ESG 21W.732 R OU G H S C H E D U L E OF D E L I V E R A B L E S , F A L L 2 0 1 0 U S E T H I S T A B L E F O R M A S T E R P L A N N I N G ; C O N S U L T T H E A S S I G N M E N T H A N D O U T S F O R D E T A I L S A N D D U E D A T E S week 0 sept 8­11 week 1 sept 12­18 week 2 sept 19­25 week 3 sept 26­oct 2 week 4 oct 3­9 week 5 oct 10­16 week 6 oct 17­23 week 7 oct 24­30 week 8 oct 31­nov 6 pg 1 of 2 individual written & oral deliverable obtain and cherish a notebook brainstorming in notebook further brainstorming 3x3 design spaces with rough FRDPARRCs selection criteria white paper informal oral presentations informal experiment proposal design proposal testing of device documented in notebook e­mail memo to Elizabeth individual web presence project II brainstorming & rough FRDPARRC informal individual presentations of ideas oral and written reports reflection e­mail memo to Elizabeth elevator pitch ­­­­ movie essay drafts show dave the movie reading (comment on this in the notebook) team written and oral deliverables other ­­­­ syllabus, deliverables, & schedule project I assignment ­­­­ ­­­­ PREP Oakley on teams Phillips on teams multiple intelligences learning styles test & interpretation ­­­­ team formation team meeting team contract contract forming, norming... pirate code of ethics prototype device to keep coffee hot poster library info searching meet with Elizabeth about team dynamics extensive FRDARRC written & oral proposal prediction presentation The Science of Scientific Writing Kishlanski on Reading meeting reading (YES) ASME ethics and authors listening reading document, demo, & test prototype ­­­­ e­mail memo to Elizabeth reflection movie draft, round two product reviews (3) project II oral and written report Pogue’s camera article Should Ohm’s Law Be Repealed? movie draft individual brainstorming & FRDPARRC idea selection FRDPARRC project III poster excerpts from The Existential Pleasures of Engineering Assorted Petrosky rough semester schedule meet with Dave about proposal and 4th week feedback Add Date Monday holiday family weekend oct 16 & 17 meet with Elizabeth about project III teams individual meeting with Dave team meeting with Elizabeth 9/12/2010, 7:09:00 PM week 9 nov 7­13 week 10 nov 14­20 week 11 nov 21­27 week 12 nov 28­dec 4 week 13 dec 5­9 pg 2 of 2 final (perhaps) movie draft project III proposal, written & oral testing proposal testing report myth 3x parachute stories Who’ a Nerd Boston Globe on Nerds at MIT Assorted myths progress report (oral) graphics for final presentation dry runs of final presentation project III final reports, written & oral What Color is My Parachute excerpts ­­­­ in a station of the metro & the onion industry communication requirements rough semester schedule Thursday holiday meet with Dave about progress Drop Date, Nov 17 testing Thursday holiday ­­­­ reflection meeting with Neal 9/12/2010, 7:09:00 PM MIT OpenCourseWare 21W.732 / ESG.21W732 Science Writing and New Media Fall 2010 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: