The catalytic desulfurization of Wyoming fuel oil by Franklin C Silvey A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Franklin C Silvey (1953) Abstract: This investigation was conducted to determine the applicability of molybdenum oxide and cobalt molybdate as desulfurization agents in the catalytic desulfurization of a number three fuel oil produced from a high-sulfur-containing Oregon Basin, Wyoming crude oil. The desulfurization studies were carried out in a pilot plant unit capable of holding 100 grams of catalyst, operated at a pressure of 500 psig and a temperature of 415°C. A space velocity of approximately 1.0 grams of oil per gram catalyst per hour and recycled "catforming" gas as a desulfurization atmosphere were employed in all the desulfurization studies. To meet specifications, the effluent oil was to contain less than 0.5 percent sulfur. When a number three fuel oil was desulfurized using a molybdenum oxide catalyst and a recycle gas hydrogen content above the critical value, successful desulfurization was accomplished for 495 hours without air regeneration. Air regeneration had ho noticeable effect on the original activity of the molybdenum oxide. The critical hydrogen content of the recycle gas was found to be a function of and increased with catalyst on-stream time. Cobalt molybdate was used successfully as a desulfurization agent for 864 hours of continuous operation with no air regeneration. This catalyst showed a considerably higher activity and a longer catalyst life than the molybdenum oxide. THE CATALYTIC DESULFURIZATION OF WYOMING FUEL OIL by FRANKLIN C. SlLVEY A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering at Montana State College Approved; Head, Major Departpiefft '''''/.IfXzj '''V'/1/7 -2- SiMe, TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract. . . .......... 3 Introduction. .......... 4 Thermodynamic Calculations 6 Equipment .............. 7 Materials . ............ 10 Methods . . . 10 .......... Sample Calculations . . . 13 Discussion of Results . . 15 S u m m a r y ............ .. . 19 Literature Cited. . . . . 20 Acknowledgment 21 Appendix. . . 22 /•i -3ABSTRACT This investigation was conducted to determine the applicability of molybdenum oxide and cobalt,.,molybdate as desulfurization agents in the catalytic desulfurization of a number three fuel oil produced from a highsulfur-containing Oregon Basin5 Wyoming crude oil* The desulfurization studies were carried out in a pilot plant unit capable-o f holding lOO grams of catalyst5 operated at a pressure of $00 psig and a temperature of 41$0C<, A- space velocity o f .approximately 1,0 grams of oil per gram catalyst per hour and recycled "catforming" gas as a desulfurization atmosphere were employed in all the desulfurization studies. To meet specifications, the effluent oil was to contain less than 0,5 percent sulfur, When a number three fuel oil was desulfurized using a molybdenum oxide catalyst and a recycle gas hydrogen content above the critical value, successful desulfurization was accomplished for 495 hours without air re­ generation, Air regeneration had ho noticeable effect on the original activity of the molybdenum oxide® The critical hydrogen content of the recycle gas was found to be a function of and increased with catalyst on-stream time. Cobalt molybdate was used successfully as a desulfurization agent for This catalyst showed a considerably higher activity and a longer catalyst life than the molybdenum oxide. 864 hours of continuous operation with no- air regeneration. [ 108575 BrrRODUGTIbW ■ With the increased demand for heavier distillates for-use in. Diesel engines, gas turbines and jet aircraft motors, and the depletion of high quality low sulfur crudes, petroleum refiners have been forced to turn to crude stocks with high sulfur contents. Such crudes can be utilized only if an economical method for reducing the sulfur content can- be devised. Sulfur has been found to occur in crudes -and refined fractions as elemental sulfur, mereaptans, hydrogen sulfide, thiophenes, thiophahes, thioalcohols, organic sulfides, disulfides, and polysulfides (9 ), The objection to sulfur compounds in refined products are their actual or potential corrosive action on metal surfaces, reduction of the-effective­ ness of tetra-ethyl lead addition, detrimental effect on color stability, disagreeable odor and undesirable oxidation characteristics-. The literature contains numerous processes for treating light dis­ tillates, These generally remove the simple sulfur compounds by absorption or extraction or convert the sulfur to a less objectionable form without reducing the total sulfur content. The methods used for light distillates are not applicable to heavier fractions since they do not affect the more complex sulfur compounds found in heavy distillates, do not reduce the potential corrosiveness due to sulfur or cause excessive charge losses if extraction methods are used.. The most successful means of reducing the sulfur content of heavy fractions to meet required specifications with minimum losses is catalytic decomposition, Koski (5) studied the effect of bauxite and alumina catalysts under mild conditions and found that a maximum of 50 percent sulfur removal could be achieved. Using destructive dehydrogenation cata­ lysts, such as molybdenum sulfide, as desulfurization agents in the presence of.a hydrogen atmosphere. Green (3 ) and Muhro (7 ) reported success­ ful desulfurization, long catalyst life and easy catalyst regeneration. The mechanism of desulfurization in the presence of hydrogen is destructive dehydrogenation which converts the sulfur compound to a hydrocarbon and Hartwig (4 ) studied the effect of using a hydrogep hydrogen sulfide. . A rich gas, such as the off-gas from a "catforming" up-grading process, as a desulfurization atmosphere with a molybdenum sulfide catalyst. are comparable to those of Green (3 ) and Munro (?)* His results Using the off-gas from a "catforming" unit eliminates the necessity of constructing a hydro­ gen plant in conjunction with the desulfurization process. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of recycling "catforming" gas, using molybdenum oxide and cobalt molybdate catalysts on the desulfurization of number three fuel oil. Hie maximum allowable sulfur content for number three fuel oil was to be 0.5 percent. -6THERMODYNAMIC CALCULATIONS Tabulated thermodynamic data and calculations are presented in Tables I - III of the appendix. Two reaction mechanisms were postulated for the conversion of molybden­ um oxide to molybdenum sulfide during the desulfurization of a number three fuel oil. Either or both of these reactions may take place. (1) M 0 O3 + 3H2S -- > (2) MoO3 + 3C4 H4S + 12H2 — > MoS3 + 3H20 MoS3 + 3C4H10 + 3H20 These reactions were considered since the conversion of the oxide to the sulfide may be due to the hydrogen sulfide present in the recycle gas or the sulfur in the fuel oil. Although thiophene is not present in number three fuel oils, it was considered in the absence of thermodynamic data on higher alkyl thiophenes and should approximate the results that would be obtained with higher alkyl thiophenes. The following free energies show that reaction (l) is feasible at 400°C while reaction (2) is not. Reaction I 2 F at 25°C Cal/mol F at 400°C Cal/mol -32,930 -27,350 -12,660 + 61,040 The thermodynamic calculations of four mechanisms postulated for desulfurization of fuel oil by molybdenum sulfide catalyst are given by Green (3). The results of these calculations help to confirm the postulated mechanism for desulfurization but are not of much value when used to fix the proper conditions under which the overall reaction should since the equilibrium constants are all very high in the paraetical operating rangee EQUIPMENT A diagram of the reactor is shown in Figure I* The reactor consisted of a 16 inch length of I^ inch extra-strong black iron pipe fitted with a Ig to 3/4 inch reducer at the top and a Ig to g inch reducer at the bottom^ The top of the reactor was fitted with a union, two crosses, and an assembly of valves for feed gas inlet, oil inlet, oil feed-line bleed, an inlet for regeneration, blowout-disk exhaust system, and thermowell tube. The thermo­ well tube was a ^ inch black iron pipe which extended from the cross at the. top of the reactor along the vertical axis of the reactor to within one inch of the bottom. The thermowell tube wqs capped at the bottom, and three thermocouples were inserted from the top. The hot junctions of the .thermo­ couples could be adjusted to any desired position in the thermowell. At the bottom of the reactor a condenser was connected with a g inch pipe union. The condenser consisted of a 21 inch length of g inch pipe with a 3 inch pipe as a water jacket. Below the condenser were fitted a cross, two tees, a pressure gage, a Jerguson receiver, a Mason-Neilan small volume air-to-close regulator valve and a 23 inch length of g inch pipe which served as an overflow standpipe. A Fisher-Wizard proportional controller was used in connection with the Mason-Neilan valve to maintain the correct pressure in the system. The condensed vapors were removed from the Jerguson receiver and collected in a one liter ErlennQrer flask„ The non-condensable exhaust gases entrained in the effluent oil were passed through two scrubbing flasks in series containing a concentrated sodium hydroxide solution to remove the hydrogen sulfide. The sweetened gas was metered in a wet test meter manufactured by the Precision Scientific Company, The recycle system consisted of a surge tank, a compression tank, and a feed tank, A number two gas cylinder served as the surge tank and was fitted at the top with a 3 inch length, of 3 /4 inch pipe, a cross, a pressure gage and two valves. The compression tank was a number two gas cylinder. .At the top of the compression tank were a small sight glass, a cross, pressure gage and two valves used to isolate the tank from the re­ cycle system. A ^ inch standard black iron pipe was welded to the bottom of the compression tank. Fitted to the i inch pipe through a ^ to % inch reducing elbow was a length of ^ inch pipe which connected the compression tank to the compression pump. On the ^ inch pipe was a tee one side of which was connected to a two cylinder adjustable stroke high pressure HillS'^S'dCahna piston pump, the other side was fitted with a valve for l^dturhing the compression oil to the oil storage reservoir. reservoir was a five gallon oil barrell. The oil storage The feed tank was a number two gad cylinder fitted at the top with a cross and a pressure gage and with a valve at the bottom. All connections between tanks in the recycle system were made with high pressure steel tubing. Tie heating elements for the reactor consisted of three 33 foot -9- iehgths of beaded Nichrome wire supplied with current from three 110-volt ■Powerstat variacs„ The coils were wound around the reactor over a layer of asbestos tape and insulated with an additional covering of asbestos tape and a one inch layer of magnesia mud, / One-eighth inch aluhdum balls were used as the preheat medium. The catalyst bed was located below the preheat section and. below the catalyst bed was another layer of alundum balls supported by a wire screen. The oil feed system consisted of a two cylinder adjustable stroke piston pump and an oil reservoirT Auxilliary equipment included a Fisher Flowrator3 a Brooks Eotameter3 and gas cylinders with pressure regulators. Iron-constantan thermocouples were used in conjunction with a Leeds and Northrup indicating potentiometer for temperature measurement. Analysis of recycle gas samples was made in a low temperature fractionation column. -I Q - MATERIALS The materials used for the desulfurization studies were a number three fuel oil, compressed hydrogen, methane, "catforming" gas, and various catalysts. The number three fuel oils, produced by the Husky Oil Company from Oregon Basin, Wyoming crudes, contained from 2.09 to 2.176 percent sulfur. Additional inspection data of the oil are listed in Table I?. The catalysts investigated were'10% molybdenum oxide, 16% molybdenum oxide and cobalt molybdate; all on alumina. The code letters and compo­ sitions of these catalysts may be found in Table V. The hydrogen gas used in this research was obtained from the Whitmore Oxygen Company of Salt Lake City, Utah. The methane gas and "catforming" gas used in the studies were obtained from the Matheson Company of East Rutherford, Mew Jersey. The composition of the "catforming" gas was 89 percent hydrogen, 3 ,5 percent methane, 1 .5 percent ethane, 2 .5 percent . propane and 3 .5 percent propylene. METHODS The desulfurization unit was put into operation by applying current to the heating coils. When the temperature in the catalyst bed reached 3OO0 G, "catforming” gas flow was started and the reactor was pressurized by adjusting the back, pressure valve. When the catalyst temperature reached 38©°G, the oil to be desulfurized was charged to the reactor by the oil pump and the heating coil current was adjusted to maintain the proper -11- reactor temperatureo Recorded readings were not made until the reactor conditions became constant. Recycling the "catforming" gas was accomplished by compressing the gas flowing from the reactor through the back pressure valve and. returning it to the feed tank. When the pressure in the surge and compression tanks reached 3 PO psig, the compression tank was isolated from the system and the compression pump was started. Oil was pumped into the bottom of the compression tank until the pressure was equal to the pressure in the feed tank. Having reached equal pressures, the valve between the compression tank and the feed tank was opened and the compression continued. When the pressure in the feed and compression tanks had reached 600 psig, the compression pump was turned off and the valve between the feed and compres­ sion tanks was closed. The oil in the compression tank was forced out by opening the valve between the compression tank and the oil storage tank. After the oil had been removed from the compression tank, the pressures in the surge and compression tanks were equalized and the compression cycle was completed. The "catforming" gas flow rate was measured by means of a Fisher Flowrator and was controlled by a high pressure needle valve. Gas flow through the reactor was maintained by supplying the "catforming" gas at a pressure higher than the reactor pressure setting of the back pressure valve. The reactor pressure was .controlled by supplying the proper amount of air pressure to the diaphragm of the back pressure valve. The temperatures at the top and bottom of the catalyst bed and in the “12- preheat section were controlled by varying the current in the beaded Niehrome heating coils„ The temperature in the preheat section was main­ tained at approximately 95°C below the catalyst bed temperature, The temperatures at the top and bottom of the catalyst bed were recorded at 30 minute intervals and these readings were averaged over a period of eight hours'. The effluent oil was removed.continuously from the Jerguson receiver at a rate which maintained a continuous liquid seal in the receiver. Samples of the effluent oil were taken at eight hour intervals. The space velocity was controlled by adjusting the pumping rate of the oil charge pump. Space velocity calculations for the sample intervals were based on the weight of charge oil and the weight of catalyst in the reactor. The samples of the effluent oil were weighed and a portion of the oil removed from each sample for sulfur content determination. The dissolved hydrogen sulfide gas was removed from the portion by washing with a 10 percent solution of sodium hydroxide followed by two distilled water washes. The sulfur content was determined by a modified lamp sulfur method (l) in which a sodium carbonate solution was used to absorb the sulfur dioxide from the lamp combustion gases. The excess sodium carbonate was titrated with dilute hydrochloric acid with brom-phenol blue indicator. -1 3 - SAMPLE CALCULATIONS A TYPICAL SHORT DURATION RUN MoS-III V-3 JHFS Oil - Husky #3 Fuel Oil ( 2.0# S) Catalyst - 100 Grams Harshaw Mo-0203 T 1/8-160A-2-1 Reactor Pressure - 500 Psig Sample Number Total Hours 2 8 16 3 4 5 24 32 40 I Sample Weight Grams Percent Sulfur Per Samp. 755 741 755 761 Average Temp. 0C .561 .584 Liters STP Makeup Gas Liters STP Bleed-off Gas 0 0 7.6 7.6 7.2 6.9 415 414 .666 416 .691 .725 415 413 74.9 25.1 41.7 6 .8 37^ Oil Charged = 3893 grams Calculation of Average Space Velocity (3893 grams oil charged) (lOO grams catalyst)(40 hours) = 0.973 grams oil/gram cat./hour Calculation of Average Gas Consumption Total Liters (STP) Make-up Gas = 141.7 Total Liters (STP) Bleed-off Gas = 36.1 Total Liters (STP) Consumed = 105.6 105.6 Liters Consumed 3893 Grams Oil 1000 grams Kilogram 27.1 Liters , I f t 3 _______ Kgm 28.316 liters _ p? I ° Liters Consumed Kilogram Oil 3.78 Kgm „ „ 42.0 gal _ 1 2 9 .8 ft^bl I gal X 0 a bbl -14- Calculation of Weight Percent Loss Charge Oil Weight = 3893 grams Effluent Oil Wt. = 3768 grams 125 grams loss x 100 3.21* Calculation of Grams Sulfur Removed From Oil Per Gram of Catalyst Per Eight Hour Sample For Sample One Charge Oil = 7 8 1 Grams at 2.09* Sulfur Effluent Oil ■ 755 Grams at O.56I* Sulfur Grams Sulfur in Charge Oil = 781 x 2.090 = Grams Sulfur in Effluent Oil = 755 x 0.561 * Grams Sulfur Removed = 12.08 Grams Sulfur Removed 100 Grams Catalyst 16.31 4.23 12.08 0.1208 Grams Sulfur Removed/Gm. Cat. Calculation of Composite Sulfur Percent Sample Weight Percent Sulfur 0.561 755 741 755 761 756 3768 x 100 = 0.584 0.666 0.691 0.725 0.645* Sulfur Grams Sulfur 4.23 4.32 5.02 5.26 5.48 24.31 -1 5 - DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The catalysts employed, in the investigations were 10 percent molyb­ denum oxide, 16 percent molybdenum oxide and cobalt molybdate. The operat­ ing conditions of the various runs were a reactor pressure of 500 psig, an average temperature of 4150 C* space velocities of approximately 1 .0 grams of oil per gram of catalyst per hour, and "catforming" gas recycle rates of approximately 147 standard liters per hour. Several molybdenum oxide studies were made to determine the applica­ bility of this catalyst as a desulfurization catalyst. The results of these runs are shown in Figures 2 and 3 on which calculated composite- sulfur con­ tents are plotted versus catalyst on stream time. The data for the first molybdenum oxide study, MOS-l, are shown in Table VI. Using a 16 percent molybdenum oxide catalyst, the results ;of the MOS-I run were in no way comparable to the molybdenum sulfide studies made by Hartwig (4), or to similar runs performed by the Husky Oil Company. The sulfur content of the effluent oil Exceeded 0.5 percent after only 40 hours of on-stream operation, so the run was discontinued. . . " W 'f,:. Considering the possibility of incorrect designation of the composi­ tion of the catalyst used in the MQS-I run, a second molybdenuin oxide study using a 10 percent molybdenum oxide catalyst was made. run are shown in Table VII. The data for this In the MOS-II run Ijie sulfur content of the effluent oil exceeded 0«i5 percent after only 32 hours of operation. run indicated that the compositions of the catalysts were properly designated. This =16— A third molybdenum oxide study, using a 16 percent molybdenum oxide catalyst obtained from the Husky Oil Company, did not produce specification . oil during any part of the run and was discontinued after 40 hours of operation. The data fbr this run, MOS=III are shown in Table VIIi0 A molybdenum sulfide catalyst was sulfiding a 16 percent molybdenum oxide catalyst with hydrogen sulfide at 300oC-o catalyst, the sulfided catalyst study run,.SCS=I, was made. Using this The sulfur content of the effluent oil exceeded 0 .5 percent after 8 hours of the run, and the catalyst was regenerated with an air burn-off after 40 -hours. „of operation. When the run was continued after the catalyst regeneration, a space velocity of 0 .5 was used for the first 16 hours of operation and then increased to approximately 1.0 for the remainder of the run* The sulfur content of the effluent oil was correspondingly low at the low space velocity but exceeded 0*5 percent soon after the space velocity reached 1.0. The gas rate was increased from 147 to 157 standard liters per hour at sample number 13. This increased rate.did not have any notice­ able effect oh the sulfur content of the effluent oil* discontinued•108 hours' after the catalyst regeneration. The SCS-I run was Tabulated data for this run are shown in Table IX* The MOS-IV run, using a 16 percent molybdenum oxide catalyst, was started with pure hydrogen as" feed gas on a one pass basis and changed to "oatforming" gas on recycle when the hydrogen supply became exhausted after 8.5 hours of Operation. In this run the charge oil was started through the reactor at IOO0 C .and the reactor temperature was allowed to increase slowly -17- over a period of 11 hours to 4150 Co During this same period the space velocity was increased from 0*57 to 0,87, After the first U hours, the space velocity was slowly increased to approximately 1*0 and held at this rate for the remainder of the run* For" the first seven samples, excluding sample number one, specification oil was produced* However, as soon as the unit was switched to "catforming" gas on recycle and the space velocity increased, the sulfur content in the effluent oil began to rise* At the end of 335 hours of operation,.the MOS-IV run was discontinued. The tabu­ lated data for this run are shown in Table X 0 Gas analyses of samples of the Recycle gas used in the molybdenum oxide studies are shown in Table XIII* Analysis of the recycle gas at the end of the MOS-IV run showed a hydrogen content* of 76 percent* Hartwig (4) found that specification oil was produced using a recycle gas containing 81*1% hydrogen* This indicated that if the molybdenum sulfide and oxide catalysts, have similar properties, the preceding molybdenum oxide studies were made with a deficiency of hydrogen in the recycle gas* For the MOS-V run, the recycle gas was enriched to 87*5 percent hydro­ gen and the unregenerated catalyst from the preceding run, MOS-IV, was used* Data for the MOS-V run are shown in Table XI* Since the sulfur content of the effluent oil regained over 0*5 percent for the first 92*5 hours of the run, the catalyst was air regenerated* an initial Using the regenerated catalyst and space velocity of 0*346, the MOS-V run was continued* The space velocity was increased slowly to approximately 1*0 and continued at this rate for the remainder of the run* During the remainder of the run. specification oil, which yielded a calculated composite sulfur content of 0 .418 , was produced for 495 hpurs of continuous operation,. Satisfied- that molybdenum oxide was comparable to molybdenum sulfide as a desulfurization catalyst, the catalyst was regenerated with a,n air burn-off and the MQS-V run was continued to determine the critical hydrogen content In the recycle gas. For the first 72 hours of the continued run, "catforming" gas-was used as ipake-up gas .until it was evident that the catalyst was responding normally. When normal catalyst response was established, methane gas was substituted as make-up gas for 120 hours ' until the sulfur content of' the effluent oil exceeded 0.5 percent. When specification oil was no longer produced, the methane was replaced, and pure hydrogen gas was used as make-up gas for the remainder of the run. Samples of the recycle gas were taken at fbequent intervals during the run and their analyses are shown, in Table XIII. The results of this study are shown on Figure 4, where percent sulfur for each sample gnd the hydrogen content of the recycle gas are plotted versus hours on-stream time. Using Figure 4, the critical hydrogen content of the recycle gas can be evaluated at several different periods during the run. These values are shown oh Figure 5» where percent hydrogen is plotted versus catalyst on-stream time for an operating space velocity of l.Q. The critipal hydrogen content was found to increase with catalyst on-stream time. The data for the cobalt-molybdate comparison run, CMR-I, are- shown in Table XII. This run was operated for 864 hours under the same conditions used for the preceding molybdenum oxide, studies. Specification oil was ■=19™ produced for the entire run and.the calculated composite sulfur content was found to be.,1082. only O0206 percent. The highest sulfur content for a single sample was The gas consumption averaged 201 ft3 per barrell which is somewhat lower than values determined in previous studies. The results of the OMR-I run, as shown in Figure 6, in which percent sulfur for each sample and composite sulfur percent are plotted versus catalyst on-stream time, clearly shows that cobalt molybdate catalyst exhibited considerably higher activity than the molybdenum oxide catalysts studied previously, SUMMARY A catalyst containing 16 percent molybdenum oxide can be successfully employed as a desulfurization agent using "catforming" gas on recycle,' - The results indicate that this catalyst will produce a calculated composite sulfur content of less than 0 ,5 percent for a period of 495 hours without an air regeneration from a number three fuel oil originally containing 2 .176 percent sulfur. Air regeneration does not produce a noticeable effect on the original activity of molybdenum oxide. The critical hydrogen content of the recycle gas, utilized with a 16 percent molybdenum oxide catalyst operated at a space velocity of approxi­ mately 1,0., was found to increase with catalyst on-stream time. As shown in Figure 5, the critical hydrogen content increased from 66% at 160 hours on-stream to 88 % at 536 hours on-stream. The presence of a small amount of cobalt oxide with the molybdenum oxide greatly increased the activity and extended the catalyst life. -20- LITERATURE CITED (1) A eS0T 9M. STANDARDS ON PETROLEUM AND LUBRICANTS, American Society for Testive Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., p 2?2 (1941). (2) Glasstone, Samiiel, THERMODYNAMICS FOR CHEMISTS, D. Van'Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., Fourth Printing (1949). (3) preen, K 0 J., M 0 S 0 Thesis, Montana State College (1952). (4) Hartwig, J 0 R., M. S. Thesis, Montana State College (1953)» (5) Koski, 0. H., M. S. Thesis, Montana State College (1952). (6) Lange, N. A., HANDBOOK OF CHEMISTRY, Sixth Edition, Handbook Publishers, Inc., Sandusky, Ohio, (I946 ). (7) Muhro, B. L., M, 8 . Thesis, Montana State College (1952). (8 ) Perry, J 0 H., CHEMICAL ENGINEERS HANDBOOK, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York,- N. Y., Third Edition (1950). (9) Sachanen, A., CONVERSION OF PETROLEUM, Reinhold Publishing Company, New York, N. Y., Second Edition, (1948). (I©) United States Bureau of Mines Bulletin No. 406. (Il) United States Bureau of Mines Bulletin No. 477« -21- • ACKIiOliLEDGMENT The author wishes to thank the Husky Oil Company of Cody5 looming for sponsoring this research work and for supplying the fuel oil used through­ out the project. 22- «= APPENDIX Page Table I Thermodynamic Calculations for the reaction: M 0 O3 + MoS^ + SHgOe e 0 0 Table II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 23 4 Thermodynamic Calculations for the reactions M 063 '+ 3 O4 H4 S + 12Hg — MoS^ + SC4H 10 + 3 H2 O Table III General Thermodynamic Data. . o e Table IV Number 3 Fuel Oil Inspection Data Table V Catalysts o o e o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o 0 o o o ^ o o o o i » 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 - 24 e e o o o t . 25 0 o o - 23 o o o Table VI Tabulated Data for Molybdenum Oxide Sulfiding Eun Ope . . 26 Table VII Tabulated Data for Molybdenum Oxide Sulfiding Run Two . » 2? Table VIII Tabulated Data for Molybdenum ChdLde Sulfiding Run Three e 28 Table it Tabulated Data for Stilfided Catalyst Study Run One, . 29 Table X Tabulated Data for Molybdenum Oxide Sulfiding Run Four. . 30 Table Xl Tabulated Data for Molybdenum Oxide Sulfiding Run Five. . 32 Table XII Tabulated Data for Cobalt Molybdajie Rup One Table XlII Recycle Gas Analyses, >0 0- 0 0 0 0 e : o 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 « .38 0 0 0 0 0 Figure I Diagram of Reactor 0 Figure 2 Effect of On-Stream Time on Desulfurization for Molybdenum Oxide Catalysts, 0 0 0 0 0 > Figure 3 Figure 5 0 6 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 « . 42 . 43 . 44 0 . 45 • Desulfurization and Percent Hydrogen in Recycle Gas vs On-Stream TiMe ftir 16$ Molybdenum Oxide Catalyst, 9O O O O O 0 46 Critical Hydrogen Content of Recycle Gas for 16$ Molybdenum Oxide Catalyst 0 0 0 0 . 47 Effect of On-Stream Time on Desulfurization for Cobalt Molybdate Catalyst . 0 0 0 0 a\ 48 0 Figure 6 ' 0 Effect of On-Stream Time on Desulfurization for . Molybdenum Oxide Catalysts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it Figure 4 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 -23' TABLE I THERMODYNAMIC CALCULATIONS FOR THE REACTION MoO^ + 3H2S-- ^ A ft Temperature 6K OC 25 298 100 200 300 373 473 573 350 623 400 673 MoS^ + 3 HgO H2^g - T A s 2^g A f -32 ,9 3 0 -31 ,8 2 0 -30,320 -28,830 -28,080 -27,350 eq 1024.1 IOltie/ IO1^ IO11 IOtie9 TABLE II THERMODYNAMIC CALCULATIONS FOR THE REACTION M 0 O3 + 3C^H^S + 12H2 — ^ MoS^ + 3C^H10 + 3H 2 O A Temperature OC °K 25 298 100 200 300 373 473 573 623 673 350 400 ft “ ^ h298 - t ^ s298 AF cal/mol Ke — -12,660 4,340 27,040 38,540 IO 9 «3 10-2.5 10-12.5 10-14.7 10-21.4 10-23.5 61,040 72,540 -24- TABLE III GENERAL THERMODYNAMIC DATA* Compound K IllJmol E.U% MoOg(S) MoS3 (S) iWg) H2 °(g) x -180.39 —6 l *48 -4.77 -57.80 SSi -29.81 18.7 15.9 49.15 45.11 69.3 74.21 0 31.21 27.82 %(&) *Data obtained from the following sources: U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin No. 406 (10), U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin No. 477 (11), Glasstone (2), Lange (6 ), Perry (8 ). TABLE IV NUMBER 3 FUEL OIL INSPECTION DATA A.P.I. at 60°F Sp. Gr. d. 6 O0F (calc) Ave. Mol. W t . U.O.P. K factor 3 0 .6 Bromine No. 0.8729 0.8709 % Olefin Wgt. % Sulfur Wgt. % H2 in Oil 222 11.5 A. S. T. M. Distillation I.B.P. 5% 10% 20% 3# bO% 50% 60% 70% 80% 9# 95% E.P. Recovered Residue Loss 425 °F 504 520 536 548 558 567 575 584 594 611 625 652 99.0* 0 .8% 0 .2* 7.57 10.5 2.223 10.9 -25- TABLE V CATALYSTS Producer: Harshaw Chemical Co. Catalyst and Composition Identification Code Molybdenum Oxide 16 % MoOo AlgO^ Balance M0 -X-L73 9-21-3 T-3 /8 " Molybdenum Oxide 10% M 0 O3 AI2O3 Balance Mo-X-L739-21-lT-3/8" Molybdenum Oxide 16% MoOo AlgO^ Balance Mo-0203 T l/8"-l60-A-2-l Cobalt Molybdate M 0 O3 - 9.5^ CoO — 3,0% SiO2 - 5.0% Graphite - 2.0% AlgO^ - balance Co-Mo-0201-T-3/l6" TABLE TI TABULATED DATA FOR MOLYBDENUM OXIDE SULFIDING RUN (MOS-I) Harshaw Mo-X-L 739-21-3-T 3/8" was used at $00 Psig Husky #3 Fuel Oil + catforming gas on recycle Composite sulfur percent = .483 Percent loss (weight basis) = 3.16 I 8 2 16 3 4 5 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 6 7 8 9 Sample Space vel. Liters * S wt. gms. per gms oil/ Recycle Samp. gm cat/hr Gas/gm oil 715 723 788 786 786 785 782 78$ 779 .337 .439 .438 .479 .511 .518 .523 .514 .564 .924 .935 1.015 1.014 1.014 1.013 1 .010 1.013 1.003 1 .4 2 0 1.401 1.285 1 .3 0 0 1 .3 0 0 Gms. S removed/gm cat/hr .1249 .1188 .1295 .1262 .1237 .1229 1.295 1.297 1.295 .1220 .1232 1.306 .1183 Ave. consumed/ Temp bbl oil 0C cumulative Average — 415 141 414 78 415 416 185 138 415 107 414 416 143 150 415 CU. ft. 130 410 Compos: S % .337 .389 .407 .426 .443 .456 •466 .472 .483 “92“ lamp. Total No. Hours TABLE VII TABULATED DATA FOR MOLYBDENUM OXIDE SULFIDING RUN TWO (MOS-Il) Harshaw Mo-X-L 739-21-1-T 3/8" was used at $00 Psig. Husky #3 Fuel Oil and catforming gas on recycle Composite Percent Sulfur = .523 Percent loss (weight basis) = 1.28 Samp, Total No. Hours I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 Sample Wt.Gms. 737 729 793 779 810 800 831 879 % S Ave. Space Vel. per Temp. Gms oil/ Samp. 0C Gm Cat./Hr .336 .427 .478 .516 .526 .552 .536 852 .568 .608 786 780 .581 .597 415 415 416 415 414 415 417 415 414 416 415 .932 .923 1.003 .987 1.025 Liters Recycle Gas/Gm Oil 1.408 1 .4 2 0 1 .381 1.079 .996 1.329 1.279 1.295 1.249 1.209 1.215 1.316 .988 1.328 1.012 1.052 1.112 Gms. S Removed/Gm Cat/Hr. .1310 .1230 .1298 .1248 .1289 .1252 .1314 .1363 .1285 .1208 .1184 Cu. Ft. Consumed/ Bbl Oil Cumulative Average • — — 11.5 32.5 94.5 75.3 105.7 136 129 160 Composite Sulfur % .336 .382 .416 .442 .459 .476 .484 .496 .509 .517 .523 T3 TABLE Till TABULATED DATA FOR MOLYBDENUM OXIDE SULFIDING RUN THREE (MOS-III) Harshaw Mo-0203 T 1/8" 160 A-2-1 was used at $00 Psig. Husky #3 Fuel Oil and catforming gas on recycle. Composite Percent Sulfur = .645 Percent loss (weight basis) = 3»21 Total Hours I 2 8 16 3 4 5 24 32 40 Sample Wt.Gms. Ave. * S Per Temp. Samp. °C 755 741 755 .561 .584 761 .691 .72$ 756 .666 415 414 416 415 413 Space Vel. Liters Recycle Gms oil/ Gm Cat./Hr Gas/Gm Oil .977 .958 .977 .983 .978 1.352 1.392 1.345 1.325 1.342 Gms. S Removed/Gm Cat/Hr. .1208 .1147 .1124 Cu. Ft. Consumed/ Bbl Oil Cumulative Average — .1116 105.7 107.5 .1084 129.8 Composite Sulfur % .561 .573 .603 .626 .645 -9Z Samp. No. TABLE IX TABULATED DATA FOR SULFIDED CATALYST STUDY RUN (SCS-I) Harshaw Mo-0203 T 1/8» 160 A-2-1 Sulfided with HgS Husky #3 Fuel Oil, catforming gas on recycle, 500 Psig reactor pressure Composite Percent Sulfur = .580 Percent loss (weight basis) = 2.72 Samp. No. Total Hours I 8 16 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 Sample Ave o Space Vel. * S Wt.Gms. Per Temp. Gms Oil/ Samp. °C Gm Cat/Hr 740 749 750 747 735 380 .457 .527 .546 .557 .585 .342 .345 .443 .557 96 104 461 761 787 799 784 783 822 112 120 852 842 128 136 144 148 822 .708 826 .604 855 356 .605 88 .608 .631 .634 .598 .621 .715 - 415 415 416 416 415 415 414 416 416 415 416 414 414 415 415 415 415 415 413 .957 .971 .972 .968 .952 .493 .597 .985 1.018 1.033 1.016 1.012 1.063 1 .1 0 2 1.091 1.065 1.069 1.108 .923 Liters Recycle Gas/Cm Oil Gms. S Removed/Gm Cat/Hr. 1.391 1.352 1.351 1.358 .1262 .1226 1.380 2.680 2.205 1.332 1.289 1.275 1.292 1.295 1.511 1.478 1.492 .1213 .1201 .1161 .0693 .0816 .1309 .1262 .1243 .1204 .1196 .1380 .1410 .1316 .1291 1.528 1.520 1.468 .1382 1.761 .0589 Catalyst regenerated with air after sample five - Cu. Ft. Consumed/ Bbl Oil Cumulative Average — 212 124.2 78.3 54.9 157 126.5 104.1 137.2 118.6 1 2 5 .8 111.6 122.1 Composite Sulfur % .457 .493 .512 .521 .534 .342 .344 .391 .445 .486 .508 .534 .546 .554 .572 131.0 135.5 139.4 141.8 149.8 .577 .579 168.0 .580 .586 TABLE X TABULATED DATA FOR MOLYBDENUM OXIDE SULFIDING RUN FOUR (MOS-IV) Harshaw Mo-0203-T-l/8 11 160A-2-1 was used at 500 Psig. Husky #3 Fuel Oil and Catforming gas on recycle or hydrogen with no recycle. Composite Percent Sulfur = 0.609. Percent loss (weight basis) = 2.66 Samp. No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Hours Sample Wt.Gms. Percent Sulfur Per Samp. Ave. Temp. 0 C. 6 11 333 427 1.732 19 27 35 43 51 59 67 75 83 91 99 107 115 123 131 139 147 155 163 171 179 187 195 628 638 .174 .356 716 732 734 744 763 .422 769 742 740 .690 .712 762 .523 761 762 .716 .686 221.5 415.5 415 414.5 415 414.7 414.2 415.5 415 415 415 414.5 414.7 414.5 415 415 415.5 414 415 415.5 414 416.5 780 .684 416 762 .686 753 .571 413.5 414 766 779 775 735 737 763 762 .248 .477 .462 .541 .589 .554 .552 .630 .637 .647 .658 .706 .638 Space Vel. Gms Oil/ Gm Cat/Hr. .570 .869 .808 .820 .919 .940 .942 .954 .979 .984 Liters Recycle Gas/Gm Oil *790 *391/1.500 1.631 1.569 1.429 1.393 1.431 1.373 1.338 1.370 1 .0 0 0 1.302 .996 .944 .948 1.317 1.396 1.390 .980 1 .3 6 0 .978 1.348 1.341 .988 .952 .951 .978 .976 .978 1 .4 1 0 .978 1.387 1.371 1.335 1.353 1.340 1.348 .966 1.380 1.001 Cu. Ft. Consumed/ Bbl Oil Cumulative Average 1741 1760/1140 835 710 588 493 472 415 436 394 358 354 356 347 337 331 310 291 286 293 308 Composite Sulfur % — .248 .204 .250 .308 .348 .372 .399 .426 .441 .455 .471 .486 .500 .512 .516 .536 .538 .544 .542 .559 293 .568 278 .574 294 .580 308 .579 TABLE X (cont'd) TABULATED DATA FOR MOLYBDENUM OXIDE SULFIDING RUN FOUR (MOS-IV) Samp. No. Total Hours 26 203 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 211 219 227 235 243 251 259 26 ? 275 283 291 299 307 315 323 331 335 Sample Wt .Gms. Percent Sulfur Per Samp. 761 761 762 767 763 747 771 763 755 751 792 746 775 737 811 740 .636 726 .630 357 .590 - .740 .672 .783 .726 .631 .604 .595 .616 .582 .627 .616 .685 .604 .552 Ave „ Temp. °c. 416 414.5 413 415 415 415 414.5 417 416 414.5 416 416 418.5 416.5 415 416 414.5 416.5 Space Vel. (has Oil/ (ha Cat/Hr. .976 .976 .978 .986 .980 .961 .989 .979 .971 .964 1.018 .958 .996 .948 1.041 .951 .932 .917 Liters Recycle Gas/Gm Oil 1.356 1.343 1 .3 1 0 1.330 1.336 1.403 1.323 1.338 1.365 1.365 Cu. Ft. Consumed/ Bbl Oil Cumulative Average 295 289 295 297 304 317 319 317 307 Compos Sulfur .581 .587 .594 .598 .600 .604 .605 298 .606 .606 .606 .606 .606 .606 .608 .608 .608 299 294 .609 .609 318 1.296 309 1.391 1.349 1.395 1.280 1.387 1.405 1.463 296 28? 294 286 *For sample #L and 2 .5 hours of sample #2 these numbers are liters feed gas r TABLE XI TABULATED DATA FOR MOLYBDENUM OXIDE SULFIDING RUN FIVE (MOS V) Harshaw Mo-0203-T-l/8 160-A-2-1 (Previously on MOS IV 355 Hrs) Reactor Pressure-500 Psig Husky #3 Fuel Oil Cat forming & Hydrogen Mixture on Recycle Composite Percent Sulfur Percent Loss (weight basis) = 3.52 Sample 14 thru 75 = .418 Sample 75 thru 143 = .506 Catalyst regenerated with air after samples 13» 75» and 144 Samp. No. Total Hours I 5 2 10 3 4 5 18 26 Sample Wt.Gms. 334 524 756 789 810 811 81? Percent Sulfur Per Samp. 1.880 1 .0 0 2 .690 .636 .660 .728 8 34 42 50 58 9 66 758 .713 .397 .625 74 82 90 92.5 99.5 107.5 115.5 123.5 131.5 139.5 147.5 155.5 700 .670 701 .637 692 221 .663 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 366 419 453 629 644 649 .649 .336 .169 .129 .156 .213 .224 .273 648 .263 234 406 Ave. Temp. °c . 227 410.5 414 416.5 416 416 414 415.5 415 415 414 414 413 415 415 414 417 414.2 416 416.5 414 Space Vel. Gms Oil/ Gm Cat/Hr. Liters Recycle Gas/Gm Oil Cu. Ft. Consumed/ Bbl Oil Cumulative Average .682 2.100 580 1 .0 7 0 1.361 1.477 429 1 .460 1 .4 0 0 418 383 369 356 431 455 404 423 411 430 394 364 337 314 294 308 303 286 .965 1.007 1.003 1.040 1.438 1.429 3.240 1.043 .467 .970 • .892 .894 .882 1.619 1.642 1.663 .902 1.588 .346 4.830 .526 2.780 2.710 .543 .588 .815 .835 .843 .840 1 .500 2.490 1.800 1.770 1.749 1.760 406 Composite Sulfur # • * ee ■ — ■ * _ .336 .231 .191 .180 .190 .191 .212 .221 TABLE XI (continued) TABULATED DATA FOR MOLYBDENUM OXIDE SULFIDING RUN FIVE (MOS-V) Samp. No. Total Hours 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 163.5 171.5 179.5 187.5 195.5 203.5 211.5 219.5 227.5 235.5 243.5 251.5 259.5 267.5 275.5 283.5 291.5 299.5 307.5 315.5 323.5 331.5 339.5 347.5 355.5 363.5 371.5 379.5 387.5 Sample Wt.Gms. 651 795 865 746 741 733 734 743 735 716 720 746 734 723 728 759 772 768 771 761 717 740 749 727 786 734 806 755 792 Percent Sulfur Per Samp. .249 .379 .456 .308 .354 .361 .354 .363 .366 .357 .394 .422 .348 .360 .418 .389 .393 .477 .445 .418 .399 .443 .436 .436 .457 .453 .491 .475 .464 Ave. Temp. °C. 414.5 416.5 415 415 415 414 415.5 416.5 414 414.5 415 413.5 413.5 415 414.5 417 416.5 415 414 417.5 414.5 415 416 414.5 415.5 416 414 415 416 Space Vel. Gms Oil/ Gm Cat/Hr. .845 1 .0 3 0 1.121 .965 .960 .950 .951 .964 .951 .926 .931 .966 .952 .937 .945 .982 1.000 .994 .997 .986 .931 .958 .971 .944 1.018 .952 1.042 .979 1.026 Liters Recycle Gas/Gm Oil 1.755 1.439 1 .320 1.519 1.530 1.550 1.540 1.490 1.540 1.580 1.575 1 .5 2 0 1.550 1 .5 6 8 1.559 1.510 1.468 1.495 1.468 1.496 1.580 1.518 1.505 1.551 1.438 1.538 1.382 1.495 1.430 Cu. Ft. Consumed/ Bbl Oil Cumulative Average 281 303 295 304 295 286 285 294 312 314 328 334 332 340 334 326 333 329 326 323 330 325 316 315 327 325 317 329 321 Composite Sulfur % .225 .246 .275 .278 .285 .292 .297 .301 .306 .309 .314 .320 .322 .323 .328 .331 .334 .340 .345 .347 .349 .353 .355 .358 .362 .365 .369 .373 .376 TABLE XI (continued) TABULATED DATA FOR MOLYBDENUM OXIDE SULFIDING RUN FIVE (MOS-V) Samp. No. Total Hours 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 395.5 403.5 411.5 419.5 427.5 435.5 443.5 451.5 459.5 467.5 475.5 483.5 491.5 499.5 507.5 515.5 523.5 531.5 539.5 547.5 555.5 563.5 571.5 579.5 587.5 595.5 603.5 611.5 619.5 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Tl 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Sample Wt .Gms. 758 780 784 834 815 753 745 750 757 764 752 698 735 750 739 774 764 752 753 729 762 734 795 727 759 668 713 785 722 Percent Sulfur Per Samp. .475 .467 .520 .561 .505 .453 .470 .442 .484 •484 .452 .638 .458 .514 .447 .516 .456 .486 .496 .480 .488 .527 .459 .475 .485 .199 .255 .298 .297 Ave. Temp. °C. 415 416 416 415.5 413.5 415.5 415 414.5 416 413 414.5 390 414.5 415 416 416.5 416 416 416 416 416 415 415 415.5 415 416 416 414 418 Space Vel. Gms Oil/ Gm Cat/Hr. .983 1.010 1.016 1.072 1.042 .976 .966 .972 .981 .991 .974 .905 .953 .972 .958 1.003 .991 .975 .976 .945 .988 .952 1.030 .942 .984 .868 .926 1.020 .951 Liters Recycle Gas/Gm Oil 1.490 1.438 1.438 1.350 1.415 1.512 1.518 1.538 1.491 1.490 1.521 1.561 1.578 1.525 1.528 1.458 1.481 1 .5 2 0 1.480 1.555 1.452 1.538 1.402 1.559 1.492 1.692 1.560 1.429 1.553 Cu. Ft. Composite Consumed/ Sulfur $ Bbl Oil Cumulative Average 319 .379 .382 324 344 .385 .390 337 330 .393 334 .395 327 .397 .398 323 .400 324 322 .402 .402 333 — 332 327 .404 342 .406 336 .404 337 .407 .408 337 335 .409 334 .411 .412 334 330 .413 .416 334 329 .417 326 .417 .418 333 190 .199 238 .228 213 .253 241 .264 TABLE XI (continued) TABULATED DATA FOR MOLYBDENUM OXIDE SULFIDING RUN FIVE (MOS-V) Sampe No, Total Hours Sample Wt.Gms. 80 81 82 $3 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 627.5 635.5 643.5 651.5 659.5 667.5 675.5 683.5 691.5 699.5 707.5 715.5 723.5 731.5 739.5 747.5 755.5 763.5 771.5 779.5 787.5 795.5 803.5 811.5 819.5 827.5 835.5 843.5 773 759 752 751 756 763 738 735 780 743 757 749 752 762 758 739 753 712 717 709 • 722 716 725 751 743 748 742 726 Percent Sulfur Per Samp, ,312 .317 .326 .337 .346 .341 .343 .347 .380 .371 .391 .374 .431 .465 .524 .493 .521 .528 .575 .551 .602 .573 .582 .591 .659 .633 .622 .704 Ave. Temp. °C. Space Vel. Gms Oil/ Gm Cat/Hr. Liters Recycle Gas/Gm Oil Cu. Ft. Consumed/ Bbl Oil Cumulative Average Composite Sulfur % 416 415 415 414 415 415 416 416 417 417 415 415 413 416.5 415 416 415 416 416 415 416 416 415 417 415 416 415.5 415 1.005 .988 .979 .978 .983 .993 .960 .957 1.014 .966 .984 .975 .979 .990 .986 .961 .979 .926 .932 .923 .939 .931 .942 .976 .966 .972 .965 .944 1.461 1.472 231 299 319 275 320 319 285 348 331 344 332 385 397 469 471 486 493 499 476 472 477 476 467 472 461 470 462 445 .276 .284 .289 .295 .302 .305 .308 .311 .317 .320 .325 .328 .335 .342 .351 .358 .367 .373 .381 .389 .397 .403 .409 .416 .424 .431 .437 .445 1 .5 0 0 1.516 1 .502 1.480 1.529 1.538 1.449 1.521 1.492 1.508 1.501 1.544 1.495 1.529 1.508 1.600 1.596 1.591 1.555 1.576 1.558 1.511 1.535 1.525 1.538 1.490 TABLE XI (continued) TABULATED DATA FOR MOLYBDENUM OXIDE SULFIDING RUN FIVE (MOS-V) Sampe No. 851.5 859.5 867.5 875.5 883.5 891.5 899.5 907.5 915.5 923.5 931.5 939.5 947.5 955.5 963.5 971.5 979.5 987.5 995.5 1003.5 1011.5 1019.5 1027.5 1035.5 1043.5 1051.5 1059.5 1067.5 1075.5 Sample Wt.Gms, Percent Sulfur Per Samp, 742 724 729 737 513 683 713 734 708 731 735 732 738 719 732 757 742 734 780 776 793 769 779 771 794 769 790 781 779 .652 .604 .611 .638 .585 .568 .612 .553 .605 .575 .568 .585 .567 .564 .545 .548 .542 .568 .483 .545 .542 .504 .485 .566 .570 .566 .572 .558 .526 Ave . Temp. °C. 415.5 417 415 415 415 415 414.5 417.5 415 415 415.5 415 415 416 415 415.5 415.5 415 415.5 415.5 415 416 417.5 415 415 415 415 415 415.5 Space Vel0 Gms Oil/ Gm Cat/Hr. .965 .943 .949 .957 .669 .889 .928 .955 .922 .950 .957 .951 .961 .935 .951 .984 .965 .955 1.014 1.009 1.030 1.000 1.012 1.002 1.031 1.000 1.029 1.015 1.012 Liters Recycle Gas/Gm Oil 1.521 1.559 1.549 1.535 2.200 1.652 1.540 1.495 1.592 1.561 1.537 1.542 1.529 1.570 1.542 1.498 1.521 1.552 1.462 1.455 1.425 1.468 1.450 1.470 1.425 1.475 1.429 1.445 1.450 Cu. Ft. Consumed/ Bbl Oil Cumulative Average 443 433 419 412 424 412 425 414 402 394 398 388 389 388 379 385 385 377 387 381 379 375 367 369 370 371 369 359 353 Composite Sulfur % .452 .457 .462 .466 .468 .470 .474 .476 .478 .481 .483 •486 .488 .488 .490 .491 .492 .493 .493 .494 .496 .496 .496 .497 .498 .499 .501 .502 .503 —36— 108 109 HO 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Total Hours TABLE XI (continued) TABULATED DATA FOR MOLYBDENUM OXIDE SULFIDING RUN FIVE (MOS-V) Samp. No. 137 138 139 UO Ul U2 U3 144 Total Hours 1083.5 1091.5 1099.5 1107.5 1115.5 1123.5 1131.5 1133.0 Sample WtoGms. 772 781 792 744 795 791 767 155 Percent Sulfur Per Samp. .530 .542 .544 .531 .537 .481 .584 - Ave. Space Vel. Temp. Gms Oil/ 0C Gm Cat/Hr. 415 4U.5 416 415 417 419 415.5 412.5 1.002 1.015 1.030 .968 1.032 1.029 .997 1.072 Liters Recycle Gas/Gm Oil 1.470 1.445 1.425 1.525 1.422 1.429 1.472 1.369 Cu. Ft. Consumed/ Bbl Oil Cumulative Average 359 353 364 359 369 367 364 358 Composite Sulfur % .504 .503 .503 .504 .504 .504 .506 vi. TABLE XII TABULATED DATA FOR COBALT MOLYBDATE RUN (CMR-I) Harshaw Co-Mo-0201-T-3/16 was used at 500 Psig Husky #3 Fuel Oil and catforming gas on recycle. Composite Percent Sulfur = .1082 Percent loss (weight basis) = 2.8? Samp. No. Total Hours 8 16 I 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 * 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 535 535 717 767 773 778 793 TOO Percent Sulfur Per Samp. .156 .0986 .0637 .0536 .0354 .0725 .0830 686 .0758 .0756 747 .0981 88 760 96 104 759 773 754 770 765 778 783 .0874 .0794 .0926 .101 836 .117 793 753 728 754 740 .0942 .119 .113 .0886 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 168 176 184 192 .0700 .0617 .0873 .0942 .102 Ave. Temp. °c . 418.5 414.5 414.5 420 414 415.5 416 415 416.5 415 415 415 415 416 415 415 414.5 415.5 416 415 415 415 413 417 Space Vel. Gms Oil/ Gm Cat/Hr. .694 .694 .930 .995 1.000 1.008 1.028 .906 .889 .970 .986 .981 1.000 .976 .996 .990 Liters Recycle Gas/Gm Oil 2.118 2.110 1.589 1.470 1.470 1.450 1.430 1.629 1.625 1.522 1 .4 8 0 1.459 1.476 1.496 1 .4 8 0 1.485 1 .0 1 0 1 .4 6 0 1.015 1.083 1.027 .976 .945 .977 .958 1.440 1.350 1.219 1.344 1.548 1 .5 0 2 1.531 Cu. Ft. Consumed/ Bbl Oil Cumulative Average Composi Sulfur ] .156 330 165 143 98 255 231 259 .0874 .0753 .0747 .0761 222 .0761 190 218 198 242 .0761 .0783 .0792 .0792 .0784 240 .0772 241 257 239 .0779 .0789 .0802 216 232 222 208 196 213 208 197 .127 .102 .0816 .0832 .0847 .O852 .0866 .0877 .0877 —38— 3 4 5 Sample Wt .Gms. TABLE XII (continued) TABULATED DATA FOR COBALT MOLYBDATE RUN (CMR-I) Samp. No. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Total Hours 200 208 216 224 232 240 248 256 264 272 280 288 296 304 312 320 328 336 344 352 360 368 376 384 392 400 408 416 424 Sample Wt .Gms. 731 747 796 767 809 786 779 790 788 789 794 797 797 793 805 822 795 835 789 811 799 776 821 78? 791 802 81? 877 836 Percent Sulfur Per Samp. .0785 .0754 .0835 .115 .0501 .0286 .0864 .0805 .0795 .0754 .0623 .0834 .0702 .0945 .1047 .0922 .1225 .142 .139 .148 .135 .154 .144 .164 .159 .139 .145 .124 .145 Ave. Temp. °c . 414.5 415 415.5 416 415 415 415.5 415 416.5 417.5 416.5 416.5 416.5 417 415 416.5 415.5 417 415.5 415 414.5 416 416 415 416.5 415 414 415 415.5 Space Vel. Gtos Oil/ Gm Cat/Hr. .949 .969 1.031 .994 1.049 1.020 1.010 1.025 1.021 1.022 1.029 1.031 1.031 1.026 1.044 1.064 1.030 1.083 1.022 1.051 1.037 1.008 1.065 1.020 1.025 1.039 1.061 1.071 1.082 Liters Recycle Gas/Gm Oil 1.549 1.515 1.430 1.484 1.371 1.455 1.450 1.440 1.442 1.436 1.436 1.420 1.410 1.433 1.404 1.381 1.425 1.369 1.462 1.389 1.445 1.456 1.376 1.452 1.436 1.420 1.391 1.375 1.362 Cu. Ft. Consumed/ Bbl Oil Cumulative Average 210 201 197 206 206 206 212 215 207 210 211 213 214 218 217 219 221 215 220 214 212 220 220 219 218 221 224 228 230 Composite Sulfur % .0872 .0869 .0869 .0882 .0869 .0848 .0850 .0848 .0846 .0843 .0838 .0836 .0833 .0835 .0830 .0843 .0853 .0869 .0882 .0895 .0906 .0918 .0925 .0942 .0954 .0965 .0976 .0982 .0992 TABLE XII (continued) TABULATED DATA FOR COBALT MOLYBDATE RUN (CMR-I) Samp. No. Total Hours Sample Wt .Gms. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 432 440 448 456 464 472 480 488 496 504 512 854 789 809 728 769 78? 790 786 830 741 753 777 773 759 774 740 727 724 762 743 754 785 801 802 793 790 813 800 791 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Tl 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 520 528 536 544 552 560 568 576 584 592 600 608 616 624 632 640 648 656 Percent Sulfur Per Samp. .133 .151 .128 .138 .148 .116 .103 .157 .137 .0683 .1252 .1038 .1057 .1467 .1429 .109 .115 .1105 .1496 .1195 .1176 .128 .122 .115 .127 .111 .130 .117 .120 Ave. Temp. °C. 417 415 414.5 415.5 415 415 415.5 415.5 414.5 415.5 416 414.5 415.5 414.5 419.5 416 417 414 416.5 417 416 415.5 415.5 416 415.5 414.5 415 414 416.5 Space VeI. Gms Oil/ Gm Cat/Hr. 1.108 1.022 1.049 .943 .996 1.016 1.024 1.020 1.075 .961 .975 1.005 1.001 .983 1.001 .960 .943 .938 .988 .963 .976 1.018 1.038 1.040 1.025 1.024 1.055 1 .030 1.020 Liters Recycle Gas/Gm Oil 1.333 1.450 1.400 1.556 1.475 1.430 1.440 1.450 1.416 1.530 1.505 1.460 1.465 1 .500 1.470 1.540 1.561 1.571 1.380 1.531 1.505 1.455 1.410 1.375 1.432 1.425 1.400 1.428 1.442 Cu. Ft. Consumed BBl Oil Cumulative Average 228 227 224 222 222 220 215 220 215 211 211 206 209 207 205 204 204 203 203 203 202 204 201 199 197 198 197 195 196 Composite Sulfur % .0999 .1008 .1015 .1021 .1026 .1028 .1030 .1038 .1043 .1042 .1042 .1042 .1042 .1048 .1055 .1055 .1057 .1057 .1062 .1065 .1065 .1069 .1071 .1072 .1074 .1074 .1078 .1080 .1075 TABLE XII (continued) TABULATED DATA FOR COBALT MOLYBDATE RUN (CIffi-I) Samp. No. 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Total Hours Sample Wt.Gms. 664 672 680 688 696 704 712 720 728 736 744 752 760 768 776 784 792 800 808 816 824 832 840 848 856 864 811 769 754 784 782 843 764 760 755 773 760 786 775 765 755 774 764 755 773 770 757 769 771 767 804 749 Percent Sulfur Per Samp. .119 .085 .080 .120 .206 .099 .087 .062 .066 .063 .077 .135 .089 .1312 .1312 .1042 .1213 .141 .1325 .1108 .1158 .1202 .1222 .1183 .1174 .1125 Ave. Temp. 0C. 415 416 415 416 415 415.5 415 415 416 415 415.5 415 415 416.5 415 415.5 414.5 416 414 416 416 414 415.5 415 415 416 Space Vel. Gms Oil/ Gm Cat/Hr. 1.042 .990 .969 1.009 1.006 1.084 .984 .978 .972 .995 .979 1.012 .997 .985 .972 .995 .984 .972 .995 .990 .975 .990 .992 .988 1.035 .965 Liters Recycle Gas/Gm Oil 1.408 1.490 1.530 1.450 1.467 1.360 1.485 1.509 1.526 1.476 1.509 1.450 1.472 1.500 1.511 1.492 1.494 1.525 1.476 1.483 1.515 1.487 1.480 1.510 1.408 1.530 Cu. Ft. Consumed Bbl Oil Cumulative Average 196 195 193 194 193 196 195 193 198 195 195 196 196 197 197 196 196 197 197 197 197 201 201 201 201 201 Composite Sulfur % .1078 .1078 .1072 .1072 .1082 .1082 .1080 .1072 .1070 .1065 .1062 .1065 .1068 .1068 .1070 .1070 .1069 .1072 .1077 .1078 .1078 .1079 .1079 .1081 .1082 .1082 -42“ TABLE XIII RECYCLE GAS ANALYSES Run Designation MOS-III SCS-I MOS-IV MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V MOS-V Hours on Run 40 148 335 0 92.5 184 256 373 475 588 680 750 822 922 970 997 1062 1095 1114 1133 % H2 * CH^ 80.8 79.2 76.0 87.5 87.0 85.6 87.0 86.0 82.9 82.2 81.6 65.5 58.6 15.7 16.8 17.3 6.0 7.8 8.3 9.8 11.1 11.2 13.5 14.1 7 2 .2 75.4 77.6 82.1 84.0 86.4 88.1 3 0 .0 27 .6 23.3 21.2 18.1 13.8 12.4 10.7 8.2 $ C, 3.5 4.0 6.7 6.5 5.2 6.1 3.2 2.9 5.9 4.3 4.3 4.5 13.8 4.5 3.4 4.3 4.1 3.6 2.9 3.8 THERMOWELL BLOW OUT LINE REGENERATION AIR LINE ROTAMETER OIL RESERVOIR HEATING COILS PRESSURE G A G E -- FLO WRA T OR / MAKE UP GAS TANK Figure I. Reactor Diagram FEED GAS TANK A L U N DU M BALLS FEED PUMP PRESSURE GAGE CATALYST CONDENSER RESSURE GAGE BACK PRESSURE VALVE SIGHT GLASS COMPRESS­ I O N TANK SURGE TANK / STANDPIPE— H P RE SSURE GAGE C ON TR OL LE R JERGUSON "RECEIVER EXHAUST LINE RECEIVING FLASK COMPRESSION PUMP COMPRESSION OIL RESERVOIR W E T TEST M E T E R CAUSTIC W A S H COMPOSITE PERCENT SULFUR IN EFFLUENT OIL o M O S - I RUN • M O S - n RUN D M O S - HI RUN ■ SCS-I R U N a SCS-I A F T E R REGENERATION HOURS ON S TREAM Figure 2. E f f e c t of O n - S t r e a m Time on D e s u l f urization for M o l y b d e n u m Oxide Catalysts COMPOSITE PERCENT SULFUR IN EFFLUENT OIL O MOS- U RUN • M O S - Y RUN n M O S - Y RUN, GAS STUDY 240 320 400 HOURS ON S T R E A M Figure 3. E f f e c t o f O n - S t r e a m Time o n D e sulfurization for M o l y b d e n u m Oxide Catalysts 480 70 60 50 160 240 — PERCENT SULFUR PER SAMPLE — PERCENT HYDROGEN 320 HOURS ON S T R E A M Figure 4 Deaxilfurizatlon and Paroent Hydrogen in Recycle Gas vs On-Stream Time for 16# Molybdenum Oxide Catalyst PERCENT HYDROGEN IN REC YLE GAS 80 PERCENT H Y D R O G E N IN RECYLE GAS 240 320 H O U R S ON S T R E A M Figure 5. C r itical H y d r o g e n Content of R e c y c l e Oas for 1 6$ M o l y b d e n u m Oxide Catalyst PERCENT SULFUR PER SAMPLE PERCENT SULFUR IN EFFLUENT OIL OF EFFLUENT OIL 0.20 COMPOSITE PERCENT SULFUR 0.15 0.10 0.05 80 160 240 320 400 480 HOURS ON STR EAM Figure 6. Effect of On-Stream Time on Desulfurization for Cobalt Molybdate Catalyst m N378 Si39c Cop.2 108575 Silvey, F. C. The catalytic desulfurization of Wyoming fuel oil L O oA e. e ' ■ N s^S AHi 2 7 '5# WAR I 3 vSi' sTr-v r- '7 Vij IFfniI?' " W A N / ~>; \r V*-- VV^Luav^ ^ N. M o d i 1 - '-^ Az|v \\-J* K Vll- V0 (p/sHT) £) / i , :t 108575 Si 3 9 c c«p.a