Wire Antennas: Maxwell’s equations Maxwell’s equations govern radiation variables: ( E electric field v m- 1 ( ) H magnetic field a m- 1 ) ( D = εE electric displaceme nt Coulombs m- 2 ) B = µH magnetic flux density (Teslas) (ε is permittivity; εo = 8.8542 × 10-12 farads/m for vacuum) (µ is permeability; µo = 4π • 10-7 henries/m) (1 Tesla = 1 Weber m-2 = 104 gauss) Lec 09.6- 1 1/11/01 E1 Maxwell’s Equations: Dynamics and Statics Maxwell’s equations Statics ∂B ∇ ×E = − ∂t → =0 ∂D ∇ ×H = J + ∂t → = J a m- 2 ∇ •D = ρ → = ρ C m-3 ∇ •B = 0 → =0 ( ( ) ) ∂ ˆ1 ∂ ˆ 1 ∂ ⎞ ⎛ ∆ ∆ +φ ⎟ ⎜ ∇ x̂∂ ∂x + ŷ∂ ∂y + ẑ∂ ∂z ; ∇ r̂ + θ r ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ ⎠ ∂r ⎝ Lec 09.6- 2 1/11/01 E2 Static Solutions to Maxwell’s Equations Maxwell’s equations govern variables: ( E electric field v m- 1 ( ) H magnetic field a m- 1 ) E = −∇φ since ∇ × E = 0 p rpq vq volume of source B = ∇ × A since ∇ • B = 0 ρq 1 φp = dv q volts is electrostatic potential at point p ∫ v 4πε q rpq Jq µ Ap = dv q is the vector potential at p ∫ v 4π q rpq Lec 09.6- 3 1/11/01 E3 Dynamic Solutions to Maxwell’s Equations B = ∇ × A since ∇ • B = 0 ( ) Jq t − rpq c µ Ap ( t ) = dv q (static solution, delayed) ∫ v 4π q rpq c = 1 µoεo ≅ 3 × 108 ms −1 (velocity of light) − jkrpq Jqe µ Sinusoidal steady state: A p = 4π ∫v q rpq dv q where propagation constant k = ω µoεo = ω c = 2π λ Solution method : Jq (r ) → A (r ) → B(r ) → E(r ) where E = − ( ∇ × H) jωε from Faraday’s law Lec 09.6- 4 1/11/01 E4 Elementary Dipole Antenna (Hertzian Dipole) z θ Q(t) d << λ/2π Io d S=E×H φˆ , H ˆ r θ, E λ , r >> d 2π and the quasistatic fields are strongest (store active power, (We ) >> (Wm ) here ) In " near field" r << y φ x -Q(t) Far field: r >> λ 2π , Lec 09.6- 5 1/11/01 kI dsin θ − jkr E ≅ θˆ jηo o e 4πr where k = 2π λ , ηo ≡ µo εo = 377Ω characteristic impedance of free space kIodsin θ − jkr ˆ H≅φ e 4πjr E5 Elementary Dipole Antenna (Continued) E 2D2 r≥ " far field of aperture D" λ r≅ r << λ 2π r >> λ 2π λ " near field" 2π ∗ ∆ S E × H W m- 2 " Poynting vector" ( 1 where average power density = S(t ) = Re{ S} W m- 2 2 ( and S(t ) = E(t ) × H(t ) W m- 2 Lec 09.6- 6 1/11/01 ) ) E6 Elementary Dipole Antenna (Continued) ∗ ∆ S E × H W m- 2 " Poynting vector" ( 1 where average power density = S(t ) = Re{ S} W m- 2 2 ( and S(t ) = E(t ) × H(t ) W m- 2 ) ) z S θ 2 ηo Iod sin θ S(t ) = r̂ for a short dipole 2 2λr { y } 2 1 π Iod Total power ˆ Pt = R e ∫ S • r dΩ = η Watts 4 π transmitted 2 3 λ Lec 09.6- 7 1/11/01 E7 Equivalent Circuit for Short Dipole Antenna jX + Io → V – Reactance Rr = “Radiation resistance” – Reactance is capacitive for a short dipole antenna and inductive for a small loop antenna z Io → + – d V – deff I(z) 0 Iod → Iodeff = Io 1 2 πη Iodeff Pt = Io Rr = 2 3 λ Rr = ∞ ∫ I(z )dz −∞ Here deff = d 2 Since d << λ 2π 2 2π ηo (deff λ )2 ohms for a short dipole antenna 3 Example: λ = 300m(1 MHz), deff = 1m ⇒ Rr ≅ 0.01Ω such a mismatch requires transformers or hi-Q resonators for a good coupling to receivers or transmitters Lec 09.6- 8 1/11/01 E8 Wire Antennas of Arbitrary Shape Finding self-consistent solution is difficult (matches all boundary conditions) Approximate solutions are often adequate Io r( ) + V – I( ) θ( ) p Approach Lec 09.6- 9 1/11/01 1) Use TEM - line reasoning to guess I(r ) 2) I(r ) → A farfield → Hff → E ff 3) jkη ˆ − jkr ( A ) θ ( A ) I ( A ) e sin θ(A ) dA E ff ≅ ∫ 4πr L G1 Estimating Current Distribution I( ) on Wire Antennas E I(A ) ~ → coax H( ) H I E( ) σ=∞ [ ] 1 1 1 2 2 −3 We = εo E , Wm = µo H Jm , We,m ∝ 4 4 r2 Most energy stored within 1–2 wire radii. Therefore V,I on thin wires is TEM - like Lec 09.6- 10 1/11/01 G2 Examples: Current Distributions and Patterns I(z) “Half-wave dipole” λ/2 z Rr ≅ 73Ω, jX= 0 Io ↑↓ “Full-wave antenna” jηIo e ( − jkr ) ⎡cos kA cos θ − cos kA ⎤ E ff ≅ θˆ 2πr sin θ ⎢⎣ 2 2 ⎥⎦ λ ⎛π ⎞ = cos⎜ cos θ ⎟ if A = 2 ⎝2 ⎠ z θ d for center-fed wire of length A ⏐E(θ)⏐ D = λ/2 Io Short dipole, d << λ/2 Lec 09.6- 11 1/11/01 G3 Examples: Current Distributions and Patterns I(z) z Io ↑↓ 2Io Current transformer, jX ≠ 0 Long-wire antenna Radiation decay + ↑↓ Io Traveling wave Standing wave Vee (broadband) = + Io ↑ ↓ Lec 09.6- 12 1/11/01 G4 Mirrors, Image Charges and Currents We can replace planar mirrors (σ = ∞) with image charges and currents; E, H solution unchanged. + J – (σ = ∞) H Sources – Image charges and currents J Image current + Note: Anti-symmetry of image charges and currents guarantees E⊥(σ = ∞), H//(σ = ∞), matching boundary conditions. Also, the uniqueness theorem says any solution is the valid one. Io ≅ Ground plane Say 1 MHz (λ = 300m) D ≅ 1m (short dipole); D << λ Deff ≅ 2D/2 = D; X is capacitive Lec 09.6- 13 1/11/01 D D Image current Antenna pattern G5 Antenna Arrays p E 3 1 ↑ 2 A1Io ↑ θi z y x A2Io 4 ri e-jϕi B ϕi = 2πri/λ ↑ AiIo N identically oriented antenna elements Ep ≅ E(θ, φ)e N jϕo from Io at − jϕi ( θ,φ ) A e ∑ i i =1 x=y=z=0 2 G(θ, φ) ∝ E = Eo {θ, φ} • ∑ A ie − jϕi ( θ,φ) i element 2 2 factor Lec 09.6- 14 1/11/01 array factor J1 Examples of Antenna Arrays Full-wavelength antenna: i(z) + ←λ/2→ – Array factor Element factor Pattern Array ⇒ t=0 × = ↑↓ i(t) Linear array: e− jφi zi cos θ 1 2 3 0 z2 z3 θ … N z zi 2π zi cos θ = 0 at z = 0; λ αi is phase of ith element current Let ϕi = αi + Lec 09.6- 15 1/11/01 J2 Linear Array Example: Half-Wave Dipole Plus Reflector y Image current z ⇒ x x λ/4 λ/2 Lec 09.6- 16 1/11/01 Reflector >> λ/2 y Io y null z × Array factor x null Element factor z = Antenna pattern J3 Linear Array Example: Jansky Antenna Used in 1927 to discover galactic radiation at 27 MHz while seeking radio interference on AT&T transatlantic radio telephone circuits. x λ/2 Io λ/2 x z y z ∝ 72 = 49(x – pol.) y ∝ 6 = 36(z – pol.) ∝ 12 = 1(x – pol.) 2 x To cancel y-direction lobes, drive two duplicate antennas in phase, λ/2 apart in y-direction ⇒ Lec 09.6- 17 1/11/01 z y J4 Genetic Algorithms for Designing Wire Antennas 1. Need performance metric, e.g. target gain or pattern plus cost function. 2. Need software tool to compute that metric for wire antennas. 3. Need vector description to represent each possible antenna. 4. Need genetric algorithm to randomly vary vector so its metric can be computed. The algorithm hill-climbs efficiently toward optimum design, especially if the antenna is not too reactive. Yields rats-nest configurations that perform well. e.g. Ground plane 5. Metrics and vector descriptions favoring simplicity bias the design accordingly. Lec 09.6- 18 1/11/01 J5