The age, growth and food habits of the marine cottid Leptocottus armatus by Edward Frederick Weiss A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Fish and Wildlife Management Montana State University © Copyright by Edward Frederick Weiss (1962) Abstract: A study was made on the age, growth and food habits of the Pacific staghorn sculpin (Leptocottus armatus) in the vicinity of Friday Harbor, Washington. The study was conducted during the summer of 1961. Otoliths were removed from 295 sculpins for the age and growth study. The otoliths are generally elliptical in appearance with a moderately crenated outline. The otolith radius to total length relationship for 272 sculpins was expressed by the equation Y = -16.9 + .642X and a correlation coefficient of 0.974 After elimination of the 20 largest fish the relationship was expressed by the equation Y = -10.0 + .601X and a correlation coefficient of 0.980. The average calculated lengths for 262 sculpins at the end of each succeeding year of life for ten years were 34, 55, 80, 101, 122, l48, 174, 200, 222, 228 mm., respectively. Calculated growth rate at the end of each year of life, except for the ninth and tenth, is greater in older fish. Length-frequency data generally agreed with growth data. The growth increment was determined to be uniform throughout the life of the sculpins sampled. A total of 182 stomachs was analysed for the food habits study. Amphipods were the most numerous items taken by the sculpins and comprised the largest volume of material in stomachs of small specimens. Fish made up the largest volume of food in stomachs from large sculpins. t THE AGE, GROWTH AHD FOOD HABITS OF THE MARIHE COTTID LEPTOCOTTUS ARMATUS ^7 EDWARD FREDRICK WEISS JR. A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Fish and Wildlife Management Approved: H e a d p m j o r jDe^artment /fmahp-Examining Committee Dean/ Graduate/Division lM f ; r;-iII , I/ S MONTANA STATE COLLEGE Bozeman, Montana June, 1962 . iii Acknowledgements The author wishes to extend thanks to those who assisted in this study. Dr. C. J. D. Brown suggested and directed the investigation, and assisted in the preparation of the manuscript. Mrs. Evangeline Brown, Mr. John Campbell, and several graduate students assisted with the collections. The University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories provided laboratory space and furnished the equipment for making collections., 5 iv Table of Contents Page Abstract . ................................. . . ............... Introduction .......... ..................................... Sampling areas . . . . . . ...................... . . . . . . . Methods of collection and preservation . . . . . . . . .............. I I 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Total body length-otolith relationship . . . . Rate of growth . . . . . . . . . . .......... Length-frequency distribution . ............ Validity of the age and growth determinations . . . . . . . Length-weight relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total length and standard length relationship . . . . . . . Maximum size ............ 11 13 13 13 Stomach analysis .................. \o -q o\ Age and growth . . . . . . ........ vi 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . l6 Literature cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l8 Summary . . . . . . . . . .......... V List of Figures Page Fig. I. Fig, 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Otolith from a Pacific staghorn sculpin of 87 mm. total length showing three annuli .......................... 4 Relationship between otolith length and otolith width for Pacific staghorn sculpins collected near Friday Harbor, Washington, 1961 . . . . . .................. 5 Relationship between otolith radius and total length of • Pacific staghorn sculpins, 1961. The solid regression line was calculated from data for 272 fish. The broken regression line was calculated after omission of the 20 largest f i s h .......... ............................ . 8 Length-frequencies of three collections of Pacific staghorn sculpins collected near Friday Harbor, Wash­ ington, 1961 . ...................................... 12 vi Abstract A study was made on the age, growth and food habits of the Pacific staghorn sculpin (Leptocottus armatus) in the vicinity of Friday Harbor, Washington. The study was conducted during the summer of 1961. Otoliths were removed from 295 sculpins for the age and growth study. The otoliths are generally elliptical in appearance with a moderately crenated outline. The otolith radius to total length relationship for 272 sculpins was ex­ pressed by the equation Y * -16.9 + .642X and a correlation coefficient of 0.974. After elimination of the 20 largest fish the relationship was ex­ pressed by the equation Y » -10.0 + .601X and a correlation coefficient of O.98O. The average calculated lengths for 262 sculpins at the end of each succeeding year of life for ten years were 34, 55* 80, 101, 122, l48, 174, 200, 222, 228 mm., respectively. Calculated growth rate at the end of each year of life, except for the ninth and tenth, is greater in older fish. Length-frequency data generally agreed with growth data. The growth in­ crement was determined to be uniform throughout the life of the sculpins sampled. A total of 182 stomachs was analysed for the food habits study. Amphipods were the most numerous items taken by the sculpins and comprised the largest volume of material in stomachs of small specimens. Fish made up the largest volume of food in stomachs from large sculpins. tA -I- Introduction The age, growth and food habits of the Pacific staghorn sculpin (Leptocottus armatus Girard) were investigated from June to September, 1961- This study was carried out at the University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories located on San Juan Island, Washington. All collect­ ions were made along the shores of this island, which provides suitable habitat for this species. No age growth investigations and only one stomach analysis study of marine sculpins have been found in the literature. Mitchell (1953) ana­ lyzed the stomach contents of three species of tidepool sculpins in Cali­ fornia. Several investigations have been made concerning age, growth and food habits of the freshwater sculpin Cottus bairdi. Bailey (1952) in­ vestigated the age, growth and food habits of this species in Montana and. Zarbock (1951) made a similar study in Utah. Koster (1937) and Daiber (1956) reported its food habits in New York while Dineen (1951) investigat­ ed this species in Minnesota. Northcote (195^) compared the food habits of Cottus asper and Cottus rhotheus in British Columbia. Description of the Sampling Areas The Pacific staghorn sculpin was most abundant on clean sandy areas .of the intertidal zone, The collecting areas on San Juan Island were: False Bay, on the southwestern side, which is generally protected from direct wave action, and North Bay, on the eastern side, which is exposed to constant wave action. Bottom materials in the collecting areas were primarily sand and gravel. Sea lettuce (Ulva) and eelgrass (Zostera) were -2- the most abundant aquatic plants present in these areas. The Pacific staghorn sculping when disturbed, utilized the aquatic plants for conceal­ ment, but preferred the open, sandy areas at other times. While it was the most abundant fish collected in the sampling areas, the shiner perch (Cymatogaster aggregate) and starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus) were also abundant. A considerable number of other species was taken less frequently.' Collection and Preservation of Samples Most sculpins less than 150 mm. in total length were collected with a 15 foot "common sense" seine. Larger sculpins evaded this seine, and were captured with a 30 foot bag seine moved rapidly parallel to shore, with the operator at the outer end remaining about ten feet in advance of the other. Many sculpins of all sizes were also collected by applying rotenone to small areas near eelgrass beds. Sculpins from which otoliths were taken and those used for stomach analysis were measured while fresh. were preserved in 10$ formalin. Those used for length-frequency study The relationship between total lengths of fresh and preserved sculpins was determined for $0 specimens under 100 mm. in total length and 75 over 100 mm. Conversion from fresh total length (Y) to preserved total lengths did not exceed .$84 Y and therefore no corrections were applied to preserved fish. Age and Growth Otoliths were studied from 295 specimens. These were removed by . " 3 ‘ making an oblique cut from immediately posterior to the orbits to the be­ ginning of the vertebral column. The top of the skull was then raised and the two exposed otoliths of the saccuius were removed with a forceps. These were the only otoliths used in this study. The otoliths of the Pacific staghorn sculpin are generally elliptical in outline with the ventral edge more flattened than the dorsal (Fig. I). Smaller otoliths have narrower and more pointed anterior projections than the larger ones. The lateral surface of the otolith is slightly concave, while the.mesial surface is convex with the sulces acusticus along its longitudinal axis. The margin-of the otolith is moderately crenated. Oto­ liths ranged from 1.5 to 11.2 .mm. in length and 1.0 to 5*5 mm. width. Growth of the structures appears to be uniform (Fig. 2). Generally, the core of most otoliths consisted of a small, opaque center, surrounded by a translucent band. The core of larger otoliths was usually composed of an enlarged translucent area with an opaque band im­ mediately outside the core. The otoliths have translucent rings that alternate with opaque zones outside the core (Fig. I). The translucent rings are narrower than the opaque ones and occur near the edge of otoliths collected during June. These are interpreted to represent winter growth or annuli while the opaque zones are summer growth. Otoliths were gently rubbed between the thumb and forefinger to remove adhering tissues, and then stored in vials. preserved in 5 The majority of otoliths were glycerin and water to which a few crystals of thymol were -U- Fig. I. Otolith from a Pacific staghorn sculpin of 87 mm. total length showing three annuli. -5- « BC Ili Y -.150 ♦ .469 X lUJ a z z H Q £ Z O IO OTOLITH Fig. 2. LENGTH IN MI LLI METERS Relationship between otolith length and otolith width for Pacific staghorn sculpins collected near Friday Harbor, Washington, 1961. -6- added. However, some were stored in xylene. Ho major difference was noted in otoliths stored in two -media at the end of five months. Preserved otoliths, with their concave surfaces directed upwards, were placed in a blackened dish and immersed in glycerin. A Cyclospot illuminator was positioned to allow the light to strike the otolith perpendicular to the concave surface. Magnification ranged from 15 to 45X. A translucent band was considered to represent a true annulus only if it were continuous, or nearly so, around the entire otolith. The first annulus was often in­ complete and narrower than other annuli. Annuli were sometimes difficult to distinguish due to increased thickness and opacity in otoliths from larger sculpins. Large otoliths were cleared by immersion in pure creosote for.a period of from 12-24 hours. Otoliths that were crystalline or par­ tially so, or those exhibiting "multiple rings" of the type described by Frost (1945) were discarded. The paired otoliths from each sculpin showed 95$ agreement in ages. Total Body Length-Otolith Relationship: Otolith measurements were made in millimeters by use of an ocular micrometer while the otolith was positioned as described above. Measurements were made from the center of the core of each otolith, along the longitudinal axis to the anterior edge, and the distances to each successive annuli and to the anterior edge of the otolith were recorded. The distance from the core of an otolith to its anterior edge is hereafter referred to as otolith radius. Variations in the number of fish used in the tables resulted from discarding otoliths which could not be read and measured with confidence. -7- The otolith radii in millimeters were plotted against the correspond­ ing total lengths in millimeters and a line fitted to the data by the method of least squares. -16*9 mm. (Fig. 3). This line was found to intercept the Y axis at The regression coefficient for the data was calculated to be 0.974. Inclusion of the small sample of sculpins over 200 mm. in total length (20 fish comprising 7 -»4$ of the total number used in the calculations) was thought to cause the intercept value to be low. A new regression line was calculated from the data after elimination of larger sculpins and was found to intercept the Y axis at -10.0 mm. calculated to be 0 .980. The new regression coefficient was This compares favorably with the value of 0.969 determined by Sneed (1950) for catfish spines» The low intercept value for the data including the larger.sculpins was apparently caused by an inadequate number of large fish in the sample and/or by a differential sexual mortality causing a change in sex ratio at the greater lengths. These data could also represent a true curvilinear relationship rather than the assumed rectilinear as described above. Rate of Growth: The age was assessed and growth rates were determined for 262 Pacific staghorn sculpins. Calculations to determine lengths at the end of each year of life were made with the aid of a nomograph similar to that described by Carlander and Smith'(1944). These calculations were based on a rectilinear relationship between otolith radius and body length and included a correction factor of -10 mm. (Fig. 3)* Calculated lengths have been expressed for each age group and as grand averages for all groups. -8- 400 IN M I L L I M E T E R S Y-16.9 + .642 X TOTAL LENGTH Y M O O +.601 X — 400 OTOLITH Fig. 3. RADIUS x IOO IN MILLIMETERS Relationship between otolith radius and total length of Pacific staghorn sculpins, 1961. The solid regression line was calcu­ lated from data for 272 fish. The broken regression line was calculated after omission of the 20 largest fish. -9- The grand average calculated lengths for the sculpins at the end of each succeeding year of life for ten years were 3^, 55, 80, 101, 122, 148, 174, 200, 222, and 228 ram., respectively (Table l). Growth rate was greatest in the first year, but thereafter did not decline appreciably until after the ninth year. Small samples of age group X probably result­ ed in some error in this range. The calculated growth rate at the end of each year of life, except for the ninth and tenth, is greater in older fish. This relationship appears to be a reversal of Lee rs phenomenon and indicates that the early year classes grew faster than more recent ones. due to two or more factors. This would seem to be The larger core of the otoliths from older sculpins may have caused the first annuli used in the growth calculations IV? to be a greater distance from the center of the otolith core. This would result in an apparent increase in the average calculated length for the first year class of each successive age group. However, this would not explain the reversal of Lee's phenomenon in the other year classes unless the larger core of the otoliths from older sculpins completely obscures the first annuli. The uniform increase in calculated length at the end of any selected year for successive age groups indicates that neither of these factors would completely explain the reversal of. Lee's .phenomenon,, /, / 1 Length-Frequency Distribution: A length-frequency study was made' on 2734 specimens collected during the following periods: 1190, June 18 to June 30; 388, July 26 to August 3; 1156 , August 7 to August 26. A length interval of 5 mm. was used in preparing the frequency polygon (Fig. 4). Table I. Age group Ho. fish 18 60 36 51 b9 20 12 8 5 3 Av. length capture b9 67 97 115 133 159 191 207 231 2U6 ■ Year of life _______________ _____ _________ :____ k 6 I 2 3 5 30 32 53 31 • 55 54 33 35 55 35 59 36 57' 60 37 38 . 62 38 63 7 8 10 9 80 Qk 83 100 100 100 106 105 86 114 78 78 80 118 119 127 130 85 105 137 134 l4l 148 151 165 170 172 181 195 226 155 184 207 200 215 228 OT- I. II 'III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Average calculated total lengths and growth increments (millimeters) of sculpins col­ lected in 1961 in Puget Sound, near Friday Harbor, Washington. Grand average length Incre­ ment ,Humber of fish 262 34 ;• : 55 80 101 122 148 174 200 222 228 34 21 25 21 21 24 26 26 22 4 262 244 184 148 97 48 28 16 8 3 -11- Age group I showed a mode at 35 mm. in the June collections, 50 mm. in the July and 60 mm in the'August „ Age group II showed modes at JO, 65, and 75 mm.respectively for the same collecting periods. Age group III showed a mode at 90 mm. in the July collection while age group IV indi­ cated modes at 105, 115 and H O mm. for the three collecting periods. .Validity of Age and Growth Determinations: The time of annulus for- . : mation for otoliths from the Pacific staghorn sculpin was not established, but it was assumed that this occurred sometime shortly before June 18. There was evidence that the translucent bands in otoliths from this sculpin represent true annuli. Calculated lengths of young fish as de­ termined from the otoliths of older sculpins should nearly approximate tht empirical lengths of young fish of the same assigned age at the time of capture. The calculated length of age group II at the end of the second year of life slightly exceeds the measured length, of age group I at the time of capture (Table I). Similarly, the calculated growth to the third annulus of age group III exceeds the average measured length of age group II. This relationship exists for all except age group X and this probably resulted from the small samples of age groups IX and X. Further substantiation of the age and growth determinations would require that there be agreement between modes of length-frequency dis­ tribution and the average calculated lengths for each year of life. Com­ parison of the average calculated lengths for sculpins at the end of one and two years of life (Table l) with the length-frequency distribution for June collections (Fig, 4) indicates satisfactory agreement. Comparison of the mean actual lengths at capture for the sculpins assigned to age groups -12 — JUNE, 1961 FREQUENCY 1190 FISH JULY, 1961 3 8 8 FISH AUGUST, 1961 1156 FISH TOTAL Fig. 4. L E N GT H IN MI LLI METERS Length-frequencies of three collections of Pacific staghorn sculpins collected near Friday Harbor, Washington, 1961. -13- I, II, and IV with the length frequency distributions for July and August collections also gave satisfactory agreement, .Age group III showed a mode in the July collections which agreed with the mean actual length at capture for that group. Length-Weight Relationship; The relationship between fresh total lengths and weights was obtained for 108 sculpihs collected at various periods throughout August, 1961. The length-weight data were fitted to the equation W =. CL where W = weight in grams,. C ® a constant, and L s length in millimeters. The resulting equation expressed in logarithmic form was log W » -5.243 + 3 .134(log L). A calculated length-weight curve was prepared which satisfactorily fitted the empirical length-weight values, except for sculpins over 190 mm. in total length.. This discrep­ ancy may be,explained by the fact that only four fish larger than 190 mm. were available for the calculations. Total Length and Standard Length Relationship; The relationship be­ tween total lengths and standard lengths of fresh seulpins. was determined forslOO specimens (total lengths 30-220 mm.). A line fitted to the data by the method of least-squares was represented by the equation Y ® -3.068 + 6!.-883X where Y «® standard length and X = total length in millimeters. Maximum Size: The largest sculpin collected during this study was taken in the False Bay area. length. This was a male of 272 mm. fresh total The largest specimen obtained was a female of 337 mm. preserved total length which was collected by Dr. C. J. D. Brown in the summer of i960. Clemens and Wilby (1961) report that, the sculpin may reach 12 inches in length. Food of the Pacific Staghorn Sculpin Two separate collections, totaling 109 fish, were -obtained' from False Bay, one on August 11 and another August 26, 1961, for the food analysis study. On June 2U and August 11, 1961, collections were made from North Bay totaling 73 fish, most of which were less than 75 mm. total length. All collections were made in the afternoon. Sculpins were measured while fresh and the body cavity was injected with 40% formalin. All fish were then preserved in 10$ formalin. No sculpins were regurgitate when preserved, and no food was found loose in the storage container at later times. Sculpins were slit from the isthmus to the anus and stomachs were re­ moved by cutting the esophagus at the posterior end of the oral cavity and breaking off the intestine at the pyloric valve. The stomachs were slit open and the contents were placed in 70$ alcohol before examination. organisms were generally classified to order. Food Most of the fish were identified to species. Numbers and volumes of food in individual stomachs were not determin­ ed because of the small quantities involved. Total numbers and total vol­ umes were determined for each of three length groups, 25-50 mm., 51-150 mm., 151-240 mm. respectively (Table II). Total volumes were found by displacement in 70$ alcohol. Amphipods were the most numerous items in the stomachs of all three size groups. Polychaetes were next most frequent in the small and medium size groups. Stomachs from the large size group showed fish to be the / • Stomach contents of 182 sculpins taken near Friday Harbor, Washington, l$6l. Percent of rtotal volume of all foods Total volume of organisms in milliliters I! Percent of total number of foods h Cl CU Av. number-of org­ anisms in stomachs containing'them O Percent of,total volume of all foods -p S O <H Total volume of organisms in milliliters /' H Cd CQ Td O 0 +1 Total length of fish 151-240 mm. (21 stomachs) 3.30 1.10 2 8 . 9 0.34 t A 5.0 8.1 0.47 5.6 0.8 '1.0 93.70 2.30 60.5 3.80 81.7 3.4 5.5. 6.60 78.1 2.2 2.8 0.10 0,8 0.14 5.2 0.24 2.8 0.1 0.1 0.5 ' 0.10 0.20 5.2 o . o 4 0.8 1.6 2.6 0.38 4.5 11.8 15.2 0.02 o „o 4 o .o 4 0.8 0.6 0.05 0.02 o . o 4 0,10 2.6 0.17 4.0 46.6 75.5 0.71 8 . 4 59:0 76.0 1.2 3.4 0.4 1.9 0.10 2,6 3.4 5.5' 0.4 0.3 I Polychaeta Amphipoda Isopoda Decapoda Mollusca Fish Miscellaneous Unidentified Total length of fish 51-150 mm. (108 stomachs.) Percent of total Ivolume of all foods Total volume of organisms in milliliters Percent of total number of foods A v . number of org­ anisms in stomachs containing them Total length of fish 25-50 mm. (53 stomachs) A v . number of org­ anisms in stomachs containing them Table 2» 0.15 4.20 0.04 Oo 06 I H XJl I -16second most numerous items, followed closely by polychaetes and decapods, Amphipods comprised the largest volume of food in sculp ins of the small size group while polychaetes were second-in importance. Fish made up the largest volume in sculpins o f .the medium and large size groups, Polychaetes were volumetrically second in importance for the medium size group and decapods occupied this position in stomachs from the large size group. The contents of the miscellaneous category were mainly aquatic vegetation, but some sand, hydrozoans and other items were present. Thirty-six fish were removed from stomachs during this study. Thirty of these were Pacific staghorn seulpins, five were pleuroneetids and one was a shiner perch. Summary 1. The age, growth and food habits, of Pacific staghorn seulpins collected near Friday Harbor, Washington were investigated during the summer of 1961. 2. Otoliths were removed from 295 seulpins and stored in one of two media, glycerin and water or xylene, with satisfactory results. 3. The otoliths of this sculpin are generally elliptical in outline with a moderately crenated edge. 4. The relationship between otolith radius and total length was ex­ pressed as a straight line with an intercept at -16.9 mm. total length and a correlation coefficient of 0 .97^» 5« The straight line expressing the relationship between otolith radius and total length after elimination of the 20 largest seulpins had -17- an intercept of -10,0 ram, total length and a correlation coefficient of 0 .980. 6 o Back calculations based on otolith measurements and employing a correction factor of -10.0 mm. gave average lengths at each annulus as ■follows; annulus I, 3k mm. j V, 122 mm.; VI, 148 mm.; 11, 55 mm.; VII, 17^ ram.; III, 80 mm.; VIII, 200 mm.; IV, 101 ram.; IX, 222 ram.; X, 228 mm. 7» Growth increments were uniform throughout the age groups sampled. 8 . The calculated length at the end of each year of life was greater in older fish, which is a reversal of Lee's phenomenon. 9« Comparison of length-frequency data with calculated lengths and actual lengths of sculpins supported- the validity of the age and growth determinations. 10. The length-weight relationship for 108 sculpins was expressed by the equation log W ® -5-243 + 3«134(log L). 11. The equation Y = -3.068 4- O.883X represents the relationship be­ tween, total length (X) and standard length (Y) of 100-fresh fish. 12. ’ The largest sculpin obtained was a female of 337 mm» preserved total length. 13. An analysis of 182 sculpin stomachs showed amphipods to be most frequently taken. 14. Araphipods comprised the largest volume of food in stomachs from small sculpins, but fish made up the greatest volume of food in large sculpins, 15« The Pacific staghorn sculpin was the most common fish found in - 18- the stomachs examined. Literature Cited Bailey 5 Jack E.. 1952. Life history and ecology of the sculpin Cottus hairdi punctulatus in southwestern Montana. Copeia5 (4): 243-255"* Carlander5 Kenneth D. and L. L. Smith5 Jr. 1944. Some uses of nomo­ graphs in fish growth studies. Copeia5 (3): 157-161. Clemens 5 W. A. and CL V. Wilhy. 1961. Fishes of the Pacific Coast of Canada. Bulletin No. 68 (second edition) of the. Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Ottawa5 Canada. 443 pp. Daiher5 F. C. 1956. A comparative- analysis of the winter feeding hahits of two henthic stream fishes. Copeia5 (3 ): 141-151. Dineen 5 C. F. 1951° A comparative study of the food habits of Cottus hairdi and associated species of Salmonidae. Amer. Midi. Wat .5 46(3 ): 640-645. Frost 5 Winifred E. 1945« The age and growth of eels (Anguilla anguilla) from the Windermere catchment area. J. Anim. Ecol .5 14: 26-36 a n d 106-124. Koster5 William J. 1937° The food of sculpins (Cottidae) in central Wew York. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc.5 66;374-382. Mitchell5 D. F. 1953« An analysis of stomach contents of California tide pool fishes. Amer. Midi. Wat .5 49(3) ‘ 862-871. Worthcote5 T. G. 1954. Observations on the comparative ecology of two species of fish 5 Cottus asper and Cottus rhotheus s in British Columbia. Copeia5 (l); 25-25. Sneed5 Kermit E. 1950. A method for calculating the growth of channel catfish, Ictalurus lacustris punctatus. Trans. Am. Fish, 80c .5 80 : 1 7 4 - 1 5 3 7 ™ ™ Zarhock5 William M. 1951* Life history of the Utah Seulpih5 Oottus hairdi semiscaber (Cope) in Logan River 5 Utah, Trans. Am. Fish. Soc .5 81: 249-259« ll7!ilAlA,,ir, ‘T£ 3 N37R W436 1762 10020917 8 T cop .2 Weiss, E , F . The age, growth & food habit! of tho marine cottid Fegtocqlt"iic 3 - » * m f - «i o H 3 78 W436 <LOf>‘ Z.