Response of spring wheat and barley to simulated application of N through irrigation sprinklers in Montana by Randy Jay Killorn A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Soil Science Montana State University © Copyright by Randy Jay Killorn (1979) Abstract: During the summer of 1977, three experiments were established at two locations in Montana to determine the yield response of spring wheat and barley to applying a portion of the total N fertilizer in irrigation water. Various proportions of the total N fertiliser were applied at planting. The remainder of the N fertilizer was applied in simulated fertigation treatments during the growing season. Treatments receiving less than 100% of the total applied M fertilizer at planting had lower grain yields and higher grain protein than treatments receiving 100% of the N fertilizer at planting. There seems to be no advantage in Montana to applying part of the total N fertilizer at planting followed by growing season applications of the remainder in irrigation water. . STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copy­ ing of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries. It is understood that any copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature Date RESPONSE OF SPRING WHEAT AND BARLEY TO SIMULATED APPLICATION OF N THROUGH IRRIGATION SPRINKLERS IN MONTANA by RANDY JAY KILLORN A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Soil Science Approved: Chairman, Graduate XCommSttee HeadltZMajor Department Graduate lDean MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman> Montana February 1979' iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to express sincere Dr. Neil W. Christensen without whose patience and guidance this project would not have been completed. The author would also like to thank his wife Kathy and daughter Kelly whose understanding and moral support during this project were the key to its completion. TABLE OF CONTENTS page Vita.............................. ii Acknowledgment. .............................................. ill List of Tables................... vii List of Figures .............. xix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abstract...................................... xxi Introduction.................................................. I Literature.Review ...............................• . * .......... 3 Fertigation...................... 3 Time of Application...................... 6 Nitrogen Source.................. 10 15 N Use in Agricultural Experimentation.................. 12 Objectives.................................................... 15 Materials and M e t h o d s .............. 16 Site Selection.................. 16 Location and D e s i g n . ......................... 18 Treatments .................. 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 N Treatments....................... ' 22 Field W o r k ............................... 24 Weed C o n t r o l ........................... 25 .Irrigation...................... Harvest................ 25 . 26 V page Sample Preparation........ J ................... .. 27 Plant Samples........ ..................... . 27 Soil Samples . . . ............................ 28 Sample Analysis ................... .................... 28 Statistical Analysis.................................... 29 Results and Discussion ...................................... 31 Yield and Grain N Uptake Response to Phosphorous .and Potassium Fertilizer............................... 31 Response to Different N FertilizerRates. . . . . . . . . 34 Effectiveness of N Sources Relative to Ammonium Nitrate and Comparison of N with andwithout S u l f u r ............. 45 Yield and N Uptake Response to Simulated Fertigation Treatments.............................................. 54 Yield Response.................................... 56 Nitrogen Uptake as Influenced by Fertigation Treatments ................ Efficiency of Uptake of NFertilizer..................... 67 80 Conclusions........................................ < ; . . . . 84 Summary.................... 86 Literature Cited ............................................ 88 vi page .Appendix I, Soil Series Descriptions ........................ 93 Appendix II, Yield and N Uptake Data and Analysis of Variance for Spring Wheat at Location 577.................... 101 Appendix III, Yield and N Uptake Data and Analysis of Variance for Spring Wheat at Location 777.................... 115 Appendix IV, Yield and N Uptake Data and Analysis of Variance for Barley at location 876.................. .. 128 Appendix V, Analysis of variance of Fertilizer N Uptake at Locations 577, 777, 876.................... .. ............... 143 vii LIST OF TABLES page Table 1. Initial NO^-N and SO^-S concentrations at experi­ mental sites. 17 Table 2. Initial soil test results at experimental sites. 17 Table 3. Fertilizer treatments at two spring wheat and one barley sites. Table 4. 20 Date of irrigation and corresponding Feekes Growth Stage at each of the three experimental sites. 21 Table 5. Chronological list of field operations. 24 Table 6. Irrigation and precipitation (cm) for spring wheat locations 577 and 777 and barley location 876. 26 Table 7. Plant and soil analysis procedures. 29 Table 8. Yield, protein and grain N uptake as influenced by phosphorous fertilizer at three locations. Table 9. 32 Yield, protein, grain N uptake and dry matter as influenced by potassium fertilizer rates at three locations. 33 Table 10. Effect of amount of K applied on the degree of lodging of barley (location 876). 34 Table 11; Grain yield, protein percent, yield components and grain N uptake of spring wheat as influenced by nitrogen rates at location 577. 36 viii page Table 12. Grain yield, protein percent, N uptake by grain and yield components of spring wheat as influenced by nitrogen rates at location 777. Table 13. 39 Grain yield, percent protein, grain N uptake and yield components of barley, as influenced by nitrogen rates at location 876» Table 14. 43 Grain yield, protein, N uptake and yield components of spring wheat as influenced by nitrogen fertilizer source at location 577. Table 15. 47 Wheat grain yield,, protein, N uptake and yield components as influenced by nitrogen fertilizer source at location 777. Table 16. 5.0 Barley grain yield, protein, N uptake and yield components as influenced by nitrogen fertilizer source at location 876. Table 17. 53 Spring wheat yield, yield components and grain protein as influenced by ferfigation treatments at location 577. Table 18. 57 Coimparison coefficients for linear combination of means from wheat and barley experiments combined according to the amount of N applied at planting. 59 ix page Table 19. Wheat grain yield, protein and yield components as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 777. Table 20. 62 Barley grain yield, protein and yield components as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 876. Table 21. 64 Growing season N uptake by spring wheat as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 577. Table 22. 70 Yield, protein and grain and straw N uptake of spring wheat as influenced by fertigation treat­ ments at location 577. Table 23. 71 Growing season N uptake by spring wheat as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 777. Table 24. 73 Spring wheat yield, protein, and K uptake of grain and straw as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 777. Table 25. Growing season N uptake by Barley as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 876. Table 26. 75 76 Barley yield, protein, and N uptake of grain as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 876. 79 X page Table 27. Efficiency of N fertilizer uptake at three locations as calculated by difference method. Table 28. 83 Irrigated Newana spring wheat yield, yield components, as influenced by N fertilizer rates, sources, and amount of N applied at irrigation. Robert Hensley location - experiment 577. . Table 29. Analysis of variance for grain yield (Ibs/a) at spring wheat location 577. Table 30. 105 Analysis of variance for 1000 kernel weight (g) of spring wheat at location 577. Table 36. 105 Analysis of variance for plant height (cm) of spring wheat at location 577. Table 35. 105 Analysis of variance of the number of heads per meter of row for spring wheat at location 577. Table 34. 104 Analysis of variance of spring wheat protein percentage at location 577. Table 33. , 104 Analysis of variance for test weight (lbs/bu) of spring wheat at location 577. Table 32. 104 Analysis of variance for total spring wheat dry matter yield (Ibs/a) at location 577. Table 31. 102 106 Analysis of variance for the number of kernels per head for spring wheat at location 577. I 106 xi page Table 37. Analysis of variance for the grain weight per head for spring wheat at location 577. Table 38. 106 Irrigated Mewana spring wheat nitrogen uptake as influenced by N fertilizer rates, sources» and amount of N applied at irrigation. Robert Hensley location - experiment 577. Table 39. Analysis of variance of M content (%) at the second irrigation of spring wheat at location 577. Table 40. 107 HO Analysis of variance of spring wheat dry matter production (kg/ha) at the second irrigation at location 577. Table 41. Analysis of variance of spring wheat N uptake (kg/ha) at the second irrigation at location 577. Table 42. HO Analysis of variance of N content (%) at the third irrigation of spring wheat at location 577. Table 43. HO Ill Analysis of variance of spring wheat dry matter production (kg/ha) at the third irrigation at I location 577. Table 44. Ill Analysis of variance of spring wheat N uptake (kg/ha) at the third irrigation at location 577. Ill xii page Table 45. Analysis of variance of spring wheat grain N content (S) at harvest at location 577. Table 46. Analysis of variance of spring wheat grain N uptake (kg/ha) at harvest at location 577. Table 47. 113 Analysis of variance for spring wheat straw N uptake (kg/ha) at harvest at location 577. Table 50. 112 Analysis of variance of spring wheat straw dry matter (kg/ha) at harvest at location 577. Table 49. 112 Analysis of variance of N content (S) of spring wheat straw at harvest at location 577. Table 48. 112 113 Irrigated Newana spring wheat yield, yield components, as influenced by N fertilizer rates, sources, and amount of N applied at Irrigation. Earle Wallingford location - experiment 777. Table 51. Analysis of variance for spring wheat grain yield (Ibs/a) at location 777. Table 52. 117 Analysis of variance for spring wheat test weight (Ibs/bu) at location 777. Table 54. 117 Analysis of variance of spring wheat total dry matter production (Ibs/a) at location 777. Table 53. 115 117 Analysis of variance of spring wheat protein percentage at location 777. 118 xiii page Table 55. Analysis of variance of the number of heads of spring wheat per meter of row at location 777. Table 56. Analysis of variance of spring wheat plant 118 height (cm) at location 777. Table 57. Analysis of variance of 1000 kernel weight (g) 119 spring wheat at location 777. Table 58. Analysis of variance of the number of kernels per head of spring wheat at location 777. Table 59. 119 Analysis of variance for the grain weight per head for spring wheat at location 777. Table 60. 118 119 Irrigated Newana spring wheat nitrogen uptake as influenced by N fertilizer rates, sources, and amount of N applied at irrigation. Earle Wallingford location - experiment 777. Table 61. 120 Analysis of variance of the total N content OS) of spring wheat at the first irrigation at location 777. Table 62. 123 Analysis of variance of total dry matter production (kg/ha) of spring wheat at the first irrigation at location 777. 123 xiv page Table 63. Analysis of. variance of total W uptake (kg/ha) at the first irrigation by spring wheat at location 777; Table 64. 123 Analysis of variance of total N content (%) of spring wheat at the second irrigation at location 777. Table 65. 124 Analysis of variance of total dry matter production (kg/ha) of spring wheat at the second irrigation at location 777. Table 66. 124 Analysis of variance of total N uptake (kg/ha) at the second irrigation by spring wheat at location 777. Table 67. a Analysis of variance of total N content (iS) of spring wheat at the third irrigation at location 777. Table 68. 124 125 Analysis of variance of total dry matter production (kg/ha) of spring wheat at the third irrigation at location 777. Table 69. 125 Analysis of variance of total N uptake (kg/ha) at the third irrigation by spring wheat at location 777. 125 page Table 70. Analysis of variance of grain N content (S) of spring wheat at harvest at location 777. Table 71. Analysis of variance of grain M uptake (kg/ha) at harvest by spring wheat at location 777. Table 72. 126 Analysis of variance of straw M content (S) of spring wheat at harvest at location 777. Table 73. 126 126 Analysis of variance of straw dry matter production (kg/ha) by.spring wheat at harvest at location 777. Table 74. 127 Analysis of variance of N uptake (kg/ha) by the straw of spring wheat at harvest at location 777. Table 75. 127 Irrigated Shabet barley yield, yield components, and grain uptake of nitrogen as influenced by N fertilizer rates, sources, and amount of N applied at irrigation. Earle Wallingford location - experiment 876. Table 76. Analysis of variance of barley grain yield (Ibs/a) at location 876. Table 77. 129 132 Analysis of variance of total dry matter yield (Ibs/a) of barley at location 876. 132 srvi page Table 78. Analysis of variance of test weight (Ibs/bu) of barley at location 876. Table 79. Analysis of variance of barley protein percent­ age at location 876. Table 80. 133 Analysis of variance of percent plimp kernels . of barley at location 876. Table 81. 133 Analysis of variance of the number of barley heads per meter of row at location 876. Table 83. 134 Analysis of variance of barley 1000 kernel weight (g) at location 876. Table 85. 135 Analysis of variance for the grain weight per head for barley at location 876. Table 87. 134 Analysis of variance of the number of kernels per head of barley at location 876. Table 86. 134 Analysis of variance of plant height Cm) of barley at location 876. Table 84. 133 Analysis of variance of lodging scores of barley at location 876. Table 82. 132 135 Irrigated Shabet barley N uptake as influenced by N fertilizer rates, sources and amount of N applied at irrigation. Earle Wallingford location - experiment 876. 136 xvii page Table 88. Analysis of variance of total W content (%) of barley a t .the first irrigation at location 876. Table 89. 139 Analysis of variance of total dry matter production (kg/ha) at the first irrigation by barley at location 876. Table 90. Analysis of variance of total M uptake (kg/ha) at the first irrigation by barley at location 876. Table 91. 139 Analysis of variance of total N content (%) of barley at the second irrigation at location 876. Table 92. 139 140 Analysis of variance of total dry matter production (kg/ha) at the second irrigation by barley at location 876. Table 93. Analysis of variance of total N uptake (kg/ha) at the second irrigation by barley at location 876. Table 94. 140 Analysis of variance of total N content (%) of barley at the third irrigation at location 876. Table 95. 140 141 Analysis of variance of total dry matter production (kg/ha) at the third irrigation by barley at location 876. Table 96. 141 Analysis of variance of total N uptake (kg/ha) at the third irrigation by barley at lo-ation 876. 141 jrtriii page Table 97. Analysis of variance of grain H content (%) of barley at harvest at loation Table 98. 876. Analysis of variance of grain M uptake (kg/ha) by barley at harvest at location 876. Table 99. 142 142 Analysis of variance of amount of grain N (%) that was taken up from applied M fertilizer at location 577. 143 Table 100. Analysis of variance of amount of straw N (%) that was taken up from applied M fertilizer at location 577. 143 Table 101. Analysis of variance of amount, of grain N (%) that was taken up from applied fertilizer N at location 777. 143 Table 102. Analysis of variance of amount of straw M (%) that was taken up from applied W fertilizer at location 777 144 Table 103. Analysis of variance of amount of grain N (%) that was taken up from applied N fertilizer at location 876 144 ibix LIST OF FIGURES page Figure I . 15 N pulse applications to treatment 15. Figure 2 . Grain yield and protein response of spring wheat to rates of applied N fertilizer at location 577. 23 37 Figure 3 . Grain yield and protein response of spring wheat to rates of applied K fertilizer at location 777. 40 Figure 4 . Grain yield and protein response of barley to rates of applied N fertilizer at location 876. Figure 5 . Influence of sulfur and N source on yield and yield components of spring wheat grain at location 577 Figure 6 , 44 49 Influence of sulfur and N source on yield and yield components of spring wheat grain at location 777. 52 Figure I . Influence of sulfur and N source on yield and yield components of barley at location 876. 55 Figure 8 . Average of spring wheat yield components and grain yield for fertigation treatments at location 577 com­ bined according to the amount of M applied at planting. 60 Figure 9 . Average of spring wheat yield components and grain yield for fertigation treatments at location 777 combined according to the amount of W applied at planting. 63 ^ XX page Figure 10. Average of barley yield components and grain yield for ferbigation treatments at location 876 combined according to the amount of N applied at planting. Figure 11. 66 Spring wheat dry matter production and N content as influenced by ferbigation treatments at loation 577. Figure 12. 69 Spring wheat dry matter production and N content as influenced by ferbigation treatments at location 777. Figure 13. 72 Barley dry matter production and N content as influenced by ferbigation treatments at location 876. 77 ABSTRACT During the summer of 1977, three experiments were,established at two locations in Montana to determine the yield response of spring wheat and barley to applying a portion of the total M fertilizer in irrigation water. Various proportions of the total N fertiliser were applied at planting. The remainder of the M fertilizer was applied in simulated fertigation treatments during the growing season. Treatments receiving less than 100% of the total applied M fertilizer at planting had lower grain yields and higher grain protein than treatments receiving 100% of the N fertilizer at planting. There seems to be no advantage in Montana to applying part of the total M fertilizer at planting followed by growing season applications of the remainder in irrigation water. INTRODUCTION In recent years the number of irrigated acres in Montana has in­ creased. Small grains are produced on much of the newly developed sprinkler irrigated acreage. To obtain the high yields necessary to offset the cost of irrigation development, crops must be properly fertilized. Hence, an interest in applying fertilizers through sprin­ kler systems is developing. Fertigation, applying fertilizers with irrigation water, is a common practice in some parts of the United States. It is used exten­ sively to apply nitrogen fertilizers to crops grown on coarse textured soils in low rainfall areas along the Columbia River in Oregon and Washington as well as in other areas. In order to maximize crop production and minimize costs, nitrogen (N) losses, and possible pollution of ground and surface waters, fertil izer must be applied at the proper rate and the proper time. Precip­ itation distribution influences when irrigation is initiated and may limit the utility of fertigation in Montana. Fifty percent or more of the total annual precipitation in Montana falls during the months of April, May and June, thus delaying the time of irrigation and fertig­ ation initiation, and restricting the timing of fertilizer applications Consequently, extrapolation of data from areas where irrigation begins earlier in the spring may not be valid. In order to ensure proper 2 fertilizer utilization, guidelines for fertigation in Montana need to be developed. LITERATURE REVIEW In order to maximize quantity and quality of spring grains grown under irrigation, proper use of fertilizer is essential. The effi­ ciency of applied N for grain production is altered by the method of application, timing of the application, and possibly by the N source used. Fertigatlon The practice of applying fertilizer in irrigation water probably. started when an irrigator ran his irrigation canal through a pit filled with barnyard manure (Fischbach, 1976). , When anhydrous ammonia became plentiful in the 1950 *s , irrigators started applying it in their irriga­ tion water. Anhydrous ammonia use in sprinkler systems was severely limited because ammonia displaced other cations such as calcium and magnesium, in solution. These ions form precipitates that plug nozzles. Salts such as calcium carbonates and calcium, bicarbonates are also dis­ placed by the ammonia ion, forming precipitates that plug sprinkler nozzles. In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, non-pressure solutions of ammonium nitrate (AN) and urea (UR) were introduced to the market. Unlike anhydrous and aqua ammonia, AN and UR are non-volatile arid do not cause precipitates to form in irrigation water and thus can be used in sprinkler irrigation systems. 4 Nitrogen is not the only nutrient that can be applied in irriga­ tion water. Murphy (1970) showed that iron can successfully be applied through sprinkler irrigation systems. In fact, iron chelate compounds applied through sprinklers to grain sorghum produced higher average yields and iron contents than iron applied to the soil. Schneider, et al. (1968) found that iron solutions can be used to correct defi­ ciencies during the critical period of crop growth 2 to 4 weeks follow­ ing emergence of the crop. Beaton and Bixby (1974) found that sulfur, magnesium and calcium can all be applied in solutions. Suspensions of limestone and gypsum can be used to rapidly correct the soil pH of acid or sodic soils . respectively. In many cases polyphosphates can be applied through sprinkler systems. If calcium is present in the irrigation water, however, a calcium ammonium pyrophosphate precipitate will form, clogging the sprinkler system. Duis and Burman (1969) developed a rapid test pro­ cedure for predicting precipitate formation, allowing immediate knowl­ edge about the feasibility of phosphate fertigation on an individual basis. Fertigation also provides a way in which to utilize nitrate con­ taminated ground water. Fischbach, et al. (1973) irrigated c o m using ground water known to be contaminated with nitrate. If. the water con- 5 tained 27 parts per million nitrate-nitrogen, no fertilizer nitrogen ., was required. Since N is the nutrient used in the largest quantities, and because most N sources are more soluble than other fertilizers., most producers are interested in the aspects of applying N fertilizer through sprinkler systems. Fischbach (1970, 1964) compared sprinkler application of N with ground application. Both Fischbach (1976) and Morton (1976) demon­ strated that on shallow sandy soils, applying N through an irrigation system is more effective than ground application. Fischbach (1970) found N fertigation of crops on fine textured soils to be just as effec­ tive as ground application. In five field trials comparing N fertigation with ground, appli­ cation in central and western Nebraska, fertigation produced a yield increase of eight bushels of c o m per acre over ground application, plus eliminated one field operation (Fischbach, 1964). Ground applying the recommended amount of N, and then applying 20 to 30 pounds additional N in the first irrigation produced an average of fifteen bushels per acre of c o m more than applying the recommended amount of N alone. When urea or ammonium containing fertilizers are applied to warm, moist, well-aerated soils, the N is rapidly converted to NO somonas and nitrobacter bacteria. by nitro- Because nitrate is an anion, and therefore not adsorbed to soil and organic colloids, it moves freely in 6 the soil solution. Nitrate can be expected to leach through sandy soils if too much water is applied when irrigating (Thorup, 1977). Therefore, ip sandy soils, efficient management of water and fertilizer can result in a favorable cost/benefit ratio for fertigation. Watts (1975) was able to demonstrate greater efficiency of use from sprinkler applied N than from preplant broadcast N on sandy soils. The yield re­ sulting from 150 pounds of N injected into the irrigation system was nearly double that of 150 pounds Qf N broadcast preplant. The N loss due to leaching was far less for the injected treatment than for the preplant broadcast treatment. Caldwell (1972) demonstrated that split application of N increased yields of Kitt and Era spring wheats. Fischbach (1972) and MacGregor (1972) have shown that applying at least one-third of the total N re­ quirement through the irrigation system can increase c o m yields as much as 26 bushels per acre on deep sandy soils. Time of Application Timing of fertilizer application is important. Morton (1976) points out that the total amounts of N and water applied are not as important as the ability to place them on the crop when they are needed. On sandy soils, yields can be maximized by "spoon feeding" N to the crop at critical times in the life cycle. Using fertigation, fertilizer can be applied to a crop at times when ground application could damage 7 the crop and severely reduce yields. This is particularly true of late, applications of fertilizer (i.e. in the boot stage of small grains). Rankin (1946) showed that applying only a portion of the N require­ ment at seeding, followed by later N applications increased both yield and quality of wheat over applying the total N requirement at seeding. Due simply to the size of the root system after germination, seed­ lings are able to use only a small fraction of any N applied at seeding. Fenn and Escarzaga (1977) and Hargrove, Kissel and Fenn (1977) found that significant amounts of N applied at seeding can be lost through volatilization, especially if the soil is wet when the N fertilizer is applied. They found that when 100 kg N/ha was added to moistened soil in pots, up to 68% was lost via volatilization. while up to 45% of the added N was lost from oven dried soil. Russell (1973) points out that N applied at seeding can also be lost through leaching. Therefore, a considerably reduced amount of N may be available for tillering and growth when the entire N requirement is applied at seeding. The availability of N to wheat at and during tillering is critical (Khalifa, 1973; Baiba, et al. 1972; Jain, Maurya, and Singh, 1971). Mehrotra et al. (1967) have shown that N uptake increases dramatically from the seedling to the tillering and jointing stages. They found that 45% of total N uptake occurred following seeding through tillering. From jointing to ear initiation 25% of total N uptake occurred, while 30% of total N uptake occurred from jointing to grain formation. 8 Van Dobben (1966) found that early N applications stimulate tillering as well as straw length in cereal grain. This response de­ creases with delay of application and disappears completely after stem elongation begins. Khalifa (1973) and Baiba et al. (1972) found that application of nitrogen fertilizers in the early phases of crop growth gave the greatest yield response. Yield response to N application at ear emergence was much less. . ^ Data of Baiba et al. (1972) show 13% utilization of M applied at ear emergence compared to 31.4% utilization of N applied at tillering. Khalifa (1973) found that 44 kg N/ha applied to irrigated wheat at planting, tillering and ear emergence produced grain yields of 1787, 1690, and 932 kg/ha respectively. Khalifa (1973) found that applying half the N to wheat at planting and half at tillering or ear emergence produced no significant differ­ ence in yields from applying all the N at planting. He found that dif­ ferences in grain yield were a reflection of the,effect of the treat­ ments on leaf area duration (LAD) after ear emergence. Leaf area dura­ tion describes the length of time the leaf area is functional. Grain yield of cereals is related to LAD after the ears emerge (Mitchell, 1970a). Early N application increases LAD at the time of ear emergence (Khalifa, 1973). Ayoub (1974) found that time of fertilizer application affected wheat grain yield mainly by increasing the number of ears per unit area 9 A maximum of about 800 ears/m was obtained by application at the jointing stage. These research results have shown that split applications of N fertilizer affect grain yield per unit land area. The amount of grain produced per unit land area is only one parameter used to evaluate fer­ tilizer response, however. The quality of wheat measured by protein content, is another important aspect to consider. McNeal et al. (1966) found that even though most (up to 61.6%) of stem nitrogen is translocated to the kernel, wheat plants continued to take up M from the soil during the filling of the kernels. McNeal. et al. report results which indicate that N applied when the kernels are filling could increase the protein content of the grain. Hunter, et al. (1973) , Hucklesby et al. (1971) , and MacLeod (1.975) / showed that late (spring) applications of N to winter wheat consistently gave higher protein contents than fall applications. Spratt (1974) suggested applying N at sowing to increase leaf and stem growth and applying N at the boot stage to increase grain protein levels. Hamid and Sarwar (1976) found that applying N in six equal applications at seeding, tillering, boot, heading, flowering, and the milky stage significantly increased protein content compared with a single application at planting or two split (seeding and tillering) applications. 10 Nitrogen Source Nitrogen fertilizer may be applied as nitrate or ammonium salts, urea, anhydrous ammonia, or a combination of these materials. There are also many organic sources of N including animal manures, animal by-products (i.e. dried blood meal), and plant materials such as alfalfa. Generally speaking, the N present in all these compounds is supplied asr'iumnoniurm^ ^ Nitrate-N is the -form + most used by plants and therefore before. NH ^-N is taken up by plants it is generally transformed to NO ^-N (Meyer et al. 1973). The N present in organic compounds and urea is generally in an amine group (-NH3). In order for organic N to become available to plants, it must undergo the process of mineralization. This normally takes place in essentially three steps: aminization, ammonification, and nitrification. The first two are accomplished through the medium of heterotrophic microorganisms and the third is brought about largely by autotrophic soil bacteria (Tisdale and Nelson, 1975). Aminization is the process of hydrolytic decomposition of proteins and the release of amino acids as accomplished by one group of heterotrophs: proteins — > R-NH3 + CO3 + other products. These amines and amino acids are utilized by another group of hetero­ trophs, resulting in the release of ammonia: . R-NH3 + H3O — s>NH3 + R-OH + energy. 11 z Some of the NH 3 + released is dissolved in water to form ammonium (NH. ) 4 and this is converted into nitrate via two steps by autotrophic bacteria. N supplied as NH^ enters the mineralization process at this point. 2NH4+ + 302 — » 2N02~ + 2H26 + 4H+ NO 2 + O- — 2 2N0 3 Tisdale and Nelson (1975) say that in well drained neutral to slightly acidic soils, the rate of oxidation of NO2 to NO3 . is usually higher **> _ than that of NH4 to NO^ The rate of NO3 + to or greater than the rate of NH4 formation is usually equal - formation. Therefore, NO^ is the form that tends to accumulate in soils or, if plants are growing on that soil, will be the form most used by them. Plants are not capable of distinguishing from what source N is originating. Of note, however, is the fact that at different phono­ logical stages wheat plants may use one form of N preferentially over another (Spratt, 1974). The ammonium form is used in early stages of plant growth, and nitrate-N is used in later stages. Spratt found that applying ammonium-N to wheat at planting promoted more stem and leaf growth than nitrate-N. Conversely, nitrate-N applied during the boot stage increased grain protein more than did ammonium-N. Spratt and Gasser (1970) found that with adequate moisture, wheat produces more dry matter (and grain) containing more N when provided with a nitrate source as opposed to an ammonium source of fertilizer N . When moisture is lacking, ammonium N is as good or better than nitrate-N for increasing dry matter production and N uptake. The difference in efficiency of crop production (as measured by yields) between sources of N fertilizers, lies in the factors influ■. i encing N transformations once the fertilizers contact the soil. Re­ searchers consistently find N x year interactions (Alessi and Power, 1972; Spratt 1974; Hamid and Sarwar, 1976; and Ayoub 1974) are significant, indicating that N fertilizer interactions with components of the environment are what determines the efficiency of a nitrogen source. Christensen, et al. (1975) have shown that if N fertilizer is applied properly, under proper conditions, different N sources produce comparable crop response. Caldwell, Murphy, Tucker, Wiese and Zubriski (1977) concur, that if used properly, there is no difference in ef­ ficiency of the various nitrogen sources. N Use in Agricultural Experimentation There are six known isotopes of N. 15 N, are stable and occur naturally. Of these six only two, 14 N and Since these isotopes occur natu­ rally in an almost constant ratio (0.366 atom % ^ N), they can be used ■ as tracers in biological systems by using three basic assumptions (Hauck and Bremner, 1976). Those assumptions are; 13 1. Elements containing two or more isotopes have a constant isotope concentration in the natural state. 2. Living systems cannot distinguish one isotope from the other. 3. The chemical identity of the isotopes is maintained in biolog­ ical systems. Hauck and Bremner (1976) have found 1500 papers published since 1943 relating to the use of tracers in agronomic related research. In their 1976 review paper, Hauck and Bremner conclude that tracer methods have distinct advantages over hontracer methods for studying the recovery of applied fertilizer-N by plants. Even though the use of labeled N is confounded by possible biological interchange of labeled N with unlabeled soil N, N tracer methodology is still a convenient pro­ cedure for studying N uptake. No control plots are required, so more treatments or replications can be used. Uptake is calculated directly from total plant N and isotope ratio analysis. Users of non-tracer techniques calculate N uptake from fertilizer by taking the difference between total N uptake from fertilized and unfertilized plots. This technique is based on the erroneous assumption that addition of N to the soil does not alter the amount of soil N taken up by the plant (Hauck and Bremner, 1976). 14 + During mass spectrometer analyses of N^, the nitrogen ions ( N^) , (1V 5N)+ and (15Ng)+ are found to occur in the mass spectrum. The 14 relative number of ions of each species approaches the ideal statistical values given by the equation (a + b) 2 = a 2 + 2ab + b 2 where a is the atom fraction of ^ N , b is the atom fraction of ^ N , and a + b = I (Hauck and Bremner, 1976). The mass spectrometer can measure I the ion currents at M/e 28, M/e29 and M/e30, which are proportional to the respective molecular ions (Bremner, 1965). It is usually not necessary to measure the ion current at M/e30 to determine the,atom percent 15 N because of the random distribution of isotopes in the \ molecules. ' ion current at M/e28 and M/e29, atom % I/M/e ' . ' Hauck and Bremner (1976) show that from the ratio (R) of the Mass/charge of the ions 15 N = 100/(2R + 1 ) . OBJECTIVES This review of the literature reveals that, when used properly, fertigation may be a highly efficient manner in which to apply fertil­ izers. The literature also points out that the timing of fertilizer application and other management decisions are important factors to con­ sider under any fertility management scheme. Due to the extended period of spring rains in Montana, the first application of fertilizer through sprinkler systems is normally later, in terms of the stage of crop development, than in other areas where fertigation is commonly practiced. Consequently, little data exist that will predict the effect of late application of N fertilizers to small grains. The major objective of this study was to gather such infor­ mation . Specifically, the objectives of this study were: 1. To determine the effect on spring wheat and barley grain yield and quality of applying various proportions of the total N-requirement through sprinkler systems. 2. To determine the optimum timing, measured phenologically, for applications of N fertilizers through sprinkler systems. 3. To compare crop response to new N fertilizers with response to ammonium nitrate. 4. To obtain information to correlate soil test values for P and K to crop yield response in the field. MATERIALS AND METHODS Site Selection 1 . Three criteria were used in selecting sites for this experiment. The area had to be under sprinkler irrigation, have low residual NO^-N levels to 1.8 meters, and, due to the management required, be close to Bozeman, Montama. Parameters including slope> apparent texture and surface soil color were subjectively examined to evaluate soil uniform­ ity at prospective sites. Soil samples were collected at each site to determine soil nptrient levels. Six random samples were taken at each prospective site to 1.8 meters in 30.5 cm increments with a Veihmeyer tube. These samples were oven dried at 65°C, ground in a Robert Hewitt stainless steel hammermill to pass a 20 mesh screen and analyzed for SO^-S using the BaSO4,method of Bardsley and Lancaster (1960) , and for NO^-N using the Phenoldisulfonic procedure of Bremner (1965). Results for the two sites se­ lected for the experiments are reported in Table I. Appproximately 35 samples were taken randomly from the 0-15 cm soil depth at each site using an Oakfield probe. The samples were composited, dried and ground as previously described and analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity (E.C.), P, K, organic matter (O.M.) and Na. The results are recorded in Table 2. 17 Table I. Initial NO^-N and SO^-S concentrations at experimental sites Depth in cm Location 577 NO-N 777 & 876 NO-N SO^-S Table 2. 0-30 30-60 60-90 10.7 31.0 3.6 70.4 1.4 8.6 0.9 5 total (kg/ha) 90-125 125-155 155-185 3.0 90.8 2.0 96 2.0 5 3.0 56.9 109 1547 0.9 18.3 0.9 34.1 1.4 35.2 1.4 28.9 31 560 Initial soil test results at experimental sites Location PH 577 777 & 876 8.1 8.2 E.C. (mmhos/cm) 1.1 0.5 P (ppm) 41 45 K (ppm) O.M. (%) 509 429 1.9 2.7 Na (meq/lOOg) 0.2 trace Electrical conductivity and pH were determined using a 2:1 water:soil dilution (USDA Handbook 60, 1969). Concentrations of K and Na were determined with a Perkin Elmer 290B atomic absorption spec­ trophotometer following extraction with one normal ammonium acetate us­ ing methods described by Rich (1965) . Phosphorous concentrations were determined using the Bray procedure as modified by Smith, et al. (1957) Percent organic matter was determined using the procedure of Sims and Haby (1971). All analyses were performed by the Soil Testing Lab at Montana State University. 18 Location and Design Site 577 was located near Toston, Montana. Sites 777 and 876 were located adjacent to one another ten miles north of Bozeman, Montana. All three sites were irrigated with side-wheel-roll type sprinkler systems. Soil series descriptions are listed in Appendix I. The field design at each location consisted of three replications of 16 treatments arranged in a randomized complete block design.. All • . three locations were planted using a modified Minneapolis-Moline deep furrow press wheel drill with a row spacing of 30.5 cm. Locations 577 and 777 were seeded with spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L .) var. . Newana at a rate of 100 kg/ha. Location 876 was seeded with malting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) var. Shabet at a rate of 100 kg/ha. Plots were 4.3 m wide (14 rows) and 12.2 m long. Since the width of the plots was twice the drill width, plots were seeded by making two passes in the same direction. Rows were planted parallel to the long dimension of the plot which in turn was aligned parallel to the length of the sprinkler system. Plots were divided into halves with each half containing seven rows 12.2 m long. One-half of each plot was used for subsampling during the growing season while the other half was harvested at the end of the growing season for determination of grain yield and quality. Treatments The treatments at each location were designed to include a number 19 of variables (see Table 3). Phosphorous (P) was drilled with the seed as Triple Super Phosphate (0-45-0) at rates of 0, 11 and 22.5 kg P/ha (tmts. 2, 3, 7). Potassium (K) as Muriate of Potash (0-0-60) was top- dressed immediately following seeding at rates of 0 or 45 kg K/ha (tmts. 4 and 7). Treatments used to evaluate response to P and K fertilizer were topdressed with Ammonium Nitrate (AN, 34-0-0) at a rate of 100 kg N/ha immediately after seeding. There were three distinct sets of N variables at each location (all received 22.5 kg P/ha and 45 kg K/ha applied as previously de' scribed). Response to N fertilizer was determined using rates of 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N/ha as AN topdressed immediately following seeding. (tmts. 5-8). A series of treatments were included to compare grain response to Urea (UR, 46-0-0), Ammonium Nitrate Sulfate (ANS, 30-0-0-6.5S), Urea Ammonium Sulfate (UAS, 40-0-0-6 S) and AN (tmts. 7, 9, 10, 11). These four treatments were topdressed immediately follow­ ing seeding at a rate of 100 kg N/ha. The third set of N treatments (tmts. 12-16) was designed to measure response to simulated sprinkler application of N fertilizer. Nitrogen (as AN) was applied, at a total rate of 100 kg/ha (treatment 16 at location 577 and 777 received 125 kg N/ha). These treatments received either 25, 50, 75 or 100 kg N/ha topdressed immediately after seeding. The remainder of the 100 kg N/ha total was applied at rates of from 25 to 50 kg N/ha at various times later in the growing season. The later applications were timed to 20 Table 3. Fertilizer treatments at two spring wheat and one barley ________ . experimental sites______________________________________ N Rates (kg/ha)______ band w/ topdress @ Bdc. @ Irrigation seed N seeding TMT Source Seeding 1st 2nd 3rd Total N (kg/ha) (kg/ha) I 2 AN 3 AN 4. AN 5 AN 6 AN 7 AN. 8 AN 9 UR. 10 ANS 11 UAS 12 AN 13 AN 14 AN 15 AN 16 ' a AN b AN AN UR ANS UAS = = = = 0 100 100 100 0 50 100 150 100 100 100 75 75 50 50 100 25 — — " 25 —— 50 25 — 50 —— 25 — 25 —— 25 —— — 25 — 0 100 100 100 0 50 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 100 0 0 11 22-5I/ 22.5I/ 22.5A/ 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 ll'.lv 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 0 45 45 0 45 45 45 . 45' 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 15 N labeled subplots __ '— — -—*■ yes yes yes yes -* yes yes yes yes yes yes Ammonium Nitrate (34-0-0) Urea (46-0-0) Ammonium Nitrate Sulfate (30-0-0-6.5 S) Urea Ammonium Sulfate (40-0-0-6 S) ^ A t location 577, rep. I, the fertilizer cones malfunctioned, so TSP was hand broadcast into the furrows at 3 times the banded rate. 2/ ■ .'At location 577, rep. 3, the fertilizer cones malfunctioned, so TSP was hand broadcast into the furrows at 3 times the banded rate. . 'Treatment 16a used in spring wheat experiments (locations 577 and 777). Treatment 16b used in barley experiment (location 876). 21 correspond to phonological stages of the crop's development. It was originally planned to apply the first N application after seeding when the crop was in the last leaf visible (Feekes 8) stage, the second at the boot (Feekes 10) stage, and the final N treatment at the watery kernel (Feekes 10.5.4) stage. Due to spring precipitation, the time of these,applications was delayed at the site where both barley and spring wheat were grown (see Table 4). Table 4. Date of irrigation and corresponding Feekes Growth Stage at __________each of the three experimental sites_______________ _______ Location I Irrigation 2 3 577 Date Feekes Stage 6/01/77 Tillering (5) 6/21/77 Last leaf visible (10) 7/07/77 Ears out (10.5) 777 Date Feekes Stage 7/02/77 Flowering (10.5.1) 7/19/77 Watery kernel (10.5.4) 876 Date Feekes Stage 6/24/77 Ears visible (10.1) / 6/27/77 Ears visible (10.1) 7/05/77 Flowering (10.5.1) 7/20/77 Watery kernel (10.5.4) Since the plot design consisted of 48 adjacent small plots at each location, each plot receiving different treatments, it was impossible to . actually apply the N fertilizer through the sprinkler system. Instead N was topdressed on plots receiving simulated fertigation treatments immediately prior to an irrigation. Since N fertilizers are highly 22 soluble such applications should satisfactorily simulate application through a sprinkler system. To minimize leaching of N below the root zone, the amount of ir­ rigation water applied was limited to that required to refill the root zone (amount of water applied at each irrigation is listed in Table 6). ^ N Treatments Ammonium Nitrate labelled with one atom percent was applied to subplots within the fertigation treatments at locations 577 and 777 to determine the efficiency of uptake of applied N fertilizer. Depending on the particular treatment, from one to three 1.5 x 1.5 m subplots-were established in each fertigation and N response treatment. The subplots, each containing five rows (three sampling rows with a border row.on either side) were established on the half of the major plot designated for subsampling. The barley experiment (location 876) received no labelled N, and no subplots were used. Fertigation and N response treatments were otherwise managed similarly to those at locations 577 and 777. Labelled fertilizer was applied to subplots at the appropriate rate by dissolving the dry material in approximately one liter of water. This solution was then sprinkled into the furrows ,of the subplot im­ mediately prior to irrigating using a rubber sink nozzle to dissem- l 23 inate the solution (see Table 4 for fertilizer rates). Treatment 15, which received three fertigation treatments, pro­ vides an example of how the subplots were managed. At seeding, sub­ plot I (see Figure 11 was covered with a cloth tarp and then 50 kg N/ha was topdressed over the entire plot. The tarp was then removed and the fertilizer that had fallen on it was discarded outside the experimental area. atom percent Subplot I then received 50 kg N/ha enriched to one 15 N as. previously described. Seeding 1st Irr. 2nd Irr. I Figure I. 15 N pulse applications to treatment 15 Immediately prior to the first irrigation subplot one was sampled by clipping 15 cm of plant material from each of the inner three rows 15 cm from one end of the subplot 2/ . After clipping was completed, 25 kg N/ha was topdressed over the entire main plot area with the ex­ ception of subplot two. Subplot two received 25 kg/ha labeled N fertilizer applied as previously described. (Tarps were not used in later N applications so as not to damage the plants). 2/ All subsamples at location 876 were 30 cm of 3 rows. 24 Immediately preceding the second irrigation, subplots one and two were subsampled by clipping 15 cm of plant material from each of the in­ ner three rows of the subplots. Subplot one was clipped 15 cm further into the subplot from the area clipped prior, to the first irrigation. Subplot two was clipped 15 cm from one end of the subplot. Following clipping, the entire main plot with the exception of subplot three; was topdressed with 25 kg N/ha, Subplot three received 25. kg/ha labeled N fertilizer applied as previously described. Even though treatment 15 received no further applications of fer­ tilizer, all subplots were subsampled as previously described prior to the third irrigation. x All plant material, regardless of time of sampling, was dried as soon after clipping as possible. The dried material was prepared for analysis as described in the plant analysis portion of the materials and methods section. Field Work Table 5. Chronological list of field operations Location Planting Application 2-4D 577 777 876 4/19 4/21 4/22 6/20 6/17 Fertigations 1 2 3 6/1 6/24 6/27 6/21 7/7 7/2 7/19 7/5 7/20 Lodging Scoring Harvest — 8/8 7 9/6 8/29 8/30-9/1 25 Weed Control Broadleaf weeds were controlled at locations 777 and 876 with 2, | 4-D amine. Both locations were sprayed (see Table 5 for dates of ap­ plication) with 0.56 kg of active ingredient per hectare, using 8 number 8001 nozzles spaced 51 cm apart, from a height of 48 cm above the ground. Later in the growing season locations 777 and 876 were periodically hand weeded to control wild oats. Since neither broadleaf weeds nor wild oats were a problem at location 577, no weed control was necessary. Irrigation All locations were irrigated with side-wheel-roll type sprinkler systems. The systems a twelve hour set. were calibrated to deliver 10.2 cm of water in All locations were irrigated immediately following fertilizer application except following the first fertilizer ap­ plication at location 577. Due to precipitation, the cooperating producer at location 577 felt it was hot necessary (see Table 6). The amount of water applied per irrigation ranged from 2.5 cm to 10.2,cm (Table 6). 26 Table 6. Irrigation and precipitation (cm) for spring wheat locations __________ 511 and 111 and barley location 876_________________________ Location 577 Time Interval 4/19 6/1 6/21 7/7 to to to to 5/31 6/20 7/6 9/6 Seasonal Total 111 4/21 6/24 7/2 7/19 to to to to 6/23 7/1 7/18 8/29 Seasonal Total 876 4/22 6/27 7/5 7/20 to to to to 6/26 7/4 7/19 9/1 Seasonal Total Irrigation (cm) Precipitation (cm) 10.2 0 7.6 5.1 2.5 1.8 0 0,3 22.9 ,4.6 10.2 2.5 2.5 10.2 .9.8 '0.2 1.4 2.6 25.4 14.0 ,10.2 2.5 2.5 10.2 9.8 0.2 1.4 2.6 25.4 14.0 Harvest Immediately prior to harvesting the material in the undisturbed, half of the plots, all material remaining in the inner three rows of each subplot (described in ^5N treatment section) was clipped, bundled and stored until it could be prepared for analysis. Prior to the actual harvesting, 0.9 meter wide alleys were cut perpendicularly through the ends of the plots leaving from 6 to 9 meters of material for harvesting in each plot. All locations were harvested at ground level using a Jari mower equipped with sheet metal pans to 27 catch straw and grain. The undisturbed half of each plot was harvest­ ed by cutting the inner three rows (0.9 m wide) from alleyway to alleyway leaving two rows on either side as border rows. The harvested material was weighed and subsequently threshed using a rasp-bar type stationary plot thresher. Grain samples were labeled and stored until they could be prepared for analysis. When all samples at a location had been threshed, the length of cut of each plot was measured and re­ corded. At this time random straw and grain samples were taken and composited. o This bundle was weighed, dried at 65 G and then reweighed to determine moisture percentage. Each individual plot was randomly sampled and these samples were stored for chemical analysis. height and the number of heads per meter Plant of row in each plot were also measured and recorded at harvest. Soil samples were taken following harvest using a Giddings hy­ draulic soil sampler. All plots were sampled to 1.2 meters (or as deep as possible) in 30 cm increments. well. All subplots were sampled as These samples were frozen until they could be prepared for analysis. Sample Preparation Plant Samples Plant samples taken during "the growing season were dried at 65°c in forced air ovens as soon after sampling as possible. After.drying 28 the samples were weighed and the data recorded for use in determining N uptake. Samples were subsequently ground to pass a 20 mesh screen in a Wiley laboratory grinder. sampled. The ground material was mixed and sub­ These subsamples were saved for later analysis. Harvest samples from 15 H labeled subplots were individually head threshed using a Vogel head thresher to separate grain and straw. The straw was ground in a Wiley mill and stored for analysis. ,The grain was ground to flour in a Cyclone Sample Mill and also stored for later analysis. Soil Samples Soil samples were divided into 30.5 cm increments in the field, and each increment was placed in a separate bag. All samples were frozen until they could be dried. Samples were removed from the freezer one location at a time and O dried in a forced air oven at 65 C . Since only 55 samples could be dried at one time, the remaining samples were stored in a seed storage cold room until they could be cycled into the dryer. When all samples had been dried, they were ground in a Robert Hewitt stainless steel hammermill to pass a 20 mesh seive. The samples were then stored until they could be analyzed. Sample Analysis All analytical procedures are listed in Table 7. cations to the procedures will be discussed. Only modifi­ 29 Table 7. Plant and soil analysis procedures Analysis_______Method References Comments I. Plant Total N Kjeldahl Bremner, 1965 Only 5 mis of NH4 trap solution were used to col­ lect 20 mis of distillate. 2. Soil NO3-N Chromotropic Haby & Larson A Bausch and Lomb Spec 70 spec­ trophotometer was used to read per cent transmit­ tance. 3. Test Wfeight Gravimetric & Volumetric 4. Grain Protein Udy dye American Asso­ ciation of Cereal Chemists, 1962 Analysis perform­ ed by the Cereal Quality Lab at Montana State University When determining total plant N, it was found that adding NaOH to the highly acidic digested material prior to distillation resulted in a violent reaction that many times blew the sample completely out of the digestion tube. Cooling both the NaOH and the sample in an ice bath eliminated this problem. Statistical Analysis All data were initially analyzed using an analysis of variance for a randomized complete block design with 16 treatments and three repli­ 30 cations. Means were compared using a least significant difference technique at the .05 probability level. Certain data were compared using linear combinations of means as described in the yield response to fertigation section of this report. Response to added increments of N was calculated using regression techniques. All methods used are described by Snedecor and Cochrcin (1969) . Listed below is an example of the form of analysis of variance used. (The data are the number of heads per meter of row as affected by treatments at spring wheat location 577). Source Reps. Tmts. Error Total Sum of Squares 2196.259 2Q891.222 19380.573 42468.054 Degrees of Freedom 2 15 30 47 Standard Error = 20.753 *Significant at the .05 probability level Mean Square_____F______ 1098.129 1392.748 646.019 1.700 2.156* RESULTS M D DISCUSSION Yield and Grain N Uptake Response to Phosphorous and Potasaitm Fertilizer Treatments 2, 3 and 7 were included in the experiment to collect data for phosphorous soil test correlation with field response to phosphorous fertilizer. Initial soil tests (Table 2) showed 41 ppm P at locations 577 and 45 ppm P at locations 777 and 876. Montana Fertilizer Guide AG 55,610:26 (Wilson and Christensen» 1977) indicates these levels are low and recommends that 13-18 kg P/ha be banded with \ . the seed. The P rates applied, yield, grain protein and grain N uptake data are listed in Table 8. All comparisons were tested at the 5% probability level. While treatments receiving 22.5 kg P/ha had the highest grain and dry matter yields at locations 577 and 777, there were no statistically significant yield differences attributable to P rates. P rates did not . affect either protein or grain N uptake. Treatments 4 and 7 were included to collect data for potassium soil test correlation with field response to potassium fertilizer. According to Montana Fertilizer Guide AG 55.610:26 and :30 (Wilson and Christensen, 1976) all three locations had adequate soil test K levels (see Table 2), Table 9 lists K rates and yield, dry matter and grain protein and N uptake response to K fertilizer. made at the 5% probability level. All comparisons were 32 Table 8. Location 577 (spring wheat) 777 (spring Wheat) 876 (barley) Yield, protein, grain ES uptake, and dry matter as influenced by phosphorous fertilizer at three locations TMT 2 3 Std (7) LSD.OS2 ' 2 3 Std (7) LSD.052/ 2 3 Std (7) LSD.OS2/ Grain Yield (q/ha) Udy grain Protein % Grain N Uptake (kg/ha) Dry Matter (kg/ha) 0 11 22.5 39.7 32.9 49.5 MS 13.5 14.2 13.0 MS 84.1 77.8 114.3 MS 7357.5 7148.2 9315.1 ■MS 0 11 22.5 33.1 34.6 40.1 7.3 10.3 10.8 11.1 1.4 70.2 70.5 67..8 14.0 ' 6396.2 6662.2 7417.5 ' 1247.6 0 11 22.5 45.3 43.8 42.5 6.1 8.1 8.7 9.4 1.1 64.4 69.7. • 58.2 14.0 8396.7 8057.9 8632.8 1038.6 P Rate (kg/ha) All treatments received 100 kg N/ha as ammonium nitrate and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash topdressed at planting. I/ Calculated by multiplying grain yield x total ES percent of grain (determined using the Kjeldahl technique). 2/ LSD's calculated for all treatments in the experiment. 33 Table 9. Yield, protein, grain N uptake and dry matter as influenced __________by potassium fertilizer rates at three locations __________ Location TMT 4 577 (spring wheat) 777 (spring wheat) K Rate (kg/ha) 7 2/ LSD.05 ' 4 7 2/ LSD.05 ' 876 (barley) 4 7 LSD.05 2/ Grain Yield (q/ha) Udy Grain Protein % Grain N Uptake (kg/ha) Dry Matter (kg/ha) ^ •0 45 47.8 49.5 NS 13.3 13.0 NS 112.7 114.3 NS .9228.3 9315.1 NS 0 .45 42.4 40.1 7.3 10.9 11.1 1.0 69.7 67.8 14.0 9009.3 7417.5 1247.6 66.6 58.2 : 14.0 8691.1 8632.8 1038.6 0 45 43.5 42.5 6.1 ' 8.9 9.4 . 1.1 All treatments received 100 kg N/ha as ammonium nitrate topdressed at planting and 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate drilled with the seed. I/ Calculated by multiplying grain yield x total N content of grain (determined using the Kjeldahl techniques) . 2/ zLSD1s are for all treatments at each location, not just for those treatments shown. The only significant difference attributable to K was at location 777 where the O K treatment produced more dry matter than the 45 kg K/ha treatment. Since K is known to affect straw strength, lodging was scored at the barley location (876) where significant lodging occurred. Lodging was not evaluated at the spring wheat locations because no lodging occurred. There was significantly more loding in the low K rate treatment (4) than in those treatments receiving 45 kg K/ha (Table 10). 34 Table 10. Effect of amount of K applied on the degree of lodging of ___________ barley (location 876)_____ _________________________________ — - ____________TMT _____K rate .(kg/ha)_______ Lodging Score _______ ' 4 7 . LSD.05 Z 0 45 4.2 2.8 .7 I/ ' Scored on the basis of I = no lodging, 5 = all lodged. 2/ for all barley treatments, riot just those shown. Data from the K response treatments are consistent with the fer­ tilizer guide for irrigated spring grains. The guide indicates, how­ ever, that P was needed and yet no statistically significant response to P was obtained. These data suggest that the correlation between P soil test levels arid response to P fertilizer could be strengthened for irrigated small grains. Response to Different M Fertilizer Rates In order for yield comparisons between fertilizer sources and methods of application to be meaningful it is essential that an appre­ ciable yield response to the applied nutrient be obtained. Treatments 5-8 were used to measure yield response to different rates of N fer­ tilizer at each location. 5% probability level. All treatment comparisons were made at the 35 Location 577 (spring wheat) While not statistically significant, grain yield was increased from 33.0 q/ha to 44.5 q/ha with the application of 50 kg N/ha (Table 11). Grain yield remained essentially unchanged for higher rates of applied N,. while each increment of N increased protein per­ centage. Protein percentages ranged from 10.8% with no N added to 14.4% with 150 kg N/ha added, although differences were not statistical­ ly significant. Figure 2 graphically presents grain yield and protein response to additions of N at location 577. Examination of N uptake by grain gives some insight into the re­ lationship between grain yield and protein percent. Nitrogen uptake by grain increased with the application of 50 kg N/ha. not only did yield increase but so did protein percent. As a result, Application of 100 kg N/ha increased yield slightly above the 50 kg N/ha treat­ ment, while the amount of N taken up by the grain increased dramatical­ ly (Table 11). as well. As a result, protein percent increased dramatically Grain yield for the 150 kg N/ha rate was approximately the same as that for the 50 kg N/ha rate, and lower than the 100 kg N/ha yield. Nitrogen uptake by the grain remained high, resulting in another increase in protein percentage. Due to variable initial soil moisture at location 577, seeds ger­ minated at different times. The result was a highly variable stand and several different stages of maturity at harvest. The resultant Table 11. Grain yield, protein percent, yield components and grain N uptake of spring __________ wheat as influenced by nitrogen rates at location 577______________________ Yield Components TMT 5 6 7 8 2/ LSD.05 ' N Rate (kg/ha) 0 50 100 150 Grain Yield (q/ha) Udy Grain Protein %' 33.0 44.6 49,5 42.9 NS. 10.8 11.8 13.0 14.4 NS Grain N Uptake (kg/ha) # Heads per Meter of Row Kernels/ Head 142 154 202 163 42 18.9 22.7 20.3 24.8 NS 68,6 88.8 114,3 104.3 NS Weight/ 1000 kernels (g) 37.9 39.5 36.6 33.8 NS All N was topdressed as ammonium nitrate at planting. All treatments received 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate drilled with the seed, and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash topdressed at planting. I/ Calculated by multiplying grain yield x total grain N (determined using a Kjeldahl analysis for total N ) . 2/ LSD's are for all treatments, not just those shown. 37 —— Grain Yield (q/ha) — Grain Yield Protein % Protein -11.7 Applied N (kg/ha) Figure 2. Grain yield and protein response of spring wheat to rates of applied N fertilizer at location 577 38 high error terms in the analysis of variance help explain why N treat­ ment means for grain yield, N uptake and protein content were not significantly different. Variable stands probably also limited grain yield response to N fertilizer. The only yield component that was significantly affected by N rates was the number of heads per meter of row which was maximized with 100 kg N/ha. This lack of significant differences was probably due to the erratic stand caused by variable soil moisture at planting. Residual NO^-N levels at this site were high and 56 kg N/ha had been topdressed over the field and incorporated prior to selection.of . this site for the experiment. As a result, 109 kg N/ha was present in the soil at planting (Table I). Even though there were no significant differences in yield due to N rates there was a definite trend. The first 50 kg N/ha application provided enough available N to attain maximum yield. Higher N rates appeared to increase protein percent­ ages as reflected in Table 11 and Figure 2. Figure 2 suggests that grain yield was only minimally affected while protein percentage was markedly influenced by N fertilizer. Location 777 (spring wheat) As shown in Table 12, each increase in N rate significantly in­ creased grain yield. rates. Protein percentage was greatly affected by N It was significantly decreased by the 50 kg N/ha rate and then Table 12. TMT 5 6 7 8 2/ LSD.05 ' Grain yield, protein percent, N uptake by grain and yield components of spring wheat as influenced by nitrogen rates at location 777 N Rate (kg/ha) 0 50 100 150 Grain Yield (q/ha) Udy Grain Protein % Grain Uptake (kg/ha) 11.0 23.1 40.1 48.5 7.3 13.2 10.1 11.1 12.4 1.4 25.4 39.5. 67.8 94.5 14.0 Yield Components # Heads per Kernels/ 1000 Kernel Meter of Row Head Weight (g) 50 88 105 166 36 17.8 .20.9 29.0 22.9 NS 39.7 39.7 39.8 40.1 1.6 All N was topdressed as ammonium nitrate at planting. All treatments received 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate drilled with the seed, and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash topdressed at planting. I/ Calculated by multiplying grain yield x total N content (determined by Kjeldahl anal­ ysis for total H ) . 2/ 'LSD's were calculated on the basis of all treatments, not just those shown. 40 increased with each successive increase in N rate. Figure 3 graph­ ically presents grain yield and protein response to rates of N fer­ tilizer. Grain Yield Grain Yield (q/ha) Protein % Protein Applied N (kg/ha) Figure 3. Grain yield and protein response of spring wheat to rates of applied N fertilizer at location 777 As at location 577, insight into the relationship between grain yield and protein percent is gained by examining N uptake by the grain (Table 12). Nitrogen uptake by the grain, was increased 55% over the zero N rate by the application of 50 kg N/ha, while yield was doubled. The result was a marked decrease in protein percentage. Application of 100 kg N/ha nearly doubled both N uptake by the grain and yield com­ pared to the 50 kg N/ha rate. Grain yield for the 150 kg N/ha rate was increased over that of the 100 kg N/ha rate, as was N uptake by the grain; Once again protein percent was increased. Even though succes­ sively higher N rates increased protein percentage, the highest protein percentage was in the zero N rate. This dilution effect on grain protein is often observed in experiments conducted on N deficient soils. Addition of 50 kg N/ha stimulated tillering and thus signifi­ cantly increased the number of heads per meter of row and the number of kernels per head (not significantly) while 1000 kernel weight remained constant (Table 12). Nitrogen uptake by the grain was not increased as much as grain yield, and consequently protein was less them the zero N treatment. At rates above 50 kg N/ha grain yield, protein per­ centage and N uptake were increased by additional N fertilizer. The yield response as N was increased from 50 to 100 kg N/ha appeared to be the result of increased numbers of heads per meter of row and increased kernel weight. Nitrogen uptake increased enough that percent protein seemed to increase. As the N rate was increased to 150 kg N/ha, a 42 still greater number of heads per meter of row were observed, but average kernels per head decreased. Nitrogen uptake increased enough to cause another increase in protein percent. Location 876 (barley) As shown in Table 13, barley grain yield increased from 12.4 q/ha for the zero N treatment to 30.2 q/ha upon the addition of 50' kg N/ha. At the same time, grain N uptake increased, however percent protein decreased dramatically (see Figure 4). While grain N uptake increased slightly, both yield and percent protein significantly increased in response to 100 kg N/ha. Grain yield and protein percent for the •150 kg N/ha treatment were slightly higher than those of the 100 kg N/ha treatment. Grain N uptake however was significantly increased. The degree of lodging increased proportionally with N rate until at the 150 kg N/ha rate the entire plot lodged. Addition of 50 kg N/ha at location 876 increased grain yield by nearly tripling the number of heads per meter of row while the number of kernels per head and kernel weight remained unchanged. Nitrogen up­ take by the grain doubled, however percent protein was significantly less than that of the zero N treatment. Addition of 100 kg N/ha in­ creased yield above the 50 kg N/ha treatment by increasing the number of kernels per head. The number of heads per meter of row and kernel weight were not different from the 50 kg N/ha treatment. Nitrogen Table 13. TKP 5 6 .7 8 2/ LSD.05 ' Grain yield, percent protein, grain N uptake and yield components of barley as influenced by nitrogen rates at location 876 N Rate (kg/ha) 0 50 100 150 Grain Udy Grain Yield Protein % (q/ha) 12.4 30.2 42.5 45.8 6.2 9.5 7.3 9.4 9.4 1.1 Grain N Uptake (kg/ha) 19.7 46.8 58.2 75.8 14.0 Yield Components # Heads per Kernels/ 1000 Kernel Meter of Row Head Weight (g) 48 119 118 140 53 15.4 15.7 24.0 20.0 NS 51.0 49.7 51.1 49.8 1.9 . Lodging Score 1.0 1.0 2.8 5.0 0.7 All N was topdressed as ammonium nitrate at planting. All treatments received 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash topdressed at planting. I/Calculated by multiplying grain yield x total N content (determined using the Kjeldahl technique). 2/ LSD's were calculated on the basis of all treatments at shown. this location, not just those w 44 Grain Yield Protein Grain Yield (q/ha) % Protein Applied N (JcgAa) Figure 4. Grain yield and protein response of barley to rates of applied N fertilizer at location 876 45 uptake by the grain was significantly higher than the 50 kg N/ha treatment and protein was significantly higher as well. Addition of 150 kg N/ha increased yield above that of the 100 kg N/ha treatment. by means of an increase in the number of heads per meter of row. Nitrogen uptake by the grain was higher than in the 100 kg N/ha treat­ ment and protein percentage remained unchanged. Data on response to added increments of N for locations 777 and 876 (Figures 3 and 4) indicate that this site was highly responsive 3 to additions of N fertilizer. Because of this response, it should be possible to detect differences between N sources and methods of ap­ plications if these variables influenced N fertilizer use efficiency. Near maximum yields and N uptake by grain were obtained at location 577 with the addition of 50 kg N/ha (Figure 2). Since all N source and method of application treatments received at least 50 kg N/ha at planting, and since plot variability was high at this location, it is doubtful that differences between N source and method of application treatments could be detected if they occurred. Effectiveness of N Sources Relative to Ammonium Nitrate and Comparison of N with and without Sulfur Treatments 9, 10 and 11 were included in the experiment to compare the effectiveness of different sources of nitrogen fertilizer 3. Locations 777 and 876 were adjacent to one another in the same field. / 46 (Table 14). The fertilizers evaluated also provided a comparison be­ tween nitrogen and nitrogen plus sulfur. All comparisons were made at the 5% probability level. Spring Wheat, Location 577 Even though both grain yield and N uptake were higher for the AN treatment than the other treatments, there were no significant dif­ ferences between N source means at location 577 (Table 14). There were no statistically significant differences in yield or N uptake between N and N + S sources although grain yield and N uptake for AN were greater them for ANS. The low number of heads per meter of row for UAS was probably due to soil variability rather than source of nitrogen (Table 14). The third replication at this location was underlain in places by very coarse textured subsoil. The water holding capacity in these areas was lower than that of the surrounding soil. The amount of water, available to plants was therefore lower as well. Plots located above these areas had visibly less tillering than neighboring plots. In replication three, the UAS treatment had 116 heads per meter of row compared to 175 and 177 for replications one and two respectively. This disparity accounts for the significant difference from the AN source treatment. Yields of S and no-S treatments were compared using a linear combination of means (Snedecor and Cochran, 1969). Yields and yield Table 14. Grain yield, protein, N uptake and yield components of spring wheat as ___________ influenced by nitrogen fertilizer source at location 577______________ TMT N Source Std (7) 9 10 AN UR ANS UAS H 2/ LSD.05 ' Grain Yield (q/ha) 49.5 40.3 38.9 43.1 NS Udy Grain Protein % 13.0 13.6 13.7 12.7 NS Grain N Uptake (kg/ha) 114.3 95.8 87.8 93.6 NS Yield Components # Heads i?er Kernels/ 1000 Kernel Meter of Row Head Weight (g) 202 172 188 156 42 20.3 21.0 17.3 22.7 NS 36.6 34.3 36.4 37.1 NS AN: Ammonium Nitrate (34-0^0); DR: Urea (46-0^0); ANS: Ammonium Nitrate Sulfate (30-0-0-6.5 S); DAS: Urea Ammonium Sulfate (40-0-0-6 S) applied at a rate of 100 kg N/ha. 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate was drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash was topdressed at planting. I/ Calculated by multiplying grain yield x total N content of the grain (determined using the Kjeldahl technique). 2/ LSD's calculated on the basis of all treatments at this location, not just those shown. 48 components of treatments 10 and 11 (S sources) were averaged and com­ pared to those of treatments 7 and 9 (no S).. Figure 5 graphically illustrates these data. There were no significant differences at­ tributable to sulfur. Since ANS and AN chemically differ only by a small amount of NH^SO^ in the ANS, and UAS and UR are chemically very similar, yields and yield components of ANS and AN were averaged and compared to the average of UAS and UR using a linear combination of means to further compare N sources. As shown in Figure 5, AN treatments produced signi­ ficantly more heads per meter of row than UR treatments, although there were no other, significant differences. This low number of heads per meter of row was probably due to limited soil moisture in the UAS treatment (as previously described) rather than a response to N source. Recall that location 577 (Figure 2) was not responsive to additions of N fertilizer. Due to the high initial soil N O - N concentration, 3 yields were maximized with the addition of 50 kg N/ha. Since all N source treatments received 100 kg N/ha, it is doubtful that any dif­ ferences in yield or N uptake attributable to source of N could have been detected. Spring Wheat, Location 777 Table 15 presents yield, grain protein and N uptake response to N source at location 777. Grain yields were variable ranging from 49 1000 Kernel Weight (g) Heads/Meter of Row AN > DR* 200 180 ' Kemels/head Grain Yield (q/ha) AN UR All N applied at the rate of 100 kg/ha. All treatments received 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash topdressed at planting. * Significantly different at the 5% probability level. Figure 5. Influence of sulfur and N source on yield and yield components of spring wheat grain at location 577 Table 15. Wheat grain yield, protein, N uptake and yield components as influenced by ___________nitrogen fertilizer source at location 777________ . ____________________ TMT Std (7) 9 10 11 2/ LSD.05 ' .N Source AN UR ANS UAS Grain Yield (q/ha) Udy Grain Protein % Grain N Uptake (kg/ha) 40.1 37.6 37.9 35.4 2.3 11.1 11.6 10.3 11.2 1.4 67.8 74.5 65.6 68.0 14.0 Yield Components # Heads ijer Kernels/ 1000 Kernel Meter of Row Head Weight (g) 105.5 144.2 126.5 102.2 36.2 29.0 20.5 24.7 26.7 NS 39.8 40.9 40.1 40.3 1.6 AN: Ammonium nitrate (34-0-0); UR: Urea (46-0-0) ; ANS: Amonium Nitrate Sulfate (36-0-0-6„5 s); UAS: Urea Amdnium Sulfate (40-0-0-6 S) applied at a rate of 100 kg N/ha. 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate was drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash was topdressed at planting. ^Calculated by multiplying grain yield x total grain N (determined using the Kjeldahl technique). 2/ 'LSD's calculated on the basis of all treatments at this location, not just those shown. 51 35.4 q/ha with.UAS to 40.1 q/ha with AN. Nitrogen uptake and per­ cent protein were maximized by addition of urea, as were the number of heads per meter of row. While the differences were not signif­ icant, the number of kernels per head was least for. the urea treatment, so that final yield and grain protein percent for urea were not dif­ ferent from the other treatments. Figure 6 graphically displays linear combinations of means compar­ ing yields and yield components of S to no S treatments and AN to UR treatments combined as at Location 577. There were no significant responses to S or source of N. Yield at location 777 was highly responsive to additions of N fertilizer (Figure 3). Therefore differences in yield, protein or N uptake due to N source, should have been detected if present. It appears that urea was more efficiently taken up by the plants result­ ing in higher number of heads per meter of row than other treatments. Barley, Location 876 Data for N source treatments at location 876 are listed in Table 16. Barley grain yield for the urea treatment was significantly higher than yields with the other treatments, due primarily to an increased number of heads per mater of row. Nitrogen uptake by the grain of the urea treatment was not higher than that of the other treatments, con­ sequently. protein percentage was lower than the AN treatment although 52 Heads per Meter of Row 120 1000 Kernel Weight (g) * Kemels/head Yield (q/ha) All N applied at the rate of 100 kg/ha. All treatments received 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash topdressed at planting. Figure 6. Influence of sulfur and N source on yield and yield components of spring wheat grain at location 777 Table 16. TMT Std (7) 9 10 11 2/ LSD.05 Z Barley grain yield, protein , N uptake and yield components as influenced by nitrogen fertilizer source at location 876 N Source AN UR ANS UAS Grain Yield (q/ha) Udy Grain Protein .% 42.5 48.6 40.1 40.0 6.1 9.4 8.4 8.0 8.5 1.1 Grain Uptake (kg/ha) 58.2 70.4 52.1 57.5 14.0 - Yield Components # Heads I?er Kernels/ 1000 Kernel Meter of Row Head Weight (g) 118.0 157.8 140.0 131.8 52.7 24.0 18.6 17.8 19.0 NS 51.1 50.7 48.4 49.4 1.9 AN: Amsonium Nitrate (34-0-0)? UR: Urea (46-0-0); ANS: Ammonium Nitrate Sulfate (30-0-0-6.5 S); UAS; Urea Ammonium Sulfate (40-0-0-6 S) applied at the rate of 100 kg N/ha. 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate was drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash was topdressed at planting. ^Calculated by multiplying grain yield % total grain N (determined using the Kjeldahl technique). 2/ LSD's calculated on the basis of all treatments at this location, not just those shown. 54 the difference was not significant. Protein percentage for the ANS treatment was lower than the AN treatment, reflecting decreased N up­ take efficiency. As at spring wheat locations (577 and 777), linear combinations of means of yield and yield components were used to compare S to no S treatments and AN to UR treatments. These data are shown in Figure 7. There were no significant differences except in yield where no S treat­ ments produced a higher yield than S treatments. due to the high yield of the UR treatment. This difference is At location 876, N .uptake was less for N + S fertilizers than for N only fertilizers. 1 Figure 4 shows that barley grain yields and protein at location 876 were highly responsive to additions of N fertilizers. At the barley site (876), UR produced a significantly higher yield than other N sources. Also at location 876, ANS treatments had significantly lower protein percentages than other N source treatments. Yield and N Uptake Response to Simulated Fertigation Treatments The primary objective of this experiment was to evaluate the rel­ ative effectiveness of delaying application of various proportions of the total amount of N fertilizer as would happen with fertigation through sprinkler systems (treatment 12-16). This was accomplished by comparing 55 Heads per Meter of Row 1000 Kernel Weight (g) 1451 135- KemelsAiead Yield (qAia) +S < -S* AN UR All N applied at the rate of 100 kgAia. All treatments received 22.5 kg PAia as triple super phosphate drilled with the seed and 45 kg KAia as muriate of potash topdressed at planting. ♦Significantly different at the 5* probability level. Figure 7. Influence of sulfur and N source on yield and yield components of barley at location 876 56 treatments simulating fertigation with a standard treatment which consisted of topdressing 100 percent of the H fertilizer immediately following seeding (treatment 7, Table 3). Yield, yield components, grain protein and N fertilizer uptake were the parameters compared. Unless otherwise indicated, all comparisons were made at the 5% prob­ ability level. Yield Response Spring Wheat, Location 577 Data in Table 17 show a tendency for yield to decrease and protein to increase as the amount of N applied at planting (Table 3) was reduced. Yield and protein differences between treatments were not statistically significant at the 5% probability level, however. The number of heads per meter of row generally declined with later ap­ plications of N (1st and 2nd. irrigation). The number of kernels per head and 1000 kernel weight were variable and no trends were apparent. Treatment 16 was included in the experiment to see if an application of N after ear emergence would increase grain protein. While protein was higher for treatment 16 than for other treatments, the difference is not statistically significant. The factor that had the greatest affect on yield, yield components and grain protein was the amount of W applied at planting. Grain yield is a product of yield components which are determined sequentially , Table 17. TMT Std (7) 12 13 14 15 16 jy LSD.05 Spring wheat yield, yield components and grain protein as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 577 N Rates (kg/ha) Irrigation Planting 1st 2nd 3rd 100 75 75 50 50 100 25 —— 50 25 —— — 25 —— 25 —— —— —— —— — 25 Grain Yield (q/ha) Ody Grain Protein S 49.5 45.0 41.8 40.7 37.3 39.2 NS 13.0 13.3 13.6 13.9 13.5 14.5 NS Yield Components # Heads per Kernels/ 1000 Kernels Meter of Row Head weight (g) 202 168 145 190 164 148 .42 20.3 24.1 28.7 19.6 21.4 21.6 NS 36.6 34.3 31.6 33.5 34.4 37.8 NS All N was applied as Ammonium Nitrate (34-0-0). 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate was drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash was topdressed at planting. ^ L S D *s calculated on the basis of all treatments at this location, not just those shown. 58 during the growing season as shown by the following equation: Yield (wt/a)==heads/area x kemels/head x weightA e m e l (Mitbhell, 1970c). Very often yield components are observed to exhibit a compensatory effect for one another. For example, if the number of heads per unit area is large, very likely the number of kernels per head and weight per kernel will be smaller than for a similar treatment with fewer heads per unit area. Mitchell C1970b) states that the amount of tillering, which is directly related to the number of heads per unit area, is highly dependent on nitrogen supply. Reduced nitrogen supply results in reduced tillering and hence, a reduced number of heads per unit area. If the number of heads per unit area is reduced below a critical level, maximum yield will not be attained. Since the amount of N applied at planting was the factor most af­ fecting yields, yields and yield components from treatments that received the same amount of N at planting were averaged and these averages compared to the standard treatment (7) in a pairwise manner using a linear combination of means (Snedecor and Cochran, 1969). When no significant differences due to N source were observed, treat­ ments 9, 10, and 11 were averaged with the standard treatment (7) to better estimate response to the 100 kg N A a at planting treatments. Comparison coefficients are listed in Table 18. Because treatment 16 received 125 kg N A a , it was not considered in the pairwise comparisons. 59 Table 18. Comparison coefficients for linear combination of means from wheat and barley experiments combined according to the amount of N applied at planting_____________________________________ Comparison 100 vs 75 100 vs 50 75 vs 50 7 I I 0 9 I I 0 10 I I 0 Treatment Number 12 11 I -2 0 I 0 I 13 -2 0 I 14 0 -2 -I 15 0 -2 -I When discussing combinations of means N50, N75, and NlOO will refer to the average of those treatments receiving 50, 75 or 100 kg N/ha at planting, respectively. • , Figure 8 graphically displays linear combination of means for fertigation treatments. By pooling the data in this manner, significant differences due to the amount of N applied at planting were found. N75 treatments had significantly fewer heads per meter of row than NlOO treatments. This difference was probably due to soil heter­ ogeneity rather than method of N application. As previously mentioned, variable soil moisture at seeding resulted in poor stand establishment at this location. The low number of heads per meter of row for N75 treatments (12 and 13) was due to poor establishment of treatment 13 in all three replications. Treatment 13 averaged 144.7 heads per meter of row compared with 167.5 for treatment 12 (see Table 17). As illustrated in Figure 8, kernels per head and 1000 kernel weight were higher for N75 treatments relative to NlOO treatments and N50 treatments. were not significantly different. Final yields 60 # Heads per Meter of Row 1000 Kernel Weight (g) 200-1 HlOO > N75* kg N/ha at planting N75 < NlOO > N50* kg N/ha at planting Kemels/head NlOO < N75 > N50* Grain Yield (q/ha) 45 - kg N/ha at planting kg N/ha at planting •Significantly different at the 5% probability level. Figure 8. Average of spring wheat yield components and grain yield for fertigation treatments at location 577 combined according to the amount of N applied at planting 61 Spring Wheat, Location 777 The application of 50 or 75 kg N/ha at planting resulted in' lower grain yields and higher grain protein as compared to the standard treatment of 100 kg N/ha at planting (Table 19). Differences between '' i the 100 kg N/ha and 50 kg N/ha treatments were statistically significant at the 5% probability level. Reduced yields were the result of reduced number of heads per meter of row while increased protein was associated with significantly increased kernel weights. Treatment 16, as at location 577, was included to determine if the quantity of grain protein could be increased by a-late addition of N fertilizer. . Neither yield nor grain protein was significantly affected by the late addition of N. Pairwise comparison of combined means (Figure 9) reveals that N50 treatments had significantly fewer heads per. meter of row than NlOO treatments. A large compensatory effect was observed in 1000 kernel weight (highly significant). However, final yields for N50 treatments were significantly lower (P=>.01) than either NlOO or N75 treatments. Barley, Location 876 Barley response to fertigation treatments was quite different than spring wheat response when the two crops were grown at the same loca­ tion. Data in Table 20 illustrate that with barley, the number of heads per meter and kernel weight tended to increase while the number of kernels per head tended to decrease as an increasing percentage of the Table 19. TMT Std (7) 12 13 14 15 16 I/ LSD.05 ' Wheat grain yield, protein and yield components as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 777______ ____ __________________ ______________ N Rates (kg/ha) Irrigation Planting 1st 2nd 3rd 100 75 75 50 50 100 25 —— 50 25 —— —— 25 — 25 — - —— — —— — 25 Grain Yield (q/ha) Udy Grain Protein % 40.1 35.3 35.5 29.6 29.9 41.6 7.3 11.1 12.3 12.0 13.3 14.8 11.3 1.4 Yield Components $ Heads per Kernels/ 1000 Kernel Meter of Row Head Weight (g) 105.5 93.3 111.0 86.0 84.0 117.2 36.2 29.0 28.6 22.7 24.5 24.9 28.9 NS 39.8 42.4 42.9 43.8 44.2 41.1 1.6 All N applied as Ammonium Nitrate (34-0-0). 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate was drilled with the seed; 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash was topdressed at planting. lyLSD1S are for comparisons of all treatments at this location, not just those shown. Cl M 63 # Heads/Meter of Row NlOO > N50* 100 75 kg N/ha at planting Kemels/head 1000 Kernel Weight (g) N50 > N75 > N100* kg N/ha at planting Yield (q/ha) N75 < NlOO > N50* 100 75 kg N/ha at planting 100 75 kg N/ha at planting * Significantly different at the 5% probability level. Figure 9. Average of spring wheat yield components and grain yield for. fertigation treatments at location 777 combined according to the amount of N applied at planting Table 20. Barley grain yield, protein and yield components as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 876________ _________________________ ________ I TMT Std (7) 12 13 . 14 15 16 I/ LSD.05 Z N Rates (kg/ha) Irrigation Planting 1st 2nd 3rd . 100 75 75 50 50 25 ■ 25 50 25 50 — — — — 25 25 25 --- — — — — — Grain Yield (q/ha) Udy Grain Protein % 42.5 44.0 41.7 41.5 37.0 41.1 6.1 9.4 9.0 9.3 10.0 10.2 10.6 1.1 Yield Components # Heads per Kernels/ 1000 Kernel Mater of Row Weight (g) Head 118.0 116.2 104.8 140.0 157.5 180.5 52.7 24.0 22.4 26.6 18.6 15.4 13.0 NS All N was applied as Ammonium Nitrate (34-0-0)„ 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate was drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash was topdressed at planting. 1^LSD1S are for comparisons of all treatments at this location, not just those shown. 51.1 52.3 50.9 . 53.1 51.7 54.0 1.9 65 nitrogen fertilizer was applied with irrigation. Yield components, particularly heads per meter of row and kernels pejr head, compensated ■,> for one another such that grain yield was not significantly influenced by the amount of nitrogen applied at planting. Grain protein tended to increase as a greater percentage of the N was appt Iad irri 4nn ' \ water. Only when 75 percent of the N was applied with irrigation water (treatment 16) was the grain protein level significantly different from the standard treatment, however. Examination of means combined according to the amount of N applied at planting (Figure 10) reveals that at this location, N25 (treatment 16) had significantly more heads per meter of row than any of the other treatments. row. N75 treatments had the fewest number of heads per meter of Later yield components, kernels per head and 1000 kernel weight compensated to such a degree that there were no significant differences between combined yield means. One possible explanation for the difference between spring wheat and spring barley response to fertigation is that the barley matured slower than the wheat. Thus treatment 14 which received 50 kg N/ha at planting and N/ha at the first irrigation was able to use the later N application to produce late tillers, and the number of heads per meter of row was slightly higher than the standard treatment. Treat­ ment 15 received 50 kg N/ha at planting and 25 kg N/ha at the first and second irrigations. The number of heads per meter of row wasn't # Heads per Meter of Row 66 1000 Kernel Weight (g) N25 > NlOO & N75* N50 > N75* 100 75 kg N/ha at planting Kemels/head N25 > NlOO & N75* N50 & N75 > N100* kg N/ha at planting Grain Yield (q/ha) N75 > N50 6 N25* 100 75 kg N/ha at planting 45 -I 100 75 kg N/ha at planting +Significantly different at the 5% probability level Figure 10. Average of barley yield components and grain yield for fertigation treatments at location 876 combined according to the amount of N applied at planting 67 adversely affected by this treatment either. Treatment 16 received 25 kg N/ha at planting with 50 kg N/ha and 25 kg N/ha applied with the first and second irrigations. The number of heads per meter of row for treatment 16 was significantly higher than any of the other fertigation treatments. These later applications of N probably stimulated secondary tillering to the extent that the number of kernels per head was reduced. One possible explanation for the reduced number of heads per meter of row for the N75 treatments is that the later applications of N came too late to be utilized for initial tillering, but had been completely used up before the second tillering stage. It should be noted, however, that other yield components compensated for the fewer numbers of heads (Figure 10). Yield and grain protein data from all three locations indicate that if 75% of the required amount of N fertilizer is applied at plant­ ing , the remainder of the N must be applied prior to completion of til­ lering. If the remaining N is applied after tillering is completed, protein percentage is increased, but yield is reduced. =i— --- " " ~ — ----------— -------- Nirtrogen Uptake as Influenced by Fertigation Treatments Nitrogen uptake is discussed in a separate section from yield and protein percentage because of the manner in which growing season uptake data were gathered. Locations 777 (spring wheat) and 876 (barley) 68 were subsampled three times during the growing season. Due to poor stand establishment, location 577 (spring wheat) was not sampled prior to the first fertigation treatment so only two sets of subsamples were gathered there. Itwas initially felt that due to the small sample size of the subsamples taken during the growing season, interpretation of N uptake from these samples would be limited. Analysis of variance of dry matter production at all sampling dates for locations 777 and 876 showed that there yras indeed significant variation (P < .001) attributable to treatments. Therefore, it was decided to present growing season total N content and uptake data since they help explain the relationship between yield and protein percentage. For convenience, data on yield and percent protein will be used again in this section simply to avoid having to look, back to earlier tables, All comparisons were made at the 5% probability level. Spring Wheat, Location 577 Tpe relationship between dry matter production and percent N of spring wheat for location 577 is shown in Figure 11. Data points represent averages for treatments receiving comparable amounts of N at planting. Even though differences are not statistically significant, the initial N content was proportional to the amount of N applied at planting. As the amount of dry matter increased throughout the growing Dry Matter (kg/ha) 10,000 -T r- 4.0 7,500- — 3.0 5,000- -2.0 2,500- 79 90 139 150 Cumulative days after planting Figure 11. Dry matter production and N content as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 577 Points represent sampling dates %N 70 season, percent N decreased. As indicated in Table 21, the N uptake was not significantly different at this location. Table 21. Growing season N uptake by spring influenced by fertigation treatments at lpcation 577 N Rates (kg/ha) Irrigation Planting 1st 2nd 3rd TMT Std (7) 12 13 14 15 16 jy LSD.05 z 100 75 75 50 50 100 — 25 — 50 25 — — —— 25 — 25 ——’ — . — — — — 25 2nd Sampling N Uptake (kg/ha) 8.81 11.51 10.29 6.93. 10.25 12.34 NS 3rd Sampling If Uptake (kg/ha) 19.81 21.56 19.59 22.18 18.49 12.30 NS All N was applied as ammonium nitrate. 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate was drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash was topdressed at planting. I/ LSD's are comparisons for all treatments at this location, not just those shown. Table 22 presents yield, protein and grain and straw uptake data . for spring wheat. Once again the variability of the site masked any fertigation treatment effects. However, all fertigation treatments had lower mean yields, lower mean N uptake and higher protein percent­ age than the standard treatment. 71 Table 22. Yield, protein and grain and straw N uptake of spring wheat as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 577 N Rates (kg/ha) Irrigation Planting 1st 2nd 3rd TMT Std (7) 12. 13 ■14 15 . 16 I/ LSD.05 Z 100 75 75 50 50 100 25 — 50 25 ---25 — ---25 — — 25 Grain Yield (q/ha) 49.5 45.0 41.8 40.7 37.3 39.2 NS Udy Grain Protein % 13.0 13.3 13.6 13.9 13.5 14.5 NS' N Uptake (kg/ha) Grain Straw 'Total 114.3 95.8 106.2 ■ 91.9 89.1 99.6 NS 21.4 15.3 18.6. 15.4 20.9 21.3 NS 135.7 111.1 124.8 107.3 110.0 120.9 NS All N applied as ammonium nitrate. 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate was drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash was topdressed at planting. I/ ' LSD1s are for comparisons of all treatments at this location., not just those.shown. Spring Wheat, Location 777 At location 777, treatments receiving 50 kg N/ha had lower total N contents and dry matter production than the other treatments for the first two sampling dates (Figure 12). The third samples show a re­ versal of the total N content pattern with treatments receiving 50 kg N/ha having higher total N contents than the other treatments, while dry matter production remained equal to or lower than that of the other treatments. c Nitrogen uptake (Table 23) reflects the pattern of total N content and dry matter production. Nitrogen uptake was less for treatments Dry Matter (kg/ha) 8,000 1 4.0 6,000 -3.0 - 4,000 - 2.0 X - * --2,000 -i.o __ %N 60 64 73 90 120 130 Days since planting Figure 12. Spring wheat dry matter production and N content as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 777 Points represent sampling dates 73 receiving 50 kg N/ha at planting than for other fertigation treatments in the first two samples and about the same in the third sample. Table 23. Growing season N uptake by spring wheat as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 777 N Rates (kg/ha) Irrigation Planting 1st 2nd 3rd TMT Std (7) 12 13 14 15 16 I/ LSD.05 ' 100 75 75 50 50 100 25 —— 50 25 —— — 25 —— 25 "— — —— — 25 1st Sampling N Uptake (kg/ha) 2nd Sampling N Uptake (kg/ha) 9.89 9.92 8.73 6.15 5.73 9.89 3.47 10.49 10.20 10.48 7.65 7.06 12.34 4.45 3rd Samplinc N Uptake (kg/ha) 8.91 8.68 • 9.78 7.05 11.28 8.42 5.65 All N was applied as ammonium nitrate. 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super phosphate was drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash was topdressed at planting. I/LSD's are for comparisons of all treatments at this location, not just those shown. Early in the growing season, plants in those plots receiving 50 kg N/ha at planting had less N available than plants in treatments receiving 75 or 100 kg N/ha. As a consequence, plant total N, dry mat­ ter production and N uptake was lower in the 50 kg N/ha treatments. This pattern was the same for the second samples. By the time the third samples were collected, a total of 100 kg N/ha had been added to all treatments. Since the early N deficiency in treatments, receiving 50 kg N/ha resulted in less dry matter production than the other treat- 74 merits, there was less plant material in those plots, and therefore, more nitrogen per plant. As a result, total N content was now higher in 50 kg N/ha treatments than in the other treatments. The increased N content offset decreased dry matter production so that total N up­ take for 50 kg N/ha treatments was the same as that of other fertigation treatments. The increased N content in the third samples of the 50 kg N/ha treatments helps explain why these treatments had higher grain protein percentages them the other fertigation treatments. Table 24 lists yield, protein and grain, straw and total N uptake for spring wheat at location 777. The higher total N content of dry matter compared to other fertigation treatments, coupled with the Ibw grain yield, result­ ed in the higher grain protein percentage of the 50 kg N/ha treatments. At the time of grain filling, there was more of the total 100. kg N/ha available for grain protein formation since less had been used for vegetative growth early in the growing season. Because of the. higher grain protein in 50 kg N/ha treatments, total N uptake for these treat­ ments was the same as the other fertigation treatments, even though significantly less grain was produced. Treatment 16 which received 100 kg N/ha at planting plus 25 kg N/ha at the third irrigation had the highest N uptake (significant at P < .001 level) of any of the fertigation treatments. Interestingly, 75 grain yield and. percent protein for treatment 16 were not significantly different from the standard treatment. Table 24. Spring wheat yield, protein, and N uptake of grain and straw ' _______ as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 777 N Rates (kg/ha) Irrigation Planting 1st 2nd 3rd TMT Std (7) 12. 13 14 15 16 I/ LSD.05 ' 100 . 75 75 50 ' 50 100 25 — 50 35 ----25 — ---35 — — 25 Grain Yield (q/ha) 40.1 35.3 35.5 29.6 59.9 41:6 7.3 Udy Grain •Protein % N Uptake (kg/ha) Grain Straw Total 11.1 .67.8 ' 11.9 12.3 71.7 11.9 78.9 13.2 12.0 13.3 75.3 10.5 14.8 80.5 13.5 11.3 89.5 15.2 1.4 14.0 4.5 79.7 83.6 92.1 85.8 94.0 104.7 15.4 All N applied as ammonium nitrate. 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super­ phosphate was drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash was topdressed at planting. I/ LSD's are for comparisons of all treatments at this location/ not just those shown. -Barley, Location 876 For barley at location 876, total N content, dry matter production and N uptake response was different than for spring wheat at locations 577 and.777, reflecting a difference in experimental crops and treat­ ments (Table 25 and Figure 13). Figure 13 illustrates the relationship between percent N and dry matter production. At the first sampling, there was very little variation in percent N, dry matter production or N uptake except for treatment 16. At location 876, treatment 16 76 received 25 kg N/ha at planting (see Table 3) so it is not surprising to find that percent N , dry matter production and N uptake are signi­ ficantly less for treatment 16 than for the other fertigation treat­ ments . Table 25. Growing season N uptake by barley as influenced by ___________fertigation treatments at location 876______ ______ N Rates (kg/ha) Irrigation Planting 1st 2nd 3rd TMT Std (7) 12 13 14 15 I/ LSD.05 Z 100 75 75 50 50 25 25 50 25 50 —— —— 25 — -—— 25 —— 25 — 1st Sampling N Uptake (kg/ha) 2nd Sampling N Uptake (kg/ha) 3rd Sampling N Uptake (kg/ha) 24.19 17.12 18.35 21.83 18.31 10.38 8.25 33.02 24.32 17.26 19.74 27.79 14.24 ■ 8.69 26.10 27.86 28.30 20.19 35.07 24.77 10.76 All N applied as ammonium nitrate. 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super­ phosphate was drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash was topdressed at planting. I/ LSD's are for comparisons of all treatments at this location, not just those shown. There were no significant differences in percent N at the second sampling. . Dry matter production for all fertigation treatments was less than for treatment 7 (the standard treatment) (Figure 13). As a result, N xiptcdce was also less for all fertigation treatments than for treat­ ment 7, (the standard treatment) (Table 25). s 1 0 ,0 0 0 -I r 4.0 * Dry Matter (kg/ha) 7,500 - N75 -3.0 D.M. 5,000 ~ 2,500 _ - 60 66 75 1.0 120 130 Days since planting Figure 13. Barley dry matter production and N content as influenced by fertigation treatments at location 876 Points represent sampling dates 78 By the third sampling date, treatment 16 had significantly higher total N content than other fertigation treatments. As at the second sampling, all fertigation treatments produced less dry matter than the ' standard treatment. Low dry matter production was offset by high per­ cent N so that there were no differences from the standard treatment (7) in N uptake. As discussed earlier, it's possible that barley at location 876 matured more slowly than the spring wheat at locations 577 and .777. Therefore, N added at the second fertigation may have been utilized jfpr tillering and vegetative production. Therefore, by the third sampling, dry matter production was nearly the same for all treatments except treatments 14 and 16. It should be noted again, however, that at the third sampling, all fertigation treatments had produced less dry matter than the standard treatment. At harvest, it was noted that barley plants in treatments receiv­ ing late (2nd irrigation) N applications, had developed secondary tillers. Treatment 16 produced enough secondary tillers and heads so that its grain yield was the same as the standard treatment, but with significantly higher protein (Table 26). In fact, treatment 16 had significantly higher N uptake than the standard treatment. Treatment 15 produced a higher percent protein, but less grain yield, than the standard treatment. As a result, grain N uptake was not significantly different from the standard treatment. Yield, protein and grain N 79 uptake for treatments 12, 13 and 14 were not significantly different from the standard treatment. Table 26. Barley yield, protein, and N uptake of grain as influenced ___________by fertigation treatments at location 876_________________ N Ratesi (kg/ha) Irrigation Planting 1st 2nd 3rd TMT Std (7) 12 13 14 15 16 I/ LSD.05 ' 100 75 75 . 50 50 25 25 — 50 25 50 25 —— 25 25 — —— —— — Grain Yield (q/ha) Udy Grain Protein % Grain N Uptake (kg/ha) 42.5 44.0 41.7 41.5 37.0 41.1 6.1 9.4 9.0 9.3 10.0 10.2 10.6 . 1.1 58.2 67.2 ' 65.1 ' 67.3 57.6 76.4 ■ 14.0 All N applied as ammonium nitrate. 22.5 kg P/ha as triple super­ phosphate was drilled with the seed and 45 kg K/ha as muriate of potash was topdressed at planting. "^LSD1s are for comparisons of all treatments at this location, not just those shown. It should be noted that harvest straw samples for each treatment were not taken at location 876. Total grain plus straw samples were taken for chemical analysis but it was not possible to calculate straw N uptake. Analysis of those samples for total N followed by sub­ traction of the amount of N in the grain resulted in negative values for some treatments. Therefore, no total or straw N uptake data are available. Data on percent N uptake support the conclusions reached after 80 examining yield and protein data. If 50% of the required N fertilizer is applied at planting, the rest must be applied prior to cessation of tillering, or yield will be less than if all N fertilizer was applied at planting. It also becomes evident that barley utilized split ap­ plications of N more efficiently than did spring wheat because late tillers compensated for early season N deficiency. Spring wheat on the other hand did not exhibit late tillering and yields were reduced with split applications of N. Efficiency of Uptake of N Fertilizer Nitrogen fertilizer uptake efficiency, the percentage of applied N fertilizer that was used by the plant, was to have been determined using fertilizer labelled with ^ N . Subplots within certain treatments received labelled N and samples were collected for 15 N analysis. Un­ fortunately it was not possible to analyze these samples using exist­ ing equipment at Montana State University. efficiency of fertilizer uptake based on this report. Therefore, information on 15 N data is not available for It is hoped that this analysis can be accomplished at a later date. Since data from labelled fertilizer is not available, efficiency of N fertilizer uptake discussed here is based on the "difference method". The amount of fertilizer N taken up by the crop is calculated as the difference in total N uptake between fertilized and unfertilized 81 treatments. It must be assumed that immobilization, mineralization, • \ and other N transformations during the course of the experiment are the same for treated and untreated soils. In most cases this assump­ tion is not valid (Hauk and Bremner, 1976). There have been several mechanisms proposed to explain the effect of nitrogen fertilizers on the release of soil N. Most investigators agree that mineralization of soil N increases upon ad­ ditions of fertilizer N (Broadbent, 1968; Fried and Broeshart, 1974; Westerman and Kurtz, 1974). The explanation of this phenomenon is under debate. Broadbent (1968) , in a review article, found four proposed ex­ planations of the "priming effect". Some researchers feel that the stimulation of soil mineralization is due to stimulation of microbial activity. Since much of the data on the "priming effect" compare N content of plants, some researchers feel that plant roots in higher N plots are stimulated and explore a larger volume of soil and therefore take up more soil N. While this may be a partial explanation, other researchers have shown fertilizer N increased amounts of available soil N in pots in whiph no plants were growing. Still other research­ ers feel that non-biological exchange reactions are responsible for the priming effect, especially when ammonium fertilizers are used. That is ammonium ions were fixed by reactions involving clay minerals. Broadbent (1968), however, shows that clay fixed ammonium is not 82 involved in the priming effect. Another proposed mechanism is the Salt Effect. The fertilizer added increases the osmotic potential of the soil solution, plasmolyzing microbes which might result in mineral­ ization of soil N without mobilization taking place. It appears that none of these explanations accounts for the stimulating effect that is known to occur. Rather a combination of several mechanisms is probably responsible for the observed effect. It was felt, however, that even though use of the difference method involves overlooking the priming effect of N fertilizers, as long as the assumptions in its use are known and understood, uptake values calculated in this manner are useful. Table 27 reports fertilizer uptake efficiency for all three loca­ tions. The percent of applied fertilizer recovered is higher for grain than straw at locations 577 and 777. The amount of applied N recovered was higher at locations 777 and 876 than at location 577 re­ flecting the high amount of available soil N at location 577. There are, however, no differences in amount of applied N recovered at­ tributable to amount of applied N, or method of application or N source. Table 27. TMT I 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Efficiency of N fertilizer uptake at three locations as calculated by difference method N Rates (kg/ha) Irrigations Planting 1st 2nd 3rd — — — — — — — % of Applied N Recovered 577 Spring Wheat 777 Spring Wheat Grain Straw Grain Straw — — — — — — — 876 Barley Grain — — 100 100 100 16.77 12.53 44.33 2.53 11.97 11.70 44.23 46.13 44.23 11.63 8.70 8.73 44.53 49.87 46.97 50 100 150 100 100 100 75 75 50 50 100 25 38.67 46.40 24.53 30.03 22.77 33.20 27.23 37.33 23.83 21.00 26.80 — NS 6.33 13.03 11.83 14.07 7.10 11.80 7.27 10.83 6.87 12.30 10.13 27.67 42.20 45.83 49.07 40.17 42.40 46.47 53.07 49.27 55.30 51.23 3.67 6.93 8.50 7.33 9.87 5.30 6.93 8.33 5.60 9.00 9.20 53.87 38.97 37.83 50.70 32.43 37.53 47.27 45.10 47.43 38.67 25 — — 50 25 — — — 25 — — — — — 25 — — — — — — 25 50 25 — — LSD.05 ^Spring wheat locations 577 and 777 2/ Barley location 876 — — — — — NS NS NS — — 56.47 NS CONCLUSIONS The primary objectives of this study were to determine the effect of applying various proportions of the required N fertilizer to small grains at different times through sprinkler systems, and to determine optimum timing of such applications. Data from all three locations indicated that the amount of N ap­ plied at planting is directly related to yield and inversely related to grain protein percentage. Lower yields of spring wheat in treat­ ments receiving less N than the standard treatment were due to fewer heads per unit area. Barley yields were less affected by the amount of N applied at planting, probably due to slower maturation and stimulation of secondary tillering in the barley. Nitrogen applied later in the growing season was used by the plants to produce protein rather than grain. In order to insure that yields are not reduced by inadequate N in early growth stages, 75% of the total N requirement should be applied at planting, and the rest should be applied before tillering ceases, so the number of heads per unit area is not adversely affected. Nitrogen fertilizer uptake efficiency was calculated using the "difference method", since analysis of plants from;15N labelled sub­ plots was not completed. Sprinkler application of N did not affect efficiency of fertilizer N uptake compared to topdressing at planting. 85 Data were also collected to compare crop response to other sources of N fertilizer with response to ammonium nitrate. no differences in response to N sources in spring wheat. There were However, urea produced higher barley yields than the other N sources while ammonium nitrate sulfate produced significantly less protein in barley than the other N sources. Since the barley and one spring wheat experiment were adjacent to one another in the same field, this indicates that barley responded differently than spring wheat to N source. sources also provided data on response to sulfur. The various N At all locations, there were no responses attributable to additions of sulfur. Data were also collected to strengthen correlations between soil test values and crop response to P and K fertilizers. Data from the K treatments was consistent with present fertilizer guides for irrigated spring grains. Correlations for P soil test values and crop response to P fertilizer need to be strengthened, however, since the fertilizer guide predicted a response to P and none was observed. SUMMARY Fertigation, applying fertilizers with irrigation water, a common practice in many areas, is a new method of fertilizer application in Montana. Since fifty percent or more of Montana's precipitation falls early in the growing season, irrigation initiation is delayed restrict­ ing the timing of fertilizer application through sprinklers. Conse­ quently, extrapolation of data from areas where irrigation begins earlier in the growing season may not be valid. In order to ensure proper fertilizer utilization, guidelines for fertigation in Montana need to be developed. During the summer of 1977, three experiments were established at two locations to determine the yield response of spring wheat and barley to N fertilizer applied in part through sprinklers. Various proportions of the total N fertilizer ranging from 50 to 100 percent, were applied at planting. The remainder of the N fertilizer was applied in one or two simulated fertigation treatments during the growing, season. Since the experiments consisted of a large number of small plots, fertigation was simulated by topdressing N as dry material im­ mediately before an irrigation. The factor that had the greatest affect on grain yield, yield components and grain protein was the amount of N fertilizer applied at planting. The application of 50 or 75 percent of the total N fertilizer at planting resulted in lower grain yields and higher grain protein 87 than applying 100 percent of the N fertilizer at planting. Reduced grain yields of spring wheat in fertigation treatments were the result of an early growing season N deficiency which resulted in the production of fewer heads per meter of row. Reduced yields of barley in fertiga­ tion treatments were due to an, early growing season N deficiency which resulted in fewer kernels per head. The difference in response of •spring wheat and barley may have been due to slower maturation of the barley plants. High grain protein in fertigation treatments, was as­ sociated with high late growing season N contents. That is, low grain yield coupled with a high late growing season N content resulted in high grain protein. Experiments at each location included comparisons of,grain yield response to ammonium nitrate with ammonium nitrate sulfate, urea and urea ammonium sulfate. There were no significant differences in spring wheat grain yields attributable to N source. However,•U produced i higher barley grain yields than the other N sources. 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APPENDIX I SOIL SERIES DESCRIPTIONS 95 APPENDIX I, SOIL SERIES DESCRIPTIONS Soil Series Description, Location 577 The Mussel series is a member of the fine-loamy, mixed (calcareous), frigid family of Ustic Torriorthents. Typically, Mussel soils have light brownish gray loam A horizons and stratified C horizons with faint accumulations of calcium carbonate, Typifying Pedon Mussel loam - cultivated Colors are for dry soil unless otherwise noted. Ap 0-7"— Light brownish gray (10YR 6/2)loam, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist; weak medium blocky structure; hard, friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; slightly effervescent; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2);clear smooth boundary. Clca (4 to 8 inches thick). 7-41”— Light gray (10YR 7/2) loam, brown (IOYR 5/3) moist; weak coarse prisms separating to weak platy structure; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; common fine roots and tubular pores; common fine filaments of calcium carbonate; violently effervescent; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear smooth boundary. thick). (30 to 40 inches 96 C2 41-47"— Light brownish gray (IOYR 6/2) loamy sand, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) moist; single grained; loose; 30 percent by volume of fine gravel? strongly effervescent; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear smooth boundary. (5 to 15 inches thick). C3 47-59"— Very pale brown (10YR 7/3) silt loam, pale brown (10YR 6/3) moist; massive? slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; strongly effervescent; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2); clear smooth boundary. (10 to 20 inches thick). C4 59-73"— Very pale brown (10YR 7/3) sandy loam, brown (10YR 5/3) moist; massive; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; strongly effervescent; moderately alkaline (pH 8.2). Type Location Broadwater County, Montana; 1,300 feet west and 450 feet north of the SE c o m e r of Sec. 3, T.4N., R.1E. Range in Characteristics Mean annual soil temperature ranges from 40° to 47° F. Calcium carbonate content ranges from 8 to 12 percent, occurring as filaments and soft masses in some horizons and disseminated in others. The A horizon has hue of IOYR through 5Y, dry value of 5 through 7, moist value of 3 through 5, and chroma of 2 or 3. It ranges from sandy loam to silt 97 loam, containing 0 to 30 percent coarse fragments, mainly fine gravel. The C horizon has hue of IOYR through 5Y, dry value of 5 through 7, and moist value of 4 through 6, and chroma of 2 or 3. It is stratified silt loam to loamy sand with loam the dominant texture. The 10 to 40- inch section averages 18 to 30 percent clay and 15 to 35 percent fine and coarser sand. Subhorizons as much as six inches thick containing as much as 30 percent by volume of coarse fragments occur in some pedons Competing Series and Their Differentiae There are the Delphill, Hillon, and Patent series. Delphill soils have platy siltstone bedrock at depths of 20 to 40 inches. Hillon soils formed in loam-textured glacial till and have a dry bulk density of 1.7 or greater below depths of about 30 inches. Patent soils lack a Cca horizon. Setting Mussel soils are on nearly level to sloping fans and terraces at elevations of 3,800 to 4,500 feet. alluvium. They formed in stratified calcarous The climate is cool, semiarid. Mean annual temperature is 38° to 45° F.; mean summer temperature is 60° to 65° F. precipitation is 10 to 14 inches. Annual The frost-free period is 90 to 120 days. Principal Associated Soils These are the Amesha, Crago, Musselshell and Scravo soils, all of which have calcium horizons. Amesha soils have coarse-loamy control sections. 98 Crago soils have loamy-skeletal control sections. Musselshell soils have carbonatic mineralogy. Scravo soils have sandy-skeletal control sections. Drainage and Permeability v Well-drained; slow or medium runoff? moderate permeability. Use and Vegetation Mainly dry-farmed to wheat and barley. Native plants are bluebunch wheatgrass, needle-and-thread, western wheatgrass, blue grama, prairie junegrass, and fringed sagewort. Distribution and Extent Valleys in western and central Montana. The soils are moderately extensive. Series Established Broadwater County Area, Montana, 1971 Remarks Mussel soils were formerly classified as Regosols. Additional Data Lincoln Laboratory SVOMont 4-5 and SVOMont 4-6 Soil Series Description, Locations 777 and 876 The Hysham series is a member of the fine-loamy, mixed (calcareous), mesic family of Ustic Torrifluvents. Typically, Hysham soils are very strongly alkaline soils with weak horizonation, developed in calcareous, 99 strongly and very strongly alkaline, light yellowish brown, stratified loam alluvium. Typifying Pedon Hysham loam - native grass and shrubs Colors are for dry soil unless otherwise noted. Al 0-3"— Grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) loam, very dark grayish brown (2.5Y 3/2) moist; vesicular massive crust as uppermost 1/2 inch with weak thin to thick platy structure below; soft, very friable; slight effervescence; strongly alkaline (pH 9.0); abrupt boundary. B2 (I to 3 inches thick). 3-8"— Light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3) loam, alive brown (2.5Y 4/2) and very dark grayish brown (2.5Y 3/2) moist; weak coarse columnar structure; extremely hard, friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; column faces have very thin coatings that make them very slippery when wet; insides of columns are slightly sticky and slightly plastic; strong effervescence; very strongly alkaline (pH 9.5); clear boundary. Cl (0 to 5 inches thick). 8-12"--Light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3) loam, olive brown (2.5Y 4/3) and very dark grayish brown (2.5Y 3/2) moist; weak coarse blocky structure; very hard, very friable, strong effervescence; very strongly alkaline (pH 9.5). (I to 4 inches thick). 100 C2 12-60"— Light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3) stratified loam, very fine sandy loam and silt loam; light olive brown (2.5Y 5/3) moist; massive; slightly hard, very friable; strong ef­ fervescence ; few threads of salt in middle part; very strongly alkaline (pH 9.3). Type Location Treasure County, Montana; 300 feet east and 100 feet north of SW corner of SE1/4NE1/4 Sec. 24, T.6N., R.24E. Range in Characteristics Hysham soils are usually dry between depths of 4 and 12 inches when soil temperature at a depth of 20 inches is warmer than 41°F., but they are not dry in all parts above 12 inches for more than 1/2 the time during this period. Mean annual soil temperature ranges from 47° to 50° F.. Hue is 10YR through 5Y. The materials between depths of 10 to 40 inches are loam or clay loam with 20 to 35 percent clay. horizon has value of 5 or less dry and 3 or less moist. incipient A2 horizon is present in some pedons. The Al A thin The B2 horizon ranges from weak medium or coarse columnar to weak medium or coarse blocky structure with very hard or extremely hard consistence. In some pedons there are coatings of brown as streaks or bands on the surface of the peds. In some pedons there are mycelial segregations of both lime and salts. 101 Competing Series and Their Differentiae These are the Arvada, B a m u m , Bone, Haverson, San Mateo and Vananda series. Arvada and Bone soils have distinct horizonation with albic and natric horizons and have more than 35 percent clay in the control section. Bamran soils have hue of 5YR or IOR in the C horizon. Haverson soils lack very strong alkaline reaction or compact and. hard consistence of subsurface horizons and they do not have a crusted surface in cultivated fields. San Mateo soils are moderately alkaline. Vananda soils have more than 35 percent clay. Setting Hysham soils are on level to sloping alluvial fans and stream terraces. They formed in calcareous, very strongly alkaline alluvium of mixed mineral origin. The climate is cool semiarid with mean annual temperature ranging from 45° to 50° F., and mean annual precip­ itation ranging from 10 to 14 inches. Principal Associated Soils These are the Heldt, Lohmiller, and McRae soils and the competing Haverson soils. Heldt soils have more than 35 percent clay in the con­ trol section and have less than 15 percent exchangeable sodium in the subsoil. Lohmiller soils are fine textured, light colored soils of the valley bottom lands. McRae soils have cambiv horizons and Cca horizons. S 102 Drainage and Permeability WeII-drained; slow permeability. Use and Vegetation Used mainly as native pasture. Some areas are in cultivation, but poor crops reflect the high alkali and salt conditions in the soil. Vegetation is mainly western wheatgrass, Sandberg bluegrass, sagebrush, greasewood, and pricklypear. Distribution and Extent Moderately extensive in southeastern Montana. Series Established Treasure County, Montana, 1961. Remarks Hysham soils were formerly classified as Alluvial soils. APPENDIX II, YIELD AND N UPTAKE DATA AND ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE FOR SPRING WHEAT AT LOCATION 577 Table 28. Irrigated Newana spring wheat yield, yield components, as influenced by N fertilizer rates, sources, and amount of N applied at irrigation. Robert ___________Hensley location - experiment 577________________________________________ TMT I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 _________ Fertilizer Treatments______________ Nitrogen (kg/ha)_________ P K banded bdc. @ w.seed Irrigation1^ Total Bdc. @ planting Planting 1st 2nd 3rd N (kg/ha) (kg/ha) n 2/ Source „ 100 100 100 — 50 100 150 100 100 100 75 75 50 50 100 — — — 25 — 50 25 — — 25 — 25 — — —— — — 25 100 100 100 — 50 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 — 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 45 45 — 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 AN AN AN AN AN AN AN UR ANS UAS AN AN AN AN AN Grain Yield (kg/ha) 3746 3967 3188 4775 3300 4462 4948 4291 4026 3887 4314 4499 4180 4065 3728 3921 NS 1^Ammonium nitrate broadcast just prior to irrigation: 1st - 6/1/77 - tillering. 2nd - 6/21/77 - last leaf visible, 3rd - 7/7/77 - ears out. 2/ AN-ammonium nitrate (34-0-0), UR-urea (46-0-0), ANS-ammonium nitrate sulfate (30-0-0-6.5 S), UAS-urea ammonium sulfate (40-0-0-6 S). Table 28. TMT I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 (Continued) Total Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha) 6956 7357 7148 9228 6173 8385 9315 8543 8377 7714 8566 8532 7754 7830 8276 7787 HS Test Weight (kg/hl) Grain Protein % Plant Height cm 80.7 80.0 74.9 79.5 80.3 80.4 79.9 77.3 78.3 79.0 79.5 78.7 76.5 77.8 78.0 79.3 NS 11.0 13.5 14.2 13.3 10.8 11.8 13.0 14.4 13.6 13.7 12.7 13.3 13.6 13.9 13.5 14.5 NS 77.3 79.7 77.7 81.0 76.0 79.3 83.0 85.7 83.0 81.7 79.7 83.0 81.3 82.0 78.0 80.3 NS Spikes/m of row 121.8 152.2 146.5 190.2 141.8 154.0 202.3 156.0 172.2 187.8 156.0 167.5 144.7 189.8 164.2 147.5 NS Yield Components 1000 Kernels/ Kernel wt. spike (q) 23.8 21.1 20.9 21.2 18.9 22.7 20.3 24.8 21.0 17.3 22.7 24.1 28.7 19.6 21.4 21.6 NS 39.4 37.8 32.4 36.7 37.9 39.5 36.6 33.8 34.3 36.4 37.1 34.3 31.6 33.5 34.4 37.8 NS Grain wt/spike (g) .939 .797 .667 .780 .715 .893 .744 .827 .727 .628 .845 .826 .905 .655 .723 .816 NS 106 Table 29. Analysis of variance for grain yield (Ibs/a) at spring wheat location 577 Source Sum Square DF Mean. Square F Reps. Trts. Error Total 106991.521 8076076.064 13588110.303 21771177.889 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 53495.761 538405.071 452937.010 .118 1.189 549.507 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 30. Analysis of variance for total spring wheat dry matter yield (Ibs/a) at location 577 Source Sum Square Reps. Trts. Error Total 1259469.845 24556492.862 35099534.697 60915497.404 DF Mean Square F 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 629734.923 1637099,524 1169984.490 .538 1.399 883.170= Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 31. Source ) Reps* Trts. Error Total Analysis of variance for test weight(Ibs/bu) of spring wheat at location 577 Sum Square 2.069 67.563 86.636 156.268 DF Mean Square F 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 1.035 4.504 2.888 .358 1.560 1.388= Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means 107 Table 32. Source Analysis of variance of spring wheat protein percentage at location 577 Sum Square DF Mean Square F I Reps. Trts. Error Total 3.316 54.747 55.024 113.086 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 1.658 3.650 1.834 .904 I .990 1.106= Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table. 33. Analysis of variance of the number of heads per meter of row • _________ for spring wheat at location 577_____ ______________________ Source Sum Square DF Mean Square F Reps. Trts. Error Total 2196.259 20891.222 19380.573 42468.054 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 1098.129 1392.748 646.019 1.700 2.156 20.753= Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 34 . Analysis of variance for plant height (cm) of spring wheat at location 577 Source Sum Square DF Mean Square F Reps. Trts. Error Total 81.167 291.917 746.833 . 1119.917 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 40.583 19.461 24.894 1.630 .782 4.074= Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means 108 Table 35. Analysis of variance for 1000 kernel weight (g) of spring ~ ______ wheat at location 577_________ ______ ___________________ Source ■ Sum Square DF Reps. Trts. Error Total 15.983 26.2.910 349.528 628.421 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 Mean Square 7.992 17.527 11.651 F .686 1.504 2.787 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 36. Analysis of variance for the number of kernels per head for spring wheat at location 577 Source Sum Square DF Mean Square F Reps. Trts. Error Total 25.856 317.083 548.867 891.807 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 12.928 21.139 18.296 .707 1.155 3.492=Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 37. Analysis of Variance for the grain weight per head for ___________spring wheat at location 577__________________________ Source Sum Square DF Meam Square Reps. Trts. Error Total .060 .381 .735 1.176 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 .030 .025 .024 .128 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means F ■ 1.229 1.037 Table 38. Irrigated Newana spring wheat nitrogen uptake as influenced by N fertilizer rates, sources, and amount of N applied at irrigation. Robert Hensley ___________ location - experiment 577____________________________________________ _____ __________________________Fertilizer Treatments___________________ _ _________Nitrogen (kg/ha)___________ P K . banded bdc. @ Bdc. @ Irrigation Total w/seed planting N TMT_________Planting 1st 2nd 3rd_____N_________ (kg/ha)_____ (kg/ha)_____ Source I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 —— 100 100 100 —— 50 100 150 100 100 100 75 75 50 50 100 100 100 100 25 — — 50 25 —— —— 25 — 25 —— — — — —— 25 50 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 — — 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 — 45 45 — 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 —— AN AN AN AN AN AN AN UR ANS UAS AN AN AN AN AN ^Ammonium nitrate broadcast just prior to irrigation: 1st - 6/1/77 - tillering, 2nd - 6/21/77 - last leaf visible, 3rd - 7/7/77 - ears out. 2^AN - ammonium nitrate (34-0-0), UR - urea (46-0-0), ANS - ammonium nitrate sulfate (30-0-0-6.5 S), UAS - urea ammonium sulfate (40-0-0-6 S). Table 38. (Continued) TffT N Uptake (kg/ha) — 1.64 1.99 3.12 3.42 2.49 458.7 — — —— 333.2 411.6 282.3 435.2 392.0 5.55 — —— — 5.46 8.19 8.81 14.88 9.76 2.53 3.24 1.90 2.49 2.46 .96 454.8 317.5 364.6 411.6 501.8 NS 11.51 10.29 6.93 10.25 12.34 4.16 1.21 — 4/ — — — 3rd Irrigation Dry Matter (kg/ha) N Uptake (kg/ha) 1.13 1.69 2.13 2.05 1.33 1.67 2.24 2.46 1.96 933.1 1255.0 921.3 1239.0 987.9 1074.0 960.5 1149.0 1003.6 10.57 21.21 19.42 27.75 13.23 17.18 19.81 26.16 20.08 1.75 2.35 1.83 2.09 1.20 .64 1215.0 917.4 1153.0 933.1 1055.0 NS 21.56 19.59 22.18 18.49 12.30 NS N Content % 3^No samples were taken at the first irrigation because of the small size of the plants at that time. 4/ Thesepiots were not sampled. lie I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 2nd Irrigation3^ Dry Matter (kg/ha) N Content % Table 38. TMT N Content % 2.00 2.12 2.44 2.36 2.08 1.99 2.31 2.43 2.38 2.26 2 -545/ 2.26?/ 2 -39V 2.54V NS Grain Dry Matter (kg/ha) 3746 3967 3188 4775 3300 4462 4948 4291 4026 3887 4314 4499 4180 4065 3728 3921 NS 5/ Average of two subsamples. 6/ Average of three subsamples N Uptake (kg/ha) 74.9 84.1 77.8 112.7 68.6 88.8 114.3 104.3 95.8 87.8 93.6 95.8 106.2 91.9 89.1 99.6 NS N Content % .28 .31 .46 .45 .29 .29 .49 .61 .53 .39 *416/ :::: .17 Straw Dry Matter (kg/ha) 3210 3390 3960 4453 2873 3923 4367 4252 4351 3826 4252 4033 3574 3764 4548 3866 NS N Uptake (kg/ha) 9.0 10.5 18.2 20.0 8.3 11.4 21.4 25.9 23.1 14.9 18.3 15.3 18.6 15.4 20.9 21.3 NS 111 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 (Continued) 112 Table 39. Analysis of variance of N content (%) at the second ___________irrigation of spring wheat at location 577_________ Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Sum Square .595 14.618 6.677 21.890 DF Mean Square F 2 10 20 32 1.4618 .3339 4.38** .47 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 40. Analysis of variance of spring wheat dry matter production ___________ (kg/ha) at the second irrigation at location 577__________ Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Sum Square 16020 13390 183500 333400 DF Mean Square F 2 10 20 32 13390 9177 1.450 78.2 « Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 41. Analysis of variance of spring wheat N uptake (kg/ha) at the second irrigation at location 577 Source Sum Square DF Mean Square Reps. Trts. Error Total 3.000 237.113 119.410 369.522 2 10 20 32 24.711 5.971 2.00 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means AA Significant at the .01 probability level .F 4.13** 113 Table 42. Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Analysis of variance of N content (%) at the third irrigation of spring wheat at location 577 Sum Square .315 6.979 3.649 10.942 DF Mean Square F . 2 13 26 41 .5368 .1403 3.82** .31 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 43. Analysis of variance of spring wheat dry matter production ___________ (kg/ha) at the third irrigation at location 577__________ Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Sum Square 66,929.3 601,687.0 3,305,353.5 3,973,969.8 DF Mean Square 2 13 26 41 33,464.7 46,283.6 127,129.0 F .3643 303 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 44. Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Analysis of variance of spring wheat N uptake (kg/ha) at the third irrigation at location 577 Sum Square 8.3 904.5 1046.3 1959.1 DF Meam Square F 2 13 26 41 69.58 40.24 1.73 5.2 - Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means 114 Table 45. Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Analysis of variance of spring wheat grain N content (%) at harvest at location 577 Sum Square .1156 1.4267 2.3401 3.8824 DF Mean Square F 2 15 30 47 .0951 .0780 1.22 .23 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 46. Analysis of variance of spring wheat grain N uptake (kg/ha) at harvest at location 577 Source Sum Square DF Mean Square F Reps. Trts. Error Total 257.1 5827.4 8307.7 14,392.0 2 15 30 47 288.49 276.92 1.40 13.6 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 47. Analysis of variance of N content (%) of spring wheat straw at harvest at location 577 Source Sum Square DF Mean Square F Reps. Trts. Error Total .0075 .4543 .4536 .9154 2 15 30 47 .0303 .0151 2.00* .I = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means * Significant at the .05 probability level 115 Table 48. Analysis of variance of spring wheat straw dry matter (kg/ha) at harvest at location 577 Source Sum Square DF Reps. Trts. Error Total 1,877,652.6 9,910,614.4 15,365,200.7 27,153,467.7 2 15 30 47 ■ Mean Square F 660,707.6 512,173.4 1.29 584.3 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 49. Analysis of variance for spring wheat straw N uptake ___________ (kg/ha) at harvest at location 577___________. ______ Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Sum Square 20.8 1193.0 1297.0 2511.0 DF Mean Square F 2 15 30 47 79.56 43.24 1.84 5.4 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means APPENDIX III, YIELD AND N UPTAKE DATA AND ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE FOR SPRING WHEAT AT LOCATION 777 Table 50. Irrigated Newana spring wheat yield, yield components, as influenced by N fertilizer rates, sources, and amount of N applied at irrigation. Earle __________ Wallingford location - experiment 777____________________________________ TMT —— 100 100 100 —— 50 100 150 100 100 100 75 75 50 50 100 —— - - 25 — 50 25 — — 25 — 25 —— —— — — 25 n 2/ Source —— - - K Bdc. @ Planting (kg/ha) 100 100 100 —— 50 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 45 45 —— 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 AN AN AN AN AN AN AN UR ANS UAS AN AN AN AN AN Grain Yield (kg/ha) 926 3310 3435 4247 1099 2310 4010 4845 3764 3794 3540 3531 3554 2963 2994 4163 728 ^Ammonium nitrate broadcast just prior to irrigation on: 1st - 6/24/77 - ears visible, 2nd - 7/2/77 - flowering, 3rd - 7/19/77 - watery kernel. 2/ AN-ammonium nitrate (34-0-0), UR-urea (46-0-0), ANS-ammonium nitrate sulfate (30-0-0-6.5 S), UAS-urea ammonium sulfate (40-0-0-6 S). 117 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 Fertilizer Treatments P Nitrogen (kg/ha) banded Total w.seed Bdc. @ Irrigation^ N 1st 2nd 3rd (kg/ha) Planting TMT I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 (Continued) Total Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha) 1776 6396 6662 8009 2061 4539 7418 8828 6921 7180 6566 6735 6692 5802 5934 7859 1248 Test Weight (kg/hl) 79.0 79.0 79.5 79.3 79.9 78.9 79.0 78.9 79.3 79.1 78.7 79.0 79.3 78.0 78.0 79.8 0.98 Grain Plant Protein Height % cm 12.0 10.3 10.8 10.9 13.2 10.1 11.1 12.4 11.6 10.3 11.2 12.3 12.0 13.3 14.8 11.6 1.35 69.3 73.3 73.0 78.7 60.7 64.0 74.0 73.7 62.3 67.0 73.7 76.7 70.3 71.0 70.7 75.3 10.4 Spikes/m of row 49.0 140.8 109.3 146.3 50.2 87.7 105.5 166.5 144.2 126.2 102.2 93.3 111.0 86.0 84.0 117.2 36.2 Yield Components 1000 Kernels/ Kernel wt. spike (q) 14.4 18.1 24.0 21.4 17.8 20.9 21.0 22.9 20.5 24.7 26.7 28.6 22.7 24.5 24.9 28.9 9.7 40.2 40.1 40.5 41.6 39.8 39.7 39.8 40.1 40.9 40.1 40.3 42.4 42.9 43.8 44.2 41.1 1.6 Grain wt/spike (g) .578 .725 .970 .891 .702 .829 1.152 .918 .836 .986 1.078 1.215 .976 1.070 1.100 1.184 0.392 8 IT Table 50. 119 Table 51. Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Analysis of variance for spring wheat grain yield (Ibs/a) at location 777 Sum Square 396681.966 40234901.743 4554009.169 45185592.878 DF Mean Square F 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 198340.983 2682326.783 151800.306 1.307 17.670** 318.120 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means. ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 52. Analysis of variance <jf spring wheat total dry matter production (Ibs/a) at location 777 Source . Sum Square DF Mean Square F Reps. Trts. Error Total 220784.842 134875930.675 13366493.851 148463209.368 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 110392.421 8991728.712 445549.795 .248 20 .181** 545.007 * Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 53. Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Analysis of variance for spring wheat test weight (Ibs/bu) at location 777 Sum Square 2.282 7.382 6.179 15.843 DF 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 . Mean Square F 1.141 .492 .206 5.539 2.389* .371 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means * Significant at the .05 probability level 120 Table 54. Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Analysis of variance of spring wheat protein percentage at location 777 Sum Square .395 72.092 13.714 86.201 DF 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 F Mean Square .197 4.806 .457 .432 10.514** .552 so standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 55. Analysis of variance of the number of heads of spring wheat ._________per meter of row at location 777___________________________ Source Sum Square Reps. Trts. Error Total 3129.094 48795.018 14100.782 66024.894 DF 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 Mean Square .1564.547 3253.001 470.026 F 3.329 6.921** 17.702 == Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 56. Analysis of variance of spring wheat plant height (cm) at location 777 Source Sum Square Reps. Trts. Error Total 38.792 1176.646 1162.542 2377.979 DF Mean Square F 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 19.396 78.443 38.751 .501 2.024 5.083 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means 121 Table 57. Analysis o f variance o f 1000 k e rnel w e i g h t at location 777 (g) spring w h e a t Source Sum Square DF Mean Square Reps. Trts. Error Total 11.387 96.570 26.402 134.358 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 5.693 6.438 .880 F 6.469 7.315** .766 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 58. Analysis of variance of the number of kernels per head of spring wheat at location 777 Source Sum Square Reps. Trts. Error Total 228.439 795.758 1012.744 2036.941 DF Mean Square F 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 114.220 53.051 33.758 3.383 1.571 4.744 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 59. Analysis of variance for the grain weight per head for spring wheat at location 777 Source Sum Square DF Reps. Trts. .Error Total .351 1.513 1.665 3.529 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 Mean Square . .175 .101 .056 .192 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means F 3.158 1.817 Table 60. Irrigated Newana spring wheat nitrogen uptake as influenced by N fertilizer rates, sources, and amount of N applied at irrigation. Earle Wallingford ___________ location - experiment 777__________________________________________________ Nitrogen (kg/ha) TMT Irrigation1^ 1st 2nd 3rd K Bdc. @ Planting (kg/ha) n 2/ Source — 100 100 100 —— 50 100 150 100 100 100 75 75 50 50 100 —— — — 25 —— 50 25 — — 25 — 25 — —— — —— — 25 100 100 100 — 50 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 AN AN AN —— AN AN AN UR ANS UAS AN AN AN AN AN 1^Airanonium nitrate broadcast just prior to irrigation on: 1st - 6/24/77 - ears visible, 2nd - 7/2/77 - flowering, 3rd - 7/19/77 - watery kernel. 2/ AN - ammonium nitrate (34-0-0), UR - urea (46-0-0), ANS - ammonium nitrate sulfate (30-0-0-6.5 S), UAS - urea ammonium sulfate (40-0-0-6 S). 122 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 Bdc. @ Planting Fertilizer Treatments P banded w.seed Total (kg/ha) N Table 60. (Continued) _____1st Irrigation______ _____ 2nd Irrigation______ _____3rd Irrigation_____ N Dry N N Dry N N Dry N Content Matter Uptake Content Matter Uptake Content Matter Uptake TMT_______ %_____ (kg/ha) (kg/ha)_____ %_____ (kg/ha) (kg/ha)_____ %_____ (kg/ha) (kg/ha) 2.66 2.74 2.91 2.76 2.46 1.98 2.40 3.17 2.43 86.3 356.8 348.9 342.9 66.7 337.2 411.6 439.1 474.1 2.29 9.83 10.12 9.40 1.59 6.73 9.97 13.94 11.67 1.70 1.90 1.92 1.82 1.80 1.39 1.65 2.28 1.83 168.6 776.2 537.1 576.3 199.9 611.6 642.9 603.7 509.6 2.82 14.99 10.30 10.53 3.54 8.61 10.49 13.64 9.31 1.47 1.16 1.32 1.25 1.37 .96 1.12 1.33 1.28 250.9 909.5 756.6 1023.0 278.3 882.1 784.1 1047.0 929.1 3.67 10.37 10.66 13.34 3.75 8.49 8.91 13.91 12.23 2.34 2.44 1.87 2.05 2.65 .44 423.4 357.4 329.3 297.9 372.4 118.3 9.79 8.65 6.14 6.07 9.85 3.47 1.70 1.69 1.53 1.50 2.20 .42 595.9 627.3 505.7 478.3 564.5 240.6 10.20 10.48 7.65 7.06 12.34 4.45 1.10 1.16 1.42 1.45 1.14 .27 788.0 854.6 494.0 811.5 690.0 390.6 8.68 9.78 7.05 11.28 8.42 5.65 123 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 Table 60. TMT N Content % 2.40 2.12 2.04 1.64 2.31 1.71 1.69 1.95 1.98 1.73 1.92 2.03 2.22 2.54 2.69 2.15 .22 Grain Dry Matter (kg/ha) N Uptake (kg/ha) N Content % Straw Dry Matter (kg/ha) N Uptake (kg/ha) 926 3310 3455 4747 1099 2310 4010 4845 3764 3794 3540 3531 3554 2963 2994 4163 728 22.2 70.2 70.5 69.7 25.4 39.5 67.8 94.5 74.5 65.6 68.0 71.7 78.9 75.3 80.5 89.5 14.0 .44 .54 .43 .36 .51 .31 .35 .45 .39 .44 .34 .37 .42 .37 .46 .41 .08 850 3087 3207 3762 962 2229 3408 3983 3157 3386 3026 3204 3138 2839 2941 3696 464 3.7 16.7 13.8 13.5 4.9 6.9 11.9 17.9 12.3 14.9 10.3 11.9 13.2 10.5 13.5 15.2 4.5 124 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 (Continued) 125 Table 61. Analysis of variance of the total N content (%) of spring wheat at the first irrigation at location 777 Source Sum Sguare DF Mean Square F Reps. Trts. Error Total .0290 5.1118 1.5810 6.9918 2 13 26 41 .3932 .0712 5.52*6 .22 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 62. Analysis of variance of total dry matter production (kg/ha) ___________of spring wheat at the first irrigation at location 777 Source Sum Square DF Mean Square . F Reps. Trts. Error Total 2,299.8 545,190.0 130,960.0 678,450.0 2 13 26 41 4193.8 5036.8 8.33*6 58.0 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 63. Analysis of variance of total N uptake (kg/ha) at the first ___________irrigation by spring wheat at location 777_________________ Source Sum Square DF Mean Square F Reps. Trts. Error Total 2.37 452.35 110.79 565.51 2 13 26 41 34.80 4.26 8.17*6 1.69 = S t a n d a r d e r r o r for any two ferti l i z e r t r e a tment m e a n s ** Significant at the .01 p r o b a b i l i t y level \ 126 Table 64. Analysis of variance of total N content (%) of spring wheat at the second irrigation at location 777 Source Sum Square DF Reps. Trts. Error Total .2537 2.3606 1.6507 4.2651 2 13 26 41 Mean Square . .1816 .0635 F 2.86» .21 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means * Significant at the .05 probability level I Table 65 . Analysis of variance, of total dry matter production (kg/ha) of spring wheat at the second irrigation at location 777 Source Reps. Tirts. Error Total Sum Square 43,390 1.038.000 534,100 1.615.000 DF Mean Square F 2 13 26 41 79,800 20,540 3.89** 117.0 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 66 Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Analysis of variance of total N uptake (kg/ha) at the second irrigation by spring wheat at location 777 Sum Squares 18.46 448.93 182.83 650.22 DF 2 13 26 . 41 Mean Square 34.533 7.032 2.17 = S t a ndard e r r o r for any t wo fertil i z e r tr e a t m e n t means ** Signif i c a n t at the .01 p r o b a b i l i t y level F 4.91** 127 Table 67, Analysis o f variance of total N content (%) o f spring _____________w h e a t at the third i rrigation at location 777_________ Source Sum Square DF Reps. Trts. Error Total 1.03 .91 .68 1.62 2 13 26 41 F Mean Square .07 .026 .13 - Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means 2.67* I * Significant at the .05 probability level Table 68 . Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Analysis of variance of total dry matter production (kg/ha) of spring wheat at the third irrigation at location 777 Sum Square 29,100 2,387,000 1,408,000 3,824,000 DF Mean Square F 2 13 26 41 183,600 54,140 3.39** 190.0 =. Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 69. Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Analysis of variance of total N uptake (kg/ha) at the third irrigation by spring wheat at location 777 Sum Square 2.38 368.48 294.88 665.74 DF Mean Square F 2 13 26 41 28.345 11.342 2.50* 2.8 = S t a n d a r d e r r o r for any two f e r t i l i z e r tr e a t m e n t m e a n s * Signif i c a n t at the .05 probab i l i t y level 128 Table 70. Analysis o f variance of g rain N content at h a r v e s t at location 777 (%) of spring w h e a t Source Sum Square DF Mean Square Reps. Trts. Error Total .1620 4.3010 .5178 4.9808 2 15 30 47 .28673 .01726 F 16.6** .11 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table '71. Analysis of variance of grain N uptake (kg/ha) at harvest by spring wheat at location 777 Source . Sum Square DF Meem Square F Reps. Trts. . Error Total 212 14,927 2,129 17,268 2 15 30 47 995.16 70.95 14.0** 6.9 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 72. Analysis of variance of straw N content (%) of spring wheat at harvest at location 777 Source Sum Square DF Meam Square Reps. Trts. Error Total .0091 .1787 .1310 .3188 2 15 30 47 .0119 .0044 .05 = S t a ndard e r r o r for any two f e r t i l i z e r treatment m e a n s ** Signif i c a n t at the .01 p r o b a b i l i t y level F 2.73*6 129 Table 73. Analysis of variance of straw dry matter production (kg/ha) ___________by spring wheat at harvest at location 777______ _______ ' Source Sum Square DF Mean Square Reps. Trts. Error Total 33,725.4 35,412,421.3 3,361,139.3 38,807,286.0 2 15 30 47 2,360,828.1 112,038.0 F 21,07** 273.3 - Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Reps. Trts. Error Total Sum Square DF Mean Square F 2 15 30 47 46.80 7.28 6.43** CD Source Analysis of variance of N uptake (kg/ha) by the straw of spring wheat at harvest at location 777 00 Table 74. 702.1 218.5 929.3 2.2 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level APPENDIX IV, YIELD AND N UPTAKE DATA AND ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE FOR ______BARLEY AT LOCATION 876 ___________________ ' Irrigated Shabet barley yield, yield components, and grain uptake of nitrogen as influenced by N fertilizer rates, sources, and amount of N applied at ___________irrigation. Earle Wallingford location - experiment 876_____________________ TMT I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 Fertilizer Treatments P Nitrogen (kg/ha) Banded Total w.seed Bdc. @ Irrigation1^ N (kg/ha) Planting 1st 2nd 3rd — — ■ — 100 100 100 100 100 100 — 50 100 150 100 100 100 75 75 50 50 25 K Bdc. @ Planting (kg/ha) 25 — 50 25 50 25 —— —— — — 25 25 — — 50 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 —— 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 45 45 — 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 n 2/ Source — — AN AN AN AN AN AN AN UR ANS UAS AN AN AN AN AN Grain Yield (kg/ha) Total Dry Matter Yield (kg/ha) 1119 4532 4383 4351 1240 3021 4246 4568 4857 4007 3995 4395 4171 4152 3695 4107 613 2023 8397 8058 8691 2065 5354 8633 9120 8954 7998 7598 8047 7907 8101 6586 7977 1039 ^Ammonium nitrate broadcast just prior to irrigation: 1st - 6/1/77 - tillering, 2nd - 6/21/77 - last leaf visible, 3rd - 7/7/77 - ears out. 2/ AN - ammonium nitrate (34-0-0), UR - urea (46-0-0), ANS - ammonium nitrate sulfate (30-0-0-6.5 S), UAS - urea ammonium sulfate (40-0-0-6 S). ILT Table 75. Table 75. TMT Test Weight (kg/ha) Grain Protein % Grain Plumpness % 67.3 65.3 65.1 65.2 68.0 65.2 65.1 65.1 65.1 65.3 65.7 66.4 65.8 66.2 66.5 64.8 1.43 9.6 8.1 8.7 8.9 9.5 7.3 9.4 9.4 8.4 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.3 10.0 10.2 10.6 1.06 96.9 94.5 94.8 94.4 97.0 97.5 94.6 91.2 92.9 96.9 92.2 97.5 98.0 96.9 97.2 93.2 3.97 = all down; 5 = none down. Lodging3^ Score 1.0 3.3 2.0 4.2 1.0 1.0 2.8 5.0 3.7 2.3 2.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .73 Plant Height cm 49.7 81.3 79.0 81.3 49.7 67.7 78.7 81.3 81.0 77.0 88.0 74.3 72.0 69.3 67.0 58.7 9.5 132 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 (Continued) Table 75. (Continued) Yield Components TMT I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kernels/ spike 73.3 115.2 112.2 156.2 48.0 119.0 118.0 140.2 157.8 140.0 131.8 116.2 104.8 140.0 157.5 180.5 52.7 12.0 29.3 24.9 17.1 15.4 15.7 24.0 20.0 18.6 17.8 19.0 22.4 26.6 18.6 15.4 13.0 10.6 1000 Kernel wt. (g) Grain wt/spike (9) 49.9 50.3 49.7 50.3 51.0 49.7 51.1 49.8 50.7 49.4 49.4 52.3 50.9 53.1 51.7 54.0 1.9 .603 1.488 1.238 .856 .786 .781 1.221 .993 .945 .880 .938 1.172 1.353 .985 .792 .700 0.55 133 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 Spikes/m of row 134 Table 76. Analysis of variance of barley grain yield (Ibs/a) at location 876 Source Sum Square DP Mean Square Reps. Trts. Error Total 102840.490 43529142.174 3227808.904 46859791.568 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 51420.245 2901942.812 107593.630 F .478 26.971** - 267.823 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 77. ______ Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Analysis of variance of total dry matter yield (Ibs/a) of barley at location 876___________________________ _______ Sum Square 384831.652 175669956.239 9263597.894 185318385.786 DF Mean Square 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 192415.826 11711330.416 308786.596 F .623 37.927** 453.715 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 78. Analysis of variance of test weight (Ibs/bu) of barley at location 876 Souirce Sum Square DF Mean Square Reps. Trts. Error Total 23.800 22.261 13.346 59.407 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 11.900 1.484 .445 .545 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level F 26.749 3.336** 13 5 Table 79. Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Analysis of variance of barley protein percentage at location 876 Sum Square , 5.929 34.061 12.211 52.200 DF 2.000 15.000 • 30.000 47.000 Mean Square 2.964 2.271 .407 F. 7.283 5.579** .521 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 80. Analysis of variance of percent plump kernels of barley at location 876 Source Sum Square DF Mean Square F Reps. Trts. Error Total 30.345 210.191 170.262 410.797 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 15.172 14.013 5.675 2.673 2.469* 1.945 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means * Significant at the .05 probability level Table 81. Source Sum Square O CN Reps. Trts. Error Total . Analysis of variance of lodging scores of barley at location 876 78.98 5.80 84.98 DF Mean Square 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 5.265 .193 .36 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level / F 27.23*6 136 Table 82. Analysis of variance of the number of barley heads per meter of row at location 876 Source Sum Square Reps. Trts. Error Total 10498.878 49005.176 28313.084 87817.139 DF Mean Square 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 5249.439 3267.012 943.769 F 5.562 3.462*6 25.083 == Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 83. Analysis of variance of plant height (cm) of barley at location 876 Source Sum Square DF Meem Square Reps. Trts. Error Total 102.375 5842.333 976.292 6921.000 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 51.187 389.489 32.543 F 1.573 11.968** . 4.658 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 84. Analysis of variance of: barley 1000 kernel weight location 876 Source Sum Square DF Mean Square Reps. Trts. Error Total 5.472 81.591 38.324 125.386 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 2.736 5.439 1.277 .923 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level '(g) at F 2.142 4.258*6 137 Table 85. Analysis of variance of the number of kernels per head of barley at location 876 Source Sum Square DF Mean Square Reps. Trts. Error Total 230.705 1084.121 1214.461 2529.287 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 115.353 72.275 40.482 F 2.849 1.785 5.195 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 86. Analysis of variance for the grain weight per head for ________ barley at location 876 ___________________ _________ ■ Source Sum Square DF Mean Square F Reps. Trts. Error Total .675 2.761 3.233 6.669 2.000 15.000 30.000 47.000 .337 a 84 .108 3.130 1.709 .268 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 87. TMT Fertilizer Treatments Nitrogen (kg/ha) P ./ Banded Irrigation Total w .seed Bdc. @ N (kg/ha) Planting 1st 2nd 3rd —— 100 100 100 — 50 100 150 100 100 100 75 75 50 50 25 —— —— —— —— — — 25 —— 50 25 50 —— 25 — 25 25 —— —— —— — —— —— 100 100 100 —— 50 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 —— — 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 K Bdc. @ Planting (kg/ha) — 45 45 —— 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 n 2/ Source —— AN AN AN —— AN AN AN UR ANS UAS AN AN AN AN AN 1^Ammonium nitrate broadcast just prior to irrigation: 1st - 6/1/77 - tillering, 2nd - 6/21/77 - last leaf visible, 3rd - 7/7/77 - ears out. 2/ AN - ammonium nitrate (34-0-0), UR - urea (46-0-0), ANS - ammonium nitrate sulfate (30-0-0-6.5 S), UAS - urea ammonium sulfate (40-0-0-6 S) . 138 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 Irrigated Shabet barley N uptake as influenced by N fertilizer rates, sources and amount of N applied at irrigation. Earle Wallingford location - experiment 876________________________________________ Table 87. TMT 1st Irrigation Dry Matter (kg/ha) N Uptake (kg/ha) 2.09 2.23 1.74 1.77 1.83 1.64 2.01 2.48 1.84 176.42 1085.95 1125.15 1544.63 262.67 1066.34 1203.56 1650.48 991.86 3.69 23.89 19.57 27.34 4.81 17.49 24.19 40.93 18.25 1.60 1.66 1.74 1.73 1.54 .47 1070.27 1105.55 1254.52 1058.50 674.31 324.2 17.12 18.35 21.83 18.36 10.38 8.25 N Content % 2nd Irrigation Dry Matter (kg/ha) N Uptake (kg/ha) 1.32 1.34 1.21 1.16 1.25 1.06 1.39 1.31 1.23 337.15 1944.51 1623.04 2093.49 395.96 1058.50 2375.75 1881.79 1470.15 4.45 26.03 19.64 24.28 4.95 11.22 33.02 24.65 18.08 1.32 1.19 1.35 1.43 1.43 NS 1842.58 1450.54 1462.30 1803.38 995.78 615.2 24.32 17.26 19.74 27.79 14.24 8.69 N Content % 139 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 (Continued) Table 87. TMT N Content % .96 .84 .98 .79 .90 .76 .89 1.02 .79 —— —— .95 .96 1.00 1.26 1.35 .23 3rd Irrigation Dry Matter (kg/ha) N Uptake (kg/ha) 387.72 2242.46 2881.49 2724.67 788.00 2234.62 2932.21 2881.49 3061.82 —— —— 2932.45 2948.13 2019.00 2783.48 1834.74 587.6 3.72 18.84 28.24 21.52 7.09 16.98 26.10 29.39 24.19 —— —— 27.86 28.30 20.19 35.07 24.77 10.76 N Content % 1.51 1.42 1.59 1.53 1.59 1.55 1.37 1.66 1.45 1.30 1.44 1.53 1.56 1.62 1.56 1.86 .09 Grain Dry Matter (kg/ha) 1119 4532 4383 4351 1240 3021 4246 4568 4857 4007 3995 4395 4171 4152 3695 4107 613 N Uptake (kg/ha) 16.9 64.4 69.7 66.6 19.7 46.8 58.2 75.8 70.4 52.1 57.5 67.2 65.1 67.3 57.6 76.4 14.0 140 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LSD.05 (Continued) 141 Table 88. Analysis of variance of total N content (%) of barley at the first irrigation at location 876 Source Sum Square DF Mean Square Reps. Trts. Error Total .2339 2.7071 2.0652 5.0063 2 13 26 41 .2082 .0794 F 2.62* .23 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means * Significant at the .05 probability level Table 89. Analysis of variance of total dry matter production (kg/ha) ___________at the first irrigation by barley at location 8 7 6 ______ Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Sum Square 21,550 7,587,000 969,800 , 7,579,000 DF Mean Square 2 13 26 41 506,700 37,300 F 13.59** 157.7 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 90. Analysis of variance of total N uptake (kg/ha) at the ___________ first irrigation by barley at location 876___________ Source Sum Square DF Reps. Trts. Error Total 79.15 3437.20 627.90 4144.30 2 13 26 41 Mean Square 264.40 24.15 4.0 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level F 10.9** Table 91. Analysis of variance of total N content (%) of barley at the second irrigation at location 876 Source Sum Square DF Mean Square F Reps. Trts. Error Total .0273 .4347 .6067 1.0686 2 13 26 41 .0334 .0233 1.43 .12 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 92. Analysis of variance of total dry matter production (kg/ha) ___________at the second irrigation by barley at location 8 7 6 _____ Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Sum Square 59,890 14,120,000 3,491,000 17,670,000 DF 2 13 26 41 Mean Square 1,086,000 134,300 F 8.09** 299.2 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 93. Analysis of variance of total N uptake (kg/ha) at the _______ second irrigation by barley at location 876_____________ Source Sum Square DF Reps. Trts. Error Total 11.1 2628.2 696.9 3336.2 2 13 26 41 Mean Square 202.17 26.80 4.23 = Standard error for any. two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level F 7.54** 143 Table 94. Analysis of variance of total N content (%) of barley at the third irrigation at location 876 Source Sum Square DF Mean Square F Reps. Trts. Error Total .0063 1.1095 .5075 1.6233 2 13 26 41 .0853 .0195 4.37** .11 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 95. Analysis of variance of total dry matter production (kg/ha) ___________at the third irrigation by barley at location 876_________ Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Sum Square 477,700 26,240,000 3,184,000 29,900,000 DF Mean Square 2 13 26 41 2,018,000 122,500 F 16.48** 285.8 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 96. Analysis of variance of total N uptake (kg/ha) at the third irrigation by barley at location 876 Source Sum Square DF Reps. Trts. Error Total 20.6 3223.8 1069.8 4314.3 2 13 26 41 Mean Square 247.98 41.15 5.24 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level F 6.06** 144 TcJole 97. Analysis of variance of grain N content (%) of barley at harvest at location 876 Source Sum Square DF Mean Square Reps. Trts. Error Total .1507 .7258 .3666 1.2431 2 15 30 47 .0484 .0122 F 3.96** .18 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level Table 98. Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Analysis of variance of grain N uptake (kg/ha) by barley at harvest at location 876 Sum Square 250.4 11019.0 1675.9 12745.0 DF Mean Square 2 15 30 47 734.6 55.9 6.1 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means ** Significant at the .01 probability level F 13.1** APPENDIX V, ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF FERTILIZER N. _______UPTAKE AT LOCATIONS .'577, 777, 876' 146 APPENDIX V, ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF FERTILIZER N UPTAKE AT ____________LOCATIONS 577, 777, 876_______________ _______ Table 99. Analysis of variance of amount of grain N (S) that was taken. _.________ up from applied N fertilizer at location 577________ ________ Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Sum Square 3,509 3,434 5,729 12,670 DF 2 13 26 41 F Mean Square * 264.1 220.4 1.199 12.1 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 100. Analysis of variance of amount of straw N (%) that was taken __________ up from applied N fertilizer at location 577_________________ Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Sum Square 107.5 418.9 1131.0 1657.0 DF Mean Square F 2 13 26 41 32.22 43.50 .7408 5.4 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means Table 101. Analysis of variance of amount of grain N (%) that was taken ___________ up from applied fertilizer N at location 777_______________ Source Reps. Trts. Error Total Sum Square 421.5 1754.0 2554.0 4730.0 DF 2 13 26 41 Mean Square 134.90 98.24 8.1 = Standard error for any two fertilizer treatment means F 1.373