Energy levels of Pr3+ in Y(OH)3 determined from absorption and fluorescence spectra by James Keith Boger A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Physics Montana State University © Copyright by James Keith Boger (1987) Abstract: In this thesis, the electronic energy levels in the 4f subshell of a trivalent lanthanide in an optically transparent crystal are found. The particular crystal studied was trivalent praseodymium in yttrium hydroxide. Determination of the levels was accomplished by comparing experimentally found energies to the eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian whose form had been given. Experimental energies were found by studying emission and absorption spectra from the sample. This thesis begins by outlining the theory behind the project. Details of the experimental arrangement, data analysis and results from the calculations are then presented. As final results, the calculated energy levels as well as their experimental counterparts are presented. Also presented are the magnitudes found for the parameters in the Hamiltonian of the sample. ENERGY LEVELS OF Pr3 * IN Y(OH)3 DETERMINED FROM ABSORPTION AND FLUORESCENCE SPECTRA by James Keith Boger t A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Physics MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana July 1987 MAIN UB- M37g ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by James Keith Boger This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Chairperson, Graduate Committee Date Approved for the Major Department n Date (f?i Head,Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master's University, that I agree available to borrowers Brief quotations special permission, from under this provided degree the Library the rules at Montana State shall of make it the Library. thesis are allowable without that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for extensive reproduction of this thesis professor, when, in or in his the opinion material is may absence, of either, quotation be granted from by or my major by the Dean of Libraries the proposed for scholarly purposes. use of the Any copying or use of the material in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature Date TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST .OF TABLES .......................................... v LIST OF F I G U R E S .................................. vi A B S T R A C T ......................................... .. . . vi i i 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................... 1 2. T H E O R Y ............................ 6 Spectroscopy ....................................... Praseodymium as a Free I o n ........................ Praseodymium in a Crystal Field ................. 7 12 17 3. EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT . . . 27 Absorption Experiment ............................ Fluorescence Experiment . ............... . . . . 27 39 4. DATA A N A L Y S I S ....................... 5. COMPUTER FITTING THE HAMILTONIAN ............. 51 ... 58 The Fitting P r o g r a m .............................. Fitting to Data from Pr3*: L a C l s ............. Fitting to Data from Pr3*: Y( OH) 3 . . .............. 59 51 66 6. RESULTS AND C O N C L U S I O N S ..................... : . . 71 REFERENCES CITED 79 A P P E N D I X ............................................... 81 Experimental Plots of Spectra .. . . 81 V LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. States of the 3Fs term........ ............... 24 2. Selection rules for a crystal having Ca h symmetry....................................... 26 Example list of possible transitions responsible forspectral lines recorded . . . 55 Numerical results from fitting program using data from Pr3+ : LaCla..................... .. . 63 Numerical results from fitting program using data from Pr3 + : Y(OH) a .......... 70 Absorption lines recorded and levels determined.................................... 72 Fluorescence lines recorded and levels determined.............................. •...... 74 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Final calculated energy levels for Pr3 + : Y(OH) 3 ..................................... 76 9. ' Final parameters for the Hamiltonian of Pr3 + : Y( OH) a 78 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Thesis outline............................... 3 ■2. Plots of the harmonic oscillator........... 10 3. Estimated energy levels for Pr 3 + : YC OH) 3 . . 16 4. 3Fj submatrix for the crystal field Hamiltonian ....................... 23 Pr3*: YC OH) 3 sample and relevant polarization................................ 26 Top view of the Spex 14018 spectrometer used in e x p e r i m e n t s....................... 31 7. Optical arrangement used in experiment. . . 33 8. Cross sectional view of the glass dewar . . 35 9. Block diagram of the signal processing used in absorption experiment................... 3 7, 5. 6. 10. Schematic of system used in the fluorescence experiment including the Hansch type dye laser a r rangement.......................... 41 11. Block diagram for the signal processing used in the fluorescenceexperiment.............. 46 12. Absorption with sigma polarization at 22400 ...................................... 82 13. Absorption with pi polarization at 22400 . 83 14. Absorption with pi polarization at 21400 15. . Absorption with sigma polarization at 2 1 1 0 0 .......... •........................... 16. 84 Absorption with pi polarization at 2 1 0 2 0 85 . 86 vi i ■ LIST OF FIGURES-confcinued Figure Page 17. Absorption with sigma polarization at 2 0 4 4 5 ....................................... -g7 18. Fluorescence with no polarization at 1 8849 ....................................... 88 Fluorescence with no polarization at 1 6841 . '........................... .. 89 19. 20. Absorption withpi polarization 21. Absorption with sigma polarization at 1 6790 . gi Absorption with sigma polarization at 1 6490 ....................................... 92 Fluorescence with pi polarization at 1 6 4 8 0 ...................... 93 Fluorescence with si.gma polarization at 1 6 4 8 0 ....................................... 94 Fluorescence with sigma polarization at 1 6290 ..................................... . . 95 Fluorescence with pipolarization at 1 6290 ...........• •................. ........ 96 Fluorescence with nopolarization at 1 2400 ....................................... 97 Fluorescence with no polarization at 11500 ....................... 98 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. at16900 . 90 viii ABSTRACT In this thesis, the electronic energy levels in the 4f subshell of a trivalent lanthanide in an optically transparent crystal are found. The particular crystal studied was trivalent praseodymium in yttrium hydroxide. Determination of the levels was accomplished by comparing experimentally found energies to the eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian whose form had been given. Experimental energies were found by studying emission and absorption spectra from the sample. This thesis begins by outlining the theory behind the project.. Details of the experimental arrangement, data analysis and results from the calculations are then presented. As final results, the calculated energy levels as well as their experimental counterparts are presented. Also presented are the magnitudes found for the parameters in the Hamiltonian of the sample. I CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This thesis concentrated absorption spectra of a lattice. one In general trivalent lanthanides. these elements are on trivalent the emission lanthanide in a scientific interesting point because they of view have many extremely narrow emission and absorption linewidths spectrum. 111 can incorporated . into be materials. This is Furthermore, various or transition free ions small, when the oscillator ion very is lanthanide ions may be state. of trivalent lanthanides to the fact that the probabilities, of the while they can be significant trapped . in strengths in the optically transparent convenient due oscillator strengths, are a host might ask what is special about From visible and suggest optically a host that a pumped lattice. large into Large number of an excited These properties lead to the practical applications trivalent materials. lanthanides The YAG laser, in host lattices as with tri valent neodymium, laser is a graphic example of the practical role these materials have. Typically, be envisioned, before any applications for a material can it is necessary to establish some 2 fundamental properties .of that transparent crystals glasses rare earth, and the energy levels are information established. was 3, the among the the crystal of motivation information could then be For optically doped with a trivalent Finding trivalent praseodymium in a Pr3 + : Y(OH) material. used energy levels of yttrium hydroxide, for in first bits of this thesis. carrying This out further experiments on the sample such as optical hole burning. (2) A brief outline of the procedure used in seeking the energy levels of the sample is facilitated by following the flow chart given in Figure 1. The first box in this flow chart labeled ' Experiment’ , indicates in the project transitions in was the to experimentally sample recording absorption as transitions made up conducted. Of course just does not mean that the states involved in each transition are necessary to the The ,data. indicates a second general interpret the data! make of a list responsible for all each develop a box outline In general, the known. It method for analyzing entitled of as many As indicated, spectral lines may be recorded, is therefore first step observe possible. and fluorescence the two types of experiments because many that the ' Data Analysis' , scheme designed to the method, used was to possible transitions which might be spectral making a choice from each list, line recorded. Then by a set of experimentally 3 EXPERIMENT Review experiment n DATA ANALYSIS Select Make a from table table of transitions -----» transitions causing responsible spectra for lines Construct final table of energy levels n If data are not clear 1 I Check analysis COMPUTER FITTING HAMILTONIAN TO FIT DATA Enter best experimental energy levels for fitting program Run program to calculate energy levels and find Hamiltonian parameters Figure 1. Thesis outline Enter remaining data and rerun program When no fit is f ound 4 determined energy impossible to in the levels could be constructed. experimentally determine sample, so But it was every energy level it was necessary to turn to theoretical aspects of the energy levels. Theoretically, calculated if all the of the energy Hamiltonian of levels the sample was known. While the form of the Hamiltonian is known, of the various necessary to experimentally these parameters take to are the parameters. not. energy empirically This could be the magnitudes It is therefore levels determined determine the magnitude of was done by entering the experimental data into a computer program which modeled the Hamilton!an by comparing solving the results the to eigenvalue the problem entered data. Hamiltonian is found having eigenvalues which the experimental values, and then If are close to then all of the energy levels can be considered known. The typical, situation however find between contradictions values. Contradictions selections made selections often during proved a made the to experimental it and calculated necessary data be was to analysis ambiguous, to check the step. forcing These the experiment itself to be repeated. This thesis reports on the method used in seeking the energy levels of Pr3 + : Y(OH) 3 and the results obtained. discussion begins in Chapter 2 with the The fundamental 5 theoretical ideas necessary to understand the goals of this work. After investigating discussion closely explaining each Chapter 3 follows section explains the in the theoretical flow So, arrangement and Chapter 4 investigates the exact procedure used to analyze the spectra detail. used from recording the chart in Figure 1, considerable experimental aspects, procedure the data in some experiments. from Chapter the 5 is sample. then a discussion of the method and tools used to find the correct Hamiltonian Pr3 + : Y(OH) 3 and . thereby Finally the Chapter correct 6 energy presents obtained and conclusions made from this work. levels for the results 6 CHAPTER 2 THEORY The main thrust of this thesis concerned recording and studying spectra. discussion of some It is therefore the theory fundamentals directed towards of natural to begin the behind the project by explaining spectroscopy. the specific Attention sample studied. is then The sample which this project focused on was trivalent praseodymium in a crystal of yttrium hydroxide (Pr3 + : Y(OH) 3 ). several aspects of the sample which before studying the experimental spectra. There are should be understood Specifically we need to know what possible energy levels to expect and what the selection data are used rules are. After studying the spectrum, to construct a diagonalized should yield the energy eigenvalues. any modeling can be done, needs to be introduced. Hamiltonian, the full form crystal field Hamiltonian. which when Before of the Hamiltonian To accomplish this, is broken into two parts: the the discussion the free ion Hamiltonian and the 7 Spectroscopy Spectroscopy concerns spectrum for signals being studied. scanning emitted Generally or here wavenumbers, are The electromagnetic absorbed frequency is spectrum but used. the by the sample used to index the which have units of cm"1 , relationship between wavenumbers and the energy states of the electron is simply given by the Bohr postulate for radiating atoms. c ( E f - Bi) h Here Ef aind _ " Ei 1_ A ^ refer to the initial and final energies respectively and % is used for wavelength. One may ask at this point what good this equation does since there are two unknowns in energy. It is in determining that spectroscopy finds its greatest use. these energies The experimental section specifically addresses this question. For now let it suffice to say that by obtaining many spectral lines one can logically deduce what the initial and final states are. The catalyst for this deduction lies in finding spectral absorption first where the initial energy can be assumed to be zero. Bohr's postulate simply a interesting statement to for the of wavenumber of the photon is energy investigate conservation. the origins It of is this 8 electromagnetic radiation because it into the quantum mechanics of the atom. source of gives some insight The most efficient electromagnetic radiation is the electric dipole oscillator. The power which is radiated by such an oscillator is. given b y (31 P , Idl1 ' 2 3 ■ Here d is the wavevector. dipole moment and k is the magnitude of the From this it can be seen that the link between radiated electromagnetic energy and the states of the atom lies in the nonzero value for the dipole moment. To establish this link it is helpful to electric dipole moment starting quantum states of the atom. calculate the with the time dependent The strength of a dipole is given as d = e|<i|r|f>|. In this expression, 3 <i|r|f> refers to the expectation value for the electron’s position when it is between final states and e is its charge. To calculate the expectation value it is necessary to know the atom. initial and state of the In a one electron atom the state may be expressed in ket form as |nlsj mj >. making a thought of involved. During the time that the electron is transition from as being Upon in one state a calculating to another, superposition the of expectation it can be the states value an 9 oscillation in time is found as shown by <iIrIf> cos(wt). 4 Here w is the angular frequency ( Ei - E f)/h, and translates as the angular frequency oscillating expectation oscillating and of the value therefore P emitted means in photon. the equation The dipole is 2 is nonzero, proving the atom radiates. Figure 2 oscillating model. The a dipole graphical using the representation harmonic of the oscillator as a first two graphs in Figure 1 represent the wave functions of harmonic is the ground oscillator. and The first excited state of the third graph represents the superposition state that the electron must be in during the transition. If the probability distribution shown in clearly superposition the fourth shows evolution of oscillating as the graph. the the of nonzero states suggested by also transition noticed were requirement for of squared, the electron is obtained as dipole. shows that the double the different a nonzero fact that the quantum arbitrary. that is This asymmetric distribution the fourth plot and by equation 4. have state Following the time this dipole is headed arrow over The c a r e f u l . reader may states involved parit y . 4 ’ dipole moment numbers involved This in the is a and leads to the are not completely 1O (a) Ground State (b) First excited state (c) Superposition of states «6------ > (d) Probability distribution Figure 2. Plots of the harmonic oscillator. The restrictions referred to as the placed on the quantum numbers are selection rules. For a one electron atom emitting electric dipole radiation the selection rules are as follows: An unrestricted Al = ± 1 Aj = ±1,0 A mj = ±1,0 These selection rules may be found mechanics such as Liboff. <3> in any Of course violations of these rules resulting from are not dipole in nature. a good example nondipole of However, is very ignored in this project. large enough to worry there can be transitions which Electric quadrupole radiation is this. transition book on quantum If weak the about, the intensity of a and could safely be quadrupole moment were a new set of selection rules would have to be introduced. While the transitions dipole in nature, the out to be invalid. we consider studied The most blatant that all seemingly forbidden interacts different parity of the project were violation occurs when transitions studied occurred Al equal transitions occur with the with the the transitions. t6) When detail, this one electron selection rules turned within the 4f subshell suggesting field in free ion, 4f states considering to zero. The because the crystal mixing states of and thereby allowing the sample new pertinent selection rules are presented. in more These selection rules turn out to be important when determining energy levels. Praseodymium as a Free Ion Praseodymium is a rare earth element in the lanthanide series. Like all unfilled 4f other lanthanides, subshell which is spatially located within the 5s, 5p and 6s subshells. electrons being This shielded.from in turn gives rise to sharp atoms are praseodymium has an fixed in results in the valence outside perturbations which spectral lines, a host lattice. even when the Another interesting property of the lanthanides is the fact that there are many visible spectral lines resulting from transitions within the 4f subshell. The electronic configuration of • the praseodymium atom is given by The [Xe] 4f3 6s2. atom which was studied was triply ionized. xenon is a noble element with a relatively energy, Because high ionization the.three electrons will be removed from the 4f and 6s subshells. The electronic configuration of Pr3* is then given by [ Xe] Typically, 4f2. the states spectroscopic notation. s and j quantum of the system In this notation, numbers for all of are expressed in the sum of the I the electrons in the valence subshell are specified. are two contributing In the case electrons, orbital angular momentum of 3. This terms possible follow!ng each for of Pr3+ there having gives total a maximum rise orbital to the angular momentum: P 1 S L = O D 2 F 3 G H I 4 5 6. AdditionalIy each electron has one half, suggesting that either singlet or triplet. a spin each The angular momentum of term given above may be next goal is to determine what order these terms must be in. In finding what order the term notation must be in, it is only natural to begin This is easily Doing this, with finding accomplished it is found that by the ground state. applying Hund's rules. the ground state of Pr3* is given in term notation as 3H a . To find necessary in Hamiltonian. the principal Dieke accounting of to of all other diagonalize terms, the it is appropriate The Hamiltonian for the lanthanide series of free ions has been Judd, ordering and worked out Wybourne. the free by several workers such as The reader may find a full ion theory in Wybourne' s book. (7 1 Most of the discussion on the Hamiltonian presented here is based on an excellent review of the subject by Hiifner. t6> . The only atomic Hamiltonian for which equation may be solved the Schrodinger exactly is that for the hydrogen atom. This means that for theory must be used. This Hamiltonian, as in equation representing the hydrogenic the Pr3+ ion, perturbation theory allows us to split the 5, into a system unperturbed term and a perturbed term representing complicating factors such as electron-electron interactions. H = Hh s + Hp The idea 5 behind perturbation theory is to solve the Schrodinger equation with the unperturbed Hamiltonian first and thereby states, a obtain matrix constructed and a of set the of basis states. perturbation diagonalized for energies. With these term may be The energy of the system may then be expressed by E=E h s + E p. 6 So it is seen that calculating the perturbation energies Ep is the primary goal since the energy derived from the hydrogenic term Eh s , simply adds a constant to the total energies. With the ideas of perturbation theory in hand, it is possible to focus on the pertinent Hamiltonian for Pr3 + . In light of perturbation theory, perturbation terms to a considered. For central field it is clear that only Hamiltonian need be trivalent praseodymium the perturbation Hamiltonian has been given by W. T. Carnall efc al. 1® 1 as Hf = S F kFk + ^A50 + ccL( L + 1 ) + 6G( G 2 ) + y F( R 2 ) + Z M kmk + S P kPk. The first term in this expression interaction between the adjustable parameter. two The adjustable electrons The orbit interaction between represents the. coulomb with • F k being an second term considers the spin the parameter for electron and the nucleus. spin orbit is £. Spin orbit corrections appear even for one electron systems, not surprising that These additional accounted for by the account relatively interactions and interactions are Finally, cc, B and the it is two electron systems have additional spin orbit corrections. for so Pk parameters. (9 ' small the The Mk parameters effects spin-other-orbit between corrections are two of spin-spin interaction. These valence electrons./4 ’ y parameters consider corrections due to higher configuration interactions. <10) At this point, if the magnitude of each parameter were ■ known, then the energy eigenvalues could be calculated. However, Pr3+ is usually The exception to this the spectra values, of Pr 3 + studied in a crystal or a glass. was work done by J. Sugar studying .in the vapor state. Using Sugar's and studying the values obtained from of Pr3+:LaCls and Pr3+:LaFs, ‘8 ’ ion energy levels was made. Figure 3. the spectra an estimation of the free The estimated levels appear in Energy (cm"') 3 P2 22000 'I* 3 Pi 20000 I 8000 1D2 1 6000 1 4000 12000 1 0000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Figure 3. Estimated energy levels for Pr3*: Y(OH) 3. Praseodymium in a Crystal Field When the Pr3 * ion is in a crystal field, 2j+1 degeneracy of the free ion is partially is due to the fact that adding the Hamiltonian removes the spherical environment. Naturally it are removed. This crystal field to the symmetry from is necessary before some of the possible states spectra. To determine the these states, the ion's to know what the studying the experimental it is necessary to know the form of the crystal field part of the Hamiltonian. To facilitate convenient the explanation of finding the states, to Hamiltonian consider alone. the By crystal doing field this, with the of the we are effectively diagonalizing a submatrix of the Hamiltonian. concludes part it is selection . rules This section pertinent for Pr3*: Y(OH) 3. The crystal field results occupying a by a site in The Pr3 * sample studied ions. of the The primarily by the (OH): ion. praseodymium ion was Y(OH): doped This means that the crystal was grown from a. solution such that I % with the the crystal lattice normally occupied yttrium atom. with I % Pr3*. from The potential yttrium atoms crystal field molecules which is were replaced then produced surround each Pr3* can be expressed in terms of a series of spherical harmonics. This means that the crystal field Hamiltonian can be expressed by He f — 2 I m B ^m C *m Here the B' s are 8 parameters while renormalized spherical harmonics. the The C 1m Y' s represent and Cs are related by The C 4ir (2m+1) reader may 9 Y 'm find a good explanation of crystal field expressions in Weissbluth' s book. (12 1 So at this point,, Hcf is expressed in an infinite series in the orbital angular momentum sum which must be truncated. The triangle relation for angular momenta immediately limits the series to values less than 21. ‘12 1 sum can only For two f electrons this means run as high as six. Also, lattice with a occupies a point in the symmetry allows and this that the the Pr3+ ion relatively high us to further limit the series representing the crystal field Hamiltonian. The point group symmetry for the Pr3+ ions is Cah.. the language of group properties are found in theory, Ca the crystal means that identical for each rotation of (2/3) ir in a plane perpendicular to the crystal axis. in this notation properties are horizontal plane. crystal with refers found to upon the a fact shown. that reflection Figure 5 on page 26 is a the axis In The h identical through the drawing of the By definition of a symmetry operator, ion it must commute with the Hamiltonian is spherically necessary only to consider In .other words, Hamiltonian. any symmetric, the crystal The free so it is field Hamiltonian. terms in the expansion in spherical harmonics which do not commute with have coefficients of zero. the C 3 h operator must This leads to the crystal field Hamiltonian given by Carnall et al . (8) Hcf = B20C20 + B40C40 + B60C60 + B66CC66 + C6 - 61 Combining equation 10 with total perturbation equation 7 Hamiltonian for Pr2*:Y(OH) 3 . a total of 18 parameters which must be parameters, we experimental energies. compared Chapter us the There are determined in order to calculate all of the energy eigenvalues. for the gives 10 To find values calculated energies to 5 explores the method for determining the values of these parameters in more detail. No comparison energies can between calculated and experimental occur until we have experimentally determined several levels. the experiment The methods for determining the levels for are discussed in the data analysis section. Here it is only important to note that determination, of the levels is and what dependent on knowing exactly selection rules • govern dipole what levels exist transitions. The number of levels is easily obtained by examining the matrix elements of the selection rules crystal field Hamiltonian while the can be obtained by knowing the point group 20 symmetry of the Pr3+ ion. Finding the new states diagonalizing the submatrices each of the 2j +1 is which accomplished are constructed from degenerate free ion states and Hc f. basis states used are those for by the hydrogenic atom The and are given in the uncoupled representation as |LSJMj > = S a( mi , ms ) Ym i |sms > . Here the a(m,,m,) coefficients. 1I represent . the Clebsch-Gordan Recall that the crystal field Hamiltonian is constructed from a set of renormalized spherical harmonics. Because of this, a general outline of the matrix element calculation can be presented by examining one term. over all However, terms each element in Hc f. the results from in the Each term matrix is a sum in the matrix is calculated using the inner product. < I' s' j' m' j jLMi IIsj IT ij > Because we removed from each term in the free ion, possible to counterparts. seek set to 12 , find I,s out and Writing out j how the mj degeneracy is equal the inner it to is immediately their product in primed terms of equation 11 results in expression 13. / E a* ( m' ,, m' „) Ym ' i< sm' « |t Y m l S a( m 1 ,m$ ) Ym i |sm, > dfi 13 The T which appears before the spherical harmonic is a 21 constant relating B parameter. confusing, the Y' s to the C s This expression at and also includes the first so it is helpful to note that the Y m l ' s from the crystal field Hamiltonian depend only on The kets appears somewhat representing spin exist spatial variables in spin space and are therefore unaffected by the Hamiltonian. us to combine the spin variables This fact allows and thereby obtain a relation between m' « and m, . <Sm' 5 |sms> = 6 nsa's 14 This simply dictates that for a nonzero element, m' , and m« must be equal. Rewriting mathematical equation problem 13, lies it in is clear that the basic evaluating the integral containing the product of three spherical harmonics. 2 S 2 I ra*a ( Y" ’ ,) * Y m l Yn , dQ Evaluation of by using the this integral Gaunt formula. 15 is easily accomplished simply The primary objective in evaluating the inner product is. to determine which elements in the matrix are nonzero: Therefore the following property derived from the Gaunt formula is important. -m' i + M + mi = 0 Using this IG condition and we can immediately see 1. noting the values of M from Hc f, a relationship between the orbital 22 azimuthal quantum numbers. mi = ±6, This O 17 information immediately allows us to construct matrices from which it is possible to determine what states are non-degenerate. The next problem which must be addressed at concerns labeling the states. this time To explain the labeling of the new set of non-degenerate states, it construct submatrix the 3Fa term as an example. the Figure 4 shows the the 3Fs for nonzero elements is in the term using ' the conditions helpful to submatrix for given in 17. The dark outlines in Figure 4 suggest that the matrix can be thought of as two submatrices. which diagonalizes submatrix, states. being However, degeneracy) the to The lower appears to give five possible state differing only by a sign in the mi's The labeling of these states is a scheme given by Hellwege and discussed in Hufner's book. (6 ’ For C sh this scheme defines a new p, which is defined by p = mj ( mod 6) . 1. two states. due to Kramer's degeneracy (time reversal accomplished with The states give diagonal, are still degenerate. quantum number, The upper submatrix is a two by two 18 resulting from the 3 F3 term are listed in Table Notice that the states from the two by two matrices are 23 3 -3 3 X X -3 X X mj = 2 1 0 -I -2 Figure 4. 2 I 0 -I -2 X X X X X 3Fi submatrix for the crystal field Hamiltonian. Nonzero elements are indicated. 24 labeled with the same p quantum are clearly different so a prime numbers. The two states is to distinguish used between them. 3 F 3 ( 0) , ' 3 Fa(I), 3 Fa( 2 ), 3 FaO), 3 Fa( 3 ' ) , Table 1. Figure 3 P W W P P States of the 3Fa term. lists all Pr3+:Y(OH))a. Energy level estimated comparing by Pr3+: LaCla, The explored state state state 2 3 state 3' state 0 1 = ,= = = = of the possible positioning on the states in this Figure is energy levels determined for established by Sarup and Crozier . (13’ last theoretical before analyzing consideration the which experiment possible transitions an electron can make. basic transitions must concerns There which may occur in a crystal: be the are two radiative and nonradiative. Nonradiative transitions may occur via crystal lattice phonons. If phonons away from the excited are possible. are easily able to carry the energy ion, nonradiative transitions This event becomes more probable when it takes one or two phonons to Y(OH) a, phonons exist then carry with away energies the energy. corresponding In to wavenumbers on the order of 3600 cm"1 and 900 cm 1. (2 * With phonons in this energy range, it is relatively easy to have 25 nonradiative relaxations occur. A good example of this type of transition occurs between the 3Po and 1 D 2 states in Pr 3 + : Y(OH) 3 . This transition energy separation readily between these occurs because the states is on the order of 3600 cm " 1 as seen by inspection of Figure 3. Radiative transitions are primarily electric dipole in nature. These transitions are governed by selection rules which are given represent absorbed the crystal perpendicular Table two photon polarization, the in possible may then In this If the its polarization the table ir and a polarizations the emitted or have. axis. to 2. Naturally, crystal, axis. photon . has a ir vector is parallel to a polarization is This is graphically represented in Figure 5. This completes the discussion of the basic theoretical aspects of the project. The ideas presented here help make the experimental arrangement and analysis more plausible. 26 u= O -2 -1 Table 2. 3 Selection rules for a crystal having Cj» symmetry. 4 I polarized wave Figure 5. 2 crystal axis a polarized wave Pr3 *: Y( OH) 3 sample and relevant polarization. 27- CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT To experimentally Pr 3 + : YC OH) 3 , it was determine necessary fluorescence spectra. the to energy study levels of absorption and Many,of the experimental arrangement details in the absorption and fluorescence experiments were similar. This similarities by section takes describing one advantage. / of experiment in these full and referring back to the details during the explanation of the second experiment. and the The absorption experiment was the first easiest experiment. Therefore this section will begin with a full description of the absorption experiment followed by a description of the fluorescence experiment. Absorption Experiment One way of finding the transitions of the electron is by studying the absorption spectrum. This was accomplished by passing crystal and observing white light the resulting continuous spectrum. spectrum indicate that through the so White the they receive light of course has a recording instruments simply a signal for all wavenumbers. Since the white light passes through the crystal, it is r 28 possible This for some absorption parts shows of the spectrum to be absorbed. up as a dip in the otherwise continuous spectrum.(See absorption plots in the Appendix). Absorption occurs when the energy of the incident light exactly matches the difference in energy between two states of the ion! may not It should be noted necessarily be ground state of the that the from electrons ion. Instead transitions seen originating in the the electron may be starting from a state with slightly higher energy than the ground state. This results from the thermal excitation in the crystal. Recall that Boltzman' s result tells us the probability that an ion will be in the excited state. P(E) = P( 0) e" (E z kT ’ 19 Here E is used for energy and k is Boltzman' s constant. insure that most of the ions are in the ground state, sufficient to require that state with Plugging wavenumbers gives have to a value state corresponding be above to at into a of about the 1 Ocm " 1 this ground or more, temperature of assumption was based on studies of trivalent praseodymium in other in a This suggests relation in 1.44K/cm"1. state it is of being energy E be at or below P(O)B"1. that kT = E. the first the probability To has terms of Assuming an energy then the crystal would at the least energy 14K. levels crystals. (13>14> This of The 29 relatively high temperature suggests submerged in liquid helium (T < of the electrons would be in 4K) would the energy lines recorded. It insure that all it was is also advantageous to compile on maximum' amount of data experiments were made at liquid helium, temperatures were However, not used study the This can yield information In an temperatures. With the possible to about the levels near the ground state. room crystal levels directly from the absorption crystal at higher temperatures. a a the ground state. crystal at these very low temperatures, determine that attempt to the crystal, liquid nitrogen and signals recorded at higher in the final analysis because they were too weak. With these ideas in mind, we can move on to examine how the experiment was designed and run. point of view, the From a practical goal of the experiment was to maximize the sensitivity of the equipment measuring the.signal while minimizing the noise. Therefore, the following paragraphs concentrate on the logistics of the the optical arrange me nt constitutes experiment. However, is helpful used. experiment. Naturally the foundation of the in order to understand the design, it to. discuss several aspects of the monochromator In addition also consider to the optical arrangement, we must the arrangement for signal processing, is the last aspect discussed. which At the heart of the absorbtion experiment was the . 85meter This Czerny-Turner instrument was consequently is of the paper. Double produced referred to In keeping best signal, it was Monochromator-Spectrometer. by Spex Industries and as the Spex for the remainder with the goal of recording the necessary to design the optics of the experiment in such a way as to take full advantage of the Spex. The Spex separates the many components of the electromagnetic spectrum by diffracting the signal off of a holographic grating. Figure of the instrument . ( 131 possible signal at 6 shows a top view schematic In order the to receive the strongest photomultiplier tube, it necessary to fill the diffraction grating with light. situation also wasThis had the additional benefit of improving the resolution of the signal. Recall that the resolving power of a grating is given by R= where R A / AA = mN is the diffracted light, of slits exposed. 20 resolving power, Xis the wavelength of the m is the order and N is the By inspection of equation 20 it is clear that the resolution improves grating as possible. the edges of the grating, Fortunately the total number optimum upon using as much of the Of course if there is light beyond it can show up as unwanted noise. situation was realized by simply 31 mirrors center slit grating grating mirror exit slit mirror entrance slit photomultiplier tube Figure 6 . Top view of the Spex 14018 spectrometer used in experiments 32 making sure that the mirror. signal. completely filled the first This is illustrated by the rays drawn in Figure 6 . Designing the optics to send the signal from, the crystal to the spectrometer begins with the first mirror in the Spex. This was easily accomplished due to the fact that the speed of the mirror was given as. f/7. 8 . that the speed of aperture size, a mirror relates the Recalling focal length and it can be seen that the relation for finding the angle between the peripheral rays is given by 0 = 2 arctan(%a/f) where f is the 21 focal length and a is the apenature of the optic. Figure 7 shows the actual optical G is arrangement. Since dependent only on the speed of the mirror or lens, is clear that the must be f/7. 8 . effective speed By effective of lens speed it 3 in it Figure 7 is meant that the actual diameter of the signal traveling from lens 2 to lens 3 is used to of lens 3. combination find the speed, This of situation lenses used. instead of the physical size was a consequence of the The parallel rays running between lens 2 and lens 3 were achieved by positioning lens 2 with its focal point on the.crystal. had the advantage of maximizing the signal. noted that In addition this It may also be the positioning of these lenses was achieved by focusing a telescope on infinity and then sighting through 33 f/7. 8 mirror in Spex slit of Spex A/4 waveplate fi = 2 0 0 mm lens 3 polarizer lens 2 75 mm cryostat lens I quartz halogen bulb Figure 7. shielded crystal y sample holder Optical arrangement used in experiment. 34 the lenses focusing on the crystal and then the Spex slits. The next phase of the optical arrangement includes the. crystal, cryostat and light source. The light source was a quartz halogen bulb focused onto the crystal by as seen in Figure 7. In order lens three to shield unwanted white light which does not pass through the crystal, was positioned over a from a piece of slit of shim stock. the crystal comparable dimensions made This is illustrated in the inset of Figure 7 along with the design of the brass sample holder. Finally the cryostat was necessary to submerge the crystal in liquid helium. The design cryostat, with with referred three viewed. of the cryostat is shown in Figure 8 . to as windows a dewar, through The sample space of liquid helium. was made which the the dewar If out of glass sample could be was usually filled the liquid helium was not well isolated from the room it would quickly boil away. time was not a factor, the several other Even if bubbling would scatter the signal making it very hard to see. space, The spaces To isolate were the sample designed into the de war. (2) The first space" adjacent to the sample space is a vacuum space filled with used to liquid . nitrogen temperature gradually. vacuum insulate. The in The next space is usually order last space step elaborate insulating system, to room is under a common with the first vacuum insulating space. this rather up Even with the liquid helium 35 valve to vacuum pump Insulating space liquid nitrogen space sample space Figure 8 . windows Cross sectional view of the glass dewar. 36 would still boil. the dewar pumped. could To eliminate light scattering bubbles, was designed such that the sample space could be By pumping away helium take place superfluid. thereby vapor, changing evaporative cooling the Pumping with a mechanical helium into a pump to 38 microns signal, it is also eliminates the bubbling. In crucial addition to to optimizing discriminate Originally, the between polarization inserting a polarizing sheet when reviewing the various was in the contradictory data, polarizations. determined simply by signal beam. Later, it was found that this method of discrimination was unsatisfactory. for from the poor response of the this inadequacy stems Spex in certain regions polarizations. of the The response spectrum under different of the Spex has been studied and found to respond poorly with a signal having vertical polarization. M 61 balance polarized. the response, the below 13000 cm " 1 The horizontally polarized signals was good, to response a quarter to therefore in order signal was Circularly polarized light was by inserting The reason circularly easily achieved waveplate into the signal as shown in Figure 7. The second experiment is part in the signal the of the absorbtion processing which starts with the photomultiplier tube and ends Figure 9 . shows a design with the storing of data. block diagram for the signal processing. 37 SPEX 14018 DOUBLE MONOCHROMETER EXTERNAL DRIVE CONTROL EMI 9558QB PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE KEITHLY 416 HIGH SPEED PICOAMMETER NORTHERN SCIENTIFIC 575 MULTICHANNEL ANALYZER PDP-11 COMPUTER DISK STORAGE Figure 9. Block diagram of signal processing used in absorption experiment. 38 This diagram begins with the EMI 9558QB photomultiplier tube which initially sees the signal from the spectrometer. This signal is then sent to a Keithly 416 high speed pi coammeter which in turn registers a current. the tube, appropriate and voltage applied to By choosing the photomultiplier the appropriate scale on the pi coammeter, possible to obtain picoammeter's panel a full scale meter. deflection it was on the. An absorption transition is found when the signal disappears momentarily while scanning the spectrum. The pi coammeter then passes whatever signal it receives to the analyzer which digitally. the Northern is Scientific capable of The multi channel stepping motor in 575 multichannel storing the analyzer was the Spe x. information interfaced with This allowed instrument to scan along with the spectrometer. this synchronization, it was possible Because of to relate particular address to the appropriate wavenumber. step in This the process was easily the a The last was to store the data on floppy disk. accomplished because the. multichannel analyzer was interfaced to the PDP-11 computer. The procedure used in the absorption experiment was to simply scan the spectrum for absorption lines. absorption and line was found Pr 3 + >Y(OH) 3 , the f irst line After finding ■began by the scanning by to error. found was • 3 Po at first line, 3Po trial The first For 20438 cm-1. all subsequent experiments insure that the system was 39 actually recording signals With all systems set, recording began. 16000 cm"1. the tedious process of scanning and The region scanned was from 23500 cm " 1 to Most of the absorption experiment liquid helium at 77 originating from the crystal. K. temperatures, Generally but however, was done at some lines where recorded the data at the higher temperatures was too noisy to interpret due to the nitrogen boiling. Fluorescence Experiment In brief, measuring and the fluorescence recording ions in the crystal. excite the ions. experiment is experiment. view, the experiment signals emitted by excited Pr 3 * This means that the first After exciting the ions, similar in principle to step is to the rest of the the absorption In other words, from an experimental point of goal is to find as many fluorescence lines as possible with the least amount of noise. goal, consists of In obtaining this it was found that the biggest difference absorption and between the fluorescence experiments came in the signal processing techniques. Before the fluorescence experiment could begin, necessary to corresponds examining the it was tune the exciting laser to a wave number which to a fluorescence energy level state diagram for Argonne National Laboratories report ( 81 in the ion. By Pr3+ given in the it was found that 40 three states pump) the fluoresce: ions wavenumber of a 1 D2 , tunable the level 3Po and dye 3 Pi. . To excite laser whose energy contain a brief set to the was determined from results of the absorption experiment. follow was (or The paragraphs which description of the laser used to excite the ions. One of the spectroscopy was most significant the advent was this laser which was at experiment. The lasing organic dye tunable dissolved over a the heart the dye ethanol. Since in this range containing the This selection can be made by examining dye manufacture's data. The project were • coumarin and rhodamine at To to frequency, the dye is it was first 20400 cm " 1 and 16500 cm " 1 respectively. tune It laser is an each band of frequencies, the tuning curves from the dyes used laser of the fluorescence necessary to choose a dye. which has a desired frequency. in of the tunable dye laser. material of in finite advances laser to the desired understand how it is instructive to investigate the structure of the laser. All of the lasers used University students. by Dr. R. L. were Cone built and at Montana State his previous graduate The design of the dye laser was based on a paper written by T. W. Hansch in 1 972. *1 71 the laser are shown in Figure 10. The basic components of The system begins with a repetitively pulsed nitrogen gas laser. 41 sample fluorescence signal to Spex focusing lens < partially reflecting mirror nitrogen gas laser mirror photodiode telescope beam expander variable angle grating Figure 10. partially reflecting mi rror oscillator dye cell amplifier dye cell mirror Schematic of system used in fluorescence experiment including the Hansch type dye laser arrangement. 42 The.nitrogen the dye laser. tight four laser was used as the pumping source for The laser foot long is basically cavity output end and a plane mirror gas is excited transversely running the length of the cavity made up with a glass window on the on the back. with two the cavity. The nitrogen pairs of electrodes To operate the laser, is first pumped out by a mechanical vacuum pump and then nitrogen gas is allowed to flow in. constant of an air pressure, the chamber is slowly pumped while a fresh supply of gas continued to flow in. typically held To maintain a The at 48 mmHg during operation. flow of nitrogen gas in the chamber, pulsed across pressure is With a stable approximately 25 kV is the electrodes at a repetitive rate of 6 Hz. This high voltage excites nitrogen molecule. the electronic states of the The lifetime of these excited states is quite short (on the order of I 0 nsec) , and consequently the nitrogen laser emits bursts 10 nanoseconds long. shaped and in the mirrors on a The of radiation typically resultant beam violet region Newport Research about is spatially fan of the spectrum. Corporation Using 4'x 8 * optical bench, the fan shaped beam is split up, part being directed to an oscillator ' dye cell and part being sent to an amplifier dye cell. The discussion begin with, amplifier the cell may now difference should be focus on between clarified. the dye lasers. the To oscillator and Simply put, the 43 oscillator cell is within the oscillating amplifier is outside the cavity are made up of cavity. a 632 cavity while the The boundaries of this lines per inch diffraction grating at one end and a partially reflecting mirror on the other end. Changing the angle changes the because grating particular frequency section, allows for ■ feedback in This is only one giving rise to a preferential gain at frequency. As pointed out in the theory the best resolution from a diffraction grating can be obtained by This is diffraction grating frequency at which the dye will lase. the the desired on the illuminating accomplished by as many lines as possible. inserting a telescope arrangement between the dye cell and the grating which acted as expander. a beam The dye solution itself was contained in a cell known as a cuvette-type design which has a dye cell. This is a rectangular magnetic stirrer in the bottom to help keep the dye solution homogeneous during operation. the beam it passes through leaves the an amplifier cell. beam. Since laser, oscillating cavity, The amplifier then simply the After enhances the experiment was dependent on tuning the it is productive to outline the tuning procedure. To set the dye laser, the wavenumber. To there must be measure this, a way the beam is directed to the slit of the spectrometer which . is covered paper The card. card is in to measure place spectrometer slits by diffusing the light. to by a white protect The the signal is 44 then seen by the Spex photomultiplier tube. From and consequently here the by the signal goes directly to an oscilloscope where it can be viewed. To see the signal on the screen it is necessary to set the time constant on the scope. the RC signal. time constant of This was done the circuit which delivers the The resistance of the circuit can be determined by simply knowing the input resistance of the scope. experiment a Tektronix 485 oscilloscope was 50 ohm by finding or one megohm input used which has resistance. The value for capacitance can be determined by knowing the length coaxial cable used to transmit the signal. these cables is given as 30 picofarad per constant generally turned out to of the Capacitance for foot. be In the The time approximately 0. 3 milliseconds using the 1 megohm input. With the set, the beam hitting wavenumber of with the Spex. the Spex and the oscilloscope the laser can be found by scanning Once the wavenumber is found, it can be changed by adjusting a micrometer attached to the dye laser grating. Setting conceptually practice it a the very seems to wavenumber simple take thing at of to least the ' laser do. twice is However in as long as initially planned. After tuning the crystal. using a The the laser, beam convergent lens. was the beam positioned was directed on to onto the crystal A logical question, at this point 45 is: how do you know when the beam is hitting the crystal? This could be determined by actually looking at the crystal and watching for adjusted. fluorescence as the beam This turned out to be a tedious process indeed. The optical arrangement for the experiment was the same as that used for that the exciting beam was incident fluorescence absorption except on the crystal at 90 degrees from the optical axis in Figure 10. looking for fluorescence lines absorption lines. states in the ion However, the A block lifetime of the excited was very short (approximately 150 nsec) diagram of processing system. the signal processing system used in the fluorescence experiment is given in the absorption experiment, and ends as data on a disk. part of the experiment used for was in Figure 11. As the signal starts at the Spex The first photomultiplier tube cooled tube In principle, was similar to looking for and this led to a more elaborate signal in the position was used. the difference is found The tube used for this RCA weak signals. C31034A which is a The second and major difference in the signal processing was the introduction of the signal averager. was as known produced by the To be more precise, boxcar averager, Princeton Applied this instrument gated Research Company (PARC). gate has the effect of allowing data while is present. (gate open) data in the signal between signals integrator, the instruments (gate closed). This A to take and not take leads to a 46 SPEX 14018 DOUBLE MONOCHROMETER EXTERNAL DRIVE CONTROL RCA C3034A PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE Trigger DELAY LINE SCOPE PARC MODEL 162 BOXCAR AVERAGER Gate PARC MODEL 1 64 GATED INTEGRATOR Trigger NORTHERN SCIENTIFIC 575 MULTICHANNEL ANALYZER PDP-11 COMPUTER DISK STORAGE Figure 1 I. Block diagram for the signal processing used in fluorescence experiment. 47 significant reduction of noise. . The boxcar was introduced because it provided a gate and could be used for very short signals. The boxcar had the the pulse advantage of integrating and repetitions. To understand how the boxcar was adjusted and used, averaging additional over several it is helpful to trace the path of the signal. The signal began with, the laser the crystal. The rise time exciting the ions in of the signal corresponds to the amount of time the laser was on which was about 5 to 10 nanoseconds. After spontaneously emit This time ions photons over signals a finite which nanoseconds. During emitted, photomultiplier the oscilloscope. So, been excited they amount of time. This time should be compared to the amount of between to adjust have was observed on the oscilloscope to be about 150 nanoseconds. time the the is time about that sends 0.17 photons a billion are being signal to The signal is sent to the scope first, the size and delay of the the only gate on the boxcar. one channel of the scope shows the signal and the other channel shows the gate. Both the scope and the boxcar were triggered by a photodiode which picked up stray light from the dye laser (see Figure 10). At this point it is necessary to consider the amount of time it takes for the photodiode to and consequently response time for for the the boxcar to PARC 1 62 trigger the boxcar, respond. The nominal is , 75- nanoseconds. (18) 48 Because of this the response of the gate, the signal was arriving before the gate could be initiated. To rectify this delay in situation, a 50 ohm delay cabIe was cut to a specific length in order to induce in the signal. a 100 This allowed.both the signal and the gate to appear on the screen of the scope. duration and delay time where been made, removed and the scope Finally the aperture set to match the signal. After this adjustment has from nanosecond delay put the signal on line was the PARC 164 gated integrator. The PARC I 64 gated integrator operates by sampling the input signal a number exponential average. storing the of times Physically, and then computing an this can be voltage from each input signal on a capacitor. Unfortunately a capacitor can leak off some of particularly when to the aperture experiment. the time To solve allows one to its charge, between gates is long compared duration. This the digital storage option is option done by was leaky the case capacitor available on take the in the problem, the boxcar. a This analog input signal and convert it to digital format where it can be stored without loss. After averaging, the signal is converted back to analog form and sent to the multichannel analyzer. Before leaving the boxcar averager, it is important to understand the time it takes the instrument to respond to a signal, for this directly effects' the rate at which the 49 Spex can scan. is known The time it takes for the boxcar to respond as the observed time constant (OTC) and is calculated b y <1S) OTC = Here AD ( AD) TC ( REP) refers to 22 the aperture duration time, time constant selected on the instrument experiment) Hz). and For psec (1 fluorescence, seconds. So, a signal was approximately experiment, the allows the 2 cm-1, , output OTC was since the wavenumber spread of then the maximum safe scan speed for the Spex was 0.5 cm " 1 per second. speed for this REP is the repetition rate of the laser ( 6 the typically 1.6 TC is the signal to reach This scan a signifcant fraction of its maximum gain. After the signal leaves 'the boxcar, is essentially Plots for the same both absorption given in the Appendix. two types as in of plots and signal processing the absorption experiment. fluorescence spectra are The primary difference is the baseline. between the In the fluorescence experiment the baseline corresponded to zero signal and was positioned at the negative signals. the voltage top of the MCA screen to reveal the The signals were negative simple because applied to the photomultiplier was negative. The baseline for the absorption experiment be at the top of the MCA screen. was set at the bottom of appears to also In reality, the screen while the the baseline signal was 50 blocked. This allows us to develop an idea of the strength of the absorption line. zero line, For instance, if a line hit the we could conclude that there was 1 0 0 % absorption in that region of the spectrum. To this point, not been the discussed. precision of the measurements has Because the raw data is read off the Spex, the question boils down to Spex is. a calibration experiment was To answer preformed. This spectrum of a hollow this experiment consisted was done, ( 2 01 of the how of precise the recording the cathode iron-neon lamp and comparing the results with those published by of Physics. <19) asking After an the American Institute analysis of the calibration data it was concluded that the wavenumber read off Spex was shifted by -1.83 ± 0. 09 cm" 1 from the true values throughout the spectrum. 51 CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS Upon leaving the laboratory, quantity of data and it. Therefore it little organization associated with was necessary to first sort through the data and neatly organize it. found for one typically has a large organizing the The ■ most efficient method data was to plot the spectra out and then arrange the plots in a notebook in order spectral range. been recorded, Once it was clear what spectral lines had a table transitions which Then by of their making was constructed could have guesses of all possible produced the observed lines. from the tables, a chart of experimentally determined energy levels was produced. During the experiments, spectrum was recorded by an analog and then stores the digital if we scanned of addresses over from the multichannel instrument converts maximum number data 1024 scanning analyzer. the This signal to a digital signal, count in an address. available is 1024. wavenumbers, would store the total wavenumber. The raw data appears as a then signal recorded The Therefore each address after scanning one data the actual digital count in that address. address, and To determine the 52 actual wavenumber where a spectral line has been recorded, it was necessary to know the initial wavenumber of the scan as well as the number of wavenumbers in each address. The algebraic expression was simply given by W6 = W i - C ( A ) . Here Wi 23 is the initial wavenumber, per address, c represents wavenumber A is the address of the represents the spectral line wavenumber of the line seen. and W 6 With the data in hand as well as a way to calculate the wavenumber of any line seen, it was time to plot out the data. The absorption and fluorescence spectra were plotted on the HP7470A graphics plotter which Basic program . run Basic program was student in plot, MCA on a written NEC-APCl11 microcomputer. by D. the Physics department. it was first necessary to into an x-y was controlled format. Macpherson, by a This a graduate In order to generate a convert the data from the This was accomplished with a program written in the C programming language. The plots can be examined in the Appendix. With all of the data neatly plotted it was possible to make a table containing all of transitions. the experimentally observed The crux of the situation was that the energy levels involved in each transition were yet unknown. at this point that that is, deciding on which each transition. the hard two It is part of data analysis began; states where involved in 53 In order transitions, the upper to know anything about the fluorescence it was necessary to know the energy states. This levels Of dictated the need to label the states involved in the absorption transitions first. was all. because at very low temperatures, transitions could be assumed state, 3 H a ( 2) . ■the ground Knowing of the from the ground Here the p=2 quantum number was assigned as state term that to originate This the initial immediately implies transition exactly by inspection that of Sarup' s work. (1 3 ' value the of energy corresponds to energy value is seen zero, in the the energy of the final state. But how is the upper state labeled? comparing the ion energy. worked out energy found in the The energy levels in Wybourne's group which an transition belongs to, to be assigned. transition to the free of the free ion have been book17 ’ and an estimation of the labeled levels is given in Figure 3. general This was done by upper After deciding on the level in an absorption the appropriate \i quantum number had This was accomplished by knowing the polarization of the transition and then using the selection rules presented in Table 2. In most cases the assignment of the upper state could be made without to the fact that spaced. 3 P 0 state the levels A good example of which is in the this is any ambiguity due free ion were widely the. assignment somewhat separated of the in the spectrum at 54 20438 cm-1. always as Unfortunately, clear, particularly the ground state. ambiguous, so the assignment of states is not if the ion did not start in Fluorescence transitions it is are terminally appropriate to discuss the assignment of states specifically for this case. Before the ion can excited state. fluoresce, Initially absorption transition upper fluorescence state with obtain a must start in an the 3Po state was pumped by the dye laser since the absorption for A strong it stronger signal. this level allows us more was strong. to populate the electrons and thereby Because the 3Po state is pumped does not mean that all of the fluorescence originates from this in Chapter 2.on state. Recalling nonradiati ve transitions, the discussion it is seen that transitions could easily originate from the 1Dz state. This state of affairs necessitated the listing of all possible states for each transition. given in Table 3. The An example of such a list is list finding the difference between in the free ion which transition seen. Then would was to find constructed by first the upper and lower states roughly correspond to the by knowing the energy level of the upper state from absorption data, be used initial and final the selection rules could all of the possible lower states.. It was at this point that educated guesses had to be ,made for each transition. 55 Table 3. Example list of possible transitions responsible for spectral lines recorded. Level determined (cm"1) Line recorded ( cm" 1 ) Possible transition 16176.6 a =Po(O) - = H6( 2) =H6 (2 ) 4261.7a =Po(O) - = H6( 2 ' ) = H 6 ( 2' ) 4261.7 1 D 2 (0) - = H4( 2' ) = H 4 (2* ) = 296. 4 1 D 2 (I) - =H 4 (I) =H4 M ) = 627. 4 1 D 2 (I) - =H 4 (O) = H 4 ( 3) = 627. 4 - =H 4( 3') = H4( 3' ) = 627. 4 - = H4( 2' ) = H4( 2' ) = 586. 4 . 1 D 2 (I) 1 D2( 2) 1 2304. 8 V . 1 D2C 2) ■- = H4( 0) =H 4 (O) = 586. 4 =Po(O) - 1 G 4 ( 3) 1 G 4 (.3) = 8133. 5 = Po(O) - 1 G 4 ( 3' ) 1 G4( 3' ) = 8133. 5 -1 D 2 (I) - = H6( 2), =H 6 ( 2) 1 D 2 (I) - = H6(2' ) = H6( 2' ) 1 D2( 2) - =H 6 (I) =H 6 (I) = 4458. 2 1 D2( 2) - =H 6 ( V ) =H6 ( V ) = 4458. 2 1 D 2 (O) - =H 6 (S) = H6( 3) = 41 6 8 . 2a - = H 6 ( 3' ) =H 6 (3') . 1 D 2 (O) *■ indicates the final selection. = 4499. 2 4499. 2 4168. 2 56 A reasonable, question were the guidelines used at in this point might be: the selections, the expression, educated guesses? listed here order guideline in is that pumping laser.' s of no could be that the low as 11000 cm-1.. Therefore, initially. had This importance. The first state with energy greater than the energy transitions legitimizing Several guidelines are their condition considers the what to be suggests considered. A second spectrum was scanned only as the electrons' in that the 3Po there involved in or are 1Ds groups four possible initial states given by: 1 D2C 0) , Most tables of possible these initial that only the consulting p However, = 0 Finally, Sarup's fluorescence and 1 D 2 (2), 3 Po( 0) . transitions included states. transitions. paper was 1 D2( 1) , in states the end resulted selections paper absorption all four of were which in . observable made listed signals. it was found by all Reliance again observed on this kept to a minimum since the phonons in LaCla are different from Y( OH) 3. After the data has been taken, compiled listed, and possible, plots made, transitions states involved in the transitions final selections of the states involved in each 57 transition were made. From these selections it was easy to obtain the experimental energy levels. 58 CHAPTER 5 COMPUTER FITTING THE HAMILTONIAN After taking and analyzing the data, attention was directed towards finding the magnitude of the parameters in the Hamiltonian. In short, this was done by initially guessing the magnitude for each parameter the Hamiltonian for its eigenvalues in hand, it eigenvalues. was and then solving With the calculated possible to compare these values to those obtained experimentally. Measuring the fit was done by a The fit generally least squares was unsatisfactory which meant be adjusted and the the full form parameters, analysis. that the parameters had to calculation repeated. of the it is clear perturbing that appropriate calculation be Hamiltonian calculating even once is a time consuming task. the Recalling that Hamiltonian the eigenvalues require of times. that National program was familiarity parameters, Laboratories. <8> functioning properly with effects the data from a known To as of example a group at insure well that as varying was this Fortunately I was provided with a computer program written by Argonne 18 The process of finding may repeated hundreds has the gaining different given to the 59 computer and this done, a fit for the Hamiltonian my data was used in the was found. program to With seek the appropriate Hamiltonian for Pr 3 + : Y(OH) 3 . The Fitting Program The program was written 11/780 computer. Its eigenvalues and level basic purpose to not calculated the levels, the program experimental data. Based on adjust any since a transition from then repeat to calculating fit, the program would the operator had specified, as and was free to vary desired. Another possibility ratio to it. configuration. a least squares fit to the the parameters which holding calculate the In addition did variable, while was to ground state would produce a spectral line above the visible region. the and run on a VAX the eigenvectors of the 4f The 1 So level was this in fortran the calculation. The operator as many parameters in the Hamiltonian as one or was to vary one parameter more other variables in a constant The maximum number of iterations the program would execute was specified by the operator. In this work, eight iterations was specified as the maximum. Rarely did the number program iterations. change in actually complete the maximum This was because it terminated as of soon as the the variable parameters became small enough such that the fit was unaffected. Monitoring the performance of the program was the 60 responsibility quantities of the calculated operator. during There each were iteration several that were helpful in monitoring the fitting process. Probably the sure that determined the. most Important calculated by. Hund's ground and number say was trivalent nothing obtained of by absorption line The make was to be matched However, term notation the Hund's of of it The p work on and from examining unambiguous cm " 1 with seen was an a ct polarization. inspection of the free ion energy levels and rules, rules the ground previous confirming transition at 20438 the one p quantum number. analysis praseodymium ( 131 transitions seen. state rules. determine only the free ion state check to By the selection is seen that the only states giving rise to this transition would be 3 H*(2) and 3 Po(O). Since the line was recorded with the crystal at liquid helium temperatures, it is clear that the ground state has a p quantum number of 2 . Recalling the discussion in Chapter 4, it is clear that a different ground state erodes the other selections ground state, the run responsible parameter the credibility made. was So upon finding a shifted immediately was noted. for most of abandoned and the This situation occurred many times. Each time the program it calculated the error bar an error grew changes a bar for to a specified parameter, the parameter varied. significant fraction If of the 61 parameter itself, the fit was viewed with skepticism. quantity usually remained under ten percent This of the varied parameter and was not a significant problem during the many runs made. Finally, the followed very least squares closely. are reasonable, performance of the fit As long fit had the run. quantity <j , was as all other indications the last In fact, word as to the the goal of the project was to feed all of the data collected from the experiments, and obtain a minimum in a. But c will never be zero. This is because there are always some errors in both the theory and is the measurement. examining the lines look For plots in example it the Appendix like delta functions. clear that not from all of the Broad lines can easily produce errors in the determination of a line. Fitting to Data from Pr3-l^ L a C l s The first step in to make sure the the computer program was gain familiarity with the fitting procedure was functioning properly and to Hamiltonian. This was done by data for Pr 3 + : LaCl3. from Sarup' s work, (131 using the free ion Hamiltonian entering parameters Argonne National Laboratories (ANL) To begin with, including 1 So term) with the free ion 45 were of the entered parameters gi ven and in the report . ( 81 60 possible levels (not into from the program along ANL. The free ion parameters were attention was terms. Sarup's parameters, assumed directed so to first paper B6 & be and reasonably towards gives close so the crystal field values for the field B6O were entered using the given values while B2O and B4O were entered as arbitrary numbers. The first run consequently varying B2O and B 4 o. chosen first These the. effects of parameters were because they have nonzero matrix elements for B66. This The results Sarup. turns out not of this program quickly converged on the reported by on crystal field every term in the free ion. case with focused run showed that the values for Numerical results Table 4, run number 1. This Table to be the B2 o and B4O can be examined in provides an example of the type of organization used when running the program. The second run concentrated on the effect of varying B6O with B 6 6 in constant proportion using constant R.L. Cone to it. idea of proportions arose from discussions with Dr. after crystals. <2) As reviewing the results run are from other in run 1, convergence came quickly and the values closely matched those given by of this This given in Table 4, Sarup. The results run number 2. Notice that the values for B2o and B 4 o had been updated with those obtained in run number 1 . After varying the crystal field parameters, vary the free ion parameter. parameters starting Starting with the I began to with the spin-orbit values given in the ANL 63 Table 4: Numerical results from fitting program using data from Pr 3 +:LaCl 3 . RUN NUMBER : 1 VARIATIONS: LUMPED PARAMETERS: Ea v = 9928. 0 M2 = 0. 986 . ST ARTING B 2 0 = 200.0 F2 = 68368. 0 M 4 . = 0. 669 B 4O = -550.0 F4 = 50008. 0 P2 = 275. 0 F6 = 32473. O P 4 = 206. 3 oc = 22900. O b P 6' - 137.5 ENDING B = -674.0 B20 = B 2 o = 108.4 Y = 1 520.0 B 4o = B 4 o = -320. 8 Z, = 750. 0 B 6 o = -677. 0 M0 = 1 . 760 B66 = 466. 0 PARAMETER ERRORS: B 2 0 = 16.5 B 4 o .= 39. 0 SIGMA: <7 = 19.6 RUN NUMBER : 2 LUMPED PARAMETERS: E a v = 9928. 0 M 2 = 0.986 F2 = 68368. 0 M 4 = 0. 669 F4 = 50008. O P 2 = 275. 0 F6 = 32473.0 P 4 = 206.3 cc = 22900. O b P 6 = 1 37. 5 B = -674. 0 B 2 0 = 1 08.4 Y = 1 520. 0 B 4 o = -320. 8 C = 750. 0 B60 = M0 = 1.760 B66 = PA RAMETER VARIATIONS: ERRORS: STARTI NG . B 6 o = 36.3 B 6 o =' -1 000. 0 B 6 o = -. 6 9 B 6 6 ENDING B 6 o = -677. 0 SIGMA: a = 17.7 RUN N UMBER : 3 PARAMETER VARIATIONS: LUMPED PARAMETERS: ERRORS: STARTING Ea v = 9928. 0 M2 = 0. 986 F2 =13.0 ,F 2 = 68368.0 F2 = M4 = 0. 669 F 4 = 39. 0 F4 = 50008.0 F4 P2 275. 0 F 6 = 28. 0 F6 = 32473.0 F6 = P4 206.3 <c = 22900. O b P6 = 137.5 SIGMA: ENDING B = -674. 0 B 2 0 = 1 08.4' F2 = 68359.0 Y = 1 520. 0 B 4 O = “--320. 8 F4 = 50009.0 . a = 8. 2 £ = 748.0 B 6 0- = -677.-0 F6 = 32728.0 M0 = 1 . 7 6 0 B 6 6 = 466.0 * All values in units of cm " 1 . b The program uses 1 000«:, which is expressed as cc here. 64 report, the iterations, program claimed showing almost convergence no within improvement in Numerical data from this run is not shown here, value obtained for The next £ the fit. but the new was used in all subsequent runs. parameters which were electron-electron interaction terms. for these three parameters were varied The those given were the initial values by the ANL report. As is typical for this program, convergence came quickly. Scanning the it through results, was found that the differences between calculated and experimental eigenvalues was not constant in the sense of being all positive or all negative. produced On a the other constant results of this run hand, negative are given the spin-orbit parameter difference. in Table The numerical 4, run number 3. Notice that the improvement of the fit is considerable. With all of the varied and adjusted, smaller correction major parameters attention terms. First Starting with an arbitrarily eigenvalues showed experimental values. large large Even was in the Hamiltonian directed among value, positive with, this towards the these was. oc. the calculated shift from the large initial shift, convergence came within three iterations. Small correction terms similar to By starting with oc arbitrarily shifted are given by B and Y. values, a large negative shift in the calculated eigenvalues was observed. the program converged within Once again however, three iterations with very 65 little improvement in the fit. independently was P2. the ANL The last Following the procedure suggested in report,(8> P4 and P6 were proportions to P 2 during this run. would contribute initial value parameter varied little in constant Assuming this parameter towards was that held improving the fit, given in the ANL report. did show some change in the parameter which the. This run would suggest that it should be varied when trying to fit the Pr 3 + : Y(OH) 3 Hamiltonian. As a final test, same time all parameters except for the M's. were set free at the The M's were held constant because it was felt that these parameters would contribute very little to the fit.(2) The initial parameters used were those obtained in the first 7 runs. Convergence came quickly and the fit improved little. In review, it was observed that the crystal field parameters and the electron-electron interaction parameters ( F2, F4, F6) made the most significant contributions to the fit. Additionally, it is assumed that by reviewing the 3P and 1 I. J. Sugar 1 1 1 1 stronger crystal fields produce bigger shifts in energy levels, as work of particularly the upper levels such Therefore when experimental data to the Pr3*: Y(OH) 3 . were made to utilize these findings. attempting to fit the Hamiltonian, efforts 66 Fitting to Data from Pr3t: Y( 0 H ) 3 Fitting the Hamiltonian to data from Pr3+:LaCls is an admittedly artificial example. that the This is due to the fact most difficult and critical decisions had already been correctly constructing spectra. made. a Those decisions table of were involved with energy levels from the observed When fitting to Pr 3 + :.Y(OH) 3 data, it must be kept in mind that some of the selections may not be correct. It only takes one mislabeled level to prevent the program from finding an used to acceptable fit. find the Because Hamiltonian of this, for the process Pr 3 + : Y(OH) 3 is more involved. The selection process was complicated in this work due to the fact that energy levels. fit. 1 16 1 D 2 has appeared to have similar the 1 D 2 terms did not seem to been common been made ( 2 1 1 this work did not refinements. 3 Pt Additionally, Trouble with attempts have and in Pr3+:LaCls and to eliminate this problem but incorporate any of these very recent These selection problems were finally solved by excluding all experimentally determined levels from 1 D 2 , 3 P 1 and 1 I6. This meant that only the most restrictive data was initially entered. There is a lower limit program needs to function on the number of levels properly. The program needs enough data to compare eigenvalues with such that ion parameters ( F2, F4, F6-, the the free C ) and the crystal field 7 67 parameters may be roughly ion parameters, the program needs at least.four gravity. Entering determines that crystal determined. one level in manifold’s center field acts to split To adjust the free a free centers of ion manifold of gravity. the Since the degeneracies in these manifolds, then it is reasonable to expect that the program must have more than one level anything about the crystal condition given 121 fitting is that entered, less in a manifold to determine field parameters. The general in order to have a reasonable chance of the total number of observed the number of centers of gravity determined, must be greater than four. This may be written as Noi - NcofG >> 4 23 where Ni 0 represents the number of and NcofG levels is the observed levels entered number of centers of gravity determined. This expression gives some basis for which must be entered. Because selections, the program was the number of the initially of levels ambiguity in the run with . the bare minimum of nine levels. In the final process of obtaining a fit, best determined levels were entered, along the parameters ANL . 1 8 , 1 3 1 given by Sarup and nine levels are indicated in Table One significant that only one. or 8 on with values for The initial pages 76 problem in obtaining a fit two parameters nine of the were varied and 77. previously was in each run. This resulted in taking too much time It was therefore found find convergence. to convenient to vary several parameters in one run. Varying several parameters at once was not without its hazards. Because not orthogonal, it is possible to have the parameters. show strong beyond The interdependence between parameters F6, cc and Y interdependence. physically previous all of the operators are completely So acceptable 'work, (2 2 ’the other while bounds turned out to one as dependent value grew determined, parameters in could adjust to compensate making it appear as if a fit had been obtained. This was found to following the lead of actually occur others, <8 •22 > in y , so y was permanently fixed for all runs. After much experimentation with the parameters, found that it was varying all of the crystal field parameters and the largest free ion produced consistent parameters,(F2, and reasonable obtained for the initial nine F4, F 6 , C > together results. levels, With a fit other levels were slowly added and new parameters obtained. In order to be run to obtain over nonproductive and runs. So, 200 a reasonable fit, times. tedious to this Chapter Obviously the program had it would be reproduce the results of ' 2 0 0 concludes with a review of the results from the final runs. During all of the runs made with the final 19 levels. 69 no problems, Therefore, such as a shifted ground state, were observed. attention focused on minimizing a. the results obtained after parameters except for varying whose all of value was Table 5 list the free ion held fixed at a value given by H. Crosswhite.(22> The initial parameters in this run gave a least squares fit of 26 cm-1. Within three iterations this figure had improved considerably to 7 cm"1. This run parameters, After provides a typical example of varying several provided that the correct levels varying the free field parameters were varied are in place. ion parameters, again. the crystal Keeping in mind the large changes made in all of the parameters since the first run with nine levels, this point. Finally, very little change was to assure a good fit, recorded at I returned to varying one or two parameters per run. The last run made ' has its numerical data documented in Table 5 run number 2. Even though many runs had been made between in Table 5, very little actually changed. the two shown At this point, moderately good Hamiltonian was considered found. a 70 Table 5: Numerical results from fitting program using data from Pr 3 + : Y( OH) 3 . RUN NUMBER : 1 ■ LUMPED PARAMETERS: Eav F2 F4 F6 OC B Y ; M0 = 9928. 0 = = = = = = 1 4 0 0.0 = = 2. 300 M2 ■ = M4 P2 = P4 P6 B2O = B4 o = B 6 o .•= B6 6 = 1 . 290 0. 874 119.3 89. 46 59.65 321.1 -1057. -1133. 645. 5 VARIATIONS: STARTING F 2 = 6831 8 . F 4 '=" 47385. 31 808. F6 OC = 26241. b B = -729. y = 748. 0 PARAMETER ERRORS: F 2 = 34. F 4 = 131. F 6 = 50. cc = 277. b B = 20. = 0.9 ENDING F2 = F4 = F6' = OC = B = y = SIGMA: 68481. 47524. 321 1 5. 26566. b -736. .747. 9. ■ CT = 7.1 RUN NUMBER : 2 LUMPED PARAMETERS: M2 9928.0 Eav M4 68481.0 F2 = 47 52 4. 0 P2 F4 P4 F6 = 321 1 5. 0 = 26566. Ob P 6 CC = B2O -736. 0 B = 1 400. 0 B4O Y = 747. 9 B6o C B66 M0 = 1.760 0. 986 0. 669 = = =. = = 321 . 9 -1 056. -1 137. 646. 4. VARIATIONS: STARTING P 2 = 119.3 P 4 = 0. 7 5P 2 P 6 = 0. 50P2 PARAMETER ERRORS: P 2 = 18.4 ENDING P 2 =. 1 45. 7 SIGMA: C t = 5.7 * All values in units of cm'1. b The• program uses 1 OQQcc1 which is expressed as oc here. -71 CHAPTER 6 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Having presented this project, obtained. the I conclude The first ideas by and methods relevant to reviewing the final results results which should be reviewed are the final experimentally determined energy levels. the energy levels presented along Also the as determined with e, magnitudes by Second, calculation are the least . squares fit parameter. of hami ltoni an are given. the parameters Finally, a in the few comments final are made in review of this thesis. Table contains 6 experiments. the Examination Appendix reveals results of that the of the the .spectral absorption plots in the line which did not work well in the computer fitting procedure was not particularly strong. The Appendix lines contains the recorded. spectral plots However, from all. of the the ' magnitudes of the fluorescence lines are not well represented by these plots. The magnitude of the lines depended not only on the population of the state and the transition probability, also on For the voltage example, the applied to voltage but the photomultiplier tube. applied to the photomultiplier 72 Table 6 . Absorption lines recorded and levels determined Linea Polari­ zation Transition re s ponsible Level determineda a 3 H4( 2) - 3 P2( 2) 3 P2C 2) = 22249. 7 ir 3 H 4 ( 2) - 3 P 2 (I) 3 P 2 (I) = 221 84. 7 22172. 0 a 3 H 4 (S) - 3 P 2 (T) 3 H 4 (S) = 14.5 221 35. 7 a 3 H 4 ( 2 ) - 3 P 2 (O) 3 P 2 (O) = 221 35.7 21339. 2 a 3 H4( 2) - 1 I 6 (I) 1 I 6( 2) = 21339.2 21 086. 2 <7 3 H 4 ( 2) - 1 I 6 CO'') 1 I 6 CO' ') = 21 086.2 21 0 2 2 . 6 CT 3 H 4 ( 2) - 1 I 6 (OT) 1 I 6 CO' ) = 2 1 0 2 2 . 6 2 1 0 0 1 .6 CT 3 H 4 ( 2 ) - 3 Pi(O) 3 Pi(O) = 21 0 0 1 ..6 20990.2 V 3 H 4( 2) - 3 Pi(I) 3 Pi(I) = 20990. 2 20436. 5 CT 3 H 4 ( 2) - 3 Po(O) 3 PoCO) = 20436. 5 1 6802. 2 Tr . .3 H 4 ( 2) - 1 D 2 (I) 1 D 2 (I) = 16802.2 I 6761. 2 CT 3 H4C 2) - 1 D2 ( 2 ) 1 D 2 C 2 ) = 16761. 2 1 6734. 2 CT undetermined 16471.2 CT 3 H4( 2) 22249.7 221 84.7 v - 1 D 2 (O) all numbers in units of cm undetermined 1 D 2 (O) = 16471.2 73 when recording the lines at 1 6472 and 1 6457 cm" 1 was around 900V. In contrast* below 16450 cm"', the lines recorded with wavenumbers were recorded with the photomultiplier at 1 800V. The results from, the reviewed in Table 7. fluorescence experiments Note that some of the transitions recorded yielded information on the same means that there were fewer computer fitting procedure, can be eigenstate. This levels to work with in the but the levels used were more reliably determined. The most strikingly contradictory line recorded was at 16457.3 cm"1. Appendix shows recorded. that In fact, instruments transition 1 D 2 (O) Examination of the plot for this line in the fluorescence was the strongest this line was often used to during believed 3 H a (S), this which the experiment. level had However, also for determined 3 H a (S) determined disappeared. in this this line from the was to have an energy seemed reasonable it was later found that the. fluorescence from the been Originally responsible corresponding to 16cmTI This adjust the since this absorption when pumping the data. Dz(O), region of the spectrum virtually This suggests that the line either originates 3Po state or from an upper level of the 1Dz term. The logical next test would be to pump 1 Dz. the energy level determined Since the magnitude of for this line does not match any of an upper those level in expected for Table 7: Fluorescence lines recorded and levels determined Li ne* Polarization Transition responsible Level determined* . 18797.6 IT 3 Pi(I) - 3 H3( 2 ) 3 H 5 ( 2) = 2192.2 1 6824. 0 <7 3 Pi(I) - 3 H&( 3) 3 H 6 (S) = 4166.4 1 6733. 0 V 3 Pi(I) - 3 H 6 ( 2) 3 H 6 ( 2 ) = 4259.7 1 6473. 0 a 1 D 2 ( 0) - 3 H 4 ( 2) . 'D2 (O) 1 6457. 3 TT undetermined 16270.7 IT 1 6249. 0 <7 unde t ermined 16176.6 a 3 P 0 (O) - 3 H 6 (2) I 2304. 8 IT 1 D 2 (0) 3 H 6 ( 3) 12211.5 CT 'D 2 (O) - 3 H 6 ( 2' ) 3 H 6 ( 2' ) = 4261.5 1 1 394. 0 a 'D 2 (O) - 3 F 2 (2) 3 F2( 2) •3 P 0 ( 0) - 3 H 4 (3') all values have units of cm = 16471. 2 undetermined 3 H4 O ' ) = 2 0 2 .8 undetermined 3 H 6 ( 2 ) = 4261.7 3 H6 O ) = 41 6 8 . 2 = 5079.0 75 praseodymium, it -may be that the crystal studied had a contaminant in it such as europium. Both the absorption and several repeated fluorescence experiments were times. recorded was This line particular crystal and of more than one. occasi on. this was a line at.11394 cm-1. exception t O One important most on presented here were recorded crystals. All an during was not experiments using a different of the lines Therefore other using one experiment found in two subsequent crystal from conditions the same batch such as crystal temperature, level pumped and identical. The last fluorescence experiment pumped levels 1 D 2 (O), 3 Po(O) and 3 P 4 (I) photomultiplier voltage were in an attempt to clarify the select!ons. As mentioned previously, the calculated energies to experimental many times However, and final artificial parameter with all fitting energies had been run results were moderately good. of value. 19 levels the final experimental levels used in energies for a has a three levels were not used in this fit so somewhat lists the program were calculated The final least squares fit fitting was 7.7 cm calculated the from fitting a . Table 8 energies and process. hamiltonian parameters given in Table 9 with units of cm with the These the 76 Table 8 . Term U 3 H* 2 3 2' 3' 1 0 3 Hs 3 2 3' 1 2' 1' 0 3 H6 3 2 3' 0 0' 1 2' 1' 0 '' Final calculated energy levels for Pr3*::Y( OH) 3. calculated energy (cm"1) experimental energy (cm"1) difference ( cm" 1 ) b 0 .0 5. 5 182.7 188.3 277. 5 456. 9 0. Oa 15.0' 2 0 1 .0 ' - 0 .0 9.5 . — 1 4. 5 - 2132. 6 2186. 3 2226. 1 2264. 0 2278. 4 2434. 7 2501.0 21 94. 0 — — 7. 7 4162. 9 4252. 6 4386.9 4392. 0 4420. 9 4472.5 4504. 4 - 4709. 4 '4747. 3. 41 6 8 . 2' 4261.5' — — 5079. 0 — - 5. 3 8 .9 — — — — — 6 i7 3 F2- 1 0 2 4970. 4 5037.9 5072. 3 3 F3 6302. 4 6346. 8 6377. 2 6402. 0 641 2. 7 — ~ 6553. 7 661 0. 9 6653. 8 6704. 2 6713. 4 6800. 6 - - 0 2 3 1 3' 3 F4 3 3* 2 0 1 2' - * one of first nine energy levels used in fit b difference = (experimental) - (calculated) — 77 Table 8 . "Term U 1 G* 3 3' 0 2 1 2’ Final calculated energy levels for Pr3*::Y( OH) 3 ( continued) ■ calculated energy (cm-1) 9229. 8 9447.9 9566. 8 9594. 3 9653. 2 9788. 6 experimental energy ( cm"1) - — difference ( cm" 1 ) b - 2 1 1 6459. 2 1 6803. 7 1 6758. 8 16471.2 1 6804. 0 1 6763. 0 1 2 .0 0. 3 4. 2 3Po 0 20425. 6 20436. 5* 10. 9 3Pi 0 I 21 0 0 2 . 6 21001.6 20983. 0 20 9 90. 2 1 I6 0 0’ 1 0 '' 1• 2 21 01 8 . 8 21 0 2 2 . 6 21 086. 2 1 D2 0 3 2' 3' 3 P2 0 I 2 21 083. 9 21 322. 4 21 324. 5 21 383. 0 21 478. 0 21559.7 21 576. 6 21 633. 0 2 2 1 18.0 22181. 9 22250. 3 21 339. 2 — 221 35.7* ' 221 84. 7* 22249. 7* *' one of first nine energy levels used in fit b difference = (experimental) - (calculated) -1 . 0 7. 2 3. 8 2. 3 16.8 — — — — 17. 7 2 .8 . -0 .6 J 78 Ea v F2 F4 F6 = = = = OC B Y C M0 = = M2 M4 P2 P4 P6 9928. 0 68481.0 47524. 0 321 1 6. 0 26. 566 -735. 0 1 400. 0 748. 0 2. 300 = = = B20 = B40 = B60 = B66 = 1 . 290 0. 87 4 I 45. 7 109.3 72. 85 321. 9 -1 056. -1 I 37. 646. 4 Table 9: Final parameters for the Hamiltonian of Pr 3 + : Y( OH) 3 The However fit obtained the calculated presented here as a guide sample. in can be when energy information on experiment searching future the may thereby splitting. thesis. levels for spectral experiments the line be to finding Finally, contaminants in it, in was not for perfect. Pr3*: Y( OH) 3 considered close and should be used states in the 1 D 2 manifold. it work lines in this In an attempt to improve the determination of the energy levels, field, this same could pump the upper This should at least yield more seen subject at 16 4 57 cm 1 . Another the crystal to a magnetic additional lines due to Zeeman if it is felt that the sample has some a new sample could be experimental procedure obtained, using outlined in this 79 REFERENCES CITED ( 1) M. S. Otteson, Ph. D. Thesis, unpublished (1984). (2) Private discussion with Dr. (3) J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1975). (4) Private discussion with Dr. (5) R. L. Liboff, Introductory Quantum Mechanics, HoldenDay, Oakland, California ( 1 980). (6 ) S. Hufner, Optical Spectra of Transparent Rare Earth Compounds, Academic Press, New York (1978). (7) B. G. .Wybo.urne, Spectroscopic Properties of Rare Earths, Interscience Publishers, New York (1978). (8 ) W. T. Carnell, H. 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The vertical the multichannel analyzer. axis is These counts were heavily dependent on the settings of the signal processing instruments and do the intensity of individual lines. not necessarily represent I i i r j__ i__ i 22100 22160 Figure 12. i i i r i I I r I -1— L 22220 22280 22340 Absorption with sigma polarization at 22400. 22400 T I r j— L_i 22100 22160 I i... -I 22220 22280 22340 Figure 13. Absorption with pi polarization at 22400. 22400 170 150 130 no 21200 21240 Figure 14. 21280 21320 21360 Absorption with pi polarization at 21400 21400 2800 I I— I T T— I— r 2560 2320 2080 1840 I 1600 20900 20940 Figure 15. 1-1 20980 21020 21060 Absorption with sigma polarization at 21100. 21100 2700 2440 2180 1920 1660 1400 20980 20988 Figure 16. 20996 21004 21012 Absorption with pi polarization at 21020. 21020 20430 20433 Figure 17. 20436 20439 20442 Absorption with sigma polarization at 20445. 20445 3800 3540 3280 3020 2760 2500 18781 18794 Figure 18. 18808 18821 18835 Fluorescence with no polarization at 18849. 18849 3800 3740 3680 3620 3560 3500 16709 16735 Figure 19. 16761 16788 16814 Fluorescence with no polarization at 16841. 16841 16750 16780 Figure 20. 16810 16840 16870 Absorption with pi polarization at 16900. 16900 16720 16734 Figure 21. 16748 16762 16776 Absorption with sigma polarization at 16790. 16790 Figure 22. Absorption with sigma polarization at 16490. 450 i I I r i I I r i I I r i i i r 390 330 270 210 150 L 16450 I l l l l l l l l l i _ I_ I_ I 16456 Figure 23. 16462 16468 16474 Fluorescence with pi polarization at 16480. J_ I_ 16480 450 390 330 270 210 150 16450 16456 Figure 24. 16462 16468 16474 16480 Fluorescence with sigma polarization at 16480. 16100 16138 Figure 25. 16176 16214 16252 Fluorescence with sigma polarization at 16290. 16290 16100 16138 Figure 26. 16176 16214 16252 Fluorescence with pi polarization at 16290. 16290 J_ I_ L 12000 12080 Figure 27. 12160 12240 I I 12320 Fluorescence with no polarization at 12400. 12400 500 480 460 440 420 400 11200 11260 Figure 28. 11320 11380 11440 Fluorescence with no polarization at 11500. 11500 MONTANA 762 J0015948