6.541J Handout 1. Johni thinks hek won. 2. Hei thinks Johnk won. 04/06/04 (Johni = hek) (Hei Johnk) 3. John'si opinion of hisk dad is surprising. (Johni = hiSk) 4. Hisi opinion of John'sk dad is surprising. (Hisi * Johnk) 5. After John ate lunch, hek left. (John = hek) 6. After he ate lunch, Johnk left. (he = Johnk) 7. *To John'sk father, hei does not speak anymore. (John'sk 8. In John'si most recent pictures, hek doesn't look well. (Johni = hek) 9. The student sleeps. 10. *The student sleeps the problem. t 1. The student solued the problem. 12. *The student solved. 13. This problem, the student solved. 14. �_��_ *This problem, John solved this problem. �I� hei) (1) S NPi VP V S NPkVP I|k JOHN THINKS HE t I WON + (2) S NPi VP V S NP VP IlI I I wt- HE THINKS JOHN _ I-� -�----r .T-��.---�---- WON _____ ____r·_·__b(lUI_·l__I__ A (3) S v VP NP NP V ADJ lI NP N JOHN'S OPINION D IS ,, SURPRISING 4 (4) S NP NP p NP I HIS t --- N I OPINION P VP V ADJ NP OF JOHN'S DAD IS SURPR ISING Nv -4 (~5) S PP S S NP VP NP VP V NP p I I AFTER JOHN RTE LUNCH HE + LEFT + (6) S PP P S NP VP V NP I I AFTER HE 4 S NP VP ATE LUNCH JOHN 4 I---I­ LEFT DEFINITION: Take any two categories in a tree; for eHample, two noun phrases (NP's), one of which is a pronoun, the other a "full" NP. If the category directly above one of them is also above the second one, then the first NP commands the second NP. PRINCIPLE: Take any pronoun and "full NP" pair in an English sentence; for eHample, a "full" NP like "John" and a pronoun like "he" or "his." Coreference between them will always be possible unless the pronoun commands the "full" NP partner. S (7) PP P NP NP N S Vp V I I I ADV I TO JOHN'S FATHER HE DOES NOT SPEAK ANYMORE t ----- -------- I t S (8) S PP P NP NPk VP NP N V ADV IHE DOES NOT LOOK WELL IN JOHN'S MOST j K RECENT PICTURE (9) b. a. VP UP NP U SOLUE SLEEP ____1__1_------------····-�I�-�---·� T THIS PROBLEM __�_�_� _�LII_-·-2�10� (le) S VP NP THE STUDENT V I NP I SOLUED THIS PROBLEM (11) S oS NP VP VP $ NP V THIS PROBLEM --- -- 1" THE STUDENT -­ NP SOLUED 1THIS PROBLE1 (12) s NP N THIS PROBLEM I SOLED THE S 4 I (13) S VE NP. PP P NP NP N V HE II DOES -Iql I | ADV TO JOHN'S FATHER RNYMORE �---���-II^--~�" I-"-' - - -·--- a (14) S S PP P NI NP N i i NrTg VY . s PP V K P TO JOHN'S FRTHER HE DOES NOT fKe> 1 �I"--------- I SPEAKI t �1-��c� I­ NP N ADV i A\ TO JOHN'S FATHER ANYMORE (15) PP P NP NP N . S a~ NP VP I - PP V TO JOHN'S FRTI HER HE DOES NOT SPEAK A r- tk ADV ANYMORE - -----��-^�-----------�---r�---ol-a��··�