59 51 49 59 58 60 66 58 57 56 56 62 58 59 66.5 72.5 74.0 77.5 77.0 73.0 79.0 81.0 84.5 79.0 78.0 81.5 73.0 73.5 74.5 80.0 83.0 84.0 81.0 81.0 84.0 72.5 66.5 74.5 77.5 79.0 83.0 83.0 79.5 71.0 76.0 77.0 77.0 76.0 80.0 74.2 78.6 81.1 76.6 76.6 __________ Humidity Max. Min. Mean 45 56 68 67 83 83 78 54 64 48 83 60 92 55 100 90 51 50 42 70 88 100 90 96 50 52 50 84 96 88 90 61 26 96 74 9 10 9 9 6 12 2 6 2 20 12 8 24 2 14 2 2 10 11 14 3 14 5 0 2 I I 4 I 14 2 3 6 3 0 27.0 33.0 38.5 38.0 44.5 47.5 40.0 30.0 33.0 34.0 47.5 34.0 58.0 28.5 57.0 46.0 26.5 30.0 26.5 42.0 45.5 57.0 47.5 48.0 26.0 26.5 25.5 44.0 48.5 51.0 46.0 32.0 16.0 49.5 37.0 W k . Avg. 38.3 37.9 39.1 39.2 40.0 -16Table 6 o (Continued) Max. 8/5/70 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 102 100 108 103 96 102 104 108 108 90 97 107 106 96 95 96 96 104 A v e , 7/18/20 98.4 6/23/71 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/29 6/30 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 114 106 96 92 86 84 82 98 108 104 86 100 106 108 92 Temperature________ Mean Min. Wk . Avg. 65 67 59 64 52 52 57 57 64 60 50 52 64 56 52 50 49 50 83.5 83.5 83.5 83.5 74.0 77.0 80.5 82.5 86.0 75.0 73.5 79.5 85.0 76.0 73.5 73.0 72.5 77.0 57.7 58 55 59 54 52 44 39 40 45 50 56 42 48 50 40 __________ Humidity Mean Max. Min. 32 74 52 28 52 49 32 32 20 41 44 36 15 11 25 33 67 41 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 4 5 0 0 19.0 37.0 26.0 14.0 28.0 24.5 16.0 16.0 10.0 21.5 23.5 18.0 7.5 5.5 14.5 19.0 33.5 20.5 O CO r- Date 59.9 5.2 32.6 86.0 80.5 77.5 73.0 69.0 64.0 60.5 69.0 76.5 77.0 71.0 71.0 77.0 79.0 66.0 100 100 100 96 100 100 100 100 58 55 100 100 65 82 35 8 13 14 26 20 20 6 5 I 7 2 0 0 I I 54.0 56.5 57.0 61.0 60.0 60.0 53.0 52.5 29.5 31.0 51.0 50.0 32.5 41.5 18.0 80.8 79.6 72.4 73.9 Wk. Avg. 23.5 14.6 56.7 36.2 -17Table 6. (Continued) 48 52 56 55 48 54 54 47 52 77 58 52 52 66 59 52 64 58 45 50 48 40 40 50 53 54 64 58 60 62 66 61 57 58 57 60 56 57 59 66 73.0 81.0 85.5 78.5 75.0 79.0 81.0 80.0 85.0 94.0 81.0 79.0 80.5 86.0 78.5 80.0 82.0 77.0 73.5 67.0 61.0 67.0 72.0 75.0 80.5 83.0 88.0 86.0 88.0 90.0 89.0 84.5 82.5 81.0 83.5 86.5 84.0 86.5 87.5 89.5 __________ Humidity Max. Mean Min. 47 70 60 80 70 53 29 45 32 26 39 69 58 50 100 100 28 56 88 62 100 100 100 40 82 52 24 83 40 49 46 100 66 48 40 30 28 27 38 68 79.0 83.6 85.5 I 5 2 2 10 2 6 4 3 3 10 9 9 8 12 5 0 2 5 I 14 34 0 0 4 4 2 3 I 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26.0 36.0 31.0 45.0 36.0 29.5 31.4 24.0 17.5 18.0 24.0 39.0 33.0 31.0 52.5 50.0 15.0 30.5 44.5 38.0 67.0 Wk . Avg, 16.5 26.6 42 „5 O O O O m m 98 HO 115 102 102 104 108 113 118 111 104 106 109 106 98 108 100 96 102 84 74 94 104 100 108 112 112 114 116 118 112 108 108 104 HO 113 112 116 116 113 I—I 7/8/71 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Temperature________ Mean Wk. Avg. Min. CO 00 r- Max. r- Date 22.0 43.0 27.0 13.5 42.0 21.0 24.5 25.5 50.0 33.0 24.0 20.0 15.0 14.0 13.5 19.0 34.0 35.4 28.3 -18(Continued) A v g . 7/1105.7 8/20 58 63 52 52 54.5 85.0 81.5 76.0 H 111 107 111 100 O 8/17/71 8/18 8/19 8/20 Temperature________ Mean Min. W k . Avg. Ifi Max. CO Date CD Table 6. 86.2 __________ Humidity Max. Mean Min. 30 46 22 28 0 0 0 0 15.0 23.0 11.0 14.0 57.7 3.5 30.6 Wk. Avg. 19.1 -19Table 7. Evaporation rate from a 4 in. diameter, 2 in. deep glass dish at the study area, 1971. (Expressed as grams of water lost/24 hrs.). Rep „ #1 Rep. #2 101.1 106.6 99.8 109.0 106.2 94.7 34.8 16.4 Date 6/23/71 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/29 6/30 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/28 104.3 36.6 18.4 34.4 94.8 111.9 140.4 37.4 88.0 101.6 137.2 123.6 119.1 117.0 141.5 150.2 167.3 123.7 114.8 88.3 98.3 108.4 76.6 93.2 86.2 122.0 107.5 89.0 100.7 131.5 125.9 108.7 113.3 118.5 130.3 139.3 106.8 116.3 Avg. 100.4 107.8 106.2 99.5 35.7 17.4 34.4 91.5 105.1 124.4 37.4 82.3 97.4 Wk. Avg 74.1 86.2 129.6 94.6 115.6 89.0 100.7 119.1 124.2 125.9 108.7 111.9 113.3 130.0 140.2 153.3 115.2 115.6 — — — — 122.0 106.2 102.5 98.9 80.0 15.6 112.2 102.6 80.0 15.6 77.6 Rep. #1 Rep. #2 Avg. 15.6 109.4 121.4 98.7 130.4 116.6 114.6 157.5 122.4 — — —— — — — —— — —— — — — — — ——— 101.0 — — 15.6 105.1 121.4 98.7 115.8 116.6 114.6 157.5 113.0 —— — — — — — —— ———— — ———— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 139.9 115.3 156.6 147.8 134.6 133.2 127.4 174.9 101.5 146,3 135.1 134.9 128.1 132.1 132.9 160.8 108.4 151,4 135.1 141.3 131.3 132.6 130.1 167.8 126,2 110,2 112.4 Date 7/29/71 7/30 7/31 8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 Avg „ 7/18/19 113.8 145.0 131.9 — — Wk. Avg. 132.9 -20Table 8. Soil moisture to a depth of I in= on the study plots, 1971, expressed as percent moisture by dry weight, (Average of two samples per plot per date,) Date Plot #1 Plot #2 Plot #3 Plot #4 Plot #5 Plot #6 Plot #7 Plot #8 6/26 6/29 7/3 7/6 7/9 7/13 7/17 7/23 7/27 7/29 8/2 8/5 8/11 8/15 1.35 2.30 12.65 1.90 1.20 .92 1.07 2.69 1.57 10,87 1.30 1.04 1.46 1.42 1.60 2.25 13.90 1.65 1.30 1.02 .92 2.13 1.62 10.12 1.44 1.18 1.40 1.28 1.05 1.85 11.55 1.15 1.05 .70 .74 2.25 1.17 9.28 1.04 .81 1.13 1.22 1.05 1.90 15.50 1.65 1.00 1.06 .74 2.00 1.52 9.99 .96 1.01 1.15 1.13 2.40 2.65 14,05 1.90 1.40 1.01 .98 2.95 1.84 11.48 1.47 1.05 1.43 1.44 1.00 1.60 11.05 1.20 1.05 .80 .64 1.30 1.24 8,74 .81 .70 .76 .86 .90 1.55 9.55 1.30 .85 .72 .66 1.30 1.41 8.21 .84 .66 .79 .95 1.05 2.00 13.15 2.10 1.20 1.16 .66 2.09 1.82 9.13 .93 .82 1.16 1.28 Avg, 6/268/15 2,98 2,99 2,50 2.90 3.29 2.27 2.12 2.75 A v g , of Plots 1.30 2.01 12.67 1.61 1.13 .92 .80 2.09 1.52 9.73 1.10 .91 1.16 1.20 -21mass of soil % H 2O by weight . - mass of soil „ X 100 wet dry mass of dry soil The two random samples have been averaged for each plot on each date. Except for high soil moisture levels noted on J u l y '3 a n d vJuly 29, which coincide with previous rains, a very low amount of moisture, i.e. 1-2%, is present in the upper layer of soil for the developing ett-Lotti, eggs of A. High temperatures as well as intense levels of solar, radiation seem to be responsible for- this condition. Table 9 presents maximum solar radiation levels, expressed in cal./cm.2/ntin., during August,. 1971= A continuous■recording solar radiation recorder (Weather Measure Corp.), placed on the ground, was used to obtain these data. Figure I shows the configuration of. the study plots in the two years. In 1970 sampling was restricted to an area of 200 ft. X 200 ft. while in 1971 sampling wa.S‘more extensive and covered a 500 ft. X 500 ft. area. Fluorescent latex paints were used to identify individual adults of A= etltotti on these areas. Some difficulties were encoun­ tered with this technique in 1970 in that some marks were lost due to flaking of the paint caused by poor adhesion to the waxy cuticle .of the insect.. (Gangwere As a result, a modified scheme of the "notch technique" et ato3 1964) was used in addition to marking paints in 1971, and this proved to be very satisfactory. Clipping of- the pretarsus and posterior of the pronotum with surgical scissors provided -22Table 9. Date Maximum solar radiation levels at the study area, 1971„ (Expressed in cal=/cm,2/min0) Maximum Solar Radiation 8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 3/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 .99 I o02 1.13 .93 .95 .92 1.01 .98 1.02 .94 .92 .89 .91 .91 .98 .91 .91 .92 .92 .87 A v g , 8/1-8/20 95 -23— N A K IO 8 U 0 2 sc IOO E 3 = SLOPE C 'l = S A G E B R U S H Figure I. Study Plots, 1970 and 1971= —24-' eight distinct marksdistinguishing individuals from the eight plots. If some paint marhs were lost,.an.individual could almost always be identified with certainty by using several recorded characters in combination, i.e.^ clip number, paint number;, sex, phenotypic marks, and morphological abnormalities.=. To be certain that marking in this way did not affect behavior patterns or longevity of adults., extensive observations under, both field and field-cage conditions were made= No differences between marked and unmarked, individuals could be found during either summer.. Both marking schemes are presented, in Figure 2 = Many workers have used the capture-recapture technique to gain information about grasshopper populations (Anderson, 1964 ? Baldwin ei al.j 1958; Blabkith and Blackith, 1969? Clark, 1962? Clark et al°3 et' at* 3-1965? Phipps, 1969; Dempster, 1957 ? Edwards, 1961? ■El-MiniaWi 1959? Richards, 1953? Richards and Waloff, 1954? Smith et ato3 1964? and others)= alP'3 1954'? The usual procedure has been to mass mark and release insects into a restricted area and subsequently re­ capture them on succeeding dates.= an approach: Two problems become evident in such I) density of grasshoppers in an area i-s increased,. and 2) any existing structure of the population would be disrupted undersuch, conditions. In order to avoid such artificial-mixing of indi­ viduals and to- reduce disturbance of the population to a minimum, adults of A. elti-otti were captured, marked, and released.individually, at the point where they, were first found'=- The procedure of capturing -25- PLOT PRETARSUS PLOT 4 PLOT 6 V 10.20, 30 1 - 2- 30 0 COLOR CODE I 4 7 YELLOW 2 5 8 GR E E N 3 6 9 blue PLOT Figure 2. 3 System for marking adult Autcoara ettiotti. with paints on pronotum and clipping of pretarsus. —26“ involved slowly walking, across the'sampling area and gently passing an insect net back-and-rforth across the path of travel, etttott'l All A. observed to Itiovo-were then captured with the net and placed in a small-wire screen cage which was placed in the shade of a clump of. grass until the entire area had- been searched. Markingrecording, of recapture's,- and release of the- insects were then carried out for the entire erea. Sampling by this means was confined to the morning hours (.6:45 a»m. to- 8:00 a.m. in- 1970, and 9:4-5 a.m. to 11:30 a,m.. in1971). The sir© of the area on which individuals were marked covered 1,600 yd.2 in 1970, while in 1971 marking was carried out On an- area totaling 2,222-yd.2 . WoodOn survey-stakes, placed in the field at 10 ft., intervals, were used as reference points to map locations of indi­ vidual grasshoppers in 1970» In 197-1, 4 in. nails with plaster washers, driven into the ground, were used-in place of the wooden stakes»- This later method is thought to be superior to the one used in 1970 in that the-wooden stakes tend- to preate microhabitats- which could be , and often are, attractive to. the grasshopper. Observations of the daily- behavior of. A. eZtiotfc'i were made in the field during both years and six behavior patterns were characterized I). basking, 2) courting, 3) copulation, 4) oviposition, 5). feeding., and 6). resting. Ellis and Ashall (1957)- have reported similar classes of diurnal behavior for the desert locust, Sahtstooevoa gvegavia Forskal, and. state that published accounts of this type are very -27incompletpp To eliminate disturbance of. the grasshopper caused by movements of the hand when writing? observations■of behavior were recorded on a tape recorder. Photographs illustrating these behavior patterns were made with a 35 mm still camera and an 8 m m movie camera. !'he same 1,600) yd.2 area used for. marking in 1970 was- investi­ gated, by means of, a 4 ft.2 sampling frame, from July 28 to August 18, i970 to determine', the distribution of three vegetationai types felt to be important in the oviposltion behavior of. A. adult A. ettiofcfci of egg pods, BttrIofct1I* After all had died, this same area was sampled for the presence One. shovelful of soil, taken to a depth, of 3 'in'., was dug from each 2 ft.2 in a systematic manner.• Eight hundred samples., representing 5% of the total area,, were taken in'.all. - Tbe soil was siffed' through a.,mesh screen, whiph did not allow passage of the eggpods. Pods collepted in this way were placed in jars filled; with soil and transported to. Bozeman for future hatching studies. Field-cage experiments involved two types of cages shown in Figure 3. In 1970 an octagonal shaped cage,.enclosing 174- ft.2 , was constructed on an area of western wheatgrass, Fence posts and poultry netting.were used as framework upon which clear plastic material was supported.. Sides were 4 ft, high and the top was covered by cheese­ cloth to eliminate- predation on the introduced'A-, ■eWfcofcfcfc by birds. Due to poor air circulation, temperatures within this cage were found to. be S-S0G'higher than in the field, and as a result, a new design was 1970 Figure 3» Field-cages, 1971 -29used in 1971» of 36 ft.2 o These cages were square in shape and enclosed an area Sides were 30 in. high, the bottom 6 in-., being composed of window screen with the remainder being made of clear plastic. Fence posts' were used to support the walls and Durex Anti-Bird MeshR covered the top. Ibis design was found to alter the environment very little, i.e., air movement through the cage was unrestricted and air tempera­ tures remained within 1°G of bhose found in the field. No A. elttotti. were known to escape^ from these enclosures during- the entire summer. In 1970, 15 male and 10 female A. etUottv were collected from the apea surrounding the cage,, marked with fluorescent paint, and then placed in the cage. At the end of.the season, the- cage was dismantled and the soil was sifted for egg pods, wit;h note being made of their location. In 1971, two areas one-quarter of a mile apart, assumed to contain two sub^populations of A. e ZGiotto, were chosen as sites for sub-populational mixing experiments. On each site two cages were con­ structed .. At each site., one cage served as a control and contained 10 males and 10 females from the opposite area. In the. other cage., 5' males and 5 females were introduced from each of the two sub-populations. Fluorescent marking paints and pretarsal clipping were used to dis­ tinguish individuals from the two areas. Daily: observations- were made on the behavior of these individuals and weekly counts of their numbers were recorded. At the. and of the season, all four cages were dis­ mantled and the soil was sifted to determine the number and distribution -30of the- egg pod's, deposited„ / In hatching experiments for both years, in order to terminate the obligatory diapause of embryos of A-- all egg pods collected, from the field were subjected to S-S0C temperatures for 50-80 days in the laboratoryo Pods were then removed from the. cold and incubated under a fluctuating.temperature and light regime (lights on and 8S°P from 6 a„m. to 10 Pom1; lights off and 60oP- from 10 p.m. to 6-a.m,).' until hatching was completed. Note was made of numbers, hatching during three periods of the day, morning (8 a.m. — 12 noon), afternoon (12. noon - 5 p,m=)> and night. (5 p.m= - 8 a.m. - Those failing tb hatch were fixed in Bouin's solution, and inspected to determine their stage of morphological development according to the staging criteria established by Van Horn (1966)„ 4 REgULT?- Distribution, Density, Movement, and Behavior of Adults Figures 4,. 5.,‘ and 6. show t W distribution of adult in 1970 and 1971, while Table 10 presents the statistical results . obtained by subjecting the 1971 data to goodness-of-fit t#sts to the Poisson distributiono These data show clearly that individuals of- t M s species are not distributed at random in. the field'. Concen­ trations Of adults1 were found to occur over, large areas of relatively uniform rangeland and within these areas, smaller "aggregates" of individuals appeared to form daily, ranging innsize from a few to several hundred square feet. contained more-A, Certain areas, however, consistently- throughout the entire season-, indicating that selection of the habitat was taking place. plants, in particular western wheatgrass fringed sag.ewort (Artemisia fvigida The distribution of (Agvopyron smithi-i Rydb -,), Wi-Ild J , and bunch grasses (Fig,. 7), also non-random, appeared to be important factors in determining the distribution of this species in the field. Three phenotypic markings of: the male and fexhale of A, are shown in Fig-, 8, The- usual markings ares. ettigtti I) a "dorsal stripe"- on the tegmina, 2) a. "pronotal cross", and 3) lack of a "white collar" on the anterior margin of. the sides of: the prothorax-. Table H shows the percentage of adults expressing- these markings for the eight plots in 1971, Although frequencies were not shown to vary significantly -32- N Q •X . $ x P . • " X 0 # x • X • • X N • X X X X M e* X• Xe ' * - X, X L • : • "x• . X X *. XX • . x X « 3 • 5 " • X • *" e • • X •eg X X • XX X • X „ x X X X Xx 5 xI XX * K X*« . X » • XX e XxX *• X X e Xe X$ X • XXeX X• x-. Xx X• J % A X H X X • •# • X « X • •• X • e e • X X • X e I X G • • • • X ^X • XX e X F X X e e 17 16 15 14 13 X • 12 Il IO 9 Xff 6 7 8 • — X - dI N = 208 gI N= I S I FT. Figure 4. Distribution of adult Aulocara elliotti, 1970 O O 0 5E -33- N• • --- 6 X --- Q Figure 5. Distribution of adult Aulooara on plots I to 4, 1971=, elliotti M= 2 2 0 Ni= 94 o io 20 1---- dz---- 1 —34— Ix 2. 2x I. IX I• IX 2* IX 2. 3x 3. 4x 2. 3x 5. 5 * 7 . 5 . 2x 2 2x 4. . . 3. 2x I 4. 2 6 • I I I• IX 3• IX 3x 4 . I. IX I 4 . x I. 3x 2 J • . I. " 2L • IX IX 3x 1C. 3x I. Ix 2X I• I X 3x I 9. 3x 0 8. 4 x I• 2x I. 3x V.; • C x Distribution of adult Aiilooara on plots 5 to 8, 1971o etliotti X © x IX * O • 2 IX ~7 X x-> • U • 5' • 3x 2 x 6 X I• 7. 3x 4 X 4. 10 . 3 8 © x 8 X • (f X 9 0 Figure 6 = x rr • 6 • IX J • U e C xV * Ix I# IX b X 5 I. 3x I. 5 IX I. IX 6x 2. p • 2. 4 x I• I. IX 6• t 7 5 . x IX 2. IX ^ I. 2 e I. 2x 2 . 7• IX I• IX x 2x CL • I• I •J » I. 6 x I• 3. 2x 5 . Ix I I 3. 6 2 2 ® CO I 4 2 p X 5 I i. x ■J * 4. X 5 . IX I. LH IX 4. J * N L___ ILl NIO 17 1 j _ FT. 20 _ i -35Table IC). Goodness of fit test to the Poisson distribution of data presented in Figs. 5 and 6. Significance indicates a nonrandom distribution c)f adult AuZ-Ocara etliotti (Thomas) . Plot Sex Chi-Square 5% Chi-Square 1% Chi-Square #1 M F 10.52 .92 11.07 5.99 15.09 9.21 #2 M F 5.57 .56 7.81 3.84 11.34 6.63 #3 M F 30.21** 2.98 9.49 5.99 13.28 9.21 #4 M F 9.62* .23 9.49 7.81 13.28 11.34 #5 M F 3.31 1.50 11.07 7.81 15.09 11.34 #6 M F 3.06 .69 9.49 5.99 13.28 9.21 #7 M F .86 20.32** 7.81 9.49 11.34 13.28 #8 M F 25.08** 12.76* 14.07 12.59 18.48 16.81 #l-#8 M F 59.61** 142.88** 14.07 11.07 18.48 15.09 *Significant at the 5% level ♦♦Significant at the 1% level N —36— /N T TT Y » T T TT T TT T * >Q X o I X T f X T T T X X T X X T X X T X X X X X X X X T X X TT T T x x % O XX O T T X T X X o XX T XX T T X t TT T TT T T TT T TT T TT T T T T T TT TT TT P 0 N M X X x X X x * . T T L T T T X T t T K TT O T T T T T ▼ T T O O T X X T T T T T o o T T 15 14 T T f T f f T T T T T T f J I T T T V H G T T V o 12 Il IC O O o O O O T o 16 f o T T T 7 T 9 6 7 & 5 X - Ar-Icvv.' a.irii^xAa-. ( I P|_ A N f/ F T i) T = AijCc ym.tki. C^S R L A D E S/ Figure 7. o c lJ1t yiv CCiVMKtitx Distribution of vegetation, 1970. r - l) C s B u n c h ES d /s t r ip e "a m o " c r o s s " 9/STRIPE aw.'CROSS' W I 9 / no 'stripe' , / cross' Figure 8 = Phenotypie markings of Auloaara ell-iotti. 9/t,0LLApC -38Table H o Distribution of phenotypes of adult AuZooara eltiotti (Thomas) on the study plots, 1971„ (Expressed as percent of total examined.) Plot Sex Presence of "Dorsal Stripe" Presence of "Pronotal Cross" #1 M F 100 100 94 93 96 96 70 27 #2 M F 93 100 93 90 98 90 43 10 #3 M F 96 96 98 100 98 87 54 23 #4 M F 89 100 94 94 91 88 53 34 #5 M F 97 97 97 97 92 97 74 33 #6 M F 96 100 93 95 100 100 56 21 #7 M F 97 100 97 98 97 82 36 49 #8 M F 99 97 99 99 95 90 107 72 #l-#8 M F 96.5 98.5 96.1 96.6 95.5 90.3 493 269 Absence of "White Collar" N -39between- the eight plots, it is felt that larger samples, might have revealed a- non-random distribution of the genes controlling these phenotypes =■ The number of adults, marked and recaptured during. 19-70 and 1971 are presented in Table 12, In both years more males than females were marked- and a smaller percentage of males than females were re­ captured o Population estimates prepared from these capture-recapture data appear in Tables 13 and 14, Table 13 uses the well-known- Lincoln-Index while Table 14 uses' the more recent stochastic model presented by Jolly.(1965) to estimate population numbers. It may be seen that population densities remained low in-both years -©n the studyarea=- Also, it may be noted that both methods of estimation gave similar results when applied to the 1971 data = An advantage-,- however ,- is gained- in -using the stochastic model in that-both the loss due to emigration and death (I-$) and the -number of. new insects joining the population (B) may be estimated along with- the estimated density of the population- (N) '= Standard errors were large for both methods = Relative numbers of adults' during the" summers- of -1970 and 1971 appear in Fig, 9. In 19-70 peak- population numbers- were observed to occur- around July 22 for males and females, while in 1971, males were very abundant by. July 2 and females reached their peak around July. 16 = Despite the high variances calculated for- the population estimates given in Tables- 13 and 14-,. fair agreement can be seen between these -40Table 12. Year Nmnber- of adult- Ai^tooavct ettiotti (Thomas) marked and percent recaptured on the study area, 1970 and 1971. -, ■,- :' ..Ii ■ •....... Percent Recaptured Number Marked Male Male •FemalIeFemale 1970 235 182 22 38 1971 493 269 18 26 Table 13. Population estimates for adult Aulooara recapture data using the Lincoln-Index. of adults/100 yd=2 = elliotti (Thomas) from captureN represents the estimated number 1970 — —— ———— — ——— ———— 51.7 14 =9 30 =8 4 =6 10 =2 Avg. 15 =8 A 2=6-21=3 5=4-95=6 2 =3- 13 =9 10 =5 — --- ro 1 =5 i—4 32 =9 9 8=5-57=4 97=9 17 IL J l /cJ 17=8 32 =0 27.0 26 =1 33 =39=8-67=5 10.2-72=1 15 =312 =76 =0- in A— -- -- i—4 Avg=, both sexes 6=3- 60=2 6.6- 59=0 I *3 A — 10=4-204=6 6=1- 37=7 6 =6— 5 =52=8- H I 11 =5 11=9 31=8 19.7 10 =5 15 =4 15 =9 9=4 N 1971 Males 95% Confidence Limits N 3 =05 =2——————— —— --- — 30 = 3 1=7 0 =8- 5.7 12.3 13=3 5 =2 5 =8 2=0 3=1-45=0 7=1-47=4 0 =5 — — — —— 0 = 2- 3=0-19=0 2 =00 .8— — 5 =8 36 =1 Females 95% Confidence Limits CO CO 0 1 CO 7/1 7/2 7/3-4 7/5-8 7/9-12 7/13-16 7/17-20 7/21-24 7/25-28 7/29-8/1 8/2-5 8/6-9 I N H N Females 95% Confidence Limits H Date Males 95% Confidence Limits —————————— Table 14 „ Population estimates for adult Auloaara el'liotti (Thomas) from 1971 capturerecapture data using the stochastic model of Jolly (1965)» Date N 7/1 7/2 85.0 7/3-4 18 =0 19 =6 7/5-8 7/9-12 17 =2 7/13-16 20.9 7/17-20 41.0 7/21-24 104.3 7/25-28 23.9 7/29-8/1 — —— — Avg = 41 =2 ± 2 SE 173 =6 15 =3 11 =6 18.0 21 =0 65 =1 239.3 30.0 0 Males ± 2 SE =92 1 =22 =79 .62 =52 1=71 .44 =61 — — —— — — .74 B ± 2 SE =56 =88 .72 =65 =56 2.62 =78 =86 -85=7 213.6 5 =4 11=9 5 =0 11 =8 12 =0 38 =2 5 =2 37.2 86 =3 231 =7 -39.8 132 =2 —-— — — — —— — — — — — 16 =3 N ± 2 SE 4.4 5 =5 3.2 9.9 6 =5 2 =2 5 =6 2.9 2.7 9 =5 8.2 2.3 10.0 5.7 1 =4 8.6 5.2 6 =0 4=8 0 Females ± 2 SE .25 .36 .55 =80 =45 =40 1.45 1=02 .36 — —— — .57 =48 =94 .42 =66 =38 =29 2 =21 2 =14 .94 ——— — B ± 2 SE 4 =0 .2 7.3 2=0 - =4 2 =5 -2=8 1 =7 ——— 10 =8 4.3 8 =4 5 =0 2 =0 6 =1 7.2 4=4 ———— 2 =2 N = Estimated number of insects/100 yd„2 „ 0 = Estimated probability of insect remaining alive and within the sample area to the succeeding capture date„ B = Estimated number of new insects/100 yd=2 joining the population to the succeeding capture date= -43- NOS. C A P T U Px E D / l O M I N. 1970 7-4 7-12 7-20 7-28 8-5 8-13 DATE Figure 9. Numbers of adult Aulooooca sample, 1970 and 1971. elliotti captured per 10 min. -.44— estimates, and those presented' in Fig:. 9 with regard to relative numbers. it may. be concluded, therefore,- that the two years were' quite different and. peak population numbers, occurred at an earlier date ip 1971 thpn they, did in 1970. Fig. 10 shows- the number of adults captpred per 10 min. of sampling.time for the eight plots. Densities varied throughout the- field, with the highest concentration o f adults noted for plot 8. Although a significant difference at the 5% ievel was found for the abundance of females between the eight plots (F= 2,25, P< =05)., no significant difference could be demonstrated for that of . males (F= .94, P>,05)-. These data as well as the data presented ip Table ■10 indicate that females■aggregate to a greater extent than do the males. Movements, of •males and females have been presented in terms of displacement distances and rates in Table 15. The greatest displace­ ment distance recorded for- the two years' w a s ■469 ft. for a male and 183 ft. for a female. Displacement rates, ranged up to 234,5 ft,/day for males and 58.0 ft ./day for females, Males were found tp move significantly more than females ip 1971, having ap average displace? ment rate of 66,4 ft./day as compared with 6.6 ft-/day for females (F= 33.1, P < ,05). Fig. 11 shows the displacement rates recorded on the eight plots, Fig. 12 the intra-plot movements' of. marked, adults, and F i g . 13 the displacement rates fpr males and females for three dates over the season ip 1971. All of these data show the greater -45- N A d1 2.9 9 1.9 d 3.0 9 1.3 a 2.0 9 0.5 8 5 2 d* 1.5 9 2.0 3 2.5 9 1.6 <5 2.7 9 1.1 7 4 I d" 2.2 9 0.8 6 d 2.4 9 1.0 3 O GO IOO *------ 1_____i FT. avg Figure 10, Numbers of adult Auloaara elliotti captured per 10 min, sample by plot, 1971, .8 p 2.4 $ lots ( -46Table 1 5 o Year Average displacement distances and displacement rates o£ adult AuteGava eVUiotti- (Thomas) , 1970 and 19.71. Figures in parentheses, represent ranges. -o-- "" ' ' I I. Avg,. Displacement: Rate A v g . Displacement Distance (Ft.) (Ft,/Day) Males , Females Males Females 1970 57 (10o229) 47 (4.-183) 16.0 ■ (2=0-84.0) 1971 228* (0-469) 64 (0-171) 66.4*-(0.0-234.5) 15.0 (,8-58,0) 6.6 (0.0-29,0) *Males significantly different frpm■females at the 5%- level. ~>z —47— d 8.5 9 7.5 d 5.4 9 6.7 d 6.3 9 8 5 2 2.4 9 2.3 d 7.4 9 4.2 d 54 9 LI 7 4 I d 8.0 9 (5.1 d"4.8 9 4.2 6 3 0 1 SO I OO ______I_________I FT AV G. Figure 11. Displacement rate of adult by plot, 1971. Autocava eltiotti 8 PLOTS <? {,o 9. 4.6 —48 — N O SO FT. -- <5 N = 12 + ++ $ Figure 12. Movement of adult 1971. Auloaara elliotti between plots, N — 3 IOO 7-21 DATE Figure 13. Displacement rate of adult Aulocara (Extrapolated between points) elliotti, summer 1971. -50mobility of the males as compared to the females„ It should be noted, however, that this high rate of displacement appears to be confinedto the early portion of the season for males. For f e m a l e s t h e . dis­ placement rate remained, at a relatively constant rate.- throughout the summer= Considerable individual variation in movement was found but no percentage measurements were made for the population. If is suspected:that individuals having largqr displacement distances than those observed existed in the population but failed to be recorded due to the restricted sampling area=’ Although the data obtained werenot numerous enough for. extensive" statistical analyses, a positive correlation was obtained between the combined male- and female1rates of displacement and the combined male and female numbers per 10 min. sample. It was found that plots containing relatively more, adults also had higher displacement rates at the 5% level, (r= .98). .■ Sincq Ao- elli-ott-i was never observed to fly fn the field,, unless disturbed: by the investigator, it can be assumed that all movements took place through walking and not by flight of- the individuals. As pan be seen from Fig-. 14, which shows the directions of movement for males and females in 1970 and 1971„ there-was no predominant direction of dis­ placement, and this was confirmed by use of the Durand and Greenwpod (1958). test.' The daily-behavior patterns'■of'4‘. elliotti adults are shown in- Fig, 15 and two of these behaviors, that of copulation and ovipositipn. -51- 19 7 0 0 3 G NO. C Fr A D U L T S Figure 14. Net directions of movement of Auloaara elli-otti. BEUfWMOR 90 -< AON 9 COPULl T I M E Figure 15. O F Daily behavior of adult Aiitooara one observation - N = 193) DAT ettiotti, (HDI) (Each dot represents -53appear in Fig;0 16= Groupings of males around an ovipositing female were noticed quite. ■frequently although solitary ovipositing females were also seen during both years=' It was observed that adults basked in the sun early -in the morning1 - and also toward the late, afternoon = Courting.; copulation., and oviposition were primarily moaning activities, whereas resting (in shade or elevated on the vegetation,) was confined to. the afternoon hours=. Feeding generally, took place throughput the day with the exception.of proportionally less feeding by the males as compared to the females during the morning hours.= Temperatures appeared to play an important role in the. determination of these behavior patterns =■ Basking in the sun to:' increase activity levels was necessary before mating activities could begin and extreme afternoon temperatures of over IOO0F halted mating and oviposition behaviors and caused, individuals to seek cooler-microhabitats= A response to light,. ■ however1, rather than temperatureappeared important very early in the morning=- A,=.- eVHotti were observed to-, move into, areas for bashing from depressions not receiving.radiant energy at the- time of- sunrise=- It appears that movements of adults were probably greatest during the morning hours, when mating.-and oviposition -activities reached their peak. Searching, for a mate on the part of the male involves considerable movement as- does the selection of an oviposition site by the female. —54 — COPULATION OVI P 05 I T ION Figure 16. Copulation and oviposition behaviors of Avilococpa elliotti. —55“ Areas of Oviposition and Fecundity The.distribution of- egg pods of- Au eltiotti- was fpund to be non- random on the study, area in 1970 =. By comparing Figs= 4 and 17, it may. be seen that the areas'- of greatest density of A= etUotti- spond to the same areas where egg pods were found= do not corre­ It was found instead that the areas containing considerable exposed ground surface (primarily sites of fringed sagewort and.bunch grasses) were the areas whiph received the largest deposition of pods (compare Figs= 7 and 17)= Few females were found inhabiting these bare areas during the morning hours prior to basking activities = containing pnuch western wheatgrass = Instead f..females were found in areas From these data and the daily behavior patterns presented in Fig= I5,.i t is speculated that a daily movement might.occur between the dense and the more sparsely vegetated areas. It is felt that during the morning- h o u r s f e m a l e s leave their evening, roosts in western wheatgrass sites and move into areas of more open patches of g r o u n d e i t h e r stimulated by the desire to oviposit or as a result of having found; suitable basking locations unobstructed by vegetation = As temperatures rise and oviposition. activities^taper of-fy movement back into the western wheatgrass sites occur, perhapsbrought about by the greater number, of resting areas,, feeding sites j, and the protection from, heat which: such vegetation affords;= Males also appear to follow a diurnal pattern of movement between areas of different vegetation, presumably regulated by temperature- and by . —56“ Figure 17. Distribution of egg pods of N AuZoaava eZZiott'Z, 1970. -57Courtingf.accompanying, and feeding behaviors-v An estimate- of the average fecundity, per female- in the field was obtained by- considering several data- obtained in 19-70= The average population density for females estimated by the- Eincdln-Index was found to be 17 =1/100 yd =2 (Table 13)=. The area sampled for egg pods covered I f600' yd =2 and therefore might- have been expected" to contain 274- females on the average over the summer of 1970= Since■43 pods were collected systematically from- 5% -of this area,1it may. be assumed that- females•laid on the -average 3=1- egg pods duririg- the season=. Examination- of these field, collected -egg pods revealed that 8 =2 eggs were contained per pod, and thus field reproductive-potential was estimated to be 25 =4 offspring per female= This represented a 13- fold increase in potential numbers- at the close of the- 1970 season = To maintain the population at the same density the following year-,. 12 of the 13 individuals- would have- had to be eliminated from the popu­ lation by the time the next summer*s generation began reproducing= This- reduction- in number would represent a 92% mortality=. In 1970 an octagonal shaped field-cage (Fig= 3) provided onlypreliminary information on the longevity, and fecundity of- A= eVL-votti- because of design difficulties and bird- predation =-. An original intro­ duction of 15 male and-10- female adults was made on July 9= 17 one western meadowlark On July - (SturmeVta negteata Audubon/'entered cage and ate all of the test animals = A second group of. 25 A= the ettiottt —58— was introduced the same day- and these lasted until the when another western meadowlark was successful in entering the cage and eating all the Ao e'LZ’iot'h'lo A third group of 25 A-,- elUofctt was introduced on July 19 and these remained until August 5■when the experiment was terminated due to western meadowlarks again preying upon the caged- grasshoppers.= eltiotti The cage r therefore,- contained A = adults for a- total of- 24 days,, but it is thought that with­ out predation, adults would have been able to,survive for- an additional week =Fig.= 18 shows the distribution of egg pods, in the field-cage on August 13 , 1970= it can be seen, that their distribution-was non- random ■with many pods having been-deposited near the perimeter of the cage,- especially along the western edge= A total of 28 pods were collected and- the average number of. eggs per pod was- determined to be 8 =9= Assuming- that the adults would have survived until August 12,- the average female would -have produced 3 =2 pods or 28 =5'offspring during its lifetime= This fecundity would have represented a 14-fold increase in potential numbers by. the end- of. the season in 1970 = In 1971 four field-cages on two different sites yielded infor­ mation on longevity, fecundity, egg-pod distribution, and- subpopulation mixing = Bird predation -in 1971. was not a. problem as in the year before due to the improved cage design utilizing.anti-birdmesh= Fig'= 19 shows- the- numbers of adults surviving in. the field— -59- N I Figure 18. Distribution of egg pods of cage, 1970. Aulooara elliott-i POD in field- —60— S 10 S MIXED SUB-POPS. 8 CAGE I 9- 3 Z 6 4 SUB- POP. I - - - SUB - POP. 2 2 Q 7-17 Figure 19. 7-25 Numbers of adult cages, 1971. 8- 2 DATE 8-10 Aulooava elliotti Q 8- 18 surviving in field- “61cages containing, one sub-population (cages 2 and 4) and two subpopulations (cages I and 3). Adults were between I and 7 days old when introduced into the cages on. July 9. For adult males, the greatest longevity was between 43 and 50 days, while for aclult females the greatest longevity was between 47 and, 53 days. Survival in both sexes remained relatively constant until July 31 when increased mortality occurred, It may be noted that there was a differential survival in favor of the females beyond this date. Fig. 20 shows the distribution of egg-pods in the four cages at the end of August, 1971. Distribution was non^random, again with many pods, being, found near the bonders of the cages. For the single sub­ population cages, females laid an average of 3.0 pods during the season, while in the mixed, sub-population cages, an average- of 3.2 pods per female per season was calculated. No inspection of the number of eggs per pod was made on this group of egg-pods, but it is assumed from data of the previous year that from 8 to 9 eggs were contained in each pod. Fecundity in these gages would then be ex pected to have ranged between 24.0 and 28.8 eggs per female in 1971, These figures represent a potential increase in numbers, of 12-tq 14-fold. Although the single population and mixed sub-population cages showed no apparent differences in survival or fecundity over the season (greater variation occurring within rather than between the —62— N A 3 * I* 4 * I• 12* I* 9 * I* I• I• I* 3 * 3 * I• 3 * 2 * 4 * I• 2 * CAGE N= 39 I 3 4» 2 * I• CAGE 2<» N- 25 3 • rxj S 00 # # 4* I* 2 * 2 * I• I 2 » I• I• I• I• 2 * CAGE 2 I• I• I• I• Figure 20. 4 * |,e 3 * 2 * 3 * 4 * I• I• I* N= 32 Distribution of egg pods of cages, 1971. I• I• 2 * 2 * I• CAGE 4 N= 27 Aulocapa elliotti in field- -t63 t groups), behavioral differences were noted between individuals of the two sub-populatioris o For •the first 3 to 4 days after the, introduction of 5 males and 5 femalep from- sub^population I and 5 males an,d 5 females from sub-population 2 (distinctively marked using the scheme described earlier in this- paper) • into each of the two cages at the two ■ different sites,, females refused to accept males from the opposite sub-population = but copulation population o Mating attempts appeared to be random among the males was only noted between individual^ of the same sub­ After this interval of 3 to 4 days, matings between individuals of the two sub^populations were frequently observed to ■ occur. Laboratory Hatching of Eggs Table 16 presents data, obtained from laboratory hatching, of eggs collected from the field and fhe 174. ft.2 field-cage in 1970. These data show that a greater percentage of eggs hatched- from pods chilled for 80-days than those which had received only 50-days chilling.= Of the embryos failing to hatch, those under 50-days cold showed devel­ opmental arrest at the stage af which the majority of embryos enter diapause (stage 19, according to the staging criteria of Van Horn, 1966), while all of the 80-days cold treated embryos successfully underwent blastpkinesis. For both cold treatments, however, approxi­ mately one-half of the embryos failing to hatch were found fo be in the definitive stage of development (sfage 2 7 ). Table 17 shows the —64 — Table 16. Laboratory hatching of eggs of Aulooara elliottl (Thomas) collected from the field and a 174 ft.2 field-cage, 1970. Collected From The Field Days of Cold Treatment 50 80 Number of eggs hatching Number of eggs failing to hatch (stage of developmental arrest in parentheses) Total number of eggs failing to hatch Total number of eggs Number of egg pods Number of eggs per egg pod 88 (63%) 162 (95%) Collected From 174 ft.2 Field-cage Days of Cold Treatment 50 80 55 (60%) 72 (83%) 14 (19) 0 (19) I (19) 0 (19) 26 (27) 5 (27) 25 (27) 7 (27) 12 (other) 4 (other) 11 (other) 8 (other) 52 (37%) 9 (5%) 37 (40%) 15 (17%) 140 171 92 87 18 20 10 10 7.78 8.55 9.20 8.70 -65Table 17„ Laboratory hatching of eggs of Autocara- ettiotti (Thomas) collected from 36 ft.^ field-cages, and subjected to a 66-day cold treatment, 1971. Number- of eggs hatching 202 Estimated percent of eggs hatching* (34-38%) Estimated number of. eggs failing to hatch* 326-392 Estimated percent, of eggs failing to hatch* (62-66%) Estimated number of eggs* 528-594 Number of egg pods Estimated number of eggs per egg pod* 66 8-9 *Estimates based on 1970 data from Table 16. -66numbers of. eggs hatching from 6 6 field-cage-collected pods in 197-1. Examination of. the eggs, failing to hatch was not carried out,- but it was. assumed that from. 8 to 9 eggs were contained in each pod »• Under this assumption, eggs collected from field-cages in 1971 showed alower percentage hatch than those of the previous year= The numbers hatching, in the laboratory were’ found to be greatest during the hours of 6 a=m =- to: 12 noon both in 1970. and 1971 = Fig= 21 combines these data for the two. years- and shows the percent hatching for three periods of the day. Since both temperature and light cycled daily (lights on and 85°F- from and 60°F from 1 0 p=m= to 6 6 a.m. to 10 p.m=? lights off a=m =)., no single factor could be attributed to this observed increase in the numbers hatching during.the morning hours= 80 N= 3 0 3 MOR N I N G HATCHING 60 I Ot 40 I 20 A FTERNOON NIGHT I 12 6 PM. TIME Figure 21. Percent Aulooara the laboratory. elliotti. OF DAY 12 C M.D.TD hatching for three periods of the day in 6 AM. DISCUSSION Non-random distribution of insect's is a common phenomenon in nature. Anderson (1961) has discussed this■fact for grasshoppers in general and Hastings and Pepper (1964) have further- stated thats " V o QtljLottjL . is distributed in an irregular, pattern with concen­ trations of varying density,-ranging from a few square rods to several acres,, interspersed throughout a general area which is popu­ lated at all-times with only scattered individuals." Two-levels-of non^randomness emerged from this study and' appear to be influenced by different factors.. Aggregations of adult A., etltottt in areas of only a few square- yards appear- to be the result of the interaction between individuals’. Courting., mating., oviposition., and various.other behaviors play an important role in. the formation and maintenance of- these- local groupings. for Willey and Willey (1967) have-reported-a.-similar structure Arphla eonsperga Scudder and mention that for- this species: "Adult males and females tend to gather in interacting sub-deme . groups , ■seldom more than 1 0 0 to 2 0 0 the extent of- the suitable habitat." feet in radius regardless of I Clark' (1948)- and Haskell (1958). have also noted small aggregations of.grasshoppers and believe that social behavior involving communication is important in their formation. From preliminary observations made in 1970 and 1971, adult A. .etltottl appear to rely strongly on visual stimuli in many, of’their behaviors —69“ and, therefore, group formation may arise through this medium of commui^ic^tign «■ The non-randpm distribution of' adult A= eVLiotm over large areas was found to be correlated with three vegetational types. Areas qontaining all three types, i.e.,fringed sagewort, western wheatgrass, and bunch grasses', appear to support the largest numbers, of this species.. Such areas provide suitable open patches of ground required for oviposition (fringed sagewort and bunch grasses), and a readily available food supply and rodsting area (western wheatgrass). It is possible that such heterogeneous areas may be selected for by A, elliot1?Le Preference for areas of mosaic vegetation rather than those cpvered by a more uniform vegetation have also been reported for Doaiostaurus mapoceanus eevca gpegaria Thunbepg (Dempster, 1957) , and Sehiste- Forskal (Popov, 1958). Determining the number of individuals in an animal population has been and still remains a difficult problem. A number of methods involving the capture-recapture technique have been introduced, primarily by mathematicians, to estimate the size of mobile animal populations. The Lincpln-Index-, probably the first- applied to recapture data, was used to estimate the total number of ducks in North America (Lincoln, 1930). Since that time, this deterministic model has been expanded and improved upon by many workers (Bailey, 1951, 1952; Dowdeswell et dl«-3 1940, 1949?. Fipher and Ford, 1947? -70Jackson» 1 9 3 7 , 1 9 3 9 , 1 9 4 0 ; Leslie, 1952; and Leslie and Chitty, 1951)„ More recently/, completely stochastic models have appeared (Darroch, 1958, 1959., 1961; Hammersly, 1953; Jolly, 1965; and Seber-.,- 1962, 1965). The- essential difference between the two models is that the stochastic model substitutes probabilities for, exact survival rates and, as such, is the more-realistic of the two. As a consequence,, though,• the standard error is increased and a more rigorous test, results. Most of the assumptions required by either of- these mathematical models, how­ ever, are seldom if ever met in biological situations. In the present study, the non-random distribution of adults and the observed differences in. activity levels and behaviors between individuals introduce bias into the sample.. An-example of such bias-appears in the wide differences noted in sex- ratios- for the two years. The differences are believed to- be attributable to the different sampling schemes used. In 197-1 the smaller isolated plots, may not have been of' sufficient size to retain the more-mobile males, thus lowering their percentage recapture■and inflating their estimates.. Despite these difficulties, estimates obtained by using, the deterministic and stochastic models were useful in comparing, population densities in. both years. It is- felt■that more meaningful interpretation of. popu- ' lational changes over the season might have resulted if. larger sampleshad been obtained and,- as- such,- the methods- would appear to have more validity for use on higher density populations. -7 1 -r Relative nuntbers of individuals (expressed as numbers per unit effort) can be used to provide information on seasonal and spaeial changes ipi populations. Such comparative figures, although modified by sampling bias,, proved to be useful in this study. In both years adult males were captured in greater numbers than females. Although this result may have been directly related tp behavioral differences between the sexes, the recapture data lends support in favor of there being more males. Various workers have also reported finding an excess of males in other species of grasshoppers (Clark et CLles-1969? Phipps, 1959? Richards, 1953? Richards and Waloff, 1954), In 1971, peak population numbers' for both males and females occurred at an earlier date than in the previous year. It is felt that weather conditions contributed in large part to these differ­ ences, i„e., May and June were warmer and drier in 1971 than in 1970. It is more difficult, however, to explain the large numbers of males noted during the early- portion of July in 1971» Such large differences in numbers could not have been the result of sampling error alone, althpugh sampling bias caused by behavioral changes remains a possi­ bility, Np estimate of the number of males present early in 1970 is available since sampling in this year was begun three weeks after the first adults had appeared and, therefore, comparative data are lacking between the two years. Future studies should be designed to invest!^ gate the changes taking place in numbers prior tp maturation of the —7'2adults to determine their effect on the performance, of: a population« The method of capture^recapture was not primarily designed to study■movements- of insects but instead to estimate the total-popu­ lation in a given area (Johnson, 1969)= Nevertheless, many studies have used this method to obtain information on grasshopper movements., Riegert et qt° Tpettuaida (1954) have found that younger instars of Carmuta (Scuddo)- disperse at a slower rate than do older instars- of the same species',. bitttunatus Baldwin et at* (1958) found that Metanow Ptus- (Walker) moved less than 4.0 yards in 18 days, while; Edward's (1961) has noted "very little" movement for- this species = Anderson (1964) reported that: during a month long sampling- period, one adult A., ettiotti was captured 280 ft, from the release site « In the present study, the maximum- distance recorded was 469 ft* for males and 183 ft. for females of A 0-elt.iottiv In 1970, male and female rates of movement were not found to be significantly different, al­ though the following year significance was obtained. The failure to show the greater movement of males in 1970 is thought to have been the result of using too small a- sampling area- on. which movements were foilowed. Large scale movements of males were' easily, detected on the plots- in- 1971,- while such movements failed to-be noticed and were.not included in the previous year's figures. etttotti Since movements- of adult A-.. were not confined to the small- area on which marking and recapture took-place, it is likely that- the estimates calculated for —73— the displacement of. this species are highly undervalued„ .From the distribution and movement, data obtained in this study^ ■it appears highly probable that sub-populations O f A 9. eVlxotti, exist on relatively uniform grassland areas=. The consequence o f the.for­ mation o f sub-pppulat;ions would be to. reduce gene flow among the • members of a population^would:. Such, inbreeding in these subr-populations I) reduce genetic variation, 2 ). decrease heterozygosityp and 3) promote, genetic drift (Mettler and Gregg, 1969).. Although the variation shown for the three phenotypic markings between plots was not found to be significantly different a t the 5% level, a non-random distribution of genes, controlling.these phenotypes may have been revealed had sampling been more: extensive. Since no apparent selective advantage appears, to bo associated with- these three pheno­ types , inbreeding and not selection, would have to be responsible for any. observed, variation in frequencies between sub-populationsi■ It is felt that further, studies using this approach could be used to demon­ strate the existence, of inbreeding in sub-populations of A.- BlliQtti.Greater mobility of the male as compared to'.fhe female has- also been reported by Richards and Waioff (1954) for British grasshoppers,... and by Anderson (1964) for'A. ettiotti,. Rhipps (1959) has speculated that-the habit of "wandering"' in Acrididae may result in mixing of, gene-complexes and thus prevent the species' from splitting- up into small genetically-different groups., From a- study of the movement of.' —74— gnails, Lomnicki (1969) has proposed- that- the more mobile individuals may play an important role in the colonization of new environments. From the: present work, however, it is concluded that much of the mobility observed among- members of a population., especially later in the season, could be meaningless, tg' be- considered only as "populational noise" „■ The rate of- displacement found: to be higher in areas of greater density of 4, Fiegert et eVt-totti- may lend support to this contention. .(1954) have also found that overcrowded populations dis­ persed t w o ■to- nine times as fast as those under uncrowded conditions* Such high density areas would tend to support a proportionally larger number of "spectators" and. as a result demonstrate higher displacement rates dUe to increased optical responses. Considerable individual differences- found fo exist among members of a population seem also to supply evidence to suspect that the performance of a population may. d e ­ controlled by a small, percentage of the total occupying a given area. Further, evidence comes■from a recent study of coupling behavior of Melanoptus sccngwinipes. (Pickford and Gillott, 1972) . ■ These workers have reported- that males of this species recognize particular members of,a population- and mate preferentially with these females throughout a. season.- Anderson and Hastings (1966) and Hastings, (-1971) observed differences- in mating preference between adults of A, two widely separated populations in Montana. etUotti-. from Thus, it appears that tp delineate the operating units of a population frpm the associated -75"populations! noise" presents a. major, problem both in this study and for population biologists today. It may be that in low density, populations of A. •QVltottii high rates of inability by the males •ea,rly in the season supply the needed material upon which behavioral selection takes place. The consequence of this process; would be to "re-open" the genetic variability in the population to selection and then to. "re-combine" the most suitable members into reproductive- groups. Such a selective mechanism- could be envisioned to utilize the most suite# survivors remaining from nymphal -selection„ and in so doing,, maximize- the performance potential qf ■the population-. Without further investigation qf population structure,, these- theories remain only speculative.. There exists.much controversy- as to the effects of wind on grass­ hopper movement. Riegert et al*- (1954) noted that nymphs, of- early- stages and adults move.with the wind while nymphs, of later-stages move against it; also, winds greater, than suppress activity. Haskell et al* ment of fourth-instar nymphs- of- S. 1 0 miles per hour tend to (1962) reported a down-wind move­ gr-egavia -in response to wind.but that olfactory stimuli- could reverse this response. No predominant- displacement direction was observed for males or females in either year of the- present study..' SincS the area frequently experienced strong westerly winds, a displacement of A 0 might have been expected.'1 toward the east However, since movements appeared to be- j -76 random,, it may be concluded that- wind plays- a minor role in the direction of displacement of this species„ Diurnal patterns- of various behaviprs in Acrididae.have been reported by several authors. (A b u s h a m a 1968? Dempster, 1957,°. Ellis and AshalL,-. 1957? Pepper and Hastings,- 1952,- Pickford and Gillott, 1972; Riegert,: 1-967; and others) = recognized for A<,■elliotti The six behavior patterns in this study, i.e., basking, courting, copulation-,- oviposit'ion, feeding and resting, appeared ‘to be associated with changes in temperature (Pig0 15)..„ Such a. correlation between- temperature and activity,.however, does not necessarily indicate a casual ■relationship.= It was frequently observed that 15 to 30 m i n o before sunrise, adults would become more active and begin moving, into open- areas in preparation fop basking =. One changing environmental stimulus- at this- time, would be light intensity and/or quality,, and it is felt that this factor may initiate morning basking, and possibly other behaviors as well= Ellis and Ashall (1957) have also reported that increasing light intensity may be the stimulus which initiates the vacation of evening roosts by. S'= gvegawLa* In- addition ,■ it was noted, that, the passing of a cloud’s shadow over the area would immediately halt all activity of A 0 during•tile day= Btti-Ott1I at any time Thus, it appears that light intensity and/or quality,- although modified to a degree by temperature,■may play an important role in the diurnal behaviors o f A= ettiotti« -77, A daily, movement.' to and from sites of oviposition- to stands of longer grays appear likely for adult (Cooley efc- aio3 1923; Riley ei al* s-1880) workers (Pickfordp 1963; Riegert diurnal movements for C. A.a eUiotii. et- dl„3 IpetZueidcta Early naturalists as well as more recent 1965) have noted similar Dempster. (1957) ■and Richards and Waloff (1954). have reported the same for several species of ■ ' European Acrididae. Such a requirement for, two different habitats. fqr oviposition and feeding may explain why greater numbers’ of A-„ ettiotti were found on the more diverse vegetative sites„ Oviposition sites for. Aa. ettiotti- considerable exposed ground surface = were found to contain Nerney and Hamilton- (1969) have also reported the selection of open, bare soil between areas o f ■ sod for Ao ettiott'l in Arizona = The reasonsp howeverp for females selectirig such areas are still open to question at this time „ Many factors influencing the choice of. an oviposition site have. been, cited, in the literatureo- Woodrow. (1965), has demonstrated that, particle sizep compaction „■ moisture content and chemical' composition of the soil are important for NQmadaovis septemfasoiata shown that Sv gvegavia 44°Co (Servp) P- Norris (1968') has will- choose the warmest site' available up to Putnam and, Shklqv (1956), state that south-facing slopes are favored- oviposition sites for M 0 sanguinipes and Ca peZZuoidao Edwards and Epp (1965) have -shown further.that texture and moisture content of the subsurface soil are important factors- for this species» For —78— Ao ettiottv, Anderson and Hastings. (1966) have demonstrated that soil source and texture are selected for by ovipositing females in the laboratory^' An attempted correlation between soil moisture to a depth of. I ino and relative female density failed to show significance in this study? and thus? it was concluded that soil moisture is probably only of minor importance in the selection of oviposition sites. From field observations? however ? it appears that soil texture may influence the capability of females to oviposit. In. areas covered by western- wheat- grass the soil appeared to remain more compact as a result of the extensive, rhizome system characteristic of.this grass; whereas? in bunch grass and fringed sagewort areas ? the surface of the soil was more easily penetrated. In addition? behavior of males accompanying probing and ovipositing females as well as the female's desire to orient toward the- sun while 1 ovipositing may act as behavioral stimuli necessitating use of the'more open areas. i From indirect evidence of egg pods being found in groups and of many-pods found attached to. one another? ,it is hypothesized that a chemical substance'may be emitted from pods deposited in the soil. Such a substance might an attractant to females ready to ovi­ posit. Many "test" probings are made:by gravid females and a considerable area, may be examined before deposition of the eggs takes place.. Possibly such probing behavior is associated with the location ^79^of previously laid pods through chemical communication. Males accompanying ovipositing females have been noted by Dempster (1957) for ZX ■mavoccanus Thunberg and by Riegert (1967) • for Co- pellueida^ observed for--A= The significance of. this accompanying behavior ettiotti. is not clear at this -time-.. No advantage appears to be offered for mating since males do not attempt to copulate while accompanying females^ and since males are rejected from copulating after the.female has oviposited„ It is possible that these groups function to protect the female from mating, attempts and disturbance by males of fhe same species- and by other the time of oyiposition and during the selection of an oviposition site= A- pheromone^ produced by fhe female could conceivably exist to suppress- mating behavior of the males while accompanying the female-= Another- hypothesis' might be that these groups- function to "announce" to the rest of the sub-population- the areas in which eggs are being deposited = Norris (1963) has found that both sexes in S'= gvegavia produce a pheromone- which is used to retain ovipositing groups in- arestricted, area = Whether or not a pheromone- is- produced by. the accompanying males of. A= eVL‘iott‘1 to which ovipositing- females are attracted„ remains open to question at this- time = Many attempts have been, made to estimate; reproductive rates- for various specieh of grasshoppers. Pfadt and- Smith (1972) have extensively reviewed the literature- to determine the reproductive -80potentiaX of Ca petluoida.- Perkovich' gt ala (1967) have estimated reproductive rates- for a Wyoming, population of A 0. eZZ-ioi^ti-. by rearing them in plastic circular cages (I. sq-= ft,) in the, greenhouse and in wire-screened cages (I sq, yd,) outdoors, Hastings (197-1) , using plastic Cages ■(I'sq, ft,.) in the laboratory, has estimated reproductive rates for two populations of- A, QlZjLohti -from Mohtana „■ Neither of these studies,- however, utilized the natural environment or habitat of the.■site on which the populations existed. In the present study,, field-cages constructed on the study area in 1971 appeared to alter environmental conditions very, little, although it was noted that caging did tend to increase longevity, possibly by the exclusion of predators (western meadowlark,. Stumettg. negtecta Stenopogpn pidticoxmi-s Audubon and assassin flies, [LoewJ) , Field estimates in 1970 indicated that one A, eZZtotti- female is capable of producing, 25,4 eggs during its adult lifetime, and from field-cages used in 1970 and 1971, it was estimated that 24,0 to 28.8 eggs per female are produced each season.. Based on these estimates, between 91%. to 93% mortality would have to occur between successive generations for the population to maintain its numbers, af the same level o- From evidence presented by' Hastings and Pepper (1964)., it -is. concluded that most pf this mortality would occur during the early nymphal i n s t a r s Suph great selection at this life stage-may effectively adjust populations t o ■their immediate environmental -81conditionsv I,f the gene pool became too small as a result of intense selection? however?- populations would tend.- to loose genetic variability and so reduce their buffering capacity to environmental stresses„• Al­ though accurate data on mortality are lacking for A 0 Br IZjLotttI at this time?, it has been observed that mortality exceeding. 99% for- newly hatched nymphs' is not uncommon in relatively dense population's (Hastings and Pepper-, 1964) = In the present study of a low density population? which did- not appear to be rapidly increasing or decreasing in numbers from year to year,. the percent mortality for all stages was estimated to be much- lower (91 to 93%) „ It seems probable? therefore?- that as a' result of lesser mortality,■such a population could become better equipped genetically. Such conditions- would foster the buildup of heterozygotes in the- population--, and lead to increased fitness of its individuals= Conversely? high density populations under intense selection would eventually deplete their, store of variability and be­ come more- -vulnerable to environmental, attacks = Density dependent changes in behavior- might contribute further to the regulation of population-- number?. A= eZZtottt It is suspected that under, high densities? adult may confine their activities to smaller.geographical areas-, "N.earest-?neighbor": matings of these grouped individuals could effec­ tively "shut-off" any gene flow between, sub-populationsand eventually lead to local sub-population crashes,.- Norris (1962). has- presented evidence in support of this hypothesis, She- has reported that isolated- -82male Sc gpeefari-a exhibit considerably more activity than do crowded males of. the same species „ It was .shown that under fiesldr-cage conditions» at least temporary (3 to 4 days) behavioral barriers tp mating/ imposed by. the female", may exist between individuals from different sub-populations = Such forceful rejection of females toward males from different sub­ populations has also been reported by Anderson and Hastings (.1966) for Ac elltott-ic However, these temporary barriers to mating were not found to. have any effect on the reproductive potential of the population, both in this study and in a similar experiment in which two populations taken, from widely separated locations in Montana were placed together in the laboratory. (Hastings, 197-1)-. In the field, such barriers to mating may exist throughput the season and not be only of temporary duration as was demonstrated under cage conditions. ment of Ac elliotti Restricting move­ by confinement in cages could conceivably result in the breakdown of: this isolating behavior.• It is possible that the rejection of new males by the female may represent the existence of a mating preference in this species. Pickford and Gillott (1972) have shown that preferences by certain males for certain females exist for Mc sanguinipesc It is hypothesized that such isolating, behavior could be of. importance in maintaining cohesion of the individuals in a subpopulation. a t this time. Its effect on the performance of. a population is unknown -83 Riegert (1967) hee suggested that a minimum qf 70 days of chilling at S9-G is required to- terminate diapause in eggs, of -CV Roemhild- (1965). h%s reported that for Ar eZ >a 'peVlucidn^ minimum of 5Q-days cold at 9°^lO 0 C- are required to- terminate diapause,, and Hastings- (1971) used a 60-day cold treatment- at 5°Q for diapause termination.■ It was shown in the present study, that diapause is more successfully, termi­ nated by chilling- the egg at 3:° to S0 C- for- 80 days than- for only a 50-day period. However,- embryos successfully completing blastokinesis and failing to hatch were- found to' occur in similar proportions for either cold treatment. Thus it appeals probable that diapause termi­ nation and" hatching may. be controlled by two independent mechanisms.. Roemhild (1965.) , arriving at the Same conclusion from his studies ofcyclical temperature effects on the eggs of this species^ hypothesized that such, independent mechanisms may have survival value in the field, He stated that: "Cold weather,. early in. the fall, soon after egg-- laying could terminate diapause, but hatching could not occur during later warm spells until the pleuropodia had developed to. secrete the hatching, enzyme.". The factors contributing to the much reduced percentage hatch of. eggs collected in 1971, compared with those collected the -previous year,, are not Known.. It is speculated that the extremely dry conditions recorded for June and July of 1971 could have reduced viability, of the eggs at an early stage of development. Since no inspection was made —84— of those eggs' failing to hatch, data are lacking to substantiate- this contentiono However, there, is evidence that egg mortality, may increase during, extended periods of hoty dry weather,, particularly among, those eggs remaining, for- several months under, sugh conditions (P.ickford, ' 1966). o- In 1971, August continued to be hot and dry until the last few days o f the month, providing little relief from- the drought conditions of the two previous m o n t h s Piqkford (1963) has suggested that- severe, drought may occasionally reduce the fecundity-of females, by restricting, their supply.of succulent food. Under such nutritional stress it is probable that- females produce less viable eggs„ (1971) has- noted that females of A, eZVLotti. Furthermore, Visscher (obtained from Billings,. Montana in 1967 and reared in a greenhouse) under "heat stress" (32° - 489C)- produce fewer, and- slower developing embryos. In addition to high temperatures,. increased, density under field-cage conditions also may-'have contributed to reduce egg viability. In the present study it was. noted that eggs collected from the field, exhibited a higher percentage' hatch than those collected from field-cages. In. addition, it has. been shown that viability and rate of embryonic development are influenced by increased density in A, eZIZotti -'-(Visscher, 1971), The occurrence of diurnal rhythms throughout the animal and plant kingdoms is now a- well-known and well-described phenomenon (Harker ,1961). o Hunter-Jones (1966) has noted a diurnal rhythm for emergence- in -•85the. genus Sehistoeevaa (Orthoptera sAerididae) „■ in the present study /- it was found■that hatching, of- eggs of A 0 elliotti in the laboratory occurred primarily during the forenoon hours @f the day=- Changing environmental conditions, e ,g ., temperature, moisture-, and light,; may be responsible for this observed diurnal hatching rhythm in Ac etliottic It is hypothesized that such a rhythm could be endogenousr initiated by changes in light intensity. Support- of this- hypothesis comes.from Marker's'(1961). statement that: "A change- in light intensity is the most powerful phase setter, in practically every case (of known diurnal rhythms) ." Early morning1'hatching o f nymphs in the field would appear to have survival value, since cooler temperatures and more moist conditions o f this portion of the day might, facilitate the shedding of the embryonic cuticle by the nymph.. In addition, early morning hatching might- allow nymphs to remain grouped through visual- communication. Further investigations of the nymphal instars should help elucidate' the-importance of.-these- early groupings on the population performance o f -A0■elHottic SUMMARY- The structure e■performance,. and environmental conditions of. an adult population- of-'Aulocara etl-iotti (.Thomas) in 19.7-0 and 19.71, located 5 mi. west of Billings,. Montana, are recorded and diecussdd. Distribution,, density,, and movement were investigated by using a capture-recapture technique, while detailed observations were used to study behavior. Longevity, fecundity, and survival were measured under, field and field-cage conditions. The major findings and conclusions are listed below: ■ 1) Distribution in the field was found to be nori^random „. Aggregations■in areas•of only a few- square yards appeared to be the result of the interaction between individuals,- while non-random distribution over larger■areas appeared to be correlated- with three vegetational. types. 2) Sub-populations are likely to exist on relatively uniform grassland areas. 3) Females- appeared to aggregate t o a greater extent than did the -males. 4) Three phenotypic markings were noted: I) a "dorsal stripe" on the tegmina., 2) a "pronotal cross", and. 3) a "white-collar" on the anterior margin of the sides of the pro-thoraxd The frequencies.of these phenotypes were not found to be significantly different between eight- plots. -87 5) Density, in both' years- was low, ■being less than I grasshopper per square yard, ) In both years more males than females were-captured and a 6 smaller percentage of. males than females were re-captured, 7) In 1971, peak population- numbers for both males and females occurred at an earlier date than in the previous year,, presumably the result of warmer and drier weather conditionsd. 8 ) Males exhibited higher displacement distances and rates than did; female's,■ 9) - Male displacement was: greatest early in the season,- while female displacement remained relatively constant throughout the- same period, 10) Displacements were'probably greatest during the forenoonhours . 11) .1Higher density areas also exhibited higher rates of dis­ placement, 12) . Adults were never observed to fly in the field unless disturbed by. the .observer ,• hence ,- all- displacement took.- place throughwalking, 13) . There was no predominant direction, of -displacement- for- males or- females in either year «■ Wihd- is probably of minor- importance- in directing.displacements - 8 8 -!' 14) Patterns pf behavipir (basking, courting,, copulation, oviposition, resting, and feeding) followed, a diurnal rhythm and are most likely adaptations of temperature g,nd/pr light conditions „ ' 15) Groups of males around a probing or ovipositing female were frequently observed although solitary females were also noted. Their significance was not determined. 16) Distribution of egg-pods wa,s found to be non-random. Ovi- position sites appeared, tp- be associated with bare patches of. ground, while feeding took; place in areas of western wheatgrass ° A daily movement between these two habitats, may occur. 17) Soil moisture is probably only of minor importance in the selection of oviposition sites,, although soil texture may influence the capability of females to oviposit., 18) Behavioral patterns and chemical substances may contribute to the grouping of. egg-pods in restricted areas.19) Egg-pods were found on the average to pontain between 8 to 9 eggs. ) 20) Females on the, average produced an estimated 24.0 to 28.8 eggs during their adult lifetime. Between 91% to 93% mortality would have to occur between successive generations of the population studied for numbers to remain at the same level from year to year. 21). Adults were first noted in the field on June 29 in 1970 and on June 21 in 1971^ Most adults had-died by August 20. in both years.- -8922) In field-cages in 1971j the greatest longevity for adult males was between 43 and 50 days', while' for adult females the greatest longevity was between 4-7 and 53 days. However, field-cages, may increase longevity, possibly through the excIqsion of predators, 23) . Females from one sub-population refused to copulate with males from a second sub-population- for a 3 to 4 day interval when placed together in a field-cage. It is possible that the rejection- of new males by the. female may represent the existence of a mating preference in this species »■ These, temporary barriers to mating, did not appear to. have any effect on survival or fecundity uqder caged conditions,, 24) A greater- percentage of eggs hatched, from pods chilled at 3° to S9C for 80 days than those which had received.only 50-days chilling. The longer cold treatment appeared to. be necessary for successful diapause termination.-,1 Eor both cold treatments,, however approximately one-half of the embryos- failing, to hatch, were found to be in the definitive stage, of development,- Diapause termination and hatching may be controlled by two independent mechanisms 25) Eggs collected in 1971 showed a lower percentage hatch than those of the previous year, possibly the result of. warmer and drier weather conditions during the oviposition period, and/or increased density under field-cage conditions, ■ 26) Hatching- of eggs in the laboratory occurred primarily during the forenoon hours of the day. It is hypothesized that changes in -90light intensity might be resppnsible- for this diurnal hatching rhythm. LITERATURE QITED Abuishama-, F „ T. 1968„ Rhythmic activity of the grasshopper (AcrididaesPyrogomorphinae) „. Entomologia Exp. A p l « H s 341-347» Poehiloeevus hi-evoglyphieus. Anderson, N . 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MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Ilil I 11 111 CO CO 001 S C 5 7 6 2 1 N378 m 97£ con.2 MussImuipp, Cerald L The structure and nerfomance of an adult nonulation of ... DATE ISSUED TO * -X-XU-IA-IIL// 3 W K S M A V i '£ S T INTERUBRAftY LO